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Read this details (from another forum), it might help .
all credit to carlosjuan
How to build branded POI Icons for Primo!
1. Prerequisites:
128Megs main memory, adding branded POI Icons add a heavy load onto the memo
ry and I dont see how a 64Meg device can handle that.
Launch Primo, go to Settings\Visual Guidance\Facility types, and choose the
four categories of POIs you want to see on the screen. I.E. gaz station, restaura
nt etc
Quit Primo.
Locate data.zip and branding.zip from a working version of Primo.
Locate into the SAVE folder the poi_visibilities.txt file copy and paste it
on your desktop.
Rename your poi_visibilites.txt of the source of working Primo SAVE director
y into poi_visibilites_old.txt
Copy and paste on your desktop the data.zip file. Do not decompress the file
Copy and paste on your desktop the branding.zip file. Do not decompress the
Rename your BRANDING.ZIP of the source of working Primo to BRANDING_OLD.ZIP
Download the UPOI Editor from here eyegps: UPOI Editor and decompress.
Its very important that you do not decompress the Primo files above. If you d
ecompress the files and then compress them again ether by Windows or Winrar, Pri
mo will not be able to open them. I presume that NNG use a special compression f
2. Brand icon files creation using UPOI program
Drag your icons into the Icons folder under the UPOI program folder. TIP: try
to use only the icons of the same category, ie (restaurant, gas, hotel, etc. If a
ny changes later (add or remove) it will be easier for you. Also name you icons
by brand.
Open UPOI Editor and select Options and select Built icon Stripe / SPR. Doing th
is, will create 2 files (BMP and SPR) into COMMON, 800_480 and 480_272 in the subdirec
tory of UI_IGOx.
Locate the two files within the directory of the screen resolution of your d
evice (800 X 480 = 800_480). Rename those 2 files by the icon file category (ie
Restaurant icons = Restaurant.bmp, Restaurant.spr, petrol_station.bmp, petrol_st
ation.spr, etc)
NOTE: in my case, I have a device with an 800X480 resolution; I found the ic
ons too big on the screen so I took the icons of the 480_272 directory instead.
3. Creating Branding.zip file structure
a. On your desktop, youre going to create the following directories
Ui_igo9\800_480 (your current resolution directory)
b. Now, youre going to fill those directories
Open the DATA.zip file
Copy and paste the directory ICONS\POI to ui_igo9\icons of desktop
Copy and paste the directory COMMON to ui_igo9\common of desktop
Copy and paste the file in DEFAULTS\POI_visibilities.txt and nq_ad_categorie
s.txt to ui_igo9\defaults.
Copy and paste the following SPR & BMP files from the resolution directory y
oure using (800_480) to ui_igo9\800_480 of desktop.
c. Copy and paste the SPR/BMP category files you created with UPOI Editor ex
: Restaurant.spr, Restaurant.bmp etc. into your resolution directory (800_480) in
igo9\800_480 of desktop.
4. Last steps; create the branded icons association with Primo.
a. Copy and paste the file UI_IGO9\ICONS\poi.icons to your desktop and renam
e to poi_old.icons the source file in UI_IGO9\ICONS\
b. Drag and Drop the whole UI_IGO9 directory you created above to the BRANDI
NG.ZIP on your desktop. Doing this, Windows will compress the files automaticall
y to the correct format that Primo wants to read
c. Open with Notepad the file in UPOI_Editor\UI_IGOx\ICONS\UPOI_Editor.icons
and make the following changes:
UPOI_Editor.spr 1

UPOI_Editor.spr 2

UPOI_Editor.spr 3
Restaurant.spr 1
Restaurant.spr 1

Restaurant.spr 2
Restaurant.spr 2

Restaurant.spr 3
Restaurant.spr 3
d. Do the modification above for all the brands you have. Quick TIP, dont hes
itate to use find and replace tool in Notepad.
e. Do this for all the brands categories, I.E Restaurant, petrol_station
f. IMPORTANT: POI.ICONS file makes the association between the SPR/BMP files
and Primo. You need to use the same file name for the SPR/BMP files and the ins
ide POI.ICONS text file. To help you to understand read below:
The brand name in brackets refers to the icon file name
$..BMP read the file into the COMMON folder
The SPR file tells to Primo what file to read and tells where the position o
f the icon in the strip of icons is.
g. Save the file and copy and paste its content into the POI.ICONS on your d
h. Copy and paste this file into the BRANDING.ZIP\UI_IGO9\ICONS\POI\. The fi
le will be compressed
Now open the poi_visibilities.txt from you desktop and locate all the brands
where you want to see the branded icons on the map screen. What you have now is
similar to this:
Petrol_Station Esso||5000|500
Petrol_Station Shell||5000|500
Petrol_Station Fas Gas Plus||5000|500
Petrol_Station Racetrac||5000|500
Petrol_Station Petro-Canada||5000|500
Petrol_Station Esso|esso|5000|500
Petrol_Station Shell|shell|5000|500
Petrol_Station Fas Gas Plus||5000|500
Petrol_Station Racetrac||5000|500
Petrol_Station Petro-Canada|petro_canada|5000|500
What you have to do is to insert between the || the name of the icon file yo
u had into the POI.ICONS brackets ex: [Esso]--? |esso|.
i. Do this for all the categories and icons you have. Dont panic, some of you
r brands may not be there. These are built from the POIs that came from your POI
files from the CONTENT\POI directory.
j. Once completed, copy this file into the SAVE directory mentioned above an
5. Modify your SYS.txt file.
a. To avoid low memory errors, I had to modify the SYS file as per the follo
max_memory=134217728 ; (128megs) ; (1meg=1048576)
reserve_memory=4194304 ; (4megs)
cache=2097152 ; (2megs)
6. Youre done! Now you should see your favorite brand icons on the map screen
! My favorites are Tim Horton and Starbucks!
you can download the latest version of upoi editor from here
Good luck
Last edited by furat52; 2nd May 2012 at 17:02.

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