July 2014 Revista de Victoria

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American Military Univer-

sity (AMU) recognized alumnus

Gunnery Sergeant, USMC (Re-
tired) Gilbert Ramon of Victoria,
Texas, with a 2014 Alumni Com-
munity Service Award for his pro-
fessional accomplishments, com-
munity engagement, and service
to the university.
Ramon completed his Bachelor
of Arts in Homeland Security at
AMU in 2009. He has been in-
volved in community service since
1990 and was active in The Boys
and Girls Clubs, as a volunteer in
his church, and as a Marine Corps
Toys for Tots coordinator in Mis-
In 2002, Ramon won the Na-
tional Image Meritorious Service
Award. He was also selected twice
as the Marine Military Citizen of
the Year and in 2003 received the
Outstanding Volunteer Service
He is currently president and
founder of Honor361/South Texas
Iraq Afghanistan War Monument
project and continues to make an
impact in his community through
his commitment to serving others.
As president of Honor361, Ramon
leads a project to honor veterans
of the Iraq-Afghanistan War, and
build a monument in their honor in
The mission of the South Texas
Iraq Afghanistan War Monument
is to honor and preserve our Fallen
Warriors who gave their lives and
those who served in Operation
Iraqi Freedom, Operation Endur-
ing Freedom and all operations in
the war on terror.
The monument will be built to
educate our community and chil-
dren on the sacrifces to protect
freedom. This goal is essential
to ensure our veterans sacrifces
will not be forgotten. The project
also wants to educate our grateful
nation about the sacrifces being
made by Gold Star families and
service dogs who support our war-
Ramon was honored along with
four other recipients during an
awards ceremony in tandem with
the 18th annual APUS commence-
Victoria Generals
Page 3
Charlando del Cine y TV
Page 8
Cocina de Tia Yole
Page 15
Gilbert Ramon, Gunnery Sergeant, USMC (Retired). Contributed photo.
Victoria resident recognized
for community service
New director at American
Red Cross Chapter
Leadership of the American Red Cross Crossroads Chapter is be-
ing directed by Phillip Polley who was recently selected as the new
Executive Director.
Mr. Polley assumed his new responsibilities as of January 21,
2014. As Executive Director, he will serve in a leadership role to
improve the resiliency of the communities served by the Red Cross.
His leadership will help community members to respond to and
recover from natural and man-made disasters as well as promoting
the growth, quality and constituency of Red Cross programs and
services throughout the Crossroads Region.
Phillip was selected
for this position based
on his fundraising ex-
pertise, community in-
volvement and knowl-
edge working with an
international organiza-
tion. We are excited to
have someone with his
experience to help fur-
ther the mission of the
American Red Cross
throughout these com-
munities, said Steve
Vetrano, Chief Execu-
tive Offcer, Texas Gulf
Coast Region of the
American Red Cross.
Polley said his focus
will be on relationships.
I want to strengthen our
current relationships and
develop new relation-
ships for the future. I
am looking forward to
serving our community
through the life-saving
mission of the American Red Cross. You can continue to count on
your American Red Cross to respond to disasters, large and small,
said Polley.
Prior to joining the American Red Cross, he served in fundrais-
ing roles at Southwestern Adventist University and for the Adventist
Frontier Missions in Mali, West Africa.
Polley earned his Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from the Uni-
versity of Texas and will complete the requirements needed for a
Phillip Polley, American Red Cross Director. Con-
tributed photo.
See DIRECTOR, pg.11
2 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
Victoria County United Way Raises $945,645
The Victoria County United Way
has concluded its 2013 community
campaign, raising approximately
$945,645, thanks to the work of
hundreds of generous donors and
volunteers. The campaign was led
by Campaign Chair Dan Easton,
Publisher, The Victoria Advocate.
What made this an amazing
accomplishment are the obstacles
we overcame, said Dan Easton.
When we kicked of our campaign
we learned that three phenomenal
United Way supporters, would be
changing the way they do busi-
ness in Victoria. We actually
started our campaign with a base
of $846,596. When you compare
the $945,645 raised to our starting
base of $846,596we generated a
10.5% increase for $99,057 over
our starting base.
This victory was won with the
support of major employers in
Victoria County, individual do-
nors, campaign volunteers and a
Campaign Cabinet that worked
hard to deliver results we knew we
could attain, and without whom,
this would not have been possible.
Their acts of kindness will help
children realize their potential,
develop strong families and safe
neighborhoods, help seniors sus-
tain their independence and sup-
port those who are rebuilding their
lives, concluded Dan Easton.
I am proud to
be a part of such
a vibrant and car-
ing community that
shows its strength
through giving of
time, talent and do-
nations, said Clif-
ford Grimes, Ex-
ecutive Director,
of Victoria County
United Way.
The 2013 Cam-
paign Leadership
Team included the
following volun-
teers with responsi-
bilities for key seg-
ments that led to the
success of the cam-
Campaign Events,
Margaret Carver,
Prosperity Bank
Loaned Executive, Chair
Jessica Dodds, Gulf Bend Center
Pacesetter & New Business Ini-
tiative, Chair
Caleb Staudt, Prosperity Bank
Direct Mail Division, Chair
LuAnn OConnor, Coldwell
Top 25 Division, Co-Chairs
Geri Schroeder, Prosperity Bank
Russell Janecka, Janecka Insur-
Professional Division, Chair
Kayla Koening, Clinical Pathol-
ogy Laboratories
Large Business Division, Chair
David Edwards, Wells Fargo Bank
Small Business Division, Co-
Vern Crockett, Ashley Furniture
Oil & Gas Division, Chair
Stephanie Kamin, Gate Guard Ser-
Public Service Division, Chair
Jeb Lacey, Victoria County
Victoria County United Way
creates opportunities for every-
one to become involved by fo-
cusing on the building blocks of
a good life: Education, helping
individuals achieve their poten-
tial; Income, helping families be-
come stable and independent; and
Health, improving peoples health.
We invite you to be a part of this
change. United, we can inspire
hope and create opportunities for
a better tomorrow. Please contact
Victoria County United Way at
361.578.3561 or visit online at
Clifford Grimes, United Way Executive Director. Contributed
www.revistadevictoria.com Revista de Victoria, July 2014 3
Nine Generals Selected to the TCL All-Star Game
The Victoria Generals have
nine players selected to the Texas
Collegiate League All-Star game
that will be held at Brazos Val-
ley (Bryan, TX) on Tuesday July
8, 2014. The list of players that
will participate in the game are:
Justin Pacchioli, Brian Portelli,
Alvaro Rondon, Pedro Barrios,
Cedric Vallieres and Ryan Benitez
as starters and Dayfran Ortiz, Kris
Looper and Ty Schlottmann as re-
Justin Pacchioli, a junior at Le-
high University, has had an incred-
ible frst half hitting .366, good for
second in the league behind team
mate Alvaro Rondon (.387). Pac-
chioli is currently the league leader
in home runs with three, slugging
percentage at .538 and on-base
percentage at .473. Other stats for
Pacchioli include 25 runs scored,
34 hits, three doubles, two triples,
three HR, 15 RBIs, 19 walks and
10 stolen bases. Pacchioli was
also selected as the Dinger Bat
TCL Player of the Week this past
Brian Portelli, a junior from
Florida International University,
will join Pacchioli in the outfeld
for the all-star game. Portelli is
currently third in the league hitting
(.333) behind team mates Pacchi-
oli and Rondon. Portellis all-star
season includes scoring 15 runs,
39 hits, four doubles, fve triples,
two HR, 23 RBIs and 11 walks.
