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Keys, Ancel et al. The Biology of Human Starvation.

The University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN,

p. xviii
!t is interestin" that the o#ese $an or %o$an can #e place& on a &iet as lo% as '00, or even (00, calories
%itho)t loss of #o&y nitro"en or other ill effects an& %itho)t &epression of the #asal $eta#olic rate. !n these
respects o#ese persons an& persons of nor$al %ei"ht &iffer stri*in"ly in their response to a lo% inta*e of
p. xix
The #asal $eta#olic rate in se$i,starvation $ay fall as $)ch as 50 per cent #elo% nor$al stan&ar&s #ase& on
ener"y exchan"e per s-)are $eter of s)rface area.+
p. xxiii
An&, %hether the ori"in is pri$ary or secon&ary the presence of )n&ern)trition $a*es a special *in& of person,
&ifferent $orpholo"ically, che$ically, physiolo"ically, an& psycholo"ically fro$ his %ell,fe& co)nterpart.+
p. 15
!n the in&ivi&)al the severity of clinical e&e$a is not #y itself a relia#le ")i&e to his n)tritional state. .here the
co$plications of $alaria, &ysentery, ane$ia, an& vita$in &eficiencies exist, the e&e$a appears $ore rea&ily an&
in $ore extre$e for$.+
p. /0
The s)#stantial i$prove$ent of the &iet in 19(0 %as parallele& #y an epi&e$ic inci&ence of hypertension.+
p. (0 1 Ta#le sho%in" #efore an& after recovery %ei"hts. 2ifferences ran"e& fro$ .3 *" a#ove startin" to 3./ *"
a#ove startin".
p. (5
The increase& sensitivity to col& %as evi&ence& in several %ays in a&&ition to the s)#4ective reports: nearly all
the $en %ore heavier )n&erclothin" an& overclothin".+
p. 55
5the re& #loo& cell co)nt &roppe& fro$ a pre,starvation level of 5.5/ to (.(5 $illion per c). M$. &)rin" se$i,
starvation, an& the he$o"lo#in val)e fro$ 63 to 61 per cent.+
p. '/
The $en %ere co$$only fo)n& to #e so$e%hat irrita#le &)rin" the se$i,starvation perio&. All the s)#4ects
reporte& a &istinctly &ecrease& sex interest an& a re&)ce& fre-)ency of erections %hile on the restricte& &iet.+
p. 36
7xtre$ely hi"h foo& inta*es 1 as hi"h as 3000,10,000 8al. per &ay 1 %ere achieve& #y $ost of the s)#4ects
&)rin" the first / %ee*s of a& li# eatin", #)t the inta*es ten&e& to level off at $ore reasona#le val)es of a#o)t
0/00 to (500 8al. per &ay.+
p. 63
Accor&in" to this report the avera"e act)al caloric inta*e in (( factories in the To*yo area stea&ily &ecline&
fro$ a level of 001/ 8al. &aily in 1906 to an avera"e of /001 cal &aily in 19(0. 9)t over these sa$e years the
avera"e #o&y %ei"hts of the $en in these factories &ecline& only .60*" an& the %o$en %or*ers "aine& an
avera"e of .(5 *".+
p. 119
2)rin" the first %ee* of )ncontrolle& reha#ilitation :;10< the in&ivi&)al inta*es varie& fro$ ((00 cal to 5600
cal, %ith the %ee*=s avera"e of 5/19 cal per $an per &ay. >o$e of the $en co$$ente& that they %ere still
h)n"ry at the en& of the very lar"e $eals, even tho)"h they %ere )na#le to in"est any $ore foo&. All of the $en
ate snac*s #et%een $eals an& in the evenin"s.+
p. 1/3
At ;56 the #o&y %ei"ht ha& ret)rne& close to the control val)e %hile the #o&y fat, on the percenta"e #asis,
re$aine& sli"htly elevate&.+
!n the )n&ern)trition experi$ent carrie& o)t #y 9ene&ict et al. the %ei"ht increase& very rapi&ly on the
ter$ination of the re&)ce& &iet. >ix %ee*s later the $en not only re"aine& all the %ei"ht lost #)t excee&e& their
pre,experi$ental %ei"ht #y 0.1 *".+
p. 1/6
5they ha& very lo% resistance to eatin" snac*s #et%een $eals. >o$e $en ha& eaten a lar"e $eal? s)#4ect No.
