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2nd Edition Player's Handbook Rles S!!le"ent

#$e Co"!lete Priest's Handbook
by Aaron Allston
Project Design: Aaron Allston
Editing: Karen S. Boomgarden
Black and White Art by: Thomas Baxa
olor Art by: Erik !lson" #arry Elmore and Da$id Dorman
Ty%ogra%hy: &aye !'Kee(e
S%ecial ontrib)tions by: *ark Bennett
Playtesters: #)ray +ichmond" *ark +ichmond
,-../ TS+" 0nc. All +ights +eser$ed.
Printed in the 1.S.A.

Distrib)ted to the book and hobby trade in the 1nited Kingdom by TS+ #td. Distrib)ted
to the toy and hobby trade by regional distrib)tors.

This %rod)ct is %rotected )nder the co%yright la2s o( the 1nited States o( America. Any
re%rod)ction or other )na)thori3ed )se o( the material or art2ork contained herein is
%rohibited 2itho)t the ex%ress 2ritten consent o( TS+" 0nc.
AD4A5ED D15&E!5S 6 D+A&!5S" AD6D and D15&E!5 *ASTE+ are
registered trademarks o2ned by TS+" 0nc. The TS+ logo is a trademark o2ned by TS+"
#able o& Contents'
Priests) Gods) and t$e *orld
haracteristics o( the &ods
7)mans" 7)manoids" Animals" Plants
8all 8rom &race
The hallenge
The 8)t)re
The Pantheon
8orces and Philoso%hies
+yt$i( History Creation S$eet
Desi,nin, -ait$s
&od" 8orce" or Philoso%hy
Ethos and +e9)irements o( the 8aith
&oals and P)r%oses
*inim)m Ability Scores
+aces Allo2ed
Ex%erience and S%ell
&ender +e9)irements
5on2ea%on and Wea%on
D)ties o( the Priest
+ights o( the Priesthood
h)rch Trial
!ther on(irmations
Se%aration 8rom the 8aith
The State +eligion
+estrictions on the Priest
7it Points
*agical 0tems
S%heres o( 0n(l)ence
&ranted Po2ers
7igh Po2ers
*edi)m Po2ers
#o2 Po2ers
!ther Po2ers
8ollo2ers and Belie$ers
What Are They;
Who Are They" and 7o2 Do They Kno2 to Arri$e;
7o2 *any and 7o2 Strong
Are They;
7o2 *)ch ontrol Does the Priest 7a$e;
What 0( They Die !r &ain
What 0( The Priest:haracter
0s Sc)m;
+ole o( the 8aith
+elations With !ther 8aiths
+elations With the
+elations With the Peo%le
+elations With 8oreign 8aiths
+ites and the alendar
7ierarchy o( the 8aith
Ex%erience #e$els and the 7ierarchy
P Priests and the 7ierarchy
8inances o( the P's Tem%le
5on:Priests Working 8or the 8aith
Ps" 8orces and Philoso%hies
-ait$ Desi,n S$eet

Sa"!le Priest$oods
Birth" hildren
)lt)re <Bringing !(=
Darkness" 5ight
Di$inity o( *ankind
Elemental 8orces <8orce=
E$il <Philoso%hy=
8ate" Destiny
8ort)ne" #)ck
&ood <Philoso%hy=
>)stice" +e$enge
#i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle
#iterat)re" Poetry
*ischie(" Trickery
*)sic" Dance
!ceans" +i$ers
!racles" Pro%hecy
+)lershi%" Kingshi%
Sky" Weather
ombining Traits in !ne
*)lti%le Priest lasses
+e$ised Priest lasses
*)lti:lass haracters

Priest .its
Kits and the Priest lasses
Kits and haracter reation
The Priest Kits
Ama3on Priestess
Barbarian?Berserker Priest
5obleman Priest
!)tla2 Priest
Paci(ist Priest
Peasant Priest
Pro%het Priest
Sa$age Priest
Scholar Priest
+ecording Kits on the haracter Sheet
*)lti:lass and D)al:lass
Abandoning Kits
*odi(ying and reating Kits

Priest Personalities
The r)sader
The Earnest 5o$ice
The 7y%ocrite
The *oti$ator
The Philoso%her
The Politician
The Proselyti3er
The Sage o)nselor
hanging Personality Ty%es
All Sense and 5o Brains
Priest Ad$ent)res
Ad$isor o( the 8aith()l
Agent o( the Priesthood
De(ender o( the 8aith
De(ender o( the 8aith()l
*artyr (or a a)se
Ser$ant o( the &od
+ites and +ole:Playing
alendar eremonies
on(irmation o( Ad)lthood
on(irmation o( Birth
Priests and P)nishment
*inor !((enses
0na%%ro%riate Wea%on and Armor 1se
Betrayal o( &oals
Di$ine +etrib)tions
Society's P)nishments
When Priests +eno)nce Their 8aith
When &ods Besto2 S%ells
Priestly 8ollo2ers
Toning Do2n the leric

E0i!"ent and Co"bat
Priestly 0tems
The anon
7oly Symbol
7oly Water
Priestly 4estments
5e2 Wea%ons
5e2 Wea%ons #ist
5e2 Wea%ons Descri%tions
1narmed ombat
Attacking Witho)t Killing
Kno2ing P)nching" Wrestling" *artial Arts
*artial Arts +es)lts
S%eciali3ing in P)nching
S%eciali3ing in Wrestling
S%eciali3ing in *artial Arts
*ore Than !ne Style
ontin)ing S%eciali3ation


Since the creation o( the AD4A5ED D15&E!5S 6 D+A&!5S@ game system" the
cleric has been one o( the most %o%)lar character classes. 7e has been a ha%%y bridge
bet2een 2arriors and mages: a%able o( armoring )% and 2ielding hea$y 2ea%ons"
ca%able o( casting )se()l magics" he 2as a $ery $ersatile ad$ent)rer and the (a$orite
choice o( co)ntless %layers.
With the release o( the AD6D@ And Edition game" none o( that has changed. The
cleric is the same magic:h)rling" mace:2ielding hero that he al2ays 2as. And in The
Complete Priest's Handbook " 2e're going to see to it that he's e$en more than that.
0n this s)%%lement" 2e're going to elaborate on 2hat the %riest <incl)ding the cleric= is
to the cam%aign" to the setting's ci$ili3ation" and to the ad$ent)ring %arty.
We'll be %ro$iding g)idelines (or the D* to 2ork )% the cleric's (aith: The god or
%hiloso%hy he ser$es" the r)les and mores he (ollo2s" the d)ties he %ractices" the
restrictions he s)((ers" the %o2ers he %ossesses" and the relations he and the others o( his
(aith ha$e 2ith the (ollo2ers o( other (aiths.
We'll sho2 yo) ho2 to 2ork )% %riests de$oted to s%eci(ic mythoi. The dr)id" (rom the
AD6D@ And Edition Player's Handbook" is one exam%leB this s)%%lement describes
many" many more" and %ro$ides r)les (or the D* to create ne2 %riesthoods o( his o2n
We'll talk abo)t %riestly orders. Some %riesthoods ha$e soldierly orders" scholarly
orders" missionary orders" orac)lar orders" and many other ty%es. 0( yo)r %riest character
belongs to a (aith 2ith se$eral orders" he may choose one o( them" 2hich 2ill gi$e him
s%ecial abilities and d)ties beyond those o( ordinary %riests.
We'll talk abo)t role:%laying the %riest character. ertainly" %riest characters don't ha$e
to ha$e the same sort o( identical %ersonality <the kindly (ather:con(essor 2ith the bloody
mace in his hand= 2hich many %layers imagine them all to ha$e.
We'll describe 2hole cam%aigns de$oted to %riests: 7o2 to r)n them" ho2 to gi$e them
a %)r%ose" ho2 to determine 2hat goals and interests are most a%%ro%riate.
And 2e'll talk abo)t the sort o( e9)i%ment that %riests )se in their de$otions and
ad$ent)res" incl)ding 2ea%ons" armor" holy symbols" %riestly $estments" and other items.
The Complete Priest's Handbook is e9)ally )se()l i( yo)'re a D)ngeon *aster or a
%layer. 0t 2ill add de%th to the cam%aign 2orld and the range o( 5Ps (or D)ngeon
*asters" and add detail to the abilities" backgro)nds" and res%onsibilities o( %layer:
character %riests.
0n the text" (or reasons o( sim%licity" 2e normally )se masc)line no)ns and %rono)ns
incl)si$ely. When 2e say Dgod"D D%riest"D or Dman"D 2e're normally also im%lying
Dgoddess"D D%riestess"D and D2oman.D
0n order to be able to )se this s)%%lement" yo) m)st )se the Wea%on and 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciencies r)les (rom the AD6D@ And Edition game. 0( yo)'re not yet (amiliar 2ith
them" yo) o)ght to read them be(ore contin)ing in this r)lebook.
A s%ecial note (or those o( yo) 2ho are )sing this Complete Priest's Handbook 2ith yo)r
original AD6D@ game instead o( the ne2 edition: This s)%%lement mentions a lot o(
%age n)mbers (rom the Player's Handbook and the DMG. The %age n)mbers cited are (or
the ne2est edition" not the originalB they 2on't be correct (or those o( yo) )sing the old
Priests) Gods) and t$e *orld
This cha%ter is (or D*s 2ho 2ant to design the mythic history o( their cam%aign
2orld<s=. 0t's not %rohibited (or the cam%aign's %layers to read this . . . b)t not all o( them
2ill (ind it )se()l. Players may 2ish to ski% on to the third cha%ter" DSam%le Priesthoods.D

!ne o( the (irst things the D* can do to add color and detail to his cam%aign 2orld is
to 2ork )% that 2orld's mythic history. S)ch a history 2ill hel% establish" in his mind and
those o( his %layers" the relationshi%s bet2een the gods" and bet2een gods and men. 0t
2ill hel% set the tone o( the cam%aign and the attit)de o( the %layer:characters' c)lt)re. 0t
2ill gi$e the %layers some idea o( 2hat their characters ex%ect (rom their gods and their
()t)re. And once it's done" the D* can then elaborate on it and decide ho2 each
indi$id)al god relates to other gods and to the sentient races o( the 2orld.
0n this cha%ter" 2e'll disc)ss some o( the common themes that r)n thro)gh mythsB the
D* can )se these to%ics as a (rame2ork (or his o2n mythic history.
The (irst %lace to start is the creation o( the )ni$erse and the 2orld.
0n most creation stories" there 2as )s)ally some disinteresting" stable condition in
e((ect at the da2n o( time. 0t might ha$e been a (ormless $oid" or darkness" or )nending
ice and sno2.
Then" 2e ha$e the (irst great being" the one 2ho brings abo)t creation o( the 2orld.
5ote that this great being doesn't ha$e to be the god 2ho is no2 dominant in the
cam%aign 2orld. The myths are %acked 2ith tales o( gods 2ho created their 2orlds"
became o%%ressi$e" and 2ere then cast do2n by other gods" e$en their o2n children" 2ho
no2 r)le in their %lace.
5or does the creation ha$e to ha$e been a deliberate e$ent. 0t might ha$e been an
accidentB the god co)ld ha$e been dreaming and his dreams became reality.
The creator co)ld be a tremendo)s monster" one 2hich began the %rocess o( creating
the 2orld" b)t 2as o$erthro2n be(ore it (inished making the 2orld to its o2n
satis(action . . . and one 2hich" legends say" 2ill ret)rn some day to (inish the job.
0t co)ld be a sim%le creat)re" one not necessarily deser$ing o( 2orshi%" 2hich sha%es
the 2orld sim%ly by acting as the animal it is. As one exam%le" i( the original state o( the
)ni$erse 2ere a giant block o( salt" this creat)re co)ld be a giant co2 2hich licks it into
the sha%e o( the 2orld.
0n some mythologies" the great being that sha%es the 2orld stays aro)nd a(ter that task
is doneB he or she might be the %rinci%al deity o( the 2orld. *ore o(ten" that great being
%erishes" or is cast do2n by descendants" or settles (or a lesser role once creation is

1asi( Astrono"y
What is the sha%e o( the 2orld and the )ni$erse once they are created; What are s)ns"
moons" %lanets and stars;
The entire )ni$erse co)ld be a single h)ge 2orld" 2ith a dome o$erhead 2hich holds
the stars and con(ines the s)n<s= and moon<s=. The 2orld co)ld be a disk" a s%here" a
bo2l" or an )nending s)r(ace contin)ing in all directions to in(inity.
The s)n and moon co)ld be glo2ing chariots" or bright gods contin)ally (lying across
the sky <%erha%s as a ser$ice to the 2orld" %erha%s beca)se they're being chased=. They
co)ld be 2orlds )nto themsel$es" and the %layer:characters might someday ha$e the
o%%ort)nity to $isit and 2alk the bright s)r(ace o( the s)n in search o( ad$ent)re. They
co)ld be the great" glo2ing eyes o( the most %o2er()l deity. They co)ld be gigantic"
(iercely:b)rning lam%s created by the cra(tsman:god" lam%s 2hich circle the 2orld on
some giant mechanism. <Perha%s" instead o( circling the 2orld" they j)st sh)t o(( each day
2hen the time is d)eB the s)n j)st t)rns o((" and the moons j)st t)rn on.= They co)ld e$en
be s)ns and moons as 2e )nderstand them" tho)gh some o( the charm o( (antasy lies
%recisely in making s)ch things different (rom o)r cold" modern ex%lanations o( them.
The %lanets and stars co)ld be holes in the dome o( the sky" s)ggesting that there is a
great brightness beyond. They co)ld be decorations %laced in the sky by the gods. They
co)ld be 2orlds )nto themsel$es. They co)ld be glo2ing creat)res (orced to trace %aths
thro)gh the sky e$ery night. They co)ld be the s)ns o( distant 2orlds.
And" o( co)rse" the D* can choose (or all these astronomic bodies to be one thing" b)t
(or the %re$ailing belie( o( the %eo%le to be di((erent" an incorrect belie(B nothing says that
the 2orld's deities 2ant the h)mans and demih)mans to kno2 the tr)th.
E&&e(ts o& #errain on Creation
0n the real 2orld" the terrain o( the h)man c)lt)re to 2hich a mythology belonged
o(ten had a strong e((ect on the myths. 5orse mythology started 2ith a h)ge abyss (illed
2ith ice" (or instance.
0( one race's religion is dominant in the cam%aign 2orld" the D* sho)ld decide
2hether or not their creation:story has a setting like the land 2here that race originated.
0n a (antasy 2orld" this sit)ation co)ld come abo)t (rom one o( t2o reasons:
The gods" ha$ing emerged (rom a %artic)lar ty%e o( terrain" 2o)ld (ind similar terrain
in the mortal 2orld to be their (a$orite land (or creating ne2 races" ex%loring" and
interacting 2ith h)mansB or
The sentient races might ha$e erroneo)sly re:inter%reted the story o( the 2orld's
creation as a re(lection o( the terrain in 2hich they li$e" and the legend is sim%ly 2rong.

!nce creation o( the 2orld and )ni$erse are established" the D* can mo$e on to the
%ro%agation o( the gods. 0n other 2ords" once the setting is in %lace" the cast o( gods gets
larger and larger.
5at)rally" the D* can al2ays do this the other 2ay aro)nd. Perha%s all the gods 2ere
in %lace be(ore they decided to create the 2orld. There's nothing 2rong 2ith this choiceB
it's sim%ly back2ard (rom the 2ay the best:kno2n Earth mythologies o%erated.
+egardless" )nless the D* is creating a monotheistic (aith <one dedicated to only one
deity=" he m)st no2 begin creating the other gods o( the (aith.
These gods co)ld be children o( the (irst great being. They co)ld be that being's
creations instead. They co)ld be re%resentations o( nat)ral (orces bro)ght to a2areness
and li(e by the catalyst o( reation. They co)ld emerge (rom some less 2holesome
%rocess <(or exam%le" they co)ld be created by the decay o( the body o( the (irst great
being" or co)ld merely s%ring (orth 2hole (rom its cor%se: !ne god (rom the bones" one
(rom the brain" one (rom the heart" etc.=.
Each god sho)ld ha$e some s%ecial attribute " an area 2here he or she is dominant.
Some can ha$e se$eral attrib)tes. S)ch attrib)tes incl)de Tho)ght" Strength" War" #o$e"
ra(tsmanshi%" Earth" Sea" Sky" Sailing" 8arming" 7)nting" and many" many others. Any
acti$ity that is im%ortant to h)mans <or demih)mans= can be an attrib)te (or a god.
5ot all these gods need to ha$e been D(irst:generation"D or born to?created by that (irst
great being. !b$io)sly" some sho)ld be. B)t they" too" can create or become %arents to
other gods.
0n some mythoi" the god o( a %artic)larly im%ortant attrib)te 2ill ha$e children 2ho
bear lesser (orms o( that attrib)te. 8or instance" the god o( #o$e might ha$e children 2ho
re%resent Passion" *arriage" 0n(at)ation" and 1nre9)ited #o$e. The god o( Slee% might
ha$e children 2ho re%resent Dreams and 5ightmares. The god o( 0ntellect might ha$e
children 2ho re%resent *emory" Poetry" Song" and +iddles or P)33les.

C$ara(teristi(s o& t$e Gods
The D* can create as many gods (or his %antheon as his imagination 2ill allo2 him.
7e doesn't ha$e to 2ork )% an extensi$e set o( legends abo)t e$ery godB e$en in the real
2orld" many gods o( $ario)s mythologies 2ere scarcely more than a name and an
attrib)te. As his cam%aign contin)es" the D* can (lesh o)t the descri%tions o( these gods
to his heart's content.
Some o( the traits 2hich characteri3e the gods" and can be de(ined by the D* (or each
god or %antheon" incl)de:
%""ortality' Are the gods immortal; 0n most %antheons" the gods are certainly
agelessB that is" they do not gro2 old. B)t in some" they are not j)st ageless" they also
cannot be killedB regardless o( ho2 se$erely they might be 2o)nded" 2ith time they 2ill
al2ays ()lly reco$er (rom inj)ry. 0n others" the gods can be killed by s)((icient (orce. 8or
exam%le" in the &reek myths" the gods are )ndying" 2hile in the 5orse myths the gods
(ace e$ent)al certain death at the battle o( +agnarok.
%ndestr(tibility' As a ()rther le$el o( 2hat 2as j)st described" some gods 2hich are
immortal are also described as indestr)ctible. 5o (orce on hea$en or Earth can h)rt them
<exce%t by h)rting their (eelings" by betraying them=. This is sometimes the trait o( the
greatest god o( a %antheon" and is )s)ally the trait o( the only god o( a monotheistic
religion <one 2hich belie$es in only one god=.
%n&len(e on t$e *orld' 7o2 m)ch in(l)ence does the god ha$e on the mortal 2orld"
the 2orld o( animals" the 2orld o( %lants; With some gods" there is $ery little o( s)ch
in(l)ence. A god 2hose attrib)te is the )nchanging stars" (or instance" might exert a little
in(l)ence on the sailors 2ho na$igate by stars" b)t co)ld ha$e $ery little e((ect on anyone
or anything else. !n the other hand" gods relating to %o2er()l h)man emotions or
%reocc)%ations <s)ch as lo$e" 2ar" creati$ity" and so (orth= might exert a great deal o(
in(l)ence on the 2orld" es%ecially i( it is said that e$ery a%%lication o( his attrib)te
re9)ires the god's hel% or %ermission. 8or instance" i( it re9)ires the aid or %ermission o(
the god?goddess o( childbirth (or e$ery h)man birth to take %lace" then that deity is
exerting a %ro(o)nd e((ect on the 2orld.
%nterest in t$e *orld' Additionally" some gods are $ery interested in 2hat goes on in
the mortal 2orld" 2hile others are entirely disinterested. 5at)rally" those 2ho are
interested are more %rone to meddle in mortal a((airs than those 2ho aren't. 0n (act" gods
2ho are disinterested in the 2orld might %)nish characters 2ho are bold eno)gh to call
)%on them.
%ntentions #o2ard t$e *orld' 8inally" there's the 9)estion o( 2hat the god's
intentions are to2ard the 2orld . . . es%ecially to2ard the sentient races o( the 2orld.
Some gods are content j)st to %)rs)e their attrib)tes and make s)re they are %ro%erly
2orshi%%ed and recogni3ed. !thers may ha$e more (ar:reaching %lans. This is es%ecially
tr)e o( e$il gods" 2ho 2ish to bring abo)t the destr)ction o( races" other gods" or the
entire 2orldB it is also tr)e o( ambitio)s gods" 2ho 2ish to cast do2n the r)ling gods"
take their %lace" and resha%e the 2orld to their o2n liking.
%n$ibitions' Some gods and %antheons had limitations %laced )%on them. These might
ha$e been limitations %laced by some greater %o2er o( the )ni$erse" or merely en(orced
by the greatest o( the gods. !(ten" these inhibitions dictate ho2 m)ch aid or hindrance the
gods can o((er to mortals" 2hether or not they can hel% their (a$orite men and beasts
directly or indirectly" etc.

As an exam%le o( ho2 a (amiliar god matches these characteristics" let's look at the
&reek goddess A%hrodite.
She 2as immortal" as 2ere most or all o( the &reek gods. She certainly 2as not
indestr)ctible" and 2as in (act once 2o)nded in battle by the Argi$e hero Diomedes.
She had a $ery %ro(o)nd in(l)ence on the 2orld" (or it 2as she 2ho %)t all $arieties o(
the emotion o( lo$e in the breasts o( man and beast. E$en the other gods" 2ith the
exce%tion o( 7estia" Athena" and Artemis" 2ere reg)larly a((ected by her %o2er.
7er interest in the 2orld 2as limited to a co)%le o( areas: *aking s)re that all
h)mankind res%ected her <2hich generally meant that all h)mans kne2 lo$e at one time
or another" and th)s did not deny her=B and making s)re her s%ecial (a$orites" s)ch as her
mortal son Aeneas" s)r$i$ed and %ros%ered. !ther than that" she a%%eared to ha$e no
s%ecial intentions to2ard the 2orld.
A%hrodite had a co)%le o( inhibitions restricting her: 8irst" she and all the !lym%ians
2ere s)bject to a higher destiny" 2hich not e$en Ee)s co)ld th2art. Second" %hysically"
she and most other gods co)ld be h)rt or e$en de(eated in battle by the mightiest &reek
heroes. Third" the god:king Ee)s ob$io)sly %re(erred (or gods to hel% their (a$orites
indirectly rather than by sho2ing )% in %erson. All these inhibitions a((ected the 2ay
A%hrodite and the other !lym%ians related to their (a$orite D%layer:characters.D

H"ans) H"anoids) Ani"als) Plants
At some %oint in the history o( the gods" they %robably created all li$ing things. <0t's
%ossible (or the (lora and (a)na o( the 2orld to ha$e been created by some other (actor.
8or exam%le" they might ha$e j)st been there 2hen the great ice:ca% melted. B)t it's a
more common element o( the story that the gods created them.=
This creation %rocess might ha$e in$ol$ed an accidentB (or instance" the greatest god
snee3ed" and ble2 ()lly:(ormed li$ing things all o$er the 2orld.
*ore commonly" it's a deliberate %rocess" and the gods or one %artic)lar god
methodically created all the li$ing things kno2n to man.
When 2orking )% this as%ect o( the story (or his o2n cam%aign 2orld" the D* can )se
this to hel% de(ine the 2ay the gods look )%on s%eci(ic (orms o( li(e. Was *an created so
the gods 2o)ld ha$e something entertaining to 2atch; To ()l(ill a higher destiny; So that
his brightest and best might one day add to the ranks o( the lesser gods" or accom%any the
gods on one last" great battle; This kind o( decision hel%s de(ine man's $ie2 o( the gods
and their re9)irements o( mankind.
0t can also be )sed to de(ine mankind's o%inions on certain matters. 0(" (or instance"
animals in general 2ere created to ser$e *an" then *an might ha$e little regard (or them"
exce%t as %ets and beasts o( b)rden. 7o2e$er" i( each god created one or more animals to
ser$e as totems (or the god" then *an might ha$e a lot more res%ect (or certain animals.
0( the story o( creation says that one sex o( the sentient races 2as created s)bordinate
to the others" then there 2ill be a cr)shing social %ress)re to kee% that sex Din its %lace.D
0( the story o( creation does no s)ch thing" then any s)ch attit)des 2ill be ha$e been
created by mortals and may $ary (rom %lace to %lace. Additionally" 2ith the added
com%lication o( several sentient races aro)nd <h)mans" el$es" d2ar$es" etc.=" the D* can
make this decision se$eral times and choose a di((erent a%%roach each time. Perha%s" on
his 2orld" d2ar$es are strongly male:dominated" el$es are (emale:dominated" and
h)mans are more or less e9)al; Any s)ch arrangement is %ossible.
5ote" ho2e$er" that 2hen one sex is o%%ressed" %layers are less likely to 2ant to %lay
members o( that sex. 8e2 %layers 2ant their esca%ism to in$ol$e this sort o( %rej)dice
directed at them.

-all -ro" Gra(e
0n some stories" h)mans or sentient races in general start o)t 2ith an exalted
relationshi% 2ith their deities and then (all o)t o( the deities' (a$or. 0n &reek myth" (or
exam%le" the h)mans 2ere 2ell:belo$ed o( the gods )ntil the god Promethe)s ga$e them
the secret o( )sing (ire" 2hich they had lacked )ntil thenB this so o((ended Ee)s that he
a((licted mankind 2ith all sorts o( ills.
This sort o( thing co)ld be a characteristic o( yo)r cam%aign 2orld's storyB or" mankind
might ne$er ha$e had a closer relationshi% 2ith its gods.

#$e C$allen,e
0n many (aiths" the gods" deliberately or not" $isit a challenge on the h)mans.
!ne o( the commonest challenges in$ol$es the a(terli(e. 0n many (aiths" the better one
li$es one's li(e" the better the a(terli(e to 2hich he %rogresses. The )s)al sorts o( a(terli$es
tend to (all into one o( the (ollo2ing categoriesB in some (aiths" a character might (ace the
%ossibility o( reaching more than one o( these choices" de%ending on his actions in li(e.
Obli4ion' 5o a(terli(e at all" this is 2hen the h)man's s%irit %erishes and becomes
#ortre' An a(terli(e 2here tort)re" either %ermanent or tem%orary <)ntil the s%irit
re%ents" recants" or other2ise im%ro$es= is the order o( the day.
1oredo"' An a(terli(e 2here there's nothing to do" nothing to see" nothing to entertain.
Rebirt$' An a(terli(e 2hich in$ol$es rebirth in the %hysical 2orld and the li$ing o( a
ne2 mortal li(e.
Pleasre: An a(terli(e 2here the things man most lo$es in li(e are $isited )%on him in
As(ension' An a(terli(e 2here the best o( the best are granted great %o2ers" making
them heralds and messengers o( the gods . . . or e$en gods themsel$es.
0n s)ch (aiths" h)mans )s)ally ha$e a good idea o( 2hat it takes to get into these
s%eci(ic a(terli$es. To get into the DgoodD ones may re9)ire strict adherence to a certain
li(e:style" or may re9)ire that the h)man someho2 im%ress the gods 2ith his deeds or
%ersonality" or may merely re9)ire that the gods like the character . . .2hich is not
something the character can necessarily bring abo)t deliberately.
!ther challenges are %ossible: 7)mankind as a 2hole might be challenged to achie$e a
certain le$el o( ci$ili3ation by a certain time" to achie$e a certain le$el o( artistic or
%hiloso%hic ability" to de(eat a certain s%irit o( e$il" to e$ol$e to a certain enlightened
state" etc.

#$e -tre
Some" b)t not all" (aiths make %redictions (or the ()t)re. Sometimes they're grim" s)ch
as the 5orse belie( in +agnarok" the destr)ction o( the gods and man. They co)ld also be
ha%%y and cheer()l . . . tho)gh this isn't )s)ally the case in a 2orld in$ol$ing great
The D*" 2hen deciding 2hether or not to D%redict the ()t)reD (or his 2orld" sho)ld try
to (ig)re o)t 2hat this choice 2ill do to the attit)des o( his intelligent races.
A ()t)re 2hich is bleak and gloomy 2ill sometimes make the cam%aign bleak and
gloomy. The characters can ho%e (or s)ccess and glory in the short:term" b)t certain death
a2aits them" and they can't co)nt on the 2orld being there D2hen they get back.D This
sort o( a%%roach does make (or the greatest o( heroism" tho)gh. 0t's the greatest hero 2ho
stri$es on kno2ing that )ltimately he m)st (ail" yet (ights (or his goals any2ay.
A ()t)re 2hich is ha%%y and bright 2ill sometimes make the cam%aign a little more
goo(y and irres%onsible. haracters" belie$ing that 2hate$er their mistake" they'll be
%reser$ed or re2arded" may beha$e in a (oolish manner. Acts o( bra$ery are o(ten nothing
o( the sortB they're j)st short:term sacri(ices in antici%ation o( a long:term re2ard. This is
not to say that s)ch a cam%aign can't be re2arding . . . it's j)st harder (or it to be serio)s.
A ()t)re 2hich is neither doomed nor excessi$ely ha%%y 2ill tend to ha$e less o( an
e((ect on the %layer:characters. 8or instance" i( holy 2ritings say that a tho)sand years in
the ()t)re" the gods 2ill Dstart o$erD and resha%e the 2orld" %o%)lating it 2ith the
s)r$i$ors (rom the last 2orld and the best s%irits in the halls o( the a(terli(e" that's all $ery
interesting . . . b)t its e((ects on the c)rrent cam%aign are minimal. !n the other hand" i(
this resha%ing is s)%%osed to take %lace in only ten years" or one" it becomes very
interesting to the Ps. They'll 2ork $ery hard to make s)re that they're either among the
s)r$i$ors (rom this 2orld" or among the brighter s%irits o( the a(terli(e" so they can
ex%erience the ne2 2orld.
!( co)rse" the D* doesn't have to s%eci(y ()t)re e$ents (or his cam%aign. 0t's o(ten
better i( he doesn't" beca)se it makes (or more )ncertainty in the minds o( the Ps.

#$e Pant$eon
!nce the D* has created the indi$id)al gods" he o)ght to relate them to one another F
that is" establish ho2 they (eel abo)t one another. This can a((ect ho2 their mortal
(ollo2ers" es%ecially %riesthoods" (eel abo)t one another and 2ork together.
These relationshi%s don't ha$e to be $ery detailed. 0t's 9)ite s)((icient to say that one
god lo$es another" hates another" likes another" dislikes" res%ects" holds in contem%t"
2hate$er. Then" sim%ly a%%ly that sentiment to the %riesthoods o( the gods.
And 2hen that sentiment is a%%lied to mortals" it can t)rn o)t to be greater or less than
the emotion act)ally (elt by the gods in 9)estion.
8or instance" let )s say that t2o gods dislike one another. Their res%ecti$e %riests may
dislike one another 2ith similar intensity. !n the other hand" they might not dislike one
another at all. They might" in (act" recogni3e that their gods ha$e certain (oibles <h)man:
like (ailings o( %ersonality=" and might look )%on those (oibles 2ith am)sement and
a((ection b)t 2itho)t (ollo2ing them themsel$es.
7o2e$er" these %riesthoods instead might loathe one another. They co)ld hate one
another 2ith an intensity 2hich (ar s)r%asses that o( the gods in 9)estion. They co)ld" in
(act" start 2ars on the earth beca)se o( their hatred (or one another.
So" (or many gods" the D* may 2ish to decide ho2 the gods (eel abo)t one another"
and then may choose a slightly di((erent $ie2 o( ho2 their %riests react to one another.

!nce all the %rinci%al characters <i.e." gods= are in %lace" the D* can create the events
o( the (aith.
The creation o( the 2orld 2as one s)ch e$entB it described DcharactersD <gods= acting
or interacting" and something ha%%ening. The (all (rom grace o( the sentient races 2as
another: 7o2 did that ha%%en; B)t these sho)ldn't be the only e$ents kno2n to the
belie$ers. What else has ha%%ened;
Do the gods mate 2ith mortals to %rod)ce heroic characters 2ho go on ad$ent)res; 0(
so" then the conce%tion o( these heroes and their ad$ent)res in li(e are all e$ents o( the
(aith. <5ote: 0( this %rocess is still going on" some o( the cam%aign's %layer:characters
co)ld be the mortal children o( the 2orld's gods.=
7o2 do s%eci(ic gods get along together; 7a$ing determined that" the D* can next
determine 2hy. 0( t2o gods hate each other" 2hy; Did one steal (rom the other" or
embarrass him; That's an e$ent.
7a$e the gods e$er 2arred on one another; 0( so" that 2as certainly an e$ent.
The D* can create as (e2 or as many e$ents as he 2ishesB the more there are" the richer
his cam%aign setting 2ill be (or it.

-or(es and P$iloso!$ies
The mystical history o( the 2orld is some2hat di((erent i( it is dri$en by a force or a
As 2e'll disc)ss in more detail next cha%ter" a force is a mystical %o2er 2hich strongly
a((ects the 2orld . . . b)t 2hich %robably is not a sentient being like gods are. 0t has
dri$es" it has a goal" b)t it %robably does not ha$e a mind.
!n the other hand" a philosophy is a com%elling idea or set o( ideas 2hich can ca%t)re
the imagination and in(l)ence the actions o( comm)nities or 2hole ci$ili3ations. 0t might
exert eno)gh %o%)lar a%%eal that it can s)%%ort magical %o2ers (or %riest:%hiloso%hers.
B)t it is still not %recisely a god" (or it has no inde%endent mind.
0( yo)r cam%aign 2orld is dri$en by a (orce or %hiloso%hy" its mystical history is going
to be some2hat di((erent. 0t 2ill mostly be a history o( men or other sentient races and
their relationshi%s 2ith the (orce or %hiloso%hy: 7o2 they came to recogni3e it or create
it" ho2 they came to belie$e in it" ho2 they introd)ced it to others" and so (orth.
0n short" the D* 2on't ha$e to create an entire se%arate history as he 2o)ld ha$e to do
(or distinct %antheons o( gods. 7e 2ill" ho2e$er" ha$e to decide (or himsel( 2hat e((ects
these (orces or %hiloso%hies ha$e had on the h)man and h)manoid histories o( his 2orld"
and take these (actors into acco)nt (or e$ery %art o( those histories.

+yt$i( History Creation S$eet
The D* can %hotoco%y and (ill in the (ollo2ing sheet to gi$e him a starting:%lace (or
the creation o( his 2orld's mythic history. The sheet (ollo2s the order o( s)bjects (rom
this cha%ter.

0n this cha%ter" 2e disc)ssed creation o( the history o( the cam%aign's gods. 0n the next
cha%ter" 2e'll talk abo)t indi$id)al (aiths" ho2 they're %)t together" and 2hat e((ect they
ha$e on %riest:characters.
Desi,nin, -ait$s
This cha%ter is (or D*s 2ho 2ant to design detailed (aiths and c)lts (or their
cam%aign 2orlds. 0t's not %rohibited (or the cam%aign's %layers to read this . . . b)t not all
o( them 2ill (ind it )se()l. Players may 2ish to ski% on to the next cha%ter" DSam%le

As the Player's Handbook %oints o)t <%age GH" (irst col)mn=" D0n the sim%lest $ersion
o( the AD6D@game" clerics ser$e religions that can be generally described as 'good' or
'e$il.' 5othing more needs to be said abo)t itB the game 2ill %lay %er(ectly 2ell at this
That's tr)e eno)gh. B)t D*s 2ho 2ork to make their cam%aign settings into
interesting" detailed backgro)nds (or the cam%aign" 2on't be satis(ied 2ith that sim%le
a%%roach. A big %art o( the color o( any (iction setting" incl)ding cam%aign settings" is the
relationshi% o( the s)%ernat)ral 2orld to the DrealD 2orld . . . and gods" 2ith %riests as
ambassadors to the h)man 2orld" (orm a big %art o( that s)%ernat)ral element.
So" e$ent)ally" most D*s 2ill 2ant to 2ork )% at least the basic details o( 2ho the
gods are in his cam%aign 2orld" ho2 they relate to one another" and 2hat their goals are
<es%ecially those %ertaining to the mortal 2orld=. This" in t)rn" 2ill let them enhance the
role o( cleric" dr)id and other %riest %layer:characters in the cam%aign . . . and that's 2hat
this cha%ter is all abo)t.
0n this cha%ter" yo)'ll learn ho2 to create s%eci(ic (aiths <related to s%eci(ic gods"
nat)ral (orces" and %hiloso%hies=B ho2 to create the %riests o( these s%eci(ic mythoiB and
ho2 to relate the gods together into a ()ll:si3ed %antheon (or yo)r game 2orld. 0n the
next cha%ter" yo)'ll (ind many exam%les o( this %riesthood creation %rocess.

God) -or(e) or P$iloso!$y
8or each (aith yo) establish in yo)r cam%aign 2orld" yo) ha$e to decide 2hat it is
that's being 2orshi%%ed and $enerated: A &od" a 8orce" or a Philoso%hy.
A God is a %o2er()l being" )s)ally o( h)man or greater intelligence" )s)ally desiring
to im%ose its 2ill or characteristics )%on the 2orld. A god is o(ten de$oted to a single
attrib)te or set o( attrib)tes <e.g." 2ar(are" lo$e" agric)lt)re" marriage" etc.= and so most o(
his interactions 2ith the 2orld 2ill deal 2ith the god's %romotion o( that attrib)te among
h)mankind. &ods do not ha$e to be anthro%omor%hic <i.e." manlike in (orm or %ersonality
characteristics=" and so one (aith's god is o(ten another (aith's monster. 7o2e$er" most o(
the gods 2orshi%%ed by %layer:characters are likely to be anthro%omor%hic and not
A -or(e is some sort o( nat)ral <or )nnat)ral= %rocess 2hich in(l)ences the 2orld. 0t
isn't necessarily intelligent" b)t it is magically %o2er()l . . . and h)mans 2ho acce%t the
dictates and goals o( this (orce can become its %riests and )se s%ells based on that magical
%o2er. Some 8orces 2hich can be so 2orshi%%ed incl)de Entro%y" 5at)re" the #i(e:
Death:+ebirth ycle" and *agic. Dr)ids tend to be %riests o( the 8orce o( 5at)re" instead
o( s%eci(ic &ods o( 5at)re. <There are exce%tions to that generali3ation" o( co)rse.=
A P$iloso!$y is an idea" or set o( ideas" 2hich <in these magical 2orlds= is so
com%elling that it attracts magical energy and (aith to it" m)ch as a 8orce does.
Philoso%hies are )s)ally created by man or other sentient races" s%read thro)gho)t
c)lt)res" and gain s)ch 2ides%read acce%tance and belie( that they do become m)ch like
8orces. When no one belie$es in a Philoso%hy any longer" it can generate no magical
%o2er and s)%%ort no %riests" so the %riests' d)ty is to embody its attrib)tes and to teach
the %hiloso%hy so that it 2ill ne$er die. Sam%le %hiloso%hies incl)de !neness With
5at)re" Peace" the Di$inity o( *ankind" the Sanctity o( #i(e" 5ihilism" and so on.
0n the AD6D@ game" the &od" 8orce" and Philoso%hy are identical in the 2ay they are
treated by the game mechanics. All three %ro$ide s%ells and %o2ers to their %riests. All
three demand %ersonal re9)irements and ser$ices o( their %riests and o( their non:%riest
(ollo2ers. And all three" to a lesser or greater degree" sha%e the 2orld" both thro)gh their
o2n %o2ers and thro)gh their agents" the %riests.

Et$os and Re0ire"ents o& t$e -ait$
Each (aith re9)ires certain codes o( beha$ior" belie(s" and e$en abilities o( its (ollo2ers
and o( its %riests. When creating a (aith" yo) ha$e to decide 2hat those re9)irements are
and ho2 they're to be im%lemented in yo)r cam%aign.

Goals and Pr!oses
8irst" 2hat are the goals and %)r%oses o( the god <or (orce or %hiloso%hy=" and
there(ore o( the (aith;
!(ten" that's sel(:e$ident" beca)se it's )s)ally tied to the attrib)te o( the god" or the
ex%lanation o( the (orce or %hiloso%hy.
8or exam%le" i( the (aith's god is a &od o( #o$e" then the goals and %)r%oses o( the
(aith 2ill %robably incl)de:
Pro"otion o& 5o4e" 2hich might incl)de the hel%ing along o( lo$ers" o%%osition to
those 2ho inter(ere in the de$elo%ment o( romantic relationshi%s" %)nishment o( those
2ho de(y the god and re()se to lo$e" etc. This co)ld also incl)de Dsocial ser$icesD to the
comm)nity" thro)gh the god's tem%les: o)nseling to yo)ng lo$ers" (or instance.
Pro"otion o& t$e God" 2hich incl)des the b)ilding o( tem%les or ch)rches" carrying
the 2ord o( the god to those 2ho ha$e not heard it" and kee%ing the stories o( the god
e$er:%resent in the ears o( the %o%)lation.
O!!osition o& Ene"ies" 2hich means s)btle or direct o%%osition to enemy gods and
their (ollo2ersB ob$io)sly" a god o( #o$e is likely to be o%%osed to a god o( 7atred"
*isanthro%y" *isogyny" etc.
Those are some basic goals" b)t yo) ob$io)sly aren't limited to goals 2hich are that
direct and sim%le.
8or instance" a god may re%resent only a small %art o( his attrib)te. A &od o( War does
not ha$e to be j)st a god o( all ty%es and elements o( 2ar(are. 7e co)ld be the &od o( the
haos o( War" the &od o( 0ntelligent War(are" the &od o( 5a$al War(are <in 2hich he
might share traits 2ith a god o( !ceans=" the &od o( the S2ord <in 2hich case he might
share traits 2ith a god o( *etal2orking=" and so (orth. 0( yo) choose" yo) can al2ays
make a god's %ersonal attrib)te more s%eciali3ed" and can choose more s%eciali3ed goals
(or the (aith based on that choice.
0n addition" a god isn't de(ined j)st by his attrib)te. 0n the cam%aign history" he also has
a %ersonal history" likes and dislikes" relationshi%s 2ith other gods" and ambitions" all o(
2hich can %ro$ide more goals (or the (aith.
As one exam%le" Ee)s" the king o( the gods o( &reek mythology" had many attrib)tes
and associations. 7e 2as the king o( the gods" a sky:god" a god 2hose emblem and
2ea%on 2as the lightning bolt" a god o( Wisdom <he had s2allo2ed and absorbed the
2isdom:goddess *etis" mother o( Athena=" a god o( oracles <tho)gh he 2as e$ent)ally
s)%%lanted by A%ollo in this role" he had a major oracle at the city o( Dodona=" a
%rotector o( ()giti$es" a lo$er o( many goddesses and 2omen . . . 0n short" he had many
characteristics and attrib)tes" and in an AD6D@ game cam%aign his %riesthood 2o)ld
embody and %romote most or all o( them.

A (aith 2ill o(ten demand that its %riests belong to a s%eci(ic alignment or a limited
range o( alignments. The D* determines this" )s)ally basing the choice on the attrib)tes
and character o( the god" (orce or %hiloso%hy in 9)estion.
B)t don't be too restricti$e in this regard. E$en i(" %ersonally" yo)'re o%%osed to War"
the &od o( War and his (ollo2ers don't ha$e to be haotic?E$il.

Ali,n"ent Gidelines &or t$e Priest$ood
7ere are some general g)idelines to go by:
The (irst" and most im%ortant" note is this: The gods )s)ally do not insist that their
%riests be o( identical alignment to the god. The alignment may not be so dissimilar that
the %riest cannot ser$e the god" b)t it does not ha$e to be identical.
0( the (aith does not %romote any sort o( harm to li$ing beings" or %romotes bene(its to
li$ing beings" then it %robably excl)des E$il alignments among the %riesthood. 0( the (aith
allo2s (or harm to li$ing beings b)t does not %romote 2anton cr)elty" then it can incl)de
&ood" 5e)tral" and E$il %riests. 0( the (aith does %romote cr)elty" then it %robably
excl)des &ood alignments among its %riests.
0( the (aith demands ordered thinking" strict obedience to la2s" and )n9)estioning
acce%tance o( %olicy" then it leans to2ard #a2()l beha$ior. <5o2" e$ery (aith re9)ires
rit)als and de$otions o( its %riests" b)t this isn't the same thing" and doesn't re9)ire any
alignment choice.= 0( the (aith demands more (ree:2illed and s%ontaneo)s beha$ior"
de(iance o( social con$entions or restrictions" and so (orth" then it leans to2ard haotic
beha$ior. 0( it %romotes neither a%%roach strongly" then it can %robably incl)de #a2()l"
5e)tral" and haotic choices.
7ere are some sam%le choices:
God o& 5o4e' This ty%e o( (aith )s)ally %romotes no harm to li$ing beings" and
%romotes the bene(its o( lo$eB it o(ten %romotes (ree:2illed and s%ontaneo)s beha$ior"
b)t not strongly. There(ore" its %riests 2ill %robably be re9)ired to be &ood" and may be
o( #a2()l" 5e)tral" or haotic alignments" tho)gh the tendency is to2ard haotic.
7o2e$er" i( the god is a god o( %assionate a((airs and sel(ish lo$e" regardless o( 2ho gets
h)rt" and i( he %romotes re$enge on romantic com%etitors and ex:lo$ers" then the (aith
co)ld 2ell incl)de E$il and 5e)tral %riests" th)s gi$ing its %riesthood the ()ll range o(
alignment choices.
God o& *ar' This (aith generally allo2s (or harm to li$ing beings 2itho)t %romoting
2anton cr)eltyB and 2ar(are r)ns the gam)t (rom care()lly:reasoned strategy to 2ild"
bloodthirsty battle(ield chaos. There(ore" the (aith %robably %laces no restriction on the
alignment o( its %riests. 7o2e$er" a s%eci(ic god can be de$oted to one as%ect o( 2ar. 8or
exam%le" a god 2ho %romotes the bloody destr)ction o( all enemies" incl)ding sacri(ice
o( %risoners and innocents" 2ill %robably ha$e an E$il %riesthood. A god 2ho is the god
o( military %lanning 2ill %robably ha$e a #a2()l" or #a2()l and 5e)tral" %riesthood.

Ali,n"ents o& t$e *ors$i!!ers
*ost (aiths de(ine $ario)s acts and ty%es o( beha$ior as e$il and demand that their
(ollo2ers not %er(orm those acts. Some (e2 make those same de(initions and demand that
their (ollo2ers do %er(orm them. Almost no (aiths demand that their (ollo2ers belong
s%eci(ically to #a2()l or haotic alignments.
There(ore" most (aiths re9)ire o( their <non:%riest= 2orshi%%ers that they be anything
b)t E$il. A $ery (e2 (aiths re9)ire instead that their 2orshi%%ers be any sort o( E$il
<#a2()l?E$il" 5e)tral?E$il" or haotic?E$il=.

Ability S(ores
*ost %riesthoods demand some sort o( minim)m ability scores o( their %riests.
The %rime characteristic o( %riests is Wisdom. To be a %riest o( any sort 2hatsoe$er"
the character m)st ha$e at least a 2isdom o( .. Some %riesthoods 2ill re9)ire that the
2isdom score be higher" tho)gh )s)ally not higher than -G.
&enerally" i( the %riest's Wisdom is -I or better" he gets a J-/K bon)s to his earned
*any %riesthoods 2ill re9)ire a second %rime re9)isite. 8or exam%le" %riests o( a god
o( War may ha$e to ha$e a certain Strength score" 2hile %riests o( a god o( *agic might
ha$e to ha$e a certain 0ntelligence score. 1s)ally" this second %rime re9)isite m)st ha$e a
score o( at least -AB )% to -L is not an excessi$e re9)irement.
0n s)ch cases" the D* may decide that the character" i( he has either the Wisdom score
or the other Prime +e9)isite at a score o( -I" gets a JLK bon)s to earned ex%erience" b)t
i( he has both" he gets a J-/K bon)s.
0n the next cha%ter" yo)'ll (ind n)mero)s exam%les o( s)ch %riesthoods and
recommended minim)m ability scores (or them.

Ra(es Allo2ed
The D* may 2ish to limit certain %riesthoods to certain races.
This is almost al2ays a choice based on the history o( his o2n cam%aign 2orld. There
is no game:related reason 2hy most races can't ha$e %riests (or any god" (orce or
%hiloso%hyB b)t there are o(ten cam%aign:related reasons 2hy a certain race can't belong
to a certain %riesthood.
8or exam%le" i( the hal(lings o( a s%eci(ic cam%aign 2orld are %aci(ists" they'll be
excl)ded (rom %riesthood in the (aith o( the 2ar:god. 0( d2ar$es are %ragmatic"
)nromantic sorts 2ho arrange all their marriages and don't cond)ct a((airs o( the heart"
they'll be excl)ded (rom %riesthood in the (aith o( the lo$e:god.
0n the next cha%ter" 2e %ro$ide n)mero)s exam%les o( %riesthoods o( s%eci(ic mythoi.
With each" there's a recommendation (or allo2ed races. These recommendations are
based on the most common and %o%)lar conce%tions o( these races" and the D* is (ree to
change them (or his s%eci(ic cam%aign.
Players be2are: When the Complete Priest's Handbook says one thing abo)t allo2ed
races" and the D* says another" the D* is al2ays right.

E3!erien(e and S!ell Pro,ression
0t 2o)ld be %ossible to come )% 2ith an Ex%erience #e$els hart and S%ell
Progression hart (or e$ery %riesthood o( s%eci(ic mythoi" b)t it 2o)ld also be cra3yB
there's no reason to ha$e the extra com%lication in yo)r cam%aign.
All ne2 %riesthoods introd)ced in the next cha%ter )se the leric ex%erience
%rogression and the basic Priest s%ell %rogression" both (rom %age GG o( the Player's
Handbook. 0( yo)r D*" 2hen creating a ne2 %riesthood" decides that it is obser$ably less
%o2er()l than the leric or the %riesthoods 2ritten here" he can choose to )se the Dr)id
ex%erience %rogression" 2hich allo2s (or (aster ac9)isition o( ex%erience le$els.

Gender Re0ire"ents
0n the 2orlds o( the AD6D@ game" most %riesthoods sho)ld allo2 both %riests and
%riestesses. 7o2e$er" in (antasy 2orlds and the real 2orld" some (aiths ha$e re9)ired that
all their %riesthood be o( j)st one sex. 0( there is s)ch a restriction on a gi$en %riesthood"
the D* 2ill make note o( it and tell the %layers.

Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies
4ario)s %riesthoods 2ill re9)ire %riests to kno2 certain skills <non2ea%on
%ro(iciencies= and be able to 2ield certain 2ea%ons <2ea%on %ro(iciencies=. 8or exam%le"
a %riest o( the god o( Agric)lt)re m)st kno2 the Agric)lt)re %ro(iciency" 2hile a %riest o(
the god o( 8ire m)st kno2 8ire:B)ilding.
E$ery %riesthood sho)ld re9)ire one non2ea%on %ro(iciency o( its %riests and
%riestessesB it's a sign o( their de$otion. 0t's %ermissible" b)t not recommended" (or them
to re9)ire more than one.
A %riesthood may re9)ire one or more 2ea%on %ro(iciencies o( its %riests and
%riestesses" b)t 2e don't recommend this (or most %riesthoods. *any (aiths allo2 their
%riests so (e2 2ea%on choices any2ay that it's %ointless to require they be taken. An
exce%tion is 2hen a god is noted (or 2ielding a s%eci(ic 2ea%onB (or instance" it's 9)ite
reasonable to re9)ire Wea%on Pro(iciency in War:7ammer (or %riests o( the god Thor"
2hose %rinci%al 2ea%on and symbol 2as the hammer.
Dties o& t$e Priest
5o2" 2e get to a to%ic 2hich adds a lot o( color to the %riesthood and the cam%aign
All %riesthoods ha$e certain d)ties to %er(orm" d)ties to the god and d)ties to the
comm)nity or ci$ili3ation. The D* needs to decide 2hat each %riesthood's d)ties are"
and 2ill o(ten be able to )se those d)ties to tie the %riest character in to s%eci(ic
ad$ent)res and role:%laying sit)ations.
8ollo2ing are some sam%le ideas (or %riestly d)ties. The D* can )se as (e2 or as
many o( these as he 2ants 2hen designing a ne2 %riesthoodB he can also in$ent ne2 ones
to s)it his cam%aign.

These are ordinary %rayers and rit)als 2hich the %riest cond)cts on a reg)lar basis.
They might incl)de the saying o( %rayers at s%eci(ic times o( the day" )%on obser$ation o(
s%eci(ic incidents or nat)ral %henomena" and so (orth.
The D* can decide 2hat these are and 2hen they're )ndertaken" b)t the cam%aign
sho)ldn't de$ote a lot o( time to themB it's annoying and disconcerting to interr)%t the
ad$ent)re e$ery so o(ten so that the %riests can %)ll o)t their holy symbols" kneel to the
s)n" and lead the (aith()l in %rayer. >)st kno2ing that they do this sort o( thing on a
reg)lar basis is eno)gh (or most %layers.

0n most ci$ili3ations" %riests are s)%%osed to act as co)nselors to e$eryone in need o(
ad$ice. <This is one reason that Wisdom is a %rime re9)isite.=
There(ore" the %riest character sho)ld not be s)r%rised 2hen he (inds 5Ps seeking
him o)t and cons)lting him on tro)bling moral and ethical %roblems. These are good
role:%laying o%%ort)nitiesB they are o(ten leads to s%eci(ic ad$ent)resB and" 2ith
es%ecially knotty %roblems" they can be di((ic)lt %)33les (or the %layers to sol$e" all
2itho)t )sing their s2ords and maces.
!(ten" %riests are %osted to s%eci(ic noble leaders in order to be their %ersonal ad$isors.
5at)rally" this is only done 2hen those noble leaders desire it" are 2illing to allo2 it" or
<beca)se o( the %riesthood's %olitical strength= cannot a((ord to re()se it. This is a 2ay to
establish some sort o( bond bet2een ne2 %layer:characters: The %riest %layer:character
co)ld be assigned as ad$isor to the noble %layer:character.

0n many h)man c)lt)res" only the %riest can %er(orm marriages" so the D* may 2ish
(or this to be a d)ty o( %riests in his cam%aign.
The D* 2ill need to decide (or his cam%aign 2hether or not marriages re9)ire the
ministrations o( %riests" and might make a di((erent choice (or each sentient races. 0(
h)mans re9)ire %riests (or marriage" do d2ar$es; <Perha%s they )se ad$ocates and
notaries instead.= Do el$es; <Perha%s their marriages are o((iciated by bards" 2ho 2rite
songs commemorating the e$ent as a sort o( Dmarriage certi(icate.D= Do hal(lings;
<Perha%s they %re(er ceremonies %resided o$er by sheri((s or j)dges.=
Also" the D* can al2ays decide that %riests o( certain (aiths cannot %er(orm marriages.
What" (or exam%le" does the god o( 2ea%onmaking ha$e to do 2ith marriage; !n the
other hand" it's e9)ally a%%ro%riate (or %riests o( any god to be able to %er(orm marriages.
This is es%ecially tr)e i(" in the cam%aign" marriage constit)tes %ermission or recognition
(rom Dhigher (orces"D and any god" incl)ding those 2ith attrib)tes )nrelated to marriage"
may bless a marriage.

The d)ties o( %riesthood o(ten in$ol$e going on missions im%ortant to the 2el(are o(
the god or the %riesthood in general.
!ne o( the most common missions in$ol$es going some2here and trying to con$ert the
local %o%)lation to 2orshi% o( the %riest's god. 1s)ally" this in$ol$es religio)s ed)cation
and 2hat amo)nt to social ser$icesB sometimes" it in$ol$es con9)ering that c)lt)re and
r)thlessly s)%%ressing all signs o( its old religion.
!ther" more exciting missions can in$ol$e reco$ery o( arti(acts" trans%ortation o(
%ersons or goods <s)ch as tem%le money= thro)gh dangero)s territory" inter%retation o(
%henomena in distant %laces" and holy 2ar 2ith the (ollo2ers o( another god.
0t's im%ortant (or the D* to remember that the god himsel( isn't the only one 2ho
sends %riests o)t on missions. 8or most missions" it's the )%%er ranks o( the %riesthood
2ho do the assigning" and %riests are s)%%osed to (ollo2 the orders o( their s)%eriors. So
it's %ossible (or any %riesthood to ha$e a Dbad egg"D a %riest 2ho iss)es orders 2hich are
contradictory to the tenets o( the (aith or designed to %romote only his %ersonal %o2er.
This sho)ld" ho2e$er" be a $ery rare cam%aign e$ent" )nless the cam%aign re$ol$es
aro)nd )nco$ering and %)rging a corr)%t element o( the sect.


0n some cam%aigns" %riests 2ill be charged 2ith the d)ty o( reading omens (or the
0( a cam%aign's %riests ha$e that d)ty" the D* has to decide ho2 they do it" 2hat it is
they're act)ally doing" and 2ho they're doing it (or.

Ho2 #$ey Do %t

!men:+eading al2ays re9)ires some sort o( rit)al" )s)ally a %)blic one.
The %riests may sacri(ice animals and examine their entrails (or cl)es to the ()t)re.
They may read tea:lea$es. They may inhale dangero)s ()mes and %ro%hesy 2hile )nder
their in(l)ence. They may listen to 2his%ering in the trees" babbling o( brooks" or the
singing o( birds and inter%ret that noise. They may enter meditati$e states and 2ait (or
ins%iration (rom the gods. Each c)lt co)ld do it a di((erent 2ay" and the D* can choose
the method 2hich he (eels 2ill add the most a%%ro%riate color to the c)lt in 9)estion.
*$at #$ey're Doin,

Then" the D* has to (ig)re o)t 2hat it is the %riests are act)ally doing 2hen
%ro%hesying. 7ere are some choices:
#$ey're Re(ei4in, t$e *ord o& #$eir God' The %riests are act)ally recei$ing some
ins%iration (rom their deity. 5at)rally" s)ch omens are )s)ally clo)ded in im%recise
terminology and symbolism" so that it's easy (or the reci%ient o( an omen to misinter%ret
the res)lts.
#$ey're -ollo2in, Rital %nter!retation' The %riests ha$e a set o( techni9)es o(
inter%retation 2hich they (ollo2 rigidly. These techni9)es may or may not ha$e any basis
in cam%aign realityB they might ha$e been granted by the god" or created thro)gh
#$ey're Analy6in, 1ased On #$eir .no2led,e' The %riests aren't act)ally
%ro%hesying at all" b)t s)%%lying ans2ers based on their )nderstanding o( the sit)ation
and o( the 2ays o( the 2orld. 0( they are then %retending that their ans2ers come (rom a
higher so)rce" they are ob$io)sly being dishonestB only a corr)%t branch o( a %riesthood
2ill do this. 7o2e$er" it's %ossible (or s)ch a method to be $ery acc)rate" es%ecially i( it
concerns itsel( mostly 2ith 9)estions o( 2ar(are and h)man nat)re.
#$ey're #ellin, t$e Adien(e *$at %t *ants to Hear' The %riests are acting
%rimarily as cheerleaders and telling the %eo%le %recisely 2hat they 2ant to hear: That
they'll 2in the 2ar" they're al2ays right" they'$e done no 2rong" lo$e con9)ers all. Again"
%riests acting in this manner are being dishonest to their (locks" b)t it 2ill o(ten be
di((ic)lt to con$ince the (locks o( that.
#$ey're *orkin, &or Gain' Some $ery corr)%t sects or branches o( sects mani%)late
their ans2ers to gain in %o2er or money. This )s)ally takes one o( t2o methods.
0n the (irst" the %riests s)%%ly ans2ers 2hich (a$or their %)r%oses. 0( re%resentati$es
o( one city ask" DWhen 2e attack o)r enemies" 2ill 2e %re$ail;D the %riests then decide
2hom they 2ant to 2in that 2ar. 0( they 2ant the attackers to 2in" they ans2er DMes.D
Then" the attackers 2ill be enco)raged by the re%ly" and the de(enders disco)raged" 2hich
2eighs the 2ar in the attackers' (a$or. 0( they 2ant the de(enders to 2in" they ans2er
D5o"D 2ith %recisely the o%%osite e((ectB the disco)raged attackers might not e$en la)nch
the attack.
0n the second" the %riests acce%t bribes in order to %)t their god's stam% o( a%%ro$al on
the acti$ities o( certain men. 8or instance" a king might secretly %ay the %riests a la$ish
amo)nt" then %)blicly a%%roach the oracle and ask" DShall 0 not exec)te the traitor so:and:
so no2 2itho)t bene(it o( trial;D or DSho)ld 0 marry so:and:so against her 2ishes;D or
any other s)ch 9)estion. The ans2er he recei$es" o( co)rse" 2ill be the one he %aid to get"
and beca)se the god has Dmade his 2ishes kno2n"D the citi3ens 2ill %robably not dis%)te
the choice.
0n both these a%%roaches" the god may e$ent)ally notice that one branch o( his
%riesthood is corr)%t" and set abo)t correcting matters" either thro)gh his o2n
inter$ention or by alerting other branches o( the %riesthood. !n the other hand" a
%artic)larly disinterested god might ne$er notice.

1t Are #$ey Ri,$t7

As %art o( deciding 2hat they're doing" the D* has to decide ho2 o(ten they're right.
The %riests 2ill o(ten be right i( they're recei$ing the 2ord o( their godB this 2ord may
be misinter%reted" b)t it's al2ays correct.
They co)ld ha$e any sort o( acc)racy the D* decides i( they're (ollo2ing some %attern
o( rit)al inter%retationB %erha%s the rit)al is e((ecti$e" %erha%s it is not.
0( they're analy3ing the sit)ation based on their c)rrent kno2ledge" then their acc)racy
de%ends mostly in their inter%reti$e abilitiesB a %riesthood might ha$e eno)gh kno2ledge
o( the 2orld and h)man nat)re to be able to s)%%ly consistently:correct ans2ers to
0( they're telling the a)dience 2hat it 2ants to hear" they co)ld be $ery acc)rate (or a
time" es%ecially i( they're %ro%hesying (or a 2arlike state 2hich is on the rise and mostly
asking abo)t )%coming $ictories. E$ent)ally" ho2e$er" the tides o( (ate 2ill t)rn and the
%ro%hecies 2ill become )nreliable" 2hich 2ill disill)sion the %o%)lace.
0( they're 2orking (or gain" they co)ld be $ery s)ccess()l (or 9)ite a 2hile. E$ent)ally"
tho)gh" the scandal 2ill break" and the %o%)lation 2ill learn the tr)th . . . 2hich co)ld be
$ery bad (or those greedy %ro%hets.

*$o %t's -or

8inally" the D* has to decide 2ho is able to recei$e these %ro%hecies. 7ere are some
ty%ical choices:
Anyone' Anyone 2ho asks a 9)estion 2ill recei$e some sort o( re%ly.
Anyone *it$ t$e +eans' Some tem%les re9)ire a sacri(ice o( animals or 2ealth in
order (or the s)%%licant to recei$e a %ro%hecy. <This isn't necessarily a sign o( corr)%tionB
it's o(ten j)st a means o( ens)ring the tem%le's )%kee% and the (aith's contin)ing sec)lar"
or 2orldly" %o2er.=
Nobles Only' 0n this arrangement" only members o( noble ho)ses can ask 9)estions o(
the oracle.
The D* can also make more %ec)liar choices (or s%eci(ic oracles. An oracle might
only be (or sla$es" (or ad$ent)rers" (or %eo%le 2ho ha$e at least once tra$elled to a
s%eci(ic holy site" (or %eo%le o( s%eci(ic alignments" (or members o( one race" etc.


