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United Nations

19 October 2011
English only
Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention
on the Control of Transboundar !ovements of
"a#ardous $astes and Their %is&osal
Tenth meeting
Cartagena, Colombia, 1721 October 2011
!gen"a item # $b% $i%
!atters related to the im&lementation of the Convention'
scientific and technical matters' technical guidelines
%raft decision BC-10/( 8)' Technical guidelines on the
environmentall sound co-&rocessing of ha#ardous *astes in
cement +ilns
,ubmission b the contact grou& on technical guidelines
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling its "ecision &'/17 on the re(ie) o* other selecte" technical g+i"elines ,+rs+ant to
"ecision -&&&/17,
Recalling also "ecision OEW./-&&/9 on "ra*t technical g+i"elines on the co/,rocessing o*
ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement 1ilns,
Noting with appreciation the roles ,laye" by ,arties an" others, es,ecially the lea" co+ntry,
Chile, in the ,re,aration o* the technical g+i"elines on the en(ironmentally so+n" co/,rocessing o*
ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement 1ilns,
1. Adopts the technical g+i"elines on the en(ironmentally so+n" co/,rocessing o*
ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement 1ilns set o+t in the anne2 to the ,resent "ecision3
2. Requests the 4ecretariat to "isseminate the technical g+i"elines to ,arties, signatories,
intergo(ernmental organi0ations, en(ironmental non/go(ernmental organi0ations an" in"+stry bo"ies
in the si2 o**icial lang+ages o* the 5nite" 6ations3
#. Invites ,arties an" others to +se the technical g+i"elines an" to s+bmit, not later than
t)o months be*ore the ele(enth meeting o* the Con*erence o* the Parties, thro+gh the 4ecretariat,
comments on their e2,erience in so "oing3
7. Requests the 4ecretariat to ,re,are a com,ilation o* the comments re*erre" to in
,aragra,h # o* the ,resent "ecision *or consi"eration by the Con*erence o* the Parties at its ele(enth
8117#991 201011
Technical guidelines on the environmentall sound
co-&rocessing of ha#ardous *astes in cement +ilns
&. &ntro"+ction.................................................................................................................................11
!. 4co,e................................................................................................................................11
:. O(er(ie) o* cement man+*act+ring................................................................................1#
C. Co/,rocessing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement 1ilns.........................................................17
&&. Rele(ant ,ro(isions o* the :asel Con(ention an" &nternational ;in1ages.................................17
!. .eneral ,ro(isions o* the :asel Con(ention....................................................................17
:. .eneral consi"erations on en(ironmentally so+n" management.....................................17
1. :asel Con(ention..................................................................................................17
2. 4toc1holm Con(ention.........................................................................................1<
#. Organi0ation *or Economic Coo,eration an" =e(elo,ment................................1<
&&&. .eneral g+i"ance on en(ironmentally so+n" co/,rocessing in cement 1ilns.............................19
!. Princi,les o* co/,rocessing in cement man+*act+ring.....................................................19
:. Consi"erations )hen selecting )astes *or co/,rocessing...............................................22
1. Ha0ar"o+s )astes s+itable *or co/,rocessing in cement 1ilns..............................22
2. Waste reco(ery or "is,osal, not lea"ing to reco(ery in cement 1ilns...................29
#. =estr+ction e**iciency o* ha0ar"o+s organic s+bstances......................................#0
C. >+ality ass+rance/?+ality control....................................................................................#1
=. Health an" sa*ety as,ects.................................................................................................#2
1. Ha0ar" analysis.....................................................................................................#2
2. !ccess an" ha0ar" control....................................................................................#2
#. Personal ,rotecti(e e?+i,ment..............................................................................##
7. @raining.................................................................................................................##
9. Ae"ical s+r(eillance.............................................................................................##
B. Emergency res,onse.............................................................................................##
E. Comm+nications an" sta1ehol"er in(ol(ement...............................................................#7
&-. En(ironmentally so+n" )aste acce,tance an" ,re/,rocessing....................................................#7
!. &ntro"+ction......................................................................................................................#7
:. Waste acce,tance.............................................................................................................#9
1. Pre/acce,tance......................................................................................................#9
2. On/site acce,tance................................................................................................#B
#. 6on/con*orming )aste.........................................................................................#7
7. &n/,lant trac1ing system.......................................................................................#<
C. Waste storage an" han"ling..............................................................................................#9
1. =esign consi"erations...........................................................................................#9
2. O,erational consi"erations...................................................................................70
=. Waste ,re/,rocessing.......................................................................................................71
1. =esign consi"erations...........................................................................................71
2. O,erational consi"erations...................................................................................71
E. Pre/,rocessing Plant Clos+re/=ecommissioning.............................................................72
C. Other en(ironmental as,ects............................................................................................72
1. -olatile organic com,o+n"s, o"o+rs an" "+st......................................................72
2. =r+ms an" *erro+s metals.....................................................................................72
#. Waste)ater............................................................................................................72
.. Emissions monitoring an" re,orting................................................................................7#
-. En(ironmentally so+n" co/,rocessing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement 1ilns...............................7#
!. &ntro"+ction......................................................................................................................7#
:. O,erational re?+irements.................................................................................................77
1. Cee" ,oint selection..............................................................................................77
2. 8iln o,eration control...........................................................................................7B
C. En(ironmental as,ects.....................................................................................................77
1. !ir emissions........................................................................................................77
2. Cement 1iln an" by,ass "+st................................................................................7<
#. Emissions to )ater................................................................................................79
7. En"/,ro"+ct control..............................................................................................79
=. Aonitoring.......................................................................................................................90
1. Process monitoring...............................................................................................90
2. Emissions monitoring...........................................................................................91
#. En(ironmental monitoring....................................................................................92
7. Re,orting re?+irements........................................................................................92
-&. Re*erences...................................................................................................................................9#
!nne2 &....................................................................................................Error4 Boo+mar+ not defined-
!nne2 &&................................................................................................Error4 Boo+mar+ not defined-#
0ccuracD O(erall agreement o* a meas+rement to a 1no)n (al+e, ta1ing into acco+nt ran"om an"
systematic error $,recision an" bias% o* both sam,ling an" analytical o,erations.
0ggregatesD Partic+late materials +se" in constr+ction s+ch as san", gra(el, cr+she" stone an" cr+she"
0l+ali b&assD ! "+ct locate" bet)een the *ee" en" o* the 1iln an" the ,reheater to)er. ! ,ortion o*
the 1iln e2it gas is )ith"ra)n thro+gh this an" ?+ic1ly coole" by air or )ater to a(oi" e2cessi(e al1ali,
chlori"e an" s+l,h+r b+il"/+, on the ra) *ee". @his is also 1no)n as 1iln e2ha+st gas by,ass.
0lternative fuels and ra* materials 708.9D &n,+ts to clin1er ,ro"+ction "eri(e" *rom )aste streams
that contrib+te energy an"/or ra) material.
0lternative fuelsD Wastes )ith reco(erable energy (al+e, +se" as *+els in a cement 1iln, re,lacing a
,ortion o* con(entional *ossil *+els s+ch as coal. Other terms incl+"eD secon"ary, s+bstit+te or )aste/
"eri(e" *+els.
0lternative ra* materialsD Waste materials containing +seable minerals s+ch as calci+m, silica,
al+mina an" iron, )hich can be +se" in the 1iln to re,lace ra) materials s+ch as clay, shale an"
limestone. !lso 1no)n as secon"ary or s+bstit+te ra) materials.
0uditD 4ystematic an" in"e,en"ent assessment o* res+lts com,are" to obEecti(es.
Best available techni:ues 7B0T9D @he most e**ecti(e metho"s o* re"+cing emissions an" the im,act
on the en(ironment as a )hole.
B&ass dustD =+st "iscar"e" *rom the by,ass systems o* the s+s,ension ,reheater, ,recalciner an"
grate ,reheater 1ilns, consisting o* *+lly calcine", 1iln *ee" material.
CalcinationD Heat/in"+ce" remo(al, or loss o* chemically/bo+n" (olatiles other than )ater. &n cement
man+*act+re this is the thermal "ecom,osition o* calcite $calci+m carbonate% an" other carbonate
minerals that gi(es a metallic o2i"e $mainly CaO% ,l+s carbon "io2i"e.
Cement +iln dust 7C;%9D @he *ine/graine", soli", highly al1aline material remo(e" *rom cement 1iln
e2ha+st gas by air ,oll+tion control "e(ices. A+ch o* the C8= material is +nreacte" ra) material,
incl+"ing ra) mi2 at (ario+s stages o* b+rning an" ,articles o* clin1er. @he term can be +se" to "enote
any "+st *rom cement 1ilns, s+ch as that coming *rom by,ass systems.
CementD Cinely gro+n" inorganic material that, )hen mi2e" )ith )ater, *orms a ,aste that sets an"
har"ens by means o* hy"ration reactions an" ,rocesses an" that, a*ter har"ening, retains its strength
an" stability +n"er )ater.
Clin+eringD @he thermo/chemical *ormation o* clin1er minerals, es,ecially to those reactions
occ+rring abo(e abo+t 1,#00F C3 also the 0one in the 1iln )here this occ+rs. !lso 1no)n as sintering
or b+rning.
Co-incineration &lantD 5n"er =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC o* the E+ro,ean Parliament an" o* the Co+ncil,
any stationary or mobile ,lant )hose main ,+r,ose is the generation o* energy or the ,ro"+ction o*
material ,ro"+cts an" )hich +ses )astes as a reg+lar or a""itional *+el3 or in )hich )aste is thermally
treate" *or the ,+r,ose o* "is,osal. &* co/incineration ta1es ,lace in s+ch a )ay that the main ,+r,ose
o* the ,lant is not the generation o* energy or ,ro"+ction o* material ,ro"+cts b+t rather the thermal
treatment o* )aste, the ,lant shall be regar"e" as an incineration ,lant.
Com&arabilitD ! ?+alitati(e term that e2,resses the meas+re o* con*i"ence that one "ata set can be
com,are" to another an" can be combine" *or a "ecision or "ecisions to be ma"e.
Com&letenessD @he amo+nt o* (ali" "ata re?+ire" *rom a meas+rement system.
ConcreteD ! str+ct+ral material ,ro"+ce" by mi2ing a cementing material $s+ch as Portlan" cement%
)ith aggregates $s+ch as san" an" gra(el% )ith s+**icient )ater an" a""iti(es to ca+se the cement to set
an" bin" the entire mass.
Conventional 7fossil9 fuelsD 6on/rene)able carbon/base" *+els, incl+"ing coal an" oil, tra"itionally
+se" in cement man+*act+ring.
Co-&rocessingD @he +se o* s+itable )aste materials in man+*act+ring ,rocesses *or the ,+r,ose o*
energy an"/or reso+rce reco(ery an" res+ltant re"+ction in the +se o* con(entional *+els an"/or ra)
materials thro+gh s+bstit+tion.
%estruction and removal efficienc 7%.E9D E**iciency in "estr+ction an" remo(al o* a gi(en organic
com,o+n". Aathematically, =RE is calc+late" as *ollo)sD
=RE G H$Win Wo+t stac1%/WinI 100
)here Win is the mass *ee" rate o* one ,rinci,al organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ent $POHC% in the )aste
stream *e" to the 1iln, an" Wo+t stac1 is the mass emission rate o* the same POHC in the e2ha+st
emissions ,rior to release to the atmos,here.
%estruction efficienc 7%E9D ! meas+re o* the ,ercentage o* a gi(en organic com,o+n" that is
"estroye" by the comb+stion ,rocess. Aathematically, =E is calc+late" as *ollo)sD
=E G H$Win Wo+t comb+stion chamber%/WinI 100
)here Win is the mass *ee" rate o* one ,rinci,al organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ent $POHC% in the )aste
stream *e" to the 1iln, an" Wo+t comb+stion chamber is the mass emission rate o* the same POHC lea(ing the
1iln $+,stream o* all air ,oll+tion control e?+i,ment%. @he =E re,resents the *raction o* the organics
entering a 1iln, )hich is act+ally "estroye"3 the =RE re,resents the *raction o* the organics entering a
1iln an" emitte" *rom the stac1 to the atmos,here.
%is&osalD !ny o,eration s,eci*ie" in !nne2 &- to the :asel Con(ention $J=is,osal o,erationsK%.
%r &rocessD Process technology *or cement ,ro"+ction. &n the "ry ,rocess, the ra) materials enter the
cement 1iln in a "ry con"ition a*ter being gro+n" to a *ine ,o)"er calle" the ra) meal. @he "ry
,rocess cons+mes less energy than the )et ,rocess, )here )ater is a""e" to the ra) materials "+ring
grin"ing to *orm sl+rry.
Emissions testingD Aan+al collection o* stac1 gas sam,les, *ollo)e" by chemical analysis to
"etermine ,oll+tant concentrations.
Environmental im&act assessment 7E=09D !n e2amination, analysis an" assessment o* ,lanne"
acti(ities )ith a (ie) to ens+ring en(ironmentally so+n" an" s+stainable "e(elo,ment. Criteria *or
"etermining the re?+irement *or E&! sho+l" be clearly "e*ine" in legal or ,olicy so+rces.
Environmentall sound management 7E,!9D @a1ing all ,racticable ste,s to ens+re that ha0ar"o+s
or other )astes are manage" in a )ay that )ill ,rotect h+man health an" the en(ironment against any
res+lting a"(erse e**ects.
"a#ardous *astesD Wastes that belong to any category containe" in !nne2 & to the :asel Con(ention
$JCategories o* )astes to be controlle"K%, +nless they "o not ,ossess any o* the characteristics
containe" in !nne2 &&& to the Con(ention $J;ist o* ha0ar"o+s characteristicsK%D e2,losi(e3 *lammable
li?+i"s3 *lammable soli"s3 s+bstances or )astes liable to s,ontaneo+s comb+stion3 s+bstances or
)astes )hich, in contact )ith )ater, emit *lammable gases3 o2i"i0ing3 organic ,ero2i"es3 ,oisono+s
$ac+te%3 in*ectio+s s+bstances3 corrosi(es3 liberation o* to2ic gases in contact )ith air or )ater3 to2ic
$"elaye" or chronic%3 ecoto2ic3 ca,able, by any means, a*ter "is,osal, o* yiel"ing another material, e.g.
leachate, )hich ,ossesses any o* the other characteristics.
"eating 7calorific9 valueD @he heat ,er +nit mass ,ro"+ce" by com,lete comb+stion o* a gi(en
s+bstance. Calori*ic (al+es are +se" to e2,ress the energy (al+es o* *+els, +s+ally e2,resse" in
megaEo+les ,er 1ilogram $AL/1g%.
"igher heating 7calorific9 value 7"">9D Aa2im+m amo+nt o* energy that can be obtaine" *rom the
comb+stion o* a *+el, incl+"ing the energy release" )hen the steam ,ro"+ce" "+ring comb+stion is
con"ense". !lso calle" the gross heat (al+e.
"draulic cementD ! cement ty,e that sets an" har"ens by chemical interaction )ith )ater an" )ith
the ca,ability o* "oing so +n"er )ater.
;iln lineD @he ,art o* the cement ,lant that man+*act+res clin1er3 com,rises the 1iln itsel*, any
,reheaters an" ,recalciners an" the clin1er cooler a,,arat+s.
;ilnD @he heating a,,arat+s in a cement ,lant *or man+*act+ring clin1er. 5nless other)ise s,eci*ie", it
may be ass+me" to re*er to a rotary 1iln.
?ife ccle assessmentD obEecti(e e(al+ation ,rocess o* the en(ironmental b+r"ens associate" )ith a
,ro"+ct, ,rocess or acti(ity by i"enti*ying an" ?+anti*ying energy an" materials +se" an" )astes
release" to the en(ironment. @he im,act o* those energy an" materials +ses an" releases to the
en(ironment are assesse" to e(al+ate an" im,lement o,,ort+nities to a**ect en(ironmental
im,ro(ements. @he assessment incl+"es the entire li*e cycle o* the ,ro"+ct, ,rocess or acti(ity,
encom,assing e2tracting an" ,rocessing ra) materials3 man+*act+ring, trans,ortation an" "istrib+tion3
+se, re+se an" maintenance3 recycling an" *inal "is,osal.
?o*er heating 7calorific9 value 7?">9D @he higher heating (al+e less the latent heat o* (a,ori0ation
o* the )ater (a,o+r *orme" by the comb+stion o* the hy"rogen in the *+el. !lso calle" the net heat
!anifestD 4hi,,ing "oc+ment that tra(els )ith ha0ar"o+s )aste *rom the ,oint o* generation, thro+gh
trans,ortation, to the *inal "is,osal *acility, creating a Jcra"le/to/gra(eK trac1ing o* the ha0ar"o+s
A&eratorD !ny nat+ral or legal ,erson )ho o,erates or controls the installation or *acility.
Portland cement clin+erD ! hy"ra+lic material consisting o* at least t)o thir"s by mass o* calci+m
silicates $$CaO%#4iO2 an" $CaO%24iO2%, the remain"er containing al+mini+m o2i"e $!l2O#%, iron o2i"e
$Ce2O#% an" other o2i"es.
Portland cementD ! hy"ra+lic cement ,ro"+ce" by ,+l(erising Portlan" cement clin1er an" +s+ally
containing calci+m s+l,hate.
PrecalcinerD ! 1iln line a,,arat+s, +s+ally combine" )ith a ,reheater, in )hich ,artial to almost
com,lete calcination o* carbonate minerals is achie(e" ahea" o* the 1iln itsel*, an" )hich ma1es +se o*
a se,arate heat so+rce. ! ,recalciner re"+ces *+el cons+m,tion in the 1iln, an" allo)s the 1iln to be
shorter, as it no longer has to ,er*orm the *+ll calcination *+nction.
PrecisionD @he meas+re o* agreement among re,eate" meas+rements o* the same ,ro,erty +n"er
i"entical, or s+bstantially similar con"itions an" calc+late" as either the range or as the stan"ar"
"e(iation. Aay also be e2,resse" as a ,ercentage o* the mean o* the meas+rements, s+ch as relati(e
range or relati(e stan"ar" "e(iation $coe**icient o* (ariation%.
PreheaterD !n a,,arat+s *or heating the ra) mi2 be*ore it reaches the "ry 1iln itsel*. &n mo"ern "ry
1ilns, the ,reheater is commonly combine" )ith a ,recalciner. Preheaters +se hot e2it gases *rom the
1iln as their heat so+rce.
Pre-&rocessingD !lternati(e *+els an"/or ra) materials not ha(ing +ni*orm characteristics m+st be
,re,are" *rom "i**erent )aste streams be*ore being +se" as s+ch in a cement ,lant. @he ,re,aration
,rocess, or ,re/,rocessing, is nee"e" to ,ro"+ce a )aste stream that com,lies )ith the technical an"
a"ministrati(e s,eci*ications o* cement ,ro"+ction an" to g+arantee that en(ironmental stan"ar"s are
Pro&rocess sstemD &ncl+"es the 1iln, cooler, an" *+els comb+stion e?+i,ment.
Bualit assurance 7B09D ! system o* management acti(ities in(ol(ing ,lanning, im,lementation,
assessment, an" re,orting to ma1e s+re that the en" ,ro"+ct, *or e2am,le, en(ironmental "ata, is o* the
ty,e an" ?+ality meeting the nee"s o* the +ser.
Bualit control 7BC9D O(erall system o* o,erational techni?+es an" acti(ities that *+l*il re?+irements
*or ?+ality.
.a* mi1/meal/feedD @he cr+she", gro+n", ,ro,ortione", an" thoro+ghly mi2e" ra) material/*ee" to
the 1iln line.
.ecoverD !ny o,eration )here )aste is ser(ing a +se*+l ,+r,ose by re,lacing other materials that
)o+l" other)ise ha(e been +se" to *+l*il a ,artic+lar *+nction, or )aste being ,re,are" to *+l*il that
*+nction, in the ,lant or in the )i"er economy.
.e&resentative sam&leD ! sam,le o* a +ni(erse or )hole $*or e2am,le, )aste ,ile% e2,ecte" to e2hibit
the a(erage ,ro,erties o* the +ni(erse or )hole.
.e&resentativenessD ! ?+alitati(e term that e2,resses the "egree to )hich "ata acc+rately an"
,recisely re,resent a characteristic o* a ,o,+lation, ,arameter (ariations at a sam,ling ,oint, a ,rocess
con"ition, or an en(ironmental con"ition.
.otar +ilnD ! 1iln consisting o* a gently incline", rotating steel t+be line" )ith re*ractory bric1. @he
1iln is *e" )ith ra) materials at its +,,er en" an" heate" by *lame *rom, mainly, the lo)er en", )hich
is also the e2it en" *or the ,ro"+ct $clin1er%.
Trial burnD Emissions testing ,er*orme" *or "emonstrating com,liance )ith the "estr+ction an"
remo(al e**iciency $=RE% an" "estr+ction e**iciency $=E% ,er*ormance stan"ar"s an" reg+latory
emission limits3 is +se" as the basis *or establishing allo)able o,erating limits.
>ertical shaft +iln 7>,;9D ! (ertical, cylin"rical or chimney/ty,e 1iln, heate" *rom the bottom, *e"
either )ith a batch or contin+o+s charge consisting o* a s,eci*ic mi2 o* *+el an" ra) materials. :ase"
on a blac1/meal ,rocess, )hich ,re(ents the +se o* alternati(e *+els, it is generally consi"ere" obsolete
*or cement man+*act+re.
$aste 7management9 hierarchD ;ist o* )aste management strategies arrange" in or"er o*
,re*erence, )ith )aste ,re(ention being the most "esirable o,tion an" "is,osal the least ,re*erre"
a,,roach. =e(iation *rom the hierarchy may be necessary )ith s,eci*ic )aste streams "+e to technical
*easibility, economic (iability an" en(ironmental ,rotection.
$astesD 4+bstances or obEects "is,ose" o*, inten"e" to be "is,ose" o*, or are re?+ire" to be "is,ose"
o* by the ,ro(isions o* national la).
0bbreviations and acronms
!C.&H !merican Con*erence o* .o(ernmental &n"+strial Hygienists $htt,D//)))
!4@A !merican 4ociety *or @esting an" Aaterials $htt,D//)))
:!@ :est !(ailable @echni?+e
:!@/!E; :!@ !ssociate" Emission ;e(el
:EP :est En(ironmental Practice
:REC Re*erence =oc+ment on :est !(ailable @echni?+es $as ,+blishe" by E&PPC:,
CCAE Cana"ian Co+ncil o* Ainisters o* the En(ironment $htt,D//)))
CEA Contin+o+s Emission Aonitoring 4ystems
CE6 E+ro,ean Committee *or 4tan"ar"i0ation $htt,D//))).cen.e+/%
C8= Cement 8iln =+st
C;A :REC Re*erence =oc+ment on :est !(ailable @echni?+es *or the Cement, ;ime an"
Aagnesi+m O2i"e Aan+*act+ring $as ,+blishe" by E&PPC:, htt,D//ei,,
=E =estr+ction E**iciency
=RE =estr+ction an" Remo(al E**iciency
E! En(ironment !gency o* Englan" an" Wales $htt,D//))).en(ironment/agency.go(.+1/%
E&PPC: E+ro,ean &ntegrate" Poll+tion Pre(ention Control :+rea+ $htt,D//ei,,
EP! 5nite" 4tates En(ironmental Protection !gency $htt,D//))).e,a.go(/%
E5 E+ro,ean 5nion
E4A En(ironmentally 4o+n" Aanagement
.@M =e+tsche .esellscha*t *Nr @echnische M+sammenarbeit .mbH, rename" =e+tsche
.esellscha*t *Nr &nternationale M+sammenarbeit .mbH $htt,D//))).gi0."e/%
&CP &n"+cti(ely co+,le" ,lasma
&OE;- &n"icati(e Occ+,ational E2,os+re ;imit -al+e
&PCC &ntergo(ernmental Panel on Climate Change
&PPC &ntegrate" ,oll+tion ,re(ention an" control
&/@E> &nternational @o2ic E?+i(alent
A4=4 Aaterial 4a*ety =ata 4heets
6&O4H 6ational &nstit+te *or Occ+,ational Health an" 4a*ety o* the 5nite" 4tates
OEC= Organi0ation *or Economic Coo,eration an" =e(elo,ment $htt,D//))).oec".org/%
O4H! Occ+,ational 4a*ety an" Health !"ministration o* the 5nite" 4tates
P!H Polycyclic !romatic Hy"rocarbon
PC: Polychlorinate" :i,henyl
PC== Polychlorinate" =iben0o/,/=io2in
PC=C Polychlorinate" =iben0o/C+ran
PE; Permissible e2,os+re limit
P&C Pro"+ct o* incom,lete comb+stion
POHC Princi,al organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ent
POP Persistent organic ,oll+tant
PPE Personal ,rotecti(e e?+i,ment
>! >+ality ass+rance
>C >+ality control
4:C 4ecretariat o* the :asel Con(ention $htt,D//)))
@E> @o2ic e?+i(alent
@HC @otal hy"rocarbon
@;- @hreshol" limit (al+e
@OC @otal organic com,o+n"s
56EP 5nite" 6ations En(ironment Programme $htt,D//))).+ne,.org/%
-OC -olatile organic com,o+n"
W!P Waste analysis ,lan
W:C4= Worl" :+siness Co+ncil *or 4+stainable =e(elo,ment $htt,D//))).)bcs".org/%
'RC '/Ray *l+orescence
=- =ntroduction
0- ,co&e
1. C+rrent technical g+i"elines *or en(ironmentally so+n" co/,rocessing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste as
alternati(e *+els an" ra) materials *or +se in cement 1ilns con*orm to "ecisions -&&&/17, an" &'/17 an"
'/H/I o* the Con*erence o* the Parties to the :asel Con(ention on the Control o* @ransbo+n"ary
Ao(ement o* Ha0ar"o+s Wastes an" @heir =is,osal an" "ecision OEW./-&&/9 o* the O,en/en"e"
Wor1ing .ro+, o* the :asel Con(ention.
2. Co/,rocessing o* )astes in ,ro,erly controlle" cement 1ilns ,ro(i"es energy an" materials
reco(ery )hile cement is being ,ro"+ce", o**ering an en(ironmentally so+n" reco(ery o,tion *or
many )aste materials. !s co+ntries stri(e *or greater sel*/s+**iciency in ha0ar"o+s )aste management,
,artic+larly in "e(elo,ing co+ntries that may ha(e little or no )aste management in*rastr+ct+re,
,ro,erly controlle" co/,rocessing can ,ro(i"e a ,ractical, cost/e**ecti(e an" en(ironmentally ,re*erre"
o,tion to lan"*ill an" incineration. &n general, co/,rocessing o* )aste in reso+rce/intensi(e ,rocesses
can be an im,ortant element in a more s+stainable system o* managing ra) materials an" energy.
#. Co/,rocessing is the +se o* alternati(e *+el an"/or ra) materials *or the ,+r,ose o* energy
an"/or reso+rce reco(ery. @his "i**ers *rom co/incineration, the ,ro"+ction o* materials )hile +sing
)astes as *+el or the ,lant in )hich )aste is thermally treate" *or the ,+r,ose o* "is,osal.
7. While these technical g+i"elines re*er to ha0ar"o+s )aste as "e*ine" by the :asel Con(ention,
beca+se the selection o* )astes s+itable *or co/,rocessing in cement 1ilns is in*l+ence" by many
*actors other than ha0ar"o+s characteristics e2hibite" by the )aste itsel*, some g+i"ance may also
a,,ly to non ha0ar"o+s )aste. @he g+i"elines "o not co(er the +se o* )aste as a s+bstit+te *or clin1er
in cement ,ro"+ction.
B- 6eneral &rovisions of the Basel Convention
The Basel ConventionD *hich entered into force on < !a 1CC2D sti&ulates that
an transboundar e1&ortD im&ortD or transit is &ermitted onl *hen both the
movement and the dis&osal of the ha#ardous *astes are environmentall sound-
Paragra&h 1 of 0rticle 2 7E%efinitionsF9 of the Basel Convention defines *astes
as Esubstances or obGectsD *hich are dis&osed of or are intended to be dis&osed
of or are re:uired to be dis&osed of b the &rovisions of national la*F-
Paragra&h 5 of 0rticle 2 defines dis&osal as Ean o&eration s&ecified in 0nne1
=>F to the Convention- Paragra&h 8 defines the environmentall sound
management 7E,!9 of ha#ardous *astes or other *astes as Eta+ing all
&racticable ste&s to ensure that ha#ardous *astes or other *astes are managed
in a manner *hich *ill &rotect human health and the environment against the
adverse effects *hich ma result from such *astesF-
Paragra&h 1 of 0rticle 5 7E6eneral obligationsF9 establishes the &rocedure b
*hich &arties e1ercising their right to &rohibit the im&ort of ha#ardous *astes
or other *astes for dis&osal shall inform the other &arties of their decision-
Paragra&h 1 7a9 states' EParties e1ercising their right to &rohibit the im&ort of
ha#ardous or other *astes for dis&osal shall inform the other Parties of their
decision &ursuant to 0rticle 13F- Paragra&h 1 7b9 states' EParties shall &rohibit
or shall not &ermit the e1&ort of ha#ardous or other *astes to the Parties *hich
have &rohibited the im&ort of such *aste *hen notified &ursuant to
sub&aragra&h 7a9-F
Paragra&hs 2 7a9H7d9 of 0rticle 5 set out +e &rovisions of the Convention
&ertaining to E,!D *aste minimi#ation and dis&osal &ractices that mitigate
adverse effects on human health and the environment'
EEach Part shall ta+e a&&ro&riate measures to'
7a9 Ensure that the generation of ha#ardous *astes and other *astes
*ithin it is reduced to a minimumD ta+ing into account socialD technological
and economic as&ectsI
7b9 Ensure the availabilit of ade:uate dis&osal facilitiesD for the
environmentall sound management of ha#ardous *astes and other *astesD
that shall be locatedD to the e1tent &ossibleD *ithin itD *hatever the &lace of
their dis&osalI
7c9 Ensure that &ersons involved in the management of ha#ardous *astes
or other *astes *ithin it ta+e such ste&s as are necessar to &revent
&ollution due to ha#ardous *astes and other *astes arising from such
management andD if such &ollution occursD to minimi#e the conse:uences
thereof for human health and the environmentI
7d9 Ensure that the transboundar movement of ha#ardous *astes and
other *astes is reduced to the minimum consistent *ith the
environmentall sound and efficient management of such *astesD and is
conducted in a manner *hich *ill &rotect human health and the
environment against the adverse effects *hich ma result from such
BC- Avervie* of cement manufacturing
9. Cement is a non/metallic, inorganic *ine ,o)"er, )hich sets an" har"ens )hen mi2e" )ith
)ater3 it is the 1ey constit+ent o* concrete. Cement ,ro"+ction in(ol(es the heating, calcining an"
sintering $also 1no)n as Ob+rningP or Oclin1eringP% o* an acc+rate mi2 o* calcareo+s an" argillaceo+s
materials, +s+ally limestone an" clay. @his ,ro"+ces cement clin1er, )hich is then coole" an" gro+n"
)ith a""iti(es s+ch as gy,s+m $a setting retar"ant% to ma1e cement. @he most )i"ely +se" ,ro"+ction
,rocess is *or Portlan" cement clin1er, "escribe" in more "etail in anne2 1 to the ,resent g+i"elines.
B. Clin1er ty,ically has a com,osition o* abo+t B7Q CaO, 22Q 4iO2, 9Q !l2O#, #Q Ce2O# an" #Q
o* other com,onents $@aylor $1997%. 6at+rally occ+rring calcareo+s "e,osits, s+ch as limestone, marl
or chal1, consisting essentially o* calci+m carbonate $CaCO#%, are re?+ire" to yiel" calci+m o2i"e
$CaO%. Clay or shale ty,ically ,ro(i"es the remaining com,onents. @he ra) materials +se" in the
cement ,ro"+ction ,rocess nat+rally contain metals an" halogens, in amo+nts that "e,en" on the
geological *ormations *rom )hich the ra) materials are mine"3 some materials may also contain
organic carbon s+ch as 1erogens. ;i1e)ise, coal can contain signi*icant ?+antities o* s+l,h+r, trace
metals, an" halogens, their concentrations being "e,en"ent on the area in )hich the coal )as mine".
!(erage (al+es an" range o* trace element concentrations in ,rimary *+els an" con(entional ra)
materials can be *o+n" in Aant+s $1992%, !chternbosch et al. $200#% an" W:C4= $2009%.
7. With the e2ce,tion o* (ertical sha*t 1ilns $-48% still +se" in certain geogra,hical areas $mainly
China an" &n"ia% $CPC:, 20073 HRhne an" Ellermann, 200<%, cement clin1er is ,re"ominantly b+rnt
in rotary 1ilns, )here heating o* the ra) meal can ta1e ,lace in one o* *o+r "i**erent ty,es o*
arrangementsD the O"ryP, Osemi/"ryP, Osemi/)etP, or O)etP ,rocesses. &n E+ro,e an" the 5nite" 4tates ,
abo+t 90 ,er cent an" <0 ,er cent, res,ecti(ely, o* the cement ,ro"+ction is *rom "ry ,rocess 1ilns
$E&PPC:, 20103 5.4. EP!, 2007%. @he )et ,rocess, on the other han", remains "ominant in the *ormer
4o(iet 5nion an" !+stralia/6e) Mealan" an" is still signi*icant in Cana"a, &n"ia, ;atin !merica an"
!*rica $Watson et al., 2009%.
<. Cement man+*act+re is reso+rce intensi(e ty,ically 1.91.7 tonnes o* ra) material is ?+arrie"
,er tonne o* clin1er ,ro"+ce" $40abS et al, 200#%. &n a""ition, man+*act+ring re?+ires s+bstantial
energy )ith tem,erat+res o* o(er 2,000F C re?+ire" in the cement 1ilns. Each tonne o* cement
,ro"+ce" ty,ically re?+ires B01#0 1ilograms o* *+el oil, or its e?+i(alent, an" abo+t 109 8Wh o*
electricity $;orTa, 2007%. On a(erage, energy costs o* *+el an" electricity re,resent 70 ,er cent o*
cement man+*act+ring costs $E&PPC:, 2010%.
9. C+rther "etaile" in*ormation abo+t the cement man+*act+ring ,rocess may be *o+n", among
others, in 5.4. EP! $199#%, CEA:5RE!5 $1999a%, $(an Oss, 2009% an" E&PPC: $2010%.
10. &n 200<, global cement ,ro"+ction )as estimate" at 2.9 billion tonnes, )ith China res,onsible
*or abo+t hal* o* the )orl"Ps ,ro"+ction $=a Hai et al., 20103 5.4. .eological 4+r(ey, 2009%. Estimates
,+t )orl" cement cons+m,tion reaching #.7 billion tonnes by 2020 $*ig+re &%, )ith the corres,on"ing
increases in energy, ra) materials nee"s an" ,oll+tant mass emissions $=egrT, 2009%.
Cig+re &
Estimated *orld cement consum&tion
1970 200B 2020E




Aat+re mar1ets Emerging mar1ets China
C!.R 11.2Q
C!.R #.1Q
C!.R 1.BQ
C!.R 2.0Q
C!.R 2.9Q
C!.R 0.9Q
90 million toe
<90 million trm
220 million toe
#900 million trm
#00 million toe
9000 million trm
toe G tonnes o* oil e?+i(alent $72 .L%3 trm G tonnes o* ra) material3 C!.R G com,o+n" ann+al
gro)th rate
4o+rceD =egrT $2009%
11. Clin1er b+rning is the most im,ortant ,hase o* the ,ro"+ction ,rocess in terms o* the
en(ironmental im,act associate" )ith cement man+*act+re. =e,en"ing on the s,eci*ic ,ro"+ction
,rocesses, cement ,lants ca+se emissions to air an" )aste emissions to lan". @his incl+"es cement 1iln
"+st $C8=%, )here recycling bac1 into the ,ro"+ction ,rocess may be restricte". Emissions to )ater
may also occ+r in aty,ical cases. 6oise an" o"o+rs can also ha(e an e**ect.
