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Unit 3: Diseases of the Endocrine System, Eyes, and Ears

Most individuals are less familiar with the endocrine system than they are with, for
example, the cardiovascular system. The study of diseases that result from endocrine
dysfunction and hormones gone awry is usually not anticipated with enthusiasm by
teachers or students. The best preparation is a review of the endocrine glands, the
hormones they produce, and their functions. Many diseases of the endocrine system
have peculiar manifestations that may confound or concern the student. Therefore
ample time for questions and explanations is suggested. Once the chapter material is
clarified, appreciation of the powerful effect of hormones in health and disease ensues.

Chapter 5 deals with many diseases and conditions that affect the human eye and ear.
Some of these diseases and conditions will be familiar to students; others will be new.
These suggestions have been written to help enhance knowledge of the material
presented. It should encourage class discussion and provide for group activities.
• Describe the importance of hormones, and explain some of the critical body functions that they
• Classify the three major types of Diabetes Mellitus, as well as the medical management
associated with each one.
• Discuss the differences between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
• Explain the importance of early treatment of glaucoma.
• Compare conductive hearing loss with sensorineural hearing loss; consider the importance of
prevention of sensorineural hearing loss.

Reading: In this unit we will cover Chapters 4 & 5 of Essentials of Human Diseases and
• Discussion: You’ll discuss the structural and functional aspects of cell organization.

Seminar: In this week’s seminar we'll discuss Quiz: You will take a quiz covering
medical alert tags for Graves' disease Chapter 4: Diseases and Conditions of
patients, the long term effects of diabetes the Endocrine System and Chapter 5:
mellitus, preventing problems with contact Diseases and Disorders of the Eye and
lenses, and otitis media. Ear.

Workbook Assignment: You will work

on practical exercises that correspond
with the material covered this week.

Final Project Development: This week

you should begin working on your Final
Project which is due at the end of Unit 9.
Use this area for tips on getting started.
Unit 3: Diseases of the Endocrine System, Eyes, and Ears - Hel
Discussion p

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Respond to the Discussion

Each week, the Discussion Question will examine the issues in your reading. This thread is
meant to foster a better understanding of the disease process and modalities associated
with it.

You should feel free to contact your instructor at any time with problems or concerns you
have about this class or your progress in it. You are also expected to work collaboratively to
address common problems that may crop up. Throughout the term, please feel free to post
questions about the course and assignments or send an email or instant messages to your
instructor about personal or private concerns.

Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the
discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Initial discussion
responses should be around 100 words; responses to your classmates or instructor should
be around 75 words. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and
advance the discussion in each topic.

When you are ready, respond to the questions below. There is 1 Topic this week. Good
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Diseases and Disorders of the Eye and Ear

1. Differentiate between the two primary types of glaucoma. Describe the typical prognosis for
each type.


2. Discuss the causes of otitis media. What are the signs and symptoms associated with otitis
media? How is it diagnosed and treated?


3. How is conjunctivitis diagnosed and treated? What persons are most at risk for contracting
conjunctivitis, and why?

Unit 3: Diseases of the Endocrine System, Eyes, and Ears - Workbook Hel
Assignment p

Workbook Assignment
Unit 3 Workbook Assignment
Diseases and Conditions of the Endocrine System

Complete the “Patient Screening” questions (#s 1-5) located on pages 45-46 in your Workbook.
You will find a template for this assignment located in the Doc Sharing section of the course.

Your Workbook Assignment is due by the end of Unit 3.

Submitting Your Work

Put your responses in a Word 97-2003 document. Save it in a location and with the proper
naming convention: username-HS200-section-Unit Assignment.doc (username is your Kaplan
username, section is your course section, X is your Unit number). When you are ready to submit
it, go to the drop box and complete the steps below:

1. Click the link that says "Submit an Assignment".

2. In the "Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit X: Workbook Assignment
3. In the "Comments" field, make sure to add at least the title of your paper.
4. Click the "Add Attachments" button.
5. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
To view your graded work, come back to the Drop box or go to the Grade book after your
instructor has evaluated it.
6. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project.
Unit 3: Diseases of the Endocrine System, Eyes, and Ears - Final Project Hel
Development p

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Final Project Development: Creating an Outline and Performing

Use the Final Project Development areas in Units 3,5, and 7 to improve your
final product!
Initial Steps...Creating an Outline
This week, it would be a good idea to begin working on your Final Project which is due at the
end of Unit 9.

Outlining is a great way to think about what you’re going to include in your paper. Now it is
time to start generating ideas for your paper and organizing them into an outline.

How to Create an Outline

1. Identify your topic – try to sum up the topic of your paper into 1 sentence.
2. Identify the main categories – what are the main points of your paper? These main
points will serve as your introduction for your paper. Once you identify the main points,
the remainder of your paper will be spent developing these points.
3. Create your first category – this is the 1st point you will cover in your paper. If you are
writing about a particular disease or condition, it would be great to start with a definition
of the actual disease process.
4. Create subcategories – once you’ve identified your 1st category, now list data under it
that will help to support your first category. You can use as many subcategories that you
5. Follow up by creating the remaining categories and subcategories.

Additional Resources on How to Create an Outline:

1. Visit Kaplan’s Writing Center
2. Go to “Writing Reference Library”
3. Click on “The Writing Process”
4. Go to “Prewriting”
5. Then “Informal Outlining”
Or visit The Owl at Purdue for more information on outlining:

For a sample outline from The Owl at Purdue:

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Ask the Instructor or Share Your Thoughts...

Are you still not sure how to start or do you just want a place to brainstorm?

Please post your thoughts and questions here.


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