8inally" %riests ha$e to be $igilant against %o2ers or elements 2hich threaten their (aith
or their (ollo2ers.
These %o2ers and elements don't )s)ally take the direct a%%roach" s)ch as attacks by
armies or monsters. The %riest needs to be $igilant against more s)btle intr)sions"
#$e A,ent Pro4o(ater' This is someone 2ho (alsely joins the %riesthood" s%ends a
long time becoming a tr)sted member or e$en a leader o( it" and then %ers)ades members
o( the (aith to %er(orm actions 2hich 2ill get the (aith into tro)ble. 8or exam%le" in times
2hen the %riesthood is in con(lict 2ith another (aith" the Agent Pro$ocate)r might
enco)rage o)tright 2ar 2ith that (aith. When a con(lict 2ith the local r)lers co)ld be
sorted o)t by calm di%lomacy" the Agent Pro$ocate)r 2ill instead recommend or iss)e
)ltimat)ms and demands. And" nat)rally" the Agent 2ill kee% his tr)e masters a%%rised o(
the %riesthood's secret mo$ements and acti$ities at all times.
Corr!tion in S!e(i&i( Orders' Sometimes %riests go bad and )se the %riesthood (or
their o2n gain. 0n addition to methods mentioned abo$e" they may also secretly de(y
re9)irements o( their %riesthood" steal tem%le ()nds" )se their d)ties o( g)idance to
in(l)ence others to %ro(it these %riests" etc. 5o s)ch corr)%tion goes )nnoticed (ore$er"
b)t the )n2illingness o( %eo%le to belie$e that they'$e %)t their (aith in crooks and thie$es
can ens)re that this corr)%tion can go on (or a long" long time.
5ibels' At times" members o( ri$al %riesthoods 2ill %ers)ade their (ollo2ers that other
%riesthoods %er(orm acts 2hich are %ro(ane and e$il. 0n a c)lt)re 2here religio)s
%rej)dice is a strong (actor" this is o(ten easy to do. 8or instance" it might %ro$e sim%le to
con$ince one's (lock that the %riests o( a more des%ised (aith are kidna%%ing yo)ng
2omen <only 2omen o( the libeller's (aith" o( co)rse= to ser$e as )n2illing tem%le
conc)bines" then killing them. 0t's es%ecially easy to do 2hen the libeller secretly
arranges (or the kidna%%ing and m)rder o( se$eral yo)ng 2omen in his o2n (aith. When
this sort o( thing goes on" it's $ital that the %riests o( the acc)sed (aith %ro$e the tr)th.
They can't do it j)st by gi$ing local a)thorities a to)r o( their tem%le to sho2 there are no
)n2illing conc)bines here :: and e$en i( they do" a %artic)larly cle$er enemy 2ill ha$e
concealed the body o( one o( the kidna%%ed girls there (or the a)thorities to (indN 0t
re9)ires ca%t)re o( the killers and demonstration that they 2ere ser$ing someone else . . .
all o( 2hich is a good basis (or a %riest:oriented ad$ent)re.
!b$io)sly" it's the d)ty o( (aith()l %riests to combat all these sit)ations these 2hen
they're noticed. 7o2e$er" it's a characteristic o( the greatest %riest:heroes to notice these
trends ell ahead of the time that they become critical " and to deal 2ith them early in
their de$elo%ment" be(ore they can res)lt in serio)s harm to the %riesthood.
8or the D*" this is a good 2ay to gi$e the P %riest an o%%ort)nity (or ra%id
ad$ancement in his %riesthood: 0( he's the (irst to notice s)ch a trend and is able to
s%earhead the mo$ement to correct it" he 2ill be 2ell:regarded by his %eers. This is also a
good 2ay to establish that an 5P %riest is a hero o( his (aith" i( he" in the %ast" has
th2arted s)ch sit)ations.

Ri,$ts o& t$e Priest$ood
At the D*'s discretion" %riesthoods can ha$e s%ecial rights and %o2ers" too. These
rights )s)ally de%end on the amo)nt o( in(l)ence the %riesthood 2ields in the cam%aign
settingB a minor %riesthood may not enjoy any o( these bene(its" 2hile a dominant one
co)ld ha$e all o( them.

C$r($ #rial

0n some c)lt)res" the sec)lar <non:%riestly= a)thorities cannot %)t %riests on trial (or
any sort o( crime. That doesn't mean a %riest can %er(orm a crime and la)gh at the la2"
ho2e$er: *ost %riestly orders %olice themsel$es" and 2ill try <or %)nish 2itho)t trial=
Priestly orders don't ordinarily (la)nt this %o2er in order to de(y sec)lar a)thorities.
When %riests commit crimes" %riesthoods )s)ally %)nish them. Exce%tions occ)r 2hen
the %riest 2as acting at the %riesthood's behest" %artic)larly 2hen the god re9)ires actions
2hich are against the la2 o( the land. 0n these cases" the %riest sometimes goes
)n%)nishedB sometimes he recei$es a Dsla% on the 2ristD %)nishment to 9)iet the sec)lar
The D*" not the %layer" gets to decide 2hether %riests ha$e the right to ch)rch trial.


The most %o2er()l %riesthood in a gi$en land 2ill %robably ha$e the right to cro2n
kings 2hen they ascend the throne. The D* has to decide 2hether this is merely an
honor besto2ed on the %riesthood" or 2hether it is a right 2hich the %riesthood can )se to
in(l)ence the throne.
0( it's the (ormer" then the chie( %riest is accorded the right to o((iciate at the coronation
ceremony. 7o2e$er" i( the %riest re()sed to o((iciate" the cro2ning 2ill take %lace
any2ayB the king can choose another %riesthood (or the honor" or he can be cro2ned
2itho)t the %riesthood's sanction.
0( it's the latter" then the %riesthood can deny someone the right to take the throne by
re()sing to cro2n him. This is a $ery %o2er()l right" and thro)gh it the %riesthood can
exert considerable in(l)ence on the nation.
That's not to say that" by re()sing to cro2n a certain candidate" the %riesthood can stage
a bloodless co)% and choose the king.
#et's ass)me a %riesthood does s)ch a thing and re()ses the chie( candidate (or the
throne" then s%reads the 2ord they 2ill s)%%ort a certain other candidate.
The re()sed candidate may decide to mo)nt a 2ar against the %riesthood. The ne2
candidate" i( cro2ned" may (ind that none o( the other nobles in the nation s)%%ort his
kingshi%. All o( this can res)lt in a bloody ci$il 2ar 2hich co)ld tear the nation a%art and
2reck the %riesthood's %o2er.
There(ore" 2hen the %riesthood decides to exercise this %o2er" it does tend to make
com%romises" to negotiate secretly 2ith the %arties in$ol$ed" to %lan things care()lly so
that tro)ble is ke%t to a minim)m. !nly the most arrogant o( %riesthoods 2o)ld try to
take (or itsel( the ()ll right to choose the king . . . and s)ch %riesthoods are likely to lead
their nation into 2ar or chaos.

Ot$er Con&ir"ations

0t co)ld be that con(irmations other than coronation are the s%ecial %ro$ince o( one
%riesthood. 8or exam%le" in one nation" any %riest might %er(orm marriages (or
commoners" b)t only the %riests o( a s%eci(ic god might %er(orm marriages (or nobles.
This 2o)ld gi$e that %riesthood great %o2er" beca)se by collecti$ely deciding or
re()sing to marry certain co)%les" this %riesthood has the %o2er to in(l)ence 2hich
(amilies )nite and 2hich do not.
Again" ab)se o( this right co)ld lead to harm" b)t care()l a%%lication o( it 2o)ld allo2
the %riesthood to a((ect the gro2th and de$elo%ment o( the nation.


Some %riesthoods" the most %o2er()l ones in a c)lt)re" are able to demand tithes o(
their (ollo2ers. A tithe is an amo)nt o( money" o(ten re%resented as a (raction o( the
money:earner's reg)lar 2age" 2hich the (ollo2er is re9)ired to %ay to the %riesthood.
Theoretically" it is )sed (or )%kee% o( ch)rches and tem%les" %)rchase o( s)%%lies and
e9)i%ment (or the %riests" etc. Some %riesthoods also )se these moneys (or in(l)ence 2ith
the go$ernmentB a $ery (e2 corr)%t %riests di% into it (or %ersonal gain.
0n an AD6D@ game cam%aign" only the religion o( a monotheistic state" or the state
religion" 2ill be able legally to demand tithes o( its (ollo2ers. S)ch tithes 2ill )s)ally r)n
(rom LK to -LK o( the character's income" 2ith -/K being most common.
Priesthoods o( other (aiths 2ill ask their (ollo2ers to tithe a like amo)nt. 5at)rally" not
all their (ollo2ers 2ill tithe and so s)ch religions bring in less tithed income than those
2ho can demand it.
Player:character %riests don't get to see that moneyB it is recorded by ch)rch
acco)ntants" stored in ch)rch treas)res" and distrib)ted or s%ent by s)%erior %riests.

Se!aration &ro" t$e -ait$

Some %riesthoods can exert considerable in(l)ence on their (ollo2ers by being able to
se%arate them (rom the (aith. 0(" (or instance" all (ollo2ers are %romised a certain role in
the a(terli(e" and se%aration (rom the (aith 2o)ld deny them that role <and re%lace it 2ith
something (ar more (rightening or ghastly=" then the (ollo2ers o( the (aith are likely to
obey the %riesthood.
5at)rally" most %riesthoods $isit this %)nishment only on those (ollo2ers 2ho most
(lagrantly de(y the re9)irements o( the (aith. >)st as nat)rally" the occasional corr)%t
%riest 2o)ld threaten (ollo2ers 2ith this %)nishment )nless they are blindly" absol)tely
obedient to him.
7o2e$er" this %)nishment doesn't 2ork so 2ell in a c)lt)re 2hich 2orshi%s many gods
and 2hich has a se%arate" inde%endent %riesthood (or each god. 0( yo) threaten a (ollo2er
o( the 2ar:god 2ith se%aration" he might be j)st as ha%%y to s2itch o$er to 2orshi% o( the
sea:god. This is a balancing (actor 2hich hel%s kee% do2n ab)se o( this right in many
c)lt)res. 7o2e$er" monotheistic c)lt)res <those 2hich 2orshi% only one god= don't ha$e
this balancing (actorB they ha$e to rely on the honesty o( the %riesthood.


Some c)lt)res are theocracies " 2hich means they are r)led by their %riestly classes.
5at)rally" in s)ch a c)lt)re" one %riesthood 2ill be dominantB the c)lt)re may 2orshi%
only one god" or may tolerate other 2orshi%s b)t be mainly de$oted to one s%eci(ic god.
0n a theocracy" the nation may be r)led by a board o( %riests (rom the state religion" b)t
it's more common (or it to be r)led by a single king 2ho is also a %riest and the head o(
his %riesthood. S)ch an arrangement may be bene$olent" 2ith a 2ise cleric r)ling the
landB or it may be %artic)larly nasty" 2ith a %o2er:mad %riest or the %riest o( an e$il god
in charge.
*any Dlost 2orldsD <i.e." nations hidden a2ay (rom the rest o( the 2orld" secl)ded in a
lost $alley or ca$ern or other distant %lace= are theocracies r)led by e$il %riestsB
ad$ent)rer:heroes st)mbling into s)ch c)lt)res o(ten (ind themsel$es ha$ing to stir )%
re$ol)tion and cast do2n these r)lers so that j)stice can ret)rn to these lands.

#$e State Reli,ion

8or any c)lt)re" the D* 2ill ha$e to decide i( there is a State +eligion. The State
+eligion is the o((icial (aith o( the nation" as sanctioned by the go$ernment.
0ts %riesthood 2ill ha$e the (ollo2ing rights: +ight to ch)rch trial" right to coronation
<tho)gh not necessarily the right to deny coronation to the chie( candidate=" right to
demand tithes. 0( the c)lt)re is monotheistic" the State +eligion 2ill also ha$e the right to
se%arate o((enders (rom the (aith. The D* can assign other rights to the State +eligion as
he sees (it.
State +eligions are not limited to big nations. Any inde%endent city or city:state co)ld
ha$e its o2n state religion. Th)s" cities mere miles a%art might ha$e di((erent state
religions. This co)ld ca)se tro)ble i( both are monotheistic" or both belong to enemy
%riesthoodsB on the other hand" the %riesthoods co)ld be ne)tral or (riendly to one
another" ca)sing no s)ch tro)ble.
7o2e$er" a nation does not ha$e to ha$e a state religion. 0n (act" the most %o2er()l
(aith in a nation 2ill not necessarily be a state religionB it 2ill j)st exert considerable

Restri(tions on t$e Priest

Priesthoods are also restricted" )s)ally by decree o( the god himsel(. Belo2 are
exam%les o( many ty%ical sorts o( restrictions: 5ote that most %riesthoods 2ill only ha$e
a fe o( these restrictions" and each (aith may em%loy di((erent ones.
&ods make these re9)irements o( their %riesthoods (or (o)r %rinci%al reasons:
ommemoration" 8)nction" Philoso%hy" and Sacri(ice.
Commemoration means that the action is a reminder o( some im%ortant e$ent (rom the
history o( the (aith. 8or exam%le" the cross and cr)ci(ix are symbols o( the r)ci(ixion.
!unction means that i( the re9)irement is not met" the %riest cannot (or some reason
()nction as a %riest. 8or instance" i(" in a s%eci(ic cam%aign 2orld" clerical magic 2ill not
2ork i( the caster has cons)med alcohol" then the %riesthood 2ill ha$e a re9)irement that
its %riests not drink.
Philosophy means that the choice is bo)nd )% 2ith other elements o( the (aith. 0(
certain creat)res are held to be )nholy" )nclean" or other2ise taboo" (or instance" there
2ill be many secondary re9)irements deri$ed (rom that tho)ght. A %riest 2o)ldn't be able
to 2ear armor made (rom its hide or eat its meat. To be b)ried in or 2ith its skin might
e$en res)lt in in$ol)ntary se%aration (rom the (aithN
"acrifice means that the god re9)ires this beha$ior to test the mettle o( his (ollo2ers.
Those 2ho can't make the sacri(ice are ob$io)sly not c)t o)t to be his %riests.
At his discretion" the D* can make any o( these re9)irements a%%ly to the 2orshi%%ers
o( the god in addition to the %riesthood. Es%ecially a%%ro%riate are restrictions in$ol$ing
ontamination <see belo2=.


Priests may be limited in the ty%es o( armor they 2ear. Some sam%le limitations:

*ay not 2ear non:metal armor
*ay not 2ear metal armor
*ay not 2ear magical armor
*ay not 2ear any armor
*ay not )se shields
*ay not )se certain ty%es o( shields
*ay only 2ear armor made by %riests o( the same (aith

Any o( these restrictions co)ld be made (or any o( the (o)r reasons gi$en abo$e. 0(
metal armor disr)%ts clerical magic" then it co)ld not be 2orn by %riests. 0( the religion's
%hiloso%hy (orbids harm to animals" then leather armor may be (orbidden. And so on.
Armor restrictions don't j)st re(lect the god's attrib)tes or %rohibitionsB they hel% de(ine
the combat roles o( %riests in the cam%aign. A %riest 2ho can 2ear ()ll metal armor is
more likely to be a combat (orce in the cam%aign than one 2ho can't.
Mo) can be more s)re that a %layer 2ho %icks a %riest:ty%e 2hich is limited to less
e((icient armor is a %layer 2ho 2ants to role:%lay a %riest" rather than one 2ho merely
2ants to %lay a (ighting machine 2ho is e((icient in both combat and magic.


Tho)gh in modern times the terms elibacy and hastity ha$e become con()sed" here
2e're only )sing the older meaning o( the 2ord elibacy: The state o( being )nmarried.
Priests 2ho are re9)ired to be celibate m)st remain )nmarried. A D* m)st decide
indi$id)ally (or each celibate %riesthood i( its %riests m)st also remain chaste <see
A %riesthood co)ld re9)ire celibacy as a sacri(ice to the god" beca)se it 2as
%hiloso%hically o%%osed to the state o( marriage" or (or many other reasons. The (ighting
%riesthood o( a 2ar:god might re9)ire its %riests to stay celibate so that they 2on't be
distracted by tho)ghts o( home and (amily 2hile engaged in 2ar(are.


hastity in$ol$es not engaging in sex)al relations. A %riest co)ld be celibate b)t not
chasteB one co)ld e$en be chaste b)t not celibate" tho)gh that 2o)ld be %retty strange.
Priesthoods re9)ire chastity as a sacri(ice to the god" or 2hen its %riests are s)%%osed
in some 2ay to be s%o)ses o( the god <either in a symbolic or gen)ine sense=.
0n some (aiths" chastity is re9)ired o( its %riests exce%t (or d)ring s%eci(ic e$ents or
times o( the year. 8or instance" %riests o( an agric)lt)ral deity might be re9)ired to remain
chaste exce%t d)ring the %lanting season" 2hen chastity is re$oked in order to magically
Denco)rageD the (ertility o( the (ields.


Priests are o(ten re9)ired to 2ear distincti$e cost)mes %roclaiming their stat)s. They
may only ha$e to do so d)ring the %er(ormance o( their o((icial ()nctions" or might ha$e
to 2ear their %riestly $estments d)ring all 2aking ho)rs.
S)ch items don't ha$e to be ()ll cost)mes. A %riest might be only re9)ired to 2ear the
s%eci(ic holy symbol o( his (aithB other2ise" he co)ld 2ear 2hat he 2ished.
0n some (aiths" %riests cannot 2ear certain ty%es o( clothing. 7istorically" some %riest:
kings o( earth:goddess 2ere (orbidden to 2ear clothes 2ith knots in themB i( they 2ore
textile garments" they had to ha$e ragged" )nknotted hems.
Priests might also be re9)ired to conceal certain %arts o( their bodies by clothing.
Beyond restrictions im%osed by society (or modesty's sake" %riests might ha$e to conceal
other %arts not considered immodest by the general %o%)lation.


*any (aiths regard certain items or s)bstances as )nholy" )nclean" or taboo. 0ts %riests
are not %ermitted to handle s)ch things. 0( they come in contact 2ith them accidentally"
they m)st )ndergo holy rit)als o( %)ri(ications to cleanse themsel$es o( the taint.
Some sam%le items or s)bstances incl)de:

Animals <s%eci(ic animals or 2hole classes o( animals=
&ems or >e2els <s%eci(ic ty%es=
Plants <s%eci(ic %lants or 2hole classes o( %lants=
Water <(rom s%eci(ic bodies o( 2ater=

Hit Points

lerics and Dr)ids recei$e O:sided dice (or hit %oint %rogression <see
Player'sHandbook" ha%ter T2o=. The cleric does a lot o( (ighting" and the dr)id has a
$ery demanding existence" li$ing as he does in the 2ildernessB both need to ha$e
com%arati$ely high hit %oint totals.
The D* can" i( he 2ishes" make any %riesthood o( a s%eci(ic mythos take six:sided
dice (or hit %oints <like rog)es= or e$en (o)r:sided dice <like 2i3ards=. B)t this is only
a%%ro%riate (or %riestly orders 2hich are not $ery demanding %hysically.
*ost %riesthoods sho)ld ha$e eight:sided dice (or hit %oints. 0( a D* decides that a
%riesthood 2ill ha$e less rob)st dice" then he m)st com%ensate the %riesthood 2ith
enhanced access to s%ells and <es%ecially= n)mero)s &ranted Po2ers <disc)ssed belo2=.
# priesthood should only receive si$%sided dice i( it has medi)m to %oor combat
abilities" and belongs to a deity 2ith $ery (e2 %hysical demands.
8or exam%le" a god o( da2n has no intrinsic orientation to2ard combat" and Dda2nD
does not im%ly any s%eci(ic %hysical demands.
# priesthood should only receive four%sided dice i( it has %oor combat abilities" and
belongs to a deity 2hose attrib)te im%lies so(t li$ing.
8or exam%le" a god o( %eace or lo$e co)ld ha$e %riests 2ith little or no combat abilities
and 2ith (o)r:sided dice. 7o2e$er" it's important to note that this does not have to be the
case . . . 0t is only the case 2hen the D* insists )%on it. Priests o( the god o( %eace co)ld
be %aci(ists" b)t still be good at combat . . . 2hich they may only em%loy in sel(:de(ense.
A god o( lo$e noted (or 2ea%ons )se" as Eros 2as noted (or his archery" co)ld ha$e
%riests 2ho s%eciali3ed in that 2ea%on" and 2o)ld not ha$e to be st)ck 2ith a measly -dH
(or hit %oints.

+a,i(al %te"s

Priests are already limited to )sing magical items )sable by all classes or by %riests
only. B)t they might also be ()rther restricted by their (aiths.
8or exam%le" %riests o( a s%eci(ic (aith might be re9)ired to )se only magical items
made by %riests o( their order" or might be re9)ired to )se no magical items 2hatsoe$er.


!ccasionally" a %riesthood 2ill demand a sacri(ice o( m)tilation o( its %riesthood. This
is most common among e$il %riesthoods" b)t co)ld theoretically occ)r 2ith any
%riesthood" regardless o( alignment.
8or exam%le" de$otees o( a blind god o( %ro%hecy might be (orced to blind themsel$es.
<7o2e$er" it 2o)ld be more a%%ro%riate (or them merely to ha$e a lothing restriction
that re9)ired them to 2ear blind(olds 2hen %er(orming o((icial d)ties.=
When this sort o( thing does take %lace" the %riesthood is o(ten com%ensated (or its
loss: The god o(ten grants them an extra %o2er <as described belo2" )nder DPo2ers o( the
PriestD=. A %riesthood re9)ired to be blind" (or exam%le" might ha$e an extra %o2er o(
analysis" identi(ication or %ro%hecy.


*any %riesthoods re9)ire their %riests to )se only a certain category o( 2ea%ons. Some
only restrict them from )sing a certain narro2 category o( 2ea%ons. Some re9)ire their
%riests to )se no 2ea%ons at all. ommonly" a god identi(ied 2ith a certain ty%e o(
2ea%on 2ill re9)ire his %riests to )se that 2ea%on and a certain n)mber o( similar or
related 2ea%ons.
The D* sho)ld assign the %riesthood a 2ea%ons restriction based on t2o choices.
8irst" 2ea%ons restrictions rein(orce the s%ecial attrib)tes and character o( the
2orshi%%ed godB limiting %riests o( the god o( Death to sickle:like 2ea%ons certainly
establishes (la$or (or them.
Second" 2ea%ons restrictions" like armor restrictions" hel% de(ine the combat roles o(
%riests in the cam%aign. 0( a %riest is limited to daggers and cream%)((s" he's not going to
be the cam%aign's combat monster" so magic and his %riestly d)ties 2ill be m)ch more
im%ortant to the character.
*any exam%les o( this are gi$en in the next cha%ter" DSam%le Priesthoods.D

S!$eres o& %n&len(e

As yo)'ll recall <(rom the D+G" %ages GG" GH=" %riest s%ells are di$ided into categories
called spheres of influence& Each s%ell belongs to one o( -I categories. Those categories
All" Animal" Astral" harm" ombat" reation" Di$ination" Elemental" &)ardian"
7ealing" 5ecromantic" Plant" Protection" S)mmoning" S)n" and Weather.
Priests can't cast s%ells (rom all s%heres o( in(l)ence. Any s%eci(ic %riesthood can ha$e
ma'or access to one or se$eral s%heres" and th)s e$ent)ally learn to cast s%ells o( any
le$el (rom that s%here" and can ha$e minor access to one or se$eral other s%heres" and
learn to cast s%ells (rom only -st thro)gh Grd le$el in that s%here.
When designing a ne2 %riesthood" the D* decides 2hich s%heres o( in(l)ence the
%riesthood has.
All %riesthoods sho)ld ha$e major access to the All s%here. Beyond that" the D*
sho)ld choose a n)mber o( s%heres" and the access to each" based on the attrib)tes o( the
god being ser$ed" and on ho2 combat:e((icient the %riest is already.
0( a %riesthood c)rrently has access to good armor and a 2ide range o( 2ea%ons" the
D* sho)ld limit the range o( s%ells a$ailable to them. 0(" ho2e$er" the %riests do not ha$e
access to mighty engines o( 2ar" the D* may 2ant them to ha$e a greater ability 2ith
magic" re(lected by access to more s%heres" and major access to a greater %ro%ortion o(
Priests sho)ld ha$e *ajor access to j)st abo)t any s%here that has any bearing on the
%rimary attrib)te o( their god" and at least *inor access to s%heres 2hich ha$e a lesser
relationshi% to their god. <8or instance" %riests o( a &od o( War 2ho is noted (or his
%rotecti$eness might ha$e minor" or e$en major" access to the &)ardian and Protection
7ere are some r)les o( th)mb to go by 2hen assigning S%heres o( 0n(l)ence to s%eci(ic

#$e Priest$ood Has Good Co"bat Abilities

0( a %riesthood is allo2ed to )se metal armors and a good range o( 2ea%ons" 2e
consider that it has good combat abilities. There(ore" it sho)ld ha$e less e((ecti$e magic"
Ma'or #ccess To( The DAllD S%here" and t2o other S%heres.
Minor #ccess To( T2o S%heres.

#$e Priest$ood Has +edi" Co"bat Abilities

0( a %riesthood is allo2ed to )se metal armors b)t restricted to a %oor range o(
2ea%ons" or is not allo2ed to )se metal armors b)t has access to a good range o(
2ea%ons" 2e consider that it has medi)m combat abilities. 0t sho)ld ha$e a more a$erage
access to magic" incl)ding:
Ma'or #ccess To( The DAllD S%here" and (o)r other S%heres.
Minor #ccess To( 8o)r S%heres.

#$e Priest$ood Has Poor Co"bat Abilities

0( the %riesthood is not allo2ed to )se metal armors <or e$en any armors= and has
access to a %oor range o( 2ea%ons" 2e say that it has %oor combat abilities. 0t sho)ld ha$e
an enhanced access to magic" incl)ding:
Ma'or #ccess To( The DAllD S%here" and six other S%heres.
Minor #ccess To( Six S%heres.

So"e De&initions

DA good range o( 2ea%onsD is not a $ery %recise de(inition" b)t it's harder to be more
%reciseB 2hat is and is not considered a good range $aries 2ith each indi$id)al D*. 0n
general" i( the %riesthood is allo2ed access to (i$e or more di((erent ty%es o( 2ea%ons <a
bo2 isn't that di((erent (rom a crossbo2 (or o)r %)r%oses" b)t a mace is di((erent (rom a
s%ear=" or i( the %riesthood is limited to a (e2 e((icient and high:damage <-dO and better=
2ea%ons <s)ch as s2ords=" 2e say that it has a good range o( a$ailable 2ea%ons.
DA %oor range o( 2ea%onsD is j)st as im%recise. 0n general" i( the %riesthood is allo2ed
access to (o)r or (e2er di((erent ty%es o( 2ea%ons" or has access to a greater n)mber o(
2ea%ons 2hich do no more than -dIJ- damage" 2e say that it has a poor range o(
a$ailable 2ea%ons.
0( a %riesthood doesn't allo2 the %riest access to the ()ll n)mber o( s%heres a%%ro%riate
to that ty%e o( %riesthood" then the D* sho)ld s)%%lement the %riesthood 2ith extra
&ranted Po2ers. 8or instance" i( a %riesthood has &ood ombat Abilities b)t is designed
2ith major access to the All s%here and only one other s%here" and minor access to t2o
s%heres" then the %riesthood is recei$ing less abilities than it sho)ldB it sho)ld be gi$en
some minor &ranted Po2er to com%ensate.

5o2" this $aliant e((ort to kee% combat abilities and magical abilities balanced is
s)bstantially th2arted by the original leric class himsel(. The leric has major access to
-A S%heres" minor access to one" and the ability to 2ear metal armors. 0n short" he is
more %o2er()l than j)st abo)t any more restricti$e %riesthood.
0( the %layers in a cam%aign are likely not to take %riests o( s%eci(ic mythoi sim%ly
beca)se the original leric class is more %o2er()l" the D* may 2ish to re$ise the leric
in his cam%aign. 8or more on this" see DToning Do2n the lericD in the +ole:Playing

Granted Po2ers

*any ty%es o( %riests also ha$e s%ecial &ranted Po2ers. The basic leric" (or instance"
can t)rn )ndead. The Dr)id starts o)t 2ith bon)ses to s%eci(ic sa$ing thro2s and s%eaks
an additional s%eci(ic lang)age" and gains other granted %o2ers as he gains in le$els.
The D* sho)ld add at least one &ranted Po2er to the abilities o( a %riest o( a s%eci(ic
mythosB this gi$es the %riest more indi$id)al (la$or and character. The D* co)ld add
se$eral" i( this s%eci(ic %riest:class is 2eak com%ared to other %riests.
Additionally" as 2ith the Dr)id" the D* can arrange things so that the %riest ac9)ires
ne2 &ranted Po2ers at certain ex%erience le$els" instead o( recei$ing all o( them at (irst
&ranted Po2ers come in three le$els: 7igh Po2ers" *edi)m Po2ers" and #o2 Po2ers.
As 2ith all the %riest's s%ecial abilities" &ranted Po2ers sho)ld be chosen (or the %riest
based on the attrib)tes o( the 2orshi%%ed god. 0t's not ina%%ro%riate to gi$e a 2ater:
breathing ability to the %riest o( an ocean:god" b)t is 9)ite ina%%ro%riate (or the %riest o( a
god o( the desert 2inds.
Some &ranted Po2ers may be )sed any time the %riest 2ishes and 2hen circ)mstances
allo2. 8or exam%le" normal clerics can try to T)rn 1ndead as many times in a day as they
2ish <b)t it can only 2ork 2hen they're (acing )ndead" nat)rally=. !ther &ranted Po2ers
may only be )sed a certain n)mber o( times %er day. When the D* (irst adds a &ranted
Po2er to the listing o( a %riest's abilities" he m)st de(ine ho2 o(ten and )nder 2hat
conditions the &ranted Po2er may 2ork.
Hi,$ Po2ers

7igh Po2ers are those 2hich are o( great )se in sit)ations 2hich arise (re9)ently in the
cam%aign. 7ere are some exam%les o( 7igh Po2ers a%%ro%riate to $ario)s ty%es o(


This %o2er 2orks j)st like the third:le$el Wi3ard s%ell suggestion" exce%t that the
%riest does not ha$e to )se material com%onents to the s%ell.
The D* may de(ine this Po2er as 2orking one o( t2o 2ays. Either it can be )sed in
combat <in 2hich case it can be )sed against only one target at a time=" or it cannot be
)sed in combat <in 2hich it can be )sed against a n)mber o( targets e9)al in 7D to t2o
times the Priest's ex%erience le$el=.
0n either case" the Priest can )se the ability three times %er day. 0( the target makes his
sa$ing thro2" he may choose to reject the s)ggestion" b)t 2ill not recogni3e that %riestly
magic 2as being )sed against him.
This %o2er is most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( the gods o( lo$e" mischie( and trickery"
m)sic" and %eace" b)t can be gi$en to any %riesthood 2hich has an in(l)ential %osition in
the society.


This %o2er gi$es the %riest an a)tomatically:s)ccess()l sa$ing thro2 against certain
ty%es o( damage" attacks" or broad classes o( s%ells.
Exam%les o( a%%ro%riate categories (or imm)nity:
ertain ty%es o( %riests might ha$e a)tomatically s)ccess()l sa$es against all
E4o(ation s!ells9 This is a $ery %o2er()l abilityB it means the %riest 2ill a)tomatically
take hal( damage (rom most damaging s%ells. <Those s%ells 2hich don't allo2 a sa$ing
thro2 are not sto%%ed or a((ected by this imm)nity.=
!thers might ha$e a)tomatic s)ccess against all En($ant"ent8C$ar" s!ells9 This is
e9)ally %o2er()lB it means that the %riest 2ill be com%letely )na((ected by most s%ells o(
this sort" as 2ell as other %o2ers s)ch as the $am%ire's hy%notic ga3e.
0mm)nities may be taken against any one 2i3ardly S($ool o& +a,i() against any one
%riestly S!$ere o& %n&len(e) or against all Poisons) as a 7igh Po2er. There are other"
lesser" imm)nities" disc)ssed belo2.
0mm)nities can 2ork against a character" tho)gh. 0mm)nity to all !riestly
Ne(ro"anti( s!ells means that the character does not bene(it as m)ch (rom 7ealing
s%ells. 7e a)tomatically makes his sa$ing thro2 against them" 2hether he 2ishes to or
not" and so gets only hal( the healing $al)e o( the s%ell.
The 0mm)nity m)st be a%%ro%riate to the attrib)tes o( the god being ser$ed. The %riest
o( a god o( healing might ha$e an 0mm)nity to all %oisons" 2hile the %riest o( the god o(
lo$e might ha$e an 0mm)nity to Enchantment?harm s%ells.
The most im%ortant thing to remember abo)t 0mm)nity is that it isn't com%lete
%rotection. 0t merely gi$es the character an a)tomatically:s)ccess()l Sa$ing Thro2. 0n
most cases" this means that he 2ill still take hal( damage (rom the attack or s%ell.
There is no limit on the n)mber o( times %er day a character can )se this abilityB
2hene$er he is str)ck 2ith the a%%ro%riate attack" his 0mm)nity hel%s %rotect him.

%ns!ire -ear

This %o2er is similar to the 2i3ard's (o)rth:le$el fear s%ell" tho)gh the cleric does not
ha$e to )se material com%onents.
A %riest 2ith this %o2er can )se it t2ice %er day.
This %o2er is most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( gods 2ith dark or (earsome as%ects: Death"
(or exam%le.


This %o2er is $ery similar to the dr)id's sha%echanging &ranted Po2er" not to the
ninth:le$el 2i3ard s%ellB read the descri%tion o( that %o2er in the Player's Handbook&
The %o2er can be )sed three times %er dayB it is the D*'s decision 2hether the %riest
can change into three di((erent ty%es o( animal" each once %er day" or only into one
s%eci(ic ty%e o( animal three times %er day.
This %o2er" tho)gh it 2o)ld seem to be most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( gods o( nat)re" is
act)ally a%%ro%riate (or any %riesthood . . . i( the god in 9)estion has an animal symbol or
totem. 8or instance" i( the god o( the sky has as his symbol the eagle" it's a%%ro%riate (or
his %riests to ha$e this %o2er and t)rn into an eagle three times %er day.

#rnin, Undead

This is identical to the cleric's ability. 0t is most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( the gods o(
birth" da2n" (ertility" (ire" good" g)ardianshi%" healing" light" lo$e" magic" and the s)n.
There is no limit to the n)mber o( times %er day a %riest can )se this ability.

+edi" Po2ers

*edi)m Po2ers are those 2hich are o( some )se()lness in sit)ations 2hich arise
(re9)ently in the cam%aign" or are o( great )se in sit)ations 2hich only arise occasionally.
7ere are some exam%les o( *edi)m Po2ers:

De&ian(e o& Restri(tion or Obsta(le

With this %o2er" the %riest can sim%ly ignore some as%ect o( the %hysical 2orld 2hich
normally slo2s" im%edes" or %re$ents %assage.
8or exam%le:
The %riest o( a nat)re god might be able to ignore hea$y )nderbr)sh: 7e can tra$el
thro)gh the thickest )ndergro2th as (ast as he co)ld normally 2alk" 2hile other h)mans
are slo2ed or e$en sto%%ed com%letely.
The %riest o( the god o( 2inter or the north 2ind might not (ind ice sli%%eryB he co)ld
mo$e at a normal rate across the sli%%eriest (ro3en ri$ers or glaciers 2ith no chance o(
The %riest o( a god o( 2ind might be able to 2alk into the (iercest head2ind 2itho)t
being slo2ed.
The %riest o( the god o( mischie( might be able to climb 2alls and hillsides at his
normal 2alking:s%eed" and 2itho)t the need to make a roll (or s)ccess.
There is no limit to the n)mber o( times %er day a %riest can )se this ability.


Mo) read abo)t 0mm)nities abo$e" )nder D7igh Po2ers.D The *edi)m Po2ers
imm)nities are not so strong. A single imm)nity 2ill gi$e a %riest an a)tomatically:
s)ccess()l sa$ing thro2 against:
A narro2 category o( s%ells <(or exam%le" all 8ire s%ells o( the E$ocation school=B
A narro2 category o( s%ecial %o2ers <all Paralysis" incl)ding 7old s%ells and gho)lish
%aralysisB or all Energy DrainsB or all dragon:breath %o2ers=B or
A narro2 category o( %oisons <all snake $enoms" (or exam%le=.
Again" each ty%e o( 0mm)nity is a%%ro%riate to a di((erent ty%e o( %riest. Priests o( the
god o( 8ire co)ld be imm)ne to 8ire s%ells. Priests o( the god o( Earth" 2hose symbol is
o(ten the snake" co)ld be imm)ne to all snake $enoms.
And" again" 0mm)nity isn't com%lete %rotectionB it j)st gi$es the character an
a)tomatically:s)ccess()l Sa$ing Thro2.

%n(ite 1erserker Ra,e

This %o2er allo2s a %riest to ins%ire a (ighter <anyone belonging to the 2arrior class=
to a state like berserker rage. The 2arrior m)st be 2illing to ha$e this 2ar:blessing
besto2ed )%on him.
0t takes one ro)nd (or a %riest to incite a single 2arrior to berserker rageB the rage last
six t)rns. A %riest can )se this %o2er on any n)mber o( 2arriors %er day" one at a time. A
2arrior may only be incited to berserker rage once %er dayB e$en i( a di((erent %riest tries
it on him" it cannot incite a 2arrior to a second rage in the same day.
The rage isn't identical to the abilities o( the tr)e berserker <see the descri%tion (or the
berserker in The Complete !ighter's Handbook)& 7o2e$er" it does gi$e the 2arrior a JA
to hit and damage (or the d)ration o( the rage. While enraged" the 2arrior cannot (lee
(rom a (ightB he cannot lea$e the (ield o( battle )ntil no enemies (ace him. !nce he does
lea$e the (ield o( battle" he can choose 2hether or not he 2ill emerge (rom the rage or
s)stain itB a 2arrior 2o)ld s)stain it i( he (elt that another (ight 2as likely to take %lace
soon. When he emerges (rom the rage" the 2arrior takes no extra damage or ill e((ects.
This %o2er is most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( the god o( 2ar.

5an,a,e and Co""ni(ation

The %riest 2ith this %o2er gains one extra lang)age per e$perience level he gains. This
%o2er is o(ten granted only a(ter a certain ex%erience le$el is attainedB (or exam%le" 2ith
the dr)id" this %o2er is granted at Grd le$el.
0( non2ea%on %ro(iciency r)les are )sed" then the %riest gains one e$tra non2ea%on
%ro(iciency slot each le$el" and m)st )se that slot to ac9)ire a lang)age.
The ty%es o( lang)ages learned 2ith this %o2er sho)ld be restricted by the D*. Priests
o( the gods o( nat)re are limited to learning the lang)ages o( 2oodland creat)res" 2hile
%riests o( the gods o( the earth are limited to learning the lang)ages o( ser%ents" dragons"
and other cthonian re%tilesB %riests o( the gods o( the sky are limited to the lang)ages o(
birds and other aerial creat)res" 2hile %riests o( the gods o( the seas are limited to the
lang)ages o( sea:d2elling creat)res.
The n)mber o( lang)ages learned 2ith this %o2er may like2ise be limited. Six to ten
extra lang)ages learned this 2ay is a %ractical limit.
0( the cam%aign is )sing the o%tional 2ea%on and non2ea%on %ro(iciency r)les" then
%riests might" instead o( being limited to lang)ages" recei$e %ro(iciency slots limited to
certain categories o( lang)ages" 2ea%on %ro(iciencies" and non2ea%on %ro(iciencies
%ertinent to their (aith.
*$ample( The %riest o( a s%eci(ic 2ar:god might" at third le$el" start recei$ing one
extra 2ea%on %ro(iciency slot e$ery ex%erience le$el )% to -Ath.

5ayin, On o& Hands

This %o2er is identical to the %aladin's abilityB the %riest can" once %er day" heal
himsel( or another (or A hit %oints %er ex%erience le$el.
This constit)tes a little extra healing ability. 0t's most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( the god
o( healing. 0t's also a%%ro%riate to %riests 2ho don't ha$e access to healing s%ells" b)t 2ho
sho)ld ha$e a little bit o( healing ability any2ay.
A reversed $ersion o( the %o2er" 2here the %riest lays on his hands and in(licts A %oints
o( damage %er ex%erience le$el" or - %oint o( damage %er le$el i( the $ictim makes a
sa$ing thro2" is a%%ro%riate (or %riests o( the god o( disease. A %riest cannot ha$e a
healing #aying !n o( 7ands that is also reversible to a harm()l #aying !n o( 7andsB it
m)st be de(ined as either healing or harm()l.


With this %o2er" the %riest can sometimes see $isions o( the ()t)re. A %riest 2ith the
Pro%hecy %o2er can )se it t2o di((erent 2ays.
8irst" the %riest may sink into a meditati$e trance and try to recei$e $isions o( the
()t)re. This trance lasts ten t)rnsB i( the %riest is interr)%ted be(ore the ten t)rns are done
<str)ck 2ith a 2ea%on" sho)ted at by someone 2ithin six (eet o( him" or knocked o$er="
the trance is %remat)rely broken and the %riest gets no $ision.
Second" $isions may j)st come to the %riest" at the D*'s discretion. When the %riest is
hit 2ith s)ch a $ision" (or a single combat ro)nd he no longer %ercei$es the real 2orldB he
sees" hears and ex%eriences nothing b)t his $ision.
The %riest recei$es no $ision o( the ()t)re i( the D* doesn't ha$e one (or him to see.
There(ore" the %riest 2ho deliberately sinks into a rece%ti$e trance gets absol)tely no
$ision i( the D* doesn't 2ant him to see one. There(ore" this %o2er is only %artly an
ability 2hich gi$es the %riest an ad$antage o( ()t)re sightB it's %rimarily a tool (or the D*
to gi$e the %riest cl)es abo)t the ()t)re" cl)es 2hich g)ide the ad$ent)re 2itho)t gi$ing
the %riest an o$er2helming ad$antage in the cam%aign.
The $isions 2hich the %riest recei$es sho)ld be short and easy to misinter%ret. They
may be highly symbolicB i( he sees a rat (ighting a ser%ent to the death" the animals may
re%resent mighty armies 2hich bear those creat)res on their (lags" or may re%resent t2o
characters 2ith traits similar to those animals.
Also" the D* m)st decide 2hether" in his cam%aign" %ro%hetic $isions are changeable
or unchangeable& 0( they're changeable" then the %riest 2ill sometimes see e$ents 2hich
can be %re$ented. This tells him 2hich 2ay the 2inds o( (ate are c)rrently blo2ing" b)t
he kno2s that eno)gh e((ort can change the ()t)re he sees. 0( they're )nchangeable" then
nothing he can do 2ill alter this $isionB ho2e$er" it's still %ossible that the $ision is
dece%ti$e and not exactly 2hat he thinks it is. <8or instance" 2hen he sees his best (riend
%l)mmeting to his death (rom a cli((to%" he may act)ally be seeing his (riend's t2in or
do%%leganger dying in this manner.=
This is a %artic)larly tricky %o2er to )se 2ithin the sco%e o( the cam%aign. Al2ays
remember that it's a tool (or the D* to gi$e a slight ad$antage to the character and to
g)ide the story" and not a 2ea%on (or the %riest character to )se against the D* or the
story. The %riest character can't sink into a trance" recei$e no $ision" and then
immediately sink into another one and ex%ect to recei$e a $ision then. The endo2ing o(
$isions is strictly at the D*'s %leas)re" j)st as" in the cam%aign" $isions are granted to
characters strictly at the god's %leas)re.
This %o2er is most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( the god o( %ro%hecy. 7o2e$er" it's
a%%ro%riate to %riests o( any god. 0n &reek mythology" (or exam%le" there 2ere (amo)s
%ro%hetic tem%les de$oted to the gods Ee)s <a god o( the sky" lightning" oaks" and
2isdom=" A%ollo <a god o( light" the s)n" and m)sic=" and &aea <the ancient earth:
There is no limit on the n)mber o( times %er day this %o2er may be )sed. A character
can try to entrance himsel( se$eral times %er day" tho)gh this is )s)ally (r)itless and
annoying. 7o2e$er" the D* can s)%%ly a %riest:character 2ith $isions any n)mber o(
times %er day. To kee% %ro%hecy (rom becoming a dominant %art o( the cam%aign" it's
best to limit the n)mber o( $isions recei$ed" thro)gh either o( the t2o methods" to once or
t2ice %er month&

5o2 Po2ers

#o2 Po2ers are those 2hich are o( some )se()lness in sit)ations 2hich arise
occasionally in the cam%aign" or are o( great )se()lness in sit)ations 2hich hardly e$er
arise. 7ere are some exam%les o( #o2 Po2ers:

Analysis) Dete(tion) %denti&i(ation

With this %o2er" the %riest can identi(y a category o( %ersons" %laces" or things. 7e
m)st be 2ithin -/' o( the object in order to identi(y it correctlyB he does not ha$e to see it"
and the object can be hidden. 0n some cases" it co)ld e$en be b)ried.
0( the D* designs it as %art o( the ability" the %riest can also analy+e the object and get
additional details abo)t it. The ty%e o( in(ormation bro)ght abo)t by this analysis $aries
(rom object to object" as 2e'll disc)ss belo2.
7ere are some exam%les:
A %riest o( the god o( $ealin, co)ld identi(y and analy3e inj)ry and illness. 7e co)ld
look at an inj)ry and see not j)st 2here it h)rts" b)t also i( it is in(ected or %oisoned" ho2
long ago it 2as in(licted" etc. 7e co)ld look at a sick %erson and determine 2hich disease
a((licts him" 2hat stage o( ad$ancement the disease is in" and 2hat the sick %erson's
chances o( reco$ery are.
A %riest o( the god o( ,ood co)ld detect evil " as %er the (irst:le$el Priest s%ellB analysis
2o)ld let him kno2 2hether the e$il 2ere la2()l" ne)tral" or chaotic in orientation.
A %riest o( the god o( ,olds"it$in, co)ld detect gold " incl)ding re(ined gold that has
been hidden or )nmined gold still )nder the earth.
Some o( these %o2ers o( identi(ication and analysis are es%ecially )se()l" s)ch as those
2hich d)%licate detect good, detect evil " and detect magic s%ells. These may only be
)sed three times %er day. !ther %o2ers may be )sed any n)mber o( times %er day. These
%o2ers are not a)tomaticB the %riest m)st concentrate (or a ()ll ro)nd in order to )se this


As a #o2 Po2er" 0mm)nity can act in one o( t2o 2ays.
A granted 0mm)nity can gi$e the %riest an a)tomatically:s)ccess()l sa$ing thro2
against one s%eci(ic ty%e o( %oison or magic s%ell. 8or exam%le" a %riest co)ld
a)tomatically sa$e against cobra $enom" or against the fireball s%ell.
Alternati$ely" s)ch an 0mm)nity co)ld gi$e the %riest a JA bon)s to Sa$ing Thro2s
against a narro2 category o( s%ellsB a narro2 category o( s%ecial %o2ersB or a narro2
category o( %oisons. These are the same categories the *edi)m Po2er imm)nities are
broken do2n intoB the di((erence here is that the #o2 Po2er imm)nity only grants a JA
bon)s to sa$es $s. those attacks" instead o( %ro$iding an a)tomatically s)ccess()l sa$ing
There(ore" a #o2 Po2er imm)nity co)ld gi$e a %riest a)tomatic s)ccess against the
charm s%ellB a di((erent one co)ld gi$e the %riest a)tomatic s)ccess against the %aralysis
bro)ght on by the gho)l's to)chB a di((erent one co)ld %ro$ide a JA bon)s to all sa$ing
thro2s $s. all enchantment s%ellsB another one 2o)ld %ro$ide a JA bon)s to all sa$ing
thro2s $s. any sort o( %aralysis ability or s%ell.

5an,a,e and Co""ni(ation

As a #o2 Po2er" the %riest recei$es one extra lang)age a%%ro%riate to the %riesthood.
0( the cam%aign )ses the non2ea%on %ro(iciency r)les" this %o2er consists o( an extra
non2ea%on %ro(iciency slot 2hich m)st be )sed to take one s%eci(ic extra lang)age.

Soot$in, *ord

With this %o2er" the %riest can remo$e the e((ects o( the fear s%ell or can s2ay the
attit)de o( a hostile cro2d or mob.
The %riest can )se this %o2er three times %er day. A single )se can either: Dis%el one
a%%lication o( the fear s%ell on one $ictimB eliminate one 2arrior's berserker rageB or
momentarily calm do2n a n)mber o( characters or monsters <e9)al to Ax the %riest's
ex%erience le$el in hit diceB there(ore an Oth le$el %riest co)ld momentarily calm -I 7D
o( angry mob" (or instance=.
This %o2er is %rimarily )se()l (or getting the attention o( an angry gro)% o( %eo%le and
allo2ing the %riest to address them. The combination o( the soothing ord " the res%ect
that many c)lt)res ha$e (or their %riests" and the s%eaking abilities o( many %riests can
o(ten de()se an angry mob.
As described abo$e" this %o2er is most a%%ro%riate to %riests o( the gods o( healing"
lo$e" m)sic" %eace" and 2isdom.
0( the D* limits this %o2er still ()rther" it becomes a%%ro%riate to other classes o(
%riest. 8or instance" i( the soothing ord only 2orks on animals" it becomes a%%ro%riate
(or %riests o( the gods o( animal %rotection" the earth" (ertility" and h)nting. 0( it only
2orks on d2ar$es" it is a%%ro%riate (or %riests o( the god o( the d2ar$en race.
Ot$er Po2ers

>)st abo)t any s%ell can be ada%ted to a %riest's &ranted Po2er.

*$i($ S!ells Can 1e Used

Priest &ranted Po2ers may not be deri$ed (rom e$ery s%ell on the books. Some 2i3ard
schools and %riest s%heres are not %ermitted (or ada%tation to granted %o2ers. 5ormally"
2hen a s%ell belongs to t2o schools or s%heres" 2here one is %ermitted and the other is
not" the s%ell can still be ada%ted to a granted %o2erB b)t some exce%tions are noted
Priest &ranted Po2ers may be deri$ed (rom 2i3ard s%ells o( the schools o( Abj)ration"
Alteration" harm" &reater Di$ination" 0n$ocation" #esser Di$ination" and 5ecromancy.
They may also be deri$ed (rom %riest s%ells (rom the s%heres o( All" Animal" harm"
reation" Di$ination" &)ardian" 7ealing" Plant" Protection" S)n" and Weather.
Priest &ranted Po2ers may not be deri$ed (rom 2i3ard s%ells o( the schools o(
onj)ration" S)mmoning" or onj)ration?S)mmoningB (rom Enchantment <s%ells listed
as Enchantment?harm are %ermissible" b)t those listed as belonging to Enchantment and
any other school are notB (or instance" -eomund's "ecure "helter " )sable by Alteration
and Enchantment" is not allo2ed=B (rom 0ll)sion or 0ll)sion?PhantasmB (rom E$ocation <i(
a s%ell can belong to the school o( E$ocation" it cannot be taken as a granted %o2er e$en
i( it can be )sed by other schoolsB (or instance" Melf's Minute Meteors, )sable by
e$ocation and alteration" cannot be taken as a granted %o2er=.
5either may they be deri$ed (rom %riest s%ells o( the s%heres o( Astral" ombat <e$en
i( a s%ell belongs to ombat and one other s%here" as shillelagh belongs to ombat and
Plant" it cannot be )sed to make a &ranted Po2er=" Elemental" 5ecromantic" or
5ote that %riest s%ells are listed 2ith 2i3ard:school designations and 2ith s%heres o(
in(l)ence <(or exam%le" #nimal !riendship is sho2n as an Enchantment?harm school
and o( the Animal s%here=. When making granted %o2ers (rom %riest s%ells" ignore the
2i3ardly school and %ay attention only to the s%here o( in(l)ence.

+a3i"" 5e4els

&ranted Po2ers may not be deri$ed (rom 2i3ard s%ells o( (i(th le$el or higher" or (rom
%riest s%ells o( (o)rth le$el or higher.

5i"itations on Use

The D* m)st determine limitations on the )se o( the &ranted Po2er. <There's no call
(or a %riest to be )sing his %o2er all the time" e$ery day.=
0( it's a %o2er 2hich is $ery )se()l in a lot o( sit)ations <(or exam%le" a healing ability="
it sho)ld be )sable once" t2ice" or three times %er day. The more )se()l it is" the less a
%riest sho)ld be able to )se itB th)s" a healing %o2er 2o)ld be )sable once %er day" 2hile
a detection ability might be )sable three times %er day.
The D* can also choose (or the %o2er to take considerable time to )seB s%ecial %o2ers
sho)ld take a minim)m o( one ro)nd to )seB more commonly" they sho)ld take a
com%lete t)rn.

Hi,$) +edi") or 5o2

!nce the D* kno2s 2hich s%ell the %o2er is deri$ed (rom and ho2 o(ten and easily it
may be )sed" he can decide 2hether it is a 7igh" *edi)m" or #o2 Po2er.
7igh Po2ers are those 2hich (re9)ently can dramatically a((ect the co)rse o( a combat
or other2ise a((ect an ad$ent)re. The exam%les o( 7igh Po2ers listed abo$e <charms"
major imm)nities" the ability to ins%ire (ear" sha%echange" or t)rn )ndead= can all ha$e
dramatic and %o2er()l e((ects on an ad$ent)re in %rogress.
*edi)m Po2ers are those 2hich (re9)ently gi$e an ad$antage to the %riest" or 2hich
occasionally 2ill dramatically a((ect the co)rse o( a combat or ad$ent)re. The exam%les
o( *edi)m Po2ers listed abo$e <de(iance o( obstacles" medi)m imm)nities" inciting
berserker rages" enhanced lang)age abilities" laying on o( hands" and %ro%hecy= all do
these things.
#o2 Po2ers are those 2hich only occasionally gi$e an ad$antage to a %riest" b)t 2hich
are also $ery m)ch in character (or the %riest and his god. The exam%les o( #o2 Po2ers
listed abo$e <detection and analysis" minor imm)nities" minor enhancements to lang)age
abilities" soothing 2ord= all meet that de(inition.
So" 2hen a D* creates a ne2 granted %o2er" he m)st decide 2hich o( these three sets
o( criteria the %o2er meets" and de(ine the %o2er as 7igh" *edi)m" or #o2.
0n any case" this de(inition is only a r)le:o(:th)mb g)ideline to ho2 %o2er()l the
granted %o2er is. 0t hel%s the D* 2hen he's assigning %o2ers to %riests o( s%eci(ic
mythoi. 8or instance" i( he has created a descri%tion o( a %riesthood and decides that it's
j)st almost %o2er()l eno)gh" and only needs a little bon)s <a #o2 Po2er= to make it j)st
right" he'll be able to choose (rom his list o( a$ailable #o2 Po2ers and can ignore his
listings o( 7igh and *edi)m Po2ers" 2hich 2o)ld make that %riesthood too %o2er()l.

-ollo2ers and 1elie4ers

At a certain le$el" %riests recei$e folloers and believers " men and 2omen o( the same
(aith 2ho ser$e the %riests.
To recei$e their (ollo2ers and belie$ers" %riests m)st achie$e a certain ex%erience le$el
<Oth or abo$e" 2ith .th as the most common le$el=. Soon a(ter <the same ex%erience le$el
or d)ring the next:higher le$el=" the %riests m)st ass)me the d)ties o( a ch)rch leader by
b)ilding a ch)rch or tem%le <2hate$er is a%%ro%riate to the (aith= and ministering o$er a
s%eci(ic geogra%hic area. At that time" their (ollo2ers begin sho2ing )%" and arri$e o$er a
%eriod o( se$eral 2eeks.

*$at Are #$ey7

8ollo2ers and Belie$ers are non:%layer characters 2ho are s)%%osed to hel% %romote
the %riest's (aith. B)t hat they are in terms o( character classes" le$els" and d)ties $aries
(rom (aith to (aith.
The D* decides 2hat character classes the (ollo2ers belong to <based on the needs
and orientations o( the %layer:character %riests and the belie(s he %romotes=.
8or exam%le" let )s say that the %riest ser$es the &od o( Strength. The (ollo2ers are
likely to be all Warriors and Priests o( the same god.
0( the %riest ser$es the &od o( *ischie(" the (ollo2ers are likely to be %rimarily +og)es
and %riests o( the same god. There may be some Warriors and Wi3ards among the
(ollo2ers" men and 2omen 2ho are %artic)lar admirers o( this god and his attrib)tes as
they %ertain to combat and magic.
0( the %riest ser$es the &od o( Agric)lt)re" the (ollo2ers co)ld be 5ormal *en and
Women 2ho don't belong to a s%eci(ic class" 2ith a (e2 %riests o( the same god among
5o2" it co)ld be that the %riest %layer:character is trying to create a s%eciali3ed order
2ithin the more generali3ed (aith. A %riest o( the &od o( E$erything might 2ant to create
a militant order. Tho)gh the broad 2orshi% o( the god incl)des e$ery s)bject and attrib)te
%ossible" this %riest is de$oted to the god's 2arrior:as%ect. There(ore" 2ith the %ermission
o( the elders o( his (aith <and" by in(erence" the %ermission o( the D*=" all this %riest's
(ollo2ers 2o)ld be 2arriors and some %riests" %robably at higher than (irst le$el" 2hose
mission is to bring 2ar to the enemy and then religio)s enlightenment to the con9)ered.
This sort o( thinking is to be enco)raged among %layer:characters. A %layer 2ho's
thinking o( creating a s%eci(ic religio)s order is thinking in character and 2ithin the sco%e
o( the cam%aign rather than j)st thinking abo)t ho2 to ac9)ire more s%ells and magical

*$o Are #$ey) and Ho2 Do #$ey .no2 to Arri4e7

The ans2ers to these 9)estions $ary (rom (aith to (aith. The D* has at least three 2ays
to a%%roach this:
<-= The (ollo2ers are local %eo%le 2ho are already 2orshi%%ers o( the %riest's god.
When they hear that there 2ill be a ne2 %riest o( that god in their area" they arri$e and
o((er him their ser$ices.
<A= The (ollo2ers already belong to another ch)rch or tem%le o( the same (aith. When
the P anno)nces his intent to b)ild his o2n tem%le" his (aith's s)%eriors send him
(ollo2ers and belie$ers to hel% him.
<G= The god s)btly ins%ires %eo%le (rom near and (ar to jo)rney to the ne2 tem%le and
o((er their ser$ices to the %riest.

Ho2 +any and Ho2 Stron, Are #$ey7

As a general r)le o( th)mb" the %riest sho)ld recei$e any2here (rom -/ to -//
ex%erience le$els 2orth o( (ollo2ers" 2ith the a$erage being aro)nd G/. The D* sho)ld
decide ho2 many le$els o( (ollo2ers sho2 )% rather than ha$ing the %riest:character roll
a die.
These (ollo2ers can all be o( the same le$el" or can be o( di((erent ex%erience le$els.
Eero:ex%erience characters <i.e." normal men and 2omen= co)nt as /:le$el characters. 5o
(ollo2er can be o( higher le$el than three le$els belo2 the %riest <th)s" an Oth:le$el %riest
cannot ha$e a (ollo2er higher than Lth le$el=.
7ere are some exam%les o( arrangements o( (ollo2ers that di((erent ty%es o( %riests can
ha$e. With each arrangement" 2e're %res)ming G/ le$els' 2orth o( (ollo2ers.
The %riest:leader o( a militant order co)ld ha$e AH (irst:le$el (ighters" one second:le$el
(ighter" and t2o second:le$el %riests.
The %riest:leader dedicated to the common man co)ld ha$e LI normal men and
2omen" and t2o (irst:le$el %riests.
The %riest:leader 2ho is %art o( a b)rea)cratic hierarchy co)ld ha$e (i$e (i(th:le$el
%riests and (i$e (irst:le$el %riests.
The %riest:leader o( a tem%le 2hich is s)%%osed to g)ide" %rotect" and teach a
comm)nity co)ld ha$e one (i(th:le$el %riest" one second:le$el %riest" three (irst:le$el
%riests" ten (irst:le$el 2arriors" t2o second:le$el 2arriors" and sixteen normal men and
The D* can assign e$en more esoteric (ollo2ers to a %riest. The %riest o( a 2oods:god
might ha$e nym%hs and centa)rs among his (ollo2ers" in 2hich case the 7D o( the
monster corres%onds to its le$el <a A7D monster corres%onds to a second:le$el character"
2hile a AdIJA7D monster corres%onds to a third:le$el character=.
All these (ollo2ers constit)te %riests" 2arriors" and 2orkers <the normal men and
2omen= belonging to or assigned to the %riest's tem%le or ch)rch. Their entire job is
ser$ing the tem%le or ch)rchB they are ho)sed" (ed" and sometimes %aid by the tem%le or
ch)rch. They aren't the D(lockD or 2hate$er yo) choose to call the %o%)lace o( the area
the %riest is s)%%osed to ser$e.

Ho2 +($ Control Does t$e Priest Ha4e7

The %riest's command o$er these (ollo2ers $aries (rom (aith to (aith. A %layer:
character %riest cannot ass)me that he has a tyrant's %o2ers o( li(e and death o$er this
(ollo2ers and belie$ers. The D* decides 2hat sort o( command the %riest has o$er them
based on the nat)re o( the cam%aign's c)lt)re and on the dictates o( the (aith.
0n a normal (aith" the %riest 2ill be able to order his (ollo2ers to 2ork and e((ort like
any em%loyer <and" in a medie$al or (antasy setting" em%loyers ha$e more %o2er o$er
their em%loyees than in contem%orary society=. 7e can ad$ise them and <i( he chooses=
%)t considerable %ress)re on them regarding the %eo%le they associate 2ith or e$en


When he is dis%leased 2ith their actions or %er(ormances" he can %)nish them by
restricting their acti$ities and mo$ements" a%%lying cor%oral %)nishments <beatings
2hich may not red)ce them belo2 three:(o)rths their starting hit %oints=" and assigning
them %artic)larly nasty tasks and d)ties. 0( their o((enses are s)((iciently great" he can (ire
then (rom ser$ice in his ch)rch or tem%le" or e$en se%arate them (rom the (aith <as
described earlier in this cha%ter=.
)stomarily" he cannot incarcerate them (or any great length o( time <i.e." o$er a
2eek=" serio)sly inj)re them <%er(orm any %)nishments 2hich red)ce them belo2 three:
(o)rths their starting hit %oints=" kill them <killing them and restoring them to li(e is still
(orbidden=" or )se harm()l magic on them" incl)ding magic 2hich denies them (ree
S%ells 2hich are normally (orbidden (or %)r%oses o( %)nishment or e$en Dg)idanceD
incl)de create light ounds, magical stone, shillelagh, charm person or mammal,
enthrall, flame blade, heat metal, produce flame, spiritual hammer, call lightning <exce%t
2hen )sed to (righten instead o( damage=" cause blindness or deafness, cause disease,
curse, summon insects <exce%t 2hen )sed to (righten instead o( damage=" cause serious
ounds, poison, produce fire, cause critical ounds, flame strike, insect plague, quest
<exce%t 2hen the target 2illingly )ndertakes the 9)est to atone (or his misdeeds=" spike
stones, all of fire, fire seeds, harm, creeping doom, earthquake, fire storm, ither,
energy drain, destruction , or symbol&
S%ells like command, entangle, cause fear, hold person , and confusion are %ermissible"
beca)se they last only a short time" or do not change a character's belie( abo)t any
7o2e$er" in e$il (aiths" the %riest may be able to order the exec)tion o( (ollo2ers (or
anything 2hich dis%leases him. 0n %artic)larly b)rea)cratic (aiths" a %riest may not be
able to assign any %)nishment 2itho)t a %rocess o( trial and con$iction" or 2itho)t
%ermission (rom a higher:ranking %riest at the (aith's main tem%le or ch)rch. The D* 2ill
decide 2hether or not a %artic)lar (aith has these characteristics . . . b)t most don't.

%"!ortant -ollo2ers

The D* sho)ld create many o( these (ollo2ers as ()lly:de$elo%ed 5Ps" incl)ding
names" %ersonalities" ability scores" e9)i%ment" etc.
When a large gro)% o( (ollo2ers are DidenticalD in class and le$el <(or exam%le" i( yo)
ha$e sixteen 5ormal *en and Women=" one or t2o sho)ld be singled o)t and ()lly
de$elo%ed. When (ollo2ers are already more indi$id)al <(or instance" i( yo) only ha$e
t2o second:le$el %riests or one (i(th:le$el (ighter=" s)ch (ollo2ers sho)ld be ()lly
When %ossible" it's a good idea to role:%lay the arri$al o( s)ch characters 2ithin the
tem%le" the better to gi$e the %riest P an idea o( 2hat his (ollo2ers are like.
All o( this 2ork 2ill make the tem%le and its inhabitants more immediate and real to
the %riest character <and the other %layer:characters=.

