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PRACTICE 1. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

Years ago, as a newly-qualified teacher, I was posted to a school in a small village. There was only one
coffee shop, ___1___ sundry shop and a bicycle repair shop. The village had piped water ___2___ no
electricity supply. There ___3___ no public transport at night. ___4___, the lack of amenities in the village
did not bother me much. The students ______ hardworking and eager to learn. There were no discipline
___!___. I had to ___"___ a set of living quarters with two others and we had to cook our own meals. In the
evenings and during weekends we went fishing or ___#___ round the many surrounds villages. t weddings
we and festivals, we were showered with food. ___#___ village folk respected ___1$___ and made us feel
wanted. I!ll never forget their warmth and kindness.

". #$ a %. #$ problems
#&$ an #&$ difficulties
#'$ the #'$ challenges
#($ -- #($ attitudes

). #$ and *. #$ live
#&$ but #&$ make
#'$ or #'$ share
#($ both #($ divide

+. #$ is ,. #$ cycle
#&$ are #&$ cycles
#'$ was #'$ cycled
#($ were #($ cycling

-. #$ .oreover /. #$
#&$ Therefore #&$ n
#'$ 0ince #'$ The
#($ 1owever #($ --

2. #$ is "3. #$ us
#&$ are #&$ we
#'$ was #'$ me
#($ were #($ you

PRACTICE 2. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

0tudents today have to sit for e4am after e4am. 0tudying for e4ams is ___1___ inevitable part of a ___2___
life. 0ome study regularly and systematically. ___3___ do it in fits and starts, finally cramming at the last
minute, ___4___ themselves unnecessary stress. 5hen you study or read, write brief notes on ______
points in the margin. 5rite a summary of each chapter. 5riting the notes in your own ___!___ means that
you have ___"___ what you have read or studied. Then there is no need to reread everything ___%___ the
e4am. 6ooking ___#___ your notes or your summaries will help ___1$___ remember or recall what you
have read as you can!t memori7e everything you read.

". #$ a %. #$ words
#&$ an #&$ ideas
#'$ the #'$ way
#($ -- #($ writing

). #$ student *. #$ understand
#&$ students #&$ understands
#'$ student!s #'$ understood
#($ students! #($ understanding

+. #$ 8ther ,. #$ near
#&$ 8thers #&$ before
#'$ ny #'$ during
#($ nother #($ prior

-. #$ cause /. #$ at
#&$ causes #&$ by
#'$ caused #'$ for
#($ causing #($ after

2. #$ certain "3. #$ one
#&$ special #&$ us
#'$ important #'$ you
#($ interesting #($ them

PRACTICE 3. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

6adies and 9entlemen,
5e are gathered here today to bid farewell to our beloved teacher, .rs 6ee. 0he ___1___ in our school
___2___ fifteen years. &efore she came here, she ___3___ in :ontian and ;luang. 1er teaching career has
spanned thirty years and now she ___4___. It is indeed a great loss to the school and the profession. .any
students past and present owe their good ______ of <nglish to .rs 6ee. 8ur volleyball team is the district
champion because of her untiring ___!___. 0tudents who have problems know that ___"___ can always talk
to her. 0he listens without pre=udice and ___%___ us helpful advice. 5e shall all ___#___ her. 8n behalf
___1$____ all the students and teachers of this school, I wish her all the best in her retirement.
". #$ teach %. #$ ability
#&$ teaches #&$ help
#'$ taught #'$ dedication
#($ has taught #($ efforts

). #$ for *. #$ he
#&$ since #&$ we
#'$ during #'$ they
#($ wile #($ those

+. #$ serve ,. #$ give
#&$ serves #&$ gives
#'$ served #'$ gave
#($ has served #($ given

-. #$ retires /. #$ miss
#&$ retired #&$ misses
#'$ is retiring #'$ missed
#($ has retired #($ missing

2. #$ fluency "3. #$ at
#&$ command #&$ by
#'$ technique #'$ of
#($ method #($ with

PRACTICE 4. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

5hen I first worked in .uar in the si4ties, the town was quiet and the pace of life unhurried. I shared a
rented room ___1___ a friend. .ost people traveled by bicycle ___2___ trishaw as buses were few. I had
never ___3___ a bicycle before in my life ___4___ I was determined to learn as the alternative was to travel
______ trishaw if we wanted to go anywhere. I learned the hard way the first time I rode a bicycle. .y
friend had e4plained where the brake ___!___ and how to use it. fter riding a few meters in great
nervousness, I completely forgot about braking when I ___ "___ a bus parked ahead. I rammed into it but
___%___ caused no in=ury to myself or ___#___ to the bicycle. &y the time I left the following year. I was
___1$____ to ride a bicycle reasonably well.

