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Estimate Migration"Variance Report

The &a"iance "e!"$+ an e(am!le f
'hich i# #h'n in $able 9+ $ab%la$e# line
i$em " #%bdi&i#in c#$# f each
e#$ima$e #ide2b)2#ide and cn$ain#
an$he" cl%mn #h'ing calc%la$ed
H2JDP e#$ima$"# %#e $he &a"iance
"e!"$ a# $he fi"#$ $l in anal)*ing a ne'
e#$ima$e+ m%ch a# S$. L%i# !"&ided a
#afe !in$ f"m 'hich $ emba"k f"
man) f $he e(!l"a$in# f $he
Ame"ican We#$+ # de# a !"e&i%#l)2
acce!$ed e#$ima$e !"&ide "e&ie'e"# a
!in$ f kn'n cndi$in# in $he "e&ie'
f a ne' e#$ima$e n a !"jec$. On a
!"jec$ 'he"e an e#$ima$e ha# been
a!!"&ed !"e&i%#l)+ H2JDP i# ba#icall)
/benchma"king0 $he ne' e#$ima$e
again#$ $he !"e&i%# ne, %#ing a
!#i$in f cnfidence and kn'ledge
f%nd in $he !"e&i%#l)2a!!"&ed
e#$ima$e $ e(amine and anal)*e a la$e"
&e"#in. The &a"iance "e!"$ all'# %# $
&i#%ali*e $he #ignifican$ change# in $he
e#$ima$e #ince 'e la#$ #a' and acce!$ed
i$ and f"m# a beginning !in$ f" %"
Estimate Migration ! Historical
The hi#$"ical #%mma") i# a
#%mma") f e#$ima$e# !"e!a"ed n a
!a"$ic%la" e#$ima$e. Q%i$e f"ankl)+ $hi#
#e"&e# $he fll'ing $' !%"!#e#-
3 a cn&enience $ all 'h 'ill "e&ie'
" "efe" $ $he e#$ima$e+ !"&iding a
ne2glance hi#$") f e#$ima$ing n
$he !"jec$, and+
3 #me a##%"ance $ha$ $he $eam
!"e!a"ing $he e#$ima$e ha#
cn#ide"ed i$ in $he cn$e($ f
!"e&i%# e#$ima$e#.
A #am!le i# #h'n in $able :.
Estimate Comparisons ! Unit Costs
for Similar Projects
E#$ima$e cm!a"i#n#+ a# #h'n in
$able ;+ ill%#$"a$e c#$# f" #imila"
!"jec$# and di#c%## "ea#n# f"
&a"iance#+ e##en$iall) !"&iding $he ba#i#
f" a benchma"king e(e"ci#e a# $ $he
c#$ f $he !"jec$.
The Role of the Owner
The !"ima") "le f $he 'ne" "+ in
$he ca#e f H2JAIA+ f $he !"g"am
managemen$ cn#%l$an$+ i# $ en#%"e $he
'ne" f "ecei&ing "eliable e#$ima$e#
$ha$ a"e acc%"a$e !"edic$"# f e&en$%al
ac$%al bid c#$#. H'e&e"+ i$ i# al# $he
"e#!n#ibili$) f $he 'ne" $ en#%"e
$ha$ $he e#$ima$ing c"i$e"ia a"e
#%!!"$i&e f $he end gal f e#$ima$ing.
S+ f" in#$ance+ in $he e&en$ f a
!"e2cnce!$%al e#$ima$e 'he"e man)+ if
n$ m#$+ f $he de$ail i$em# in $he
e#$ima$e a"e likel) $ be ne2line i$em#
4#%ch a# fl"# ab&e g"ade5 'he"e+ #ince
n de#ign ha# )e$ been !e"f"med+ i$ i#
Table # Sample Variance Report
Table $ Sample Historical Summary
!& k!) !f )ha& ma&e$ial% &he%e
fl!!$% ma+ be c!%&$'c&ed. i& ma+ be &ha&
a de&ail i&em da&aba%e )ill be !f limi&ed
(al'e i "$e"a$ig &he e%&ima&e
8"$!(ided a da&aba%e %'""!$&ig &ha&
le(el !f de&ail i% !& a(ailable9 ad &he
"$!g$am5ad!"&ed e%&ima&ig %!f&)a$e
i&%elf ma+ be !f limi&ed '&ili&+0
S! &he $!le !f &he !)e$. i a ca%e
%'ch a% &hi%. i% &! m!dif+ &he e%&ima&e
$e#'i$eme&% a% ece%%a$+ &! e%'$e
&ha& &he ESP%1 deli(e$able )ill be
$e"$e%e&a&i(e !f &he "$!jec& a& deli(e$+
!f &he e%&ima&e0
The Ha$&%field5Jack%! A&la&a
I&e$a&i!al Ai$"!$& ha% ad!"&ed.
"'blici,ed. ad adhe$ed &! a fi$m %e& !f
%&ada$d% f!$ e%&ima&e% "$e"a$ed b+
ESP%. a% )ell a% i5h!'%e %&aff0 Thi% ha%
$e%'l&ed i highe$ #'ali&+ e%&ima&e%.
fe)e$ e*ce"&i!% ad &h'%. fe)e$
$e(i%i!%. ad m!$e &imel+ $ec!cilia&i!
ad acce"&ace !f e%&ima&e% b+ &he
Adhe$ece &! &he %&ada$d% )i&h
dem!%&$a&ed fle*ibili&+. a% )a$$a&ed.
e%'$e% fi&e%% &! "'$"!%e !f &he
e%&ima&e%. a(!id% 'd'e $e)!$k ! &he
"a$& !f &he e%&ima&!$. ad all!)% a %mall
cad$e !f e%&ima&!$% &! $e(ie) ad acce"&
e%&ima&e% i a &imel+ fa%hi!0
The (i&al %&ada$d% &! be
mai&aied. i !$de$ &! $e%'l& i a
acc'$a&e. defe%ible. ad $eliable
e%&ima&e. icl'de &he f!ll!)ig/
7 S&ada$d% m'%& be c!mm'ica&ed
&! a""$!"$ia&e "a$&ie% "$i!$ &!
begiig a+ e%&ima&ig eff!$& ad
di%c'%%i! %h!'ld &ake "lace &!
e%'$e m'&'al 'de$%&adig !f
a""$!"$ia&e mea% ad me&h!d% !f
e%&ima&e "$e"a$a&i!. a% )ell a%
7 Plaig !f &he e%&ima&e %h!'ld be
'de$&ake &! icl'de e%&ima&e
!$gai,a&i! 8WBS9. &!!l% %'ch a%
%!f&)a$e &! be '%ed. %!'$ce !f da&a0
7 Q'a&i&ie% m'%& be acc'$a&el+ &ake
!ff ad (i%'al d!c'me&a&i! !f &he
&ake!ff %h!'ld acc!m"a+ &he
e%&ima&e &! gee$a&e m'&'al
'de$%&adig !f )ha& )a% &ake
!ff0 T! $e"ea& a %a+ig icl'ded i
ad(e$&i%eme&% f!$ a )ell5k!)
b$ad !f &ake!ff %!f&)a$e. 2If i&1%
c!l!$ed. i&1% c!'&ed3 :@;0
7 Q'a&i&ie% %h!'ld be c!%i%&e&l+
&$a%fe$$ed f$!m %c!"e d!c'me&%
&! &he #'a&i&+ &ake!ff &! &he
e%&ima&e )i&h a""$!"$ia&e
d!c'me&a&i! !f a+ chage%
made d'$ig &he e%&ima&ig "$!ce%%0
7 C!%&% '%ed i &he e%&ima&e m'%& be
d!c'me&ed a% &! %!'$ce ad
make'". "$efe$abl+ idica&ig
$e%!'$ce% 8lab!$ ad e#'i"me&9
'%ed. $a&e% '%ed i a""l+ig &h!%e
$e%!'$ce%. ad a+ ma&e$ial !$ !&he$
'i& c!%&% a""licable &! &he i&em !f
7 Whe$e c!%&% a$e !& able &! be
d!c'me&ed a% de%c$ibed ab!(e.
