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Bulletin 04-2014
14 May 2014

PSA Organizational Structure Completed

The final draft of the Organizational Structure (OS) of the Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA) has been approved in principle by National Statistician Dr. Lisa
Grace S. Bersales and Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning and PSA Board
Chairperson Dr. Arsenio M. Balisacan last April 23, 2014.
The OS contains information on the various units under the Office of the National
Statistician and the divisions under the Office of the Deputy National Statisticians for
Sectoral Statistics Office, Censuses and Technical Coordination Office and the Civil
Registration and Central Support Office. The OS also shows the offices, units,
divisions which were either 1) carried over from the merged agencies (retaining the
same name or have been renamed), 2) merged from old divisions, 3) established as
a result of splitting an old division, and 4) newly-established.
The formulation of the PSA OS basically followed the provisions set forth in coming
up with the constituent units per RA 10625 and its Implementing Rules and
In the development of the PSA OS, specifically that for the Central Office, the World
Bank Team considered the following principles and guidelines. This development
also benefited from a series of consultations among the Directors and Division
Chiefs at the Central and Field Offices:
based primarily on key functions and outputs (no duplications)
approved Rationalization Plans (as starting point)
the number of divisions would be the same as the ones before the merger
the establishment of new divisions is aimed to promote research and analysis,
adopt relevant technologies, meet statistical commitments to the Department
of Agriculture and Department of Labor and Employment, and, follow
international good practices
names of division would be as simple as possible
The PSA OS was prepared by the World Bank Technical Assistance Team
comprised of former National Statistics Office (NSO) Administrator Mr. Tomas Africa,
former NSO General Administration Department Director Dr. Fiel Pizarro and World
Bank Senior Country Economist Dr. Karl Kendrick Chua with inputs from the PSA
Executive Committee composed of Interim Deputy National Statisticians Romeo S.

Recide, Lina V. Castro, Paula Monina G. Collado, and former Bureau of Labor and
Employment Statistics OIC-Director Teresa V. Peralta.

The proposed PSA OS and its various offices are shown below.
Figure A
Philippine Statistics Authority organizational structure

Figure B
Sectoral Statistics Office

Figure C
Censuses and Technical Coordination Office

Figure D
Civil Registration and Central Support Office


Figure E
Field Statistical Services

Table 1. Summary of Number of Divisions/Units

of the Philippine Statistics Authority
Office Number of units/divisions


Units under the National Statistician 4

Central Office Divisions 41
Sectoral Statistics Office 19
Macroeconomic 6
Economic 7
Social 6

Censuses and Technical
Coordination office
National Censuses 4
Standards 3
IT and Dissemination 6

Civil Registration and Central
Support Office
Civil Registration 4
Central Support 4

Internal Audit (unit or division) 1

Field Statistical Services* 120
Regional Statistical Services Offices 34

Provincial Statistical Offices
(including 5 NCR districts)

* Does not include the proposed District Statistical Offices in the 200+congressional districts.
The World Bank Technical Assistance Team, in close consultation with National
Statistician Bersales and her Executive Committee, is presently working on the PSA
staffing pattern. For this, the approved Rationalization Plan positions and warm
bodies of the merged agencies as of December 31, 2013 and the proposed
additional positions for the PSA are being taken into consideration. The staffing
pattern is expected to be completed and approved by the National Statistician by
May 30, 2014.
The proposed Organizational Structure and staffing pattern will be submitted to the
Department of Budget and Management in J une. Its implementation will start once
approval is obtained from the DBM.

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