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A project report

Customer Satisfaction study for Reliance
Communication: a explorative study done
by IMRB international, Bhubaneswar
a project report submitted to
Regional College of Management Autonomous
in partial fulfllment for
PGDM degree
Submitted By:
Prafulla Kumar panda
Regd no. 1001247099
Project guide Faculty guide
Mrs.Unmita jena (Field Manager) Prof. Soumendra K Patra (OM)
IMRB International, Bhubaneswar Asst. Professor, RCMA, Bhubaneswar


I, Prafulla Kumar Panda, pursuing MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Regional College
of Management Autonomous, Bhubaneswar, do hereby delare that this pro!et on "CUSTOMER
ST!SFCT!O" STU#$ FOR RE%!"CE COMMU"!CT!O"& underta#en by me is a true wor#
of myself and is not submitted to any other uni$ersity or published at any other time before the purpose
of any degree. All data regarding !MR' !nternational is solely meant for aademi use only.
Date: Prafulla
umar panda
No. 1001!"0##

%he suessful ompletion of the present researh wor# onduted by me has been possible
under the able and sinere guidane of Mrs.Unmita jena (Field Manager, IMRB) his persistent
super$ision and ooperation has been the soure of inspiration for me arries the sur$ey. My
deepest gratitude to him and Mr. Candan !a"a# (Field $%e&uti'e, IMRB) and Mr. Manas
Ranjan Saoo ((eam leader) for ma#ing my tas# easier with their profound ad$ie whih has
been of immense $alue to me.
At last I than#s to all respondents, whom I inter$iewed and who has gi$en me their $aluable time
and $iews regarding this topi and they has helped me to understand the issues related to this
Prafulla #umar )anda
Regd. &o. '((')*+(,,

Table of content
C(apter)! Page "o*
'.' Introdution
'.) Ba#ground of the study
'.- .b!eti$es of the study
'.* /ope of the study
).' /eondary 0iterature Re$iew
).) Mar#eting as a onept
).- Mar#eting Researh
-.' Company Profile 1 IMRB
-.) Introdution to the ompany
-.- IMRB International
-.* Clients of IMRB International
-.2 Company3s 4ision 5 Mission
*.' Researh Methodology
*.) 6ata /oure
*.- /ampling
*.* 6ata Colletion
*.2 /ampling Methodology
*.7 0imitations and future researh
C(apter)+ 6ata Analysis 5 Interpretation
2.' 6ata Analysis 5 Interpretation
2.) 8indings
C(apter)+! /uggestion 5 Conlusion.
7.' /uggestion
7.) Conlusion
ppendi, -
1*1 !"TRO#UCT!O"
1*2 'ac3ground of t(e Study
As the %itle of the pro!et suggests, C9/%.M:R /A%I/8AC%I.& /%96; 8.R R:0IA&C:
C.MM9&ICA%I.& 4%his pro!et is all about ustomer satisfations of reliane ommuniation.
%he population of this ity growing rapidly so as the mar#et si<e. 6ue to the tehnologial ad$ane
hanging preferene of the onsumers. %here is ut and throat ompetition in the mar#et. As the per
apita inome of the ity is inreasing, it leads to betterment in li$ing standard of people, it pro$ide
ample opportunity for the teleom ompanies to inrease their mar#et penetration. /ine e$ery
ompany wants to en!oy the ma!or mar#et share, so it beame indispensible for all the e=isting
ompanies to ma#e strategi and tatial mo$es fre>uently.
It is India3s leading integrated teleommuniation ompany with o$er ++million ustomers. .ur
business enompasses a omplete range of teleom ser$ies o$ering mobile and
fi=ed line telephony. It inludes broadband, national and international long distane ser$ies and
data ser$ies along with an e=hausti$e range of $alue?added ser$ies and appliations. .ur onstant
endea$our is to ahie$e ustomer delight by enhaning the produti$ity of the enterprises and
indi$iduals we ser$e.
O.jecti5e of t(e 0tudy-
%he following are the ob!eti$es of the study.
'. %o study the problems faed by the respondents with Reliane Post?paid ser$ie and prepaid
). %o study ustomer satisfation le$el on Reliane ser$ies.
-. %o find out onsumer preferenes.
*. %o analy<e the le$el of awareness about Reliane produts.
2. %o ma#e suggestions in the light of the findings of the study
Significance of t(e 0tudy-
%he pro!et I hose was a study on ustomer awareness and satisfation for reliane post?paid
produts. %he title is $ery muh signifiant onsidering the present global senario. %he awareness
le$el is the basi re>uirement for a ompany to sell its produts in the mar#et beause if the
ustomers are not aware of the produts, there would be no sale. Along with the awareness, the
ompanies ha$e to #eep a regular he# on the satisfation le$el of its ustomers to retain them. %he
sur$ey helps to find out the loopholes is the area of ser$ie being offered by the
ompany. Identifying those areas would help the ompany to minimi<e them and then they an go
for inreasing ustomers.
Scope of t(e 0tudy@
%he sope of the study is limited to the post paid ser$ies offered by Reliane Communiations.
/tudy ob!eti$e is to e=amine the $arious fators whih play their part in ustomer buying beha$iour
and the ma!or dissatisfation areas for the ustomers. %he
study onsidered the urban area of Bhubaneswar ity. %he sample 9nder onsideration onsisted of
the e=isting ustomers of Reliane Communiations.
Ae ha$e done researh o$er three distrits in .rissa on behalf of IMRB International and we ha$e
olleted rele$ant data. %hese two distrits BB9BA&:/AR, C9%%ACC. Ae also $isited two
$illages in eah of the abo$e mentioned distrits. 8irst we went to BB9BA&:/AAR distrit then
we went to C9%%ACC. At last we onduted researh and ompleted the researh.

