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Puja Agrawal

(4.9 Years Experience)

Address: S-3, House no.577, Niti khand-1, Indirapuram Ghaziabad -211
Contact: !5!"#"#11$ %&' E-ail: pu(aa)ra*a+1,)mai+.-om

!"jecti#e: .o be a su--ess/u+ 0-ademi- 1ro/essiona+ in 2eputed 3du-ationa+ institute,
p+a4in) m4 ro+e *ith honest4 and dedi-ation.
5orkin) e6perien-e in Sharda Group o/ Institutions, one o/ the +eadin) edu-ationa+
)roups o/ Northern India.
Ho+ds &. .e-h. 7e)ree in 89SI 7esi)n.
36-e++ent 0-ademi-s throu)hout.
:oordinated *e++ *ith ;arious departments in mana)in) -urri-u+ar and
e6tra-urri-u+ar a-ti;ities or)anised e;er 4ear in -o++e)e -ampus.
7e+i;ered abo;e #< resu+t in sub(e-ts pi-ked in m4 $= 4ears o/ (ob e6perien-e.
P'!(E$$&!%A) *!'+ E,PE'&E%CE
Assistant Pro-essor . Anand Engineering College Agra . /ept. o- Electrical 0
Electronics Engg. Auguest12- Apr 345
2esponsib+e /or .ea-hin) Sub(e-ts +isted be+o*
0na+o) > 7i)ita+ 3+e-troni-s %3 ?at-hes'
&i-ropro-essors %3 ?at-hes'
S*it-hin) .heor4%1 ?at-h'
So+id State 7e;i-e > :ir-uits%1 ?at-h'
Si)na+s > S4stems.%1 ?at-h'
5eb ?ased 0pp+i-ation :o-ordinator /or the sub(e-t &i-ropro-essor.
0-ti;e+4 in;o+;ed in 36am :o-ordination in 33 department.
0-ademi- :ounse++or /or a++ 4ear students.
1ro(e-t Guide /or /ina+ 4ear students.
.ime tab+e in--har)e o/ 33 7epartment /or 2 4ears and :o-ordinated *ith other
departments /or the same.
&. .e-h. %89SI 7esi)n' H.:.S.. &athura @uneA12 71 <
?. .e-h. %3:3' H.:.S.. &athura @uneA7 75.2< %Hons.'
7ip+oma %3+e-troni-s' Go;t. 1o+4. @hansi @uneA$ 7! <

&%/6$7'&A) 7'A&%&%8$9P'!:EC7$
. 7ec;. Project : 89SI ar-hite-ture and imp+ementation o/ ima)e enhan-ement
a+)orithm usin) 8H79.
<. 7ec;. Project : 7i)ita+ .hermometer -um :ontro++er
/iplo=a Project : In;erter -um B1S
C!P67E' $+&))$
Cperatin) S4stem : 7CS, 5indo*s #5D#! D 2 D N.DE1D8ista
1a-ka)es : &S-C//i-e, 0-ti;e H79
9an)ua)es : :D:==, 8H79, 3mbedded s4stem
E,7'A C6''&C6)A' AC7&>&7&E$
1resented paper on F89SI ar-hite-ture o/ ima)e enhan-ement a+)orithmG in Nationa+
:on/eren-e he+d at G*a+ior 3n)ineerin) :o++e)e, G*a+ior.
2e-ei;ed :erti/i-ate o/ parti-ipation /rom 7a4a+ba)h Institute /or attendin) Internationa+
:on/eren-e on H?6A%$6$A.
2e-ei;ed -erti/i-ate /or su--ess/u+ -omp+etion o/ Ia-u+t4 Indu-tion 1ro)ramme *ith
H8er4 GoodA remark /rom SGI -ampus Gr. Noida.
5on 1rize mone4 in ?. .e-h. 3
Jear /or se-urin) hi)hest per-enta)e in a-ademi-s.
PE'$!%A) /E7A&)$
7ate o/ ?irth : 1D5D1#!"
&arita+ Status : &arried
Declaration: I hereb4 de-+are that abo;e /urnished detai+s are true to best o/ m4 kno*+ed)e.
7ate: %1u(a 0)ra*a+'

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