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Title: The ABCs of Managing Teacher Stress.

Authors: Nagel, Liza

Brown, Sheri
Source: Clearing House ; May/Jun2003, Vol. ! "ssue #, $2##, %$
Document Type: &r'i(le
Subject Terms: )C*MM+N"C&,"*N
),"M- .anage.en'
)B-H&V"*/ .o0i1i(a'ion
)-M2L*3--S 44 5or6loa0
)/*L- (on1li('
)S,/-SS .anage.en'
NAICSIn!ustry Co!es: #7 "n1or.a'ion
Abstract: 8is(usses 'he stress management 1or teachers. "n1or.a'ion on
a(6nowle0ging stress 1a('ors, su(h as role (on1li(' an0 hea9y
wor6loa0s; 8is(ussion on :eha9ior .o0i1i(a'ion an0 'i.e management
s'ra'egies 'o re0u(e stress; ".$or'an(e o1 (o..uni(a'ion on stress
"ull Te#t $or! Count: 2#3;
ISSN: 000;4<!##
Accession Number: 70<30272
%ersistent lin& to this
Database: &(a0e.i( Sear(h -li'e
' ' '
The ABCs of Managing Teacher Stress
*9er 'he $as' 'hir'y years, resear(hers ha9e gra0ually :e(o.e .ore
in'eres'e0 in eAa.ining stress in 'he 'ea(hing $ro1ession. S'u0ies
sugges' 'ha' teachers eA$erien(e 0is$ro$or'iona'ely high le9els o1
stress BCoa'es an0 ,horesen 7;!; Cyria(ou an0 Su'(li11e 7;;;
Borg 7;;0D. *ne4'hir0 o1 all teachers re$or' 'ha' 'hey woul0 no'
en'er 'he 1iel0 o1 'ea(hing i1 'hey ha0 an o$$or'uni'y 'o (hoose again
BEreen:erg 7;<%D, an0 30 $er(en' o1 no9i(e teachers eAi' 'he
$ro1ession $rior 'o 'heir 1i1'h year B8arling4Ha..on0 2007D. "' is
0i11i(ul' 'o 0e'er.ine 'he $er(en'age o1 teachers who lea9e 'he
$ro1ession as a 0ire(' resul' o1 stress; howe9er, in a li'era'ure re9iew
Borg an0 /i0ing B7;;7D 1oun0 se9eral s'u0ies in whi(h one41i1'h 'o
one4'hir0 o1 sur9eye0 teachers re$or'e0 'ea(hing as ei'her 9ery
s'ress1ul or eA're.ely s'ress1ul.
Mar6e' s'u0ies in0i(a'e 'ha' 'here will :e an eA're.ely high 0e.an0
1or teachers in 'he near 1u'ure BMa''hews, CoA, an0 &sso(ia'es
2007D. ,he 0e.an0 will only in(rease i1 'he rele9an' e0u(a'ional
sys'e.s are una:le 'o a00ress 1a('ors 'ha' 'hrea'en 'ea(her
re'en'ion. *ne o1 'he grea'es' 'hrea's 'o re'en'ion .ay :e an
& is 1or F&(6nowle0geF
B is 1or FBeha9ior
C is 1or
Crea'i9e 2ro:le.
Cogni'i9e /es'ru('uring
&$$lying an F"F
inor0ina'e a.oun' o1 stress. 5isniews6i an0 Eargiulo B7;;D 0es(ri:e stress as 'he (onseHuen(e
o1 how well teachers are a:le 'o .ee' 'he 0e.an0s $la(e0 on 'he. in 'heir $ro1essional roles.
+n1or'una'ely, i' is o1'en 0i11i(ul' 'o in'egra'e stress management s'ra'egies in'o 'ea(her
$re$ara'ion (urri(ula 'o hel$ 1u'ure teachers .i'iga'e real or $er(ei9e0 s'ressors. "n 'his ar'i(le we
0es(ri:e 'he &BCs o1 stress management 1or teachers an0 $resen' s'ra'egies 'ha' teachers (an
easily use 'o lessen 'he i.$a(' o1 stress.