Portelli is currently the league
leader in triples (5) and second in
the league in RBI with 23.
Alvaro Rondon, a red-shirt ju-
nior from Texas A&M Interna-
tional, is off to a great start the frst
half of the season as the league
leader in hitting. Rondon is cur-
rently hitting .387 on the season
with a league best 43 hits. Rondon
is currently second in the league
with 26 runs scored, four doubles,
two triples, eight RBIs, 14 walks
and 17 stolen bases. Rondon was
the Dinger Bat TCL Player of the
Week for the frst week of the sea-
son hitting an incredible .714 on
the week .
Pedro Barrios, a freshman from
Ranger College, was an all-star
selection at second base. Barrios
continues to shine defensively at
second, short stop and third and
is currently leading the TCL in
Excelerate Liquefaction Operaciones (Port Lavaca), LLC
ha solicitado a la Comisin de Calidad Ambiental de Texas
(TCEQ) para autorizar permiso Nm. 120056 del Estado para
Calidad Atmosfrica y para autorizar un Permiso de Cali-
dad Atmosfrica para Prevencin de Deterioro Signifcativo
(PSD) Nm. PSDTX1412, que autoriza una construccin de
Lavaca Bay LNG Project en FM 1593, 2.4 millas al sur de
la interseccin con Carretera Estado 35 en Point Comfort,
ubicada en Condado de Calhoun, Texas. En la seccin de avi-
sos PBLICOS de este peridico se encuentra informacin
adicional de esta solicitud.
See GENERALS, pg.12
Contributed art.
4 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
por Santos Raya
VATICAN El Papa Francisco
anuncio recientemente que ha ex
comunicado a los miembros de
la Mafa. Hizo el anuncio en una
misa recientemente donde 200,000
personas asistieron.
El Papa dijo, El imperio del
mal no esta en comunin con Dios.
Ellos son excomulgados. Este mal
debe ser expulsado.
Mucha gente ahora teme por
la vida del Papa. Papa Francisco
dijo, Yo soy un hombre viejo,
que tengo que perder?
Carlos, 76 aos de edad, ha abdi-
car del trono despus de 40 aos,
debido a problemas de salud.
Su hijo, Felipe de 40 aos, y
prncipe heredero, fue coronado
Rey de Espaa el mes pasado.
Ma Snchez del estado de Nevada
fue coronada Miss USA y con este
titulo va poder competir por la co-
rona de Miss Universo.
cano gobernador de Texas, Rick
Perry, anuncio que esta pensando
en buscar la presidencia de los
Estados Unidos otra vez. Admiti
que no le fue bien en 2012 porque
no estaba bien preparado.
Dijo, Fue doloroso. Fue muy
humillante.hay una gran can-
tidad de reas que yo estaba mal
preparado para permanecer de pie
en frente de la gente fuera del es-
tado de Texas y decir, Elijan a me
como su lder.
El otro ao el gobernador Perry
va anunciar si va buscar la presi-
dencia o no.
LONDON El Prncipe Wil-
liam cumpli 34 aos este mes.
Sus abuelos, la Reyna Isabel y el
Prncipe Felipe le regalaron un he-
licptero de valor de un poco mas
de $6 millones.
MEXICO La organizacin Alto
al Secuestro en Mxico reporta
que se reportan un secuestro cada
tres horas. Por mes se hay 4,383
BOLIVIA El presidente de Bo-
livia Evo Morales anuncio que
quiere espiar a los Estados Unidos
para lograr la seguridad mundi-
al. Esto se lo propuso a la Comu-
nidad de los Estados Latinoameri-
Morales dijo que ese pas (Es-
tados Unidos) les trata directa-
mente como terroristas.
NIGERA Han secuestrado otras
mujeres y nias en Nigeria repor-
taron testigos. Esta vez fueron
60 victimas.
El gobierno y el ejercito nigeria-
nos han sido criticados porque por
su manera lenta.
BRAZIL El Prncipe Harry de
Inglaterra se encuentra en Brasil
visitando a una organizacin de
Inglaterra (ACER) que ayuda a los
jvenes que han perdido a sus pa-
dres. Hablando con dos nias que
perdieron a su papa y su mama, el
Prince Harry lloro con ellas cu-
ando record cuando su mama la
Princesas Diana muri.
NEW YORK Muri el actor Eli
Wallach de 92 aos. El fue muy
conocido cuando hizo el papel de
Tuco en la muy exitosa pelcula
The Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly con Clint Eastwood.
Ma Snchez, Miss USA. Contributed photo.
www.revistadevictoria.com Revista de Victoria, July 2014 5
Regency donates $150,000 for professorship
A longstanding partnership be-
tween the University of Houston-
Victoria and Regency Post-Acute
Healthcare System Inc. has paved
the way for the hiring of a new fac-
ulty member specializing in health
care management.
Donald Kivowitz, Regency
founder and chairman, and Heber
Lacerda, president and CEO of the
Victoria-based company, recently
donated $150,000 to the UHV
School of Business Administra-
tion. The money will be used to set
up the Regency Endowed Profes-
We are honored and delighted
that Regency Post-Acute Health-
care System has provided a gener-
ous contribution for the creation
of our schools second endowed
professorship, said Farhang Ni-
roomand, dean of the UHV School
of Business Administration.
UHV and Regency have worked
well together for two decades to
beneft our students. Im grateful
to Mr. Lacerda and Mr. Kivowitz
for their continued support.
Lacerda said Regency cherish-
es its longtime partnership with
UHV. The company employs more
than 45 UHV graduates, including
about 30 in the corporate offce.
Regency is fully committed to
our mission of improving the qual-
ity of life for our employees, resi-
dents and the people with whom
we come in contact, Lacerda
said. We believe in fulflling our
mission by establishing different
means for students to obtain the
outstanding education that UHV
provides, while combining our
own on-the-job training after grad-
Currently celebrating its 25th
anniversary, Regency provides
a wide range of long-term health
care services at 30 facilities across
Central and South Texas. Lacerda
reached out to university leaders
when the company frst moved its
corporate headquarters to Victoria
in 1994. Regency received UHVs
Community Partnership Award
during the 2012-2013 Presidents
Annual Report & Excellence
Regency has been an important
collaborator in the growth of our
university in Victoria and points
beyond, UHV Interim President
Vic Morgan said. Company lead-
ers have stepped up to sponsor
events, recruit at our business con-
ferences and speak to our students
during the schools Alumni Week
and The Willis Group Distin-
guished Speaker Series. While this
latest example of generosity is not
surprising, it is defnitely appreci-
ated. This donation will beneft our
students for years to come.
Niroomand said the business
school is advertising for an addi-
tional faculty member to bolster its
health care management teaching
and research efforts. UHV offers a
Bachelor of Business Administra-
tion with a concentration in health
care administration.
