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Teach Elements
Assessment in 21st Century Classrooms

Teach Elements:
Assessment in 21st Century Classrooms
Action Plan: _______________________
Instructions: Ctrl+click (or Command+click on the Mac* or click for Microsoft Word
2007*) any of the activity names in the Contents to go directly to that section. Tye
yo!r ersonali"ed #ction $lan details in the sections indicated.
Table of Contents
Module 1: 21st Century Learning...............................................
%esson &' 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms.................................................................(
#ctivity &' )oles in the 2&st Cent!ry.............................................................(
#ctivity (' *vol!tion of #ssessment $ractices.................................................(
%esson 2' 2&st Cent!ry +kills in the Classroom..................................................,
#ctivity (' 2&st Cent!ry +kill +election (-tional)...........................................,
%esson (' 2&st Cent!ry #ssessment $ractices....................................................
#ctivity &' The )ole of /ormative #ssessment..................................................
%esson ,' Mod!le )evie0.................................................................................
#ctivity &' Mod!le +!mmary.........................................................................
Module 2: Assessment !trategies.............................................."
%esson (' /oc!s on )!1rics.............................................................................2
#ctivity (' )!1ric 3eveloment.....................................................................2
%esson ,' The #ssessing $ro4ects %i1rary..........................................................2
#ctivity 2' #ssessing $ro4ects #lication.......................................................2
%esson .' Mod!le )evie0................................................................................2
#ctivity &' Mod!le +!mmary........................................................................7
Module : Assessment Methods.................................................#
%esson &' #ssessment and 5nstr!ction.............................................................7
#ctivity 2' 5nstr!ctional #ctivities as #ssessment............................................7
%esson (' Classroom Conferences....................................................................7
#ctivity (' *6amle Conferences...................................................................7
%esson .' #ssessment 5nstr!ments..................................................................7
#ctivity &' -vervie0 of #ssessment 5nstr!ments (-tional).............................7
%esson 2' Mod!le )evie0................................................................................7
#ctivity &' Mod!le +!mmary........................................................................7
Module $: Assessment %e&elo'ment.........................................(
%esson &' 5mortant %earning 8oals................................................................9
#ctivity 2' 2&st Cent!ry +kills -14ectives.......................................................9
%esson 2' #ssessment $lan.............................................................................9
#ctivity 2' *ffective #ssessment Timelines.....................................................9
#ctivity (' #ssessment Methods and $!roses (-tional)...............................&0
%esson (' #ssessment 5nstr!ments................................................................&0
#ctivity (' )!1ric and Checklist #datation...................................................&0
%esson ,' Mod!le )evie0..............................................................................&0
#ctivity &' Mod!les +!mmary.....................................................................&0
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Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module ): Assessment in Action..............................................11
%esson &' +t!dent )oles in #ssessment..........................................................&&
#ctivity &' 5ncreased +t!dent )esonsi1ility (-tional)..................................&&
#ctivity 2' $eer /eed1ack...........................................................................&&
%esson 2' +elf<#ssessment............................................................................&&
#ctivity 2' +!orting Metacognition (-tional)............................................&&
%esson (' #ssessment Management...............................................................&2
#ctivity &' #ssessment Management +trategies............................................&2
#ctivity 2' #ssessment )o!tines (-tional)..................................................&2
%esson ,' =se of #ssessment 3ata.................................................................&(
#ctivity 2' )eflection and 8oal +etting.........................................................&(
%esson .' 8rading in a 2&st Cent!ry Classroom...............................................&(
#ctivity 2' 8rading +ystems (-tional)........................................................&(
%esson 2' Mod!le )evie0..............................................................................&(
#ctivity &' Mod!le +!mmary.......................................................................&,
Course *ra'+,'......................................................................1)
#ctivity &' Co!rse )eflection.......................................................................&.
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Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module 1: 21st Century Learning
Lesson 1: 21st Century Classrooms
Acti&ity 1: -oles in the 21st Century
Estimated Time: &. min!tes
5n 0hat 0ays do yo! consider yo!rself a 2&st cent!ry teacher> 3escri1e ho0 yo!'