*$at %& #$ey Die or Gain E3!erien(e7

When (ollo2ers die" they are re%laced by 2hate$er means bro)ght them to the tem%le
in the (irst %lace. A ne2 local 2ill $ol)nteer his ser$ice" or the ch)rch hierarchy 2ill send
a re%lacement" or the god 2ill ins%ire a ne2 5P to $ol)nteer his ser$ice.
0t's all right (or (ollo2ers to gain in ex%erience. A soldier 2ho de(ends his tem%le
(rom attackers can be ex%ected to gain ex%erience %ointsB a (ollo2er 2ho accom%anies
his %riest on ad$ent)res can" too.
!nly (ollo2ers 2ho ha$e been gi$en indi$id)al names and %ersonalities sho)ld gain in
ex%erience. An anonymo)s (irst:le$el (ighter g)ard can be ex%ected to remain soB b)t a
named character co)ld rise thro)gh le$els and become g)ard:lie)tenant" g)ard:ca%tain"
%ersonal bodyg)ard to the %riest" etc.
5amed (ollo2ers gain ex%erience at normal rates based on 2hat they do in their
ad$ent)res. The only limits %laced on all this %ersonal gro2th are these: 5o (ollo2er can
be higher than three ex%erience le$els belo2 the le$el o( the %riestB and the le$els o( all
(ollo2ers o( a s%eci(ic tem%le or ch)rch cannot add )% to more than -//.
0( a gro)% o( (ollo2ers becomes so ex%erienced that it adds )% to more than -// le$els"
the D* can take ste%s to red)ce the n)mber o( le$els. 8or instance" a senior g)ard:
ca%tain may lea$e the tem%le 2hen o((ered ca%taincy o( a g)ard:)nit in another tem%le
<one closer to his (amily" one more %restigio)s" etc.=. 7e'd be re%laced by a ca%tain o(
lo2er le$el" th)s adj)sting the a$ailable ex%erience le$els do2n2ard.
Whene$er a (ollo2er dies or lea$es" he is re%laced by a (ollo2er 2ho 2as at the
ex%erience le$el the original character held 2hen he (irst became a (ollo2er.
8or instance" let )s say that a tem%le starts 2ith a third:le$el 2i3ard 2ho acts as the
%riest's ad$isor. Thro)gh ad$ent)ring" this 2i3ard rises to sixth le$el" and then is killed in
an ad$ent)re. 7e 2ill be re%laced by a third:le$el 2i3ard.
0( a g)ard:ca%tain rises (rom second to sixth le$el in the co)rse o( ad$ent)ring" and
then lea$es (or ser$ice else2here" he'll be re%laced by a second:le$el (ighter. This doesn't
mean that the ne2 (ighter is the g)ard:ca%tain. The %riest may %re(er (or some other
(ollo2er" 2ho is higher than second:le$el" to be the ne2 g)ard:ca%tain. B)t the
re%lacement character al2ays arri$es at the ex%erience le$el the original character held
hen he first became a folloer&

*$at %& #$e Priest/C$ara(ter %s S("7

0ne$itably" some cam%aign %riests" incl)ding some %layer:character %riests" 2ill see
their (ollo2ers as a reso)rce to be ex%loited and abandoned (or the %riest's am)sement.
8or exam%le" a %riest might sed)ce and cr)elly abandon attracti$e (ollo2ers" or might
send soldierly (ollo2ers into certain:death sit)ations in order to enhance his o2n glory.
0( the (aith is not an e$il one" the %riest is not (ollo2ing the dictates o( his (aith and
2ill e$ent)ally s)((er (or it. The (irst (e2 (ollo2ers 2ho %erish or (eel com%elled to lea$e
2ill be re%laced normally. A(ter t2enty ex%erience le$els' 2orth o( (ollo2ers ha$e le(t in
this manner" ho2e$er" the other tem%les o( the (aith and the local %o%)lation 2ill Dcatch
onD and the %riest 2ill (ind re%lacements slo2ing.
At that %oint" the %riest 2ill recei$e one ex%erience le$el o( re%lacement (ollo2er (or
e$ery t2o he loses. <This doesn't e$en co)nt ex%erience le$els gained by (ollo2ers
thro)gh ad$ent)ring. 0( a second:le$el g)ard:ca%tain rises to sixth le$el and then is
2asted in this manner" he'll be re%laced by a soldier hal( his original ex%erience le$el" i.e.
a (irst:le$el (ighter.=
0( the %riest loses another t2enty le$els thro)gh neglect or malicio)sness" he 2ill
recei$e one ex%erience le$el o( re%lacement (ollo2er (or e$ery (i$e he loses. 0( he loses
another ten le$els thro)gh neglect or malicio)sness" he 2ill recei$e one ex%erience le$el
o( re%lacement (ollo2er (or e$ery ten he loses. 0( he loses any more thro)gh his
misbeha$ior" they are not re%laced.
That isn't the only res)lt o( e$il beha$ior. The higher:ranking %riests o( the (aith 2ill
la)nch an in$estigation" assigning a %riest o( le$el e9)al to the o((ending %riest to his
tem%le to cond)ct the in$estigation. 0( it is this %riest's concl)sion that the %riest has
beha$ed badly" he co)ld (ind himsel( %)nishedB he co)ld ha$e his tem%le taken a2ay and
co)ld e$en lose ex%erience le$els <i( his god is o((ended by his misbeha$ior and decides
to %)nish him=.
Also" the other (ollo2ers and the (lock co)ld become disill)sioned. S)r$i$ing
(ollo2ers co)ld lea$e or e$en betray the %riest. The local %o%)lation co)ld grad)ally
cease to attend the %riest's ch)rch" and seek their s%irit)al ()l(illment else2here.
7o2 long does all this take; That's a role:%laying consideration. A %riest can be
corr)%t and hide his beha$ior (rom the (aith and (rom his (ollo2ing (or years. 0( he does
D2asteD (ollo2ers" b)t does so at a $ery slo2 rate" it co)ld be years or decades be(ore the
%o%)lation catches on. 0( he's o$ert" and (la)nts his corr)%tion or 2astes his (ollo2ers at a
more ad$anced rate" he co)ld (ind himsel( in tro)ble mere 2eeks or months a(ter (irst
attracting his (ollo2ers.
7o2e$er" i( the (aith is an e$il one" s)ch beha$ior is normal. Wasted (ollo2ers 2ill be
re%laced normally. <They are not" ho2e$er" likely to be loyal (ollo2ers" and may cons%ire
to eliminate and re%lace the %riest.=

Role o& t$e -ait$

The D* m)st decide 2hat role an indi$id)al (aith has 2ithin the cam%aign's c)lt)re.
This role breaks do2n into (o)r %arts:
7o2 the (aith relates to other (aithsB
7o2 the (aith relates to the aristocracyB
7o2 the (aith relates to the %eo%leB and
7o2 the (aith relates to (oreign (aiths.

Relations *it$ Ot$er -ait$s

*ost (antasy c)lt)res tends to (all into one o( the (ollo2ing categories:
*onotheistic By Demand
*onotheistic By Dogma
Pantheistic" hie( 8aith Dominant By harisma
Pantheistic" hie( 8aith Dominant By Strength
Pantheistic" 5o hie( 8aith

7ere's 2hat those terms mean 2ithin a cam%aign.
+onot$eisti( 1y De"and' The (aith's god ackno2ledges that there are other gods" b)t
demands that e$eryone 2orshi% him or her alone and not those other gods. 0( a c)lt)re is
*onotheistic By Demand" it means that this one (aith is the only one legally %ermitted
2ithin the c)lt)re. This (aith is able to demand a tithe <disc)ssed earlier in this cha%ter= o(
its (ollo2ers.
+onot$eisti( 1y Do,"a' Whether it is tr)e or not" the (aith claims that there is only
one god or goddess and that e$eryone m)st 2orshi% that one being. 0( a c)lt)re is
*onotheistic By Dogma" only the one (aith is %ermitted 2ithin the c)lt)re. Ty%ically" the
2orshi%%ers are s)((iciently in(lexible in their belie( that they o(ten %artici%ate in
religio)s 2ars in order to extend the domination o( their o2n (aith or s)%%ress (aiths they
consider dangero)s or heretical. This (aith is able to demand a tithe o( its (ollo2ers.
Pant$eisti() C$ie& -ait$ Do"inant 1y C$aris"a' This c)lt)re concedes that there
are se$eral gods 2ith indi$id)al (aiths or c)lts associated 2ith them. !ne" ho2e$er" is the
s%ecial (a$orite o( the %o%)lation" beca)se they consider that god's attrib)te" %ersonality"
or blessings s)%erior to any other god's. *ost citi3ens o( the c)lt)re 2orshi% this chie(
god and any other gods they choose. 0n this ty%e o( c)lt)re" the dominant (aith ty%ically
asks b)t is )nable to demand a tithe o( its (ollo2ers.
Pant$eisti() C$ie& -ait$ Do"inant 1y Stren,t$' This c)lt)re concedes that there are
se$eral gods 2ith indi$id)al (aiths or c)lts associated 2ith them. !ne" ho2e$er" is
s)%reme in %o2er" either beca)se it has a strong hold on the c)lt)re's r)ling aristocracy or
beca)se the chie( god has a %o2er or %romises re2ards that make his 2orshi% necessary.
<8or exam%le" e$en in a c)lt)re 2here many gods are 2orshi%%ed" the god 2ho decides
ho2 each %erson's a(terli(e is to be s%ent co)ld be the dominant godB or the king o( the
gods" 2ho r)les the god o( the a(terli(e" co)ld instead be dominant.= 0n this ty%e o(
c)lt)re" the dominant (aith is able to demand a tithe o( its (ollo2ers.
Pant$eisti() No C$ie& -ait$' This c)lt)re concedes that there are se$eral gods 2ith
indi$id)al (aiths or c)lts associated 2ith them. Tho)gh indi$id)al c)lts may be stronger
or 2eaker than each other" none is dominant thro)gho)t the c)lt)re. Each (aith can only
ask" not demand" a tithe o( its 2orshi%%ers. Within the c)lt)re" indi$id)al communities
may ha$e dominant godsB and 2ithin those indi$id)al comm)nities only" the chie( god's
2orshi% 2ill corres%ond to one o( the DPantheistic" hie( 8aith Dominant By harismaD
or DPantheistic" hie( 8aith Dominant By StrengthD categories. Some cities 2ill not ha$e
dominant gods" or may ha$e t2o or more dominant gods 2ho ha$e joint 2orshi% here b)t
not else2here. All the gods 2orshi%%ed 2ithin the c)lt)re 2ill be %ercei$ed to belong to
the same (amily" or %antheon" o( gods.

Relations *it$ t$e Aristo(ra(y

!nce the D* makes the decision abo)t the sort o( hold the (aith has on the c)lt)re" he
can decide 2hat sort o( relations the (aith has on the co)ntry's r)lers. This 2as disc)ssed
earlier in this cha%ter" )nder the heading D+ights o( the Priesthood.D

Relations *it$ t$e Peo!le

Then" the D* can determine 2hat sort o( relationshi% the (aith has 2ith the %o%)lation.
All (aiths exert some control o$er the (lock" by hel%ing inter%ret or de(ine 2hat the (lock
belie$esB some (aiths exert more %o2er" some less. Some ab)se that %o2er" and some
don't. Some (aiths r)le the %eo%le" 2hile others are the %eo%le.
The D* needs to ask himsel( these 9)estions:

%s #$ere A Priestly Caste7

That is" is Priest the ()ll:time job o( the %riest" making %riesthood something a little
distant (rom ordinary h)manityB or do most %riests only act as %riests %art:time" ha$ing
other occ)%ations most o( the time" and making %riesthood something that any ordinary
%erson can attain;
>)st beca)se Priest is a character class in the AD6D@ game doesn't mean that the
cam%aign c)lt)re has a %riestly caste. 0n a s%eci(ic c)lt)re" a character co)ld be a
blacksmith and also %riest o( the god o( metal2ork" or a soldier and also %riest o( the god
o( the s)n" or a scribe and also %riest o( the god o( death. The character's %ro(ession does
not ha$e to ha$e any bearing on his %riestly role . . . tho)gh it 2o)ld be ina%%ro%riate to
be a soldier and a %riest o( the god o( %eace" (or instance.
0n s)ch an arrangement" the character li$es in his home" 2orks to make his li$ing" and
is an e$eryday (ello2. !n occasion" he %)ts on his %riestly $estments and attends to his
%riestly d)ties <%er(orming marriages" arranging and %er(orming rit)als" gi$ing g)idance
to those 2ho ask it o( him" %raying to the god (or (a$ors=. *ost o( these e$ents take %lace
at the god's tem%le or ch)rch" b)t most o( the (aith's %riests do not li$e thereB only %riests
2ith no other 9)arters" and (ollo2ers o( the chie( %riest" 2o)ld li$e there. <A %riest co)ld
li$e in his o2n home 2hile his (ollo2ers li$ed in the tem%leN= With this sort o(
arrangement" %riests are $ery de(initely men and 2omen o( the %eo%le. They are not
s)%%orted by tithes <tho)gh tithes %robably led to the b)ilding o( the tem%le=" and j)st
abo)t anyone in the c)lt)re can become a %riest.
7o2e$er" i( %riests are a distinct caste in the society" then %riesthood is <in addition to
e$erything else= a 'ob& 0t is the %riest's %rinci%al occ)%ation. *ost %riests li$e in the
tem%le or in %ro%erties o2ned by the (aith. 0t may be considerably more di((ic)lt to
become a %riestB someone intending to become a %riest may ha$e to go thro)gh years o(
ed)cation and enlightenment be(ore becoming a %riest. <This isn't all that im%ortant (rom
a cam%aign %ers%ecti$eB %layer:character %riests still start o)t at (irst le$el" b)t 2ith the
)nderstanding that they'$e gone thro)gh all this teaching and training be(ore they enter
the cam%aign.=
Can #$e -ait$ %n&li(t Serios Pnis$"ents On Non/1elie4ers7

This is a re(lection o( the (aith's %olitical %o2er in the cam%aign c)lt)re. Does the (aith
ha$e the %o2er to in(lict %)nishment on those 2ho do not (ollo2 the (aith's %rinci%als;
an they im%rison" interrogate" or e$en tort)re or exec)te non:belie$ers or 2orshi%%ers o(
other (aiths;
0( they can" they're a $ery %o2er()l (aith in the c)lt)re" and one 2hich can g)ide the
c)lt)re into %eriods o( religio)s terror <2hene$er they try to %)rge the land o( heretics" or
to conceal elimination o( %olitical enemies by %retending they're heretics and %)rging
them= or into all:o)t 2ars 2ith c)lt)res o( di((erent (aiths.
&i$ing a (aith this right in a cam%aign means that there's al2ays the danger o( religio)s
%ersec)tion in the cam%aign. 0( it's the cam%aign's main setting 2here a (aith has this
%o2er" the %layer:characters may (ind themsel$es hired to o%%ose or e$en to hel% s)ch an
e((ort o( %ersec)tion. 0( it's a (oreign %o2er" the heroes may (ind themsel$es hel%ing
()giti$es esca%e that land" or may e$en (ace the oncoming j)ggerna)t o( an army 2hen
that (aith decides it's time (or a holy 2ar.

%s #$e -ait$ %ndi,enos #o #$is Po!lation7

Did the (aith in 9)estion s%ring (rom this c)lt)re" or 2as it introd)ced to this c)lt)re by
immigration or 2ar;
0( it s%rang (rom this c)lt)re" that's (ine.
7o2e$er" i( it 2as introd)ced into this c)lt)re and s)%%lanted an earlier (aith" the D*
has the o%%ort)nity to introd)ce some interesting story elements beca)se o( (riction
bet2een the t2o (aiths.
0( the ne2 (aith con9)ered and eliminated the old (aith almost com%letely" then there
2ill be hidden" secret sects o( the old (aith still in existence . . . sects 2hich %lan to re:
establish the %reeminence o( their god.
0( the ne2 (aith has dominated and absorbed the old (aith 2itho)t destroying it" yo)
can deal 2ith changes to the c)lt)re res)lting (rom that absor%tion. What i(" in the old
c)lt)re" (emale %riestesses and their goddesses 2ere dominant" 2hile in the ne2 (aith
male gods and their %riests are in %o2er; !r" 2hat i( the re$erse is tr)e; !r" 2hat i( the
old (aith o%%ressed one gender and the ne2 (aith treats them as e9)als; 0n any case" there
2ill be ongoing str)ggles" es%ecially str)ggles o( %olitics and traditions" 2here belie$ers
in the old (aith try to kee% things traditional and (amiliar 2hile belie$ers in the ne2 (aith
try to im%ose their o2n belie(s on the %o%)lation.
As a $ariant o( that" a cam%aign setting" or e$en an entire cam%aign" can be b)ilt
aro)nd a missionary sit)ation" 2here %riests o( one (aith ha$e been introd)ced into a
setting 2here a di((erent (aith reigns . . . and ha$e a%%eared 2ith the intent o( con$erting
the local %o%)lation to their belie(s. This is es%ecially interesting 2here missionaries o( a
more so%histicated c)lt)re are sent to a more %rimiti$e region.
The %riests o( the ne2" intr)ding (aith are sent 2ith the %)r%oses o( ed)cating the
Dnati$es"D challenging and de(eating their %riests <i( any=" and con$erting the nati$e
%o%)lation to the ne2 belie(. The %riests might ha$e to o%%ose soldiers o( their o2n land"
2ho are raiding and ex%loiting the nati$es" or may coo%erate 2ith them (or the glory and
%ro(it o( their o2n tem%les" de%ending on 2hether the D* considers this a DgoodD or a
DbadD (aith and ca)se.
0n s)ch a setting" %layer:characters co)ld take on any n)mber o( tasks. They co)ld be
the ne2 %riests" s%reading the ne2 (aith. They co)ld be enemies o( the ne2 %riests
<%erha%s they're %riests o( another (aith altogetherN= 2orking to de(eat the missionary
e((orts o( the ne2 %riests. They co)ld be 2arriors or (oreign de(enders o( the nati$e
%o%)lation" (ighting the soldiers 2ho steal the nati$e c)lt)re's treas)res and take nati$es
as sla$es. They co)ld be those ex%loitati$e soldiers. 0n as com%licated a sit)ation as this
one is" there are many o%%ort)nities (or ad$ent)re . . . and (or to)gh ethical 9)estions (or
the D* to introd)ce into the cam%aign.

*$at Se(ondary Roles Does #$e -ait$ -ill7

The D* also needs to decide i( a (aith (ills one or more c)lt)ral niches 2hich are not
intrinsically religio)s.
8or exam%le" a (aith co)ld be the %rinci%al ed)cator o( a society. Each tem%le 2o)ld
then also ser$e as a school" and all %riests 2o)ld ha$e non2ea%on %ro(iciencies 2hich
allo2ed them to teach s)bjects or %reser$e kno2ledge. A (aith 2ith this %ri$ilege 2ill be
a %o2er()l one in the c)lt)re" beca)se it in(l)ences the thinking o( each ne2 generation.
A (aith might ha$e a secondary ()nction as a shelterer o( tra$ellers. Each tem%le 2o)ld
ha$e a 2ing or annex 2hich 2as a sort o( hotel (or tra$ellers" 2ith many o( the brothers
and sisters o( the (aith Dr)nning the hotel.D This makes this (aith a %rinci%al 2aystation
(or r)mors" and the ch)rch 2o)ld be the (irst %lace that %eo%le 2o)ld t)rn to (or ne2s.
The (aith o( the god o( Wisdom might be the only one 2hich co)ld s)%%ly j)dges and
ad$ocates in trials. The (aith o( the god o( Strength might s)%%ly all j)dges and marshals
to athletic e$ents. Perha%s only %riests o( the god o( metal2ork can mint coins.
0t's extra 2ork to introd)ce these small c)lt)ral elements into a cam%aign setting" b)t
they add a de%th o( detail to a cam%aign (or the D* 2ho is 2illing to do that extra 2ork.

Relations *it$ -orei,n -ait$s

!nce he's decided ho2 the cam%aign's chie( c)lt)re is arranged" the D* can make the
same decisions abo)t all the other" (oreign" c)lt)res in his 2orld.
Then" i( he 2ishes" he can add still more detail to the religio)s (abric o( his cam%aign
setting by de(ining ho2 di((erent c)lt)res regard one another's religio)s %ractices.
Some c)lt)res a$idly 2elcome the introd)ction o( ne2 religio)s elements into their
o2n. Pantheistic c)lt)res" es%ecially those 2hich ha$e no dominant (aith" are likely to
2elcome 2orshi% o( each (oreign god that is enco)ntered.
Some c)lt)res $iolently o%%ose s)ch an introd)ction. 8or exam%le" a c)lt)re might be
%antheistic" 2orshi%%ing many gods" and yet still belie$e that its %antheon is the only tr)e
%antheon . . . and that all (oreign gods and (oreign %antheons are lies or demons.
8oreign c)lt)res o(ten 2orshi% some o( the same gods as the cam%aign's %rinci%al
c)lt)re" b)t do so )nder di((erent names" 2ith di((erent rites" and belie$ing in di((erent
stories abo)t those gods. A tolerant c)lt)re 2ill 2elcome ne2 inter%retations o( their
gods. An intolerant one 2ill" at best" seek to ed)cate the (oreign c)lt)re to Dcorrect its
mis)nderstandingsDB at 2orst" it 2ill insist that the (oreign land be con9)ered and (orcibly
This" then" is another 2ay to add detail and text)re to a cam%aign: By deciding ho2
(oreign (aiths regard one another" and 2hat e((ect that regard has on the c)lt)res in$ol$ed.
These e((ects range all the 2ay (rom increased trade and exchange o( kno2ledge thro)gh
2ar" con9)est" and e$en genocide.

Rites and t$e Calendar

*ost (aiths ha$e reg)lar rites and rit)als tied in to the calendar. This is disc)ssed more
()lly in the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter later in this s)%%lement.

Hierar($y o& t$e -ait$

*ost (aiths ha$e a de(inite organi3ation" 2ith more ex%erienced %riests leading less
ex%erienced ones. 0n some (aiths" bribery and corr)%tion can allo2 a less ex%erienced
%riest to gain %o2er and in(l)ence o$er more ex%erienced ones" b)t this is )ncommon.
0n the AD6D@ game" most (aiths are organi3ed based on the ex%erience le$els o( their
%riests. The higher in le$el a %riest is" the higher he may be in the (aith's organi3ation.
B)t the D* needs to note a co)%le o( im%ortant (acts.
8irst" most 5P %riests start at (irst le$el and ne$er rise any higher than second. The
%layer:character %riest" 2ho gains le$els thro)gho)t a career that is mostly characteri3ed
by adventure is an exce%tion to the )s)al r)le.
Second" the P %riest" 2ith his <com%arati$ely= meteoric rise thro)gh le$els" may not
2ish to or may not be able to enjoy the bene(its and res%onsibilities o( most %riests. *any
%riest Ps 2ill 2ish to (orego the d)ties o( r)nning a tem%le and stay on the road" acting
as a mobile agent (or their (aith. This is a $iable o%tion (or a %riest in a cam%aign.
*ore on this s)bject is disc)ssed in the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter.

E3!erien(e 5e4els and Hierar($y

Belo2 is the )s)al arrangement o( %riesthoods in a cam%aign. 8irst is the
organi3ational str)ct)re 2hich 5P %riests )s)ally (ollo2B then" 2e'll talk abo)t %layer:
characters and their %lace in the str)ct)re.

5e4el :ero ;Nor"al +en and *o"en<

A Dle$el:3eroD %riest is someone 2ho has j)st been acce%ted into a %riestly order and is
recei$ing his initial training. Player:characters do not ha$e to start o)t at 3ero:le$elB the
only 3ero:le$el %riests that the Ps 2ill e$er enco)nter 2ill be 5Ps )ndergoing training.

5e4el One/5e4el #2o

8irst:le$el %riests are ty%ically assigned as aids" clerks" and assistants to higher:le$el
%riests" and kee% that assignment thro)gh second ex%erience le$el. D)ring this time" the
lo2:le$el %riests 2ill be getting %ractical (ield ex%erience in the exec)tion o( their d)ties"
in the 2ay the %riesthood 2orks 2ith the %o%)lation" and in the 2ay the %riesthood's
organi3ation 2orks in the real 2orld.
*ost (irst:le$el %riests are assigned to %riests o( third to (i(th le$el" b)t some (e2
<es%ecially $ery ca%able ones= 2ill be assigned to m)ch more %o2er()l %riests.

5e4el #$ree/5e4el -i4e

At third le$el" the %riest 2ill be assigned to a single comm)nity <a $illage" a small
to2n" a broad tract o( land containing many scattered (arms" or a single small
neighborhood in a large city=.
0( he asks (or one" and the (aith's leaders <i.e." the D*= agree that he needs one" he 2ill
be assigned a (irst:le$el %riest as an assistant. This %riest isn't a (ollo2er in the same
(ashion as the (ollo2ers he recei$es at a higher le$el" and might 2ish to be re:%osted
else2here i( his s)%erior is )nlikable or di((ic)lt. <7o2e$er" i( this assignee is still 2ith
the %riest 2hen that %riest reaches eighth or ninth le$el" the D* might decide (or him to
become one o( the %riest's o((icial (ollo2ers.= 0( he doesn't ask (or a s)bordinate %riest" he
2on't recei$e one.
The %riest is assigned a small b)ilding to ser$e him as a tem%le or ch)rch. <This is not
the same as a stronghold.= The %riest is s)%%osed to (inance re%airs to the b)ilding" (ood
and s)%%lies (or himsel( and any assistants" and salaries (or any ser$ants he chooses to
hire thro)gh tithes and donations. 7al( o( all tithes and donations are sent on to the
s)%eriors" and the rest go to the %riest's o2n tem%le (or these %)r%oses. 0( the %riest
doesn't recei$e eno)gh tithes and donations" the (aith 2ill %robably not hel% himB his
mission is to ins%ire his (lock" and inade9)ate tithes and donations are merely e$idence
that he needs to 2ork harder at it.

5e4el Si3/5e4el Se4en

At aro)nd sixth le$el" i( the %riest has done a good job o( maintaining his ch)rch and
seeing to the needs o( his (lock" he may be gi$en a more im%ortant assignment. 7e co)ld
become the chie( %riest o( a large to2n <one 2ith more than one ch)rchB the third:le$el
%riests o%erating those ch)rches 2o)ld re%ort to him=" or the central ch)rch a)thority o$er
se$eral $illages.
7e may kee% any s)bordinate he has had %re$io)sly. 7e 2ill a)tomatically be
assigned t2o additional (irst:le$el %riests as s)bordinates. Again" they do not %recisely
constit)te D(ollo2ers"D tho)gh those s%eci(ic characters co)ld become (ollo2ers 2hen the
%riest reaches the a%%ro%riate le$el.
0( the %riest's 2ork does not merit a better %osting" he 2on't lose his ex%erience le$els
or his s)bordinate" b)t he'll be st)ck in the little ch)rch that he has been o%erating all this
time. When a %riest reaches sixth or se$enth le$el and is still the %riest o( a one:horse
to2n" it's o(ten a sign that he is not held in high regard by his s)%eriors. 0t may merely be
a sign that there are too many %riests in the %riesthood and ad$ancement is slo2.
5at)rally" a higher:le$el %riest can ask to be %osted to or remain %osted to s)ch a small
comm)nity. Some %eo%le 2ill snicker at his lack o( ambition 2hile others 2ill admire his
dedication and his care (or the common man.

5e4el Ei,$t/5e4el Nine

At aro)nd eighth or ninth le$el" again ass)ming that the %riest has done 2ell in his
%riestly career so (ar" he 2ill be allo2ed to b)ild a stronghold. The (aith 2ill (inance hal(
its cost" and it remains the %ro%erty o( the (aith 2hen the %riest retires his %ost.
7o2e$er" the stronghold is semi:a)tonomo)sB the %riest's s)%eriors seldom inter(ere in
its o%erations. They might inter(ere" es%ecially by sending another %riest to in$estigate" i(
they recei$e r)mors o( incom%etence" greed" or tro)ble (rom the stronghold. !ther2ise"
the %riest is (ree to o%erate it m)ch as he %leases.
The %riest's assigned area may remain the same. 7e might contin)e to be chie( %riest
o$er a large to2n or collection o( $illages. At his re9)est and 2ith his s)%eriors'
%ermission" or solely at his s)%eriors' 2ish" he may instead b)ild his stronghold in some
other %lace: 0n a (rontier 2here he is s)%%osed to de(end the %eace" in a 2ilderness area
2here he and his s)bordinates are s)%%osed to 2ork )ndist)rbed by the sec)lar 2orld"
At this same time" the %riest 2ill recei$e his (ollo2ers" as 2e ha$e disc)ssed earlier
this cha%ter. The (ollo2ers manage the stronghold and its d)ties )nder the %riest's
administration. As disc)ssed earlier" the le$els" classes and goals o( these (ollo2ers 2ill
de%end on the attrib)tes o( the (aith and on the s%eci(ic goals o( the %riest (or his
stronghold. 0( it's to be a military %ost manned by holy 2arriors" the (ollo2ers 2ill mostly
be ca%able (ightersB i( it's to be an ed)cational monastery" most o( the (ollo2ers 2ill be
5ormal *en and Women or (irst:le$el %riests 2ith a%%ro%riate scholastic talents.
D)ring this time" the %riest's %rogress and e((iciency 2ill be care()lly meas)red by his
s)%eriors" 2ho are considering 2hat role the %riest 2ill %lay in the higher:le$el %olitics o(
the (aith.

5e4el #en/5e4el #2el4e

Sometime bet2een tenth and t2el(th le$els" the %riest may (ind himsel( %romoted to
%rominence o$er a m)ch larger areaB he 2ill be administering a bigger ch)nk o( the
religio)s Dma%.D Priests o( n)mero)s cities and regions in his $icinity <at least a (i(ty:mile
radi)s= 2ill be re%orting to him" and o( co)rse he 2ill still be re%orting to his s)%eriors.
By t2el(th le$el" he may be the high %riest o$er an entire nation <ass)ming that the (aith
s%ans se$eral nations" as many (aiths do=.
7e does not" ho2e$er" recei$e any more (ollo2ers.

5e4el #$irteen/5e4el -i&teen

The most %o2er()l o( a (aith's leaders belong to these ex%erience le$els: The high
%riest o( the (aith and his immediate ad$isors. 0( the D* 2ishes" %olitics or the god's
%re(erence alone may decide 2ho the high %riest is" and the high %riest might then not
ha$e to be the highest:le$el %riest o( the (aith. The (aith's high %riest might be chosen by
$ote or omen" and co)ld be a thirteenth:le$el %riest 2hile all his immediate ad$isors are
o( higher le$el.

5e4el Si3teen/5e4el #2enty

These ex%erience le$els don't ha$e any e((ect on the %riest's ranking 2ithin his (aith.
They are re(lections o( additional kno2ledge that he has learned . . . b)t don't grant any
additional bene(its 2ithin the str)ct)re o( the (aith.

PC Priests and t$e Hierar($y

5o2" j)st ho2 do %layer:character %riests relate to this 2hole organi3ation; *any
cam%aigns are set Don the roadBD the %layer:characters s%end m)ch o( their time tra$elling
(rom %lace to %lace in search o( ad$ent)re" and it's hard to kee% a ch)rch:bo)nd %riest
acti$e in s)ch a cam%aign. So" here's ho2 to kee% the %riest in the cam%aign.
0n a cam%aign" it's o(ten not a%%ro%riate (or &irst and se(ond le4el !riests to be
assigned as scribes to some small:time $illage %riest. 0( the D* 2ants to a$oid this" he
can assign the character to a third:le$el %riest <es%ecially a %hysically harmless one" 2ho
2on't contrib)te m)ch combat ability to a P %arty= 2ho tra$els. This third:le$el %riest
may be a (riend and tra$elling com%anion o( one o( the Ps" or may be an )n)s)al %riest
2ho %re(ers to train his s)bordinates by li(e on the road.
When the P reaches t$ird le4el and is s)%%osed to be assigned his o2n $illage" he
may instead be gi$en a s%ecial mission 2hich 2ill kee% him on the road and 2ith the
other Ps. 8or instance" i( the P %arty ty%ically enco)nters ne2 monsters or magic" the
(aith may 2ant the P %riest to stay 2ith them to bene(it himsel( <and the (aith as a
2hole= 2ith these ne2 ex%eriences and kno2ledges. The P %riest co)ld kee% this
assignment all the 2ay (rom t$ird to se4ent$ le4els9
At ei,$t$ or nint$ le4el) 2hen the P is s)%%osed to be Dsettling do2nD and b)ilding a
stronghold" he sho)ld do so. The D* sho)ld 2ork )% a 2hole series o( ad$ent)res
centered aro)nd the stronghold" its constr)ction and de(ense. A(ter the stronghold is b)ilt
and settled 2ith (ollo2ers" i( the P %riest 2ants to remain on the road 2ith his allies" he
sho)ld be able to do so. 7e m)st lea$e most o( his (ollo2ers at the ch)rch to o%erate it"
and sho)ld take no more than t2o (ollo2ers 2ith him. 5at)rally" the stronghold 2as b)ilt
and organi3ed 2ith this in mind" and the %riest 2ill still ha$e to ret)rn to the stronghold a
(e2 times %er year in order to sign im%ortant %a%ers and set ne2 %olicies . . . b)t (or the
rest o( the year he's doing the tem%le's b)siness on the road.
This can remain the sit)ation (or the rest o( the %riest's career in the cam%aign.
Alternately" as the %riest reaches higher le$els" the D* may 2ish to orient the cam%aign
aro)nd him and the concerns o( his (aithB 2e disc)ss this in the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter.

-inan(es o& t$e PC's #e"!le

We mentioned tithes and donations abo$e" and there's al2ays a tem%tation to %ro$ide
some sort o( lengthy and in$ol$ed money:management scheme (or the cam%aign" so that
the D* can kee% track o( e$ery co%%er %iece that (lo2s thro)gh the tem%le co((ers.
B)t that doesn't contrib)te to the s%irit o( ad$ent)re that AD6D@ game cam%aigns are
s)%%osed to %romote. So 2e're going to %ro$ide yo) 2ith a m)ch sim%ler system (or
kee%ing )% 2ith a tem%le's tithes and donations.

#$e -irst #e"!le Assi,n"ent

When the %riest character is (irst assigned a tem%le or ch)rch" the D* decides" entirely
arbitrarily" 2hether the (aith()l 2ho attend that tem%le contrib)te eno)gh (or the %riest to
lead a mean" a$erage" or com(ortable existence.
D*eanD indicates that he gets barely eno)gh to eat and cannot a((ord re%airs or salaries
(or ser$antsB DA$erageD means that he and one s)bordinate get an am%le diet and can
a((ord one ser$antB Dom(ortableD means that the tem%le can ho)se more than j)st its one
or t2o %riests <it can" (or exam%le" ho)se one or t2o horses %er %riest= and can a((ord t2o
or more ser$ants %er %riest.
Then" the D* decides 2hether or not this economic condition is one that 2ill change
2ith the %riest's management. 0( the local %o%)lation isn't contrib)ting as m)ch as it
co)ld" the ne2 %riest might be able to ins%ire them to a better %er(ormance. 0( the last
%riest 2as a $ery charismatic leader" then %erha%s the ne2 %riest 2ill start o)t 2ith a
om(ortable or A$erage existence b)t then see it start to sli% a2ay.
Then" (rom time to time" the D* can con(ront the %riest 2ith sit)ations 2hich can
a((ect his standing.
E3a"!le' An )n%o%)lar man seeks sanct)ary in the %riest's ch)rchB i( the %riest denies
sanct)ary" he'll be more %o%)lar 2ith the locals" b)t 2ill not ha$e done his %riestly d)tyB
i( he %ro$ides sanct)ary" he'll ha$e done his d)ty" b)t 2ill see contrib)tions sli% or dry )%
E3a"!le' A yo)ng man o( the area asks the %riest's ad$ice on a di((ic)lt %roblem:
Sho)ld he marry the girl o( his choice" and alienate his (ather" or ac9)iesce to his (ather's
arranged marriage" and 2ed the 2ealthy girl he does not lo$e; 0( the %riest ans2ers one
or the other" it has no e((ect on his standing in the comm)nity. B)t i( he can s)ggest and
im%lement a %lan 2hich 2ill allo2 the yo)th to marry his lo$e" kee% his (ather's a((ection"
and not alienate the (amily o( the s%)rned girl" the %riest's standing 2ill be im%ro$ed" and
so 2ill the economics o( his tem%le.

5ater Assi,n"ents

As the %riest is gi$en larger and more im%ortant %ostings and assignments" the D*
sho)ld assign him to tem%les 2hich are al2ays com%romises (or him. The D* decides
ho2 many men and 2omen these tem%les ha$e on their sta((s" 2hat the standard o( li$ing
is (or the tem%le:d2ellers <)s)ally modest" tho)gh not )ncom(ortable" etc.=. And these
tem%les sim%ly do not recei$e eno)gh (rom tithes and donations normally to li$e )% to all
his ex%ectations" m)ch less to b)ild )% a large treas)ry o( a$ailable coins.
E3a"!le' 0( the %riest dreams o( ha$ing a body o( soldiers decked o)t in ()ll %late and
riding trained 2arhorses" 2hat he has is a s9)adron o( (oot soldiers in chain.
E3a"!le' 0( the %riest 2ants to li$e a l)x)rio)s existence" 2ith ex%ensi$e ()rnishings
and many ser$ants and a hedonistic li(estyle" 2hat he gets is d)ll stone 2alls" )sed
()rnishings" and one scr)((y ser$ant <or none=.
0n all sit)ations like this" the %riest m)st either:
<-= +e:str)ct)re the tem%le's b)dget" 2hich res)lts in shortages else2here in the
tem%le's existence <taking (rom the kitchen to %ay the armory res)lts in %oorer (ood and
2orse cookingB taking (rom the armory to redecorate makes (or brighter and less:
de(ensible tem%lesB taking (rom the re%air ()nd to im%ro$e the kitchen makes (or better
meals and b)ildings 2hich start to (all a%artB etc.=B
<A= 8inance the changes (rom his ad$ent)ring treas)res <2hich means that the %riest
2ill (ind it hard to sa$e )% a Dretirement ()ndD o( any conse9)ence=B or
<G= Ta% into the monies 2hich are s)%%osed to be sent on to the higher ranks o( the
(aith <2hich 2ill 2ork (or a time" %erha%s a $ery long time" b)t 2ill e$ent)ally res)lt in a
tem%le in$estigation . . . 2hich is $ery bad (or the (aith as a 2hole" as it ca)ses
disill)sionment among the %o%)lace 2hen the tr)e (acts emerge=.

Notes on E(ono"i(s

By %resenting tem%le economics as choices o( li(estyle ethics" rather than n)mbers on a
col)mn:sheet" the D* enco)rages role:%laying 2ithin his cam%aign and doesn't ha$e to
de$ote a lot o( time to kee%ing track o( sil$er %ieces.

Non/Priests *orkin, -or t$e -ait$

!ne last note abo)t le$els o( %riests 2ithin the (aith: There are many non:%riest
characters 2ho belong to the administrati$e organi3ation o( any (aith in a cam%aign
*ost are 5ormal *en and Women 2ho 2ork in indi$id)al tem%les" as ser$ants"
messengers" grooms" and sometimes as teachers" scribes" and cons)ltants.
*any are 2arriors hired to %rotect tem%les in dangero)s areas" to act as bodyg)ards (or
tra$elling %riests" and to train %riests in the (iner %oints o( combat.
Some are mages" bards" and e$en thie$es hired as cons)ltants and s%ecialists.

PCs) -or(es and P$iloso!$ies

Some %layers 2ill e$ent)ally ask themsel$es" D0( the gods are sentient b)t (orces and
%hiloso%hies are not" then i( 0 become %riest o( a (orce or %hiloso%hy" 0 don't ha$e some
god dictating 2hat 0 can and can't do. 0 can do anything 0 2ant to.D
The D* needs to ste% on this sort o( (oolishness 2hen it cro%s )%. Tho)gh (orces and
%hiloso%hies are not sentient beings" they can still en(orce their ethos and tenets on their
8or exam%le" i( a %riest o( the Philoso%hy o( &ood does e$il things" the nat)ral %o2er
o( the %hiloso%hy 2ill abandon him <denying him all his %riestly )ntil he re%ents" makes
amends" and again (ollo2s the restrictions o( the %riesthood=.
Sa"!le Priest$oods

The next cha%ter contains more than sixty indi$id)al %riest classes. Each has been b)ilt
according to the g)idelines disc)ssed in this cha%ter" and can be introd)ced as 2ritten or
2ith modi(ications into most D*s' cam%aigns.

-ait$ Desi,n S$eet

!n %age ./ is the 8aith Design Sheet" a 2orksheet 2hich 2ill hel% the D* design his
o2n (aiths. Mo) can )se any o( the Sam%le Priesthoods (rom the next cha%ter as a
tem%late" or create a (aith (rom the gro)nd )%.
The 8aith Design Sheet is arranged to (ollo2" more or less in order" the s)bjects o( this
Sa"!le Priest$oods

7ere" 2e're %ro$iding exam%les o( 2hat 2e described in s)ch detail in the %re$io)s
0n the %ages that (ollo2" yo)'ll (ind more than sixty %riesthoods. Each o( these
%riesthoods constit)tes a com%lete character class o( the D%riest o( a s%eci(ic mythosD
ty%e. The druid %resented in the Player's Handbook is one ty%e o( a %riest o( a s%eci(ic
mythos" and is 2ritten )% there in greater detail than the %riesthoods %resented here. B)t
each o( these %riesthoods can be (ine:t)ned by yo)r D* and ada%ted more ()lly to the
cam%aign 2orld.
Each o( these %riesthoods (ollo2s the normal Priest r)les <Player's Handbook" %age
GG= (or ex%erience le$el %rogression and s%ell %rogression. *ost (ollo2 the normal
Priestly eight:sided dice %rogression (or hit %ointsB those 2hich don't 2ill be singled o)t
in the text.
8or each o( these %riesthoods" yo)r D* 2ill )ltimately ha$e to s)%%ly the cam%aign:
s%eci(ic details o( 2hat the deity's name is" 2hat his (amily and relationshi%s are" 2hat his
history is" etc. 7o2e$er" %layers don't ha$e to kno2 all these details in order to create
%riest charactersB j)st )se the %riesthood class descri%tions belo2" and" 2hen o%tions are
%ro$ided <(or skills" re9)irements" %o2ers" etc.=" the %layers can ask the D* 2hich
o%tions they sho)ld take.
This section s)%%lements the material (rom the DWea%ons Allo2edD chart (rom the
Player's Handbook, %age GH.


Belo2 are the %riest character classes. The descri%tion o( each is arranged in this

Sa"!le -ait$ *rite!

We start o)t 2ith a 9)ick ex%lanation o( the god's attrib)te. The (irst %aragra%hs talk
abo)t 2hat the god's goals may be" 2hat his %riest's goals 2ill be.
5ext" 2e disc)ss 2hat kinds o( $ariations there may be to his attrib)te. <Exam%le: A
god o( the arts may be de$oted to only one s%eci(ic kind o( art :: %ainting" (or instance=.
Sometimes these $ariations on the god's attrib)te might change yo)r o%inion o( 2hat
the god's nat)re and alignment are. <Exam%le: A god o( death might be a (rightening
&rim +ea%er sort o( deity" or might be a gentle god o( a cheer()l sort o( a(terli(e.=
We also describe the gender that gods o( this attrib)te )s)ally belong to. This isn't a
limitation for your campaign& Any attrib)te sho2n belo2 can be re%resented by a god or
goddess" or e$en by a sexless deity. 7o2e$er" in real:2orld mythologies" $ario)s godly
attrib)tes are )s)ally re%resented by one sex or the other" and so here 2e describe 2hich
one that is.
We also talk abo)t the other ty%es o( %riests this %riesthood is on es%ecially good terms
2ith. <>)st beca)se a %riesthood isn't mentioned here doesn't mean that there is bad
(eeling bet2een them" ho2e$er.=
Ali,n"ent' This %aragra%h describes the )s)al alignment o( s)ch a god" and the
alignment choices a$ailable to his %riests.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' This text ex%lains 2hat minim)m ability scores <al2ays
Wisdom" and o(ten one other= the %riest m)st %ossess to be a %riest in the (irst %lace.
Ra(es Allo2ed' This %aragra%h describes 2hich %layer:character races may belong to
this %riesthood.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' This %aragra%h describes 2hich non2ea%on
and 2ea%on %ro(iciencies a %riest m)st ha$e" and 2hich additional non2ea%on
%ro(iciencies are recommended (or him. The %ro(iciencies re9)ired o( the %riest m)st be
taken (rom the normal %ro(iciency slots he starts %lay 2ithB he does not recei$e e$tra slots
2ith 2hich to take these %ro(iciencies. Also listed here are the D5on2ea%on Pro(iciency
&ro)% rosso$ersD (or this s%eci(ic %riest:class <see Table GO" Player's Handbook, %age
LL (or more on the Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers=.
Dties o& t$e Priest' This talks abo)t the d)ties ty%ically demanded o( this sort o(
%riest. Almost all %riests are s)%%osed to %ro$ide &)idance to the (lockB generally" that
g)idance is related to the god's attrib)te. <0n other 2ords" members o( the (lock come to
the %riest o( the god o( lo$e (or 9)estions o( lo$e" to the %riest o( the god o( j)stice on
9)estions o( re$enge" etc.= All %riests exce%t (or the %riests o( the god o( Death can
%er(orm the marriage ceremony" and this is a d)ty most don't mind %er(orming. *any
%riesthoods ha$e other d)ties as 2ell.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' 7ere" 2e talk abo)t 2hich 2ea%ons and armor the
%riest can and cannot )se. *entioned in these %aragra%hs are some 2ea%ons 2hich do not
a%%ear in the Player's Handbook& The belaying %in" bo stick" cest)s" chain" daiky)" lasso"
main:ga)che" net" n)nchak)" sai" sh)riken" stiletto" and s2ords s)ch as c)tlass" katana"
ra%ier" sabre" and 2aki3ashi a%%ear in The Complete !ighter's Handbook& The bill" lasso"
ma)l" net" n)nchak)" and scythe a%%ear later in this s)%%lement" in the DE9)i%mentD
cha%ter <note that the bill is the same as the ga((?hook (rom The Complete !ighter's
HandbookB Dga((D and DhookD are its na)tical names=. !( the armors mentioned" banded
mail" brigandine" bron3e %late mail" chain mail" (ield %late" ()ll %late" %late mail" ring
mail" scale mail" s%lint mail" and st)dded leather constit)te metal armor <not all o( them
are all:metal" b)t all o( them ha$e metal elements=B hide armor" leather armor" and %added
armor constit)te non:metal armor.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 7ere" 2e disc)ss other limitations and restrictions 2hich are
ty%ically %laced on this ty%e o( %riest.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' This %aragra%h describes the %riest's access to s%ells o( di((erent
s%heres o( in(l)ence. Mo)'ll remember (rom the %re$io)s cha%ter that %riesthoods 2hich
ha$e &ood ombat Abilities tend to get three major accesses <incl)ding All= and t2o
minor" that those 2hich ha$e *edi)m ombat Abilities tend to get (i$e major accesses
<incl)ding All= and (o)r minor" and that those 2hich ha$e Poor ombat Abilities tend to
get se$en major accesses <incl)ding All= and six minor. 0n the exam%les belo2" not all
%riesthoods (ollo2 those g)idelines e$actlyB some ha$e one major access to (e2 and a
co)%le o( minor accesses to many" (or instance. B)t i( a %riesthood comes )% notably
short on the n)mber o( s%heres it can access" it is gi$en extra &ranted Po2ers.
Po2ers' This %aragra%h talks abo)t 2hich &ranted Po2ers the %riest recei$es" and
2hen this occ)rs d)ring the co)rse o( his career. *ost %riesthoods ha$e at least oneB some
ha$e se$eral. 1nless the text says other2ise" each &ranted Po2er is a$ailable to the %riest
at (irst ex%erience le$elB some" s%eci(ically listed" 2ill become a$ailable at other le$els.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' 7ere" 2e talk abo)t ho2 many (ollo2ers the %riest
recei$es" 2hat they are" 2hen he recei$es them" and 2hen he is allo2ed to b)ild his o2n
stronghold. We also describe ho2 many and 2hich o( his (ollo2ers can take 2ith him
2hen ad$ent)ring Don the road.D 5ormally" most o( the (ollo2ers are s)%%osed to stay at
the %riest's tem%le and o%erate it (or himB in s%ite o( many %riest:Ps' %re(erences" the
%riest can't j)st bring along all his (ollo2ers 2ith him on e$ery ad$ent)re. The n)mbers
gi$en here are (or the maxim)m n)mber o( (ollo2ers the %riest can take 2ith him on
ad$ent)resB nat)rally" he can al2ays take (e2er.
Possible Sy"bols' This is a set o( recommendations (or the symbols that the
%riesthood )ses. 1s)ally" they're re%resentations o( the god's attrib)te. They are also )sed
)%on the %riesthood's 7oly Symbol.
Notes' 8inally" i( there are any ()rther items im%ortant to the descri%tion o( this
character class" 2e %lace them in this %aragra%h.

%"!ortant Notes

*ost godly attrib)tes <#o$e" War" Agric)lt)re" etc.= don't s%eci(ically say that they are
enemies o( E$il. This j)st means that these attrib)tes are not o( themsel$es distinctly
o%%osed to E$ilB some ha$e no relationshi% 2ith E$il 2hatsoe$er <(or exam%le"
Agric)lt)re=. Mo) can ass)me" )nless the text lists E$il among the (riends o( an attrib)te"
or says that %riests o( this other god can be e$il" that the %riests o( the other god don't care
(or the Philoso%hy o( E$il.
We ha$en't incl)ded a %aragra%h 2hich disc)sses the rights the %riesthood has in the
c)lt)re. That's beca)se 2e don't kno2 2hat sort o( c)lt)re the D* 2ill be %lacing the
%riesthood 2ithin. The D* determines 2hat s%ecial rights the %riesthood hasB s%ecial
rights" as disc)ssed last cha%ter" incl)de h)rch Trial" oronation" !ther on(irmations"
Tithes" Se%aration (rom the 8aith" +)le" and being the State +eligion.
Also" the g)idelines 2e're %ro$iding in this cha%ter are based on the most common
$ie2s o( these sorts o( gods" %riests" and races. Any cam%aign may ha$e a di((erent $ie2
o( these to%ics" and so the D* may change these limitations and re9)irements to s)it his
cam%aign. Es%ecially %rone to re:inter%retation are: races allo2ed" %ro(iciencies re9)ired
or (orbidden" rights" 2ea%on and armor restrictions" other limitations" and s%heres o(


Agric)lt)re concerns *an har$esting 5at)re. The god has sho2n man ho2 to %lant"
gro2" rea%" and )tili3e cro%sB man" in t)rn" 2orshi%s the god as thanks (or this bo)nty.
The gods o( agric)lt)re is di((erent (rom the other gods o( nat)re and nat)ral (orces in
that he re%resents the elements o( gro2ing that man )tili3es and can control.
The %riesthood o( this god is %rinci%ally interested in making s)re that mankind
contin)es to a%%reciate the agric)lt)ral god. An angry god o( this sort can decide that
cro%s (ail" either on a local le$el or e$en 2orld2ide" res)lting in mass star$ation and
<e$ent)ally" i( the god is not a%%eased= a destr)ction o( ci$ili3ationB man 2o)ld ret)rn to
a h)nter:gatherer c)lt)re" li$ing in small nomadic tribes and (ollo2ing herds o( beasts" i(
this 2ere to take %lace.
A god o( Agric)lt)re doesn't ha$e to be the god o( all agric)lt)re. 7e co)ld be the god
o( a s%eci(ic cro% <es%ecially 2heat" barley" corn" $ines" oli$es" and other %rinci%al cro%s=
or o( a s%eci(ic" lesser attrib)te o( agric)lt)re <so2ing" rea%ing" bre2ing" etc.=.
*ost agric)lt)ral deities are (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( omm)nity"
Earth" 8ertility" 8ire" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" 5at)re" Seasons" and 4egetation.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. 7is %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are ne)tral good. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom --" onstit)tion -A. Wisdom or onstit)tion -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and onstit)tion -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' &nomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Agric)lt)re. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. !bser$ation o( ann)al celebrations at the
start o( 2inter and start o( s%ring. 4igilance against any threat to the comm)nity's ability
to gro2 its (ood" incl)ding magical blights and dro)ghts bro)ght on by e$il magicians or
%riests" arti(acts or enemy gods.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bill" (lails <both=" hand:
thro2ing axe" scythe" sickle. Armor Permitted: All non:magical non:metal armor" all non:
magical <non:metal= shields. !riental am%aigns: Also n)nchak). All together" these
constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" reation" Di$ination" Plant" and
S)mmoning <can only )se all of thorns , eather summoning , and creeping doom (rom
this s%here=. *inor Access to Animal" 7ealing" Protection" S)n" and Weather. This does
not gi$e the %riest all the s%heres indicated (or a %riest 2ith Poor ombat Abilities" so
he'll also ha$e more than one &ranted Po2er.
Po2ers' #nalysis, Detection, 0dentification <as described in the Designing 8aiths
cha%ter= o( any sort o( domesticated grain or garden %lantB the %riest can look at a (ield
and tell 2hat's being gro2n" ho2 (ar along it is in the har$est year" 2hat the state o( the
cro% is <healthy" diseased" dro)ght %roblems" etc.=" and e$en 2hat s%ecies is gro2ing it
<this can be handy 2hen the %arty is sneaking )% on the d2elling o( an )nkno2n monster
and there is a garden nearby" (or instance=. Create !ood 1 2ater: The Priest can cast this
s%ell once %er day in addition to all other s%ells that he can cast. 0mmunity( The Priest is
imm)ne to the harm()l e((ects o( s%oiled $egetable or (r)it s)bstancesB he 2ill ne$er be
laid lo2 by normal (ood %oisoning. <7e's not imm)ne to deliberate %oisoning o( (ood" or
o( (ood %oisoning in meats.= #t 3th -evel( The Priest can cast the heroes' feast s%ell once
%er day in addition to all other s%ells that he can cast.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el %riest" one second:le$el %riest" and ten (irst:le$el
%riests" all o( the same god" %l)s one second:le$el 2arrior and eight (irst:le$el 2arriors to
act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests and t2o
2arriors o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold
constr)ction at Oth le$el. The stronghold m)st act as a central so)rce o( in(ormation abo)t
agric)lt)ral techni9)es (or the (armers o( the areaB the %riests m)st not t)rn a2ay (armers
2ho come (or ad$ice.
Possible Sy"bols' Sickle" scythe" shea( o( 2heat.
Notes' The 2ea%ons chosen (or this %riesthood are those 2hich ha$e some bearing in


This is a god de$oted to man's comm)nion 2ith and honoring o( his dead ancestors. As
s)ch" this is a god o( ci$ili3ation and learning" e$en o( co)rtesy.
The %riests o( this god kee% the deeds o( ancestors and heroes in the minds o( the
%o%)lation. They comm)ne 2ith and honor the dead" and are also de$oted to learning
(rom them F not j)st reading their 2ritings" b)t comm)nicating 2ith them magically"
e$en ex%loring alternate %lanes to )nderstand the meaning o( li(e and death.
They are also de$oted to the %rotection o( ne2 generations" 2hom they teach to
a%%reciate the %re$io)s generations o( this race.
This %riesthood %laces a high $al)e on tr)th.
Priests o( the god o( ancestors hate the )ndead" regarding them as a mockery o( tr)e
and noble death. These %riests seek to eradicate the )ndead 2hene$er enco)ntered.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be de$oted to s)bsets o( the broad (ield o(
Ancestors. S)ch s)bsets incl)de: Ancestors o( a %artic)lar race" o( a %artic)lar city" o( a
%artic)lar extended clanB all male ancestors" all (emale ancestors" all 2arrior ancestors" all
scholar ancestors" etc. 0t 2o)ld be a%%ro%riate (or a ci$ic deity <see Co""nity" belo2=
also to be a god o( the city's ancestors" (or instance.
Ancestor deities are not inclined to2ard either sex.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Birth?hildren"
omm)nity" Di$inity o( *ankind" 8ate?Destiny" +ace" and Sites. The %riests o( this god
dislike the %riests o( Disease.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral good. 7is %riests may be chaotic good" ne)tral good"
or la2()l good. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: #ocal
7istory. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" 7eraldry" +eligion.
Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers:
Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: These %riests m)st teach ne2
generations the $al)e o( $eneration o( ancestors" and are there(ore also re%ositories o( a
lot o( historical kno2ledge. *issions: To in$estigate old mysteries" (ind o)t 2hat really
did ha%%en to (amo)s ancestors 2ho disa%%eared or %erished mysterio)sly" sort o)t the
tr)th (rom old legends o( the city's heroes" etc. Pro%hecy: #istening to the omens
2his%ered by the dead.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" dagger?dirk" dart" kni(e"
9)artersta((. Armor Permitted: 5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick. All
together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Astral" reation" Di$ination" &)ardian"
5ecromantic" Protection. *inor Access to harm" 7ealing. This does not gi$e the %riest
all the minor accesses to s%heres indicated (or a %riest 2ith Poor combat abilities" so he'll
also ha$e some &ranted Po2ers.
Po2ers' Detection <as described in the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= o( gra$es and
)ndead. The %riest can detect gra$es 2here remains lie" and the %resence o( )ndead"
2ithin I/'B he can tell the di((erence bet2een the tr)ly dead and the )ndead" b)t has no
other analytical ability <i.e." he cannot tell that the )ndead detected is a $am%ire=B thro)gh
2ooden or thin stone 2alls" he can only detect them at a distance o( G/'" and thro)gh
thick stone or the earth can only detect them at -/' distance. <There(ore" 2hen he 2alks
o$er a gra$e" he 2ill only detect its %resence i( it is -/' or less do2n.= 0mmunity <as
described in the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= to the charm abilities o( )ndead creat)res s)ch
as the $am%ire. T)rn )ndead <same as the leric ability=. #t 3th level( Prophecy <as
described in the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B the %riest cannot acti$ely try to %ro%hesyB
2hen recei$ing %ro%hecies" he is hearing the $oices o( the dead ad$ising him.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
(i$e third:le$el %riests and (i(teen (irst:le$el %riests" all o( the same %riesthood. The %riest
may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: 8i$e %riests" no more than t2o o( 2hom may be
chosen (rom the third:le$el %riests. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o(
stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The stronghold m)st also act as a genealogical
library (or the s)rro)nding comm)nities" and 2ill constantly be $isited by scholars
looking (or in(ormation on (amilies and ancestry <or 2ho come 2ith in(ormation to
Possible Sy"bols' Tree.


This god is the %rotector o( animals. 7e co)ld intend to %rotect animals (rom all harm"
and th)s be the enemy o( all h)nters" rangers" and carni$ores o( all descri%tions. *ost
o(ten he's %rimarily interested in kee%ing animal s%ecies intact" not allo2ing them to be
h)nted to extinction" etc." and th)s allo2s a reasonable amo)nt o( h)nting and tra%%ing to
take %lace.
The %riests o( this god also 2ork hard to kee% excess h)nting and tra%%ing in check"
and to remind the (lock that the god 2ill a$enge ab)ses. Ty%ically" this god is content to
be co)nted as one o( many gods and almost ne$er insists on being the %rimary deity
2orshi%%ed by the (lock.
A lesser ty%e o( animal:god is one 2ho is the %rotector o( a single s%ecies or gro)% o(
s%ecies. S)ch a deity might be the lion:god" or the god o( all (elines" or the god o(
ele%hants" or the god o( %or%oises and dol%hins. 0n a %rimiti$e society" all members o( a
nomadic tribe might 2orshi% the god o( the herd animal the tribe h)nts <bison" (or
Animal deities are o(ten male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Earth" 8ertility"
7)nting" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" 5at)re" !ceans?+i$ers <only i( %riesthood has some
association 2ith a9)atic animals=" and +ace <El$en=.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom ." harisma -G. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.

Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Animal
7andling. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Animal Training" +iding <either or
both=" +eading?Writing" +eligion" Animal #ore" Tracking. Wea%on Pro(iciencies
+e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. 4igilance: Protection o( animal li(e against
)nnecessary sla)ghter" es%ecially by h)mans and other sentient races. *issions: Acts o(
2ar against those 2ho do harm to the animal 2orld or to the %riest's totem animal.
<5ormal and recreational h)nters do not inc)r this sort o( attack" b)t those 2ho h)nt or
tra% in mass 9)antities and threaten the s)r$i$al o( 2hole s%ecies in an area do.=
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bill" cest)s" cl)b" dagger?dirk"
kni(e" mace" main:ga)che" stiletto" s2ords <all=" 2arhammer. Armor Permitted: all non:
metal armorB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also katana" sai" 2aki3ashi. All together"
these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Animal" harm" Di$ination" Protection.
*inor Access to ombat" reation" 7ealing" Plant.
Po2ers' 0dentification <as described in the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= o( any nat)ral
monster or animal the %riest sees. <A Dnat)ralD monster or animal is one 2hich exists as a
s%ecies" 2ithin an ecological niche" s%a2ns and rears its yo)ng" and has so existed as a
s%ecies (or at least (i$e years. 5e2ly:created animal s%ecies" (iends" constr)cts" and
similar monsters do not (all into this categoryB 2hen the %riest sees them" he 2ill only be
able to identi(y them i( he has enco)ntered them be(ore.= -anguage4Communication <as
described in the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=: The %riest can comm)nicate 2ith three
s%eci(ic animal s%ecies <(or exam%le" lion" ra$en" 2ol(= or one category o( animals <(or
exam%le" all (elines" all canines=B the D* decides 2hich ones based on the god's
attrib)tes" b)t i( the god's attrib)tes do not dictate s%eci(ic choices the D* can gi$e the
choice to the %layer. "oothing 2ord <as described in the Designing 8aiths cha%ter" b)t
only )sable on Dnat)ralD monsters or animals=. #t 5th -evel( "hapechanging <as described
in the Designing 8aiths cha%terB again" the D* decides 2hich sha%e or sha%es are
changed into according to the god's attrib)tes" or can gi$e the choice to the %layer=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el %riest" and t2el$e (irst:le$el %riests" all o( the same
order" %l)s one third:le$el ranger and se$en (irst:le$el rangers. The %riest may take the
(ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests and t2o rangers o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill
%ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el. The tem%le acts as an
animal hos%ice" a Dhos%italD (or sick or inj)red animals bro)ght in by the rangersB many
scholars also $isit these strongholds in order to learn" (rom the rangers" more abo)t
animals and monsters in their nat)ral habitat.
Possible Sy"bols' Any animalB cla2s.
Notes' The 2ea%ons allo2ed (or this %riesthood 2ere chosen (or their similarity to
animal attacks. That's 2hy there are lots o( 2ea%ons 2ith %iercing and slashing attacks"
b)t no ranged 2ea%ons or clea$ing attacks.