The endowment will help make
this an attractive position, he said.
Having endowed and partner pro-
fessorships help recruit and retain
top-notch faculty members.
The frst endowed UHV School
of Business Administration profes-
sorship was in honor of Ron Sard-
essai, a management professor and
faculty leader at UHV for 25 years
before he died in 2011. Massoud
Metghalchi, a UHV fnance pro-
fessor and longtime colleague of
Sardessais, was awarded the pro-
The business school also annu-
ally names Partnership Professors
Unin Carbide Corporacin ha solicitado a la Comisin de
Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ) la RENOVACIN del
Permiso Nm. 19360 para Calidad Atmosfrica, que autoriza
la continua operacin de una instalaciones de fabricacin de
productos qumicos orgnicos ubicada en la carretera 7501
State Highway 185 Norte, de la cuidad Seadrift, en el Con-
dado de Calhoun, Texas. En la seccin de avisos PBLICOS
de este peridico se encuentra informacin adicional de esta
Regency Post-Acute Healthcare System Inc. leaders donate $150,000 to the University of
Houston-Victoria School of Business Administration to create the Regency Endowed Pro-
fessorship. Pictured, from left, are Farhang Niroomand, dean of the UHV business school;
Heber Lacerda, Regency president and CEO; Don Kivowitz, Regency founder and chairman;
and Vic Morgan, UHV interim president. Contributed photo.
See REGENCY, pg.14
6 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
UHV assistant professor wins nursing award
A combination of teaching, re-
search and community service has
made Shainy Varghese a gem to
her students and colleagues in the
University of Houston-Victoria
School of Nursing and to her pa-
tients in Stafford.
Appropriately enough, Var-
ghese, a UHV assistant profes-
sor, is one of the recipients of the
Nurses.com Texas GEM awards.
The award stands for Giving Ex-
cellence Meaning. She is the frst
UHV faculty member to receive
the award.
The award is amazing recog-
nition for her and the university,
said Kathryn Tart, dean of the
UHV School of Nursing. Dr. Var-
ghese has touched a lot of people
through her teaching and tireless
work as a pediatric nurse practitio-
ner. I am so proud of her accom-
Vargheses award came in the
Home, Community and Ambula-
tory Care, one of six categories.
Varghese and the fve other Texas
winners advanced to the national
contest to compete against nurses
from other regions. The national
winners will be announced later
this summer.
Readers of Nurse.com annually
nominate exceptional nurses they
work with who deserve to be con-
sidered for a GEM award.
Judges review and evaluate the
nominations and narrow them
down to regional fnalists. In the
Home, Community and Ambula-
tory Care category, three regional
fnalists were named: Varghese;
Kalinda S. Longino, clinical co-
ordinator for Methodist Mansfeld
Medical Center; and Dana Tian,
clinical nurse for the University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Cen-
ter in Houston.
I knew I was a fnalist, but I
never thought I would win the
award, Varghese said. I had to
read the email about the winner a
few times because I didnt think
it was intended for me. It fnally
sunk in a little while later. I was
never expecting to win. Even be-
coming a fnalist was a surprise.
Varghese said what may have
impressed the award judges is her
community involvement. She said
her greatest contribution is starting
a nurse-managed clinic, which has
improved access to primary care in
Fort Bend County.
Not everyone is qualifed for
Medicare; some families fall in
the cracks, Varghese said. I pro-
vide medical care to whoever is in
need. It usually is uncommon for a
nurse practitioner to start a clinic.
Varghese said she wanted to
do something different when she
opened the clinic in 2010 with a
collaborating pediatrician. She
also visits schools to promote the
importance of immunization.
Im a quiet person, but Im am-
bitious inside, she said. I have
my goals, and I try to attain them.
That really aided me in my own
education, as I pushed myself to
get higher degrees. Starting a clin-
ic was so hard in the beginning,
but its so rewarding now. I like
interacting with children. A lot of
them dont have a mentor or role
model because they come from
broken families. Talking to them
or giving them a pat on the back,
gives me a lot of satisfaction.
Varghese earned a bachelors
degree from the M.G.R. Medical
University in India. She obtained
her Master of Science in Nursing
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner from
the University of Texas Houston
Health Science. She earned a doc-
torate in 2009 from the Univer-
sity of Texas Medical Branch in
Varghese started as a visiting
professor at UHV in 2007 before
permanently joining the faculty
in 2009. Her research specialty
is telehealth. In 2012, she won a
UHV Research Grant Award for
her project, Integrating the Vir-
tual World of Second Life into Pe-
diatric Nursing Curriculum.
In 2012, Varghese was honored
by the Good Samaritan Founda-
tion with an Excellence in Nursing
Bronze Medal for her work as a
pediatric nursing educator.
Varghese credited Tart for en-
couraging her to come to the fore-
front and take on new projects.
Dean Tart has been an infu-
ential factor in my success, Var-
ghese said. I also want to thank
my fellow nursing faculty mem-
bers. We encourage each other a
For more information about the
UHV School of Nursing programs,
visit www.uhv.edu/nursing or call
877-970-4848, ext. 4370.
Kathryn Tart. Contributed photo.
Shainy Varghese. Contributed photo.
The Victoria County United
Way Board of Directors approved
grants totaling $644,000 to support
services aimed at helping Victoria
County become a stronger, safer
and healthier community.
Grants were awarded to seven-
teen agencies providing twenty-
one programs ranging from after
school care to services for seniors.
Im particularly impressed with
the human spirit of Victorians
and our ability to solve problems
and care for one another.
Our 2014/2015 United Way
grants allow us to strengthen the
building blocks for a good life a
quality education that leads to a
stable job, enough income to sup-
port a family through retirement,
and good health, said Dale Jones,
of klean corp international and
chair of United Way community
investment committee.
Improving Peoples Health
Billy T. Cattan Recovery Outreach
CASA $33,500
Mid Coast Family Services
STARS $44,000
Community Action Agency of
Victoria, Texas $4,000
Sub Total $221,000
Helping Families Become Stable
& Independent
American Red Cross $25,000
Gulf Bend Center $25,000
Food Bank of the Golden Crescent
Habitat for Humanity, Victoria
Perpetual Help Home $40,000
Victoria Christian Assistance Min-
istry $50,000
Victoria Senior Citizens $72,500
Sub Total $254,500
Helping Individuals Achieve Their
Boys and Girls Club $70,000
Communities in Schools $30,000
Girl Scouts $6,000
Victoria Adult Literacy Council
YMCA $36,500
Sub Total $168,500
GRAND TOTAL $644,000
Thirty volunteers spent an es-
timated 300 hours visiting agency
programs, reviewing grant propos-
als and deliberating grant recom-
mendations. We are indebted to
them for the time they have given
to review proposals and manage a
funding process that agencies and
donors depend upon to be fair,
transparent and accountable. Liter-
ally thousands of individuals will
beneft from their thoughtful de-
liberations said Clifford Grimes,
Executive Director of the Victoria
County United Way.
www.revistadevictoria.com Revista de Victoria, July 2014 7
Victoria County United Way Awards $644,000
in grants
Contributed art.
Hola! William Levy esta en
las noticias este mes!