Colla1orate 0ith other teachers
=se technology in yo!r classroom
#ct as a facilitator of yo!r st!dents? learning
=se m!ltile forms of assessment for content and 2&st cent!ry skill
5 colla1orate 0ith other teachers. 5 also !se a mimio in the classroom and a short
thro0 ro4ector. 5 am a facilitator for my team?s $%Cs. 5 !se com!ter 1ased testing
in my classroom for reading and math.
Module 1: 21st Century Learning
Lesson 1: 21st Century Classrooms
Acti&ity : E&olution o. Assessment Practices
Estimated Time: &. min!tes
5n the chart@ record yo!r c!rrent assessment ractices and ho0 yo! 0o!ld like to
change yo!r assessment ractices.
Current Assessment Practices Changes to Assessment Practices
Com!ter Aased Math Test
$aer 1ased math revie0
$aer comrehension tests
5 0o!ld like to give my st!dents more
interactive and immediate feed1ack 0hen
they are taking com!ter 1ased testing.
5 0o!ld also like my st!dents to have
more oort!nities to ractice reading
and comrehension skills on the
Coyright : 20&0 5ntel Cororation. #ll rights reserved. $age ( of &2
Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Coyright : 20&0 5ntel Cororation. #ll rights reserved. $age , of &2
Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module 1: 21st Century Learning
Lesson 2: 21st Century !/ills in the Classroom
Acti&ity : 21st Century !/ill !election 01'tional2
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
&. Consider the !nits yo! teach.
2. %ist !nits 0here yo! e6licitly teach@ or 0o!ld like to teach@ 2&st cent!ry
(. /or those !nits@ list the technologies yo! !se or 0o!ld like to !se.
,nit 21st Century !/ills Technology
$lants and #nimals
Critical Thinking and ro1lem
Birt!al %a1s
Comm!nication and
Main 5dea and Cey
Critical Thinking and ro1lem
5nteractive stories
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Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module 1: 21st Century Learning
Lesson : 21st Century Assessment Practices
Acti&ity 1: The -ole o. 3ormati&e Assessment
Estimated Time: &0 min!tes
Do0 does formative assessment 1enefit yo!r classroom> What kinds of changes
0o!ld yo! need to make in yo!r assessment ractices to incl!de more formative
/ormative assessments 1enefit my classroom 1eca!se 5 am a1le to ga!ge 0here
each individ!al st!dent is. 5 can see their strengths and 0eaknesses and tailor my
instr!ction for each individ!al st!dent?s 0eak areas. 5 like !sing r!1rics and scales
as assessments in the classroom for st!dents to ractice !sing. 5 also 0o!ld like to
!se more think air share@ as 0ell as develo other 0ays to give feed1ack to
Module 1: 21st Century Learning
Lesson $: Module -e&ie4
Acti&ity 1: Module !ummary
Estimated Time: &0 min!tes
Aased on yo!r !nderstanding of assessment@ 0hat assessment goals 0o!ld yo! like
to set for yo!rself d!ring this co!rse@ month@ or school year> Write yo!r goals. +ome
e6amles incl!de'
Choose 2&st cent!ry skills to foc!s on d!ring a artic!lar !nit or ro4ect
=se formative assessment strategies in my classroom
#dd 2&st cent!ry skills to my r!1rics
=se additional assessment instr!ments to assess
Dave st!dents assess themselves and their eers
3istri1!te r!1rics 1efore and d!ring the ro4ect
=se 4o!rnals andEor o1servations to assess
My assessment goals'
/oc!s on ro1lem solving and critical thinking.
Dave st!dents !se r!1rics thro!gho!t the ro4ect to g!ide and s!ort st!dents.
Comlete more informal o1servations and assessments.
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#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module 2: Assessment Strategies
Lesson : 3ocus on -u5rics
Acti&ity : -u5ric %e&elo'ment
Estimated Time: &0 min!tes
)eflect on yo!r c!rrent !se of r!1rics in yo!r classroom.
