Oos Qbank

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TECH (CSE) Semester-I

Object Oriented Systems
Subject Code:- PG-CSE1-03
Question Bank
Software Engineering Concepts
Q.1 What are technical activities associated with object oriented software engineering? Discuss them in
Q.2 Compare and contrast falsification and prototyping.
Q.3 What are the five most important attributes of software quality? Explain them

OOM implementation
Q.4 What are the reasons for overriding methods? Explain
Q.5 Differentiate between composition and aggregation.

Q.6 Define Framework. Discuss client side components of OCSF.
Q.7 Design a framework for student registration system?
Q.8 Differentiate between Horizontal and Vertical framework?

Requirement Gathering and Domain Analysis
Q.9 Define possible scope for the following system. First, list a wide range of things that the system could
do. Then narrow down the scope to do this. Select a minimal set of the most important features that can
be implemented in the first release of the system.
A system for public library.
Q.10 For the system given below, describe the kind of requirements documentation that should be
produced. Indicate the overall level of detail that should be provided whether iterative refinement would
be warranted and whether a hierarchy of subsystem requirements would be a good idea. Justify the
answer :
Software managing the payroll at a large company.
Q.11 Discuss following requirement elicitation concepts :-
Completeness, Consistency, Clarity and correctness
Greenfield Engineering, Reengineering and Interface Engineering
Q.12 Explain why multiple choice questionnaires, as a primary means of extracting information from the
user, are not effective for eliciting requirements

Modeling with Classes
Q.13 For a library system, draw a use case diagram that shows which actor performs which use cases and
write SRS document.
Q.14 How to represent static members an abstract classes in class diagram ? Explain
Q.15 Differentiate between sequence diagram and collaboration digram.
Q.16 Draw sequence diagram and collaboration diagram for student registration system.
Q.17 Explain following terms :-
Constraint Rules
Design by contract
Q.18 Create three classes linked by association to represent a student taking courses in a school. Specify
appropriate multiplicity as well as labels for association. If there is more than one reasonable alternative,
explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Q.19 What are the good practices to use while designing for reuse.
Q.20 Discuss following modeling concepts:-
Systems, models and views
Data types, Abstract data types and instances
Object oriented modeling
Q.21 Draw a use case diagram for a ticket distribution for a train system. The system includes two actors:
a traveler who purchases different types of tickets, and a central computer system that maintains a
reference database for the traffic, use cases should include Buy one Way Ticket. Buy Weekly card, Buy
Monthly card, and update traffic.
Also include the following exceptional cases : Time out, Transaction Aborted, Distributor out of Change,
Distributor out of paper.
Q.22 How to convert uses cases in test cases? Explain?

Design patterns
Q.23 Discuss Observer pattern and its parameter?
Q.24 Discuss the following design pattern :-
a) Abstract design pattern
b) Bridge design pattern
c) Facade design pattern
Q.25 Explain adapter pattern in detail.

Testing and Inspecting Quality Software
Q.26 What is difference between testing and inspection ? Write the steps of each in detail with
Q.27 Discuss the following testing concepts with example :-
a) Component
b) Fault
c) Erroneous state
d) Facture
e) Test case
f) Test stub
Q.28 What are the possible defects in numerical algorithm? Explain
Q.29 Discuss how to employ glass box testing to test the run method of the OCSF. Abstract Server class

Object Oriented Database computing
Q.30 Identify the features of general inter-ORB protocol
Q.31 Explain clearly in what way designing an object oriented database is different from relational

Q.32 What kinds of support are available in Oracle 9i for ORDBMS? Explain
Q.33 Compare ORDBMS and OODBMS with respect to Data sharing, data modeling and data accessing.
Q.34 Discuss the issues involved in CORBA object model in detail.
Q.35 Differentiate between CORBA based development and COM? DCOM developments.
Q.36 How can you normalize object oriented databases?
Q.37 Discuss the principles leading to good design of object oriented database system data model.

Modeling Interactions and Behavior
Q.38 Consider a Sorted List. Write an invariant in OCL denoting that elements of the list are sorted.
Q.39 Discuss various diagrams to model interaction and behavior.
Q.40 What is cohesion? Give short definitions of different types of cohesion.
Q.41 Discuss a technique for making good design decisions.

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