!&he$ %!'$ce% !f c!%&% %'ch a%
#'!&a&i!%. c!%&% !b&aied f$!m
al&e$a&e da&aba%e%. !$ ac&'al c!%&%
f$!m "$e(i!'% "$!jec&% %h!'ld be
f'll+ d!c'me&ed a% &! %!'$ce.
"$!jec&. (ed!$ !$ %'bc!&$ac&!$.
ad da&e $e"!$&ed0 Ad.
7 Re(ie) !f a e%&ima&e b+ #'alified
"e$%!el !&he$ &ha &h!%e )h!
"$e"a$ed &he e%&ima&e i% e%%e&ial &!
&he #'ali&+ !f &he ed "$!d'c&0
>0 Passenger Traffic 2009 Final.
Ai$"!$&% C!'cil I&e$a&i!al. ?==E.
$e&$ie(ed f$!m/
?0 Desktop Procedures Handbook.
Ci&+ !f A&la&a De"a$&me& !f
A(ia&i! Plaig < De(el!"me&
B'$ea'. Ja'a$+ ?==D0
@0 66666. On-Center Software. ?=>>.
$e&$ie(ed f$!m/
Table 6 - Estimate Comparison Summary
risks from the Risk Register& see figre 1&
"ith possible effects on Cape# are
inclded in the cost risk anal$sis if the$
are significant( i)e)& the$ are located in
the red or $ello" regions of the risk
E#ample of kno"n nkno"ns cold
be risk related to project si%e and
comple#it$& ne" technolog$& and
operating in a ne" en!ironment)
Therefore& contingenc$ "ill t$picall$
co!er the follo"ing items)
+ design de!elopment "ithin the
agreed design basis'
+ estimate adjstments'
+ bias& omissions& and errors'
+ minor adjstments to e#ection
+ normal market price !ariations'
+ other risks "ithin the control of the
project team)
Allo"ance is also part of the kno"n
nkno"ns and allo"ance co!ers
additions that& based on e#perience& are
reqired to reach an e#pected le!el for
qantities and costs) The allo"ance is
based on e#perience onl$ and is not
based on a cost risk anal$sis)
Ho"e!er& it is more difficlt for a
cost estimator to mo!e the 1rd categor$
,the nkno"n nkno"ns- into the 0nd or
the /st& bt he or she needs to
nderstand that there are ncertainties
Figure 2 - The Difference Known and Unknown Categories to a Cost Estimator
Figure 3 - Risk Register Matrix
Cos Dri"ers Infl!encing Cos
Unde#$%anding ke* c$% d#i'e#$ i$
c#i%ical % $e%%ing m#e agg#e$$i'e c$%
e$%ima%e$ and main%aining !#edic%abili%*.
Fi'e ke* c$% d#i'e#$ a#e iden%ified and
!#e$en%ed bel(
Dri"er One&Maerial Mi$
Ma%e#ial $elec%in !hil$!h* c&ld
change f#m ne lca%in % an%he#. F#
e)am!le, in Lca%in A, m$% il
cm!anie$ ch$e % g (i%h %he lea$%
e)!en$i'e ma%e#ial, e$!eciall* f# !i!ing
and fi%%ing$ f %he ff$h#e !la%f#m
%!$ide$. M#e %han @9 !e#cen% f %he
!i!ing &$ed in %hi$ lca%in i$ ca#bn
$%eel, 75cf6, $ee %able <8, 'e#$&$ nea#l* 9
!e#cen% in %he m$% #ecen% ff$h#e
!la%f#m$ in lca%in B. 75cf Lca%in B6,
$ee %able =8.
U$ing m#e 0$!hi$%ica%ed1
ma%e#ial$ $&ch a$ $%ainle$$ $%eel and
$&!e# d&!le) ma* #ed&ce %he
main%enance c$%$ #ela%ed % %he (ea#
and c##$in f %he !i!ing, b&% a check
need$ % be dne % make $&#e %ha% %he
O!e) $a'ing$ a#e (#%h %he Ca!e)
in'e$%men%$, %hi$ i$ al$ infl&enced b*
lcal %a) #egime$.
Ma%e#ial mi) de!end$ n %he (ell
$%#eam da%a and (ea%he# #e"&i#emen%$,
b&% each cm!an* $h&ld d i%$ (n life
c*cle c$% 5LCC6 anal*$i$ f# each #egin,
and $me%ime$ f# each !#jec%, %
de%e#mine %he cm!an*/$ ma%e#ial
$elec%in $%#a%eg*.
Dri"er T#o&Li"ing Q!arers
Lcal #eg&la%in$ (i%h #e$!ec% %
n&mbe# f bed$ in each #m f a LQ
d#i'e$ %he $i+e and %h&$ %he (eigh% f %he
LQ, $ee fig&#e >. Al$, %he n&mbe# f
bed$ in a !la%f#m change$ f#m ne
!#jec% % an%he# de!ending n
ca!aci%*, d#illing facili%ie$, e%c.
Fig&#e > $h($ %he de'el!men% f
a#ea2bed f# $e'e#al !#jec%$ in Lca%in
A and B !#jec%. I% can be $een %ha% %he
a#ea2bed ha$ inc#ea$ed f# Lca%in B
$ince :AA?, %h&$ gi'ing a #i$e in c$%
cm!a#ed % Lca%in A.
Dri"er Three&Design Life
M$% Lca%in A !#jec%$ ha'e a
de$ign life f ;9 % ;> *ea#$. In Lca%in
B, %he ff$h#e il !la%f#m$ a#e
de$igned f# <93=9 *ea#$, (hich ha$ an
infl&ence n %he enginee#ing de$ign, %he
ma%e#ial$ &$ed and e'en %he $i+e f %he
!la%f#m. An a#ea $l&%in ma* #e$&l% in
a la#ge !la%f#m (i%h $!a#e (eigh%
ca!aci%* f# f&%&#e %ie3back$.
Dri"er Fo!r&Sandards
M$% f %he #e"&i#emen%$ f#
ff$h#e !la%f#m$ in Lca%in B a#e
ba$ed n %he N#$k $%anda#d$, (hile
API i$ dminan% in Lca%in A. Thi$ ha$
im!lica%in$ n %he (a* !la%f#m$ a#e
b&il% in b%h lca%in$.
Dri"er Fi"e&Projec E$ec!ion and
Conracing Sraegies
The cn%#ac%ing $%#&c%&#e i$ a la#ge
d#i'e# f# !#jec% $i+e and #gani+a%in.