Do0 might yo! !se r!1rics in ne0 or different 0ays to imrove yo!r st!dents?
5 0o!ld like to !se r!1rics as a more on<going ga!ge for st!dents. 5 think giving
st!dents r!1rics in advance and not d!ring a final ro4ect 0ill hel st!dents monitor
rogress and see the 1ig ict!re that they are 0orking to0ards.
Module 2: Assessment Strategies
Lesson $: The Assessing Pro6ects Li5rary
Acti&ity 2: Assessing Pro6ects A''lication
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
*6lore the r!1rics sho0n in the ta1le or in the Assessing Projects li1rary. +elect and
save at least one rod!ct or erformance r!1ric and at least one 2&st Cent!ry skill
r!1ric to yo!r Co!rse /older or to yo!r $ersonal %i1rary if !sing Assessing Projects.
3escri1e ho0 and 0hen yo! 0o!ld !se each assessment.
$rod!ct or $erformance )!1ric name'
Da1itat )!1ric
Do0 5 0ill !se the r!1ric'
To monitor rogress and for st!dents to self<assess
2&st Cent!ry +kill )!1ric'
+elf<direction r!1ric
Do0 5 0ill !se the r!1ric'
5 0ill !se the r!1ric to teach st!dents indeendency and colla1oration.
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Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module 2: Assessment Strategies
Lesson ): Module -e&ie4
Acti&ity 1: Module !ummary
Estimated Time: &0 min!tes
)eflect on yo!r learning in this mod!le.
5 learned ho0 to create r!1rics in st!dent friendly lang!age as 0ell as develo
r!1rics for g!idance. 5 also sa0 the 1enefit of ho0 r!1rics and s!ort formal
assessments and allo0 st!dents to ga!ge their o0n learning to 1etter master skills.
Module 3: Assessment Methods
Lesson 1: Assessment and Instruction
Acti&ity 2: Instructional Acti&ities as Assessment
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
3escri1e ho0 yo! might integrate assessment methods as art of classroom
8rahic -rgani"ers
5 0o!ld !se these at the introd!ction of a lesson to ga!ge st!dent needs and
assess 0hat they kno0 and 0hat they need to learn.
Fo!rnals and %earning %ogs
5 0o!ld !se these as an ongoing self<assessment tool in the classroom so that
st!dents can reflect on 0hat they are learning and develo G!estions they might
5 0o!ld also !se these as an ongoing assessment. 5t 0o!ld allo0 me to see ho0
st!dents are interreting things so 5 can g!ide my instr!ction accordingly.
$rod!cts and $erformances
5 0o!ld !se these as a final assessment of a !nit to see if the st!dents can aly
0hat has 1een ta!ght.
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Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module 3: Assessment Methods
Lesson : Classroom Con.erences
Acti&ity : E7am'le Con.erences
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
3escri1e ho0 yo! might incl!de each assessment method in yo!r classroom.
5 0o!ld !se these thro!gho!t the !nit and !se anecdotal note taking and analy"e
my res!lts.
$eer #ssessment
5 like the idea of !sing eer assessments 0hen editing 0ork.
5 think these sho!ld 1e !sing on going so st!dents can ga!ge 0here they are.
+t!dent<Teacher Conferences
These sho!ld also 1e ongoing so teachers and st!dents can ga!ge their learning
and track rogress.
Module 3: Assessment Methods
Lesson ): Assessment Instruments
Acti&ity 1: 1&er&ie4 o. Assessment Instruments 01'tional2
Estimated Time: (0 min!tes
*6lore the assessment instr!ments (r!1rics and checklists) sho0n in the ta1le or in
the Assessing Projects li1rary. +elect and save any that yo! 0o!ld like to !se or
adat for yo!r classroom. Hote ho0 and 0hen yo! might !se the assessments.
