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A. Section 01810 Fundamental Commissioning Requirements
A. Division 15: Mechanical. Contractors shall participate in the Commissio
ning process as a commissioning team member as described in Section 01810 Fundam
ental Commissioning Requirements.
B. Division 2: Irrigation subcontractors shall participate in the Commissi
oning process as a commissioning team member as described in Section 01810 Funda
mental Commissioning Requirements.
A. Provide submittal documentation relative to commissioning as described i
n Section 01330 Shop Drawings/Submittals.
A. Refer to Section 01810 Fundamental Commissioning Requirements, P
art 2.
A. Refer to Section 01810 Fundamental Commissioning Requirements and relate
d sections for information on meetings, Start-up plans, Functional testing, oper
ations & maintenance data, training requirements, and other Commissioning activi
A. Calibrate field-installed temperature, relative humidity, CO2, pressure
sensors, pressure gages, and actuators (dampers and valves) using the methods de
scribed below. Document Calibration procedures during execution of the Start-up
Plan on the Prefunctional Checklists. Alternate methods may be used, if approv
ed by the ENGINEER.
B. Test instruments shall have had a NIST certified calibration within the
last 12 months. Sensors installed in the unit at the factory with provided cali
bration certification need not be field calibrated.
C. Sensors:
1. Verify that sensor locations are appropriate and away from causes of err
atic operation.
2. Verify that sensors with shielded cable are grounded only at one end.
3. For sensor pairs that determine a temperature difference, ensure that th
ey are reading within 0.2F of each other.
4. For sensor pairs that determine a pressure difference, ensure that they
are reading within 2% of each other.
5. Calibration: Put the equipment in operation. Take a reading with a cal
ibrated test instrument within six inches of the site sensor. Verify that the s
ensor reading (via the permanent thermostat or gage) is within the tolerances in
the table below of the instrument-measured value. If not, calibrate or replace
6. Tolerances:
Sensor Required Tolerance (+/-)
Cooling coil water temperatures 0.4?F
AHU wet bulb or dew point 2.0?F
Hot water coil 1.5?F
Outside air, space air, duct air temperatures 0.4?F
Watt-hour, voltage & amperage 1% of design
Pressures, air, water and gas 3% of sensor range (inc. design value)
Flow rates, air 10% of design
Flow rates, water 4% of design
Flow rates, natural gas 5% of sensor range that includes design value
Relative humidity 4%
CO2 monitor 100 ppm
Sound level 5 Db
A. The Commissioning Authority (CA) will prepare testing procedures using t
he Design Intent Document, the testing requirements listed in these specificatio
ns, and commissioning data submitted by the contractors in accordance with these
specifications. The testing procedures will require the following minimum info
1. Test number.
2. Date and time of the test.
3. Indication of whether the record is for a first test or retest following
correction of a problem or issue.
4. Identification of the system, subsystem, assembly, or equipment.
5. Conditions under which the test was conducted, including (as applicable)
ambient conditions, set points, override conditions, and status and operating c
onditions that impact the results of the test.
6. Expected performance of the systems and assemblies at each step of the t
7. Narrative description of observed performance of the system, equipment,
or assembly.
8. Notation to indicate whether the observed performance at each step meets
the expected results.
9. Issue number, if any, generated as the result of the test.
10. Dated signatures of the person performing the test and of the witness.
1. Mechanical subcontractor to start-up and to document PACKAGED ROOFTOP UN
ITS & CONTROLS under the observation of the CA using a start-up plan prepared by
the contractor. Start-up Plans are described in Section 01810 Fundamental Comm
issioning Requirements.
2. Mechanical and air balance subcontractors to perform functional testing
under the observation of the commissioning authority who will record the results
of the functional test procedures.