This god celebrates the arts" %artic)larly the $is)al arts <s)ch as %ainting and
The %riests o( this god are de$oted to enco)raging the $is)al arts o( e$ery sentient raceB
and tho)gh they seem to be de$oted to a non:$iolent ca)se" they ha$e to learn so many
di((erent ty%es o( magic <es%ecially Di$ination" to learn" and reation" to create=" they are
$ery %o2er()l magically" e$en in combat sit)ations.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be de$oted to s%eci(ic arts: A &od o( Sc)l%t)re" (or
&ods o( the arts are e9)ally likely to be o( either sex.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity" ra(ts"
)lt)re" Di$inity o( *ankind" #ight" #iterat)re?Poetry" *etal2ork" *)sic?Dance" and
Ali,n"ent' The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -G" 0ntelligence -A. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Artistic
Ability <D* can choose 2hich art (orm" or can let %layer choose=. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies
+e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Enco)ragement o( %eo%le" e$en those not in
the (lock" 2ho exhibit artistic abilities. Partici%ation in semiann)al e$ents 2here artists'
2orks are dis%layed <in sho2s" or be(ore the local r)lers" or in dis%lays in the
market%lace=. P)nishment o( those 2ho de(ile or destroy great 2orks o( art. 4igilance:
Art o(ten shocks the sensibilities o( those 2ho do not a%%reciate certain o( its (orms" so
these %riests m)st be $igilant against censorshi%.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=. Armor Permitted:
5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky). All together" these constit)te Poor
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( the Arts gain only I:sided hit dice" not O:sided.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Astral" reation" Di$ination" Elemental"
Plant" Protection" S)n. *inor Access to 7ealing" 5ecromantic. This gi$es the %riest one
extra major access and (o)r too (e2 minor accesses" (or a %riest 2ith Poor ombat
AbilitiesB this is nearly balanced" b)t he'll also ha$e some &ranted Po2ers.
Po2ers' 0dentification o( and 0mmunity $s. <as described in the Designing 8aiths
cha%ter= certain s%ells. Beca)se o( the %riest's s)%erior insight into creati$ity and art" he is
0mm)ne <recei$es an a)tomatically:s)ccess()l sa$ing thro2= to all (irst:le$el 2i3ard
0ll)sion s%ells (or 2hich a sa$ing thro2 is %ossible" and gets a JA sa$ing thro2 $s. all
other 0ll)sion s%ells (or 2hich a sa$ing thro2 is %ossible <he can't make a sa$ing thro2
against someone else's invisibility" (or instance=. Additionally" e$en 2hen he (ails a sa$ing
thro2 or a sa$ing thro2 doesn't a%%ly" he can still tell 2hen the (ollo2ing s%ells are being
)sed <i( he can see the area a((ected by the s%ell=: change self , spook , -eomund's trap ,
fear , hallucinatory terrain , and vacancy& This ability does not allo2 the %riest to tell
2hich s%ell is being )sed. Also" this does not make the %riest imm)ne to the e((ects o( the
s%ell <(or exam%le" he'll still be scared by spook =" b)t he'll kno2 it 2as an ill)sion.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
(i$e third:le$el %riests and (i$e (irst:le$el %riests" all o( the same order" %l)s t2enty
5ormal *en and Women 2ith artistic 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies. The %riest may take the
(ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: 8o)r %riests <no more than t2o o( 2hom may be third:le$el=
and (o)r 5ormal *en and Women. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o(
stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The %riest m)st act as a %atron o( the arts (or the
s)rro)nding area" and m)st 2ork to make his stronghold a center (or the teaching o( those
2ho sho2 artistic %romise.
Possible Sy"bols' hisel" %allet" %aint br)sh.
Notes' The bo2" the only 2ea%on allo2ed (or these %riests" 2as chosen beca)se it is a
symbol re%resenting ins%iration.

1irt$) C$ildren

This god's interest is in the sa(e and s)ccess()l birthing o( children and" s)bse9)ently"
their %rotection and n)rt)ring.
7is %riests take those interests to heart" and" beca)se o( the god's %rotecti$e as%ects"
tend to learn (airly %o2er()l combat magics.
!ne lesser god o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be the god o( Mo)th" re%resenting children and
yo)ths o( all ages (rom birth to the $erge o( ad)lthood.
&ods o( birth" children" and yo)th tend to be (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Ancestors" omm)nity"
8ertility" 7ealing" #o$e" *arriage" and +ace. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o(
Death" Disease.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral good. The %riests may be any sort o( good alignment.
The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on 2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
7ealing. 5on 2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 7erbalism" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on 2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% ross
o$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: Teaching medicine" es%ecially
the arts o( mid2i(ery" to the (lock. 4igilance" in some areas o( the 2orld" against the ty%e
o( monsters 2ho %rey on babies and children: Dark el$es" 2ho sometimes steal h)man
children and lea$e changelings <baby dark el$es= in their %lace to be raised in their
steadsB or night:s%irits 2ho snatch a2ay the breath o( babies and kill them <treat as
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: #asso" net. Armor Permitted:
5oneB no shields. All together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Astral" harm" reation" Elemental"
7ealing" Protection" S)mmoning" S)n. *inor Access to Animal" ombat" Di$ination"
&)ardian" 5ecromantic. This %riesthood has t2o extra major accesses and is only short
one minor accessB there(ore" it is (ar s)%erior in magical %o2er.
Po2ers' Turn undead <same as the leric ability=B the %riests o( this (aith" 2hich is
symbolic o( li(e" are there(ore enemies o( and ha$e some %o2er o$er the )ndead.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests" all o( the same
order" %l)s one third:le$el %aladin and se$en (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards and
soldiers. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (ighters o(
his choice" and the %aladin. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold
constr)ction at Oth le$el. The stronghold m)st act as a maternity hos%ital (or the local
comm)nity" and may t)rn a2ay no 2oman 2ho is close to ha$ing her child.
Possible Sy"bols' radle.
Notes' This is a non$iolent order" 2hich is 2hy no damaging 2ea%ons 2ere incl)ded
in its choices.


When a god's %rinci%al interest is in one city <its gro2th" de(ense" and %ros%erity=" he's
called a god o( comm)nity or" more commonly" a civic deity.
The %riests o( the ci$ic deity are res%onsible (or making s)re that the god recei$es
2orshi% (rom the city's inhabitants" and %romote all sorts o( %lans and e((orts to im%ro$e
the city: i$ic im%ro$ement %lans" im%ro$ement o( the city 2alls and army" etc.
!ne god may be the ci$ic deity o( se$eral cities" or each city co)ld ha$e its o2n" lesser
The D* may not 2ish (or there to be so many gods in his cam%aign 2orld. 0( this is
the case" then a ci$ic deity sho)ld also <and %rimarily= be the god o( some other attrib)te"
and 2o)ld be a gi$en city's ci$ic deity in addition. 8or exam%le" in &reek mythology"
Athena 2as %rimarily the goddess o( 2isdom" and had secondary attrib)tes as a goddess
o( 2ar" o( cra(ts" and o( the city o( Athens.
i$ic deities are j)st as commonly male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Agric)lt)re" Ancestors"
Arts" Birth?hildren" Death" &)ardianshi%" *arriage" *essengers" Peace" Pros%erity"
+ace" +)lershi%?Kingshi%" Sites" Trade" and War.
Ali,n"ent' A deity 2hose sole attrib)te is that he is the %rotector?%atron o( a single
comm)nity has an alignment a%%ro%riate to that comm)nity. *ost are tr)e ne)tralB their
interest is in the s)r$i$al o( the comm)nity by any means" 2hether by la2" chaos" good"
or e$il. Their %riests may be o( any alignment" b)t e$il %riests gather in one c)lt" ne)tral
%riests in another" and good %riests in a thirdB at the D*'s discretion" they don't ha$e to
get along. The (lock may be o( any alignment. The D* can decide that a %artic)lar ci$ic
deity is ne)tral good" in 2hich case there 2ill be no e$il %riests or (lockB or that he is
ne)tral e$il" in 2hich case there 2ill be no good %riests or (lock.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" harisma -A. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans. 0( a
comm)nity has only one ty%e o( sentient race inhabiting it <or is %rinci%ally de$oted to
one race=" then the %riests may be only o( that raceB i( the %o%)lation consists o( se$eral
ty%es o( sentient races" then the %riests o( the comm)nity god may be o( any race.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: #ocal
7istory. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Eti9)ette" 7eraldry" Ancient 7istory"
+eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: The %riest m)st %reser$e the
history o( the city" teach it to the yo)ng o( his (lock" and ne$er let it be (orgotten.
4igilance: Against any threat to his city. This is 2hy %riests o( comm)nity deities o(ten
2ander the 2ider 2orld: They are acting as an intelligence net2ork (or the city" kee%ing
their ears o%en (or any hint o( threat or danger to the city (rom o)tside.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Dagger?dirk" kni(e" and any
t2o (rom the (ollo2ing list <the D* decides based on 2hich 2ea%ons are most
re%resentati$e o( the city in 9)estionB at least one 2ea%on sho)ld be in the -dO or greater
damage range=: Battle axe" bo2s <all=" crossbo2" (lails <both=" har%oon" lance" mace"
morning star" net" %olearm" 9)artersta((" s%ear" s2ord?bastard" s2ord?c)tlass" s2ord?long"
s2ord?ra%ier" s2ord?sabre" s2ord?short" s2ord?t2o:handed" trident" 2arhammer. Armor
Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also added to choices list: Bo
stick" daiky)" katana. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( a ci$ic deity m)st al2ays 2ear clothing indicating their
%riestly stat)s 2hen a%%earing in %)blic.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" reation" 7ealing.
*inor Access to ombat" Protection. These choices don't gi$e the %riest access to $ery
many s%ells" so this %riesthood 2ill ha$e good &ranted Po2ers. 5ote that the D* may
2ish to s)bstit)te some other choice (or the *ajor Access to reation and the *inor
Access to ombat i( the ci$ic deity that he has created has secondary attrib)tes not
re(lected in this listing.
Po2ers' 0ncite 6erserker 7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. "oothing 2ord
<as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. Turn 8ndead <the omm)nity is a gathering o( the
li$ing" and so %riests o( this sect are no (riends to the )ndead=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Pth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests" o( the same order" and one third:le$el
(ighter and t2el$e (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing
on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and three (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or
hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Pth le$el. The stronghold m)st be b)ilt
2ithin the city" and it m)st act as a library s%eciali3ing in the history o( the city and the
arts and literat)re created by im%ortant artists and 2riters (rom the city.
Possible Sy"bols' Whate$er is )sed as the symbol (or the comm)nity also ser$es as
the symbol (or this %riesthoodB i( the ci$ic symbol is a lion" so is the god's.


This is the god o( com%etition" es%ecially o( athletic com%etition. This god stresses
(airness" im%artiality" and tr)th in his (ollo2ers. 7e is also a %ro%onent o( health"
exercise" and %hysical sel(:im%ro$ement.
7is %riests (ollo2 the same goals" and s)%%ort these goals by cond)cting reg)lar
athletic exercises and games" and by acting as im%artial j)dges (or those games.
&ods o( lesser %arts o( the om%etition attrib)te might be gods o( s%eci(ic e$entsB (or
exam%le" to be the god o( Boxing or Wrestling might be a $ery honorable thing. 0t 2o)ld
be (ar less dramatic to be the god o( the Broad >)m% or the god o( Synchroni3ed
S2imming" ho2e$er.
&ods o( com%etition are )s)ally male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( the Di$inity o( *ankind"
8ort)ne?#)ck" >)stice?+e$enge" Peace" and Strength.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is la2()l goodB so m)st be his %riests. The (lock" 2ho tend to
t)rn to the god only in times or e$ents o( com%etition" may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" 0ntelligence -/. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
End)rance. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion"
&aming. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. >)dgement: Priests o( this god are asked to
be j)dges at all athletic e$ents" to hel% ens)re (airness in the s%ort. <A gi$en e$ent 2on't
necessarily ha$e only %riests o( this god as j)dges" b)t the later ro)nds o( e$ents" and
es%ecially the (inals" 2ill be j)dged only by these %riests.= 4igilance: Against )n(airness.
Priests o( this god loathe )n(airness and dishonesty abo$e all other h)man traits. This
isn't j)st )n(airness in the s%orts arena: They also o%%ose )nj)st r)le. Additionally" 2hen
t2o (orces o( basically e9)al honor and righteo)sness clash" these %riests" i( they choose
to become in$ol$ed" tend to s)%%ort the 2eaker side" the )nderdog.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions: Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" crossbo2"
dagger?dirk" hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin" kni(e" lance" s%ear" s2ord <D* chooses one
s2ord ty%e (rom (ollo2ing listB choice sho)ld be the ty%e o( s2ord most commonly )sed
in organi3ed com%etitions in the cam%aign c)lt)re: Bastard" c)tlass" kho%esh" long" ra%ier"
sabre" short" t2o:handed=. Armor Permitted: All non:magical armor and non:magical
shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky)B katana 2o)ld a)tomatically be the s2ord
choice. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' A %riest o( the god o( com%etition may )se magical items in
normal combat and 2ar(are but he may not )se them in com%etition matches" and he may
not )se them in challenge matches 2ith enemies )nless he declares their %resence to the
enemy in 9)estion. 0( he $iolates this r)le" he o((ends his godB this is an Dina%%ro%riate
2ea%on and armor )seD (rom the DPriests and P)nishmentD section o( the D+ole:PlayingD
cha%ter" later in this book.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" Elemental. *inor Access to
ombat" 7ealing.
Po2ers' #nalysis, Detection, 0dentification <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= o(
cheating in athletic com%etition and challenge (ights. 0( the com%etition is set )% 2ith
r)les in ad$ance" the %riest o( this sect" i( he is 2atching the (ight or com%etition (rom
2ithin I/'" 2ill al2ays be able to detect 2hen the r)les are broken" and be able to tell
2hether it 2as deliberate or accidentalB they are also -//K acc)rate 2hen telling 2hether
someone ste%%ed o)t o( a bo)ndary" telling 2ho reached the (inish line (irst" etc. <This
%o2er is the %rinci%al reason that these %riests are al2ays asked to j)dge e$ents.= 6less:
The %riest can cast this s%ell three times %er day in addition to all other s%ells he can cast.
At eighth le$el" he can cast it six times %er day in addition to all other s%ells he can cast.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and sixteen (irst:le$el %riests" o( the same
order. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The
stronghold m)st incl)de athletic (ields" and yo)th()l athletes (rom the local comm)nities
m)st be admitted reg)larly so that they might )se those (ields.
Possible Sy"bols' #a)rel 2reath.


This god re%resents the cra(ting and creation o( all sorts o( non:metal goods: Wooden
art objects" ()rnit)re" textiles" clothing" leather goods" glass2are" %orcelain 2are" and so
(orth. 7e may also be the god o( engineering and stonemasonry.
This god's %riests try to s)%%ort and aid yo)ng cra(tsmen" to enco)rage the exchange o(
ideas and techni9)es bet2een di((erent cities and di((erent g)ilds" and to im%ro$e the
state o( so%histication o( all cra(ts and related arts.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be gods o( s%eci(ic cra(tsman arts. !ne might be the
&od o( Wood2orkingB one might be the &od o( #eather2orking.
&ods o( cra(ts are e9)ally likely to be male or (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Arts" omm)nity" )lt)re"
Di$inity o( *ankind" #ight" #iterat)re?Poetry" *etal2ork" *)sic?Dance" +ace
<D2ar$en=" +ace <El$en=" S)n" and Trade.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" Dexterity -A. Wisdom or Dexterity -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Dexterity -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Any
one (rom this list F ar%entry" obbling" Engineering" #eather2orking" Pottery"
Seamstress?Tailor" Stonemasonry" Wea$ing" A%%raising" &em )tting" Bo2yer?8letcher.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended:+eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
&eneral" +og)e.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: Teaching o( cra(tsmanshi% to the
(lockB %romotion o( all sorts o( cra(tsmanshi% in the comm)nity and society. *)st
%artici%ate in semiann)al e$ents 2here cra(ts are dis%layed and %romoted <be(ore the
throne or in market=. 0n$estigation: These %riests are keen on history and seek to re:
disco$er lost cra(tsman techni9)es and artsB this o(ten leads them into old r)ins and lost
cities on ex%editions o( disco$ery. 4igilance against any enemy" r)ler or %ri$ate enter%rise
2ho seeks to s)%%ress learning" es%ecially o( cra(tsman learning. <7o2e$er" these %riests
enco)rage com%etiti$e thinking bet2een g)ilds" or bet2een the cra(tsmen o( di((erent
citiesB tho)gh this res)lts in hard (eelings sometimes" it does ad$ance the state o(
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" cl)b" crossbo2"
9)artersta((" sling" sta(( sling. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armor" all shields. !riental
am%aigns: Also bo stick" daiky)" n)nchak). All together" these constit)te *edi)m
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" reation" Di$ination" 7ealing. *inor
Access to ombat" Elemental" &)ardian" Plant" Protection" S)n. This %riesthood has one
too (e2 major accesses" and t2o extra minor accessesB 2e'll consider it balanced.
Po2ers' #nalysis <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= o( 2orkmanshi% 9)ality in
cra(ted goods. The %riest 2ill be able to tell 2hether a cra(ted good is o( %oor" a$erage or
s)%erior 9)ality. This gi$es him a JA to his A%%raising %ro(iciency check i( he has that
non2ea%on %ro(iciency" b)t does not gi$e him the ability to rate cra(ted goods as to their
gold %iece $al)e o( he does not ha$e that non2ea%on %ro(iciency. Detect "ecret Doors
<same as El( ability: S)ccess on roll o( - on -dI 2hen %assing 2ithin -/'" -:A on -dI to
(ind secret doors and -:G on -dI to (ind concealed %ortals 2hen acti$ely searchingB el$en
%riests o( this order ha$e s)ccess on a roll o( -:A 2hen %assing 2ithin -/'" -:G to (ind
secret doors and -:H to (ind concealed %ortals 2hen acti$ely searching=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Pth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" one third:le$el (ighter
and t2o second:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards" and t2enty 5ormal *en and Women" each
2ith a cra(t:related 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: Three %riests" only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el=B %l)s t2o (ighters" and
(o)r 5ormal *en and Women o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost
o( stronghold constr)ction at Pth le$el. The stronghold m)st %ro$ide 2orksho%s (or its
cra(tsmen" incl)ding the 5ormal *en and Women.
Possible Sy"bols' #oom" Pottery Wheel" Dro%:S%indle" 5eedle.
Notes' The 2ea%ons chosen (or this %riesthood 2ere chosen beca)se they are 2ea%ons
that can be made by cra(tsmen instead o( smiths" es%ecially by 2oodcra(tsmen.

Cltre ;1rin,in, O&<

This god's interest is in the ed)cation and Dim%ro$ementD o( other c)lt)res... es%ecially
those considered DlesserD c)lt)res by the %rinci%al c)lt)re o( the cam%aign.
The %riests o( this god are charged 2ith the ed)cation o( the %o%)lation in 2hate$er
s)bjects the god es%o)ses. 0( the god 2ants e$eryone to be literate" the %riests teach
+eading?Writing" (ree o( charge" to as many st)dents as they can teach at a time.
7o2e$er" i( the god is sim%ly o( the o%inion that one 2hole c)lt)re is the best c)lt)re
o( all" then his %riests are charged 2ith t)rning e$ery other c)lt)re into this best c)lt)re.
onse9)ently" the %riesthood in$ades other nations" %eace()lly i( %ossible" setting )%
missions and trying to con$ert the %o%)lation 2holesale to the 2orshi% o( this god" and to
the c)lt)ral beha$ior o( the god's (a$orite ci$ili3ation.
When %eace()l intr)sion is not %ossible" the %riesthood agitates (or 2ar 2ith the other
ci$ili3ationB i( the ci$ili3ation can be con9)ered" they mo$e in to con$ert is %o%)lation by
(orce. 0n these sit)ations" 2e see mass destr)ction o( the tem%les and sanct)aries o( the
DlesserD gods o( this c)lt)re" elimination o( their %riesthoods" and r)thless s)%%ression o(
the c)lt)ral elements 2hich the c)lt)re:god's %riesthood 2ants to change.
5ot all c)lt)re:gods ha$e to be racist or contem%t)o)s o( other c)lt)res. Sometimes
they're j)st ed)cation:minded gods 2ho 2ant to besto2 godly c)lt)ral elements on the
h)man %o%)lationB in s)ch cases" the %riesthood is not one that %ro%oses 2ar or holds
in9)isitions to s)%%ress other sects.
)lt)re:gods are most likely to be male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Arts" ra(ts"
#iterat)re?Poetry" *arriage" *etal2ork" *)sic?Dance" +ace" +)lershi%?Kingshi%" Trade"
and War.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is la2()l ne)tral. 7is %riests can be o( any la2()l alignment.
The la2()l e$il %riests' sect is se%arate (rom the sect o( la2()l good and la2()l ne)tral
%riests. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eading?Writing. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Ancient 7istory" +eligion.
Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers:
Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: on9)est o( ne2 lands and
ed)cation o( the con9)ered %o%)lation in the one tr)e 2ay to think and beha$e. 4igilance:
The %riests m)st be e$er alert to the sign that old" bad 2ays and c)stoms are re:emerging
in the con9)ered %o%)lation <or" i( con9)est 2as not in$ol$ed" in the (lock=.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Dagger?dirk" ja$elin" kni(e"
lance" %olearm" s%ear" stiletto. Armor Permitted: All armorB no shields. All together" 2e
consider that this %riesthood has &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination. *inor Access to
ombat" reation.
Po2ers' 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. "oothing 2ord <as %er the
Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests" o( the same order"
and one (i(th:le$el (ighter and (i$e second:le$el (ighters to act as soldiers. The %riest may
take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (ighters o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Book" Q)ill" Scroll.
Darkness) Ni,$t

This god is a god o( some (orces that h)mans (ear. 7o2e$er" this doesn't mean the god
is e$il. &enerally" he's not. 7e's j)st the embodiment o( darkness" incl)ding all its bene(its
and all its dangers. The god o( Darkness and 5ight 2o)ld be the god o( slee%" o( dreams"
o( nightmares" and o( noct)rnal %redatorsB some o( these traits are considered good" some
The %riests o( this god are interested in making s)re that man regards Darkness and
5ight 2ith a re$erential a2e F making s)re that the sentient h)manoid races a%%reciate
the $irt)es o( night 2hile still res%ecting or (earing its more (rightening as%ects. These
%riests tend to be more aloo( (rom the common man than %riests o( many other gods.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be gods o( only one o( these (actors. !ne might be
the god o( Slee%" and another the god o( 5ightmares. 0n these cases" the D* can choose
to $ary the god's alignmentB the god o( Slee%" m)ch belo$ed o( men" co)ld be la2()l
good" 2hile the god o( 5ightmares" hated by men" co)ld be chaotic e$il.
&ods o( darkness or night are most likely to be (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Da2n" Death" Elemental
8orces" 7)nting" #ight" *agic" *oon" !racles?Pro%hecy" and S)n. Some D*s may be
s)r%rised that the gods o( Darkness and 5ight are not listed here as being o%%osed to
those o( light and s)n. 0t's beca)se they don't ha$e to beB in &reek mythology" (or
instance" the s)n:god" moon:goddess" and da2n:goddess 2ere all siblings 2ho ne$er
o%%osed one another. 5at)rally" the indi$id)al D* can decide (or his cam%aign that the
deities o( darkness and light" moon and s)n are enemies.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom --" 0ntelligence --. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Astrology. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion"
S%ellcra(t. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" crossbo2"
dagger?dirk" dart" kni(e" stiletto" s2ord?ra%ier" s2ord?short. Armor Permitted: All non:
metal armorB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also sh)riken. All together" 2e consider
this %riesthood to ha$e *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" 5ecromantic"
S)mmoning" S)n. *inor Access to Animal" Elemental" &)ardian" Protection. This
%riesthood has one extra major access.
Po2ers' 0nfravision <same as the El( abilityB an el$en or hal(:el$en %riest o( this (aith
has 0n(ra$ision o( do)bled range" to -A/'=. Tr)e ne)tral and ne)tral good %riests can turn
undeadB ne)tral e$il %riests can control undead <same as the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and t2el$e (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" and one third:
le$el (ighter and six (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing
on ad$ent)res: Three %riests" only one o( 2hom may be third:le$elB %l)s three (ighters o(
his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth
Possible Sy"bols' Black banner" o2l" 2ol(.


The god o( da2n re%resents the border bet2een 5ight and Day" Darkness and #ight"
*oon and S)n. 7e's a (riend o( mankind" a bringer o( ins%iration" an enemy o( dark
The %riests o( this god 2ork mostly to kee% the (lock a%%reciating the god's $irt)es.
These %riests" like their allies" the %riests o( the god o( the S)n" are also enemies o( the
Deities o( the da2n are mostly likely to be (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Darkness?5ight" Elemental
8orces" 8ire" 7ealing" 7)nting" #ight" *agic" *oon" !racles?Pro%hecy" and S)n.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is la2()l good. Priests may be o( any good alignmentB the (lock
may be o( any good or ne)tral alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" harisma -G. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Direction Sense. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion"
S%ellcra(t. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. 4igilance against e$il creat)res o( the night"
es%ecially )ndead.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions: Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=. Armor Permitted:
5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky). All together" these constit)te Poor
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( the god o( Da2n earn I:sided" not O:sided" dice (or hit
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" Elemental <only s%ells
in$ol$ing heat" (ire" or airB earth and 2ater s%ells may not be )sed=" 7ealing" S)mmoning"
S)n. *inor Access to Animal" reation" 5ecromantic" Plant" Protection" Weather.
Po2ers: Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter" cannot be )sed in
combat=. 0mmunity <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= to ex%erience le$el drain (rom
)ndead creat)res. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=. #t 9:th level" chariot of
"ustarreB the %riest can )se this s%ell once %er day in addition to his other s%ells.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s one third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages to act as cons)ltants and one third:
le$el ranger and t2o (irst:le$el rangers to act as g)ards and soldiers. The %riest may take
the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests" one mage" and one ranger o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' hariotB %attern o( rosy colors.
Notes' The bo2 2as chosen as this order's only 2ea%on beca)se it is re%resentati$e o(
light <sha(ts o( light being e9)i$alent to arro2:sha(ts=.


The &od o( Death is" nat)rally" a terri(ying (ig)re 2hom man regards as an enemy" an
)na$oidable doom.
B)t this doesn't mean that death:gods are e$il. *ost" in (act" are tr)e ne)tral. A death:
god can be the King o( the #and o( the Dead" the &rim +ea%er 2ho c)ts do2n the li$ing"
or the &)ide o( the So)ls 2ho hel%s the de%arted s%irit on to its re2ard or next existence.
Priests o( the death:god are o(ten agents 2ho m)st Dhel%D %eo%le on to the a(terli(e"
es%ecially i( s)ch %eo%le ha$e s)ccess()lly th2arted Death in the %ast. This d)ty may
take the (orm o( assassination" or o( mercy:killing. 0n some cam%aigns" s%irits sometimes
esca%e the a(terli(e and ret)rn to the land o( the li$ingB the death:god's %riests m)st h)nt
them do2n and ca%t)re them (or ret)rn to their %ro%er %lace.
Death:gods are e9)ally likely to be male or (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Ancestors" omm)nity"
Darkness?5ight" Disease" >)stice?+e$enge" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" and Time. Priests
o( this god are sometimes <at indi$id)al D* discretion= allies o( the %riests o( the
%hiloso%hy o( E$il" b)t this is act)ally not common" regardless o( ho2 scary the god o(
Death might be. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o( 8ertility and 7ealing" and <at
the D*'s discretion= Strength.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is )s)ally com%letely ne)tral. 7is %riests may be o( any
alignment: Some 2ill be e$il:doers 2ho ser$e him by sending so)ls to him as (ast as
%ossible" 2hile others co)ld be good %riests g)iding their (ollo2ers to their ine$itable
destiny. The (lock can be o( any alignment" b)t the e$il ones 2ill s%eci(ically be (ollo2ers
o( e$il %riests.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Scythe. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance. 4igilance against any being 2hich is )nnat)rally
kee%ing Death at bay. The key 2ord here is unnaturally" meaning in de(iance o( the gods.
Wi3ards )sing potions of longevity are okay" )ntil they reach an age o( three h)ndred or
so" at 2hich time these %riests become their enemies. 7ealers 2ho c)re inj)ry and disease
are acce%ted" )nless they st)mble onto some techni9)e or magic that allo2s them to
imb)e immortality. E$en %riests 2ho can resurrect or reincarnate are acce%table" beca)se
i( the gods didn't 2ant them to be able to" they 2o)ldn't ha$e gi$en them the ability to do
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe <)s)ally styled as a
headman's axe=" dagger?dirk" kni(e" lasso <o(ten tied in the (ashion o( a noose=" scythe"
sickle" stiletto" s2ord?kho%esh" s2ord?short. Armor Permitted: 5oneB no shields. All
together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( the god o( Death m)st remain celibate. They need not
remain chaste.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Astral" harm" Di$ination" Protection.
*inor Access to &)ardian" 5ecromantic" S)n" Weather. !%tion: E$il %riests can
s)bstit)te major access to 7ealing (or major access to Protection" b)t can only )se the
re$ersed $ersions o( the 7ealing s%ells.
Po2ers' 0nspire !ear <Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. Command 8ndead <same as the e$il
leric ability=. The %riest o( the Death:god does not ha$e to be e$il in order to )se this
%o2er. This is a rare exce%tion to the r)le that only e$il %riests can command )ndead.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s s%ecial agents
2hose class is determined by the s%eci(ic as%ect o( the godB these agents consist o( one
(i(th:le$el character" t2o third:le$el characters" and (o)r (irst:le$el characters. 0( this is a
(earsome" terri(ying god o( death" these agents 2ill be thie$es 2ho act as assassins. 0( it is
a god o( the collection o( the dead" one 2ho escorts the dead so)ls to their (inal re2ards"
the agents 2ill be s%ecialist 2i3ards: 5ecromancers. 0( it is a god o( r)lershi%" one 2ho
%resides o$er the a(ter2orld" they 2ill be (ighters. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and three agents o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o(
the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols: &ates" &ra$estone" Scissors" Scythe" Shro)d" Sk)ll.


This is an e$il god 2hich dislikes mankind and other sentient races. 0t creates ne2 and
e$er:more:terri(ying illnesses to in(lict )%on the sentient races.
The %riests o( this god s%read illness and ignorance. They carry in(ected $ictims and
rats in(ested 2ith disease:bearing insects to ne2 %orts. Thro)gh their actions" they deny
their $ictims an honorable death and can sometimes to%%le entire ci$ili3ations. This is not
a character class (or Ps to take )nless the cam%aign is $ery )n)s)al.
#esser gods o( disease 2o)ld be gods o( s%eci(ic ailments. 0t's entirely a%%ro%riate" (or
instance" (or the Black Plag)e to ha$e its o2n re%resentati$e god.
&ods o( disease are j)st as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Death and E$il. The %riests
o( this god dislike the %riests o( Birth?hildren" 8ire" 7ealing" and Strength.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral e$il. So m)st be his %riests and their (lock.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom ." onstit)tion -L. Wisdom or onstit)tion -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and onstit)tion -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
7erbalism. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion" Ancient
7istory. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' *issions: To bring illness to comm)nities 2hich are too healthy
and joyo)s.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dart" sco)rge"
scythe" sickle" 2hi%. Armor Permitted: All non:magical armor" all non:magical shields.
All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( the god o( Disease m)st remain celibate and chaste.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Animal" 7ealing <re$ersed (orms o( s%ells
only=" S)mmoning" Weather. *inor Access to ombat" Di$ination" 5ecromantic
<re$ersed (orms o( s%ells only=" Protection <re$ersed (orms o( s%ells only" 2here
Po2ers' 0mmunity <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= to all diseases. -aying ;n of
Hands <same as the Paladin ability" b)t re$ersed :: it does damage" rather than c)ring
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
and ten (irst:le$el (ighters. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests
<only one o( 2hom can be third:le$el= and three (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood
2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el. 0n most c)lt)res" to
kee% the %riesthood sa(e (rom the 2rath o( the %eo%le" the %riests 2ill ha$e to kee% the
location o( the stronghold secretB it m)st either be b)ilt in the 2ilderness" or may be b)ilt
in a comm)nity i( it is disg)ised as some other (acility <(or exam%le" the (ront rooms may
ironically be a healer's g)ild" 2hile the back rooms are 2here the real tem%le acti$ities
take %lace=.
Possible Sy"bols' *ice" +ats.

Di4inity o& +ankind ;P$iloso!$y<

This is not a god" b)t a %hiloso%hy" and one so com%elling that it generates magical
energy 2hich %riests o( the %hiloso%hy can ta% like a tr)e god's %riests are granted
energies by the god.
This %hiloso%hy states that mankind <s%eci(ically" the h)man race" incl)ding hal(:el$es
reared among h)mans" b)t excl)ding d2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(lings= is nearly a di$ine
being" and sho)ld do as m)ch as he can to achie$e %er(ection F %hysical" mental" and
emotional %er(ection" al2ays and in all 2ays. The %hiloso%hy enco)rages men to stri$e
(or the %hysical ideal and to learn as m)ch as %ossible o( the 2orld.
So that's the idea that the %riests %romote. They coo%erate in all sorts o( ed)cational"
artistic" and com%etiti$e enter%rises" seek to co)nsel %eo%le in e$ery as%ect o( li$ing their
li$es" and %ro$ide sanct)aries (or %eo%le to meditate on the %riesthood's teachings.
The %riests o( this %hiloso%hy are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Ancestors" Arts"
om%etition" ra(ts" #iterat)re?Poetry" *etal2ork" *)sic?Dance" &ood" #o$e" +ace
<7)man=" Strength" and Wisdom. The %riests o( this %hiloso%hy dislike the %riests o( E$il.
Ali,n"ent' The %hiloso%hy is tr)e ne)tral. Priests may be la2()l good or la2()l
ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any &ood or 5e)tral alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" Strength -A. Wisdom or Strength -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' 7al(:el$es" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eading?Writing. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eligion. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Enco)ragement o( the (lock <and o(
mankind in general= al2ays to im%ro$e itsel( s%irit)ally and %hysically.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Dagger?dirk" kni(e" stiletto"
s2ords <all=. Armor Permitted: All armor" all shields. !riental am%aigns: Also katana"
2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" 7ealing. *inor Access to ombat"
reation" Di$ination" Protection. This %riesthood has t2o extra minor accesses and so
2ill not ha$e es%ecially strong &ranted Po2ers.
Po2ers' "oothing 2ord <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one third:le$el %riest and se$en (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" one third:le$el
%aladin and se$en (irst:le$el %aladins" and one third:le$el and se$en (irst:le$el bards. The
%riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests" t2o %aladins" and t2o bards o(
his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth
le$el. The stronghold m)st incl)de large disc)ssion rooms or halls" 2here %riests and
those interested in debating the s)bject may con$ene and disc)ss their %hiloso%hy" and
meditation chambers 2here $isitors may meditate in %eace.
Possible Sy"bols' 7)man silho)ette.


The Dr)id" too" is a %riest o( a s%eci(ic mythos. 0t has been 2orked )% in more detail
than the %riests %resented here" b)t is still co)nted one o( their n)mber. The Dr)id
%riesthood has m)ch in common 2ith those o( the gods o( Agric)lt)re" Animals" Earth"
8ertility" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" 5at)re" and 4egetation.


This deity is the mani(estation o( the 2orld in all its as%ects. 7e's not j)st a god o(
gro2ing things" %lants and animalsB he also re%resents 2eather" $olcanoes" earth9)akes"
(lood" and many other %o2er()l nat)ral (orces. *any earth:gods are also makers o(
This god's %riests are a $igoro)s sect 2ho insist that e$eryone 2orshi% the god" (or
2itho)t the god all creat)res on the (ace o( the 2orld co)ld not exist.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld re%resent only one as%ect o( the earth. !ne might be
a god o( earth9)akes" one a god o( stony mo)ntains" one a god o( ca$es and ca$erns. The
gods o( Agric)lt)re" Animals" 5at)re and 4egetation can also be considered lesser gods
o( the Earth attrib)te.
#esser gods are as likely to be male as (emale" b)t the com%rehensi$e god o( all the
earth is %robably (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Agric)lt)re"
Animals" 8ertility" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" 5at)re" Seasons" Sky?Weather" and
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Any
one (rom the (ollo2ing list::Agric)lt)re" Bre2ing" *ining" Stonemasonry. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Ancient 7istory" Ancient #ang)ages" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" dagger?dirk" kni(e"
mace" ma)l" morning star" %icks <all=" scythe" sickle" sling" sta(( sling" stiletto"
2arhammer. Armor Permitted: All non:magical non:metal armor" all non:magical non:
metal shields. !riental am%aigns: Also n)nchak). All together" these constit)te *edi)m
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" reation" Elemental <the %riest may only
)se s%ells dealing 2ith d)st" stone" rock" m)d" and earth" %l)s transmute metal to ood ="
Plant" S)mmoning. *inor Access to Animal" Di$ination" 7ealing" Protection.
Po2ers' Detect grade or slope in %assage on -:L on -dI <same as D2ar( abilityB
d2ar(:%riests and gnome:%riests o( this (aith 2ill detect slo%es a)tomatically 2hen they
try=. Determine appro$imate depth underground on -:G on -dI <same as D2ar( abilityB
d2ar(:%riests and gnome:%riests o( this (aith s)cceed on a -:L on -dI=. 0mmunity <as %er
the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= to all snake $enoms.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s one third:le$el (ighter and se$en (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards. The %riest may
take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o( 2hom can be third:le$el="
%l)s t2o (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold
constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' SnakesB stones.
Notes' The 2ea%ons chosen (or this order come in three ty%es: Agric)lt)ral?har$esting
ty%e 2ea%ons <s)ch as the scythe=" those 2hich sometimes )se stones <s)ch as slings" or
%rimiti$e maces and axes=" and those 2hich sim%ly s)ggest hea$y beating" %o)nding" or
the earth <%icks and ma)ls" (or exam%le=.

Ele"ental -or(es ;-or(e<

This (orce is a re%resentation o( all %)re" nat)ral %o2er" incl)ding (orces o( nat)re
<s)ch as 2ater(alls= and magical energies.
The %riests o( this (orce learn as m)ch as they can o( magic and try to %ass that
learning along. They also don't like to see nat)ral (orces extensi$ely channelled by manB
they o(ten destroy dams" (or instance.
Beca)se they are de$oted to %o2er()l nat)ral (orces" %riests o( this (orce tend to be
magically %o2er()l.
#esser attrib)tes o( the Elemental 8orces co)ld be re%resented by act)al gods. The
gods o( Darkness" 8ire" #ight" and #ightning might be considered lesser gods o( this
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Darkness?5ight" Da2n"
8ertility" 8ire" #ight" #ightning" #o$e" *agic" Seasons" Sky?Weather" S)n" Th)nder" and
Ali,n"ent' The (orces being 2orshi%%ed and %rotected are chaotic in nat)re" so all its
%riests m)st be chaoticB they may be chaotic good" chaotic ne)tral" or chaotic e$il. Each
branch has its o2n c)lt" so good %riests don't ha$e to be (riends 2ith e$il ones. The (lock
may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" 0ntelligence -G. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
5on2ea%on and Wea%on Pro(iciencies: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: S%ellcra(t.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 8ire:b)ilding" Astrology" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Wi3ard.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: These %riests hel% in the
ed)cation o( the (lock in both %riestly doings and magical learning. *issions: These
%riests o(ten go on $oyages to obser$e %henomena and learn more abo)t the (orces that
bring them abo)t. 4igilance against any beings that might interr)%t" di$ert" or channel
great nat)ral (orces (or those beings' o2n gain.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe" bo2s <all=" cest)s"
cl)b" hand?thro2ing axe" har%oon" ja$elin" mace" net" %icks <all=" sco)rge" scythe" sickle"
s%ear" trident. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky).
All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" ombat" Elemental. *inor Access to
reation" S)n" Weather. This %riesthood has access to many %o2er()l s%ells and to one
extra minor access" so it 2ill not ha$e m)ch in the 2ay o( &ranted Po2ers.
Po2ers' 0mmunity <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter:: JA to all sa$ing thro2s= to
all %riest s%ells o( the Elemental s%here.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
%riesthood" %l)s one third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages to act as cons)ltants" and
(i$e (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res:
T2o %riests" one mage" and t2o (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o(
the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el. Part o( the stronghold m)st be a library
de$oted to elemental magics and the elemental %lanes" and scholars interested in these
s)bjects 2ill $isit the stronghold in order to learn (rom the library or contrib)te to it.
Possible Sy"bols' 8ire" #ightning.


This deity re%resents all godly attrib)tes. 7e is )s)ally the god o( a monotheistic
c)lt)re" and is either <a= the creator o( all the 2orld and the only tr)e god in existence" or
<b= a %o2er()l god 2ho demands that e$eryone acce%t him as the only real god and
intends to demote all other gods to the stat)s o( lesser demons" de$ils" or ser$ants:beings.
Priests o( this god seek to con$ert all the 2orld to the 2orshi% o( this god. They
%ers)ade 2hole %o%)lations that all other gods are (alse" or lesser beings. They sometimes
agitate (or and initiate 2ars so that con9)ered %o%)lations may be reed)cated in this
doctrine. 0n s)ch times" they are m)ch like %riests o( )lt)re.
This god is j)st as likely to be male as (emale. 0( male" he'll %robably ha$e some sort o(
sky as%ectB i( (emale" she'll ha$e an earth as%ect.
The %riests o( this god can" at the D*'s discretion" be on good terms 2ith the %riests o(
the %hiloso%hies o( the Di$inity o( *ankind and &ood" (or these are %hiloso%hies and not
gods. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o( all other gods" and also hate %riests o(
the %hiloso%hy o( E$il.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is la2()l good. The %riests may be any sort o( good alignment.
The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" Ancient 7istory.
Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers:
Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions o( con$ersion and ed)cation in
%o%)lations 2hich don't belie( in this god's s)%remacy. 4igilance against e$il and
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Belaying %in" cl)b" (lails
<both=" mace" mancatcher" ma)l" morning star" net" 9)artersta((" sling" 2arhammer. Armor
Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick" chain" n)nchak).
All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( the &od o( E$erything m)st 2ear their %riestly
$estments 2hene$er they a%%ear in %)blic.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" reation" 7ealing. *inor Access to
Di$ination" Protection.
Po2ers' "oothing 2ord <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. Turn 8ndead <same as
the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one third:le$el %riest and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same %riesthood" %l)s one (i(th:
le$el (ighter" t2o third:le$el (ighters" and t2el$e (irst:le$el (ighters to act as soldiers" %l)s
(o)r 5ormal *en and Women 2ith the +eading?Writing non2ea%on %ro(iciencies to act
as scribes and recorders. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: !ne %riest"
three (ighters" and t2o 5ormal *en and Women o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay
(or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Sta((" Sce%tre.
Notes' This %riestly order is $ery similar to clerics <tho)gh 2ith red)ced magic=B i( yo)
decide to remo$e clerics (rom yo)r cam%aign" based on the ad$ice (rom the +ole:Playing
cha%ter" yo) may 2ish to recommend that %layers 2ho still 2ant to %lay clerics take this
%riest:class instead.

E4il ;P$iloso!$y<

All e$il tho)ghts and deeds generate negati$e energies" and %riests o( the Philoso%hy o(
E$il can ta% into those energies" m)ch as a DrealD %riest recei$es energies (rom his god.
The goal o( these %riests is to s%read as m)ch e$il as %ossible thro)gho)t the )ni$erse.
They es%ecially delight in ca)sing s)((ering among the sentient races <h)mans" el$es"
d2ar$es" etc.=. They kidna%" tort)re" m)rder" steal" h)miliate" and degrade in the name o(
their %hiloso%hy.
The %riests o( this %hiloso%hy are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Disease. They are
sometimes <at the D*'s discretion" based on the nat)re o( his cam%aign= allies o( the
%riests o( Death and *ischie(?Trickery. The %riests o( this %hiloso%hy dislike the %riests
o( Di$inity o( *ankind" E$erything" 8ort)ne?#)ck" &ood" 7ealing" #o$e" +edem%tion"
and Wisdom.
Ali,n"ent' This %hiloso%hy is e$il" and its %riests may be o( any e$il alignment
<chaotic e$il" ne)tral e$il" la2()l e$il=. All belong to the same sect" so the la2()l" ne)tral"
and chaotic %riests ha$e to coo%erate. *embers o( the (lock may be o( any e$il
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
&eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' *issions: These %riests are dedicating to s%reading e$il and
misery across the 2orld" and their 2hole li$es are s%ent in missions against ha%%iness"
goodness" contentment" and bea)ty. 4igilance against the doings o( any good %riests"
es%ecially %riests o( the Philoso%hy o( &ood.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bill" crossbo2" dagger?dirk"
dart" kni(e" net" %icks <all=" %olearm" sco)rge" scythe" sickle" stiletto" s2ord?long"
s2ord?ra%ier" s2ord?sabre" s2ord?short" 2hi%. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields.
!riental am%aigns: Also katana" sh)riken" 2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te
&ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" 5ecromantic. *inor Access to
Animal" Protection <may only )se re$ersed (orms o( the s%ells=.
Po2ers' The %riest can cast the detect good s%ell <the re$ersed detect evil = three times
%er day in addition to all other s%ells. 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
Control 8ndead <same as the e$il leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one third:le$el %riest and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one (i(th:le$el
(ighter" three third:le$el (ighters" and six (irst:le$el (ighters to act as soldiers" and one
third:le$el thie( and t2o (irst:le$el thie$es to act as s%ecial agentsB all 2ill be o( the exact
same alignment as the %riest they (ollo2. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: T2o %riests" t2o (ighters" and one thie( o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay
(or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el. Tem%les o( E$il ty%ically ha$e
tort)re chambers and dangero)s" tra%%ed d)ngeons as %art o( their constr)ction" b)t this
is a tendency" not a re9)irement o( the order.
Possible Sy"bols' Skeleton.
Notes' 0t is easy to make this into the %riesthood o( a s%eci(ic god o( e$il. Mo) don't
need to change any o( the re9)irements and abilities o( the %riestB the only di((erence is
that the %riest o( a god o( e$il 2ill recei$e orders (rom the deity all the time" instead o(
being al2ays able to cook )% his o2n schemes o( destr)ction.

-ate) Destiny

This god ca)tions the mortal races to acce%t 2hate$er (ate that the gods or e$en a
higher Destiny ha$e in store (or them. This is the god o( acce%tance" o( resignation" o(
co%ing 2itho)t str)ggling.
Priests o( this (aith belie$e that e$erything that ha%%ens is %redestined. They %reach a
doctrine o( acce%tance o( the 2ill o( the gods" incl)ding gods other than their o2n. When
t2o gods are in o%%osition" these %riests do not inter(ere in the mortal doings res)lting
(rom that str)ggle <)nless one o( the gods is the god o( (ate?destiny" in 2hich case they
s)%%ort him=B b)t 2hen a single god is %)rs)ing a goal and mortal beings are trying to
o%%ose him" these %riests 2ork on behal( o( the god and against the mortals. This takes
%lace e$en 2hen the god is e$ilB these %riests take the side o( gods against mortals
regardless o( the god's moti$es. 0n short" this is a $ery strange %riesthood" one that is
%hiloso%hical b)t joyless.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te might be gods o( s%eci(ic ()t)re e$ents: The 2ar that
destroys all the gods" (or instance. S)ch gods 2ill stri$e to make s)re that the e$ents they
re%resent do take %lace" and their %riests 2ill d)ti()lly hel%.
The god o( this attrib)te is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Ancestors" 8ort)ne?#)ck"
!racles?Pro%hecy" and Time.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -G. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Astrology. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Ancient 7istory" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance <doctrine o( acce%tance o( the 2ill o( the gods=.
*issions against those 2ho de(y the gods. 4igilance against those 2ho de(y the gods.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Dagger?dirk" kni(e" lasso"
mancatcher" net. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also
chain. All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" &)ardian" Protection"
S)mmoning. *inor Access to ombat" 5ecromantic" S)n" and Weather.
Po2ers' The %riest can cast the commune s%ell once %er month" e$en at (irst le$el" in
addition to all other s%ells <ob$io)sly" at (irst le$el" he can only ask one 9)estion %er
a%%lication o( the s%ell=. "oothing 2ord <Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and -I (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
%riesthood. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o(
them may be third:le$el= o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o(
stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Book" Pen?Styl)s" hains.
Notes' This order )ses the net and lasso beca)se those 2ea%ons re%resent the
ine$itability o( (ate and destiny.


This god re%resents the (ertility o( beasts" cro%s" and sentient races. 7e re%resents ne2
generations o( each s%ecies" de(iance o( death" and sex)ality.
Priests o( this god cond)ct rit)als 2hich are s)%%osed to interest the god in the (ertility
o( the celebrants" their (ields and animals. Thro)gh the rit)als o( the %riests" childless
co)%les %ray (or children" (armers %ray (or good cro%s" ranchers and animal handlers %ray
(or their herds to gro2 (ast and strong. 0n addition to ro)tine %rayers" the %riests cond)ct
great" semiann)al celebrations <)s)ally at the start o( the %lanting and the har$esting
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be gods o( the (ertility o( s%eci(ic s%ecies or gro)%s
o( li$ing thingsB one might be the god o( cattle (ertility" one o( h)man (ertility" one o( el(
(ertility" one o( 2heat (ertility. The god o( Agric)lt)re co)ld be considered a deity o( one
s%eci(ic %art o( the (ertility attrib)te.
8ertility gods are as likely to be male as (emale. Those re%resenting animal li(e are
more likely to be male" those re%resenting %lant li(e more likely to be (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Agric)lt)re"
Animals" Birth?hildren" Earth" Elemental 8orces" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" 5at)re"
Seasons" Sky?Weather" and 4egetation. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o( Death.
Ali,n"ent: The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral good.
The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" harisma -A. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
7erbalism. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Agric)lt)re" Animal 7andling"
Bre2ing" Dancing" *)sical 0nstr)ment" +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies
+e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. These %riests are bo)nd to cond)ct
ceremonies 2hich celebrate and %romote (ertility in all li$ing beingsB these ceremonies
occ)r at the start o( s%ring and at har$est:time" and in some %laces are characteri3ed by
orgiastic beha$ior. 4igilance against the doings o( the %riests o( death" 2hom they regard
2ith s)s%icion and dislike.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: >a$elin" %olearm" s%ear. Armor
Permitted: 7ide armor and leather armor <normal or magical=" all non:metal shields. All
together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( the god o( 8ertility are not alloed to remain chaste.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" 7ealing" 5ecromantic" Plant" S)mmoning.
*inor Access to Animal" harm" reation" Di$ination" Protection" Weather. This
%riesthood has t2o extra minor accessesB it 2ill not ha$e $ery strong &ranted Po2ers.
Po2ers' Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter" b)t ne$er in
combat" and only once %er day=. 0ncite 6erserker 7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths
cha%ter=. -anguage4Communication <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=: The %riest may
choose one s%ecies o( animal 2ith 2hom he can comm)nicate" (rom the (ollo2ing list:
attle" goats" horses" rabbits" shee%" snakes. <This does not gi$e him any control o$er the
animalB he may merely talk 2ith it.=
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
alignment" %l)s (i(teen (irst:le$el (ighters. These (ighters act as g)ards d)ring the more
somber o( the god's rit)als b)t %artici%ate in the more chaotic rit)als. The %riest may take
the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: !ne %riest <it may not be the (i(th:le$el %riest= and six
(ighters. 0n some sects" the (ighters are all 2omen o( any chaotic alignment" and they are
called maenads. 8or others" the D* can s)bstit)te intelligent 2ood:beings s)ch as satyrs"
centa)rs" dryads" and nym%hs" )% to -/ 7D o( them" and they can accom%any the %riest
on 2oodland ad$ent)res. <5ym%hs are identical to dryads 2ith these exce%tions: They are
not bo)nd to s%eci(ic trees" and can $oyage in any (orested realmB and 2hen they charm
$ictims" there is no chance that the $ictims 2ill disa%%ear (ore$erB a(ter a day in the
com%any o( the nym%h" the $ictim can choose to stay as long as he and the nym%h
collecti$ely 2ish" or to lea$e 2hene$er he 2ants.= The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the
cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' B)ll" orn" o2" &oat" Pine:cone" +am" Snake" Wheat.

This god is the deity o( (ire in all its as%ects: The s%ark o( ci$ili3ation" the cleanser o(
sickness and e$il" the terri(ying nat)ral (orce" the s%ecial gi(t o( the gods to man" the
%rinci%al (orce behind some sorts o( magic.
The %riesthood is de$oted to celebrating (ire and honoring the god o( this most )se()l
gi(t. They make b)rnt sacri(ices to the god and learn as m)ch as they can o( (ire:magic.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2ill be gods o( j)st one as%ect o( (ire. !ne might be a god
o( (orest:(ires" one a god o( the (ires )sed by metal2orkers and %ottery:makers" one a god
o( the hearth:(ire that re%resents home and shelter.
8ire:gods are as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Da2n" Elemental 8orces"
>)stice?+e$enge" #ight" #ightning" *agic" *etal2ork" +ace <D2ar(=" and S)n. They are
not that (ond o(" b)t also not enemies o(" the %riests o( !ceans?+i$ers. The %riests o( this
god dislike the %riests o( Disease.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" 0ntelligence -/. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 8ire:
b)ilding. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion"
S%ellcra(t. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Wi3ard.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bill" dagger?dirk" kni(e"
stiletto" s2ords <all=. Armor Permitted: All metal armor" all metal shields. !riental
am%aigns: Also chain" katana" sh)riken" 2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te &ood
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Elemental <the %riest may only )se the
s%ells 2hose names incl)de the 2ords 8ire" 8lame" 7eat" Pyrotechnics" and the s%ell
chariot of "ustarre =" S)n. *inor Access to harm" Di$ination" 7ealing" 5ecromantic"
Protection" Weather. This %riesthood recei$es extra minor accesses beca)se its t2o major
accesses are limited in signi(icant 2ays: 0ts Elemental s%here is limited to (ire:s%ells and
the S)n s%here has only six s%ells to start 2ith.
Po2ers' Defiance of 7estriction4;bstacle <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=: The
%riest can %ass )nharmed thro)gh any all of fire s%ell. 0mmunity <as %er the Designing
8aiths cha%ter=: The %riest gets a JA sa$ing thro2 $s. all %riest s%ells o( the Elemental
s%here and $s. all 2i3ard s%ells o( the Alteration and E$ocation schools 2ith the 2ords
fire, burning, flaming, pyrotechnics" and incendiary&
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s (i$e (irst:le$el
(ighters to act as g)ards" one third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages acting as
cons)ltants" and ten 5ormal *en and Women" hal( 2ith +eading?Writing %ro(iciency and
hal( 2ith 8ire:Starting %ro(iciency" 2ho act as tem%le ()nctionaries. The %riest may take
the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests <only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el=" t2o
(ighters" one mage" and t2o 5ormal *en and Women o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill
%ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Torch.

-ortne) 5(k

This is a god o( the good (ort)ne and good l)ck that all sentient beings ho%e 2ill come
their 2ay. This is not a god o( bad l)ck or ill (ort)ne.
The %riests o( this god are %ractical" common:sense %eo%le. They'll hel% the (lock %ray
(or l)ck. B)t they also recogni3e that a lot o( l)ck is sel(:made. They try to analy3e the
sit)ations o( s)%%licants 2ho seem to ha$e bad l)ck all the time" and s)ggest 2ays (or
them to change their li$es so that good l)ck is more likely to shine on them. They e$en
meddle to gi$e l)ck a little %)shB they'll contri$e so that t2o %eo%le 2ho can hel% each
other accom%lish a m)t)al goal 2ill meet" (or exam%le.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2ill be gods o( one %artic)lar ty%e o( l)ck. The most
%o%)lar gods o( this ty%e 2o)ld be gods o( gambling l)ck or l)ck 2ith romantic a((airs.
&ods o( l)ck are most likely to be (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( om%etition" 8ate?Destiny"
*ischie(?Trickery" and Trade. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o( E$il.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" harisma -A. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Astrology. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: &aming" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" +og)e.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions to bring l)ck to the )nl)cky:
Priests are o(ten re9)ired to go to comm)nities and %laces 2hich seem to be s)((ering a
series o( bad:l)ck e$ents and im%ro$e matters there. <Some %riests o( this sect ado%t a
D(airy godmotherD attit)de and try to im%ro$e %eo%les' lot thro)gh mischie$o)s
meddling.= 4igilance against the deeds o( %riests o( disease or the %hiloso%hy o( e$il" 2ho
are al2ays bringing bad (ort)ne to the %eo%le.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" lasso" net" 9)artersta(("
sling" sta(( sling. Armor Permitted: 5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick.
All together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" Elemental" 7ealing"
Protection" S)mmoning. *inor Access to Animal" reation" &)ardian" Plant" S)n"
Po2ers: Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Pth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and sixteen (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
order. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o( 2hom
may be third le$el= o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o(
stronghold constr)ction at Pth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' orn)co%ia" +)dder" Wheel o( 8ort)ne.
Notes' This order's 2ea%on choices re(lect D2ea%ons o( o%%ort)nity"D the sort o(
2ea%ons characters can make (rom things (o)nd on the road. A %riest o( this order doesn't
ha$e to (ind his 2ea%ons on the road" b)t the 2ea%ons %ermitted him are the sort o(
things he co)ld make (rom (o)nd items.
Good ;P$iloso!$y<

>)st as e$il tho)ghts and deeds create e$il energies <see E$il" %. LP=" good tho)ghts and
deeds create good energies" res)lting in %riests o( the %hiloso%hy o( &ood.
The goal o( these %riests is to co)nter the s%read o( e$il thro)gho)t the )ni$erse. They
2ork %rimarily to antici%ate the deeds o( e$il beings" head them o((" and co)nter them
2hene$er %ossible. They may or may not belie$e in #a2B some o( them" chaotic good
%riests" break all sorts o( la2s and restrictions o( society in order to reali3e their good
The %riests o( this %hiloso%hy are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Di$inity o(
*ankind" E$erything" Peace" +ace" +edem%tion" and Wisdom. The %riests o( this
%hiloso%hy es%ecially dislike the %riests o( E$il.
Ali,n"ent' This %hiloso%hy is good. 0ts %riest may be o( any good alignment <chaotic
good" ne)tral good" and la2()l good=B they all belong to the same sect" so the chaotics"
ne)trals" and la2()ls m)st all get along together. The (lock may be o( any good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
&eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: Priests o( this %hiloso%hy s%end
most o( their li$es in ongoing missions against %riests o( the %hiloso%hy o( e$il" not to
mention the %lots o( e$il men" %riests o( the god o( disease" etc.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dagger?dirk"
hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin" kni(e" lasso" %olearm" s%ear" sta(( sling" stiletto" s2ords <all=.
Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky)" katana"
2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" 7ealing" Protection. *inor Access to
harm" Di$ination.
Po2ers' The %riest can cast the detect evil s%ell three times %er day in addition to all
other s%ells. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=. Permanent <9 to hit and damage
$s. all e$il enemies" abo$e and beyond all other bon)ses.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one third:le$el %riest and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one (i(th:le$el
%aladin" three third:le$el %aladins" and six (irst:le$el %aladins to act as soldiers" and one
third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages to act as s%ecial agentsB the %riests and mages
2ill be o( the exact same alignment as the %riest they (ollo2" 2hile the %aladins 2ill
a)tomatically be la2()l good. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: !ne
%riest" t2o %aladins" and one mage o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the
cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el. S)ch strongholds are o(ten b)ilt 2ith
hos%itals and libraries as %art o( their constr)ction" b)t this is not a re9)irement o( the
Possible Sy"bols' +ay o( light" Ankh.


This god is the %rotector o( ca)ses and endangered indi$id)als. 7e's an a%%ro%riate
deity (or bodyg)ards" other g)ardsmen" martyrs" and heroes 2ho es%o)se lost ca)ses.
Priests o( this god meddle in %olitics" stand )% (or noble ca)ses" aggra$ate kings and
$i3iers" s)%%ly troo%s to the )nderdogs o( certain (ights and 2ars" and o(ten %ro$ide
bodyg)ards (or (amo)s %)blic (ig)res <es%ecially those 2ho are cham%ioning ca)ses=
2ho need them. <This is a great 2ay to get %riest:Ps into interesting ad$ent)res.=
Whether or not this god is more likely to be male or (emale de%ends on the c)lt)reB i(
there are (e2 2omen 2arriors" then the god is %robably male" 2hile i( 2omen are o(ten
2arriors" the god is j)st as likely to be (emale as male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity" 7ealing"
Strength" and War.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good
or la2()l good. 7is %riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any
ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" Strength -A. Wisdom or Strength -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Set
Snares. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +iding #and:Based" 7ealing"
+eading?Writing" +eligion" Blind:(ighting. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: A %riest o( this god is almost
al2ays on some sort o( mission" a sim%le one :: to %rotect a s%eci(ic %erson" %lace" or
thing. The %riest might ha$e chosen his c)rrent mission" or might ha$e been assigned to it
by his %riesthood. That mission might change bet2een ad$ent)res" b)t he's almost al2ays
on one. 5ote: Priests o( this sort do not maintain tem%les (or small comm)nitiesB they
s%end most o( their time on mission. !nly 2hen they reach eighth le$el do they b)ild
their o2n tem%les and send s)bordinate %riests o)t on missions.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions: Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe" dagger?dirk"
ja$elin" kni(e" %olearm" s%ear" s2ords <all=. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields.
!riental am%aigns: Also katana" 2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te &ood combat
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" 5ecromantic" Protection. *inor Access to
&)ardian" 7ealing.
Po2ers' 0nfravision <same as the el( abilityB an el$en or hal(:el$en %riest o( this (aith
has 0n(ra$ision o( do)bled range" to -A/'=. -aying ;n of Hands <same as the Paladin
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s (i$e third:le$el
(ighters to act as tem%le g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three
%riests <only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el= and t2o (ighters. The %riesthood 2ill %ay
(or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The stronghold must be b)ilt in
the (ashion o( a castle or (ortress" e$en i( it is in a city: 0t m)st be constr)cted so that it
can easily re%el in$asion.
Possible Sy"bols' rossed S2ordsB rossed PolearmsB Shield.
Notes' This %riesthood re%resents a god 2ho is a de(ender" not an aggressorB there(ore"
the %riesthood can )se or make no ranged 2ea%on attacks. The %riests may not e$en
thro2 their s%ears" ja$elins" daggers or kni$es.


This god is the cham%ion o( doctors" medicine and other healing ()nctions. 7e c)res
the sick and %asses on his healing kno2ledge to his mortal doctor?%riests. 7e is the
enemy o( disease and inj)ry" and no admirer o( 2ar.
The %riesthood is de$oted to healing and are not allo2ed by their order to t)rn a2ay a
%atient in needB i( they can hel% him" they m)st.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te are gods o( s%eci(ic ty%es o( healing. !ne might be a god
o( combat inj)ries" one a god 2ho heals illnesses o( the mind. The god o( childbirth co)ld
be considered a lesser god o( healing.
7ealing gods are as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Birth?hildren" Da2n"
&)ardianshi%" #ight" #o$e" Peace" and S)n. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o(
Death" Disease" and E$il.
Ali,n"ent: The deity is la2()l good. The %riests may be any sort o( good alignment.
The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" 0ntelligence -/. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
7ealing. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 7erbalism" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest: &)idance" *arriage. )ring the sick and inj)red. Ed)cation:
Teaching the (lock" indeed anyone 2ho is interested" the arts o( medicine" sanitation" and
healing. *issions to sickness:in(ested lands to hel% in the healing %rocess. 4igilance
against the acti$ities o( the %riests o( the god o( disease.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: #asso" mancatcher" net"
9)artersta((. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armorB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also
bo stick. All together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( the god o( 7ealing m)st 2ear a symbol indicating their
calling 2hene$er they a%%ear in %)blic. They may not e$er deliberately take sentient li(e.
<0( they do" it constit)tes a Dbetrayal o( goalsD (rom the DPriests and P)nishmentD section
o( the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter.=
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" reation" Di$ination" 7ealing"
5ecromantic" Protection" S)mmoning. *inor Access to Animal" harm" &)ardian" Plant"
S)n" Weather.
Po2ers' 0mmunity <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= to all %oisons and diseases"
b)t the %riest only gets a JA to his sa$ing thro2. -aying ;n of Hands <same as the
Paladin ability=. Soothing Word <Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. Turn 8ndead <same as the
leric ability=. #t .rd -evel( #nalysis, 0dentification <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=
o( diseases and %oisonsB on a 0ntelligence check <2hich the D* may modi(y according to
the commonness or rarity o( the ailment=" the %riest 2ill kno2 2hat sort o( disease or
%oison a((licts his %atient.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Pth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same %riesthood" %l)s thirty
5ormal *en and Women" all o( 2hom m)st ha$e the 7ealing non2ea%on %ro(iciency"
2ho act as chir)rgeons <doctors= and n)rses. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: T2o %riests <only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el= and t2o 5ormal *en and
Women. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Pth
le$el. The stronghold m)st act as a hos%ital (or the nearest comm)nity" and may t)rn
a2ay no %atient 2ho has s)((ered a li(e:threatening inj)ry or disease.
Possible Sy"bols' Snakes" Sta((.
Notes' Priests o( this order are s)%%osed to )se nondamaging 2ea%ons. 7o2e$er" since
the sta(( is their symbol" many o( them end )% learning ho2 to )se one as a 2ea%on" and
the god gi$es his assent to this kno2ledge by not %)nishing them (or )sing the sta(( in a
damaging 2ay.


