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Constitutional Law I (Prof.

Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola)

Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola
Arellano University School of Law
June 23 (Sunday class and July ! (Monday class
III-A. The State
I. Concept
A. Definition
B. Distinction from Nation
C### Collection of Internal $e%enue %. Ca&'os $ueda" G# L$!32%&" 2' (cto)er !'*!" +n
,anc" -ernando .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'*!2oct!'*!24r5!32%&5!'*!.ht6l 7
C. Context when the Constitution addresses the State
II. Elements
A. Territory
1. Definition
2. Scope of Philippine territor. (!rticle I of the ()*+ Constitution
a. Bac!"round (See Section 1, Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916; Article I, 1935 Constitution (14
March 1935); Article I, 1973 Constitution (17 January 1973) ; See also Article III of Treaty of Peace
between the United tates and pain (10 ece!"er 1#9#; 1#9# $reaty of %eace); Sole Article, Treaty
!etween pain and the United tates for the Cession of "utlyin# $slands of the Philippines (7
&o'e!"er 1900); Articles 1 to 4, Con%ention re#ardin# the !oundary between the Philippine
Archipela#o and the tate of &orth !orneo (( January 1930); an) see further 'epublic Act 3()6 (17
June 19*1); 'epublic Act 5))6 (1# Se+te!"er 19*#); Presidential *ecree 1596 (11 June 197#);
Presidential *ecree 1599 (11 June 197#); 'epublic Act 95++ (10 March (009); a!on, others)-
C(## Ma,allona %. Er&ita" G# !8*!9*" !9 Au4ust 2&!!" +n ,anc" :ar0io .J/
#. $urisdiction o%er territor
&1' (aters
&2' )orei"n #ases (!rticle -VIII. ection /0 of the ()*+ Constitution)
&a' Bac!"round
B. People
1. As inhabitants
2. As electors
a. (ho can #e electors. (!rticle V. ection ( of the ()*+ Constitution)
&1' Bac!"round &See Article ., Section 3 of the 1935 Constitution; Article .I, Section ( of the 1973
#. Secrec and sanctit of #allots (!rticle VI. ection /. first 'ara,ra'h. first clause of the ()*+
&1' Bac!"round &See Article .I, Section 1 of the 1973 Constitution,
&2' Sstem for disa#led and illiterates (!rticle VI. ection /. second 'ara,ra'h of the ()*+
c. Sstem for A#sentee *otin" (!rticle VI. ection /. first 'ara,ra'h. second clause of the ()*+
&1' Bac!"round -See 'epublic Act 91.9 (13 /e"ruary (003))
C/## Macalintal %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !%*&!3" !& July 2&&3" +n ,anc"
Austria$Martine; .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&323ul2&&324r5!%*&!352&&3.ht6l 7
C/#( Nicolas1Lewis %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !92*%'" < Au4ust 2&&9" +n
,anc" Garcia .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&92au42&&924r5!92*%'52&&9.ht6l 7
3. As citizens.
a. Definition and Nature
#. (ho are citi+ens of the Philippines, (!rticle IV. ection ( of the ()*+ Constitution)
C2## Tecson %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !9!<3<" 3 March 2&&<" +n ,anc" Vitu4 .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&<26ar2&&<24r5!9!<3<52&&<.ht6l 7
&1' Bac!"round - Citi+ens of the Philippines prior to adoption of 1./0 Constitution
&a' Articles 10 to 1. of the Spanish Ci%il Code1 Amendment 23* of the 4nited States
&#' Article 325 6reat of Peace #etween the 4nited States and Spain &17 Decem#er 1/./'
C2## In the &atter of the 'etition of 3. Garcia 4os5ue for ad6ission to the
0ractice of law in the Phili00ine =slands" G# 999" !< January !'&2" +n ,anc" Arellano
.:J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'&223an!'&224r59995!'&2.ht6l
Co'6ri,ht (c) /#(2. 4erne Guerrero 7 (
Constitutional Law I (Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola)
&c' Section 85 Philippine 9r"anic Act of 1.72
:1; Citi+ens at the adoption of the Cooper Act
&d' Section 2 of the Philippine Autonom Act of 1.1<1
:1; Citi+ens at the adoption of the $ones =aw
:2; Su#se>uentl naturali+ed
:a; Act (9(7 ((* March 19(0)
:#; Act 344# ((# &o'e!"er 19(#)
&e' Article 3*5 Section 1 of the 1.?@ Constitution1
:1; 6hose who are citi+ens of the Philippine 3slands at the time of the adoption of this
:2; 6hose #orn in the Philippine 3slands of forei"n parents who5 #efore the adoption of
this Constitution5 had #een elected to pu#lic office in the Philippine 3slands.
