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Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)

Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids

11.1 Multiple Choice and Bimodal Questions
1) Based on molecular mass and dipole moment o! the !i"e compounds in the ta#le
#elow, which should ha"e the hi$hest #oilin$ point%

' ( '
C) C) C)

' '
C) *C)

C) Cl
C) C)*
C) C-

&nswer: ,
+i!!: '
.a$e /e!: ec0 110(

() *! the !ollowin$ su#stances, only 1111111111 has London dispersion !orces as its
only intermolecular !orce0
C) *)
,) )Cl
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
') *! the !ollowin$ su#stances, only 1111111111 has London dispersion !orces as the
only intermolecular !orce0
C) *)
+) 3r
,) )Cl
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

2) 4hich one o! the !ollowin$ should ha"e the lowest #oilin$ point%
C) )Cl
) *
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

5) *! the !ollowin$ su#stances, 1111111111 has the hi$hest #oilin$ point0
) *
+) 3r
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
6) *! the !ollowin$, 1111111111 has the hi$hest #oilin$ point0
&nswer: B
+i!!: '
.a$e /e!: ec0 110(

7) In which o! the !ollowin$ molecules is hydro$en #ondin$ li8ely to #e the most
si$ni!icant component o! the total intermolecular !orces%
5 11
C ) *)
6 1' (
C ) -)
C) *)
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

9) 4hich o! the !ollowin$ has dispersion !orces as its only intermolecular !orce%
B) )Cl
6 1' (
C ) -)
+) -aCl
C) Cl
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
:) ;he su#stance with the lar$est heat o! "apori<ation is 11111111110
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

1=) *! the !ollowin$, 1111111111 is an e>othermic process0
&) meltin$
B) su#limin$
C) !ree<in$
+) #oilin$
,) &ll o! the a#o"e are e>othermic0
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

11) ;he heat o! !usion o! water is 60=1 8?/mol0 ;he heat capacity o! liquid water is
750' ? / mol 3 g 0 ;he con"ersion o!
5=0= $
o! ice at =0== @C to liquid water at ((0= @C
requires 1111111111 8? o! heat0
'09 1=
B) (10'
C) 170(
+) =026:
,) Insu!!icient data are $i"en0
&nswer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
1() ;he heatin$ cur"e shown was $enerated #y measurin$ the heat !low and temperature
!or a solid as it was heated0 ;he slope o! the 1111111111 se$ment corresponds to the heat
capacity o! the liquid o! the su#stance0
&) &B
C) C+
+) +,
,) ,F
&nswer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

1') ;he heatin$ cur"e shown was $enerated #y measurin$ the heat !low and temperature
!or a solid as it was heated0 ;he slope o! the 1111111111 se$ment corresponds to the heat
capacity o! the solid0
&) &B
C) C+
+) +,
,) ,F
&nswer: &
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
12) ;he heatin$ cur"e shown was $enerated #y measurin$ the heat !low and temperature
!or a solid as it was heated0 ;he slope o! the 1111111111 se$ment corresponds to the heat
capacity o! the $as0
&) &B
C) C+
+) +,
,) ,F
&nswer: ,
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

15) ;he heatin$ cur"e shown was $enerated #y measurin$ the heat !low and temperature
o! a solid as it was heated0 ;he heat !low into the sample in the se$ment 1111111111 will
yield the "alue o! the

o! this su#stance0
&) &B
C) C+
+) +,
,) ,F
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

16) ;he heatin$ cur"e shown was $enerated #y measurin$ the heat !low and temperature
o! a solid as it was heated0 ;he heat !low into the sample in the se$ment 1111111111 will
yield the "alue o! the

o! this su#stance0
&) &B
C) C+
+) +,
,) ,F
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
17) *! the !ollowin$, 1111111111 should ha"e the hi$hest critical temperature0
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

19) *! the !ollowin$, 1111111111 is the most "olatile0
6 12
C )
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
1:) *n the phase dia$ram shown a#o"e, se$ment 1111111111 corresponds to the
conditions o! temperature and pressure under which the solid and the $as o! the su#stance
are in equili#rium0
&) &B
B) &C
C) &+
+) C+
,) BC
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

