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St Henrys

Marist College
being prepared to
spend time with young
people, thus building
up positive relationships
and promoting
being child-like as
in the spirit of the
Gospels; avoiding
duplicity, pretence
and empty show.
fostering a sense of
belonging where all are
equally important.
promoting an absolutely
honest attitude in all we
do and say.
A specifc Marist ethos has evolved and been codifed in the light of the life and
philosophy of the Marist Founder, St Marcellin Champagnat:
Presence: Spending time with youngsters provides opportunities to enter their lives,
build up relationships and understand them better
Simplicity: Being child-like as in the spirit of the Gospel means avoiding duplicity,
pretence and empty show. Relationships are open and honest.
Family Spirit: There is a place for everyone. A sense of belonging is fostered. A
sound family does not neglect moral authority and expectations.
Love of Work: Marcellins practical lifestyle moved others to work hard and to
respect all kinds of labour. He balanced work with prayer and life in community.
Marys Way: Mary was a prayerful woman of faith, obedient and grateful to God.
She was concerned for others and stood by those who suffered.
using Marys example of
being a prayerful woman of
faith, obedient and grateful
to the Lord, and concerned
for others, particularly the
promoting an absolutely
honest attitude in all we
do and say.
Outreach is vital aspect of life at St Henrys . Awareness of the needs of
others is at the heart of Marist education and many opportunities are
provided to contribute to efforts to alleviate the plight of those in dire
circumstances. Apart from regular contributions to various charitable
bodies, the Outreach groups of students and staff adopt institutions
where relationships with those in the institutions are carefully and lovingly
nurtured. The Marist practice of Presence explicit in our Ethos has practical
outworking as the members of the St Henrys Family come alongside
others, empathizing and encouraging as they help with homework and
coaching sport.
The desire to serve others has found a strong expression in the involvement
of College Grade 11 students in the Durban Youth Council. For a number
of years, St Henrys pupils have flled a good number of positions on the
council, with Marists flling the top positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
Tel: 031 261 7369 (Administration)
Fax: 031 262 2125 (General Administration)
10 Mazisi Kunene (South Ridge) Road, Glenwood, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
PO Box 30480, Mayville, 4058
St Henrys
Marist College

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