This god is a %atron o( the h)nter" and is a %ro$ider o( (oods and ()rsB th)s he is a god
m)ch lo$ed o( 2oodsmen. Tho)gh he h)nts animals and enco)rages his (lock to do
like2ise" he is )s)ally a 2ise h)nterB like the god o( Animals" he is o(ten a %atron o(
animals and their %rotector (rom needless destr)ction at the hands o( too:greedy h)nters
and %oachers.
The god's %riests" too" are h)nters" and their mission is to teach the (lock so)nd
%rinci%les o( h)nting: 5ot killing mothers 2ith yo)ng" not de%o%)lating the 2ilderness o(
2hole s%ecies" etc.
An alternate as%ect o( the god 2o)ld be a god o( 8ishing.
The god o( h)nting is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Animals" Darkness?5ight"
#ight" *oon" and S)n.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" Dexterity -A. Wisdom or Dexterity -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Dexterity -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
7)nting. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Direction Sense" 8ishing"
+eading?Writing" +eligion" Animal #ore" *o)ntaineering" +)nning" Set Snares" S)r$i$al"
Tracking. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Bo2. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Blo2g)n" bo2s <all="
crossbo2" har%oon" ja$elin" lasso" net" sling" s%ear" trident. Armor Permitted: All non:
metal armorB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky). All together" these constit)te
*edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" &)ardian" Protection"
S)mmoning. *inor Access to Animal" 7ealing" Plant" Weather.
Po2ers' Permanent JA to hit 2ith bo2s" abo$e and beyond all other bon)ses.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one third:le$el %riest and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same %riesthood" %l)s one (i(th:
le$el ranger" three third:le$el rangers" and six (irst:le$el rangers to act as D(orest rangers"D
and ten 5ormal *en and Women" all o( 2hom ha$e the 4eterinarian non2ea%on
%ro(iciency. <This %ro(iciency doesn't a%%ear in the Player's Handbook. 0t is identical to
the 7ealing %ro(iciency" exce%t it can only be )sed to heal animals and monsters.= The
%riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: !ne %riest and t2o rangers o( his choice.
The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el. The
stronghold can be b)ilt in a city or in the 2ilderness" b)t m)st 2ork %rinci%ally to %rotect
the animal:li(e o( the s)rro)nding 2ilderness. <This does not mean to sto% h)nters i( the
h)nting is carried o)t at a le$el that does not threaten the animal %o%)lation. B)t any
(actor 2hich does endanger animal s%ecies :: s)ch as dro)ght" excess h)nting"
de(orestation" etc. :: 2ill bring on the 2rath o( the %riesthood.=
Possible Sy"bols' Bo2 and arro2 crossed.
Notes' The har%oon and trident may only be )sed by %riests 2hose god incl)des
attrib)tes o( the sea or (ishing. 0( the god is de$oted to land:h)nting" the %riests cannot
)se the har%oon or trident.

=sti(e) Re4en,e

This god brings re$enge on those 2ho deser$e it" rights 2rongs" %)nishes the 2icked"
and a$enges those 2ho cannot a$enge themsel$es.
5ormally" the god acts thro)gh his %riests. Priests o( this god are a%%roached by those
2ho ha$e been 2ronged" and m)st learn 2hat they can o( the sit)ation" decide 2ho's right
and 2ho's 2rong" and take ste%s to %)nish the g)ilty %arty. They m)st make the
%)nishment (it the crime <a the(t does not 2arrant the killing o( the thie( in most cases"
(or instance=.
Since these %riests are o(ten a%%roached to %)nish those 2hom ordinary la2s can't
to)ch <(or instance" to %)nish a rich man 2ho can bribe his 2ay o)t o( any charge or
%)nishment=" they (re9)ently ha$e to %er(orm their missions secretly" so that the local
a)thorities cannot learn o( them. These $igilante %riests are not a%%reciated by local
#esser gods o( this attrib)te co)ld be de$oted to only one kind o( crime or re$enge.
!ne might be the god o( the +e$enge o( S%)rned #o$ers. !ne might be a god o( #a2()l
Trials" and m)st al2ays go thro)gh the legal system. !ne might be the god 2ho %)nishes
those 2ho (ors2ear themsel$es" and another a god 2ho %)nishes those 2ho kill their o2n
The deity o( re$enge is more likely to be (emale than male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( om%etition" Death" 8ire"
and War. <0ndi$id)al D*s might consider this %riesthood to belong to &ood or E$il
cam%s. B)t &ood sects consider this one to be too DtaintedD to be tr)ly good" 2hile E$il
sects don't like the (act that this sect %)nishes the 2icked.= The %riests o( this god dislike
the %riests o( Peace.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is la2()l ne)tral. 7is %riests may be o( any alignment b)t la2()l
good. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" Strength -A. Wisdom or Strength -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Tracking. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
&eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions to achie$e j)stice 2hen j)stice has
been th2arted. 4igilance: The %riests m)st kee% their ears o%en and kee% track o( those
2ho try to a$oid the conse9)ences o( their actions.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Dagger?dirk" kni(e" lasso"
scythe" sickle" s%ear" stiletto" s2ord?bastard" s2ord?kho%esh" s2ord?long" s2ord?ra%ier"
s2ord?sabre" s2ord?short. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns:
Also katana" sai" 2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this god may not re()se to in$estigate 2hen the story o(
an inj)stice is bro)ght to them <)nless they'$e already in$estigated this same com%laint=.
To do so is to constit)te a Dbetrayal o( goalsD (rom the DPriests and P)nishmentD section
o( the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter. To in$estigate" (ind that there has been an inj)stice" and
then to re()se to act on it is a similar betrayal. 7o2e$er" it is not a betrayal to disco$er an
inj)stice and then take the time to make s)re the %riest has eno)gh in(l)ence and (orce to
e((ect re$engeB he does not ha$e to e((ect re$enge immediately.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" 5ecromantic. *inor Access to
Elemental" &)ardian.
Po2ers' The %riest" e$en at (irst le$el" can cast the detect lies s%ell three times %er day
in addition to all other s%ells. #t .rd -evel( 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one third:le$el
(ighter" one third:le$el mage" one third:le$el ill)sionist" one third:le$el thie(" and one
third:le$el bard 2ho act as cons)ltants. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res:
Three %riests <only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el=" the (ighter" the mage" the ill)sionist"
the thie(" and the bard. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold
constr)ction at .th le$el. 0n the constr)ction o( the stronghold" its b)ilders m)st incl)de a
co)rtroom and an exec)tion chamber or (ield <the method o( exec)tion is )% to the
Possible Sy"bols' Scales <o( >)stice=B 7eadsman's Axe.

5i&e/Deat$/Rebirt$ Cy(le ;-or(e<

This cycle is most likely to exist in cam%aigns 2hich don't ha$e gods o( birth" death"
(ertility and rebirth. 0n cam%aigns 2hich do (eat)re s)ch gods" the (orces o( (ertility and
death are o%%osed" 2hile in cam%aigns 2here this cycle is the %rimary (orce" (ertility and
death are %art o( the o$erall cycle. There(ore" i( the D* has gods o( death and (ertility in
his cam%aign" he may not ha$e this cycleB i( he has this cycle" he may not ha$e those
8ollo2ers o( this (orce belie$e that li$ing things are born" li$e" and die" and then
reincarnate in a contin)ing cycle. Perha%s the cycle is endlessB %erha%s its %)r%ose is to
gi$e the so)l o( the li$ing thing eno)gh ex%erience that he can achie$e a greater le$el o(
0n cam%aigns 2here this cycle does exist" it %ro$ides eno)gh magical energy (or its
%riests to cast s%ells. The %riests' d)ties incl)de ed)cation o( the (lock in the belie(s o( the
cycle" com(orting the (lock 2ith the kno2ledge that death is merely a %oint in the cycle
and not the end" and %rotection o( the 2orld (rom (orces 2hich might disr)%t the cycle.
Beca)se )ndead beings ha$e been remo$ed or remo$ed themsel$es (rom this nat)ral
cycle" the %riests are their s2orn enemies.
The %riests o( this (orce are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Agric)lt)re"
Animals" Death" Earth" 8ertility" 5at)re" Seasons" Sky?Weather" and 4egetation.
Ali,n"ent' This (orce is tr)e ne)tral in alignmentB its %riests m)st also be tr)e ne)tral.
The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 7erbalism" +eading?Writing" Animal
7andling. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. These %riests cond)ct ceremonies at
s)mmer and 2inter solstice" s%ring and a)t)mn e9)inox" in celebration o( the cycle.
4igilance against any beings 2ho 2ish to tam%er 2ith this cycle <i.e." %riests o( the
%hiloso%hy o( e$il" or" i( a%%ro%riate" against mad gods o( death 2ho 2on't rest )ntil
e$erything is dead (ore$er=B $igilance against des%oilers o( nat)re.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Dagger?dirk" kni(e" scythe"
sickle. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armorB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also
n)nchak). All together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect may not eat animal (leshB they are $egetarian.
To $iolate this limitation is a minor o((ense (rom the DPriests and P)nishmentD section o(
the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" 7ealing" 5ecromantic <S%ecial
5ote: These %riests cannot )se res)rrection s%ellB they )se reincarnate instead=" Plant"
S)mmoning" Weather. *inor Access to Animal" harm" reation" Elemental" Protection"
Po2ers' 0ncite 6erserker 7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. Turn 8ndead
<same as the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and sixteen (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
order. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' 1nbroken circleB snake s2allo2ing its tail.


This is the god o( all (orms o( light: S)nlight" moonlight" (irelight" etc. The god is a
(riend o( li(e" a %atron o( magic" a %ro%onent o( logical tho)ght" and an enemy o( the
The %riesthood o( the god is de$oted to celebrating these as%ects o( the god and to
%romoting %ositi$e (orces s)ch as healing.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be gods o( one as%ect o( light. !ne god might be
the god o( +eason" another the god o( 0ns%iration" etc.
This deity is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Arts" ra(ts"
Darkness?5ight" Da2n" Elemental 8orces" 8ire" 7ealing" 7)nting" #iterat)re?Poetry"
*agic" *etal2ork" *oon" *)sic?Dance" !racles?Pro%hecy" and S)n.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral good. 7is %riests may be o( any good alignment. The
(lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" 0ntelligence -A. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Direction Sense. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 7ealing" 5a$igation"
+eading?Writing" +eligion" S%ellcra(t. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Wi3ard.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. 4igilance against dark" e$il (orces s)ch as
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" crossbo2"
dagger?dirk" dart" ja$elin" kni(e" sling" s%ear. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armorB no
shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky)" sh)riken. All together" these constit)te
*edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" 7ealing" S)n. *inor
Access to Animal" reation" 5ecromantic" Plant.
Po2ers' 0nfravision <same as the el( abilityB an el$en or hal(:el$en %riest o( this (aith
has 0n(ra$ision o( do)bled range" to -A/'=. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=. #t
.rd -evel( -aying ;n of Hands <same as the Paladin ability=. #t 5th level(
Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t /th level( Prophecy <as %er
the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s one third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages to act as cons)ltants and one third:
le$el (ighter and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards. The %riest may take the
(ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o( 2hom can be third:le$el=" one mage"
and one (ighter o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold
constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' #ight:rays.
Notes' The 2ea%ons chosen (or the s)n:god's %riest are all 2ea%ons 2hich can be )sed
at range" re%resenting the god's ability to strike (rom a(ar 2ith ins%iration... or stroke.


This is a bold" %o2er()l" %rimiti$e god 2hose as%ect is the th)nderbolt. 7e re%resents
the destr)cti$e %o2er o( the sky and is a (a$orite god o( 2arriors. Beca)se lightning
sometimes hits trees and sets them abla3e" he has some minor associations 2ith (ire and
trees <es%ecially oaks=. 7e is also a god o( storms.
7o2e$er" the god himsel( is little concerned 2ith the doings o( mortalsB he has no
objection to them 2orshi%%ing him" and does grant some o( his %o2er to his %riests" b)t
other2ise does not meddle m)ch in mortal a((airs.
7is %riests %romote 2orshi% o( the lightning:god (or his %o2er and his indomitability.
They enco)rage 2orshi%%ers to em)late the god and his strength.
The lightning:god is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Elemental 8orces" 8ire"
5at)re" +ace <D2ar(=" Sky?Weather" Strength" and <es%ecially= Th)nder.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" Strength -A. Wisdom or Strength -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" hal(:el$es" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Weather
Sense. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Warhammer or 7and?Thro2ing Axe <%layer choice=. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe" dagger?dirk" dart"
hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin" kni(e" s%ear" 2arhammer. Armor Permitted: All armor and
shields. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Elemental <the %riest may only )se the
s%ells 2hose names incl)de the 2ords Air" Wind" 8ire" 8lame" 7eat" Pyrotechnics" and the
s%ell chariot of "ustarre =" Weather. *inor Access to Di$ination" Plant.
Po2ers' The %riest can cast a call lightning s%ell once %er day" in addition to all other
s%ells" e$en at -st le$el <o( co)rse" at -st le$el" the s%ell lasts only - t)rn and does AdO
damage=. 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same %riesthood" and one (i(th:
le$el 2arrior" t2o third:le$el 2arriors" and (o)r (irst:le$el 2arriors. The %riest may take
the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el= and
t2o 2arriors o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold
constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Bolt o( #ightningB Do)ble:Bitted <Battle= Axe.

5iteratre) Poetry

This god is $ery m)ch like the deity o( arts <see Arts" abo$e=" b)t concerns himsel(
2ith reading" 2riting" recitation" the chronicling o( history" and the teaching o( yo)th.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld in$ol$e themsel$es 2ith only one o( the abo$e
The god's %riesthood is %rimarily interested in the ed)cation o( the yo)ng in reading
and 2riting" and the %romotion and s)%%ort o( 2riters and %oets in their c)lt)re.
The god o( literat)re and %oetry is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Arts" omm)nity" ra(ts"
)lt)re" Di$inity o( *ankind" #ight" *etal2ork" *)sic?Dance" S)n" and Wisdom.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his %riests may be
o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" harisma -A. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eading?Writing. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Artistic Ability
<om%osition=" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency
&ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: These %riests m)st enco)rage
and s)%%ort members o( their (lock <or o( the general %o%)lation= 2ho sho2 signs o(
talent 2ith %rose or %oetry. 4igilance: #iterat)re and Poetry o(ten o((end those 2ho do
not )nderstand them or those 2ho disagree 2ith the attit)des ex%ressed in those 2orks o(
art" and so these %riests m)st be $igilant against the $ery h)man (orces o( censorshi% and
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dart. Armor
Permitted: 5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky). All together" this
constit)tes Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' These %riests recei$e six:sided dice (or hit %oints" not eight:sided.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" reation" Di$ination" Protection"
S)mmoning" S)n. *inor Access to Animal" Elemental" &)ardian" 7ealing" 5ecromantic"
Po2ers' Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-anguage4Communication <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=: E$ery le$el (rom -st to
Oth" the %riest recei$es one extra lang)age 2hich he may choose <i( yo) %re(er" he
recei$es an extra non2ea%on %ro(iciency slot 2hich may only be )sed (or lang)ages=B the
lang)ages chosen may only be those o( sentient h)manoid races. "oothing 2ord <as %er
the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one third:le$el
(ighter and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards" and t2enty 5ormal *en and Women"
each o( 2hom has either +eading?Writing or an a%%ro%riate Artistic Ability non2ea%on
%ro(iciency. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o(
2hom may be third:le$el=" one (ighter" and (o)r 5ormal *en and Women o( his choice.
The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The
stronghold m)st act as a meeting:%lace (or 2riters and %oets to exchange ideasB there(ore
it m)st be b)ilt 2ith meeting rooms or e$en lect)re halls dedicated to these" instead o(
%riestly" doings.
Possible Sy"bols' Books" Scrolls" Pens.


This god is the %atron o( lo$e in all its as%ects: +omantic lo$e" desire" a((ection" l)st"
in(at)ation" the lo$e bet2een h)sband and 2i(e" the lo$e shared bet2een close (riends"
and so on.
Priests o( the god o( lo$e are charged 2ith %romoting lo$e 2hene$er %ossible ::
es%ecially by remo$ing obstacles to it. When star:crossed yo)ths 2ish to marry" %riests o(
this sect inter(ere to con$ince their (amilies o( the rightness o( it. When a marriage
colla%ses )nder the 2eight o( distr)st or disinterest" the %riests try to co)nsel the s%o)ses
into a reconciliation. When one o( the (aith()l (alls in lo$e 2ith someone 2ho doesn't
reci%rocate that lo$e" the %riests )se e$ery means at their dis%osal <(rom trickery to
charm s%ells= to make the disinterested %arty (all in lo$e 2ith the more de$o)t character.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2ill be gods o( only one o( the abo$e as%ects. !ne god
might be the god o( Desire" another the god o( +omance" a third the god o( 0n(at)ations.
A god o( all the as%ects o( lo$e is likely to be (emale. A god o( j)st one o( the as%ects is
as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Birth?hildren" Di$inity o(
*ankind" Elemental 8orces" 7ealing" *arriage" and Peace. The %riests o( this god dislike
the %riests o( E$il.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be chaotic good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" harisma -G. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on 2ea%on Pro (i ciencies +e9)ired:
7erbalism. 5on 2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion"
Dancing. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. 4igilance: Priests o( this sect belie$e in
marriages o( lo$e" not o( con$enience or %olitics" and so cons%ire to kee% yo)ng lo$ers
together 2hen those lo$ers might be %arted by their (amilies' 2ishes or by the %rej)dices
and res%onsibilities o( their social classes.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2 <short=" cl)b" lasso"
mancatcher" net. Armor Permitted: 5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky).
All together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect recei$e (o)r:sided dice (or hit %oints" not eight:
sided. Also" )nless <at D*'s discretion= this god is a deity o( %)re and %latonic
relationshi%s" a %riest o( this sect may be )nmarried 2hen he enters the %riesthood <-st
le$el= b)t m)st ha$e been 2ed by the time he reaches Oth ex%erience le$el F to do
other2ise is to deny the god his d)e" and constit)tes a betrayal o( goals (rom the DPriests
and P)nishmentD section o( the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Animal" harm" 7ealing" 5ecromantic"
Protection" S)mmoning. *inor Access to reation" Di$ination" &)ardian" Plant" S)n" and
Po2ers' Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. 0ncite 6erserker
7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths
cha%ter=. "oothing 2ord <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. Turn 8ndead <same as the
leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Pth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one third:le$el
mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages 2ho act as cons)ltants" one third:le$el (ighter and t2o
(irst:le$el (ighters 2ho act as g)ards" and ten 5ormal *en and Women" each 2ith a
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency 2hich is o( )se to the tem%le's ()nctions <Eti9)ette" #ocal
7istory" and +eading?Writing es%ecially=. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el=" one mage" one (ighter"
and (o)r 5ormal *en and Women o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the
cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Pth le$el. The stronghold must act as a sanct)ary (or
yo)ng lo$ers 2ho come here (leeing the retrib)tion o( angry (amilies. 8or this reason"
these strongholds are o(ten b)ilt 2ith secret chambers and 9)arters (or those 2ho take
Possible Sy"bols' &irdle <the 2oman's belt o( the ancient 2orld" not the modern
Notes' The 2ea%ons chosen (or this order 2ere chosen based on the a%%earance o(
these 2ea%ons in stories abo)t mythological lo$e:gods" or beca)se o( their )se()lness in
ca%t)ring mates.


This god is the %atron o( magic in all its (orms. At the D*'s discretion" he co)ld be the
so)rce o( all magical energies )sed by the 2orld's magesB or" he co)ld j)st be the god
res%onsible (or teaching the most im%ortant s%ells and rit)als to mortal mages. Either
2ay" he is as belo$ed o( mages as o( any other class o( characters.
Priests o( this god" in addition to enco)raging 2orshi% o( the god" act as scholars o(
magic. They hel% %reser$e libraries o( magical in(ormation and enco)rage
corres%ondence and the exchange o( ideas <and s%ells= bet2een mages.
E$ery school o( magic or %riest s%here o( in(l)ence co)ld ha$e its o2n" lesser god:
There co)ld be a god o( 5ecromancy" a god o( Enchantment" etc.
&ods o( magic are as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Darkness?5ight" Da2n"
Elemental 8orces" 8ire" 7ealing" #ight" *oon" !racles?Pro%hecy" and S)n.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" 0ntelligence -G. Wisdom or harisma -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" hal(:el$es" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
S%ellcra(t. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion" Ancient
#ang)ages. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Wi3ard.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: These %riests coo%erate 2ith
magicians to ed)cate in the 2ays o( magic.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions: Wea%ons Permitted: Belaying %in" dagger?dirk"
dart" kni(e" 9)artersta((" sling. Armor Permitted: 5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns:
Also sh)riken. All together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect recei$e (o)r:sided dice (or hit %oints" not eight:
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Astral" harm" Di$ination" Elemental"
7ealing" Protection" S)mmoning. *inor Access to Animal" &)ardian" 5ecromantic"
Plant" S)n" Weather. This %riesthood has an extra major access" 2hich hel%s make )% (or
its red)ced hit %oints.
Po2ers' 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-anguage4Communication <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B (rom -st le$el to Oth"
the %riest recei$es one extra lang)age %er le$el <or one extra non2ea%on %ro(iciency slot
2hich may only be )sed (or lang)ages=B the %riest may choose the lang)age o( any
sentient race kno2n to him" or may choose to comm)nicate 2ith any animal s%ecies" 2ith
each o( these choices. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric abilityB i( e$il" ontrol 1ndead
instead=. #t .rd level( 0nfravision <same as the el( abilityB an el$en or hal(:el$en %riest o(
this (aith has 0n(ra$ision o( do)bled range" to -A/'=. #t 3th level( "hapechanging <as %er
the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one (i(th:le$el
mage 2ho acts as cons)ltant" and one third:le$el (ighter and se$en (irst:le$el (ighters to
act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o(
2hom may be third:le$el=" one mage" and t2o (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill
%ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Bra3ier" Book.
Notes' This %riest is close in as%ect to mages" so the 2ea%ons %ermitted him are
similar to those %ermitted to mages.


This god is a deity o( the bond o( matrimony. Whether marriage is considered to be a
holy alliance or merely an im%ortant contract" this god re%resents marriage in all its
as%ects: A((ection" lo$e" jealo)sy" arg)ment" home" children" de$elo%ment" and
The %riesthood o( this god %romotes marriage as a 2ay o( li(e. They a%%ro$e o( lo$ers"
b)t not lo$ers staying lo$ers 2itho)t e$er being 2ed. They act as Dmarriage co)nselorsD
(or any co)%le 2ho asks their hel% in 2orking o)t marital %roblems.
The god o( marriage is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Birth?hildren"
omm)nity" )lt)re" #o$e" and +ace.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral good. The %riests may be any sort o( good alignment.
The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing.
Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers:
Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" lasso" mace" net"
9)artersta((" 2arhammer. Armor Permitted: All non:magical armor" all non:magical
shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick. All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect m)st be married by the time they are (o)rth
le$elB other2ise they are g)ilty o( betrayal o( the god's goals" as described in the DPriests
and P)nishmentD section o( the D+ole:PlayingD cha%ter.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" 7ealing" Protection.
*inor Access to ombat" Elemental" &)ardian" S)n.
Po2ers' -aying ;n of Hands <same as the Paladin ability=. "oothing 2ord <Designing
8aiths cha%ter=. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and sixteen (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
order. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o( 2hom
may be third:le$el= o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o(
stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The stronghold m)st be b)ilt 2ith a large hall or
cha%el 2here $ery large 2eddings may take %lace.
Possible Sy"bols' 8inger:+ing" Short #ength o( ord.
Notes' The 2ea%ons chosen (or this order re%resent ca%t)ring" as in ca%t)ring one's
mate" and 2ea%ons o(ten )sed in the s)dden de(ense o( one's home.


This god is the messenger o( the gods. When the r)lers o( the gods 2ant an order
con$eyed to lesser gods" it is gi$en to this deity.
And so this god's %riests are also messengers. They are trained in di%lomacy and are
o(ten charged 2ith the d)ty o( con$eying im%ortant messages <2hether letters" $erbal
messages" codes" or threats= (rom one %erson to another... )s)ally (rom one r)ler or
nobleman to another. The %riests take great %ride in their role as ne)tral con$eyers o(
in(ormation" and (or the re%)tation (or acc)racy and honesty they enjoy.
This god is also a (a$orite god o( heralds" s%ies" and bards" all o( 2hom ha$e to
%er(orm messenger:d)ties at one time or another.
*essenger:gods are as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity"
*ischie(?Trickery" Peace" +)lershi%" Trade" and War.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" harisma -/. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eading?Writing. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Eti9)ette" 7eraldry" *odern
#ang)ages" 5a$igation" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: These %riests are o(ten asked by
r)lers and re9)ired by their tem%les to go on missions o( comm)nication" 2here they are
s)%%osed to con$ey im%ortant letters or $erbal messages to others. !(ten" they are asked
to act as negotiators bet2een t2o 2arring gro)%s or nations.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" ja$elin" mace" ma)l"
%olearm" 9)artersta((" s%ear" trident. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armor and all
shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick" sai. All together" these constit)te *edi)m
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" Protection" S)n. *inor
Access to Elemental" &)ardian" 5ecromantic" Plant.
Po2ers' -anguage4Communication <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=: 8rom -st
le$el to Oth" each le$el the %riest recei$es one additional lang)age <or a non2ea%on
%ro(iciency slot 2hich may only be )sed (or lang)ages=B the lang)age chosen m)st be o(
a sentient h)manoid race. "oothing 2ord <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. At Oth
le$el: Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
(i$e third:le$el %riests and (i$e (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order <most act as
messengers" too=" one third:le$el bard and one third:le$el thie( <2ho act as (act:(inders
and agents=" and eight 5ormal *en and Women" all o( 2hom ha$e the +eading?Writing
non2ea%on %ro(iciency. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests"
the bard" the thie(" and t2o 5ormal *en and Women o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill
%ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The stronghold m)st be
b)ilt 2ith a large library" 2here the acc)m)lated corres%ondence and di%lomatic 2riting
o( the order acc)m)lates.
Possible Sy"bols' Winged reat)res" Wings.
Notes' When on d)ty" %riests o( this order m)st al2ays carry sce%tres" sta$es" %oles" or
banners?(lags on %oles indicating their stat)s. When carrying messages in their o((icial
ca%acity" these %riests carry no ob$io)s 2ea%ons at all. 7o2e$er" they can )se a sce%tre
as a cl)b and a sta(( or %ole as a 9)artersta(( i( they are attacked.


This god is the (orger o( 2ea%ons and armor" and also the cra(tsman o( gold and sil$er
treas)res. 7e is 2orshi%%ed by metal:cra(tsmen across the 2orld" and sometimes $isits
ins%irations (or bea)ti()l metal goods )%on l)cky cra(tsmen.
The %riests o( the god try to ad$ance the art o( metal2ork at the mortal le$el. They do
this by ac9)iring as m)ch in(ormation as they can abo)t smithcra(ting and other
metal2ork" collecting it in libraries" and distrib)ting it to st)dents and metal2orking
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2ill be gods o( s%eci(ic ty%es o( metal2orking. !ne might
be the god o( armoring" another the god o( s2ordmaking.
The god o( metal2orking is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Arts" ra(ts" Di$inity o(
*ankind" 8ire" #iterat)re?Poetry" *)sic?Dance" +ace <D2ar(=" Strength" and War.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" onstit)tion -A. Wisdom or onstit)tion -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and onstit)tion -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Any
one (rom the (ollo2ing list :: Artistic Ability <>e2el2right" &oldsmith" Sil$ersmith="
Blacksmithing" Armorer" Wea%onsmithing. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended:
Any o( the others (rom the abo$e list" %l)s 8ire:b)ilding" +eading?Writing" +eligion.
Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Warhammer. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers:
Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: Teaching o( metal2orking to
the (lockB %romotion o( 2ea%onmaking" armor:making" goldsmithing" je2elry:making"
and all other sorts o( metal2ork in the comm)nity and society. *)st %artici%ate in
semiann)al e$ents 2here metal goods o( all sorts are dis%layed and %romoted <be(ore the
throne or in market=. 0n$estigation: These %riests seek to re:disco$er lost metal2ork
techni9)esB this o(ten leads them into ancient sites on ex%editions o( disco$ery. These
%riests also enco)rage com%etiti$e thinking bet2een g)ilds" or bet2een the metal2orkers
o( di((erent cities.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" mace" ma)l" morning
star" 2arhammer" 2hi%. Armor Permitted: All metal armorB all shields. All together" these
constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Elemental <the %riest may only )se the
s%ells 2hose names incl)de the 2ords 8ire" 8lame" 7eat" Pyrotechnics" and the s%ell
chariot of "ustarre =" S)n. *inor Access to ombat" Di$ination.
Po2ers' #nalysis <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= o( 2orkmanshi% 9)ality in
metal goods. The %riest 2ill be able to tell 2hether a metal cra(t:good is o( %oor" a$erage
or s)%erior 9)ality. This gi$es him a JA to his A%%raising %ro(iciency check i( he has that
non2ea%on %ro(iciency" b)t does not gi$e him the ability to rate cra(ted goods as to their
gold %iece $al)e o( he does not ha$e that non2ea%on %ro(iciency. Defiance of
7estriction4;bstacle <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=: The %riest can %ass )nharmed
thro)gh the all of fire s%ell. 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
Permanent JA to hit and damage 2ith Warhammer" abo$e and beyond all other bon)ses.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Pth le$el" and consist o(
t2o third:le$el %riest and (o)r (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" one third:le$el (ighter
and se$en (irst:le$el (ighters to act as tem%le g)ards" and t2enty 5ormal *en and
Women" each o( 2hom has an a%%ro%riate and hel%()l non2ea%on %ro(iciency <es%ecially
Blacksmithing" 8ire:b)ilding" *ining" and +eading?Writing=. The %riest may take the
(ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: !ne %riest" one (ighter" and (o)r 5ormal *en and Women o( his
choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Pth le$el.
The stronghold m)st be b)ilt 2ith n)mero)s smithies and 2orksho%s" eno)gh at least (or
the %riests 2ho do metal2ork" as 2ell as the tem%le's 5ormal *en and Women.
Possible Sy"bols' An$il" 7ammer.

+is($ie&) #ri(kery

This god delights in trickery (or trickery's sake. 7e lo$es (ooling %eo%le" animals" other
gods F to sho2 them ho2 m)ch more cle$er he is" j)st to see the looks on their (aces" (or
j)st abo)t any reason.
5at)rally" this god is the (a$orite o( rog)es" es%ecially thie$es. B)t don't think that he's
a god o( co2ards: To %)ll o(( the best tricks and %lots" his (ollo2ers m)st be bra$e
indeed. 7o2e$er" many co2ardly rog)es do 2orshi% this god any2ay" in admiration o(
his ability to get o)t o( ro)gh s%ots 2itho)t resorting to combat.
7is %riests" in addition to extolling this god's $irt)es" also lo$e demonstrating
cle$erness. Some %er(orm harmless %ranks (or comic relie(. !thers become %olished
military tacticians (or armies. !thers learn non2ea%on %ro(iciencies that let them become
%ro(icient tra%sters or stage magicians.
To be a %riest o( this god" a character does not ha$e to be nasty or mean to others. The
%riest might demonstrate his cle$erness thro)gh sleight o( hand or by exec)ting cle$er
%lots that straighten o)t %roblems rather than ca)se them. !n the other hand" some %riests
o( this god are j)st sly tro)blemakers 2ho create %roblems (or e$eryone. That's a choice
le(t to the %layer o( this ty%e o( %riest.
The god o( mischie( is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( 8ort)ne?#)ck" *essengers"
+ace <&nome=" +ace <7al(ling=" Trade" War" and Wisdom. Priests o( this god are
sometimes allies o( the %riests o( the %hiloso%hy o( E$ilB this decision is )% to the D*"
based on ho2 he %ercei$es his cam%aign 2orld. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests
o( Strength.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is chaotic ne)tral. The %riests may be chaotic e$il" chaotic
ne)tral" chaotic good" ne)tral e$il" ne)tral" or ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n
sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" 0ntelligence -A. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Disg)ise. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Dancing" Eti9)ette" *odern
#ang)ages" +eading?Writing" +eligion" 8orgery" +eading #i%s" Set Snares" 4entrilo9)ism.
Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers:
Priest" &eneral" +og)e.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage" *issions: Priests o(ten choose to go on
ad$ent)res 2here they 2ill ha$e the o%%ort)nity to %artici%ate in some great %lot or
ca%erB it can be a deadly serio)s mission" so long as the %riest gets to be in$ol$ed in
intricate %lanning and cle$er tactics. 4igilance against (orces <mostly o( society= that
make %eo%le too res%onsible too yo)ng" that mat)re them too 9)ickly.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Blo2g)n" bo2s <all="
crossbo2" dagger?dirk" ja$elin" kni(e" lasso" net" 9)artersta((" s%ear" stiletto"
s2ord?bastard" s2ord?long" s2ord?ra%ier" s2ord?sabre" s2ord?short. Armor Permitted: All
non:magical non:metal armorB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick" chain"
daiky)" sai" sh)riken" 2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to harm" Di$ination" Protection" S)mmoning.
*inor Access to Animal" Elemental" &)ardian" Plant.
Po2ers' Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. Detect "ecret
Doors <same as El( ability: S)ccess on roll o( - on -dI 2hen %assing 2ithin -/'" -:A on
-dI to (ind secret doors and -:G on -dI to (ind concealed %ortals 2hen acti$ely
searchingB el$en %riests o( this order ha$e s)ccess on a roll o( -:A 2hen %assing 2ithin
-/'" -:G to (ind secret doors and -:H to (ind concealed %ortals 2hen acti$ely searching=.
#t 3th level( "hapechanging <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%terB D* chooses the three
animal (orms" or can allo2 the %layer to make the choice=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one third:le$el %riest and se$en (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" one (i(th:le$el thie(
and one (i(th:le$el bard <2ho act as assistant mischie(:makers and accom%any the %riest
e$ery2here=" and one third:le$el (ighter and se$en (irst:le$el (ighters 2ho act as g)ards.
The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: !ne %riest" the thie(" the bard" and one
(ighter o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold
constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' 8ox.


This deity is a god o( ins%iration" magic" and mystery" and is closely related to the god
o( Darkness <see abo$e=.
7is %riests celebrate the magics and light granted by the moon.
0n a (antasy setting" there co)ld be n)mero)s gods o( the moon... one (or each o(
se$eral moons the %lanet %ossesses.
*ost moon:gods are (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Darkness?5ight" Da2n"
7)nting" #ight" *agic" !racles?Pro%hecy" and S)n.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
5a$igation. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Astrology" +eading?Writing"
+eligion" S%ellcra(t. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: These %riests hel% in the
%romotion and teaching o( magic. These %riests m)st %artici%ate in celebrations o( the
god" 2hich take %lace once each moon <di((erent tem%les may celebrate on the ()ll moon
or the ne2 moon" at the D*'s o%tion=.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dagger?dirk" dart"
ja$elin" kni(e" sling" s%ear. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armorB any shield that is
circ)lar or crescent:sha%ed. !riental am%aigns: Also daiky)" katana" sh)riken. All
together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" S)mmoning" S)n.
*inor Access to Animal" Elemental" 7ealing" 5ecromantic.
Po2ers' Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. 0nfravision <same
as the el( abilityB an el$en or hal(:el$en %riest o( this (aith has 0n(ra$ision o( do)bled
range" to -A/'=. At Lth le$el: 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 9:th
level, chariot of "ustarreB the %riest can )se this s%ell once %er day in addition to his other
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
one third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages 2ho act as cons)ltants" and one third:le$el
(ighter and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters 2ho act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing
on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests" one mage" and one (ighter o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill
%ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' hariot" *oon <in any %hase b)t ne2=.
Notes' The bo2" chosen as the 2ea%on (or this order" re%resents the ins%iration o(

+si() Dan(e

This god re%resents the %er(orming arts :: $ocal and instr)mental m)sic" traditional and
inter%reti$e dance" e$en stage tragedy and comedy. 7e is closely related to the gods o(
arts and o( literat)re?%oetry" and is the (a$orite god o( bards.
7is %riests are de$oted to the ad$ancement o( m)sic and dance in the %o%)lation. They
organi3e e$ents 2here m)sic is %layed" dances are %er(ormed" and %lays are enacted.
Sometimes they to)r as %art o( theatrical com%anies" among bards and other %er(ormers.
Their 9)est is to bring light to others thro)gh the %er(orming arts.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te concentrate on only one o( his as%ects. !ne god might be
the deity o( $ocal m)sic" another the deity o( 2ild" (rantic dances" another the god o(
A god 2ho encom%asses all the as%ects o( m)sic and dance is %robably going to be
male. &ods o( indi$id)al as%ects are more likely to be (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Arts" omm)nity" ra(ts"
)lt)re" Di$inity o( *ankind" #ight" #iterat)re?Poetry" *etal2ork" and S)n.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A and either harisma or Dexterity -H. 0(
Wisdom or second ability is -I" character gets JLK ex%erience. 0( Wisdom and second
ability are both -I" character gets J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Any
one (rom the (ollo2ing list F Dancing" Singing" *)sical 0nstr)ment. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Any o( the others (rom the list abo$e" %l)s Artistic
Ability?om%osition" Ancient 7istory" #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing" +eligion"
>)ggling" >)m%ing" T)mbling. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" +og)e.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: These %riests m)st enco)rage
and s)%%ort members o( their (lock <or the general %o%)lation= 2ho sho2 signs o( talent
2ith dance or m)sic.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Dagger?dirk" ja$elin" kni(e"
lasso" 9)artersta((" s%ear" stiletto" s2ord?long" s2ord?ra%ier" s2ord?sabre. Armor
Permitted: 5oneB no shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick" chain" katana. All
together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect recei$e six:sided dice (or hit %oints" not eight:
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Animal" harm" S)mmoning" S)n. *inor
Access to Di$ination" Elemental" 7ealing" Plant.
Po2ers' Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. "oothing 2ord <as
%er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter" b)t at Lth le$el can )se the %o2er six times %er day
instead o( three=. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Pth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s (i$e (irst:le$el
(ighters to act as tem%le g)ards and t2enty 5ormal *en and Women" each o( 2hom has a
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency a%%ro%riate to the tem%le <Artistic Ability" Dancing" Singing"
*)sical 0nstr)ment=. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests
<only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el=" t2o (ighters" (o)r 5ormal *en and Women. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Pth le$el. !ne o( the
elements o( the stronghold m)st be a hall" incl)ding a stage" 2here m)sicians and dancers
(rom the s)rro)nding area may congregate to %ractice their arts.
Possible Sy"bols' Any m)sical instr)ment.
Notes' The 2ea%ons %ermitted to this %riesthood are the 2ea%ons best s)ited to
incl)sion in dances.


This deity is related to the gods o( agric)lt)re and (ertility. 7e's most similar to the
gods o( the Earth" b)t is less concerned 2ith earthly %o2ers <like $olcanoes= and more
2ith 2eather and its e((ects on all li$ing things.
The %riesthood teaches the %o%)lation to 2orshi% the deity o( nat)re" and to (ear him. 0t
stresses the (act that man is a small" insigni(icant thing next to the grande)r o( nat)re and
m)st recogni3e that the sentient s%ecies are j)st elements" ingredients" o( nat)re. This
%hiloso%hy doesn't sit 2ell 2ith most o( the sentient s%ecies" exce%t the el$es" 2ho are in
accord 2ith it.
5at)re:gods may be male or (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Agric)lt)re"
Animals" Death" Earth" 8ertility" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" #ightning" +ace <El(="
Seasons" Sky?Weather" Th)nder" and 4egetation.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Agric)lt)re. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Animal 7andling" 8ire:b)ilding"
8ishing" Weather Sense" 7ealing" 7erbalism" +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. 4igilance against any (orces" gods" or
mortals that threaten nat)re: 0( a god o( (ire has gotten too ha%%y and is b)rning )% great
tracts o( %lain or (orest d)ring an o$erlong s)mmer" i( a mortal ci$ili3ation is destroying
2ilderness by ex%loiting it or ex%anding into it" %riests o( the god o( nat)re are
commanded <by their tem%le or by their god= to go (orth and do something abo)t it.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" scythe" sickle. Armor
Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also n)nchak). All together" these
constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Tem%les o%erated by these %riests m)st be b)ilt o)tside city 2alls.
S)ch %riests can slee% 2ithin city 2alls <es%ecially 2hen tra$elling" 2hen the city is
)nder siege" etc.=" b)t his %ermanent residence m)st be o)tside the city limits. To ha$e
%ermanent residence else2here is a minor o((ense" as described in the D+ole:PlayingD
cha%ter )nder DPriests and P)nishment.D
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Animal" Elemental" Plant" Protection.
*inor Access to Di$ination" 7ealing" S)n" Weather.
Po2ers' #nalysis, 0dentification <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=: The %riest has
no s%ecial detection %o2ers" b)t 2hen he sees a %lant or animal he can identi(y its s%ecies
and 2hether or not it is normal (or this area. 7e can only identi(y non:magical animals
and %lantsB those 2ith any magical %o2ers" incl)ding breath 2ea%ons" are beyond his
%o2er. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=. #t 5th level( 0nspire !ear <as %er the
Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 3th level( "hapechanging <as %er the Designing 8aiths
cha%ter=B the D* can decide 2hether the %riest can t)rn into one animal or three" and
2hat s%ecies he may t)rn into. 7e may o%t to let the %layer make that choice.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s t2o third:le$el rangers and (o)r (irst:le$el rangers to act as g)ards. The %riest may
take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o rangers o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' *istletoe.

O(eans) Ri4ers

This god is a god o( large bodies o( 2ater. 7e doesn't concern himsel( m)ch 2ith
mortal doingsB sailors %ray to him (or mercy" and he sho2s them mercy 2hen he (eels
like it" and sho2s them death 2hen he %re(ers. 7e is also a storm:god" the deity o( storms
)%on the sea" and sailors (ear him.
7is %riests %ray to him (or good 2inds and good har$ests o( the sea" and make
sacri(ices to him to kee% him ha%%y and calm. They also )se their %o2ers to sa$e the
creat)res o( the sea" es%ecially creat)res s)ch as mermen and dol%hins" (rom needless
death at the hands o( o$er3ealo)s (ishermen. They are also great ex%lorers o( the sea" and
2hen a %riest o( the ocean:god decides to hide (rom other men" only another %riest o( the
same order or an ex%erienced mage can (ind him in his )nder2ater ha$en.
#esser gods 2ill be gods o( indi$id)al ri$ers" lakes" and seas. 0n some lands" each o(
the continent's tho)sands o( ri$ers 2ill be the domain o( a lesser god or goddess.
Sea:gods are j)st as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Animals <a9)atic animals
only= and Sky?Weather.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
S2imming. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 8ishing" +o%e 1se" Seamanshi%"
Weather Sense" 5a$igation" +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Belaying %in" bill" har%oon"
ja$elin" net" sco)rge" s%ear" s2ord?c)tlass" trident. Armor Permitted: 5oneB all shields
%ermitted. All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Animal" Di$ination" Elemental" Weather.
*inor Access to harm" ombat" Plant" Protection. S%ecial 5otes: Within his Animal
s%here" the %riest can only cast s%ells dealing 2ith sea animalsB he can only make (riends
2ith" become in$isible to" charm" s%eak 2ith" hold" or s)mmon sea:li(e" and cannot )se
the insect:related s%ells at all. Within his Elemental s%here" the %riest can only )se s%ells
2ith the 2ord D2aterD in the nameB he can also )se the earthquake and transmute rock to
mud s%ellsB additionally" he can take a s%ell identical to the Ith:le$el con'ure fire
elemental s%ell 2hich conj)res 2ater elementals instead.
Po2ers: The %riest can cast the ater breathing s%ell on himsel( only" once %er day" in
addition to all other s%ellsB at eighth le$el" the d)ration o( the s%ell 2hen cast on himsel(
becomes AH ho)rs" and he is then able to cast an extra ater breathing on others <as %er
the normal r)les (or the s%ell= in addition to all other s%ellsB the ater breathing s%ell he
casts on himsel( may not be dis%elled " and at Oth le$el a)tomatically rene2s itsel( at the
end o( the AH:ho)r %eriod i( the %riest is still )nder2ater and aslee%" )nconscio)s" etc.
Determine appro$imate depth underater on -:H on -dI <similar to the D2ar( ability
concerning de%th )ndergro)nd=. 0nfravision <same as the el( ability" b)t only 2orks
)nder2aterB an el$en or hal(:el$en %riest o( this (aith has 0n(ra$ision o( do)bled range" to
-A/'" only )nder2ater=. #t 5th level( -anguage4Communication <as %er the Designing
8aiths cha%ter=B (rom Lth to Oth le$els" the %riest recei$es one extra lang)age or
comm)nication <or non2ea%on %ro (iciency slot )sable only (or lang)ages= 2hich can
only be taken (or a9)atic beings <a9)atic el$es" %or%oises" mermen" etc.=. #t 3th level(
"hapechanging <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B the D* may choose (or this to be
one animal or three" and 2hich animals it is <or can gi$e those choices to the %layer=" b)t
they m)st be marine animals.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests (rom the same
order" %l)s (i$e mermen and mermaids <total=. <The D* may s)bstit)te any other
intelligent a9)atic race" as a%%ro%riate" any2here (rom L to -/ total 7D o( them: a9)atic
el$es" 2ater:nym%hs" etc.= The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests
o( his choice. !n 2aterborne ad$ent)res" he can take three o( the mermen and mermaids
<or )% to I 7D o( the s)bstit)ted a9)atic races=. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the
cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Dol%hin" 8ish" !cto%)s" Trident" Shi%" Wa$e.
Notes' The 2ea%ons )sable by this %riesthood are the 2ea%ons o( sailors and sea:gods.

Ora(les) Pro!$e(y

This is a god 2ho deli$ers broad statements abo)t the ()t)re to his (ollo2ers. 7e's
distinct (rom the god o( 8ate?Destiny in that he doesn't %reach a doctrine o( acce%tanceB
he j)st %asses on the $isions he has o( the ()t)re" and lets his (ollo2ers and those 2ho beg
his $isions act on them accordingly.
Priests o( this god act as intermediaries bet2een the orac)lar god and $isitors 2ho
come to recei$e his %ro%hecies. See the %aragra%h belo2 on 8ollo2ers and Strongholds
(or more on this.
The orac)lar god is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Darkness?5ight" Da2n"
8ate?Destiny" #ight" *agic" *oon" S)n" and Wisdom.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom ." harisma --. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Astrology. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Ancient 7istory" Ancient
#ang)ages" #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage" !men:+eading. *issions: 7a$ing %assed
on a %ro%hecy" the %riest may choose to accom%any those 2ho recei$ed the %ro%hecy.
The %riest may j)st 2ant to see ho2 reality matches the $ision he recei$edB ho2e$er" i(
the %ro%hecy incl)ded o%tions" $isions o( di((erent 2ays the sit)ation co)ld resol$e itsel("
the %riest may be tagging along to hel% the %re(erred o)tcome take %lace.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: hoose t2o (rom the
(ollo2ing list <D* chooses based on other attrib)tes or characteristics o( the orac)lar
god=: Bo2s <all=" crossbo2" dagger?dirk" dart" hand?thro2ing axe" har%oon" ja$elin" kni(e"
lasso" net" sling" s%ear" sta(( sling" stiletto" 2hi%. Armor Permitted: 5oneB no shields.
!riental am%aigns: Also incl)ded among choices are daiky)" sh)riken. All together"
these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" Elemental" 7ealing"
S)mmoning. *inor Access to harm" reation" 5ecromantic" S)n.
Po2ers: -anguage4Communication <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B (rom -st
le$el to Oth" the %riest recei$es one extra lang)age %er le$el <or one extra non2ea%on
%ro(iciency slot 2hich may only be )sed (or taking lang)ages=B these lang)ages may only
be those o( sentient h)manoids. Prophecy <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s (i$e second:le$el (ighters 2ho act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: Three %riests <not incl)ding the (i(th:le$el %riest" and may only incl)de one
third:le$el %riest= and t2o (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the
cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el. Part o( the stronghold m)st be an orac)lar
chamber or area 2here $isitors may meet 2ith the %riests and recei$e oraclesB the tem%le
may charge a (ee o( money or goods (or this ser$ice" so the stronghold m)st also ha$e
large" commodio)s storerooms (or these goods.
Possible Sy"bols' Bo2" Bra3ier.


This god is de$oted to the ca)se o( %eace. 7e %re(ers (or all con(licts to be settled non:
7is %riests" in t)rn" 2ork to kee% things %eace()l. They intercede bet2een nations
2hich are on the brink o( 2ar. They s)ggest com%romises and non$iolent 2ays o( settling
im%ortant iss)es. They do their best to kee% things calm and ci$il.
+emember" tho)gh" 2hen role:%laying s)ch %riests" that they don't ha$e to be %layed as
st)%id. 5or do they ha$e to %res)me that e$ery (ight can be a$oidedB 2hen it's ob$io)s
that a sit)ation 2ill descend into $iolence regardless o( their best e((orts" they don't ha$e
to contin)ally badger other %layers into not (ighting. They do ha$e to try to %reser$e
%eace 2hen it can be %reser$ed" and to %re$ent )nnecessary $iolence 2hen %ossible. A
%layer 2ho takes a %eace:%riest character 2o)ld do 2ell to become %arty s%okesmanB this
2ill allo2 him to do all the %arty's negotiations and th)s head o(( combat sit)ations on a
more (re9)ent $oice.
A god o( %eace is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity" om%etition"
&ood" 7ealing" #o$e" *essengers" Pros%erity" +ace <7al(ling=" and +)lershi%?Kingshi%.
The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o( >)stice?+e$enge and War.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is la2()l good. The %riests may only be la2()l good. The (lock
may not be chaotic or e$il" b)t may be o( any alignment not incl)ding those elements.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" harisma -A. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
5on2ea%on and Wea%on Pro(iciencies: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Eti9)ette.
5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: *odern #ang)ages" Singing" #ocal 7istory"
*)sical 0nstr)ment" +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: The %riest o(ten accom%anies
%arties o( 2ar or gro)%s o( ad$ent)rers to try to bring abo)t %eace()l sol)tions to as many
sit)ations as %ossible. <5ote to the D*: Mo) don't 2ant this %riest as a %layer:character in
yo)r cam%aign )nless most o( the other %layers" too" %re(er %eace()l resol)tions to
$ario)s sit)ations. 0( they %re(er (ighting things o)t" they'll resent the %riest o( %eace and
it 2ill res)lt in major annoyances in yo)r cam%aign.= 4igilance against (orces or
indi$id)als 2ho seem to stir )% tro)ble contin)ally and needlessly.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: #asso" net. Armor Permitted:
All non:magical armor and shields. All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect recei$e six:sided dice (or hit %oints" not eight:
sided. Whene$er they a%%ear in %)blic they m)st 2ear clothing or badges 2hich dis%lay
their stat)s as %riests o( the god o( %eace.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" reation" Di$ination" Protection.
*inor Access to Animal" &)ardian" 7ealing" 5ecromantic.
Po2ers' Charm4!ascination <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-anguage4Communication <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B (rom -st le$el to Hth"
the %riest recei$es one extra lang)age %er le$el <or one extra non2ea%on %ro(iciency slot
2hich may only be )sed (or lang)ages=B the lang)age chosen m)st be that o( a sentient
h)manoid race. "oothing 2ord <Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 5th level( -aying ;n of
Hands <same as the Paladin ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and sixteen (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
order. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Do$e" !li$e Branch.


This is a god o( riches and 2ealth. 7e may be a god o( rich treas)res (rom )nder the
gro)nd" or o( riches o( herds" or o( any sort o( %ros%erity.
The god's %riests s%end a lot o( time dabbling in trade and teaching the children o(
noble (amilies ho2 to manage their money 2isely" to b)ild b)sinesses (rom the gro)nd
)%" to im%ro$e their comm)nities thro)gh the care()l" st)died a%%lication o( money. They
are not %riests o( greed and a$arice" tho)gh the occasional %riest 2ill end )% being a
greedy man.
The god o( %ros%erity is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity" Peace" +ace
<7al(ling=" and Trade.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom --. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
A%%raising. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: *ining" *odern #ang)ages"
+eading?Writing" +eligion" &aming" &em )tting. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" +og)e.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. <5ote: The %riests o( this sect do not
enco)rage members o( their (lock to marry (or lo$e i( it means alienating the (amilies and
li$ing in %o$erty.=
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bill" har%oon" ja$elin" lasso"
mancatcher" net" %icks <all=" s%ear" trident. Armor Permitted: All non:magical armor and
non:magical shields. !riental am%aigns: Also chain. All together" these constit)te
*edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Animal" reation" Plant" S)mmoning.
*inor Access to &)ardian" 7ealing" 5ecromantic" Protection.
Po2ers' Detection <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= o( treas)re and objects o(
$al)eB the %riest can detect treas)re 2hen he is 2ithin -/' o( it" e$en 2hen it is concealed
<L' i( it is behind a thin 2all" or A' i( it is behind a hea$y 2all or b)ried=B ho2e$er" he
cannot di$ine its direction thro)gh this %o2er" and m)st mo$e aro)nd to get a (ix on the
treas)re. The %o2er does not tell him 2hat sort o( treas)re it is" and e$en i( it's o( a ty%e
he does not desire <s)ch as a small bag o( coins= it 2ill alert him to the treas)re's
%resence. The %o2er is next to )seless 2hen the character is among allies <their coin:
%o)ches 2ill set it o((=" so he m)st 2alk alone to be able to )se it. Determine
appro$imate depth underground on -:G on -dI <same as D2ar( abilityB d2ar(:%riests and
gnome:%riests o( this (aith s)cceed on a -:L on -dI=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" t2o third:le$el %riests" and (o)r (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s one (i(th:le$el (ighter <bodyg)ard=" one (i(th:le$el bard <the %riest's %ersonal bard="
and ten 5ormal *en and Women <good:looking" high:charisma men and 2omen 2ith no
%ercei$able skills or so)rce o( income 2ho are attracted to the %riests o( (ort)ne and
l)ck=. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests" the (ighter" the bard"
and all the 5ormal *en and Women. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o(
stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' B)ll" hest.
Notes' The 2ea%ons chosen (or this %riesthood 2ere chosen based on association 2ith
the earth" as the so)rce o( %recio)s metals" and those 2hich can grab" ca%t)re" har$est the
bo)nty o( the seas" etc.


This god is the mentor o( a s%eci(ic sentient race <d2ar(" el(" gnome" hal(ling" and
h)man" and e$en hal(:el( i( there eno)gh hal(:el$es that they are recogni3ed as being an
act)al s%ecies=. 1s)ally" the god is the one 2ho" in the legends" created the race in
9)estion :: or at least n)rt)red and ed)cated the race in di((ic)lt years.
5at)rally" there is a se%arate race:god (or each race.
The gods' %riesthoods are dedicated to sta$ing o(( threats against the race" %ers)ading
members o( the race to achie$e their maxim)m %otential and destiny" and to %re$enting
members o( the race (rom betraying the race <or" (or that matter" the 2orld" or all li(e on
the 2orld=.
A race:god is as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Ancestors" Birth?hildren"
omm)nity" )lt)re" &ood" and *arriage. Also: <D2ar$es= ra(ts" 8ire" #ightning"
*etal2ork" Th)nder. <El$es= Animals" ra(ts" 5at)re" +ace?7al(:El$en. <&nomes=
*ischie(?Trickery. <7al(:El$es= +ace?El$en" +ace?7)man. <7al(lings= *ischie(?Trickery"
Peace" Pros%erity. <7)mans= Di$inity o( *ankind" +ace?7al(:El$en.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' !nly d2ar$es can be %riests o( the god o( the d2ar$en race" only
el$es can be %riests o( the god o( the el$en race" etc. The only exce%tion to this %attern is
the hal(:el(. A hal(:el( can be a %riest o( the god o( the el$en race" o( the god o( the h)man
race" or o( the god o( the hal(:el$en race <ass)ming that the D* e$en has a god o( the
hal(:el$en race=. 0( a hal(:el( is the %riest o( the god o( the el$en race" he (ollo2s all the
g)idelines <in this %riest descri%tion= (or those %riests instead o( hal(:el$en %riestsB i( he is
the %riest o( the god o( the h)man race" he (ollo2s all the g)idelines (or those %riests
instead o( hal(:el$en %riests.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Ancient
7istory. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing"
+eligion" <D2ar$es= Blacksmithing" Armorer" *o)ntaineering" Wea%onsmithing" <El$es=
Animal 7andling" Animal #ore" Bo2yer?8letcher" Dancing" +)nning" Tracking"
<7)mans= +iding #and:Based" 5a$igation" 7eraldry. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. 4igilance against enemies o( the race and
their %lots.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' 5at)rally" Wea%on and Armor +estrictions $ary
(rom race to race. Broken do2n by race" they incl)de:
Darves( Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe" cl)b" crossbo2" (lails <both=" hand?thro2ing
axe" mace" ma)l" morning star" %icks <all=" 2arhammer. Armor Permitted: All armor and
all shields. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
*lves( Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dagger?dirk" ja$elin" kni(e" lance" 9)artersta(("
s%ear" s2ord?short" s2ord?long. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armorB any metal armor
made by elven craftsmenB all shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick" daiky). All
together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Gnomes( Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=?short" crossbo2?light" hand?thro2ing axe"
ja$elin" sling. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. All together" these constit)te &ood
combat abilities.
Half%*lves( Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dagger?dirk" kni(e" lance" lasso" s2ords
<all=. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. All together" these constit)te &ood combat
Halflings( Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" dagger?dirk" dart" hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin"
kni(e" sling" sta(( sling. Armor Permitted: All armorB no shields. All together" these
constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Humans( Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dagger?dirk" kni(e" lance" s%ear" s2ord?long.
Armor Permitted: All non:magical armor and shields. All together" these constit)te &ood
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Whene$er they a%%ear in %)blic" these %riests m)st 2ear clothing
or badges 2hich indicate their stat)s as %riests o( the race. 0m%ortant 5ote: There is no
limitation on 2hom these racial %riests can heal. A d2ar(:race %riest can heal anyone he
chooses :: h)mans" hal(:el$es" gnomes" hal(lings" e$en el$es. !( co)rse" racial %rej)dice
might %rom%t the %riest to deny healing to those o( another race... b)t that's his indi$id)al
choice" not a re9)irement o( his (aith.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e'
Darves( *ajor Access to All" ombat" Protection. *inor Access to Di$ination"
*lves( *ajor Access to All" Plant" S)mmoning. *inor Access to 7ealing" S)n. The
D* may" at his sole discretion" s)bstit)te *ajor Access to Animal s%here (or the *ajor
Access to S)mmoning s%hereB alternati$ely" he may gi$e the %layer the o%tion o(
choosing Animal or S)mmoning.
Gnomes( *ajor Access to All" Plant" Protection. *inor Access to Di$ination" 7ealing.
Half%*lves( *ajor Access to All" 7ealing" and %layer's choice o( one (rom the
(ollo2ing list: Animal" Plant" Protection" or S)mmoning. *inor Access to Di$ination"
Halflings( *ajor Access to All" reation" Di$ination" &)ardian" Pro tection. *inor
Access to harm" 7ealing" 5ecromantic" S)n.
Humans( *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" 7ealing. *inor Access to 5ecromantic"
Po2ers' 0ncite 6erserker 7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. 0nspire !ear <as
%er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. "oothing 2ord <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
#t 5th level( -aying ;n of Hands <same as the Paladin ability=. #t 3th level( Turn 8ndead
<same as the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el. The %riesthood
2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
8or Darf %riests" the (ollo2ers consist o(: !ne (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el %riest"
and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same orderB t2o (i(th:le$el d2ar(:(ighters 2ho act as
bodyg)ardsB and t2enty (irst:le$el d2ar(:(ighters" each 2ith a 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency
a%%ro%riate to the tem%le <blacksmithing and mining es%ecially=. The %riest may take the
(ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters o( his choice" and his
(i(th:le$el bodyg)ards.
8or *lf %riests" the (ollo2ers consist o(: !ne (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el %riest"
and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same orderB t2o (i(th:le$el el(:(ighters 2ho act as
bodyg)ardsB and ten (irst:le$el el(:(ighters" each 2ith a 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency
a%%ro%riate to the tem%le <animal lore" bo2yer?(letcher" h)nting" set snares" and tracking
es%ecially=. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (irst:
le$el (ighters o( his choice" and his (i(th:le$el bodyg)ards.
8or Gnome %riests" the (ollo2ers consist o(: !ne (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el
%riest" and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same orderB t2o (i(th:le$el gnome:(ighters 2ho
act as bodyg)ardsB and ten (irst:le$el gnome:(ighters" each 2ith a 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency a%%ro%riate to the tem%le <mining" set snares" and tracking es%ecially=. The
%riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters o(
his choice" and his (i(th:le$el bodyg)ards.
8or Half%*lf %riests" the (ollo2ers consist o(: !ne (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el
%riest" and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same orderB t2o (i(th:le$el hal(:el(:(ighters 2ho
act as bodyg)ardsB and ten (irst:le$el hal(:el(:(ighters" each 2ith a 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency a%%ro%riate to the tem%le <reading?2riting es%ecially=. The %riest may take
the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters o( his choice" and his
(i(th:le$el bodyg)ards.
8or Halfling %riests" the (ollo2ers consist o(: !ne (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el
%riest" and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same orderB t2o (i(th:le$el hal(ling:(ighters 2ho
act as bodyg)ardsB and ten (irst:le$el hal(ling:(ighters" each 2ith a 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency a%%ro%riate to the tem%le <agric)lt)re and reading?2riting es%ecially=. The
%riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters o(
his choice" and his (i(th:le$el bodyg)ards.
8or Human %riests" the (ollo2ers consist o(: !ne (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el
%riest" and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same orderB t2o (i(th:le$el h)man (ighters 2ho
act as bodyg)ardsB and ten (irst:le$el h)man (ighters" each 2ith a 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency a%%ro%riate to the tem%le <ancient history" local history" and reading?2riting
es%ecially=. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (irst:
le$el (ighters o( his choice" and his (i(th:le$el bodyg)ards.
Possible Sy"bols' <D2ar(= Axe" Warhammer" An$ilB <El(= Tree" Bo2B <&nome=
Thro2ing AxeB <7al(:El(= rossed Bo2 6 S2ordB <7al(ling= #o2 7ill With Windo2sB
<7)man= rossed S2ord 6 Shield or S%ear 6 Shield.
Notes' The D* can create many more racial %riesthoods based on the abo$e exam%les"
to re(lect $ariations 2ithin races. 7e co)ld ha$e a racial %riesthood (or the A9)atic El("
similar to that o( the El( b)t )sing the 2ea%ons 2hich the %riests o( oceans and ri$ers can
)se. 7e co)ld ha$e another (or the desert:d2elling h)man 2here sabres" horse:back
riding" desert s)r$i$al and no armor are the order o( the day.
The D* sho)ld be care()l 2hen letting race:oriented %riests in his cam%aign. 0t's not
di((ic)lt (or ne2 or inex%erienced %layers to misinter%ret this class as a %riesthood o(
%rej)dice" 2hich is not the intent at all. These %riests are s)%%osed to s)%%ort and
celebrate the $irt)es o( their o2n race" b)t not to be nasty to other races" contrib)te to
stereoty%es abo)t them" exalt in jokes abo)t them" etc. There may be %riests like that in
any order" b)t they sho)ld be 5Ps 2ho are not liked or a%%reciated by their (ello2s.