3. Equipment & Components to be Tested
a. Compressor Unit (fans, coils, compressors, dampers, ducts, control inter
locks, sensors)
b. Control (thermostats)
c. Safety Interlocks
4. Functions, Modes, and Testing Conditions
a. Test each sequence in the sequence of operations, and other significant
modes and sequences not mentioned; including startup, shutdown, unoccupied & man
ual modes and power failure. Test functionality of this piece of equipment or sy
stem in all control strategies or interlocks that it is associated with.
b. Test mixed air, supply air, and reset temperature control functions.
c. Verify economizer functions properly: Seasonal test required, cooling se
ason, heating season, design conditions (ASHRAE 2%).
d. Verify supply, return, and exhaust fan interlocks.
e. Test compressor unloading & condenser fan staging for head pressure cont
f. Test duct static pressure (SP) control.
g. Verify damper interlocks and correct modulation in all modes including f
ire and smoke dampers..
h. Verify minimum outdoor air volume and control: Seasonal conditions can b
e simulated. [Seasonal conditions can be simulated].
i. Verify supply fan air volume (verification done by air balance subcontra
ctor): [Seasonal conditions can be simulated].
j. Verify that alarms (low limits, high temp, and the like) are working cor
k. Test Heating and cooling capacities: Seasonal test required, cooling sea
son, heating season, design conditions (ASHRAE 2%).
l. Test Heating and cooling Coefficient of Performance (COP): Seasonal test
required, cooling season, heating season, design conditions (ASHRAE 2%).
m. Verify change over function from heating to cooling.
n. Verify control strategies, schedules and set points to be reasonable and
o. Verify sensor calibration on controlling temperature or pressure sensors
5. Required Monitoring: 1 hour or less.
6. Acceptance Criteria:
a. (Section 3.3, (B-4), Items a-o): For the conditions, sequences and modes
tested, the system, integral components and related equipment respond to varyin
g loads and changing conditions and parameters appropriately as expected, as spe
cified and according to acceptable operating practice.
b. (Section 3.3, (B-4,b)) RTU shall be able to maintain the SA temperature
within 1.0 F either side of the dead band of the current set point without excess
ive hunting.
c. (Section 3.3, (B-4,f)) RTU and controls shall control the duct static pr
essure so that it does not drift more than an amount equal to 10% of the set poi
nt value either side of the dead band without excessive hunting.
7. Test all units.
1. Mechanical subcontractor to start-up and to document SPLIT AC AND HEAT P
UMP UNITS & CONTROLS under the observation of the CA using a start-up plan prepa
red by the contractor. Start-up Plans are described in Section 01810.
2. Mechanical and air balance subcontractors to perform functional testing
under the observation of the commissioning authority who will record the results
of the functional test procedures.
3. Equipment & Components to be Tested
a. Compressor Unit (fans, coils, compressors, dampe
rs, ducts, control interlocks, sensors)
b. Fan Coil units
c. Control (thermostats)
d. Safety Interlocks
4. Functions, modes, and Testing Conditions
a. Test each sequence in the sequence of operations, and other significant
modes and sequences not mentioned; including startup, shutdown, unoccupied & man
ual modes and power failure. Test functionality of this piece of equipment or sy
stem in all control strategies or interlocks that it is associated with.
b. Test mixed air, supply air, and reset temperature control functions
c. Verify supply, return, and exhaust fan interlocks
d. Test compressor unloading & condenser fan staging for head pressure cont
e. Verify supply fan air volume (verification done by air balance subcontra
f. Verify that alarms (low limits, high temp, and the like) are working cor
rectly. [Seasonal conditions can be simulated]
g. Test Heating and cooling capacities. [Seasonal test required, cooling se
ason, heating season, design conditions (ASHRAE 2%)]
h. Test Heating and cooling COP. [Seasonal test required, cooling season, h
eating season, design conditions (ASHRAE 2%)]
i. Verify change over function from heating to cooling.
j. Verify control strategies, schedules and setpoints to be reasonable and
k. Verify sensor calibration on controlling temperature or pressure sensors
5. Required Monitoring: 1 hour or less.
6. Acceptance Criteria (referenced by Mode ID)
a. (1-11) For the conditions, sequences and modes tested, the system, inte
gral components and related equipment respond to varying loads and changing cond
itions and parameters appropriately as expected, as specified and according to a
cceptable operating practice.
b. (2) Units shall be able to maintain the SA temperature within 1.0 F eithe
r side of the deadband of the current setpoint without excessive hunting.
