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July 6, 2014
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Elizabeth Ainsworth, Jolyn Blas, Peter Blewett, Jim Bower-
man, Adeline Buzzell, Douglas Byrne, Marilou Cabrera,
Ruby Conveto, Elizabeth De La Cruz, Robert & Louise
Dennin, Karan Ditty, Thomas Dunne, Mark Evetovich, Sr.,
Cheryl Godwin-Do, David Hoover, Lee Howard, Ted Hoyt,
Karen Hughes, Cheryl Hunter, Claudia Jarrell, Stephanie
Lacemski, Long Le, Liam Macaraeg, Marjean McGrew,
Richard Mawson, Albert Nave, Marie Nguyen, Doris Oliver,
Pat Oliver, Earl Patterson, Melinda Peters, Feliciana Rebu-
jio, Marge Riggs, Steve Romero, Madonna Salunga, Missy
Studds, Sister Marie Tasto, Julie Turek, Fr. John Van Deer-
lin, Divina Villar, Eileen Waters
PLEASE PRAY for the following who are ill,
their families and those who care for them:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with a grateful and humble heart that I accepted
this great task as your new pastor. I am grateful to
Bishop Cirilo Flores and the Diocesan Personnel Board
for their confidence in giving me this opportunity to
serve you.

I look forward to journeying together with you as we
strive to grow in our relationship with Jesus. In the com-
ing months, I will continue to become better acquainted
with you and with the needs of the parish. So, I need
your suggestions.

Id also like to take this opportunity to introduce myself
and tell you a little about my background, education and
ministerial experience. I was born and raised in Loon,
Bohol, Philippines. I am the third of seven children. My
father passed away in 1996 a year after my ordination to
the priesthood. My mother lives in the Philippines with
five of my siblings. I have a younger brother who lives in
Anaheim, CA.

I entered the Immaculate Heart of Mary seminary at the
age of twelve and received my high school diploma and
my Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy after 8 years. My
seminary education continued at San Jose Seminary and
Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University
in Manila, Philippines. Fr. Mario and I were school-
mates for four years. We are proud to call ourselves
brother Josefinos. I received my Bachelor's and Master's
degrees in Theology and was ordained to the Priesthood
on April 27, 1995.

My first assignment was as Associate Pastor of St. Vin-
cent Ferrer Parish, Calape Bohol, Philippines. After a
year, I became the pastor of the same parish. After two
years, I was assigned as Director of the Diocesan Com-
mission on Youth, Diocese of Tagbilaran, Bohol. On my
third year at the youth commission, I was given an addi-
tional assignment as a parish administrator of Immacu-
late Conception Parish, Baclayon, Bohol. After five
months, in 2001, I was assigned as Pastor of Mary, Help
of Christians, Sandingan Island, Loon Bohol.

In 2005, I came to the US to visit my brother and also
for my one year sabbatical. In October of 2005, I became
the Associate Pastor of St Michael's Church. I was with
St. Michael's for eight and half years.

I am grateful for the warm welcome and support I re-
ceived from you. And let us pray for each other so that
together we will grow in God's grace and love.

Gratefully yours in Christ,
Fr. Mel Monreal
Pastors Corner
7:00 amMM Buena Ragamat