:?; 6hose whose fathers are citi+ens of the Philippines.
:8; 6hose whose mothers are citi+ens of the Philippines and5 upon reachin" the a"e of
maAorit5 elect Philippine citi+enship.
C2#( Ma %. 8ernande9" G# !83!33" 29 July 2&!&" -irst >ivision" Pere; .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&!&23ul2&!&24r5!83!3352&!&.ht6l 7
:a; 0o!!on1ealth Act *(5
:@; 6hose who are naturali+ed in accordance with law.
&f' Article 3335 Section 1 of the 1.0? Constitution1
:1; 6hose who are citi+ens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this
:2; 6hose whose fathers and mothers are citi+ens of the Philippines.
:?; 6hose who elect Philippine citi+enship pursuant to the pro%isions of the
Constitution of nineteen hundred and thirtBfi%e.
:8; 6hose who are naturali+ed in accordance with law.
&2' Principles of $us Soli and $us San"uinis
C:## $oa %. Insular Collector of Custo&s" G# L$*&!!" 3& (cto)er !'!2" +n ,anc"
?rent .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'!22oct!'!224r5l$*&!!5!'!2.ht6l
C:#( Torres %. Tan Chi&" G# L$<9%'3" 3 -e)ruary !'<&" +n ,anc" Laurel .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'<&2fe)!'<&24r5l$<9%'35!'<&.ht6l 7
C:#/ Tan Chon, %. ecretar6 of La;or" G# <*9!9" !9 Se0te6)er !'<*" +n ,anc"
Padilla .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'<*2se0!'<*24r5<*9!95!'<*.ht6l 7
C:#2 Valles %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !3*&&&" ' Au4ust 2&&&" +n ,anc"
Purisi6a .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&&2au42&&&24r5!3*&&&52&&&.ht6l
&?' Clection of Citi+enship
C0#( $e'u;lic of the Phili''ines %. a,un" G# !8*%9*" !% -e)ruary 2&!2" -irst
>ivision" Villara6a Jr. .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&!22fe)2&!224r5!8*%9*52&!2.ht6l
&8' Naturali+ation
&a' $udicial (0o!!on1ealth Act 473 217 June 19393)
:1; Dualifications (Sections ( an) 3, 0A 473)
C<## $e'u;lic of the Phili''ines %. Li =ao" G# L$3%'<*" 2& (cto)er !''2"
?hird >ivision" #o6ero .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!''22oct!''224r53%'<*5!''2.ht6l 7
C<#( $e'u;lic of the Phili''ines %. Lao On," G# !*%<3&" !8 June 2&!2" -irst
>ivision" >el :astillo .J/
:2; Dis>ualifications (Section 4, 0A 473)
:?; Declaration of 3ntention (Sections 5 an) *, 0A 473)
:8; Petition and proceedin"s thereto
:a; Sections 7 to 11, 0A 473
E1F Contents
E2F Nature of naturali+ation proceedin"s
E?F Construction of naturali+ation laws
E8F Burden of proof to show compliance with naturali+ation law
E@F 9#Aection ma #e had at an sta"e
E<F Ges $udicata,
C<#/ Mo6 =a Li& =ao %. Co&&issioner of I&&i,ration. G# L$2!28'" <
(cto)er !'*!" +n ,anc" ,arredo .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'*!2oct!'*!24r52!28'5!'*!.ht6l 7
C<#2 N,o 4urca %. $e'u;lic of the Phili''ines. G# L$2<2%2" !% June
!'*3" +n ,anc" Antonio .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'*323un!'*324r52<2%25!'*3.ht6l 7