'ac3ground of t(e company@
6*1 !ntroduction to t(e Company
:stablished in ',+', IMRB International is a pioneer in mar#et researh. A member of the Cantar
Droup, APP3s information, insight and onsulting di$ision. IMRBEs footprint e=tends aross ''
ountries ? India, Pa#istan, Bangladesh, /ri 0an#a, 6ubai, /audi Arabia, :gypt, /ingapore,
Malaysia, Corea and 0ondon.
Aith o$er ')(( full time staff, IMRB pro$ides high >uality oneptuali<ation, strategi thin#ing,
e=eution and interpretation s#ills. IMRB International is the only researh ompany in India that
offers suh a wide range of researh based ser$ies to its lients. IMRB InternationalEs speiali<ed
areas inludes onsumer mar#et researh both >uantitati$e and >ualitati$e, industrial mar#et
researh , business to business mar#et researh, soial and rural mar#et researh, media researh,
retail researh , and onsumer panels.
IMRB International has been offering for o$er -2 years, both general as well as speialist researh
ser$ies to lients in India and o$erseas. IMRB International operates out of its fi$e full ser$ie
offies in Mumbai, 6elhi, Col#ata, Chennai and Bangalore and is supported by '2 other regional
enters for olletion of sur$ey information.
6*2 !MR' !nternational,
.$er -- years of e=periene in researhing India. Ae ha$e fi$e full ser$ie offies and thirteen field
offies in India. .ur researh supports *( of the top 2( brands in the ountry. Aith one of the largest
field networ#s for ustom researh, #nowledge of loal ulture, normati$e databases, speialists with
industryF setor #nowledge, and an international tool#it of researh methods, IMRB International is
uni>uely positioned to pro$ide inno$ati$e solutions to any mar#eting issue. Cygnus is IMRBs
Cnowledge Management /ystem whih onnets e$ery IMRB e=euti$e and helps enhane the
>uality of the thin#ing that we pro$ide to Clients. Produt and /er$ies IMRB International has
eight speialist units ? ')Probe Gualitati$e Researh (PGR) ))/oial and Rural Researh Institute
(/RI) -)Media 5 Panel Droup *)C/MM@ Partners in Managing /ta#eholder Relationships 2)BIR6@
Researh?based Consultany for B)B and %ehnology Mar#ets 7)etehnology DroupHIMRB
+)IMRB Mind%eh /ystems@ /oftware de$elopment house I)Abaus Researh@ 6ata Proessing
Bouse to the Aorld IMRB International, in assoiation with Mill ward Brown, offers Ad$aned
%ra#ing Programmers, Brand 6ynamis and the 0in# pre?test as well as other MB ser$ies
throughout this region. Aith o$er '((( ads pre?tested, o$er )(( on?going ad and brand health
tra#ing researh studies, o$er *(( brand e>uity studies, we ha$e a good understanding of how
ommuniations wor#, what wor#s best and how we an best le$erage the ad$antage that our Clients
brand has o$er ompetition. Probe Gualitati$e Researh is one of the pioneers of >ualitati$e researh
in India and has e=euti$es speially trained in India and o$erseas in >ualitati$e researh methods.
6rawing on learning from ethnography, psyhology and anthropology, PGR has reated a $alidated
tool?#it for new produt de$elopment, brand launh, ommuniation and brand building and
As# to use PGRs Gualitati$e tool#it for ationable insights %he /tairway to /uess. %he Media
Droup has probably one of the most omprehensi$e media researh ser$ies anywhere in the world
whether it is Press (&R/, measuring print passion), %ele$ision (%AM People meter systems,
Mapping minds and moods), Radio (ontinuous radio ratings), .utdoor (signage effeti$eness), and
Internet and Media Multiplier studies. Ae run the ountries only Bousehold Purhase Panel with
o$er +(,((( households from ''* towns and +(( $illages pro$iding data on a monthly basis for o$er
2( produt ategories. /o if you wanted to segment by shopping and usage beha$ior, or model the
sales effets of a prie hange or a promotional offer, the data, the models and the minds are
a$ailable to you. %he /oial and Rural Researh Institute speiali<es in soial researh and in
onduting researh on emerging rural mar#ets. It has staff with speial e=pertise in onduting
Cnowledge, Attitudes 5 Pratie (CAP) /tudies on health and sanitation, water, en$ironment and
other fields, in India as well as internationally. C/MM is part of the Aal#er Information Dlobal
&etwor# and is the first suh speialist organi<ation in India with an e=lusi$e fous on ustomer
and employee satisfation, reputation and sta#eholder assessment. BIR6 and the e%ehnology
DroupHIMRB has o$er a deade e=periene in teleom researh, information tehnology, mass
media and on$ergene. It has been publishing the Internet in India studies, whih is used by net?
dri$en businesses as strategi mar#eting input sine ',,I. %he study on I% offie produts and
hardware is sponsored by MAI% and the software mar#et tra#s by &A//C.M. %he Guality of
Basi and Cellular ser$ie is published >uarterly by the %eleom Regulatory Authority of India

%o ater to its growth , espeially, its growing international business , IMRB .ffie is
loo#ing for e=periened >uantitati$e mar#et researhers at all le$els as well as trainee
MBAs and postgraduates without Mar#et Researh e=periene for a areer in >uantitati$e
onsumer researh. IMRB International is /outh Asia3s leading mar#et researh onsultany
organi<ation. IMRB International with o$er I(( full time staff and o$er -( offies in /outh
Asia and the Middle :ast offers full spetrum researh onsultany to leading multinational and
Indian lients in India and outside India.
International pro!ets aount for about a third of IMRB3s business. IMRB International is a part
of APP3s Insights 5 Consultany 6i$ision 1 Cantar.APP, one of the world3s leading
ommuniations ser$ie ompanies with billings of -7 billion, pro$ides national, multinational and
global lients with ad$ertising, media in$estment management, information, insight and onsultany,
publi relations and publi affairsJ branding 5 identity, healthare and speialist ommuniations.
Colleti$ely, APP employs ,',((( people in o$er )((( offies in '(7 ountries. APP ompanies
inlude KA%, .gil$y 5 Mather, ;5R Ad$ertising, Drey Aorldwide, and Mindshare. Cantar is one
of the world3s largest researh, insight and onsultany networ#s and brings together a di$erse group
of outstanding mar#eting insight and onsulting ompanies. Cantar ompanies inlude@ Mill ward
Brown, Researh International, Added 4alue Droup, BMRB, IMRB, BPRI, Dlendenning
Management Consultants, Benley Centre 0ight speed (online) Researh. %he group operates in '7(
offies aross 7( mar#ets worldwide. (8or further information please $isit@ In India, IMRB
International is an autonomous di$ision of Bindustan %hompson Assoiates 0imited (B%A), B%A3s
di$isions inlude KA% (Ad$ertising), 8ortune (Ad$ertising), %hompson Connet (diret mar#eting),
IPA& (Publi Relations).
6*6 Client0 of !MR' !nternational
IMRB wor#s for a large number of lients 1 multinationals and Indian ompanies.
/ome of IMRB3s leading 5 regular lients are
Bharti Airtel, Britannia,British Amerian %obao (BA%), Cadbury, Castrol, Ca$in#are, 6e Beers,
Radio Mirhi, 8ord, 8rito 0ay, Dillette, Dla=o /mith#line, Bein<,Bero Bonda, Bonda, Buth, ICICI
Ban#, Idea Mobile, Indian Airlines, Indian .il, Intel, I%C 0td et.
6*7 Company80 5i0ion and mi00ion-)
+!S!O" -
%o be the ageny of hoie for mar#eters aross the Middle :ast and &orth Afria region 1 by
onsistently pro$iding utting?edge mar#et researh ser$ies from oneptuali<ation .%hrough to
e=eution, interpretation and reporting, thereby enabling lients to ta#e strategi deisions. By )('(
IMRB will be the leading researh in India. Ae will le$erage our strengths to e=eute
omple= global?sale pro!ets to failitate leading?edge information and ommuniation
ser$ies affordable to all indi$idual onsumers and businesses in India. Ae will offer
unparalleled $alue to reate ustomer delight and enhane business produti$ity. Ae
will also generate $alue for our apabilities beyond Indian borders and enable millions of IndiaEs
#nowledge wor#ers to deli$er their ser$ies globally.