/3 co$$ente& at the en& of ;10 on havin" @an o&& sensation of #ein" f)ll yet still h)n"ry.=+
p. 1/9
!n refee&in", especially %hen the caloric inta*e is hi"h, fat &eposits ten& to increase at a faster rate than the
@active= tiss)es.+
p. 133
2)rin" the s)#se-)ent 6 %ee*s there %as f)rther increase in the #o&y fat %hich #ro)"ht the fat content of the
#o&y in all s)#4ects %ell a#ove the pre,starvation level. Thirty,three %ee*s after the en& of the se$i,starvation
perio& the val)es for #o&y fat sho%e& a &ecrease an& ret)rne& to a near nor$al level at 56 %ee*s.+
p. 139
Anthropo$etric &ata s)pport this concl)sion an& in&icate that &)rin" reha#ilitation the a&ipose tiss)e increase&
in siAe $ore rapi&ly than the $)scles. !n the hi"hest caloric "ro)p the circ)$ferences of the )pper ar$, calf, an&
thi"h sho%e& an avera"e recovery of (5, (', an& 5( per cent of the starvation &ecre$ent, %hereas the a#&o$inal
circ)$ference exhi#ite& a recovery of 101 per cent Bat %ee* 1/ of refee&in"C.+
p. /1/
The evi&ence is -)ite consistent that the h)$an thyroi& atrophies &)rin" starvation.+
p. /13
8ha*ra#arty, in a st)&y of fa$ine victi$s in !n&ia, fo)n& the islet cells fe%er in n)$#er than nor$al an& foa$y
in str)ct)re.+
p. /(0
T%o reports fro$ Dapanese prison ca$ps have in&icate& that &)rin" the perio&s of serio)s foo& restrictions
$ost cases of acne &isappeare&. After li#eration, %hen the foo& inta*e %as restore& to nor$al, the acne ret)rne&
to its pre,starvation for$.+
!vanovs*y reporte& that the hair "re% slo%ly, fell o)t pre$at)rely, an& rapi&ly #eca$e "ray. The "ro%th of the
nails %as retar&e&.+
p. /(/
The &ry an& scaly s*in %as pro#a#ly an expression of an altere& s*in $eta#olis$ as a res)lt of a &ecrease&
#loo& flo% thro)"h the s*in. There %as in&irect evi&ence that the #loo& flo% thro)"h the s*in ha& #een
&ecrease& &)rin" se$i,starvation.+
p. /(0
A#o)t a thir& of the s)#4ects re$ar*e& that their hair %as fallin" o)t at an a#nor$ally rapi& rate.+
p. /5'
The evi&ence is over%hel$in" that ane$ia &evelops &)rin" prolon"e& perio&s of caloric restriction, an& the
&e"ree of ane$ia appears to #e relate& to the extent of starvation5The ane$ia5 is not of the iron &eficiency
p. /56
5evi&ence in&icates that a $il& le)copenia %ith a relative ly$phocytosis &evelops.+
p. /'3
A &efinite le)copenia &evelope& &)rin" se$i,starvation? the le)cocyte co)nt, %hich %as '0(' per c). M$. of
#loo& in the control perio&, &roppe& to (1/9 at >/(, a &ecrease of 0(.9 per cent.+
p. /91
!f o)r calc)lations are approxi$ately correct, there re$ains the -)estion as to ho% $)ch of the re&)ction in
$eta#olis$ can #e acco)nte& for #y the lo%ere& #o&y te$perat)re of the starvin" or"anis$.+
p. 000
After 1/ %ee*s of controlle& reha#ilitation on restricte& foo& inta*es, the $en in the Minnesota 7xperi$ent
%ere allo%e& to eat %hat they %o)l&. The res)lt %as a lar"e increase in foo& inta*e, a s)&&en "ain in %ei"ht,
an& an a#r)pt rise in 9.M.;. !n so$e cases the 9.M.;. chan"e %as startlin". Eor exa$ple, s)#4ect 1/' )se& 150
cc. of oxy"en per $in)te in #asal rest on Fcto#er 13 an& /'5 cc. on Fcto#er /(. Fcto#er /0 %as the last &ay of
restricte& fee&in", so the rise fro$ 150 to /'5 cc. of oxy"en per $in)te occ)rre& in 0 &ays. !n this perio& of 0
