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A couple of exciting fundraisers are being

planned for the fall and we want everyone to
know about them. If you are able to help with
either of these events, please let the office know.
Sunday, September 21 Rib & auerkraut
Saturday, October 25 Ali !atthews "oncert
#e are thrilled to be planning these fundraisers
and will share more information soon.

Rev. !ark is away $riday, %uly && to 'hursday, %uly &() %uly *+ to
August , and August && to *-. 'he Rev. Rob "ongram is available for
emergency pastoral care for %uly && to &(. .uring the summer, !ark
will be leading worship %uly */, August &/ and 0&. 'he Rev. .r. 1ryan
2apier leads worship *,) the Rev. %ohn 3enderson on August 0 and
&,) and the Rev. !ervyn 'ubb on August *-.
'he Avon !aitland .istrict chool 1oard is in need of host4families for
International students for eptember */&-. #e are welcoming
students from pain and 1ra5il as well as other international countries.
$or the community of t. !arys, we are hoping to place ten students
into host families. 6lease help us provide a student an opportunity of a
lifetime7 $or more information please contact 1arbara at +&84*,*4
,(8/ or
M(n()ter* Rev. !ark :edcke +&84+,+4((&,
or by email at
'(rector o+ Mu)(c* u5anne trahan
O++(ce !dm(n()trator* ;athy 1aker
Trea)urer* hannon Archer
O++(ce* 51,-2.1-/0.0
OFFICE &OUS ,am- 1pm Tue)day t1rou21 Fr(day
"u6y 10, 2/17 1/*0/ am
:uest !inister< Rev. .r 1ryan 2apier
!usic .irector u5anne trahan
PEP!!TION FO 8OS&IP 4 6rayer, !editation and =isiting
PE#U'E* 'hanks 1e 'o 'hee 4 3andel
C!## TO 8OS&IP* 9!inister>

P!$E OF !PPO!C&?unison>
In @oy and in trouble, help us gracious :od,
to trust your love,
to serve your purpose,
and to praise your name. Amen
OPENING &$MN* A,/B "ome 2et Cs ing
P!$E OF CONFESSION* ?in unison>
#e walk the road of faith each day.
1ut we stumble
And grow weary
And become impatient.
Dur strength is in you, D 2ord.
3eal our disease,
Restore our strength,
And live in us.
'hen we will walk the road of faith for others,
And grow in love,
And increase in praise,
And be whole. Amen.
!SSU!NCE OF EMPO8EMENT* ?minister>
'he :od who challenges us
Is also the :od who encourages us.
'he :od who confronts, is also the :od who accepts us.
1e assured that :od is with us even now,
Accepting, guiding, and forgiving.
2eader< 'he 6eace of "hrist be with you
Congregation: And also with you.
SO#O* :entle hepherd .eborah :ovenor
.avid trahan 4 oloist
C&I#'EN:S &$MN* A0*( 'his Is !y $atherEs #orld
2uke &+<&&4** The Prodigal Son ?'he #aiting $ather>
Fphesians *<-48 Gods free gift of Grace
SEMON* Code Words of Faith
&$MN* A0+* And "an It 1e 'hat I hould :ain
OFFETO$* 6relude on G3yfrydolH R. 3. 6ritchar, arr. #olff
OFFETO$ P!ISE* A-*+ #e praise you, D :od ?v&>
P!$E OF 'E'IC!TION ?together>
:od of creation, you have entrusted great riches into our care. #e
humbly acknowledge you as the source of all we possess of all we
call our own. #hat we offer now is a symbol of our awareness that all
we have comes from you. Cse these gifts and us to bring your
message of love, healing, and forgiveness to a world in need. Amen.
&$MN* A--8 2ord, 2isten to Iour "hildren 6raying
P!$ES OF T&E PEOP#E !N' T&E #O':S P!$E
Dur $ather, in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Iour ;ingdom come, Iour will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
:ive us today our daily bread. $orgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
ave us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.
$or the kingdom, the power and the glory, are Iours
now and forever. Amen ?A+B- 'he 1ook of 6raise>
C#OSING &$MN* AB,/ Ama5ing :race
POST#U'E* 'rumpet 'une Robert 2au
3INT!I# ON T&E O!'
#hat a wonderful week at G;intail on the RoadH held this past week
here at ;nox. 'here were approximately -/ campers who en@oyed the
activities with a very enthusiastic team of leaders7
'hanks to those of you who contributed the yummy snacks, helped
with organi5ing the week or spent your time in the banJuet
;nox is happy to have had such a successful camp again this year7
'he Amity ummer Fnglish 6rogram invites volunteers from around
the world to provide Fnglish training and demonstrate teaching
methodology to "hinese Fnglish teachers. =olunteers provide a three4
week Fnglish training course to teachers from primary and middle
schools in rural and remote areas. 6ast participant Anne aunders
shares, G'he program is about people coming together for
conversations. 'he experiences of relationship4building and
intercultural exchange provide opportunities for Glove made manifestH
and glimpses of :od in our midst today.H 'his year, Presbyterians
Sharing will support a team of four from ;nox church in #aterloo as
they share their gifts and strengthen the 6""Es partnership with the
Amity $oundation.
Presbyterians Sharing strengthens partnerships
Somet1(n2 to C1uc;6e !bout
Dne day :od was looking down at earth and saw all of the rascally
retireesL behaviour that was going on.......o 3e called 3is angels and
sent one to earth for a time. #hen the angel returned, he told :od,
LIes, it is bad on earth) 8+M of retirees are misbehaving and only +M
are not.E :od thought for a moment and said, L!aybe I had better
send down a second angel to get another opinion.L o :od called
another angel and sent her to earth for a time. #hen the angel
returned, she went to :od and said, LIes, itLs true. 'he earth is in
decline) 8+M of retirees are misbehaving, but +M are being good...L
:od was not pleased. o 3e decided to e4mail the +M who were
good, because he wanted to encourage them, and give them a little
something to help them keep going. .o you know what the e4mail
Dkay, I was @ust wondering, because I didnLt get one either.

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