Role Reversal in Light of The Mideast Crisis

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Role Reversal in Light of the Mideast Crisis

Omar Alansari-Kreger

The fact of the matter is that political arenas are rigged simply because there are
influential bastions of power behind them. As Muslim-Americans we are all confronted
with one universal problem that comes in the form of a question; what do we have that
remotely compares to the pro-Israeli lobby? We are ineffectual as a national community
because sectarianism is deeply rooted within our ranks; such divisions work directly in
the interests of those that are united through an ironclad resolve. Israel and its
supporters have been vividly aware that the survival of the Zionist state hangs by a
thread and once it gives way it will fall through the cracks. Here are the facts; there is no
shortage of those that understand the Israeli lobbys political leveraging power; it is
quintessentially defined by a billion dollar barrage of donations, many of which are
subsidized, combined together with political interests that neatly align with the principles
of American foreign policy in the Middle East.
So, how do we gradually and incrementally reverse this trend? Surely, it is not
going to happen overnight, any attestation to common sense will confirm that, but we
shouldnt be so quick to rush to those so called Mideast Crisis Resolution
Organizations that pride themselves on shaking hands with notable figures with past
and present presidential administrations. All the while, the same grouping of activist
bodies produces nothing but proclamations that are often moderate extenuations of
American foreign policy in the Mideast arena. Those organizations are just as effective
as local street protestations because it seems that in order to gain any kind of serious
recognition on Capitol Hill, the same group of activists must apologize for being what
they fundamentally are. That stands as a grave example of just how heavily the Mideast
Crisis is dominated by a single political lobby that has unfortunately transformed into
nothing but a standing monopoly that is largely non-democratic in nature.
The stance that states, we are interested in peace and to that effect we
condemn our own belligerence, has a tendency of admitting a strong willingness to
engage the opposing side in a compromising way, but those interactions must be
twofold in nature without one side hemorrhaging all the sacrifices just to remain
politically correct for the purpose of a fabricated Mideast peace. That does nothing for
peace and as a result the arena is disproportional because one side is able to thrive
while the other continues to remain in a depressed state while making sacrifices to the
same imposed peace. The current Israeli campaign against the Gaza Strip, as of July of
2014, is nothing but wanton violence poised against a depraved civilian population that
has been besieged for years; that besiegement has been sporadic since the Arab-Israeli

Wars which actually translates into decades of deprivation. Every Israeli death is turned
into an excuse to double the amount of Palestinian deaths while inflicting greater
collateral damage against both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
That explains the source of a disproportional balance of atrocity. These actions
boil down to nothing but blatant acts of barbarity staged against a civilian population
made possible by a desensitized military force bent on imposing vengeful forms of cruel
and unusual punishment. Those are the facts that we know all too well; as opposed to
co-opting the Mideast Crisis as an abstract issue that caters specifically to Semitic
peoples, it would be best to recognize that forging a long term resolution of peace is in
the interests of humanity which ensures that there is such a thing as implementable
international law. When a population is living under militarized besiegement infuriated
through tactics of economic warfare there will always be a source of resistance against
the provocative power (be it Israeli or otherwise); the firing of second rate hand-me-
down rockets into Israel is a total act of vengeful desperation.
Hence, the firing of a second rate rocket into Israel isnt reason enough to wage a
wanton military campaign of brutal annihilation against a standing civilian population.
Israeli hardliners want us to believe that any Palestinian in the Gaza Strip is an
accomplice of militant activity towards its interests, but what does the death of an
innocent toddler say to that? That only worsens the problem and does nothing for
peace. The end game lesson to realize is that hardliners cant be the decision makers in
the Mideast peace process. Israel and Palestine can only coexist if they can engage
each other in a fashion that is based entirely on equal economic and political
Bringing a definitive end to the crisis in the Mideast, through that light, is a way to test if
there is any humanity left in any one of us. Through those points of pathos, it is time for
Arab and Muslim Americans alike to break the hegemony of Israels politically economic
lobby over the United States.

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