2002 Meridians in Acupuncture and Infrared Image

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Medical Hypotheses (2002) 58(1), 72-76 2002 Harcourt

Publishers td doi! 10"105#$%ehy"2001"1#5&, a'ailable o(li(e

at http!$$)))"idealibrary"co% o( *+,-*
Meridia(s i( acupu(cture a(d i(.rared i%a/i(/
0hui-yi( o
*(.rared Health 1o%pa(y, 2rcadia, 1ali.or(ia, 302
0u%%ary 4he %eridia(s i( acupu(cture are hypothesi5ed to be
%ade up o. polari5ed %olecules" 6ua(tu% e7citatio(s, 8uasi-
particles a(d others are assu%ed to be the %edia o.
co%%u(icatio( bet)ee( di..ere(t parts o. the body co((ected by
%eridia(s" *(.rared pictures are ta9e( to depict the e..ect o.
acupu(cture o( o(e acupoi(t o. a %eridia( to a .ar a)ay pai(
area" 2002 Harcourt Publishers td
2cupu(cture has bee( arou(d .or %a(y thousa(ds o. years i(
1hi(a a(d has achie'ed /ood results i( both %a( a(d a(i%als"
*t has also rece(tly be/u( to /ai( )ide accepta(ce i( the
<est" Ho)e'er, despite %a(y scie(ti.ic studies, it has still
.ailed to achie'e the reco/(itio( it (eeds )ithi( %ai(strea%
orthodo7 scie(ti.ic circles" Ma(y studies o'er the past #0
years ha'e sho)( that electric co(ducti'ity o( acupu(cture
poi(ts (1-#) is lo)er tha( that o( (ei/hbori(/ poi(ts" ;(e o.
the %ost rece(t studies has bee( carried out usi(/ .u(ctio(al
%a/(etic reso(a(ce i%a/i(/ (.M=*)> it has reported the
correlatio( bet)ee( 'isio( acupoi(ts i( the .oot a(d
correspo(di(/ brai( cortices (5)" <he( acupu(cture sti%ulatio(
is per.or%ed o( a 'isio(-related acupoi(t (located o( the
lateral aspect o. the .oot), .M=* sho)s acti'atio( o. the
occipital lobes" 0ti%ulatio( o. the eye usi(/ direct li/ht
results i( si%ilar acti'atio( i( the occipital lobes )he(
'isuali5ed by .M=*"
4)o %ai( 8uestio(s (eed to be a(s)ered i( a %oder(
scie(ti.ic )ay!
1" <hat are %eridia(s?
=ecei'ed 2 @ebruary 2001 2ccepted 5 Auly 2001
1orrespo(de(ce to 0hui-yi( o, *(.rared Health 1o",
161B Hi/hla(d ;a9s +ri'e, 2rcadia, 12 B1006, 302"
,-%ail! ideacli(icCyahoo"co%
2" <hat is the 8i that is supposed to circulate arou(d the
4he theory behi(d acupu(cture is that the body has a syste%
o. %eridia(s )hich cha((el so%e 9i(d o. substa(ce, e(er/y, or
i(.or%atio( that has bee( 'a/uely called 8i i( the literature"
3(.ortu(ately, so .ar, )he( o(e dissects the hu%a( body, o(e
does (ot .i(d a(y substa(ce that disti(/uishes the %eridia(s
.ro% their surrou(di(/ tissues, 8uite u(li9e other hu%a(
syste%s such as the (er'e syste% or the blood syste%"
4here.ore the %ost li9ely e7pla(atio( is that %eridia(s are
%ade up o. sa%e ordi(ary %olecules that %a9e up other li'i(/
%aterials surrou(di(/ the% )ith the e7ceptio( that they are
%ore ordered" 4hese ordered %olecules are (eutral but elec-
trically polari5ed" 4his pro'ides the (atural e7pla(atio( o(
the co(cept o. the bala(ce o. yi( a(d ya(/ i( 1hi(ese %edici(e
as the (eutrali5atio( o. (e/ati'e a(d positi'e char/es i(
electricity" ;ur hypothesis is the( as .ollo)s!