12. . @he 1ey ,oll+tants release" to air are ,artic+lates, nitrogen o2i"es $6O'% an" s+l,h+r "io2i"e
$4O2% $E&PPC:, 2010%. Other emissions incl+"eD carbon o2i"es $CO, CO2%, ,olychlorinate" "iben0o/,/
"io2ins an" "iben0o*+rans $PCC=s/PC=Cs%, (olatile organic com,o+n"s $-OC%, metals an" their
com,o+n"s, hy"rogen chlori"e $HCl% an" hy"rogen *l+ori"e $HC%. Worl")i"e, cement man+*act+re is
tho+ght to acco+nt *or aro+n" B ,er cent o* total carbon "io2i"e $CO2% stationary so+rce emissions
$&PCC, 2009%. @he ty,e an" ?+antity o* air emissions "e,en" on (arying ,arameters, *or e2am,le, the
ra) materials an" *+els +se" an" the ty,e o* ,rocess.
1#. Cement man+*act+ring is also associate" )ith im,acts o* reso+rce e2traction $*ossil *+el,
limestone an" other minerals% +,on en(ironmental ?+ality, bio"i(ersity, lan"sca,e aesthetics an" the
"e,letion o* non/rene)able or slo)ly rene)able reso+rces, s+ch as *ossil *+els or gro+n")ater
$:attelle, 2002%.
C- Co-&rocessing of ha#ardous *aste in cement +ilns
17. Co/,rocessing in reso+rce/intensi(e in"+stries in(ol(es the +se o* )aste in man+*act+ring
,rocesses *or the ,+r,ose o* energy an" reso+rce reco(ery, re"+cing the +se o* con(entional *+els an"
ra) materials thro+gh s+bstit+tion. &n ,artic+lar, the co/,rocessing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement 1ilns
allo)s the reco(ery o* the energy an" mineral (al+e *rom )aste )hile cement is being ,ro"+ce".
19. Co/,rocessing is a s+stainable "e(elo,ment conce,t base" on the ,rinci,les o* in"+strial
ecology *oc+ssing on the ,otential role o* in"+stry in re"+cing en(ironmental b+r"ens thro+gho+t the
,ro"+ct li*e cycle $A+t0 et al., 20073 8arstensen, 2009a%. One o* the most im,ortant goals o* in"+strial
ecology is to ma1e one in"+stryPs )aste anotherPs ra) material $OEC=, 2000%. Within the cement
in"+stry the +se o* )astes as *+el an" ra) materials is a ,ositi(e, *or)ar"/thin1ing e2am,le.
1B. Co/,rocessing )astes ser(e a +se*+l ,+r,ose in re,lacing materials that )o+l" ha(e other)ise
been +se" in cement man+*act+ring, thereby conser(ing nat+ral reso+rces. 5n"er the :asel
Con(ention this constit+tes an o,eration J)hich may lea" to reso+rce reco(ery
, recycling,
reclamation, "irect re+se or alternati(e +sesK +n"er categories R1 $J+se as a *+el or other means to
generate energyK% an"/or R9 $Jrecycling/reclamation o* other inorganic materialsK% o* ,art : o* !nne2
&- to the Con(ention.
17. @he :asel Con(ention ,laces obligations on co+ntries that are ,arties to ens+re E4A o*
ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes. &n this regar", the g+i"ing ,rinci,le *or sec+ring a more s+stainable )aste
management system is the )aste hierarchy o* management ,ractices, incl+"ing gi(ing "+e
consi"eration to the ,rotection o* the en(ironment an" h+man health. @his ,laces )aste ,re(ention or
a(oi"ance in a ,reeminent ,osition. Where )aste a(oi"ance is not ,ossible, re+se, recycling an"
reco(ery o* )aste are ,re*erable alternati(es to non/reco(ery o,erations. !s an e2am,le, co/,rocessing
in cement 1ilns ,ro(i"es an en(ironmentally so+n" reso+rce reco(ery o,tion ,re*erable to lan"*illing
an" incineration.
1<. Cossil *+els an" ra) materials ha(e been s+ccess*+lly s+bstit+te" by (ario+s ty,es o* )astes in
cement 1ilns in !+stralia, Cana"a, E+ro,e, La,an an" the 5nite" 4tates o* !merica since the beginning
o* the 1970s $.@M/Holcim, 200B%. @he e2,eriences o* (ario+s E+ris"ictions )ith the +se o* ha0ar"o+s
an" non/ha0ar"o+s )astes as *+els an"/or ra) materials in cement 1ilns is re(ie)e" by CCAE $199B%,
E! $1999a%, @)igger et al. $2001% an" 8arstensen $2007a%, among others.
19. !ltho+gh the ,ractice (aries among in"i(i"+al ,lants, cement man+*act+re can cons+me
signi*icant ?+antities o* )astes as *+el an" non/*+el ra) materials. @his cons+m,tion re*lects the
,rocess characteristics in clin1er 1ilns, )hich ens+re the com,lete brea1"o)n o* the ra) materials into
their com,onent o2i"es an" the recombination o* the o2i"es into the clin1er minerals. @he essential
,rocess characteristics *or the +se o* ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes, *e" to the 1iln (ia a,,ro,riate *ee"
,oints, can be s+mmari0e" as *ollo)s $E&PPC:, 2010%D
$a% Aa2im+m tem,erat+res o* a,,ro2imately 2,000F C $main *iring system, *lame
tem,erat+re% in rotary 1ilns3
$b% .as retention times o* abo+t < secon"s at tem,erat+res abo(e 1,200F C in rotary 1ilns3
$c% Aaterial tem,erat+res o* abo+t 1,790F C in the sintering 0one o* rotary 1ilns3
$"% O2i"ising gas atmos,here in rotary 1ilns3
$e% .as retention time in the secon"ary *iring system o* more than 2 secon"s at
tem,erat+res abo(e <90F C3 in the ,recalciner, the retention times are corres,on"ingly longer an"
tem,erat+res are higher
$*% 4oli"s tem,erat+res o* <90F C in the secon"ary *iring system an"/or the calciner3
$g% 5ni*orm b+rno+t con"itions *or loa" *l+ct+ations "+e to the high tem,erat+res at
s+**iciently long retention times3
$h% =estr+ction o* organic ,oll+tants beca+se o* high tem,erat+res at s+**iciently long
retention times3
$i% 4or,tion o* gaseo+s com,onents s+ch as HC, HCl, an" 4O2 on al1aline reactants3
$E% High retention ca,acity *or ,article/bo+n" hea(y metals3
$1% 4hort retention times o* e2ha+st gases in the tem,erat+re range 1no)n to lea" to
*ormation o* PC==s/PC=Cs3
$l% 4im+ltaneo+s material recycling an" energy reco(ery thro+gh the com,lete +se o* *+el
ashes as clin1er com,onents3
$m% Pro"+ct/s,eci*ic )astes are not generate" "+e to a com,lete material +se into the clin1er
matri2 $altho+gh some cement ,lants "is,ose o* C8= or by,ass "+st%3
$n% Chemical/mineralogical incor,oration o* non/(olatile hea(y metals into the clin1er
20. @he n+mero+s ,otential bene*its ,ossible thro+gh the +se o* ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes in
cement man+*act+ring ,rocesses by the reco(ery o* their material an" energy content incl+"eD the
reco(ery o* the energy content o* )aste, conser(ation o* non/rene)able *ossil *+els an" nat+ral
&n accor"ance )ith the E+ro,ean Co+rt o* L+sticePs E+"gement o* 1# Cebr+ary 200# "eli(ere" in case C/
reso+rces, re"+ction o* CO2 emissions, re"+ction in ,ro"+ction costs, an" +se o* an e2isting
technology to treat ha0ar"o+s )astes $see, *or e2am,le, Aant+s, 19923 :attelle, 20023 W:C4=, 20093
8arstensen, 2007b%.
21. @he most "irect bene*it is the embo"ie" energy in alternati(e *+els that is harnesse" by cement
,lants as this re,laces "eman" *or *ossil *+els $A+rray an" Price, 200<%. Cossil *+el "e,en"ency is
re"+ce" an" sa(ings are ma"e thro+gh reso+rce conser(ation. @he amo+nt o* *ossil *+el "eman" that is
"is,lace" "e,en"s, among other *actors, on the calori*ic (al+e an" )ater content o* the alternati(e *+el.
22. &n a""ition, the *+el s+bstit+tes may ha(e lo)er carbon contents $on a mass basis% than *ossil
*+els, an" alternati(e ra) materials that "o not re?+ire signi*icantly more heat $an" *+el% to ,rocess,
may contrib+te ,art o* the CaO nee"e" to ma1e clin1er *rom a so+rce other than CaCO# $-an Oss,
2009%. @here*ore, another "irect bene*it o* )aste co/,rocessing in cement man+*act+ring is a ,otential
re"+ction in CO2 emissions. &ntegrating cement 1iln co/,rocessing )ithin an o(erall )aste
management strategy may o**er a ,otential to re"+ce net global CO2 emissions relati(e to a scenario
)here )aste is comb+ste" in an incinerator )itho+t energy reco(ery $E!, 1999b3 CEA:5RE!5,
2#. @he +se o* alternati(e materials to re,lace tra"itional ra) materials re"+ces the e2,loitation o*
nat+ral reso+rces an" the en(ironmental *oot,rint o* s+ch acti(ities $W:C4=, 20093 CEA:5RE!5,
27. Cost sa(ings that are "eri(e" *rom the +se o* ,re/e2isting 1iln in*rastr+ct+re to co/,rocess
)aste that cannot be minimi0e" or other)ise recycle" a(oi" the nee" to in(est in ,+r,ose/b+ilt
incinerators or lan"*ill *acilities $.@M/Holcim, 200B3 A+rray an" Price, 200<%. 5nli1e "e"icate" )aste
incinerators, ash resi"+es *rom ha0ar"o+s )aste materials co/,rocesse" in cement 1ilns are
incor,orate" into the clin1er so there are no en" ,ro"+cts that re?+ire *+rther management.
29. &t is o* +tmost im,ortance that co/,rocessing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement 1ilns is ,er*orme"
only accor"ing to best a(ailable techni?+es $:!@%
)hile meeting re?+irements set o+t *or in,+t,
,rocess an" emission controls. &n this conte2t, the ,re(ention or minimi0ation o* the *ormation an"
s+bse?+ent release o* +nintentional ,ersistent organic ,oll+tants $POPs% is the s+bEect o* !rticle 9 o*
the 4toc1holm Con(ention on Persistent Organic Poll+tants. .+i"ance on :!@ an" ,ro(isional
g+i"ance on best en(ironmental ,ractices $:EP% ha(e been ,+blishe" by the Con(ention 4ecretariat
an" a"o,te" by the Con*erence o* the Parties to the Con(ention in its "ecision 4C/#/9. Other so+rces
o* ,artic+lar rele(ance are the E+ro,ean CommissionPs :!@ re*erence "oc+ments $:RECs% )hich
ha(e been iss+e" *or cement, lime an" magnesi+m o2i"e man+*act+ring $E&PPC:, 2010%, )aste
treatment in"+stries $E&PPC:, 200B%, an" on the general ,rinci,les o* monitoring $E&PPC:, 200#%.
2B. :RECs ,resent the res+lts o* an e2change o* in*ormation coor"inate" by the E+ro,ean
Commission an" carrie" o+t +n"er Co+ncil =irecti(e 200</1/EC $&ntegrate" Poll+tion Pre(ention an"
Control =irecti(e%, bet)een E+ro,ean 5nion member 4tates, in"+stries concerne" an" non/
go(ernmental en(ironmental organi0ations. @hese ,ro(i"e g+i"ance to E+ro,ean 5nion Aember
4tates on :!@ an" associate" emission le(els, in a""ition to ,ro(i"ing other +se*+l sector/s,eci*ic
27. !n a,,ro,riate national legal an" reg+latory *rame)or1 )ithin )hich ha0ar"o+s )aste
management acti(ities can be ,lanne" an" sa*ely carrie" o+t sho+l" ens+re that the )aste is ,ro,erly
han"le" thro+gh all o,erations, *rom the ,oint o* generation +ntil its "is,osal. Parties to the :asel an"
4toc1holm con(entions sho+l" also e2amine national controls, stan"ar"s an" ,roce"+res to ens+re that
they are in agreement )ith the con(entions an" )ith their obligations +n"er them, incl+"ing those that
,ertain to E4A o* ha0ar"o+s )astes.
2<. Co/,rocessing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste sho+l" be ,er*orme" only in cement 1ilns that *+lly meet
,ermit re?+irements an" *ollo) a,,licable local reg+lations. Cor e2am,le, *or *acilities co/,rocessing
ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes locate" in the E+ro,ean 5nion, the re?+irements o* =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC
$Waste &ncineration =irecti(e3 to be re,lace" in Lan+ary 2017 by =irecti(e 2010/79/E5 on in"+strial
emissions% an" the =irecti(e 200</9</EC $Waste Crame)or1 =irecti(e% a,,ly.
-48s sho+l" not be consi"ere" as an o,tion *or :!@ $56EP, 2007%. Aany -48s ,lants ha(e (irt+ally no
en(ironmental controls in ,lace, an" the nat+re o* the technology ,recl+"es e**ecti(e +se o* mo"ern "+st $an"
other emission% controls $8arstensen, 200Ba%.
==- .elevant &rovisions of the Basel Convention and =nternational
0- 6eneral &rovisions of the Basel Convention
29. @he :asel Con(ention, )hich entere" into *orce on 9 Aay 1992, sti,+lates that any
transbo+n"ary e2,ort, im,ort, or transit is ,ermitte" only )hen both the mo(ement an" the "is,osal o*
the ha0ar"o+s )astes are en(ironmentally so+n".
#0. Paragra,h 1 o* !rticle 2 $J=e*initionsK% o* the :asel Con(ention "e*ines )astes as Js+bstances
or obEects, )hich are "is,ose" o* or are inten"e" to be "is,ose" o* or are re?+ire" to be "is,ose" o* by
the ,ro(isions o* national la)K. Paragra,h 7 o* !rticle 2 "e*ines "is,osal as Jany o,eration s,eci*ie" in
!nne2 &-K to the Con(ention. Paragra,h < "e*ines the en(ironmentally so+n" management $E4A% o*
ha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes as Jta1ing all ,racticable ste,s to ens+re that ha0ar"o+s )astes or
other )astes are manage" in a manner )hich )ill ,rotect h+man health an" the en(ironment against
the a"(erse e**ects )hich may res+lt *rom s+ch )astesK.
#1. Paragra,h 1 o* !rticle 7 $J.eneral obligationsK% establishes the ,roce"+re by )hich ,arties
e2ercising their right to ,rohibit the im,ort o* ha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes *or "is,osal shall
in*orm the other ,arties o* their "ecision. Paragra,h 1 $a% statesD JParties e2ercising their right to
,rohibit the im,ort o* ha0ar"o+s or other )astes *or "is,osal shall in*orm the other Parties o* their
"ecision ,+rs+ant to !rticle 1#K. Paragra,h 1 $b% statesD JParties shall ,rohibit or shall not ,ermit the
e2,ort o* ha0ar"o+s or other )astes to the Parties )hich ha(e ,rohibite" the im,ort o* s+ch )aste
)hen noti*ie" ,+rs+ant to s+b,aragra,h $a%.K
#2. Paragra,hs 2 $a%$"% o* !rticle 7 set o+t 1ey ,ro(isions o* the Con(ention ,ertaining to E4A,
)aste minimi0ation an" "is,osal ,ractices that mitigate a"(erse e**ects on h+man health an" the
JEach Party shall ta1e a,,ro,riate meas+res toD
$a% Ens+re that the generation o* ha0ar"o+s )astes an" other )astes )ithin it is re"+ce" to a
minim+m, ta1ing into acco+nt social, technological an" economic as,ects3
$b% Ens+re the a(ailability o* a"e?+ate "is,osal *acilities, *or the en(ironmentally so+n"
management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes an" other )astes, that shall be locate", to the e2tent ,ossible,
)ithin it, )hate(er the ,lace o* their "is,osal3
$c% Ens+re that ,ersons in(ol(e" in the management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes
)ithin it ta1e s+ch ste,s as are necessary to ,re(ent ,oll+tion "+e to ha0ar"o+s )astes an" other
)astes arising *rom s+ch management an", i* s+ch ,oll+tion occ+rs, to minimi0e the
conse?+ences thereo* *or h+man health an" the en(ironment3
$"% Ens+re that the transbo+n"ary mo(ement o* ha0ar"o+s )astes an" other )astes is
re"+ce" to the minim+m consistent )ith the en(ironmentally so+n" an" e**icient management
o* s+ch )astes, an" is con"+cte" in a manner )hich )ill ,rotect h+man health an" the
en(ironment against the a"(erse e**ects )hich may res+lt *rom s+ch mo(ement.K
B- 6eneral considerations on environmentall sound management
##. E4A is a broa" ,olicy conce,t )itho+t a clear +ni(ersal "e*inition at the c+rrent time.
Ho)e(er, ,ro(isions ,ertaining to E4A as it a,,lies to ha0ar"o+s )astes )ithin the :asel an"
4toc1holm con(entions, an" also the Organisation *or Economic Co/o,eration an" =e(elo,ment
$OEC=% core ,er*ormance elements $"isc+sse" in the ne2t three s+bsections%, ,ro(i"e international
"irection that is also s+,,orti(e o* E4A e**orts +n"er )ay in (ario+s co+ntries an" among in"+strial
1- Basel Convention
#7. Paragra,h < o* !rticle 2 o* the :asel Con(ention "e*ines E4A o* ha0ar"o+s )astes or other
)astes as Jta1ing all ,racticable ste,s to ens+re that ha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes are manage" in
a manner )hich )ill ,rotect h+man health an" the en(ironment against a"(erse e**ects )hich may
res+lt *rom s+ch )astesK.
#9. Paragra,h 2 $b% o* !rticle 7 re?+ires each ,arty to ta1e the a,,ro,riate meas+res to Jens+re the
a(ailability o* a"e?+ate "is,osal *acilities *or the en(ironmentally so+n" management o* ha0ar"o+s or
other )astes, that shall be locate", to the e2tent ,ossible, )ithin it, )hate(er the ,lace o* their
"is,osalK, )hile ,aragra,h 2 $c% re?+ires each ,arty to, Jens+re that ,ersons in(ol(e" in the
management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes )ithin it ta1e s+ch ste,s as are necessary to ,re(ent
,oll+tion "+e to ha0ar"o+s )astes an" other )astes arising *rom s+ch management an", i* s+ch
,oll+tion occ+rs, to minimi0e the conse?+ences thereo* *or h+man health an" the en(ironmentK.
#B. Paragra,h < o* !rticle 7 o* the Con(ention re?+ires that Jha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes, to
be e2,orte", are manage" in an en(ironmentally so+n" manner in the 4tate o* im,ort or else)here.
@echnical g+i"elines *or the en(ironmentally so+n" management o* )astes s+bEect to this Con(ention
shall be "eci"e" by the Parties at their *irst meetingK. @he ,resent g+i"elines are inten"e" to gi(e a
more ,recise "e*inition o* E4A in the conte2t o* co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s )astes in cement 1ilns,
incl+"ing a,,ro,riate treatment an" "is,osal metho"s *or these )aste streams.
#7. 4e(eral 1ey ,rinci,les )ere artic+late" in the 1997 *rame)or1 "oc+ment on ,re,aration o*
technical g+i"elines *or the en(ironmentally so+n" management o* )astes s+bEect to the :asel
#<. @he *rame)or1 "oc+ment recommen"s that a n+mber o* legal, instit+tional an" technical
con"itions $E4A criteria% be met to achie(e E4A o* )astesD
$a% ! reg+latory an" en*orcement in*rastr+ct+re ens+res com,liance )ith a,,licable
$b% 4ites or *acilities are a+thori0e" an" are o* an a"e?+ate stan"ar" o* technology an"
,oll+tion control to "eal )ith ha0ar"o+s )astes in the )ay ,ro,ose", in ,artic+lar ta1ing into acco+nt
the le(el o* technology an" ,oll+tion control in the e2,orting co+ntry3
$c% O,erators o* sites or *acilities at )hich ha0ar"o+s )astes are manage" are re?+ire", as
a,,ro,riate, to monitor the e**ects o* those acti(ities3
$"% !,,ro,riate action is ta1en in cases )here monitoring gi(es in"ications that the
management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes has res+lte" in +nacce,table releases3
$e% Peo,le in(ol(e" in the management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes are ca,able an" a"e?+ately
traine" in their ca,acity.
#9. @he 1999 :asel =eclaration on En(ironmentally 4o+n" Aanagement, a"o,te" at the *i*th
meeting o* the Con*erence o* Parties to the :asel Con(ention, calls +,on the ,arties to enhance an"
strengthen their e**orts an" coo,eration to achie(e E4A thro+gh ,re(ention, minimi0ation, recycling,
reco(ery an" "is,osal o* ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes s+bEect to the Con(ention, ta1ing into acco+nt
social, technological an" economic concerns3 an" thro+gh *+rther re"+ction o* transbo+n"ary
mo(ements o* ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes s+bEect to the Con(ention.
70. @he =eclaration lists a n+mber o* acti(ities that sho+l" be carrie" o+t in this conte2t, incl+"ingD
$a% &"enti*ication an" ?+anti*ication o* the ty,es o* )aste being ,ro"+ce" nationally3
$b% :est ,ractice a,,roach to a(oi" or minimi0e the generation o* ha0ar"o+s )astes an"
re"+ce their to2icity, s+ch as the +se o* cleaner ,ro"+ction metho"s or a,,roaches3
$c% Pro(ision o* sites or *acilities a+thori0e" as en(ironmentally so+n" to manage )astes an",
in ,artic+lar, ha0ar"o+s )astes.
2- ,toc+holm Convention
71. !ltho+gh the term Jen(ironmentally so+n" managementK is not "e*ine" in the 4toc1holm
Con(ention, en(ironmentally so+n" metho"s *or "is,osal o* )astes consisting o*, containing or
contaminate" )ith POPs are to be "etermine" by the Con*erence o* Parties in coo,eration )ith the
a,,ro,riate bo"ies o* the :asel Con(ention.
3- Argani#ation for Economic Coo&eration and %evelo&ment
72. OEC= has a"o,te" a recommen"ation on E4A o* )astes that incl+"es (ario+s items, s+ch as
core ,er*ormance elements o* E4A g+i"elines a,,lying to )aste reco(ery *acilities, incl+"ing
elements o* ,er*ormance that ,rece"e collection, trans,ort, treatment an" storage an" also elements
s+bse?+ent to storage, trans,ort, treatment an" "is,osal o* ,ertinent resi"+es.
7#. @he core ,er*ormance elements state that the *acility sho+l" ha(e the *ollo)ingD
$a% !n a,,licable en(ironmental management system $EA4% in ,lace3
$b% 4+**icient meas+res in ,lace to sa*eg+ar" occ+,ational an" en(ironmental health an"
$c% !n a"e?+ate monitoring, recor"ing an" re,orting ,rogramme3
$"% !n a,,ro,riate an" a"e?+ate training ,rogramme *or its ,ersonnel3
$e% !n a"e?+ate emergency ,lan3
$*% !n a"e?+ate ,lan *or clos+re an" a*ter/care.
===- 6eneral guidance on environmentall sound co-&rocessing in
cement +ilns
0- Princi&les of co-&rocessing in cement manufacturing
77. Ha0ar"o+s an" non ha0ar"o+s )aste co/,rocessing in cement man+*act+ring, )hen carrie" o+t
in a sa*e an" en(ironmentally so+n" manner, is recogni0e" as ha(ing *ar/reaching en(ironmental
bene*its $CEA:5RE!5, 1999b3 2009%. @o a(oi" sit+ations in )hich ,oor ,lanning may res+lt in
increase" ,oll+ting emissions or the *ail+re to accor" ,riority to a more en(ironmentally ,re*erable
)aste management ,ractice, a set o* general ,rinci,les )ere "e(elo,e" by =e+tsche .esellscha*t *Nr
@echnische M+sammenarbeit $.@M% .mbH an" Holcim .ro+, 4+,,ort ;t". $.@M/Holcim, 200B%.
@hese ,rinci,les $@able 1% ,ro(i"e a com,rehensi(e, concise s+mmary o* the 1ey consi"erations *or
co/,rocessing ,roEect ,lanners an" sta1ehol"ers.
79. @he Worl" :+siness Co+ncil *or 4+stainable =e(elo,ment $W:C4=, 2009% has also o+tline"
similar ,rinci,les. 8arstensen $200<a, 2009a% lai" o+t general re?+irements s,eci*ic to cement 1ilns
co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s )astes on a ro+tine basis, a"o,te" by the =e,artment o* En(ironmental
!**airs an" @o+rism o* the .o(ernment o* 4o+th !*rica $2009% in the *rame)or1 *or the
im,lementation o* co/,rocessing in cement ,ro"+ction $table 2%.
@able 1
6eneral &rinci&les for co-&rocessing of ha#ardous and other *astes in cement +ilns
Principle Description
@he )aste
hierarchy sho+l" be
Waste sho+l" be co/,rocesse" in cement 1ilns )here more
ecologically an" economically rob+st metho"s o* reco(ery are not
Co/,rocessing sho+l" be consi"ere" an integrate" ,art o* )aste
Co/,rocessing sho+l" be in line )ith the :asel an" 4toc1holm
Con(entions an" other rele(ant international en(ironmental agreements
!""itional emissions
an" negati(e im,acts
on h+man health
m+st be a(oi"e"
6egati(e e**ects o* ,oll+tion on the en(ironment an" h+man health
m+st be ,re(ente" or 1e,t at a minim+m
!ir emissions *rom cement 1ilns co/,rocessing )aste cannot be
statistically higher than those not in(ol(e" in co/,rocessing )aste
@he ?+ality o* the
cement m+st remain
@he ,ro"+ct $clin1er, cement, concrete% m+st not be +se" as a sin1
*or hea(y metals
@he ,ro"+ct m+st not ha(e any negati(e im,acts on the
en(ironment $*or e2am,le, as "etermine" by leaching tests%
@he ?+ality o* the ,ro"+ct m+st allo) *or en"/o*/li*e reco(ery
Com,anies that co/
,rocess m+st be
!ss+re com,liance )ith all la)s an" reg+lations
Ha(e goo" en(ironmental an" sa*ety com,liance recor"s
Ha(e ,ersonnel, ,rocesses, an" systems in ,lace committe" to
,rotecting the en(ironment, health, an" sa*ety
:e ca,able o* controlling in,+ts to the ,ro"+ction ,rocess
Aaintain goo" relations )ith ,+blic an" other ,arties in(ol(e" in
local, national an" international )aste management schemes
&m,lementation o*
co/,rocessing m+st
consi"er national
Co+ntry/s,eci*ic re?+irements an" nee"s m+st be re*lecte" in
reg+lations an" ,roce"+res
&m,lementation m+st allo) *or the b+il"/+, o* the re?+ire"
ca,acity an" the set/+, o* instit+tional arrangements
&ntro"+ction o* co/,rocessing m+st be in line )ith other change
,rocesses in the )aste management str+ct+re o* a co+ntry
4o+rceD .@M/Holcim $200B%
@able 2
6eneral re:uirements for co-&rocessing of ha#ardous and other *astes in cement +ilns
$1% !n a,,ro(e" en(ironmental im,act assessment an" all re?+ire" national/local licenses,
,ermits, a+thorisations an" ,ermissions
$2% Com,liance )ith all rele(ant national an" local reg+lations
$#% 4+itable location, technical in*rastr+ct+re, storage an" ,rocessing e?+i,ment
$7% Reliable an" a"e?+ate ,o)er an" )ater s+,,ly
$9% !,,lication o* :!@ *or air emissions ,oll+tion ,re(ention an" control, along )ith
contin+o+s emission monitoring to ens+re com,liance )ith reg+lation an" ,ermits
$(eri*ie" thro+gh reg+lar baseline monitoring%
$B% E2it gas con"itioning/cooling an" lo) tem,erat+res $U 200FC% in the air ,oll+tion control
"e(ice to ,re(ent "io2in *ormation
$7% Clear management an" organisational str+ct+re )ith +nambig+o+s res,onsibilities,
re,orting lines an" *ee"bac1 mechanism
$<% !n error re,orting system $inci"ent ,re(enti(e an" correcti(e action% *or em,loyees
$9% >+ali*ie" an" s1ille" em,loyees to manage )astes an" health, sa*ety an" en(ironmental
$10% !"e?+ate emergency an" sa*ety e?+i,ment an" ,roce"+res, an" reg+lar training
$11% !+thorise" an" license" collection, trans,ort an" han"ling o* ha0ar"o+s )astes
$12% 4a*e an" so+n" recei(ing, storage an" *ee"ing o* ha0ar"o+s )astes
$1#% !"e?+ate laboratory *acilities an" e?+i,ment *or ha0ar"o+s )aste acce,tance an" *ee"ing
$17% !"e?+ate recor" 1ee,ing o* )astes an" emissions
$19% !"e?+ate ,ro"+ct ?+ality control ro+tines
$1B% &m,lementation o* an en(ironmental management system $EA4% incl+"ing a contin+o+s
im,ro(ement ,rogramme
$17% &n"e,en"ent a+"its $go(ernment sanctione" or other)ise%, emission monitoring an"
$1<% 4ta1ehol"er "ialog+es )ith local comm+nity an" a+thorities, an" mechanisms *or
res,on"ing to comments an" com,laints
$19% O,en "isclos+re o* ,er*ormance an" com,liance (eri*ication re,orts on a reg+lar basis
4o+rceD !"a,te" *rom 4o+th !*rican .o(ernment =e,artment o* En(ironmental !**airs an" @o+rism
$2009% an" 8arstensen $2009a%
B- 6eneral considerations on environmentall sound management
7B. C+rrently, E4A is only a broa" ,olicy conce,t )itho+t a clear +ni(ersal "e*inition. Pro(isions
,ertaining to E4A, as it a,,lies to ha0ar"o+s )astes )ithin the :asel an" 4toc1holm con(entions, an"
the Organi0ation *or Economic Coo,eration an" =e(elo,ment $OEC=% core ,er*ormance elements
$"isc+sse" in the ne2t three s+bsections%, ho)e(er, ,ro(i"e international "irection that is s+,,orti(e o*
E4A initiati(es being im,lemente" in (ario+s co+ntries an" in"+strial sectors.
1- Basel Convention
77. Paragra,h < o* !rticle 2 o* the :asel Con(ention "e*ines E4A o* ha0ar"o+s )astes or other
)astes as Jta1ing all ,racticable ste,s to ens+re that ha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes are manage" in
a manner )hich )ill ,rotect h+man health an" the en(ironment against a"(erse e**ects )hich may
res+lt *rom s+ch )astesK.
7<. Paragra,h 2 $b% o* !rticle 7 re?+ires each ,arty to ta1e the a,,ro,riate meas+res to Jens+re the
a(ailability o* a"e?+ate "is,osal *acilities *or the en(ironmentally so+n" management o* ha0ar"o+s or
other )astes, that shall be locate", to the e2tent ,ossible, )ithin it, )hate(er the ,lace o* their
"is,osalK, )hile ,aragra,h 2 $c% re?+ires each ,arty to, Jens+re that ,ersons in(ol(e" in the
management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes )ithin it ta1e s+ch ste,s as are necessary to ,re(ent
,oll+tion "+e to ha0ar"o+s )astes an" other )astes arising *rom s+ch management an", i* s+ch
,oll+tion occ+rs, to minimi0e the conse?+ences thereo* *or h+man health an" the en(ironmentK.
79. Paragra,h < o* !rticle 7 o* the Con(ention re?+ires that Jha0ar"o+s )astes or other )astes, to
be e2,orte", are manage" in an en(ironmentally so+n" manner in the 4tate o* im,ort or else)here.
@echnical g+i"elines *or the en(ironmentally so+n" management o* )astes s+bEect to this Con(ention
shall be "eci"e" by the Parties at their *irst meetingK. @he ,resent g+i"elines are inten"e" to gi(e a
more ,recise "e*inition o* E4A in the conte2t o* co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s )astes in cement 1ilns,
incl+"ing a,,ro,riate treatment an" "is,osal metho"s *or these )aste streams.
90. 4e(eral 1ey ,rinci,les )ere artic+late" in the 1997 *rame)or1 "oc+ment on ,re,aration o*
technical g+i"elines *or the en(ironmentally so+n" management o* )astes s+bEect to the :asel
91. @he *rame)or1 "oc+ment recommen"s that a n+mber o* legal, instit+tional an" technical
con"itions $E4A criteria% be met to achie(e E4A o* )astesD
$g% ! reg+latory an" en*orcement in*rastr+ct+re ens+res com,liance )ith a,,licable
$h% 4ites or *acilities are a+thori0e" an" are o* an a"e?+ate stan"ar" o* technology an"
,oll+tion control to "eal )ith ha0ar"o+s )astes in the )ay ,ro,ose", in ,artic+lar ta1ing into acco+nt
the le(el o* technology an" ,oll+tion control in the e2,orting co+ntry3
$i% O,erators o* sites or *acilities at )hich ha0ar"o+s )astes are manage" are re?+ire", as
a,,ro,riate, to monitor the e**ects o* those acti(ities3
$E% !,,ro,riate action is ta1en in cases )here monitoring gi(es in"ications that the
management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes has res+lte" in +nacce,table releases3
$1% Peo,le in(ol(e" in the management o* ha0ar"o+s )astes are ca,able an" a"e?+ately
traine" in their ca,acity.
92. @he 1999 :asel =eclaration on En(ironmentally 4o+n" Aanagement, a"o,te" at the *i*th
meeting o* the Con*erence o* Parties to the :asel Con(ention, calls +,on the ,arties to enhance an"
strengthen their e**orts an" coo,eration to achie(e E4A thro+gh ,re(ention, minimi0ation, recycling,
reco(ery an" "is,osal o* ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes s+bEect to the Con(ention, ta1ing into acco+nt
social, technological an" economic concerns3 an" thro+gh *+rther re"+ction o* transbo+n"ary
mo(ements o* ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes s+bEect to the Con(ention.
9#. @he =eclaration lists a n+mber o* acti(ities that sho+l" be carrie" o+t in this conte2t, incl+"ingD
$l% &"enti*ication an" ?+anti*ication o* the ty,es o* )aste being ,ro"+ce" nationally3
$m% :est ,ractice a,,roach to a(oi" or minimi0e the generation o* ha0ar"o+s )astes an"
re"+ce their to2icity, s+ch as the +se o* cleaner ,ro"+ction metho"s or a,,roaches3
$n% Pro(ision o* sites or *acilities a+thori0e" as en(ironmentally so+n" to manage )astes an",
in ,artic+lar, ha0ar"o+s )astes.
2- ,toc+holm Convention
97. !ltho+gh the term Jen(ironmentally so+n" managementK is not "e*ine" in the 4toc1holm
Con(ention, en(ironmentally so+n" metho"s *or "is,osal o* )astes consisting o*, containing or
contaminate" )ith POPs are to be "etermine" by the Con*erence o* Parties in coo,eration )ith the
a,,ro,riate bo"ies o* the :asel Con(ention.