(=) *n the phase dia$ram shown a#o"e, the coordinates o! point 1111111111 correspond
to the critical temperature and pressure0
&) &
B) B
C) C
+) +
,) ,
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(1) ;he phase dia$ram o! a su#stance is $i"en a#o"e0 ;he re$ion that corresponds to the
solid phase is 11111111110
&) w
B) >
C) y
+) <
,) > and y
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(() ;he normal #oilin$ point o! the su#stance with the phase dia$ram shown a#o"e is
1111111111 @C0
&) 1=
B) (=
C) '=
+) 2=
,) 5=
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(') ;he phase dia$ram o! a su#stance is shown a#o"e0 ;he area la#eled 1111111111
indicates the $as phase !or the su#stance0
&) w
B) >
C) y
+) <
,) y and <
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

(2) &ccordin$ to the phase dia$ram shown a#o"e, the normal #oilin$ point o! this
su#stance is 1111111111 @C0
&) A'
B) 1=
C) (:
+) '9
,) =
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(5) 4hich one o! the !ollowin$ cannot !orm a solid with a lattice #ased on the sodium
chloride structure%
&) -aBr
B) LiF
C) /#I
+) Cu*
&nswer: ,
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

(6) Ballium crystalli<es in a primiti"e cu#ic unit cell0 ;he len$th o! the unit cell ed$e is
'07=C0 ;he radius o! a Ba atom is 1111111111 C0
&) 702=
B) '07=
C) 1095
+) =0:'=
,) Insu!!icient data is $i"en0
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

(7) .otassium metal crystalli<es in a #odyAcentered cu#ic structure with a unit cell ed$e
len$th o! 50'1 C0 ;he radius o! a potassium atom is 1111111111 C0
&) 10''
B) 1099
C) (0'=
+) (066
,) 50'1
&nswer: C
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(9) 4hich o! the !ollowin$ is not a type o! solid%
&) ionic
B) molecular
C) supercritical
+) metallic
,) co"alentAnetwor8
&nswer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8

(:) 1111111111 solids consist o! atoms or molecules held to$ether #y dipoleAdipole
!orces, London disperson !orces, and/or hydro$en #onds0
&) Ionic
B) Molecular
C) Metallic
+) Co"alentAnetwor8
,) Metallic and co"alentAnetwor8
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
11.2 Multiple-Choice Questions
1) Crystalline solids 11111111110
&) ha"e their particles arran$ed randomly
B) ha"e hi$hly ordered structures
C) are usually "ery so!t
+) e>ist only at hi$h temperatures
,) e>ist only at "ery low temperatures
&nswer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1

() In liquids, the attracti"e intermolecular !orces are 11111111110
&) "ery wea8 compared with 8inetic ener$ies o! the molecules
B) stron$ enou$h to hold molecules relati"ely close to$ether
C) stron$ enou$h to 8eep the molecules con!ined to "i#ratin$ a#out their !i>ed lattice
+) not stron$ enou$h to 8eep molecules !rom mo"in$ past each other
,) stron$ enou$h to hold molecules relati"ely close to$ether #ut not stron$ enou$h to
8eep molecules !rom mo"in$ past each other
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1

') &s a solid element melts, the atoms #ecome 1111111111 and they ha"e 1111111111
attraction !or one another0
&) more separated, more
B) more separated, less
C) closer to$ether, more
+) closer to$ether, less
,) lar$er, $reater
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
2) & $as is 1111111111 and assumes 1111111111 o! its container whereas a liquid is
1111111111 and assumes 1111111111 o! its container0
&) compressi#le, the "olume and shape, not compressi#le, the shape o! a portion
B) compressi#le, the shape, not compressi#le, the "olume and shape
C) compressi#le, the "olume and shape, compressi#le, the "olume
+) condensed, the "olume and shape, condensed, the "olume and shape
,) condensed, the shape, compressi#le, the "olume and shape
&nswer: &
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1

5) ;o$ether, liquids and solids constitute 1111111111 phases o! matter0
&) the compressi#le
B) the !luid
C) the condensed
+) all o! the
,) the disordered
&nswer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1