A is for (Ac&no)le!ge(
,he 1irs' way teachers (an .anage 'heir stress is 'o a(6nowle0ge wha' eAa(er:a'es 'heir stress
le9els. So.e o1 'he .os' (o..on 'ea(her4re$or'e0 sour(es o1 stress in(lu0e la(6 o1 'i.e BCoa'es
an0 ,horesen 7;!; Cyria(ou 7;<; Lea(h 7;<%D, $oor rela'ionshi$s wi'h (olleagues an0 $rin(i$als
B, 2000D, large (lass size B,ren0all 7;<;D, ina0eHua'e resour(es BCha$lain 7;;#; Ereen:urg
7;<%D, hea9y wor6loa0 BBorg 7;;0D, $oor s'u0en' :eha9ior 7;;#; 2un(h an0
,ue''e.ann 7;;0; ,ren0all 7;<;D, a0a$'ing 'o (hange BCyria(ou 2007D, an0 role (on1li(' BBlase
7;<!; 2earlin 7;<;D.
"n 'he (ourse o1 'he s(hool year, e0u(a'ors 1a(e a $o'en'ially nu.:er o1 s'ressors.
Teachers .ay .i'iga'e so.e stress :y 1irs' a(6nowle0ging 1a('ors 'ha' 'hey $er(ei9e 'o :e .os'
s'ress1ul 'o 'he.. ,he 'ea(her .ay 'hen 0e9ise a $lan 'o .anage 'hose s'resors using so.e o1 'he
s'ra'egies we ou'line. "' is i.$or'an' 'o a(6nowle0ge 'ha' ea(h 'ea(her has his own Fho' :u''onF 1or
stress. Gor eAa.$le, so.e teachers' .os' in'ense an0 re(urring stress res$onses .igh' :e in
rea('ion 'o s'u0en' :eha9ior. Gor o'hers, $lanning lessons, gra0ing $a$ers an0 eAa.s, $re$aring 'o
'ea(h se9eral (ourses, .anaging a (lassroo., han0ling s$e(ial e0u(a'ion s'u0en's, or es'a:lishing
$osi'i9e rela'ionshi$s wi'h (olleagues .ay :e a signi1i(an' s'ressor. ,he :es' s'ra'egy 1or .anaging
.ul'i$le s'ressors 'hroughou' oneIs 0ay, wee6, or year Ba(6nowle0ging 'ha' so.e s'ressors .ay :e
long 'er.D is 'o a(6nowle0ge wha' (rea'es 'he .os' i..e0ia'e stress an0 1in0 a (rea'i9e way 'o
sol9e 'he $ro:le.. *n(e 'he si'ua'ion is a.eliora'e0, o'her s'ressors .ay see. .ore .anagea:le,
an0 :alan(e will :e .ore easily res'ore0 in 'he li1e o1 a 'ea(her.
B is for (Beha*ior Mo!ification(
Beha9ior .o0i1i(a'ion s'ra'egies (an hel$ teachers rea(h a s'a'e o1 ho.eos'asis. -Aer(ise
$ro9i0es .ul'i$le :ene1i's 'ha' :uil0 resilien(y 'o stress, in(lu0ing 'he :urning o1 stress hor.ones.
,here also a$$ears 'o :e a long4'er. e11e(' in $re9en'ing 1u'ure stress e$iso0es. /esear(h
sugges's 'ha' 'he se(re'ion o1 stress hor.ones 0e(reases in 'he $hysi(ally 1i' in0i9i0ual B5in0er
an0 Heinger 7;3D.
Me0i'a'ion an0 0ia$hrag.a'i( :rea'hing hel$ (rea'e e.o'ional :alan(e. S(he0uling 'wen'y .inu'es
on(e a 0ay 1or Huie' re1le('ion has :een shown 'o lessen stress BBenson 7;%D. &l'hough 'here
a$$ear 'o :e no s'u0ies 'ha' 0ire('ly i.$li(a'e 'he teachers' lounge as a sour(e o1 stress,
resear(h in0i(a'es 'ha' 'ea(her (ollegiali'y is e11e('i9e in re0u(ing stress, $ro9i0e0 'ha' 'ea(her4
$eer su$$or' allows 1or heal'hy (o..uni(a'ion an0 $re9en's F.ala0a$'i9e 'ea(her res$onsesF
BBryne 7;;<D. ,his sugges's 'ha' i1 'he a'.os$here in 'he lounge is nega'i9e, a :eha9ior
.o0i1i(a'ion a$$roa(h woul0 in(lu0e 1in0ing $osi'i9e en9iron.en's in whi(h 'o 0raw 'he so(ial
su$$or' ne(essary 'o lessen stress.