3- Argani#ation for Economic Coo&eration and %evelo&ment
99. OEC= has a"o,te" a recommen"ation on E4A o* )astes that incl+"es (ario+s items, s+ch as
core ,er*ormance elements o* E4A g+i"elines a,,lying to )aste reco(ery *acilities, incl+"ing
elements o* ,er*ormance that ,rece"e collection, trans,ort, treatment an" storage an" also elements
s+bse?+ent to storage, trans,ort, treatment an" "is,osal o* ,ertinent resi"+es.
9B. @he core ,er*ormance elements state that the *acility sho+l" ha(e the *ollo)ingD
$o% !n a,,licable en(ironmental management system $EA4% in ,lace3
$,% 4+**icient meas+res in ,lace to sa*eg+ar" occ+,ational an" en(ironmental health an"
$?% !n a"e?+ate monitoring, recor"ing an" re,orting ,rogramme3
$r% !n a,,ro,riate an" a"e?+ate training ,rogramme *or its ,ersonnel3
$s% !n a"e?+ate emergency ,lan3
$t% !n a"e?+ate ,lan *or clos+re an" a*ter/care.
BC- Considerations *hen selecting *astes for co-&rocessing
97. @he strict ?+ality controls *or cement ,ro"+cts an" the nat+re o* the man+*act+ring ,rocess
mean that only care*+lly selecte" ha0ar"o+s an" non/ha0ar"o+s )aste is s+itable *or +se in co/
,rocessing $W:C4=, 2009%. &n the :REC iss+e" *or this sector by the E+ro,ean Commission, the best
a(ailable techni?+e is to carry o+t a care*+l selection an" control o* all s+bstances entering the 1iln to
a(oi" an"/or re"+ce emissions $E&PPC:, 2010%.
9<. When "eci"ing on the s+itability o* a ha0ar"o+s )aste *or co/,rocessing the chemical
com,osition o* the cement an" the ris1 o* "amage to the en(ironment or ,+blic health an" sa*ety m+st
be ta1en into acco+nt. &t is recommen"e" that a li*e/cycle a,,roach o* the com,lete reco(ery chain o*
ha0ar"o+s )astes be +se" to assess the a(ailable reco(ery o,erations.
99. !s a basic r+le, the +se o* ha0ar"o+s )aste in cement man+*act+ring sho+l" a"" (al+e to the
,rocess, *or e2am,le the heating (al+e an" the material (al+e o* the mineral com,osition, )hile
meeting a,,licable reg+lations an" ,ermit re?+irements. !ltho+gh )astes )ith a high metal content
)ill generally not be s+itable *or co/,rocessing, beca+se the o,erating characteristics o* cement ,lants
are (ariable the ,recise com,osition o* acce,table )astes )ill "e,en" +,on each ,lantPs ability to
han"le any ,artic+lar )aste stream.
B0. @he +se o* cement 1ilns as a "is,osal o,eration not lea"ing to reso+rce reco(ery $i.e., the
"estr+ction or irre(ersible trans*ormation o* ha0ar"o+s )aste constit+ents%, sho+l" be consi"ere" only
i* there are en(ironmental bene*its D *or e2am,le, 6O2 re"+ction thro+gh *lame cooling or )hen there
is no other cost/e**ecti(e an" en(ironmentally so+n" "is,osal o,tion at the local le(el. C+rthermore,
,ermit re?+irements sho+l" be set accor"ingly.
B1. Where cement 1ilns are +se" *or the "estr+ction o* ha0ar"o+s )aste constit+ents, alternati(e
"is,osal ro+tes nee" to be care*+lly assesse"3 strict en(ironmental, health an" sa*ety stan"ar"s a"here"
to3 an" the ?+ality o* the *inal ,ro"+ct not im,aire". &n co+ntries )here there are no stringent
re?+irements *or the *inal ,ro"+ct, a,,lication o* :!@ an" :EP are consi"ere" e(en more im,ortant
$56EP, 2007%.
B2. !s a res+lt o* the heterogeneo+s nat+re o* )aste, blen"ing an" mi2ing o* "i**erent ha0ar"o+s
an" non/ha0ar"o+s )aste streams may be re?+ire" to g+arantee a homogeneo+s *ee"stoc1 that meets
s,eci*ications *or +se in a cement 1iln. :len"ing o* ha0ar"o+s )astes sho+l" not, ho)e(er, be
con"+cte" )ith the aim o* lo)ering the concentration o* ha0ar"o+s constit+ents to circ+m(ent
reg+latory re?+irements. !s a general ,rinci,le, the mi2ing o* )astes sho+l" be ,re(ente" *rom
lea"ing to the a,,lication o* an +ns+itable $non/en(ironmentally so+n"% "is,osal o,eration $E&PPC:,
1- "a#ardous *astes suitable for co-&rocessing in cement +ilns
B#. ! )i"e range o* ha0ar"o+s )astes are s+itable *or co/,rocessing, b+t beca+se cement 1iln
emissions are site/s,eci*ic, there is no +ni*orm ans)er to the ty,e o* )aste that can be +se" in a
s,eci*ic ,lant. @he selection o* )astes is in*l+ence" by (ario+s *actors. @hese incl+"eD the nat+re o* the
)aste3 its ha0ar"o+s characteristics3 a(ailable )aste management o,erations3 1iln o,eration3 ra)
material an" *+el com,ositions3 )aste *ee" ,oints3 e2ha+st gas cleaning ,rocess3 res+lting clin1er
?+ality3 general en(ironmental im,acts3 ,robability o* *ormation an" release o* POPs3 ,artic+lar )aste
management consi"erations3 reg+latory com,liance3 an" ,+blic an" go(ernment acce,tance $-an Oss
an" Pa"o(ani, 200#3 .@M/Holcim, 200B3 56EP, 20073 E&PPC:, 2010%.
B7. @he o,erator sho+l" "e(elo, a )aste e(al+ation ,roce"+re to assess ,otential im,acts on the
health an" sa*ety o* )or1ers an" the ,+blic, ,lant emissions, o,erations an" ,ro"+ct ?+ality. -ariables
that sho+l" be consi"ere" )hen selecting )aste incl+"e $W:C4=, 20093 56EP, 2007%D
$a% 8iln o,erationD
$i% !l1ali $so"i+m, ,otassi+m, etc.%, s+l,h+r an" chlori"e contentD E2cessi(e in,+ts
o* these com,o+n"s may lea" to b+il"/+, an" bloc1ages in the 1iln system. Where these
cannot be ca,t+re" in the cement clin1er or 1iln "+st, a by,ass may be re?+ire" to remo(e
e2cess com,o+n"s *rom ,reheater/,recalciner 1iln systems. High al1ali content may also
limit recycling o* C8= in the 1iln itsel*3
$ii% Heating $calori*ic% (al+eD @he 1ey ,arameter *or the energy ,ro(i"e" to the
&n the E+ro,ean 5nion the re?+irements concerning the mi2ing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste o* the =irecti(e
200</9</EC a,,ly.
$iii% Water contentD O(erall moist+re content may a**ect ,ro"+cti(ity, e**iciency an"
also increase energy cons+m,tion. @he )ater content o* )aste nee"s to be consi"ere" in
conE+nction )ith that o* con(entional *+els an"/or ra) *ee" materials3
$i(% !sh contentD @he ash content a**ects the chemical com,osition o* the cement an"
may re?+ire an a"E+stment o* the com,osition o* the ra) mi23
$(% E2ha+st gas *lo) rate an" )aste *ee" rateD 4+**icient resi"ence time is nee"e" *or
the "estr+ction o* organics an" to ,re(ent incom,lete comb+stion "+e to )aste
$(i% 4tability o* o,eration $*or e2am,le, "+ration an" *re?+ency o* CO tri,s% an" the
)astePs state $li?+i", soli"%, ,re,aration $shre""e", mille"% an" homogeneity3
$b% EmissionsD
$i% Organic contentD Organic constit+ents are associate" )ith emissions o* CO2 an"
may res+lt in emissions o* CO an" other ,ro"+cts o* incom,lete comb+stion $P&Cs% i*
)aste is *e" thro+gh +ns+itable ,oints or "+ring +nstable o,erating con"itions3
$ii% Chlori"e contentD Chlori"es may combine )ith al1alis to *orm *ine, "i**ic+lt to
control ,artic+late matter. &n some cases, chlori"es ha(e combine" )ith ammonia ,resent
in the limestone *ee". @his ,ro"+ces highly (isible "etache" ,l+mes o* *ine ,artic+late
)ith a high ammoni+m chlori"e content3
$iii% Aetals contentD @he non/(olatile beha(io+r o* most hea(y metals allo)s most to
,ass straight thro+gh the 1iln system an" be incor,orate" into the clin1er. &ntro"+ce"
(olatile metals )ill ,artly be recycle" internally by e(a,oration an" con"ensation +ntil
e?+ilibri+m is reache", the other ,art being emitte" in the e2ha+st gas. @halli+m, merc+ry
an" their com,o+n"s are highly (olatile as to a lesser e2tent are ca"mi+m, lea", seleni+m
an" their com,o+n"s. @he *act that "+st control "e(ices can only ca,t+re the ,article/
bo+n" *raction o* hea(y metals an" their com,o+n"s nee"s to be ta1en into acco+nt.
Woo" treate" )ith ,reser(ati(es containing co,,er, chromi+m an" arsenic also re?+ires
s,ecial consi"eration )ith regar" to the e**iciency o* the e2ha+st gas cleaning system.
Aerc+ry is a highly (olatile metal, )hich, "e,en"ing on the e2ha+st gas tem,erat+re is
,resent in both ,article/borne an" (a,o+r *orms in the air ,oll+tion control e?+i,ment
$E&PPC:, 2010%3
$i(% !l1ali by,ass e2ha+st gas can be release" *rom either a se,arate e2ha+st stac1 or
*rom the main 1iln stac1 in systems e?+i,,e" )ith an a,,ro,riate by,ass. &t is e2,ecte"
that !ccor"ing to the 5nite" 4tates En(ironmental Protection !gency $199<% the same
ha0ar"o+s air ,oll+tants are *o+n" in both the main an" al1ali by,ass stac1s. Where an
al1ali by,ass system is installe", a,,ro,riate control o* the e2ha+st to atmos,here also
nee"s to be ,ro(i"e" on the by,ass e2ha+st, similar to that man"ate" *or the main e2ha+st
stac1 $56EP, 2007%3
$(% High s+l,h+r content in ra) materials, *+el an" )aste may res+lt in the release o*
$c% Clin1er, cement an" *inal ,ro"+ct ?+alityD
$i% High le(els o* ,hos,hate may "elay setting time3
$ii% High le(els o* *l+orine )ill a**ect setting time an" strength "e(elo,ment3
$iii% High le(els chlorine, s+l,h+r an" al1ali may a**ect o(erall ,ro"+ct ?+ality3
$i(% @halli+m an" chromi+m content can a"(ersely a**ect cement ?+ality an" may
ca+se allergic reactions in sensiti(e +sers. ;eaching o* chromi+m *rom concrete "ebris
may be more ,re(alent than leaching o* other metals $-an "er 4loot et al., 200<%.
;imestone, san" an" clay contain chromi+m, ma1ing its content in cement both
+na(oi"able an" highly (ariable. @he 6or)egian 6ational &nstit+te o* Occ+,ational
Health $8E++s et al., 200#% re(ie)e" se(eral st+"ies o* chromate allergy, es,ecially those
in(ol(ing constr+ction )or1ers. &t *o+n" that the main so+rces o* chromi+m in cement
came *rom ra) materials, re*ractory bric1s in the 1iln an" chromi+m steel grin"ers. @he
relati(e contrib+tion o* these *actors may (ary "e,en"ing on the chromi+m content o* the
ra) materials an" the man+*act+ring con"itions. Ainor so+rces incl+"e both con(entional
an" alternati(e *+els $E&PPC:, 2010%. Cement ec0ema can be ca+se" by e2,os+re to )et
cement )ith a high ,H, )hich in"+ces irritant contact "ermatitis an" by an
imm+nological reaction to chromi+m that elicits allergic contact "ermatitis $8E++s et al.,
200#%. Where there is a ,ossibility o* contact )ith the s1in, cement an" cement/
containing ,re,arations may not be +se" or ,lace" on the mar1et in the E+ro,ean 5nion,
i* they contain, )hen hy"rate", more than 0.0002 ,er cent sol+ble chromi+m $-&% o* the
total "ry )eight o* the cement.
!s the main chromate so+rce is *rom the ra) material, a
re"+ction in chromi+m le(els $-&% in cement re?+ires that a re"+cing agent is a""e" to the
*inishe" ,ro"+ct. @he main re"+cing agents +se" in E+ro,e are *erro+s s+l,hate an" tin
s+l,hate $E&PPC:, 2010%.
$(% ;eachable trace elementsD Hea(y metals are ,resent in all *ee" materials,
con(entional an" other)ise. Ho)e(er +n"er certain test con"itions, leache"
concentrations *rom concrete o* other metals besi"es chromi+m may a,,roach "rin1ing
)ater stan"ar"s $.@M/Holcim, 200B%.
B9. 6ot all )astes are s+itable *or co/,rocessing. Only )aste o* 1no)n com,osition, energy an"
mineral (al+e is s+itable *or co/,rocessing in cement 1ilns. E?+ally, ,lant/s,eci*ic health an" sa*ety
concerns nee" to be a""resse" an" "+e consi"eration gi(en to the )aste management hierarchy. Co/
,rocessing sho+l" only be a,,lie" only i* all tangible ,recon"itions an" re?+irements o*
en(ironmental, health an" sa*ety, social, economic an" o,erational criteria are *+l*ille" $56EP, 2007%.
BB. Ha0ar"o+s )astes that are, in ,rinci,le, )ell/s+ite" *or co/,rocessing in cement 1ilns incl+"e,
among othersD tan1 bottom sl+"ges, aci" al1yl sl+"ges, oil s,ills an" aci" tars, *rom ,etrole+m
re*ining, nat+ral gas ,+ri*ication an" ,yrolytic treatment o* coal3 )aste machining oils3 )aste
hy"ra+lic oils an" bra1e *l+i"s3 bilge oils3 oil/)ater se,arator sl+"ges, soli"s or em+lsions3 )ashing
li?+i"s an" mother li?+ors, an" still bottoms an" reaction resi"+es *rom the man+*act+re, *orm+lation,
s+,,ly an" +se o* basic organic chemicals, ,lastics, synthetic r+bber, man/ma"e *ibres, organic "yes,
,igments, organic ,estici"es an" ,harmace+ticals3 )aste in13 )astes *rom the ,hotogra,hic in"+stry3
tars an" other carbon/containing )astes *rom ano"e man+*act+re $al+mini+m thermal metall+rgy%3
)astes *rom metal "egreasing an" machinery maintenance3 )astes *rom te2tile cleaning an"
"egreasing o* nat+ral ,ro"+cts3 ,rocess )astes *rom the electronic in"+stry. $.@M/Holcim, 200B%
B7. :!@ g+i"elines an" ,ro(isional g+i"ance on :EP, ,+blishe" by the 4ecretariat o* the
4toc1holm Con(ention, "o not recommen" t@he *ollo)ing )astes sho+l" not be, in ,rinci,le, *or co/
,rocesse"ing in cement 1ilns $56EP, 2007D
$a% Ra"ioacti(e or n+clear )aste3
$b% Electrical an" electronic )aste $e/)aste%3
$c% Whole batteries3
$"% Corrosi(e )aste, incl+"ing mineral aci"s3
$e% E2,losi(es3
$*% Cyani"e bearing )aste3
$g% !sbestos/containing )aste3
$h% &n*ectio+s me"ical )aste
$i% Chemical or biological )ea,ons "estine" to "estr+ction3
$E% Waste consisting o*, containing or contaminate" )ith merc+ry3
$1% Waste o* +n1no)n or +n,re"ictable com,osition, incl+"ing +nsorte" m+nici,al )aste.
B<. &n"i(i"+al *acilities may also e2cl+"e other )astes "e,en"ing on local circ+mstances.
B9. &n general these )astes are not recommen"e" beca+se o* health an" sa*ety concerns, ,otentially
negati(e im,acts on 1iln o,eration, clin1er ?+ality an" air emissions, an" )hen a ,re*erable alternati(e
)aste management o,tion is a(ailable. C+rther "etails ,ertaining to the abo(e liste" )astes may be
*o+n" in .@M/Holcim $200B%.
=irecti(e 200#/9#/EC o* the E+ro,ean Parliament an" o* the Co+ncil, o* 1< L+ne 200#, !men"ing *or the
2Bth @ime Co+ncil =irecti(e 7B/7B9/EEC Relating to Restrictions on the Aar1eting an" 5se o* Certain
=angero+s 4+bstances an" Pre,arations $6onyl,henol, 6onyl,henol Etho2ylate an" Cement%.
!ltho+gh lac1 o* reg+lations $or their en*orcement% go(erning health care )aste management, ,artic+larly
segregation at the so+rce, )ill li1ely ca+se some *acilities to not acce,t this ty,e o* )aste base" on health an"
sa*ety concerns, ,rocess con"itions in cement 1ilns )o+l" be a,,ro,riate to "is,ose o* in*ectio+s )astes.&n
co+ntries )here occ+,ational health an" sa*ety legislation so allo)s, s+ch )astes may be co/,rocesse" in cement
70. Cement ,lants are not "esigne" or o,erate" to meet sa*ety an" health re?+irements *or
ra"ioacti(e )aste management. @he ,re*erre" "is,osal a,,roach is concentration $re"+ction o*
(ol+me% an" containment o* ra"ion+cli"es thro+gh a con"itioning ,rocess to ,re(ent or s+bstantially
re"+ce "is,ersion in the en(ironment.
71. Electric an" electronic )aste contains (al+able reso+rces, s+ch as ,recio+s metals an" recycling
sho+l" be the ,re*erre" o,tion. Co/,rocessing o* ,lastic com,onents might be an o,tion b+t only a*ter
a,,ro,riate "isassembly an" sorting.
72. Co/,rocessing o* batteries )o+l" lea" to concentrations o* ,oll+tants in the cement an" air
emissions. :atteries contain (al+able reso+rces s+ch as lea" an" recycling sho+l" be the ,re*erre"
)aste management o,tion.
7#. Corrosi(e )astes may ca+se corrosion an" *o+ling ,roblems in e?+i,ment not s,eci*ically
"esigne" *or this ty,e o* )aste. @his being +s+ally the case )ith ,re/,rocessing, storage an" inEection
systems. Wastes )ith high chlorine an" s+l,h+r contents, s+ch as some mineral aci"s may also ha(e a
negati(e e**ect on clin1er ,ro"+ction or ,ro"+ct ?+ality. High s+l,h+r contents may also res+lt in the
release o* s+l,h+r o2i"es $56EP, 2007%.
77. E2,losi(e )aste sho+l" not be co/,rocesse" in the cement 1iln gi(en the a"(erse e**ects on
,rocess stability. @here are also occ+,ational sa*ety concerns "+e to the ris1 o* +ncontrolle" e2,losions
"+ring trans,ort an" ,re/,rocessing acti(ities.
79. @he high (olatility o* merc+ry ,oses a ,roblem regar"ing air emissions. &n,+ts o* )astes
consisting o*, containing or contaminate" )ith merc+ry to the 1iln sho+l" be controlle" a(oi"e" an"
1e,t to a minim+m. !s limiting the amo+nt o* merc+ry in the )aste "oes not ass+re lo) merc+ry air
emissions *rom the 1iln, an emission limit (al+e *or merc+ry sho+l" also be consi"ere"in ,lace.
2- $aste recover or dis&osalD not leading to recover in cement +ilns
7B. &* selecte" )aste streams )ith reco(erable energy (al+e meet s,eci*ications, they can be +se"
as alternati(e *+els in a cement 1iln to re,lace a ,ortion o* con(entional *+els. 4imilarly, )aste streams
containing +se*+l com,onents s+ch as calci+m, silica, al+mina an" iron, e.g. )aste tyres, can be +se"
to re,lace ra) materials s+ch as clay, shale an" limestone. Wastes meeting both sets o* re?+irements
may be s+itable *or ,rocessing *or both energy an" materials reco(ery.
77. Con(ersely, )aste comb+stion in a cement 1iln )itho+t any s+bstit+tion, solely *or the ,+r,ose
o* "estr+ction or irre(ersible trans*ormation o* ha0ar"o+s s+bstances in )astes, sho+l" not be
consi"ere" a reco(ery o,eration.

7<. @o "isting+ish bet)een o,erations that lea" to reso+rce reco(ery an" those that "o not, s,eci*ic
criteria may nee" to be "e(elo,e" to e(al+ate the contrib+tion o* the )aste to the ,ro"+ction ,rocess,
o+tline" in *ig+re &&. 4ome a,,roaches ha(e been ,ro,ose" that consi"er, *or e2am,le, either the
higher or the lo)er heating (al+e o* the )aste to assess its energy (al+e, an" the materialPs chemical
com,osition $ash, CaO or CaCO#, 4iO2, !l2O#, Ce2O#, 4O#, an"/or )ater% to assess its mineral
(al+e $Mee(al1in1, 19973 8o,,eEan an" Mee(al1in1, 20023 .@M/Holcim, 200B%. !n e2am,le is
,ro(i"e" in *ig+re &&anne2 2 to the ,resent g+i"elines.
79. !ltho+gh *or all ,ractical ,+r,oses )astes )itho+t energy or mineral (al+e sho+l" not be
consi"ere" *or co/,rocessing, the high tem,erat+res, long resi"ence times an" o2i"i0ing con"itions
,ro(i"e" by cement 1ilns ma1e it ,ossible. !t the re?+est o* national or local go(ernments, 1ilns can
be +se" *or the ,+r,ose o* the "estr+ction or irre(ersible trans*ormation o* ha0ar"o+s s+bstances in
,artic+larly ,roblematic )aste streams, s+ch as obsolete ,estici"e stoc1s. @his, ho)e(er, is an acti(ity
that *alls o+tsi"e the sco,e o* co/,rocessing an" nee"s to be assesse" on a case/by/case basis an"
agree" +,on Eointly by reg+latory a+thorities an" o,erators. @rial b+rns may nee" to be con"+cte" to
"emonstrate that ,er*ormance criteria are met.
<0. &t sho+l" be note" that cement 1ilns are ,rimarily ,ro"+ction ,rocessors *or clin1er an" not all
o,erating con"itions are i"eal *or the "estr+ction o* ha0ar"o+s s+bstances. Cor e2am,le, cement 1ilns
ten" to o,erate at lo)er e2ha+st o2ygen le(els an" more ele(ate" carbon mono2i"e le(els than )ell/
o,erate" incinerators. , )hile @he thermal treatment "estr+ction o* organic )astes re?+ires high
5n"er the :asel Con(ention the term J"is,osalK is +se" to re*er to o,erations liste" in both !nne2 &-.!
$o,erations )hich "o not lea" to the ,ossibility o* reso+rce reco(ery, recycling, reclamation, "irect re/+se or
alternati(e +ses% an" !nne2 &-.: $o,erations )hich may lea" to reso+rce reco(ery%. Ho)e(er, in some co+ntries,
"is,osal re*ers only to the o,erations s,eci*ie" in !nne2 &- !, that is to say, to s+ch o,erations )hich "o not lea"
to any *orm o* reco(ery. @he "estr+ction o* ha0ar"o+s s+bstances may be co(ere" by o,erations R1 or =10 o*
!nne2 &-.
tem,erat+re, long resi"ence time, the a(ailability o* a"e?+ate o2ygen an" s+**icient mi2ing bet)een
the organic com,o+n"s an" the o2ygen. Con"itions can arise in cement 1ilns )here )astes are not
"estroye" a"e?+ately i* they are not intro"+ce" ,ro,erly or a(ailable o2ygen le(els are too lo). .oo"
"esign an" o,eration are th+s critical to the +se o* cement 1ilns *or this a,,lication, other)ise
con"itions can arise in cement 1ilns )here )astes are not treate" a"e?+ately i* they are not intro"+ce"
,ro,erly or a(ailable o2ygen le(els are too lo). $56EP, 2007%.
Cig+re &&
"a#ardous *$aste acce&tance decision &rocess
Cig+re &&b
E1am&le of a *aste acce&tance decision chart
=oes the )aste or metho" com,ly
)ith the com,anyVs !CR ,olicyW
!sh X 90Q an" ra) materials $Y% in
ash X <0QW
Ra) materials $Y% X 0Q an" HH- o*
the rest X <AL/1g
HH- o* total )aste X <AL/1g an"
ra) materiales $Y% G 0Q
Resol+tion o* a local )aste
management ,roblemW
HH-D Higher heating $calori*ic% (al+e
!CRD !lternati(e *+els an" ra) materials
$Y% CaO, 4iO2, !l2O#, Ce2O#, 4O#
Energy reco(ery
Energy Z material reco(ery
Waste "estr+ction
Aaterial reco(ery
4o+rceD .@M/Holcim $200B%
3- %estruction efficienc of ha#ardous organic substances
<1. Pro*essionally s+,er(ise" an" in"e,en"ently (eri*ie" trial b+rns sho+l" be con"+cte" to
"emonstrate "estr+ction o* POP )astes. $8arstensen, 200<a%. &n a"(ance, the o,erator sho+l"
"emonstrate to the satis*action o* the com,etent a+thorities that the baseline o,eration is ,ro,erly
controlle" )ith sa*eg+ar"s in ,lace against ,otential en(ironmentally "amaging abnormal o,erations.
@he re?+irements set o+t in table 2 sho+l" be thoro+ghly consi"ere".
<2. ! trial b+rn is be +se" to "etermine the *acilityPs "estr+ction an" remo(al e**iciency $=RE% or
"estr+ction e**iciency $=E% to (eri*y its ability to e**iciently "estroy POPs in an irre(ersible an"
en(ironmentally so+n" manner. @his in(ol(es the selection, sam,ling an" analysis o* a ,rinci,al
organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ent $POHC% in the )aste *ee" to "etermine its in,+t an" emission rates. !
trial b+rn ty,ically consists o* a series o* tests, one *or each set o* o,erating con"itions in the *acility.
@hree r+ns are normally ,er*orme" *or each test.
<#. =+ring the trial b+rn o,erating limits are establishe" *or ma2im+m ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee" an"
ma2im+m 1iln ,ro"+ction rate, ,arameters that may a"(ersely a**ect the attainment o* the
"emonstrate" =RE or =E "+ring ro+tine o,erations. $8arstensen, 2009b%. Permit limits are establishe"
*or these ,arameters s+bse?+ent to the trial b+rn.
<7. @he ,otential +se o* cement 1ilns to thermally "estroy ,olychlorinate" bi,henyls $PC:s% has
been in(estigate" in many co+ntries. @he =REs "etermine" *rom se(eral trial b+rns in"icate that )ell/
"esigne" an" )ell/o,erate" cement 1ilns are e**ecti(e at "estroying PC:s. ! =RE o* 99.9999 ,er cent
is re?+ire" by se(eral E+ris"ictions *or PC:s $*or e2am,le, +n"er the 5nite" 4tates @o2ic 4+bstances
Control !ct, @4C!%, )hich co+l" be +se" as an in"icati(e :!@ stan"ar" $56EP, 2007%.
<9. ! *acility sho+l" "emonstrate its ca,ability to "estroy $comb+stion% or remo(e $settling in
"+ct)or1 or air ,oll+tion control "e(ices% at least 99.9999 ,er cent o* targete" POPs. Aoreo(er, a
PC==s/PC=Cs emission limit o* 0.1 ng @E>/6m
#3 7
sho+l" be met +n"er testing con"itions $4:C,
2007%. E2isting emission limit (al+es sho+l" also be met.
<B. !n alternati(e a,,roach ,ro(i"ing the same ?+alitati(e in*ormation to trial b+rns, +n"er )orst/
case con"itions, has been ,ro,ose" by 8arstensen $2009b%. @his re?+ires a baseline emissions st+"y
)ith no ha0ar"o+s )aste *e" to the 1iln. ! single test is then r+n to obtain "estr+ction ,er*ormance an"
,oll+tant emissions "ata )hile *ee"ing ha0ar"o+s )aste into the 1iln. :oth tests are con"+cte" +n"er
normal o,erating con"itions, meeting an emissions limit *or PC==s/PC=Cs o* 0.1 ng @E>/6m
other reg+latory re?+irements. @his a,,roach *or ,er*ormance (eri*ication, together )ith a"e?+ate
sa*ety arrangements, in,+t control an" o,erational ,roce"+res, is tho+ght to sec+re the same le(el o*
en(ironmental ,rotection as c+rrent reg+lation in the E+ro,ean 5nion $.@M/Holcim, 200B%. @his
a,,roach )as +se" to "emonstrate a =RE o* 99.99999B9 ,er cent *or *enob+carb an" 99.9999<#2 ,er
cent *or *i,ronil in a cement 1iln in -iet 6am $8arstensen et al., 200B%.
<7. ! com,ilation o* ,er*ormance (eri*ication an" trial b+rns res+lts is ,ro(i"e" in anne2 1# to the
,resent g+i"elines.
C%- Bualit assurance/:ualit control
<<. ! com,rehensi(e ,rogramme *or ?+ality ass+rance $>!% an" ?+ality control $>C% sho+l" be
a,,lie". @he aim is to ens+re that the ,ro"+ct meets stan"ar" s,eci*ications, ,lant o,erations are not
negati(ely a**ecte" by the +se o* ha0ar"o+s )astes, en(ironmental ,rotection an" to re"+ce health an"
sa*ety ris1s.
>! is necessary *or ens+ring that all "ata an" the "ecisions res+lting *rom that "ata are technically
so+n", statistically (ali", an" ,ro,erly "oc+mente".
<9. ! >! ,lan sho+l" be ,re,are" to hel, ens+re that the monitoring, sam,ling, an" analytical "ata
meet s,eci*ic obEecti(es *or ,recision, acc+racy, an" com,leteness an" to ,ro(i"e the *rame)or1 *or
e(al+ating "ata ?+ality. @he ,lan sho+l" co(er )aste streams an" ,ro"+ct materials han"le" at the
*acility )ith "etaile" instr+ctions *or the *ollo)ingD
$a% Organi0ation an" res,onsibilities3
$b% >! obEecti(es *or "ata meas+rement o* ,recision, acc+racy, com,leteness,
re,resentati(eness, an" com,arability3
$c% 4am,ling ,roce"+res3
$"% 4am,le han"ling an" c+sto"y3
$e% !nalytical ,roce"+res3
$*% >C chec1s $blan1s, s,i1es, re,licates, etc.% an" *re?+ency3
$g% &nstr+ment/e?+i,ment testing, ins,ection, or maintenance3
$h% &nstr+ment/e?+i,ment calibration ,roce"+res an" *re?+ency3
$i% =ata re(ie), (eri*ication, (ali"ation, an" re,orting.
90. !"e?+ate laboratory "esign, in*rastr+ct+re, e?+i,ment, an" instr+mentation sho+l" be ,ro(i"e"
an" maintaine" to ens+re that all re?+ire" analysis are com,lete" in a timely manner. Perio"ic tests o*
the laboratory sho+l" be consi"ere" to e(al+ate an" im,ro(e ,er*ormance.
91. 4a*ety an" health sho+l" be ta1en into consi"eration )hen con"+cting sam,ling. Em,loyees
carrying o+t sam,ling re?+ire training *or the ha0ar"s associate" )ith )aste, han"ling ,roce"+res,
,rotecti(e clothing an" e?+i,ment. @hose in(ol(e" in sam,ling acti(ities sho+l" be *+lly a)are o*
a,,licable >!/>C ,roce"+res.
92. :!@ *or )aste ?+ality control in cement man+*act+ring ,rocesses is o+tline" by the E&PPC:
$a% @o a,,ly >! systems to g+arantee the characteristics o* )astes an" to analyse any
)aste that is to be +se" as ra) material an"/or *+el in a cement 1iln *orD maintenance o* ?+ality o(er
time3 ,hysical criteria, *or e2am,le, emissions *ormation, coarseness, reacti(ity, b+rnability, calori*ic
=ry basis, correcte" to 11 ,ercent O2, 101.# 1Pa an" 27#.19 8.
(al+e3 chemical criteria, *or e2am,le, chlorine, s+l,h+r, al1ali an" ,hos,hate content an" rele(ant
metals content3
$b% @o control the amo+nt o* rele(ant ,arameters *or any )aste that is to be +se" as ra)
material an"/or *+el in a cement 1iln, s+ch as chlorine, rele(ant metals $*or e2am,le, ca"mi+m,
merc+ry, thalli+m%, s+l,h+r, total halogen content3
$c% @o a,,ly >! systems *or each )aste loa".
9#. &nternal a+"its sho+l" be carrie" o+t )ith a *re?+ency that ens+res >!/>C ,roce"+res are in
+se an" that ,ersonnel con*orm to them. &n"e,en"ent thir" ,arty a+"its sho+l" be con"+cte" at least
ann+ally or as re?+ire" to "etermine the e**ecti(eness o* the im,lemente" ?+ality system. !+"it re,orts
sho+l" be s+bmitte" to management )ith re?+irements to correct obser(e" "e*iciencies.
%E- "ealth and safet as&ects
97. Health an" sa*ety sho+l" be a conscio+s ,riority an" integrate" into all as,ects o* o,erations
"+ring ha0ar"o+s )aste management. O(erall an" s,eci*ic ,ersonnel re?+irements, the chain o*
comman", an" in"i(i"+al roles an" res,onsibilities, sho+l" be clearly establishe".
99. ! health an" sa*ety ,rogramme sho+l" be "esigne" to i"enti*y, e(al+ate, an" control sa*ety an"
health ha0ar"s, an" ,ro(i"e *or emergency res,onse *or ha0ar"o+s )aste o,erations. @he content an"
e2tent o* this ,rogramme sho+l" be ,ro,ortionate to the ty,es an" "egrees o* ha0ar"s an" ris1s
associate" )ith s,eci*ic o,erations.
9B. !"e?+ate "oc+mentation an" in*ormation on sa*e ha0ar"o+s )aste han"ling, o,erating
,roce"+res an" contingency meas+res sho+l" be a(ailable. @hro+gh o,enness an" trans,arency,
*acility management sho+l" ens+re the )or1*orce is *+lly in*orme" abo+t health an" sa*ety meas+res
an" stan"ar"s. Easily +n"erstoo" sa*ety an" emergency instr+ctions sho+l" be ,ro(i"e" to em,loyees
an" contractors in a"(ance.
97. &n the E5, the :!@ incl+"es the a,,liance o* ha0ar"o+s )aste sa*ety management to the
han"ling, storage, an" the *ee"ing o* ha0ar"o+s )aste materials. Cor e2am,le, +sing a ris1 base"
a,,roach accor"ing to the so+rce an" ty,e o* )aste, *or the labelling, chec1ing, sam,ling an" testing
o* )aste to be han"le". $E&PPC:, 2010%
1- "a#ard analsis
9<. Ha0ar"s an" ,otential e2,os+res sho+l" be "etermine" an" a,,ro,riate controls sho+l" be in
,lace to maintain em,loyee health an" sa*ety. Ha0ar"s re?+iring the +se o* ,ersonal ,rotecti(e
e?+i,ment $PPE% sho+l" be i"enti*ie". !ssessments s+ch as Eob ha0ar" analysis $LH!%, Eob sa*ety
analysis $L4!%, sa*ety analysis re,orts $4!R%, ,rocess ha0ar" analysis $PH!%, an" Eob, tas1, an"
ha0ar" analysis $L@H!%, are recommen"e".
2- 0ccess and ha#ard control
99. @o eliminate or control )or1er e2,os+re to ha0ar"s, the *ollo)ing sho+l" be consi"ere" in or"er
o* ,re*erenceD
$a% Engineering controls to ,recl+"e )or1er e2,os+re by remo(ing or isolating the ha0ar".