Levy esta listo para co-
menzar su segunda pelcula en
Hollywood. La pelcula se llama
Addicted. De que va estar
adicto William en la pelcula? De
sexo! Levy va comenzar flmando
esta pelcula muy pronto.
Parece que es el tiempo de las
separaciones y divorcios. Primero
Jennifer Lpez anuncio que ella y
Casper Smart se separan.
Despus Melanie Griffn anun-
cio que se divorcia de su esposo
de 18 aos, Antonio Banderas.
Antonio sali en un video besando
a una joven en un bar en Cancn.
Cuando Melanie lo vio dijo que ya
era tiempo para un divorcio.
En Mxico, Ana Brenda Con-
treras se divorcia de su esposo de
poco tiempo, Alejandro Amaya.
Poco antes que se casaran ella lo
vio con otra. Pero se caso con el
y pues no duraron mucho tiempo
Dos telenovelas nuevas debu-
tan este mes. La Gata y Mi
Corazn es Tuyo. Estrellas como
Maite Perroni sale en La Gata
y Silvia Navarro sale en Mi
Corazn es Tuyo.
Shakira dice que no piensa
casarse con Gerard Pique anqu
tienen un pequeo nio de tres
8 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
See CHARLANDO, pg. 9
por Gloria Rivera
Kuno Becker y Kate del Castillo. Contributed photo.
Melanie Grifn y Antonio Banderas. Con-
tributed photo.
Justin Bieber y Selena Gmez
andan otra vez juntos. Muchos
predican boda entre los dos.
Tienen varios aos de andar juntos
y de estar separados.
La cancin del tema de la nove-
la, De Que Te Quiero, Te Quie-
ro, es Amor, Amor, Amor can-
tada por Mijares y Yuri y que ya es
una gran xito para ellos. Mijares
y Yuri tienen muchos aos de ser
Eugenio Derbez confeso que no
caso con las madres de sus tres hi-
jos. Ahora que se caso con Ales-
sandra y estn esperando un beb,
dice, Por primera vez ser padre
de tiempo completo.
La Hollywood pelcula de Eu-
genio No Instructions Included
sigue siendo un gran xito en
Mxico y los Estados Unidos.
La hija de Alicia Machado, Di-
norah, cumpli seis aos el mes
pasado. Anqu Alicia es mama
soltera dice que maneja la fgura
paterna bien. Dice, Yo se que
no es la nica nia del mundo que
esta creciendo sin esa fgura, pero
es feliz.
Paulina Rubio sigue con su
novio Gerardo Baza. Pero no
todo es felicidad. Dice que su
hijo Andrea Nicols ha sufrido por
la ausencia de su padre, Nicols
Paulina y Vallejo-Njera estn
divorciados desde hace tiempo.
Un reportero le pregunto a pa-
dre de Kate del Castillo que si el
cree que Kuno Becker y Eric del
Castillo dijo, Bueno, mientras
encuentre un hombre que la haga
feliz es lo que mas me importa
Con quien? Me vale!....por lo
dems, siempre la apoyare en sus
decisiones. Anqu, la verdad, no
quiero adelantarme con algo que
aun no se si sea en serio.
Terminamos con estas palabras
de este seor que tanto quiere a su
hija. Que bonito.
Por ahora vamos a celebrar el 4
de Julio en lo mas bonito que po-
damos. Este pas si es el mejor del
mundo! Que pasan un feliz 4 de
julio 2014!
www.revistadevictoria.com Revista de Victoria, July 2014 9
CHARLANDO, from pg. 8
Kelly Ripa y Mark Consuelos. Contributed
William Levy. Contributed photo.
The number of black-owned
businesses in Texas is growing,
but the frms remain small in com-
parison to their Texas businesses,
and their owners perceive signif-
cant barriers to growth and proft-
ability, according to a new report
from the Bureau of Business Re-
search at The University of Texas
at Austin.
Based on census data and a
survey of black business owners,
the report shows the number of
black-owned businesses in Texas
is growing faster than the state av-
erage for all businesses. The state
saw a 74 percent jump in the num-
ber of black-owned businesses be-
tween 2002 and 2007, compared
with a 25 percent rise in the num-
ber of Texas businesses overall
during the same period.
But the vast majorities (95 per-
cent) of black-owned businesses
in Texas have no paid employ-
ees other than the owner. In sales
and number of employees, black-
owned businesses lagged behind
state averages. In 2007, the aver-
age black-owned business had 10
employees and $60,000 in sales,
while the average Texas business
had 23 employees and $1.2 mil-
lion in sales.
In their survey responses, a ma-
jority of black business owners
indicated they felt they had the
education and skills needed to suc-
ceed. They saw room for improve-
ment in the areas of political ac-
cess and contracting opportunities.
A majority of those surveyed (76
percent) said they perceive black-
owned businesses to have less
access than other frms to govern-
ment decision makers who infu-
ence procurement opportunities.
A majority of survey respondents
also believed that black-owned
businesses were unfairly excluded
from taking part in contracting op-
portunities with government (63
percent) and the private sector (70
The survey showed a strong
need among black business own-
ers for more fnancial training and
increased access to working capi-
tal, said report co-author Bruce
Kellison of the Bureau of Busi-
ness Research. Many of our sur-
vey respondents have businesses
in the service sector, a growing
segment of the state and national
economy. But their frms have dif-
fculty scaling and remain smaller
than the average Texas business.
As a state, we must work together
to address their needs for fnancial
training, better access to capital,
and increased contracting oppor-
tunities, all of which appear to be
constraining this growing and vital
part of our economy.
We are grateful to the Texas
Association of African Ameri-
can Chambers of Commerce for
collaborating with us on this im-
portant survey, said university
President Bill Powers. A better
understanding of the obstacles
faced by black business owners
will help the association, and all of
us across the state, formulate strat-
egies to create a healthier econo-
my for all Texans.
The Bureau of Business Re-
search, part of the IC2 Institute at
The University of Texas at Austin,
surveyed 914 black-owned busi-
nesses across the state. Additional
survey fndings dealt with:
Access to capital: More than
50 percent of the respondents had
never applied for a business loan
and almost 20 percent had applied
but never received one, while 28
percent had received business
Perceptions of proftability:
In general, respondents believed
their businesses were less proft-
able than their peers in the same
industry, a perception that was
especially strong among non em-
ployer frms.
Training needs: Accounting
and fnance were seen as the top
training needs.
In 2012, the Bureau of Busi-
ness Research published a similar
report on the state of Hispanic-
owned businesses in Texas.
For more information, contact:
J.B. Bird, University Communi-
cations, 512-750-3512 (m), 512-
471-4550 (o); Bruce Kellison, IC
2 Institute, Bureau of Business Re-
search, 512-475-7813.
10 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
Business owners see obstacles to growths
August 5, 2014 @ 10:00 A.M.
At the Front Door of the Victoria County Courthouse
For Tax Sale Information contact
(855) 650-5848 or
Contributed art. Contributed art.
To advertise call
www.revistadevictoria.com Revista de Victoria, July 2014 11
Masters of Non-Proft Manage-
ment from Regis University this
The Crossroads Chapter covers
Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson,
Lavaca and Victoria counties.
