Public Law 94

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Public Law 94-142 - Education of All Handicapped Children Act

now called
Individuals with isabilities Education Act because it !a"es a nice acron#! -
$IEA$ %
Public Law 94-142 (Education of All Handicapped Children Act)
In 19!" Con#re$$ pa$$ed Public Law 94-142 (Education of All Handicapped Children
Act)" now codified a$ I%EA (Indi&idual$ with %i$abilitie$ Education Act)' In order to
recei&e federal fund$" $tate$ (u$t de&elop and i(ple(ent policie$ that a$$ure a free
appropriate public education ()APE) to all children with di$abilitie$' *he $tate plan$
(u$t be con$i$tent with the federal $tatute" *itle 2+ ,nited -tate$ Code -ection 14++
et'$e.' (2+ ,-C 14++) ()or (ore infor(ation on I%EA" le#i$lati&e hi$tor/"
i(plication$" $ee the other file$ in foru( librarie$" e$peciall/ tho$e that relate to the
-hannon Carter ca$e which wa$ ar#ued before the ,- -upre(e Court on 0ctober 1"
(lin3 for e(ail har&e$tin# bot$)
&ore Infor!ation
P4I- and the Law (or (ain P4I- pa#e) *hi$ $ite ha$ a lar#e a(ount of infor(ation on the
i(ple(entation of PL 94-142' *hi$ one5$ worth bookmarking if /ou need to deal with
a public $chool $/$te(' Included are de$cripton$ of 5IEP5 and 5)4A5 e&aluation$'
www'ideapartner$hip'or# - I%EA 6e#ulation$" I%EA Le#i$lation" I%EA 6eport$ to
Con#re$$ - Include$ hi$tor/ and i(ple(entatin# re#$'
Public Law 94-1427 *he Indi&idual$ with %i$abilitie$ Education Act" 8ultiple Lin3$
fro( The Arc (for(erl/ A$$ociation for 6etarded Citi9en$ of the ,nited -tate$)
A(icu$ for Children
)ounded b/ -heri *a/lor-8earhoff" thi$ or#ani9ation pro&ide$
re$ource$ for people to be their children5$ fir$t and be$t ad&ocate$' *hi$
i$ reall/ a #ood re$ource' %etail$ at their web$ite'
www'fape'or# )a(il/ : Ad&ocate$ Partner$hip for Education
)APE ha$ $o(e e;cellent re$ource$ on IEP$ and other i$$ue$ related to
educational a$$i$tance' People $ee( to $pea3 hi#hl/ of the('
)a(ilia$ / Abo#ado$ A$ociado$ por Educaci<n
Inde; I%EA en E$pa=ol" H(on#" -o(ali'
Al$o ha$ an En#li$h-H(on# %ictionar/ of -pecial Education
I don5t 3now the or#ani9ation" but the/ $ee( to ha&e #ood infor(ation'
24 C)6 2++ et seq *hi$ i$ a partial $et of the )ederal law which incorporate$ I%EA
>Law and E;ception -tudent$> $u((ar/ fro( An#ela Howell at ,'?'C'
*hi$ identifie$ the $eparate act$ which i(ple(ent what i$ now the
I%EA law'
Ha$ infor(ation on P'L'94-142 and other lin3$ relatin# to I%EA
?ew$ %i#e$t de ?ICHC@ en E$pa=ol
con infor(acion de P'L'94-142 / I%EA
I%EA Infor(ation fro( ?A-P - ?ational A$$ociation of -chool P$/cholo#i$t$
bac3 to the $'italin is Child Abuse$ pa(e
other Public Law 94-142 lin"s fro( the Ritilin is Child Abuse $ite'
Autis! Lin"s
Auti$( %efinition$ fro( A6A-P -
>@ou ?eed to be 6eali$tic About @our Child5$ )uture -
''' or how to i#nore a(ateur fortune teller$ with de#ree$
neurodi&er$it/'co( - A &er/ co(prehen$i&e inde; - $croll to >Learnin# and
Li$t of education law re$ource$ includin# >-pecial Education 4urden>
and $e&eral e;a(ple$ of $ucce$$ful law$uit$ in&ol&in# nonco(pliance
with I%EA" fro( Bathleen -eidel of Neurodiversity
Li$t of article$ on intelli#ence and learnin# techni.ue$
IEP %e&elop(ent for Auti$tic -tudent$ - $e&eral lin3$ for parent$ and I
belie&e al$o for auti$tic $tudent$ doin# their own IEP$
8AAP on Le#al 6i#ht$
>%on5t 8ourn for ,$>
fro( *he Auti$( 8o(" de$cribin# Ci( -inclair5$ e$$a/' (&er$i<n en
E$pa=ol - >?o -ufran Por ?o$otro$>)

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