C<#: Gon9ales %. Pennisi" G# !9''%8" % March 2&!&" Second >ivision"
:ar0io .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&!&26ar2&!&24r5!9''%852&!&.ht6l
:#; Commonwealth Act @?@ (a!en)atory to 0A 473)
:c; Gepu#lic Act @?7 :1.@7;
Co'6ri,ht (c) /#(2. 4erne Guerrero 7 /
Constitutional Law I (Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola)
:@; 3ssuance of Certificate5 Gecords and )ees (Sections 1( to 14, 0A 473)
:a; 9ath
:#; Correction of entries,
C<#0 $e'u;lic %. Li&" G# !%3883" !3 January 2&&<" -irst >ivision" @nares$
Santia4o .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&<23an2&&<24r5!%388352&&<.ht6l 7
:c; Cancellation of Alien Citi+en Ge"istration,
:<; Cffect on wife and children (Section 15, 0A 473)
:0; Cancellation
:a; Presentation of proof to allow cancellation of naturali+ation certificate for one
who is alread a citi+en
:#; Cstoppel,
&#' Administrati%e
:1; =etter of 3nstructions 207
:2; Gepu#lic Act .1?. &6he Administrati%e Naturali+ation =aw of 27771 / $une 2771'
&c' No Audicial declaration of citi+enship - declarator Aud"ment
C<#< =un, Uan Chu %. $e'u;lic of the Phili''ines" G# L$3<'*3" !< A0ril !'88"
Second >ivision" Paras .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'882a0r!'8824r5l53<'*35!'88.ht6l 7
c. Natural #orn citi+ens (!rticle IV. ection / of the ()*+ Constitution)
C+## Co %. >ouse of $e'resentati%es Electoral Tri;unal" G#s '2!'!$'2" 3& July !''!
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!''!23ul!''!24r5'2!'!5'25'22&25&35!''!.ht6l 7
&1' Jinds of citi+enship
C+#( 4en,son III %. >ouse of $e'resentati%e Electoral Tri;unal" G# !<28<&" * May
2&&!" +n ,anc" Aa0unan .J/
&2' Ge>uisites to #e deemed natural #orn citi+en
&?' Bac!"round (See Article III, Section 4 of the 1973 Constitution)
&a' Difference #etween naturalB#orn citi+ens under 1.0? and 1./0 Constitutions.
&8' Geco%er of the ori"inal nationalit # repatriation
&@' Getention of naturalB#orn citi+enship under Repblic Act !22" &2. Au"ust 277?'
d. =oss and retention of Citi+enship (!rticle IV. ections 2 and : of the ()*+ Constitution)
&1' =oss
&a' Bac!"round (See +rior A!erican rules on loss of citi4enshi+ +rior to 1935; Article I., Section (
of the 1935 Constitution; Article III, Sections ( an) 3 of the 1973 Constitution)
C*## Co&&onwealth of the Phili''ines %. 4aldello" G# L$<%3*%" !2 A0ril !'3'" +n
,anc" Moran .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'3'2a0r!'3'24r5l$<%3*%5!'3'.ht6l
C*#( In $E =u %. ?efensor1antia,o" G# L$83882" 2< January !'8'" +n ,anc" Padilla
.J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'8'23an!'8'24r5l838825!'8'.ht6l 7
&2' Geac>uisition
C*#/ 8ri%aldo %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# 8*!'3" 23 June !'8'" +n ,anc"
:ru; .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'8'23un!'8'24r58*!'35!'8'.ht6l 7
-rivaldo case !
