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Course Outline Page 1

University of Management and Technology

Course Outline
Course Code: IB - 625 Course Title: Research Methodology


MS Islamic Banking and Finance (MS IBF)

Credit Hours



15 weeks (15 sessions)



Resource Person

Module I - Dr. Muhammad Amin
Module II - Muhammad Mahmood Shah Khan

Counseling Timing

(Room# 5L-04)

Displayed outside the Office Door

Contact #


Chairman/Director Signature.
Deans Signature Date: ______10-03-2014____
Course Outline Page 2

Learning Objective:
In this course the participants will be taken through the process of developing their own
understanding of research methods and techniques by theory and practice, both. On the completion
of the course the participants should be able to:
Sharpen their analytical skills based on objective and pragmatic investigation of business
Develop their own understanding of the management problems being faced by their client,
be it an organization.
Develop an ability to convert their managerial concern into a business research problem in
a clear and pragmatic manner.
Prepare a road map or a blue print of the research making a proper mix of the various
research methodologies and tools leant in the course.
Develop questionnaire relevant to the research problem and appropriate for the target
Design field controls to ensure the validity and reliability of the data collection.
Conduct interviews for data collection at different stages of the research.
Select and apply the basic statistical tools appropriate for analyses.
Plan a business research applying various tools.
Prepare themselves for more advanced and application courses.

Learning Methodology:
Class preparation and participation:
Students are required to read assigned material before coming to class. The instructor will assess
students level of preparation by raising questions on the assigned topics.

As per the University policy.

Assignments and Presentations:
All assignments for formal evaluation must be typed and submitted by the specified due dates.
Topics of assignments would be assigned by the course instructor from the given topics. Each
student will be required to make fifteen minutes class presentation on the topic assigned.

Class Attendance:
Attendance policy of the university would be strictly followed.

Course Outline Page 3

Grade Evaluation Criteria
Following is the criteria for the distribution of marks to evaluate final grade in a semester.

Marks Evaluation Marks in percentage

Quizzes 05
Assignments 20
Mid Term 25
Attendance & Class Participation 10
Term Project 30
Presentations 20
Final exam 00
Total 100

Recommended Text Books:

Reference Books:
Research Methods for Business A Skill Building Approach (2005) by Uma Sekran,
Published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (4
Research Methods and Statistics A Critical Thinking Approach (2003) by Sherri L. Jackson,
published by Thomson Wadsworth
Social Research Methods Qualitative and Quantitative Approach (2005) by W. Lawrence
Neuman, published by McGraw-Hill Publishing (4

Course Outline Page 4

Calendar of Course contents to be covered during semester
Course Code: IB - 625 Course Title: Research Methodology
Week Course Contents

Reference Chapter(s)

Research Mathodology An Islamic Perspective

Islam stands for promotion of research
Teaching of Quran and Sunnah

Muslim tradition in Research (1)

Hadith Studies:
o Riwaya and draya
o Asma ur rijal
o Aljirah wa alttadil

Muslim tradition in Research (2)

Social Sciences:
Tafseer, Adab, Scocialogy, Phelosophy, Economics etc

Natural Sciences:
Medicine, Mathematics, Astronomy, physics, chemistry

Muslim Thinkers on Research

Ibn Khaldon, Shah Wali Ullah, Allama Iqbal, Dr. rafi Uddin,
Syyed Madudi

Research Tools in Islamic research

Encyclopaedias, biographics, biblographics etc

Digital sources

6 Research Ethics

Thesis Writing

Course Outline Page 5


Research a way of thinking
Research: a way of examining your practice
Application, definition, characteristics, types, and paradigms of
The research process: a quick glance
Steps in planning a research study
Steps in conducting a study

8 Reviewing the literature
Place of literature review in research
Procure for reviewing literature
Formulating a research problem
Research problem: importance, sources, considerations, steps,
formulations of objectives, establishing operational definition

9 Identifying variable
Definition, Difference between a concept and a variable, Types
of variables and measurement scale
Constructing hypothesis
Definition, functions, characteristics, types, Errors in testing a

10 The Research Design
Definition, function, Study design based on the number of
contacts, the reference period, the nature of the investigation, other
some commonly used study design

11 Selecting a Method of Data Collection
Methods of collecting data, collecting data using primary
sources, Observations, Interview, Questionnaire, forms of
questionnaire, collecting data using secondary source
Collecting Data using Attitudinal Scale
Difficulties, types and relationship b/w attitudinal; and
measurement scale

Establishing the validity and reliability of a research
The concept and types of validity
The concept, factors affecting, and methods determining the
reliability of an instrument
The concept, principles, factors affecting, objectives, types and
sample calculation

13 Writing a Research Proposal
Contents of research proposal

14 Considering ethical issues in data collection
Ethics, stakeholders in research, ethical issues concerning
participants, researcher and the sponsoring organization
Processing Data
How to put data into process, editing data collected trough
structured inquiries, unstructured interviewing,

Course Outline Page 6

Coding data: Introduction, coding quantitative/qualitative data
Developing a frame of analysis for quantitative/qualitative
Data Analyzing, the role of computers in research, the role of
statistics in research
15 Research Report
Writing in general, referencing, bibliography, developing an
outline, writing about a variable
Research methodology and practice evaluation
Definition, importance, types, understanding and ethics in

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