Assessment Instrument *hen and 8o4 I *ill ,se
Colla1oration Checklist When giving gro! 0ork so that st!dents are
held acco!nta1le for their 0ork.
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Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Wiki Checklist When giving gro! 0ork so that st!dents are
held acco!nta1le for their 0ork.
8ro! Task )!1ric When giving gro! 0ork so that st!dents are
held acco!nta1le for their 0ork.
Module 3: Assessment Methods
Lesson ": Module -e&ie4
Acti&ity 1: Module !ummary
Estimated Time: &0 min!tes
)eflect on ho0 imlementing 0hat yo! have learned in this mod!le might change
yo!r classroom.
5 think !sing a variety of assessments 0ill hel st!dents 1e more in control of their
learning. 5 think that !sing self assessments and teacher conferences 0ill 1e
e6tremely 1eneficial to 1oth teachers and st!dents. 5 think it 0ill enco!rage
st!dents to take o0nershi of their learning and 1etter !nderstand 0hy they need to
learning things.
Module 4: Assessment Deelo!ment
Lesson 1: Im'ortant Learning 9oals
Acti&ity 2: 21st Century !/ills 156ecti&es
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
5n this mod!le@ foc!s on a single ro4ect as yo! comlete each Io!r T!rn activity.
Hote that the lanning stes 1!ild on each other.
Choose standards and 0rite o14ectives for yo!r !nit. )emem1er to 0rite o14ectives
that tie to targeted standards@ are meas!ra1le@ and incororate 2&st cent!ry skills.
=nitE$ro4ect' Matter
Targeted !tandards 156ecti&es
5dentify states of matter and the
roerties of solids@ liG!ids and gases.
Comare and contrast mass@ vol!me@
color@ te6t!re and temerat!re of the
roerties of matter.
The st!dent 0ill 1e a1le to identify the
three states of matter. The st!dent 0ill
comare and contrast mass@ vol!me@
color@ te6t!re and temerat!re of the
roerties of matter.
Coyright : 20&0 5ntel Cororation. #ll rights reserved. $age &0 of &2
Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
3escri1e the hysical and chemical
changes that are affected 1y
The st!dent 0ill descri1e the hysical and
chemical changes that are affected 1y
Comare and contrast mi6t!res and
sol!tions@ identify ho0 a mi6t!re can 1e
searated@ and categori"e 0hich
s!1stances dissolve in 0ater.
The st!dent 0ill comare and contrast
mi6t!res and sol!tions.
Module 4: Assessment Deelo!ment
Lesson 2: Assessment Plan
Acti&ity 2: E..ecti&e Assessment Timelines
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
Create an #ssessment Timeline for yo!r ro4ect. )emem1er to lan assessments
thro!gho!t the ro4ect that meet all five !roses'
8a!ging +t!dent Heeds
*nco!raging Colla1oration and +elf<3irection
Monitoring $rogress
Checking =nderstanding and *nco!raging Metacognition
3emonstrating =nderstanding
Assessment Timeline
Aefore ro4ect
0ork 1egins
3!ring ro4ect 0ork
#fter ro4ect 0ork
is comleted
Fo!rnal J!estions and
Arainstorm disc!ssion
$eer Checklist@
e6eriment checklist@
conferences@ and
colla1oration r!1ric
)eflection G!estions
and resentation r!1ric
Module 4: Assessment Deelo!ment
Lesson 2: Assessment Plan
Acti&ity : Assessment Methods and Pur'oses 01'tional2
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
Coyright : 20&0 5ntel Cororation. #ll rights reserved. $age && of &2
Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
To comlete yo!r #ssessment $lan for yo!r !nit@ develo a ta1le of assessment
strategies that aligns to the #ssessment Timeline yo! created in Activity 2.
#s yo! think thro!gh the !rose and rocess for each assessment@ yo! may need to
modify yo!r #ssessment Timeline to 1est meet each of yo!r goals and o14ectives.
Io! may 0ant to revie0 the 9uiding :uestions doc!ment in the Module $ section
of the -esources ta1 to hel yo! 0rite yo!r #ssessment $lan.