&a' Bac!"round (See Articles (1 an) (( of the panish Ci%il Code; +rior A!erican rules on loss
of citi4enshi+ +rior to 1935; Article I., Section ( of the 1935 Constitution; Article III, Sections (
and 3 of the 1973 Constitution,
:1; Naturali+ation.
C*#2 $e'u;lic %. de la $osa" G# !&<9%<" 9 June !''<" +n ,anc" Buiason .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!''<23un!''<24r5!&<9%<5!''<.ht6l 7 -rivaldo case 2
:2; Gepatriation.
:a; Commonwealth Act <? :21 9cto#er 1.?<;
:#; Gepu#lic Act .<@ &27 $une 1.@?'
:c; Gepu#lic Act 2<?7 &1/ $une 1.<7'
:d; Gepu#lic Act 2<?. &1/ $une 1.<7'
:e; Presidential Decree 02@ &@ $une 1.0@'
C*#: !n,at %. $e'u;lic of the Phili''ines" G# !322<<" !< Se0te6)er !'''"
?hird >ivision" Vitu4 .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'''2se0!'''24r5!322<<5!'''.ht6l 7
C*#0 8ri%aldo %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !2&2'%" 28 June !''9" +n
,anc" Pan4ani)an .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!''923un!''924r5!2&2'%5!''9.ht6l 7 -rivaldo case 3
:e; Gepu#lic Act /101 &2? 9cto#er 1..@'
C*#< !lta@eros %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !932%9" !& Cove6)er
2&&<" +n ,anc" A;cuna .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&<2nov2&&<24r5!932%952&&<.ht6l 7
C*#+ Ta;asa %. Court of !''eals" G# !2%*'3" 2' Au4ust 2&&9" ?hird
Co'6ri,ht (c) /#(2. 4erne Guerrero 7 2
Constitutional Law I (Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola)
>ivision" Velasco Jr. .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&92au42&&924r5!2%*'352&&9.ht6l 7
:f; Gepu#lic Act .22@ &2. Au"ust 277?'
:?; Direct Act of Con"ress
e. Dual alle"iance (!rticle IV. ection 0 of the ()*+ Constitution) (n)
&1' Dual citi+enship and Dual alle"iance
&a' Prior to GA .22@
C)## !9nar %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# 8382&" 2% May !''&" +n ,anc" Paras
.J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!''&26ay!''&24r58382&5!''&.ht6l 7
C)#( Mercado %. Man9ano" G# !3%&83" 29 May !'''" +n ,anc" Mendo;a .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'''26ay!'''24r5!3%&835!'''.ht6l 7
&#' GA .22@
C)#( !!3 %. ?atu&anon," G# !9&89'" !! May 2&&*" +n ,anc" Buisu6)in4 .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&*26ay2&&*24r5!9&89'52&&*.ht6l 7
C)#/ Cordora %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !*9'<*" !' -e)ruary 2&&'" +n
,anc" :ar0io .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&'2fe)2&&'24r5!*9'<*52&&'.ht6l 7
f. Pri%ile"es and ri"hts of citi+ens
&1' Pu#lic 9ffice
&a' 3n "eneral
C!## Lo'e9 %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !82*&!" 23 July 2&&8" +n ,anc
#esolution" #eyes #? .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&823ul2&&824r5!82*&!52&&8.ht6l
&#' Dual citi+enship
C!#( 3acot %. ?al" G# !*'8<8" 2* Cove6)er 2&&8" +n ,anc" :hico$Ca;ario .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&82nov2&&824r5!*'8<852&&8.ht6l 7
C!#/ 3a'9on %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !8&&88" !' January 2&&'" +n ,anc"
:hico$Ca;ario .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&'23an2&&'24r5!8&&8852&&'.ht6l 7
C!#2 ?e Gu9&an %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !8&&<8" !' June 2&&'" +n
,anc" @nares$Santia4o .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&'23un2&&'24r5!8&&<852&&'.ht6l 7
C!#: o;e@ana1Condon %. Co&&ission on Elections" G# !'8*<2" !& Au4ust 2&!2"
+n ,anc" #eyes .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&!22au42&!224r5!'8*<252&!2.ht6l
&2' Practice of Profession
C!#0 In $E A00lication for Ad6ission to the Phili00ine ,ar" Chin,. ,M '!<" !
