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What is the diff between Stress & Load Testing?

What is the diff between Stress & Load Testing?

load testing:-To estimate the performance of a s.w when number of concurent users are
accessing at a time.

STRESS TESTING:-estimating the performance of a s.w under different load levels.

What is Test Scenario?

set of test cases that ensure that the business process flows are tested from end to end.
They may be independent tests or a series of tests that follow each other, each dependent
on the output of the previous one. The terms "test scenario" and "test case" are often used

What is the difference between Master Test Plan and Test Plan? Do we really require two
Test Plans? Please explain in detail?

Sometimes for a large project the organization may have a Matser teat plan and for phase
testing efforts level test plans which are the subsets derived in MTP, having references to

The Master Test Plan explains the methods, procedures, and approach that the co.
employs in the verification and validation of an internally developed, Third Party Vendor,
or Third Party Vendor Modified application or product.

The purpose of the Test Plan is to gather all of the information necessary to plan and
control the test effort for a given iteration. It describes the approach to testing the
software, and is the top-level plan generated and used by managers to direct the test

How will you test a keyboard?

First we will go through requriment analysis. Then we will check for its functionality,
sturdiness of the Kbd., will check for scratch proof nature, etc

1. What is Bug life cycle?

2. Test case biggest number of given three numbers?

Bug life cycle contain the detail about the bug which we found during the

1:Defect ID

2:defect discription



Q2:Techniques of writing test cases

1:equivalance class partioning

2:boundry value analysis

3:error guessing
Bug life cycle:- The status will be in new when it gets reported for the first time.
PM/PL will see the bug and assign the bug to respective developer (Assigned state).
Once the bug gots fixed, the status of the bug will be changed to Resolved/fixed.
Tester will verify and mark it has verified/fixed. if it is not fixed it will be reopened and it
will be assigned back to respective developer.
Once all the defects are verfied/fixed tester will close all the verified bugs in the final
build and the bug will be moved Verified/closed state.

What is open issue?

when you open an issue for the first filed it is a NEW. it is being tested by the project
manager whether it is geinue issue or not. if it is ageinue issue then the status changes to

What is the Difference between Retest and Regression Testing?

f you have raised a bug and after the developer fixes it, testers need to verify that whether
after fix the functionality is as expected. The process is call retest. On the other hand
Regression testing is the process where the software under test goes through multiple
release( i.e build release) and every time we have to run the whole set of test cases to
ensure that after every release the software confirms with the requirements.

f a bug is found that is not replicable all times, does that bug should be reported to

A bug/defect according to tester is treated/accepted by developer only if he can able to

reproduce it.If not,he will change the status as not reproducible.

If we log a defect that has occured once and not reproducible again,though we execute
the same steps to reproduce,means for the first time execution either their may be a
human error in the execution or the application might be responding differently for each
execution.Here we need to investigate the issue first and should clarify that is it a defect
or not,than we have to log the defect/bug.So that the time to fix the defect will be reduced
and by investigating the root cause only we can log genuine defects.Investigation of the
root cause shows the capability of the tester.

For the question ,answer according to me is dont log a defect.Log it as an issue and send
to your TL/Manager ,if you cannot be able to investigate the issue or the issue is beyond
your limits.A TL/Manager has to identify that this issue is really a defect or user
mistake.If you are the manager/TL ,you can take the help of a functional designer or a
developer who has developed the project.
Every bug should be logged in to the record.
There are several reasons in which a bug cannot be reproduced.
1. Low memmory.
2. pointing to non available memory location.
3. happening in particular sequence.
If this type of defect is found.
following informations needs to be given to the developer.
1. What all applications were running along with it.
2. how long was application being used.
3. crash report or related information.
4. what sequences were executed before the application behaved like that.
5. Is that bug came while performing a normal workflow or complet workflow.
6. Is it happened only once or more.
7. bug impact on user.
This details will help the developer/TL to investigate whether this bug can be fixed or

What are the flaws in water fall model and how to overcome it?