A la#ge n&mbe# f $malle# cn%#ac%$ (ill
mean la#ge# !#jec% %eam$ (i%h m#e
fc&$ n in%e#face managemen%. Mega
!#jec%$ c&ld al$ #e"&i#e la#ge lcal
#gani+a%in$ e'en (hen an EPC $%#a%eg*
i$ $elec%ed.
Hi$%#icall*, !#jec% e)ec&%in in
Lca%in A ha$ been diffe#en% %han in
Lca%in B in man* (a*$. In Lca%in A,
%he fll(ing i%em$ ha'e been e'iden%-
4 The#e a#e %*!icall* EP B FC cn%#ac%$,
a$ !!$ed % a fe( EPC %*!e
4 Cn%#ac%#$ a#e n% cmf#%able
%aking la#ge# EPC cn%#ac%$ (i%h
in%e#face #i$k.
4 Cm!anie$ f%en &$e f#ame(#k
ag#eemen%$ a$ !!$ed %
cm!e%i%i'e bidding % $a'e %ime
and ch$e amng 0kn(n1
'end#$ %ha% a#e familia# (i%h %he
cm!an*/$ #e"&i#emen%$. And,
Table ' % Maerial Piping Weigh Disrib!ion for Locaion A Projecs
Table ( % Maerial Piping Weigh Disrib!ion for Locaion B Projecs
3 ge"e&a ec#"#!-/
3 $&#jec( ')$e&*i'i#"/
3 ab#& &ea(i#"'/
3 j#b c#"di(i#"'/
3 c#"'(&)c(i#" e%)i$!e"( a"d (##'/
3 +ea(he&0
The fi*e &a"ge' #f $&#d)c(i*i(-
efficie"c- $e&ce"(age' i"c)de (he
Percen!age Range
3 Ve&- L#+ 872:7
3 L#+ :82;7
3 A*e&age ;82<7
3 Ve&- G##d <8 2=7
3 E,cee"( =82877
Page and Na!ion and DACE Labor
Prod"c!i#i!$ Norm
I" c#!$a&i'#" +i(h DACE. (he Page
a"d Na(i#"' $)bica(i#" ack' !a"- #f
(he ee!e"(' &e%)i&ed f#& a
c#!$&ehe"'i*e )"de&'(a"di"g #f each
i"di*id)a ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!0
O"e #f (he bigge'( di'ad*a"(age' #f
(he Page a"d Na(i#"' '-'(e! i' (ha( i(
i"c)de' (he $&#d)c(i*i(- fac(#&' i" (he
ab#& &a(e'. ea*i"g (he ab#&
$&#d)c(i*i(- "#&! i('ef )"affec(ed b-
a"- #f (he c#"di(i#"'0 S# (hi' !ea"'. f#&
e,a!$e. -#) +i "#( be abe (# !ea')&e
a"d a$$- diffe&e"( #ca(i#" a"d #(he&
adj)'(!e"( fac(#&' (# (he ab#&
$&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!' (he!'e*e'0
Tabe 8 'h#+' a c#!$a&i'#" (abe
be(+ee" (he $&i"ci$e' a"d
cha&ac(e&i'(ic' #f (he Page a"d Na(i#"'
a"d DACE Lab#& P&#d)c(i*i(- N#&!'
'-'(e!'0 Tabe 9 e,$ai"' (he &a(i"g
'-!b#' )'ed i" (abe 80
DACE Labor Prod"c!i#i!$ Norm
I" #&de& (# i"(&#d)ce a "e+
c#!!#" ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!'
'(a"da&d f#& (he i"d)'(&-. a
c#!$&ehe"'i*e %)ai(- f&a!e+#&k
c#"(ai"i"g defi"i(i#"'. b#)"da&ie'.
$&ac(ica )'e. e(c0. ha' (# be defi"ed0 T#
!ee( (hi' g#a. DACE ha' e'(abi'hed
%)aifica(i#"' a"d $&ea!be'. +hich
de'c&ibe (he #*e&a c#"di(i#"' a"d (he
'c#$e de'c&i$(i#"' #f (he ab#&
$&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!' ac(i*i(ie'0
Q"alifica!ion and Preamble
The $)&$#'e #f (he %)aifica(i#"' i'
(# $&#*ide g)ida"ce i" (he de*e#$!e"(
a"d a$$ica(i#" #f ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(-
"#&!' f#& e'(i!a(i"g0 I" $a&ae (# (he
de*e#$!e"( #f (he'e ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(-
"#&!'. c#"'ide&a(i#" ha' bee" gi*e" (#
(he a$$ica(i#" #f #ca(i#" 4$&#d)c(i*i(-5
fac(#&'. i"di&ec( c#'('. #*e&head'. $&#fi(
a"d &i'k. c#"di(i#" fac(#&' a"d1#&
efficie"c- fac(#&'0
The&ef#&e. (he )'e& 'h#)d ha*e a
c#!!#" )"de&'(a"di"g #f (he
(e&!i"##g- )'ed i" (hi' $&#ce'' (#
e"')&e ca&i(- +i(h &ega&d (# +ha( i'
i"c)ded i" ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!'.
ab#& &a(e'. a"d (h#'e i(e!' (ha( 'h#)d
be ca$()&ed a' de&i*ed c#'(' 4a$$-i"g
fac(#&' a"d #(he& adj)'(!e"('50
The $&ea!be' a"d %)aifica(i#"' (#
(he ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!' a&e
i"(e"ded (# $&#*ide (he ba'i' f#&
c#!$e(e"e'' a"d c#"'i'(e"c- i"
e'(i!a(e'0 The $&ea!be' a"d
%)aifica(i#"' a&e a$$icabe f#& a (-$e'
#f i"'(aa(i#" +#&k0
M"l!iplier 'Correc!ion Fac!or(
The DACE ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!'
e*e' a&e ba'ed #" N#&(h We'( E)&#$e
4fac(#& > 807 #ca(i#" 1 efficie"c- 1
$&#d)c(i*i(-50 Fac(#&' ca" be a$$ied (#
adj)'( (he ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!' f#&
#(he& #ca(i#"'0 The ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(-
"#&!' a&e dee!ed (# be a2i"c)'i*e0
Refe&e"ce i' !ade (# (he $&ea!be'
#f (he &ee*a"( di'ci$i"e' +he&e (he
'c#$e #f each i"di*id)a "#&! i'
e,$ai"ed0 I" e,ce$(i#"a ci&c)!'(a"ce'
#& '$ecia +#&ki"g c#"di(i#"'. a
!)(i$ie& 4c#&&ec(i#" fac(#&5 !a- be
a$$ied (# (he ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!0
The ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- "#&!' ca" a'# be
adj)'(ed b- a" efficie"c- fac(#& &ea(ed
(# (he *#)!e #f +#&k (ha( i' e,$ec(ed0
Lab#& $&#d)c(i*i(- i' (he a!#)"( #f
'e&*ice' (ha( a c&af('!e" $&#d)ce' i" a
gi*e" a!#)"( #f (i!e 4ab#& $&#d)c(i*i(-
"#&!5. a'# &efe&&ed (# a' (he !ea')&ed
(i!e &e%)i&ed (# e,ec)(e a '$ecified
a!#)"( #f +#&k0
P&#d)c(i*i(- i' defi"ed a' 6(he &a(i#
#f a *#)!e !ea')&e #f #)($)( (# a
*#)!e !ea')&e #f i"$)(06
Table * & Page ) Na!ion #% DACE Labor Prod"c!i#i!$ Norm
Table + & Ra!ing Me!hod
P#d&c%i'i%* i$ de!enden% n a n&mbe#
f fac%#$.
