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Prepared By: Nida Nooruddin (AKU-IED)

Phases of the lesson


Objectives Strategies Material Required Time
Prior Knowledge

To check the existing
knowledge of the students
related to Geometrical
Construction. For example:
instruments of geometry
(compass, ruler and
protector) and their uses.

To explore the
understanding of students
regarding parallel lines and
perpendicular lines.

By showing them geometrical instruments
and randomly asking their names.

Uses of compass, ruler and protector would
be asked.

By showing them real life picture of
perpendicular lines and parallel lines.
(Refer to Appendix A)
Teachers Geometrical
Instruments, White
Board, Markers

Flash Cards of real life
pictures of parallel lines
and perpendicular lines.

2 min

3 min

Introduction to the

To aware students what are
they going to explore in the
lesson that is line bisection.

To let student realize that
using compass to bisect a
line is an alternative way to

To aware students the
advantage of using compass
to bisect.
Students would be told what bisect means.

Students would be asked to draw a line
segment of 7 cm and would be asked to
make it half in the way they want.

Students would be made realized that there
are various way to bisect a line but the other
condition is to bisect by having a
White Board, Marker,
Students notebook and
their pencil box.
4 min

Prepared By: Nida Nooruddin (AKU-IED)

perpendicular angle. Thats why we use
compass for bisecting a line.

Concept Development

To make connection
between circles and line

To let students realize that
bisecting line with compass
is actually bisecting same as
a circle. Instead of making
whole circle, we only draw

To make students
understand that line bisector
is a chord which intersects
two overlapping circles.
Students would be asked to draw
overlapping circles and join their radii
together and make a horizontal line in the
overlapping part to make it half.

Students would be asked following
questions to show.

Q: What if you make two circles but they
are not overlapping? Is it possible to get a
perfect half?

Q: If you take out one of the circle then
what is the line in the overlapping part is of
that circle. (Diameter, Chord, Radius or
something else)

Q: Measure the distance from the
overlapping line to the point of the radius of
each circle? What did you observe?

Students notebook,
pencil box, white board
and marker.
10 min
Explanation of the

To explain students how to
use compass to bisect a line

Students would be explained the steps of
constructing line bisector by using compass.
Thick black chart,
teachers geometry box,
white board and marker.
10 min

Written work

To give students some
hands on practice of
bisecting line on their own.
Students would be given a chance to come
in front of the class and bisect a line with
the help of compass.
Thick black chart,
teachers geometry box,
white board and marker.
5 min

Prepared By: Nida Nooruddin (AKU-IED)

Following questions of Exercise 16
of countdown level 7 page 113 would be
done by students in their copies.
Q1 and Q4

Furthermore, the following question would
be also done.

Draw two overlapping circles and bisect it
without a compass. Did you get the perfect
half? Record your observation.

Exercise book, students

8 min

To assess students learning
in the class.
Students would be asked to summarize the
3 min

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