Notes of 29th May RL T&W

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Notes of Red Labour Tyne & Wear meeting

Thursday 29
1. Present: Diane J, Geoff W, Joan H, Lorna B, Lynda M, Michael L, Rosie C, Sheila S,
2. Ao!ogies for absen"e
Caron W, David C, Ed W, Helen H, Kate I, Icars W, Lynne C, Mar! H, Matthe" G, Ro#in
C, $erry J,
#. Notes of !ast meeting $ a%reed
%. Matters arising
&olitical Edcation 'fficers ( Geoff W is &E' for Ho%hton and Snderland Soth, Michael L for
Blyth )alley, and Daniel M is rnnin% for &E' for *e"castle Central CL&+ &olitical Edcation
*et"or! *orth East ,&E**E- #lo%. htt/.00the/enis1i%htierthanthe/arty+"ord/ress+co10
Red La#or tea1 "as 2
last ot of 3 tea1s in the *e"castle La#or &arty 4i5+++
&. 'date on Red Labour nationa!!y 6 ne" state1ent ,attached- has #een /osted on RL
face#oo! /a%e incldin% core vales and that "e do not intend to ado/t a RL /olicy on
*ational RL "e#site ( DJ "ill chec! "ith David S as to "hat he7s offerin% and Geoff W also
offered to e8/lore so1e /ossi#le o/tions
(. *)* meeting +une
11th 6 DJ re/orted on /lannin% /ro%ress and "e discssed so1e /racticalities for the 1eetin%
/lannin% feed#ac! and re9ests for hel/
,. Agenda 2-1& 6 Re1inder that the final deadline for contri#tin% to the La#or &arty7s
&olicy Revie" consltation is :;th Jne+
.. /eedba"0 from May 1ay 2 3reen /esti4a! and Miners 3a!a 6 Leaflets and #ad%es
"ere distri#ted at May Day and Green <est+
9. /inan"e Balance =>;
DJ re/orted on donations received and there "as discssion on ftre e8/enditre ( Leaflets
and #anner+
DJ offered to finance :??? #ad%es "hich cold #e sold at Miners Gala and offered to other RL
%ro/s ( "hich cold #e fndraisin% after initial otlay reco/ed+
10. AOB
i) Ed W had asked that the meeting support the ca1/ai%n to /rotect *e"castle Sre Start "hich is
threatened "ith cts htt/s.00yo+;@de%rees+or%+!0/etitions0save6ne"castle6sre6start
ii- it "as a%reed that "e "old cover travel e8/enses for those other"ise na#le to attend
11. Date of next meeting no date fixed
Red Labour: 5ho are 5e and 5hat is a!! this about6
(Statement on RL Facebook Page)
Red La#or advocates a clear socialist /olicy orientation in the La#or &arty. La#or7s
Socialist tradition+
Red La#or7s vales.
Red La#or is co11itted to a socialist vision #ased on a /ro%ressive role for the state,
incldin% /#lic o"nershi/ and /ro%ressive ta8ation, and to fi%htin% for a socialist
A Britain is a 1ore ne9al society than at any ti1e since the :B;?s+ We need an
enforcea#le livin% "a%e, a decent state /ension, concil hosin%, and /#lic services
that are rn to 1eet or needs, not sold off for /rivate /rofit+
A We need a forei%n /olicy "hich "or!s for /eace, Cstice and solidarity across the
A Dll /eo/le are of e9al vale+ We #elieve in fi%htin% all for1s of /reCdice and
A With %lo#al ca/italis1 in control of the /olitical a%enda, there is an r%ent need for
a 1aCor shift of "ealth and /o"er in favor of ordinary /eo/le+
A $he La#or &arty "as ori%inally set / to fi%ht for "or!ers ri%hts, civil li#erties and
/olitical re/resentation+ We 1st rediscover that desire for /olitical, econo1ic and
social li#erty+
A Given resorce constraints and environ1ental /ressres, "e need a sstaina#le
ener%y /olicy #ased on rene"a#lesE the develo/1ent of afforda#le /#lic trans/ort,
/rotection a%ainst floodin% and freedo1 fro1 frac!in%, and a hosin% /olicy "hich
offers #oth afforda#le rental and o"nershi/ choices+
$hese are or #asic, #otto1 line #eliefs, #t "e don7t e8/ect Red La#or s//orters to
#e nani1os on every isse+ So there isn7t a lon% list of s/ecific /olicies that "e
s//ort+ Dnd "e encora%e and "elco1e honest o/en de#ate "here there are
differences of o/inion+
Red La#or+++is a 7for17, rather than a 1e1#ershi/ or%anisation
6 s//ortin% La#or &arty 1e1#ers, ,and for1er 1e1#ers, and those "ho "old Coin
the /arty if it ado/ted the vales "e #elieve in+++- to.
A Get involved in local #ranches and constitencies 6 not as isolated individals, #t
"ith stren%th in n1#ers and to ar%e for or CL&s to start ca1/ai%nin% and #e
relevant a%ainF
A Challen%e the lac! of effective de1ocratic /olicy61a!in% in the &arty
A Initiate and encora%e /olitical and econo1ic edcation and de#ate in the &arty+
A &artici/ate in consltation, e+%+ Gor Britain. D%enda 2?:3
We no" have over ;? local Red La#or %ro/s+ If yo7re interested in "hat "e have to
say and "ant to %et involved, %et in toch "ith yor local %ro/+
Local %ro/s. ;; of the1 6 "ith lin!s

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