/er$ie fous
:mpowered :mployees
Inno$ati$e /er$ie
Cost effiieny
Aurate in sur$ey
0o$ed by more ustomers.
%argeted by top talent.
Benhmar#ed by more business.
Po0t)paid and prepaid of reliance communication-
Post-paid plans: -paid Plans Post-paid Plans
Reliance communication is providing band width from 500 kbps to 20 mbps.It
also providing
different plans with different browsing speed with different charges.some of
its plans are given below such as,
urf !ddiction Plan and unlimited usage with fle"ible #uarterl$, half $earl$
and $earl$ options or get the %reedom&& Plan which is eas$ on $our pockets
and gives $ou speed of up to '(bps at )ust Rs.&&*month.
Details Surf addiction 500 Kbps
+andwidth 500 ,bps
%ree -ata usage .nlimited
/uarterl$ 0harges1Rs.2 '3&5
4alf $earlt$ 0harges1Rs.2 23&5
!nnual 0harges 1Rs.2 3&&0
Plan Freedom 99
!dvance (onthl$
-ownload peed ' (bps
+undled -ata .sage 200 (+
0ircuit +reaker 5rigger 6&&
(a". +ill 7uarantee
peed after 0ircuit
800 ,bps
-ata usage 0harges
.pto (a". +ill 9imit
50 p*(+
Broadband Trump Plans
If Internet is what $ou swear and live b$ , then the 5rump Plans are for $ou.
unlimited broadband with speed of upto 6 (bps
Details Trump 1299
Trump Plus
'2&& ':&& 25&&
3 (bps upto 3 (bps upto
6 (bps
Mar3eting a0 a concept
Mar3eting is the proess by whih ompanies reate ustomer interest in goods or ser$ies. It
generates the strategy that underlies sales tehni>ues, business ommuniation, and business
de$elopments. It is an integrated proess through whih ompanies build strong ustomer
relationship and reates $alue for their ustomers and for themsel$es
In mar#eting, the term market refers to the group of onsumers or organi<ations that is interested
in the produt, has the resoures to purhase the produt, and permitted by law and other
regulations to a>uire the produt. %he mar#et definition begins with the total population and
progressi$ely narrows as shown in the following diagram.
Beginning with the total population, $arious terms are used to desribe the mar#et based on the
le$el of narrowing@
Potential mar3et ? those in the total population who ha$e interest in a>uiring the produt.
5aila.le mar3et ? those in the potential mar#et who ha$e enough money to buy the produt.
/ualified a5aila.le mar3et ? those in the a$ailable mar#et who legally are permitted to buy the
Target mar3et ? the segment of the >ualified a$ailable mar#et that the firm has deided to ser$e
(the served market).
Penetrated mar3et ? those in the target mar#et who ha$e purhased the produt. In the abo$e
listing, LprodutL refers to both physial produts and ser$ies. %he si<e of the mar#et is not
neessarily fi=ed. 8or e=ample, the si<e of the a$ailable mar#et for a produt an be inreased by
dereasing the produt3s prie, and the si<e of the >ualified a$ailable mar#et an be inreased
through hanges in legislation that result in fewer restritions on who an buy the produt.
%he mar3eting mi, is probably the most famous mar#eting term. Its elements are the basi,
tatial omponents of a mar#eting plan. Also #nown as the Four P90, the mar#eting
mi% elements are Prie, Plae, Produt and Promotion.
/er$iing Mar#eting will inrease the mi= to Se5en P80* T(ey are People, P(y0ical E5idence,
and Proce00*
&ow a new /er$ie Mar#eting Mi= has been de$eloped alled as +P ser$ie mar#eting mi= for
ser$ie mar#eting.
7P MRKET!": M!;
As stated abo$e, mar#eting mi= is reated to satisfy ustomers and organi<ational ob!eti$es.
Bene today3s mar#eting strategies are more ustomer dri$en reating $alues form ustomer3s
perspeti$e. In reality, ustomers do not only purhase any produt or ser$ie but they purhase
the $alueFutility of that produt or ser$ie. %hrough Mar#eting Mi= a mar#eting manager attempts
to reate and deli$er ustomer $alue. All elements of mar#eting mi= orresponding to the
$alueFutility. Beause of ser$ies are usually produed and onsumed simultaneously, ustomers
are often present in the firm3s fatory, interat diretly with the firm3s personnel, and are atually
part of the ser$ie prodution proess. Also, beause ser$ies are intangible, ustomers will often
be loo#ing for any tangible ue to help them understand the nature of the ser$ie e=periene. 8or
e=ample, in the BC0 C6C (/er$ie /etor) the design and dNor of the produts as well as the
appearane and attitudes of its employees will influene ustomer pereptions and e=perienes.
PRO#UCT- ) %he term LprodutL refers to tangible, physial produts as well as ser$ies. 9nder
this heading a mar#eter needs to onsider the thing that is being sold. %his is not !ust the physial
produt itself, but also anything related to how it is made, pa#aged and named. 9nder this
heading the mar#eter also needs to onsider produtFser$ie options, the after?sales ser$ie,
warranties, and ser$iing. Bere are some e=amples of the produt deisions to be made@
Brand name
Repairs and /upport
Aessories and ser$ies
PR!CE-) %his heading refers to deisions about how muh to harge for goods and ser$ies. It
may be easy for you as a manager to neglet this aspet of the mi= in fa$or of the more EglamorousE
promotion and produt areas, but ultimately deisions o$er prie affet the $iability of a brand and
the profitability of an organi<ation. Priing is also muh more omple= than you might thin#.
/ome e=amples of priing deisions to be made inlude@
Priing strategy (s#im, penetration, et.)
/uggested retail prie
4olume disounts and wholesale priing
Cash and early payment disounts
/easonal priing
Prie fle=ibility
Prie disrimination
P%CE@? %his heading refers to distribution. %his means all aspets related to how goods and
ser$ies are Emo$edE from the produers to the end user. %his means the oordination of retailers
andFor wholesales and in the ase of produts the logistis in$ol$ed in mo$ing from
fatoryFwarehouseFhead offie, to the end user. 6istribution is about getting the produts to the
ustomer. /ome e=amples of distribution deisions inlude@
6istribution hannels
Mar#et o$erage (inlusi$e, seleti$e, or e=lusi$e distribution)
/peifi hannel members
In$entory management
6istribution enters
.rder proessing
Re$erse logistis
Promotion 6eisions
PROMOT!O"-) In the onte=t of the mar#eting mi=, promotion represents the $arious aspets of
mar#eting ommuniation, that is, the ommuniation of information about the produt with the
goal of generating a positi$e ustomer response. Mar#eting ommuniation deisions inlude. %his
heading refers to all types of ommuniation that relate to a speifi mar#eting ampaign. %his
inludes ommuniation with retailers and distributors, ommuniation with purhasers and end
users and also internal ommuniation with the sales fore and other employees. Promotion is an
area with onsiderable I inno$ation. Mar#eters put great efforts into finding new ways to
ommuniate with onsumers.
Personal selling 5 sales fore
/ales promotions
Publi relations 5 publiity
Publi relations 5 publiity
0imitations of the Mar#eting Mi= 8ramewor#
2*< MRKET!": RESERC= -
Researh is the proess of olleting and analy<ing information about the ustomers you want to
reah, alled your target mar#et. %his information pro$ides you with the business intelligene
you need to ma#e informed deisions. Mar#et researh an help you reate a business plan,
launh a new produt or ser$ie, fine tune your e=isting produts and ser$ies, e=pand into new
mar#ets, de$elop an ad$ertising ampaign, set pries, andFor selet a business loation.
Mar#et researh and mar#eting researh are often onfused. 'Market research is simply researh
into a speifi mar#et. It is a $ery narrow onept. 'Marketing' researh is muh broader. It not
only inludes Emar#et3 researh, but also areas suh as researh into new produts, or modes of
distribution suh as $ia the Internet. Bere are a ouple of definitions@
LMar#eting researh is the funtion that lin#s the onsumer, ustomer, and publi to the mar#eter
through information ? information used to identify and define mar#eting opportunities and
problemsJ generate, refine, and e$aluate mar#eting ationsJ monitor mar#eting performaneJ and
impro$e understanding of mar#eting as a proess. Mar#eting researh speifies the information
re>uired to address these issues, designs the methods for olleting information, manages and
implements the data olletion proess, analy<es, and ommuniates the findings and their
Amerian Mar#eting assoiation ? .ffiial 6efinition of Mar#eting Researh .b$iously, this is a
$ery long and in$ol$ed definition of mar#eting researh "Marketing research is about researching
the whole of a company's marketing process."
!bout its competitors:
5he ma)or competitors are !irtel, ;odafone, 5ata--ocomo, +<9 etc. =
Telecommunication companies in "ndia
Telecom #S$

