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Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Network

Essential (IUWNE) Review Questions - odule !

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#$ W%at does t%e acron&m "W'(( stand for)
Logical Wireless Access Point Provisioning
Link for Wireless Access Point Protocol
Lightweight Access Point Provisioning
Lightweight Access Point Protocol
!$ W%ere is "W'(( used) (C%oose two$)
between access points and wireless clients
between access point and controllers
between controllers and Cisco WCS
between controllers
*$ W%at is t%e function of Cisco WC+)
locate several devices at the sae tie
act as a pro!" for #$CP and other services
help controllers discover access points
anage controllers
,$ W%ic% of t%e following is done at t%e access point level in controller--ased arc%itecture)
probe responses
%oS polic" creation
obilit" anageent
&' anageent
.$ W%at is RR)
a function of LWAPP to controller access points radios
a ultiedia e!tension for wireless radios
a %oS tag and (ueuing s"ste for wireless
a controller function to handle client roaing
/$ W%ic% of t%e following is N01 possi-le t%roug% "W'(()
client oveent detection
roaing anticipation
rogue detection
rogue containent
2$ W%ic% of t%e following is not an access point compati-le wit% "W'(()
Pgina 1 de 5 Survey Submitted
08/03/2012 https://www.cisc!eedbac"
8. What is the limitation of Layer 2 LWAPP?
Access points cannot have an IP address.
Controllers cannot have an IP address.
Controllers and access points must be in the same subnet.
It generates more broadcasts than Layer 3 LWAPP.
9. What is a consequence of using Layer 3 LWAPP?
A DHCP option 43 must be used.
Primary controller must be conigured.
Access points must have an IP address.
Access point and controller must be in dierent subnets.
10. What happens hen an access point sen!s a Layer 2 LWAPP !isco"ery message to a controller
configure! for Layer 3 LWAPP?
!he controller replies "ith a LWAPP #AC$ message.
!he controller ignores the %uery.
!he controller replies "ith a LWAPP 3 message.
!he controller accepts the AP at Layer &.
11. Where !oes an access point fin! the primary controller name in the controller ansers?
by comparing the ans"ering controllers IP address to its controller database
by loo'ing at the controller LWAPP name "ritten some"here in the ans"er
by sending an LWAPP name %uery message to candidate controllers
by %uerying a D#( server or controller IP to name resolution
12. What is the purpose of the LWAPP #oin phase?
e)change certiicates or encryption
receive the controller name
set the access point radio parameters
allo" clients to access the WLA#
13. What is the role of a master controller?
attract access point "ithout primary controller coniguration
centrally decide the mobility group access points radio conigurations
manage several other controllers rom one single interace
have some special license space or lost access points
1$. %o can LWAPP messages &e rea!?
cannot be read* encrypted "ith A+( CC,P
by sniing the controller port rom the s"itch
at the controller CLI level
only rom the "ireless space- and i the snier has the access point certiicate or security reasons
1'. %o long !oes an access point spen! scanning on each channel in local mo!e?
. ms
./ ms
/.. second
. seconds
1(. What is the purpose of monitor mo!e?
provide inormation about the 01 environment
provide client traic and more inormation on each client2s details
sni a speciic channel to capture traic
monitor mode applies to clients- access point "ill 3ust relay
1). Where can the pac*ets capture! in sniffer mo!e &e rea!?
on the controller
on the s"itch- by mirroring the access point port
on a special station "ith a special sot"are
Pgina 2 de 5 Survey Submitted
08/03/2012 https://www.cisc!eedbac"
on another access point in range
18. What is the purpose of an H-REAP access point?
continue to provide access even when connection to the controller is lost
build mesh networks
be configured locally and still be LWAPP-aware
be a hybrid of a controller and an access point
19. What is the bridge mode?
a special mode for mesh networks
a special mode allowing connection even in the event of a lost link to the controller
a special mode in which the access point will send whatever it hears to a bridging station, on which
a special capture software runs
a special mode for long-range outdoor links only
2. What does roaming a!!o" #ou to do in "ire!ess net"or$s?
use your credentials in a foreign network
move between access points while transmitting
recover connection after having moved from one access point to the other
cache user credentials on all surrounding access points to anticipate physical movements
21. %or intercontro!!er seam!ess roaming to "or$& "hich of the fo!!o"ing must be common to the
the access points
the user credentials
the mobility group
the AP-Manager IP address
22. When roaming from one contro!!er to the other& "hich step is re'uired?
eauthentication! association details are cached"