&ays the s)#4ect "aine& ' po)n&s an& the #asal p)lse rate rose fro$ 0' to '0.+
p. 006
!n the Minnesota experi$ent the total rate of #asal $eta#olis$ at the en& of se$i,starvation %as al$ost (0 per
cent less than in the control perio&.+
p. 0('
>chen* clai$e& that &aily inta*es of 0/0 "$. of protein an& 3000 cal, as o#serve& a$on" the Fly$pic athletes,
are essential for har& $an)al %or* or stren)o)s exercise.+
p. 059
!n "eneral, at &iets of 0000 cal or $ore, nitro"en e-)ili#ri)$ can #e $aintaine& at an inta*e of (0 "$. of
protein or less. At &iets #elo% 0000 cal, nitro"en #alance is har&er to o#tain, even at hi"her nitro"en inta*es.+
p. 0'5
5spontaneo)s re&)ction of physical activity is one of the $ost pro$inent feat)res of se$i,starvation.+
p. 060
A $ore &etaile& st)&y :7vans an& >tran", 1901< %as perfor$e& on 5 patients %ith an avera"e initial %ei"ht of
153.5 *". They receive& first a $aintenance &iet of /(10 cal containin" '9 "$. of protein, %hich %as s)fficient
for nitro"en e-)ili#ri)$. Fn the re&)cin" &iet, %hich containe& 59 "$. of protein, 10 "$. of car#ohy&rate, an&
3 "$. of fat, totalin" 005 cal., a nitro"en loss occ)rre&, #)t this %as a$aAin"ly s$all :/ "$. of nitro"en in 5.5
%ee*s<. The a&&ition of only /0 "$. of car#ohy&rate :increasin" the total caloric inta*e to ((5 cal. per &ay<
#ro)"ht these patients into nitro"en e-)ili#ri)$ at an excretion level of 0.15 "$. of nitro"en per *". of @i&eal=
%ei"ht. Nitro"en e-)ili#ri)$ %as $aintaine& in one patient for /'0 &ays, &)rin" %hich ti$e there %as a total
%ei"ht loss of '3.1 *".+
p. 061
The loss of fat pro&)ces no )nto%ar& sy$pto$s s)ch as acco$pany the %ei"ht loss of nor$al s)#4ects &)rin"
se$i,starvation. E)rther$ore, no &ecrease of the 9.M.;. #elo% nor$al stan&ar&s has #een reporte& in o#ese
patients &)rin" the perio& of %ei"ht re&)ction.+
p. 516
The #ehavior of calci)$ is $ore &iffic)lt to interpret since it ten&s to #e excrete& thro)"ho)t a starvation
perio& at a rate %hich $ay #e of the or&er of 10 ti$es that calc)late& on the #asis of the #o&y tiss)e lost.+
p. 5(5
To test this, he re&)ce& his o%n foo& inta*e #y one half for 5 &ays an& then for an a&&itional 0 &ays %ent
co$pletely %itho)t foo&. The increase in his #loo& s)"ar level follo%in" "l)cose %as $)ch "reater after the
starvation perio& than #efore. >evrin"ha)s o#serve& the sa$e thin" after / &ays of starvation.+
p. 5('
9eca)se of the hi"h fat &iet of the 7s*i$os, Gein#ec*er st)&ie& their "l)cose tolerance c)rves #oth #efore an&
after 6/ ho)rs of fastin". The #asal #loo& s)"ar &)rin" the starvation &ecrease& fro$ 110,1/0 $". per 100 cc. to
a#o)t 60 $". The "l)cose tolerances after the in"estion of a#o)t / "$. of "l)cose per *". of #o&y %ei"ht %ere
nor$al in the control perio&. After 0.5 &ays of starvation the "l)cose tolerance sho%e& #loo& s)"ar levels close
to 000 $". per 100cc. These ret)rne& only very slo%ly to nor$al.+
p. 536
Alon" %ith the increase& %ater cons)$ption, starvin" persons ten& to have a $ar*e& salt h)n"er an& %ill
cons)$e several ti$es the nor$al -)ota of salt if it is availa#le.+
p. 539
!n so$e ani$al for$s, at least, chronic )n&ern)trition prolon"s the nat)ral life span. !t has #een s)""este& that
the nat)ral life span is fixe&, not in ti$e, #)t in ter$s of total $eta#olis$ or so$e f)nction of the rate of livin".