&Huila B7;;2D re$or's 'ha' teachers (oul0 grea'ly :ene1i' 1ro. a0o$'ing 'i.e4management
s'ra'egies. FBoAingF is a 'i.e4management s'ra'egy where:y a $erson s(he0ules large F:oAesF o1
'i.e B'hree 'o 1i9e hoursD 1or la:or4in'ensi9e 0u'ies BSeawar0 2002D. ,he &BC .e'ho0 is ano'her
way 1or 'he 'ea(her 'o $riori'ize an0 a9oi0 $ro(ras'ina'ion BBliss 7;!D. &ll 0u'ies 'ha' are i.$or'an'
an0 i..e0ia'e 1all in'o 'he & (a'egory. ,hose 'ha' are ei'her less i.$or'an' or less i..e0ia'e are
assigne0 'o 'he B (a'egory. &ll re.aining i'e.s 1all in'o 'he C (a'egory. +n'il 'he & (a'egory is
(o.$le'ely e.$'y, 'he 'i.e .anager is no' 'o .o9e on'o 'he B or C (a'egory. 5hen all 0u'ies in 'he
& an0 B (a'egories are (o.$le'e0, 'he 'i.e .anager (an 'a(6le 'he C (a'egory.
Crea'i9e $ro:le. sol9ing (an also 0e(rease 'he $ro$ensi'y 'o $la(e onesel1 in a high4stress
si'ua'ion BBrigh'.an 7;<0D. Gi9e si.$le s'e$s are in9ol9e0. ,he ini'ial s'e$ is 'o 0es(ri:e 'he
$ro:le. an0 'horoughly analyze i'. Se(on0, 'he 'ea(her a('i9ely genera'es solu'ions :y
resear(hing, as6ing (olleagues 1or sugges'ions, an0 re1erring 'o $ersonal eA$erien(e. ,hir0, 'he
'ea(her se''les on 'he solu'ion 'ha' see.s .os' a09an'ageous. Gour'h, 'he 'ea(her .us'
i.$le.en' 'he sele('e0 solu'ion44so.e' 'he .os' (hallenging $ar'. Ginally, 'he 'ea(her
analyzes 'he solu'ion an0 i's i.$le.en'a'ion, $ro9i0ing a :asis 1or 1u'ure sele('ion o1 solu'ions Bsee
si0e:ar on (rea'i9e $ro:le. sol9ingD.
,here are ' 'ha' stress (anno' :e a9oi0e0, :u' an in0i9i0ualIs $er(e$'ions (an nega'i9ely or
$osi'i9ely a11e(' 'he 0egree o1 stress eA$erien(e0. Cogni'i9e res'ru('uring is a si.$le $ro(ess o1
re(on1iguring 'hough's 'ha' .ay $re(i$i'a'e 'he 1eelings o1 stress. "' $er.i's in0i9i0uals 'o i0en'i1y
'he s'ressor, re1ra.e 'he s'ressor so 'ha' i' has a neu'ral or $osi'i9e (onno'a'ion, e.$loy 'he new
in'er$re'a'ion, an0 e9alua'e 'he su((ess o1 'his new 'hough' in lessening 'heir stress B&llen 7;<3D
Bsee si0e:ar on (ogni'i9e res'ru('uringD.
C is for (Communication(
,he 'hir0 a$$roa(h, (o..uni(a'ion, $ro9i0es an a9enue 1or teachers 'o $re9en' stress or, when
'ha' is i.$ossi:le, .ini.ize 'he i.$a(' o1 stress. & (ri'i(al $oin' is 'ha' (o..uni(a'ion, $ar'i(ularly
in 'he (on'eA' o1 0esire0 s'u0en' :eha9ior, .ay no' ne(essarily :e 9er:al on 'he $ar' o1 'he 'ea(her.
,he 'ea(herIs :o0y language is a 1or. o1 (o..uni(a'ion 'ha' a11e('s s'u0en' :eha9ior an0 sel14
Coa'es an0 ,horesen B7;!D sugges' 'ha' 'here is a $osi'i9e rela'ionshi$ :e'ween 'ea(her anAie'y
an0 s'u0en' anAie'y/:eha9ior. &s teachers, i1 we are Fs'resse0 ou',F we stress ou' our s'u0en's,
who in 'urn :eha9e 0i11eren'ly Busually worseD, whi(h $ro0u(es .ore stress 1or us. ,his (ir(le o1
s'ress, on(e ini'ia'e0, (an :e(o.e 0i11i(ul' 'o :rea6. "' :e( (ri'i(al 'o .anage oneIs own
stress in 'he (lassroo., as s'u0en's are 9ery sensi'i9e 'o, an0 (an 'a6e a09an'age o1, 'he .oo0
an0 0e.eanor o1 'he 'ea(her, whe'her 'his is (o..uni(a'e0 'hrough wor0s or :o0y language.
