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Memo Memo

From: President, LFCW

To: All Mission Station
Subject: July 2014 Prophetic Focus
Date: June 30, 0!"
Exceeding Grace #reetin#s in t$e %recious name o& Jesus C$rist'
( $a)e no doubt t$at e)er*one o& us must $a)e e+%erienced some notable encounters ,it$ t$e
,ord o& -od all t$rou#$ t$e mont$ o& June, 0!"' T$e $umblin# testimonies s$ared on our
)arious altars are %roo&s t$at -od.s ,ord ,or/s' 0ne o& suc$ is a man ,$o $as been %aral*1ed
&or o)er 2 mont$s, $ad an encounter ,$ile readin# Understanding the Power of Praise and
di)ine ener#* be#an to sur#e in $im and be&ore #ettin# t$rou#$ to t$e end o& t$e boo/, $e ,as
%er&ectl* made ,$ole' T$is testimon* ,as s$ared t,o Sunda*s a#o at our -os$en c$urc$ in
Abuja' To -od be all t$e #lor*' Ma* e)er*one.s encounter in t$is season last a li&etime in Jesus.
name' Amen'
3ut ,$at is t$e 4ol* -$ost sa*in# &or t$is mont$ o& Jul* 0!"5
Just as e)er* natural &at$er ,ants t$eir c$ildren to %ros%er and 6ouris$7 in t$e same manner
and muc$ more, -od does not desire an* less &or 4is c$ildren (3Jn 2).
T$e ,ealt$ o& e)er* natural &at$er re6ects in t$eir c$ildren, so also $as -od ordained same &or
4is c$ildren (1Tim 6:17-19)
8)er* Winner s$ould e+%ect to be )isited &or a su%ernatural turnaround t$is mont$'
9emember, -od $as come do,n in t$e midst o& t$is *ear, amon# ot$ers, to le)el out all
e)erlastin# mountains and scatter all %er%etual $ills on our %at$s' :Hab 3:1-19)
(n addition, t$e midst o& t$e *ear is also ordained &or encounter ,it$ ;nancial &ortune (Hag 2:1-
All t$rou#$ scri%tures most turnaround encounters came suddenly:
-od )isited <oa$ suddenl* and t$at led to t$e %reser)ation o& t$e #eneration o& $umanit*
= Gen 6:13-14
Sudden )isitation turned Abra$am to a s*mbol o& #enerational blessin#(Gen 12:1-4/ 22:1-
Suddenl*, -od )isited -ideon and turned $im to a #reat deli)erer - Judg 6:1-14
-od )isited Solomon suddenl*, and as result $e became t$e ,ealt$iest man in 3ible
$istor* 1!g 3:3-13/ 1!g 4:22-27/1!g 1":4-23 (23)#
9emember, e)er* c$ild o& -od is a seed o& Abra$am $ Gal 3:29
-od once said to Abra$am; %&nd in '(y seed s(all all '(e na'i)ns )* '(e ea+'( be
blessed,-- Gen 22:18
Alt$ou#$, ,e are redeemed to be blessed, but muc$ more im%ortantl*, redem%tion is ordained
to ma/e us a blessin# to our ,orld $ 2.)+ 8:9/Gen 22:17-18.
4o,e)er, it s$ould be noted t$at ,ealt$ in t$e >in#dom is an ENT!"TMENT but not an
#TT#$NMENT' T$is im%lies t$at, -od onl* em%o,ers t$ose 4e can trust ,it$ ,ealt$, t$at is,
t$ose ,$o ,ill use suc$ ,ealt$ &or 4is #lor* $ /eu' 8:18/ 01 16:11
T$ere&ore, t$e %ro%$etic &ocus &or t$e mont$ o& Jul* 0!" is:
$ %m &lessed to 'e % &lessi(g $ 2.)+ 9:8
We must all #et s%irituall* set &or a launc$ into a realm o& ;nancial &ortune, amon# ot$ers, all
t$rou#$ t$is ne, mont$'
2e3)mmended b))1s o& t$e mont$ aut$ored b* me include:
*Understanding Financial Prosperity * Breaking Financial Hardship
* Winning the War against Poverty * Hidden ovenants of Blessing
* ovenant Wealth!
"es#s is $ord%
4is()5 /a6id 7. 7yede5)
8)'e: T(is e5is'le is ') be +ead du+ing '(e se+6i3e )n 9ednesday 2
July and :unday 6

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