&5ata Indicom
'ire line
&5ata Indico&
?ut of which the airtel,tata docomo,+snl, and ;odafone are ma)ore in Indian telecome
sectore and also in ?rissa.
Some competitors of reliance
+harti !irtel@ formerl$ known as +harti 5ele-;entures 9imited 1+5;92 is among IndiaAs
largest mobile phone and %i"ed <etwork operators. Bith more than C0million
subscriptions as of '8th %ebruar$ 2006 it offers its mobile services under the !irtel brand
and is headed b$ unil (ittal. 5he compan$ also provides telephone services and
Internet access over -9 in '3 circles. 5he compan$ complements its mobile, broadband
D telephone services with national and international long distance services. 5he compan$
also has a submarine cable landing station at 0hennai, which connects the submarine
cable connecting 0hennai and ingapore. 5he compan$ provides reliable end-to-end
data and enterprise services to the corporate customers b$ leveraging its nationwide
fiber optic backbone, last mile connectivit$ in fi"ed-line and mobile circles, ;!5s, IPand
international bandwidth access through the gatewa$s and landing station.!irtel is the
largest cellular service provider in India in terms of number of subscribers. +harti !irtel
owns the !irtel brand and provides the followingservices under the brand name !irtelE
(obile ervices 1using 7( 5echnolog$2,+roadband D 5elephone ervices 1%i"ed line,
Internet 0onnectivit$ 1-92 and9eased 9ine2, 9ong -istance ervices and Fnterprise
ervices15elecommunications consulting for corporate2.9eading international
telecommunication companies such as ;odafone anding5el held partial stakes in
+harti !irtel.In !pril 200C +harti 7lobal 9imited was awarded a telecommunications
license inGerse$ in the 0hannel Islands b$ the local telecommunications regulator the
G0R!.In eptember 200C the ?ffice of .tilit$ Regulation in 7uernse$ awarded
7uernse$!irtel with a mobile telecommunications license. In (a$ 200: Gerse$ !irtel
and7uernse$ !irtel announced the launch of a relationship with ;odafone for
islandmobile subscribers. In Gul$ 200:, +harti !irtel signed an (o. with <okia-iemens
for a &00 million dollar e"pansion of its mobile and fi"ed network.H8I In!ugust 200:, the
compan$ announced it will be launching a customiJed version of 7oogle search engine
that will provide an Aarra$ of servicesA to its broadbandcustomers.!irtel is proud to be the
trusted communications partner to IndiaKs leadingorganiJations, working for them to meet
the challenges of growth !cross India.+e$ond India.5he businesses at +harti !irtel have
alwa$s been structured into three individualstrategic business units 1+.As2 - (obile
ervices, !irtel 5elemedia ervices DFnterprise ervices. 5he mobile business provides
mobile D fi"ed wireless.
()D!F)*+ +SS!,
(odafone +ssar, previousl$ -utc.ison +ssar is a cellular operator in India that covers
'C telecom circles in India -espite the official name being ;odafone FssarLits products
are simpl$ branded. It offers both prepaid and post-paid 7( cellular phone coverage
throughout India and is especiall$ strong in the ma)or metros. ;odafone Fssar provides
27 services based on &00 (4J and '600 (4J digital 7( technolog$, offering voice and
data services in 'C of the countr$As 28 licence areas.
;odafone Fssar is owned b$ ;odafone 52M, Fssar 7roup 88M, and other Indian
nationals, '5M. ?n %ebruar$ '', 200:, ;odafone agreed to ac#uire the controlling
interest of C:Mheld b$ 9i ,a hing 4oldings in 4utch-Fssar for .N''.' billion,
pippingReliance 0ommunications, 4indu)a 7roup, and Fssar 7roup, which is the
owner of the remaining 88M. 5he whole compan$ was valued at .- '6.6 billion. 5he
transaction closed on (a$ 6, 200:.
P,+(")/S B,!*DS:
In -ecember 200C, 4utch Fssar re-launched the O4utchO brand nationwide, consolidating
its services under a single identit$. 5he 0ompan$ entered into agreement with <55
-o0o(o to launch I-mode mobile Internet service in India during 200:.5he compan$
used to be named 4utchison Fssar, reflecting the name of its previous owner, 4utchison.
4owever, the brand was marketed as -utc.0
!fter getting the necessar$ government approvals with regards to the ac#uisition of a
ma)orit$ b$ the ;odafone 7roup, the compan$ was rebranded as ;odafone Fssar. 5he
marketing brand was officiall$ changed to (odafone on 20 eptember 200:.?n
eptember 20, 200: 4utch becomes ;odafone in one of the biggest brand transition
e"ercises in recent times. ;odafone Fssar is spending somewhere in the region of Rs
250 crores on this high- profile transition being unveiled toda$. !long with the transition,
cheap cell phones have been launched in the Indian market under the ;odafone brand.