9)t in $an severe )n&ern)trition $a*es hi$ loo*, feel, an& act pre$at)rely ol&. There are also chan"es in #asal
$eta#olis$ an& in sex)al f)nction %hich rese$#le those pro&)ce& #y a"e. .hat is the lon",ran"e effect on
physiolo"ical a"e an& on lon"evity of the in&ivi&)alH+
p. 561
5the starvin" $an is %ea* an& col&, #oth physiolo"ically an& s)#4ectively, an& his #ehavior #ears this o)t. Fn
the other han&, his #ehavior is often $islea&in". Ge acts &)ll an& insensitive? he loo*s an& #ehaves as tho)"h he
%ere )na%are of or incapa#le of feelin" $any of the or&inary sti$)li of so)n&, si"ht, or to)ch.+
p. 565
5in a n)$#er of cases a$on" the %o$en the &ecline in $eta#olic rate %as &isproportionately "reat? only
s$all losses in #o&y %ei"ht s)ffice& to pro&)ce lar"e &eclines in $eta#olis$ a$on" these %o$en.+
p. '03
!n any list of the car&inal si"ns an& sy$pto$s of severe )n&ern)trition there %ill #e several ite$s %hich
pertain &irectly or in&irectly to the heart an& circ)lation. These incl)&e #ra&ycar&ia, hypotension, a lo%erin" of
the s*in te$perat)re, an& fre-)ently verti"o an& sli"ht cyanosis.+
;ates as lo% as 00 to (0 #eats per $in)te %ere often o#serve& in #e& rest5+
p. '1/
The co$plaint of col&ness is very co$$on a$on" )n&erno)rishe& people, an& the s*in has often #een reporte&
as col& to the to)ch. This $i"ht, of co)rse, #e attri#)te& to the "eneral re&)ction in #o&y te$perat)re %hich is
)s)ally o#serve&. Ieyton fo)n& the avera"e ( p.$. te$perat)re in 100 $en to #e 05.3 8 :9'.0E<. 9)t the
s)""estion that the peripheral circ)lation is &i$inishe& is also s)pporte& #y the pallor of the s*in %hich is o)t of
proportion to the sli"ht to $o&erate ane$ia )s)ally present.+
p. '10
!n (0 persons %ho receive& s)#c)taneo)s in4ections of 1 $". of a&renalin there %as extraor&inarily little
response to the &r)".+
p. '/0
9efore the %ar patients %ith hypertension acco)nte& for a#o)t 10 per cent of all a&$issions to the Therape)tic
8linic of the Pavlov Eirst Me&ical !nstit)te. This proportion &roppe& &)rin" the perio& of se$i,starvation an&
increase& pro"ressively thereafter thro)"h 19(0. !n Dan)ary 19(0 patients %ith hypertension constit)te& /0 per
cent of the a&$issions, an& #y D)ne of that year the fi")re ha& risen to '0 per cent.+
p. '/1
F#vio)sly, $any factors $ay have #een involve& in this epi&e$ic of hypertension in Ienin"ra&, #)t the
o)tstan&in" pec)liarity of the perio& %as severe se$i,starvation for ' $onths, follo%e& #y refee&in", %ith the
necessity for har& %or* at all ti$es.+
p. '06
An al$ost )niversal co$plaint a$on" the s)#4ects in the Minnesota 7xperi$ent %as so$e &e"ree of faintness
i$$e&iately after stan&in" )p fro$ a chair or #e&.+
p. '59
The &ecrease of the J;> an& T %ave a$plit)&es is pro#a#ly the $ost re$ar*a#le chan"e in the
electrocar&io"ra$ in starvation. !t $ay #e &)e to the follo%in" factors:
1< 2ecrease of heart siAe. The &ecrease of the a$plit)&es %as acco$panie& #y a very $ar*e& &ecrease of the
heart siAe as &eter$ine& #y teleroent"eno"ra$s5
/< Myocar&ial &e"eneration5
0< ;otation of the heart aro)n& a transversal axis5
(< 2ecrease& $eta#olic rate5
5< El)i& acc)$)lation in chest or pericar&i)$5+
p. ''(
Poly)ria an& noct)ria have #een reporte& #y practically every o#server of starvation con&itions.+
p. 3(0
The i$portant -)estion of %hat part of the respiratory,car&iovasc)lar syste$ %as principally responsi#le for
the poor &elivery of oxy"en to the %or*in" $)scles cannot #e ans%ere& &irectly. The lo% concentration of
he$o"lo#in at the en& of the se$i,starvation perio& )n&o)#te&ly contri#)te& to the poor $)sc)lar oxy"en
p. 350
Da%ors*i fo)n& no chan"es in the va"ina in starve& Polish %o$en #)t concl)&e& there %as consi&era#le
re&)ction in the siAe of the ovaries.+
The $a4ority of investi"ators have a"ree& that the testes are re&)ce& in siAe in se$i,starvation, the avera"e
percenta"e chan"e #ein" rather si$ilar to that of the #o&y as a %hole.+
p. 355
The excretion of total, ne)tral 13,*etosteroi&s for the 5 $en st)&ie& after 6 %ee*s of se$i,starvation avera"e&
3.9 $". per /( ho)rs. This is consi&era#ly #elo% the $ean excretion level of 11.0 $". o#serve& for nor$al
yo)n" $en5+
p. 3'/ 1 >per$ %ere $otile for an avera"e of (.6 ho)rs at >/( vs./5.5 at ;/0
p. 333
The official &aily ration in the A)sch%itA concentration ca$p %as one liter of %atery so)p, /50 "$. of #rea&,
an& a#o)t /5 "$. of $ar"arine or sa)sa"e or i$itation honey, provi&in" an esti$ate& $axi$)$ inta*e of 1000
cal. per &ay.+
p. 393
8onstipation %as $entione& as one of the se$i,starvation sy$pto$s, #o%el $ove$ents #ein" re&)ce& fro$
once a &ay to one or t%o ti$es a %ee*.+
p. 600
Eoo& in all its ra$ifications #eca$e the principal topic of conversation, rea&in", an& &ay&rea$s for al$ost all
Minnesota s)#4ects. .hen they rea& #oo*s or atten&e& $ovies, they %ere $)ch i$presse& #y the fre-)ency
%ith %hich foo& an& eatin" %ere $entione&. 8oo*#oo*s, $en)s, an& infor$ation #)lletins on foo& pro&)ction
#eca$e intensely interestin" to $any of the $en %ho previo)sly ha& ha& little or no interest in &ietetics or
p. 60(
A fe% planne& to #eco$e coo*s. Galf%ay thro)"h starvation 10 o)t of 0( $en $entione& coo*in" a$on" their
plans follo%in" co$pletion of the experi$ent. The $en %ho too* part in Kreely=s expe&ition of 1661 an&
s)ffere& fro$ prolon"e& se$i,starvation in the Arctic ha& si$ilar i&eas. !n the &iary entry for Nove$#er /(,
1660, 9rainar& %rote: @Ere&eric*s is "oin" to r)n a saloon in Minneapolis. Ion" %ants to open a resta)rant at
Ann Ar#or. De%ell thin*s he %o)l& li*e to r)n the "rocery in ;alston=s colony.=+
p. 6/3,6/6
The s)#4ects reporte& that their nails "re% $ore slo%ly an& that their hair %as fallin" o)t in lar"e a$o)nts.
