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Agreement made, effective as of -------------------(dd/mm/yyyy), by and between Great

East Investment Ltd Ghana hereafter referred as GEI/Comany! , a cororation
organi"ed and e#isting $nder the %aws of the co$ntry of Ghana with its rincia% office
%ocated at &'( ) 'II (*AI +treet ,aneshiem, -.( /o# 010), Accra, referred to in this
agreement as comany, and 2$%% 'ame Mr. ------------------------------------------- ho%ding
Ghana assort/Identity n$mber ---------------------------- referred to in this agreement as
It is o$r %eas$re to we%come 4r -------------------------------------------- as an contract
wor3er here after referred as 5or3er! $nder Great East investment Ltd-Ghana
A. 5or3er is wi%%ing to wor3 with GEI comany, and GEI is wi%%ing to contract the
wor3er, on the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth in this agreement.
In consideration of the matters described above, and of the m$t$a% benefits and
ob%igations set forth in this agreement, the arties agree as fo%%ows6
+EC7I(' ('E.
Contract Period
A. Comany Great East Investment (GEI ) contracts, engages, and hires the wor3er
as a ------------------------------------------- ( osition ) to erform admin and or a%% %ogging
oerations inc%$ding %ogs insection, %antation insection, hire machine, driving,
manage oerations for %ogging, c$tting, $%%ing and %oading into containers. 8esonsib%e
for a%% comany roerties inc%$ding trees and %ogs inside the /$sh. 2o%%ow-$ c%ose%y on
a%% oerations and esca%ate to management on time and aroriate%y and s$b9ect to the
genera% s$ervision and $rs$ant to the orders, advice, and direction of comany. 2or any
decision to be made, need to disc$ss with Great East Investment management and get
arova% before inform others.
+EC7I(' 75(.
7he term of this agreement sha%% be a eriod of : year, commencing
---------dd/mm/yyyy, and terminating ----------------dd/mm/yyyy, s$b9ect, however, to
rior termination as rovided in this agreement. At the e#iration date of
----------------dd/mm/yyyy, this agreement sha%% be considered renewed for reg$%ar
eriods of one year, rovided neither arty s$bmits a notice of termination.
-age : of ;
+EC7I(' 7&8EE.
Comany sha%% ay wor3er, and wor3er sha%% accet from comany, comensation at
the rate of Ghana Cedi ------ er day, ayab%e once a end of every month d$ring the
contract eriod. 5or3er is not given any other additiona% comensation d$ring the
contract eriod.
+EC7I(' 2(<8.
5or3er sha%% not at any time or in any manner, either direct%y or indirect%y, div$%ge,
disc%ose or comm$nicate to any erson, firm, cororation, or other entity in any manner
whatsoever any information concerning any matters affecting or re%ating to the b$siness
of comany, and that any breach of the terms of this section sha%% be a materia% breach of
this agreement. /reaching this agreement might %ead to disci%inary action or even
termination or %ega% action.
+EC7I(' 2I=E.
A. 7his agreement may be terminated by either arty on : week written notice to the
/. In the event of any vio%ation by wor3er of any of the terms of this agreement,
comany may terminate contract eriod witho$t notice.
C. It is f$rther agreed that any breach or evasion of any of the terms of this
agreement by wor3er wi%% res$%t in immediate and irrearab%e in9$ry to the comany and
wi%% a$thori"e reco$rse to in9$nction and or secific erformance as we%% as to a%% other
%ega% or e>$itab%e remedies to which comany may be entit%ed $nder this agreement.
*. In the event of Great East investment finds, yo$ dea% direct%y with Great East
Investment s$%iers or service roviders %i3e 7r$c3 owners or other arties to inf%$ence
anything %i3e rice, cost, time%ine etc, yo$ wi%% be immediate%y terminated $on any
s$sicio$s act by the wor3er.
-age ) of ;
+EC7I(' +I?.
5or3er sha%% strict%y treat a%% comany roerties %i3e tr$c3, machines, car, com$ter,
internet connections, mobi%e hones, scan/fa# machines, so%e%y for comany $ses on%y.
In case of any %oss of roerty $nder yo$r care wi%% be ta3en serio$s%y and wor3er wi%%
be com%ete resonsib%e to comensate the roerty to comany. 2ai%ing which wi%% be
breach of comany act and may %ead to %ega% com%aints.

Mr. ---------------------------- (Worker)
-----------------------------Ghana Passport/Identity
Number dated ---------------DD/MM/YYYY
Mr. Narayan, General Manager !ompany on
behal"# dated ----------------------- dd/mm/yyyy
-age ; of ;

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