Walking Tour Amsterdam

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This tour will give you an overview of the historic center of Amsterdam and the famous canal ring.

Meander through the

city as it has existed for almost 400 years and soak up the art and architecture of Amsterdams Golden Age in this
introductory tour.
tart! "am #uare
$inish! Museumplein
%alk time! & hours
1. Dam Square ' This s#uare was once the site of an actual dam that diverted the Amstel (iver to create the
canals of Amsterdam. )isi*le here are the World War II Memorial+ the ,ew -hurch and .oninkli/k 0alace.
Walk around to the back of the palace to the Magna Plaza Department Store. Magna Plaza ' This uni#ue
12th century *uilding was originally the main post office of the city and has since *een converted to a
shopping center.
Walk around to the right of Magna Plaza to the first bridge spanning the Singel Canal.
2. Torensluis Bridge ' 3ou can still see the *ars of the dungeon that once existed on this site. The statue is
Multatuli+ a 12th century socialist writer who was an early critic of "utch colonial practices in 4ndonesia. 5ust
near*y at ingle 166+ you can see the narrowest house in Amsterdam.
Cross the bridge and continue straight ahead to the next canal, Herengracht, and turn left.
3. Theater Museum ' -omposed of two *uildings+ the neoclassical house at 167 8erengracht features
Amsterdams first neck ga*le+ an oval staircase inside and a *eautiful garden out *ack. The "utch9
(enaissance house at 1:0 curves with the canal ;uni#ue in Amsterdam< and *oasts a stuccoed interior.
Continue up Herengracht one block to the next bus intersection at !aadhuisstraat.
4. Westerkerk ' =ooking to the right up (aadhuisstraat you can see the tallest church in Amsterdam+ once the
tallest in the world at the time of its completion in 16>1. $or a small fee you can clim* the tower for argua*ly
the greatest view of the city.
Cross o"er !aadhuisstraat and continue #alking straight along Herengracht.
. The ! Straats ' As you walk straight along 8erengracht+ you will *e entering an area known as ?The 2
treets.@ This area+ composed of three s#uare *locks+ features Amsterdams most uni#ue and eccentric
*outi#ues and cafes. A great place to gra* a *ite.
Continue #alking straight until ou reach number $%& Herengracht.
". #anal $ouses ' Aetween num*ers >61 and >62 you can see B different types of ga*les all in a row. These
ornamental roof sections are a staple of "utch architecture. Also near*y is the Ai*le Museum at num*er >67+
uni#ue for collection of Ai*les as well as its *eautiful architecture and interior frescos.
'urn left (ust past the gabled houses onto Huidenstraat and #alk t#o blocks to Spui S)uare.
%. S&ui ' A favorite spot for artists and intellectuals+ this s#uare+ located next to the Cniversity of Amsterdam+
has *een the site of many protests and demonstrations since the 1260s. 3ou can find the entrance to the
hidden Aegi/nhof+ a 14th century convent+ *y crossing the s#uare and turning into the first alley on your left.
*rom Spui continue south along the Singel canal t#o blocks until ou reach the entrance to the flo#er
'. Bloemenmarkt ' Merchants once docked here to sell their flowers along the ingelgracht. Today the *arges
are more permanent+ *ut still floating. %alk through the market. At the end you will reach Muntplein and the
Munt Tower ' once part of the old city walls that surrounded the city.
'urn right at the end of the market onto +i(zelstraat and #alk t#o blocks to Herengracht. Cross o"er the
canal and turn right.
!. (olden Bend ' This section of the 8erengracht was once home to Amsterdams wealthiest citiDens. =ook for
the eagle atop the house at num*er 4:6.
'urn left onto ,ieu# Spiegelstraat.
1). *ieu+ S&iegelstraat ' This street is filled with anti#ue stores. 5ust a*out everything is for sale+ including
furniture+ glassware+ art and /ewelry ' much of it dating *ack to the 1:th century.
Walk to the end of the street and continue around to the right of the !i(ksmuseum onto Museumplein.
11. Museum&lein ' $rom here you can visit the (i/ksmuseum or the )an Gogh Museum. Also visi*le at the
south end of the lawn is the -oncertge*ouw+ a *eautiful neo (enaissance concert hall.

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