>havin" %as necessary less fre-)ently. The $en note&, partic)larly in shavin", that c)ts an& %o)n&s #le& less
than nor$ally an& %ere slo%er to heal. Physical a#ility to la)"h heartily, sneeAe, or #l)sh %as re&)ce& or a#sent
&)rin" the later sta"es of se$i,starvation. M)scle cra$ps an& partic)larly $)scle soreness %ere fre-)ently
reporte&. The 4arrin" of *nee 4oints, especially %hen %al*in" on har& pave$ents, %as an annoyance to so$e.
Pi"$entation, thinnin", an& ro)"henin" of the s*in occ)rre&. 8han"es in the sensitivity of the s*in, paresthetic
an& hypesthetic in character, %ere o#serve& in only three cases, #)t there %ere $any co$plaints that the
extre$ities @%ent to sleep.=
Tolerance to heat %as increase&? for exa$ple, s)#4ects co)l& hol& hot plates %itho)t &isco$fort. They as*e& that
their foo&, coffee, an& tea #e serve& )n)s)ally hot. 8onversely, col& te$perat)res %ere poorly tolerate&.
8o$plains of #ein" col& or of havin" col& han&s an& feet %ere fre-)ent an& persistent. !n hot s)$$er %eather
$any of the s)#4ects slept )n&er heavy #lan*ets an& %ore extra clothin" &)rin" the &ay. Lerti"o, "i&&iness, an&
$o$entary #lac*o)ts %ere experience& on risin" fro$ lyin" or sittin" positions #y al$ost all the s)#4ects &)rin"
the first $onths an& #y so$e s)#4ects thro)"ho)t the se$i,starvation perio&5
F#4ective tests reveale& no i$pair$ent of vis)al ac)ity #)t $any s)#4ects co$plaine& of transient vis)al
&ist)r#ance s)ch as ina#ility to foc)s, eye,aches, an& @spots= #efore their eyes. >tan&ar& $eas)re$ents of
hearin" sho%e& a sli"ht #)t consistent increase in a)&itory ac)ity &)rin" the perio& of se$i,starvation. !t is
&iffic)lt to &eter$ine %hether the fre-)ent co$plaints that or&inary so)n&s an& noises %ere &ist)r#in" an&
annoyin" ha& a &irect physiolo"ical #asis in the @i$prove&= a)&itory sensitivity or %ere pri$arily si"ns of an
increase& irrita#ility. >ensations of rin"in" in the hea& %ere pri$arily si"ns of an increase& irrita#ility.
>ensations of rin"in" in the hea& %ere reporte&. 7xcept for h)n"er pains an& so$e &ecrease in the fre-)ency of
#o%el $ove$ents, "astrointestinal sy$pto$s %ere rare.
The $ar*e& &ecreases in p)lse rate an& #asal $eta#olis$ $ay #e re"ar&e& as critical in&icators of a lo%erin" of
spee& in the a)to$atic f)nctions of the #o&y5
The $ar*e& re&)ction in stren"th an& en&)rance %as parallele& #y a "eneral c)rtail$ent of self,initiate&,
spontaneo)s activities5 They &escri#e& their increasin" %ea*ness, loss of a$#ition, narro%in" of interest,
&epression, irrita#ility, an& loss of li#i&o as a pattern characteristic of @"ro%in" ol&5=
2)rin" reha#ilitation the recovery fro$ &iAAiness, apathy, an& lethar"y %as $ost rapi&. Tire&ness, loss of sex
&rive, an& %ea*ness %ere slo% to i$prove. Altho)"h visi#le e&e$a ten&e& to &isappear, in so$e $en there %as
little chan"e or even an increase in e&e$a. 8ra$ps, va")e aches an& pains, an& paresthesias %ere )nrelieve&
fro$ so$e ti$e. >o$e of the $en ha& ne% co$plaints s)ch as flat)s, &istention, #elchin", an& sto$ach,ache.