4 %*!e f (#k-
4 di$ci!line- and,
4 lca%in/
Of%en %he$e fac%#$ a#e incl&ded in
%he lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m and %h&$
becme a lcal lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m,
and %he ba$i$ f# e)ec&%in/ F#
e$%ima%ing !&#!$ed i% i$ a$$&med %ha%
%he 0!#d&c%i'i%* fac%#1 i$ 9/8/
W#ke# efficienc* i$ mea$&#ed in
!h*$ical %e#m$/ Efficienc* i$ mea$&#ed a$,
7%he #a%i f !lanned 'l&me f &%!&%
% %he ac%&al 'l&me f &%!&%/7 The
lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ can al$ be
adj&$%ed b* an efficienc* fac%# #ela%ed
% %he 'l&me f (#k %ha% i$ e)!ec%ed/
Scheduled Overtime and Effect on
Labor Productivit! Norms
The lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ a#e
ba$ed n n#mal (#king h&#$/ When
'e#%ime !e#a%in$ a#e deemed
nece$$a#*, %hi$ can #e$&l% in dec#ea$ed
!#d&c%i'i%* # l$$ f efficienc*/
When 'e#%ime i$ $ched&led f# a
lnge# !e#id f %ime 5f# e)am!le %
mee% $!ecific !lanning #e"&i#emen%$6,
%he lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ #e"&i#e a
!#d&c%i'i%* fac%# c##ec%in f# %he
inefficienc* ca&$ed b* lng (#king
h&#$ 5inefficienc* ; (#ked h&#$ 2
calc&la%ed lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ f# a
$!ecific ac%i'i%*6/
Direct vs" Indirect
Di#ec% c$%$ a#e c$%$ f# ma%e#ial$,
lab# 5incl&ding (#king f#eman6 and
all(ance$ %ha% can be a$$igned %
$!ecific ac%i'i%ie$, incl&ding %he $e% f
%l$ and e"&i!men% #e"&i#ed % e)ec&%e
%he (#k/
Indi#ec% c$%$ a#e c$%$ cc&##ing
d&#ing %he e)ec&%in f %he (#k %ha%
cann% be a$$igned di#ec%l* % $!ecific
ac%i'i%ie$ 5f# e)am!le $&!e#'i$in6/
Indi#ec% c$%$ ma* incl&de %he fll(ing/
Site Facilities
C$%$ f# $i%e facili%ie$ a#e c$%$ %
!#e!a#e %he cn$%#&c%in $i%e, %he
la* d(n a#ea$, cn$%#&c%in ffice$
and (a#eh&$e/ Thi$ incl&de$ all
nece$$a#* $&!!lie$, incl&ding b&%
n% limi%ed %. mbile $caffld$,
(a#eh&$e in%e#i#, in%e#nal
%#an$!#%, and !$$ible clima%e
#eg&la%in/ Al$ incl&ded a#e %he
c$%$ f# e)!li%a%in, hi#ing,
main%enance, cleaning, hea%ing,
elec%#ici%*, ga$ (a%e# and %ele!hne
c$%$ e%c/
O'e#head c$%$ a#e c$%$ in %he
indi#ec% $!he#e %ha% a#e #ele'an% %
%he im!lemen%a%in f %he (#k/
Thi$ incl&de$ c$%$ cnnec%ed %
&$ing $&!e#'i$#*, e)ec&%i'e and
c#dina%ing $%aff/ In addi%in,
'e#head can incl&de c$%$ linked %
b%aining #e"&i#ed a!!#'al$,
d#a(ing and calc&la%ing (#k f# %he
im!lemen%a%in, a$3b&il%,
managemen%, (#k !#e!a#a%in,
!e#mi%$, #e!#%$, ma%e#ial
managemen%, "&ali%* cn%#l and
!#jec% cn%#l$/ Ini%ial $afe%*
in%#d&c%in f# mbili+ing di#ec%
lab# i$ al$ incl&ded in 'e#head
Profit and Risk
P#fi% i$ %he cm!en$a%in a
cn%#ac%# #ecei'e$ a$ a cm!nen%
f %he cn%#ac% !#ice/ Ri$k i$ %he
cm!en$a%in %ha% a cn%#ac%#
#ecei'e$ a$ a cm!nen% f %he
cn%#ac% !#ice f# %he #i$k %ha% %he
cn%#ac%# %ake$ (i%h #ega#d % %he
im!lemen%a%in f %he (#k/
Overvie of Direct and Indirect
Fig&#e : gi'e$ an 'e#'ie( f h(
%he di#ec% h&#$, di#ec% lab# c$%$ and
indi#ec% c$%$ a#e a!!lied and %he %%al
c$%$ a#e de#i'ed/
The &ni%$ f mea$&#emen% % be
&$ed $hall be a$ $%a%ed (i%hin %he lab#
!#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ and a$ defined
(i%hin %he !#eamble$/
F# e)am!le, f# a (#k i%em f#
(hich %he &ni% f mea$&#e i$ defined in
me%e#$ 5m6 leng%h, %he mea$&#emen%
$hall be %he leng%h mea$&#ed alng %he
cen%#al a)i$ f %he i%em$/
All i%em$ f (#k a#e mea$&#ed
nea%, a$ fi)ed in !$i%in, (i%h n
all(ance made in %he "&an%i%ie$ f# c&%
and (a$%e/
The lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$
a$$&me %ha% %he ac%i'i%ie$ can be ca##ied
&% &nde# n#mal cndi%in$/ The$e
0n#mal cndi%in$1 a#e de$c#ibed ging
f#(a#d in %hi$ a#%icle/ F# ac%i'i%ie$ %ha%
a#e ca##ied &% &nde# &n&$&al
cndi%in$, cndi%in fac%#$ ma* be
a!!lied/ 5i/e/, % cndi%in %he ac%i'i%* %
#eflec% %he 0abn#mal cndi%in16/
The lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ can
nl* be #eali+ed if %he fll(ing
cndi%in$ a#e me%/
4 gd !#fe$$inali$m-
4 gd (#k !#e!a#a%in-
4 gd !#jec% #gani+a%in-
4 gd in$%#&c%in and $&!e#'i$in f
a$$embl* !e#$nnel-
4 %imel* acce$$ % (#k!lace, %
$&fficien% gd "&ali%* ma%e#ial$,
%l$, d#a(ing$, e%c/- and,
4 n#mal (ea%he# cndi%in$/
Labor Productivit! Norms
The lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$
cm!#i$e %he fll(ing/ The mea$&#ed
lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ a#e !#ima#il*
de%e#mined n %he ba$i$ f %he (#king
me%hd$ and $afe%*2en'i#nmen%al
#e"&i#emen%$, a$ (ell a$ n na%inal
lab# $%&die$/ The a'e#age lab#
!#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ a#e b%ained f#m
%he fll(ing.
