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Contact Address A-303, RP Hall, IIT-KGP, Kharag!r-"#$30#, Ind%a&
Per'anent Address Roosagar Aart'ent, (3#A)3* +essore Road,
,lat no - - ., /as0ar 1agan, Kol0ata-"00022, Ind%a&
Phone no - 3($("3#42#4(# 5M6 , 3($33-#3(2*0-0$ 5ho'e6
E'a%l %d so!'ac7%%t0g&ac&%n , so!'o8$(*27red%99'a%l&co'
Gender Male
.ate o9 1%rth $#
+!ne, $(*2&
.egree ) Co!rse Inst%t!te :ear)Standard Res!lts
1-Tech, Mechan%cal
Ind%an Inst%t!te o9
Technolog;, Kharag!r
;ear "&$ ) $0 5cga6
ISC 5#0036 Salt <a0e School =II **&2 >
ICSE 5#00$6 St& =a?%er@s School = ($&2 >
Projects done
A Quasi Steady Analytical Solution to Freezin Planar Couette Flo! "!it#
Pressure $radient% !it# &iscous Dissi'ation !nder Pro9& S& Cha0raAort;&
,or'!lat%on and Grah%cal reresentat%on o9 the rogress o9 the ,reeBe ,ront
C%th resect to T%'e&
.eter'%nat%on o9 the Stead; State locat%on o9 the ,reeBe ,ront&
.eter'%nat%on o9 the /!sselt n!'Aer 5/!6 at the ,reeBe ,ront&
Status Ongoing&
Heat (rans)er (#rou# a *uildin En+elo'e !nder Pro9& M Ra'goal&
Calc!lat%on o9 the Heat EDchange AetCeen a roo' and %ts s!rro!nd%ngs&
.eter'%nat%on o9 the A%r-Cond%t%on%ng load %ns%de the roo'&
Status Ongoing&
De+elo'in a (#er,al - Fluid Flo! Model )or Frost Free Do,estic
!nder Pro9& M Ra'goal&
.eter'%nat%on o9 the Te'erat!re and Eeloc%t; Pro9%le %ns%de the Re9r%gerator
!s%ng C,.&
Status Ongoing&

&i.ration Su''ression o) a Cantile+er *ea, "!it# a Rotatin End Mass% .y
inter,ediate Masses and S'rins !nder Pro9 A& .asg!ta&
E%Arat%on anal;s%s o9 the Aea' 5!nder ,orced E%Arat%on6 !s%ng Green 9!nct%on&
/!'er%cal ,or'!lat%on and Grah%cal reresentat%on o9 the 1ea' .e9lect%on
!s%ng MAT<A1&
Status Submitted&
Rele+ant So)t!are S/ills 0 1anuaes
Ferat%ng s;ste's G%ndoCs /T)(*)00)=P
Progra''%ng <ang!ages C, C33 and MAT<A1
S%'!lat%on tools ,<UE/T, A/S:S
Mathe'at%cal tools Mathe'at%ca
MS F99%ce EDcel , Gord, PoCerPo%nt
<ang!ages Enlis# - ,l!ent %n Cr%t%ng and ?erAal
$er,an - <earn%ng
2ey Acade,ic Ac#ie+e,ents
H!al%9%ed Reg%onal Mathe'at%cs Fl;'%ad C%th State ran0 $$&
Ran0ed "2$ %n IIT-+EE 5#0036&
Ran0ed 2 %n ICSE 5#00$6 %n '; school&
E3tra 4 Curricular acti+ities
Gas the School Cata%n %n the $0
Me'Aer o9 the Inter IIT ,ootAall ) Soccer tea'&
Reresented '; hostel %n ,ootAall, Athlet%cs and TaAle Tenn%s&
Me'Aer o9 the Technolog; .ra'at%c Soc%et;&
Reresented '; hostel %n %nter hostel Choreograh; and .ra'at%cs&
E3tra 4 Curricular ac#ie+e,ents
Gon Gold %n ,ootAall %n the Inter IIT Sorts Meet, .ec@0-&
Gon s%l?er 'edals %n Inter Hostel 5#00--026 40' Marathon and -00' sr%nt&
Gon #nd r%Be %n a .ance co'et%t%on ISarD@ #00-&

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