NLSreleaseNotes 11.1.8

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Known Issues

Oracl e Fusi on Appl i cat i ons NLS

11g Rel ease 8 (11.1.8)
Mar ch, 2014

Known Issues OracleFusion Applications National Language Support (NLS) 11g
Release 8 (11.1.8)
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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Known Issues Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8
March 2014
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Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 Release Notes
March 2014
4 Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Using My Oracle Support ................................................................................ 5
1.3 Certification ..................................................................................................... 6
2 Pre-Installation Tasks ............................................................................................. 8
2.1 Verifying System Requirements ...................................................................... 8
3 Installing Translations ............................................................................................. 9
3.1 Language Pack Installer on Microsoft Windows .............................................. 9
3.2 Install Prerequisite Patch ................................................................................. 9
3.3 Install the Language ...................................................................................... 10
3.4 Known Issues During Language Pack Install ................................................ 10
3.4.1 GUI Mode Language Pack Install Failure ............................................... 10
4 Special Instructions .............................................................................................. 12
4.1 Customers Using Arabic Translations ........................................................... 12
4.1.1 Supported Browsers ............................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Arabic-Indic Digits Used in BIP PDF Output ........................................... 12

Known Issues Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8
March 2014
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5
1 Int r oduct i on
1.1 Pur pose
The Oracle Fusion Applications Technical NLS Release Notes 11g Release 8 (11.1.8)
update and supplement the following documents with information that is specific to
Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 (11.1.8) installations:
Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide 11g Release 8 (11.1.8) Part Number
Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Guide 11g Release 8 (11.1.8) Part Number
Oracle Fusion Applications Upgrade Guide 11g Release 8 (11.1.8) Part Number
Oracle Fusion Applications Administrators Guide 11g Release 8 (11.1.8)
(Document E14496-10)
Oracle Fusion Applications Release Notes 11g Release 8 (11.1.8) (Document
Use this document when you install the Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release
8 (11.1.8) system.
1.2 Usi ng My Or acl e Suppor t
Where the Release Notes refer to applying patches available on My Oracle Support,
use the following procedure:
1. Go to the My Oracle Support web site:
ht t ps: / / suppor t . or acl e. com/

2. Sign in with your My Oracle Support user name and password.
3. Open the Patches & Updates tab.
4. In the Patch Search region, enter the patch number.
5. Click Search.
Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 Release Notes
March 2014
6 Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
6. Click the patch number link on the Search Results page. Access the Read Me
and the patch for download and installation, or add the patch to a new or
existing plan.
1.3 Cer t i f i cat i on
The supported languages for Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 are:
Language Codes
Arabic ar / AR
Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN / ZHS
Chinese (Traditional) zh_TW / ZHT
Czech cs / CS
Danish da / DK
Dutch nl / NL
Finnish fi / SF
French fr / F
French (Canadian) fr_CA / FRC
German de / D
Hebrew iw / IW
Hungarian hu / HU
Italian it / I
Japanese ja / JA
Korean ko / KO
Norwegian no / N
Polish pl / PL
Known Issues Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8
March 2014
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7
Language Codes
Portuguese (Brazilian) pt_BR / PTB
Romanian ro / RO
Russian ru / RU
Spanish es / E
Swedish sv / S
Turkish tr / TR

The supported languages include translated UI strings as well as translated
embedded help strings for all products in Oracle Fusion Applications. Help content
that is not embedded directly in the user interface pages, but is referenced from
Oracle Fusion Applications Help, is not translated into any of the supported languages
in Release 8.
Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 Release Notes
March 2014
8 Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
2 Pr e-Inst al l at i on Tasks
You must have the base English Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 8 installed
before installing a language for Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8. Refer
to the documentation Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide, the Oracle Fusion
Applications Patching Guide, the Oracle Fusion Applications Upgrade Guide and the
base English Oracle Fusion Applications Technical Release Notes for instructions for
installing Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 8.
2.1 Ver i f yi ng Syst em Requi r ement s
The Oracle Fusion Application NLS install adds content to the various Oracle homes
in the installation and adds additional data to the Oracle Fusion Applications database
tablespaces. The amount of space that is added to the tablespace varies among
installations because it depends on the volume of transaction data that exists in the
language-based tables in the Oracle Fusion Applications instance. Verify that free
space is available on the file system for the different Oracle Fusion Applications
Oracle homes and your Oracle Fusion Applications database tablespaces.
Known Issues Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8
March 2014
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 9
3 Inst al l i ng Tr ansl at i ons
The Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 software is available from the
NLS DVD media or from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. The software for 11g
Release 8 is a zip file that contains a repository of the translated Oracle Fusion
Applications files plus the installation utilities that are required for you to install the
Review the following updates before starting the language installation process.
3.1 Language Pack Inst al l er on Mi cr osof t
Wi ndows
On Microsoft Windows, the Language Pack Installer needs to be invoked from Disk1
or Disk1\install\win64 with the command line options specified as follows, and in the
exact order shown. A space and no line break must be between
set up. exe - j r eLoc <l ocat i on> - addLangs

