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2014/7/10 -NO.

Aloush survives assassination
Opposition waits for US aid
Battles intensify in
Islamic front dismiss-
es factions
Suqour al-Sham
warns rivals
appoints new posts
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (534) 2014/7/10
SNC appoints new posts
Battles intensify in Quniatera
Al-Nusra series bordering villages
Muhammad Kadah and
Nawar al-Amir have been
elected as vice president
for Syrian opposition co-
alition president-Hadi al-
Bahra who has been elect-
ed yesterday, where Nasr
al-Hariry will act as the
general secretary, having
received 62 votes.
In Quniatera, clashes have
intensifed between SAA
and FSA in Zubaydah and
Ain al-Darab regions, where
FSA managed to control
on several areas including
Zubaydah, Ain al-Basha
and Ain al-Darab. Sever-
al FSA-affliated brigades
have agglomerated, to wage
a new battle called Maara-
kat al-Shamas Wa Doha-
haa, seeking to control on
brigade-no 90 and tanks
battalion.On the contrast, a
military source denied that
FSA managed to dominate
completely on these re-
gions, indicating that battles
have intensifed especially
after al-Nusra contribution
to support FSA secretly, that
help FSA a little, but the
battle has not been resolved
yet.Quniatera is a very im-
In the wake of clashes with
North Grip battalion, al-
Nusra, Islamic front and
Fajar al-Sham movement
managed to control on some
border villages with Turkey
including Om al-Housh and
Harbal villages.
portant post for SAA, where
it forms a linking point be-
tween rebels and Israeli en-
emy, the military source
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (534) 2014/7/10
SNC invalidates Taa-
ma decisions
SNC to increase wom-
en representation
Suqour al-Sham warns
Opposition waits for US aid
Aloush survives assasination
Islamic front dismisses factions
Fahad al-Ridawi, senior op-
position leader, slammed
Washington on Syria cri-
sis. Calling to seize oppor-
tunity of $5oo million US
aid to train and arm rebels
in order to maintain a new
military and strategic bal-
ance, instead of carrying
out useless service projects.
US aid should be served in
one front, the northern and
southern front or the front
In the wake of clashes be-
tween ISIL and Islamic
Army in the Eastern Ghouta,
especially in Misraba, the
last has killed 4 ISIL leaders
before dominating on it.In
In the wake of corruption
and riots by some of Is-
lamic front battalions in
Aleppo northern country-
side, Islamic front Emir or-
dered theses battalions to
stand before Islamic fronts
judicial council, to be dis-
missed later. Islamic Front
Emir also warned members
of these battalions to stay in
their homes, not involving
in any armed acts.
The General Body of Syrian
National Opposition Coalition
has issued a decision to refuse
the decree issued by Interim
Government Head, Ahmed
Taama to disband the military
council and discharge of FSA
Chief of Staff.
Syrian opposition coalition
has discussed in its meeting
the increasing of women rep-
resentation in the coalition,
to reach more than 30%, as
women expandability commit-
tee has been formed, including
Suhair al-Atass, Nora al Amir
and Samira Musalima
Suqour al-Sham leader warns
Jayish al-Sham and Daoud
Brigade, to give up their weap-
ons within no more than 12
hours.Suqour al-Sham has
forgiven Jaish al-Islam and
Daoud brigade several times,
but the warning comes af-
ter their betrayal and pledg-
ing their allegiance for ISIL.
Suqour leader commended
of coast in order to reverse
power balance and force
Syrian government to nego-
tiations that lead to the tran-
sitional phase, he added.
the same context, Islamic
Army leader-Zahran Aloush
survived a second assassi-
nation attempt that killed 3
of his guards. ISIL and Is-
lamic Army fghters seek to
contact with local fghters
in Jobar, where ISIL asked
them to enter Jobar in return
to support them in the neigh-
borhood against SAA, but
Jobar warlords denied the
request, sources stressed.

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