6) 4hich statement is true a#out liquids #ut not true a#out solids%
&) ;hey !low and are hi$hly ordered0
B) ;hey are hi$hly ordered and not compressi#le0
C) ;hey !low and are compressi#le0
+) ;hey assume #oth the "olume and the shape o! their containers0
,) ;hey !low and are not compressi#le0
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
7) ;he stron$est interparticle attractions e>ist #etween particles o! a 1111111111 and the
wea8est interparticle attractions e>ist #etween particles o! a 11111111110
&) solid, liquid
B) solid, $as
C) liquid, $as
+) liquid, solid
,) $as, solid
&nswer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1

9) 4hich one o! the !ollowin$ e>hi#its dipoleAdipole attraction #etween molecules%
&nswer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

:) 4hen -aCl dissol"es in water, aqueous -a
and Cl

ions result0 ;he !orce o!

attraction that e>ists #etween -a
) *
is called a(n) 1111111111 interaction0
&) dipoleAdipole
B) ionAion
C) hydro$en #ondin$
+) ionAdipole
,) London dispersion !orce
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
1=) 1111111111 are particularly polari<a#le0
&) mall nonpolar molecules
B) mall polar molecules
C) Lar$e nonpolar molecules
+) Lar$e polar molecules
,) Lar$e molecules, re$ardless o! their polarity,
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

11) ;he ease with which the char$e distri#ution in a molecule can #e distorted #y an
e>ternal electrical !ield is called the 11111111110
&) electrone$ati"ity
B) hydro$en #ondin$
C) polari<a#ility
+) "olatility
,) "iscosity
&nswer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

1() 4hich one o! the !ollowin$ deri"ati"es o! ethane has the hi$hest #oilin$ point%
( 6
C Br
( 6
( 6
( 6
C Cl
( 6
C )
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
1') 4hat is the predominant intermolecular !orce in
&) LondonAdispersion !orces
B) ionAdipole attraction
C) ionic #ondin$
+) dipoleAdipole attraction
,) hydro$enA#ondin$
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

12) ;he intermolecular !orce(s) responsi#le !or the !act that
has the lowest #oilin$
point in the set
2 2 2 2
C) ,i) , Be) ,n)
is/are 11111111110
&) hydro$en #ondin$
B) dipoleAdipole interactions
C) London dispersion !orces
+) mainly hydro$en #ondin$ #ut also dipoleAdipole interactions
,) mainly LondonAdispersion !orces #ut also dipoleAdipole interactions
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

15) ,lemental iodine
(I )
is a solid at room temperature0 4hat is the maEor attracti"e
!orce that e>ists amon$ di!!erent
molecules in the solid%
&) London dispersion !orces
B) dipoleAdipole reEections
C) ionicAdipole interactions
+) co"alentAionic interactions
,) dipoleAdipole attractions
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
16) )ydro$en #ondin$ is a special case o! 11111111110
&) LondonAdispersion !orces
B) ionAdipole attraction
C) dipoleAdipole attractions
+) ionAion interactions
,) none o! the a#o"e
&nswer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

17) 4hich one o! the !ollowin$ su#stances will ha"e hydro$en #ondin$ as one o! its
intermolecular !orces%

&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids

19) 4hich one o! the !ollowin$ su#stances will not ha"e hydro$en #ondin$ as one o! its
intermolecular !orces%
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

1:) 4hat intermolecular !orce is responsi#le !or the !act that ice is less dense than liquid
&) London dispersion !orces
B) dipoleAdipole !orces
C) ionAdipole !orces
+) hydro$en #ondin$
,) ionic #ondin$
&nswer: +
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(=) ;he predominant intermolecular !orce in
' (
(C) ) -)
is 11111111110
&) London dispersion !orces
B) ionAdipole !orces
C) ionic #ondin$
+) dipoleAdipole !orces
,) hydro$en #ondin$
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

1( (6
C )
molecules are held to$ether #y 11111111110
&) ionAion interactions
B) hydro$en #ondin$
C) ionAdipole interactions
+) dipoleAdipole interactions
,) dispersion !orces
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