This god takes the stand that all o%%onents to a s%eci(ic ca)se are e$il and m)st be
con$erted" redeemed... or destroyed. There co)ld be more than one god o( redem%tion"
one (or each di((erent ca)se s)((iciently im%ortant to 2arrant one. 0n this res%ect" they are
m)ch like the gods o( )lt)re <and their %riests m)ch like %riests o( the gods o( )lt)re="
b)t are %rimarily soldiers (or their ca)se.
The god o( redem%tion is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( &ood. The %riests o( this
god dislike the %riests o( E$il.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is ne)tral good. The %riests may be any sort o( good alignment.
The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies: 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: These %riests are o(ten dis%atched
on missions to %ers)ade sinners and e$ildoers to re%ent their misdeeds. There(ore" on
ad$ent)res" these %riests %re(er to ca%t)re the chie( e$il:doers ali$e and gi$e them the
o%%ort)nity to recant and make re%arations. When the e$ildoers are )n2illing to do so"
the %riests are %er(ectly 2illing to let normal or e$en $igilante j)stice take its co)rse.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: #asso" mancatcher" na)l" net"
%olearms" sco)rge" 2hi%. Armor Permitted: All armorB no shields. All together" these
constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect m)st al2ays 2ear clothes or badges indicating
their %riesthood 2hen a%%earing in %)blic.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" ombat. *inor Access to
Di$ination" 7ealing.
Po2ers' 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 5th level( Turn 8ndead
<same as the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
three Grd:le$el %riests and six -st:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s (i$e Grd:le$el
(ighters 2ho act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests
<only one o( 2hich may be third:le$el= and t2o (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill
%ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Silho)ette o( kneeling s)%%licant.

Rlers$i!) .in,s$i!

This god is a god o( a)thentication: 7e besto2s his blessings on the kings o( $ario)s
cities or co)ntries so that all 2ill kno2 the god s)%%orts that king and his (amily. 1s)ally"
the god %ro$ides the king 2ith some arti(act indicating his a%%ro$al... and magically takes
back the arti(act 2hen he 2ithdra2s his a%%ro$al. <The arti(act is )s)ally a cro2n or a
sce%treB these are t2o near:)ni$ersal symbols o( kingshi%.=
The god's %riests are ad$isors to kings. They analy3e %olitics and make
recommendations. They intensi$ely research the genealogy and history o( the king's
(amilies" the better to a)thenticate his hold on the throne. At their god's behest" they may
%artici%ate in the o$erthro2 o( a king. *any o( these %riests do tra$el" in order to ac9)ire
more in(ormation abo)t the king or to head o(( %lots against him.
0n a male:dominated society" this deity 2ill be male. 0n a (emale:dominated society"
this deity 2ill be (emale. 0n a more e9)al society" the god may be o( either sex.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity" )lt)re"
*essengers" Peace" and War.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" harisma --. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
Eti9)ette. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 7eraldry" Ancient 7istory" Ancient
#ang)ages" #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: When a r)ler sees o%%ort)nities
to strengthen his throne or eliminate %roblems that might endanger his throne" he o(ten
asks (or %riests o( this sect to accom%any the ad$ent)rers he dis%atchesB the local tem%les
)s)ally coo%erate and %ro$ide ad$ent)rer %riests to accom%any those %arties. 4igilance:
These %riests are re9)ired to stay alert against (orces 2hich threaten the local thrones.
This incl)des (oreign intrig)e and e$en internal %roblemsB i( a local king has become
corr)%t and tyrannical" and the local %o%)lation is edging to2ard rebellion" these %riests
may %)t %ress)re on the king to sha%e )%... or may e$en o%%ose or de%ose him" so that the
throne 2ill remain strong )nder a ne2" better r)ler.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: !ne ty%e o( bl)dgeoning
2ea%on <the D* chooses one (rom the (ollo2ing list" choosing the %re(erred bl)dgeoning
2ea%on o( the c)lt)re: l)b" (lails <both=" mace" morning star" 2arhammer=" and one ty%e
o( s2ord <D* chooses one ty%e (rom (ollo2ing list" choosing the %re(erred s2ord o( the
c)lt)re: Bastard" c)tlass" kho%esh" long" ra%ier" sabre" short" or t2o:handed=. Armor
Permitted: All metal armor" all shields. !riental am%aigns: Also katana and 2aki3ashi
added to the list o( s2ord choices. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Elemental. *inor Access to
7ealing" Protection.
Po2ers' "oothing 2ord <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. 0ncite 6erserker 7age
<as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 3th level( 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing
8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" one third:le$el %riest" and t2o (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s three third:le$el (ighters and six (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ardsB each (ighter
m)st ha$e one o( the (ollo2ing 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies: eti9)ette or heraldry. The
%riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and three (ighters <only one o(
2hom may be third:le$el= o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o(
stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' ro2n" Sce%tre.

This god celebrates the changing seasons" and so is related to the gods o( agric)lt)re
and time. 7is %riests maintain the calendar and are o(ten (ind astronomers.
#esser gods o( this attrib)te 2o)ld be gods o( indi$id)al seasons: the god o( s%ring" the
god o( s)mmer" the god o( 2inter" and <2here a%%licable= the god o( a)t)mn <not all
regions recogni3e an a)t)mn season=.
The gods o( seasons are )s)ally (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Agric)lt)re"
Earth" Elemental 8orces" 8ertility" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" 5at)re" Sky?Weather" Time"
and 4egetation.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Weather
Sense. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Astrology" Agric)lt)re" 5a$igation"
+eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" 9)artersta((" ma)l"
%olearms" scythe" sickle. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armorB no shields. !riental
am%aigns: Also bo stick" n)nchak). All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" reation" Elemental" Protection" Weather.
*inor Access to Animal" Di$ination" 7ealing" Plant.
Po2ers' 0mmunity <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter" a)tomatically s)ccess()l
sa$ing thro2s= $s. all %riest s%ells o( the elemental s%here" and all 2i3ard s%ells 2ith
coldness and heat <not (ireN= as one o( their com%onents or e((ects.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and ele$en (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s ten (irst:le$el
(ighters 2ho act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests
<only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el= and (o)r (ighters. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal(
o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols: <S%ring= Sa%ling" <S)mmer= Shea( o( Wheat" <A)t)mn= #ea("
<Winter= #ea(less Tree" <Entire Mear= All o( the Abo$e.


These gods are m)ch like gods o( comm)nities" b)t the sites they re%resent don't ha$e
to be occ)%ied. A site:god co)ld be the deity o( a mo)ntain" a ca$e" a %lain" or a $alley.
These are )s)ally minor gods" one god to a site. &enerally" the sites are (amo)s because
they are the d2ellings o( godsB ho2e$er" the gods seldom let themsel$es be seen.
Priests o( these gods are %rotectors o( the sites" and all li$ing things 2hich d2ell there.
Beca)se o( this" the %riests seldom lea$e those sites" and so this is not )s)ally a good
choice (or a %layer:character. !nly 2hen the site is threatened by distant %o2ers is the
%riest allo2ed to lea$e the site (or ad$ent)res.
Site gods are as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Ancestors and omm)nity.
Ali,n"ent' A deity 2ho is the %atron o( a single site 2ill %robably be tr)e ne)tralB his
interest is in the s)r$i$al and $eneration o( the site" 2ith little interest in the doings o(
men. Their %riests may be o( any ne)tral alignment" b)t ne)tral e$il %riests gather in one
c)lt" 2hile tr)e ne)tral and ne)tral good %riests gather in a secondB they 2on't be (riendly
to one another. The (lock may be o( any alignment. The D* can decide that a %artic)lar
site deity is ne)tral good" in 2hich case there 2ill be no e$il %riests or (lockB or that he is
ne)tral e$il" in 2hich case there 2ill be no good %riests or (lock.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" Strength -/. Wisdom or Strength -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: #ocal
7istory. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eligion" +eading?Writing. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
Dties o& t$e Priest' *arriage. *issions: 0( the site is threatened" the %riest 2ill be
dis%atched to hel% straighten o)t the sit)ation.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: !ne lesser 2ea%on (rom the
(ollo2ing list <l)b" dagger?dirk" hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin" light crossbo2" mace" short
bo2" 2arhammer= and one greater 2ea%on (rom the (ollo2ing list <Battle axe" hea$y
crossbo2" long bo2" morning star" %olearm" 9)artersta((" s%ear" s2ord?long=. <The D*
makes this choice based on the history and attrib)tes o( the holy siteB o(ten" the choices
2ill be %aired" s)ch as dagger and long s2ord or thro2ing axe and battle axe.= Armor
Permitted: All non:magical armor and shields. All together" these constit)te &ood combat
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" 7ealing" Protection. *inor Access to
Animal" Plant.
Po2ers' 0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B this %o2er is granted by
the god to hel% the %riest kee% the site clear o( those 2ho 2o)ld harm or des%oil it.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one (i(th:le$el
(ighter" t2o third:le$el (ighters and (o)r (irst:le$el (ighters 2ho act as g)ards (or the site
and the chie( %riest. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only
t2o o( 2hom can be third:le$el= and one (ighter o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or
hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' A silho)ette re%resenting the siteB i( it's a mo)ntain" it 2o)ld be the
silho)ette o( the mo)ntain" (or instance.

Sky) *eat$er

This is a god o( the atmos%here in all its mani(estations" (rom the most clear and still to
the most stormy and t)m)lt)o)s. 0t is this god that determines ho2 m)ch rain 2ill reach
the soilB it is this god that occasionally goes a little cra3y and storms )ntil all the li$ing
things in the area are terri(ied. 7e is a 2ild and %o2er()l god" and a $ery necessary one.
7is %riests %rimarily 2ork to ens)re that he recei$es the 2orshi% that he is d)e. Beyond
that" they may do m)ch as they %lease" ser$ing indi$id)al comm)nities or ad$ent)ring as
they choose.
#esser gods o( the sky attrib)te sim%ly embody one as%ect o( the sky or 2eather. The
gods o( #ightning" Th)nder" and Wind described in this section can be considered lesser
sky: and 2eather:gods.
The sky:god is almost al2ays male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Agric)lt)re"
Earth" Elemental 8orces" 8ertility" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" #ightning" 5at)re"
!ceans?+i$ers" Seasons" Th)nder" 4egetation" and Wind.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" onstit)tion -A. Wisdom or onstit)tion -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and onstit)tion -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Weather
Sense. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eligion" +eading?Writing. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe" bo2s <all=" cl)b"
hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin" s%ear" 2arhammer. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armor" all
shields. All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Astral" Elemental <the %riest can only )se
s%ells 2ith the 2ords Water" Air" and Wind in their names" and the s%ell chariot of
"ustarre =" Protection" Weather. *inor Access to ombat" Di$ination" Plant" S)n.
Po2ers' 0ns%ire 8ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and sixteen (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
order. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Any three %riests o( his choice.
The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Dome" lo)d" +ainclo)d.


This god celebrates %hysical strength" and nothing b)t strength.
7is %riests %romote %hysical (itness" contests o( strength <s)ch as 2eight:thro2s and
2restling" in association 2ith %riests o( the god o( com%etition= and 2ar.
The strength:god is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( om%etition" Di$inity o(
*ankind" &)ardianshi%" #ightning" *etal2ork" Th)nder" and War. The %riests o( this god
dislike the %riests o( Death" Disease" and *ischie(?Trickery.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment. don't like %riests o( the god o( disease" 2hich is
a god o( 2eakness.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom ." Strength -L. Wisdom or Strength -I means JLK
ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" hal(:el$es" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
End)rance. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion"
harioteering. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: The %riest is not re9)ired to" b)t
is almost al2ays allo2ed to go on ad$ent)res 2here he 2ill be able to dis%lay his
%ersonal strength and demonstrate the attrib)tes o( his god.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe" cest)s" cl)b" mace"
ma)l" morning star" %icks <all=" %olearm" s2ord?t2o:handed" 2arhammer. Armor
Permitted: All armor and shields. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" ombat" 7ealing. *inor Access to
Elemental" 5ecromantic.
Po2ers' 0mmunity <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B the %riest is imm)ne to
)ndead li(e:draining and %aralysis" and to the s%ells chill touch, energy drain, enervation,
ray of enfeeblement, and vampiric touch. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=. #t
5th level( 0ncite 6erserker 7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 3th level(
0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one (i(th:le$el
(ighter" t2o third:le$el (ighters" and (o)r (irst:le$el (ighters" all 2ith a Strength score o(
-I. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one o( 2hom
may be third:le$el= and (o)r (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the
cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' 7)man Silho)ette 7olding 1% *o)ntain or Tem%le.


This god is a god o( magic" healing" ins%iration" and li(e" sometimes o( madness and
heatstroke. 7e is an enemy o( dark creat)res" es%ecially the )ndead.
The %riesthood o( this god exists to %romote all those traits among the (lock" and to
celebrate the daily blessing that the s)n:god shines do2n )%on the 2orld.
The s)n:god is )s)ally male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Arts" ra(ts"
Darkness?5ight" Da2n" Elemental 8orces" 8ire" 7ealing" 7)nting" #ight"
#iterat)re?Poetry" *agic" *etal2ork" *oon" *)sic?Dance" and !racles?Pro%hecy.
Alignment: The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t tends to be ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" 0ntelligence -A. Wisdom or 0ntelligence -I
means JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and 0ntelligence -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
7ealing. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: 7erbalism" 5a$igation"
+eading?Writing" +eligion" S%ellcra(t. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Wi3ard.
Dties o& t$e Priest: &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: Priests o( this sect %romote the
st)dy o( magic. 4igilance: The s)n:god is a god o( obser$ation" o( keen eyesight" o(
$igilance in general. There(ore" all his %riests are commanded to kee% their eyes o%en and
learn as m)ch as %ossible abo)t 2hat is going aro)nd them at all times. What they do
2ith that kno2ledge" o)tside the context o( hel%ing their tem%le and %reser$ing the
2orshi% o( the god" is )% to them.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" crossbo2"
dagger?dirk" dart" ja$elin" kni(e" s%ear. Armor Permitted: All metal armor and all shields.
!riental am%aigns: Also daiky)" sh)riken. All together" these constit)te *edi)m
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations: 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" 7ealing" 5ecromantic" S)n.
*inor Access to harm" Elemental <the %riest can only )se s%ells 2ith the 2ords (ire"
(lame" heat" and %yrotechnics in the names=" Plant" Protection.
Po2ers' Detect "ecret Doors <same as El( ability: S)ccess on roll o( - on -dI 2hen
%assing 2ithin -/'" -:A on -dI to (ind secret doors and -:G on -dI to (ind concealed
%ortals 2hen acti$ely searchingB el$en %riests o( this order ha$e s)ccess on a roll o( -:A
2hen %assing 2ithin -/'" -:G to (ind secret doors and -:H to (ind concealed %ortals 2hen
acti$ely searching=. 0nfravision <same as the el( abilityB an el$en or hal(:el$en %riest o(
this (aith has 0n(ra$ision o( do)bled range" to -A/'=. Turn 8ndead <same as the leric
ability=. #t 5th level( -aying ;n of Hands <same as the Paladin ability=. #t 3th level(
Prophecy <Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 9:th level, chariot of "ustarreB the %riest can )se
this s%ell once %er day in addition to his other s%ells.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one third:le$el
(ighter and t2o (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards" one third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:
le$el mages to act as cons)ltants" one third:le$el bard and t2o (irst:le$el bards to act as
%ersonal bards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: Three %riests <only one
o( 2hom may be third:le$el=" %l)s one (ighter" one mage" and one bard o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' S)n <With or Witho)t +ays=B hariot.
Notes' The 2ea%ons %ermitted (or this order are those 2hich strike (rom a(ar" like the
ins%iration <or heatstroke= o( the s)n.

The th)nder:god is $ery similar to the lightning:godB in cam%aigns 2here they both
exist" they 2ill %robably be related" e$en brothers. 7e re%resents the (earsomeness o(
nat)re" nat)ral (orces at their most (rightening" and so is a god o( terror and (ear as 2ell.
#ike the lightning:god" he is also a god o( storms.
Also as 2ith the lightning:god" the th)nder:god is not $ery concerned 2ith the a((airs
o( mortalsB he lets them 2orshi% him and grants %o2er to his %riests" b)t other2ise
doesn't inter(ere m)ch in mortal a((airs. 7is %riests %romote 2orshi% o( his %o2er and
(earsomeness" es%ecially as traits 2hich the (ollo2ers 2ish to )se against their enemies.
The th)nder:god is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Elemental 8orces"
#ightning <es%ecially=" 5at)re" +ace <D2ar$en=" Sky?Weather" and Strength.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -/" Strength -A. Wisdom or Strength -I mean
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I mean J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar4es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Weather
Sense. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on
Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Warhammer. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest"
&eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest: &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" mace" ma)l" morning
star" 2arhammer. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. All together" these constit)te
&ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" ombat" Weather. *inor Access to
Di$ination" Protection.
Po2ers' 0ncite 6erserker 7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 5th level(
0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s three third:le$el
(ighters and six (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: T2o %riests and t2o (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o(
the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' WarhammerB Warhammer Across *o)ntain.

This god is the deity o( the march o( time. 7e re%resents ine$itability :: not destiny
based on the 2ill o( indi$id)al gods" b)t the ine$itability o( change bro)ght on by time.
7is %riests %reach the %hiloso%hy o( %atience to the (lock" and hel% all the members o(
the (lock ada%t themsel$es to their changing bodies" li(estyles" and needs as they go
thro)gh li(e.
The time:god is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Death" Elemental 8orces"
8ate?Destiny" Seasons" and Wisdom.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Ancient
7istory. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Scythe" sickle. Armor
Permitted: All non:magical armorB no shields. All together" these constit)te *edi)m
combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Astral" Di$ination" 7ealing" 5ecromantic.
*inor Access to Plant" Protection" S)n" and Weather.
Po2ers' 0dentification <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= o( the c)rrent time and
dayB regardless o( ho2 long the %riest has been )ndergro)nd" )nconscio)s" or other2ise
)nable to obser$e the %assage o( time" he'll kno2 ro)ghly 2hat time it is <2ithin the ho)r=
and exactly 2hat day o( the year it is. #t .rd level( -aying ;n of Hands <same as the
Paladin ability=. #t 5th level( Turn 8ndead <same as the leric ability=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" (i$e third:le$el %riests" and ten (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order.
The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' 7o)rglass" Scythe.


This god lo$es bargaining" and lo$es characters 2ho bargain 2ell. 7e also %romotes
the exchange o( ideas bet2een c)lt)res thro)gh trade. And these" too" are the traits o( his
%riests" 2ho try to kee% trade ro)tes bet2een nations o%en" (ree (rom excessi$e taxes" and
m)t)ally %ro(itable.
The god o( trade also likes the god o( mischie( and trickery" and he is a s)itable deity
(or the 2orshi% o( thie$es and bards.
The trade:god is male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity" ra(ts"
)lt)re" 8ort)ne?#)ck" *essengers" *ischie(?Trickery" and Pros%erity.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -A" harisma -G. Wisdom or harisma -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and harisma -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" ha(llings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
A%%raising. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Eti9)ette" *odern #ang)ages"
+iding #and:Based" +eading?Writing" +eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bill" dagger?dirk" dart"
hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin" kni(e" main:ga)che" stiletto" s2ord?ra%ier" s2ord?sabre"
s2ord?short. Armor Permitted: All non:metal armorB no shields. !riental am%aigns:
Also sh)riken" 2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te *edi)m combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination" &)ardian" Protection.
*inor Access to ombat" 7ealing" S)n" Weather.
Po2ers' 0mmunity <a)tomatically s)ccess()l sa$ing thro2" as %er the Designing 8aiths
cha%ter= $s. all s%ells 2ith the 2ord charm in the name. -anguage4Communication <as
%er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B (rom -st le$el to Hth" the %riest recei$es one extra
lang)age %er le$el <or one extra non2ea%on %ro(iciency slot 2hich can only be )sed (or
lang)ages=B the lang)ages chosen m)st be those o( sentient h)manoids. "oothing 2ord <as
%er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s three second:
le$el bards and t2o second:le$el thie$es to act as agents <eyes and ears= and one (i(th:
le$el (ighter <to act as g)ard=. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o
%riests" one bard" and one thie( o( his choice" and the (ighter. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or
hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Shi%s" oins.


This is a god o( nat)re 2ho is de$oted s%eci(ically to %lant:li(e. 7e is an admirer o(
$ast (orests and %lains and all sorts o( %lant gro2th" es%ecially that 2hich is 2ild and not
(ettered or trimmed or tamed by mankind.
Priests o( the god try to make s)re that there are al2ays tracts o( 2ilderness in
ab)ndance (or the god to admire. They 2ork hard to kee% ci$ili3ation (rom making
inroads too dee% into 2ilderness. They do this by s%reading tales o( the (orest as a dee%
and dangero)s %lace. They o(ten sneak aro)nd in the 2ilderness )sing their s%ells on
tra$elling city:(olk" or stock the (orest 2ith dangero)s animals" in order to rein(orce this
im%ression. They do not im%ede those 2ho kno2 the (orest <el$es" gnomes" rangers"
h)nters" tra%%ers" 2oodsmen=" b)t 2ill terrori3e innocents and city:so(t tra$ellers.
4egetation:gods are as likely to be male as (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith Dr)ids and the %riests o( Agric)lt)re"
Earth" 8ertility" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" 5at)re" Seasons" and Sky?Weather.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom .. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
7erbalism. 5on:2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Agric)lt)re" +eading?Writing"
+eligion" *o)ntaineering" S)r$i$al" Tracking. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: l)b" 9)artersta((" scythe"
sickle. Armor Permitted: 5o armorB all 2ooden shields <no metal or leather=. !riental
am%aigns: Also n)nchak). All together" these constit)te Poor combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' Priests o( this sect may not 2ear leathers or ()rs in their clothing.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Di$ination" 7ealing" Plant" Protection"
S)mmoning" Weather. *inor Access to Animal" ombat" reation" &)ardian"
5ecromantic" S)n.
Po2ers' #nalysis, 0dentification <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B the %riest can
identi(y %lants o( any sort 2ith %er(ect acc)racy. Defiance of ;bstacle <as %er the
Designing 8aiths cha%ter=B the %riest can %ass thro)gh o$ergro2n areas like the dr)id" b)t
can do so at -st le$el.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and sixteen (irst:le$el %riests o( the same
order. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o %riests o( his choice. The
%riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' Single %lant o( any sort <exce%t domestic grains=.


This god is the deity o( combat and 2ar(are. 7e exists only to %romote and %artici%ate
in bloody battle.
Each nation has %riests o( this god" and in each nation the %riests constit)te a se%arate
c)ltB they do not coo%erate 2ith one another in times o( 2ar" es%ecially 2hen their armies
are o%%osed. They hel% train ne2 2arriors" teach battle(ield tactics" and make records o(
the most $aliant (ights o( any 2ar or battle.
0n %ain()l times o( %eace" these indi$id)al sects may coo%erate 2ith one another.
7o2e$er" they )s)ally only do so to cons%ire and start )% another 2ar.
#esser gods o( 2ar 2ill be gods o( some secondary as%ect. !ne might be the god o(
Berserker +ages" another the god o( Battle(ield Terror" another the god o( on()sion"
another the god o( Tactics" another the god o( a$alry... and so on.
The chie( 2ar:god is male" b)t lesser 2ar:gods are as likely to be (emale as male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( omm)nity" )lt)re"
&)ardianshi%" >)stice?+e$enge" *essengers" *etal2ork" *ischie(?Trickery" and
+)lershi%?Kingshi%. The %riests o( this god dislike the %riests o( Peace.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be ne)tral e$il" tr)e ne)tral" or
ne)tral goodB e$il %riests ha$e their o2n sect and the other %riests don't ha$e to tolerate
them. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom ." Strength -G. Wisdom or Strength -I means JLK
ex%erienceB Wisdom and Strength -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Blind:
(ighting. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: Animal Training" 7eraldry" +iding
#and:Based" 7ealing" +eading?Writing" +eligion" Armorer" Bo2yer?8letcher"
harioteering" 7)nting" +)nning" Tracking. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5o s%eci(ic
2ea%on re9)ired" b)t %riest m)st choose one 2ea%on (rom the list o( 2ea%ons a$ailable
<belo2= and speciali+e in that eapon according to normal eapon speciali+ation rules&
7e is the only %riest 2ho can take any 2ea%on s%eciali3ation. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency
&ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral" Warrior.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. *issions: The %riests 2ant to and are
re9)ired to accom%any armies on the march o( 2ar. At e$ery 2ar" %riests o( this sect 2ill
be in attendance on the o((icers and r)lers o( both sides. 4igilance: The %riests o( this sect
m)st kee% their eyes o%en against com%lacency and the tide o( %hiloso%hies o(
%eace()lnessB i( a land is too %eace()l (or too long" they m)st shake things )% and get a
2ar" e$en a small one" going.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Battle axe" bo2s <all="
dagger?dirk" kni(e" lance" mace" ma)l" %olearm" s%ear" s2ords <all=" 2arhammer. Armor
Permitted: All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also katana" 2aki3ashi. All
together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to ombat" 7ealing. *inor Access to
5ecromantic" Protection.
Po2ers' 0ncite 6erserker 7age <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 5th level(
0nspire !ear <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s t2o (i(th:le$el (ighters 2ho act as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: Three %riests o( his choice" and one (ighter. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal(
o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el. The stronghold m)st incl)de a large
armory chamber.
Possible Sy"bols' S2ord Across BannerB Polearms 0n 8ormation.


This god is related to the god o( sky and 2eather" b)t he is de$oted only to 2inds.
Sailors" es%ecially" %ray to these gods" %raying (or good 2inds to take them in the
direction they 2ish to go. Wind:gods are %lay()l and sometimes malicio)s" and may
choose to blo2 shi%s 2ildly o((:co)rse.
The %riesthood o( the god o( 2inds makes these %rayers (or (riendly 2inds" and tries to
make s)re that the 2ind:god gets his d)e o( 2orshi%B b)t these %riests other2ise are le(t
m)ch to their o2n de$ices" and many are ad$ent)rers and hero:sailors.
#esser 2ind:gods 2ill be gods re%resenting s%eci(ic ty%es o( 2inds: The cold north
2ind" the balmy so)thern 2ind" the terri(ying ty%hoon or h)rricane" the incredibly
destr)cti$e tornado.
Wind:gods are male.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Sky?Weather.
Ali,n"ent' The deity is tr)e ne)tral. The %riests may be tr)e ne)tral or ne)tral goodB
most are tr)e ne)tral. The (lock may be o( any alignment.
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom ." Dexterity -A. Wisdom or Dexterity -I means
JLK ex%erienceB Wisdom and Dexterity -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' El$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: Weather
Sense. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: +iding Airborne" +eading?Writing"
+eligion. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired: 5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)%
rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Blo2g)n" bo2s <all="
crossbo2" dagger?dirk" dart" hand?thro2ing axe" ja$elin" kni(e" lasso" mace" net" sco)rge"
sling" s%ear" sta(( sling" 2hi%. Armor Permitted: All armorB no shields. !riental
am%aigns: Also chain" daiky)" sh)riken. All together" these constit)te &ood combat
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" Elemental <the %riest can only )se the
s%ells dust devil, air alk, chariot of "ustarre" and ind alk =" Protection" Weather.
*inor Access to Di$ination" &)ardian. The %riest gets an extra major access to make )%
(or the se$ere limitation im%osed on his Elemental s%here access.
Po2ers' #t .rd level( "hapechanging <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=" into one
bird (orm o( the D*'s choice <the D* may allo2 the %layer to choose the bird (orm" i(
the D* so 2ishes=. #t 3th level( The %riest can cast one aerial servant s%ell %er day" in
addition to all his other s%ells.
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at Oth le$el" and consist o(
one (i(th:le$el %riest" three third:le$el %riests" and six (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order"
%l)s ten (irst:le$el (ighters to ser$e as g)ards. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on
ad$ent)res: Any three %riests and (o)r (ighters o( his choice. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or
hal( o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at Oth le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' BirdsB Sails 8illed With Wind.


This is a god o( common sense. Wisdom is distinct (rom" tho)gh normally com%atible
2ith" (ormal ed)cation and con$entional learningB b)t it is not the same. 0t consists
merely o( ha$ing sense eno)gh to kno2 2hat it other2ise takes ex%erience or an
ed)cation to learn. The learned man kno2s (rom ex%erience 2hen his 2ords 2ill %ro$oke
a (ightB the 2ise man kno2s it int)iti$ely" instincti$ely.
The %riests o( this god %romote sensible sol)tions and actions on the %art o( the (lock.
They s)ggest com%romises and alternati$es. They %lan ()t)re e$ents. The look (or tro)ble
in )%coming e$ents and try to head it o((. B)t this isn't a god o( %eace" and so the %riests
o( 2isdom 2ill o(ten be ad$isors to military o((icers" hel%ing them %lan e((ecti$e
The god o( 2isdom 2ill be (emale.
The %riests o( this god are on good terms 2ith the %riests o( Di$inity o( *ankind"
&ood" #iterat)re?Poetry" *ischie(?Trickery" !racles?Pro%hecy" and Time. The %riests o(
this god dislike the %riests o( E$il" 2hom they do not consider sensible.
Ali,n"ent: The deity is goodB at the D*'s discretion" he may be chaotic good" ne)tral
good" or la2()l good" b)t is %robably ne)tral good. +egardless o( his alignment" his
%riests may be o( any good alignment. The (lock may be o( any ne)tral or good
+ini"" Ability S(ores' Wisdom -G. Wisdom -I means J-/K ex%erience.
Ra(es Allo2ed' D2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings" h)mans.
Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
+eligion. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended: *odern #ang)ages" Ancient 7istory"
Ancient #ang)ages" #ocal 7istory" +eading?Writing. Wea%on Pro(iciencies +e9)ired:
5one. 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers: Priest" &eneral.
Dties o& t$e Priest' &)idance" *arriage. Ed)cation: Priests o( this sect belie$e in
ed)cation (or its o2n sake" and 2ork to %ro$ide teaching to all the (lock and e$en the
general %o%)lation <2hen %ossible=. 4igilance: These %riests try to act as ad$isors to
r)lers" in order to kee% them (rom making decisions in a too:hasty or (oolish (ashion.
#ocal r)lers o(ten do gi$e them %osts as ad$isors.
*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions' Wea%ons Permitted: Bo2s <all=" dagger?dirk"
ja$elin" kni(e" %icks <all=" 9)artersta((" s%ear" s2ord?long" s2ord?short. Armor Permitted:
All armor and shields. !riental am%aigns: Also bo stick" daiky)" katana" n)nchak)" sai"
2aki3ashi. All together" these constit)te &ood combat abilities.
Ot$er 5i"itations' 5one.
S!$eres o& %n&len(e' *ajor Access to All" harm" Di$ination. *inor Access to
7ealing" S)n.
Po2ers' 0mmunity <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter= to confusion and feeblemind
s%ells. "oothing 2ord <as %er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 5th level( 0nspire !ear <as
%er the Designing 8aiths cha%ter=. #t 3th level( Prophecy <as %er the Designing 8aiths
-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds' The (ollo2ers are recei$ed at .th le$el" and consist o(
t2o third:le$el %riests and (o)r (irst:le$el %riests o( the same order" %l)s one (i(th:le$el
(ighter" one third:le$el (ighter" and t2o second:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards" and one
third:le$el mage" one third:le$el bard" one second:le$el thie(" and one second:le$el
ill)sionist to act as cons)ltants. The %riest may take the (ollo2ing on ad$ent)res: T2o
%riests <only one o( 2hom may be third:le$el" %l)s t2o (ighters o( his choice" and t2o
(rom the (ollo2ing list: mage" bard" thie(" and ill)sionist. The %riesthood 2ill %ay (or hal(
o( the cost o( stronghold constr)ction at .th le$el.
Possible Sy"bols' !2l" +a$en" 4)lt)re.

Co"binin, #raits in One Priest$ood

0t may be that one god has se$eral di((erent attrib)tes. 0n real:2orld mythologies"
many" many gods %ossessed many di((erent traits all at the same time.
Which leads to the 9)estion: When one god %ossesses se$eral attrib)tes" 2hich %riest
class do yo) )se (or his %riests;
There are t2o 2ays to ans2er that.

+lti!le Priest Classes

!ne 2ay to do this is to let the god sim)ltaneo)sly ha$e se$eral a%%ro%riate
%riesthoods. They 2o)ld act)ally constit)te a single D%riesthoodD 2ith se$eral di((erent
DordersD in it" each order dedicated %rimarily to one o( the god's attrib)tes.
That 2ay" i( a s%eci(ic god <let's call him Kyros the Storm:Shaker= is a god o( both War
and Sky" t2o characters becoming his %riests co)ld do so in di((erent 2ays. !ne character
can become a %riest o( the 2ar:godB another is a %riest o( the sky:god. B)t they belong to
the %riesthood o( Kyros" each ser$ing the god in a di((erent 2ay.
#et's take an exam%le (rom real:2orld mythology. 0n &reek myth" the god Ee)s 2as a
deity o( many" many di((erent attrib)tes. These 2ere some o( those attrib)tes:


There(ore" in a cam%aign 2here Ee)s is a god" a character created to be a %riest o( Ee)s
co)ld be any one o( those se$en ty%es o( %riests.
0n yo)r o2n cam%aign" yo) can de(ine any god as ha$ing t2o or more attrib)tes" and
there(ore t2o or more di((erent classes o( %riests can ser$e that god.
That's the sim%le 2ay to do this.

Re4ised Priest Classes

The hard 2ay to do this is to create an entirely ne2 %riest:class. 1se the 8aith Design
Sheet (rom the %re$io)s cha%ter to 2ork s)ch a thing )%.
8irst" look o$er the %riest class r)les (or all the classes related to the attrib)tes yo)
2ant the god to contain. Then" choose the elements (rom each yo) like. +emember to
balance yo)r choices o( the %riest's combat abilities 2ith those o( his a$ailable s%heres o(
in(l)ence so that he 2ill not end )% signi(icantly stronger or 2eaker than any other %riest
#et's create s)ch a class as an exam%le. #et's say the goddess *elebeth is the goddess
o( #o$e" b)t in the city o( Askarth she is also the ci$ic deity and is kno2n as DThe &irder:
!nD beca)se she is said to arm the city's 2arriors (or combatB she is there(ore a goddess
o( #o$e" omm)nity" and War. What does her %riesthood look like;


The goddess o( omm)nity is %robably tr)e ne)tral" b)t may be o( any alignment. The
goddess o( #o$e is any sort o( good alignment" and the goddess o( War is any sort o(
5e)tral alignment. There(ore" o)r combined omm)nity?#o$e?War goddess a$erages o)t
to be ne)tral good. 7er %riests sho)ld also be ne)tral good.

+ini"" Ability S(ores

The goddess o( omm)nity re9)ires W-/" h-A. The goddess o( #o$e re9)ires W-/"
h-G. The goddess o( War re9)ires W." S-G. Wisdom and harisma are ob$io)sly the
leaders hereB the %riests o( this goddess m)st ha$e Wisdom -/" harisma -G" and recei$e
JLK ex%erience i( either ability is -I or better" or J-/K i( both abilities are -I or better.

Ra(es Allo2ed

5one o( the three %riest classes <omm)nity" #o$e" War= excl)des any race. There(ore"
this combined class allo2s %riests 2ho are d2ar$es" el$es" gnomes" hal(:el$es" hal(lings"
and h)mans.

Non2ea!on and *ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies

omm)nity re9)ires #ocal 7istory. #o$e re9)ires 7erbalism. War re9)ires Blind:
8ighting. 5one o( these seems to a%%ly es%ecially a%%ro%riately to this combined
goddessB since she 2as originally a goddess o( #o$e" 2ith the other attrib)tes added in
this one city" the de(a)lt sho)ld be 7erbalism.
Taking the most a%%ro%riate 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies +ecommended" 2e get
7eraldry" +eading?Writing" +eligion" +iding #and:Based" 7ealing" Blind:8ighting" and
#ocal 7istory.
*ost o( the three original classes re9)ire no s%eci(ic Wea%on Pro(iciencies" so 2e'll
(ollo2 that %attern here.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers are ob$io)sly Priest" &eneral" and Warrior.

Dties o& t$e Priest

Taking the d)ties (rom the three ty%es o( %riesthoods 2hich are most a%%ro%riate to this
combined class" 2e get:
&)idance" *arriage.
Ed)cation in the history o( the city.
4igilance: Trying to %reser$e the o%%ort)nities (or romantic lo$e:matches and
marriages in the comm)nity" b)t also recommending marriages 2hich 2ill ally strong
(amilies and bene(it the city.
*issions o( de(ense 2hen the city is threatened by attackers.

*ea!on and Ar"or Restri(tions

The omm)nity goddess' %riests can )se dagger and kni(e" and t2o 2ea%ons
re%resenting the city. The #o$e goddess' %riests can )se bo2 <small=" cl)b" lasso"
mancatcher" and net. The War goddess' %riests can )se battle axe" dagger?dirk" kni(e"
lance" mace" ma)l" %olearm" s%ear" s2ords <all=" 2arhammer.
These are three %retty incom%atible sets o( %ermitted 2ea%ons. B)t since this
combined:attrib)te goddess 2ill be )sing 2ea%ons mainly to de(end her city" 2e can
eliminate the com%arati$ely 2eak 2ea%ons o( the %)re lo$e:goddessB let )s settle on the
2ea%ons o( the omm)nity goddess' %riesthood. This 2ill incl)de dagger and kni(e" and
<(or the city o( Ashkarth= bo2s <any= and long s2ord.
As (or armor: The omm)nity goddess' %riests co)ld )se all armor and shields" the
#o$e &oddess' %riests co)ld )se no armor or shields" and the War &oddess' %riests co)ld
)se all armor and shields. 0t so)nds" by 2eight o( n)mbers" as tho)gh the %riests sho)ld
be able to )se all armor and shields. Bet2een the s)%erior armor and the t2o good
2ea%ons they can )se" these %riests ha$e &ood combat abilities. This means they 2ill
ha$e $ery limited magic.

Ot$er 5i"itations

Priests o( the ci$ic goddess m)st al2ays 2ear %riestly garments in %)blicB %riests o( the
lo$e goddess get (o)r:sided hit dice and m)st be 2ed by the time they reach Oth le$elB
%riests o( the 2ar:goddess ha$e no other limitations.
The combined:goddess' %riests sho)ld retain the limitation o( 2earing %riestly
garments 2hene$er they're in %)blicB these %riests are still %riests o( a ci$ic deity" a(ter
And since the goddess is still a deity o( lo$e" the marriage restriction sho)ld remain.
B)t since this goddess is a (ighter" let's dro% the (o)r:sided hit dice limitationB %riests o(
this %riesthood recei$e eight:sided hit dice like most (ighting %riests.

S!$eres o& %n&len(e

The %riests o( the comm)nity:goddess get: *ajor Access to All" reation" 7ealing.
*inor Access to ombat" Protection.
The %riests o( the lo$e:goddess get: *ajor Access to All" Animal" harm" 7ealing"
5ecromantic" Protection" S)mmoning. *inor Access to reation" Di$ination" &)ardian"
Plant" S)n" and Weather.
The %riests o( the 2ar:goddess get: *ajor Access to ombat" 7ealing. *inor Access to
5ecromantic" Protection.
Since this %riesthood" as 2e decided abo$e" has &ood ombat Abilities" the %riesthood
2ill ha$e *ajor Access to the All s%here and t2o other s%heres" and *inor Access to t2o
s%heres. #et's choose the most a%%ro%riate ones.
There(ore" the %riests o( this combined:trait goddess get: *ajor Access to All" harm"
7ealing. *inor Access to ombat" Protection.


Priests o( the comm)nity:goddess get 0ncite 6erserker 7age, "oothing 2ord, and Turn
Priests o( the lo$e:goddess get Charm4!ascination" 0ncite 6erserker 7age, 0nspire
!ear" "oothing 2ord" and Turn 8ndeadB these %riests recei$ed extra %o2ers %artly
beca)se they had only (o)r:sided hit dice" a condition that the %riests o( this combined
goddess do not share.
Priests o( the 2ar:goddess get 0ncite 6erserker 7ageB #t 5th level( 0nspire !ear.
Taking the common threads (rom these three goddesses" 2e decide that %riests o( the
combined:attrib)te goddess recei$e:
0ncite 6erserker 7age" Turn 8ndead, and" at 5th level, 0nspire !ear.

-ollo2ers and Stron,$olds

The goddesses o( omm)nity and #o$e both get their (ollo2ers at Pth le$el" the
goddess o( War at Oth" so 2e'll settle on Pth le$el" and also at Pth le$el the %riesthood 2ill
%ay (or hal( o( the stronghold constr)ctions.
The goddess o( comm)nity gets -L le$els o( %riests and -L le$els o( (ighters.
The goddess o( lo$e gets -L le$els o( %riests" (i$e le$els o( mage?cons)ltants" (i$e
le$els o( (ighter?g)ards" and (i$e le$els o( 5ormal *en and Women 2ith a%%ro%riate
5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies.
The goddess o( 2ar gets A/ le$els o( %riests and -/ le$els o( (ighter?g)ards.
A$eraging this o)t some2hat" the %riest o( o)r combined:as%ect goddess sho)ld get -L
le$els o( %riests <three third:le$el %riests and six (irst:le$el %riests=" -/ le$els o( (ighters
<t2o third:le$el (ighters and (o)r (irst:le$el (ighters to act as g)ards=" and (i$e le$els o(
mage?cons)ltants <one third:le$el mage and t2o (irst:le$el mages=. !n ad$ent)res" he can
take three %riests <as )s)al" only one can be third:le$elB the remaining t2o third:le$el
%riests r)n the tem%le in the character's absence=" three (ighters <ditto=" and one mage o(
his choice.

+lti/Class C$ara(ters

0t's %ossible (or demih)mans to be m)lti:class combinations incl)ding the %riest
character classes abo$e.
!n the chart o( the Player's Handbook" %age HH" sho2ing the %ossible m)lti:class
combinations" s)bstit)te the 2ord D%riestD 2here$er yo) see Dcleric.D Those are the
%ossible combinations.
The only limit the character %ossesses on 2hich ty%e o( %riest he may be is the racial
limitation %osed (or each %riest:class abo$e. 0( a %riest:class says that el$es can't belong
to it" then ob$io)sly an el( can't be a m)lti:class (ighter?%riest o( that ty%e o( %riesthood.
*)lti:class %riest characters (ollo2 all the r)les (or m)lti:class characters" (rom %ages
HH and HL o( the Player's Handbook.

Priest .its
0n the last cha%ter" yo) 2ere con(ronted 2ith o$er sixty di((erent %riest character
classes to choose (rom. ertainly" that range o( choices 2ill make it easy (or yo)r to
indi$id)ali3e yo)r %riest character :: to make him di((erent (rom the rest o( the
cam%aign's clerics.
0n this cha%ter" 2e'll make that e$en easier.
Mo) can ()rther c)stomi3e yo)r %riest by taking a priest kit (or him. A kit is a collection
o( skills" %ro(iciencies" restrictions" bene(its and hindrances 2hich gi$e the %riest more
backgro)nd and %ersonality" ()rther de(ine his role in the cam%aign and in the cam%aign's
c)lt)res" and gi$e him ad$antages and disad$antages to make him more color()l.

.its and t$e Priest Classes

A kit is more o( a c)lt)ral descri%tion than anything else. There(ore" most kits are
allo2ed to %riests o( most (aiths. There are exce%tions" o( co)rseB (or exam%le" a %riest o(
the god o( Peace may not take the 8ighting:*onk kit. Where$er s)ch an exce%tion
occ)rs" it 2ill be mentioned in the text.

.its and C$ara(ter Creation

5o %riest character has to take any %riest:kit. 0t's not necessary" it's not re9)ired: 0t's
j)st a 2ay o( adding detail to the character.
A %riest character may only take one %riest:kit. 7e sho)ld take it 2hen he is (irst
created. 0n cam%aigns 2hich began be(ore yo) got The Complete Priest Handbook" the
D* sho)ld allo2 characters to take %riest:kits" b)t only ones 2hich are a%%ro%riate to the
characters' actions and deeds so (ar. <8or exam%le" i( a character has been a %er(ectly
ordinary %riest )ntil no2" he sho)ld not take the !)tla2 Priest kitB it's not a%%ro%riate.=
!nce a character has taken a Priest Kit" he cannot change it to another Priest Kit. 7e
can" ho2e$er" e$ent)ally abandon it <see DAbandoning KitsD later in this cha%ter=B ha$ing
abandoned a kit" he 2ill not be able to take another one.
0( yo) 2ant to inject the choice o( the Priest Kit into the character creation %rocess"
yo)'ll (irst 2ant to determine yo)r character's Ability Scores < Player's Handbook
ha%ter -=" +ace <ha%ter A=" lass <leric or Dr)id (rom ha%ter G o( the Player's
Handbook" or one o( the %riest classes (rom the %re$io)s cha%ter o( this book=" and
Alignment <ha%ter H=.
0t's at this %oint that yo) choose yo)r %riest kit.
A(ter that's done" and the in(ormation recorded on yo)r character sheet" yo) can
%roceed to Pro(iciencies <ha%ter L=" *oney and E9)i%ment <ha%ter I=" etc.

#$e Priest .its

Each %riest kit consists o( the (ollo2ing elements:
Des(ri!tion' This %aragra%h talks abo)t 2hat this ty%e o( %riest is to the c)lt)re. 0t also
lists any re9)irements necessary (or the character to take the kitB (or instance" to be a
Sa$age Priest" the character m)st ha$e been born among or ado%ted by a sa$age tribe.
1arred' This %aragra%h details 2hich %riest classes <%l)s cleric and dr)id= may not
take this %riest kit.
Role' This kit describes the role o( this %riest in his society and cam%aign. 8or
exam%le" an !)tla2 Priest o( the &od o( #o$e 2o)ld ha$e a $ery di((erent cam%aign role
than the Ama3on Priestess o( the same god.
Se(ondary Skills' 0( yo)'re )sing the Secondary Skills r)les (rom the AD6D@ And
Edition game r)le books" then yo)r kit may re9)ire yo)r %riest to take a s%eci(ic skill
instead o( choosing or random:rolling his Secondary Skill. 7o2e$er" e$en more so than
in The Complete !ighter's Handbook" 2e're recommending that yo) )se the Wea%on and
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency r)les instead o( the Secondary Skill r)les.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' The %riest:kit co)ld re9)ire the %riest to take a s%eci(ic
2ea%on %ro(iciency. This is one o( the (actors that makes it im%ossible (or some %riest
classes to take some %riest kitsB ob$io)sly" no %riest class 2hich cannot )se a 2ea%on
re9)ired by a kit co)ld take that kit.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' A gi$en %riest kit may re9)ire the %riest to ha$e a s%eci(ic
non2ea%on %ro(icienciesB ho2e$er" )nlike the sit)ation abo$e 2ith Wea%on Pro(iciencies"
these are bonuses. 0( a kit re9)ires that the character kno2 +iding <7orse=" then the
character gets that %ro(iciency (ree" abo$e and beyond the slots he is normally granted.
Some %ro(iciencies might be granted (rom other than the Priest or &eneral gro)%s" b)t
this doesn't matterB i( a %ro(iciency is gi$en (ree" then it is (ree.
0( the Priest Kit grants a %ro(iciency that the %riest has already had granted to him
beca)se o( his s%eci(ic %riesthood" the character" instead o( recei$ing that %ro(iciency
again" recei$es one extra (ree non2ea%on %ro(iciency slot 2hich he may s%end as he
Some %ro(iciencies 2ill merely be recommended" not re9)ired. When this is the case"
the %ro(iciency is not gi$en to the character" and the character doesn't ha$e to take it i( he
doesn't 2ant to. 0( the character decides to take this non2ea%on %ro(iciency" he )ses )%
the a%%ro%riate n)mber o( his a$ailable non2ea%on %ro(iciency slots.
E0i!"ent' Some %riest kits limit the 2ay their %riests ac9)ire or )se certain ty%es o(
e9)i%mentB 2hen there is s)ch a limitation" this %aragra%h 2ill deal 2ith it.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' *ost %riest kits incl)de s%ecial bene(its that the %riest:character
recei$es. !(ten" they're de(ined as s%ecial reaction bon)ses among certain classes o(
society" s%ecial rights in certain c)lt)res" etc.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' #ike2ise" each %riest kit carries certain disad$antages 2hich
hinder the %riest. !)tla2 %riests are so)ght by their o2n orders and %erha%s the
a)thorities" (or exam%le.
*ealt$ O!tions' Some %riest kits ha$e s%ecial r)les regarding their 2ealth. &enerally"
these r)les don't a((ect the amo)nt o( gold he'll ha$e 2hen he is created <2ith all clerics
and %riests" this amo)nts to GdIx-/g%=. 7o2e$er" di((erent %riest:kits ha$e $ariations on
the 2ay the money is to be s%ent. Some insist that it all be s%ent at the beginning" and the
remainder o( starting gold ret)rned to the %riest's s)%eriors. !thers let the %riest Dkee% the
changeBD still others ha$e limits on the amo)nt that can be s%ent initially.
Ra(es' 0( a %artic)lar %riest:kit discriminates among the demih)man races <(or
exam%le" i( an el( can't take a s%eci(ic kit=" that 2ill be noted here.

D+ C$oi(es

Be(ore allo2ing his %layers to choose kits (or their %riests" the D* sho)ld look o$er
the %riest:kits and make some decisions.
8or each Priest Kit" the D* has to choose:
<-= 0( he 2ill e$en allo2 this Kit in his cam%aign. <0t co)ld be that the kit is
ina%%ro%riate. 0( there are no Ama3ons in his 2orld" he sho)ldn't allo2 the Ama3on
<A= What additional in(ormation he needs to gi$e the %layers abo)t each Kit. <D*s 2ill
%robably 2ant to elaborate on the %riest:kits to (it them better into his cam%aign.=
<G= What changes he might 2ish to make to each Kit. <0(" (or exam%le" o)r conce%tion
o( the Barbarian doesn't match the D*'s" he might 2ish to change the bene(its"
hindrances" or other (actors to match his conce%tion.=

An %"!ortant Note

Se$eral Priest Kits get reaction bon)ses and %enalties as %art o( their S%ecial Bene(its
and S%ecial 7indrances.
0n the AD6D@game" 2hen a character has a $ery high or lo2 charisma" he gets 2hat
is called a Dreaction adj)stment.D <See the Player's Handbook" %age -O.= When the
character has a high charisma and recei$es a bon)s" it's ex%ressed as a %l)s: 8or exam%le"
JA. When he has a lo2 charisma and recei$es a %enalty" it's ex%ressed as a min)s: 8or
instance" :G.
B)t here's a s%ecial 2arning: When yo) roll the Ad-/ (or Enco)nter +eactions <see the
Dungeon Master's Guide" %age -/G" don't add the bonus <J= or subtract the penalty <:=
(rom the die roll. Do it the other 2ay aro)nd: S)btract the bon)s <J= and add the %enalty
<:=. 0( the character has a harisma o( -I" and th)s gets a JL reaction adj)stment" yo)
subtract that n)mber (rom the Ad-/ die roll. !ther2ise the more charismatic or a%%ealing
a P is" the more $igoro)sly all the 5Ps and monsters 2o)ld dislike himN
A"a6on Priestess

Des(ri!tion' Ama3ons are 2omen 2arriors in a 2orld 2here most c)lt)res are male:
dominated or r)led more or less e9)ally by men and 2omen. The Ama3on ci$ili3ation is
di((erent (rom the c)lt)res o( the rest o( the 2orld in that 2omen occ)%y all the most
im%ortant occ)%ations and %ositions in their societyB men are either second:class citi3ens"
or are all ke%t as sla$es" or are exiled (rom the c)lt)re altogether. Ama3ons contin)ally
ha$e to de(end themsel$es (rom the e((orts o( s)rro)nding ci$ili3ations to Dret)rn them to
normal"D and there(ore they are $ery good at 2ar.
S)ch ci$ili3ations o(ten ha$e one or t2o s%eci(ic %atron gods. <The deity does not ha$e
to be (emaleB in classical mythology" (or instance" the Ama3ons' %atron 2as Ares" the $ery
male god o( 2ar.=
The %riestesses o( this god inter%ret the god's 2ill (or the Ama3ons" (ight alongside
them in times o( combat" %er(orm the )s)al ser$ice o( g)idance <and e$en marriage" i(
this is still a ()nction o( this s%eci(ic Ama3on society=B and sometimes tra$el thro)gh the
o)ter 2orld in an e((ort to learn 2hat they can o( the 2orld o( men::in order to %rotect
themsel$es (rom it" or to ed)cate themsel$es and the o)ter:2orlders to red)ce
mis)nderstandings bet2een the c)lt)res.
There are no s%ecial ability:score re9)irements to be an Ama3on.
To abandon this kit" the character 2o)ld ha$e to reno)nce her Ama3on citi3enshi%...
meaning that she 2o)ld ha$e to identi(y hersel( more strongly 2ith another c)lt)re.
1arred' The D* 2ill decide 2hich gods act as %atrons (or the Ama3on ci$ili3ationB
most Ama3on %riestesses 2ill ser$e those s%eci(ic gods. 7o2e$er" not all Ama3on
%riestesses have to ser$e those s%eci(ic gods. An Ama3on c)lt)re co)ld ha$e as its %atron
the gods o( War and *oon" (or instance" b)t a s%eci(ic Ama3on %riestess co)ld ser$e
another god. <Since each attrib)te has its o2n role to %lay in any ci$ili3ation" (e2 gods
are really ina%%ro%riate.= 5ote" tho)gh" that no Ama3on %riestess can ser$e the gods o(
Disease or Peace. Also" since Ama3on 2arriors m)st kno2 the )se o( the s%ear and long
bo2" an Ama3on %riestess 2ho cannot )se those 2ea%ons 2ill be looked do2n )%on" and
2on't command the res%ect o( %riestesses 2ho can. There(ore" an Ama3on 2ill command
less res%ect unless she is a priestess of one of the folloing gods: omm)nity"
om%etition" Elemental 8orces" &ood" 7)nting" #ight" *ischie(?Trickery" *oon"
!racles?Pro%hecy" +ace <7)man=" Sky?Weather" S)n" War" Wind" Wisdom.
Role' Among the Ama3ons" the %riestess:ty%es listed immediately abo$e are as highly:
regarded as the 2arrior" and the 2arrior is the most:admired ty%e o( Ama3on. !)tside the
Ama3on lands" among male:dominated ci$ili3ations" the %riestess is looked on as an e$en
more )nnat)ral sort o( )nnat)ral 2oman. 0n c)lt)res 2here men and 2omen are
a%%roximately e9)al in in(l)ence" the Ama3on is looked on as a c)riosity" and may e$en
<at the D*'s discretion= be looked do2n on as a re%resentati$e o( a race that hasn't yet
come to the concl)sion that neither gender sho)ld o%%ress the other.
Among %layer:character ad$ent)rers" the Ama3on:%riestess is likely to %ro$e hersel( to
be a do)ghty (ighter and an e((ecti$e s%ellcaster. 0( the %riestess character starts o)t
s)((ering a bit o( discrimination 2hen she's introd)ced into the cam%aign" that may be
normal according to the c)lt)re b)t the D* sho)ldn't enco)rage this attit)de" es%ecially
a(ter she's %ro$en hersel( in dangero)s sit)ations. E$en i( the cam%aign's main c)lt)re is
discriminatory" the Ps sho)ld demonstrate a little more (lexibility in their attit)des based
on their ad$ent)ring ex%eriences.
Se(ondary Skills' +e9)ired: &room.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' +e9)ired: 5one. +ecommended: S%ear" long bo2B i( %ossible"
$ario)s axes and s2ords.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciencies: +iding <#and:Based=" Animal
Training. +ecommended: <&eneral= Animal 7andling" <Warrior= Animal #ore" Armorer"
Bo2yer?8letcher" 7)nting" +)nning" S)r$i$al" Tracking.
E0i!"ent' When an Ama3on character is (irst created" she m)st b)y her armor (rom
among the (ollo2ing choices only: Shield" leather" %added" st)dded leather" brigandine"
scale mail" hide" banded mail" bron3e %late mail. !nce she has ad$ent)red else2here in
the 2orld" she may %)rchase other ty%es o( armor according to her %riest:class
S!e(ial 1ene&its' *ale o%%onents (rom c)lt)res 2here 2omen (ighters tend to be rare
2ill be am)sed" rather than ca)tio)s" the (irst time they con(ront an Ama3on. There(ore"
in a (ight 2here s)ch a 2arrior r)ns )% against an Ama3on (or the (irst time" the Ama3on
gets a JG to hit and JG damage on her first blo only& This re(lects the (act that her
o%%onent's g)ard is do2n.
This bon)s doesn't 2ork on any Warrior character o( (i(th le$el or higher" or a character
o( any other class at Oth le$el or higherB in s%ite o( any %rej)dices he might bear" this
character is too seasoned an ad$ent)rer to let his g)ard do2n that 2ay.
At the D*'s discretion" he can gi$e a 2ary" s)s%icio)s 5P an 0ntelligence checkB on a
s)ccess()l check" he 2ill see the attack coming and deny the Ama3on the bon)s.
The bon)s 2on't 2ork on any male (ighter 2ho comes (rom a c)lt)re 2here 2omen do
reg)larly (ight" or 2ho has had (ighting:2omen comrades or (aced (ighting:2omen
o%%onents be(ore" or e$en 2ho has seen the Ama3on hit someone else 2ith this bon)s
0t doesn't 2ork on %layer:characters )nless the %layer is role:%laying honestly eno)gh
to admit that his character 2o)ld )nderestimate the Ama3on.
!nce the Ama3on hits a character 2ith this bon)s" the target <i( he s)r$i$es= 2ill ne$er
(all (or it again. 0t can only be )sed s)ccess()lly once %er $ictim" e$er. B)t i( the Ama3on
misses a target 2ith this blo2" she contin)es to recei$e it against this target )ntil she hits
him once.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' The Ama3on recei$es a :G reaction roll adj)stment (rom 5Ps
(rom male:dominated societies. Player:characters do not ha$e to demonstrate this
hostility )nless they 2ant to do so (or role:%laying %)r%oses" and e$en then it sho)ld (ade
as they come to res%ect her.
*ealt$ O!tions' The Ama3on gets the ordinary GdIx-/ g% as starting money.
Ra(es' 5one are excl)ded. 7)mans" el$ish" and hal(:el$ish Ama3ons are most
a%%ro%riate. D2ar$es 2o)ld s)bstit)te battle axe and 2arhammer (or their 2ea%ons and
s2ine (or their %re(erred mo)nts. &nomes 2o)ld s)bstit)te thro2ing axe and short s2ord"
and 2o)ld ride %onies" and 2o)ld ha$e Tracking and S)r$i$al as their Bon)s 5on2ea%on
Pro(iciencies. 7al(lings 2o)ld s)bstit)te ja$elin and sling (or their 2ea%ons" and
End)rance and Set Snares (or their Bon)s 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies.

1arbarian81erserker Priest

Des(ri!tion' This %riest is the %riest o( a c)lt)re hal(2ay bet2een 2hat 2e think o( as
ci$ili3ed and sa$age. 7is %eo%le li$e at the $ery edge o( or beyond the borders o( the
edges o( the cam%aign's main ci$ili3ation. They tend to be $ery 2arlike" (ighting battles
2ith neighboring tribes and 2ith intr)ding im%erial troo%s. Their (ighters aren't soldiersB
they are 2arriors" and tend to be deadlier in one:on:one (ighting b)t %oorer at (ormation
combat than those o( the Dci$ili3edD nations. These 2arriors may" in (act" be berserkers
<see The Complete !ighter Handbook=. They are still more in to)ch 2ith nat)re and the
2orld than the %eo%le o( ci$ili3ed lands. They may ha$e $ery di((erent c)stoms (rom
ci$ili3ed (olk.
Priests o( this comm)nity %er(orm the same ()nctions as %riests o( ci$ili3ed lands.
7o2e$er" barbarians ha$e more res%ect (or the gods than ci$ili3ed (olk" and %riests also
are 2ell:res%ected. Kings and 2ar:chie(s o( their c)lt)re listen to their co)nsel. 0n their
c)lt)re" those 2ho disagree 2ith them do not ins)lt them or their g)idance" and it is
(orbidden (or a 2arrior to attack a %riest o( his c)lt)re <tho)gh de(ending himsel( (rom
attack is all right... i( he can %ro$e that it 2as de(ense" not aggression=.
There are no ability re9)irements to be a %riest o( a barbarian or berserker tribe. The
2arriors o( the tribe m)st ha$e Strength -L" and %riests 2ill be most im%ressi$e i( they
can a%%roximate or match that score... b)t it's not a re9)irement o( the kit.
As 2ith the Ama3on" abandonment o( this kit means that the character reno)nces his
allegiance to his tribe or clan and acce%ts citi3enshi% in some other c)lt)re. This means
that he m)st no2 %er(orm his %riestly d)ties in the (ashion o( the %riests o( that c)lt)re.
1arred' Barbarian tribes tend to ha$e one or t2o %atron gods" and most o( their %riests
2ill ser$e those gods. These tend to be gods o( nat)ral (orces <Agric)lt)re" Animals"
Darkness?5ight" Earth" Elemental 8orces" 8ertility" 7)nting" #ightning" *etal2ork"
5at)re" Sky?Weather" Th)nder= or other barbarian attrib)tes <Strength" War=. &ods o( the
Dso(terD attrib)tes <Arts" #o$e" *)sic" etc.= 2o)ld be re%resented b)t their %riests 2o)ld
be m)ch rarer. 5o %riesthood is barred among the barbarians" ho2e$er scarce.
Role' 0n the cam%aign" the barbarian %riest is a s%ooky" dangero)s (ig)re. #ike
barbarian 2arriors" he'll be grim and a little alien to his allies (rom ci$ili3ed lands. 8irst
and (oremost" he's a de(ender o( his %eo%le" and he'll most o(ten be (o)nd 2andering in
lands other than his o2n beca)se o( some 9)est set him by the gods or some mystery he's
enco)ntered that re9)ires him to tra$el in order to sol$e it. When he (inds his o2n
tribesmen ca%t)red or ensla$ed in the o)ter 2orld" 2hich might be a common occ)rrence"
he m)st do his )tmost to (ree them and ret)rn them to his o2n land" 2hich can im%eril
other goals he and his %layer:character allies ha$e . . . b)t as a leader and %rotector o( his
c)lt)re" this is a d)ty he cannot re()se. <0( he 2ere to do so" the god 2o)ld take it as a
betrayal o( goalsB see the +ole:Playing cha%ter.=
Se(ondary Skills' The main occ)%ation o( the barbarian's tribe determines 2hat sort o(
secondary skill he kno2s. 0( the tribe raises and sells horses" then the &room secondary
skill 2ill be kno2n by all tribesmen. Ask the D* 2hat the tribe's main occ)%ation is and
that 2ill determine the re9)ired Secondary Skill.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' +e9)ired: 5one. +ecommended: Battle axe" s2ord?bastard"
bo2 <any=" sling" 2arhammer. 5at)rally" the %riesthood may limit the %riest's choice o(
2ea%ons and not allo2 him to learn all these.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciency: End)rance. +ecommended: <&eneral=
Animal 7andling" Animal Training" Direction Sense" 8ire:B)ilding" +iding <#and:
Based=" Weather Sense" Blind:8ighting" 7)nting" *o)ntaineering" +)nning" Set Snares"
S)r$i$al" Tracking" 7erbalism" >)m%ing. <Some o( these are o)tside the %riest's
5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$ers and 2ill cost t2ice the listed slots i( takenB
see the descri%tion o( the %riest class" and the chart at the bottom o( the Player's
Handbook" %age LL" (or more details.= The D* may re9)ire this %riest to take a
%ro(iciency in the tribal s%ecialty <8ishing" Agric)lt)re" etc.=.
E0i!"ent' With his starting gold" the barbarian %riest cannot b)y armor hea$ier
than s%lint mail" banded mail" or bron3e %late mail. !nce he has ad$ent)red in the o)ter
2orld" he can b)y any ty%e o( armor his %riestly re9)irements allo2 him to )se. With his
starting gold" he can b)y only 2ea%ons a%%ro%riate to his tribe <)s)ally battle axe" bo2s"
cl)b" dagger?dirk" (ootman's (lail" mace" or %ick" hand?thro2ing axe" sling" s%ear" and
s2ords=B nat)rally" %riestly restrictions may %re$ent him (rom taking some o( these"
de%ending on 2hich god he ser$es.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' Barbarians are im%osing and dangero)s:looking. This tends to make
others res%ect them or at least 2ish not to make enemies o( them. There(ore"
barbarian?berserker %riests recei$e a J- reaction adj)stment bon)s 2hen enco)ntering
5Ps. This becomes a JG among members o( his o2n c)lt)re.
0( the %riest's c)lt)re has many Berserker 2arriors" as %er The Complete !ighter's
Handbook" the %riest has an additional s%ecial ability. Berserkers normally take ten
ro)nds to go berserkB in the %resence o( one o( their o2n %riests" then can do it in (i$e.
Additionally" i( the %riest" as %art o( his %riestly class" has the incite berserker rage
granted %o2er" then berserkers o( his c)lt)re in his %resence can go berserk in one round.
The %riest is not re9)ired to )se his %o2er (or this to take %laceB it j)st ha%%ens.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' The barbarian?berserker %riest has a %roblem in ci$ili3ed lands:
7e doesn't res%ect the a)thorities and they ha$e learned to be ca)tio)s o( him. <This sort
o( %riest kee%s (reeing his ensla$ed brethren" and" e$en i( he 2orshi%s a god kno2n to
this c)lt)re" he does so in a di((erent 2ay that the locals consider 2rong.= There(ore" the
barbarian?berserker %riest recei$es a :G reaction adj)stment %enalty 2hen enco)ntering
5Ps in %ositions o( %o2er: +)lers" go$ernment o((icials" etc.
*ealt$ O!tions' 5o s%ecial re9)irementsB this %riest gets the )s)al GdIx-/ g% as
starting money.
Ra(es' There are no s%ecial restrictions here. Each indi$id)al D* has to decide
2hether or not his demih)mans can li$e in 2hat are considered barbarian c)lt)res. 0( they
can" then they 2ill ha$e %riests among them.