4he %eridia(s are %ade up o. electrically polari5ed %olecules"
;( the %eridia(s there are 8ua(tu% phe(o%e(a such as
e7citatio(s, 8uasi-particles, etc" that accou(t .or
si/(i.ica(t properties o. %eridia(s"
4hese polari5ed %olecules li(e up their polarity to .or%
bi//er clusters" 0peci.ically, they are %ost li9ely )ater
%olecules that /roup to/ether to .or% )ater clusters, )hich
ha'e per%a(e(t electric dipole %o%e(t" 4hese )ater clusters
the( li(e up to/ether to .or% the %eridia(s" *t has bee(
su//ested .or a lo(/ ti%e that )ater plays
Meridia(s i( acupu(cture a(d i(.rared i%a/i(/ 7&
a 'ery acti'e role i( the li'i(/ state o. the hu%a( body"
2lbert 05e(t-Dyor/yi (6) )as the .irst pro%i(e(t scie(tist to
poi(t out %a(y years a/o that )ater %ay acti'ely participate
i( the .u(ctio( o. the hu%a( body" More rece(tly, i(
particular, stable )ater clusters ha'e bee( described )hich
are created duri(/ a phase tra(sitio( by the additio( o. a
'ery s%all a%ou(t o. salt (7) to pure )ater" 4hese stable
)ater clusters, )hich ha'e per%a(e(t electric dipole %o%e(t
a(d oscillate at 'ery speci.ic .re8ue(cies, %ay be a(
esse(tial i(/redie(t i( the .u(ctio( o. li.e (8)" 0uch stable
)ater clusters ha'e bee( sho)( to e7ist outside the hu%a( body
a(d ha'e 'ery speci.ic physical, che%ical, a(d biolo/ical
properties (B,10)" 4hey ha'e electric dipole )hich has a (et
(e/ati'e char/e o( o(e e(d a(d a (et positi'e char/e o( the
other e(d"
4he traditio(al 'ie) that 8i circulates arou(d the %eridia(s
ca( be e7plai(ed %ai(ly by 8ua(tu% phe(o%e(a"
Ho) do )e test such a hypothesis? 2 8ua(titati'e a(d
obEecti'e test )ould be to pro'e that there is co%%u(icatio(
'ia a %eridia( bet)ee( the poi(t )here the (eedle is i(serted
a(d the part o. the body )here acupu(cture is supposed to
)or9" <e start .ro% the pai( area o. a patie(t a(d .i(d the
%eridia( that /oes throu/h the area, a(d put a si(/le (eedle
i( so%e acupoi(ts lyi(/ .urther a)ay o( the sa%e %eridia(" 4he
i(.rared i%a/i(/ %ethod ca( capture this process i( %otio("
*F@=2=,+ *M2D*FD
*(.rared i%a/i(/ tech(i8ues ha'e bee( used e7te(si'ely .or
%a(y years i( %edici(e (11-15)" 4he tech(i8ue is particularly
suitable .or 1hi(ese %edici(e, because the %eridia(s are there
to co((ect the sur.ace )ith i(ter(al or/a(s" 4he di/ital
i(.rared i%a/i(/ syste% )e use is a Medither%2000, )hich has a
te%perature resolutio( o. 0"01G1 a(d a spatial resolutio(
better tha( 1 %%" 2 si(/le detector %ai(tai(ed at 1&G -
%easures all the i(.rared radiatio( at all poi(ts o. the body"
4here is co(ti(uous calibratio(, a(d absolute te%perature is
reliable" <e ha'e treated %ore tha( &0 patie(ts )ith pai(
usi(/ acupu(cture" 4he patie(t is see( by a( acupu(cturist,
)ho %a9es the dia/(osis accordi(/ to patie(tHs sy%pto%s a(d
hot spots sho)( o( the i(.rared picture a(d the( decides i(to
)hich acupu(cture poi(t to i(sert the (eedle" ;(ly o(e (eedle
is used, a(d the acupoi(t chose( is o(e at a dista(ce .ro% the
pai( area to e(sure that the e..ect is (ot local a(d
co%%u(icatio( is re8uired throu/h the chose( %eridia( .ro% the
acupoi(t to the pai( area" 4he i(.rared ca%era co(ti(uously
%o(itors the hot spots" 2 di..ere(ce i( the te%perature o. the
hot spots o. the pai( area is obser'ed )ithi( a %i(ute o. the
i(sertio( o. the (eedle i( the ri/ht acupoi(t" 4he te%perature
/e(erally beco%es stable i( 10-&0 %i(utes, a(d the reductio(
o. te%perature .or %ost patie(ts )e obser'e is i( the ra(/e
o.0"5G1to 2G1"
<e ha'e selected three cases )ith three di..ere(t patie(ts
a(d prese(t their %ore detailed reports" 0i(ce i(.rared
i%a/i(/ is se(siti'e, )e re8uire patie(ts to lie o( a bed as
8uietly as possible to recei'e treat%e(t" 4he roo% is 9ept at
co(sta(t te%perature o. 21 G1, so that there is a %i(i%u% o.