7. Test all units
1. Mechanical subcontractor to start-up and to document EVAPORATIVE COOLER
& CONTROLS under the observation of the CA using a start-up plan prepared by the
contractor. Start-up Plans are described in Section 01810.
2. Mechanical and air balance subcontractors to perform functional testing
under the observation of the commissioning authority who will record the results
of the functional test procedures.
3. Equipment & Components to be Tested
a. Evaporative Unit (fan, wetted media, ducts, control interlocks, sensors)

b. Terminal units (if installed)
c. Control (thermostats)
d. Safety Interlocks
4. Functions, modes, and Testing Conditions
l. Test each sequence in the sequence of operations, and other significant
modes and sequences not mentioned; including startup, shutdown, unoccupied & man
ual modes and power failure. Test functionality of this piece of equipment or sy
stem in all control strategies or interlocks that it is associated with.
m. Verify that supply air temperature control functions properly.
n. Verify supply fan air volume (verification done by air balance subcontra
o. Verify that alarms (low limits, high temp) are working correctly
p. Test Cooling capacities. [Seasonal test required, cooling season, heatin
g season, design conditions (ASHRAE 2%)]
q. Verify control strategies, schedules and setpoints to be reasonable and
r. Verify sensor calibration on controlling temperature sensors.
5. Required Monitoring: 1 hour or less.
6. Acceptance Criteria (referenced by Mode ID)
a. For the conditions, sequences and modes tested, the system, integral com
ponents and related equipment respond to varying loads and changing conditions a
nd parameters appropriately as expected, as specified and according to acceptabl
e operating practice.
7. Test all units.
1. Mechanical subcontractor to start-up and to document GAS FIRED UNIT HEAT
ERS & CONTROLS under the observation of the CA using a start-up plan prepared by
the contractor. Start-up Plans are described in Section 01810.
2. Mechanical and air balance subcontractors to perform functional testing
under the observation of the commissioning authority who will record the results
of the functional test procedures.
3. Equipment & Components to be Tested
a. Unit Heater (fan)
b. Flue Dampers (if Present)
c. Control (thermostats)
d. Safety Interlocks
4. Functions, modes, and Testing Conditions
s. Test each sequence in the sequence of operations, and other significant
modes and sequences not mentioned; including startup, shutdown, unoccupied & man
ual modes and power failure. Test functionality of this piece of equipment or sy
stem in all control strategies or interlocks that it is associated with.
t. Verify supply fan interlocks function properly
u. Verify that damper interlocks modulation modulate correctly in all modes
, including fire and smoke dampers
v. Verify supply fan air volume (verification done by air balance subcontra
w. Verify that alarms (low limits, high temp, and the like) are working cor
x. Verify that unit provides rated heating capacity
y. Verify control strategies, schedules and setpoints to be reasonable and
z. Verify sensor calibration on controlling temperature or pressure sensors
5. Required Monitoring: 1 hour or less.
6. Acceptance Criteria
a. For the conditions, sequences and modes tested, the system, integral com
ponents and related equipment respond to varying loads and changing conditions a
nd parameters appropriately as expected, as specified and according to acceptabl
e operating practice.
7. Test all units
1. Mechanical subcontractor to start-up and to document GENERAL OCCUPANCY E
XHAUST FANS & CONTROLS under the observation of the CA using a start-up plan pre
pared by the contractor. Start-up Plans are described in Section 01810 Fundamen
tal Commissioning Requirements.
2. Mechanical and air balance subcontractors to perform functional testing
under the observation of the commissioning authority who will record the results
of the functional test procedures.
