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Transform Block into Pencil Skirt

Open The Skirt Block

1. Go To Measurements>Clear all Measurements
2. Go to Piece>Create Piece>Trace>Click OK, trace frt and bck pieces and

3. Go to Line>Create Line>Offset Even>Select the Waist Line.

4. Prompt>Select a point to Off Set 4cm>unclick Replace and click Add, and click
extend adjacent lines, in the input Box>Select Centre back waist off set 4cm>

5. Go to Piece>Create>Trace>Select the lines you want to trace

6. Select perimeter lines> select internal line>Click OK>enter piece name

7. Use the same function for the waist piece at the other side of the dart, once you have
traced all waist pieces and the rest of the skirt.

Making the Waist Band
8. Go to Piece>Combine Merge>Select merge line>Click OK

9. Select Target line>Click OK>
Always select target line to the piece that you want to remain static

10. Enter new piece name>Click OK

Softening Angular Lines
11. Soften both lines waist and hip line, Go to Line>Create line>2point Curve

12. Draw a curve line at top waist to replace the original angular line, use the same
function with the hip line

13. Go to Line>Swap Line>select internal line>Click OK

14. Select Perimeter line>Click OK, the original lines will be replace by the new curved lines

15. Delete the original dotted lines

16. Add Notch on piece>right Click>intersection

17. Select Two Lines; hip line and the perpendicular dotted Line>Click OK

18. Mirror C.FT and Save Piece as STUDNAM-PENCSKTFRWST

Use the same functions to produce back waist band, Offset Even>trace all pieces

Merge all waist pieces

Soften lines and swap

Add Notch to intersections, trace the rest of the back skirt

19. Go to Seam>Define/Add Seam>Select lines to add seam allowance
Give 1cm for all lines but to the hem line give 2.5 cm

Creating The Vent on Centre Back Skirt
20. Go to Line>Modify Line>Split Line>Right Click>Distance from Point>

21. select the centre back at hem point to measure distance from>enter 20 cm>Click OK

22. Go to Piece>Seam>Perpendicular Step Corner>

23. Select a corner to make perpendicular step corner>Select the perimeter
line before and after the corner to square from>Click OK

24. Select Line to modify Seam Allowance>Enter Seam allowance amount>4
cm>Click OK

Add Back The seam Allowance and Save
25. Go to Piece>Seam>Swap Sew/cut>Click on all pieces>Click OK

26. Go to Grade>Assign Rule Table

Select all pattern Pieces>Click OK>Dialog Box>Select A1LADIES>Click OK

27. Go to Edit>Save as>make sure all your pieces are saved on;
J Drive>BAY2>


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