Those s)#4ects %ho "aine& the $ost %ei"ht #eca$e concerne& a#o)t their increasin" sl)""ishness, "eneral
fla##iness, an& the ten&ency of fat to acc)$)late in the a#&o$en an& #)ttoc*s. At the en& of 0 $onths of
reha#ilitation, even in those s)#4ects %ho %ere $aintaine& on the hi"hest caloric inta*e the over,all physical
con&ition %as consi&era#ly inferior to the pre,starvation stat)s. Iater reports fro$ the s)#4ects in&icate& that it
%as not )ntil after an a&&itional 0 $onths of @nor$al= livin" an& s)pernor$al eatin" that their physical capacity
approache& pre,experi$ental levels.+
p. 605
>atisfaction %as also o#taine& fro$ cons)$ption of coffee an& tea, #oth of %hich %ere )se& in lar"e -)antities,
pres)$a#ly for their phar$acolo"ical as %ell as their fillin" an& %ar$in" effects. !t %as "enerally reporte& that
coffee an& tea provi&e a @lift.= 9eca)se so$e of the $en increase& their cons)$ption to 15 or $ore c)ps &aily, it
#eca$e necessary to li$it all s)#4ects to a $axi$)$ of 9 c)ps per &ay5 Geavy ")$ che%ers %o)l& ta*e / or 0
stic*s at a ti$e, che% the$ )ntil the s%eet taste %as "one, &iscar& the$, an& then replace the$ %ith fresh stic*s
in chain fashion. Fne of the $en che%e& )p to (0 pac*a"es of ")$ per &ay an& &evelope& a sore $o)th fro$
s)ch contin)o)s exercise. Thereafter, the )se of ")$ %as restricte& to / pac*a"es a &ay.+
p. 60',603
>ocial initiative especially, an& socia#ility in "eneral, )n&er%ent a re$ar*a#le chan"e. The $en #eca$e
rel)ctant to plan activities, to $a*e &ecisions, an& to participate in "ro)p activities. Their earlier active interest
in havin" a voice in the $a*in" of policies an& r)les for the con&)ct of the non,scientific aspects of the
experi$ent &%in&le&. They spent $ore an& $ore ti$e alone.+
p. 609
>ex)al feelin" an& expression &ecline& in the Minnesota 7xperi$ent )ntil #y the en& of the se$i,starvation
perio& they %ere virt)ally extin")ishe& in all #)t a fe% s)#4ects. The &i$in)tion of the stren"th of the sex &rive
%as so &ra$atic that the s)#4ects %ere str)c* #y the chan"e an& )se& colorf)l lan")a"e to &escri#e it.+
p. 6('
2)rin"5 :;10<, of 13 $en %ho $a&e a reference to foo& cravin"s, 3 ha& no specific cravin"s. The re$ainin"
10 $en ha& a pre&ilection, in a#o)t e-)al proportion, for s%eets :ice crea$ an& pastries< an& &airy pro&)cts.+
pp. 65/,650
!=$ col&5 !=$ %ea*5An& no% ! have e&e$a5>ocial "races, interests, spontaneo)s activity an&
responsi#ility ta*e secon& place to concerns of foo&5 ! &on=t li*e to sit near ")ests, for then it is necessary to
entertain an& tal* %ith the$5 ! a$ one of a#o)t three or fo)r %ho still "o o)t %ith "irls. ! fell in love %ith a "irl
&)rin" the control perio& #)t ! see her only occasionally no%. !t=s al$ost too $)ch tro)#le to see her even if she
visits $e at the Ia#. !t re-)ires effort to hol& her han&. 7ntertain$ent $)st #e ta$e. !f %e see a sho%, the $ost
interestin" part of it is containe& in scenes %here people are eatin". ! co)l&n=t la)"h at the f)nniest pict)re in the
%orl&, an& love scenes are co$pletely &)ll5 No%, ei"ht $onths after the en& of starvation, ! a$ fat an& healthy
altho)"h $y $)scles have not yet ret)rne& to their for$er tone.+
