Chapt 15 Lab

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Name: Casey Reed States of Matter Lab

Go to: and clic on Run No!
States of Matter
1) #inetic ener$y %#&' is the ener$y of ((((((motion((((((.
2) Potential ener$y %P&' is the ener$y of (((((position(((((((.
3) )hat property of a substance corresponds to the a"era$e #& of its particles* temperature
4) )hat property of a substance corresponds to the a"era$e P& of its particles* phase
5) List the three common states of matter in order of hi$hest potential to lo!est. Gas, Liquid,
1) +pen Ph&, simulation States of Matter.
2) ,he be$innin$ of the lab starts !ith Neon in a solid state at -. #. %#el"in %#' is a unit of
temperature lie Celsius and /ahrenheit'. 0ou can heat or cool the substances in the container
by slidin$ the bar on the bucet to 1eat %for fire' or Cool %for ice'. Slide the bar to Cool and
cool the neon to 2 # %this !ill tae a !hile'.
a) ,he atoms are 3
A) not moving. A
B) "ibratin$ about a fi4ed position.
) slidin$ past each other.
!) mo"in$ independently around the container.
") 5s this physically possible %thin ,hird La! of ,hermodynamics'* #o
$) Go up to the tab that says 6teacher7 and chan$e the temperature scale from #el"in to
Celsius. 8ccordin$ to this 2 # 9 ((%2&3(((:C. Chan$e the scale bac to #el"in.
d) Notice the pattern of the atoms relati"e to each other. ,his pattern can best be described as
A) rectan$ular
B) he'agonal B
) octa$onal
!) amorphous %random or no pattern'
This pattern is the solid Neon's crystalline structure.
3) Clic on the 6Solid7 button on the ri$ht of the pa$e. ,his puts the Neon;s temperature bac to
-. #. )hat is this temperature in Celsius* %2()
a) ,he atoms are 3
A) not mo"in$.
B) vi"rating a"out a *i'ed position. B
) slidin$ past each other.
!) mo"in$ independently around the container.
") 8re the atoms still in their crystalline pattern e"en thou$h they;re mo"in$*
+es the, are
4) 1eat the solid Neon to <2 #. )hat is this temperature in Celsius* %253
a) )hat happens to the motion of the atoms* -t in$rease
") 8re the atoms still in the crystalline pattern* +es
5) 1eat the Neon to .2 #. )hat is this temperature in Celsius* %243
a) ,he atoms are 3
A) not mo"in$.
B) "ibratin$ about a fi4ed position.
) sliding past ea$h other.
!) mo"in$ independently around the container.
") )hat state does this represent* Liquid
Every now and then one atom gains enough energy to break free from the group. This is called a
() 1eat the Neon to =2 #. )hat is this temperature in Celsius* %213
a) ,he atoms are 3
A) not mo"in$.
B) "ibratin$ about a fi4ed position.
) slidin$ past each other.
!) moving independentl, around the $ontainer. !
") )hat state is this* Gas
$) 8re all of the atoms mo"in$ at the same speed* #o
d) >oes one indi"idual atom al!ays $o the same speed* #o
e) ,emperature corresponds to the (((((average(((( #& %or speed' of the atoms.
&) 1eat the Neon to -<2 #.
a) +n a"era$e? the speed of the atoms is (((((B(((((( the speed of the atoms at =2 #.
A) half
B) t.i$e
) si4ty times
!) the same as
/) Loo at !ater as a $as. ,he molecules no! ha"e t!o types of motion. Linear and
1) Loo at !ater as a solid. Notice the pattern. No! loo at Neon? 8r$on? and +4y$en as a solid.
)hat do you notice in terms of the space bet!een the particles* 2ater has the most spa$e
"et.een parti$les
1)) Most substances shrin !hen they free@e from a liAuid into a solid? but because of !ater;s
uniAue shape? !hen it free@es it actually (((((e'pands(((((((.
11) 2:C 9 ((((2&3((((( # -22:C 9 ((((3&3((((( # x :C 9
(((('32&3(((( #

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