(() 4hich o! the !ollowin$ molecules has hydro$en #ondin$ as its only intermolecular
&) )F
) *
6 1' (
C ) -)
5 11
C ) *)
,) -one, all o! the a#o"e e>hi#it dispersion !orces0
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(') 4hat types o! intermolecular !orces e>ist #etween )I and
&) dipoleAdipole and ionAdipole
B) dispersion !orces, dipoleAdipole, and ionAdipole
C) dispersion !orces, hydro$en #ondin$, dipoleAdipole, and ionAdipole
+) dispersion !orces and dipoleAdipole
,) dispersion !orces, dipoleAdipole, and ionAdipole
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

(2) 4hat type(s) o! intermolecular !orces e>ist #etween
&) dispersion !orces
B) dispersion !orces and ionAdipole
C) dispersion !orces and dipoleAdipole
+) dispersion !orces, ionAdipole, and dipoleAdipole
,) -one0 ince #oth are $ases at room temperature, they do not interact with each other0
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

(5) 4hat type(s) o! intermolecular !orces e>ist #etween

&) dispersion !orces
B) dispersion !orces and ionAdipole
C) dispersion !orces, ionAdipole, and induced dipole A induced dipole
+) dispersion !orces and ionAinduced dipole
,) dispersion !orces, ionAdipole, dipoleAdipole, and ionAinduced dipole
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(6) 4hat types o! intermolecular !orces e>ist #etween
&) dispersion !orces and dipoleAdipole !orces
B) dispersion !orces and dipoleAinduced dipole !orces
C) dispersion !orces and hydro$en #onds
+) dispersion !orces, hydro$en #onds, and induced dipoleAinduced dipole !orces
,) dispersion !orces, hydro$en #onds, and dipoleAinduced dipole !orces
&nswer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

(7) 1111111111 is the ener$y required to e>pand the sur!ace area o! a liquid #y a unit
amount o! area0
&) Fiscosity
B) ur!ace tension
C) Folatility
+) Meniscus
,) Capillary action
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.3
(9) 4hich statements a#out "iscosity are true%
(i) Fiscosity increases as temperature decreases0
(ii) Fiscosity increases as molecular wei$ht increases0
(iii) Fiscosity increases as intermolecular !orces increase0
&) (i) only
B) (ii) and (iii)
C) (i) and (iii)
+) none
,) all
&nswer: ,
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
(:) ;he shape o! a liquidGs meniscus is determined #y 11111111110
&) the "iscosity o! the liquid
B) the type o! material the container is made o!
C) the relati"e ma$nitudes o! cohesi"e !orces in the liquid and adhesi"e !orces #etween
the liquid and its container
+) the amount o! hydro$en #ondin$ in the liquid
,) the "olume o! the liquid
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.3

'=) Fiscosity is 11111111110
&) the Hs8inH on a liquid sur!ace caused #y intermolecular attraction
B) the resistance to !low
C) the same as density
+) in"ersely proportional to molar mass
,) una!!ected #y temperature
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.3

'1) )ow hi$h a liquid will rise up a narrow tu#e as a result o! capillary action depends on
&) the ma$nitudes o! cohesi"e !orces in the liquid and adhesi"e !orces #etween the liquid
and the tu#e, and $ra"ity
B) $ra"ity alone
C) only the ma$nitude o! adhesi"e !orces #etween the liquid and the tu#e
+) the "iscosity o! the liquid
,) only the ma$nitude o! cohesi"e !orces in the liquid
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
'() ;he property responsi#le !or the H#eadin$ upH o! water is 11111111110
&) density
B) "iscosity
C) "apor pressure
+) sur!ace tension
,) hydro$en #ondin$
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.3

'') )eat o! su#limation can #e appro>imated #y addin$ to$ether 1111111111 and
&) heat o! !usion, heat o! condensation
B) heat o! !usion, heat o! "apori<ation
C) heat o! !ree<in$ (solidi!ication), heat o! condensation
+) heat o! !ree<in$ (solidi!ication), heat o! "apori<ation
,) heat o! deposition, heat o! "apori<ation
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