Cor e2am,le, (entilation or +se o* remotely o,erate" material han"ling e?+i,ment3
$b% !"ministrati(e controls to manage )or1er access to ha0ar"s an" establish sa*e )or1ing
,roce"+res. Cor e2am,le, sec+rity meas+res to ,re(ent +na+thori0e" or +n,rotecte" access to
ha0ar"o+s )astes on/site3
$c% PPE, )hen engineering or a"ministrati(e controls are not *easible or "o not totally
eliminate the ha0ar".
100. @hese controls are "esigne" to re"+ce an" maintain em,loyee e2,os+re belo) national
occ+,ational e2,os+re limit (al+es. &* these are not a(ailable, internationally recogni0e" e2,os+re
le(els sho+l" be consi"ere".
101. E2am,les incl+"eD the @hreshol" ;imit -al+e $@;-% occ+,ational e2,os+re g+i"elines by the
!merican Con*erence o* .o(ernmental &n"+strial Hygienists $!C.&H%3 the Poc1et .+i"e to Chemical
Ha0ar"s by the 5nite" 4tates 6ational &nstit+te *or Occ+,ational Health an" 4a*ety $6&O4H%3
Permissible E2,os+re ;imits $PE;s% by the Occ+,ational 4a*ety an" Health !"ministration o* the
5nite" 4tates $O4H!%3 &n"icati(e Occ+,ational E2,os+re ;imit -al+es $&OE;-s% by E+ro,ean 5nion
member states, or other similar so+rces.
102. Cor ha0ar"o+s s+bstances an" health ha0ar"s *or )hich there are no ,ermissible or a,,licable
e2,os+re limits, the o,erators co+l" +se the ,+blishe" literat+re an" material sa*ety "ata sheets
$A4=4% as a g+i"e to "etermine an a,,ro,riate le(el o* ,rotection.
3- Personal &rotective e:ui&ment
10#. Em,loyees, contractors an" (isitors to an installation sho+l" be ,ro(i"e" )ith PPE )here
engineering control metho"s are not *easible to re"+ce e2,os+re to ,ermissible e2,os+re limits. PPE
sho+l" be selecte" to ,rotect against any ,resent or ,otential ha0ar" an" a,,ro,riate to the tas1/
s,eci*ic con"itions an" "+ration.
107. !ll ,ersonnel in(ol(e" in ha0ar"o+s )aste o,erations sho+l" be *+lly a)are o*D e?+i,ment
selection an" +se, maintenance an" storage, "econtamination an" "is,osal, training an" ,ro,er *it,
"onning an" "o**ing ,roce"+res, ins,ection, in/+se monitoring, ,rogramme e(al+ation, an" e?+i,ment
5- Training
109. Em,loyees sho+l" be e**ecti(ely traine" to a le(el "etermine" by their Eob *+nction an"
res,onsibility. @his sho+l" be carrie" o+t ,rior to them being ,ermitte" to engaging in ha0ar"o+s )aste
o,erations that co+l" e2,ose them to ha0ar"o+s s+bstances, sa*ety, or health ha0ar"s. @raining
acti(ities sho+l" be a"e?+ately monitore" an" "oc+mente" in terms o* c+rric+l+m, "+ration, an"
10B. @he training sho+l" co(er sa*ety, health an" other ha0ar"s ,resent on the *acility3 +se o*
,ersonal ,rotecti(e e?+i,ment3 )or1 ,ractices to minimi0e ris1s *rom ha0ar"s3 sa*e +se o* engineering
controls an" e?+i,ment on the site3 me"ical s+r(eillance, incl+"ing recognition o* sym,toms an" signs
that co+l" in"icate o(er e2,os+re to ha0ar"s. @hose engage" in ha0ar"o+s emergency res,onse sho+l"
also be a,,ro,riately traine".
<- !edical surveillance
107. ! me"ical monitoring ,rogramme sho+l" be im,lemente" to assess an" monitor em,loyee
health both ,rior an" "+ring em,loyment. !n e**ecti(e ,rogramme sho+l" consi"er the *ollo)ing
com,onents as a minim+mD
$a% Pre/em,loyment screening, to "etermine *itness/*or/"+ty, incl+"ing the ability to )or1
)hile )earing PPE, an" ,ro(i"e baseline "ata *or *+t+re e2,os+res3
$b% Perio"ic me"ical monitoring e2aminations $the content an" *re?+ency o* )hich "e,en"
on the nat+re o* the )or1 an" e2,os+re%, to "etermine biological tren"s that may mar1 early signs o*
chronic a"(erse health e**ects3
$c% Pro(isions *or emergency an" ac+te non/emergency treatments.
@- Emergenc res&onse
10<. Emergency ,lans an" ,roce"+res sho+l" be establishe" *or the ,rotection o* the )or1*orce an"
,+blic be*ore ha0ar"o+s )aste o,erations begin. !n Emergency Res,onse Plan, ens+ring a,,ro,riate
meas+res to han"le ,ossible on/site emergencies an" coor"inate o**/site res,onse, sho+l" be in ,lace.
!s a minim+m, this ,lan sho+l" a""ress the *ollo)ingD
$a% Pre/emergency ,lanning an" coor"ination )ith o+tsi"e emergency res,on"ers3
$b% Personnel roles, lines o* a+thority, training an" comm+nication ,roce"+res3
$c% Emergency recognition an" ,re(ention ,roce"+res3
$"% 4a*e "istances an" ,laces o* re*+ge3
$e% 4ite sec+rity an" control ,roce"+res3
$*% E(ac+ation ro+tes an" ,roce"+res3
$g% 4ite ma,,ing highlighting ha0ar"o+s areas, site terrain, site accessibility an" o**/site
,o,+lations or en(ironments at ,otential ris13
$h% =econtamination ,roce"+res3
$i% Emergency me"ical treatment an" *irst ai" ,roce"+res3
$E% Personal ,rotecti(e an" emergency e?+i,ment at the *acility3
$1% Emergency alerting an" res,onse ,roce"+res3
$l% =oc+menting an" re,orting to local a+thorities3
$m% Criti?+e o* res,onse an" *ollo)/+, ,roce"+res.
109. Emergency e?+i,ment, s+ch as *ire e2ting+ishers, sel*/containe" breathing a,,arat+s, sorbents
an" s,ill 1its, an" sho)er/eye )ash stations sho+l" be locate" in the imme"iate (icinity o* ha0ar"o+s
)aste storage an" ,rocessing areas.
110. @he Plan ,roce"+res sho+l" be rehearse" reg+larly +sing "rills an" moc1 sit+ations, an"
re(ie)e" ,erio"ically in res,onse to ne) or changing con"itions or in*ormation.
111. !rrangements sho+l" be ma"e to *amiliari0e local a+thorities an" emergency res,on"ers )ith
the layo+t o* the *acility3 ,ro,erties o* ha0ar"o+s )aste han"le" at the *acility an" associate" ha0ar"s3
,laces )here *acility ,ersonnel )o+l" normally be )or1ing3 *acility entrances an" ,ossible e(ac+ation
ro+tes. !rrangements agree" to by local a+thorities, hos,itals an" emergency res,onse teams sho+l" be
"escribe" in the Emergency Res,onse Plan.
E8- Communications and sta+eholder involvement
112. 4ta1ehol"ers are those )ho see themsel(es as ,otentially a**ecte" by the o,erations o* a
*acility. @hese can be in"i(i"+als an" gro+,s on a local, national, or international scale an" incl+"e
neighbo+rs, comm+nity organi0ations, em,loyees, tra"e +nions, go(ernment agencies, the me"ia, non/
go(ernmental organi0ations, contractors, s+,,liers an" in(estors.
11#. P+blic comm+nication is the ,ro(i"ing o* in*ormation thro+gh me"ia so+rces, incl+"ing
broch+res, )ebsites, ne)s,a,ers, ra"io an" tele(ision. 4ta1ehol"er in(ol(ement is concerne" )ith
comm+nity members an" others )ith an interest in the *acility, thro+gh ,+blic meetings, ,resentations,
a"(isory committees, an" ,ersonal a,,roaches. :oth sho+l" *orm ,art o* the normal o,erations o* a
117. Cacilities sho+l" ha(e clear obEecti(es *or )or1ing )ith sta1ehol"ers. @his incl+"es a realistic
timescale *or engagement, committing necessary reso+rces an" a )illingness to *in" m+t+ally
bene*icial o+tcomes. !"(ice *or the "esign an" "e(elo,ment o* a comm+nications an" sta1ehol"er
in(ol(ement ,lan is ,ro(i"e" by 5.4. EP! $199B%, H+n" et al. $2002%, an" @he En(ironment Co+ncil
$2007%, among others.
119. O,erators an" reg+latory a+thorities sho+l" be ,re,are" to a""ress ,+blic concerns o(er
,ossible im,acts o* co/,rocessing an" stri(e to establish e**icient comm+nication metho"s to e2,lain
the acti(ities. O,erators ,lanning on +sing ha0ar"o+s )aste sho+l" ,ro(i"e all necessary in*ormation
to allo) sta1ehol"ers to +n"erstan" the +se o* the )astes in the cement 1iln )hile ill+strating the
meas+res that )o+l" be im,lemente" to a(oi" a"(erse im,acts.
=>==- Environmentall sound *$aste acce&tance and environmentall
sound &re-&rocessing
0- =ntroduction
11B. =+e to the heterogeneity o* )aste, ,re/,rocessing is re?+ire" to ,ro"+ce a relati(ely +ni*orm
)aste stream *or co/,rocessing in cement 1ilns. @his )aste stream sho+l" com,ly )ith the technical
an" a"ministrati(e re?+irements o* cement man+*act+re an" g+arantee that en(ironmental stan"ar"s
are met
. &n some cases, *or e2am,le +se" oil or tyres, )astes may be +se" Oas/"eli(ere"P an" )itho+t
117. !ttention sho+l" be ,ai" to the selection o* s+itable )aste materials, )hether they are collecte"
"irectly *rom the generators or thro+gh interme"iaries. O,erators sho+l" ens+re that only ha0ar"o+s
)aste originating *rom tr+st)orthy ,arties is acce,te" an" "eli(eries o* +ns+itable )aste re*+se".
11<. Consi"eration sho+l" be gi(en to the integrity o* all ,artici,ants thro+gho+t the s+,,ly chain.
Cor e2am,le, only ?+ali*ie", a+thori0e" an" license" trans,ort com,anies sho+l" be +se" in or"er to
a(oi" acci"ents an" inci"ents "+e to the incom,atibility o* ,oorly labelle" or ,oorly characterise"
)astes being mi2e" or store" together.
119. @hese recommen"ations only ,ro(i"e general in"ications. 4,eci*ic han"ling re?+irements
sho+l" be i"enti*ie" on the basis o* the chemical an" biological characteristics o* in"i(i"+al )aste
streams, en(ironmental an" health e**ects, the sa*ety o* ,ersonnel, an" com,liance )ith ,ermitting
re?+irements an" local reg+lations.
Pre/,rocessing sho+l" be carrie" o+t beca+se it is a technical re?+irement *rom the 1iln o,erator to g+arantee a
homogeneo+s an" stable *ee"stoc1 an" not to circ+m(ent )aste acce,tance ,roce"+res.
B- $aste acce&tance
120. Prior 1no)le"ge o* )astes is necessary to ens+re that the )aste *alls )ithin the re?+irements o*
the *acilityPs ,ermit an" )ill not a"(ersely a**ect the ,rocess. Cor instance, to a(oi" o,erating
,roblems )ithin the 1iln, the im,act o* ha0ar"o+s )aste on the total in,+t o* circ+lating (olatile
elements, s+ch as chlorine, s+l,h+r or al1alis, re?+ires care*+l assessment ,rior to acce,tance. 4,eci*ic
acce,tance criteria *or these com,onents sho+l" be set by each *acility base" on the ,rocess ty,e an"
on the s,eci*ic 1iln con"itions.
121. .enerators o* ha0ar"o+s )aste sho+l" in most circ+mstances 1no) the com,osition, nat+re an"
,roblems associate" )ith their )aste, ens+ring that all rele(ant in*ormation is ,asse" to those in(ol(e"
in its s+bse?+ent management.
122. Ha0ar"o+s an" non ha0ar"o+s )aste acce,tance com,rises t)o stagesD ,re/acce,tance $or
screening% an" on/site acce,tance. Pre/acce,tance in(ol(es the ,ro(ision o* in*ormation an"
re,resentati(e sam,les o* the )aste to allo) o,erators to "etermine s+itability be*ore arrangements are
in ,lace *or acce,tance. @he secon" stage concerns ,roce"+res )hen the )aste arri(es at the *acility to
con*irm ,re(io+sly a,,ro(e" characteristics.
12#. Cail+re to a"e?+ately screen )aste sam,les ,rior to acce,tance an" a con*irmation o* its
com,osition on arri(al at the installation may lea" to s+bse?+ent ,roblems. &na,,ro,riate storage,
mi2ing o* incom,atible s+bstances, an" acc+m+lation o* )astes co+l" occ+r.
1- Pre-acce&tance
127. ! ,re/acce,tance, or ,re/shi,ment screening, ,rotocol sho+l" ens+re that only ,ro,erly an"
sa*ely han"le" ha0ar"o+s )aste streams are a,,ro(e" *or shi,ment to the *acility. 4+ch ,rotocol is
necessary toD
$a% Ens+re reg+latory com,liance by screening o+t +ns+itable )astes3
$b% Con*irm the "etails relating to com,osition, an" i"enti*y (eri*ication ,arameters that can
be +se" to test )aste arri(ing at the *acility3
$c% &"enti*y any s+bstances )ithin the )aste that may a**ect its ,rocessing, or react )ith
other reagents3
$"% !cc+rately "e*ine the range o* ha0ar"s e2hibite" by the )aste.
129. @he o,erator sho+l" obtain in*ormation on the nat+re o* the ,rocess ,ro"+cing the )aste,
incl+"ing its (ariability. Other re?+ire" "escri,tions incl+"eD com,osition $chemicals ,resent an"
in"i(i"+al concentrations%3 han"ling re?+irements an" associate" ha0ar"s3 the ?+antity an" the *orm o*
)aste $soli", li?+i", sl+"ge etc%3 sam,le storage an" ,reser(ation techni?+es. &"eally, in*ormation
sho+l" be ,ro(i"e" by the )aste generators. !lternati(ely a system *or the (eri*ication o* the
in*ormation ,ro(i"e" by any interme"iaries sho+l" be consi"ere".
12B. 4ystems *or the ,ro(ision an" analysis o* )aste re,resentati(e sam,les sho+l" be in ,lace. @he
)aste sam,le sho+l" be ta1en by a com,etent technician an" the analysis carrie" o+t by a laboratory,
,re*erably accre"ite" )ith rob+st >!/>C metho"s an" recor" 1ee,ing an" a chain/o*/c+sto"y
,roce"+re sho+l" be consi"ere". @he o,erator sho+l" carry o+t a com,rehensi(e characterisation
$,ro*iling% an" testing )ith regar" to the ,lanne" ,rocessing *or each ne) )aste. 6o )aste sho+l" be
acce,te" )itho+t sam,ling an" testing being carrie" o+t. @he e2ce,tion is +n+se", o+t"ate" or o**/
s,eci*ication +ncontaminate" ,ro"+cts that ha(e a,,ro,riate A4=4 or ,ro"+ct "ata sheets.
127. ! Waste !nalysis Plan $W!P% sho+l" be ,re,are" an" maintaine" to "oc+ment ,roce"+res +se"
to obtain a re,resentati(e )aste sam,le an" to con"+ct a "etaile" chemical an" ,hysical analysis. !
W!P sho+l" a""ress meas+res +se" to i"enti*y ,otentially reacti(e an" incom,atible )astes
. &t sho+l"
incl+"e testing o* a re,resentati(e sam,le to ?+ali*y the )aste *or +se at the *acility $,re/acce,tance%
an" to (eri*y its constit+ents $acce,tance%. C+rther testing o* sam,les ta1en "+ring or a*ter )aste ,re/
,rocessing or blen"ing sho+l" be +se" to (eri*y the ?+ality o* the res+ltant stream.
12<. O,erators sho+l" ens+re that the technical a,,raisal is carrie" o+t by ?+ali*ie", e2,erience"
sta** )ho +n"erstan"s the ca,abilities o* the *acility.
129. Recor"s o* ,re/acce,tance sho+l" be maintaine" at the *acility *or cross/re*erencing an"
(eri*ication at the )aste acce,tance stage. &n*ormation sho+l" be recor"e" an" re*erence", a(ailable at
all times, reg+larly re(ie)e" an" 1e,t +, to "ate )ith any changes to the )aste stream.
@he 5.4. EP! "oc+ment, [! Aetho" o* =etermining the Com,atibility o* Ha0ar"o+s Wastes[ $EP!/
B00/2/<0/07B%, contains ,roce"+res to e(al+ate ?+alitati(ely the com,atibility o* (ario+s categories o* )astes.
2- An-site acce&tance
1#0. On/site (eri*ication an" testing sho+l" con*irm )aste characteristics )ith the ,re/acce,tance
in*ormation. !cce,tance ,roce"+res sho+l" a""ressD
$a% Pre/a,,ro(e" )astes arri(ing on/site, s+ch as a ,re/boo1ing system to ens+re that
s+**icient ca,acity is a(ailable
$b% @ra**ic control3
$c% Chec1 *or "oc+ments arri(ing )ith the loa"3
$"% ;oa" ins,ection, sam,ling an" testing3
$e% ReEection o* )astes an" the "iscre,ancy re,orting ,roce"+res3
$*% Recor" 1ee,ing3
$g% Perio"ic re(ie) o* ,re/acce,tance in*ormation.
1#1. Wastes sho+l" not be acce,te" )itho+t "etaile" )ritten in*ormation i"enti*ying the so+rce,
com,osition an" ha0ar" le(els.
1#2. Where *acilities ,ro(i"e an emergency ser(ice s+ch as the remo(al o* s,illages or *ly/ti,,e"
ha0ar"o+s )astes, there may be sit+ations )here the o,erator is +nable to a"here to establishe" ,re/
acce,tance an"/or acce,tance ,roce"+res. &n s+ch instances, the o,erator sho+l" comm+nicate the
occ+rrence to the com,etent a+thorities imme"iately.
7a9 0rrival
1##. &* s+**icient storage ca,acity e2ists an" the site is a"e?+ately manne", s+itably ?+ali*ie" an"
traine" ,ersonnel sho+l" s+,er(ise the recei(ing o* ha0ar"o+s )astes. !ll )astes recei(e" sho+l" be
treate" as +n1no)n an" ha0ar"o+s +ntil com,liance )ith s,eci*ications has been ,ositi(ely (eri*ie".
1#7. ! s+itable "escri,tion sho+l" accom,any ha0ar"o+s )aste "eli(ery incl+"ingD name an"
a""ress o* the generator3 name an" a""ress o* the trans,orter3 )aste classi*ication an" "escri,tion3
(ol+me an" )eight3 ha0ar"s o* the )aste s+ch as, *lammability, reacti(ity, to2icity or corrosi(ity.
1#9. =oc+mentation accom,anying the shi,ment sho+l" be re(ie)e" an" a,,ro(e", incl+"ing the
ha0ar"o+s )aste mani*est, i* a,,licable. !ny "iscre,ancies sho+l" be resol(e" be*ore the )aste is
acce,te". &* they cannot be resol(e", the )aste sho+l" be reEecte" an" sent bac1 to the original
generator, or at its re?+est, to an alternate *acility.
1#B. Where ,ossible, )aste loa"s sho+l" be (is+ally ins,ecte". !ll containers sho+l" be clearly
labelle" in accor"ance )ith a,,licable reg+lations *or the trans,ort o* "angero+s goo"s an" chec1e" to
con*irm ?+antities against accom,anying "oc+mentation. @hey sho+l" be e?+i,,e" )ith )ell/*itting
li"s, ca,s an" (al(es sec+re an" in ,lace an" ins,ecte" *or lea1s, holes, an" r+st. !ny "amage",
corro"e" or +nlabelle" container or "r+m sho+l" be classi*ie" as Onon/con*ormingP an" "ealt )ith
1#7. !ll incoming loa"s sho+l" be )eighe", +nless alternati(e reliable (ol+metric systems lin1e" to
s,eci*ic gra(ity "ata are a(ailable.
7b9 =ns&ection
1#<. Wastes sho+l" only be acce,te" at the *acility a*ter thoro+gh ins,ection. Reliance solely on
s+,,lie" )ritten in*ormation sho+l" not be acce,table. Physical (eri*ication an" analytical
con*irmation sho+l" be +n"erta1en to ens+re the )aste meets ,ermit s,eci*ications an" reg+latory
re?+irements. !ll )astes, )hether *or ,rocessing or storage, sho+l" be sam,le" an" +n"ergo
(eri*ication an" testing, accor"ing to the *re?+ency an" ,rotocol "e*ine" in the W!P, e2ce,t *or
+n+se", o+t"ate", o**/s,eci*ication or +ncontaminate" ,ro"+cts.
1#9. On/site (eri*ication an" testing sho+l" ta1e ,lace to con*irmD
$a% @he i"entity an" "escri,tion o* the )aste3
$b% Consistency )ith ,re/acce,tance in*ormation3
$c% Com,liance )ith the *acility ,ermit.
170. @echni?+es *or ins,ection (ary *rom sim,le (is+al assessment to *+ll chemical analysis. @he
e2tent o* the ,roce"+res a"o,te" )ill "e,en" +,on )aste chemical an" ,hysical com,osition an"
(ariation3 1no)n "i**ic+lties )ith certain )aste ty,es or o* a certain origin3 s,eci*ic sensiti(ities o* the
installation concerne" $*or e2am,le, certain s+bstances 1no)n to ca+se o,erational "i**ic+lties%3 an"
the e2istence or absence o* a ?+ality controlle" s,eci*ication *or the )aste, among others. $8arstensen,
171. @he *acility sho+l" ha(e a "esignate" sam,ling or rece,tion area )here containerise" )aste is
+nloa"e" i* a"e?+ate s,ace is a(ailable an" tem,orarily store" *or *+rther sam,ling an" sam,le
analysis. Wastes sho+l" be segregate" imme"iately to remo(e ,ossible ha0ar"s "+e to incom,atibility.
4am,ling sho+l" i"eally ta1e ,lace )ithin 27 ho+rs o* +nloa"ing. =+ring this ,erio", ha0ar"o+s )astes
sho+l" not be b+l1e", blen"e" or other)ise mi2e". :+l1 )astes sho+l" be ins,ecte" an" acce,te" *or
,rocessing ,rior to +nloa"ing.
172. 4am,ling sho+l" com,ly )ith s,eci*ic national legislation, )here it e2ists, or )ith international
stan"ar"s. 4am,ling sho+l" be s+,er(ise" by laboratory sta** an" in those co+ntries )here reg+lations
"o not e2ist, ?+ali*ie" sta** sho+l" be a,,ointe". 4am,ling sho+l" incl+"e )ell/establishe" ,roce"+res
s+ch as those "e(elo,e" by the !merican 4ociety *or @esting an" Aaterials $!4@A%, the E+ro,ean
Committee *or 4tan"ar"i0ation $CE6%, an" the 5nite" 4tates En(ironmental Protection !gency $EP!%.
! recor" o* the sam,ling regime *or each loa" an" E+sti*ication *or the selecte" o,tion sho+l" be
17#. 4am,les sho+l" be analyse" by a laboratory )ith a rob+st >!/>C ,rogramme, incl+"ing b+t
not limite" to s+itable recor" 1ee,ing an" in"e,en"ent assessments. !nalysis sho+l" be carrie" o+t at a
timescale re?+ire" by *acility ,roce"+res. &n the case o* ha0ar"o+s )astes this o*ten re?+ires the
laboratory to be on/site.
177. @y,ically, )aste sho+l" be sam,le" an" analyse" *or a *e) 1ey chemical an" ,hysical
,arameters $*inger,rint analysis% to s+bstantiate the )aste com,osition "esignate" on the
accom,anying mani*est or other "oc+ments. @he selection o* 1ey ,arameters m+st be base" on
s+**icient )aste ,ro*ile 1no)le"ge an" testing "ata to ens+re acc+rate re,resentation. When selecting
*inger,rint ,arameters, consi"eration sho+l" be gi(en to those thatD i"enti*y +n,ermitte" )astes3
"etermine s+itability )ithin the *acilityPs o,erational acce,tance limits3 i"enti*y ,otential reacti(ity or
incom,atibility3 in"icate any changes in com,osition that ha" occ+rre" "+ring trans,ortation or
storage. 4ho+l" *inger,rint testing res+lts o* a gi(en )aste stream *all o+tsi"e the establishe" tolerance
limits, the )aste may be re/e(al+ate" *or ,ossible acce,tance to ,re(ent the +nnecessary mo(ement o*
)aste bac1 an" *orth bet)een the generator an" the installation. Re/e(al+ation sho+l" consi"er *acility
con"itions *or storage an" ,rocessing3 a""itional ,arameter analysis "eeme" a,,ro,riate by the
o,erator an" establishe" in the W!P3 ,ermit re?+irements.
179. @he ins,ection scheme may incl+"eD assessment o* comb+stion ,arameters3 blen"ing tests on
li?+i" )astes ,rior to storage3 control o* *lash,oint3 an" screening o* )aste in,+t *or elemental
com,osition, *or e2am,le by &CP, 'RC an"/or other a,,ro,riate techni?+es, in accor"ance to )aste
ty,es an" characteristics, an" the *acility )aste acce,tance criteria. $8arstensen, 200<a%
17B. Wastes sho+l" be mo(e" to the storage area only a*ter acce,tance. 4ho+l" the ins,ection or
analysis in"icate a *ail+re to meet the acce,tance criteria, incl+"ing "amage" or +nlabelle" "r+ms,
s+ch loa"s sho+l" be store" in a ?+arantine area, allocate" *or non/con*orming )aste storage, an" "ealt
)ith a,,ro,riately.
177. !ll areas )here ha0ar"o+s )aste is han"le" sho+l" ha(e an im,er(io+s s+r*ace )ith a seale"
"rainage system. !ttention sho+l" be gi(en to ens+ring that incom,atible s+bstances "o not come into
contact res+lting *rom s,ills *rom sam,ling, *or e2am,le, )ithin a s+m, ser(ing the sam,ling ,oint.
!bsorbents sho+l" be a(ailable.
17<. &n accor"ance )ith national legislation an" ,ractice, s+itable ,ro(isions sho+l" be ma"e to
(eri*y that )astes recei(e" are not ra"ioacti(e, s+ch as the +se o* ,lastic scintillation "etectors.
179. !*ter acce,tance, containerise" ha0ar"o+s )aste sho+l" be labelle" )ith the arri(al "ate an"
,rimary ha0ar" class. Where containers are b+l1e", the earliest arri(al "ate o* the b+l1e" )astes sho+l"
be in"icate" on the b+l1 container. Each container sho+l" be gi(en a +ni?+e re*erence n+mber *or in/
,lant trac1ing.
3- Non-conforming *aste
190. @he o,erator sho+l" ha(e clear an" +nambig+o+s criteria *or the reEection o* )astes, incl+"ing
)astes that *ail to meet the acce,tance criteria, an" "amage", corro"e" or +nlabelle" "r+ms. ! )ritten
,roce"+re *or trac1ing an" re,orting s+ch non/con*ormance sho+l" incl+"e noti*ication to the
c+stomer or )aste generator an" com,etent a+thorities.
191. @he o,erator sho+l" also ha(e a clear an" +nambig+o+s ,olicy *or the s+bse?+ent storage,
incl+"ing a ma2im+m storage (ol+me, an" "is,osal o* reEecte" )astes. @his ,olicy sho+l" achie(e the
$a% &"enti*y the ha0ar"s ,ose" by the reEecte" )astes3
$b% ;abel reEecte" )astes )ith all in*ormation necessary to allo) ,ro,er storage an"
segregation arrangements to be ,+t in ,lace3
$c% 4egregate an" store reEecte" )astes sa*ely ,en"ing remo(al )ithin no more than *i(e
)or1ing "ays, )here ,ossible.
192. Wastes not *+l*illing the acce,tance criteria o* the ,lant sho+l" be sent bac1 to the )aste
generator, +nless an agreement is reache" )ith the generator to shi, the reEecte" )aste to an alternati(e
a+thorise" "estination.
5- =n-&lant trac+ing sstem
19#. !n internal )astes trac1ing system an" stoc1 control ,roce"+re sho+l" be in ,lace, starting at
the ,re/acce,tance stage, to g+arantee the traceability o* )aste ,rocessing an" enabling the o,erator
$a% Pre,are the most a,,ro,riate )aste blen"3
$b% Pre(ent +n)ante" or +ne2,ecte" reactions3
$c% Ens+re that the emissions are either ,re(ente" or re"+ce"3
$"% Aanage )astes thro+gh,+t.
197. @he trac1ing system, )hich may be a ,a,er/base", electronic, or a combination o* both%, sho+l"
trace the )aste "+ring its acce,tance, storage, ,rocessing an" remo(al o**/site. !t any time, the
o,erator sho+l" be able to i"enti*y the location o* a s,eci*ic )aste on the *acility an" the length o* time
it has been there. Recor"s sho+l" be hel" in an area remo(e" *rom ha0ar"o+s acti(ities to ens+re their
accessibility "+ring any emergency.
199. Once a )aste has entere" b+l1 storage or a treatment ,rocess, trac1ing in"i(i"+al )astes )ill
not be *easible. Ho)e(er, recor"s sho+l" be maintaine" to ens+re s+**icient 1no)le"ge is a(ailable as
to )hat )astes ha(e entere" a ,artic+lar storage *acility. Cor e2am,le, to a(oi" incom,atibility )ith
incoming )astes, it is necessary to 1ee, trac1 o* resi"+es b+il"ing +, )ithin a (essel bet)een "e/
sl+"ging o,erations sho+l" be trac1e".
19B. Cor b+l1 li?+i" )astes stoc1 control sho+l" in(ol(e maintaining a recor" o* the ro+te thro+gh
the ,rocess. Waste in "r+ms sho+l" be in"i(i"+ally labelle" to recor" the location an" "+ration o*
197. @he in/,lant )aste trac1ing system sho+l" hol" a com,lete recor" generate" "+ring ,re/
acce,tance, acce,tance, storage, ,rocessing an" remo(al o**/site. Recor"s sho+l" be 1e,t +, to "ate to
re*lect "eli(eries, on/site treatment an" "is,atches. @he trac1ing system sho+l" o,erate as a )aste
in(entory, stoc1 control system an" incl+"e as a minim+mD
$a% ! +ni?+e re*erence n+mber3
$b% =etails o* the )aste generator an" interme"iate hol"ers3
$c% =ate o* arri(al on/site3
$"% Pre/acce,tance an" acce,tance analysis res+lts3
$e% Container ty,e an" si0e3
$*% 6at+re an" ?+antity o* )astes hel" on/site, incl+"ing i"enti*ication o* associate"
$g% =etails on )here the )aste is ,hysically locate"3
$h% &"enti*ication o* sta** )ho ha(e ta1en any "ecisions on acce,tance or reEection o*
19<. @he system a"o,te" sho+l" be str+ct+re" to re,ort onD
$a% @otal ?+antity o* )aste ,resent on/site at any one time, in a,,ro,riate +nits3
$b% :rea1"o)n o* )aste ?+antities being store" ,en"ing on/site ,rocessing3
$c% :rea1"o)n o* )aste ?+antities on/site *or storage only, that is, a)aiting trans*er3
$"% :rea1"o)n o* )aste ?+antities by ha0ar" classi*ication3
$e% &n"ication o* )here the )aste is locate" relati(e to a site ,lan3
$*% Com,arison o* the ?+antity on/site against total ,ermitte"3
$g% Com,arison o* time the )aste has been on/site against ,ermitte" limit.
C- $aste storage and handling
199. !*ter "eci"ing the )astePs s+itability, the o,erator sho+l" ha(e systems an" ,roce"+res in ,lace
*or trans*er to a,,ro,riate storage sa*ely.
1B0. Consi"erations *or )aste storage on the installation sho+l" incl+"eD
$a% ;ocation o* storage areas3
$b% 4torage area in*rastr+ct+re3
$c% Con"ition o* tan1s, "r+ms, (essels an" other containers3
$"% 4toc1 control3
$e% 4egregate" storage3
$*% 4ite sec+rity3
$g% Cire ris1.
1B1. 5se*+l in*ormation regar"ing storage o* )aste can also be *o+n" in the :REC *or )aste
treatment in"+stries $E&PPC:, 200B%.
1- %esign considerations
1B2. @rans*er an" storage areas sho+l" be "esigne" to han"le acci"ental s,ills. @his may re?+ire thatD
$a% @o ,re(ent s,ills *rom s,rea"ing or see,ing into the soil, storage areas sho+l" ha(e
a"e?+ate bo+n"aries an" be a"e?+ately seale", im,ermeable an" resistant to the store" )aste
$b% !ll s,ills sho+l" be collecte", ,lace" in a s+itable container, an" store" *or "is,osal in
the 1iln3
$c% &* a s,ill occ+rs, incom,atible )astes sho+l" be ,re(ente" *rom mi2ing3
$"% !ll connections bet)een tan1s sho+l" be ca,able o* being close" by (al(es. O(er*lo)
,i,es sho+l" be "irecte" to a containe" "rainage system s+ch as a bo+n"e" area or another (essel3
$e% ;ea1 *ree e?+i,ment an" *ittings sho+l" be installe" )hene(er ,ossible3
$*% Aeas+res to "etect lea1s an" a,,ro,riate correcti(e action sho+l" be ,ro(i"e"3
$g% Contaminate" r+no** sho+l" be ,re(ente" *rom entering storm "rains an"
)aterco+rses. !ny r+no** sho+l" be collecte" an" store" *or "is,osal in the 1iln3
$h% !"e?+ate alarms *or abnormal con"itions sho+l" be ,ro(i"e".
1B#. 4torage "esign sho+l" be a,,ro,riate to maintain )aste ?+ality *or the com,lete storage ,erio".
4egregate" storage sho+l" be in ,lace to ,re(ent inci"ents *rom incom,atible )astes an" as a means o*
,re(enting escalation sho+l" an inci"ent occ+r. &n"i(i"+al storage re?+irements on a ,artic+lar
installation )ill be "e,en"ent on a *+ll assessment o* ris1.
1B7. Within the *acility, s,eci*ic storage area characteristics sho+l" re*lect the ,ro,erties o* the )aste
that ,oses the greatest ris1 that can be acce,te". &n general, the storage criteria sho+l" also ta1e into
acco+nt the +n1no)n nat+re an" com,osition o* )astes, as this gi(es rise to a""itional ris1s an"
+ncertainties. &n many cases, this +ncertainty means that higher s,eci*ication storage systems are
a,,lie" *or )astes than *or )ell/characterise" ra) materials.
1B9. Containerise" )astes sho+l" be store" +n"er co(er, ,rotecte" *rom heat, "irect s+nlight an"
rain, +nless the )aste is 1no)n to be +na**ecte" by s+ch ambient con"itions.
1BB. Cor containerise" )astes, the "esign sho+l" be s+ch to ,re(ent acc+m+lation o* ha0ar"o+s
)astes beyon" the allo)able storage timescale. Cor li?+i" )astes, mi2ing or agitation to ,re(ent
settling o* soli"s sho+l" be consi"ere". &t may be necessary to homogenise tan1 contents )ith
mechanical or hy"ra+lic agitators. =e,en"ing on the )aste characteristics, some tan1s may nee" to be
heate" an" ins+late".