Water fall Model is mostly suited for small projects since it involves single stage of
testing. The major drawback is release date of the application used to slip.

What is tracebility matrix

Traceability Matrix is one of the document will prepare by QA.To make sure all the
requirements mentioned in the requirements document are covered in your testing, we
will prepare the traceability matrix.this document contains the following columns.Req#,
Brief description about the requirement, test script ( to know in which test script it is
covered), Test case .

What is latent bug?

The bug, which is unobserved in two or more releases is called as latent bug
The bug, which is unobserved by tester and it is observed by end-user is called latent bug.

What Is Test Bed?

Test bed is the envaironment that is required to test software.

This include requirement of H/W,S/W, Memory, cpu speed, operating system etc.

How to identify/find bugs in a testscript?

We can run testscript n a debug mode, then we can easily identify the bugs n a test script.

Whats the difference betweeen the 'V' shape and 'U' shape.

V Module is Used as SDLC

U module is nothing but combination of Verification and Validation

Software Testing process is also called as V&V process, In V&V method; the Design
looks like U shape so it called so

What is bi-directional traceability matrix? Give sample format?

Bidirectional is Forward and Backward traceability.

Forward traceability is from requirements to design to code to testcases.

Backward traceability is on the reverse direction , that the end product has met the
requirements or not. It is very difficult to do this traceability without tool

This is what cmmi demands. It demands for bi-directional which is mandatory.

How to test Memory Leakage Manually?

We can use performance testing (Microsoft ACT) to check the memory leakage. We will
add the performance counter-> performance object-->process.
Performance counters are

1) Pool non-paged bytes

2) Pool paged bytes

If there is a large difference between this counters that means the memory leakage is

What is pilot testing?

Pilot testing is done by the company in order to gain the confidence of the client. If the
client is new and he doesn't know about the company. the company will send some
persons, they will pick up a module and they will complete the task . In simple we say in
order to to show the capability of thier resource the company will do pilot testing. It will
increase the comfortness between client and company.

What is meant by fault/bug density ,how do u calculate this.

Size is typically counted either in Lines of Code or Function Points. Defect Density is
used to compare the relative number of defects in various software components. This
helps identify candidates for additional inspection or testing or for possible re-
engineering or replacement in specific components. Another use for Defect Density is to
compare subsequent releases of a product to track the impact of defect reduction and
quality improvement activities.

How much time is/should be alloated for Testing out of total Development time based on
industry standards?

35% of the development time (time taken for analysis and coding)should be allocated for
the testing process.

What is the difference between bug and defect?

Bug: The problem getting at the time of testing.

Defect: when we get problem on customer's hand is a defect.

What is the differance between an exception and an error?

EXCEPTION : Unexpected event or happening,not related to SRS

BUG: Related to SRS,Found by testers.

ERROR:not related to SRS.Found by users

What is the difference between UseCase and TestCase ?Pls let me know with a detailed

What is the difference between UseCase and TestCase ?Pls let me know with a detailed

SRS&BRS are the documents they r not applications to find bugs

SRS&BRS-If we find the bug in SRS or BRS it will be valuable for the organisation
,because we are trying to find the bugs from the point where they are originated i.e.SRS
& BRS.
Example:-if the requirement is not clearly specified or it is ambigous then it will impact
on design,coding and almost on the whole application.
How would you say that a bug is 100 % fixed ???

In quality world you can't say Bug is 100 % fix or 50 % fix . If Bug is fixed than in new
verssion we do regression testing to make sure that Bug fix doesn't have any impact on
old functionality.

Top Ten Tips for Bug Tracking

I recommend adding small comments to the main pieces of codes and using debug
messages. You can also implement a "debug mode", which can be a global variable. If
that mode is enabled, the variables values will be shown in the critical places of the
application. This should help tracking the variables and seing when the problem occurs.
(this method can be useful when the development environment does not have a 'watch')

What is severity and priority?its difference

severity of a bug is technical in nature and it is always constant. Can be said to be how
bad a defect is while Priority is ushally more of a business decision and would depend on
the business objective of the application and how its owners see the bug

What is configuration management?