4 The lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ a#e
ba$ed n %he m$% efficien% e)ec&%in f
%he (#k %a$k/ Thi$ mean$ a!!l*ing %he
be$% (#k !#ac%ice$, &$ing %he c##ec%
%l$, and ha'ing a minimal di$%&#bance
d&#ing %he e)ec&%in/ The#ef#e %he
lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ a#e nl*
a!!licable f# all (#k %ha% i$ e)ec&%ed
&nde# n#mal cndi%in$, (i%h
e)!e#ienced lab#e#$, ha'ing a n#mal
!e#f#mance, &$ing %he c##ec% %l$ and
a!!l*ing %he be$% (#king me%hd/
4 Lab# !#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ a#e
e)!#e$$ed in %he lab# h&#$,
#e"&i#ed f# %he di#ec% !e#$nnel %
cm!le%e a (#k %a$k/ A lab#
!#d&c%i'i%* n#m i$ an indica%in f
%he le'el f eff#% #e"&i#ed %
cm!le%e a gi'en (#k %a$k/ I% i$ n%
duration$ The duration time is the
period bet!een the start of the
implementation and the end of a
task or more tasks$ To calculate the
duration time# the number of
laborers required !ill need to be
taken into account$
The follo!ing sections proide
e"amples of the discipline&specific
preambles$ The preambles proide
information required to understand each
specific !ork task included in the DACE
Labor Norms$
Figure ! An Overview of How the Direct Hours, Direct Labor Costs and Indirect Costs are Applied and the Total Costs are
N%e %ha% all %he e)am!le$ &$e %he
E&#!ean nmencla%&#e 4%he cmma
$e!a#a%e$ %he decimal5.
Thi$ $ec%in incl&de$ Lab# N#m$
and all(ance$ 4c##ec%in fac%#$5 f#
!i!ing ac%i'i%ie$ acc#ding % ASA and
DIN. Pi!e $i+e$ incl&ded in %he lab#
!#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ #ange f#m >1 &! %
and incl&ding ;=,1 and incl&de$ ma%e#ial
fac%#$ f# (elding.
The mea$&#ing $*$%em i$ in%ended %
$&!!#% %he $e%%lemen% and %he
a$$e$$men% f %he !#g#e$$ f !i!ing
The DACE %able$ $!ecif* lab#
!#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ f# %he diffe#en%
nminal b#e$ and (all %hickne$$e$ f#
each mea$&#ed i%em. Plea$e n%e %ha%
%he &ni% f "&an%i%* 4/80, 'i+. !e# 8 m, !e#
8 !iece, !e# 8 kg e%c.5 i$ al(a*$
a!!licable % %hi$ lab# !#d&c%i'i%*
In e$%abli$hing %he linea# me%e#$,
all(ance$ a#e incl&ded in %he lab#
!#d&c%i'i%* n#m % acc&n% f# %he
mea$&#emen% % be %aken f#m !i!e
cen%e# % !i!e cen%e# # % flange f#n%.
Example of an Estimate Using Labor
Productivity Norms
Wi%h %he inf#ma%in in fig&#e :,
%able$ ; and <, *& (ill be able % $ee a
!#ac%ical e)am!le h( lab# !#d&c%i'i%*
n#m$ can be a!!lied in a c$% e$%ima%e
&$ing a d#a(ing and $c!e f (#k.
Ne)%, le%0$ lk a% de$c#i!%in$ f#
%he#mal in$&la%in and $!ecific
#e"&i#emen%$ and #ecmmenda%in$ f#
e)%e#nal %he#mal in$&la%in f ab'e
g#&nd $&#face$ f e"&i!men% and
Thi$ $ec%in i$ ba$ed n %he
Cmmi%%ee In$&la%in Ne%he#land$
Ind&$%#* 4CINI5 man&al, 6Insulation for
Industries.6 DACE fll($ %he CINI
$%anda#d a$ m&ch a$ !$$ible #ega#ding
%echnical #ecmmenda%in$ and
cmmn !#ac%ice$. H(e'e#, DACE &$e$
a diffe#en% in%e#!#e%a%in f# %he me%hd
f mea$&#emen% %han de$c#ibed,
acc#ding % CINI, in #de# % be m#e in
line (i%h %he %he# di$ci!line$.
The CINI F&nda%in i$ an in$%i%&%in
in (hich b%h !#inci!al$ and cn%#ac%#$
c!e#a%e. The CINI Manual i$ mean% %
$e#'e a$ a %l f# de$igne#$, !&#cha$e#$,
in$%alle#$ and in$!ec%#$ in de%e#mining
%he !%imal in$&la%in f# all cmmn
$i%&a%in$. F# %hi$ !&#!$e, %he
e)!e#ience f $!eciali$%$ f#m d+en$ f
cm!anie$ (e#e ga%he#ed and
dc&men%ed in in%eg#a%ed $!ecifica%in$.
In$&la%in i$ defined a$ %h$e
ma%e#ial$ # cmbina%in$ f ma%e#ial$,
(hich #e%a#d %he fl( f hea% ene#g* b*
!e#f#ming ne # m#e f %he fll(ing
3 cn$e#'e ene#g* b* #ed&cing hea%
l$$ # gain-
3 cn%#l $&#face %em!e#a%&#e$ f#
!e#$nnel !#%ec%in and cmf#%-
3 facili%a%e %em!e#a%&#e cn%#l f
3 !#e'en% 'a!# fl( and (a%e#
cnden$a%in n cld $&#face$-
3 inc#ea$e !e#a%ing efficienc* f
hea% i ng 2 'en% i l a% i ng 2cl i ng,
!l&mbing, $%eam, !#ce$$ and
!(e# $*$%em$ f&nd in cmme#cial
and ind&$%#ial in$%alla%in$-
3 !#e'en% # #ed&ce damage %
e"&i!men% f#m e)!$&#e % fi#e #
c##$i'e a%m$!he#e$-
3 a$$i$% mechanical $*$%em$ in
mee%ing c#i%e#ia in fd and
c$me%ic !lan%$- and,
3 #ed&ce emi$$in$ f !ll&%an%$ %
%he a%m$!he#e.
Layers of Insulation
In$&la%in $hall be a!!lied in a
minim&m n&mbe# f la*e#$ f
cmme#ciall* a'ailable %hickne$$e$. The
%%al %hickne$$ $hall be a$ cl$e a$
!$$ible % %he m$% ecnmic in$&la%in
%hickne$$ #e"&i#ed, and $hall be #&nded
ff % %he ne)% la#ge$% cmme#ciall*
a'ailable %hickne$$.