p. 659
As se$i,starvation pro"resse& in the Minnesota 7xperi$ent, co$plaints of ina#ility to concentrate for any
perio& of ti$e an& of &iffic)lty in &evelopin" tho)"hts #eca$e n)$ero)s.+
pp. 6'(,6'5
There %as a statistically hi"hly si"nificant increase in scores on the scales of social introversion, &epression,
an& cycloi& ten&encies :e$otional insta#ility< an& a &ecrease in those on the scales of ascen&ancy :social
lea&ership<, self,confi&ence, an& free&o$ fro$ nervo)s tenseness.+
p. 660
!n fo)r s)#4ects the reaction to the se$i,starvation re"i$en too* the for$ of a @character ne)rosis,= the $en
#ein" )na#le to stay on the se$i,starvation &iet? in t%o of these s)#4ects the response to the stress %as
partic)larly violent an& #or&ere& on a psychosis. Fne $an &evelope& a hysteroi& reaction that le& to self,
p. 9'6
At e-)al &e"rees of %ei"ht loss, anorexia nervosa patients are si$ilar to fa$ine victi$s in n)$ero)s respects:
the p)lse is slo%, avera"in" a#o)t 50? the #loo& press)re is lo%, rarely a#ove 1/0 $$. G". >ystolic? a$enorrhea
is al$ost )niversal. The #asal $eta#olic rate is re&)ce& to an avera"e of ,00 per cent, #)t val)es &o%n to o,30
per cent have #een o#taine&5The #o&y te$perat)re is lo%5+
p. 936
!t has #een repeate&ly &e$onstrate& in $any species of la#oratory an& &o$estic ani$als that certain types of
con"enital $alfor$ations fre-)ently appear in the offsprin" as a res)lt of $aternal n)trition &eficiencies.+
p. 939
9)r*e et al. o#serve& a correlation #et%een the a&e-)acy of the $aternal &iet an& the pe&iatric ratin" of the
offsprin". Al$ost all the cases of con"enital &efects %ere fo)n& a$on" the infants #orn to $others %hose &iet
&)rin" pre"nancy ha& #een severely ina&e-)ate.+
p. 1000
There is reason to #elieve that the epithelial linin" of the "astrointestinal tract #eco$es $ore per$ea#le to
$icroor"anis$s in severe )n&ern)trition. The $orpholo"ical chan"es in the intestinal tract %o)l& stron"ly
s)""est this.+
p. 10(1
There is a f)n&a$ental connection #et%een o#esity an& &ia#etes. Kisch fo)n& that 50 per cent of all the o#ese
persons he exa$ine& exhi#ite& so$e &e"ree of "lycos)ria.+
p. 10(/
!t is proper to s)""est that o#esity, %hich first $ay only rese$#le &ia#etes s)perficially in a ten&ency to
pro&)ce "lycos)ria an& a#nor$al s)"ar tolerance tests, $ay slo%ly pro&)ce irreversi#le chan"es, even tho)"h
%ei"ht re&)ction $ay correct the "lycos)ria te$porarily. Allen s)pports the "eneral clinical i$pression that in
o#ese persons in %ho$ "lycos)ria &isappears &)rin" &ietary re&)ction, tr)e &ia#etes is very apt to appear later.+
Maha)x an& others have concl)&e& that there %as a real increase in &ia#etes $or#i&ity in Ker$any
i$$e&iately follo%in" .orl& .ar !, an& that this %as associate& %ith an increase& foo& inta*e follo%in" a
perio& of )n&ern)trition.+
p. 10(6
Eor $any years it has #een "enerally #elieve& that yeast $ay #e #eneficial to &ia#etics. The ins)lin
re-)ire$ent of &epancreatiAe& &o"s is increase& on a &iet &efinitely &eficient in 9 vita$ins, an& this extra &efect
$ay #e correcte& either %ith yeast or %ith a $ixt)re of 9 vita$ins.+

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