3. Equipment & Components to be Tested
a. Exhaust Unit (fan, belt, duct, sensors, control interlocks)
b. Control
4. Functions, Modes, and Testing Conditions
a. Test each sequence in the sequence of operations, and other significant
modes and sequences not mentioned; including startup, shutdown, unoccupied & man
ual modes and power failure. Test functionality of this piece of equipment or sy
stem in all control strategies or interlocks that it is associated with.
b. Verify schedules and set points to be reasonable and appropriate.
c. Verify function during fire alarm.
d. Verify that interlocks to building pressurization control, lighting, or
thermostats function properly.
e. Verify air balance report of sound power level tests and space pressures
f. Verify sensor calibration on controlling temperature or pressure sensors
5. Required Monitoring: None
6. Acceptance Criteria
a. For the conditions, sequences and modes tested, the fans, integral compo
nents and related equipment respond to changing conditions and parameters approp
riately as expected, as specified and according to acceptable operating practice
7. Test all units.
1. Plumbing subcontractor to start-up and to document DOMESTIC HOT WATER HE
ATER & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM under the observation of the CA using a start-up plan
prepared by the contractor. Start-up Plans are described in Section 01810 Fund
amental Commissioning Requirements.
2. Plumbing subcontractor to perform functional testing under the observati
on of the commissioning authority who will record the results of the functional
test procedures.
3. Equipment & Components to be Tested:
a. Domestic Water Heaters
b. Domestic hot water re-circulating system (pumps, aquastat, and timer)
4. Functions, Modes, and Testing Conditions
a. The test shall be performed with water heaters fully operational. The w
ater temperature shall be measured and compared to the water temperature setting
. Various settings will be measured.
b. Verify that re-circulating pump is installed properly and is controlled
according to the design intent document. Verify that aquastat and/or timer are
installed and operating per Engineers sequence of operations.
5. Required Monitoring: None
6. Acceptance Criteria
a. Water temperature at the unit is within 2F of the water heater thermostat
b. Temperature difference between the unit and a fixture served by the unit
is less than 5F (after stabilization).
c. For the sequences and modes tested, the pumps, integral components and r
elated equipment respond to changing conditions and parameters appropriately as
expected, as specified and according to acceptable operating practice.
7. Test all units
1. Mechanical and Air Balance subcontractors to start-up HVAC systems and d
ocument DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS FOR CONDITIONED AIR under the observation of the CA
using a start-up plan prepared by the contractor. Start-up Plans are described
in Section 01810 Fundamental Commissioning Requirements.
2. Mechanical and Air Balance subcontractors to perform functional testing
under the observation of the commissioning authority who will record the results
of the functional test procedures. The air balance contractor will use the sam
e test instruments as used in the original air balance work.
3. Equipment & Components to be Tested or verified.
a. Air and Water Balance work
b. Control (thermostat)
c. Terminal Unit (damper, duct, fan, piping, valves, sensors, control inter
4. Functions, Modes, and Testing Conditions
a. Verify air balance report data such as air velocity, airflow rate, press
ure differential, electrical or sound measurement, and the like.
b. Verify minimum outdoor air intake flows at minimum, maximum and intermed
iate total airflow rates for air conditioning equipment. For equipment with a fi
xed outdoor air volume, verify minimum flows.
c. Verify that the air balance subcontractor has permanently marked final s
ettings of valves, dampers and other adjustment devices.
d. Test each sequence in the sequence of operations, and other significant
modes and sequences not mentioned; including startup, warm-up, shutdown, unoccup
ied & manual modes and power failure and restoration. Test functionality of this
piece of equipment or system in all control strategies or interlocks that it is
associated with, including all damper, valve and fan functions.
e. Verify sensor calibration for supply air temperature, mixed air temperat
ure, zone air temperature, & damper position (if applicable).
f. Verify proper stroking for heating coil valve and dampers
g. Verify prefunctional checklist items.
h. Verify that alarms (fan status, low limits, high temp, and the like) are
working correctly. [Seasonal conditions can be simulated]
i. Verify minimum outdoor air control through varying VAV box positions. [S
easonal conditions can be simulated]
j. Verify that terminal unit is maintaining space setpoint. [Seasonal test
required, cooling season, heating season, design conditions (ASHRAE 2%)]
k. Verify sensor calibration checks on any controlling temperature or press
ure sensor.
l. Verifiy that the water system is being controlled to the lowest possible
pressure while still meeting design loads, less diversity. This shall include
a review of test and balance methods, control setpoints established by the subco
ntractor and a physical verification of at least one leg from the pump to the co
il having all balancing valves wide open and that during full cooling the coolin
g coil valve of that leg is 90% or more open.