cha(/e i( the e('iro(%e(t a(d physiolo/ical acti'ity duri(/
the &0 %i(utes o. obser'atio(" 4he ther%al /raphs .or the
three di..ere(t patie(ts selected here are sho)( i( @i/ures 1-
&" 4he (u%erical 'alues o. the %a7i%u% te%perature o.
di..ere(t re/io(s o( the sur.ace o. the three patie(ts are
sho)( i( 4ables 1-&"
1o(trol is al)ays di..icult .or acupu(cture treat%e(t
because it is di..icult to si%ulate the e..ect o. a (eedle
)ithout a (eedle" <e use di..ere(t pai( areas o. the sa%e
@i/" 1 4he patie(t su..ered sto%ach pai(" 4he acupu(cture
poi(t )as 0P6, )hich is .ar a)ay .ro% the sto%ach re/io("4he
color code is )hite hottest, the( red, ora(/e, yello), /ree(,
a(d blue" 2 drop o. %a7i%u% te%perature .ro% be.ore treat%e(t
(top) to 2 %i(utes a.ter treat%e(t (%iddle), a(d the( to 10
%i(utes a.ter treat%e(t (botto%) ca( be see( i( the
disappeara(ce o. the )hite re/io("
2002 Harcourt Publishers td
Medical Hypotheses (2002) 58(1), 72-76
7# 0hui-yi( o
@i/" 2 4he patie(t co%plai(ed about pai( i( the ri/ht le/"
2cupu(cture )as at the sto%ach %eridia(, 04&6" 4he top picture
is be.ore treat%e(t" 4he %iddle picture is 5 %i(utes a.ter
treat%e(t, a(d the botto% picture is a.ter &5 %i(utes o.
treat%e(t" 4he te%perature o. both le/s dropped by 0"#G1 to
1"0G1 o( di..ere(t re/io(s o. both le/s" 4he patie(t did (ot
co%plai( o. the sa%e pai( a )ee9 later"
@i/" & 4he patie(t co%plai(ed about bac9 pai(" 4he acupu(cture
poi(t )as at +1#" 2ll pai( )as relie'ed" 4he top picture is
be.ore treat%e(t" 4he %iddle picture is a.ter 1 %i(ute o.
treat%e(t, a(d the botto% picture is a.ter 10 %i(utes o.
treat%e(t" 4he %a7i%u% te%perature re/io( ()hite) disappeared
a.ter 10 %i(utes"
patie(t as co(trol" 2 pai( area )hich is (ot co((ected by a
%eridia( to the acupoi(t )ould (ot be reduced i( te%perature,
)hereas i( a pai( area co((ected by a %eridia( to the
acupoi(t, te%perature reductio( )ould be obser'ed duri(/
treat%e(t" 4his is sho)( i( @i/ures # a(d 5"
4o search .or clea( physical e'ide(ce o. )ater clusters a(d
8ua(tu% e7citatio(s alo(/ the %eridia(s i(side a hu%a( body is
(ot si%ple, because o. the co%ple7ity o. the hu%a( structure"
@or e7a%ple, the che%ical reactio( o. o7idatio( o. carbo(
hydrates i( a test tube is 8uite si%ple! o7y/e( i( the air
co%bi(es )ith carbo( hydrate to
produce carbo( dio7ide a(d )ater )ith the release o. e7cess
heat" 4here is (othi(/ else" Ho)e'er, che%ical reactio(s o.
o7idatio( o. carbo( hydrate i(side the hu%a( body are .ar %ore
co%plicated, i('ol'i(/ e(5y%es a(d %a(y i(ter%ediate steps,
a(d part o. the heat e(er/y is o.te( co('erted i(to %echa(ical
e(er/y" <e use )hat )e lear( outside hu%a( body a(d search .or
si%ilar reactio(s i(side" <e shall do the sa%e here .or
%eridia(s" Properties o. )ater clusters are studied outside
the hu%a( body, a(d e'ide(ce o. such )ater clusters is loo9ed
.or i(side hu%a(s" 6ualitati'ely there are %a(y .eatures o.