T #ed&ce hea% l$$e$, in$&la%in
a!!lied in %( # m#e la*e#$ $hall ha'e
$%agge#ed jin%$. Ci#c&mfe#en%ial jin%$
be%(een $egmen%$ in adjacen% leng%h$ f
Table 3 Piping Labor Productivity Norms Table
Figure 3 Piping Isometric
Table 4 Piping Isometric Scope of Work
Table 5 Piping Estimate Example
pre+formed rigid ins!laion shall also be
saggered) If economicall% araci"e& a
combinaion of no more han #o
differen ins!laing maerials ma% be
Insulation Thickness
Crieria for "ie#ing and
!ndersanding able 4 incl!des he
, ambien empera!re( 23/C' and&
, #ind "eloci%( 1 m * s
All ins!laed eq!ipmen -e$cep for
Pol%!rehane -PUR. * Pol%isoc%an!raa
-PIR. on ank shells. and piping shall be
proeced #ih a jackeing s%sem& s!ch
as meal& reinforced masic& apes or
glass reinforced epo$% * glass reinforced
plasic finishing)
The jackeing shall pro"ide
proecion agains #aer and #eaher&
fire& oil spillage& mechanical #ear or
oher damage) Consideraion shall be
gi"en o he choice of #eaherproofing
in erms of safe%& life c%cle cos&
en"ironmenal*climae condiions&
"!lnerabili% o corrosion& effeci"eness
and mainainabili%)
If meal jackeing is !sed& s!fficien
space and drainage shall be pro"ided o
a"oid inernal acc!m!laion of #aer
ca!sed b% condensaion& #aer "apor
diff!sion& capillar% acion and #aer
Activities Codes
All ins!laion #ork req!ired for he
e$ec!ion of aci"iies are classified in
he follo#ing gro!ps(
Code 1: Remo"al of e$ising ins!laion)
Aci"i% comprises he remo"al
of ins!laion maerial)
Code 2: Remo"al of e$ising sheeing)
Aci"i% comprises he remo"al
of meal sheeing)
Code 3: Insallaion of e$ising
ins!laion) Aci"i% comprises
he insallaion and marking of
old& "is!al inspeced and
appro"ed ins!laion maerial
#ih preser"aion of he
original ins!laion "al!e&
incl!ding marking)
Code 4: Insallaion of e$ising sheeing)
Aci"i% comprises he
Table 6 Minimum Insulation Thickness
Table Minimum Sheeting Thickness
installation$ marking and
conditioning of old$ qualitatie
in good shape$ isual inspected
and approed metal sheeting%
Code 5: Installation of ne! insulation%
Actiit# comprises the
installation of ne! insulation
Code P:Prefabrication of ne! sheeting%
Actiit# comprises the
prefabrication of ne! metal
Code : Installation of ne! sheeting%
Actiit# comprises the
installation of ne! metal
This section describes the points of
attention and the actiities for
scaffolding% Furthermore$ it gies
e"amples for ho! to measure the most
common t#pes of scaffolding using
sketches and calculation methods%
Table ! Insulation Labor Productivity Norms Table
Table " Independent Scaffolding Checklist
Tge%he# (i%h a gene#al checkli$% f
%he !in%$ f a%%en%in+ $cafflding ha$
been cla$$ified in %*!e$. F# each %*!e f
$cafflding+ a checkli$% f# a$$embling
%he $cafflding %*!e$ i$ incl&ded. Thi$
c'e#$ a!!#)ima%el* A9 !e#cen% f all
$cafflding. A$ an aid+ %he m$% cmmn
$elec%in ha$ been indica%ed.
Inf#ma%in #ega#ding $cafflding
cn$%#&c%in can be b%ained a% %he
a$$cia%in f $cafflding cm!anie$ in
%he Ne%he#land$ called+ /Ve#eniging 'an
S%eige#2+ Hg(e#k2 en
Be%nbeki$%ingbed#ij'en0 6VSB7+ $ec%in
Independent Standing Scaffolding
See fig&#e = (hich $h($ a $caffld
(he#e %he fl# i$ $&!!#%ed b* b#acing$
4e)am!le :5+ # $&$!en$in$ % an
e)i$%ing cn$%#&c%in # e)i$%ing
$cafflding 4e)am!le ;5. Al$ #e'ie(
e)am!le$ <2? in fig&#e =. T calc&la%e %he
me%hd f mea$&#emen%+ #&nd ff
&!(a#d$ % 9.> m. In #e'ie(ing and
&nde#$%anding fig&#e =+ %ake in%
cn$ide#a%in %he fll(ing.
3 h B heigh%- 'e#%ical di$%ance
be%(een f% !la%e and %he %! f
&!!e# #ailing,
3 b B (id%h- mea$&#ed cen%e# %
cen%e# di$%ance be%(een &%e# !$%$
in %he %#an$'e#$e !lane, and+
3 l B leng%h- mea$&#ed cen%#e %
cen%#e di$%ance be%(een &%e# !$%$
in %he f#n% 'ie(.
Thi$ $ec%in de$c#ibe$ !e#f#mance2
ba$ed ca%ing a!!licable f# !ain%ing and
ca%ing. I% i$ in%ended f# all !ain%ing and
ca%ing cn%#ac%$+ incl&ding b%h ne(
cn$%#&c%in and main%enance f
n$h#e facili%ie$. I% incl&de$ lab#
!#d&c%i'i%* n#m$ f# !#%ec%in
again$% e)%e#nal c##$in f b%h
fe##&$ and nn2fe##&$ me%al$.
Thi$ $ec%in incl&de$ de$c#i!%in$
f# ca%ing a!!lica%in and $&#face
!#e!a#a%in and gi'e$ lab# !#d&c%i'i%*
n#m$ f# !#efab#ica%in and field (#k
in %he $ame manne# a$ !i!ing.
H(e'e#+ i% de$ n% a!!l* f#
in%e#nal ca%ing$+ ca%ing f b&ilding$
and %he# ci'il in$%alla%in$+ e"&i!men%
and cm!nen%$ (i%h a $e#'ice
%em!e#a%&#e bel( min&$ ;98C # 'e#
=>98C # e"&i!men% (he#e %he#mal
$hck ma* a!!ea# (hen in !e#a%in.
Surface Preparation
All edge$ $hall be g#&nd % a
minim&m #adi&$ f ; mm and flame c&%
a#ea$ ma* ha'e been g#&nd fl&$h. Bla$%
cleaning f $&#face$ $hall+ a$ a gene#al
#&le+ be !e#f#med b* bla$% cleaning a$
&%lined in ISO @>9=2;. Fab#ica%in ma*
be cm!le%e bef#e $&#face !#e!a#a%in
Pre-Cleaning of Surfaces
P#i# % %he bla$% cleaning and1#
!#i# % an* !ain%ing !e#a%in+ %he
$&#face $hall be f#ee f an*
cn%amina%in and an* e)ce$$i'e #&$%
$cale $hall be #em'ed.
All bl%2hle$ $hall be $l'en%
cleaned !#i# % %he cmmencemen% f
bla$% cleaning. Sl'en% cleaning $hall be
ca##ied &% in acc#dance (i%h SSPC
4Scie%* f# P#%ec%i'e Ca%ing$5+ SP:
4S&#face P#e!a#a%in5 /Sl'en% Cleaning.0
Cleaning of Surfaces
Bla$% cleaning $hall cn%in&e f# a
minim&m f ;> mm 'e# an* adjacen%
Figure 4 Independent Scaffolding Examples
coa#ed a!ea" #o fea#he! #he edge" of #he
e'i"#ing coa#ing "("#em+ Fo! local bla"#
cleaning #he edge" of #he e'i"#ing coa#ing
"("#em "hall be angle-bla"#ed #o p!o%ide
a fea#he!ed o%e!lap+
Whe!e pi##ing co!!o"ion ha" been
loca#ed d$!ing cleaning of "$!face"*
a##en#ion "hall be gi%en #o #he !emo%al of
!e"id$al "al#"+
Ab!ading &i#h "andpape! o! ligh#
g!inding &i#h a "$i#able .fle'ible/ di"c
ma( be $"ed fo! "$!face p!epa!a#ion
&he!e "&eep bla"#ing i" no# po""ible+
Ne$ Con!r"c!ion and Main!enance
The "$!face of ca!bon o! lo& allo(
"#eel&o!k fo! ne& con"#!$c#ion and
main#enance #o e'i"#ing in"#alla#ion"
"hall be bla"#-cleaned #o #he %i"$al
"#anda!d in acco!dance &i#h ISO 4301-1
a# #he #ime of coa#ing+
Hand Tool Cleaning )S! -*
Remo%al of all !$"# "cale* mill "cale*
loo"e !$"# and loo"e pain# #ha# can be
accompli"hed b( hand &i!e b!$"hing*
hand "anding* hand "c!aping* hand
chipping o! o#he! hand impac# #ool"* o!