'2) 4hich o! the !ollowin$ statements is !alse%
&) ;he a#solute "alue o! the heat o! su#limation is equal to the a#solute "alue o! the heat
o! deposition0
B) ;he heat o! su#limation is equal to the sum o! the heat o! "apori<ation and the heat o!
C) ;he heat o! su#limation is equal to the sum o! the heat o! "apori<ation and the heat o!
+) ;he a#solute "alue o! the heat o! su#limation is equal to the a#solute "alue o! the sum
o! the heat o! condensation and the heat o! !ree<in$0
,) ;he a#solute "alue o! the heat o! deposition is equal to sum o! the a#solute "alue o!
the heat o! "apori<ation and the a#solute "alue o! the heat o! !ree<in$0
&nswer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
'5) ;he phase chan$es B I C and + I , are not associated with temperature increases
#ecause the heat ener$y is used up to 11111111110
&) increase distances #etween molecules
B) #rea8 intramolecular #onds
C) rearran$e atoms within molecules
+) increase the "elocity o! molecules
,) increase the density o! the sample
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
'6) Based on the !ollowin$ in!ormation, which compound has the stron$est
intermolecular !orces%
Substance H
&r$on (&r) 60'
Ben<ene (
6 6
C )
) '10=
,thanol (
( 5
C ) *)
) ':0'
4ater (
) *
) 2=09
Methane (
) :0(

&) &r$on
B) Ben<ene
C) ,thanol
+) 4ater
,) Methane
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

'7) 4hich o! the !ollowin$ is not an e>istin$ or a potential application o! the supercritical
car#on dio>ide%
&) e>traction o! ca!!eine !rom co!!ee #eans
B) isolation o! the !la"or components o! her#s and spices
C) e>traction o! essential !la"or elements !rom hops !or use in #rewin$
+) use as a sol"ent in dry cleanin$
,) use as a coolant in re!ri$eration
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
'9) Calculate the enthalpy chan$e associated with the con"ersion o! (50= $rams o! ice at
A20== @C to water "apor at 11=0= @C0 ;he speci!ic heats o! ice, water, and steam are (0=:
?/$A3, 2019 ?/$A3, and 1092 ?/$A3, respecti"ely0 For
) *, J)
K 60=1 8?/mol and
K 2=067 8?/mol0
&) 6209 8?
B) 750: 8?
1011 1= 8?
101( 1= 8?
10== 1= 8?
&nswer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

':) Lar$e intermolecular !orces in a su#stance are mani!ested #y 11111111110
&) low "apor pressure
B) hi$h #oilin$ point
C) hi$h heats o! !usion and "apori<ation
+) hi$h critical temperatures and pressures
,) all o! the a#o"e
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

2=) & su#stance that e>pands to !ill its container yet has a density approachin$ that o! a
liquid, and that can #eha"e as a sol"ent is called a(n) 11111111110
&) plasma
B) $as
C) liquid
+) amorphous solid
,) supercritical !luid and $as
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids

21) ;he critical temperature and pressure o!
are (7: @C and 79 atm, respecti"ely0 &t
temperatures a#o"e (7: @C and pressures a#o"e 79 atm,
can only occur as a
&) solid
B) liquid
C) liquid and $as
+) $as
,) supercritical !luid
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

2() & "olatile liquid is one that 11111111110
&) is hi$hly !lamma#le
B) is hi$hly "iscous
C) is hi$hly hydro$enA#onded
+) is hi$hly cohesi"e
,) readily e"aporates
&nswer: ,
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

2') In $eneral, the "apor pressure o! a su#stance increases as 1111111111 increases0
&) sur!ace tension
B) molecular wei$ht
C) hydro$en #ondin$
+) "iscosity
,) temperature
&nswer: ,
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
22) ;he "apor pressure o! any su#stance at its normal #oilin$ point is
&) 1 .a
B) 1 torr
C) 1 atm
+) equal to atmospheric pressure
,) equal to the "apor pressure o! water
&nswer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

25) Folatility and "apor pressure are 11111111110
&) in"ersely proportional to one another
B) directly proportional to one another
C) not related
+) the same thin$
,) #oth independent o! temperature
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

26) ome thin$s ta8e lon$er to coo8 at hi$h altitudes than at low altitudes #ecause
&) water #oils at a lower temperature at hi$h altitude than at low altitude
B) water #oils at a hi$her temperature at hi$h altitude than at low altitude
C) heat isnGt conducted as well in low density air
+) natural $as !lames donGt #urn as hot at hi$h altitudes
,) there is a hi$her moisture content in the air at hi$h altitude
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
27) ;he "apor pressure o! a liquid 11111111110
&) increases linearly with increasin$ temperature
B) increases nonlinearly with increasin$ temperature
C) decreases linearly with increasin$ temperature
+) decreases nonlinearly with increasin$ temperature
,) is totally unrelated to its molecular structure
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