/a'her 'han rea('ing i..e0ia'ely 'o s'u0en' :eha9ior an0 (o..uni(a'ing anAie'y 'o s'u0en's, a
use1ul s'ra'egy is 'o 'a6e a 0ee$ :rea'h an0 re.ain (al.. ,his s'ra'egy will ini'ially :e 1or 'he
:ene1i' o1 'he 'ea(her an0 su:seHuen'ly 1or 'ha' o1 'he s'u0en's an0 'he en'ire 'one o1 'he
(lassroo.. *n(e 'he 'ea(her regains a sense o1 $ersonal (on'rol, she (an ( 0e(i0e wha'
(ourse o1 a('ion 'o 'a6e 'o (o..uni(a'e a lowere0 le9el o1 stress or anAie'y. ,his .ay .ean
(on'inuing wi'h a $ar'i(ular lesson, 'o e.$hasize 'ha' 'he 'ea(her hasnI' los' (on'rol o1 'he (lass, or
$ro9i0ing s'u0en's wi'h an al'erna'e assign.en' 'ha' reHuires rea0ing Huie'ly a' 'heir 0es6s 1or 1i9e
.inu'es so 'he 'ea(her (an regrou$. Teachers' 9er:al an0 non9er:al (o..uni(a'ion wi'h s'u0en's
(on'ri:u'es signi1i(an'ly 'o 'he o9erall le9el o1 stress in 'he (lassroo..
*'her 1or.s o1 (o..uni(a'ion (an .i'iga'e stress ou'si0e o1 i..e0ia'e (lassroo. 1un('ions an0
s'u0en' :eha9ior. & s$e(i1i( s'ra'egy 'ha' teachers (an use wi'h (olleagues or $rin(i$als is
asser'i9e (o..uni(a'ion, learning 'o say no while a9oi0ing any $o'en'ial guil' asso(ia'e0 wi'h 'ha'
0e(ision. ,here is li''le 'o :e gaine0 :y agreeing 'o so.e'hing when you alrea0y ha9e a 1ull
s(he0ule or 0onI' $ossess any $assion 1or 'he assign.en'. +sing F"F s'a'e.en's 'o eA$lain 'he
e.o'ions a''a(he0 'o 'he reHues' or :eha9ior (an also lessen stress BM(Cay, 8a9is, an0 Ganning
7;<3D. See si0e:ar 'i'le0 F&$$lying an I"I S'a'e.en'F 1or an eAa.$le.
,ea(hing will always in9ol9e so.e stress. Howe9er, 'here are so.e $osi'i9e as$e('s 'o stress. "'
(an .o'i9a'e teachers 'o eA$lore new ins'ru('ional s'ra'egies, a0o$' inno9a'i9e a$$roa(hes 'o
in(reasing s'u0en' .o'i9a'ion, an0 re1le(' on 'heir 'ea(hing. *nly when i' :e(
0o we see 'he nega'i9e ou'( o1 stress.
Teachers, a0.inis'ra'ors, an0 s(hool 0is'ri('s (an 1a(ili'a'e (on0i'ions 'ha' a.eliora'e 'ea(her
stress. &0.inis'ra'ors $ar'i(ularly are in a $ri.e $osi'ion 'o a11e(' stress wi'hin 'heir s(hools.
&::ey an0 -s$osi'o B7;<#D re$or' 'ha' teachers who $er(ei9e grea'er so(ial su$$or' 1ro. 'heir
$rin(i$als re$or' less stress 'han 'hose who 0o no'. Se''ing u$ share0 0e(ision4.a6ing $ro(esses
in s(hools, su(h as go9ernan(e (oun(ils, allows teachers 'o $ar'i(i$a'e in s(hool $ro(esses ra'her
'han 1eel su:or0ina'e 'o 'heir $rin(i$als an0 (oer(e0 in'o $ar'i(i$a'ing in s(hool an0 'ea(her
res$onsi:ili'ies. "n a00i'ion, s(hool a0.inis'ra'ors (an wor6 wi'h teachers 'o 0e9elo$ a :e1ore or
a1'er s(hool $rogra. ai.e0 a' enhan(ing 'he $sy(hologi(al heal'h o1 'he 1a(ul'y, arrange 1or a lo(al
heal'h or 1i'ness $ro1essional 'o s$ea6 a' a 1a(ul'y .ee'ing, or (on'ra(' wi'h eA$er's on stress
management 'o $ro9i0e $ro1essional 0e9elo$.en' o$$or'uni'ies. ,raining .en'or teachers on
ways 'o .o0el stress management 'e(hniHues 'o 'heir no9i(e teachers .ay also ha9e a $osi'i9e
e11e(' on a no9i(e 'ea(herIs 'ransi'ion 1ro. s'u0en' 'o $ro1essional.