)ater clusters that .it i( to the traditio(al 'ie) o.
%eridia(s" 4hese )ater clusters ha'e per%a(e(t dipole %o%e(t,
)hich %ea(s that they ha'e a( e7cess o. positi'e
Medical Hypotheses (2002) 58(1), 72-76
2002 Harcourt Publishers td
Meridia(s i( acupu(cture a(d i(.rared i%a/i(/ 75
4able 1 Ma7i%u% te%perature (G1) o. di..ere(t re/io(s o. the
sto%ach (@i/" 1) a.ter treat%e(t )ith acupu(cture at 0P6I
4i%e o)er o)er 3pper 3pper
le.t ri/ht le.t ri/ht
&#"BB &5"05 &5"05
&5"1& &#"8# &#"78 &#"72
10 %i(utes
a.ter &5"05
&#"57 &#"6& &#"57
-0"&6 -0"#2 -0"#2 -0"#8
I0P is situated at the lo)er
i(side le/, 8uite .ar .ro%
4able 2 Ma7i%u% te%perature
(G1) o. di..ere(t re/io(s
o. the t)o le/s (@i/" 2) a.ter
acupu(cture treat%e(t at 04&6I
4i%e 3pper
Je.ore &2"6& &2"50 &2"&7 &#"21
&&"0B &2"57 &1"8# &#"08
&&"06 &&"1B &1"&5 &&"71
0"#& 0"6B -1"02 -0"50
I04&6 belo(/s to the 0to%ach %eridia(, )hich does (ot pass
throu/h the i(side o. the le/"
@i/" # 4his is the sa%e patie(t as i( @i/ure &" 4he
acupu(cture at +1# does (ot treat the lo)er bac9 re/io(, so
the co(ditio( o. the lo)er bac9 ca( ser'e as a co(trol" 4he
top picture is be.ore treat%e(t, a(d the botto% picture is
a.ter treat%e(t" 4he %a7i%u% te%perature o. the upper part o.
the bac9 cha(/es by -1"#8G1 as tabulated i( 4able &, but the
%a7i%u% te%perature o. the lo)er part o. the bac9 o(ly cha(/es
by -0"16G1 (.ro% &6"521 to &6"&6G1)"
4able & 4e%peratures (G1) o. di..ere(t re/io(s o. the upper
bac9 (@i/" &) a.ter treat%e(t )ith acupu(cture at +1#
4i%e e.t
Je.ore &5"68 &6"2 &5"#6 &5"8
1 %i(utes
&5"25 &5"75 &5"52 &5"8
&#"51 &#"72 &#"&7 &5"5
-1"17 -1"#8 -1"0B -0"&
@i/" 5 4he patie(t co%plai(ed o. bac9 pai(, a(d )as treated
)ith acupu(cture at 0*&, )hich is located i( the ha(d" 4he
bac9 pai( )as relie'ed" 4he %a7i%u% te%perature o. the bac9
reduces .ro% &5"011 be.ore treat%e(t (upper picture) to
&#"11G1 (botto% picture), a decrease o. -0"BG1" 4he (ec9 is
u(a..ected by the s%all i(testi(e %eridia(, a(d the %a7i%u%
te%perature at the top picture )as &5"221, a(d the
te%perature at the botto% picture )as &5"&2G1, so a( u(related
pai( re/io( ca( ser'e as a co(trol i( testi(/ the %eridia(
char/es o( o(e e(d a(d (e/ati'e char/es o( the other e(d"
Positi'e a(d (e/ati'e char/es correspo(d to yi( a(d ya(/" 4he
bala(ce o. yi( a(d ya(/ basically %ea(s the (ecessity to
bala(ce char/es, )hich correspo(ds to the basic la) o.
electricity .or the body to re%ai( (eutral" 4he co(ducti'ity
at the acupu(cture poi(t is lo)er tha( i( the surrou(di(/ area
because the )ater clusters i( the %eridia(s co(duct better
tha( protei(s" <he( the )ater clusters are %isali/(ed, this
)ill %a9e e7citatio( harder, 8i harder to propa/ate, a(d the
perso( %ay .eel pai(" 6ua(titati'ely, there are three
properties that su//est %eridia(s %ay be co%posed o. )ater
clusters! dipole pote(tial, reso(a(ce .re8ue(cy, a(d
polari5atio( o. photo(s"
2002 Harcourt Publishers td
Medical Hypotheses (2002) 58(1), 72-76
76 0hui-yi( o
+ipole pote(tial
*t has bee( %easured that solutio(s )hich co(tai( these )ater
clusters ha'e a( electro%a/(etic .orce (e%.) i( the ra(/e o.
