Sap Fi/Co 4.6 Answers Asset Accounting - Chapter 2 Master Data

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6 Answers
Asset Accounting - Chapter 2 Master Data
1. Describe the function of depreciation areas.
Depreciation area 01, which can be set up as the book depreciation, can make automatic
postings to the general ledger. Other depreciation areas may get their values from
depreciation area 01 but calculate and post different depreciation values to the general ledger.
Other depreciation areas can be set up to show: country specific valuation (i.e., ta
depreciation!" values#depreciations that differ from depreciation area 01 (i.e., cost$accounting
reasons!" consolidated versions in local#group currency, book depreciation in group currency"
and the difference between book, 01, and country$specific ta depreciation (%derived
depreciation area&!.
2. What information (sections) are included in the asset class?
'n asset class consists of three main sections:
' header, containing control parameters for master data maintenance and account
' master data section with default values for administrative data in the asset master
' valuation section with control parameters for valuation and depreciation terms.
3. Describe the function of an asset class.
(he most important function of an asset class is to establish the connection between the asset
master records and the relevant accounts in the general ledger. (he account determination in
the asset class determines the posting top the general ledger accounts. )everal asset classes
can use the same account determination assuming the asset classes use the same chart of
accounts and post to the same general ledger accounts.
4. If the company code is in implementation status and assets exist in an asset class ith no
transactions! you can delete and add ne asset classes.
[rue! or *alse
+hen the company code is in i"p#e"entation status:
$o assets ha%e &een create' in an eisting asset class" this class is deleted and generated
here are assets in an e(isting asset c#ass (but no transactions!
- Delete all asset classes and their assets and generate them again or
- Only add new asset classes.
,age 1
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SAP FI/CO 4.6 Answers
Asset Accounting - Chapter 2 Master Data
ransactions e(ist )or the assets: you can only add new asset classes
5f the company code is in pro'uction status: the system creates only asset classes that were
not yet created. 6iting classes remain unchanged.
". Define maintenance le#el. What are the possible maintenance le#els?
7aintenance level defines the level (asset class, main asset number, sub$number! at which a
field in an asset master record is to be maintained. 7aintenance level definition is part of the
screen layout rule.
5f, for eample, you define the maintenance level 8main asset number8 for a field, then the field
will be filled with a default value from the asset class. 9owever you will be able to change the
field when maintaining master data at the asset main number level.
(he three maintenance levels are:
'sset class
'sset main number
'sset sub$number
$. What si%nificance is depreciation &ey '(((()?
Depreciation key %0000& is a )', delivered key that ensures depreciation and interest is not
calculated and posted. (his key can be used for the assets under construction, however,
special ta depreciation and investment support are possible even on assets under
*. What are the options for creatin% and asset master record?
(he two options for creating an asset master record are:
:se the asset class, to which the asset will belong, to provide default values. (he asset
class then supplies the most important control parameters in the asset master record.
:se an eisting asset as a reference for creating the new asset master record (possibly the
reference asset has default values that are more suitable than those in the asset class!.
+. Why mi%ht assets be di#ided up usin% sub,numbers?
' comple fied asset can be represented in the system using several master records, that is,
sub$numbers. 'ssets may be divided using sub$numbers if:
,age /
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SAP FI/CO 4.6 Answers
Asset Accounting - Chapter 2 Master Data
7anaging the values for subse;uent ac;uisitions in following years (i.e., buildings!
7anaging the values for individual parts of assets separately,
Dividing the asset according to various technical aspects.
1(. Define or& lists.
+ork lists are used for mass retirements, mass changes and work on incomplete assets. (here
are three steps in using work lists:
)elect the ob<ects (assets! to be changed
'ssign the task to be performed on the ob<ects
=elease the work list and process the +orkflow
,age .
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