Des(ri!tion' This %riest belongs to an order de$oted in large %art to the st)dy o(
(ighting styles" es%ecially barehanded martial arts. These monks li$e and st)dy in
monasteries de$oted to their orders. 0(" (or exam%le" they are %riests o( the god o( War"
these monks do not li$e and st)dy in ordinary tem%les o( that godB they ha$e their o2n
secl)ded monastery a2ay (rom the normal tem%les.
These monks do not con(ine their 2ar:training to the monasteries" ho2e$er. They
tra$el the 2ide 2orld in order to learn the secrets o( li(e" the 2orld" magic and the gods.
As an order" they sometimes $ol)nteer their ser$ices to r)lers in times o( 2ar" and act as
elite (orces against the enemy.
These monks are most a%%ro%riate (or an oriental:(la$ored cam%aign and the D* may
2ish to decide that they cannot be )sed in his cam%aign. Be(ore yo) create a 8ighting:
*onk character" cons)lt yo)r D* and ask i( he is allo2ing the 8ighting:*onk kit in his
0n order to be a (ighting:monk" the character m)st ha$e a Dexterity o( -A or more.
0( a (ighting:monk 2ants to abandon this kit" he m)st go thro)gh a di((ic)lt %rocess in
order to do so. 7e m)st not )se any o( his )narmed combat techni9)es (or three 2hole
ex%erience le$els' 2orth o( time. !nce he's reached that third ex%erience le$el" he has
(orgotten his )narmed combat techni9)es and may res)me the 2earing o( armorB and" i(
he reno)nced some o( his s%heres o( in(l)ence 2hen he became a (ighting:monk" may
no2 res)me those lost s%heres.
As an exam%le" a (ighting:monk %riest at Lth le$el decides to reno)nce his allegiance
to the (ighting:monk order. 7e ad$ent)res normally" still not 2earing armor b)t other2ise
%er(orming as a normal %riest o( his %riest:class. 7e abstains (rom )sing his )narmed
combat techni9)es. At Oth le$el" he has abandoned his (ighting techni9)es and may once
again 2ear the armor a%%ro%riate to his %riest:class.
0( a character (orgets himsel( and )ses )narmed combat techni9)es d)ring this %rocess"
he m)st Dstart o$er.D 0t 2ill be three ex%erience le$els (rom his current le$el" (rom the
time he made the sli%" )ntil he can res)me his %riest:class.
1arred' A %riest o( any %riesthood 2hich starts o)t 2ith Poor 8ighting Abilities is
barred (rom this choice.
Role' 0n the cam%aign" this %riest is the %hiloso%hical 2arrior 2hose %rinci%al d)ty is
sel(:enlightenment. 7e is less concerned 2ith the ordinary %riestly d)ties <s)ch as
g)idance" marriage" comm)nity ser$ice= than those %riests" b)t 2ill still %er(orm themB he
j)st 2on't go o)t o( his 2ay to look (or them" nor 2ill he normally $ol)nteer (or them
<5Ps m)st ask his hel% in these matters=. S)ch characters are )s)ally 2anderers" 2hich
hel% make them a%%ro%riate (or ad$ent)ring %arties. They do %eriodically ret)rn to their
monasteries" to %ass on the learning they ha$e ac9)ired on the road" and to br)sh )% on
their (ighting:skillsB the rest o( the time they s%end o)t in the 2orld.
Se(ondary Skills' This %riest may choose or random:roll his secondary skill" i( yo)
are )sing the secondary skills system in addition to the 2ea%on?non2ea%on %ro(iciencies
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' +e9)ired: See )nder DS%ecial Bene(its"D belo2. !ther2ise" the
%riest may take any 2ea%on %ro(iciencies 2hich his s%eci(ic %riest class allo2s himB he
may not take any the class does not allo2 him.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciency: T)mbling. +ecommended: +iding
<#and:Based=" Artistic Ability <any=" Dancing" +eading?Writing" +eligion.
E0i!"ent' See DS%ecial 7indrances"D belo2.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' The %rinci%al bene(it o( being a 8ighting:*onk is that the character
recei$es to free eapon proficiency slots 2hich he m)st )se to take S%eciali3ation in
one o( the three styles o( 1narmed ombat <P)nching" Wrestling" or *artial Arts=. These
2ere described in greater detail in The Complete !ighter's Handbook" b)t that
in(ormation also a%%ears here" in the DE9)i%ment and ombatD cha%ter. The 8ighting:
*onk is the only %riest 2ho can s%eciali3e in an 1narmed ombat style. 7e can
s%eciali3e in any or all o( the three styles" b)t he may only s%eciali3e in one o( them at
(irst ex%erience le$el.
As a second bene(it" regardless o( 2hat it says (or the %riest's class" the 8ighting:*onk
has a 5on2ea%on Pro(iciency &ro)% rosso$er 2ith all five Pro(iciency &ro)%s
<&eneral" Priest" +og)e" Warrior" Wi3ard=. 5o %ro(iciency he takes 2ill cost do)ble the
)s)al n)mber o( slots.
The last o( the 8ighting:*onk's bene(its is this: 7e doesn't ha$e to s%end all his
starting Wea%on Pro(iciency slots at (irst le$el. 7e can sa$e his )ns%ent %ro(iciencies" and
they do not Dgo a2ay.D #ater" he can s%end them at a rate o( one %ro(iciency %er
ex%erience le$el to im%ro$e his martial arts or b)y ne2 martial arts.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' This %riest cannot 2ear any sort o( armor. Additionally" i( he's a
%riest:class 2ith *edi)m ombat Abilities" he m)st Dgi$e )%D some o( his S%heres o(
0n(l)ence. 7e may ha$e no more than three *ajor Accesses <one o( 2hich m)st be All=
and t2o *inor Accesses. The %layer may choose (rom the accesses he c)rrently has
2hich ones the character loses and 2hich he kee%s.
Additionally" the %riest may ne$er o2n more things <2ea%ons" treas)re" money" etc.=
than he can carry on his back.
*ealt$ O!tions' The 8ighting:*onk gets the )s)al GdIx-/ g% as starting money.
Ra(es' 5o s%ecial limitations. 7)mans" el$es and hal(:el$es seem $is)ally more s)ited
to this kit than d2ar$es" gnomes" and hal(lings" b)t the D* can allo2 those races to take
this kit i( he so chooses.

Noble"an Priest

Des(ri!tion' This %riest 2as a member o( a noble (amily and entered a %riesthood. B)t
e$en as a %riest he kee%s his o%inions abo)t the s)%eriority o( the r)ling classes and his
tastes (or the (iner things in li(eB he doesn't abandon his lo$e o( good (ood" good
()rnishings" com(ort" the arts" intellect)al stim)lation" and so (orth.
The 5obleman Priest %re(ers the com%any o( nobles and is o(ten a%%ointed as an
ad$isor to a noble (amily" a r)ler" an im%ortant local go$ernor" etc. 7e has less concern
(or the li$es and 2el(are o( commoners. When %ressed" he 2ill %er(orm any and all
%riestly d)ties (or commoners" b)t he )s)ally seeks to a$oid these d)tiesB 2hen he is a
lo2:le$el character" he'll kee% himsel( a2ay (rom common (olk as m)ch as %ossible in
order to a$oid these incon$eniences" and 2hen he is higher:le$el he 2ill assign a
s)bordinate or a (ollo2er to attend their needs.
The 5obleman Priest is not necessarily e$il or a bad %erson. 0n (act" he o(ten adheres to
a code o( chi$alric beha$ior m)ch like a knight's. B)t he does ha$e strong social
%rej)dices 2hich color his thinking.
0m%ortant note: A nobleman can become a %riest and not take the 5obleman Priest kit.
This sort o( %riest li$es more (r)gally" like other %riests" and does not ha$e to ha$e a
disdain (or the lo2er social classesB 5obleman Priests do not co)nt him among their
There are no s%ecial re9)irements to be a 5obleman Priest.
0( a 5obleman Priest %layer:character e$er decides that he is 2rong in his attit)des
<2hich can occ)r in es%ecially dramatic (ashion i( he is a((ected by the sel(:sacri(ice o( a
commoner 2ho has sa$ed him" or i( he (alls in lo$e 2ith a character o( the common
social classes=" he may choose to abandon this kit. 0( he does this" he 2ill be ostraci3ed by
most o( the nobles 2ho 2ere %re$io)sly co)nted as his (riends <the D* can ha$e one or
t2o more broad:minded nobles still co)nt him a (riend" and the %layer:characters can
make )% their o2n minds on the s)bject=B he may e$en be exiled (rom his o2n (amily. As
2ith any kit abandonment" he loses all other bene(its and hindrances o( the kit.
1arred' 5one.
Role: 0n the cam%aign" the 5obleman Priest is an aggra$ating snob <tho)gh he might
not be a2are o( his snobbery=. 7e is a ()n role to %lay" b)t he'd better ha$e some
redeeming (eat)res i( the other Ps are to contin)e to associate 2ith him. 0( he does ha$e
redeeming (eat)res" it's $ery likely that some Ps 2ill try to Dre(ormD him to their o2n
2ay o( thinking.
Se(ondary Skills' 5obleman Priests may choose or random:roll their Secondary Skill.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' +e9)ired: 5one. +ecommended: #ong s2ord" bastard s2ord"
lance" (lails <all=" maces <all=" i( allo2ed by the %riest's act)al %riest class.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciencies: <&eneral= Eti9)ette" 7eraldry" +iding
<#and:Based=. +ecommended: <&eneral= Animal Training" Dancing" <Warrior" do)ble
slots )nless the %riest class has a non2ea%on %ro(iciency gro)% crosso$er incl)ding the
Warrior gro)%= &aming" 7)nting" <Priest= #ocal 7istory" *)sical 0nstr)ment"
E0i!"ent' The 5obleman Priest may s%end his gold as he chooses F b)t he has
certain minim)m standards he cannot $iolate. Be(ore starting %lay" he m)st b)y:
<-= A s)it o( armor <i( he is %ermitted to by his %riest:class . . . and" )nless his class
limits him to lesser armor" he cannot b)y armor less %rotecti$e than brigandine or scale
<A= At least one 2ea%on larger than a dagger <again" i( his %riest:class so %ermits him=.
<G= A horse <at least a riding horse=" riding saddle" bit 6 bridle" horseshoes and shoeing"
halter and saddle blanket.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' The 5obleman Priest starts 2ith more gold than other %riestsB see
belo2 )nder Wealth !%tions.
The 5obleman Priest recei$es a JG reaction (rom any noble o( his o2n c)lt)re" and a
JA (rom nobles o( other c)lt)res. The D* can ignore this i( there is a c)lt)ral hatred
bet2een those %eo%le and the %riest's c)lt)re or the %riest's god.
When tra$elling" he can demand shelter (rom anyone in his o2n landB he can demand
shelter (or t2o %eo%le m)lti%lied by the %riest's ex%erience le$el <i( he's eighth le$el" he
can demand shelter (or himsel( and a retin)e o( (i(teen more %eo%le=.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' The 5obleman Priest is ex%ected to li$e 2ell. 0( he has eno)gh
money to do so" he may only b)y high:9)ality goods" and so m)st s%end at least t2o
times the minim)m necessary money (or anything he b)ys. 0( a basic long s2ord costs -L
g%" he 2on't b)y one 2orth less than G/ g%B the extra money goes into 9)ality" engra$ing"
etc. <7e can't sa$e money by ha$ing a (riend or (ollo2er b)y chea%er things (or himB he's
j)st not satis(ied 2ith anything less than good:9)ality merchandise.=
0( the %riest is broke and cannot s%end this extra money" he can then settle (or lesser
goods . . . b)t the other nobles o( his c)lt)re" i( they see him 2ith shabby acco)trements"
2ill mock him" and he does not get his reaction bon)s )ntil once again all his goods are
high:9)ality goods. 0n (act" i( his gear and %ossessions look s)((iciently shabby <D*'s
discretion=" %eo%le may not belie$e him to be a nobleman at all" and may re()se him the
shelter he co)ld ordinarily demand. <This ha%%ens most o(ten i( a nobleman %riest is
robbed o( all his clothes and goods and le(t to (end (or himsel(.=
As he can demand shelter o( others" other 5obleman Priests can demand shelter o(
him. This can be ex%ensi$e i( they decide to stay (or a2hile. This is also a good 2ay (or
the D* to bleed extra money (rom the %riest i( he seems to ha$e too m)ch.
*ealt$ O!tions' The 5obleman Priest begins %lay 2ith more gold than other %riests.
7e gets AAL g% %l)s the standard GdIx-/ g%. B)t he m)st s%end a good %ortion o( that on
the E9)i%ment re9)ired o( him. 0( the %riest abandons this kit" that money doesn't
magically Dgo a2ay"D b)t as %art o( his social ostraci3ation the character sho)ld s)((er
some sort o( (inancial loss" e9)al to at least AAL g%" as determined by the D*. <Perha%s a
malicio)s ex:(riend destroys some o( his %ro%ertyB %erha%s a %etty:minded b)siness
ac9)aintance betrays him on a b)siness deal.=
Ra(es' This kit has no s%ecial re9)irements (or race. The D* may decide that not all
races ha$e the same kind o( social snobbery that h)mans do" in 2hich case that race
co)ld not take this kit.

Otla2 Priest

Des(ri!tion' This %riest has decided to become %art o( some sort o( o)tla2 comm)nity
and ser$e that comm)nity's religio)s needs. The tro)ble is" (or the character to take this
kit" this gro)% or comm)nity m)st be s)((iciently o)tla2ed that the %riesthood in 9)estion
does not a%%ro$e o( it. Alternati$ely" the %riest may ha$e decided that the god's
%riesthood is not ser$ing him in an a%%ro%riate 2ay" and he 2ill ha$e decided to create
his o2n %riestly order ser$ing the same god. 0n this case" too" the reg)lar %riesthood does
not a%%ro$e o( him. 0n either case" the %riest m)st belie$e that he is still ser$ing the god
in a (ashion that the god a%%ro$es o(. <The D*" ob$io)sly" m)st agree.=
8riar T)ck" the cleric 2ho tended to +obin 7ood's *erry *en" is the classic exam%le
o( this ty%e o( %riest.
This %riest" in the %)rs)it o( his d)ties" is o%%osed by other %riests ser$ing the same
god. 0n addition" i( he's identi(ied himsel( 2ith an o)tla2 or %irate band" he'll be 2anted
by the a)thorities as a member o( that band.
There are no s%ecial ability:score re9)irements to be an !)tla2 Priest.
A %riest abandons this kit by lea$ing the o)tla2 band or o%%osing?disbanding the ne2
religio)s order" 2hiche$er is %ertinent. Additionally" by role:%laying in the cam%aign" he
m)st ans2er all the charges %ressed against him by the a)thorities <he might do this by
being tried and going to %rison (or a time" or %aying re%arations" or acce%ting tasks o(
%enance (rom his tem%le=B i( he does not" he 2ill contin)e to be o%%osed by his tem%le
and 2anted by the a)thorities.
1arred' Priests o( the gods o( omm)nity may not take this kit. Priests o( no
Philoso%hy or 8orce may take this kit. <They can associate themsel$es 2ith %irate or
o)tla2 bands" b)t there is no cens)re 2ithin their orders beca)se o( it" and there(ore no
disad$antage to belonging to s)ch a band.=
Role' This sort o( %riest has one o( t2o roles" de%ending on the sit)ation.
<-= With the (irst sit)ation mentioned abo$e" the %riest has joined an o)tla2 or %irate
band. 0n the cam%aign" then" he's the rog)e %riest 2ho has decided that the band deser$es
his %riestly g)idance" and that this is more im%ortant than the demands o( his %riestly
order. The %riest either agrees 2ith the band's o)tla2 acti$ities or ignores themB his
concern is that they recei$e the blessings o( his god. Perha%s" too" he thinks that they'll be
a more ethical gro)% 2ith him aro)ndB he may be %resent to kee% them (rom %er(orming
acts o( br)tality or ra%ine" 2hich they might )ndertake 2ere he not %resent.
<A= 0n the second sit)ation mentioned abo$e" the %riest is a rog)e $isionary 2ho thinks
that he m)st ser$e his god in a 2ay not a%%ro$ed o( by the normal %riesthood. This
character is %robably someone 2ho 2ent thro)gh the tem%le's normal %riestly training"
decided that there 2as something 2rong or lacking in it" and set o)t to (o)nd his o2n
order. A classic exam%le o( this is the sit)ation 2here a %riesthood has become corr)%t
and la3y" and a re(ormer %riest has a%%eared to try to ret)rn the 2orshi% o( the god to its
(ormer honorable stateB the corr)%t %riests nat)rally 2ish to maintain the status quo.
Se(ondary Skills' The %riest can choose his o2n secondary skill. 0( he's %art o( a
%irate band" he may 2ish to choose Sailor" Shi%2right or 5a$igator. 0( he's %art o( a
landbo)nd o)tla2 band" he might choose 8orester" 7)nter" or Tra%%er?8)rrier. 7e may
decide on none o( these and make a decision based on his li(e be(ore he entered the
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' +e9)ired: 5one. +ecommended: 0( Pirate" c)tlassC" belaying
%inC" bill. 0( !)tla2" 2ea%on choices a%%ro%riate (or the o)tla2 band. <The DCD symbol
re(ers to 2ea%ons introd)ced in The Complete !ighter's Handbook.=
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciency: +eligion.
+ecommended Pro(iciencies <Pirate Priest=: Pirate's Bon)s Pro(iciencies: <&eneral=
+o%e 1se" Seamanshi%" S2imming" Weather Sense" <Warrior" do)ble slots )nless %riest:
class dictates other2ise= 5a$igation" <Priest= Engineering <(or shi%b)ilding="
+eading?Writing <(or ma%making=" <+og)e" do)ble slots )nless %riest:class dictates
other2ise= A%%raising" Set Snares <in association 2ith +o%e 1se skill=" Tightro%e
Walking" T)mbling" <Wi3ard" do)ble slots )nless %riest:class dictates other2ise=
Engineering <(or shi%b)ilding=" +eading?Writing <(or ma%making=.
+ecommended Pro(iciencies <!)tla2 Priest=: <&eneral= Direction Sense" 8ire:
B)ilding" +iding <#and:Based=" <Warrior" do)ble slots )nless %riest:class dictates
other2ise= Animal #ore" Bo2yer?8letcher" End)rance" 7)nting" +)nning" Set Snares"
S)r$i$al" Tracking" <Priest= 7ealing" 7erbalism" #ocal 7istory" <+og)e" do)ble slots
)nless %riest:class dictates other2ise= Disg)ise.
E0i!"ent' 5o restrictions. Within the context o( the cam%aign" i( this is a %irate or
o)tla2 band" it's a bad idea to 2ear metal armor <banded" brigandine" bron3e %late" chain"
(ield %late" ()ll %late" %late mail" and ring mail=. *etal armor drags %irates do2n to their
deaths 2hen they (all o$erboardB and it's noisy 2hen 2orn by o)tla2s trying to amb)sh
their %rey. B)t this is j)st a (actor the D* needs to remember" not a restriction on the kit.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' The main bene(it o( this kit is that the %riest does not ha$e any
s)%eriors. 7e takes orders (rom no s)%erior religio)s a)thority <)nless the god himsel(
chooses to iss)e some=.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' The o)tla2 %riest is o%%osed by the normal %riestly order ser$ing
his god. When they hear o( his %lans" they try to th2art them <break )% religio)s
meetings" disr)%t b)ilding o( his tem%le" etc.=. This %riest ne$er gets to b)ild a tem%le at
c)t:rate %ricesB he m)st al2ays s%end the 2hole amo)nt to b)ild his tem%le. <0( he e$er
abandons his kit" the reg)lar %riesthood may acce%t his tem%le as one belonging to the
%riesthood" b)t 2ill ne$er recom%ense him hal( the money it took to b)ild it.= 0( the
o)tla2 %riest is %art o( an o)tla2 or %irate band" he is so)ght by the same a)thorities that
seek that band" and 2ill %ay the same %enalties )nder the la2 as they do i( he is ca)ght.
*ealt$ O!tions' !)tla2 %riests get the standard GdIx-/ g% (or starting gold.
Ra(es' 5o s%ecial restrictions.

Pa(i&ist Priest

Des(ri!tion' This %riest is de$oted to the ca)se o( %eace. 7e is a cham%ion o( %assi$e
resistance" o( achie$ing one's ends 2itho)t resorting to $iolence o( any kind.
There are no s%ecial re9)irements to be a %riest o( this sort. 5or are there s%ecial r)les
(or abandonment o( the kit" i( the character e$ent)ally (eels that he needs to be 2ielding
(orce to achie$e his ends.
1arred' Priests o( the (ollo2ing gods" (orces and %hiloso%hies may not be Paci(ist
Priests: Disease" E$il" >)stice?+e$enge" War.
Role' 0n a cam%aign" this %riest can be a real aggra$ation to the more combat:oriented
%layer:characters. There(ore" the D* sho)ld allo2 this %riest in only the (ollo2ing
<-= When he's an 5P" so that the D* doesn't ha$e to 2ork to contri$e to kee% him
2ith the %arty all the time <they'll ha$e an easier time o( abandoning him i( they 2ish=B
<A= When he's %art o( a s%eci(ic 9)est or mission <i.e." they m)st accom%any him and
g)ard him thro)gho)t the 9)est or it 2ill a)tomatically (ail=B or
<G= When all the Ps are %aci(ists <this 2o)ld be a $ery )n)s)al cam%aign or 9)est"
5ote" tho)gh" that j)st beca)se the %riest demands %eace()lness o( all aro)nd him" his
allies don't ha$e to obey. 7o2e$er" it is ine$itable that in combat sit)ations the %layer o(
the %aci(ist %riest 2ill (eel le(t o)t <he can't (ight=B additionally" he'll (eel com%elled by his
%hiloso%hy to arg)e 2ith the other Ps" to chide them (or their $iolence" 2hich 2ill get
on their ner$es. There(ore" the D* sho)ld kee% s)ch 9)ests short" so that the %aci(ist
%riest doesn't dri$e the other characters to the %oint that they'll kill him.
Se(ondary Skills' This %riest may choose or random:roll his secondary skill. 0t may
not be Armorer" 7)nter" or Tra%%er?8)rrier <i( he rolls one o( these )% randomly" he may
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' The Paci(ist Priest may not kno2 any Wea%on Pro(iciency
exce%t bo2 and dart" and may kno2 them only i( his tr)e %riest:class allo2s them. The
%riest may only )se these 2ea%ons in com%etition" as described belo2 )nder DS%ecial
7indrances.D The %riest still recei$es all his Wea%on Pro(iciency slots" and i( he e$er
abandons this kit may Ds%endD them at a rate o( t2o slots e$ery ex%erience le$el.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciency: Eti9)ette. +ecommended: #ang)ages
<*odern=" #ang)ages <Ancient=" Ancient 7istory" Singing" *)sical 0nstr)ment"
E0i!"ent' This %riest may not b)y any armor" and may not b)y any 2ea%on exce%t
dagger or kni(e <(or eating only=" and bo2 and dart <i( he has %ro(iciency 2ith them=.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' This %riest is a $ery com%elling %ersonality. 7e recei$es a JA to his
harisma score <his harisma cannot exceed -O (rom this bon)s=" and" in addition to any
reaction bon)s that his heightened harisma gi$es him" he recei$es a JA reaction (rom
anyone 2ho is not )tterly o%%osed to his %hiloso%hy. <Beings o%%osed to his %hiloso%hy
incl)de %riests and de$oted adherents o( the gods" (orces and %hiloso%hies mentioned
abo$e )nder DBarred"D and certain 2arlike nonh)man races like orcs" ogres and trolls.=
S!e(ial Hindran(es' This %riest may ne$er 2ear armor" and may ne$er )se 2ea%ons"
s%ells or any other tactics to harm a h)man" demih)man" nonh)man" or monster. 0( he
e$er $iolates this decree" his god 2ill not %)nish him <beca)se the %aci(ist's oath is one he
took (or himsel(" not (or his god=" b)t his o2n g)ilt 2ill de%ri$e him o( all magic s%ells
(or the s%an o( one month. <0( the D* 2ishes" i( the %riest is a (ollo2er o( the god o(
Peace" the god can instead %)nish him as a DBetrayal o( &oalsD (rom the Role/Playin,
cha%ter.= 5at)rally" i( he later abandons the kit" he can res)me the 2earing o( armor and
)se o( 2ea%ons according to his %riest:class.
*ealt$ O!tions' This %riest gets the )s)al GdIx-/ g%.
Ra(es' 5o s%ecial limitations.

Peasant Priest

Des(ri!tion' The Peasant Priest is the antithesis o( the 5obleman Priest abo$e. 7e's a
cham%ion o( the common man" and %re(ers ser$ing the commoner to any association 2ith
nobles. 7e has taken a $o2 o( %o$ertyB he belie$es he sho)ld sacri(ice his 2orldly goods
to the glory o( his deity.
5ote that the Peasant Priest need not ha$e been born a %easantB he co)ld ha$e been
born a nobleman and later abandoned that li(estyle and the %ri$ileges o( his class.
There are no ability:score re9)irements to be a Peasant Priest.
There are no s%ecial r)les (or abandonment o( this kit.
1arred' Priests o( the (ollo2ing gods" (orces" and %hiloso%hies may not take this kit:
E$il" &ood" Pros%erity.
Role' 0n the cam%aign" the Peasant Priest de$otes himsel( to the needs o( the common
man. 0( he's %art o( an ad$ent)ring %arty" he 2on't s)%%ort any %lans 2hich endanger or
ex%loit the %easants or ser(s" and 2ill try to recommend %lans 2hich ad$antage them.
<8or exam%le" i( the %arty 2ants to )se the locals to hel% l)re the dragon o)t o( its ca$e"
so that the locals 2ill be the (irst ones (lamed and eaten" the %riest 2ill object. B)t i( the
locals are to be along as s)%%ort troo%s" and ha$e in(ormation and chances o( s)ccess and
s)r$i$al at least e9)al to the %layer:characters'" he 2on't ha$e any s)ch objection.= 7e'll
insist that treas)res be shared 2ith the locals o( the area 2here the treas)re 2as (o)nd.
<Ass)ming that the treas)re is s%lit into e$en shares among %arty members" he'll insist
that the local %easant comm)nity recei$e t2o shares" (or exam%le.= 0n a greedy or tight:
(isted %arty" the %arty might re()se his re9)ests" 2hich doesn't mean the %riest has to
attack them or steal (rom them... b)t this 2ill ine$itably res)lt in the %riest becoming
disill)sioned 2ith the %arty.
Se(ondary Skills' The %layer may choose his %riest's secondary skill.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' The %layer may choose his character's 2ea%on %ro(iciencies"
s)bject to the limitations o( the %riest's act)al %riest:class. The D* may insist that the
character start o)t the cam%aign only 2ith %ro(iciencies a%%ro%riate to a %easant" s)ch as
short s2ord" s%ear" bo2" (ootman's 2ea%ons and the likeB long s2ords <and bigger
blades=" horseman's 2ea%ons" exotic %olearms" lances" tridents and the like are not. This
sho)ld only be a restriction 2hen the character is (irst createdB a(ter2ards" he can learn
any 2ea%on his %riest:class allo2s him.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciencies: Agric)lt)re or 8ishing <%layer
choice=" Weather Sense or Animal #ore <%layer choice=. +ecommended: Any o( the
&eneral %ro(iciencies.
E0i!"ent' The Peasant Priest has restrictions on the 2ay he s%ends his money. !ther
than 2ea%ons" 2ith 2hich he has no monetary limitation" he may o2n only one object
2orth as m)ch as -L g%" and other than that one object may o2n nothing 2orth more than
-/ g%. 7e may ne$er o2n more than PL g% 2orth o( <non:2ea%on= %ro%erty at any one
time. 0( he recei$es money or gi(ts 2hich %)t him abo$e that limit" he m)st gi$e a2ay
money and %ossessions )ntil once again he is 2ithin the PL g% limitation.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' The Peasant Priest al2ays has shelter 2hen he's in his o2n
comm)nityB his o2n %eo%le 2ill shelter him e$en (rom the land's right()l a)thorities.
Among %easants o( other comm)nities" he cannot co)nt on this bene(it" b)t he recei$es a
JA reaction adj)stment (rom all %easants.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' The Peasant 7ero's great limitation is described abo$e )nder
*ealt$ O!tions' The Peasant Priest gets the standard GdIx-/ g% starting money. !(
the money he recei$es" no more than PL g% may be s%ent on goods other than 2ea%ons.
Ra(es' 5o s%ecial limitation.

Pro!$et Priest

Des(ri!tion' A %ro%het is one 2ho recei$es signs" dreams" or cl)es abo)t the ()t)re
(rom his god. Priests o( the god o( %ro%hecy are %ro%hets" b)t they aren't the only
%ro%hets. Priests o( other gods can recei$e and %ass along %ro%hecies. 7o2e$er" since
this is rarer" the D* has the right to a%%ro$e or disa%%ro$e any character taking this
Priest Kit.
To be a Pro%het Priest" the character m)st ha$e a Wisdom o( -L or better.
A character may not abandon this kit. As long as he is a %riest" he is a Pro%het Priest.
1arred' Priests o( the god o( Pro%hecy may not take this kit. All other %riests may.
<Priests o( %hiloso%hies or (orces don't recei$e their %ro%hecies (rom a godB their
%ro%hecies are more like %sychic im%ressions.=
Role' 0n the cam%aign" the Pro%het Priest is %artly a tool (or the D*B the D* can )se
the character to s)%%ly cl)es and e$en red herrings to the characters. 7is is o(ten a
thankless job" and he is o(ten a bit alienated (rom the normal (olk <see DS%ecial
7indrancesD belo2=.
Se(ondary Skills' The %riest may choose his o2n secondary skill.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' +e9)ired: 5one. +ecommended: Any that the %riest's act)al
%riest:class %ermits.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciency: Weather Sense. +ecommended: 5one
E0i!"ent' 5o s%ecial restrictions.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' The character recei$es the *edi)m &ranted Po2er DPro%hecyD (rom
the Designing 8aiths cha%ter. 7o2e$er" it's more limited than the Pro%hecy 2hich is
granted to %riests o( the god o( Pro%hecy. With this %o2er" %riests may recei$e $isions
(rom the god at any time the D* decides" b)t may only deliberately sink into a trance in
order to recei$e a $ision once %er day.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' 0t's not normal (or anyone b)t %riests o( the god o( Pro%hecy to
be %ro%hets. There(ore" normal %eo%le are a little edgy aro)nd other %ro%hets" and react to
them at a :A reaction adj)stment. <This adj)stment may ne$er res)lt in a reaction 2orse
than a)tio)s" ho2e$er.=
*ealt$ O!tions' This %riest recei$es the normal GdIx-/ g% starting gold.
Ra(es' 5o s%ecial limitations.

Sa4a,e Priest

Des(ri!tion' This is a shaman o( a sa$age tribe. This character is a member o( the
tribe. The tribe itsel( is a technologically and c)lt)rally %rimiti$e one <by the standards
and in the o%inions o( more Dci$ili3edD c)lt)res=" b)t is also one 2hich is att)ned to the
nat)ral (orces o( the 2orld. The Sa$age Priest inter%rets the 2ill o( his god and acts as an
ad$isor or leader to the members o( his tribe.
This character might be an animal:totem shaman 2ho assigns all the tribal 2arriors
their animal totems. 7e might be the 2itch:doctor 2ho insists on the deaths o( the
ad$ent)rers (rom the o)tside 2orld. Take a %riestess o( a nat)re:god and gi$e her the
Sa$age Priestess kit" and yo) end )% 2ith something $ery like a nym%h. Whether the
Sa$age Priest is good or e$il" (ilthy or clean:limbed de%ends on the nat)re o( the tribe
itsel(B the D* decides 2hat the tribe is like.
To be a Sa$age Priest" a character m)st ha$e a minim)m Strength score o( -- and a
minim)m onstit)tion score o( -G.
0n abandoning this kit" the character is reno)ncing his membershi% 2ith the tribe and
acce%ting citi3enshi% in some other c)lt)re. This (re9)ently ha%%ens 2ith Sa$age Priests
2ho join ad$ent)ring %arties" stay 2ith them in tra$els thro)gh the 2orld" and learn so
m)ch o( the o)tside 2orld that they no longer (eel like %art o( their tribe.
1arred' Priests o( the (ollo2ing god and %hiloso%hies may not take this kit: Disease"
Di$inity o( *ankind" E$il" &ood.
Priests o( the (ollo2ing gods are most a%%ro%riate to this kit: Animals" Earth"
Elemental 8orces" 8ire" 7)nting" 5at)re" Sky?Weather" 4egetation.
Role' 0n a cam%aign" this character )s)ally %lays the role o( the %rimiti$e 2ho (inds his
2orld:$ie2 shattered by his ex%eriences in the o)ter 2orld... b)t 2ho might teach his
Dci$ili3edD com%anions something abo)t sim%le tr)th and j)stice as he ad$ent)res 2ith
them. The D* sho)ld insist that the character role:%lay his tribal origins in the (irst (o)r
or (i$e ex%erience le$els" )ntil the character is more )sed to the o)tside 2orldB this %riest
2ill be ba((led by Dhigh:technologyD in$entions <iron and steel 2ea%ons" boats made o)t
o( more than a single log" ho)rglasses" anything more so%histicated than the tools o( his
tribe=" by ci$ili3ed morals and ethics" and es%ecially by the strangeness and )n(airness o(
the la2s o( ci$ili3ed men.
Se(ondary Skills' The Sa$age Priest character m)st take 8isher" 8orester" &room"
7)nter" or Tra%%er?8)rrier as his Secondary Skill <%layer choice" based on the acti$ities o(
his character's tribe=.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' The Sa$age Priest is limited to the 2ea%ons his act)al %riest:
class %ermits him" and is ()rther limited <2hen he is (irst created= to the (ollo2ing set o(
%ro(iciencies: blo2g)n" long bo2" short bo2" cl)b" dagger" ja$elin" kni(e" sling" s%ear.
A(ter he has ad$ent)red in the o)ter 2orld" the character may learn other %ro(iciencies.
Non2ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' Bon)s Pro(iciencies: <&eneral= Direction Sense or
Weather Sense <%layer choice=" <Warrior= End)rance or S)r$i$al <%layer choice=.
+ecommended: <&eneral= Animal 7andling" Animal Training" 8ire:B)ilding" 8ishing"
+iding <#and:based=" +o%e 1se" S2imming" <Warrior" do)ble slots )nless the %riest:class
dictates other2ise= Animal #ore" Bo2yer?8letcher" 7)nting" *o)ntaineering" +)nning"
Set Snares" Tracking" <Priest= 7ealing" 7erbalism" #ocal 7istory" +eligion" <+og)e"
do)ble slots )nless the %riest:class dictates other2ise= >)m%ing" Tightro%e Walking"
T)mbling" <Wi3ard" do)ble slots )nless the %riest:class dictates other2ise= 7erbalism.
The Sa$age may not take Eti9)ette or 7eraldry 2hen (irst created.
E0i!"ent' The Sa$age Priest" 2ith his starting gold" may b)y no armor other than
leather armor and shield" and may b)y no 2ea%on not listed abo$e )nder DWea%on
Pro(iciencies.D 7e m)st s%end all his gold 2hen he is created" or lose any DchangeD he has
le(t o$er.
0( yo) ha$e The Complete !ighter's Handbook" )se the E9)i%ment r)les (or the Sa$age
Warrior Kit instead.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' The Sa$age Priest has a s%ecial Detect Magic ability" resembling the
s%ell o( the same name" 2hich he may )se once %er day %er ex%erience le$el he has <i.e."
a Lth:le$el sa$age co)ld )se his ability (i$e times %er day=. The r)les (or this %o2er are:
Detect Magic. The Sa$age Priest is in t)ne 2ith nat)re and can (eel 2hen there is
something magical in the $icinity. As 2ith the (irst:le$el Priest s%ell" he has a -/K
chance %er ex%erience le$el to determine the s%here o( the magic.
S!e(ial Hindran(es' The Sa$age Priest is im%osing and strange" and he 2orshi%s his
gods Dall 2rongD <i.e." ci$ili3ed (olk and %riests recogni3e that his rites are di((erent"
)nlike theirs=. There(ore" he s)((ers a :A reaction adj)stment (rom all ci$ili3ed (olk
<5Ps" that isB Ps can decide (or themsel$es ho2 they react to him=.
*ealt$ O!tions' The Sa$age starts o)t 2ith only GdIxL g%. A(ter the cam%aign starts"
he 2ill enco)nter money" and the %layer may decide either that he likes the st)(( or rejects
it as a st)%id city:h)man idea.
Ra(es' 5o s%ecial limitations.

S($olar Priest

Des(ri!tion' This character is a researcher. 7e's most at home 2hen he's %oring o$er
books" scrolls" %a%yri" clay tablets and other old 2ritings. 7e's not (orbidden (rom
(ighting" b)t is more likely to try to straighten o)t a bad sit)ation 2ith reason" %ersonal
charisma" or e$en trickery than 2ith a 2ea%on. 7is li(e is dedicated to the assimilation o(
kno2ledge <and" )s)ally" the transmission o( that kno2ledge to ne2 generations=.
A scholar %riest m)st ha$e an 0ntelligence ability score o( -G or better.
This kit cannot be abandoned. A scholar can break o(( corres%ondence 2ith other
scholars" can choose not to teach" can decide not to do any st)dying or 2riting (or as long
as he likes" b)t he can al2ays re:enter the academic 2orld.
1arred: Priests o( the (ollo2ing gods" (orces and %hiloso%hies cannot take this kit:
om%etition" 8ertility" #i(e:Death:+ebirth ycle" Strength" and War.
Priests o( the (ollo2ing ty%es are most a%%ro%riate (or this kit: Arts" ra(ts" )lt)re"
Di$inity o( *ankind" #iterat)re?Poetry" *)sic?Dance" and Wisdom.
Role' 0n the cam%aign" this %riest is moti$ated by his desire (or kno2ledge. 7e'll o(ten
be tem%ted by ad$ent)res 2here he's likely to be able to learn something. 0( an
ad$ent)ring %arty is going to a r)in 2here a (amo)s library once stood" he'll eagerly join
on the (aint ho%e that some scra% o( that library still s)r$i$es. 7e'll be %art o( ex%editions
to $isit (amo)s sites or ancient beings 2ho might tell him stories o( the %ast or sol$e old
mysteries. 7e might be %art o( an ad$ent)re j)st so that he can chronicle it and %reser$e
its e$ents in history.
Se(ondary Skills' The Scholar Priest m)st take Scribe as his secondary skill.
*ea!on Pro&i(ien(ies' +e9)ired: 5one. +ecommended: Any a%%ro%riate to the
%riest's act)al %riest:class. 5ote: See DS%ecial Bene(its"D belo2.
5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies: Bon)s Pro(iciency: +eading?Writing. +ecommended:
<&eneral= Artistic Ability" Eti9)ette" 7eraldry" #ang)ages <*odern=" <Priest= Ancient
7istory" Astrology" #ang)ages <Ancient=" #ocal 7istory.
E0i!"ent' The scholar:%riest m)st al2ays ha$e 2riting material" 9)ill and ink 2ith
him. 0( e$er he loses them" he m)st regain or re%lace them as soon as %ossible" and in the
meantime 2ill be recording his ex%eriences in any (ashion he can (ind. !ther than that"
this kit makes no demands on the 2ay he s%ends his money.
S!e(ial 1ene&its' The Scholar Priest can Ds%endD any o( his Wea%on Pro(iciency slots
on 5on2ea%on Pro(iciencies instead. 7e doesn't ha$e toB he can adhere to the normal
%attern o( %ro(iciency choice that is a%%ro%riate to his %riest:class. B)t i( he 2ishes he
may t)rn Wea%on Pro(iciency slots into 5on2ea%on slots and thereby become a $ery
skilled character. Also" the Scholar recei$es a JG reaction bon)s (rom other scholars"
admirers o( scholastic concerns" 2riters" jo)rnalists" and %eo%le 2ho imagine that they
are scholars. Beca)se o( this" 2hen the %arty thinks it is in a sit)ation 2hen no one is
2illing to hel%" it may t)rn o)t that the mo)sy clerk" antagonistic king or homely 2itch
they met is an admirer o( or e$en corres%ondent 2ith the Scholar Priest and 2ill hel%
S!e(ial Hindran(es' *any scholars are egotistical" and debates bet2een scholars can
become $ery heated and %ersonal. Whene$er the D* rolls a reaction check (rom another
scholar" he sho)ld (irst roll -dI. !n a -" the %layer:character scholar gets a %= reaction
adj)stment instead o( a JG" beca)se at some time in the %ast <or e$en the %resent= he
arg)ed or disagreed 2ith this scholar's %et o%inion and o((ended him com%letely.
*ealt$ O!tions' The Scholar Priest gets the standard GdIx-/ g% starting gold.
Ra(es' 5o s%ecial limitations.

Re(ordin, .its on t$e C$ara(ter S$eet

To record yo)r %riest kit on yo)r character record sheet" do the (ollo2ing:
<-= When yo) 2rite do2n the character's %riest:class" also add the name o( his %riest kit
there. 0( the character 2ere a %riest o( the 5orse god o( th)nder and also a %easant %riest"
yo)'d 2rite DPriest o( Thor?Peasant Priest.D
<A= Where yo) 2rite do2n the character's non2ea%on %ro(iciencies" add the ones yo)
got (ree (rom the %riest kit" and %)t an asterisk beside them to indicate that they are (ree
%ro(iciencies %ro$ided by the kit.
<G= Where$er yo) ha$e s%ace (or notes" mark do2n the character's s%ecial bene(its and
hindrances" and any other (acts yo) 2ant to remember.

+lti/Class and Dal/Class C$ara(ters
Any m)lti:class %riest can take one o( the Priest Kits abo$e. 7o2e$er" he can only take
one kit" total. 0( he has se$eral character classes" he can't take a se%arate kit (or each class.
The same is tr)e o( d)al:class characters. 0( a character begins %lay as a %riest and
takes one o( the kits abo$e" and then later changes to another class" he does not ha$e to
abandon the kit. 7o2e$er" he still may only ha$e one kit. Also" i( he chooses to abandon
the kit 2hen he changes class" he may not then take on a kit (rom the ne2 class. The
character may only ha$e had one kit" e$er" as long as he is %layed.
Abandonin, .its
A character created 2ith a Priest Kit might" later in his ad$ent)ring career" decide that
he has to abandon it. 8or instance" a Paci(ist Priest might be cr)shed 2hen his inaction
res)lted in the death o( a (riend" and might decide to abandon his %aci(istic stance.
The %layer m)st tell the D* that he 2ishes his character to abandon the kit. 0( this
choice is the res)lt o( some tra)matic e$ent" as in the exam%le abo$e" the character may
sim%ly 2ish to declare his intent. 0( the choice is a grad)al one" the D* may 2ant to
2ork it into the storyline.
The %riest abandoning his kit 2ill ha$e to role:%lay o)t his decision and its
conse9)ences. 7e'll anno)nce his decision . . . and he m)st s)((er the reactions o( his
allies <and the other members o( his orderN=" 2hether good or ill.
7e 2ill gi$e )% all the kit's bon)ses and hindrances. The character does not gi$e )%
any bon)s %ro(iciencies" b)t they are no longer Dbon)ses.D The character m)st D%ayD (or
them by s%ending the next %ro(iciency slots he recei$es on them.
!nce he's abandoned a Priest Kit" the character may not take another Priest Kit to
re%lace it. At this %oint" he's a normal %riest o( his s%eci(ic mythos (or the rest o( his
%laying li(e.

+odi&yin, and Creatin, .its
The D* sho)ld alter the kits abo$e in order to (it them better into his cam%aign 2orld.
8or instance" i( there are no Sa$age races to 2hich the Ps co)ld belong" the D*
sho)ld disallo2 the Sa$age Priest kit.
0( yo)'d like to create all:ne2 Priest Kits" re(er to the kit creation r)les in The
om%lete 8ighter's 7andbook.

There's more to role:%laying %riests than bashing miscreants" casting s%ells" 2a$ing
holy symbols and making earnest %rono)ncements. 0n this cha%ter" 2e're going to talk
abo)t the di((erences bet2een %riests" e$en %riests o( the same orders" and abo)t ho2
they relate to the cam%aign 2orld and their deities.

Priest Personalities

5o t2o %riests are alike in their goals" desires" 9)irks" and %rej)dices. 0t doesn't matter
i( they belong to the same %riest:class" ha$e the same Priest Kit" are at the same
ex%erience le$el and ha$e rolled the same hit %oints . . . they're going to be di((erent
Belo2 are descri%tions o( se$eral common ty%e o( %riest characters. All o( these
%ersonalities are dra2n (rom %riest character stereoty%es common to the mo$ies and
(iction. 5o$ice role:%layers sho)ld read thro)gh these descri%tions and" i( they 2ish"
ado%t one o( these %ersonality ty%es (or their %riest characters or at least let these
descri%tions ins%ire them to 2ork o)t the details o( their characters' %ersonalities.
Ex%erienced role:%layers" to 2hom the creation o( %ersonalities is second nat)re" sho)ld
ski% on to DPriest Ad$ent)res.D

#$e Crsader

The r)sader is a %riest 2ith a mission. What that mission is" is )% to the %layer and
the D*B he may 2ish to con$ert the heathens" to restore a tem%le to its original glory" to
clean )% a corr)%t %riesthood" to cr)sh the enemies o( his (aith" to destroy a %o2er()l
clan" or to gain s%ecial rights or %ri$ileges (or <or merely a li(ting o( bad or %rej)dicial
la2s (rom= his %eo%le.
This is not s)ch a bad thing 2hen the r)sader's goals corres%ond to the goals o( the
ad$ent)ring %arty. That's easy to s)stain (or a m)lti:e%isode ad$ent)re. B)t 2hen the
other %layer:character heroes' attention t)rns to some other matter or enemy" the r)sader
is less 2illing to go along. 7e may contin)e on 2ith them (or a time" b)t his attention
al2ays t)rns back to his %ersonal cr)sade.
The r)sader is best s)ited to la2()l alignments <la2()l good" la2()l ne)tral" la2()l
e$il=. 7e tends to be h)morless" b)t certainly doesn't ha$e to be st)%id.
0n combat sit)ations" the r)sader is a straight(or2ard (ighter" all according to the
limitations o( his %riestly class. B)t i( the enemy is related to his r)sade" he'll become
the (iercest and most energetic o( (ighters" sometimes taking dangero)s risks and going
all:o)t to rid himsel( o( this most %ersonal enemies.
0n role:%laying sit)ations" he doesn't ha$e to be a boring idiot 2ho talks abo)t nothing
b)t his 9)est. 7e can ha$e other goals and interests" too. B)t the ()rther a2ay he is (rom
his %ersonal cr)sade" and the less he is able to %romote his goals" the more o( his attention
they 2ill take )% in his mind.
#$e Earnest No4i(e

This %riest is a yo)ng (ello2 2ho has ne2ly achie$ed his %riestly rank. <Mes" all (irst:
le$el %riests are a%%ro%riate (or this %ersonality . . . b)t not all o( them have to take it.
!ther (irst:le$el %riests can be a little more so%histicated or 2orld:2ise than this (ello2.=
The Earnest 5o$ice is nai$e. 7e's easily tricked by smooth" %olished liars. 7e is %)re
in his belie(s" es%ecially those related to his %riestly order. 7e ser$es as an ins%iration (or
othersB no matter ho2 battered he is by li(e" he seems al2ays j)st to stand back )% and
kee% on going.
This character is best s)ited to the range o( good alignments <la2()l good" ne)tral
good" chaotic good=.
0n combat sit)ations" this character is %rone to be a bit sim%le. 7e has $ery %rimiti$e
combat tactics" s)ch as Dr)n at the enemy and hit him"D or Dstand 2here yo) are and shoot
himBD s)ch things as (lanking mane)$ers" (eints" (alse retreats" and other military
mane)$ers are beyond his com%rehension.
0n role:%laying sit)ations" this character ex%resses cheer()l o%timism and" )s)ally" a
lack o( )nderstanding abo)t the 2ay the Dreal 2orldD <that is" the cam%aign 2orld= 2orks.
0t doesn't occ)r to him to sli% a 2aiter a bribe to get better ser$ice: That 2o)ld be
monstro)sly )n(air and )n%ro(essionalN The ideas that a colleag)e might be corr)%t" that a
j)dge might render a decision based on ho2 he (elt that morning" that a bea)ti()l yo)ng
lady might not be absol)tely $irt)o)s are all alien to him. 7e'll acce%t them 2hen his
nose is r)bbed in them . . . b)t they'll ne$er occ)r to him nat)rally.
*ost %layers 2ho take this %ersonality e$ent)ally abandon itB it's nearly im%ossible to
%lay a character as remaining entirely innocent o( the 2orld thro)gh ad$ent)re a(ter
ad$ent)re. See Dhanging Personality Ty%esD belo2 (or more on this.
#$e Hy!o(rite

This %riest is a smooth talker and an ad$ocate o( all the goals o( his %riesthood and all
the $irt)o)s beha$iors there are. B)t" dee% do2n" he doesn't belie$e in them. 7e's (ooled
his s)%eriors in the %riestly order" he's %robably (ooled his ad$ent)ring com%anions" he's
certainly (ooled his (lock . . . b)t he himsel( kno2s the tr)th.
This is a %retty $illaino)s %ersonality ty%eB 2hen a hy%ocrite %riest isn't a $illain" he's
merely 2eak:2illed. Either 2ay" s)ch characters are rare among %layer:character heroes.
And they ne$er get a2ay 2ith it (ore$er.
7ere are some exam%les o( this character's ty%ical beha$ior:
7e genero)sly gi(ts coins to city beggars and earns their %raise. B)t on the side" o)t o(
sight" he tra((icks in stolen goods" %erha%s incl)ding objects stolen (rom tem%les o( his
order" and )ses the res%ect accorded to %riests to sm)ggle his stolen goods thro)gh city
gates and ins%ection lines.
When a bea)ti()l yo)ng member o( the (lock comes tear()lly to him 2ith %roblems" he
arranges to see her %ri$ately to co)nsel her. Alone 2ith the tro)bled yo)ng lady" he 2ill
sed)ce her" then abandon her" blackmailing her 2ith the besmirching o( her re%)tation to
kee% his o2n re%)tation clean. And sho)ld she" in her grie(" decide to commit s)icide"
he'll be the most ang)ished o( mo)rners at her ()neral <%erha%s he 2ill o((iciate= . . . and
then begin to 2ork on the yo)ng lady's better:looking (riends the same 2ay.
When sinners come to him a(ter doing e$il" they'll al2ays (ind absol)tion . . . (or a
he(ty %rice in gold %ieces. S)ch sinners are almost al2ays re%eat o((enders" and so they
are also re%eat s%enders.
!b$io)sly" this sort o( %ersonality is best:s)ited to non:%layer characters. B)t it is
al2ays an o%tion (or" and can be a challenge to" %layer:characters as 2ell.
The 7y%ocrite is limited to la2()l ne)tral" la2()l e$il" tr)e ne)tral" and ne)tral e$il
character alignments.
0n combat sit)ations" the 7y%ocrite 2ill tend to beha$e like the %riest he's s)%%osed to
be. 0( he can (ind reason to get o)t o( the 2ay o( combat" he 2ill: 8or instance" i( an ally
is inj)red" the 7y%ocrite 2ill dro% behind the lines to heal or doctor him. The 7y%ocrite
is also %rone to directing the actions o( his teammates in s)ch a 2ay that they take all the
risks. 0( one o( them is killed or inj)red" o( co)rse" he 2ill a%%ear to agoni3e o$er it.
0n role:%laying sit)ations" the 7y%ocrite 2ill be the smoothest and most concerned
character aro)nd. 7o2e$er" his %layer 2ill need to comm)nicate" in %ri$ate cons)ltation
2ith the D* or thro)gh secret notes" the 7y%ocrite's tr)e moti$es and %lans.
E$ent)ally the other characters 2ill catch on" and )ltimately they 2ill ex%ose or e$en
kill him. 0t's )% to the %layer then to decide 2hat the 7y%ocrite 2ill do <ass)ming he
s)r$i$es=: 7e co)ld change his name and start o$er again else2here" or %retend to re(orm
and become a little more so%histicated in his tactics" or he co)ld e$en re(orm and change
%ersonality ty%es.

#$e +oti4ator

This character is like a gro2n:)% $ersion o( the Earnest 5o$ice. 7e kno2s 2hat the
2orld is all abo)t" b)t he intends to do his tem%le's b)siness and see to it that his god's
goals are met" 2ith no com%laints and no back:talk. 7e's a combination o( cheerleader
and drill sergeant. 7e leads by exam%le" and he )s)ally leads. 7e gets to kno2 the minds
o( his com%anions and %lays )%on their o2n goals and desires to get his accom%lished.
This doesn't make him a $illain like the 7y%ocriteB he %robably intends this to be to
e$eryone's bene(it.
#ike the r)sader" he %er(orms best 2hen he's headed in the direction o( his %ersonal
goalB )nlike the r)sader" he doesn't ha$e j)st one goal that dominates his li(e" and can
add the other %layer:characters' goals to their o2n. <B)t i( he does take on someone else's
goal" yo) can be s)re that he'll be )nceasing and maybe )nbearable in trying to moti$ate
that character to2ard that goal. 7e 2on't let the other character abandon the goal. 7e j)t
ne$er gi$es )%.=
This character is s)ited to any alignment. !b$io)sly" i( he's la2()l good" his goals 2ill
be the goals o( his god and his societyB i( he's chaotic e$il" his goals 2ill be his o2n" and
$ery destr)cti$e ones" too.
0n combat sit)ations" the *oti$ator charges into the thick o( things and tries to 2hi% )%
his allies into a combat (ren3y. 7e gra$itates to the center o( the skirmish line" and i( he's
(it (or it 2ill try to take on the biggest and baddest o%%onents.
0n role:%laying sit)ations" he'll be a $igoro)s (ont o( ad$ice and hel%()lness. 7e tends
to be abr)%t o( s%eech and (irmly set in his o%inions <i.e." st)bborn=" b)t he's )s)ally a
good (riend to ha$e aro)nd.

#$e P$iloso!$er

This character tries to (it each o( his ad$ent)res and enco)nters into the grand scheme
o( the meaning o( li(e. 7e's not a $ery exciting %ersonality" being more tho)ght()l and
reser$ed than the dynamic *oti$ator or energetic Earnest 5o$ice. 7e o(ten ado%ts a
D#et's 2ait and see 2hat ha%%ensD or D*aybe it 2as meant to beD attit)de. 7e seldom
initiates combat or aggression" b)t this doesn't make him a %aci(istB once he gets into
combat" he can be as (ormidable an o%%onent as any %riest o( his class.
The Philoso%her is best s)ited to la2()l and ne)tral alignments <la2()l good" la2()l
ne)tral" la2()l e$il" ne)tral good" tr)e ne)tral" ne)tral e$il=.
0n combat sit)ations" the Philoso%her 2ill o(ten hang back (or a ro)nd or so to ga)ge
the sit)ation and analy3e things. 0n doing so" he may see something the other characters
ha$e missed <more enemies cree%ing o)t o( a secret %anel" an exit t)nnel that 2o)ld allo2
them to esca%e" or the stealthy motions o( an enemy thie( cree%ing aro)nd behind one o(
the heroes=. B)t he 2on't hesitate long" %artic)larly 2hen it co)ld mean li(e or death to
his (riends.
0n role:%laying sit)ations" he tends to be $ery analytical" choosing his 2ords care()lly"
thinking all the 2hile.

#$e Politi(ian

This is an ambitio)s %riest. 7e 2ants to ha$e %olitical %o2er 2ithin the comm)nity"
2ithin the tem%le" or both. This doesn't mean he's badB he may be ac9)iring %o2er
beca)se he belie$es he can 2ield it better than others and make the 2orld a better %lace.
B)t he goes o)t o( his 2ay to gather (a$ors" ad$ise %o2er()l %eo%le <and to do so 2ellN="
to ac9)ire treas)re so that he can b)ild great tem%les and in(l)ence the masses" etc.
The Politician has a 2eakness" tho)gh. +egardless o( his moti$ations" he sometimes
blinds himsel( to the tr)th so that he can contin)e ac9)iring %o2er and in(l)ence. 0( t2o
cities or co)ntries are on the $erge o( 2ar" and that 2ar 2o)ld bene(it him and his %o2er
base" he might ad$ocate that 2ar be declared" and blind himsel( to the s)((ering this 2ill
ca)se among the %eo%le 2ho ha$e to do the (ighting. 0( a 2oman comes to him 2ith the
classic dilemma 2here she is being told by her (amily to marry one man 2hen she lo$es
another" the Politician 2ill (irst consider the in(l)ence he might gain (rom these
res%ecti$e matches (irst" and considers the lo$ers' and (amilies' (eelings second. 7e may
not e$en reali3e this . . . b)t his ad$ice 2ill al2ays be tinged 2ith sel(:interest.
This is also a challenging role to %lay" es%ecially i( the character really is good at heart
and is j)st concealing (rom himsel( the harm o( his co)rse o( action. E$ent)ally" the D*
sho)ld con(ront him 2ith the res)lts o( his sel(ishness: Perha%s one o( his %lans or %ieces
o( ad$ice res)lts in tragedy" and the acc)sations o( the Ps or 5Ps 2ho see thro)gh his
moti$es con$ince him that he's been on the 2rong %ath. When this ha%%ens" the Politician
might 2ish to change to another %ersonality ty%e. !n the other hand" sometimes the
Politician is ne$er ca)ght at it" or ne$er admits his c)l%ability to himsel(" and j)st
contin)es rising )% the ladder o( %o2er and in(l)ence.
The Politician is best s)ited to la2()l and ne)tral alignments <la2()l good" la2()l
ne)tral" la2()l e$il" ne)tral good" tr)e ne)tral" ne)tral e$il=. 0( he's &ood" he'll %robably
e$ent)ally )nderstand the damage he has done and can do. 0( he's 5e)tral" he 2on't go
o)t o( his 2ay to harm %eo%le" b)t 2ill not be tr)ly to)ched by it 2hen harm does occ)r.
0( he's E$il" this harm is merely another bene(it o( the job.
0n combat sit)ations" the Politician is like any other %riest o( his s%eci(ic %riest:class.
7o2e$er" i( there's an im%ortant %erson aro)nd to im%ress" he may (ight more $igoro)sly
or risk himsel( to sa$e that %erson.
0n role:%laying sit)ations" the Politician is contin)ally (erreting o)t r)mors and ne2s"
analy3ing in(ormation" learning the %ersonalities o( im%ortant %eo%le" and looking at all
sit)ations and ad$ent)res in terms o( the %o2er and %restige they can bring him.

#$e Proselyti6er

This %riest's %rimary moti$ation in$ol$es con$erting 2orshi%%ers o( other gods to
2orshi% o( his god. 5othing else matters. 0( someone is not according d)e to his god" that
someone is going to ex%erience a religio)s con$ersion attem%t. <This doesn't mean that
the Proselyti3er necessarily belie$es his god to be the only god. 0n a land 2here many
gods are 2orshi%%ed" this is an )ncommon belie(. B)t i( he (inds someone 2ho 2orshi%s
se$eral gods b)t excl)des his deity" the Proselyti3er goes on the job.=
Proselyti3ers can be o( any alignment" b)t most are d)ti()l %riests o( good alignment
<la2()l good" ne)tral good" and chaotic good=.
0n combat sit)ations" the Proselyti3er acts as any other ad$ent)rer. 7e might be more
g)llible 2hen it comes to an enemy 2ho %retends interest in his deity and %ro(esses a
desire to be con$erted" b)t this 2ill only occasionally take %lace in the cam%aign. <The
enemy 2o)ld ha$e to kno2 him and his moti$ations %retty 2ell to make this attem%t.=
B)t in role:%laying sit)ations" the Proselyti3er talks abo)t little other than his god" his
tem%le" and his %ersonal ad$ent)res in ser$ice to his god and his tem%le. 7e can be 9)ite
ins)((erable at times" in (act.
1ltimately" his ad$ent)res may con$ince him that there are other things to li(e than the
ongoing con$ersion o( non:belie$ersB at this time" his %layer may choose (or the character
to take on a ne2" di((erent %ersonality. B)t e$en then" the character is likely to remain a
bit more interested in religio)s con$ersions than other exam%les o( his ne2 %ersonality

#$e Sa,e Conselor

This %riest is %rimarily interested in ac9)iring 2isdom and %assing it on. 7e likes to
hel% %eo%le. And since he's a %riest" %eo%le o(ten come to him 2ith their tro)blesB he's
al2ays 2illing to ad$ise them. <De%ending on his ex%erience and %ersonal 2isdom" he
co)ld be 9)ite good at it" too.=
This %ersonality is best s)ited to la2()l good and ne)tral good alignments. <A chaotic
good %riest co)ld also try to be a sage co)nselor" b)t his ad$ice is likely to be more
dramatic and less 2ell:reasoned than that o( the other alignments.=
0n combat sit)ations" the Sage o)nselor is likely to try to %ers)ade the enemy to
s)rrender" to r)n a2ay" or j)st to be reasonable. This doesn't mean that he's st)%id"
tho)gh. on(ronted 2ith danger" he can hit j)st as hard and de(end himsel( and his
(riends j)st as (iercely.
0n role:%laying sit)ations" the Sage o)nselor goes o)t o( his 2ay to hel% %eo%leB i( he
sees a sad (ace and has some time a$ailable to him" he'll gra$itate to the stricken %erson"
kindly ask i( he can hel%" and end )% 2ra%%ed again in some other %erson's tro)bles.
0ncidentally" this is a great 2ay to get the character in$ol$ed on ne2 ad$ent)res: The D*
need merely r)n a tear()l 5P %ast the %riest" and another ad$ent)re is on its 2ay.