10 %K to 100 %K, depe(di(/ o( the type o. )ater clusters (11-
15)" 4his e%. is produced because the per%a(e(t electric
dipole %o%e(t o. )ater clusters are li(ed up a(d a( electric
.ield is e%itted .ro% the electric dipole" 4his is 8uite
si%ilar to %a/(ets, )hich ha'e %a/(etic dipoles" <he( the
%a/(ets are li(ed up, they )ill produce a %a/(etic .ield )hich
is %easurable" *t is )ell 9(o)( also that at the acupu(cture
poi(t the e%. is di..ere(t .ro% the (ei/hbori(/ s9i(, ha'i(/
a( additio(al e%. i( the order o. 10%K" @or a 8i /o(/ %aster
the e..ect is particularly stro(/, a(d i( so%e cases the e%.
ca( /o up to 100%K(16,17)"
=eso(a(ce .re8ue(cies
0olutio(s that co(tai( these )ater clusters ha'e bee( .ou(d to
e7hibit 'ery lo) .re8ue(cies i( co(ducti'ity oscillatio(
%easure%e(ts, ra(/i(/ .ro% 0"1 H5 to 1 H5" 4his ca( be
attributed to the rotatio(al .re8ue(cy o. 'ery hea'y )ater
clusters" 0uch lo) .re8ue(cy has bee( .ou(d use.ul i(
acupu(cture treat%e(t" 4here are %a(y lo)-.re8ue(cy pulse
therapeutic de'ices i( the %ar9etplace, i( e..ect electro-
acupu(cture i(stru%e(ts" 4he /e(eral opi(io( o. buyers su//est
that such lo)- .re8ue(cy pulse electro-acupu(cture de'ices
ha'e a /ood curati'e e..ect" 4he .re8ue(cy o. such de'ices
ra(/es .ro% 1 H5 to 16 H5" *t is (ot clear )hether such tests
satis.y the hi/hest i(ter(atio(al scie(ti.ic sta(dard i(
%edici(e> ho)e'er, it is a /ood i(dicatio( that lo) .re8ue(cy
reso(a(ces %ay i(deed play a role i( the .u(ctio( o. %eri-
dia(s" 4his lo) .re8ue(cy e..ect %ay ori/i(ate .ro% the
e7iste(ce o. )ater clusters i( the %eridia(s"
Polari5atio( o. photo(s
4he ther%al radiatio( .ro% the hu%a( sur.ace is )ell 9(o)( to
be 'ery close to a blac9 body radiatio(, a(d the polari5atio(
o. the radiatio( is ra(do%" Ho)e'er, the radiatio( .ro% a
dipole is polari5ed )ith a %a/(etic co%po(e(t perpe(dicular to
the directio( o. the dipole (18)" 4here.ore, i. the i(.rared
radiatio( does co%e .ro% dipole oscillatio( o. )ater clusters
it is polari5ed" *. li(ear polari5ed i(.rared radiatio( .ro%
the acupu(cture poi(t )ere detected )hereas there )as (o such
polari5atio( is obser'ed at other places, it )ould be de.i(ite
e'ide(ce .or the e7iste(ce o. structures )ith per%a(e(t dipole
%o%e(t i( the acupu(cture poi(ts" <e stro(/ly ur/e the
%easure%e(t o. such polari5atio( i( a(y electro%a/(etic
radiatio( e%itted .ro% the hu%a( body, a(d i( particular i(
ther%al radiatio("
4he author )ishes to tha(9 +r -" 1" o, +r 0a(li( <a(/, +r
1he(/, a(d +r " 0" i .or help i( obtai(i(/ data"
1" Po%era(5 J" 0cie(ti.ic basis o. acupu(cture" *(! 0tu7 D",
ed" Jasics o. 2cupu(cture" Fe) :or9, F:! 0pri(/er-Kerla/,
1BB7! &0-&2"
2" 1o%u(etti 2", aa/e 0", 0chiessl F", -istler 2"
1haracteri5atio( o. hu%a( s9i( co(ducta(ce at acupu(cture
poi(ts" ,7perie(tia 1BB5> 51! &28-&&1"
&" Jer/s%a( ;", <ooley-Hart 2" +i..ere(ces i( electrical s9i(
co(ducti'ity bet)ee( acupu(cture poi(ts a(d adEace(t s9i(
areas" 2% A2cupu(cture 1B7&> 1! 27-&2"
#" Fa9ata(i :", :a%ashita -" =yodora9u 2cupu(cture" ;sa9a,
Aapa(! =yodora9u =eseasrch *(stitute, 1B77"
5" 1ho L" H", 1hu(/ 0" 1", Ao(es A" P" et al" Fe) .i(di(/s o.