1B7. @he constr+ction, material selection an" "esign o* e?+i,ment, s+ch as tan1s, ,i,elines, (al(es,
an" seals sho+l" be a,,ro,riate *or the characteristics o* the )aste. @hey sho+l" be s+**iciently
corrosion ,roo*, an" o**er the o,tion o* cleaning an" sam,ling.
1B<. !"e?+ate (entilation sho+l" be ,ro(i"e" in consi"eration to a,,licable )or1 e2,os+re
g+i"elines. Perio"ic monitoring sho+l" be consi"ere" *or o,en store" )astes that may emit -OC.
1B9. ! *ire ,rotection system a,,ro(e" by local a+thorities, *or e2am,le, a local *ire "e,artment,
sho+l" be in ,lace. !+tomatic *ire "etection systems sho+l" be +se" in )aste storage areas as )ell as
*or *abric *ilters an" electrostatic ,reci,itators $E4P%, electrical an" control rooms, an" other i"enti*ie"
ris1 areas. Contin+o+s, a+tomatic tem,erat+re meas+rement o* the s+r*ace o* )astes in the storage ,its
can be +se" to trigger an aco+stic alarm to in"icate tem,erat+re (ariations.
170. !+tomatic *ire s+,,ression systems sho+l" be +se" )hen storing *lammable li?+i" )aste an" in
other ris1 areas. Coam an" carbon "io2i"e control systems ,ro(i"e a"(antages in some circ+mstances,
*or e2am,le, *or the storage o* *lammable li?+i"s. Water systems )ith monitors, )ater cannons )ith
the o,tion to +se )ater or *oam, an" or "ry ,o)"er systems sho+l" be are commonly +se", as
a,,ro,riate, "e,en"ing on the nat+re o* the ha0ar"s onsite.
2- A&erational considerations
171. Written ,roce"+res an" instr+ctions *or the +nloa"ing, han"ling, an" storage o* )astes on/site
sho+l" be in ,lace. &t sho+l" be ens+re" that chemically incom,atible )astes are segregate".
Com,liance sho+l" be a+"ite" reg+larly.
172. @o a(oi" the nee" *or a""itional han"ling an" trans*er ha0ar"o+s )astes sho+l" be store" in the
same containers $"r+ms% that )ere +se" *or "eli(ery.
17#. =esignate" ro+tes *or (ehicles carrying s,eci*ic ha0ar"o+s )astes sho+l" be clearly i"enti*ie"
)ithin the *acility. On/site trans,ortation sho+l" minimi0e ris1 to the health an" sa*ety o* em,loyees,
the ,+blic an" the en(ironment. @he o,erator sho+l" ens+re that (ehicles are *it *or ,+r,ose )ith
res,ect to com,liance )ith rele(ant reg+lations.
177. !ll loa"s sho+l" be ,ro,erly i"enti*ie", segregate" accor"ing to com,atibility $so that any
,otential s,ills "o not create chemical sa*ety ha0ar"s%, an" sec+re" to ,re(ent sli"ing or shi*ting "+ring
trans,ort. Personnel sho+l" be "irecte" an" traine" to +se e?+i,ment only as inten"e", an" not to
e2cee" the rate" ca,acity o* containers, (ehicles, an" other e?+i,ment.
179. !,,ro,riate signage in"icating the nat+re o* ha0ar"o+s )astes sho+l" be in ,lace at storage,
stoc1,iling, an" tan1 locations.
17B. Containers sho+l" be 1e,t in goo" con"ition, *ree o* "ents, not lea1ing or b+lging, an" close"
not in +se. Container storage areas sho+l" ha(e at least a )ee1ly ins,ection.
177. Aaintenance )or1 sho+l" be a+thori0e" by ,lant management, an" carrie" o+t a*ter the area
has been chec1e" by a s+,er(isor an" all necessary ,reca+tions ha(e been ta1en. 4,ecial ,roce"+res,
instr+ctions, an" training sho+l" be in ,lace *or ro+tine o,erations s+ch asD
$a% Wor1ing at heights, incl+"ing ,ro,er tie/o** ,ractices an" +se o* sa*ety harnesses3
$b% Con*ine" s,ace entry )here air ?+ality, e2,losi(e mi2t+res, "+st, or other ha0ar"s may
be ,resent3
$c% Electrical loc1/o+t, to ,re(ent acci"ental reacti(ation o* electrical e?+i,ment
+n"ergoing maintenance3
$"% OHot )or1sP $)el"ing, c+tting, etc.% in areas that may contain *lammable materials.
17<. 4a*ety meas+res that sho+l" be consi"ere" incl+"eD
$a% Placing o* +ncontrolle" comb+stible materials in storage areas sho+l" be a(oi"e"3
$b% Where there is a ris1 that has not been a(oi"e" or controlle", stan"ar" sa*ety signs an"
in*ormation signs sho+l" be in ,lace3
$c% Emergency sho)ers an" eye )ash stations sho+l" be ,ro(i"e" )ithin the )or1 area *or
imme"iate emergency +se *ollo)ing e2,os+re to ha0ar"o+s )astes. Consi"eration sho+l" be gi(en to
the ,ossible nee" *or m+lti,le emergency sho)er installations, base" +,on access "istance, an" the
,ossibility that more than one ,erson may be a**ecte" at the same time3
$"% !"e?+ate alarms sho+l" be ,ro(i"e" to alert all ,ersonnel abo+t emergency sit+ations3
$e% On site comm+nication e?+i,ment sho+l" be maintaine" so that in case o* a *ire, the
control room an" the local *ire "e,artment can be contacte" imme"iately3
$*% Electrical e?+i,ment sho+l" be earthe" an" ha(e a,,ro,riate anti/static "e(ices in
%- $aste &re-&rocessing
179. 4o as not to "etract *rom normal 1iln o,eration, ,ro"+ct ?+ality, or the sitePs +s+al
en(ironmental ,er*ormance, )astes +se" in cement 1ilns sho+l" be homogeno+s, )ith com,atible
,article si0e, stable chemical com,osition an" heat content. Cor o,tim+m o,eration, 1ilns re?+ire (ery
+ni*orm )aste material *lo)s in terms o* ?+ality an" ?+antity. Cor certain ty,es o* )astes, this can
only be achie(e" by ,re/,rocessing.
1<0. Pre/,rocessing incl+"es "rying, shre""ing, grin"ing or mi2ing "e,en"ing on the ty,e o* )aste.
&t is +s+ally carrie" o+t in a ,+r,ose/ma"e *acility, )hich may be locate" o+tsi"e or insi"e the cement
1<1. ;i?+i" )aste *+els are normally ,re,are" by blen"ing "i**erent ,ro"+cts )ith s+itable calori*ic
(al+es an" chemistry, s+ch as s,ent sol(ents or +se" oil. Only sim,le ,re/treatment is +s+ally
necessary, s+ch as the remo(al o* bottoms, se"iments an" )ater. &n some cases, *or e2am,le machining
oil/em+lsion, chemical ,rocesses are necessary to remo(e metallic ,oll+tants an" a""iti(es. @he e2tent
o* soli" )aste ,rocessing, s+ch as sorting, cr+shing, or ,elleti0ing, "e,en"s on the s,eci*ic a,,lication.
1- %esign considerations
1<2. Cacility layo+t sho+l" be care*+lly consi"ere" to ens+re access *or "ay/to/"ay o,erations,
emergency esca,e ro+tes, an" maintainability o* the ,lant an" e?+i,ment.
1<#. Recogni0e" stan"ar"s sho+l" be a,,lie" to the "esign o* installations an" e?+i,ment. !ny
mo"i*ications sho+l" be "oc+mente".
1<7. Health an" sa*ety assessments sho+l" be +n"erta1en on o,erations to ens+re e?+i,ment sa*ety
an" to minimi0e ris1s o* en"angering ,eo,le or installations, or "amaging the en(ironment.
!,,ro,riate ,roce"+res sho+l" be +se" to assess ris1s or ha0ar"s *or each stage o* the "esign ,rocess.
Only com,etent an" ?+ali*ie" ,ersonnel sho+l" +n"erta1e or o(ersee s+ch ha0ar" an" o,erating
2- A&erational considerations
1<9. !ltho+gh mi2ing an" homogenisation o* )astes can im,ro(e *ee"ing an" comb+stion
beha(io+r, it can in(ol(e ris1s an" sho+l" be carrie" o+t accor"ing to a ,rescribe" ,re,aration.
1<B. @echni?+es +se" *or )aste ,re/,rocessing an" mi2ing are )i"e ranging, an" may incl+"eD
$a% Ai2ing an" homogenising o* li?+i" )astes to meet in,+t re?+irements, *or e2am,le,
(iscosity, com,osition an"/or heat content3
$b% 4hre""ing, cr+shing, an" shearing o* ,ac1age" )astes an" b+l1y comb+stible )astes3
$c% Ai2ing o* )astes in a storage ,it or similar enclos+re +sing a grab or other machine.
1<7. Crane o,erators sho+l" be ca,able o* i"enti*ying ,otentially ,roblematic loa"s, *or e2am,le,
bale" )astes an" "iscrete items that cannot be mi2e" or may ca+se loa"ing an" *ee"ing ,roblems.
@hese can then be remo(e", shre""e" or "irectly blen"e" $as a,,ro,riate% )ith other )astes.
1<<. .eneral ti"iness an" cleanliness sho+l" be a,,lie" to enhance )or1ing en(ironment an" to
allo) ,otential o,erational ,roblems to be i"enti*ie" in a"(ance. @he main elements areD
$a% 4ystems to i"enti*y, locate an" store )astes recei(e" accor"ing to their ris1s3
$b% @he ,re(ention o* "+st emissions *rom o,erating e?+i,ment3
$c% E**ecti(e )aste)ater management3
$"% E**ecti(e ,re(enti(e maintenance.
E- Pre-&rocessing Plant Closure/%ecommissioning
1<9. Clos+re is the ,erio" "irectly a*ter the *acility sto,s normal o,erations. =+ring this ,erio" the
*acility sto,s acce,ting ha0ar"o+s )aste3 com,letes storage an" ,rocessing o* any )astes le*t on site3
an" "is,oses or "econtaminates e?+i,ment, str+ct+res, an" soils, restoring the site, inso*ar as ,ossible,
to its original con"ition or in 1ee,ing )ith the inten"e" lan" +se. Planning *or "ecommissioning o* the
*acility sho+l" be +n"erta1en "+ring the initial stages o* the o(erall ,roEect. :y integrating
"ecommissioning re?+irements into the *acility "esign at the o+tset, the site "e(elo,ment ,lan sho+l"
be com,atible )ith the ,ro,er clos+re re?+irements )hen the o,eration o* the *acility has en"e".
190. O,erators sho+l" be re?+ire" to ,ro,erly close the *acility in a manner that minimi0es the
*+rther nee" *or maintenance, an" ,re(ents the esca,e o* any ha0ar"o+s contaminants to the
en(ironment. @o ens+re this, a clos+re ,lan sho+l" be ,re,are" i"enti*ying the ste,s necessary to
,artially or com,letely close the *acility, incl+"ingD
$a% Proce"+res *or han"ling remo(e" in(entory3
$b% Proce"+res *or "econtamination an"/or "is,osal3
$c% Proce"+res to con*irm e**ecti(eness o* "econtamination, "emolition an" e2ca(ation,
incl+"ing ,roce"+res *or ,er*orming sam,le collection an" analysis3
$"% Health an" sa*ety ,lan a""ressing all health an" sa*ety concerns ,ertinent to clos+re
$e% 4ec+rity system to ,re(ent +na+thori0e" access to the areas a**ecte" by clos+re
191. @o ,re(ent a *acility *rom ceasing o,erations an" *ailing to ,ro(i"e *or the ,otentially costly
clos+re re?+irements, o,erators sho+l" be re?+ire" to "emonstrate that they ha(e the *inancial
reso+rces to ,ro,erly con"+ct clos+re in a manner that ,rotects both h+man health an" the
192. @o minimise "ecommissioning ,roblems an" associate" en(ironmental im,acts, it is
recommen"e" *or e2isting installations, )here ,otential ,roblems are i"enti*ie", to ,+t in ,lace a
,rogramme o* "esign im,ro(ements $E&PPC:, 200B%. @hese "esign im,ro(ements sho+l" ens+re that
+n"ergro+n" tan1s an" ,i,ing are a(oi"e". &* re,lacement is not ,ossible o,erators sho+l" ,ro(i"e
secon"ary containment or "e(elo, a s+itable monitoring ,rogramme. ! ,roce"+re *or the "raining an"
cleaning o+t o* (essels an" ,i,ing ,rior to "ismantlement, among others, sho+l" also be ,ro(i"e"
8- Ather environmental as&ects
1- >olatile organic com&oundsD odours and dust
19#. Emissions to air *rom )aste ,re/,rocessing )ill "e,en" on the ty,es o* )astes treate" an" the
,rocesses +se". Emission monitoring an" re,orting sho+l" be ,er*orme" accor"ing to o,erating
,ermits an" a,,licable reg+lations.
197. !batement techni?+es sho+l" be in ,lace as re?+ire" an" co+ntermeas+res *or noise an" o"o+rs
consi"ere". =+st is +s+ally re"+ce" by bag *ilters )hile -OC emission control technologies, i* nee"e",
may incl+"e carbon a"sor,tion, thermal or biological treatments, among others.
199. &n the E5, :!@ is to a,,ly the *ollo)ing techni?+es to ,re(ent or control the emissions o* "+st,
o"o+rs an" -OC in the )aste treatment sector as a )holeD restrict the +se o* o,en to,,e" tan1s, (essels
an" ,its3 +se an enclose" system )ith e2traction to s+itable abatement ,lant3 a,,ly a s+itably si0e"
e2traction system3 correctly o,erate an" maintain the abatement e?+i,ment3 ha(e lea1 "etection an"
re,air ,roce"+res in ,lace3 an" re"+ce air emissions by +sing a s+itable combination o* ,re(enti(e
an"/or abatement techni?+es $E&PPC:, 200B%.
2- %rums and ferrous metals
19B. Em,ty "r+ms an" *erro+s metals remo(e" by magnetic se,arators sho+l" be "is,ose" o* in an
en(ironmentally so+n" manner. 4cra, metal not containing any contaminants to an e2tent to ren"er it
ha0ar"o+s can be recycle" *or steelma1ing. Em,ty )aste "r+ms in goo" con"ition can be sent to
a+thorise" "r+m )ashers/recyclers.
3- $aste*ater
197. =ischarges o* )aste)ater to s+r*ace )ater sho+l" not res+lt in contaminant concentrations in
e2cess o* local ambient )ater ?+ality criteria, or in their absence, other recogni0e" ambient )ater
?+ality criteria. Recei(ing )ater +se an" assimilati(e ca,acity, ta1ing other so+rces o* "ischarges to
the recei(ing )ater into consi"eration, sho+l" also in*l+ence the acce,table ,oll+tion loa"ings an"
e**l+ent "ischarge ?+ality.
19<. =ischarges into ,+blic or ,ri(ate )aste)ater treatment systems sho+l" meet the ,re/treatment
an" monitoring re?+irements o* that se)er treatment system. &t sho+l" not inter*ere, "irectly or
in"irectly, )ith the o,eration an" maintenance o* the collection an" treatment systems, or ,ose a ris1
to )or1er health an" sa*ety, or a"(ersely im,act characteristics o* resi"+als *rom )aste)ater treatment
199. &n the E5, :!@ is to a,,ly the *ollo)ing techni?+es to )aste)ater management in the )aste
treatment sector as a )holeD re"+ce the )ater +se an" the contamination o* )ater3 a(oi" the e**l+ent
by/,assing the treatment ,lant systems3 collect s,illages, "r+m )ashings, etc.3 segregate the )ater
collecting systems3 ha(e a concrete base in all the treatment areas3 ma2imise the re+se o* treate"
)aste)aters3 con"+ct "aily chec1s on the e**l+ent management system3 carry o+t the a,,ro,riate
treatment techni?+e *or each ty,e o* )aste)ater3 achie(e a"e?+ate )ater emission (al+es be*ore
"ischarge by a,,lying a s+itable combination o* techni?+es $E&PPC:, 200B%.
6- Emissions monitoring and re&orting
200. Emissions an" air ?+ality monitoring ,rogrammes ,ro(i"e in*ormation that can be +se" to
assess the e**ecti(eness o* rele(ant management strategies. ! systematic ,lanning ,rocess is
recommen"e" to ens+re that "ata collecte" are a"e?+ate *or the inten"e" ,+r,oses an" to a(oi"
collecting "ata that are +nnecessary. ! monitoring ,rogramme *or air ?+ality sho+l" consi"er baseline
monitoring to assess bac1gro+n" le(els o* 1ey ,oll+tants both at an" in the (icinity o* the *acility.
201. When )aste)ater is "ischarge", a monitoring ,rogramme, )ith a"e?+ate reso+rces an"
management o(er(ie), *or )aste)ater an" )ater ?+ality sho+l" be "e(elo,e" an" im,lemente" to
meet set monitoring obEecti(es.
202. @he ,arameters selecte" *or monitoring sho+l" be in"icati(e o* the ,oll+tants o* concern *rom
the ,rocess, an" sho+l" incl+"e ,arameters that are reg+late" +n"er com,liance re?+irements.
Aonitoring ,rogrammes sho+l" a,,ly national or international metho"s *or sam,le collection an"
analysis, s+ch as those ,+blishe" by the &nternational Organi0ation *or 4tan"ar"i0ation $&4O%, CE6 or
the 5nite" 4tates EP!. 4am,ling sho+l" be carrie" o+t or s+,er(ise" by traine" in"i(i"+als. @hose
,ermitte" or certi*ie" *or this role sho+l" con"+ct the analysis. 4am,ling an" analysis >!/>C ,lans
sho+l" be a,,lie" an" "oc+mente" to ens+re that "ata ?+ality is a"e?+ate *or the inten"e" "ata +se.
Aonitoring re,orts sho+l" incl+"e >!/>C "oc+mentation.
20#. Aore +se*+l in*ormation regar"ing monitoring ,rinci,les can be *o+n" in the E+ro,ean
CommissionPs Re*erence =oc+ment on the .eneral Princi,les o* Aonitoring, )hich ,resents the
res+lts o* an e2change o* in*ormation carrie" o+t +n"er Co+ncil =irecti(e 200</1/EC bet)een E5
Aember 4tates an" the in"+stries concerne" $E&PPC:, 200#%. .oo" ,ractice *or re,orting monitoring
res+lts is "escribe" in section 7.7.7 o* the ,resent g+i"elines.
=>- Environmentall sound co-&rocessing of ha#ardous *aste in
cement +ilns
0- =ntroduction
207. Cor o,timal ,er*ormance $co/,rocessing )itho+t a""itional emissions% alternati(e *+els an" ra)
materials sho+l" be *e" to the cement 1iln thro+gh a,,ro,riate *ee" ,oints, in a"e?+ate ,ro,ortions an"
)ith ,ro,er )aste ?+ality an" emission control systems.
209. Co/,rocessing has the *ollo)ing characteristics "+ring the ,ro"+ction ,rocess $.@M/Holcim,
$a% @he al1aline con"itions an" the intensi(e mi2ing *a(o+r the absor,tion o* (olatile
com,onents *rom the gas ,hase. @his internal gas cleaning res+lts in lo) emissions o* com,onents
s+ch as 4O2, HCl, an" most o* the hea(y metals, )ith the e2ce,tion o* merc+ry, ca"mi+m an"
$b% @he clin1er reactions at 1790FC allo) the chemical bin"ing o* metals an" the
incor,oration o* ashes to the clin1er3
$c% @he "irect s+bstit+tion o* ,rimary *+el by high calori*ic )aste material ca+ses a higher
e**iciency on energy reco(ery in com,arison to other O)aste to energyP technologies.
B- A&erational re:uirements
20B. 4a*e an" res,onsible co/,rocessing re?+ires care*+l selection o* the *ee" ,oints in the 1iln
system as )ell as com,rehensi(e o,erational control relating to the s,eci*ic characteristics an"
(ol+mes o* the )aste material.
1- 8eed &oint selection
207. !"e?+ate *ee" ,oints sho+l" be selecte" accor"ing to rele(ant characteristics o* the )aste,
incl+"ing ,hysical, chemical, an" to2icological $see *Cig+re &&&#%. =i**erent *ee" ,oints can be +se",
most commonly )aste is intro"+ce" (iaD
$a% @he main b+rner at the rotary 1iln o+tlet en"3
$b% ! *ee" ch+te at the transition chamber at the rotary 1iln inlet en" $*or l+m, *+el%3
$c% 4econ"ary b+rners to the riser "+ct3
$"% Precalciner b+rners to the ,recalciner3
$e% ! *ee" ch+te to the ,recalciner $*or l+m, *+el%3
$*% ! mi" 1iln (al(e in the case o* long )et an" "ry 1ilns $*or l+m, *+el%.
Cig+re &&&
T&ical *aste feed &oints
20<. ;i?+i" )astes are ty,ically inEecte" into the hot en" o* the 1iln. 4oli" )astes may be intro"+ce"
into the calcining 0one at some *acilities. @his is mi"/1iln *or long 1ilns, an" onto the *ee" shel* in the
high/tem,erat+re section *or ,reheater/,recalciner 1ilns.
209. 4oli" )astes +se" as alternati(e ra) materials are ty,ically *e" into the 1iln system (ia the
normal ra) meal s+,,ly, the same as tra"itional ra) materials. Ho)e(er materials containing
com,onents that can be (olatilise" at lo) tem,erat+res $*or e2am,le, sol(ents% sho+l" be *e" into the
high tem,erat+re 0ones o* the 1iln system. Wastes containing (olatile organic an" inorganic
com,onents sho+l" not be *e" (ia the normal ra) meal s+,,ly +nless controlle" test r+ns in the 1iln, or
a"e?+ate laboratory tests, ha(e "emonstrate" that +n"esire" stac1 emissions can be a(oi"e".
210. Comb+stible to2ic com,o+n"s *o+n" in some ha0ar"o+s )aste, s+ch as halogenate" organic
s+bstances, nee" to be com,letely "estroye" thro+gh ,ro,er tem,erat+re an" resi"ence time. &n
,reheater/,recalciner 1ilns, ha0ar"o+s )aste sho+l" generally be *e" thro+gh either the main or the
secon"ary b+rners. Ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes *e" thro+gh the main b+rner, )here con"itions )ill
al)ays be *a(o+rable, "ecom,ose +n"er o2i"ising con"itions at a *lame tem,erat+re o* X1<00FC $see
*Cig+re &-7%. Waste *e" to a secon"ary b+rner, ,reheater or ,recalciner )ill be e2,ose" to lo)er
tem,erat+res, tho+gh e2,ecte" b+rning 0one tem,erat+res in the ,recalciner are ty,ically X1000FC
$56EP, 2007%. @he 1iln sho+l" be o,erate" in s+ch a )ay that the gas res+lting *rom the ,rocess is
raise", a*ter the last inEection o* comb+stion air, in a controlle" an" homogeneo+s *ashion an" e(en
+n"er the most +n*a(o+rable con"itions, to a tem,erat+re o* <90 FC *or t)o secon"s $c*. =irecti(e
2000/7B/EC%. &n the case o* ha0ar"o+s )astes )ith a content o* more than 1 ,er cent halogenate"
organic s+bstances $e2,resse" as chlorine%, the tem,erat+re sho+l" be raise" to 1100FC *or at least t)o
secon"s. 5n"er the 5nite" 4tates @4C! "is,osal o* PC:s re?+ires a tem,erat+re o* 1200FC an" 2
secon"s retention time $at # ,er cent e2cess o2ygen in the stac1 gas%.
Cig+re &-
Tem&eratures and residence times during cement manufacture
Characteristics @em,erat+re an" time
@em,erat+re at
main b+rner
o* the rotary
X1790FC $material%
X1<00FC $*lame tem,erat+re%
time at main
X12/19 secon"s X 1200FC
X9/B secon"s X 1<00FC
@em,erat+re at
X <90FC $material%
X1000FC $*lame tem,erat+re%
time at
X 2/B secon"s X <00FC
211. Cor ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee"ing into the 1iln, the *ollo)ing sho+l" be con"+cte" $E&PPC:, 2010%D
$a% @o +se the a,,ro,riate *ee" ,oints to the 1iln in terms o* tem,erat+re an" resi"ence
time "e,en"ing on 1iln "esign an" 1iln o,eration3
$b% @o *ee" )aste materials containing organic com,onents that can be (olatilise" be*ore
the calcining 0one into the a"e?+ately high tem,erat+re 0ones o* the 1iln system3
$c% @o o,erate in s+ch a )ay that the gas res+lting *rom the ,rocess is raise", in a
controlle" an" homogeneo+s *ashion an" e(en +n"er the most +n*a(o+rable con"itions, to a
tem,erat+re o* <90 FC *or 2 secon"s3
$"% @o raise the tem,erat+re to 1100 FC, i* ha0ar"o+s )aste )ith a content o* more than 1
,er cent o* halogenate" organic s+bstances, e2,resse" as chlorine, is *e" into the 1iln3
$e% @o *ee" )astes contin+o+sly an" constantly3
$*% @o sto, *ee"ing )aste )hen a,,ro,riate tem,erat+res an" resi"ence times are not
maintaine" or cannot be reache" $at start/+,s or sh+t"o)ns *or instance%, an" )hene(er any emission
limit (al+e is e2cee"e".
2- ;iln o&eration control
212. @o a(oi" o,erating ,roblems )ithin the 1iln, the im,act o* ha0ar"o+s )aste on the total in,+t o*
circ+lating (olatile elements, s+ch as chlorine, s+l,h+r or al1alis, re?+ires care*+l assessment ,rior to
acce,tance. 4,eci*ic acce,tance criteria *or these com,onents sho+l" be set by each *acility base" on
the ,rocess ty,e an" on the s,eci*ic 1iln con"itions.
21#. @he general ,rinci,les o* goo" o,erational control o* the 1iln system +sing con(entional *+els
an" ra) materials sho+l" also be a,,lie" to the +se o* )aste. &n ,artic+lar, all rele(ant ,rocess
,arameters sho+l" be meas+re", recor"e", an" e(al+ate" contin+o+sly. 8iln o,erators sho+l" +n"ergo
a,,ro,riate training *or the re?+irements relate" to the +se o* ha0ar"o+s )aste, incl+"ing health,
sa*ety, an" en(ironmental emission as,ects.
217. Cor o,erational "isr+,tions o* the 1iln, )ritten )or1 instr+ctions "escribing the strategy to
"isconnect the ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee" to ens+re minim+m o,erational stability con"itions sho+l" be
a(ailable an" 1no)n to the 1iln o,erators.
219. @he mineral content o* the )aste may a**ect the characteristics o* the clin1er. @he ra) mi2
com,osition sho+l" be a"E+ste" accor"ingly to a"here to the gi(en chemical set ,oints. &n,+t limits *or
chlorine, s+l,h+r, an" al1alis sho+l" be "e*ine", an" o,erational set ,oints sho+l" be strictly obser(e".
:y,ass installations to a(oi" enrichment cycles o* these com,o+n"s sho+l" only be consi"ere" i*
a,,ro,riate sol+tions *or the management o* the by,ass "+st generate" ha(e been i"enti*ie".
21B. &t is im,ortant *or comb+stion an" ,rocess stability, *or the ,+r,ose o* controlling emissions o*
+nintentionally *orme" POPs, to ens+re $56EP, 2007%D
$a% Consistency in *+el characteristics $both alternati(e an" *ossil%3
$b% Consistency in *+el s+,,ly rate or *re?+ency o* intro"+ction o* batch/charge"
$c% @hat a"e?+ate e2cess o2ygen is s+,,lie" to achie(e goo" comb+stion3
$"% @hat concentrations o* CO in e2ha+st gases are monitore" an" "o not e2cee" ,re/
establishe" le(els re*lecting ,oor comb+stion con"itions.
C- Environmental as&ects
1- 0ir emissions
217. Whether or not )astes are being +se" in a cement ,lant, "+st $,artic+late matter%,6O2 an" 4O2
emissions ca+se the greatest concern an" nee"s to be "ealt )ith. Other emissions to be consi"ere" are
-OC, PC==s, PC=Cs, HCl, CO, CO2, HC, ammonia $6H#%, ben0ene, tol+ene, ethylben0ene, 2ylene,
,olycyclic aromatic hy"rocarbons $P!H%, hea(y metals an" their com,o+n"s $E&PPC:, 2010%. 5n"er
some circ+mstances, emissions may also incl+"e chloroben0enes an" PC:s $4:C, 2007%. 4o+rces o*
these emissions an" :!@ to ,re(ent or re"+ce them $as "e*ine" )ithin the E5% are o+tline" in !nne2
21<. Cement 1ilns co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s )astes sho+l" com,ly )ith an emission limit *or
PC==s/PC=Cs o* 0.1 ng &/@E>/6m


. Cor other ,oll+tants, ,ertinent national legislation sho+l"
a,,ly, *or e2am,leD
$a% ChileD 4+,reme =ecree 6F79, 9 Aarch 2007
$b% E+ro,ean 5nionD =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC o* the E+ro,ean Parliament an" o* the
Co+ncil, o* 7 =ecember 2000
3 to be re,lace" in Lan+ary 2017 by =irecti(e 2010/79/E5
$c% 4o+th !*ricaD 6ational ,olicy on thermal treatment o* general an" ha0ar"o+s )aste,
.o(ernment .a0ette $4taats1oerant%, 27 L+ly 2009
$"% 5nite" 4tatesD Co"e o* Ce"eral Reg+lations, @itle 70, Part B# 4+b,art EEE, J6ational
Emission 4tan"ar"s *or Ha0ar"o+s !ir Poll+tants *rom Ha0ar"o+s Waste Comb+storsK
, an" Part B0
4+b,art C, J6ational Emission 4tan"ar"s *or Ha0ar"o+s !ir Poll+tants Crom the Portlan" Cement
Aan+*act+ring &n"+stry an" 4tan"ar"s o* Per*ormance *or Portlan" Cement PlantsK
219. Com,etent a+thorities sho+l" consi"er establishing a ma2im+m ,ermissible ,erio" o* any
technically +na(oi"able sto,,ages, "ist+rbances, or *ail+res o* the ,+ri*ication "e(ices or the
meas+rement "e(ices, "+ring )hich the emissions into the air may e2cee" the ,rescribe" emission
limit (al+es.
220. Control technologies are "escribe" by .reer $200#% an" 8arstensen $200<b%. :!@ an"
associate" emission le(els in the E5 are ,ro(i"e" by the E&PPC: $2010%. @he E+ro,ean CommissionPs
re*erence "oc+ment incl+"es in*ormation regar"ing a(ailable meas+res an" techni?+es, s+ch as
"escri,tion, a,,licability, cross/me"ia e**ects, economics, etc. &t ,ro(i"es +se*+l in*ormation an" best
,er*ormance "ata on techni?+es to be consi"ere" as :!@.
@E> as re*erre" to in anne2 C, Part &-, ,aragra,h 2 o* the 4toc1holm Con(ention. Concentration e2,resse" at
normali0e" con"itions o* 11 ,er cent O2, 101.# 1Pa, 27#.198, "ry gas.
!(ailable in 4,anish *rom htt,D//)))"6ormaG2B9#01
!(ailable *rom htt,D//e+r/le2.e+ro,a.e+/;e25ri4er(/;e25ri4er(."oW+riGCE;E'D#2000;007BDE6D6O@
!(ailable *rom htt,D//e+r/le2.e+ro,a.e+/;e25ri4er(/;e25ri4er(."oW+riGOLD;D2010D##7D0017D0119DE6DP=C
!(ailable *rom htt,D//+s/c"n.creamerme"\not\777.,"*
!(ailable *rom htt,D//ec*r.g,oaccess.go(/cgi/t/te2t/te2t/i"2W
6O2 an" 4O2 limits *or all cement 1ilns that )ere constr+cte", mo"i*ie", or reconstr+cte" a*ter L+ne 1B, 200<.
!(ailable *rom htt,D//))).g,o.go(/*"sys/,1g/CR/2010/09/09/,"*/2010/21102.,"*
221. C+rther g+i"ance on :!@ an" ,ro(isional g+i"ance on :EP *or the ,re(ention or minimi0ation
o* the *ormation an" s+bse?+ent release o* +nintentional POPs *rom cement 1ilns co/,rocessing
ha0ar"o+s )aste has been ,+blishe" by the 4toc1holm Con(ention 4ecretariat $56EP, 2007%. @he
g+i"elines "escribe ,rimary meas+res consi"ere" to be s+**icient to achie(e an emission le(el o*
PC==s/PC=Cs belo) 0.1 ng &/@E>/6m
in *l+e gases *or ne) an" e2isting installations, an" )here
these o,tions "o not lea" to ,er*ormance "o)n to 0.1 ng &/@E>/6m
, secon"ary meas+res are cite",
)hich are +s+ally installe" *or the ,+r,ose o* controlling ,oll+tants other than +nintentionally *orme"
POPs, b+t that may also lea" to a sim+ltaneo+s re"+ction in emissions o* chemicals liste" in !nne2 C
o* the 4toc1holm Con(ention. $56EP, 2007%
222. Cor in*ormation ,+r,oses, e2am,les o* emission limits a,,licable to cement 1ilns co/,rocessing
ha0ar"o+s )astes are ,ro(i"e" in !nne2 9 $in the E5, =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC sets o+t minim+m
emission limit (al+es *or air an" )aste)ater "ischarges%.
Com,etent a+thorities sho+l" consi"er establishing a ma2im+m ,ermissible ,erio" o* any technically
+na(oi"able sto,,ages, "ist+rbances, or *ail+res o* the ,+ri*ication "e(ices or the meas+rement
"e(ices, "+ring )hich the emissions into the air may e2cee" the ,rescribe" emission limit (al+es.
2- Cement +iln and b&ass dust
22#. !ll cement ,lants generate a *ine "+st *rom the 1iln line, collecti(ely labelle" cement 1iln "+st
$C8=%. C8= com,osition (aries, e(en o(er time *rom a single 1iln line, b+t incl+"es ,artic+lates
re,resenting the ra) mi2 at (ario+s stages o* b+rning, ,articles o* clin1er, an" e(en ,articles ero"e"
*rom the re*ractory bric1 an"/or monolithic linings o* the 1iln t+be an" associate" a,,arat+s $-an Oss,
2009%. =+st is also "iscar"e" *rom al1ali by,ass systems, installe" to a(oi" e2cessi(e b+il"/+, o*
al1ali, chlori"e an"/or s+l,h+r, ho)e(er by,ass "+st, as o,,ose" to C8=, consists o* *+lly calcine"
1iln *ee" material.
227. &n the E5, the :!@ concl+sion *or ,rocess )aste, in the cement man+*act+ring sector in
general, is to re/+se collecte" ,artic+late matter in the ,rocess, )here(er ,racticable, or to +tilise these
"+sts in other commercial ,ro"+cts, )hen ,ossible. $E&PPC:, 2010%.
229. @o a(oi" "is,osal, most C8= an" by,ass "+st is recycle" "irectly bac1 to the cement 1iln or
cement clin1er grin"er. &n clin1er man+*act+re, C8= ,artially o**sets the nee" *or ra) materials s+ch
as limestone an" nat+ral roc1 constit+ents, th+s a(oi"ing the energy +sage an" emissions relate" to
their e2traction an" ,rocessing. Perio"ically some "+st may nee" to be remo(e" *rom the system "+e
to increasing concentrations o* al1ali, chlori"e an" s+l,h+r com,o+n"s that may com,romise the
?+ality o* the clin1er. =+st that cannot be recycle" bac1 into the ,rocess is remo(e" *rom the system
an" o*ten collecte" onsite in ,iles or mono*ills.