eassociation! authentication detailed are cached
#othing! everything is cached"
$oth reauthentication and reassociation are re%uired"
2(. What is a characteristic of as#mmetric roaming?
Packets up are always sent via the anchor controller"
Packets up are always sent via the foreign controller"
&redentials are not transmitted to the anchor controller"
&redentials are not transmitted to the foreign controller"
2). What situations does s#mmetric roaming so!*e?
where everse Path 'orwarding is enabled
where adio esource Management is not enabled
where &isco &ompatible ()tensions are not used
where the foreign AP is not LWAPP-able
2+. ,s it possib!e to configure a contro!!er for as#mmetric roaming and sti!! use s#mmetric roaming in
some cases?
#o, but it is possible to configure a controller for symmetric roaming and use asymmetric roaming in
some cases"
*es, it is called mobility anchor"
#o, it is a global parameter and has to be one of the other"
*es, symmetric or asymmetric are always configured on a per-WLA# basis"
2-. What is a contro!!er interface?
an association between a port and a WLA#
an association between a WLA# and a +LA#
an association between a WLA# and several ports
an association between a port and a +LA#
Pgina 3 de 5 Survey Submitted
08/03/2012 https://www.cisc!eedbac"
2.. What is the purpose of the AP-/anager interface?
provide an interface to manage APs at layer 2 LWAPP
provide an interface to manage APs at layer 2 and layer 3 LWAPP
provide an interface to manage APs at Layer 3 LWAPP
provide a common interface to manage APs among controllers
28. What is the *irtua! gate"a# ,P address?
an address used to ARP proxy for clients without ARP capability
an address representing the controllers as a cluster
the IP address used by the controller to represent the client when taling to the wired networ
a symbolic gateway used for !P" termination purposes
29. Which of the fo!!o"ing is not part of a contro!!er d#namic interface configuration?
WLA" mapping
controller IP address in the !LA"
#$%P server IP address
!LA" tag
(. Which of the fo!!o"ing statements is true?
&he %LI provides %isco I'( access to the controller)
&he web interface does not exist before first setup)
*y default+ (($ and &elnet are not allowed)
After setup+ the web interface is normally $&&P( only)
(1. Which statement is true?
Administrative users can access through the %LI or the web interface+ but not both at the same time)
Administrative users can be defined locally or via &A%A%(,)
%LI administrative users are not the same accounts as web Administrative users)
Administrative users rights are always checed against RA#I-()
(2. Ho" is an 0WAPP access point code upgraded?
both from the web interface and the %LI+ using the config ap command
only from the %LI interface+ using the config ap command
from the AP interface+ using tftp command
does not need to be manually upgraded. automatically gets upgraded when connecting to the
((. Ho" do #ou sa*e a contro!!er configuration 12hoose t"o3
by issuing show run/config and capturing the output
by issuing show running/config and capturing the output
by issuing copy startup/config &0&P %LI command
by issuing a transfer upload %LI command
(). What are the steps to pro*ide a basic configuration to a standa!one access point?
express setup+ save configuration+ reload
express setup+ express security+ interface up
interface up+ express setup+ express security
express security+ interface up+ reload
(+. Which of the fo!!o"ing is a method to con*ert a standa!one access point to 0WAPP mode?
%isco W%(
controller %LI
hardware reset
access point auto mode detection
(-. 4nce an AP is con*erted to 0WAPP& is it possib!e to con*ert it bac$ to standa!one mode?
yes+ using %isco W%(
no. no reason to migrate bac
Pgina 4 de 5 Survey Submitted
Number answered correctly: 12 out of 42.
yes, using the Cisco IOS-LWAPP migration tool
yes, using the controller CLI
37. Which of the following is necessary when using the Cisco I!"to"#W$%% con&ersion utility'
Telnet access to the controller
access to Cisco Certificates Repository
we access to the controller
Cisco IOS !efault image co!e
3(. Which of the following is )art of the Cisco *obility +,)ress solution'
the "#$% controller
the #"&# AP
the Cisco WLC'
the Cisco Configuration Assistant
3-. Which of the following are )ossible combinations'
"#$% controller, &"% access point
&"% controller, #"&# access point
&"# controller, &"% access point
&"% controller, &"# access point
4.. When the networ/ grows0 a Cisco *obility +,)ress solution can be integrated in a Cisco 1nified
Wireless Networ/ solution.
41. $ 221 standalone access )oint can be configured both &ia web interface and the Cisco
Configuration $ssistant.
42. 3he Cisco Configuration $ssistant can be used to configure a 45C% sco)e on the 226 controller.
( #))"-"$#$ Cisco Systems, Inc* All rights reser+e!* Pri+acy Statement , Coo-ie Policy , Tra!emar-s of Cisco Systems, Inc*
Pgina 5 de 5 Survey Submitted

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