7:00 amMM Gerardo Garza

7:00 amEC Donors Intention

7:00 amMM Gene Ripley

9:00 amMM Int. of Mario B. Icban & family

8:00 amMM Vincent Cahill
5:30 pmMM Lorraine Wahl

7:30 amEC People of the Parish
9:30 amME Flo Kloberdanz
5:30 pmME Rita Pint

EC=Fr. Edward Corcoran, MM=Fr. Mel Monreal
Mass Intentions for the Week
Donate Online!
In an effort to save on paper and
postage, all parishioners are en-
couraged to use our online giving
program. Visit our new website: and
click Donate Online. Or, scan
this code with your mobile device.
To have your monthly envelopes
discontinued, please call the office.
The Men's Faith Group will not meet during July due to
the Independence Day Weekend. Our next meeting is
Saturday, August 2nd in the Ministry Center following
the 8:00 a.m. Mass, from 8:3010:00 a.m. All men of
the parish are invited. For information, contact Shawn
Quinn at (858) 278-0526.
Mens Faith Group
Readings for the Week
Mon: Hos 2:16-18,21-22/Ps 145:2-9/Mt 9:18-26
Tues: Hos 8:4-7,11-13/Ps 115:3-10/Mt 9:32-38
Wed: Hos 10:1-3,7-8,12/Ps 105:2-7/Mt 10:1-7
Thurs: Hos 11:1-4,8-9/Ps 80:2-3,15-16/Mt 10:7-15
Fri: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 51:3-4,8-9,12-14,17/Mt 10:16-23
Sat: Is 6:1-8/Ps 93:1-2,5/Mt 10:24-33
Sun: Is 55:10-11/Ps 65:10-14/Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23
New Website!
Sign up for our monthly newsletter!

Like us on Facebook! Search for:
St. Columba Catholic Church
with the blue logo

BINGO! Did you know that bingo is St. Columba
Schools largest fundraiser? Join us Friday evening and
enjoy a hot cooked meal from the snack bar (open 5:00-
8:00 pm). With the support of many parishioners and
school families who support this program every Friday
night we were able to raise $45,000 this school year!

Teaching Hearts, Minds, and Souls! If you have
thought of giving your child the gift of a Catholic educa-
tion, now is the time to register for fall. For more infor-
mation or to schedule a tour contact (858) 279-1882.

Box Tops for Education: Keep sending in your Box
Tops each Sunday! Its great to see how many parishion-
ers are supporting the school each week. Look for Box
Tops cut-outs on many household products.

SCRIP Program (Gift Cards): Year-round fund-
raiser. Go to: and follow the steps
to sign up. Enter enrollment code: 5B7465D45922.
Cards are available for pickup in the school office.

eScrip: Go to to register your VONS card
as well as other cards you shop/dine with in order to
earn points for St. Columba School. Online shopping
earns us points as well as dining at certain restaurants.
School News
Fr. Mario will be returning to his diocese in the Philip-
pines. His last day as our pastor will be June 30, 2014.
Join us for a farewell reception on Sunday, July 13th,
after the 7:30 & 9:30 Masses.

As of July 1st, Fr. Mel Monreal is our new pastor. A wel-
come reception will be held in the parish hall on Sunday,
July 6th, at 10:30 a.m.
Our windows tell a storythe spread of the Gospel
throughout the world. EIGHTH WINDOWSt. Ansgar
can be recognized as the patron saint of Scandinavia
from the Viking boat and the rising sun. Born in France,
he went to Denmark at the invitation of King Harold in
822 and began his great work. He holds the cathedral of
Hamburg (Germany) because he became the first
archbishop of this See. Due to the great numbers of his
spiritual children, the Church, in the tract of his Mass,
refers to him in the words of Psalm 112:2: His seed shall
be mighty upon the earth.
(Italicized words refer to the symbols seen in the win-
Stained Glass Windows
Window Update
Saints (entire window) still available for adoption:
St. Ansgar, St. Boniface, Sts. Cyril & Methodius,
St. Martin of Tours, St. Patrick & St. Stephen
Window panels still available for adoption:
St. Augustine, St. Casimir, St. James & St. Peter
We welcome into our Catholic family the following chil-
dren who were baptized in June: Nathan Castro, Brook-
lyne Conant, Esmeralda Contreras and Mason Mayoyo
We will miss Fr. Mario, but you can still hear his voice
by tuning in to his online radio program, broadcast from
the Philippines on Thursdays at 9:30 PM. To connect, go
to and click on LIVE in the upper
Radio Maria
Groups on break for July & August:
Bible Sharing
Seniors Club

Groups on break for July:
Mens Faith Group
Mens Club
Summer Break
Everyone is invited to join our Work Party and lend a
hand doing fix-it jobs around the church grounds. Meet
in front of the church garages at 8:00 a.m. A light break-
fast will be offered, and at noon well have lunch to-
gether. For more information, call Bob Horn at 858-279-
Work Party
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be next Satur-
day, July 12th, 8:30 am-3:30 pm in the Daily Chapel.
There is a sign-up book available if you wish to attend at
a specific time.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

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