The American Red Cross shel-
ters, feeds and provides emotional
support to victims of disasters;
supplies more than 40 percent of
the nations blood.
It also teaches skills that save
lives; provides international hu-
manitarian aid; and supports mili-
tary members and their families.
The Red Cross is a not-for-proft
organization that depends on vol-
unteers and the generosity of the
American public to perform its
mission. For more information,
please visit redcross.org or join
our blog at blog.redcross.org. Pol-
ley can be reached at 361-573-
2671 or 1501 E Red River,Suite
A-1, Victoria, Texas.
Crime Stoppers Neighborhood Watch
Crime reduction, a better qual-
ity of life, a greater sense of secu-
rity, and community pride; sounds
good, doesnt it?
These are some of the benefts
communities have experienced
over the years by participating
in a simple program operated by
groups of concerned neighbors.
Signs of its existence are seen
in communities large and small in
every state throughout the country.
Its been mentioned in the news,
both positive and negative but, do
we really know what it is.
A network of concerned neigh-
bors, with differing ethnic and cul-
tural backgrounds, different levels
of education, and different occu-
pations, all coming together with
a common goal; the safety of their
In 1972, as an effort to assist
citizens and law enforcement in
the prevention of crime, Neigh-
borhood Watch was created. At
that time, law enforcement lead-
ers were searching for an effective
way to include citizens in address-
ing an increase in residential bur-
Over the years, Neighborhood
Watch has evolved from simply
being the extra eyes and ears of
law enforcement to being a more
proactive community oriented ef-
Some have said that signs dont
stop crime and others that Neigh-
borhood watch doesnt work.
Neighborhood Watch does work,
but only if the participants actually
participate. No, the sign itself does
not stop crime. It exists for the
purposes of letting everyone know
that the residents of that particular
neighborhood are looking out for
each other and will report any sus-
picious activity.
Oftentimes people say that
they do not need a Neighborhood
Watch because all of their neigh-
bors look out for each other. Well
folks, thats what a Neighborhood
Watch is, neighbors looking out
for neighbors. Theirs is just not an
organized group, recognized by
local law enforcement as a Neigh-
borhood Watch.
Others have expressed interest
but did not know how.
Its simple, but takes a bit of ef-
fort at frst. Someone must take the
initiative to contact neighborhood
residents, gauge their interest and
set up a date for the frst meeting.
At that meeting, a law enforce-
ment representative can explain
the program. You will need to as-
sign a coordinator and block cap-
tains then compile resident contact
information. Other meeting top-
ics will be up to you, your watch
group and the needs of your com-
The challenge of Neighborhood
Watch is maintaining interest. A
safe and secure neighborhood of-
ten leads to boredom for the watch
group, so its up to members to
come up with different ideas for
their community such as a neigh-
borhood clean up, volunteering
with church groups etc. Some
groups have a monthly meeting
with a different theme each month.
Hurricane season is upon us, per-
haps a meeting on hurricane pre-
If you are truly interested in
improving your community then
Neighborhood Watch is an avenue
to explore. Give your local law
enforcement agency a call to get
one started today.
John Turner is a crime preven-
tion offcer with the Victoria Po-
lice Department. He may be con-
tacted at (361)485-3808.
DIRECTOR, from pg. 1
Contributed art.
12 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
double plays turned with seven.
Offensively, Barrios is hitting .295
with 14 runs scored, 28 hits, four
doubles, 8 RBIs, and 7 walks.
Cedric Vallieres, a red-shirt ju-
nior from Texas State, will make
a start at third base for the all-star
game. Vallieres is currently hitting
.245 on the season with 13 runs
scored, 23 hits, three doubles, a
triple, two HR, 15 RBIs, 21 walks
and three stolen bases.
Ryan Benitez, a junior from Tex-
as A&M University-Kingsville,
has been masterful on the mound
for the Generals. Benitez has made
fve starts going at least six innings
each outing with a 3-0 record on
the season. Benitez is among the
league leaders in strike outs (36)
with an ERA of 1.91 on the season.
He has thrown a total of 33 innings
on the season and was selected at
the TCL Pitcher of the Week this
past week.
Dayfran Ortiz, a freshman at
Ranger College, was voted in as
a reserve catcher for the all-star
game. Ortiz is currently hitting
.288 on the season with 10 runs
scored, 20 hits, fve doubles, a
HR, 16 RBIs and four walks.
Kris Looper, a junior at Univer-
sity of the Incarnate Word, will
join the all-star team as a reserve
pitcher. Looper had been solid
all season with incredible con-
trol throwing 32.2 innings, giving
up only three earned runs on the
season and is the league leader in
ERA (0.83) Looper has compiled
a record of 2-1 with one save and
has 26 strike outs, with only three
walks on the season.
Ty Schlottmann, a junior from
Texas A&M University, will join
the all-star team as a reserve.
Schlottmann has had a great frst
half going 3-0 in four starts on the
season with a complete game in
28 innings. Schlottmann has given
up only three earned runs with 23
strike outs and only four walks.
Schlottmann is currently second
in the TCL in ERA (0.96) behind
team mate Looper (0.83)
The Generals will return to the
feld Sunday July 6th at 5pm with
a doubleheader against the East
Texas Pump Jacks at Riverside
Stadium. It will be Laserworld
Baseball Card Night with set #2
given to the frst 200 fans in the
gate. Gates open at 4pm so hurry
out for some great Generals ac-
SOLICITUD Unin Carbide Corporacin, ha solicitado a la Comisin de Calidad Ambiental del Estado de Texas (TCEQ por sus siglas en ingles) renovacin
del Permiso Nm. 19360 de Calidad Atmosfrica el cual autorizara la operacin continua de una instalaciones de fabricacin de productos qumicos orgnicos
ubicada en la carretera 7501 State Highway 185 Norte, en la cuidad de Seadrift, en el Condado de Calhoun, Texas 77983. Este enlace a un mapa electrnico
de la ubicacin general del sitio o de la instalacin es proporcionado como una cortesa y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicacin exacta, con-
sulte la solicitud. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/index.html?lat=28.510833&lng=-96.771666&zoom=13&type=r. La planta existente tiene la
autorizacin de emitir los siguientes contaminantes atmosfricos: compuestos orgnicos.
Esta solicitud se le present a TCEQ el 2 de junio del ao 2014. La solicitud estarn disponibles para ser revisados y copiados en la Ofcina central de TCEQ,
para revisarla y sacarle copia, en la ofcina regional de TCEQ en Corpus Christi, y en la biblioteca pblica del Condado de Calhoun, por la calle 200 West
Mahan Street, Port Lavaca, Condado de Calhoun, Texas empezando el primer da de la publicacin de este aviso. El expediente de cumplimiento de la planta,
si existe alguno, esta disponible para su revisin en la ofcina regional de TCEQ en Corpus Christi.
El director ejecutivo de TCEQ ha determinado que la solicitud est administrativamente completa y llevar a cabo una revisin tcnica de la solicitud. La
informacin que se incluye en la solicitud indica que esta renovacin del permiso no resultara en un aumento de emisiones permisibles y no resultara en la
emisin de un contaminante atmosfrico que no hubiera emitido anteriormente. TCEQ puede actuar en esta solicitud sin buscar comentarios pblicos
adicionales o dar la oportunidad para una audiencia de caso impugnado si se cumple con ciertos criterios.