Ta5le o. Assessment !trategies
Assessment Process and Pur'ose o. Assessment
Fo!rnal J!estions +t!dents 0ill reflect on their rior kno0ledge of the toic of
matter. +t!dents 0ill set goals and decide 0hat they 0ant
to learn from this ro4ect.
Arainstorm and
5 0ill !se a CW% and grahic organi"er to facilitate
disc!ssion of matter. 5 0ill try to have st!dents activate
their rior kno0ledge and make connections to their o0n
Colla1oration )!1ric +t!dents 0ill follo0 a r!1ric to eval!ate their articiation in
the gro! ro4ect. )!1rics 0ill 1e revie0ed d!ring
conferences and 1e ket o!t d!ring gro! 0ork.
$eer #ssessment
+t!dent 0ill rovide feed1ack to one another follo0ing the
checklist d!ring the co!rse of the ro4ect.
Module 4: Assessment Deelo!ment
Lesson : Assessment Instruments
Acti&ity : -u5ric and Chec/list Ada'tation
Estimated Time: (0 min!tes
&. #dat a r!1ric or checklist that yo! selected in Module 2, Lesson 4, Activity 2 or
Module 3, Lesson 5, Activity 1. =se Assessing Projects to adat an assessment in
yo!r ersonal li1rary@ or modify an assessment in yo!r Co!rse /older !sing a
0ord rocessor.
2. 3escri1e ho0 yo! adated the assessment and ho0 yo! 0ill !se it in yo!r
5 modified my assessment so that it 0o!ld reflect the standards that 5 0as teaching.
5 also added traits and reordered traits. 5 also changed the heading from n!m1ers to
0ords 0ith a n!m1er (*6cellent K ,@ 8ood K (@ #deG!ate K 2@ $oor K&) as this is
more 1eneficial to elementary st!dents.
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Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module 4: Assessment Deelo!ment
Lesson $: Module -e&ie4
Acti&ity 1: Modules !ummary
Estimated Time: &0 min!tes
)eflect on yo!r learning from Mod!le , and record yo!r reflections.
3!ring this mod!le 5 learned e6actly ho0 to lan to !se assessments d!ring a !nit. 5
0orked thro!gh !sing assessments thro!gho!t the !nit d!ring all the stes@ $re@
3!ring and #fter the ro4ect. 5 also identified that traits that 5 0anted to !se in my
o0n r!1ric for my !nit. 5 0as a1le to modify the r!1ric to make it fit my needs. 5
also e6lored the vario!s tyes of assessments and chose the ones that 5 felt 0o!ld
0ork 1est.
Module ": Assessment in A#tion
Lesson 1: !tudent -oles in Assessment
Acti&ity 2: Peer 3eed5ac/
Estimated Time: (0 min!tes
&. )evie0 the Ti's .or !tudent 3eed5ac/ doc!ment.
2. Create a reso!rce to s!ort or scaffold eer assessment@ s!ch as a checklist@
resentation@ tis sheet@ dialog for modeling@ and so on. Io! may modify any of
the reso!rces yo! vie0ed in this activity for !se in yo!r o0n classroom. Consider
!sing colla1oration and self<direction reso!rces from the Assessing Projects
li1rary as 0ell.
(. 3escri1e ho0 yo! 0ill !se the s!ort material.
5 think a checklist is essential for st!dents to have 0hen roviding eer feed1ack.
5 think that 5 0o!ld !se this along 0ith modeling desired e6ectations. 5 0o!ld
also model ho0 and 0hen to !se the checklist.
Module ": Assessment in A#tion
Lesson : Assessment Management
Acti&ity 1: Assessment Management !trategies
Estimated Time: &. min!tes
&. 3escri1e ho0 yo! 0ill organi"e and track st!dent assessment data.
5 0ill track st!dent data !sing a sreadsheet. 5 think this 0ill 1e helf!l in
tracking their gro0th and rogress. 5 0o!ld like to have 1oth individ!al and 0hole
Coyright : 20&0 5ntel Cororation. #ll rights reserved. $age &( of &2
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#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
class sreadsheets to track data.