22B. Where a,,ro,riate C8= not ret+rne" to the ,ro"+ction ,rocess may be reco(ere" in (ario+s
ty,es o* commercial a,,lications, incl+"ing agric+lt+ral soil enhancement, base stabili0ing *or
,a(ements, )aste)ater treatment, )aste reme"iation, lo)/strength bac1*ill an" m+nici,al lan"*ill
co(er $5.4. EP!, 20101%. @hese a,,lications "e,en" ,rimarily on the chemical an" ,hysical
characteristics o* the C8=.
227. @he maEor *actors "etermining C8= characteristics are the ra) *ee" material, ty,e o* 1iln
o,eration, "+st collection systems, an" *+el ty,e. 4ince the ,ro,erties o* C8= can be signi*icantly
a**ecte" by the "esign, o,eration, an" materials +se" in a cement 1iln, the chemical an" ,hysical
characteristics o* C8= m+st be e(al+ate" on an in"i(i"+al ,lant basis. $5.4. EP!, 20101% 5ntil the
"egree o* (ariability in the C8= has been establishe", *re?+ent testing is recommen"e".
22<. =e,en"ing +,on the le(el o* contaminants o* concern $*or e2am,le, hea(y metals, POPs%, this
)aste can in some cases be ha0ar"o+s )aste *or )hich s,ecial han"ling an" "is,osal meas+res a,,ly
$56EP, 2007%. ! st+"y by 8arstensen $200Bb% re,orts an a(erage concentration o* B.7 ng &/@E>/1g *or
PC==s/PC=Cs in C8= an" a ma2im+m concentration o* 9B ng &/@E>/1g. @he same st+"y sho)s that
)astes *rom the cement in"+stry ha(e PC==/PC=C le(els in the same magnit+"e as *oo"s s+ch as
*ish, b+tter, breast mil1, an" less than the ma2im+m ,ermissible concentration o* 100 ng @E>/1g *or
se)age sl+"ge a,,lie" to agric+lt+ral lan".
229. @o ens+re the ,rotection o* ,+blic health an" the en(ironment an" to ,re(ent gro+n")ater
contamination, by,ass "+st or C8=, "iscar"e" *rom *acilities that +se ha0ar"o+s )astes as
s+,,lementary *+els or ra) materials, sho+l" be analy0e" *or metal an" organic leachate ?+ality
,arameters i* they are to be "is,ose" o* on lan". @he analysis sho+l" be con"+cte" "+ring controlle"
test r+ns in a""ition to ongoing testing that may be re?+ire" by local reg+latory a+thorities. Releases o*
"+st to the air sho+l" also be controlle".
3- Emissions to *ater
2#0. &n general, )aste)ater "ischarges are +s+ally limite" to s+r*ace r+n o** an" cooling )ater only
an" ca+ses no s+bstantial contrib+tion to )ater ,oll+tion $E&PPC:, 2010%. @his not)ithstan"ing, in the
E5 the +se o* )et scr+bbers is :!@ to re"+ce the emissions o* 4O2 *rom the *l+e/gases o* 1iln *iring
an"/or ,reheating/,recalcining ,rocesses $E&PPC:, 2010%. &n this conte2t, *or cement 1ilns co/
,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes in the E5, the re?+irements o* =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC *or the
"ischarge o* )aste)ater *rom the cleaning *or e2ha+st gases a,,ly, so as to limit the trans*er o*
,oll+tants *rom the air into )ater.
53- End-&roduct control
2#1. Cinal ,ro"+cts s+ch as clin1er an" cement are s+bEect to reg+lar control ,roce"+res re?+ire" by
the +s+al ?+ality s,eci*ications as lai" "o)n in a,,licable national or international ?+ality stan"ar"s.
2#2. !s a ,rinci,le, co/,rocessing sho+l" not alter the ?+ality o* the cement being ,ro"+ce". @his
means that the clin1er, cement or concrete ,ro"+ce" sho+l" not be +se" as a sin1 *or hea(y metals.
@here sho+l" be no negati(e im,act on the en(ironment as might be "emonstrate" )ith leaching tests
on concrete or mortar, *or e2am,le. @he ?+ality o* cement sho+l" also allo) en"/o*/li*e reco(ery.
2##. Organic ,oll+tants in the materials *e" to the high tem,erat+re 0one o* the 1iln system are
nearly com,letely "estroye", )hile the inorganic com,onents ,artition bet)een the clin1er ,ro"+ct
an" C8=are incor,orate" into the en" ,ro"+ct. !ccor"ingly, the +se o* )astes in the clin1er b+rning
,rocess may change the metal concentrations in cement ,ro"+cts, an" "e,en"ing on the total in,+t (ia
the ra) materials an" *+els, the concentration o* in"i(i"+al elements in the ,ro"+ct may increase or
"ecrease as a res+lt o* )aste co/,rocessing $E&PPC:, 2010%. Ho)e(er, lengthy in(estigations ha(e
sho)n that the e**ect o* )aste on the hea(y metals content o* clin1er is marginal on a statistical basis,
the one e2ce,tion being the b+l1 +se o* tires )hich )ill raise 0inc le(els $.@M/Holcim, 200B%.
2#7. !s cement is blen"e" )ith aggregates to *orm concrete or mortar, it is the beha(io+r o* the
metals )ithin these b+il"ing materials that is im,ortant *or the e(al+ation o* rele(ant en(ironmental
im,acts o* )aste +se" in the ,ro"+ction ,rocess. 4t+"ies ha(e sho)n that metal emissions *rom
concrete an" mortar are lo), an" com,rehensi(e tests ha(e con*irme" that metals are *irmly
incor,orate" in the cement bric1 matri2.
&n a""ition, "ry/,ac1e" concrete o**ers high "i**+sion resistance, )hich *+rther co+nteracts the release
o* metals. @ests on concrete an" mortar ha(e sho)n that the metal concentrations in the el+ates are
noticeably belo) those ,rescribe", *or instance, by national legislation. Aoreo(er, storage +n"er
"i**erent an" ,artly e2treme con"itions has not le" to any en(ironmentally rele(ant releases, )hich
also hol"s tr+e )hen the sam,le material is cr+she" or commin+te" ,rior to the leaching tests.
$E&PPC:, 2010%.
2#9. &n regar" to the abo(e, the main res+lts o* leaching st+"ies "one to assess the en(ironmental
im,acts o* hea(y metals embe""e" in concrete are as *ollo)s $.@M/Holcim, 200B%D
$a% @he leache" amo+nts o* all trace elements *rom monolithic concrete $ser(ice li*e an"
recycling% are belo) or close to the "etection limits o* the most sensiti(e analytical metho"s3
$b% 6o signi*icant "i**erences in leaching beha(io+r o* trace elements ha(e been obser(e"
bet)een "i**erent ty,es o* cements ,ro"+ce" )ith or )itho+t alternati(e *+els an" ra) materials3
$c% @he leaching beha(io+r o* concrete ma"e )ith "i**erent cement ty,es is similar3
$"% ;eache" concentrations o* some elements s+ch as chromi+m, al+mini+m an" bari+m
may, +n"er certain test con"itions, come close to limits gi(en in "rin1ing )ater stan"ar"s3 he2a(alent
chromi+m in cement is )ater/sol+ble an" may be leache" *rom concrete at a le(el higher than other
metals, so chromi+m in,+ts to cement an" concrete sho+l" be as limite" as ,ossible3
$e% ;aboratory tests an" *iel" st+"ies ha(e "emonstrate" that a,,licable limit (al+es, *or
e2am,le, gro+n")ater or "rin1ing )ater s,eci*ications, are not e2cee"e" as long as the concrete
str+ct+re remains intact. Cor e2am,le, in ,rimary or ser(ice li*e a,,lications3
$*% Certain metals s+ch as arsenic, chromi+m, (ana"i+m, antimony, or molyb"en+m may
ha(e a more mobile leaching beha(io+r, es,ecially )hen the mortar or concrete str+ct+re is cr+she" or
commin+te" $*or e2am,le, in recycling stages s+ch as +se as aggregates in roa" *o+n"ations, or in en"/
o*/li*e scenarios s+ch as lan"*illing%3
$g% !s there are no sim,le an" consistent relations bet)een the leache" amo+nts o* trace
elements an" their total concentrations in concrete or in cement, the trace element content o* cements
cannot be +se" as en(ironmental criteria.
2#B. !ssessments o* the en(ironmental ?+ality o* cement an" concrete are ty,ically base" on the
leaching characteristics o* hea(y metals to )ater an" soil. -ario+s e2,os+re scenarios nee" to be
consi"ere" $.@M/Holcim, 200B%D
$a% E2,os+re o* concrete str+ct+res in "irect contact )ith gro+n")ater $O,rimaryP
$b% E2,os+re o* mortar or concrete to "rin1ing )ater in "istrib+tion $concrete ,i,es% or
storage systems $concrete tan1s% $Oser(ice li*eP a,,lications%3
$c% Re+se o* "emolishe" an" recycle" concrete "ebris in ne) aggregates, roa"
constr+ctions, "am *illings etc. $Osecon"aryP or OrecyclingP a,,lications%3
$"% =+m,ing o* "emolishe" concrete "ebris in lan"*ills $Oen"/o*/li*eP a,,lications%.
2#7. Care*+l selection an" monitoring o* the )aste ens+re that the +se o* )astes "oes not res+lt in
metal emissions o* any en(ironmentally harm*+l magnit+"e $E&PPC:, 2010%. Ho)e(er, in cases )here
the concentration o* hea(y metals e2cee"s the normal range *o+n" in cements ma"e )itho+t
alternati(e *+els an"/or materials)aste, leaching tests on mortar an"/or concrete sho+l" be con"+cte"
$.@M/Holcim, 200B%.
2#<. Cor Jreal/li*eK concrete an" mortar e2,os+re scenarios, "i**erent leaching tests an" assessment
,roce"+res sho+l" be a,,lie". !ltho+gh stan"ar"i0e" test ,roce"+res e2ist *or )aste management
reg+lations an" "rin1ing )ater stan"ar"s, there remains a nee" *or harmoni0e" an" stan"ar"i0e"
com,liance test ,roce"+res base" on the e2,os+re scenarios o+tline" abo(e. &t is recommen"e" that a
certi*ie" in"e,en"ent testing laboratory ,er*orm these at least ann+ally.
%- !onitoring
2#9. Emission monitoring sho+l" be con"+cte" to allo) a+thorities to chec1 com,liance )ith the
con"itions in o,erating ,ermits an" reg+lations, an" to hel, o,erators manage an" control the ,rocess,
th+s ,re(enting emissions *rom being release" into the atmos,here. &t is the res,onsibility o* the
com,etent a+thority to establish an" set a,,ro,riate ?+ality re?+irements, an" to consi"er a range o*
sa*eg+ar"s. Cor the ,+r,ose o* com,liance assessment +se o* the *ollo)ing is consi"ere" goo" ,ractice
$E&PPC:, 200#%D
$a% 4tan"ar" metho"s o* meas+rement3
$b% Certi*ie" instr+ments3
$c% Certi*ication o* ,ersonnel3
$"% !ccre"ite" laboratories.
270. Cor sel*/monitoring acti(ities the +se o* recognise" ?+ality management systems an" ,erio"ic
chec1 by an e2ternal accre"ite" laboratory instea" o* *ormal o)n accre"itation can be a,,ro,riate
$E&PPC:, 200#%.
271. Aore +se*+l in*ormation regar"ing monitoring ,rinci,les can be *o+n" in the E+ro,ean
CommissionPs Re*erence =oc+ment on the .eneral Princi,les o* Aonitoring $E&PPC:, 200#%.
1- Process monitoring
272. @o control 1iln ,rocesses, contin+o+s meas+rements are recommen"e" *or the *ollo)ing
,arameters $56EP, 20073 E&PPC:, 2010%D
$a% Press+re3
$b% @em,erat+re3
$c% O23
$"% 6O23
$e% CO3
$*% 4O2, )hen the 4O2 concentration is high $it is a "e(elo,ing techni?+e to o,timise CO
)ith 6O2 an" 4O2%.
27#. &n the E5, the :!@ concl+sion *or the cement man+*act+ring sector as a )hole is to carry o+t
monitoring an" meas+rements o* ,rocess ,arameters an" emissions on a reg+lar basis, s+ch as
$E&PPC:, 2010%D
$a% Contin+o+s meas+rements o* ,rocess ,arameters "emonstrating ,rocess stability, s+ch
as tem,erat+re, O2, ,ress+re, e2ha+st gas *lo) rate, an" o* 6H# emissions )hen +sing selecti(e non/
catalytic re"+ction $46CR%3
$b% Aonitoring an" stabilising critical ,rocess ,arameters, *or e2am,le, homogeno+s ra)
material mi2 an" *+el *ee", reg+lar "osage an" e2cess O2.
2- Emissions monitoring
277. @o acc+rately ?+anti*y the emissions, contin+o+s meas+rements is :!@ *or the *ollo)ing
,arameters $56EP, 2007%D
$a% E2ha+st gas *lo) rate3
$b% Aoist+re $h+mi"ity%3
$c% @em,erat+re3
$"% =+st $,artic+late matter%3
$e% O23
$*% 6O23
$g% 4O23
$h% CO.
279. Contin+o+s meas+rement o* @OC is also recommen"e". @he o,erator sho+l" ass+re ,ro,er
calibration, maintenance, an" o,eration o* the contin+o+s emission monitoring systems $CEA4%. !
?+ality ass+rance ,rogramme sho+l" be establishe" to e(al+ate an" monitor CEA4 ,er*ormance on a
contin+al basis.
27B. Perio"ical monitoring at a minim+m once ,er year is a,,ro,riate *or the *ollo)ing s+bstancesD
$a% Aetals $Hg, C", @l, !s, 4b, Pb, Cr, Co, C+, An, 6i, -% an" their com,o+n"s3
$b% HCl3
$c% HC3
$"% 6H#3
$e% PC==s/PC=Cs.
277. @he :!@ accor"ing to E&PPC: $2010% is to carry o+t monitoring an" meas+rements o* ,rocess
,arameters an" emissions on a reg+lar basis, s+ch asD
$a% Contin+o+s meas+rements o* "+st, 6O2, 4O2 an" CO emissions3
$b% Perio"ic meas+rements o* PC==s/PC=Cs an" metals emissions3
$c% Contin+o+s or ,erio"ic meas+rements o* HCl, HC an" @OC emissions.
27<. &n a""ition, *or cement 1ilns co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes in the E5, the
re?+irements o* =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC $to be re,lace" by =irecti(e 2010/79/E5 )ith e**ect *rom 7
Lan+ary 2017% a,,ly.
279. &t is also ,ossible to meas+re an" monitor 6H# an" Hg contin+o+sly, an" to sam,le
PCC=s/PC=Cs an" PC:s contin+o+sly *or analysis *rom 1 to #0 "ays $E&PPC:, 2010%.
290. Per*ormance tests sho+l" be con"+cte" to "emonstrate com,liance )ith the emission limits an"
,er*ormance s,eci*ications *or contin+o+s monitoring systems, )hen the 1iln is o,erating +n"er
normal con"itions.
291. Aeas+rements o* the *ollo)ing may be re?+ire" +n"er s,ecial o,erating con"itions $56EP,
20073 E&PPC:, 2010%D
$a% :en0ene, tol+ene an" 2ylene $:@'%3
$b% Polycyclic aromatic hy"rocarbons $P!Hs%3
$c% Other organic ,oll+tants $*or e2am,le, chloroben0enes, PC:s incl+"ing co,lanar
congeners, chlorona,hthalenes, etc%.
292. &n case o* ha0ar"o+s )aste "is,osal in cement 1ilns *or the ,+r,ose o* "estr+ction an"
irre(ersible trans*ormation o* the POPs content in )aste, the =RE sho+l" be "etermine" $56EP, 2007%
an" it the rea"er is re*erre" to the 5,"ate" .eneral @echnical .+i"elines *or the En(ironmentally
4o+n" Aanagement o* Wastes Consisting o*, Containing or Contaminate" )ith Persistent Organic
Poll+tants $POPs% $4:C, 2007%.
3- Environmental monitoring
29#. L+sti*iable concerns abo+t the en(ironmental im,act *rom the ,lant may re?+ire the
im,lementation o* an ambient air/monitoring ,rogramme. @his sho+l" assess le(els o* 1ey ,oll+tants
i"enti*ie" as a ,riority *or en(ironmental control. @he arrangements sho+l" incl+"e control an"
"o)n)in" locations, incl+"ing the area o* ma2im+m gro+n" le(el "e,osition *rom stac1 emissions. !
meteorological station sho+l" be ,ro(i"e" *or the "+ration o* the ambient sam,ling e2ercise in a
location *ree *rom signi*icant inter*erence *rom b+il"ings or other str+ct+res.
5- .e&orting re:uirements
297. Re,orting o* monitoring res+lts in(ol(es s+mmarising an" ,resenting res+lts, relate"
in*ormation an" com,liance *in"ings in an e**ecti(e )ay. .oo" ,ractice is base" on consi"eration o*D
the re?+irements an" a+"iences *or re,orts, res,onsibilities *or ,ro"+cing re,orts, the categories o*
re,orts, sco,e o* re,orts, goo" re,orting ,ractices, legal as,ects o* re,orting an" ?+ality consi"erations
$E&PPC:, 200#%
299. Aonitoring re,orts can be classi*ie" as *ollo)s $E&PPC:, 200#%D
$a% ;ocal or basic re,orts, )hich are +s+ally ,re,are" by o,erators $*or e2am,le, as ,art o*
their sel*/monitoring% an", )here a,,ro,riate, sho+l" meet any ,ermit re?+irements. @hese re,orts
may concern, *or e2am,le, an in"i(i"+al installation, an occ+rrence, )hich co(ers a short ,erio" an"
nee"s to be re,orte" ,rom,tly, or local a+"iences3
$b% 6ational or strategic re,orts, )hich )ill generally be ,re,are" by the com,etent
a+thorities. @hese are +s+ally s+mmary re,orts an" they ty,ically concern, *or e2am,le, se(eral
installations, longer ,erio"s in or"er to sho) tren"s, or national a+"iences3
$c% 4,ecialise" re,orts, )hich are re,orts on relati(ely com,le2 or no(el techni?+es that
are occasionally +se" to s+,,lement more ro+tine monitoring metho"s $*or e2am,le, telemetry, ne+ral
net)or1s, or "e,osition s+r(eys%.
29B. .oo" ,ractices in the re,orting o* monitoring in*ormation incl+"e $E&PPC:, 200#%D
$a% =ata collection, )hich in(ol(es the ac?+isition o* basic meas+rements an" *acts.
Consi"erations o* the *ollo)ing items are goo" ,ractice in "ata collectionD sche"+les $stating ho),
)hen, by )hom an" to )hom the "ata are to be re,orte", an" )hat ty,es o* "ata are acce,table%3 +se
o* stan"ar" *orms *or collecting "ata3 "ata ?+ali*ication "etails $+se" to recor" )hether "ata (al+es are
base" on meas+rements, calc+lations or estimations%3 +ncertainties an" limitations "ata $"etails o*
"etection limits, n+mbers o* sam,les a(ailable%3 o,erational conte2t "etails $"etails o* the ,re(ailing
,rocess o,erations an"/or en(ironmental con"itions%.
$b% =ata management, in(ol(ing the organisation o* "ata an" its con(ersion into
in*ormation. Consi"erations o* the *ollo)ing items are goo" ,ractice in "ata managementD trans*ers
an" "atabases3 "ata ,rocessing3 so*t)are an" statistics3 an" archi(ing.
$c% Presentation o* res+lts, )hich in(ol(es the "eli(ery o* in*ormation to +sers in a clear
an" +sable *orm. Consi"erations o* the *ollo)ing items are goo" ,ractice in the ,resentation o*
monitoring res+lts, "e,en"ing on the ty,e o* re,ortD sco,e o* the re,ort $ty,e o* sit+ation, timing
re?+irements, location%3 ,rogramme o* ,resentations3 tren"s an" com,arisons3 statistical signi*icance
$"etails on e2cee"ences or changes that are signi*icant )hen com,are" )ith the +ncertainties in
meas+rements an" ,rocess ,arameters%3 interim ,er*ormance $interim re,orts%3 strategic res+lts $"etails
on le(els o* com,liance *or "i**erent ,olicies, acti(ities, technologies, etc.%3 non/technical s+mmaries
$*or the ,+blic%3 an" "istrib+tion o* re,orts.
297. &n or"er *or monitoring re,orts to be +se" in "ecision ma1ing ,rocesses they sho+l" be rea"ily
a(ailable an" acc+rate $to )ithin state" +ncertainties%. .oo" ,ractice in accessibility an" ?+ality o* the
re,orts can be achie(e" by consi"ering the *ollo)ing itemsD ?+ality obEecti(es an" chec1s3
com,etence3 contingency arrangements3 sign/o** systems3 retention o* "ata3 an" *alsi*ication o* "ata.
$E&PPC:, 200#%
29<. Aore +se*+l in*ormation on monitoring ,rinci,les can be *o+n" in the E+ro,ean CommissionPs
Re*erence =oc+ment on the .eneral Princi,les o* Aonitoring $E&PPC:, 200#%.
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*or HWC A!C@ 4tan"ar"s. -ol+me &D =escri,tion o* 4o+rce Categories. O**ice o* 4oli" Waste an"
Emergency Res,onse. WashingtonD 5.4. En(ironmental Protection !gency.
5.4. EP! $5.4. En(ironmental Protection !gency%. 2007. Cement. &nD Energy @ren"s in
4electe" Aan+*act+ring 4ectorsD O,,ort+nities an" Challenges *or En(ironmentally Pre*erable Energy
O+tcomes. !(ailable *romD htt,D//))).e,a.go(/sectors/,"*/energy/re,ort.,"*
htt,D//))).e,a.go(/is,"/energy/in"e2.html H!ccesse" 27 4e,tember 20112 Aarch 2009I
5.4. EP! $5.4. En(ironmental Protection !gency%. 20110. Aaterials Characteri0ation Pa,er in
4+,,ort o* the Pro,ose" Cinal R+lema1ingD &"enti*ication o* 6onha0ar"o+s 4econ"ary Aaterials @hat
!re 4oli" Waste Cement 8iln =+st $C8=%. Aarch Cebr+ary 1<#, 20101. !(ailable *romD
1<17htt,D//))).e,a.go(/)astes/nonha0/"e*ine/,"*s/cement/1iln.,"* H!ccesse" 199 October6o(ember
5.4. .eological 4+r(ey. 2009. Cement. &nD Aineral Commo"ity 4+mmaries 2009. WashingtonD
5.4. .eological 4+r(ey. !(ailable *romD htt,D//minerals.+sgs.go(/minerals/,+bs/mcs/ H!ccesse" 2
Aarch 2009I
56EP $5nite" 6ations En(ironment Programme%. 1999. =e*initional &ss+es Relating to
Persistent Organic Poll+tantsD =is,osal, =estr+ction, Wastes an" 4toc1,iles. &ntergo(ernmental
6egotiating Committee *or an &nternational ;egally :in"ing &nstr+ment *or &m,lementing
&nternational !ction on Certain Persistent Organic Poll+tants. @hir" session. .ene(a, B/11 4e,tember
1999. 56EP/POP4/&6C.#/#. !(ailable *rom htt,D//))).chem.+ne,.ch/Po,s/POPs\&nc/&6C\#/inc/
56EP $5nite" 6ations En(ironment Programme%. 2007. .+i"elines on :est !(ailable
@echni?+es an" Pro(isional .+i"ance on :est En(ironmental Practices Rele(ant to !rticle 9 an"
!nne2 C o* the 4toc1holm Con(ention on Persistent Organic Poll+tantsD Cement 8ilns Ciring
Ha0ar"o+s Waste. E2,ert .ro+, on :est !(ailable @echni?+es an" :est En(ironmental Practices.
.ene(aD 56EP.
564= $5nite" 6ations 4tatistics =i(ision%. 200<. 5nite" 6ations Commo"ity @ra"e 4tatistics
=atabase $56 Comtra"e%. htt,D//comtra""b/
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Hansson, E. an" =ath, P. 200<. En(ironmental CR&teria *or CEAent :ase" Pro"+cts, ECR&CEA.
E2ec+ti(e 4+mmary. Energy Research Centre o* the 6etherlan"s $EC6%. EC6 Re,ort 6F EC6/E//0</
011. !(ailable *rom htt,D//)))"ocs/library/re,ort/200</e0<011.,"*
H!ccesse" 10 Aarch 2009I
-an Oss, H... 2009. :ac1gro+n" Cacts an" &ss+es Concerning Cement an" Cement =ata.
O,en/Cile Re,ort 2009/1192. 5.4. =e,artment o* the &nterior, 5.4. .eological 4+r(ey.
-an Oss, H... an" Pa"o(ani, !.C. 200#. Cement man+*act+re an" the en(ironment. Part &&D
En(ironmental Challenges an" O,,ort+nities. Lo+rnal o* &n"+strial Ecology, 7 $1%, 9#/12B.
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W:C4= $Worl" :+siness Co+ncil *or 4+stainable =e(elo,ment%. 2009. .+i"elines *or the
4election an" 5se o* C+els an" Ra) Aaterials in the Cement Aan+*act+ring Process. Cement
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Mee(al1in1, L.!. 1997. @he Aaterials an" Energy Potential Aetho" *or the >+antitati(e
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!,el"oornD @6O.
0nne1 =
Clin+er &roduction &rocess
1. Cement ,ro"+ction in(ol(es the heating, calcining an" sintering o* a care*+lly ,ro,ortione"
mi2t+re o* calcareo+s an" argillaceo+s materials, +s+ally limestone an" clay, to ,ro"+ce cement
clin1er, )hich is then coole" an" gro+n" )ith a""iti(es s+ch as gy,s+m $a setting retar"ant% to ma1e
cement. @his ,rocess ty,ically re?+ires a,,ro2imately 2.9 to B.7 .L o* energy "e,en"ing on the 1iln
technology em,loye" $&E!, 2007% an" 1.9 to 1.7 tonnes o* ra) materials ,er tonne o* clin1er ,ro"+ce"
$40abS et al, 200#%3 the ,ortion o* ra) material that "oes not become clin1er is either lost on ignition
or becomes C8= $5.4. EP!, 199#%. OWetP ,rocesses also +se )ater to ma1e the ra) sl+rry that *ee"s
the 1ilns3 abo+t B00 1g o* )ater is +se" in the man+*act+re o* one tonne o* cement, some o* )hich is
ret+rne" to the en(ironment $E!, 2009%.
2. Aan+*act+rers +se clin1er an" s,eci*ic constit+ents in (ario+s ,ro,ortions to ,ro"+ce cements
that meet "i**erent ,hysical an" chemical re?+irements *or s,eci*ic a,,lications. :y *ar the most
common hy"ra+lic cements in +se to"ay are either Portlan" cements or Oblen"e"P cements $(an Oss
an" Pa"o(ani, 200#%. @he stan"ar" s,eci*ications )ith )hich Portlan" cements m+st com,ly are
similar $albeit not i"entical% in all co+ntries an" (ario+s names are +se" to "e*ine the material. :len"e"
cements, also calle" com,osite cements, are mi2t+res o* Portlan" cement )ith one or more ,o00olanic
a""iti(es or e2ten"ers $sometimes collecti(ely terme" Os+,,lementary cementitio+s materialsP%, s+ch
as ,o00olana $(olcanic ashes%, certain ty,es o* *ly ash $*rom coal/*ire" ,o)er,lants%, gran+late" blast
*+rnace slag, silica *+me, or limestone. @hese materials commonly ma1e +, abo+t 9 to #0 ,er cent by
)eight o* the total blen", b+t can be higher $(an Oss, 2009%. @he "esignations *or blen"e" cements
"i**er )orl")i"e.
#. !ltho+gh a (ariety o* cement ty,es are ,ro"+ce" )orl")i"e, cement ,ro"+ction *ollo)s
essentially the same ,rocess, as "escribe" belo).
0- Conventional ra* materials and fuel
7. @he ra) materials *or cement m+st yiel" the o2i"es re?+ire" *or clin1er in the a,,ro2imate
,ro,ortions note" in @able 1, )ith the maEor re?+irement being calci+m o2i"e $CaO%. &n ,ractical
terms this means that nat+rally occ+rring calcareo+s "e,osits, s+ch as limestone, marl or chal1, )hich
consist essentially o* calci+m carbonate $CaCO#%, are re?+ire". Clay or shale ty,ically ,ro(i"es the
remaining com,onents. @o correct *or minor "e*iciencies in one or more o2i"es in the ,rimary ra)
materials, Ocorrecti(eP constit+ents
s+ch as iron ore, ba+2ite or san", may be a""e" to a"a,t the
chemical com,osition o* the ra) mi2 to the re?+irements o* the ,rocess an" ,ro"+ct s,eci*ications
$@aylor, 19973 8arstensen, 2007b%. .enerally, most, b+t not all, o* the ra) materials are mine"
a"Eacent to or )ithin a *e) miles o* the cement ,lant.
4ometimes calle" accessory or Os)eetenerP materials $(an Oss, 2009%.
@able 1
Chemical com&osition of ordinar Portland cement clin+er and conventional ra* materials
Constituent Clinker i!estone,
li!e !arl,
Cla" #and Iron ore $au%ite
4iO2 19.71/27.29Q 0.9/90Q ##/7<Q <0/99Q 7/11Q 2.9Q
!l2O# #.7B/B.7<Q 0.1/20Q 7/#0Q 0.9/7Q
@iO2 0.21/0.92Q 0.0/0.7Q 0.2/1.<Q 0.0/0.9Q
!l2O# b @iO2 7/#0Q 0.9/2Q 0.2/#Q 97.9Q
Ce2O# 1.29/7.B7Q 0.2/9.9Q 7.0/19Q 0.0/7Q
An2O# 0.0#/0.B<Q 0.02/0.19Q 0.09Q 0.091Q
Ce2O# b An2O# 0.1/10Q 2/19Q 0.9/2Q 19/99Q 22.<Q
CaO B#.7B/70.17Q 20/99Q 0.2/29Q 0.1/#Q 0.1/#7Q 2.7Q
AgO 0.00/7.91Q 0.2/BQ 0.#/9Q 0.#/0.9Q 1.9Q 0.07Q
82O 0.#1/1.7BQ 0/#.9Q 0.7/9Q 0.2/#Q @races 0.07Q
6a2O 0.0#/0.##9 0.0/1.9Q 0.1/1.9Q 0.0/1Q @races 0.02Q
Cl 0.0/0.BQ 0.0/1Q @races
P2O9 0.02/0.27Q 0.0/0.<Q 0.0/1.0Q 0.0/0.1Q
;oss on ignition
$CO2 b H2O%
0.09/1.9BQ 2/77Q 1/20Q 9 0.1/#0Q 1#.9Q
4o+rcesD E&PPC: $2010% an" CEA:5RE!5 $1999%
9. 6at+ral *orms o* CaCO# consist o* coarser or *iner crystals o* calcite. ;imestone is
microcrystalline CaCO# )ith clay as the main im,+rity. Chal1 is a (ery *ine graine", ,oro+s marine
limestone com,ose" almost entirely o* microsco,ic *ossils. @he main constit+ents o* shale an" clay are
clay minerals, *inely "i(i"e" ?+art0 an", sometimes, iron o2i"es. @ra"itionally, )et materials $chal1
an" clay% ha(e been +se" in O)etP or Osemi/)etP 1iln ,rocesses, an" "ry materials $limestone% ha(e
been +se" in the O"ryP or Osemi/"ryP ,rocesses $E!, 2009%.
B. !ro+n" <0/90 ,er cent o* ra) material *or the 1iln *ee" is limestone3 clayey ra) material
acco+nts *or bet)een 10/19 ,er cent, altho+gh the ,recise amo+nts )ill (ary $:.4, 2009%. &n a""ition
to the chemical com,osition o* the "esire" ,ro"+ct, the ,ro,ortion o* each ty,e o* ra) material +se" in
a gi(en cement 1iln )ill "e,en" on the com,osition o* the s,eci*ic materials a(ailable to the o,erator,
)hich is teste" on a reg+lar basis.
7. @he ,ro,ortioning ,rocess ta1es into acco+nt the ratios o* calci+m, silica $4iO2%, al+mina
$!l2O#%, an" iron o2i"e $Ce2O#% nee"e" to ,ro"+ce goo" ?+ality clin1er, as )ell as the Ob+rnabilityP
o* the ra) mi2 $i.e., the re?+irements in terms o* time, tem,erat+re, an" *+el to ,rocess the material%
$5.4. EP!, 199#%. &n a""ition, 1iln o,erators ,ay close attention to the ,resence o* Oim,+ritiesP in the
mi2t+re, incl+"ing magnesia, s+l,h+r, chlori"es, an" o2i"es o* ,otassi+m an" so"i+m $re*erre" to as
Oal1aliesP%. Aagnesia $AgO% can be "esirable to some e2tent beca+se it acts as a *l+2 at sintering
tem,erat+res, *acilitating the b+rning ,rocess, ho)e(er AgO le(els are care*+lly monitore" beca+se
they can lea" to the ,ro"+ction o* clin1er that is +nso+n" i* not coole" ra,i"ly
. !l1alies can react in
the cool en" o* the 1iln )ith s+l,h+r "io2i"e, chlori"es, an" carbon "io2i"e containe" in the 1iln gas
an" can lea" to o,erational ,roblems $5.4. EP!, 199#%.
<. @he ra) materials +se" in the cement ,ro"+ction ,rocess nat+rally contain metals an" halogens.
@h+s, antimony, arsenic, bari+m, berylli+m, ca"mi+m, chromi+m, lea", merc+ry, nic1el, seleni+m,
sil(er, thalli+m, (ana"i+m, 0inc, bromine, chlorine, *l+orine, an" io"ine are ty,ically ,resent in the ra)
materials. @he amo+nts o* these com,onents "e,en" on the geological *ormations *rom )hich the ra)
materials are mine". &n a""ition to the metals an" halogens ,resent, the ra) materials can contain
organic com,o+n"s $Aant+s, 1992%. !(erage (al+es an" range o* concentrations o* these constit+ents
are ,resente" in @able 2.
4+ch clin1er +se" to ma1e concrete can ca+se "estr+cti(e e2,ansion o* har"ene" concrete thro+gh slo)
reaction )ith )ater.
299. Cement ,ro"+ction also has high energy re?+irements, )hich ty,ically acco+nt *or #0/70 ,er
cent o* the ,ro"+ction costs $e2cl+"ing ca,ital costs%. Aost cement 1ilns to"ay +se coal an" ,etrole+m
co1e as ,rimary *+els, an" to a lesser e2tent, nat+ral gas an" *+el oil. !s )ell as ,ro(i"ing energy some
o* these *+els, es,ecially coal or lignite, ,ro"+ce signi*icant ?+antities o* ash similar in com,osition to
the argillaceo+s com,onent.
