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Group Member Sign On Sheet - Clean Up Barbados 2012 Group Name:

Group Member Sign On
The Future Centre Trust
September 20, 2014 from 7am (or selected time thereof)
irst Name Surname !hone "mail
Important: You must read the above conditions, complete your details and sign to advise you understand the conditions before you
undertake this activity.
lease read before signing
!he participant "signed belo#$ agrees that %lean &p the 'orld ty (td and
!he )uture %entre !rust, the local *ctivity organisers, #ill not be liable for:
*ny in+uries sustained by the participant.
*ny loss or damage to property o#ned by, or in the possession of, the
*ny acts or omissions, negligence or fault of any person participating in
the activity.
lease note belo#, any pre,e-isting medical condition"s$ that might e.ect
your participation and inform your activity supervisor so you can be
allocated appropriate tasks.
IMO/!*0!: If volunteer participant is under 12 years of age. I certify that I am the
parent 3 legal guardian and she3he has my consent to participate in the activity.
Group Member Sign On Sheet - Clean Up Barbados 2012 Group Name:
irst Name Surname !hone "mail
Group Member Sign On Sheet - Clean Up Barbados 2012 Group Name:
Important: You must read the above conditions, complete your details and sign to advise you understand the conditions before you
lease read before signing
!he participant "signed belo#$ agrees that %lean &p the 'orld ty (td and
!he )uture %entre !rust, the local *ctivity organisers, #ill not be liable for:
*ny in+uries sustained by the participant.
*ny loss or damage to property o#ned by, or in the possession of, the
*ny acts or omissions, negligence or fault of any person participating in
the activity.
lease note belo#, any pre,e-isting medical condition"s$ that might e.ect
your participation and inform your activity supervisor so you can be
allocated appropriate tasks.
IMO/!*0!: If volunteer participant is under 12 years of age. I certify that I am the
parent 3 legal guardian and she3he has my consent to participate in the activity.
Group Member Sign On Sheet - Clean Up Barbados 2012 Group Name:

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