3.proposed System

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3.1 Scope
3.2 Aim and Objectives
3.3 Constraints
3.4 Expected Advantages
3. Overall S!stem "odel
#or t$e c%rrent &ebsite of '!namic "icrolin( Pvt. )td. t$at &e $ave %nder
ta(en* t$e corresponding scope of o%r &ebsite is as follo&+
Guest Site:
O%r &ebsite enables t$e ,%est %ser to register t$emselves as %ser or
,%est %ser can see t$e categori-ed classifieds.ads %ploaded b!
advertiser and also searc$ partic%lar classified.
User Site:
/ser can see t$e categori-ed classified.ads and also searc$ partic%lar
/ser can send a 0%er! to advertiser for partic%lar classified and get
response for t$at 0%er!.
/ser can save partic%lar ads.
/ser can %pdate personal detail
Advertiser Site:
Advertiser can p%rc$ase sc$eme to %pload classifieds.ads.
1o %pload classified* advertiser $as to select partic%lar sc$eme t$at
$ave s%fficient balance and $as to define displa! format for t$at
Advertiser can receive 0%er! from %ser for partic%lar classifieds.ads
and give t$em response.
Advertiser can vie& sc$eme ledger t$at contain c%rrent stat%s of
sc$eme and classifieds.ads %pload in different sc$eme.
Advertiser can get remainder related sc$eme stat%s i.e. sc$eme
expir! and point expir!.
Advertiser can %pdate t$eir personal detail
Advertiser can searc$ partic%lar classifieds.ads.
Admin Site:
Admin can manage t$e different databases.
Admin can also %pload and mange classifieds be$alf of advertiser.
Admin can approve sc$eme activation and ad activation re0%est of
t$e advertiser.
Admin can vie& t$e details of %ser* advertiser and t$eir sc$eme
detail and feedbac( detail.
Admin can searc$ partic%lar classifieds.ads.
3.1 Scope
Information objectives :
Required Input:
/ser provides personal details to register into site and latter
on $e.s$e can %pdate personal detail. /ser can provide a
0%er! detail for t$e partic%lar classified. /ser can also
provide feedbac( detail.
Advertiser provides t$e classified details* response detail for
partic%lar 0%er!. Advertiser provides personal detail for
Admin provides classifieds detail* sc$eme detail* price detail*
Generated Output:
3t &ill displa! classifieds* t$e description of t$e selected
classified* sc$eme information* reminders* %ser4s details*
0%er!5response detail activation re0%ests* etc.
Functions and performance:
6$en %ser lin( to site* $e.s$e able to see classifieds.ads from
different categories.
6$en a partic%lar classified is selected* %ser can see t$e description
of t$at classified.
/ser can able to send a 0%er! to advertiser for partic%lar classified
and get response for t$at 0%er!. /ser can also save classifieds as per
$is.$er interest.
6$en %ser.advertiser is logged in to t$e site* session is establis$ed
and removed as %ser is logged o%t.
/ser.advertiser can %pdate personal details after logged in to
Advertiser can %pload classifieds according to available different
displa! formats* onl! if $e.s$e $as active sc$eme &it$ s%fficient
balance and can manage t$em. Advertiser can p%rc$ase ne& sc$emes
and get information abo%t c%rrent stat%s of sc$eme. Advertiser gets
0%eries from %ser and gives t$em responses for t$at 0%er!.
1$e administrator can %pdate databases as need arise* and can vie&
%ser details* advertiser4s details and $is.$er sc$eme details*
feedbac(s* etc.
1$e administrator can able to %pload and manage classifieds be$alf
of advertiser.
Complete database management
'atabase sec%rit!
Effective database management
1ransaction managements
"aintain addition or deletion in an! categor!
6eb base s!stem
Eas! and fast response
#lexible to access.
Provides details efficientl!
Sec%rit! management
Session trac(ing
S!stem s$o%ld be error free
"odification does not point to error
S!stem s$o%ld be %ser friendl!
/ser friendl! interface.
Availabilit! of m%ltiple categori-ed classifieds at one place at
same time.
/pload and manage more t$an one classifieds in one session.
/ser and advertiser management.
3.2 Aim and Objectives
Constrains associated in t$e development of an! soft&are s!stem
incl%de t$ose t$at are common to all s!stems and constrains specific to t$e s!stem.
1$e common constrains ma! incl%de lac( of managerial participation* tig$t develop
sc$ed%le* fre0%ent c$ange in re0%irements of t$e management* etc. 6e $ave also
experience similar a t!pe of constrains listed above and ot$ers some of constrains are
listed belo& &it$ &$ic$ &e $ave developed t$is s!stem.
3t is a general s!stem and $ence t$ere is %ni0%e form la!o%t and
3t re0%ires "icrosoft 6indo&s environment.
1$is project is f%t%re developed as a part of c%rric%l%m and f%t%re
s%bmitted &it$in a period of a 25mont$ as total time
3.3 Constrains
6e $ope t$at t$is t!pe of online classified portal &ill !ield to certain
benefits to c%stomer. 6e $ave tried o%r best to ill%strate some of t$em.
)arge amo%nt of doc%mentation preparation is red%cing to a large extent
beca%se t$is s!stem a%tomaticall! dose re0%ired calc%lations and maintains
Save time of %sers and !ield acc%rate and precise res%lts.
Proposed s!stem can (eep trac( of important details of %sers and also of
)arge amo%nt of data can be maintained easil!.
3t provides descriptive information to t$e %sers abo%t classifieds on a single
(e! stro(e.
3.4 Expected Advantages
1$e Online Classified Portal model s$o&ing t$e overvie& of t$e
s!stem4s mod%les and t$e relations$ip of t$e s!stem to external interfaces is
presented in fig%re above.

Functions of System Components:
Stores data
Creates reports
Provides access to data
/pdates information
Provides access to t$e database
A%t$enticates %sers
"aintain details
Prod%ces re0%ired information
External 3nterfaces+
Personal Comp%ters+
Online Classified Portal
Database Server
Client Side
Program PC
User Advertiser
Database Server
3. Overall S!stem "odel
/sers* advertiser and administrator ma! %se personal comp%ters to
obtain a remote access to t$e server and t$e database via 3nternet.

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