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This section covers the research design, research subject, data sources, research
instrument, data collection, and data analysis, those all are discussed in the following:
3.1 Research Design
The descriptive qualitative is used as design of this study. This study is classified as
descriptive qualitative method, since the data are in form of words of the utterance rather than
number, in this case the words used by Jose Mourinho in his interviews. . Irawan !""#:$!%
argues that qualitative study focuses on natural descriptive and the natural data. It is compatible
with &'rnyei statement. &'rnyei !""(:!)% states that qualitative research involves data
collection procedures that result primarily in open*ended, non*numerical data which is then
analy+ed primarily by non*statistical methods. ,elated to the two e-planations, the writer
chooses this study as qualitative study, because it is descriptive and has no relation with
population and sample. The researcher uses this method because he wants to get the description
of the words and the performative utterances which are considered as interviews and that are
e-pressed by Jose Mourinho.
3.2 Sources Data and Data
The primary source data of this study are transcript of the Interviews between Jose
Mourinho and his interviewer which is considered as performative utterance. The data are the
utterance or sentences which are ta.en from Jose Mourinho interviews.
3.3 Research Instrument
/To support the validity of the study the researcher uses certain instruments. In
conducting this research, the researcher himself becomes the major instrument, to get the data the
researcher watches, listens to the conversation between Jose Mourinho and his interviewer after
that, the researcher searched the words, the utterances, or the e-pressions of the language
categori+ed as performative in that video, television, article, or internet. 0fter obtaining the data,
the researcher started to analy+e the data provided.
3. Data Co!!ection
1or the data procedure, I collect the data using the following steps: 1irst, I chec. the full
transcript of Mourinho interviews. 2econd, underline the utterances that are indicated to be
performative acts, an utterance that loo. li.e statement of reality the utterances that perform an
action. Third, arrange the obtained data which are relevant to the research problem systematically
based on the chronological events such as arranging them based on the time of dialogues
happened. 1or e-ample: 1irst, arranging the data from the dialogues at the Jose Mourinho first
interviews with 3helsea fc.
3." Data Ana!#sis
0fter getting the data, I analy+e the data as following steps: 1irst, finding and e-plaining
the conte-t of utterances to understand what the means by his utterances, such as
e-plaining the condition, who spea.s, to whom the spea.s and what the means
by saying the utterance. 2econd, classifying the utterance is what type performative, such as by
identifying the statement utterance which performs action in saying it as performative. Then, if
the utterance is performative, it is e-amined using the performative types namely verdictives,
e-ercitivies, commisives, behabitives and e-positives. Third, discussing the data based on
performative acts that proposed by 0ustin. 1ourth, conclusion based on the result of data
analysis to answer research problem.

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