COMENTARIOS PBLICOS Usted puede presentar comentarios pblicos, o solicitar una audiencia de caso impugnado a la Ofcina del Funcionario
Jefe al domicilio a continuacin. TCEQ tomar en cuenta todos los comentarios pblicos en la decisin fnal de la solicitud. La fecha lmite para presentar
comentarios pblicos es 15 das despus de que se publique el aviso en el peridico. Despus de la fecha lmite para comentarios pblicos, el director
ejecutivo preparar una respuesta para todos los comentarios pblicos pertinentes y materiales o importantes. Valor de la propiedad, ruido, seguridad de trfco
y zonifcacin se encuentran fuera de la jurisdiccin de TCEQ para abordar en el proceso del permiso.
Despus de que se concluya la revisin tcnica de la solicitud, el director ejecutivo tomar en cuenta los comentarios y preparar una respuesta para todos los
comentarios pblicos pertinentes y materiales o signifcativos. Si solo se reciben comentarios, la respuesta a los comentarios, junto con la decisin del director
ejecutivo con respecto a la solicitud se enviaran por correo a todas aquellas personas que presentaron comentarios pblicos o que se encuentran en la lista de
correos para esta solicitud, a no ser que la solicitud se refera directamente a una audiencia de caso impugnado.
OPORTUNIDAD PARA UNA AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO Usted puede solicitar una audiencia de caso impugnado. El solicitante o el director
ejecutivo tambin pueden presentar una peticin para que la solicitud haga referencia directamente a una audiencia de caso impugnado despus de la revisin
tcnica de la solicitud. Una audiencia de caso impugnado es un proceso legal similar a un juicio civil en el tribunal de distrito del estado. A menos que se
presente una solicitud para una audiencia de caso impugnado dentro de 15 das de esta notifcacin, el director ejecutivo puede autorizar la solicitud. Si no se
recibe una solicitud para audiencia dentro de 15 das, no se dar otra oportunidad para una audiencia. De acuerdo a la Ley del Aire Limpio del Estado
de Texas 382.056(o) solo se puede conceder una audiencia de caso impugnado si el historial de cumplimiento del solicitante se encuentra en la clasifcacin
mas baja de acuerdo a los requisitos de historial de cumplimiento que aplican y si la peticin para audiencia est basada en cuestiones debatibles de hecho que
son pertinentes y materiales para la decisin de la Comisin con respecto a la solicitud. Adems, la Comisin solo conceder una audiencia sobre cuestiones
que se presenten durante el perodo de comentarios pblicos y no se retiran
Una persona que puede estar afectada por contaminantes de emisiones atmosfricas de una planta tiene derecho a solicitar una audiencia. Si se so-
licita una audiencia de caso impugnado, debe presentar lo siguiente: (1) su nombre (o para un grupo o asociacin, un representante ofcial), direccin,
nmero de telfono y nmero de facsmile si lo tiene; (2) el nombre del solicitante y nmero de permiso; (3) la declaracin [yo/nosotros] solicito una
audiencia de un caso impugnado; (4) una descripcin especfca de como se vera adversamente afectado por la solicitud y emisiones atmosfricas
de la planta de manera que no es comn para el publico en general; (5) la ubicacin y distancia de su propiedad con relacin a la planta; y (6) una
Descripcin de como emplea la propiedad la cual puede ser impactada por la planta. Si la peticin la hace un grupo o asociacin, el miembro o miem-
bros que tienen derecho a solicitar una audiencia y los intereses que el grupo o la asociacin busca proteger, tambin se deben identifcar. Tambin
puede presentar los ajustes que propone hacer a la solicitud/permiso que pueden satisfacer sus preocupaciones. Las peticiones para una audiencia
de caso impugnado se deben presentar por escrito dentro de 15 das despus de aviso, a la Ofcina del Funcionario Jefe a la direccin a continuacin.
Si se registra oportunamente una peticin para audiencia de caso impugnado, el director ejecutivo enviar la solicitud y cualquier peticin para una audiencia
de caso impugnado a los comisionados de TCEQ para su consideracin durante la reunin programada de la Comisin. Excepto si la solicitud se refere di-
rectamente a una audiencia de caso impugnado, el director ejecutivo enviar por correo la respuesta a los comentarios junto con la notifcacin de la reunin
de la Comisin a todas aquellas personas que hayan hecho comentarios o si se encuentran en la lista de correspondencia para esta solicitud. Si se concede la
audiencia, el tema de la audiencia estar limitado a casos debatibles de hecho relacionados a intereses pertinentes y materiales de calidad atmosfrica
que se hayan presentado durante el perodo de comentarios. Cuestiones tales como valor de la propiedad, ruido, seguridad de trfco y zonifcacin no
estn dentro de la jurisdiccin de la Comisin para abordarse en este proceso judicial.
LISTA DE CORRESPONDENCIA Aparte de presentar comentarios pblicos, puede solicitar que lo/la incluyan en la lista de correos para recibir en el futuro
avisos pblicos para esta solicitud especfca que enva por correo la Ofcina del Funcionario Jefe enviando una peticin por escrito a la Ofcina del Funcionario
Jefe de TCEQ a la direccin a continuacin.
INFORMACIN Y CONTACTOS DE AGENCIA Los comentarios pblicos o peticiones para una reunin pblica o audiencia de caso impugnado se debe
presentar a la Ofcina del Funcionario Jefe, MC-105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o por el Internet al www.tceq.texas.gov/about/com-
ments.html. Para mayor informacin acerca de esta solicitud para permiso o el proceso para permisos, favor de llamar a la Ofcina de Asistencia al Pblico,
al 1800-687-4040. Si requiere informacin general de TCEQ dirigirse al portal electrnico www.tceq.texas.gov/.
Se puede obtener informacin adicional de Unin Carbide Corporacin, P.O. Box 186, Port Lavaca, Texas77979-0186 o al llamar el Snior Kyle Lofand,
Environmental Especialista en el (361) 553-3399.
Fecha de Expedicin: el 19 de junio del ao 2014
GENERALS, from pg. 3
www.revistadevictoria.com Revista de Victoria, July 2014 13
New concentration adds exibility to UHV
Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences
University of Houston-Victoria
students pursuing a Bachelor of
Applied Arts & Sciences will have
greater fexibility in choosing their
courses thanks to the addition of a
new general studies concentration.
The concentration, which starts
this fall, will allow students to pick
which upper-division courses they
want to take in the UHV schools of
Arts & Sciences and Business Ad-
ministration. The 15 credit hours
of courses in the concentration do
not have to be in one subject area.
For instance, a student can elect to
take upper-level psychology, biol-
ogy and marketing classes.
By choosing general stud-
ies as the concentration, students
can work with faculty advisors to
customize their learning experi-
ence, said Yun Wan, a UHV as-
sociate professor and director of
the BAAS program. This way,
students can take the courses they
are most interested in, even if they
cut across different disciplines.