b( a combina#ion of #he"e me#hod"+ The
"$b"#!a#e ma( ha%e a fain# me#allic
"heen and al"o be f!ee of oil* g!ea"e*
d$"#* "oil* "al#" and o#he! con#aminan#"+
Po$er Tool Cleaning )S! .*
Remo%al of all !$"# "cale* mill "cale*
loo"e pain#* and loo"e !$"# #ha# can be
accompli"hed b( po&e! &i!e b!$"he"*
po&e! impac# #ool"* po&e! g!inde!"*
po&e! "ande!" o! b( a combina#ion of
#he"e me#hod"+ The "$b"#!a#e ma( ha%e
a p!ono$nced me#allic "heen and al"o be
f!ee of oil* g!ea"e* di!#* "oil* "al#" and
o#he! con#aminan#"+ S$!face ma( no# be
b$ffed o! poli"hed "moo#h+
Br"h'Off Bla! Cleaning )SA ,*
Remo%al of loo"e mill "cale* loo"e
!$"#* and loo"e pain# #ha# can be
accompli"hed b( #he impac# of ab!a"i%e"
p!opelled #h!o$gh no))le" o! b(
cen#!if$gal &heel"+ I# i" no# in#ended #ha#
#he "$!face "hall be comple#el( f!ee of all
mill "cale* !$"#* and pain#+ The !emaining
mill "cale* !$"#* and pain# ma( be #igh#
and #he "$!face ma( be "$fficien#l(
ab!aded #o p!o%ide good adhe"ion and
bonding of pain#+
A B!$"h-Off Bla"# Cleaned S$!face
Fini"h i" defined a" one f!om &hich all
oil* g!ea"e* di!#* !$"# "cale* loo"e mill
"cale* loo"e !$"# and loo"e pain# o!
coa#ing" a!e !emo%ed comple#el(* b$#
#igh# mill "cale and #igh#l( adhe!ed !$"#*
pain# and coa#ing" ma( !emain p!o%ided
#ha# all mill "cale and !$"# ha%e been
"$fficien#l( e'po"ed #o #he ab!a"i%e bla"#
pa##e!n "o #ha# n$me!o$" fleck" of #he
$nde!l(ing me#al a!e $nifo!ml(
di"#!ib$#ed o%e! #he en#i!e "$!face+
Commercial Bla! Cleaning )SA -*
Remo%al of mill "cale* !$"#* !$"#
"cale* pain# o! fo!eign ma##e! b( #he $"e
of ab!a"i%e" p!opelled #h!o$gh no))le" o!
b( cen#!if$gal &heel"* #o #he deg!ee
A comme!cial bla"# cleaned "$!face
fini"h i" defined a" one f!om &hich all oil*
g!ea"e* di!#* !$"# "cale and fo!eign
ma##e! ha%e been comple#el( !emo%ed
f!om #he "$!face+ In addi#ion* all !$"#*
mill "cale and old pain# ha%e been
comple#el( !emo%ed e'cep# fo! "ligh#
"hado&"* "#!eak"* o! di"colo!a#ion"
ca$"ed b( !$"# "#ain* mill "cale o'ide" o!
"ligh#* #igh# !e"id$e" of pain# o! coa#ing
#ha# ma( !emain+
If #he "$!face i" pi##ed* "ligh#
!e"id$e" of !$"# o! pain# ma( be fo$nd in
#he bo##om of pi#"+ A# lea"# #&o-#hi!d" of
each "$a!e inch of "$!face a!ea "hall be
f!ee of all %i"ible !e"id$e" and #he
!emainde! "hall be limi#ed #o #he ligh#
di"colo!a#ion* "ligh# "#aining o! #igh#
!e"id$e" men#ioned abo%e+
Near'Whi!e Bla! Cleaning )SA -', & -*
Remo%al of nea!l( all mill "cale* !$"#*
!$"# "cale* pain#* o! fo!eign ma##e! b( #he
$"e of ab!a"i%e" p!opelled #h!o$gh
no))le" o! b( cen#!if$gal &heel"* #o #he
deg!ee he!eaf#e! "pecified+
A nea!-&hi#e bla"# cleaned "$!face
fini"h i" defined a" one f!om &hich all oil*
g!ea"e* di!#* mill "cale* !$"#* co!!o"ion
p!od$c#"* o'ide"* pain# o! o#he! fo!eign
ma##e! ha%e been comple#el( !emo%ed
f!om #he "$!face e'cep# fo! %e!( ligh#
"hado&"* %e!( "ligh# "#!eak" o! "ligh#
di"colo!a#ion" ca$"ed b( !$"# "#ain* mill
"cale o'ide"* o! ligh#* #igh# !e"id$e" of
pain# o! coa#ing #ha# ma( !emain+ A#
lea"# 53 pe!cen# of each "$a!e inch of
"$!face a!ea "hall be f!ee of all %i"ible
!e"id$e"* and #he !emainde! "hall be
limi#ed #o #he ligh# di"colo!a#ion
men#ioned abo%e+
Coa!ing Applica!ion
In gene!al* #he !e$i!emen#" fo! #he
coa#ing "("#em" in #hi" "ec#ion a!e
!ela#ed #o #he coa#ing applica#ion and #o
"$!face p!epa!a#ion+
Table ,+ ( Independen! Scaffolding E%ample
Table ,, ( Coa!ing Ser#ice SS Req"iremen!