C$an,in, Personality #y!es

Sometimes" as mentioned abo$e" it becomes necessary (or a %layer to re:think his
character's %ersonality. Perha%s the character has o)tgro2n that %ersonality. <The Earnest
5o$ice m)st e$ent)ally gro2 )%" (or instance.= Perha%s dramatic e$ents ha$e (orced the
character to re:think his goals and attit)des. <This o(ten ha%%ens to the r)sader and the
Since these Personality Ty%es are not %art o( an o((icial r)le or game mechanic" the
%layer can change them as he chooses. 7e sho)ldn't change his character's %ersonality
j)st beca)se he's bored 2ith it" tho)gh: E$ents in the cam%aign sho)ld be the (actors
2hich in(l)ence this change. 7ere are some 2ays it can come abo)t.
The Crsader might achie$e his li(e:long goal" or lead one %arty too many into death
and disaster and reali3e that all he's doing is h)rting %eo%le. 0n this case" he co)ld become
embittered and t)rn into a 7y%ocrite" %laying on his good re%)tation" or co)ld tone his
a%%roach do2n and become a *oti$ator" or co)ld achie$e a meas)re o( 2isdom and
become a Sage o)nselor.
The Earnest No4i(e co)ld 2ise )% and reali3e that the 2orld is a more com%licated
and )n(athomable %lace than he tho)ght. 0( he becomes disill)sioned by this" he co)ld
t)rn into a 7y%ocrite. 0( he sim%ly mat)res a bit" he'd be a *oti$ator. 0( he ac9)ires a
s%eci(ic goal" he co)ld become a r)sader" Politician or Proselyti3er. And i( he sim%ly
ac9)ires a bit o( 2isdom or %ers%ecti$e" he co)ld become a Philoso%her or Sage
The Hy!o(rite co)ld change his %ersonality i( he is con(ronted by the harm he ca)ses
and cares at all abo)t it. <0( he doesn't care" he 2on't change.= 0( he does change" he's
likely to become a r)sader <trying to ex%ose and eliminate other 7y%ocrites=" a
Politician <so he can gain eno)gh %o2er to 2eed 7y%ocrites o)t o( his order=" or e$en a
Sage o)nselor <2ho can %ossibly antici%ate the tactics o( other charismatic )sers=.
The +oti4ator co)ld r)n o)t o( energyB a(ter too many years o( battering himsel(
against the brick 2all o( an )ncaring 2orld" he might tire o)t. 0n this case" he's likely to
become a more sedate Philoso%her or Sage o)nselor. 7e co)ld concei$ably become
embittered and become a 7y%ocrite.
The P$iloso!$er isn't likely to change. 7is %ersonality comes 2ith mat)rity" not be(ore
it. 0( he does change" it 2ill %robably be beca)se he's gro2n tired o( being d)ll and
)ndramatic" and he's likely to become a *oti$ator" one anxio)s (or ad$ent)re" combat
and li(e in general.
The Politi(ian 2ill %robably change only i( he %ercei$es that he's doing more than
good <and i( he minds that=. 0n this case" he'll %robably shy a2ay (rom real res%onsibility
in the ()t)re and become a Philoso%her.
The Proselyti6er is likely to reali3e that he is not ser$ing his god best sim%ly by
con$erting others to that god's 2orshi%. 7e's likely then to become a r)sader" so that he
can a$idly %)rs)e one o( his god's s%eci(ic goalsB a *oti$ator" so that he can bring energy
to other %riests o( his orderB or a Politician" so that he can im%ro$e the stat)re o( his god's
2orshi% thro)gh reorgani3ation o( the %riesthood.
The Sa,e Conselor" like the Philoso%her" isn't likely to changeB this is a %ersonality
that is ac9)ired 2ith ex%erience.

All Sense and No 1rains

And no2 2e're (aced 2ith one o( the commonest 9)estions abo)t clerics and dr)ids:
7o2 do yo) role:%lay a character 2ho has a high Wisdom score and a lo2 0ntelligence
score; 7o2 do yo) %lay all sense and no brains 2ithin an AD6D@ game cam%aign;
0ntelligence deals more 2ith reasoning %o2er" calc)lating ability" and memory
retention. Wisdom deals 2ith common sense" )nderstanding o( h)man nat)re" and
So 2hen yo)'re role:%laying a character 2ith a lo2 0ntelligence and a high Wisdom" try
to break do2n the sit)ations they (ace into the elements 2hich the character's 0ntelligence
and Wisdom 2o)ld analy3e.
*$ample( The characters have come to a rickety bridge hich spans a gorge& They
need to cross the gorge, but the bridge looks dangerous& "hould they cross>
The character's 0ntelligence ill evaluate the bridge's chances of holding up hile
they cross over& The character ill look at the state of the ood, ropes, nails, ho much
and here it sags, here it's rotted through, and so on, and then ill try to calculate the
anser to this question( 2ill the bridge hold up if the characters cross over> 0f the
character thinks it ill, then his reply, regardless of the group's current situation and
time available, is ?es( They should cross& 0f the character thinks it on't, then his reply
ill be @o( They shouldn't&
The character's 2isdom ill compare the risk to their need and situation& The risk is
that the bridge ill collapse and kill someone, perhaps a party member dear to everyone&
2hat is their current situation> 0f the party has little time and is being pursued by a
superior enemy force, then the risk is necessary, more or less regardless of hat the
0ntelligence thinks of the bridge's chancesA the character ill say ?es, they must try to
cross no& 0f the party has a good deal of time, then the risk is not necessaryA regardless
of ho safe the 0ntelligence thinks the bridge is, 2isdom says not to risk it& # human life
is not orth it&
This is the kind o( decision:making %rocess the character can )ndertake i( he 2ishes to
role:%lay a high:Wisdom" lo2:0ntelligence character in a cam%aign . . . and ob$io)sly it
can lead to great arg)ments bet2een them and their high:0ntelligence" lo2:Wisdom

Priest Ad4entres

The D* may 2ant to slant some o( his cam%aign's ad$ent)res s%eci(ically to his %riest
%layer:characters. 0t's not hard to do thatB he has only to b)ild the ad$ent)re aro)nd one
or more o( the %riest's d)ties or res%onsibilities.
The %riest:oriented %lot de$ice 2e )se to moti$ate the %riest to action is called a Hook.
To design an ad$ent)re aro)nd the %riest character" the D* has to %ro$ide a hook that
2ill bring the %riest into the ad$ent)re" and do so in s)ch a 2ay that the ad$ent)re doesn't
excl)de the other %layer:characters.
The hook m)st address the %riest in one o( his %riestly roles or d)ties. Belo2 2e
%resent a $ariety o( hooks and a%%roaches to this sort o( ad$ent)re.

Ad4isor o& t$e -ait$&l

The %riest %ro$ides g)idance to the (lock. 8ollo2ers o( the tem%le come to him (or
ad$ice" and he's s)%%osed to gi$e it.
That ad$ice can't be correct all the time" es%ecially 2hen the (aith()l come to him 2ith
no:2in sit)ations. When it goes 2rong" the %riest 2ill %robably (eel g)ilty. When it goes
disastro)sly 2rong" and the inj)red %arty comes to the %riest (or hel%" the %riest 2ill
%robably be 2illing <i( not anxio)s= to clean the sit)ation )%.
As an exam%le o( this hook" let's say a doting (ather comes to the %riest 2ith this story:
7is son has come to him and asked (or money so that he can b)y 2ea%ons and armor. 7is
son has heard o( a bandit encam%ment 2here there is m)ch treas)re to be (o)nd. The son
is s)re that 2ith the right 2ea%ons and armor and a little l)ck he can sneak into the cam%
2hen most o( the bandits are gone" de(eat the g)ards" and make o(( 2ith the treas)re. The
(ather doesn't kno2 2here the encam%ment isB his son 2on't tell him. The son is a good
(ighter and kno2s 2hat he's talking abo)tB on the other hand" he is yo)th()l and a bit
o$ercon(ident. The (ather asks DSho)ld 0 gi$e my son the money (or this e9)i%ment;D
0( the %riest says Mes" the (ather does so. The son tries the raid b)t is ca%t)red a(ter
killing se$eral bandits. The bandits send back his bloody" broken s2ord (rom their
mystery encam%ment" 2ith a ransom demand 2hich the (ather <and e$en the Ps= cannot
0( the %riest says 5o" the (ather (ollo2s his ad$ice. The son tries it any2ay" and is
ca%t)red beca)se he 2as )nder:e9)i%%edB no bandits died. Again" the son is ransomed
beyond the (ather's means.
0( the %riest says D*aybe" b)t my (riends and 0 2o)ld like to get in on it"D the (ather
2ill take him to talk to the son. The son 2ill so)nd agreeable to the %ro%osition" b)t 2ill
sneak o(( at (irst o%%ort)nity. 7e doesn't 2ant anyone else horning in on his ad$ent)re.
And beca)se he had to charge o(( %remat)rely" he doesn't kno2 eno)gh abo)t the bandit
encam%ment and is ca)ght )% in snares set aro)nd its %erimeter. 7ere" again" he's
ca%t)red and ransomed.
0n either o( these three cases" the (ather comes back to the %riest to say" in e((ect" DMo)r
lo)sy ad$ice got my son ca%t)red" and 0 can't ransom himN Please sa$e himND Which the
%riest 2ill be inclined to do . . . and he'll %robably 2ant to ha$e his (riends" the other
Ps" along 2ith him.
0ncidentally" 2e don't recommend that yo) (ace yo)r Ps 2ith no:2in sit)ations s)ch
as the one abo$e $ery o(ten. 0t 2o)ldn't be (air to do this time and time againB the %layers
2o)ld <correctly= ass)me that they co)ld ne$er do anything right )nless the D*
arbitrarily 2anted them to.

A,ent o& t$e Priest$ood

When the %riest is a lo2:le$el character" still near the bottom o( the totem %ole o( the
%riesthood's hierarchy" his s)%eriors 2ill (re9)ently send him on missions. A mission
co)ld be nothing more than DTake this letter o$er to the %riest Aclastion in the next
$illage"D or it co)ld be DThere's s)%%osed to be some horrible monster menacing o)r
tem%le in the next $illageB do yo) s)%%ose yo) co)ld ro)nd )% some o( yo)r more $iolent
(riends and go o$er there and destroy it (or )s;D
0n the latter case" yo) ha$e a sit)ation 2here the %riest character is the center o(
attention" and has am%le reason and o%%ort)nity to in$ite his non:%riest (riends in on the

De&ender o& t$e -ait$

When the (ollo2ers o( one (aith make 2ar on the (ollo2ers o( another" the %riests get
in$ol$ed in the action. Since these 2ars tend to take %lace bet2een entire c)lt)res" the
%layer:character %riest 2ill %robably be an ally o( the other %layer:characters. 0n this case"
his tem%le s)%eriors are likely to ask him to ro)nd )% some ca%able allies and go on
dangero)s missions into enemy territories" or to hold a cr)cial mo)ntain %ass d)ring a
military cam%aign.

De&ender o& t$e -ait$&l

Mo) read abo)t #ibels in the Desi,nin, -ait$s cha%ter" )nder DD)ties o( the Priest"D
)nder D4igilance.D <0( yo) didn't" yo) sho)ld no2.=
When the (aith()l are threatened by s)ch a libel" the %riest m)st 2ork against itB i( he
doesn't" or i( he (ails" his %eo%le 2ill s)((er more %rej)dice and be in more danger (rom
%eo%le 2ho belie$e the libel. <There 2ill be eno)gh 2ho still belie$e the libel i( it is
%ro$ed (alseB i( the characters can't %ro$e it (alse" there 2ill be many more belie$ers still.=
0n order to bring the other %layer:characters in on s)ch a sit)ation" try this techni9)e:
!ne (ine day" the %riest (inds another %riest <o( the same tem%le= dead in his chambers.
The dead man has been m)rdered" torn limb (rom limb. 7is chambers 2ere barred sh)t
(rom the insideB a thie( co)ld not ha$e %icked the bars. 0n the %riest's hand is %art o( a
%age (rom his jo)rnal" and the rest o( the jo)rnal is missing. The scra% o( %a%er" 2ritten in
his hand" is %art o( a longer chronicle: Din mortal danger. When the Rinsert the name o( an
enemy tem%leS s)mmon the thing" it 2ill kill him and 2e 2ill be blamed. 0 kno2 they
2ork (rom the itadel o( Arbright" b)t co)ld (ind o)t no moreB 0 think %erha%s they heard
me as 0 listened to their talk. 0t is time (or me to tell :: D There the %assage ends"
ob$io)sly 2hen the %riest 2as interr)%ted by his m)rderer.
This %)ts the %riest:character and his tem%le in a delicate sit)ation. !b$io)sly" the
enemy tem%le 2ill s)mmon )% some sort o( monster to kill some %erson" %robably an
im%ortant %erson" and the %riest's tem%le 2ill get the blame. !b$io)sly" the s)mmoned
thing" 2hate$er sort o( monster it is" can %enetrate locked chambers 2itho)t $iolating the
locks and bars.
The %riest and his tem%le ha$e to kno2 more. B)t the a)thorities 2ill not allo2 them
to search the itadel o( Arbright" home o( a %o2er()l local (amily" on this (limsy and
%erha%s (abricated e$idence. There(ore" the %riest m)st sneak in" (ind o)t 2hat is to be
(o)nd o)t" and esca%e. 7e'll need the hel% o( his (riends . . .
And 2hat they do (ind o)t" o( co)rse" is that the lan Arbright is aiding the enemy
tem%le. They together ha$e (o)nd a 2ay to s)mmon an o)ter:%lanar creat)re into sealed
chambers" and they %lan to do this some night 2hen the 7igh Priest o( the %layer:
character's tem%le is closeted 2ith the king. The being 2ill kill the king and lea$e the
high %riest to take the blame" res)lting in damage" %erha%s %ermanent damage" to the
(aith . . . )nless the %riest:P and his (riends can th2art the %lan.

+artyr &or a Case

The %riest's god or the r)les o( the %riestly order might (orce the %riest to )ndertake
some actions that the local a)thorities j)st don't )nderstand or a%%ro$e o(. <See belo2"
)nder DSociety's P)nishments"D (or more on this.= 0( the %riesthood is not %rotected
against %rosec)tion by the sec)lar <non:%riestly= a)thorities" then the %riest might (ind
himsel( on trial (or any illegal action %er(ormed in the god's name.
&ods )s)ally don't a%%ear in co)rt as de(ense 2itnesses. There(ore" the %riest:P
m)st de(end himsel( thro)gh legal means 2itho)t the bene(it o( di$ine testimony. 0( he's
con$icted" he might ha$e to esca%e jail to a$oid exec)tionB he might e$en choose to
acce%t exec)tion in order to dramati3e the inj)stice o( his %light. !r" the co)rt might
sentence him to some s)icidal mission to atone (or the crime he committed. 7e isn't
re9)ired by the co)rt to go on the mission alone" b)t no 5P ad$ent)rers 2ant to march
2ith him into certain doom. Th)s the %riest character is again bro)ght into an ad$ent)re
beca)se o( his (aith" and his (riends the other Ps" i( they tr)ly are his (riends" 2ill
accom%any him on this 9)est.

Ser4ant o& t$e God

The god himsel( 2ill sometimes send the P on missions. !(ten" he 2ill a%%ear to the
P 2hen he is alone" or 2ill a%%ear to him in dreams" and make his 2ish kno2n: DMo)
2ill tra$el to the 2ild lands o( the Syl$an )rtain and there (ind the arti(act kno2n as the
Eagle:S%ear. 8ind itB take it (rom o)r enemies" 2ho hold itB bring it back and install it in
yo)r tem%le . . . D
When he in$estigates the Syl$an )rtain and the Eagle:S%ear" the %riest 2ill (ind that
it's certain death to go there alone. 7e needs ad$ent)rers o( all descri%tions and abilities
to hel% him i( he's to %)ll o(( this ad$ent)re s)ccess()lly . . .

Rites and Role/Playin,

0n a lot o( cam%aigns" it's easy to ignore one o( the %riest's (oremost ()nctions: 7e's
also the o((iciator at lots o( rites" rit)als" celebrations and ceremonies.
E$ery (aith 2ill ha$e its o2n rit)als and other s%ecial e$entsB care()l" j)dicio)s )se o(
these 2ill add a lot o( detail and (la$or to a cam%aign.
The D* shouldn't sit do2n and 2ork )% a lot o( rit)als (or each %riesthood in his
cam%aign" and then kee% them j)ggling aro)nd in his mind )ntil they emerge" one by one"
d)ring ad$ent)res. B)t 2hat he should do is bring indi$id)al ceremonies and %riestly
e$ents into his cam%aign as ad$ent)re and story hooks.
8or exam%le:
D>eriash" yo)r %arty arri$es in the city on !ctober G/th. 5o2" yo) co)ld head on (rom
there the next day" b)t 5o$ember -st is 4ine Day" 2hich commemorates yo)r goddess
sto%%ing her 2ork (or the year" 2inter setting in" 2ine:making ceremonies" and so (orthB
it sort o( behoo$es yo) to $ol)nteer yo)r hel% at the local tem%le (or that e$ent . . . D
The 4ine Day celebration" a *ardi &ras:like cost)med %arade (eat)ring 2ine:drinking
excesses" is a good o%%ort)nity to inject some color into the c)rrent storyline" b)t that
isn't all it has to be. The D* co)ld 2ra% an entire story aro)nd itB (or exam%le" imagine
trying to ca%t)re a gro)% o( gho)ls as they roam these streets stre2n 2ith dr)nken"
cost)med celebrants.
Tho)gh the D* sho)ldn't 2ork )% all a %riesthood's )s)al ceremonies in ad$ance"
2hene$er he does create one" he sho)ld make note o( it. 0( he doesn't" and the right time
o( year rolls aro)nd again" the %layers 2ill ine$itably remember it and 2onder 2hy 4ine
Day isn't being celebrated this year . . .
8ollo2ing are descri%tions o( a n)mber o( di((erent ty%es o( rit)als. Each o( these can
be ada%ted to the characteristics o( di((erent (aiths and di((erent gods. 5ot all c)lt)res and
not all gods 2ill (eat)re each o( these ty%es o( rit)alsB the D* sho)ld decide 2hich a%%ly
to 2hich gods and to 2hich societies.


When the (lock sins" or acts against the 2ishes o( the god" the (aith )s)ally has a 2ay
(or the sinner to reenter the god's good graces. This is an act o( atonement. 1s)ally" the
bigger the sin" the more extra$agant the act o( atonement m)st be.
The (irst %art o( this %rocess is )s)ally the con(ession " a (ormal meeting o( sinner and
%riest 2here the sinner con(esses his deed. This %)ts the %riest in the %osition o( ha$ing to
e$al)ate that sin and then charge the sinner 2ith a co)rse o( action 2hich 2ill remo$e the
stain o( sin.
+emember that each di((erent god 2ill ha$e di((erent ideas o( 2hat constit)tes sin. To
the god o( #o$e" (or instance" the greatest sin is denial o( lo$e <%artic)larly" gro2ing old
2itho)t ha$ing lo$ed= or inter(ering in lo$e <messing )% someone else's romance=.
Too" yo) m)st remember that in a %antheistic society <one 2hich 2orshi%s many gods="
it is not )s)ally a sin to do one god's 2ill at the ex%ense o( another. 0( one c)lt)re
2orshi%s both a god o( Peace and a god o( War" (omenting a 2ar is not a sin directed at
the &od o( PeaceB it's a boon to the &od o( War.
To j)st abo)t any god" an ins)lt to the god <incl)ding $erbal ins)lts or desecration o( a
tem%le= is considered a sin.
Ty%ical ceremonies o( atonement incl)de (asts and meditations 2here the sinner asks
(orgi$eness o( the god. *ore extensi$e sins re9)ire some sort o( sacri(ice <s)ch as
donation o( a cherished object to the god's tem%le= or an act o( ex%iation <the sinner doing
his best to straighten o)t the bad sit)ation he ca)sed=.

Calendar Cere"onies

#ots o( gods ha$e ceremonies based aro)nd the calendar" es%ecially agric)lt)ral gods.
omm)nities may ha$e celebrations (or:
The day that marks the start o( s%ringB
The day 2hen %lanting beginsB
The day 2hen har$esting startsB
The beginning o( the gra%e:stom%ing seasonB
The o((icial start o( 2interB
The day that the (irst trade:shi% o( the year is la)nchedB
The day that some heroic (ig)re" a 2orshi%%er o( the god" is commemoratedB
The day o( thanks (or the god's bo)ntyB
The day commemorating some ancient tragedyB
The day o( the dead <j)st be(ore or a(ter the night that the ghosts 2alk the streets=B
The day commemorating some great battle in 2hich the god %artici%atedB
;And so on.


This is a ceremony 2here the %artici%ants try to comm)ne 2ith the god" to in$oke a
little o( his s%irit" to brie(ly become more like the god.
7ere" too" each god 2ill ha$e a $ery di((erent ceremony. omm)nion 2ith the god o(
om%etition 2ill take the (orm o( athletic games. omm)nion 2ith the god o( Pros%erity
2ill be a great" enormo)s (east. omm)nion 2ith the god o( Kingshi% 2ill be a %ri$ate
little coronation 2here each ho)sehold leader is ackno2ledged as the head o( the
ho)sehold. omm)nion 2ith the god o( Peace 2ill be a 9)iet meditation. omm)nion
2ith the god o( #o$e or 8ertility is le(t as an exercise (or yo)r imagination.

Con&ir"ation o& Adlt$ood

The D* needs to decide 2hen yo)ths are considered to reach ad)lthood in the c)lt)re"
and then it's %ossible to ha$e on(irmations o( Ad)lthood.
0n a c)lt)re" this 2ill be handled one o( t2o 2ays.
Each yo)th co)ld ha$e a %ri$ate ceremony on his birthday. Alternati$ely" all yo)ths
born in the same year co)ld be con(irmed on one s%eci(ic day o( the calendar.
Either 2ay" in the ceremony" the %riest 2ill ackno2ledge the yo)th as an ad)lt" and this
2ill be marked by allo2ing the yo)th some acti$ity 2hich only ad)lts can %er(orm in the
c)lt)re <(or exam%le" carrying 2ea%ons in %)blic" 2earing some garment reser$ed (or
ad)lts" recei$ing a s2ord" etc.=.

Con&ir"ation o& 1irt$

With this ceremony" the %riest $isits the ne2born child and" in a sim%le ceremony"
asks the god's blessings )%on the child. This is al2ays done in the %resence o( 2itnesses"
beca)se it's im%ortant in the c)lt)re (or others to 2itness that the child has been born and
that s%eci(ic %eo%le <the %arents= ackno2ledge the child as theirs. This becomes im%ortant
regarding 9)estions o( inheritance or the s)ccession o( the titles o( leadershi%.


This is a 9)iet sort o( ceremonyB the %artici%ants do not eat" )s)ally (or the %eriod o( a
day" as a sacri(ice to the god or a commemoration o( some historical time o( 2ant.


The (east can be as small or great a (east as the D* cares to allo2" and can celebrate
j)st abo)t anything 2ithin the (aith. 8easts sho)ld be one o( the most common sorts o(
celebrations 2ithin the (aith" and a great (east is a con$enient %lace to introd)ce all sorts
o( ad$ent)re elements <challenges (rom enemies" assassination attem%ts" mysterio)s cl)es
le(t in the so)%" etc.=.


0nterment o( the dead is also a common ceremony. 5ote that ()nerals don't ha$e to be
solemn a((airsB all this de%ends on 2hat the c)lt)re thinks ha%%ens to the de%arted s%irit
and ho2 the c)lt)re (eels abo)t it. The ()neral co)ld be a time o( mo)rning" a cheer()l
celebration o( the de%arted %erson's li(e" a drinking:binge so that the mo)rners can (orget
their grie(" and so on.
0n any case" the ceremony can ha$e se$eral %arts.
There is the Wake" 2hich takes %lace be(ore the ()neral" 2here %artici%ants sit
o$ernight 2ith the body" exchange stories o( the dead %erson's deeds" and <in some
settings= %rotect the body (rom $iolation at the hands o( e$il s%irits" 2ho might try to
inhabit and reanimate it" or to steal the not:yet:de%arted so)l.
There is the 8are2ell" 2here the %artici%ants s%eak to the cor%se o( the de%arted and
2ish him 2ell on his $oyageB o(ten" they %resent him 2ith small gi(ts and tokens o( their
There is the 0nterment" 2here the body is laid to rest" )s)ally 2ith the %resents and a
$ariety o( the %erson's belongings. 0n some c)lt)res o( a ty%e 2e consider cr)el" the
%erson's sla$es and %erha%s e$en his 2i(e 2ill also be laid to rest" e$en i( they aren't dead
yet. <Alternati$ely" the body may be b)rned" again de%ending on the c)lt)re's $ie2s.=
There is the ommemoration" 2here the mo)rners exchange stories o( the dead
%ersonB this co)ld be a $ery solemn or a $ery merry e$ent. 0n any case" it's likely to
accom%any a (east (or the 2eary" h)ngry mo)rners and %artici%ants.


#ibation is the dedication o( a little o( one's drink to the gods. E$ery time a glass is
re(illed" the character %o)rs a little to his god" either onto the gro)nd or into a basin
dedicated to the god.


This consists o( sitting" in %ri$ate or 2ith other %artici%ants" and trying to achie$e a
%eace()l state o( exalted a2areness.


These are in$ol$ed ceremonies 2hich )s)ally celebrate gods o( nat)re or rebirth.
elebrated ann)ally or semi:ann)ally" they tend to ha$e se$eral elements and can go on
(or a ()ll day or more" not co)nting the rit)als 2hich %recede the act)al celebration o( the
mysteries. 1s)ally" the %attern is something like this:
0n the days be(ore the act)al celebration" the %artici%ants go thro)gh purification.
These rit)als o( %)ri(ication in$ol$e (asting" rit)al baths" and abstinence (rom %hysical
!n the day o( the celebration" the %artici%ants dress in clothing a%%ro%riate to the
ceremony" )s)ally in (eat)reless clothing o( 2hite <or a color %re(erred by the god="
)s)ally bare(oot. They assemble at the tem%le o( the god" and %er(orm the oath%taking. A
high %riest administers the oath" 2here e$ery %artici%ant s2ears that he 2ill kee% 2hat he
has seen a secret" and ne$er disc)ss it 2ith one 2ho is not also an initiate into the
mysteries. The %artici%ant s2ears in the god's name" and co)ld s)((er the god's
%)nishment i( he breaks his oath.
5ext" there is the procession& All the %riests and %artici%ants %roceed in a %arade to a
site that is holy to the god. This is o(ten a ca$ern or a $ery secl)ded glade" beca)se there
it is %ossible to kee% the celebration hidden (rom the eyes o( non:initiates. The %rocession
is led by ranking %riests" (ollo2ed by lesser %riests in charge o( sacri(ices" (ollo2ed by
m)sicians 2ho %lay d)ring the %rocession. Then come %riestesses" 2ho carry small
caskets <or dra2 carts bearing those caskets=B the caskets contain arti(acts sacred to the
god. <These arti(acts aren't necessarily" or e$en )s)ally" %o2er()l magical items desired
by greedy ad$ent)rers. They're more ordinary items: The rock sacred to the god" the
(ossili3ed stone sho2ing the god's (oot%rint" the bone (rom the (east in 2hich the god
%artici%ated" the stat)e the god himsel( blessed" the cast:o(( 2ea%on )sed by the god in
some (amo)s e$ent" and so on.= Then" there are more ()nctionary %riests: Priests in
charge o( the )%coming (east" %riests 2ho lead sacri(icial animals <i( sacri(ice is a %art o(
this c)lt)re's 2orshi%=" and %riests 2ho act as sergeants:at:arms <they carry non:lethal
2ea%ons s)ch as sta((s and )se them to kee% the disorderly orderly=. 8inally" the (aith()l
<non:%riest= (ollo2ers come.
!nce the %rocession reaches the sacred site" there may be a sacred meal. Sacri(icial
animals 2ill be sacri(iced and cooked" and then the (east eaten. The character o( the meal
de%ends on the character o( the god: 0t co)ld be stern and somber (or a se$ere god" 2ild
and orgiastic (or a more (ree:s%irited god. The sacred meal ends a(ter night(all.
Then" the three most im%ortant elements o( the mysteries begin. They all take %lace at
8irst is the recitation " a series o( songs or chants concerning the god" his deeds" his
%romises to the (aith()l" his demands on the (aith()l. The recitation sets the mood (or the
rest o( the ceremoniesB the listening (ollo2ers are s)%%osed to be re$erential" at least" and
the %riests 2ith the sta$es are still aro)nd to kee% order and 9)ell <or get rid o(=
tro)blemakers. Tro)blemakers tend to be rare.
Second" there is the display. The sacred objects carried in those caskets are dis%layed
(or the (aith()l. Since they act)ally are magical objects sacred to the god" they tend to
ins%ire the (aith()l 2ith the essence o( the god.
Third" there is the performance& Priests trained as actors %er(orm a %lay 2hich
commemorates the most (amo)s o( the god's stories" es%ecially the one 2hich most
closely deals 2ith the god's demands on and relations 2ith his 2orshi%%ers. +egardless o(
the 9)ality o( this %lay" it is %er(ormed at the end o( a lengthy %rocess o( 2orshi% 2here
the (ollo2ers are ex%osed to many %o2er()l (orces o( the (aith" and the onlookers are all
ele$ated to a state o( ra%t)re d)ring the %er(ormance.
At the end" there is the rebirth. !nce the %er(ormance has ceased" the lights are do)sed
and the (aith()l are led in %itch darkness (rom the area 2here the %lay 2as %er(ormed.
!nce they arri$e at the %oint o( de%art)re" 2here the %rocession home 2ill begin" the
torches or lam%s are again lit" and among the (aith()l this jo)rney in darkness is m)ch
like being born again.
*ysteries are an ex%erience (or the s%irit" not the mindB this is not an ed)cational
e$ent" b)t one 2hich is intended to bring the (ollo2ers closer to the nat)re o( their god.
E$en in a c)lt)re 2hich 2orshi%s many gods" only a $ery (e2 2ill ha$e mysteries as %art
o( their 2orshi%.
8or the D*" the mysteries are an o%%ort)nity to introd)ce dramatic e$ents into the
story. D)ring the mysteries" it is a%%ro%riate (or the god to a%%ear to one o( his P
(ollo2ers and charge that character 2ith an im%ortant mission" (or instance. !r it co)ld be
that d)ring the celebration o( the mysteries" one character 2ill recei$e some s)dden
insight <a gi(t (rom the god= into some e$ent 2hich has been %)33ling or con(o)nding the
%layer:characters (or some time.


This ceremony is o(ten a %art o( the on(irmation o( Birth e$ent: The child is gi$en his
name be(ore 2itnesses. 0n some c)lt)res" tho)gh" the child might be gi$en a )se:name
2hen he is born" and 2on't be gi$en his tr)e name <or 2ill choose his tr)e name= years
later" 2hen he is old eno)gh to )nderstand its signi(icance. 0t may be that in this c)lt)re
the character's tr)e name is s)%%osed to be ke%t a secret" and the child tells it only to one
%riest" so that the god might kno2 it.


Prayer is one o( the most common o( rit)alsB it in$ol$es asking the blessing o( the god"
o(ten thro)gh the recital o( an ancient or (amo)s %rayer or %art o( a holy text.
5ote that not all c)lt)res demand that %rayer be %er(ormed (rom a kneeling %osition or
a %ose o( obse9)ience. 4igoro)s 2arrior c)lt)res might %er(orm their %rayers standing
erect and (acing the skies" (or exam%le.


When a %erson comes in contact 2ith some contamination <a taboo s)bstance=" he m)st
be %)ri(ied. 0n some c)lt)res" 2hene$er a %erson has killed another honorably" tho)gh he
is not considered to ha$e sinned" he m)st be %)ri(ied o( the killing. This ceremony
in$ol$es a rit)al bathing or 2ashing o( the hands <or other contaminated %art= )nder the
s)%er$ision o( a %riest" 2ho in$okes the god's blessing d)ring the 2ashing.


0n some c)lt)res" animals are sacri(iced to the glory o( the god. !ne god may demand
that the 2hole animal be destroyedB another 2ill demand that the animal be killed (or it
and some %art o( it destroyed (or him" b)t that the rest o( the beast can be )sed as the
2orshi%%ers see (it.
!b$io)sly" h)man sacri(ice is something demanded only by the most e$il or
)nsym%athetic o( gods.

Priests and Pnis$"ent

Priests are ser$ants o( their gods" and there(ore can't j)st do anything they 2ant
2hene$er they 2ant. The D* m)st kee% an eye on the acti$ities o( %riest characters
<incl)ding clerics and dr)ids=" and i( the %riest $iolates some tenet or commandment o(
his god" the D* sho)ld see to it that the god %)nishes the %riest.
0t's easy to be )n(air 2hen doing this" tho)gh" so the D* also has to kee% an eye on
himself& 0t's all too easy to say" DMo) sho)ld ha$e knon that yo)r god doesn't 2ant yo) to
2ear redB 0'$e said re%eatedly that his (a$orite color is bl)eND That's not j)sti(ication (or a
%)nishment o( the %riest" )nless the D* has ex%licitly stated that the god's %riests m)st
al2ays 2ear bl)e or (ace di$ine conse9)ences.

+inor O&&enses

*inor o((enses 2hich the god %)nishes incl)de s)ch things as:
*aking a joke abo)t the god <and e$en then" it m)st o((end the godB some gods ha$e a
sense o( h)mor=B
8ailing to %er(orm all re9)ired %riestly d)ties in a day <(or exam%le" Dnot ha$ing the
timeD to listen to the %roblems o( one o( the (aith()l and o((er g)idance=B and
Becoming annoyed 2ith the god's demands.
The god %)nishes s)ch minor o((enses by 2ithholding some o( the %riest's s%ells on the
(ollo2ing day.

%na!!ro!riate *ea!on and Ar"or Use

0( a %riest $iolates his order's restrictions on 2ea%on and armor )se" the god 2ill %)nish
him (or it. There are t2o di((erent ty%es o( $iolation o( this restriction" and a di((erent
%)nishment (or each.
0( the %riest deliberately $iolates the restriction beca)se he 2ants to <(or instance" i( he
%)ts on a set o( metal armor 2hen he isn't s)%%osed to=" this is a 2ill()l disobedience and
makes the god $ery angry. 7e immediately does A:-A <AdI= %oints o( damage to the %riest
and takes a2ay all the s%ells he granted to the %riest today" and doesn't let the %riest ha$e
any more (or -:I <-dI= days. E$en then" the %riest m)st )ndergo rit)als o( %)ri(ication
and )ndertake an act o( atonement i( he's to ha$e s%ells again.
0( the %riest $iolates the restriction (or the best o( reasons <(or instance" i( a gargoyle is
strangling his (riend" and he m)st )se a (orbidden 2ea%on in order to be able to harm the
creat)re=" the god does -:G <-dG= %oints o( damage to the %riest <after the fight is done=
and" i( the %riest does not )ndertake a rit)al o( %)ri(ication at his earliest o%%ort)nity" 2ill
take a2ay the %riest's s%ells on the next day.
1etrayal o& Goals

0( the %riest deliberately $iolates the goals o( the god" then he's in real tro)ble. 8or
instance" i( a %riest o( the god o( 2ar ad$ocates %eace 2hen 2ar is in the o((ing" or i( a
%riest o( the god o( lo$e tells yo)ng lo$ers to 2ise )% and (orget abo)t romance" then the
god 2ill de(initely be o((ended.
The (irst time this ha%%ens" the god 2ill gi$e the %riest an )nmistakable 2arning. This
co)ld be a heart attack" costing L/K o( the %riest's c)rrent hit %oints. 0t co)ld be a
%ortento)s destr)ction o( a stat)e o( the god 2hile the %riest is %resent. 0t co)ld be an
earth9)ake or other 2arning. The 2arning doesn't ha$e to be immediately a(ter the
betrayal" b)t 2ill be soon a(ter.
The second time this ha%%ens" the god 2ill a%%ear to the %riest. 0t doesn't ha$e to be in
%erson" right thenB it might be in a dream" the night (ollo2ing the betrayal. The god 2ill
sternly ask the character his moti$es and order him to ret)rn to %ro%er 2orshi%.
The third time this ha%%ens" the god 2ill immediately red)ce the character to - hit
%oint and change his character class. The %riest 2ill become an ordinary (ighter at an
ex%erience le$el t2o lo2er than the %riest's le$el <minim)m (irst le$el=B his normal hit
%oint total and %ossessions 2ill be )na((ected. 1ntil the character )ndergoes a se$ere
rit)al o( atonement" the god 2ill des%ise the character and %lag)e him 2ith little ills"
diseases" and enemies. !nce the character atones (or the deed" the god (orgi$es him . . .
b)t the character 2ill still be a (ighter.
Sometimes" a god might deliberately con(ront the character 2ith a test o( the
character's (aith. 8or exam%le: Part o( the god's 2orshi% demands that anyone 2ho
tram%les his sacred (lo2ers be blinded. Then" the god be()ddles the %riest's 2i(e or
da)ghter" and that character st)mbles across the sacred (lo2ers 2here only the %riest can
see it. 0( he conceals the sin" he's %)nished. 0(" regret()lly" he %re%ares to carry o)t the
%)nishment" the god 2ill be %leased. The god might interr)%t the %)nishment" or 2ait
)ntil it has been carried o)t and then restore sight to the %riest's lo$ed one.

Di4ine Retribtions

0t co)ld be that the %riest 2ill betray more than the god's )s)al dictates. The %riest
might t)rn on the god" betraying him )tterly. This can ha%%en 2hen another deity" an
enemy god" %ers)ades the %riest to ser$e him instead" and %ers)ades the %riest to steal
some im%ortant arti(act (rom the god or re$eal some critical in(ormation abo)t the god.
When this ha%%ens" the god 2ill %)nish the %riest <ass)ming he s)r$i$es the betrayal"
2hich most gods 2ill=.
The minim)m %)nishment the %riest can ex%ect is the character class change described
A medi)m %)nishment the god 2ill besto2 is instant death.
A greater %)nishment (rom the god in$ol$es the r)in o( the character. The god can kill
or merely take a2ay the character's (amily and lo$ed ones" c)rse him 2ith a((lictions
s)ch as blindness and lameness" see to it that all his enemies (ind o)t abo)t his
2eaknesses" gi$e extra %o2er and 2ea%ons to his enemies" (orce the %riest's lo$ed ones to
betray him" and so on. This doesn't ha%%en all at once" b)t e$ery e%isode (or the rest o(
the character's li(e introd)ces some ne2" horrible calamity )ntil the character is
merci()lly killed or kills himsel(. 0n any case" the character is no longer a $iable one to
%lay and the %layer sho)ld dis%ose o( him as 9)ickly as %ossible.
At the )ltimate le$el" the god %er(orms the greater %)nishment abo$e" and then tort)res
the character's s%irit (ore$er in the a(terli(e.
5ote that this %)nishment isn't j)st (or %riests. 0( a non:%riest betrays the god in the
same (ashion" the god 2ill $isit the same sort o( %)nishment on the character.

So(iety's Pnis$"ents

1nless the %riesthood is the State +eligion" %riests are not imm)ne to the la2 (or their
0(" (or exam%le" the %riest o( the god o( >)stice and +e$enge hears abo)t some great
inj)stice" 2anders o$er to the o((ender's ho)se and kills the o((ender" then he's g)ilty o(
m)rder. There's no 9)estion. 7e'll be arrested" tried" and <the e((orts o( his %riesthood
not2ithstanding= %robably con$ictedB the only thing that co)ld sa$e him 2o)ld be a
declaration (rom the god" 2hich is )s)ally not (orthcoming.
There(ore" 2hen %riests decide to do something 2hich is illegal in the c)lt)re" they
sho)ld do so circ)ms%ectly. 0( they 2ish to accom%lish the desires o( their god 2hen
those 2ishes are illegal" they'll ha$e to do so in a (ashion 2hich %rotects them.

*$en Priests Renon(e #$eir -ait$

0t's %ossible (or a %riest to reno)nce his (aith F to declare that he is no longer a %riest o(
a %artic)lar god. When that ha%%ens" he has one o( t2o choices.
7e can sto% belonging to the %riest:class and start o$er as a rog)e" 2i3ard" or %riest o(
another god" according to the r)les (or d)al:class characters. 5at)rally" he loses all his
granted %o2ers.
0( his %riesthood had &ood ombat Abilities" he can lose one ex%erience le$el and
become a (ighterB i( *edi)m ombat Abilities" he can lose t2o le$els and become a
(ighterB i( Poor ombat Abilities" he can start o$er as a (ighter according to the r)les (or
d)al:class characters. 7e'll ne$er again be a %riest.

*$en Gods 1esto2 S!ells

Another e((ect o( the (act that %riests are ser$ants o( their gods is this: The god doesn't
ha$e to gi$e his %riest the s%ells the %riest 2ants.
0n most sit)ations" 2hen the %riest %rays (or his s%ells" he gets the ones he desires. B)t
i( the god and D* 2ish" he co)ld get di((erent s%ells on some occasions.
There are t2o )s)al ca)ses (or this to ha%%en:
0( the god is dis%leased 2ith the %riest (or some minor in(raction" he might gi$e the
%riest s%ells 2hich dictate the %riests' actions (or the day. A (ighting:%riest might emerge
(rom his meditation 2ith only healing s%ells on hand" (or instance" a clear sign that the
god 2ants him to act in a s)%%orting role today.
!r" i( the god kno2s o( a s%eci(ic o%%onent that the %riest 2ill be (ighting today" he
might gi$e the %riest s%ells a%%ro%riate to de(eating that enemy.
0n neither case 2ill the god send a telegram ex%laining 2hy he's done 2hat he's done.
The %riest has to acce%t 2hat the god hands him that day" and has to do so 2itho)t
kno2ing 2hy.

Priestly -ollo2ers

0t's good to remember that the %riest's (ollo2ers" the ones 2ho come to him aro)nd Oth
le$el" are not mere s%ear:carriers or meat (or the monsters. They ha$en't sho2n )% so that
they can be thro2n to the ja2s o( dragons in order to gi$e the %riest more time to get
a2ay. They'$e sho2n )% to ser$e the god and the %riest.
That's 2hy" in the Desi,nin, -ait$s cha%ter" 2e talked abo)t gi$ing them names and
%ersonalities" and like2ise talked abo)t the %riest getting (e2er and (e2er re%lacements i(
he 2astes the (ollo2ers he has.
!nce again" this is a sign that the %riest cannot act 2ith )tter im%)nity. 7e is de%endent
on the good 2ill o( his god" and his god 2ill not look kindly on a %riest 2ho brings abo)t
the deaths o( other (ollo2ers o( the god. The god 2ho says" DMes" my son" kill o(( my
other (ollo2ers so that yo) can ha$e more goldD is a (oolish god indeed.

#onin, Do2n t$e Cleri(

The cleric class is a $ery %o2er()l one. 7e has access to sixteen S%heres o( 0n(l)ence
<more than any other %riest:class=" good armor" and (air 2ea%ons. 0t's been a sign o( the
cleric's ad$antages that he is the %re(erred character class o( many" many cam%aigns.
0( this )ltra:e((icient character is too %o2er()l in yo)r o2n cam%aign" yo) might %re(er
to alter him. 0( yo) 2ant to do this" tell all the cleric %layers 2ell ahead o( time and gi$e
them the o%tion to con$ert their clerics to %riests o( s%eci(ic mythoi %ro$ided in the
Sa"!le Priest$oods cha%ter.
Then" establish the (ollo2ing r)les abo)t the leric class:
<-= Kee% his 2ea%on and armor limitations exactly as they are.
<A= Establish that the leric has *ajor Access to only three s%heres <one m)st be AllB
the other t2o are %layer's choice= and *inor Access to t2o s%heres <%layer's choice=. The
%layer m)st choose his (o)r s%here o%tions 2hen the leric is (irst created <or con$erted=B
it may not be changed a(ter2ards. Each leric may choose a di((erent set o( s%heres.
5at)rally" yo) sho)ld only do this i( yo) %ersonally (eel that the cleric class is too
%o2er()l in yo)r cam%aign. 0( yo) don't" don't change him.

E0i!"ent and Co"bat
0n this cha%ter" 2e'll talk abo)t some o( the gear that the %riest carries and )ses in the
%er(ormance o( his d)ties" and also abo)t ne2 2ea%ons and combat styles )sed by some

Priestly %te"s

The most common and im%ortant tools o( the %riest <as (ar as his c)lt)re is concerned"
any2ay= aren't his 2ea%ons and armor. They are the act)al symbols o( his %riesthood.
5ot all o( these symbols are )se()l in combat sit)ations" b)t they're a%%ro%riate (or
role:%laying the %riest. #et's disc)ss them brie(ly.

#$e Canon

*any (aiths ha$e a canon " or holy book. This 2ork 2as 2ritten at some time in the
distant %ast" either by the god or by a belie$er obeying the 2ord o( the god. This book
)s)ally describes im%ortant e$ents o( the %ast in 2hich the god %artici%ated" ex%lains the
re9)irements the god makes on his (ollo2ers" and ex%lains the god's %hiloso%hy" goals"
and concerns.
0( the (aith has a canon" then the %riest 2ill 2ish to ha$e one. Books are ex%ensi$e
commodities: Ass)ming that it's a mere A// sheets <H// %ages= in length" according to the
costs in the Player's Handbook" yo)'re talking abo)t H// g% in %a%er alone <A g% %er
sheet=B binding 2ill cost another L/ g%" (or a total o( HL/. Sometime bet2een Grd and Lth
le$el" the %riest sho)ld ha$e sa$ed or acc)m)lated eno)gh money to commission a co%y
o( the canonB %erha%s" i( he is l)cky" someone 2ill gi(t him 2ith one" or he 2ill inherit
one. +egardless" a %riest 2ho reaches Ith le$el 2itho)t ha$ing ac9)ired a co%y o( the
canon 2ill be $ie2ed 2ith some s)s%icion by commoners and his (ello2 %riests" 2ho 2ill
9)estion his de$otion.
The %riest sho)ld carry the cannon 2here$er he tra$els" and i( it is stolen sho)ld make
e$ery e((ort to reco$er it. The canon is not a magical 2ork" and does not act as a 7oly
Symbol 2hen )sed to con(ront $am%ires or similar monsters.
5ot all (aiths do ha$e an indi$id)al" 2ritten canon. Some (aiths share a common
canon. Some transmit their canon orallyB it is not 2ritten do2n any2here. Some ha$e
none at all.

Holy Sy"bol

*ost (aiths ha$e a holy symbol" some sign 2hich ser$es as a re%resentation (or the god
and his (aith. This symbol is )s)ally d)%licated in 2ood" glass" or %recio)s metals and
carried by %riests o( the god. !rdinary (ollo2ers o( the god also can carry the holy
E$ery %riest %layer sho)ld kno2 2hat his holy symbol looks like. The D* can either
decide" or let the %layer o( the %riest design it. <0( he does allo2 the %layer to do so" the
design o( the symbol is still s)bject to the D*'s a%%ro$al.=
0t's easy to create symbols (or most deities" and there are s)ggestions (or symbols (or
all the gods re%resented in the Sa"!le Priest$oods cha%ter.

Holy *ater

7oly 2ater" that bane o( $am%ires and many other monsters" is created in the (ollo2ing
0n a tem%le o( the god" three %riests o( second le$el or higher stand o$er an em%ty
2ater:basin and %er(orm a rit)al o( %rayer. They %ray (or the god's blessing and %rotection
(or an entire ho)r. At the end o( that time" they each cast a s%ell" and do so
sim)ltaneo)sly: !ne casts create ater " the second casts protection from evil" and the
third casts purify food 1 drink. 7al( a gallon o( holy 2ater is created.
<The create ater s%ell can create )% to (o)r gallons o( 2ater" b)t the protection from
evil and purify food 1 drink )sed this 2ay can only create hal( a gallon o( holy 2ater.
There(ore" (or e$ery t2o extra %riests" one to cast each o( those t2o s%ells" an extra hal(:
gallon can be created. 5ine %riests together can create (o)r gallons.=
The tremendo)s ex%endit)re o( magic and the time in$ol$ed are the reasons 2hy a
single dose o( holy 2ater costs AL g% to the ad$ent)rer. !b$io)sly" any three %riests can
create holy 2ater D(or (reeD so long as they are second le$el or higher and are %riests o(
the same god.
7oly symbols are enchanted in the same 2ay. Each enchantment takes an ho)r"
re9)ires three %riests <s)bstit)ting sanctuary (or create ater=" and re9)ires a material
com%onent: Some object car$ed 2ith the god's symbol.

Priestly Vest"ents

As mentioned in the Desi,nin, -ait$s cha%ter" each %riesthood has its o2n distincti$e
cost)me" and %riests normally 2ear these %riestly $estments 2hene$er they %er(orm their
o((icial d)ties. Some m)st 2ear them 2hene$er they a%%ear in %)blic.
0t adds color to a cam%aign 2hen the %layers kno2 2hat these $estments look like. 0(
the D* doesn't 2ish to design the %riestly $estments (or all the %riest %layer:characters"
he sho)ld allo2 the %layers to do so <s)bject to his (inal a%%ro$al=.

Ne2 *ea!ons

Se$eral ne2 2ea%ons are mentioned at $ario)s times in this s)%%lement. Belo2" 2e'll
describe them.
Ne2 *ea!ons 5ist
%te" Cost *ei,$t Si6e #y!e> -a(tor Da"a,e
;lbs9< S/+ 5
BillC Lc% A S P A -dH -dO
#assoCC Ls% G # : -/ :: ::
*a)lCC Lg% -/ # B . AdH -d-/
5etCC Lg% -/ * : -/ :: ::
5)nchak)C-g% G * B G -dI -dI
ScytheCC Lg% O * P?S O -dIJ- -dO
C This 2ea%on is intended (or one:handed )se" and may not be )sed t2o:handed. 0n
the case o( n)nchak)" t2o:handed (lo)rishes are common" b)t blo2s are str)ck 2ith
one hand only at a time.
CC This 2ea%on is intended (or t2o:handed )se only.
J The DTy%eD category is di$ided into Bl)dgeoning <B=" Piercing <P=" and Slashing <S=.
This indicates the ty%e o( attack made" 2hich may alter the 2ea%on's e((ecti$ness
against di((erent ty%es o( armor. See the o%tional r)le in the Player's Handbook" %age

Ne2 *ea!ons Des(ri!tions

The 1ill is a short hook on a short cross:handle" and is a 2ea%on deri$ed (rom the sort
o( hook )sed to s%ear and ha)l in (ish or to carry sides o( meat aro)nd.
The 5asso is a ro%e 2ith a loo% at the endB it's thro2n at targets" and on a s)ccess()l hit
the loo% settles aro)nd the target. The 2ielder can then %)ll the ro%e ta)t and serio)sly
incon$enience his target. Extensi$e r)les (or the lasso a%%ear in The Complete !ighter's
The +al is a %olearm 2ith a hea$y bl)dgeoning head at the end. 0t is there(ore a
Bl)dgeoning 2ea%on" and is a%%ro%riate (or the )se o( clerics and s%eci(ic %riests 2ho
aren't allo2ed to )se bladed 2ea%ons. When a %riesthood allo2s the )se o( %olearms" this
incl)des the ma)l <and the mancatcher" (or that matter=B b)t 2hen ma)l alone is listed" the
%riest cannot )se the other %olearms.
The Net is a 2eighted combat net on the end o( a ro%e. #ike the lasso" it is thro2n to
s%read o$er a targetB i( it hits" it can be %)lled closed" and the trailing ro%e )sed to %)ll the
$ictim aro)nd. Also like the lasso" extensi$e r)les (or this 2ea%on's )se a%%ear in The
Complete !ighter's Handbook.
The Nn($ak is an oriental 2ea%on and only s)itable (or oriental:based cam%aigns.
0t consists o( t2o 2ooden handles connected by a short chain or short length o( cord. 0t
2as originally deri$ed (rom an agric)lt)ral im%lement" 2hich is 2hy so many %riests o(
nat)re:oriented gods can )se it.
The S(yt$e is a large" c)r$ing blade that is shar% only on the )nderside o( the blade
<the conca$e edge=B the blade is attached to a t2isted %ole some L:I' in length. The
2ielder )ses the 2ea%on t2o:handed. The scythe is a har$esting tool )sed by (armers to
c)t do2n their grainB as a 2ea%on" it is symbolic o( gods o( agric)lt)re" time" and death.

Unar"ed Co"bat

The (ollo2ing material is re%rod)ced in %art (rom The Complete !ighter's Handbook "
so that %layers o( 8ighting:*onks 2ill ha$e access to the r)les (or martial arts combat.

Atta(kin, *it$ot .illin,

Be(ore %roceeding" yo) sho)ld (amiliari3e yo)rsel( 2ith the DAttacking Witho)t
KillingD r)les (rom the Player's Handbook" %ages .P:.O.

.no2in, Pn($in,) *restlin,) +artial Arts

As yo) sa2 in the Player's Handbook" everybody kno2s ho2 to %)nch and 2restle.
Any character" (rom the do)ghtiest 2arrior to the s%indliest scholar" kno2s hot to t2ist
someone's arm or %)nch him in the ja2. <5at)rally" s)ch (actors as strength" dexterity and
ex%erience le$el ha$e a remarkable e((ect on ho2 o(ten one hits and ho2 m)ch damage
one does.=
*artial Arts are another matter. By D*artial Arts"D 2e mean generic )narmed combat.
This isn't karate" k)ng () or tae k2an do: 0t's mo$ie:style martial arts 2ith no basis in
real:2orld (ighting styles.
A character may only kno2 *artial Arts i( the D* declares that this style is a$ailable
(or characters to learn. 0n many cam%aigns" it 2on't be. 0n most oriental cam%aigns" it 2ill
be. 0n cam%aigns 2here the occidental and oriental 2orlds ha$e a lot o( contact 2ith one
another" it co)ld easily be.
To kno2 *artial Arts at its basic le$el" the character m)st s%end one Wea%on
Pro(iciency slot on *artial Arts. That's all it takes. !nce he's s%ent that %ro(iciency slot"
he can )se *artial Arts in the same 2ay that other %eo%le )se P)nching and Wrestling" as
2e'll describe immediately belo2.

+artial Arts Reslts

At its basic le$el" *artial Arts skill is )sed j)st like P)nching and Wrestling. *artial
Arts combat occ)rs 2hen a character attacks 2ith his bare hands" (eet" and e$en head. 5o
2ea%ons are )sed. <A character can hold a 2ea%on in one hand and nothing in the other"
attacking 2ith his 2ea%on one ro)nd and 2ith his *artial Arts skill in the next.=
When attacking 2ith *artial Arts skill" the character makes a normal attack roll against
the normal Armor lass o( the target. <0( the attacking character has armor on" he does
s)((er the DArmor *odi(iers 8or WrestlingD (rom Table LP on %age .P o( the Player's
Handbook.= Any other normal modi(iers are a%%lied to the attack roll <(rom the attacker's
Strength bon)s" (or exam%le=.
0( the attack roll is s)ccess()l" the attacker cons)lts the table belo2 (or the res)lt o( the
attack. 0(" (or instance" the character rolls a -G to hit" the res)lt is a Body:P)nch" doing -
%oint o( damage <%l)s the character's damage bon)s (rom Strength" i( any=.

+artial Arts Reslts #able
Atta(k +artial Arts Da"a,e ?.O
Roll +ane4er
A/J 7ead P)nch G -L
-. 7igh Kick A -/
-O 4itals:Kick A O
-P 4itals:P)nch A L
-I 7ead Bash A L
-L Side Kick - G
-H Elbo2 Shot - -
-G Body:P)nch - A
-A #o2 Kick - -
-- &ra3e / -
-/ Body:P)nch - A
. #o2 Kick - -
O Body:P)nch - A
P Knee:Shot - G
I Side Kick - L
L 7ead Bash A -/
H 4itals:P)nch A -/
G 4itals:Kick A -L
A 7igh Kick A A/
-C 7ead P)nch G G/
C !r less

Descri%tions o( the *ane)$ers

Body:P)nch: This is a straight(or2ard %)nch into the target's stomach or chest.
Elbo2 Shot: With this mane)$er" the attacker %lants his elbo2 into the target's
chest" side" or stomach.
&ra3e: This co)ld ha$e started o)t as any sort o( mane)$er" b)t it merely gra3ed
the targetB it 2asn't landed (irmly.
#o2 Kick: The attacker kicks the target in the leg or thigh.
7ead Bash: The attacker slams his (orehead into the target's (ace" 2hich is a sto)t
7ead P)nch: This is a good" strong blo2 2ith the (ist to the enemy's head"
%artic)larly his ja2.
7igh Kick: The attacker kicks the target in the )%%er body some2here: Stomach"
chest" back" or sho)lder.
Knee:Shot: The attacker brings his knee )% into the target's stomach or thigh.
Side Kick: With this mane)$er" the attacker has time to %re%are and la)nch a $ery
%o2er()l side2ays kick <2hich may be at the end o( a cinematic lea%=.
4itals:Kick: The attacker kicks his target at some $)lnerable %oint: &roin" kidney"
neck" solar %lex)s" etc.
4itals:P)nch: The attacker %)ts his (ist into one o( the $)lnerable %oints
mentioned immediately abo$e.

S%eciali3ing in P)nching

Any %riest can s%eciali3e in P)nching <or Wrestling" or *artial Arts=. !( all the
ty%es o( %riests" tho)gh" only the 8ighting:*onk can s%eciali3e in more than one
)narmed combat style. The D* may decide (or his o2n cam%aign that Priests other than
the 8ighting:*onk may not s%eciali3ed in any )narmed combat" or that certain ty%es o(
%riests <(or exam%le" o( the god o( %eace= may not.
0n order to do s%eciali3e in P)nching" the Priest m)st de$ote a Wea%on
Pro(iciency slot to P)nching. When he does" he gets the (ollo2ing bene(its:
7e gains a J- bon)s to all his attack rolls 2ith P)nchingB
7e gains a J- bon)s to all damage 2ith P)nchingB and
7e gains a J- chart bonus 2ith all P)nching attacks.
The chart bon)s is a re(lection o( the character's s)%erior acc)racy 2ith P)nching.
When the 8ighter:*onk rolls and s)ccess()lly hits" as yo) kno2" the roll itsel( determines
2hich mane)$er 2as made.
B)t on a s)ccess()l hit" the P)nching S%ecialist can modi(y that res)lt. 0( he has a
chart bonus o( J-" he can choose the mane)$er one higher or one lo2er on the chart.
*$ample( The fighter%monk Toshi punches an orc& He rolls a 93 to hit, and this
turns out to be a successful hit& ;n the BPunching and 2restling 7esultsB chart, e see
that this is a 7abbit Punch& 6ut Toshi is a Punching "pecialist ith a chart bonus of <9&
He can choose instead for the result to be a 2ild "ing Chich does less damage and has
an inferior chance of accomplishing a knockout) or a Didney Punch Chich does the
same damage but has a superior chance of accomplishing a knockout)& He changes the
maneuver from a 7abbit Punch to a Didney Punch&
!nly i( a character S%eciali3es in P)nching and th)s has a chart bonus can he
a((ect his %)nch res)lts in this manner.

S%eciali3ing in Wrestling

The same r)les gi$en (or S%eciali3ing in P)nching also a%%ly to Wrestling. 0( a
Priest s%ends one Wea%on Pro(iciency slot on Wrestling" he is a Wrestling S%ecialist:
7e gains a J- bon)s to all his attack rolls 2ith WrestlingB
7e gains a J- bon)s to all damage 2ith Wrestling <that is" all his mane)$ers 2ill
do A %oints o( damage %l)s his Strength bon)s" and contin)ed holds ca)se c)m)lati$ely -
more %oint o( damage (or each ro)nd they are held=B and
7e gains a J- chart bon)s 2ith all Wrestling attacks.
So i(" (or instance" he rolls a . to hit" and that hits" his res)lt 2o)ld normally be a
#eg lock. 0( he chooses" he can change it to an Elbo2 smash or a 7eadlock.

S%eciali3ing in *artial Arts

The same r)les gi$en (or S%eciali3ing in P)nching and Wrestling also a%%ly to
*artial Arts" 2ith one exce%tion. 5o character kno2s *artial Arts a)tomatically.
There(ore" the character m)st (irst s%end one Wea%on Pro(iciency slot to kno2 *artial
Arts in the (irst %lace" and then m)st s%end one more to become a *artial Arts S%ecialist.
As )s)al" 2hen the character becomes a *artial Arts S%ecialist:
7e gains a J- bon)s to all his attack rolls 2ith *artial ArtsB
7e gains a J- bon)s to all damage 2ith *artial ArtsB and
7e gains a J- chart bon)s 2ith all *artial Arts attacks.
So i( he rolls a -L to hit" and the attack hits" he has %er(ormed a Side Kick. 0( he
)ses his J- chart bon)s" he can change that into an Elbo2 Shot or a 7ead Bash. 7e'll
%robably choose to change it to a 7ead Bash" (or the im%ro$ed damage and im%ro$ed
chance o( K!.

*ore Than !ne Style

!nly a 8ighting:*onk can s%eciali3e in more than one )narmed combat style. A
8ighting:*onk can only s%eciali3e in one o( the three )narmed combat styles 2hen he is
(irst created. A(ter (irst le$el" ho2e$er" he may s%eciali3e in the other t2o.
As described in the 2rite)% o( the 8ighting:*onk kit" the character can sa$e some
o( his Wea%on Pro(iciencies.
8or exam%le" at (irst le$el" he co)ld s%eciali3e in *artial Arts" then s%end another
slot at second le$el to s%eciali3e in Wrestling" then another at third le$el to s%eciali3e in
7o2e$er" i( he (irst s%eciali3es in P)nching or Wrestling" he cannot s%eciali3e in
*artial Arts at the next ex%erience le$el. 7e can only s%end one slot %er ex%erience le$el"
meaning that he'll (irst gain %ro(iciency 2ith *artial Arts at one le$el" then s%eciali3e at
the next le$el.
1s)ally" the character" i( he 2ants to s%eciali3e in more than one style" 2ill take
either *artial Arts or P)nching" not both" and then take Wrestling. *artial Arts and
P)nching o$erla% one another some2hat" b)t Wrestling is )se()l 2hen the character is
being held.

ontin)ing S%eciali3ation

This is an o%tion only (or 8ighting:*onks <and Warrior characters=B other Priests
may not do this&
0( a 8ighting:*onk contin)es to de$ote Wea%on Pro(iciency slots to an )narmed
combat style after he is already speciali+ing in it" he gets the (ollo2ing bene(its.
8or each additional slot de$oted to his art" as be(ore:
7e gains a J- bon)s to all his attack rolls 2ith his combat styleB
7e gains a J- bon)s to all damage 2ith his combat styleB and
7e gains a J- chart bon)s 2ith all attacks in that combat style. With chart bon)ses
o( JA or more" the character can choose any mane)$er 2ithin the range o( mane)$ers
co$ered by his chart bon)s <see the exam%le belo2=.
A 8ighting:*onk" once he has s%eciali3ed in a (ighting style" can only de$ote one
Wea%on Pro(iciency slot to that style per e$perience level. There(ore" a (irst:le$el
8ighting:*onk co)ld s%eciali3e in *artial Arts by de$oting t2o slots to it. 7e co)ld not
de$ote another slot to it )ntil second le$el" and then co)ld not de$ote another slot )ntil
third le$el" and so on.
#et's )se that character as an exam%le.
*$ample( Toshi the !ighting%Monk speciali+es in Martial #rts at first level, adds
one proficiency slot to it at second level, and another at third level&
#t third level, he has a <. bonus to attack rolls ith Martial #rts, a <. to damage
rolls ith Martial #rts, and a <. chart bonus&
-et's say he rolls a 9E to hit someone, and that the attack does hit& This ould
normally be a Fitals%Punch& 6ut he has a <. chart bonus& He can choose for the
maneuver to be a Head Punch, a High Dick, a Fitals%Dick, the Fitals%Punch that as
rolled, a Head 6ash, a "ide Dick, or an *lbo "hot& #ssuming that he takes the punishing
Head Punch, he'll do . points for the maneuver, <. points from the damage bonus he gets
for speciali+ing, and any bonus his "trength grants him&
That" in brie(" is the 2ay *artial Arts 2orks (or the (ighting:monk. Mo)
are enco)raged to read the ombat cha%ter o( The Complete !ighter's Handbook (or
more r)les and g)idelines on the )se o( )narmed combat in the game.
The (ollo2ing 2orks 2ere hel%()l in the creation o( The om%lete Priest *an)al:
#)rker" *an(red" Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses" Devils and Demons" +o)tlege and
Kegan Pa)l 0nc." #ondon and 5e2 Mork" -.OP.
*eyer" *ar$in W." editor" The #ncient Mysteries( # "ourcebook" Perennial #ibrary
<7ar%er 6 +o2" P)blishers=" San 8rancisco" -.OP.
5e)groschel" >oachim" The Great 2orks of Geish !antasy and ;ccult" The !$erlook
Press" Woodstock" 5e2 Mork" -.OP.
Seltman" harles" The Telve ;lympians" Thomas M. ro2ell o. <A%ollo Editions="
5e2 Mork" -.IA.

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