2B0. Aany ,lants ro+tinely b+rn more than one *+el. Cor e2am,le, )hen *iring +, a col" 1iln, nat+ral
gas or *+el oil is commonly +se" *or the slo), )arm/+, ,hase necessary to ,re(ent thermal
o(erstressing o* the 1ilnPs re*ractory bric1 lining. Once the 1iln is s+**iciently hot, it )ill be s)itche"
o(er to coal an"/or co1e $generally ,etrole+m co1e% *or ,ro"+ction o,erations. $(an Oss, 2009%
2B1. Coal can contain signi*icant ?+antities o* s+l,h+r, trace metals, an" halogens, an" their
concentrations are "e,en"ent on the area in )hich the coal )as mine" $see @able #%. 4+l,h+r $in the
*orm o* 4O#% )ill (a,ori0e in the 1iln to *orm s+l,h+r "io2i"e $4O2%, an" con"ense in the *orm o*
s+l,hates. Within the 1iln, these s+l,hates combine )ith calci+m an" ,otassi+m, ca+sing o,erational
,roblems in the cool en" o* the 1iln. Halogens are o* concern beca+se chlori"es can ca+se o,erational
,roblems similar to those ca+se" by s+l,h+r. Chlorine concentrations in coal can range *rom 100 to
2<00 ,arts ,er million. $5.4. EP!, 199#%
2B2. :oth heat an" electricity cons+m,tion (ary signi*icantly )ith 1iln technology $see @able 7% an",
*or the same general technology, ,lants o,erating m+lti,le 1ilns ten" to ha(e higher energy
re?+irement ,er tonne o* o(erall o+t,+t ca,acity than "o ,lants )ith the same o(erall ca,acity b+t that
o,erate a single 1iln. Wet 1ilns cons+me more *+el on a +nit basis than "o "ry 1ilns beca+se o* the
nee" to e(a,orate the )ater in the sl+rry *ee" an" the m+ch larger si0e o* the )et 1ilns. $(an Oss,
@able 2
Trace element concentrations 7in &arts &er million9 in conventional ra* materials 7!in J minimum valueI !a1 J ma1imum valueI 0> J average valueI
n-a- J no data available9
&in'&a% (A)*
&in'&a% (A)*
&in'&a% (A)*
&in'&a% (A)*
Iron ore
&in'&a% (A)*
&in'&a% (A)*
!s 0.1/19 $#% 0.2/12 $B% 2/100 $17% 0.7/72 $11% 2/1200 $#7% 0.2/#.9 $1.9%
:e 0.01/12$0.#% n.a./1 $0.9% 1/7 $#% 0.B/1.9 $1.0% 0.</2 $1% 0.02/0.9 $0.2%
C" 0.02/2 $0.2% 0.02/0.9 $0.#% 0.01/1 $0.2% 0.01/1 $0.2% 0.02/19$B% 0.0#/2.# $0.19%
Co 0.1/7 $#% n.a./2< $9% B/29 $20% 0.#/#7 $11% 109/1<# $177% 0.02/#.9 $1%
Cr 0.9/1<7$17% 1.2/71 $2<% 19/2B0 $<9% 1/220 $19% </1700 $799% 1/27.# $<.<%
C+ 9/97 $11% 7.9/#9 $12% 10/2<9 $7#% 1.2/<9 $10% $1920% 0.#/12.< $7%
Hg 0.009/0.1 $0.07% 0.009/0.1 $0.0#% 0.01/0.9 $0.2% 0.01/1 $0.02% n.a./1 $0.9% 0.00B29/1.# $0.1%
An 290/##00 $900% n.a./##00 $#B0% n.a./2900 $B00% 7B/2070 $197% 900/1200 $1090% n.a.
6i 1.7/1#1$1<% 1.9/97 $1B% 7/2#B $B#% 1/7# $1#% 9/<19 $##1% 0.#/17.9 $9.9%
Pb 0.27/191 $1<% 0.#/97 $12% 1/219 $29% 0.7/70 $10% 7/<700 $#90% 0.2/20.9 $7%
4b 0.2/27 $1% n.a./27 $7% 0.9/1# $2% 0.#/12 $7% $2B% 0.1/9 $1%
4e 0.7/#0 $0.B% n.a. $1% n.a./2.9$0.9% n.a. $1% $<% 0.B/17 $0.<%
4n 0.9/27 $7% n.a./27 $#% 1.B/#0 $9% 1.</70 $#% n.a./900 $29% n.a.
@e n.a. $0.7% n.a. $1% n.a. $0.9% n.a. $0.9% n.a./1# $10% n.a.
@l 0.09/# $0.#% 0.09/0.B< $0.B% 0.1/1.B $0.9% 0.09/1 $0.2% 0.1/700$2% 0.1/1.0 $0.#%
- 9/<0 $2B% n.a./79 $20% #0/#00 $1#0% 2/270 $90% 10/B90 $29B% 1/27.< $1#.9%
Mn 0.1/229$#0% 22/79 $7<% 2/#07 $7<% 7.2/112$29% 27/9700 $#2<<% 1/99 $19%
:r a/ n.a. $9.9% n.a. 1/9< n.a. n.a. n.a.
Cl a/ 90/270 n.a. 19/790 n.a. n.a. n.a.
C a/ 100/970 n.a. #00/990 n.a. n.a. n.a.
& a/ 0.29/0.79 n.a. 0.2/2.2 n.a. n.a. n.a.
a/ Aant+s $1992%
4o+rceD !chternbosch et al. $200#%, +nless other)ise note".
@able #
Trace element concentrations 7in &arts &er million9 in &rimar fuels 7!in J minimum valueI
!a1 J ma1imum valueI n-a- J no data available9
$itu!inous coal
Petroleu! coke
!s 1/200 n.a. 0.1/12 0.2/0.<
:e 0/< n.a. 0.07/0.B 0.02/0.0#
C" 0.01/10 n.a. 0.0B/2.7 0.07/7
Co 0.9/7# n.a. 0.9/7.2 n.a.
Cr 1/2B0 n.a. 0.9/20 0.9/107
C+ 0.#0/B0 n.a. 0.7/19 n.a.
Hg 0.01/# n.a. 0.01/0.7 0.01/0.09
An 9/#9B n.a. 90/1B0 n.a.
6i 1/110 n.a. 0.B/29 27/#99
Pb 9/270 n.a. 0.7/#7 1/102
4b 0.09/9 n.a. 0.07/2.9 n.a.
4e 0/B n.a. 0.7/29 n.a.
4n 1.#/7.< n.a. 0.9/19 n.a.
@e 0.2/9.0 n.a. 0.1/10 n.a.
@l 0.1/9 n.a. 0.09/0.7 0.07/#.1
- 10/290 n.a. 0.1/<7 79/17#9
Mn 7.9/709 n.a. 1/70 1B/220
:r a/ n.a. 7/11 n.a. n.a.
Cl a/ n.a. 100/2<00 n.a. n.a.
C a/ n.a. 90/#70 n.a. n.a.
& a/ n.a. 0.</11.2 n.a. n.a.
a/ Aant+s $1992%
4o+rceD !chternbosch et al. $200#%, +nless other)ise note".
@able 7
Energ re:uirements for clin+er manufacture
Process C+el cons+m,tion, .L/tonne
-ertical sha*t 1iln #.7/B.B
Wet ,rocess 9.9/B.7
;ong "ry ,rocess 7.B
1 stage cyclone ,reheater 7.2
2 stage cyclone ,reheater #.<
7 stage cyclone ,reheater #.#
7 stage ,reheater b ,recalciner #.1
9 stage ,reheater b ,recalciner #.0/#.1
B stage ,reheater b ,recalciner 2.9
4o+rceD &E! $2007% an" 40abS $200#%
B- !anufacturing &rocess
2B#. Portlan" cement ,ro"+ction begins )ith the man+*act+re o* clin1er *ollo)e" by its *ine
grin"ing )ith gy,s+m an" other a""iti(es to ma1e the *inishe" cement ,ro"+ct. .rin"ing can occ+r on
site or at o**site grin"ing ,lants 1no)n as cement mills. Clin1er man+*act+re in(ol(es the ?+arrying,
cr+shing, an" ,ro,ortioning o* ra) materials to ,ro"+ce either a ra) meal *or the "ry an" semi/"ry
,rocesses or a sl+rry *or the )et an" semi/)et ,rocesses. Once the material is ,re,are", the ra) mi2 is
*e" into a 1iln )here it is heate" as it mo(es thro+gh a n+mber o* chemical an" ,hysical ,rocesses
necessary *or *orming the clin1er.
2B7. &n the 1iln, the ra) meal, or sl+rry in the )et ,rocess, is s+bEecte" to a thermal treatment
,rocess consisting o* the consec+ti(e ste,s o* O"rying/,reheatingP, OcalciningP, an" OsinteringP $also
1no)n as Ob+rningP or Oclin1eringP%3 the (ario+s reactions 0ones are "e,icte" in Cig+re 1.
2B9. @he *irst "rying an" ,reheating 0one, occ+rs in a tem,erat+re range o* *rom U100 to 790FC.
Here resi"+al, or *ree, )ater is e(a,orate" *rom the ra) meal *ee", the clay materials begin to
"ecom,ose an" the bo+n" )ater is remo(e" so that they become "ehy"rate".
6e2t is the calcining 0one, )here materials tem,erat+res range *rom 790 to 1000FC. @he material is
Ocalcine"P, that is calci+m carbonate $CaCO#% in the limestone is "issociate" ,ro"+cing calci+m o2i"e
$CaO, lime% an" liberating carbon "io2i"e $CO2% gas.
Cinally, in the b+rning 0one, calci+m o2i"e reacts )ith silicates, iron, an" al+mini+m to *orm
"icalci+m silicate, tricalci+m silicate, tricalci+m al+minate, an" tetracalci+m al+mino*errite, "enote" in
shorthan" as C24, C#4, C#!, an" C7!C res,ecti(ely. &n a""ition, clin1er no"+les, ty,ically # to 20
mm in "iameter, are *orme" in a semi/soli" state in the b+rning 0one, an" soli"i*y com,letely on
cooling, )hich begins in a short cooling 0one )ithin the 1iln, an" contin+es in a cooler, o+tsi"e o* the
cement 1iln.
2BB. &n the clin1er b+rning ,rocess it is essential to maintain 1iln charge tem,erat+res in the
sintering 0one bet)een 1700 an" 1900FC to con(ert the ra) meal to clin1er. @o reach these
tem,erat+res, *lame tem,erat+res o* abo+t 2000FC are necessary. !lso, *or reasons o* clin1er ?+ality,
e2cess air is re?+ire" in the sintering 0one to maintain o2i"i0ing con"itions. Other)ise, i* ins+**icient
o2ygen is ,resent, tetracalci+m al+mino *errite "oes not *orm3 instea" Ce2O# is re"+ce" to CeO. @his
lea"s to a clin1er ,ro"+ct that ,ro"+ces a ?+ic1 setting cement )ith "ecrease" *inal strength.
!""itionally, the ,resence o* +nb+rne" carbon in the b+rning region ,ro"+ces a clin1er )ith an
+n"esirable bro)n colo+r. $5.4. EP!, 2007%
2B7. @he com,osition o* the clin1er, as )ell as the names an" *orm+las o* the clin1er com,onents
are liste" in @able 9. @o com,lete the ,ro"+ction o* Portlan" cement, the coole" clin1er is gro+n" )ith
a small amo+nt o* gy,s+m or anhy"rite. Cig+re 2 ,ro(i"es a ,rocess *lo) "iagram o* the general
cement man+*act+ring ,rocess.
@able 9
T&ical mineralogical com&osition of ordinar Portland cement clin+er
Che!ical na!e (co!!on na!e* Che!ical for!ula Co!!on notation a, Concentration
@ricalci+m silicate $OaliteP% Ca#4iO9 C#4 90/70Q
=icalci+m silicate $ObeliteP% Ca24iO7 C24 19/#0Q
@ricalci+m al+minate $Oal+minateP% Ca#!l2OB C#! 9/10Q
@etracalci+m al+mino*errite $O*erriteP% Ca7!l2Ce2O10 C7!C 9/19Q
a/ !bbre(iationsD CGCaO3 4G4iO23 !G!l2O#3 CGCe2O#
4o+rceD @aylor $1997%
Cig+re &
%iagram of KreactionL #ones for different +iln technologies
4o+rceD (an Oss $2009%
Cig+re &&
6eneral cement manufacturing &rocess
4o+rceD (an Oss $2009%
2B<. Clin1er can be ma"e either in energy/intensi(e an" small/scale (ertical 1ilns or in more
e**icient, larger scale rotary 1ilns. With the e2ce,tion o* (ertical sha*t 1ilns $-48% still +se" in certain
geogra,hical areas $mainly China an" &n"ia% $CPC:, 20073 HRhne an" Ellermann, 200<%, cement
clin1er is ,re"ominantly b+rnt in rotary 1ilns. Cor the man+*act+re o* cement +sing rotary 1ilns
heating o* the ra) meal to ,ro"+ce cement clin1er can ta1e ,lace in one o* *o+r "i**erent ty,es o*
arrangementsD the O"ryP, Osemi/"ryP, Osemi/)etP, or O)etP ,rocesses $E&PPC:, 20103 56EP, 2007%D
$a% =ry ,rocessD =ry ra) meal is *e" to a cyclone ,reheater or ,recalciner 1iln or, in some
cases, to a long "ry 1iln )ith internal chain ,reheater.
$b% 4emi/"ry ,rocessD =ry ra) meal is ,elletise" )ith )ater an" *e" to a tra(elling grate
,reheater ,rior to the rotary 1iln or in some cases, to a long 1iln e?+i,,e" )ith internal cross
$c% 4emi/)et ,rocessD Ra) sl+rry is *irst "e)atere" in *ilter ,resses. @he res+lting *ilter
ca1e is either e2tr+"e" into ,ellets an" *e" to a tra(elling grate ,reheater or *e" "irectly to a *ilter ca1e
"rier *or $"ry% ra) meal ,ro"+ction ,rior to a ,reheater/,recalciner 1iln.
$"% Wet ,rocessD @he ra) sl+rry is *e" either "irectly to a long rotary 1iln e?+i,,e" )ith an
internal "rying/,reheating system $con(entional )et ,rocess% or to sl+rry "rier ,rior to a
,reheater/,recalciner 1iln $mo"ern )et ,rocess%.
2B9. &n China a,,ro2imately B0 ,er cent o* the cement )as ,ro"+ce" in 2009 in -48s, an amo+nt
that is e2,ecte" to "ro, to 90 ,er cent by 2019 $8arstensen, 200Ba%. &n E+ro,e, abo+t 90 ,er cent o*
the cement ,ro"+ction is *rom "ry ,rocess 1ilns, a *+rther 7.9 ,er cent o* ,ro"+ction is acco+nte" *or
by semi/"ry an" semi/)et ,rocess 1ilns, )ith the remain"er o* E+ro,ean ,ro"+ction, abo+t 2.9 ,er
cent, coming *rom )et ,rocess 1ilns $E&PPC:, 2010%. &n the 5nite" 4tates, no ne) )et 1ilns ha(e
been b+ilt since 1979, an" a,,ro2imately <0 ,er cent o* 5.4. cement ,ro"+ction ca,acity no) relies on
the "ry ,rocess technology $5.4. En(ironmental Protection !gency, 2007%. @he )et ,rocess remains
"ominant in the *ormer 4o(iet 5nion an" !+stralia/6e) Mealan" an" is still signi*icant in Cana"a,
&n"ia, ;atin !merica an" !*rica $Watson et al., 2009%. @able B ,ro(i"es the share mi2 o* 1iln
technologies in each region or co+ntry in 2002.
270. !ltho+gh -48s are im,ro(ements o(er the ol", chimney/ty,e 1ilns in that some -48s allo)
*or contin+o+s ,rocessing, they are consi"ere" to be less energy e**icient than the rotary 1ilns, an"
-48 clin1er $an" hence cement% is generally consi"ere" to be o* lo)er ?+ality $(an Oss, 2009%.
C+rthermore, many -48s ,lants ha(e (irt+ally no en(ironmental controls in ,lace, an" the nat+re o*
the technology ,recl+"es e**ecti(e +se o* mo"ern "+st $an" other emission% controls. Com,are" )ith
,reheater/,recalciner 1ilns, -48s seems to cons+me *rom 17 to 109 ,er cent more coal ,er tonne o*
clin1er3 *+el s+bstit+tion is ho)e(er not *easible *or (ertical sha*t 1ilns $8arstensen, 200Ba%. @he ra)
materials +se" *or cement ,ro"+ction in -48s are e2actly the same as in any other ,ro"+ction ,rocess3
correcti(e materials may also be re?+ire" to a"E+st the chemical com,osition o* the ra) mi2.
@able B
,hare of different +iln t&es in 2002
Regions, countries -iln T"pe (. Production*
Dr" #e!i'Dr" Wet )ertical
6orth !merica 5nite" 4tates B9 2 ## 0
Cana"a 71 B 2# 0
Western E+ro,e 9< 2# 1# B
Eastern E+ro,e Cormer 4o(iet 5nion 12 # 7< 7
Other Eastern E+ro,e 97 7 #9 0
!sia La,an 100 0 0 0
!+stralia an" 6e) Mealan" 27 # 72 0
China 9 0 2 9#
4o+th/East !sia <0 9 10 1
Re,+blic o* 8orea 9# 0 7 0
&n"ia 90 9 29 1B
;atin !merica B7 9 2# 1
!*rica BB 9 27 0
Ai""le East <2 # 1B 0
4o+rceD :aron et al. $2007%
0nne1 ==
E1am&le of a *aste acce&tance decision chart
4o+rceD .@M/Holcim $200B%
0nne1 ===
Com&ilation of &erformance verification and trial burns results in
cement +ilns 7%r- ;are "elge ;arstensenD &ersonal communicationD
November @D 200C9
1. @esting o* cement 1iln emissions *or the ,resence o* organic chemicals "+ring the b+rning o*
ha0ar"o+s materials has been +n"erta1en since the 1970s, )hen the ,ractice o* comb+sting )astes in
cement 1ilns )as *irst consi"ere". ;a+ber $19<7%, !hling $1979% an" :enesta" $19<9% "escribe some
o* these early tests on 5.4., 4)e"ish an" 6or)egian 1ilns, )hich con*irme" the ability o* cement 1ilns
to "estroy the organic com,onent o* a )aste *ee". Cor e2am,le, the =RE *or chemicals s+ch as
methylene chlori"e, carbon tetrachlori"e, trichloroben0ene, trichloroethane an" PC:s has ty,ically
been meas+re" at 99.999 ,er cent an" better.
2. Com,rehensi(e emission st+"ies ha(e been ,er*orme" )hen a con(entional *+el s+ch as coal
)as b+rne", an" )hen ha0ar"o+s )aste )as intro"+ce", an" these ha(e generally concl+"e" that no
signi*icant "i**erences co+l" be meas+re" bet)een +sages o* the t)o *+els. Cor e2am,le, :ranscome et
al $19<9% obser(e" that Jno statistically signi*icant increase in emission rates )ere obser(e" )hen the
)aste *+el $as o,,ose" to coal% )as b+rne"K. Early st+"ies on "io2in emissions ha(e also come to this
concl+sion $:ranscome et al. $19<9%, ;a+ber $19<7% an" .arg $1990%%.
0- .esults from trial burns conducted in the 1C/0s
#. &n the mi"/1970s, a series o* tests )ere con"+cte" at the 4t. ;a)rence cement ,lant in Cana"a
to meas+re the "estr+ction o* (ario+s chlorinate" )aste streams being *e" into their )et ,rocess
cement 1iln. @he o(erall =RE establishe" *or the chlorinate" com,o+n"s )as greater than 99.9<B ,er
cent. @his (al+e )as consi"ere" to be arti*icially lo) beca+se the )ater +se" to sl+rry the ra) *ee" )as
contaminate" )ith lo) molec+lar )eight chlorinate" com,o+n"s.
7. &n 197<, a series o* tests )as con"+cte" at the 4tora -i1a Cement Plant in 4)e"en to e(al+ate
the e**iciency o* their )et ,rocess cement 1iln in "estroying (ario+s chlorinate" )aste streams.
!ltho+gh chloro*orm )as *o+n" in the stac1 gas, the maEority o* the chlorinate" com,o+n"s )ere not
"etecte". ! =RE greater than 99.999 ,er cent )as "etermine" *or methylene chlori"e an" a =RE
greater than 99.999< ,er cent )as "emonstrate" *or trichloroethylene.
B- .esults from trial burns conducted in the 1C80s
9. @rial b+rns con"+cte" in the 19<0s contin+e" to "emonstrate that high =REs co+l" be obtaine"
*or the organic constit+ents in the ha0ar"o+s )aste *+el b+rne" in cement 1ilns. @he res+lts o* trial
b+rns o* one )et an" one "ry ,rocess cement 1iln ill+strate the ty,ical (al+es obtaine" *or =REs. @he
,rinci,le organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ents selecte" *or the trial b+rns )ere methylene chlori"e, 1,1,2/
trichloro/1,2,2/tri*l+oroethane $Creon 11#%, methyl ethyl 1etone, 1,1,1/trichloroethane an" tol+ene. !s
s+mmari0e" in the table belo), the maEority o* the =REs )ere greater than 99.99 ,er cent. =REs less
than 99.99 ,er cent res+lte" *rom either laboratory contamination ,roblems or im,ro,er selection o*
the POHCs.
Table 1- 0verage %.Es for a *et and a dr &rocess cement +iln
4electe" POHCs Wet ,rocess 1iln =ry ,rocess 1iln
Aethylene chlori"e 99.9<# Q 99.9B Q
Creon 11# X99.999 Q 99.999 Q
Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.9<< Q 99.99< Q
1,1,1/@richloroethane 99.999 Q X99.999 Q
@ol+ene 99.9B1 Q 99.999 Q
C- .esults from trial burns conducted in the 1CC0s
B. @rial b+rns con"+cte" in the 1990s ha(e *oc+se" on the selection o* com,o+n"s as POHCs that
)o+l" not ty,ically be ,resent as contaminants or generate" as P&Cs *rom the comb+stion o*
con(entional *+el. 5se o* this criterion has res+lte" in more acc+rate =REs being obtaine".
7. &n a =RE testing o* a "ry ,rocess cement 1iln e?+i,,e" )ith a ,reheater, carbon tetrachlori"e
an" trichloroben0ene )ere chosen as the POHCs. When *e" to the b+rning 0one o* the 1iln, =REs
obtaine" )ere greater than 99.999 ,er cent *or carbon tetrachlori"e an" greater than 99.999 ,er cent
*or trichloroben0ene. @o "etermine the limits o* the system, =REs )ere also "etermine" )hen these
POHCs )ere *e" to the 1iln inlet $i.e. cool en"% o* the 1iln along )ith tyres. =REs obtaine" )ere
greater than 99.999 ,er cent *or carbon tetrachlori"e an" greater than 99.99B Q *or trichloroben0ene.
<. =RE testing con"+cte" at a cement 1iln o)ne" by 5nite" Cement s+,,orts the *oregoing
res+lts. 4+l,h+r he2a*l+ori"e )as chosen as the POHC beca+se o* its thermal stability an" ease o*
meas+rement in the stac1 gases. &n a""ition, [contamination[ ,roblems an" P&C inter*erences are
+nli1ely )ith the +se o* this com,o+n". =REs greater than 99.999< ,er cent )ere obtaine" in e(ery
9. &n 1999 a test b+rn )ith ,estici"e contaminate" soil *e" into the 1iln inlet )as ,er*orme" in a
"ry ,rocess 1iln in Colombia. @he test b+rn res+lt sho)e" a =RE o* X99.9999 ,er cent *or all the
intro"+ce" ,estici"es.
%- .esults from recent trial burns
10. ! test b+rn )ith t)o e2,ire" chlorinate" insectici"e com,o+n"s intro"+ce" at a rate o* 2 tons
,er ho+r thro+gh the main b+rner )as carrie" o+t in -ietnam in 200#. @he =RE *or the intro"+ce"
insectici"es )as X99.99999 ,er cent.
11. ! three "ay test b+rn in 4ri ;an1a in 200B "emonstrate" that the cement 1iln )as able to
"estroy PC: in an irre(ersible an" en(ironmental so+n" manner )itho+t ca+sing any ne) *ormation o*
PC==/PC=C or HC:. @he "estr+ction an" remo(al e**iciency $=RE% )as better than 99.9999 ,er cent
at the highest PC: *ee"ing rate.
12. ! *i(e "ay test b+rn )ith POPs contaminate" soil )as con"+cte" in a cement 1iln in -ene0+ela
in 2007. @he soil )as contaminate" )ith relati(ely lo) le(els o* (ario+s chlorinate" ,estici"es, *irst o*
all the al"rin, "iel"rin an" en"rin $+, to ma2 991 mg/1g%. Aeas+rement sho)e" the same lo) le(els o*
"iel"rin in the stac1 gas $U0.019 cg/6m
% )hen no contaminate" soil )as *e" as )hen *ee"ing 2
tonne/h o* contaminate" soil containing +, to 922 mg "iel"rin/1g. &t can there*ore be ass+me" that the
meas+re" =RE o* 99.9997 ,er cent achie(e" )ith the highest *ee"ing concentration is ,robably higher
in reality.
1#. ! recent st+"y e(al+ating more than 2000 PC==/PC=C cement 1iln meas+rements an"
in"icating that most mo"ern cement 1ilns co/,rocessing )aste $also organic ha0ar"o+s )astes% can
meet an emission le(el o* 0.1 ng PC==/PC=C &/@E>/m
E- ,ummar
17. Earlier "ata, )hich in"icate" cement 1iln =RE res+lts belo) 99.99 ,er cent are most ,robably
either *rom o+t"ate" so+rces or im,ro,erly "esigne" tests, or both. &n the early years o* "e(elo,ment
o* this conce,t an" the sam,ling an" analytical techni?+es to e(al+ate its en(ironmental ,er*ormance,
there )ere se(eral instances )here POHCs )ere selecte" that "i" not meet the necessary criteria. Cor
e2am,le, a maEor ,roblem )ith many early tests )as that the POHCs selecte" *or =RE e(al+ation
)ere organic s,ecies that are ty,ically *o+n" at trace le(els in the stac1 emissions *rom cement 1ilns
that b+rn solely *ossil *+el. While these P&Cs )ere emitte" at (ery lo) le(els, they nonetheless greatly
inter*ere" )ith the meas+rement o* POHC "estr+ction. Practitioners ?+ic1ly learne" that =RE co+l"
not be ,ro,erly meas+re" i* POHCs +se" in testing )ere chemically the same or closely relate" to the
ty,e o* P&Cs ro+tinely emitte" *rom ra) materials. Cor that reason, early =RE test res+lts $i.e., be*ore
1990% sho+l" al)ays be treate" )ith ca+tion.
19. &n some cases ho)e(er, o,erational *actors "+ring the testing or sam,ling an" analytical
techni?+es contrib+te" to the lo) =RE res+lts. @hese ty,ically )ere ,roblems that occ+rre" only in
the earliest tests con"+cte" "+ring the "e(elo,mental stages o* this technology an" sho+l" be ,ossible
to a(oi" to"ay. @rial b+rn is a goo" )ay o* "emonstrating a 1ilns ,er*ormance an" ability to "estroy
)astes in an irre(ersible an" so+n" )ay, b+t the "esign an" the con"itions o* the trial is (ery cr+cial.
8- Earl a&&lications of trial burn rules to cement +iln evaluation
1B. 4ince the early nineteen se(enties, the 5nite" 4tates EP!, se(eral state agencies, Cana"ian,
6or)egian, 4)e"ish agencies ha(e con"+cte" st+"ies o* the *easibility o* +sing cement 1ilns *or
ha0ar"o+s )aste "estr+ction. @hese )astes ha(e incl+"e" a broa" range o* chlorinate" hy"rocarbons,
aromatic com,o+n"s, an" )aste oils. :oth )et an" "ry ,rocess cement 1ilns, aggregate 1ilns an" lime
1ilns ha(e been +se" *or these tests.
17. @he a(ailable re,orts on cement 1ilns ,ro(i"es "ata abo+t ,er*ormance )ith regar" to the
*ollo)ing s,eci*ic com,o+n"sD trichloromethane $chloro*orm%3 "ichloromethane $methylene chlori"e%3
carbon tetrachlori"e3 1,2/"ichloroethane3 1,1,1/trichloroethane3 trichloroethylene3 tetrachloroethylene3
1,1,2/trichloro/1,2,2/tri*l+orethane $Creon 11#%3 chloroben0ene3 ben0ene3 2ylene3 tol+ene3 1,#,9/
trimethylben0ene3 methyl ethyl 1etone3 methyl isob+tyl 1etone3 carbon he2a*l+orine3 ,heno2y aci"s3
chlorinate" hy"rocarbons3 chlorinate" ali,hatics3 chlorinate" aromatics3 PC:s3 an" POPs ,estici"es.
Table 2- ,ummar of %.Es for selected com&ounds from the seventies and the eighties
4ite POHC or )aste com,onent =RE
4t. ;a)rence Cement $Cana"a% Chlorinate" ali,hatics X99.990
Chlorinate" aromatics X99.9<9
PC:s X99.9<B
4tora -i1a $4)e"en% Aethylene chlori"e X99.999
@richloroethylene X99.999<
!ll chlorinate" hy"rocarbons X99.9<<
PC:s X99.9999<
Chlorinate" ,henols X99.99999
Pheno2y aci"s X99.9999<
Creon 11# X99.999<B
:re(i1 $6or)ay% PC:s X99.99999
4an L+an Cement $P+erto Rico% Aethylene chlori"e 9#.292/99.997
@richloromethane 92.171/99.9B
Carbon tetrachlori"e 91.07#/99.99B
Portlan" $;os Robles% Aethylene chlori"e X99.99
1,1,1/@richloroethane 99.99
1,#,9/@rimethylben0ene X99.99
'ylene X99.99
.eneral Portlan" $Pa+l"ing% Aethylene chlori"e 99.99B/99.99<
Creon 11# X99.999
Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.97</99.997
1,1,1/trichloroethane 99.991/99.999
@ol+ene 99.970/99.9<<
;one 4tar &n"+stries $Oglesby% Aethylene chlori"e 99.90/99.99
Creon 11# 99.999
Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.997/99.999
1,1,1/trichloroethane X99.999
@ol+ene 99.9<B/99.99<
Aar?+ette Cement $Oglesby% Aethylene chlori"e 99.<9/99.92
Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.9B
1,1,1/trichloroethane 99.B0/99.72
@ol+ene 99.99/99.97
Roc1)ell ;ime Aethylene chlori"e 99.9977/99.9999
Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.9992/99.9997
1,1,1/trichloroethane 99.9999/99.99<2
@richloroethylene 99.997/99.9999
4ite POHC or )aste com,onent =RE
@etrachloroethylene 99.997/99.9999
@ol+ene 99.999/99.99<
4ite & 1,1,1/trichloroethane 99.<</99.9<
@richloroethylene 99.</99.997
:en0ene <2.9/9<.9
@etrachloroethylene 99.<7/99.9<9
@ol+ene 99.7/99.90
Chloroben0ene 99.#/99.7
Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.9#/99.9<
Creon 11# 99.9<</99.99<
4ite && Aethylene chlori"e X99.9999B/X99.9999<
1,2/"ichloroethane 99.91/X99.999#
1,1,1/trichloroethane 99.999</99.9999
Carbon tetrachlori"e 99.</99.999
@richloroethylene 99.99B/99.999#
:en0ene 99.79/99.9#
@etrachloroethylene 99.99</99.999<
@ol+ene 99.997/99.999<
Chloroben0ene 99.92/99.97
Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.99B/X99.999992
Creon 11# 99.99991/99.9999<
Clori"a 4olite Cor,. Aethyl ethyl 1etone 99.992/99.999
Aethyl isob+tyl 1etone 99.999/99.999
@etrachloroethylene 99.999/99.999
@ol+ene 99.99</99.999
4o+rceD EP! $19<B%
1<. &t sho+l" be note" that the =RE calc+lations "i" not incl+"e corrections *or test com,o+n"s
meas+re" "+ring baseline tests.
19. @he iss+e o* P&C *ormation is one abo+t )hich there is generally great ,+blic concern. 4ome o*
the 1iln tests "emonstrate" minor increases in P&Cs res+lting *rom )aste comb+stion. Ho)e(er, tests
r+n on coal/*ire" *acilities "emonstrate that P&Cs are (irt+ally ine(itable *or these systems. !ltho+gh
trace ?+antities $U2# ,arts ,er trillion% o* ,olychlorinate" "iben0o"io2ins an" "iben0o*+rans )ere
meas+re" at 4an L+an "+ring a 1iln +,set, an" trace ?+antities may ha(e been ,resent at 4tora -i1a, the
EP! s+mmary re,ort concl+"es that they are not con*irme" as P&Cs *rom )aste ,ro"+ction.
20. &* )aste li?+i" organic chemicals are *e" into the *iring en" o* the cement 1iln, it can be rea"ily
seen that they )ill be s+bEect to the high tem,erat+res an" long resi"ence times o* the cement clin1er
,ro"+ction ,rocess. Conse?+ently, they )ill be almost com,letely "estroye" by a combination o*
,yrolysis an" o2i"ation.
0nne1 ==>
,ources of air emissions
0- Particulate matter
1. @he cement ,ro"+ction ,rocess incl+"es thermal treatment $"rying, heating, calcining,
clin1eri0ation, cooling% o* materials thro+gh "irect contact )ith hot gases. &t also incl+"es ,ne+matic
material trans,orts an" material classi*ication an" se,aration. !t the en" o* these ,rocesses, air, gas
an" ,+l(eri0e" materials ha(e to be se,arate". &ncom,lete se,aration gi(es rise to "+st emissions
1iln/ra) mill main stac1, clin1er cooler stac1, cement mill stac1s, material trans*er ,oint "e"+sting air
2. O+t"ate" air ,oll+tion control e?+i,ment may emit +, to se(eral 100 mg/6m#. EP4 easily
reach U 90 mg/6m#. Cabric *ilters ,ro"+ce (al+es U 20 mg/6m#. @he (isibility limit *or ,oint so+rce
"+st is generally ass+me" to be aro+n" <0 mg/6m#.
#. &n the E5, :!@ *or "+st emissions arising *rom "+sty o,erations other than those *rom 1iln
*iring, cooling an" main milling ,rocesses, is to re"+ce channelle" "+st emissions *rom "+sty
o,erations $ta1ing into acco+nt a maintenance management system% to less than 10 mg/6m
associate" emission le(el or :!@/!E;%, as the a(erage o(er the sam,ling ,erio" $s,ot meas+rement,
*or at least hal* an ho+r% by a,,lying "ry e2ha+st gas cleaning )ith a *ilter. :!@ *or "+st emissions
arising *rom 1iln *iring ,rocesses is to re"+ce "+st $,artic+late matter% emissions *rom *l+e/gases o*
1iln *iring ,rocesses by a,,lying "ry e2ha+st gas cleaning )ith a *ilter. @he :!@/!E; is U10/20
, as the "aily a(erage (al+e. When a,,lying *abric *ilters or ne) or +,gra"e" E4Ps, the lo)er
le(el is achie(e". $E&PPC:, 2010%
B- ,ul&hur o1ides
7. 4O2 res+lts *rom the o2i"ation o* s+l,hi"e or elemental s+l,h+r containe" in the *+el "+ring
comb+stion. &n a""ition, s+l,hi"e or elemental s+l,h+r containe" in ra) materials may be Oroaste"P or
o2i"i0e" to 4O2 in areas o* the 1iln system )here s+**icient o2ygen is ,resent an" the material
tem,erat+re is in the range o* #00/B00FC. 4+l,hates in the ra) mi2 can also be con(erte" to 4O2
thro+gh locali0e" re"+cing con"itions in the 1iln system. @he al1aline nat+re o* the cement ,ro(i"es
*or "irect absor,tion o* 4O2 into the ,ro"+ct, thereby mitigating the ?+antity o* 4O2 emissions in the
e2ha+st stream.
9. Range o* emissions "e,en"s on content o* (olatile s+l,h+r com,o+n"s in ra) materialsD mostly
belo) #00 mg/6m
3 sometimes +, to #000 mg/6m
B. &n the E5, :!@ *or 4O2 emissions is to 1ee, the emissions o* 4O2 lo) or to re"+ce the
emissions o* 4O2 *rom the *l+e/gases o* 1iln *iring an"/or ,reheating/,recalcining ,rocesses by
a,,lying one o* the *ollo)ing meas+res/techni?+esD absorbent a""ition or )et scr+bber. $E&PPC:,
7. :!@ associate" emission le(els *or 4O2 are $E&PPC:, 2010%D
Parameter 5nit :!@/!E; $"aily a(erage (al+e% $a%
4O2 e2,resse" as 4O2 mg/6m
U90 U700
$a% @he range ta1es into acco+nt the s+l,h+r content in the ra) materials
Aoreo(er, *acilities co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes that are locate" in the E5 ha(e to meet
the re?+irements o* the Co+ncil =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC.
