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Remeshing 2-D Elements - HM-3110

For this tutorial, it is recommended that you complete the introductory tutorial Getting Started with
HyperMesh - HM-1000.
This tutorial demonstrates how to remesh elements using the automesh panel and create mesh
subpanel. In HyperMesh, you can remesh elements when no geometry exists.

The following topics are included:

• Meshing the surfaces

• Remeshing the elements

All files referenced in the HyperMesh tutorials are located in the <
install_directory>/tutorials/hm/ directory. For detailed instructions on how to locate the
installation directory <install_directory> at your site, see Finding the Installation Directory
<install_directory>, or contact your system administrator.

Meshing the Surfaces

In HyperMesh, the automesher has two functional modes: interactive and automatic. Interactive is the
default option. In the create mesh subpanel, select the surfaces to mesh or remesh, or select the
elements to remesh.

Elements are remeshed with the use of the HyperMesh inferred surface algorithm, if geometry for the
selected elements needs to exist in the model. The inferred surface algorithm interpolates geometry data
from the selected elements in order to create new mesh.

When elements are selected to be remeshed, there is the break connectivity option and the vertex
angle parameter. The break connectivity option detaches the node connectivity between adjacent
selected and unselected elements. This allows you to adjust the node densities along the boundary of
the selected elements. The vertex angle parameter defines the placement of vertices along the
boundary of the selected elements. If the angle between two adjacent element edges along the boundary
is less the specified angle, a vertex is placed at the meeting point of the two edges. Anchor nodes create
the effect of a fixed point on the inferred surface (which is derived from the existing mesh) and keep the
location of the anchor nodes intact.

In HyperMesh, the mixed (quads and trias) meshing algorithm can be used on mapped and unmapped
surfaces. The mixed meshing algorithm generates a quad dominant mesh where transitions between
opposing mesh densities are accomplished using tria elements. This produces mesh patterns that are
more regular in appearance.

Figure 1 - The automesh panel

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To retrieve the HyperMesh Database:

1. Select the files panel on any main menu page.

2. Select the hm file subpanel.
3. Retrieve the file, located in the <install_directory>/tutorials/hm/ directory.
4. Click return to access the main menu.

Figure 2 - The file

Rotate the model and notice the contours of the surfaces.

To mesh the surfaces:

1. Select the 2-D page.

2. Select the automesh panel
3. Select the create mesh subpanel.
4. Click the upper left entity selector switch and select surfs.
5. From the pop-up menu, select displayed to select all of the surfaces displayed on the screen.
6. Click the box preceding reset mesh parameters to: to make this option active.
7. In the elem size = text field, enter 12 and press ENTER.
8. Click the switch under the elem size = button and select mixed.
9. Click mesh.
The automesh module displays in the main menu area. It consists of density, algorithm, type,
biasing, details, and checks.modules.

10. Click mesh again to preview the mesh.

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Figure 3 - Surfaces selected and meshed

To check the mesh quality:

1. Select the checks sub-panel.

2. Click jacobian.
The minimum jacobian of 0.45 displays on the header bar.
3. Click warpage.
The maximum warpage found of 8.02 displays on the header bar.
4. Click aspect.
The maximum aspect ratio of 4.08 displays on the header bar.
5. Click skew.
The maximum skew angle of 63.27 displays on the header bar.
6. Click return to accept the mesh and return to the automesh panel / create mesh subpanel.
7. Click return to exit the automesh panel.

Remeshing the Elements

To remesh some elements to improve jacobian:

1. Select the 2D page.

2. Select the automesh panel.
3. Select the create mesh subpanel.
4. Click the upper left entity selector switch and select elems.
5. Click elems and from the pop-up menu select by window.
6. Move the mouse over to the graphics area and draw a window around the elements as shown in
Figure 4.

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7. Click remesh.
8. Click mesh to preview the mesh.
The automesh module will be displayed in the main menu area.

9. Select the checks subpanel.

10. Click jacobian.
The minimum jacobian of 0.52 displays on the header bar.
11. Click return to accept the mesh and go back to the automesh panel / create mesh subpanel.

Figure 4 - Elements selected to be remeshed

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Figure 5 - Selected elements remeshed

To remesh some other elements to improve jacobian:

1. Select the upper left entity selector switch and select elems.
2. Click elems and from the pop-up menu select by window.
3. Bring the mouse over to the graphics area and draw a window around the elements as as shown in
Figure 6.
4. Click remesh.
The automesh module will be displayed in the main menu area.

5. Click mesh to preview the mesh.

6. From the permanent menu, click f next to local view to fit the area being meshed to the graphics
7. Select the biasing module.
8. Click adjust edge.
9. Right click multiple times on the bias value on the lowest boundary edge to change the value to
–2.400. Or drag the mouse over to the bias value on the lowest boundary edge. Hold down the left
mouse key and drag the mouse down to quickly change the value to –2.400.
10. Click mesh.
11. Select the checks module.
12. Click jacobian.
The minimum jacobian of 0.66 displays on the header bar.
13. Click return to accept the mesh and go back to the automesh panel / create mesh subpanel.
14. Click return to exit the automesh panel.

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Figure 6 - Elements selected to be remeshed

Figure 7 - Selected elements remeshed

See HyperMesh Tutorials for a complete list of tutorials.

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