&$$ro$ria'e management o1 'ea(her stress has 'wo .aJor :ene1i's= "' re0u(es 'he $hysiologi(al
e11e('s o1 stress, su(h as (o.$ro.ising 'he i..une sys'e., an0 i' .ay i.$ro9e Jo: $
an0 re0u(e a:sen'eeis. B2er' 7;<!; Sel0in 7;;7D. -11e('i9e stress management .ay re0u(e
'ea(her :urnou' an0 a''ri'ion B,ye 2002D. ,he 6ey 1or teachers is 'o re.e.:er 'ha' .u(h stress is
wi'hin 'heir (on'rol 'o .anage using s6ills su(h as we ha9e ou'line0.
Cey wor0s= stress management 1or teachers, (rea'i9e $ro:le. sol9ing, (ogni'i9e res'ru('uring,
e11e('s o1 stress, F" s'a'e.en'sF
Creati*e %roblem Sol*ing
S'e$ 7= 8es(ri:e 'he $ro:le.. & (hil0 in 'he (lassroo. is lou0 an0 0is'ra('ing o'hers 1ro. 'heir
S'e$ 2= Eenera'e i0eas 'o sol9e i'. -A$lore rele9an' :oo6s, as6 .en'ors 1or a09i(e, as6 $aren'BsD
1or gui0an(e, 1in0 ou' wha' 'he (hil0Is nee0s are44(ogni'i9e, e.o'ional, $hysi(al, :eha9ioral44'o hel$
narrow 0own your i0eas.
S'e$ 3= Sele(' 'he solu'ion an0 re1ine i'. -Aa.ine all your $o'en'ial solu'ions, sor' 'he., an0 i0en'i1y
'he s'reng'hs an0 wea6nesses o1 ea(h o$'ion. *ne will e.erge as 'he .os' i0eal. Visualize
a$$lying 'his solu'ion. /e1ine i' 'o :e''er .ee' 'he s'u0en'Is nee0s.
S'e$ %= ".$le.en' 'he solu'ion. &long wi'h 1ai'h, $ra('i(e is 'he :es' $re0i('or o1 ou'(o.e. 2ro9i0e
yoursel1 (ues 'o a('ion su(h as a no'e on your $hone or (o.$u'er 'er.inal. &s you 1in0 yoursel1
sli$$ing in'o 'he :eha9ior 'ha' 0i0 no' wor6 wi'h 'his (hil0, s'o$ yoursel1, regrou$, an0 :egin
again. /e(ognize 'ha' 'he new :eha9ior will 1eel ( a' 1irs'. Co.1or' will (o.e wi'h (on1i0en(e
'o 1ollow 'hrough wi'h 'he i0en'i1ie0 solu'ion.
S'e$ #= -9alua'e. &s6 yoursel1, FHow well 0i0 'ha' wor6>F an0 F5ha' (oul0 " 0o 0i11eren'ly neA' 'i.e
'o i.$ro9e 'he ou'(o.e>F
Cogniti*e +estructuring
Si'ua'ion. & (hil0 is 0isru$'ing (lass :y s$ea6ing 'oo lou0ly 0uring a (oo$era'i9e learning a('i9i'y.
*riginal 'hough'. F,his (hil0 is so lou0 " (anI' hear .ysel1 'hin6KF
/es'ru('ure0 'hough'. F"1 soun0 genera'e0 is a sign o1 learning, 'hen 'his (hil0 is learning a lo'KF
Applying an (I( Statement
Si'ua'ion. 3ou are as6e0 'o a09ise 'he s'u0en' (oun(il. "n 1a(', your $rin(i$al (onsi0ers you her 1irs'
an0 las' (hoi(e :e(ause she 1in0s you 'o :e so 0e$en0a:le an0 (le9er. Howe9er, you are ha9ing a
0i11i(ul' 'i.e :alan(ing your wor6 an0 ho.e li1e.
/es$onse. F" a. 0isa$$oin'e0 'o .iss 'his o$$or'uni'y, :u' " .us' say no. "' woul0 :e un1air 'o all o1
us i1 " a00e0 one .ore res$onsi:ili'y 'o .y lis'. 2erha$s " will ha9e .ore 'i.e 'o 0e0i(a'e 'o 'he
(oun(il on(e .y 0augh'er en'ers ele.en'ary s(hool neA' year. Geel 1ree 'o as6 .e again.F
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