". #$ by %. #$ is
#&$ from #&$ are
#'$ with #'$ was
#($ beside #($ were

). #$ or *. #$ see
#&$ and #&$ saw
#'$ as #'$ seen
#($ beside #($ seeing

+. #$ ride ,. #$ however
#&$ rode #&$ unluckily
#'$ riding #'$ instead
#($ ridden #($ fortunately

-. #$ and /. #$ hurt
#&$ but #&$ in=ury
#'$ so #'$ damage
#($ until #($ wound

2. #$ by "3. #$ able
#&$ on #&$ unable
#'$ with #'$ happy
#($ through #($ good

PRACTICE . Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

5hat does the work of a nurse involve > .any believe it is simply taking care of ___1___, making beds and
removing bedpans. There is ___2___ to it than that. ?urses are now doing some of the work formerly
___3___ by doctors. ?urses also work in the public health service, in hospices and old folks! homes. ?ew
technology in medical science means nurses have to use new machines and learn new operating techniques
to keep ___4___ with changes. There is an increasing need ______ speciali7ed care, so degree courses are
now available to enhance the ___!___ of health care. The ___"___ for nurses in private hospitals has
resulted in ___%___ shortage and many government hospitals are understaffed. This ___#___ the workload
of nurses. @ew however ___1$___ them. .any =ust take them for granted. 6et!s not forget that many nurses
work with patience and dedication.

". #$ sick %. #$ nature
#&$ patients #&$ quality
#'$ invalids #'$ type
#($ people #($ character

). #$ more *. #$ need
#&$ much #&$ want
#'$ most #'$ desire
#($ many #($ demand

+. #$ do ,. #$ a
#&$ did #&$ an
#'$ doing #'$ the
#($ done #($ --

-. #$ track /. #$ increase
#&$ abreast #&$ increases
#'$ moving #'$ increased
#($ knowledge #($ has increased

2. #$ by "3. #$ like
#&$ to #&$ en=oy
#'$ for #'$ appreciate
#($ of #($ encourage

PRACTICE !. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

5ith recent advances in technology, more people are now able to work from home. Their homes ___1___
their offices. This is especially helpful to ___2___ who have young children. 5orking from home cuts down
time spent traveling to and ___3___ the office. 5orking from home does not mean you become less efficient
or productive. You should ___4___ your office from your private area. This means your children ______
not use your office phone or play games on your computer. 5orking ___!___ should be strictly defined.
___"___ shopping or doing housework when you should be working. ___%___ appropriately when working
in your office area. 9etting into smarter clothes will ___#___ you psychologically for work even if you are
not ___1$____ clients.

". #$ become %. #$ hour
#&$ becomes #&$ hours
#'$ became #'$ day
#($ becoming #($ period

). #$ them *. #$ void
#&$ they #&$ (on!t
#'$ those #'$ Aefrain
#($ theirs #($ :revent

+. #$ in ,. #$ 5ear
#&$ from #&$ 'lothe
#'$ out #'$ (ress
#($ near #($ ttire

-. #$ divide /. #$ help
#&$ remove #&$ prepare
#'$ detach #'$ treat
#($ separate #($ get

2. #$ ought "3. #$ e4pect
#&$ should #&$ e4pects
#'$ could #'$ e4pected
#($ might #($ e4pecting

PRACTICE ". Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

5hat is the difference between creative thinking and logical thinking > In creative thinking, we try to
___1___ up with as many ideas as ___2___. 5e call this brainstorming. 5e keep ___3___ open mind about
the ideas for the time being, ___4___ the ideas are practical or not. ?o idea is considered ridiculous because
______ the most outlandish idea may work. This way we have a ___!___ of several possible solutions. In
logical thinking, we are looking for ___"___ right answer. 8nce we find a working solution, we stop looking
for ___%___, without reali7ing that there could be better solutions. .ost problems have more than one
possible solution. 'reative thinking ___#___ us to choose the best of them. 'reative thinking and logical
thinking don!t oppose ___1$___ other but they complement each other in fact.

". #$ come %. #$ choose
#&$ think #&$ chose
#'$ work #'$ chosen
#($ create #($ choice

). #$ can *. #$ a
#&$ likely #&$ an
#'$ reasonable #'$ the
#($ possible #($ --

+. #$ a ,. #$ solutions
#&$ an #&$ answers
#'$ the #'$ others
#($ -- #($ alternatives

-. #$ if /. #$ enable
#&$ since #&$ enables
#'$ whether #'$ enabled
#($ despite #($ has enabled

2. #$ but "3. #$ the
#&$ despite #&$ one
#'$ even #'$ each
#($ since #($ some

PRACTICE %. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

.y dog was a puppy when we first got him. .y brother ___1___ him on a playing field and brought him
home. 5e ___2___ him Audi. 1e growled at us and slunk into a corner ___3___ he got to know us. Then he
would =ump into our laps and snuggle up to us. 1e is really intelligent. ___4___ morning he will run to the
gate to check whether it ______. If by some chance it is not, he will push the gate open and run out. 1e
returns in a few minutes but the sense of freedom it gives him appears to be important to him. 5hen it is
time for food, he waits ___!___ at the kitchen door. If it is not ready ___"___ time, he barks at my mother.
1e knows that he is not allowed inside the house. 1owever after his weekly ___%___, he will wait at the
door, and if invited, he will come in ___#___ that he will not be chased ___1$___ as he is clean.