5. Required Monitoring: The CA will monitor these points using data loggers
. For each zone thermostat and space sensor, for both summer and winter, monitor
a. Space temperature: 3 weekdays, 15 min. intervals. [Function Tested: e, j
b. CO2 level: 3 weekdays, 15 min. intervals. [Function Tested: d above]
c. Relative Humidity: 3 weekdays, 15 min. intervals. [Function Tested: d ab
6. Acceptance Criteria:
a. (1) A failure of more than 10% of the selected items of a given system s
hall result in the failure of acceptance of the system test and balance report.
The test and balance subcontractor shall be responsible to rebalance the system
, provide a new report for that system and repeat random verifications of the ne
w test and balance report. A system is the air distribution system served by one
HVAC unit.
b. Failure of an item is defined as follows:
(1) For airflow of supply and return: a deviation of more than 10% of instru
ment reading
(2) For minimum outside airflow: 20% of instrument reading (30% for reading
at intermediate supply flow for variable frequency drive outdoor air compensatio
n system using linear proportional control)
(3) For temperatures: a deviation of more than 1?F
(4) For air and water pressures: a deviation of more than 10% of full scale
of test instrument reading
(5) For sound pressures: a deviation of more than 3 decibels. (Variations i
n background noise must be considered)
c. Valves and dampers do not hunt or overshoot
d. Space temperature during occupied modes shall average within +/- 3?F of
set point and always remain within 1?F of the ends of the dead band without exce
ssive hunting of either the damper or coil valve, or complaints of drafts or stu
ffiness from occupants.
e. C02 levels during occupied modes shall remain below design maximum value
s +/- 50 PPM as determined by baseline testing.
f. Relative Humidity during occupied modes remains within the design parame
ter range.
g. For the conditions, sequences and modes tested, the terminal unit and ai
r distribution system respond to varying loads and changing conditions and param
eters appropriately as expected, as specified and according to acceptable operat
ing practice.
7 Sampling Strategy for Identical Units:
a. Units of the same type and function, but different size, are considered
identical for sampling purposes.
b. Test a random sample of 20% of the air balance report data.
c. Randomly test at least 10% of each group of identical equipment (the 1st
sample). In no case test less than three units in each group. If 10% of the un
its in the first sample fail the functional performance tests, test another 10%
of the group (the 2nd sample). If 10% of the units in the 2nd sample fail, test
all remaining units in the whole group, fully at the contractors expense. This s
ampling applies to testing subsections. That is, if calibration is off on more
than 10% of the tested piece of equipment, then another sample shall have calibr
ations checked, but not all other tests need to be done on the second sample.
7. Irrigation subcontractor to start-up and to document irrigation control
system under the observation of the CA using a start-up plan prepared by the con
tractor. Start-up Plans are described in Section 01810.
8. Irrigation subcontractor to perform functional testing under the observa
tion of the commissioning authority who will record the results of the functiona
l test procedures.
9. Equipment & Components to be Tested
a. Irrigation Control System
10. Functions, modes, and Testing Conditions
a. Testing shall not be completed until the landscape has been established
and the irrigation contractors work is substantially complete.
b. Verify that irrigation system schedule is correct.
c. Verify that water fixtures are operational
d. Verify that moisture sensors are operational. Test 10%
e. Confirm controller operation
11. Required Monitoring: None
12. Acceptance Criteria
a. For the conditions and modes tested, the system, integral components and
related equipment respond to appropriately as expected, as specified and accord
ing to acceptable operating practice.
13. Test all units.

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