(cto)er !'''" +n ,anc #esolution" Aa0unan .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net2courts2)62)65'!<5!'''.ht6l 7
C!#< Petition for Lea%e to $esu&e Practice of Law. 4en@a&in M. ?acana6" ,M
!9*8" !* >ece6)er 2&&*" +n ,anc" :orona .J/
C!#+ $E Petition to $e1!c5uire the Pri%ile,e to Practice Law in the Phili''ines.
E'ifanio 4. Muneses. ,M 2!!2" 2< July 2&!2" +n ,anc #esolution" #eyes .J/
&?' 9wnership of land
C!#* Lee %. $e'u;lic of the Phili''ines" G# !28!'%" 3 (cto)er 2&&!" -irst >ivision"
Pardo .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&!2oct2&&!24r5!28!'%52&&!.ht6l 7
C!#) Muller %. Muller" G# !<'9!%" 2' Au4ust 2&&9" -irst >ivision" @nares$Santia4o
.J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&92au42&&924r5!<'9!%52&&9.ht6l 7
C!#! 4orro&eo %. ?escallar" G# !%'3!&" 2< -e)ruary 2&&'" -irst >ivision" Puno
.:J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&'2fe)2&&'24r5!%'3!&52&&'.ht6l 7
C!#4 Matthews %. Ta6lor" G# !9<%8<" 22 June 2&&'" ?hird >ivision" Cachura .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&'23un2&&'24r5!9<%8<52&&'.ht6l 7
&8' )ranchises - Pu#lic 4tilities - 3ndustr
C!#4Initiati%es for ?ialo,ue and E&'ower&ent throu,h !lternati%e Le,al er%ices
Inc. (I?E!L Inc.) %. Power ector !ssets and Lia;ilities Mana,e&ent Cor'oration
(P!LM)" G# !'2&88" ' (cto)er 2&!2" +n ,anc" Villara6a .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&!22oct2&!224r5!'2&8852&!2.ht6l 7
&@' Gi"ht to sta in the Philippines
C!#C ?@u&antan %. ?o&in,o" G# 883%8" 3& January !''%" +n ,anc" Buiason .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!''%23an!''%24r5''3%85!''%.ht6l 7
C. #o$ernment
1. Definition
C4## Peo'le %. andi,an;6an" G# !<%'%!" !2 Au4ust 2&&3" -irst >ivision" @nares$
Santia4o .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&32au42&&324r5!<%'%!52&&3.ht6l 7
C4#( Manila International !ir'ort !uthorit6 %. Court of !''eals" G# !%%9%&" 2& July
Co'6ri,ht (c) /#(2. 4erne Guerrero 7 :
Constitutional Law I (Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola)
2&&9" +n ,anc" :ar0io .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&923ul2&&924r5!%%9%&52&&9.ht6l 7
2. Constituent %s Kinistrant )unctions
CC## Val&onte %. 4el&onte" G# *<'3&" !3 -e)ruary !'8'" +n ,anc" :ortes .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'8'2fe)!'8'24r5*<'3&5!'8'.ht6l 7
CC#( Land 4anA of the Phili''ines %. !nson $i%era" G# !82<3!" !* Cove6)er 2&!&"
-irst >ivision" Pere; .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&!&2nov2&!&24r5!82<3!52&!&.ht6l 7
?. Parens Patriae
a. Donations
C?## Go%ern&ent of the Phili''ine Islands %. El Monte de Piedad 6 Ca@a de !horras
de Manila. G# L$''%'" !3 >ece6)er !'!9" +n ,anc" ?rent .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'!92dec!'!924r5l$''%'5!'!9.ht6l 7
C?#( Gon9ales %. Marcos" G# L$3!98%" 3! July !'*%" +n ,anc" -ernando .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'*%23ul!'*%24r5l53!98%5!'*%.ht6l 7
#. Pu#lic Korals
C?#/ 8ernando %. Court of !''eals" G# !%'*%!" 9 >ece6)er 2&&9" ?hird >ivision"
Buisu6)in4 .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&92dec2&&924r5!%'*%!52&&9.ht6l 7
c. (omen
C?#2 Pila'il %. I;a61o&era" G# 8&!!9" 3& June !'8'" Second >ivision" #e4alado .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'8'23un!'8'24r58&!!95!'8'.ht6l 7
d. Kinors and incapacitated
&1' Support and #enefits5 Adoption5 etc.