5here are plans to launch co-branded handsets sourced from global vendors as well.
5ata 5eleservices 9imited 15592 is part of the 5ata 7roup of 0ompanies, an Indian
0onglomerate. It runs the brand name 5ata docomo in India in various telecom circles of
India. 5he compan$ forms part of the 5ata 7roupAs presence in the 5elecommunication
Industr$ in India, along with 5ata 5eleservices1(aharashtra2 9imited 155(92 and
;<9.559 was incorporated in '&&5 and was the first compan$ to offer 0-(!
(obileservices in India, specificall$ in the state of !ndhra Pradesh. In -ecember 2002,
the compan$ ac#uired the erstwhile 4ughes 5elecom 1India29td. which was renamed 5ata
5eleservices 1(aharashtra2 9imited.In eptember 200:, 5ata Indicom launched the 5alk
Borld plan, an International 9ong -istance Plan. 5ata is the direct competitor with
Reliance, both 0-(! operators in India. 5he compan$ provides unified
telecommunication solutions including mobile, fi"ed wireless, fi"ed line and broadband.
?ther competitors are ;odafone, !irtel, !ircel,Idea, (5<9, and +<9 providing 7(
based mobile telephon$.5he compan$ was first in India to provide free intra network
calling within cit$limits. 5he$ launched a uni#ue scheme providing lifetime rental free
connectivit$on its mobile and fi"ed wireless for a onetime charge.5ata 5eleservices is part
of the I<R Rs. ''&000 0rore 1.N 2& billion2 5ata7roup, that has over 6: companies,
over 250,000 emplo$ees and more than 2.6million shareholders. Bith a committed
investment of I<R 8C,000 0rore 1.N :.52
tarting with the ma)or ac#uisition of 4ughes 1India2 9imited now renamed 5ata
5eleservices 1(aharashtra2 9imitedI in -ecember 2002 the compan$ swung into an
e"pansion mode. Bith the total Investment of Rs '&,&23 0rore, 5ata 5eleservices has
created a Pan India presence spread across 20 circles that include !ndhra Pradesh,
0hennai, 7u)arat, ,arnataka, -elhi, (aharashtra, (umbai, 5amil <adu, ?rissa, +ihar,
Ra)asthan, Pun)ab, 4ar$ana, 4imachal Pradesh, .ttar Pradesh 1F2, .ttar Pradesh 1B2,
,erala, ,olkata, (adh$a Pradesh and Best +engal. 4aving pioneered the 0-(! 87'"
technolog$ platform in India, 5ata5eleservices has established a robust and reliable 87
read$ telecom infrastructure that ensures #ualit$ in its services. It has partnered with
(otorola, Fricsson, 9ucent and F0I 5elecom for the deplo$ment of a reliable,
technologicall$ advanced network.5he compan$, which heralded convergence
technologies in the Indian telecom sector, is toda$ the market leader in the fi"ed wireless
telephon$ market with atotal customer base of over 8.6 million. 5ata 5eleservicesK
bou#uet of telephon$ services includes (obile services, Bireless -esktop Phones,
Public +ooth 5elephon$ and Bireline services. ?ther services include value added
services like voice portal, roaming, post-paid Internet services, 8-wa$ conferencing, group
calling, Bi-%i Internet, .+ (odem, datacards, calling card services and enterprise
services. ome of the other products launched b$ the compan$ include prepaid
wirelessdesktop phones, public phone booths, new mobile handsets and new voice D
dataservices such as +RFB games, ;oice Portal, picture messaging, pol$phonic
ringtones, interactive applications like news, cricket, astrolog$, etc.5ata Indicom redefined
the e"isting prepaid mobile market in India, b$ unveiling their offering P 5ata Indicom
Q<on top (obileK which allows customers to receive free incoming calls. 5ata
5eleservices toda$ has IndiaKs largest branded.
+harat anchar <igam 9imited 1known as +<9, India 0ommunications 0orporation
9imited2 is a public sector communications compan$ in India. It is the IndiaRs largest
telecommunication compan$ with 25.'3M market share as on -ecember 8', 200:. Its
head#uarters are at +harat anchar +hawan, 4arish 0handra (athur 9ane, Ganpath, and
<ew -elhi. It has the status of (ini-ratna S a status assigned to reputed Public ector
companies in India.+<9 is IndiaAs oldest and largest 0ommunication ervice Provider
10P2.0urrentl$ +<9 has a customer base of C6.5 million 1+asic D (obile telephon$2.It
has footprints throughout India e"cept for the metropolitan cities of (umbai and <ew
-elhi which are managed b$ (5<9. !s on -ecember 8', 200: +<9 commanded a
customer base of 8'.: million Bireline, 3.' million 0-(!-B99 and 82.: million 7(
(obile subscribers. +<9As earnings for the %inancial Tear ending (arch 8', 200: stood
at I<R 8&:.'5b 1.N &.C: b2 with net profit of I<R :6.0Cb 1.N '.&0 billion2. 5oda$, +<9
is IndiaAs largest 5elco and one of the largest Public ector .ndertaking with estimated
market value of N '00 +illion. 5he compan$ is planning an IP? within C months to offload

