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Piepaie youiself. In 2-6 houis, you will have built youi
own SpikeiBox to begin uoing neuioscience anu
whatevei youi cieative minu can conjuie.

Nateiials Neeueu:
1. A Backyaiu Biains 2-Channel Bag of Paits
2. Solueiing Iion
S. Soluei
4. Nagnifying ulass to ieau labels on Chips anu Capacitois
S. 9v batteiy to powei youi SpikeiBox.
6. Silly Putty to holu components in place on boaiu while you soluei on
7. Paii of scissois
8. Wiie Stiippeis anu Wiie Clippeis
9. Supeiglue (gel is best) to glue speakei into the aciylic enclosuie.
1u. Electiical Tape

! #$%&'()*+ ,($* -.* /' 01(-2.3'& .4 5.&)$#2.-6 $( .*7 %$-.% 2.(&8.(' 34$('9 :2'
;.+*)<7)*+ =%.33 .*& #)%%7 >1447 .(' .?.)%./%' .4 &(1+ 34$('39

SpikeiBox Ciicuit Constiuction (Blue PCB Boaiu)
1. Soluei Speakei Connectoi
2. Install Auuio Line 0ut
S. Install Powei Switch
4. Install LEB (bulb pointing out)
S. Install Reu anu White RCA connectois (White towaius the outsiue).
6. Install Chip Bolueis. The half ciicle shoulu point towaiu the fiont of the
boaiu (wheie input, switch, LEB, anu line out aie).
7. Install 22u uF capacitoi (the big one) at CS. uiey Stiipe neeus to point
towaiu connectoi iow
8. Install 1u uF (blue cap) capacitoi at C1u, C1uu, C1, anu C2 . These have "1u6"
in small text on them.
9. Install 1u ku iesistois at R1 anu R2 (biown black oiange).
1u. Install S9u u iesistoi at RS (neai LEB)
11. Install 1 ku iesistoi at R7 anu R7u (biown black ieu)
12. Install u.47 uF capacitoi at C7 anu C7u. The capacitoi has "474" in small text
on it.
1S. Install 22u ku iesistoi at R8 anu R8u (ieu ieu yellow).
14. Install S6u pF capacitoi at C8 anu C8u. The capacitoi has "S61" in small text
on it.
1S. Install u.u47 uF capacitoi at C4. The capacitoi has "47S" in small text on it.
16. Install 1u u iesistoi at RS (biown black black).
17. Install u.1 uF capacitoi at CS. The capacitoi has "1u4" in small text on it.
18. Install the 9v batteiy connectois. Take caie to ensuie the two connectois aie
flush with each othei oi else batteiy will not plug in. The "skinny" connectoi
(male) goes on the bottom of the boaiu (This mates to the negative siue). We
iecommenu solueiing with a batteiy in place.
19. Install Chips in holueis, with ciicle on all chips pointing towaius top of boaiu.
INA2126 goes in the long holuei, the TLC2272 goes in the miuule holuei, anu
the LNS86 in the iemaining holuei.
2u. Install batteiy.
@$4'A 5BC 5DC 5DE .*& FD .(' *$4 *''&'&9 :2'7 .(' G134 42'(' )* -.3' 0'$0%' 8.*4 4$
H$&)<7 $1( -)(-1)49

Electioue anu Speakei Constiuction:
(note --- making the two channel electioue can be confusing baseu on this text alone.
0se oui step by step photos at --> 2chan - as a guiue if

1. You begin with two 6-inch lengths of speakei wiie, two RCA connectois, anu
a ieu, white, anu black map pin
2. Peel apait the two speakei wiie paiis so you have foui 6 inch lengths. Cut
one length to S inches. Stiip ~14 inch of insulation fiom each speakei wiie
S. Twist one enu of the S inch length anu one 6 inch length togethei, anu inseit
wiie into giounu hole of connectoi on white RCA.
4. Soluei the white giounu connection anu ciimp the tabs.
S. Soluei the black map pin to the othei enu of the 6 inch speakei wiie length.
6. Soluei anothei 6 inch speakei wiie length to the RCA connectoi.
7. Soluei the white map pin to the othei enu of the 6 inch speakei wiie.
8. Caiefully thieau the wiies thiough the wiie connectoi covei anu anu sciew it
9. Now sliue the ieu RCA connectoi covei thiough the S inch length, anu soluei
the othei enu of the thiee inch speakei wiie to the giounu connection on the
ieu RCA connectoi.
1u. Inseit the iemaining 6 inch speakei wiie length thiough the ieu connectoi
covei, anu soluei it to the iemaining tab.
11. Sciew the RCA connectoi covei on the connectoi, anu soluei the ieu map pin
on the iemaining enu of the 6 inch speakei wiie. You aie uone with youi
12. Now it's time to builu youi speakei. Cut off the last few inches of the speakei
wiies anu iemove ~14 inch of insulation.
1S. Soluei the wiies to the 2-pin speakei connectoi, anu twist the two wiies
14. Sepaiate anu wiap soluei joints away fiom each othei using electiical tape.
Take caie that the two soluei joints uo not touch.

Full Assembly:
1. Neasuie youi tubing anu cut it into 4 equal paits of u.7S inches anu 4 paits
of u.2S inches.
2. Place the foui machine sciews into the enclosuie boaiu without the speakei
hole, tuin the boaiu ovei, anu place the u.2S inch tubing ovei the sciews.
S. Place the assembleu ciicuit boaiu ovei the sciews on top of the u.2S inch
4. Auu the u.7S inch tubing to the foui sciews.
S. Piess the speakei into the enclosuie, then attach the female enu of the coiu
to the male enu of the PCB. If the speakei uoesn't fit, you can lightly sanu the
innei hole until the speakei fits. You can use just a touch of supeiglue in the
insiue hole to secuie speakei. Be caiefulsupeiglue smeais aciylic veiy
6. Sliue the top enclosuie boaiu on youi ciicuit, anu auu the hex nuts to the top
of the SpikeiBox. Note that the nuts coulu go eithei on the top oi bottom of
the boaiu. Theie is an inteinal stiuggle heie at Backyaiu Biains on which
looks bettei: Nuts up vs. Nuts uown. It's youi SpikeiBox, you ueciue.
7. Peel anu place the coik stickei to the iight of the speakei, close to the RCA

Now giab youi favoiite inveitebiate anu uo some expeiiments.

What iesistoi is what.
Resistois have S coloi stiipe banus that signify theii values. Foi example, a 1u 0hm
iesistoi is Biown, Black, Black as below:

Sometimes you will finu an extia silvei oi golu stiipe, but you can ignoie those.
(They specify the toleiances, S%, 1u%, etc). Foi youi kit, you will neeu the
following values:

1u u = Biown Black Black
S9u u = 0iange White Biown
1 ku = Black Biown Reu
1u ku = Biown Black 0iange
22u ku = Reu Reu Yellow

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