C?#: Ca;anas %. Pila'il" G# L$2%8<3" 2% July !'*<" Second >ivision" -ernando .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'*<23ul!'*<24r5l52%8<35!'*<.ht6l 7
C?#0 Laho& %. i;ulo" G# !<3'8'" !< July 2&&3" -irst >ivision" Vitu4 .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&323ul2&&324r5!<3'8'52&&3.ht6l 7
C?#< ?ela Cru9 %. Gracia" G# !***28" 3! July 2&&'" Second >ivision" :ar0io Morales
.J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&'23ul2&&'24r5!***2852&&'.ht6l 7
C?#+ Conce'cion %. Court of !''eals" G# !23<%&" 3! Au4ust 2&&%" ?hird >ivision"
:orona .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&%2au42&&%24r5!23<%&52&&%.ht6l 7
&2' Penal confinement
&?' A#use
C?#* Malto %. Peo'le" G# !9<*33" 2! Se0te6)er 2&&*" -irst >ivision" :orona .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&*2se02&&*24r5!9<*3352&&*.ht6l 7
C?#) Peo'le %. ?ia9. G# !3&2!&" 8 >ece6)er !'''" +n ,anc" ,ellosillo .J/
(htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'''2dec!'''24r5!3&2!&5!'''.ht6l 7
e. Getirees
C?#! 4acolod Cit6 "ater ?istrict %. 4a6ona" G# !98*8&" 23 Cove6)er 2&&*" +n
,anc" :ar0io .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri2&&*2nov2&&*24r5!98*8&52&&*.ht6l 7
8. De $ure Lo%ernment-Criteria for =e"itimac
@. De )acto "o%ernments
CE## Co Bi& Cha& %. Valde9 Tan Beh" G# L$%" !9 Cove6)er !'<%" +n ,anc
#esolution" -eria .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'<%2nov!'<%24r5l$%5!'<%.ht6l 7
<. Lo%ernment distin"uished from Administration
0. 9ther classifications of Lo%ernments
%. So$erei&nty
1. Definition
2. Dual Aspect5 Jinds M Characteristics
?. Dominium M 3mperium
8. Cffects of Chan"e in So%erei"nt
C8## See Macariola %. !suncion (su0ra." !##()
@. Cffects of Kilitar 9ccupation
<. 6erritorial5 personal and extraterritorial Aurisdiction
0. Acts of the State
C8#( In $E >ar%e6 %. ?efensor1antia,o" G# 82%<<" 28 June !'88" Second >ivision"
Melencio Derrera .J/ (htt0122www.law0hil.net23ud3uris23uri!'8823un!'8824r582%<<5!'88.ht6l 7
Co'6ri,ht (c) /#(2. 4erne Guerrero 7 0

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