'0 M to public. +harat anchar <igam 9td. formed in ?ctober, 2000, is BorldAs :th
largest 5elecommunications 0ompan$ providing comprehensive range of telecom
services in IndiaE Bireline, 0-(! mobile, 7( (obile, Internet, +roadband,
0arrier service, (P9-;P<, ;!5, ;oIP services, I< ervices etc. Bithin a span of
five $ears it has become one of the largest public sector units in India. +<9 has installed
/ualit$ 5elecom <etwork in the countr$ and now focusing on improving it, e"panding the
network, introducing new telecom services with I05 applications in villages and wining
customerAs confidence. 5oda$, it has about 3:.8million line basic telephone capacit$,
3 million B99 capacit$, 20.' (illion 7( 0apacit$, more than 8:862 fi"ed e"changes,
'6000 +5, 26: atellite tations,360'&C Rkm of ?%0 0able, C8:80 Rkm of (icrowave
<etwork connecting C02-istricts, :880 cities*towns and 5.5 9akhs villages.+<9 is the
onl$ service provider, making focused efforts and planned initiatives to bridge the Rural-
.rban -igital -ivide I05 sector. In fact there is no telecom operator in the countr$ to beat
its reach with its wide network giving services in ever$ nook D corner of countr$ and
operates across India e"cept -elhi D (umbai. Bhether it is inaccessible areas of
iachen glacier and <orth-eastern region of the countr$. +<9 serves its customers with
its wide bou#uet of telecom services. +<9 is numerous .no operator of India in all
services in its license area. 5he compan$ offers vide ranging D most transparent tariff
schemes designed to suite ever$ customer. +<9 cellular service, 0ell ?ne, has more
than 5&353C80 cellular customers, garnering 23 percent of all mobile users as its
subscribers. 5hat means that almost ever$ fourth mobile user in the countr$ has a +<9
connection. Internet 0ustomers who access Internet through various modes viJ. -ial-up,
9eased 9ine, -I!, !ccount 9ess Internet 109I2. +<9 has been ad)udged as
the <.(+FR ?<F IP in the countr$. +<9 has set up a world class multi-gigabit, multi-
protocol convergent IP infrastructure that provides convergent services like voice, data
and video through the same +ackbone and +roadband !ccess <etwork.
,esearc. $et.odolo23
Research refers to search for knowledge and it also can be termed as an art of scientific
investigation .Research is actuall$ a vo$age of discover$ .we all possess the vital instinct
of in#uisitiveness for, when the unknown confronts us, we wonder and our in#uisitiveness
makes us probe and attain full and fuller understanding of the unknown .this intuitiveness
is the mother of all knowledge and the method ,which man emplo$s for obtaining the
knowledge of whatever the unknown ,can be termed as research .
)b4ecti5e of ,esearc.
5he purpose of research is to discover answers to #uestions through the application of
scientific procedures. 5he main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and
which has not been discovered $et.
5he basic ob)ective of this stud$ i.e. customerRs satisfaction for Reliance communications
is to know the$ doRs and donRts of the service provided b$ reliance communication.
!ll companies are alwa$s tries to become no.' in the market, b$ anal$sing the customer
need and wants, market situation and rival companies market strategies.
o Reliance communication is also tr$ing to know its position in the market b$ surve$ing
the market with certain #uestionnaire.
Si2nificance of researc.:-
ignificance research leads to in#uir$, and in#uir$ leads to invention increase amount of
research make progress possible. Research includes scientific and inductive thinking and
it promotes the development of logical habits of thinking and organization.
ignificance of this stud$ is, one can know how different marketing strategies adopted b$
reliance communication b$ modif$ing its product and services and b$ reverse
Be can also know the customer satisfaction level of using both prepaid and post-paid of
Reliance communication.
5he managerial significance is we can know how to use four pRs i.e., product, price place,
promotion in different marketing conditions.
It seems appropriate at this )uncture to e"plain the difference between research methods
and research methodolog$. Research methods ma$ be understood as all those
methods*techni#ues that are used for conduction of research
,esearc. Desi2n:
! research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and anal$sis of data
in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with econom$ in
procedure. !s such the design includes an outline of what the researcher will do from
writing the h$pothesis and its operational implications to the final anal$sis of data.
T3pes of ,esearc. Desi2n
-ifferent research design can be convenientl$ described if we categoriJe them asE
'2 Researc. desi2n in case of e6plorator3 researc. studies:
F"plorator$ research studies also termed as formulative research studies. 5he main
purpose this studies is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of
developing the working h$pothesis from an operational point of view. 5he emphasis in
such studies is on the discover$ of ideas and insights. ?ne can mention few e"amples of
Uinsight-stimulatingR cases such as the reactions of strangers, the reaction of marginal
individuals, and the stud$ of individuals who are in transition from one stage to another.
22 ,esearc. Desi2n "n %ase )f Descripti5e and Dia2nostic ,esearc. Studies:
-escriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the
characteristics of particular individual, or of a group, whereas diagnostic research studies
determine the fre#uenc$ with which something occur or its association with something
5his stud$ describes the phenomena under stud$.
5he data collection here ma$ relate to the demographic or the behavioural
variables of the respondents under stud$.
5he research has got ver$ specific ob)ective, clear cut data re#uirements and
uses a large sample which is drawn through a probabilit$ sampling design.
5he recommendations*findings in a descriptive research are descriptive.
,esearc. Desi2ns "n %ase of -3pot.esis-Testin2 Studies:
4$pothesis Stesting research studies 1generall$ known as e"perimental studies2 are
those where the researcher tests the h$pothesis of causal relationship between variables.
5his fact inspired him to develop certain e"perimental designs for testing h$potheses
concerning scientific investigation. 5oda$, the e"perimental designs are being used in
research relating to phenomena of several disciplines.
Samplin2 Desi2n:
! sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.
It refers to the techni#ues or the procedure the researcher would accept in selecting
items for the sample. ample design ma$ as well la$ down the number of items to be
included in the sample. i.e. siJe of sample. ample design is determined before the data
are collected.
Sample si7e:
5he sample siJe refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe
to constitute a sample. 4ere m$ sample siJe is '00 out of '5'C1population2.5his sample
is selected randoml$ for prepaid customers and as the stud$ is a purposive one, sample
siJe is selected b$ dividing total population into some homogeneous groups1tratified
random sampling2.
Probabilit$ amplingE ! probabilit$ sampling method is an$ method of sampling that
utiliJes some form of random selection. In order to have a random selection method, $ou
must set up some process or procedure that assures that the different units in $our
population have e#ual probabilities of being chosen. 4umans have long practiced various
forms of random selection, such as picking a name out of a hat, or choosing the short
straw. 5hese da$s, we tend to use computers as the mechanism for generating random
numbers as the basis for random selection.
In probabilit$ sampling, there are four ma)or t$pes of samplings, these are as follows
'. imple random sampling
. tratified random sampling
8. $stematic sampling
3. (ultistage cluster sampling
Secondar3 Data:
econdar$ data is data taken b$ the researcher from secondar$ sources, internal or
e"ternal. econdar$ -ata is data or information that is alread$ available. 5his data is
collected b$ a person or organiJation other than the use of the data.
%or the secondar$ data I have taken the help of m$ compan$ guide as well as the web
site of I(R+ as well as web site of various telecom companies. !part from this I have
also taken the help of some magaJines, )ournals and from various published article.
-uring the course of the stud$, i have gone through the following steps,
I have )oined in training program in I(R+ International in 26
ma$ 20''.
In the '
da$ the$ gave the general briefing, the general briefing includes what is
all about the pro)ectV !nd what we are going to do and how to doV
5he$ gave me the topic Wcustomer satisfaction on stud$ for reliance
communication Wand gave us general idea about
(arket research
(arket surve$
ample siJe
(arketing chief electoral rule and right hand rule.
Research m$tholog$.
!fter that the$ conducted a written test and (ock call test 1the test about 4ow to
meet the customer and 4ow to convince the customer2.5he ob)ective of written test
is to know the level of knowledge of the trainee in research methodologies.
5he$ gave a briefing on #uestionnaire design and told us how to ask #uestions to
the customers and what to askV
In the '
week of m$ field work, in I(R+ i have conducted a surve$ on customer
satisfaction level of with reliance 1post-paid and pre-paid2 and reliance 1post-paid
and pre-paid2.
In the process, I met and ask the customers some #uestions to fulfill m$ ob)ective.