Before commencing an% paining
#ork& he compaibili% #ih e$ising
coaing s%sems or la%ers m!s be
checked' E$ising coaing la%ers ma% be
o"er coaed onl% #ih prod!cs made b%
he same man!fac!rer'
To ens!re ha onl% correcl% blased
s!rfaces are coaed& a minim!m of +**
mm aro!nd he edges of prepared areas
shall be lef !ncoaed& !nless adjoining a
coaed s!rface' When adjoining a coaed
s!rface& a connecion o he e$ising
pain film shall be made' No coaing shall
be applied #ihin -* mm o areas ha
#ill be #elded a a laer ime'
Ne! Construction
Minim!m coaing req!iremens for
ne# consr!cion are specified for each
field of ser"ice' S!rface preparaion shall
be in accordance #ih lised insr!cions'
The coaings ma% be epo$% based'
Coating Surfaces and S"stem
An e$ample of Carbon and lo# allo%
seels ) e$ernal is sho#n in able +*' An
e$ample of sainless seel ) e$ernal is
sho#n in able ++' An e$ample of a labor
prod!ci"i% norms able is sho#n in
able +,'
Table &' $ Painting Labor Productiit" Norms Table
Figure ( $ E%I T"pical Hook#ups
Electrical and Instrumentation
DACE has based is labor
prod!ci"i% norms on sandard
elecrical and insr!menaion #ork
common o he ind!sr%( Beside labor
prod!ci"i% norms& DACE incl!des
skeches #ih heir calc!laions for
%pical hook*!ps& as sho#n in fig!re 3(
Cable and Bundles
Installing and securing cables
Insall and sec!re cables ,!sing cable
fi$ings- on cable ra%s& in cable d!cs or
in cable cellars& incl!ding bringing he
cable o and from he place #here he
#ork is carried o!& as sho#n in able /1(
P!lling cable in cond!i #ih open bends&
as sho#n in able /2( Undergro!nd
cable insallaion& as sho#n in able /3(
Future Development
A his poin in ime& DACE has
iniiaed phase #o of he DACE labor
prod!ci"i% norms Special Ineres
Gro!p #ih he goal o re"ie#& enhance&
and !pdae he conen on he follo#ing
+ Ne# secion for sr!c!ral seel
Table 1 E&I Install Cable Labor Productivity Norms Table
Table 1! E&I Pulling Cable Labor Productivity Norms Table
6 Ne- )ec*i%$ f%( e'+i&#e$*
% S*a*ic
% R%*a*i$g
6 Ne- )ec*i%$ f%( #ai$*e$a$ce %f
6 I#&(%,e a$d e.*e$d *he I$)+"a*i%$
)ec*i%$ -i*h c%"d a$d ac%+)*ic
6 I#&(%,e *he ge$e(a" )ec*i%$ -i*h
be**e( defi$i*i%$) %f &(%d+c*i,i*/
a$d efficie$c/1
6 I#&(%,e *he &ai$*i$g )ec*i%$ b/
addi$g fi**i$g) *% be c%$)i)*e$* -i*h
%*he( )ec*i%$)1
6 I#&(%,e a$d e.&a$d *he e"ec*(ica"
a$d i$)*(+#e$*a*i%$ )ec*i%$)1
6 I#&(%,e *he )caff%"di$g )ec*i%$1
6 E.&a$d *he ca"c+"a*i%$ e.a#&"e
-i*h i$)+"a*i%$ a$d &ai$*i$g3
DACE &+b"i)hed a $e- i))+e %f *he
CD5ROM i$ *he )&(i$g %f ;9::3 I$ %(de(
*% achie,e *hi)0 DACE (e'+i(ed addi*i%$a"
i$&+* f(%# *he %(igi$a" &(%ec* *ea#3
I$&+* f(%# #e#be() %f *he DACE c%)*
e$gi$ee(i$g $e*-%(!0 c%$*(ac*%() a$d
%-$e() -a) a")% be (e'+i(ed3
DACE )+cceeded i$ i*) &(i#a(/ g%a"
*% (ed+ce #i)+$de()*a$di$g a$d di)&+*e
be*-ee$ c"ie$*) a$d )+&&"ie() b/
c(ea*i$g a c%##%$ +$de()*a$di$g %f
+)ed &(ac*ice) a$d )*a$da(d)3 Ma$/
i$*e($a*i%$a" c%#&a$ie) ha,e a"(ead/
e#b(aced *he DACE "ab%( &(%d+c*i,i*/
$%(#) a) a )*a$da(d1 a$d a(e +)i$g i* *%
)+&&%(* *hei( *e$de(i$g0 c%$*(ac*i$g a$d
e)*i#a*i$g &(%ce))e)3 The DACE SIG i)
$%- c%$*i$+i$g i*) eff%(*)0 a$d i)
&(e&a(i$g addi*i%$a" &+b"ica*i%$) -hich
i$c"+de $e- di)ci&"i$e) i$ %(de( *% #ee*
*he c%#&(ehe$)i,e $eed) %f *he
The +"*i#a*e g%a" (e#ai$) *%
bec%#e *he $e- "ab%( &(%d+c*i,i*/ $%(#
)*a$da(d f%( *he c%$)*(+c*i%$ i$d+)*(/
a$d c(ea*e a g"%ba""/ acce&*ed )*a$da(d
a$d g+ide"i$e f%( %-$e() a$d
:3 DACE Labo! P!od$c#i%i#' No!m"
-++30 D+*ch A))%cia*i%$ %f C%)*
E$gi$ee()0 ;99@0 (e*(ie,ed f(%#2
;3 Page0 J%h$ S30 Estimator"s Piping
Man#hour Manual0 >*h Edi*i%$ &3
c#0 G%"f P+b"i)hi$g C%#&a$/0
H%+)*%$0 TX0 (e*(ie,ed f(%#2
<3 In"$la#ion fo! Ind$"#!ie"( La#e"#
Edi#ion0 C%##i**ee I$)+"a*i%$
Ne*he("a$d) I$d+)*(/ 7CINI80
(e*(ie,ed f(%#2 h**&244---3ci$i3$"3
=3 Ve(e$igi$g ,a$ S*eige(50 Hoog&e!k *
en Be#onbeki"#ingbed!ij%en 7VSB80
(e*(ie,ed f(%#2
>3 ASTM Standards0 La*e)* Edi*i%$2
6 ASTM A .2+( S#anda!d P!ac#ice fo!
Cleaning( De"caling( and Pa""i%a#ion
of S#ainle"" S#eel Pa!#"( E$ipmen#
and S'"#em"1 a$d0
6 ASTM D)0,+( S#anda!d #e"# Me#hod
fo! E%al$a#ing Deg!ee of Re"#ing on
pain#ed "#eel "$!face")SSPC)VIS)-0
ASTM S*a$da(d)0 A#e(ica$ S%cie*/
f%( Te)*i$g a$d Ma*e(ia")0 :99 Ba(
Ha(b%+( D(i,e0 We)* C%$)h%h%c!e$0
?3 ISO Standards
6 ISO 11124 ) P!epa!a#ion of "#eel
"$b"#!a#e" befo!e applica#ion of
pain#" and !ela#ed p!od$c#" *
"pecifica#ion" fo! me#allic bla"#)
cleaning ab!a"i%e" * Pa!# , #o /1
6 ISO 11126 ) P!epa!a#ion of "#eel
"$b"#!a#e" befo!e applica#ion of
pain#" and !ela#ed p!od$c#" *
"pecifica#ion" fo! non)me#allic bla"#)
cleaning ab!a"i%e" * Pa!# , #o ,+1
6 ISO 11127 ) P!epa!a#ion of S#eel
S$b"#!a#e" Befo!e Applica#ion of
Pain#" and Rela#ed P!od$c#" ) Te"#
Me#hod" fo! Non) Me#allic Bla"#)
Cleaning Ab!a"i%e")Pa!# , #o 11
6 ISO 12944 ) Pain#" and Va!ni"he")
Co!!o"ion p!o#ec#ion of "#eel
"#!$c#$!e" b' p!o#ec#i%e pain#
"'"#em")Pa!#), #o 21 a$d0
6 ISO 8501-4 ) P!epa!a#ion of "#eel
"$b"#!a#e" befo!e applica#ion of
Table &' $ E%I Underground Install Cable Labor Productiit! Norms Table

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