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People Leveraging Technology

14250 Oakdale Drive,Suite 150
Elm Grove, Wisconsin 53122
Voice: (262) 789-9190

How much functionality do your systems provide? Can you
measure it?

Is your company interested in improving its productivity?
How productive is your systems' group? What is your
productivity level?

Do you make estimates? Do you use the historical,
hysterical or political estimating? Is there a better way?

Is your quality rate (defect index) improving?

Is your company cost conscious? Does it know where to
cut? Can you prove it?

Can you measure the corporate contribution to you system
accounting for changes in size, complexity and usage?

Are you understaffed, overstaffed or properly staffed? Can
Function Points

Function Points and the Function Point Model are
measurement tools to manage software. Function
Points, with other business measures, become
Software Metrics.
Function Points measure Software size. Function
Points measure functionality by objectively
measuring functional requirements. Function
Points quantify and document assumptions in
Estimating software development. Function
Points and Function Point Analysis are objective;
Function Points are consistent, and Function
Points are auditable. Function Points are
independent of technology. Function Points even
apply regardless of design. But Function Points
do not measure people directly. Function Points
is a macro tool, not a micro tool. Function Points
are the foundation of a Software Metrics
Software Metrics include Function Points as a
normalizing factor for comparison. Function
Points in conjunction with time yield Productivity
Software Metrics. Function Points in conjunction
with defects yield Quality Software Metrics.
Function Points with costs provide Unit Cost,
Return on Investment, and Efficiency Software
Metrics, never before available.
Function Points connect Software Metrics to
measure Risk. Function Points can verify Staffing
metrics. Function Points can evaluate Build, Buy
and/or Outsource decisions. Function Points
combine with SEI CMM measures, TQM
measures, Baldrige measures, ISO and/or other
software and business measures to prove overall
status and value.
Doing The Right Things!

All of the above Software Metrics can prove your
organization is Doing Things Right!
But the real and biggest value of Function Points
and Software Metrics is proving you are Doing
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you prove it?

Do you select software? Can you quickly quantify Build vs.
Buy or Product-to-Product evaluation? Do you still use RFP's?

Is outsourcing a good or bad idea? Can you prove it? Will
you lead the discussion or just be a wait-and-see victim?

Is your company interested in improving its ROI? Would
you ask for one, two, five, ten or fifty million dollars without
calculating some kind of ROI? What was the ROI on your
Information Systems budget last year?

Do you do quantified Productivity Risk Analysis?

What is the value of your IS Investment? Can you prove

Can you prove you are working on the right things?

What are the critical success factors in installing

Can you measure your most valuable resource?

The Right Things!
Function Points and Usage or Volume measures
create Software Metrics that demonstrate an
organization's ability to Leverage software's
business impact. The Leverage of E Commerce is
obvious, but until now unmeasured. Function
Points support Customer Satisfaction measures
to create Value Software Metrics. Function Points
and Skill measures provide Software Metrics for
Employee Service Level Agreements to meet
current and future company skill needs. Function
Points can even measure the Corporate Vision
and generate Software Metrics to report progress
toward meeting it.
Function Points, Function Point Analysis, the
Function Point Model, Supplemental Software
Measures, and the Software Metrics they
generate, are only the third measure that
transcend every part of every organization. (The
other two are time and money.) Without them
your organization is only two thirds whole.

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Using Metrics to Measure and Improve your Software
Klocwork K7 directly addresses the need of executives and development managers to
understand, predict, and guide their companies' growth in software security and quality
based on empirical informationinformation extracted directly from software source code.
Currently many software development organizations collect the following types of metrics in
order to better manage their business:
Process Metrics - these are classic project management level metrics such as:
number of test cases completed or the percentage of requirements that have been
Resource Metrics - another common, yet more macro-level set of metrics that are
commonly used to assess human resource usage such as: loaded labor rate or
number of man-hours allocated to Project A vs. Project Z.
Environment Metrics - measuring environmental factors that influence the
productivity of development teams is less common then Process and Resource Metrics
and more difficult to collect; an example would be, the average number of times a
developer is interrupted each day.
Klocwork complements these metrics by delivering a best-of-breed solution to automatically
deliver objective and actionable Product Metrics which are derived directly from your
software code.
Results-oriented Product Metrics
One of the keys to succesfully use metrics to measure the quality of your software is to
ensure that any metrics being generated are accurate and actionable. In order to meet your
software development security and quality goals, all metrics generated must provide a link to
detailed information which will enable your team to fix any identified issues.
Use automated metrics to identify and isolate your
software quality and security issues. The most
straightforward use of software product metrics is to quickly
assess any critical security and defect issues in your
software. This will enable management to prioritize and
isolate problems for repair.
Assess risk across your software through a holistic
metrics view. An additional use of software product metrics
would be to develop a complete risk assessment of a
particular software component, perhaps one that is being
offshored or one that is targeted for strategic reuse goals.
Using K7, managers can immediately generate multiple
perspectives of critical areas of their software: all metrics can
be reported by product, sub-system, file, or owner, either for
a given build or for a series of builds to provide trending
K7 Features
Who Uses K7
Where K7 Fits
Do you have questions about
our products? Would you like a
sales representative to contact
you? Fill out our contact form
for a quick response.
To demonstrate the power of
Klocwork's valuable software
solutions, Klocwork is offering a
code defect scan to qualified

Sign up for a Code Scan. You'll
be amazed at the results!
K7 Fact Sheet
Shedding light on the
development process
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Please refer to the Klocwork Specification page for technical details.

Monitor and manage quality and security goals
throughout your process. The most strategic use of
software metrics would be to automatically track key metrics
that relate to your software's security, quality, and efficiency -
build over build and release over release. Using metrics in this
way enables management to implement strategic software
security and quality goals and to automate quality processes,
including formal initiatives such as CMMI or Six Sigma.

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