'. Pritabash panda ,--+')('2) mFs /riram industries,t
). /an!eeb Dinodia ,--+)7(*2, &ew industrial area,t
-. Chiran!eeb pattanai# ,--I')''-, %horia sahi,t
*. Bi#ram bishoi ,--+++++)2 Dangadhar pur,t
2. Priya priyadarshni ,--I(,(I*+ %ulasipur,t

'. Bharat #u.panigrahi ,,-I'+(2,' Phase?II,patia,BB/R
). Biswa!it ghadia ,,-+*'77+* Behera sahi,&ayapally
-. 6ebabrata Bari# ,,-+**(7+2 8irestation ,BB/r
*. %apas ran!an naya# I('II7,7I7 DA?)(-,C / Pur,BB/R
2. /oumya ran!an panigrahi ,,-+-2,'2( /ailasree $ihar,BB/R

TT #oCoMo >pre)paid)
'. Biswa!it sahoo I(,-I('(,7 &ayapally,behera sahi,bbsr
). Ashirbad das +2(**7+(-* Cs pur, bbsr
-. &ishi#anta naya# I(,-7+(,)I Rasulagrh,BB/R
*. aswin das +)(2)77**( Crps>uare,bbsr
2. Pabitra hhatai +)(2-,',+) Da?)(*,spur ,bbsr

TT #oCoMo >po0t)paid)
'. Pradeep #u. sana ,(*((()(I* &ear da$ publi shool.bbsr
). Rasmiran!an mohapatra I(,-(+'(I* Cs pur,maOtre $ihar,bbsr
,(*(*''(+' Cara$el nagar,bbsr
*. /idhartha saha I,I*722()- &ear fotune tower,bbsr
Before as#ing >uestions to the ustomers, we ha$e gi$en a show?ard to ustomer for the rating.
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent 2
$ery good *
good -
fair )
poor '
%his way we ha$e to as# the following >uestions for the prepaid ustomers
'. ;ou are using whih ser$ie mobile pro$iderP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '+
$ery good ''
good 7
fair -
poor -
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '+ is from e=ellent, '' from $ery good,7
from good,- from fair and -from poor.