Students pursuing the general
studies concentration can work
with a faculty advisor from the
UHV School of Arts & Sciences to
come up with a degree plan. They
also have the option of a dozen
other BAAS concentrations. This
list includes biotechnology, biol-
ogy, communication, computer in-
formation systems, digital gaming
and simulation, general business,
leadership and enterprise studies,
legal assistance and administra-
tion, networking and security,
marketing, psychology, and Web
and media.
While we have many concen-
tration choices, we realize that
some students are most interested
in learning from several disci-
plines, said Jeffrey Di Leo, dean
of the UHV School of Arts & Sci-
ences. BAAS students tend to be
career minded. The general stud-
ies option allows students to sit
down with an advisor and pick the
upper-level courses that will most
beneft them.
Students with an associate de-
gree in applied arts and sciences,
or at least 24 semester hours of vo-
cational or technical credit from an
accredited community or technical
college, are eligible to apply to the
BAAS program at UHV.
In addition to the vocational/
technical background, the bach-
elors degree requires comple-
tion of fve courses: Professional
Writing, Advanced Professional
Speaking, Intercultural Commu-
nication, Ethics and Informa-
tion Systems in Organizations.
The rest of the courses are deter-
mined by the concentration select-
ed. Students will need a total of
120 credit hours to graduate with
a BAAS degree.
Wan said the program had
drawn interest from area workers
in the oil and gas industry.
The general studies concen-
tration is another option for those
students looking to advance their
career with a bachelors degree,
he said. We also are looking into
creating concentrations related to
the oil and gas industry in the fu-
Wan said there are a variety of
career options for graduates of
UHVs BAAS program.
Most of our BAAS graduates
start their careers in the areas of
information technology, gaming
design, biotechnology, psychol-
ogy, legal assistance or business,
he said. Some have gone on to
graduate school. Its a valuable
degree that can lead to success in
many felds.
For more information about the
BAAS program, call 361-570-
4201 or visit www.uhv.edu/asa.
Yun Wan. Contributed photo.
Jeffrey Di Leo. Contributed photo.
14 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
SOLICITUD Excelerate Liquefaction Operaciones (Port Lavaca), LLC, ha solicitado a la Comisin de Calidad Ambiental del Estado de Texas (TCEQ
por sus siglas en ingles) para autorizar Permiso Nm. 120056 del Estado para Calidad Atmosfrica y Permiso Nm. PSDTX1412 de Calidad Atmosfrica
para Prevencin de Deterioro Signifcativo (PSD por sus siglas en ingles), el cual autoriza una construccin de Lavaca Bay LNG Project en FM 1593, 2.4
millas al sur de la interseccin con Carretera Estado 35 en Point Comfort, en el Condado de Calhoun, Texas 77971. Este enlace a un mapa electrnico
de la ubicacin general del sitio o de la instalacin es proporcionado como una cortesa y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicacin exacta,
consulte la solicitud. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/index.html?lat=28.637017&lng=-96.557778&zoom=13&type=r. La planta propu-
esta emitir los siguientes contaminantes atmosfricos: material en partculas incluyendo material en partculas con un dimetro menos de 10 micros y
con un dimetro menos de 2.5 micros, monxido de carbono, xidos de nitrgeno, dixido de azufre, compuestos orgnicos, niebla de cido sulfrico, y
contaminantes del aire arriesgados, incluyendo plomo.
Esta solicitud se le present a TCEQ el 15 de Mayo del ano 2014. La solicitud estarn disponibles para ser revisados y copiados en la Ofcina Central
de la TCEQ, para revisarla y sacarle copia en la ofcina regional de TCEQ en Corpus Christi y en la biblioteca del Condado de Calhoun, por la calle 200
Mahan Oeste de la ciudad de Port Lavaca del Contado de Calhoun, Texas, empezando el primer da de publicacin del presente anuncio. El expediente
de cumplimiento de la planta, si existe alguno, esta disponible para su revisin en la ofcina regional de TCEQ en Corpus Christi.
El director ejecutivo de TCEQ ha determinado que la solicitud est administrativamente completa y llevar a cabo una revisin tcnica de la solicitud.
COMENTARIOS PBLICOS / REUNIN PUBLICA Usted puede presentar comentarios pblicos, una peticin para reunin pblica, o solici-
tar una audiencia de caso impugnado a la Ofcina del Funcionario Jefe al domicilio a continuacin. TCEQ tomar en cuenta todos los comentarios
pblicos en la decisin fnal de la solicitud. Despus de la fecha lmite para comentarios pblicos, el director ejecutivo preparar una respuesta para todos
los comentarios pblicos pertinentes y materiales o importantes.
El propsito de la reunin pblica es proporcionar la oportunidad de hacer comentarios o preguntas acerca de la solicitud. Si el director ejecutivo deter-
mina que existe un importante grado de inters pblico con respecto a la solicitud o si lo solicita un legislador local, se llevar a cabo una reunin pblica.
Una reunin pblica no es una audiencia de caso impugnado.
Despus de que se concluya la revisin tcnica de la solicitud, el director ejecutivo puede preparar un borrador del permiso y puede dar una decisin
preliminar con respecto a la solicitud. Se publicar y se enviar por correo un Aviso de Solicitud y Decisin Preliminar para un Permiso de Calidad At-
mosfrica a aquellas personas que hicieron comentarios, presentaron peticiones para audiencia o se encuentran en la lista de correos para esta solicitud.
Ese aviso incluir la fecha lmite para presentar comentarios pblicos.
OPORTUNIDAD PARA UNA AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO Usted puede solicitar una audiencia de caso impugnado. Una audiencia de
caso impugnado es un procedimiento legal similar a un juicio civil en un tribunal de distrito del estado. A menos que se presente una solicitud para una
audiencia de caso impugnado dentro de 30 das de esta notifcacin, el director ejecutivo puede autorizar la solicitud. Una audiencia de caso impug-
nado solo se conceder con base a cuestiones debatibles de hechos que son pertinentes y materiales para las decisiones de la Comisin con respecto a la
solicitud. Adems, la Comisin solo conceder una audiencia sobre cuestiones que se presenten durante el perodo de comentarios pblicos y no se retiran.
Una persona que puede estar afectada por contaminantes de emisiones atmosfricas de una planta tiene derecho a solicitar una audiencia. Si se
solicita una audiencia de caso impugnado, debe presentar lo siguiente: (1) su nombre (o para un grupo o asociacin, un representante ofcial), di-
reccin, nmero de telfono y nmero de facsmile si lo tiene; (2) el nombre del solicitante y nmero de permiso; (3) la declaracin [yo/nosotros]
solicito una audiencia de un caso impugnado; (4) una descripcin especfca de como se vera adversamente afectado por la solicitud y emisiones
atmosfricas de la planta de manera que no es comn para el publico en general; (5) la ubicacin y distancia de su propiedad con relacin a la
planta; y (6) una Descripcin de como emplea la propiedad la cual puede ser impactada por la planta. Si la peticin la hace un grupo o asociacin,
el miembro o miembros que tienen derecho a solicitar una audiencia y los intereses que el grupo o la asociacin busca proteger, tambin se deben
identifcar. Tambin puede presentar los ajustes que propone hacer a la solicitud/permiso que pueden satisfacer sus preocupaciones.
