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Name: _______________________

Grandpa McDonald's Farm

Math Story by Claudette J. Young
Janet McDonald saw cows grazing in one of
her Grandfathers pastures. She couldnt stop staring
at them.
Ooo. What kind are the! Grandpa"# she
Grandpa laughed and said! $ ha%e se%eral
special &reeds. 'oull soon see them up close.#
(ifteen minutes later Grandpa took her to the
fence where Janet could watch. She could see si) different &reeds of cows in that pasture.
*ow man of those hair ones do ou ha%e"# she asked and pointed to some rust
colored cows and cal%es with shagg hair.
Grandpa nodded. +hose are Highland Cattle from the Scotland *ighlands. $ ha%e ten
of those.#
Janet frowned. Do ou ha%e to cut their hair in the summer"#
$ &rush each one e%er da as the temperatures rise. +he wool undercoat comes out
and $ gi%e it to a friend who makes arn from it for rugs!# he said.
,ool! and what a&out those white ones"# Janet said.
+hose are -nglish Ancient White Parks. $ onl ha%e se%en of those!# he said.
Janet pointed to another small group of animals. What a&out those twel%e little &lack
ones" +here so cute.#
Grandpa laughed at her e)citement. +hose are Dexters. +here supposed to &e that
'ou ha%e more different ones! too!# she said.
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+hats true. +hose fifteen speckled ones are Pineywoods Cattle. +he came to
.merica from ,u&a &ack in the pioneer das. +he si) &rown and white cows on the other
side are Guernsey. $ had some of those the last time ou were here.#
$ remem&er helping ou milk them!# Janet said and laughed. +he cow didnt like m
Grandpa laughed! too. 'ou were %er oung.#
*e looked around the pasture and pointed. +hose fi%e solid colored ones o%er there
to the left are Aubrac from (rance.#
Janet felt confused. Wh do ou ha%e so man different ones"#
.ll of these &reeds are endangered now. Someone has to help keep the &reeds ali%e.
Man small farmers like me do that /o&!# he said proudl.
One of the white cal%es came to the fence and nuzzled Janets hand. She fell in lo%e
with cows at that moment.
$ll help all $ can! Grandpa!# she promised as she patted the calf on the head.
.fter ou0%e read the stor! answer the math 1uestions on the ne)t page.
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Name: _______________________
Grandpa McDonald's Farm
Math Story by Claudette J. Young
Use information from the story to answer the questions.
Show your work in the space to the right, when needed.
. Complete the table. List each breed of cow
and tell how many Grandpa McDonald has.
!reed "umber
Highland Cattle 10

#. What is the total num&er of cows in the
pasture" answer2 33333333333333
$. If 17 of Grandpa McDonalds cows had
cal!es" how many did not ha!e cal!es# answer2 33333333333333
$. $he followin% breeds came from
the &ritish Isles: .ncient White 4arks!
Guernse! De)ter! and *ighland ,attle.
What was the total num&er of cattle on
Grandpa McDonald0s farm from the 5ritish
$sles" answer2 33333333333333
4. *ow man more De)ters does Grandpa
ha%e then .ncient White 4arks" answer2 33333333333333
Super Teacher Worksheets -
%"S&'( )'Y
Grandpa McDonald's Farm
Math Story by Claudette J. Young
Use information from the story to answer the questions.
Show your work in the space to the right, when needed.
. Complete the table. List each breed of cow
and tell how many Grandpa McDonald has.
!reed "umber
Highland Cattle 10
Ancient White Parks
Pineywoods Cattle
#. What is the total num&er of cows in the
pasture" answer2 !! cows
$. If 17 of Grandpa McDonalds cows had
cal!es" how many did not ha!e cal!es# answer2 #$ cows
$. $he followin% breeds came from
the &ritish Isles: .ncient White 4arks!
Guernse! De)ter! and *ighland ,attle.
What was the total num&er of cows on
Grandpa McDonald0s farm from the 5ritish
$sles" answer2 #! cows
4. *ow man more De)ters does Grandpa
ha%e then .ncient White 4arks" answer2 ! %ore Dexters
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