The setup.exe command with the optional parameter to install translated J AZN
software is as follows:
set up. exe - j r eLoc <l ocat i on> - addLangs -
Dupdat eJ AZNPol i cySt or e=t r ue

You can invoke the installer from Disk1\install\win64 using the following command;
however, this command works only if invoked from Disk1\install\win64
setup.exe -jreLoc C:\APPTOP\fusionapps\jdk6 -addLangs
J -DupdateJ AZNPolicyStore=true
3.2 Inst al l Pr er equi si t e Pat ch
If you want to apply the language pack in silent mode and you have auto-update
installer patches present in your installation, then you must apply patch 18153856
before starting the language pack install. To download and apply the patch to the
language pack repository:
1. Update the permission on the language pack engine.jar file using the following
chmod 644 <base di r ect or y of l anguage pack
i nst al l er >/ engi ne. j ar
Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 Release Notes
March 2014
10 Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
where the directory "base directory of language pack installer" should have the
"<language id>/installers/fusionapps/Disk1/stage/ext/jlib" folder exists and
<language id>should be one or more of "ar cs da de es fi fr fr_CA hu it iw ja ko
nl no pl pt_BR ro ru sv tr zh_CN zh_TW"
2. Repeat step 1 for all language packs that are going to be installed.
3. Download the 18153856 patch from My Oracle Support to any location. Use the
procedure provided in Using My Oracle Support.
4. Extract the patch to a directory.
5. Go to <patch extract dir>/18153856/bin.
6. Invoke:
appl yPat ch. sh( . cmd) - baseDi r <base di r ect or y of l anguage
pack i nst al l er >

where <base directory of language pack installer>directory is as defined in
step 1.
7. Repeat step 6 for all language packs that are going to be installed.
3.3 Inst al l t he Language
To add a language or upgrade an existing language, use the Language Pack Installer.
For more information about running the Language Pack Installer to add a language,
see "Installing and Maintaining Oracle Fusion Applications Languages" in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide 11g Release 8. For more information about
running the Language Pack Installer to upgrade a language, see Upgrade Process
Overview in the Oracle Fusion Applications Upgrade Guide 11g Release 8.
3.4 Known Issues Dur i ng Language Pack
Inst al l
3.4.1 GUI Mode Language Pack Inst al l
Fai l ur e
In GUI mode, if any config action fails and then succeeds on retry, and subsequently
all config actions were successful, the installer incorrectly shows a popup with the
following message.
Conf i gur at i on i s compl et ed wi t h er r or s, exi t t he i nst al l er
by cl i cki ng t he ' Cancel " but t on and r er un t he i nst al l er t o
r et r y t he f ai l ed conf i gur at i ons.
Known Issues Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8
March 2014
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 11

Resol ut i on
1. Cancel the installer.
2. Relaunch the installer in checkpoint mode.
The configuration screen appears showing no config actions (because
everything was successful earlier).
3. Click the Next button to go to the Installation Complete screen.
4. Click the Finish button to exit the installer.
Oracle Fusion Applications NLS 11g Release 8 Release Notes
March 2014
12 Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 Speci al Inst r uct i ons
The instructions in this section apply only to the customers that are indicated in the
section headings.
4.1 Cust omer s Usi ng Ar abi c Tr ansl at i ons
4.1.1 Suppor t ed Br owser s
The Arabic language requires the browser to have RTL (right to left) support. RTL
language support is fully supported only with Internet Explorer. Running Arabic
using other browsers is not supported.
4.1.2 Ar abi c-Indi c Di gi t s Used i n BIP PDF
Out put
BIP is configured by default to use Eastern Arabic-Indic digits for PDF output
rather than Western Arabic digits. Use the following workaround if you want BIP to
use the Western Arabic digits:
1. Sign in to BI as an administration user.
2. Click the Administration link in the upper-right corner.
3. Click Manage BI Publisher.
4. Click Properties in the Runtime Configuration section.
5. Select None for the property Bidi language digit substitution type.
6. Apply the change.

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