2. 3escri1e ho0 yo! 0ill hel yo!r st!dents organi"e their assessment data.
5 0o!ld like each st!dent to have a 1inder to hel them 1e organi"ed. 5nside they
0ill have their o0n individ!al data sheet so they can kee track of their rogress
inside their 1inder. 5 0o!ld also like them to !se a ortfolio to sho0 their gro0th
thro!gho!t the year.
Module ": Assessment in A#tion
Lesson $: ,se o. Assessment %ata
Acti&ity 2: -e.lection and 9oal !etting
Estimated Time: &. min!tes
)evie0 yo!r ideas for tracking and organi"ing st!dent assessment data from Module
5, Lesson 3, Activity 1. Do0 0ill yo! and yo!r st!dents !se the information from the
assessment data>
&. Consider ho0 st!dents can !se the assessment information to'
)eflect on their learning
Modify their goals or actions
)evise their 0ork
A!ild on their 2&st cent!ry skills@ and so on
3escri1e 0hat yo! 0ill have yo!r st!dents do 0ith the assessment data they collect
and organi"e.
They 0ill set goals@ !se their data for reflection@ and !se their data to lan for f!t!re
ro4ects. That 0ay st!dents can see 0here they are and make goals of 0here they
0ant or need to 1e and 1rainstorm ho0 they can achieve these goals.
2. 3etermine ho0 yo! 0ill !se the assessment data to'
Modify instr!ction
3etermine roficiency
$lan f!t!re !nits@ and so on
$lan ho0 yo! 0ill !se st!dent assessment data that yo! organi"e and track.
Aased on data collection@ 5 0ill modify instr!ction 1ased on st!dent needs. 5f the
ma4ority of st!dents are missing a concet that 5 have covered@ a mini lesson might
1e necessaryL if only a fe0 st!dents are missing a concet@ individ!al conferences
0ill 1e needed. 3!ring 1rainstorms@ 5 can ga!ge common misconcetions and
address these iss!es d!ring the lessons as they rogress thro!gh a !nit.
Coyright : 20&0 5ntel Cororation. #ll rights reserved. $age &, of &2
Teach *lements
#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Module ": Assessment in A#tion
Lesson ": Module -e&ie4
Acti&ity 1: Module !ummary
Estimated Time: &0 min!tes
)eflect on the learning from this mod!le.
5 learned that data collection is very imortant. 5t is a great 0ay to ga!ge yo!r
instr!ction. 5t is also 1eneficial to st!dents to track their rogress so that they can
make goals and really !nderstand 0here they are 0ith the content@ and ho0 to
roerly master the content. 5t gives st!dents o0nershi over their o0n learning.
#dditionally@ data collection hels teachers fig!re o!t individ!al 0eak areas and
makes differentiating instr!ction a lot easier.
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#ssessment in 2&st Cent!ry Classrooms
Course $ra!%&!
Acti&ity 1: Course -e.lection
Estimated Time: 20 min!tes
)evisit the goals yo! set for assessment in yo!r classroom from Module 1, Lesson 4,
Activity 1. Write a1o!t yo!r rogress to0ard those goals.
5 lan on incororating more r!1rics and eer assessments into my !nits. 5 also
0ant to !se o1servations and take anecdotal notes thro!gho!t ma4or !nits of st!dy.
5 have made a conference sched!le and 0ant to make s!re that 5 am conferencing
0ith st!dents more.
What ne0 goals do yo! have for assessment in yo!r 2&st Cent!ry classroom> What
goals do yo! have for yo!r st!dents>
=se more assessments
$eer #ssessments
Monitor $rogress thro!gh data tracking
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and the 5ntel Teach $rogram are trademarks of 5ntel Cororation in the =nited +tates and other co!ntries.
*-ther names and 1rands may 1e claimed as the roerty of others. $age &2 of &2

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