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Vita Education Services www.vitaeducation.

Find someone who
Purpose: communicative and student-centered activity that involves a lot of talking
and moving around. It helps students get to know each other a little better, and it
gives them valuable practice forming questions.
Level: multilevel
Time: ! min. appro".
1. E"plain to students this is an activity to get to know a little bit about each
2. #he teacher may want to model forming some questions first and have
students practice before asking them to start the activity.
3. $ive an activity handout to each student depending on the class language
level. %ave students mingle around the room and ask yes&no questions
from the worksheet to different classmates.
4. If a student answers 'yes( to the question, the other student writes
the classmates) name on the worksheet.
5. E"plain students cannot use the same person for more than one question*
6. +irst student who writes a name for all questions wins* ,it is ok if students do
not have names for all questions-
7. +inally, students return to their seats. #eacher asks students some questions.
Example: T: Who likes cats !: "arlos
20: Who speaks # lan$ua$es !: !am
8. Ideally, everyone in the class will hear a characteristic attributed to him&her
and hear his&her name at least once.
Vita Education Services
Find someone who
%e$inner E!L Level
/alk around the room and ask a yes&no question to different classmates. If the
answer is yes, write the person)s name. 0ook at the pictures to help you* 1ractice
asking the questions with you teacher first.
&sk 'our classmates: "an 'ou 2ame of 3lassmate
4. 5. speak 3hinese6 7777777777777777
. 5. ride a motorcycle6 777777777777777
8. 5.spell your name6 77777777777777777
9. 5.use a computer6 7777777777777777
:. 5. cut hair6 7777777777777777
77777777777777777 ;. 5.whistle6 ,1rove it*-
<. 5. play the guitar6 7777777777777777
Vita Education Services
2ow tell the class.
/ho can speak 3hinese6
/ho can ride a motorcycle6
/ho can spell his&her name6
/ho can use a
/ho can cut hair6
/ho can whistle6
/ho can play the
Vita Education Services
Find someone who
%e$inner E!L Level
/alk around the room and ask a yes&no question to different classmates. If the
answer is yes, write the person)s name. 0ook at the pictures to help you* 1ractice
asking the questions with you teacher first.
&sk 'our classmates: "an 'ou 2ame of 3lassmate
4. push-ups6 ,1rove it*- 777777777777777
. 5. cook =merican food6 777777777777777
8. 5. ski6 7777777777777777
9. 5. swim6 777777777777777
:. 5. wink your right eye6 777777777777777
;. with chopsticks6 777777777777777
<. 5.catch a fish6 777777777777777
Vita Education Services
2ow tell the class.
/ho can do push-ups6
/ho can cook =merican food6
/ho can ski6
/ho can swim6
/ho can wink his&her
right eye6
/ho can eat with
/ho can catch a fish6
Vita Education Services
Find someone who
%e$inner E!L Level
/alk around the room and ask a yes&no question to different classmates. If the
answer is 'yes(, write the person)s name. 0ook at the pictures to help you* 1ractice
asking the questions with your teacher first.
&sk 'our classmates: "an 'ou (ame o) "lassmate
4. spicy food6
. 55fi" a flat tire6 7777777777777777777
8. landscaping work6 777777777777777777
9. 55.say 'hello( in 8 languages6 7777777777777777777
:. 55.send a te"t message6 7777777777777777777
;. 55spell your name backwards6 ,prove it*-
Vita Education Services
2ow tell the class.
/ho can eat spicy food6
/ho can fi" a tire6
/ho can do landscaping work6
/ho can say 'hello( in 8
/ho can send a te"t
/ho can spell his&her
name backwards6
Vita Education Services
Find !omeone Who
*i$h %e$inner E!L Level
/alk around the room and ask a yes&no question to different classmates. If the
answer is yes, write the person)s name. 0ook at the pictures to help you* 1ractice
asking the questions with your teacher first.
(ame o) "lassmate
4....... has cats 7777777777777777777
. an early bird 7777777777777777777
8. 5.was born in >anuary 7777777777777777777
9. from =sia 7777777777777777777
:. 5.. can roller skate 7777777777777777777
;. 5.. is a night owl 77777777777777777777
Vita Education Services
(ame o) "lassmate
<. 5.. likes to take baths 777777777777777777
?. 5. is a carpenter 777777777777777777
2ow tell the class ,use complete sentences-.
/ho has cats6
/ho is an early bird6
/ho was born in >anuary6
/ho is from =sia6
/ho can roller skate6
/ho is an night owl6
/ho likes to take bath6
/ho is an carpenter6
Vita Education Services
Find !omeone Who
%e$inner E!L Level
/alk around the room and ask a yes&no question to different classmates. If the
answer is 'yes(, write the person)s name. 0ook at the pictures to help you* 1ractice
asking the questions with your teacher first.
&sk 'our classmates: "an 'ou (ame o) "lassmate
4. tennis6 7777777777777777777
. 55mow the lawn6 7777777777777777777
8. 55drive a bus6 7777777777777777777
9. 55.shovel snow6 7777777777777777777
:. 55.lift weights6 7777777777777777777
;. 55..knit6 7777777777777777777
Vita Education Services
2ow tell the class.
/ho can play tennis6
/ho can mow the lawn6
/ho can drive a bus6
/ho can shovel
/ho can lift
/ho can knit6
Vita Education Services
Find !omeone Who
*i$h %e$inner E!L Level
/alk around the room and ask a yes&no question to different classmates. If the
answer is yes, write the person)s name. 0ook at the pictures to help you* 1ractice
asking the questions with your teacher first.
(ame o) "lassmate
4. ......speaks +rench 77777777777777777
. 5..has a library card 777777777777777777
8. 5.. reads the horoscope 777777777777777777
9. from #hailand 777777777777777777
:. 5.. is engaged 77777777777777777
;. 5.. grows a vegetable garden 77777777777777777
Vita Education Services
<. 5.. likes the fall season
?. 5. was born in September
2ow tell the class ,use complete sentences-.
/ho speaks +rench6
/ho has a library card6
/ho reads the horoscope6
/ho is from #hailand6
/ho is engaged6
/ho grows a vegetable garden6
/ho likes the fall
(ame o) "lassmate
/ho was born
in September6
Vita Education Services
Find someone who
%e$inner E!L Level
/alk around the room and ask a yes&no question to different classmates. If the
answer is yes, write the person)s name. 0ook at the pictures to help you*
(ame o) "lassmate
4. @o you eat cheese for breakfast6 777777777777777777
. 3an you swim6 777777777777777777
8. @o you work on weekends6 77777777777777777
9. @o you drink tea in the morning6 77777777777777777
:. =re you a cook6 77777777777777777
;. =re you from >apan6 77777777777777777
<. @o you like cats6

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