Making changes to the work product systematically is called configuration management.

mostly used popular tools is VSS

VSS : Visual Source safe.

It is a version control tool

Work product : The documents are delivered at importent milestones of a project.

Imp Work products:

1) Project proposal

2) Project agreement

3) Project Plan

4) QA Plan

5) Test Plan
6) SRS

7) Design Doc

8) Configuration management Doc

9) Maintenence manual

How do you know that all the scenarios for testing are covered?

Typically, in test situations, traceability matrices are used to trace requirements to test
cases in order to ensure that there are test cases for all the requirements (usually done by
a analyst). Some tools, such as Rational Suite Enterprise, will help analysts trace
requirements and then allow the tester to trace from the use cases and/or requirements to
test cases.

Of course, many types of traceability matrices may be created or reverse engineered. For
example, you may back trace defects-->test cases-->use cases and vice versa. The default
term likely applies to tracing requirements to test cases though.

What bugs are mainly come in webtesting what severity and priority we are giving

The bug that mainly comes in web testing are cosmetic bugs on web pages , field
validation related bugs and also the bugs related to scalibility ,throughput and response
time for web pages.

What are the important scenarios for testing emails? how do you test emails? which tool
is best for testing email?

Test the email is not a very easy scenario.

We can categorised the different part on which tester may perform the testing.

1) for incoming mail with attachment

2) for outgoing mail with attachment

3) mail failure

4) Other properties like ;Delete,Edit etc.........

1) for incoming mail with attachment :--

1. Chek the proper incoming address or id.

2. Chek Not only the One address(TO),but also for

the Ccc and Bcc Addresses.

3. Check the max and min limit for number of


4. Check if address has some error like @ or . is

missing .

5. Check if address has more than 1 @ sign .

6. Check if . has arrives less than 1 or more than

standard time (as per registered)

7. Check if address has arrives more than 1 time.

8. Check address only have @, ., _ and - special

symbols that are standard signs.

9. Check taht mail dose not have unnecessary

content with it self.

10. If there is/are any attachments then they open


11. The attachment size not exceeds the standard


12. If there are more than 1 attachments then the

calculated size must be under the Standard size.

13. If email content have some images or some

different Flash pic must show properly.

14. Some time mail have some different extentions

file then it shows properly.

15. If the user read the mail ,then it should be

marked as readable.


2) for outgoing mail with attachment :--

1. Check the Address as we done prior.

2. Here we must check for the attachments.

3. For all the send pictures

4. Mail content should have the proper content.

3) mail failure:-- Check for the mail failure

4) Other properties like ;Delete,Edit etc.........

Software Testing is the process used to help identify the correctness, completeness,
security, and quality of developed computer software. Testing is a process of technical
investigation, performed on behalf of stakeholders, that is intended to reveal quality-
related information about the product with respect to the context in which it is intended to
operate. This includes, but is not limited to, the process of executing a program or
application with the intent of finding errors. Quality is not an absolute; it is value to some
person. With that in mind, testing can never completely establish the correctness of
arbitrary computer software; testing furnishes a criticism or comparison that compares
the state and behaviour of the product against a specification. An important point is that
software testing should be distinguished from the separate discipline of Software Quality
Assurance (SQA), which encompasses all business process areas, not just testing.

White box and black box testing are terms used to describe the point of view a test
engineer takes when designing test cases. Black box being an external view of the test
object and white box being an internal view. Software testing is partly intuitive, but
largely systematic. Good testing involves much more than just running the program a few
times to see whether it works. Thorough analysis of the program under test, backed by a
broad knowledge of testing techniques and tools are prerequisites to systematic testing.
Software Testing is the process of executing software in a controlled manner; in order to
answer the question “Does this software behave as specified?” Software testing is used in
association with Verification and Validation. Verification is the checking of or testing of
items, including software, for conformance and consistency with an associated
specification. Software testing is just one kind of verification, which also uses techniques
as reviews, inspections, walk-through. Validation is the process of checking what has
been specified is what the user actually wanted

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