the correlatio( bet)ee( acupoi(ts a(d correspo(di(/ brai(
cortices usi(/ .u(ctio(al M=*" Proc Fatl 2cad 0ci 1BB8> B5!
6" 05e(t-Dyor/yi 2" Jiolo/y a(d patholo/y o. )ater" Perspecti'e
Jiol Med 1B71> 1#! 2&B-2#B"
7" o 0" :", i <" 1" ;(sa/erHs .or%ula, co(ducti'ity, a(d
possible (e) phase tra(sitio(" Moder( Phys ett J 1BBB> 1&!
8" o 0" :", i <" 1", Hua(/ 0" H" <ater clusters i( li.e"
MedHypotheses 2000> 5#(6)! B#8-B5&"
B" o 0" :" 0ur'ey o. *
clusters" *(! o 0" :" a(d Jo(a'ida
J", ed" Proceedi(/s o. the @irst *(ter(atio(al 0y%posiu% o(
Physical, 1he%ical a(d Jiolo/ical Properties o. 0table <ater
1lusters" 0i(/apore! <orld 0cie(ti.ic, 1BB8! &-#7"
10" o 0" :", o 2", i <" 1", i( 4", i H" H", Mu D"
Physical properties o. )ater )ith *e structures" Moder( Phys
ett 1BB6> 10! B21-B&0"
11" Holt5cla) J" A" Fe) tre(ds i( ther%o%etry .or the patie(t
i( the *13" 1rit1areFurs6 1BB8> 21(&)! 12-25"
12" Ao(es J" @" 2 reappraisal o. the use o. i(.rared ther%al
i%a/e a(alysis i( %edici(e" *,,, 4ra(s Med *%a/i(/ 1BB8>
17(6)! 101B-1027"
1&" 0he'ele' *" 2" @u(ctio(al i%a/i(/ o. the brai( by
i(.rared radiatio( (ther%oe(cephaloscopy)" Pro/ Feurobiol
1BB8> 56(&)! 26B-&05"
1#" @ord Headache 1li(ic" 4her%o/raphy i( the dia/(osis o.
headache" 0e%i( Feurol 1BB7> 17(#)! &#2-&#B"
15" 0ter(s ," ,", Lee J", 0e(Dupta 0", 0au(ders @" <"
4her%o/raphy! its relatio( to patholo/ic characteristics,
'ascularity, proli.eratio( rate, a(d sur'i'al o. patie(ts
)ith i('asi'e ductal carci(o%a o. the breast" 1a(cer 1BB6>
77(7)! 1&2#-1&28"
16" @or i(sta(ce, o(e de'ice clai%ed to pass trial cli(ical
applicatio(s i( 0hu/a(/ Hospital attached to 0ha(/hai
1olle/e o. 4raditio(al 1hi(ese Medici(e, :ueya(/ Hospital,
a(d the 2..iliated 1ha(/5he(/ Hospital o. the 0eco(d
Military Medical 3(i'ersity, 0ha(/hai Jao/a(/ Hospital" *t
has bee( e7a%i(ed a(d 'eri.ied by the Medical +e'ice
authorities i( 1har/e )ith a 0ha(/hai Phar%aceutical +e'ice
0uper'isio( 2ppro'al Fo" 226022 to ha'e curati'e e..ect"
17" Hsieh <" L" 0cie(ti.ic Jasis o. 6i/o(/" JeiEi(/, 1hi(a!
JeiEi(/ 3(i'ersity o. 0cie(ce a(d 4ech(olo/y, 1B88"
18" Aac9so( A" +" 1lassical ,lectro%a/(etis%, 2(d ed(" Fe)
:or9! Aoh( <iley, 1B75"
Medical Hypotheses (2002) 58(1), 72-76
2002 Harcourt Publishers td

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