29) ;he slope o! a plot o! the natural lo$ o! the "apor pressure o! a su#stance "ersus 1/;
is 11111111110



&nswer: +
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
2:) +iethyl ether is a "olatile or$anic compound0 ;he "apor pressure o! diethyl ether is
2=1 mm )$ at 19 @C and the J)
K (60= 8?/mol0 Calculate the "apor pressure o!
diethyl ether at (5 @C0
&) 2=1 mm )$
B) 5== mm )$
C) 517 mm )$
+) 5:9 mm )$
,) 6=5 mm )$
&nswer: C
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

5=) +iethyl ether is a "olatile or$anic compound0 ;he "apor pressure o! diethyl ether is
2=1 mm )$ at 19 @C and the J)
K (60= 8?/mol0 Calculate the "apor pressure o!
diethyl ether at = @C0
&) 15= mm )$
B) 1:9 mm )$
C) ''2 mm )$
+) 5:9 mm )$
,) 915 mm )$
&nswer: B
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

51) +iethyl ether is a "olatile or$anic compound0 ;he "apor pressure o! diethyl ether is
2=1 mm )$ at 19 @C and the J)
K (60= 8?/mol0 Calculate the "apor pressure o!
diethyl ether at 2= @C0
&) 2=1 mm )$
B) 517 mm )$
C) 5:9 mm )$
+) 6=5 mm )$
,) 95' mm )$
&nswer: ,
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
5() ;he phase dia$ram o! a su#stance is $i"en a#o"e0 ;his su#stance is a 1111111111 at
(5 @C and 10= atm0
&) solid
B) liquid
C) $as
+) supercritical !luid
,) crystal
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

5') *n a phase dia$ram, the critical pressure is 11111111110
&) the pressure required to melt a solid
B) the pressure #elow which a su#stance is a solid at all temperatures
C) the pressure a#o"e which a su#stance is a liquid at all temperatures
+) the pressure at which a liquid chan$es to a $as
,) the pressure required to lique!y a $as at its critical temperature
&nswer: ,
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
52) *n a phase dia$ram, the critical temperature is 11111111110
&) the temperature #elow which a $as cannot #e lique!ied
B) the temperature a#o"e which a $as cannot #e lique!ied
C) the temperature at which all three states are in equili#rium
+) the temperature required to melt a solid
,) the temperature required to cause su#limation o! a solid
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

55) *n a phase dia$ram, the meltin$ point is the same as 11111111110
&) the triple point
B) the critical point
C) the !ree<in$ point
+) the #oilin$ point
,) the "aporApressure cur"e
&nswer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

56) 4hen the phase dia$ram !or a su#stance has a solidAliquid phase #oundary line that
has a ne$ati"e slope (leans to the le!t), the su#stance 11111111110
&) can $o !rom solid to liquid, within a small temperature ran$e, "ia the application o!
B) su#limes rather than melts under ordinary conditions
C) cannot $o !rom solid to liquid #y application o! pressure at any temperature
+) cannot #e lique!ied a#o"e its triple point
,) melts rather than su#limes under ordinary conditions
&nswer: &
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
57) Crystalline solids di!!er !rom amorphous solids in that crystalline solids ha"e
&) apprecia#le intermolecular attracti"e !orces
B) a lon$Aran$e repeatin$ pattern o! atoms, molecules, or ions
C) atoms, molecules, or ions that are close to$ether
+) much lar$er atoms, molecules, or ions
,) no orderly structure
&nswer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

59) ;he unit cell with all sides the same len$th and all an$les equal to := @ that has lattice
points only at the corners is called 11111111110
&) monoclinic
B) #odyAcentered cu#ic
C) primiti"e cu#ic
+) !aceAcentered cu#ic
,) spherical cu#ic
&nswer: C
+i!!: (
.a$e /e!: ec0 1107
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
5:) 4hat !raction o! the "olume o! each corner atom is actually within the "olume o! a
!aceAcentered cu#ic unit cell%
&) 1
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

