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1. Get Started with Microsoft Word

1. Launching Word
2. Your First Letter
3. Saving Documents
4. Highlighting Text
5. Opening Files
6. Adding an Address to a Letter
7. Switch off Red Green Underline in Word
8. Spell Checking and Grammar
9. Project One
10. Document Formatting
1. Typing the Document
2. Bold Text
3. Italics and Underline
4. How to set Tabs
5. Bulletted text
6. Setting a Font
7. Page Margins
8. More Page Margins
9. Project Two
10. Cut, Copy and Paste
1. How to Cut text
2. How to Cut and Paste text
3. How to Copy and Paste text
4. Clip Art
1. Inserting Clip art
2. Resizing Clip Art
3. Moving Clip Art
4. Text Wrapping

5. Multi-Page Documents
1. How to setup your Page Margins
2. Inserting Text Files
3. Headers and Footers
4. Formatting the Header
5. An introduction to the Drawing Grid
6. Print Preview
7. Insert Page numbers into documents
8. Create a Booklet in Microsoft Word
9. Add a Title to your Cover Page
10. Create a Table of Contents Page
11. Create a Page Break in Word
12. Advanced Table of Contents
13. The drawing toolbar, Word Art
1. How to use the Drawing toolbar in Word
2. Adding Shadows and Text to a Shape
3. Learn how to use AutoShapes
4. Grouping Shapes in Microsoft Word
5. Working with the Textbox object
6. Learn how to create Word Art
7. Advanced Word Art
8. Letterheads and more...
1. Create a Letterhead in Microsoft Word
2. Create a Template in Microsoft Word
3. Mail Merge in Microsoft Word
4. Design a Form in Word
1. How to Design a Form in Microsoft Word
2. Adding Boxes to the Form
3. Add an Address Box to the Form
4. Create Tables in Word
1. Create a Table in Microsoft Word
2. Table cells and Internal Table Borders

3. Using the Table Toolbar
4. How to add an external Table Border
5. How to create Word Macros
1. What is a Macro?
2. How to create a Macro in Microsoft Word
3. How Assign a Macro to the Keyboard
4. How Assign a Macro to the Toolbar
5. How to Delete your Macros

1. Getting Started with PowerPoint
2. The PowerPoint Software
3. Your First PowerPoint Presentation
4. Insert a New Slide into PowerPoint
5. Change the Title of a PowerPoint Slide
6. PowerPoint Bullets
7. Add an Image to a PowerPoint Slide
8. Add a Textbox to a PowerPoint slide
9. The Slide Show Footer in PowerPoint
10. Add Notes to a PowerPoint Presentation
11. Complete your First PowerPoint Presentation
Section -II
Presentation Two - Downloads
Set up a Master Slide in PowerPoint
Format a PowerPoint Master Slide
Plan your PowerPoint Presentations
Bulleted Lists in PowerPoint
Bullet Animation - PowerPoint 2000
Bullet Animation - PowerPoint 2003
Adding the Animated GIF images
How to Resize an Image in PowerPoint
Slide Transitions in PowerPoint
The PowerPoint Pen Tool
Section -III
Presentation Three - Introduction
The First Slide in the Presentation
3D Bar Graphs in PowerPoint

Working with the PowerPoint Datasheet
Format a PowerPoint Chart Axis
Format the Bars of a Chart
Format Series Legend
PowerPoint Pie Charts
Pie Chart Segments
2D Bar Charts in PowerPoint
Format the 2D Chart
Format a Chart Background
Flow Charts
Create a Flow Chart in PowerPoint
Add an Arrow to a Slide
Group and Ungroup Shapes
Text and Shape Objects
Custom Animation - PowerPoint 2000
Custom Animation - PowerPoint 2003
PowerPoint Exercises
PowerPoint Tables
Format the Table Data
Table Backgrounds
Format a Table Border in PowerPoint
The Final Slide
Sorting PowerPoint Slides
Design Templates
Create a PowerPoint Design Template
Format a Design Template Master Slide
Add a Title Slide to a Design Template
Action Buttons
PowerPoint Action Buttons

Resize and Move an Action Button
Use a Hyperlink to Display a Web Page
Add a Quit Button to a Slide
Forcing people to click your buttons
Excel Charts and PowerPoint
Excel Worksheets, Charts and PowerPoint
Add Video to your Presentations
Add Sounds to your PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint and Presentation Tips

1. Getting Started with Excel
What is a Spreadsheet?
Launching and Exploring Excel
Entering data into a Spreadsheet
How to Widen Rows and Columns in Excel
Centering Data in a Cell
Font formatting in Excel
Saving your work
2. Entering Data into Cells
The Spreadsheet
Entering formulas in Excel
Adding up with SUM
3. Extending the Spreadsheet
Adding up Rows in Excel
Copy and Paste in Excel
Weekly and Annual Sums
Adding Comments to Cells
Project Two
4. Section Four - Excel charts
Sorting Data
Create a Bar Chart

Formatting the Chart
Resizing the Chart
Creating a Pie Chart
5. math operators in Excel
The Basic Operators
Combining mathematical Operators
6. An introduction to Functions
The Average Function
Date Functions in Excel
The Time Function
Financial Functions in Excel
7. Conditional Logic
Conditional Logic
Conditional Formatting
The CountIF Function
The AND and SUMIF functions in Excel
8. Tables, Scenarios, Goal Seek
Excel Tables, Part One
Excel Tables, Part Two
Scenarios in Excel
How to use Goal Seek
9. reference, range, Pivot table
Absolute versus Relative cell referencing
Named Ranges in Excel

Using Named Ranges
What is a Pivot Table?
How to Create a Pivot Table in Excel
Extending the Pivot Table
10. Input Forms, Data Validation
Data Input Forms in Excel
Data Validation in Excel (Drop down lists)
Displaying Error Messages
11. Web Integration
Web Integration and Excel
How to Create a Web Query in Excel
Web Query, Part Two
How to Add Hyperlinks in Excel
12. Extras
Insert a spreadsheet into a Word document
Reference a formula in a different Worksheet
Insert drawing objects into spreadsheets
Insert images into Excel

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