". #$ find %. #$ e4pect
#&$ finds #&$ e4pecting
#'$ found #'$ e4pectant
#($ was found #($ e4pectantly

). #$ name *. #$ in
#&$ named #&$ on
#'$ was named #'$ by
#($ had named #($ at

+. #$ as ,. #$ bath
#&$ when #&$ baths
#'$ while #'$ bathe
#($ until #($ bathing

-. #$ <very /. #$ know
#&$ 8ne #&$ knew
#'$ 0ome #'$ known
#($ nother #($ knowing

2. #$ bolt "3. #$ off
#&$ bolts #&$ back
#'$ bolted #'$ out
#($ is bolted #($ away

PRACTICE #. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

@orests are being sacrificed for high-rise buildings and golf courses, some say. t the same time, the
authorities ___1___ money on tree planting. 5hile tree planting should be encourage, e4isting forests must
be ___2___. :eople need ___3___ from the pressure of urban living. It is ___4___ to maintain pockets of
green in the city to improve the quality of living. Trees help to filter pollutants, ______ noise pollution and
maintain a cooler atmosphere as they ___!___ solar radiation. Brban forests or green lungs in the city also
___"___ as bird sanctuaries. If these forests are cut ___%___ the cities are going to become hotter and
___#___ and unpleasant to live in. <ven if developers try to reafforest areas they have developed, they
cannot ___1$___ the biodiversity.

". #$ spend %. #$ cut
#&$ spent #&$ reduce
#'$ is spending #'$ remove
#($ are spending #($ hinder

). #$ kept *. #$ serve
#&$ guarded #&$ provide
#'$ protected #'$ give
#($ preserved #($ support

+. #$ rest ,. #$ off
#&$ relief #&$ up
#'$ change #'$ down
#($ cure #($ away

-. #$ good /. #$ dust
#&$ needed #&$ dusty
#'$ required #'$ dustier
#($ important #($ duster

2. #$ less "3. #$ save
#&$ lesser #&$ return
#'$ lessen #'$ replant
#($ least #($ replace

PRACTICE 1$. Choose the best answer from the options A , B , C and D .

1ow can we prevent household poisoning > @irst of all, lock ___1___ all potentially dangerous ___2___ like
medicine, pesticides and harmful chemicals. :ut them ___3___ immediately after use or throw them away if
they are no longer needed. ?ever keep poisonous substances in food containers or beverage bottles. ;eep
them in ___4___ original containers. (ouble check before ______ medicine. (on!t mi4 different tablets or
capsules in one bottle. (o not self prescribe or give drugs to anybody. That is a ___!___ responsibility.
___"___ there is adequate ventilation when using cleaning fluids. ;eep your eyes ___%___. :arents should
educate their children from an early ___#___ about the dangers ___1$___ poisons.

". #$ in %. #$ doctor
#&$ up #&$ doctors
#'$ out #'$ doctor!s
#($ away #($ doctors!

). #$ things *. #$ 0ure
#&$ stuff #&$ <nsure
#'$ materials #'$ ssure
#($ substances #($ 'ertain

+. #$ in ,. #$ closed
#&$ out #&$ shut
#'$ up #'$ covered
#($ away #($ protected

-. #$ them /. #$ age
#&$ they #&$ year
#'$ their #'$ time
#($ theirs #($ period

2. #$ consume "3. #$ in
#&$ consumes #&$ by
#'$ consumed #'$ of
#($ consuming #($ over

Answers & " )& +' -( 2( % *' ,( /' "3
Answers & "& )' +& -( 2' % *' ,& / "3'
Answers & "( ) +' -' 2& %( *' ,& / "3'
Answers & "' ) +( -& 2 %' *& ,( /' "3
Answers & "& ) +( -& 2' %& *( , /( "3'
Answers & " )' +& -( 2& %& * ,' /& "3(
Answers & " )( +& -' 2' %( *' ,( /& "3'
Answers & "' )& +( - 2( %( *& , /( "3'
Answers & "( )( +& -( 2' %& * ,' /' "3(
Answers & "& )( +( -' 2( %' *& ,( / "3'

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