6=) CsCl crystalli<es in a unit cell that contains the Cs
ion at the center o! a cu#e that
has a Cl
at each corner0 ,ach unit cell contains 1111111111 Cs
ions and 1111111111
, ions, respecti"ely0
&) 1 and 9
B) ( and 1
C) 1 and 1
+) ( and (
,) ( and 2
&nswer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
61) ;he predominant intermolecular !orce in
is 11111111110
&) LondonAdispersion !orces
B) ionAdipole !orces
C) ionic #ondin$
+) dipoleAdipole !orces
,) hydro$en #ondin$
&nswer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

6() CsCl crystalli<es in a unit cell that contains a Cs
ion at the center o! a cu#e and a Cl
ion at each corner0 ;he unit cell o! CsCl is 11111111110
&) close pac8ed
B) #odyAcentered cu#ic
C) !aceAcentered cu#ic
+) amorphous
,) primiti"e cu#ic
&nswer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

6') -aCl crystalli<es in a !aceAcentered cu#ic cell0 4hat is the total num#er o! ions
ions and Cl
ions) that lie within a unit cell o! -aCl%
&) (
B) 2
C) 9
+) 6
,) 5
&nswer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
62) 4hat portion o! the "olume o! each atom or ion on the !ace o! a unit cell is actually
within the unit cell%
&) 1/(
B) 1/2
C) '/2
+) all o! it
,) none o! it
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

65) ;he scatterin$ o! li$ht wa"es upon passin$ throu$h a narrow slit is called
&) di!!usion
B) $ratin$
C) di!!raction
+) adhesion
,) incidence
&nswer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
66) Consider the !ollowin$ statements a#out crystalline solids:
(i) Molecules or atoms in molecular solids are held to$ether "ia
intermolecular !orces0
(ii) Metallic solids ha"e atoms in the points o! the crystal lattice0
(iii) Ionic solids ha"e !ormula units in the point o! the crystal lattice0
(i") &toms in co"alentAnetwor8 solids are connected "ia a networ8
o! co"alent #onds0
4hich o! the statements is !alse%
&) (i)
B) (ii)
C) (iii)
+) (i")
,) none
&nswer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8

67) & solid has a "ery hi$h meltin$ point, $reat hardness, and poor electrical conduction0
;his is a(n) 1111111111 solid0
&) ionic
B) molecular
C) metallic
+) co"alent networ8
,) metallic and co"alent networ8
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
69) &n ionic solid, -aCl(s), dissol"es in water #ecause o! the 11111111110
&) relati"ely low lattice ener$y due to small char$es o! -a
and Cl
B) simple !aceAcentered cu#ic unit cell type it !orms
C) 1:1 ratio o! ions in the unit cell
+) stron$ coulom#ic interactions #etween oppositely char$ed ions
,) relati"ely low meltin$ point
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8
6:) Metallic solids do not e>hi#it 11111111110
&) e>cellent thermal conducti"ity
B) e>cellent electrical conducti"ity
C) "aria#le hardness
+) e>treme #rittleness
,) "aria#le meltin$ point
&nswer: +
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8
11." Sho#t $ns%e# Questions
1) In $eneral, intramolecular !orces determine the 1111111111 properties o! a su#stance
and intermolecular !orces determine its 1111111111 properties0
&nswer: chemical, physical
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.1

() London +ispersion Forces tend to 1111111111 in stren$th with increasin$ molecular
&nswer: increase
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
') ;he direct con"ersion o! a solid to a $as is called 11111111110
&nswer: su#limation
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

2) )ow many atoms are contained in a !aceAcentered cu#ic unit cell%
&nswer: 2
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

5) Chromium crystalli<es in a #odyAcentered cu#ic unit cell0 ;here are 1111111111
chromium atoms per unit cell0
&nswer: (
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

6) 4hen lattice points occur only at the corners o! a unit cell, the cell is called
&nswer: primiti"e cu#ic
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

7) 4hen lattice points occur at the corners and at the center o! a unit cell, the cell is
called 11111111110
&nswer: #odyAcentered cu#ic
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
9) 4hen lattice points occur at the center o! each !ace, as well as each corner o! a unit
cell, the cell is called 11111111110
&nswer: !aceAcentered cu#ic
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.7