Se dar aviso adicional. Si se registra oportunamente una peticin para audiencia, despus del cierre de todos los comentarios que aplican y los perodos
de peticin, el director ejecutivo enviar la solicitud y cualquier peticin para una audiencia de caso impugnado a los comisionados de TCEQ para su con-
sideracin durante la reunin programada de la Comisin. Si se concede una audiencia, el tema de la audiencia estar limitado a casos debatibles de hecho
relacionados a intereses pertinentes y materiales de calidad atmosfrica que se hayan presentado durante el perodo de comentarios. Cuestiones tales como
valor de la propiedad, ruido, seguridad de trfco y zonifcacin no estn dentro de la jurisdiccin de la Comisin para abordarse en este proceso judicial.
LISTA DE CORRESPONDENCIA Aparte de presentar comentarios pblicos, puede solicitar que lo/la incluyan en la lista de correos para recibir en el
futuro avisos pblicos para esta solicitud especfca que enva por correo la Ofcina del Funcionario Jefe enviando una peticin por escrito a la Ofcina del
Funcionario Jefe de TCEQ a la direccin a continuacin.
INFORMACIN Los comentarios pblicos o peticiones para una reunin pblica o audiencia de caso impugnado se debe presentar a la Ofcina del Fun-
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Fecha de Expedicin: 30 Mayo 2014
and awards each professor $3,000
to facilitate ongoing research and
other scholarly efforts. The money
comes from small donations from
partners and supporters. Many of
the donors, including Lacerda,
serve on the UHV School of Busi-
ness Administration Deans Advi-
sory Council.
The support from the members
of the Deans Advisory Council
has meant so much, Niroomand
said. They volunteer their time
and provide valuable advice and
fnancial support.
The formation of a second en-
dowed professorship stemmed
from conversations with Lacer-
da, who also is a member of the
Deans Advisory Council. While
the school has many distinctions,
Niroomand said he always is look-
ing for ways to improve.
In order to continually get bet-
ter, we need to create opportunities
and retain what we have now, he
said. Therefore, I have relied on
private donors to improve our cur-
riculum and make it more relevant
and updated so that we are more
industry focused.
Kivowitz founded Regency in
1989. Since then he has opened,
owned and operated 30 post-acute
health care and rehabilitation cen-
ters with 3,800 beds and more than
4,000 employees. Today, Kivowitz
manages a conglomerate of more
than 120 limited partnerships and
The Kivowitz family is actively
involved in a number of philan-
thropic organizations and for the
past several years has created aca-
demic scholarships benefting stu-
dents across Texas.
Lacerda celebrated his 25th an-
niversary with the company in De-
cember. He worked in entry-level
operations, accounting and fnanc-
ing before being promoted to pres-
ident in 1996. CEO was added to
his title in 2002.
Lacerda kicked off the 2012-
2013 UHV School of Business
Administration Willis Group Dis-
tinguished Speaker Series by pre-
senting a speech on the future of
health care.
It is our hope this endowment
will motivate other businesses to
become involved with our local
university to provide the youth
with a pathway for a successful
life, he said.
REGENCY, from pg. 5
www.revistadevictoria.com Revista de Victoria, July 2014 15
1 (2 lb.) purchased roasted
chicken, chilled
3 tablespoons olive oil
4 small or 2 medium yellow
summer squash cut in quarters
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 cup yellow grape or cherry
Small fresh arugula leaves
1. Remove string from chicken, if
present, and quarter chicken. Heat
oil in 12-inch skillet over medium-
high heat. Cook chicken quarters,
skin side down, 3 to 4 minutes or
until brown. Remove from skil-
let. Add squash, garlic, and tea-
spoon each salt and pepper to drip-
pings in skillet. Cook 2 minutes,
stirring occasionally.
2. Return chicken to skillet, skin
side up. Cook, covered, over me-
dium heat about 10 minutes or un-
til chicken is heated through and
squash is tender, adding the toma-
toes the last 2 minutes of cooking.
Transfer chicken and squash mix-
ture to platter and sprinkle with
arugula. Makes 4 servings.
6 oz. dried Angel hair pasta
3 fresh ears of sweet corn
cup olive oil or cooking oil
4 small skinless boneless chicken
breast halves
1 teaspoon chili powder
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
2 medium tomatoes, sliced
3 tablespoons lime or lemon juice
Lime halves and Snipped Fresh
Parsley (optional)
1. Cook pasta and corn in highly
salted boiling water according to
pasta package directions. Drain in
colander and rinse with cold water
until cool.
2. Meanwhile, sprinkle chicken
with 1 teaspoon chili powder, the
salt and pepper. In a large skillet
cook chicken in 1 tablespoon hot
oil over medium heat for 8 to 10
minutes or until chicken is no lon-
ger pink (170F) turning once.
3. In a screw top jar combine re-
maining oil, chili powder and the
lime juice; shake to combine. Cut
corn from cob.
4. Divide chicken, corn, tomatoes
and pasta on four dinner plates.
Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle
lightly with salt and pepper. Serve
with lime and parsley. Makes 4
cup blue agave tequila
cup un-toasted walnut oil
cup honey
2 to 3 limes (1 teaspoon fnely
shredded peel plus cup juice)
1-teaspoon kosher salt
Optional add-ins: 2 cloves garlic,
minced; teaspoon ground
cumin; 2 shallots, minced
12 chicken drumsticks
Lime and/or orange slices
Fresh cilantro
1. For marinade, in bowl whisk
together tequila and oil. Whisk
in honey, limejuice, peel, salt, and
desired add-ins. Cover and refrig-
erate and marinade up to 2 days.
2. Place drumsticks in a self-seal-
ing plastic bag set in shallow dish.
Add marinade; seal. Refrigerate
4 to 8 hours, turning occasionally.
Drain; discard marinade.
3. For charcoal grill, arrange me-
dium-hot coals around drip pan.
Grill drumsticks 50 to 60 min-
utes over drip pan, covered, until
chicken is no longer pink (180F),
turning once halfway. (For gas,
heat grill. Reduce heat to medium.
Adjust for indirect cooking. Grill
as above.) Makes 6 servings.
Chicken with summer squash. Contributed
See COCINA, pg. 16
16 Revista de Victoria, July 2014 www.revistadevictoria.com
4 cups thinly sliced peeled
1 (8-ounce) can pineapple
tidbits, un-drained (juice
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1-teaspoon quick-cooking
cup quick-cooking oats
cup packed brown sugar
cup all-purpose sugar
teaspoon ground cinna-
1/8-teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons butter or
Ice Cream (optional)
1. Combine the peaches,
pineapple, the 2 tablespoons
brown sugar, and tapioca in
a medium bowl. Spoon into
an 8x8x2-inch metal baking
or foil pan; set aside.
2. Combine the oats, the
cup brown sugar, four, cin-
namon, and nutmeg in an-
other bowl. Cut in butter
or margarine until mixture
resembles coarse crumbs;
sprinkle over fruit mixture.
Cover pan tightly with foil.
3. Grill about 50 minutes or
until mixture is hot and bub-
bly. Serve warm, with ice
cream, if desired. Makes 8
COCINA, from pg. 15
Grilled fruit crisp. Contributed photo.

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