Bere out of the total '(( per ent I2.+' perent belongs to e=ellent, only )IQ belongs to $ery
good, )+Q belongs to good, IQ belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to poor.
. Ahat is your appro=imately monthly $ouher hargeP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '2
$ery good ')
good ,
fair -
poor '
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '2 is from e=ellent, ') from $ery good,,
from good,- from fair and 'from poor.
Bere the pie hart shows that, out of the total '(( per ent -I perent belongs to e=ellent, only -(Q
belongs to $ery good, ))Q belongs to good, +Q belongs to fair and only -Q belongs to poor.
-. Are you faing any problem in networ# o$erageP
!tem Re0pondent
:=ellent '+
4ery good '(
Dood 7
8air *
Poor -
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '+ is from e=ellent, '( from $ery good,7
from good,* from fair and - from poor.
Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent *7 perent belongs to e=ellent,
only )IQ belongs to $ery good, )+Q belongs to good, IQ belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
*. Are you satisfying in reharging in $ouhersP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '*
$ery good '-
good 2
fair *
poor *
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '* is from e=ellent, '- from $ery good,2
from good,* from fair and * from poor.
Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent *) perent belongs to e=ellent,
only )IQ belongs to $ery good, ')Q belongs to good, ''Q belongs to fair and only ,Q belongs to
2. Are you satisfying in tal# time offer pro$ided by the ompanyP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '-
$ery good ')
good ,
fair -
poor -
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '- is from e=ellent, ') from $ery good,,
from good,- from fair and - from poor
Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent -+ perent belongs to e=ellent,
only -'Q belongs to $ery good, )2Q belongs to good, +Q belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
7. 6id you gi$en any omplain to the ustomer are regarding the ser$ie in mobileP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent 'I
$ery good +
good 7
fair -
poor -
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, 'I is from e=ellent, + from $ery good, 7
from good, - from fair and - from poor.

Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent -I perent belongs to e=ellent,
only )2Q belongs to $ery good, ',Q belongs to good, 2Q belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
+. Ahat is your $iew point3s regarding about the ompany ser$ieP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '+
$ery good ''
good 7
fair -
poor -
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '+ is from e=ellent, '' from $ery good, 7
from good, - from fair and - from poor.

Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent -I perent belongs to e=ellent,
only )IQ belongs to $ery good, )2Q belongs to good, 2Q belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
I. Are you hief wage earner in your family and what is your >ualifiationP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent ',
$ery good '(
good 7
fair -
poor )
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, ', is from e=ellent, '( from $ery good, 7
from good, - from fair and )from poor.

Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent ** perent belongs to e=ellent,
only )IQ belongs to $ery good, '2Q belongs to good, IQ belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
#. 6o you gi$e permission to irulate your mobile number to the ompanyP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '2
$ery good '(
good I
fair *
poor -
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '2 is from e=ellent, '( from $ery good, I
from good, * from fair and - from poor.

Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent *' perent belongs to e=ellent,
only ),Q belongs to $ery good, '7Q belongs to good, ,Q belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
/ue0tionnaire for po0t)paid cu0tomer0-
%here are some ertain >uestions for the post?paid ustomers but abo$e >uestionnaire design is same
for the both prepaid and post?paid ustomers. %here only two >uestions are distinguish for the post?
paid ustomers. i.e. i as#ed to the Reliane post?paid ustomers partiularly. %hese are as follows
'. Are you using one post?paid mobileP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '7
$ery good '(
good 2
fair +
poor )
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '7 is from e=ellent, '( from $ery good,
2 from good, + from fair and ) from poor.
Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent -I perent belongs to e=ellent,
only )2Q belongs to $ery good, )2Q belongs to good, +Q belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
). Ahat is your monthly appro=imately billing are omingP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '+
$ery good ''
good +
fair -
poor )
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '+ is from e=ellent, '' from $ery good, +
from good, - from fair and ) from poor.

Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( per ent -, perent belongs to e=ellent,
only ')Q belongs to $ery good, ),Q belongs to good, IQ belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
$. Are you satisfying using the Reliane post?paid mobileP
!tem Re0pondent
e=ellent '*
$ery good ''
good +
fair )
poor -
%he abo$e table shows out of the total *( respondents, '* is from e=ellent, '' from $ery good, +
from good, ) from fair and - from poor
Bere the abo$e pie hart desribes that, out of the total '(( perent *( perent belongs to e=ellent,
only -2Q belongs to $ery good, ')Q belongs to good, IQ belongs to fair and only 2Q belongs to
#ata analy0i0 and #ata interpretation-
8rom the abo$e data analysis and data interpretation, we ha$e got a satisfatory study on abo$e
prepaid and post?paid mobile sur$ey that the ustomers are using the prepaid mobile rather than the
post?paid mobile beause of the all rate, ser$ie offer another faility. %h e teledensity of the
Country has inreased from 'IQ in )((7 to --Q in 6eember )((I, showing a
stupendous annual growth of about 2(Q, one of the highest in any setor of the Indian :onomy.
%he 6epartment of %eleommuniations has been able to pro$ide state of the art world?lass
infrastruture at globally ompetiti$e tariffs and redue the digital di$ide by e=tending onneti$ity
to the unonneted areas. India has emerged as a ma!or base for the teleom industry
worldwide. %hus Indian teleom setor has ome a long way in ahie$ing its dream of
pro$iding affordable and effeti$e ommuniation failities to Indian iti<ens. As a result ommon
man today has aess to this most needed faility.
%his study helped me to #now different aspets of ustomer satisfation regarding teleom
ser$ie pro$ider.
%his study also helped me to #now different sheme and produt pro$ided by Reliane
%his study helped me to #now the mar#et base of Reliane Communiation.
%hrough this study i onlude that ad$ertisement plays as a pi$otal role in mar#eting of
teleom industry3s produt.
Reliane Communiation has better ad$ertisement strategy than its ompetitor.
Reliane Communiation is more popular in student irles then others.
Reliane Communiation pro$ides wide range of handsets than others.
People prefer D/M (idea) ser$ie sine they an swith easily due to large number of D/M
ser$ie pro$ider.
Reliane Communiation has good ustomer are ser$ie unit.
%his study helped me to #now different aspets of ustomer satisfation regarding teleom
ser$ie pro$ider reliane ommuniation and it also helped me to #now different sheme and
produt pro$ided by Reliane Communiation. %hrough this study i onlude that Customers ha$e
both positi$e and negati$e $iews regarding Reliane ommuniation suh as, Reliane
ommuniation always omes with different tariff plans, good networ# onneti$ity than its
ompetitors, high internet speed and some problems regarding doumentation and onneti$ity to
ustomer are respeti$ely. But after all it has good mar#et share seond to only Airtel but things
are hanging due to M&P and hopefully it will o$erta#e Airtel and one day it will beome #ing of
%eleom setor.
)) Mar#eting Management by Philip #otler.
-) IMRB Materials
2) Researh methodology by C.R Cothari.

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