11.& '#ue(alse Questions
1) ;he principal source o! the di!!erence in the normal #oilin$ points o! ICl (:7 @CM
molecular mass 16( amu) and
(5: @CM molecular mass 16= amu) is #oth dipoleA
dipole interactions and London dispersion !orces0
&nswer: False
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

() ;he #oilin$ points o! normal hydrocar#ons are hi$her than those o! #ranched
hydrocar#ons o! similar molecular wei$ht #ecause the LondonAdispersion !orces #etween
normal hydrocar#ons are $reater than those #etween #ranched hydrocar#ons0
&nswer: ;rue
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.2

') )eats o! "apori<ation are $reater than heats o! !usion0
&nswer: ;rue
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

2) Nnder ordinary conditions, a su#stance will su#lime rather than melt i! its triple point
occurs at a pressure a#o"e atmospheric pressure0
&nswer: ;rue
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
5) ;he type o! solid that is characteri<ed #y low meltin$ point, so!tness, and low
electrical conduction is a co"alentAnetwor8 solid0
&nswer: False
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 11.8

11.) $l*o#ithmic Questions
1) ;he enthalpy chan$e !or con"ertin$ 10== mol o! ice at A5=0= @C to water at 7=0= @C is
1111111111 8? ;he speci!ic heats o! ice, water, and steam are (0=: ?/$A3, 2019 ?/$A3, and
1092 ?/$A3, respecti"ely0 For
) *, )
K 60=1 8?/mol, and )
K 2=067 8?/mol0
&) 1(0(9
B) 6021
C) 1'016
+) 7152
,) :02=
&nswer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4
() ;he enthalpy chan$e !or con"ertin$ 1=0= $ o! ice at A(50= @C to water at 9=0= @C is
1111111111 8?0 ;he speci!ic heats o! ice, water, and steam are (0=: ?/$A3, 2019 ?/$A3,
and 1092 ?/$A3 respecti"ely0 For
) *, )
K 60=1 8?/mol, and )
K 2=067 8?/mol
&) 1(0(9
B) 6016
C) '97=
+) 70(1
,) :099
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
') ;he !luorocar#on
( ' '
C Cl F
has a normal #oilin$ point o! 2706 @C0 ;he speci!ic heats o!
( ' '
C Cl F (l)
( ' '
C Cl F ($)
are =0:1 ?/$A3 and =067 ?/$A3, respecti"ely0 ;he heat o!
"apori<ation o! the compound is (702: 8?/mol0 ;he heat required to con"ert 5=0= $ o! the
compound !rom the liquid at 50= @C to the $as at 9=0= @C is 1111111111 8?0
&) 901:
B) 1252
C) '=051
+) '='1
,) 1=0'6
&nswer: ,
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4

2) ,thanol
( 5
(C ) *))
melts at A112 @C0 ;he enthalpy o! !usion is 50=( 8?/mol0 ;he
speci!ic heats o! solid and liquid ethanol are =0:7 ?/$A3 and (0' ?/$A3, respecti"ely0 )ow
much heat (8?) is needed to con"ert (50= $ o! solid ethanol at A1'5 @C to liquid ethanol at
A5= @C%
&) (=70'
B) A1(07
C) 60:1
+) 21:(
,) :0(1
&nswer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 11.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
5) Based on the !i$ure a#o"e, the #oilin$ point o! diethyl ether under an e>ternal pressure
o! 10'( atm is 1111111111 @C0
&) 1=
B) (=
C) '=
+) 2=
,) =
&nswer: +
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and olids
6) Based on the !i$ure a#o"e, the #oilin$ point o! ethyl alcohol under an e>ternal pressure
o! =0=7(2 atm is 1111111111 @C0
&) 9=
B) 6=
C) 7=
+) 2=
,) (=
&nswer: ,
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5
7) Based on the !i$ure a#o"e, the #oilin$ point o! water under an e>ternal pressure o!
=0'16 atm is 1111111111 @C0
&) 7=
B) 2=
C) 6=
+) 9=
,) :=
&nswer: &
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 11.5

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