C- Nitrogen o1ides
<. O* the *o+r mechanisms o* 6O2 *ormation in cement 1ilns, thermal an" *+el 6O2 *ormation are
the most im,ortant. @hermal 6O2 res+lts *rom the o2i"ation o* molec+lar nitrogen in air at high
tem,erat+re. @his occ+rs in an" aro+n" the *lame in the b+rning 0one o* a cement 1iln at a tem,erat+re
greater than 1200dC.
9. C+el 6O2 res+lts *rom the o2i"ation o* nitrogen in the *+el at any comb+stion tem,erat+re
*o+n" in the cement ,rocess. :eca+se o* the lo)er comb+stion tem,erat+re in the calciner an" some
sites o* s+,,lemental *+el comb+stion, the *ormation o* *+el 6O2 o*ten e2cee"s that o* thermal 6O2 at
these locations.
10. @he generation o* *ee" 6O2 has been "emonstrate" only in the laboratory by heating nitrogen/
containing cement ra) materials to the range o* #00/<00dC in the ,resence o* o2ygen. 4lo) heating,
s+ch as occ+rs in )et an" long/"ry 1ilns, a,,ears to increase the yiel" o* 6O2 *or a gi(en ra)
material. @he yiel" o* *ee" 6O2 is ,otentially lo)er )hen the ra) material is heate" ?+ic1ly in a
,reheater or ,recalciner system. Prom,t 6O2 is generate" by the reaction o* certain *+el/"eri(e"
ra"icals )ith elemental nitrogen in a hy"rocarbon *lame an" is a minor contrib+tor to o(erall 6O2
11. Range o* emissions $+nabate"% is #00 to 2000 mg/6m
12. &n the E5, :!@ *or 6O2 emissions is to re"+ce the emissions o* 6O2 *rom the *l+e/gases o*
1iln *iring ,rocesses by a,,lying the *ollo)ing meas+res/techni?+es in"i(i"+ally or in combination
$E&PPC:, 2010%D
$a% Primary meas+res/techni?+es, s+ch asD *lame cooling3 lo) 6O2 b+rners3 mi" 1iln *iring3
a""ition o* mineralisers to im,ro(e the b+rnability o* the ra) meal $mineralise" clin1er%3 ,rocess
$b% 4tage" comb+stion $con(entional or )aste *+els%, also in combination )ith a ,recalciner
an" the +se o* o,timise" *+el mi23
$c% 46CR3
$"% 4CR, s+bEect to a,,ro,riate catalyst an" ,rocess "e(elo,ment in the cement in"+stry.
271. :!@ associate" emission le(els *or 6O2 are $E&PPC:, 2010%D
8iln ty,e 5nit :!@/!E; $"aily a(erage (al+e%
Preheater 1ilns mg/6m
U200 790 $b%
;e,ol an" long rotary 1ilns mg/6m
700 <00 $a%
$a% =e,en"ing on initial le(els an" ammonia sli,.
$b% :!@/!E; is 900 mg/6m
, )here a*ter ,rimary meas+res/techni?+es the initial 6O2 le(el is X1000
. E2isting 1iln system "esign, *+el mi2 ,ro,erties incl+"ing )aste, ra) material b+rnability
can in*l+ence the ability to be in the range. ;e(els belo) #90 mg/6m
are achie(e" at 1ilns )ith
*a(o+rable con"itions. @he lo)er (al+e o* 200 mg/6m
has only been re,orte" as monthly a(erage *or
three ,lants $easy b+rning mi2 +se"%.
Aoreo(er, *acilities co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes that are locate" in the E5 ha(e to meet
the re?+irements o* the Co+ncil =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC.
%- Carbon o1ides
272. CO is a P&C o* carbonaceo+s *+els res+lting *rom ins+**icient o2ygen at the comb+stion site,
ins+**icient mi2ing o* o2ygen an" *+el at the comb+stion site, ,l+s ra,i" cooling o* the comb+stion
,ro"+cts to belo) the ignition tem,erat+re o* CO ,rior to its com,lete o2i"ation. CO can be *orme"
+nintentionally at any o* the comb+stion sites in the 1iln system. @he emission o* CO +s+ally
re,resents ,artially b+rne" an" +n"er +tili0e" *+el.
Ho)e(er, as a res+lt o* +sing o2ygen/"e*icient comb+stion in the riser "+ct or calciner as a 6O2
control strategy, CO can sometimes be generate" in the ,yro,rocess an" may a,,ear in the *l+e gas
"ischarge i* it is not s+bse?+ently o2i"i0e" *ollo)ing its *ormation.
27#. CO2 res+lts *rom the comb+stion o* carbonaceo+s *+el an" the calcination o* the calcareo+s
com,onent o* the ra) material mi2, an +na(oi"able an" *i2e" conse?+ence o* cement man+*act+re. O*
the total amo+nt o* CO2 emitte" *rom a cement 1iln, abo+t hal* originates *rom the ra) material )hile
the remain"er originates *rom the comb+stion ,rocess. !bo+t one tonne o* CO2 is emitte" ,er tonne o*
clin1er ,ro"+ce". Aore thermally e**icient systems emit slightly less )hile less thermally e**icient
systems emit slightly more.
E- Arganic emissions
277. -OC emissions *rom cement 1ilns are o* interest beca+se o* their role in the *ormation o*
atmos,heric o0one an" the "esignation o* some -OC as ha0ar"o+s air ,oll+tants. @otal hy"rocarbons
$@HCs% emissions $o* )hich -OCs are a s+bset% are ,rimarily generate" as a res+lt o* e(a,oration
an"/or crac1ing o* the constit+ents o* ,etrole+m an" 1erogens *o+n" in the ra) material mi2.
279. @he ,otential *or organic emissions (aries )ith the selection o* ra) materials an" the (ariability
o* the concentration o* organic constit+ents )ithin ra) material so+rces. Organic P&Cs also can be
*orme" as a res+lt o* incom,lete comb+stion at any o* the comb+stion sites )ithin a ,yro,rocessing
27B. Range o* emissions is "e,en"ant on content o* ra) materials o* (olatile organicsD mostly belo)
90 mg/6m
3 sometimes +, to 900 mg/6m
277. &n the E5, :!@ *or @OC emissions is to 1ee, the emissions o* @OC *rom the *l+e/gases o* the
1iln *iring ,rocesses lo) by a,,lying the *ollo)ing meas+re/techni?+eD a(oi" *ee"ing ra) materials
)ith a high content o* (olatile organic com,o+n"s into the 1iln system (ia the ra) material *ee"ing
ro+te. Aoreo(er, *acilities co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes that are locate" in the E5 ha(e to
meet the re?+irements o* the Co+ncil =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC.
8- 0cid gases
27<. !ll the o2i"ants necessary to con(ert 4O2 to s+l,h+r trio2i"e $4O#% are ,resent in the
comb+stion ,ro"+cts o* *ossil *+el. @here*ore, emissions o* 4O# an"/or H24O7 mist are a ,ossibility
*rom cement ,lants. @he emissions o* H24O7 mist may also increase in those ,lants em,loying
Otail,i,e )et scr+bbersP.
279. &* *l+orine is nat+rally ,resent in the ra) materials or a""e" as a minerali0er, the emission o*
HC *rom a cement 1iln system becomes a ,ossibility.
2<0. Ho) HCl *orme" in cement 1ilns is not *+lly +n"erstoo". 6e(ertheless, there is limite"
e(i"ence that HCl emissions may be in"e,en"ent o* chlorine in,+t to a 1iln system, ,ossibly "+e to the
a**inity o* chlorine *or calci+m an" al1ali metals. Emissions can res+lt i* in,+ts e2cee" the ca,acity o*
the clin1er to absorb inbo+n" chlorine.
2<1. Range o* HCl emissionsD 4P/PC
1iln systems, U10 mg/6m
3 )et 1ilns, +, to <0 mg/6m
2<2. &n the E5, :!@ is to 1ee, the emissions o* HCl belo) 10 mg/6m
$:!@/!E;%, as the "aily
a(erage (al+e or a(erage o(er the sam,ling ,erio" $s,ot meas+rements, *or at least hal* an ho+r%, by
a,,lying the *ollo)ing ,rimary meas+res/techni?+es in"i(i"+ally or in combinationD +sing ra)
materials an" *+els containing a lo) chlorine content, an"/or limiting the amo+nt o* chlorine content
*or any )aste that is to be +se" as ra) material an"/or *+el in a cement 1iln. $E&PPC:, 2010%
2<#. 4imilarly, :!@ is to 1ee, the emissions o* HC belo) 1 mg/6m
$:!@/!E;% e2,resse" as HC,
as the "aily a(erage (al+e or a(erage o(er the sam,ling ,erio" $s,ot meas+rements, *or at least hal* an
ho+r%, by a,,lying the *ollo)ing ,rimary meas+re/techni?+e in"i(i"+ally or in combinationD +sing ra)
materials an" *+els containing lo) *l+orine an"/or limiting the amo+nt o* *l+orine content *or any
)aste that is to be +se" as ra) material an"/or *+el in a cement 1iln. $E&PPC:, 2010%
2<7. Aoreo(er, *acilities co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes that are locate" in the E5 ha(e
to meet the re?+irements o* the Co+ncil =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC.
6- 0mmonia
2<9. @race ?+antities o* 6H# in the e2ha+st gas *rom a cement 1iln gas ,robably res+lt *rom the
,yrolysis o* nitrogeno+s com,o+n"s in *ossil *+els an" ra) materials. !mmonia emissions *rom
cement 1ilns are o* ,rimary concern beca+se o* the ,otential contrib+tion to regional ha0e. &n a""ition,
atmos,heric reactions occ+r E+st o+tsi"e o* the stac1 bet)een 6H# an" the o2i"es o* s+l,h+r or HCl
that ,ro"+ce ammoni+m s+l,hate, ammoni+m bis+l,hate, or ammoni+m chlori"e as (ery *ine
,artic+late matter $PA% an" @hese reaction ,ro"+cts are obser(e" as the +n"esirable anomaly 1no)n
as a O"etache" ,l+meP. =e,en"ing on the location o* the stac1 obser(er, the "etache" ,l+me can gi(e
the incorrect a,,earance o* ,oorly controlle" PA emissions *rom a 1iln stac1.
2<B. Range o* emissions is U1 to 19 mg/6m
as a r+le )ith e2ce,tions +, to 70 mg/6m
"- Ben#ene
2<7. :en0ene might be ,resent in con(entional an" alternati(e ra) materials an" is ,artially roaste"
o** at material ,reheating.
2<<. Range o* emissions, normally 1 to 2 mg/6m
3 +, to # an" more mg/6m
in rare cases
=- "eav !etals
2<9. Hea(y metals are +bi?+ito+s in all cement 1iln in,+t materials. 4ince clean gas "+st $i.e. "+st
a*ter the "e"+sting e?+i,ment% is an in,+t materials *raction, it also contains hea(y metals. &n a""ition,
semi/(olatile an" (olatile hea(y metals are e(a,orate" an" con"ense $,re"ominantly% on the *ine "+st
4P G 4+s,ension Preheater 1iln3 PC G Precalciner 1iln
290. Aost hea(y metal emissions remain belo) the "etection limits, an" all emissions, e2ce,t *or
merc+ry, remain sa*ely belo) generally a"o,te" limit (al+es. Aerc+ry emissions can e2cee" 0.09
in case o* e2cessi(e in,+ts )ith materials.
291. &n the E5, :!@ *or metal emissions is to minimise the emissions o* metals *rom the *l+e/gases
o* the 1iln *iring ,rocesses by a,,lying the *ollo)ing meas+res/techni?+es in"i(i"+ally or in
combination $E&PPC:, 2010%D
$e% 4electing materials )ith a lo) content o* rele(ant metals an" limiting the content o*
rele(ant metals in materials, es,ecially merc+ry3
$*% 5sing a ?+ality ass+rance system to g+arantee the characteristics o* the )aste materials
$g% 5sing e**ecti(e "+st remo(al meas+res/techni?+es.
292. :!@ associate" emission le(els *or metal emissions are $E&PPC:, 2010%D
Aetals 5nit :!@/!E; $a(erage o(er the sam,ling
,erio" $s,ot meas+rements, *or at least
hal* an ho+r%%
Hg mg/6m
U0.09 $b%
C" b @l mg/6m
U0.09 $a%
4b b !s b Pb b Cr b Co b C+ b An b 6i b - U0.9 $a%
$a% ;o) le(els ha(e been re,orte" $E&PPC:, 2010%.
$b% ;o) le(els ha(e been re,orte" $E&PPC:, 2010%. -al+es higher than 0.0# mg/6m
ha(e to be
*+rther in(estigate". -al+es close to 0.09 mg/6m
re?+ire consi"eration o* a""itional
meas+res/techni?+es s+ch as those "escribe" in E&PPC: $2010%.
29#. Aoreo(er, *acilities co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes that are locate" in the E5 ha(e
to meet the re?+irements o* the Co+ncil =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC.
M- Polchlorinated diben#o-&-dio1ins and &olchlorinated diben#ofurans
297. =io2ins, *+rans or a"(ance" ,rec+rsors that might be ,resent in con(entional ra) materials
$rarely% an" or )astes +se" as alternati(e ra) materials, an" are ,artially roaste" o** at material
,reheating. !ny chlorine in,+t in the ,resence o* organic material may ,otentially ca+se the *ormation
o* PC== an" PC=C in heat $comb+stion% ,rocesses. PC==/PC=C can be *orme" by the O"e no(o
synthesis mechanismP in or a*ter the ,reheater an" in the air ,oll+tion control "e(ice i* chlorine an"
hy"rocarbon ,rec+rsors are a(ailable in s+**icient ?+antities in the tem,erat+re range 200d C to 790d C.
299. ! com,rehensi(e s+r(ey o* PC==/PC=C emissions *rom cement 1ilns, in "e(elo,e" an"
"e(elo,ing co+ntries, is gi(en in a re,ort by 8arstensen $200Bb%.
29B. &n a s+r(ey ,er*orme" by CEA:5RE!5, PC== an" PC=C meas+rements *rom 110 cement
1ilns in 10 E+ro,ean co+ntries )ere ,resente". @he a(erage concentration, ta1ing into acco+nt all o*
the "ata in this "ataset, )as 0.01B ng &/@E>/m
. @he range bet)een the lo)est an" highest
concentrations meas+re" )as U 0.001 to 0.1B# ng &/@E>/m
. !ll meas+rements )ere e2,resse"
correcte" to stan"ar" con"itions $"ry gas, 27# 8, 101.# 1Pa an" 10 ,er cent O2%.
297. ! re,ort *rom the Holcim Cement Com,any, )hich o,erates cement 1ilns )orl")i"e, gi(es
a(erage PC==/PC=C (al+es *or 2001 an" 2002 as 0.071 ng @E>/6m
$71 1ilns% an" 0.0#0 ng
$<2 1ilns% res,ecti(ely. O* these meas+rements, 120 )ere *rom co+ntries )ithin the
Organisation *or Economic Co/o,eration an" =e(elo,ment $OEC=%, )ith an a(erage (al+e o* 0.0#07
ng @E>/6m
3 the minim+m an" ma2im+m (al+es meas+re" )ere 0.0001 an" 0.292 ng @E>/6m

res,ecti(ely, )ith nine long )et 1ilns being abo(e 0.1 ng @E>/6m
. Cor the 29 meas+rements *rom
non/OEC= co+ntries, the a(erage (al+e )as 0.017B ng @E>/6m
3 the minim+m an" ma2im+m (al+es
meas+re" )ere 0.0002 an" 0.077 ng @E>/6m
res,ecti(ely, )ith no meas+rements being abo(e 0.1 ng
29<. @he PC==/PC=C "ata ,resente" by 8arstensen $200Bb% sho)s thatD
$h% Aost cement 1ilns can meet an emission le(el o* 0.1 ng @E>/6m
i* ,rimary meas+res
are a,,lie"3
$i% Co/,rocessing o* )aste *e" to the main b+rner, 1iln inlet or the ,recalciner "oes not
seem to in*l+ence or change the emissions o* POPs3
$E% =ata *rom "ry ,reheater an" ,recalciner cement 1ilns in "e(elo,ing co+ntries sho)
emission le(els m+ch lo)er than 0.1 ng @E>/6m
299. &n the E5, :!@ is to a(oi" emissions o* PC==s/PC=Cs or to 1ee, the emissions o*
PC==s/PC=Cs *rom the *l+e/gases o* the 1iln *iring ,rocesses lo) by a,,lying the *ollo)ing
meas+res/techni?+es in"i(i"+ally or in combination $E&PPC:, 2010%D
$1% Care*+lly selecting an" controlling o* 1iln in,+ts $ra) materials%, i.e. chlorine, co,,er
an" (olatile organic com,o+n"s3
$l% Care*+lly selecting an" controlling o* 1iln in,+ts $*+els%, i.e. chlorine an" co,,er3
$m% ;imiting/a(oi"ing the +se o* )astes )hich contain chlorinate" organic materials3
$n% !(oi" *ee"ing *+els )ith a high content o* halogens $e.g. chlorine% in secon"ary *iring3
$o% >+ic1 cooling o* 1iln e2ha+st gases to lo)er than 200 dC an" minimising resi"ence time
o* *l+e/gases an" o2ygen content in 0ones )here the tem,erat+res range bet)een #00 an" 790 FC3
$,% 4to, *ee"ing )aste *or o,erations s+ch as start/+,s an"/or sh+t"o)ns.
#00. @he :!@/!E;s are U0.09/0.1 ng PC==/C &/@E>/6m
, as the a(erage o(er the sam,ling ,erio"
$B < ho+rs% $E&PPC:, 2010%. C+rthermore, *acilities co/,rocessing ha0ar"o+s an" other )astes that
are locate" in the E5 shall nee" to meet the re?+irements o* the Co+ncil =irecti(e 2000/7B/EC.
;- "e1achloroben#ene and &olchlorinated bi&henls
#01. He2achloroben0ene $HC:% an" PC: ha(e not been the s+bEect o* reg+latory monitoring in
cement ,lants to "ate. Aost meas+rements that ha(e ta1en ,lace ha(e not "etecte" HC: emissions. !s
regar"s PC: emissions, 70 meas+rements carrie" o+t in 1# 1ilns in .ermany in 2001 re(eale" a
ma2im+m concentration o* 0.7 eg PC: /6m
3 in nine o* the 70 meas+rements, no PC: )ere "etecte".
Crom -ietnam co/,rocessing o* ,estici"es has sho)n emissions o* "io2in li1e PC: o* 0.001 ng
an" HC: emissions belo) the "etection limit o* #1 ng/m
4o+rcesD E&PPC: $2010%, .@M/Holcim $200B%, 56EP $2007%, 8arstensen $200Bb%, .reer $200#%
0nne1 >
E1am&les of emission limit values for cement +ilns co-&rocessing
ha#ardous *aste
Chile 7,ource' ,u&reme %ecree NN5<D < !arch 200/9
Poll+tant @otal emission limit (al+es $a%
=io2ins an" *+rans 0.2 ng @E>/6m
Partic+late matter 90 mg/6m
Aerc+ry an" com,o+n"s $Hg% 0.1 mg/6m
Ca"mi+m an" com,o+n"s $C"% 0.1 mg/6m
:erylli+m an" com,o+n"s $:e% 0.1 mg/6m
;ea" an" com,o+n"s $Pb% 1 mg/6m
!rsenic, cobalt, nic1el, seleni+m an" tell+ri+m, an" com,o+n"s
$!s b Co b 6i b 4e b @e%
1 mg/6m
!ntimony, chromi+m, manganese an" (ana"i+m, an" com,o+n"s
$4b b Cr b An b -%
9 mg/6m
Hy"rogen chlori"e $HCl% 20 mg/6m
Hy"rogen *l+ori"e $HC% 2 mg/6m
:en0ene 9 mg/6m
@otal organic carbon $@OC% 20 mg/6m
$a% -al+es correcte" to 10 ,er cent o2ygen, at normal con"itions o* 101 1Pa 29<8/ 29dC.
$b% E2em,tions may be a+thorise" by the com,etent a+thority in cases )here @OC "oes not
res+lt *rom the b+rning o* )aste.
,outh 0frica 7,ource' national &olic on thermal treatment of general and ha#ardous *asteD
6overnment 6a#ette 7,taats+oerant9D 25 Mul 200C9
Emissions !ir emission stan"ar" $a%
PA $@otal ,artic+late matter% #0

$b% / <0

@OC 10

HCl 10
HC 1
4O2 90

6O' 900

Hg 0.09
C", @l $4+m total% 0.09
4b, !s, Pb, Cr, Co, C+, An, 6i, - $4+m total% 0.9
PC==/PC=C $ng/6m
1/@E>% 0.1
$c% Concentration e2,resse" as mg/6m# $"aily a(erage% +nless other)ise state", an" at
normali0e" con"itions o* 10,er cent O2, 101.# 1Pa 27#8/ 0dC, "ry gas.
$"% PA limit *or $i% ne) 1ilns co/,rocessing alternati(e *+els an" ra) materials $!CR%, an"
*or $ii% e2isting 1ilns co/,rocessing !CR )ithin 10 years o* ,rom+lgation o* the ,olicy.
$e% PA limit $e**ecti(e a*ter # years o* ,rom+lgation o* the ,olicy% *or e2isting 1ilns co/
,rocessing !CR $e2cl+"ing POPs )aste%, ,ro(i"e" that c+rrent ,artic+late emissions $as establishe"
thro+gh baseline monitoring% are not increase" by the intro"+ction o* !CR
$*% ;imits *or @OC or 4O2 "o not a,,ly )here ele(ate" emissions res+lt *rom con(entional
*+els or ra) material, i.e. not *rom the co/,rocessing o* !CR ,ro(i"e" that c+rrent @OC an" 4O2
emissions $as establishe" thro+gh baseline monitoring% are not e2cee"e" the intro"+ction o* !CR.
$e% 6O2 limit *or $i% ne) 1ilns co/,rocessing !CR, an" *or $ii% e2isting 1ilns co/,rocessing !CR
$e2cl+"ing POPs )aste%, )ithin 10 years o* ,rom+lgation o* the ,olicy, ,ro(i"e" that c+rrent 6O2 emissions $as
establishe" thro+gh baseline monitoring% are not increase" by the intro"+ction o* !CR.
Euro&ean Union 7,ource' %irective 2000//@/EC of the Euro&ean Parliament and of the CouncilI
to be re&laced in Manuar 2015 b %irective 2010//</EU9
@otal emission limit
(al+es $a% $b%
=io2ins an" *+rans 0.1 ng @E>/m
@otal "+st #0 mg/m
Aerc+ry $Hg% 0.09 mg/m
Ca"mi+m an" thalli+m $C" b @l% 0.09 mg/m
!ntimony, arsenic, lea", chromi+m, cobalt, co,,er, manganese, nic1el an" (ana"i+m
$4b b !s b Pb b Cr b Co b C+ b An b 6i b -%
0.9 mg/m
Carbon mono2i"e $CO% $c%
Hy"rogen chlori"e $HCl% 10 mg/m
Hy"rogen *l+ori"e $HC% 1 mg/m
O2i"es o* nitrogen $6O2%
e2isting ,lants $e%
ne) ,lants
<00 mg/m
900 mg/m
4+l,h+r "io2i"e $4O2% 90 mg/m
@otal organic carbon $@OC% 10 mg/m
$a% -al+es correcte" to 10 ,er cent o2ygen, "ry basis.
$b% &* in a co/incineration ,lant more than 70 ,er cent o* the res+lting heat release comes
*rom ha0ar"o+s )aste, the emission limit (al+es set o+t in !nne2 - shall a,,ly.
$c% Emission limit (al+es *or CO can be set by the com,etent a+thority.
$"% E2em,tions may be a+thorise" by the com,etent a+thority in cases )here @OC an" 4O2
"oes not res+lt *rom the incineration o* )aste.
$e% E2isting co/incineration ,lant means a ,lantD
$i% Which is in o,eration an" has a ,ermit in accor"ance )ith e2isting Comm+nity
legislation be*ore 2< =ecember 2002, or,
$ii% Which is a+thorise" or registere" *or incineration or co/incineration an" has a
,ermit iss+e" be*ore 2< =ecember 2002 in accor"ance )ith e2isting Comm+nity
legislation, ,ro(i"e" that the ,lant is ,+t into o,eration not later than 2<
=ecember 200#, or
$iii% Which, in the (ie) o* the com,etent a+thority, is the s+bEect o* a *+ll re?+est *or
a ,ermit, be*ore 2< =ecember 2002, ,ro(i"e" that the ,lant is ,+t into o,eration
not later than 2< =ecember 2007.
United ,tates 7,ource' 50C8.@3 ,ub&art EEED E.e&lacement standardsF9
Emission an" ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee" limits *or 1ilns that )ere
constr+cte" or reconstr+cte" a*ter !,ril 20, 2007 $a% $b%
Emission an" ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee" limits *or 1ilns that )ere
constr+cte" or reconstr+cte" be*ore !,ril 20, 2007 $a% $b%
=io2in/C+rans $i% 0.20 ng @E>/"scm3 or
$ii% 0.70 ng @E>/"scm ,ro(i"e" that the comb+stion gas tem,erat+re at
the inlet to the initial "ry ,artic+late matter control "e(ice is 700 FC or
$i% 0.20 ng @E>/m
3 or
$ii% 0.70 ng @E>/m
$,ro(i"e" that the comb+stion gas
tem,erat+re at the inlet to the initial "ry ,artic+late matter control
"e(ice is 700 FC or lo)er%
Partic+late matter $i% 0.00B9 gr/*t
3 an"
$ii% O,acity greater than 20 ,er cent $"oes not a,,ly to a so+rces
e?+i,,e" )ith a bag lea1 "etection system +n"er 70CCRB#.120B$c%$<%
or a ,artic+late matter "etection system +n"er 70CCRB#.120B$c%$9%%
$i% 0.02< gr/*t
3 an"
$ii% O,acity greater than 20 ,er cent $"oes not a,,ly to a so+rces
e?+i,,e" )ith a bag lea1 "etection system +n"er
70CCRB#.120B$c%$<% or a ,artic+late matter "etection system
+n"er 70CCRB#.120B$c%$9%%
(Particulate !atter as a surrogate for anti!on", co/alt,
!anganese, nickel, and seleniu!*
Aerc+ry $c% $i% 1.9 ,,m) $a(erage as/*ire" concentration o* merc+ry in all
ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee"streams%3 an"
$ii% EitherD $!% 120 eg/m
or $:% 120 eg/m
$ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee"
ma2im+m theoretical emission concentration $A@EC%%
$i% #.0 ,,m) $a(erage as/*ire" concentration o* merc+ry in all
ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee"streams%3 an"
$ii% EitherD $!% 120 eg/m
or $:% 120 eg/m
$ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee"
ma2im+m theoretical emission concentration $A@EC
4emi(olatile metals $Pb b C"% $i% B.210
:t+ $mass o* ,oll+tant attrib+table to the ha0ar"o+s
)aste ,er million :t+ heat in,+t *rom the ha0ar"o+s )aste%3 an"
$ii% 1<0 eg/m
$i% 7.B10
:t+ $mass o* ,oll+tant attrib+table to the
ha0ar"o+s )aste ,er million :t+ heat in,+t *rom the ha0ar"o+s
)aste%3 an"
$ii% ##0 eg/m
;o) (olatile metals $!s b :e b
$i% 1.910
:t+ $mass o* ,oll+tant attrib+table to the ha0ar"o+s
)aste ,er million :t+ heat in,+t *rom the ha0ar"o+s )aste%3 an"
$ii% 97 eg/m
$i% 2.110
:t+ $mass o* ,oll+tant attrib+table to the
ha0ar"o+s )aste ,er million :t+ heat in,+t *rom the ha0ar"o+s
)aste%3 an"
$ii% 9B eg/m
Emission an" ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee" limits *or 1ilns that )ere
constr+cte" or reconstr+cte" a*ter !,ril 20, 2007 $a% $b%
Emission an" ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee" limits *or 1ilns that )ere
constr+cte" or reconstr+cte" be*ore !,ril 20, 2007 $a% $b%
Carbon mono2i"e $CO% or
hy"rocarbons $HC%
Cement 1ilns e?+i,,e" )ith a by/,ass "+ct or mi"1iln gas sam,ling
$i% HC an" CO in the by/,ass or mi"1iln gas sam,ling systemD
$!%$a% 100 ,,m( CO, an" $b% 10 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane%
"+ring =RE test r+ns3 or
$:% 10 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane%
$ii% HC an" CO in the main stac1D
90 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane% $1ilns )hose constr+ction commence"
a*ter !,ril 19, 199B at a ,lant site )here a cement 1iln $)hether
b+rning ha0ar"o+s )aste or not% "i" not ,re(io+sly e2ist%
Cement 1ilns not e?+i,,e" )ith a by,ass "+ct or mi"1iln gas
sam,ling system $HC an" CO in the main stac1%D
$!% 20 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane%3 or
$:%$a% 100 ,,m( CO, an" $b% 20 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane% "+ring
=RE test r+ns
Cement 1ilns e?+i,,e" )ith a by/,ass "+ct or mi"1iln gas
sam,ling system $HC an" CO in the by/,ass "+ct or mi"/1iln gas
sam,ling system%D
$!%$a% 100 ,,m( CO, an" $b% 10 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane%
"+ring =RE test r+ns3 or
$:% 10 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane%
Cement 1ilns not e?+i,,e" )ith a by,ass "+ct or mi"1iln gas
sam,ling system $HC an" CO in the main stac1%D
$!% 20 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane%3 or
$:%$a% 100 ,,m( CO, an" $b% 20 ,,m( HC $as ,ro,ane%
"+ring =RE test r+ns
(Car/on !ono%ide, total h"drocar/ons as surrogates for non'
dio%in organic ha0ardous air pollutants (1AP**
@otal chlorine $HCl b Cl2% $c% <B ,,m( $as chlori"e% $so+rces may establish an" com,ly )ith health/
base" com,liance alternati(es *or total chlorine +n"er the ,roce"+res
,rescribe" in 70CCRB#.1219%
120 ,,m( $as chlori"e% $so+rces may establish an" com,ly )ith
health/base" com,liance alternati(es *or total chlorine +n"er the
,roce"+res ,rescribe" in 70CCRB#.1219%
=estr+ction an" remo(al
e**iciency $=RE%
$i% 99.99Q =RE $*or each ,rinci,le organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ent
=RE G H1/$Wo+t/Win%I100Q
Win G mass *ee"rate o* one ,rinci,al organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ent
$POHC% in a )aste *ee"stream3 an"
Wo+t G mass emission rate o* the same POHC ,resent in e2ha+st
emissions ,rior to release to the atmos,here.
$ii% 99.9999Q =RE $*or "io2in/liste" ha0ar"o+s )astes% $=RE
,er*ormance m+st be "emonstrate" on POHCs that are more "i**ic+lt to
incinerate than tetra/, ,enta/, an" he2achloro"iben0o/,/"io2ins an"
$i% 99.99Q =RE $*or each ,rinci,le organic ha0ar"o+s constit+ent
=RE G H1/$Wo+t/Win%I100Q
Win G mass *ee"rate o* one ,rinci,al organic ha0ar"o+s
constit+ent $POHC% in a )aste *ee"stream3 an"
Wo+t G mass emission rate o* the same POHC ,resent in
e2ha+st emissions ,rior to release to the atmos,here.
$ii% 99.9999Q =RE $*or "io2in/liste" ha0ar"o+s )astes% $=RE
,er*ormance m+st be "emonstrate" on POHCs that are more
"i**ic+lt to incinerate than tetra/, ,enta/, an" he2achloro"iben0o/
,/"io2ins an" "iben0o*+rans%
Ce"eral Register, October 2<, 200< $-ol+me 7#, 6+mber 209%, 6ational Emission 4tan"ar"s *or Ha0ar"o+s !ir Poll+tantsD 4tan"ar"s *or Ha0ar"o+s Waste
Comb+storsD Reconsi"eration
A@EC is "e*ine" as the metals *ee"rate "i(i"e" by the gas *lo) rate an" is e2,resse" in +nits o* +g/m
One or more POHCs m+st be s,eci*ie" that are re,resentati(e o* the most "i**ic+lt to "estroy organic com,o+n"s in the ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee"stream.
@his s,eci*ication m+st be base" on the "egree o* "i**ic+lty o* incineration o* the organic constit+ents in the ha0ar"o+s )aste an" on their concentration or
mass in the ha0ar"o+s )aste *ee", consi"ering the res+lts o* ha0ar"o+s )aste analyses or other "ata an" in*ormation.
$a% -al+es correcte" to 7,er cent o2ygen, "ry basis.
$b% @he *ollo)ing ha0ar"o+s )astes are not s+bEect to reg+lation +n"er 70CCRB# 4+b,art EEED
!. ! con"itionally e2em,t small ?+antity generatorPs ha0ar"o+s )astes
:. 5se" oil b+rne" *or energy reco(ery that is also a ha0ar"o+s )aste solely beca+se it e2hibits a ha0ar"o+s characteristic $ignitability, reacti(ity, corrosi(ity, to2icity%
C. Com,arable *+els or com,arable syngas *+els $i.e., com,arable/syngas *+els% that meet the re?+irements o* 70CCR2B1.#<D
a. Com,arable *+el s,eci*icationsD
$1% Physical s,eci*icationsD
$i% @he heating (al+e m+st e2cee" 9000 :@5/lb $11900 L/g%
$ii% @he (iscosity m+st not e2cee" 90 cs, as/*ire".
$2% Constit+ent s,eci*icationsD 4ee @able 1 o* section 70CCR2B1.#<
b. 4ynthesis gas *+el $i.e. syngas *+el% that is generate" *rom ha0ar"o+s )aste m+stD
$1% Ha(e a minim+m :t+ (al+e o* 100 :t+/4c*3
$2% Contain less than 1 ,,m( o* total halogen3
$#% Contain less than #00 ,,m( o* total nitrogen other than 623
$7% Contain less than 200 ,,m( o* H43 an"
$9% Contain less than 1 ,,m( o* each ha0ar"o+s constit+ent in the target list o* !,,en"i2 -&&& constit+ents o* 70CCR2B1
$c% !lternati(e stan"ar"s may be ,etitione" +n"er section B#.120B$b%$10%, i* $!% the so+rce cannot achie(e one or more o* these stan"ar"s )hile +sing ma2im+m achie(able
control technology $A!C@% beca+se o* ra) material contrib+tions to emissions o* merc+ry, semi(olatile metals, lo) (olatile metals, or hy"rogen chlori"e/chlorine gas3 or $:% merc+ry is not
,resent at "etectable le(els in the ra) material. Ho)e(er, EP! c+rrently inten"s to see1 a reman" o* these alternati(e metals an" total chlorine stan"ar"s an" remo(e these ,ro(isions in a
s+bse?+ent r+lema1ing
Ce"eral Register, 4e,tember 27, 2007 $-ol+me 72, 6+mber 1<7%, 6E4H!PD 6ational Emission 4tan"ar"s *or Ha0ar"o+s !ir Poll+tantsD 4tan"ar"s *or
Ha0ar"o+s Waste Comb+storsD Pro,ose" R+les

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