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Roberto tries to do his mother a favor. Since Rebecca is back and Melissa is married to Felix, he
is forced to work out his relationship with Rebecca.
Now that Ofelia shows her true character, Melissa is faced with another problem.
0000!" 0000!# Roberto $h% did %ou follow me here&
0000!' 0000(0
Rebecca )ou left me like a fool waitin* for %ou in +merica. )ou
promised me that we would fix our problem. ,hen - .ust
found out that %ou/re here in the 0hilippines.
0000(! 0000(( Roberto - want to be alone1
0000(2 0000(' Rebecca ,o be alone&
00030" 00033"
Rebecca $hat about me& +m - not important to %ou an%more&
Roberto, -/m %our wife1
00033# 0003"3
Ofelia 4on/t belittle %ourself, Felix1 Melissa was the luck% one
because %ou chose her.
0003"" 0003!"
Felix +morcita, if %ou did somethin* in the past which mi*ht
ruin %our relationship with %our husband, would %ou tell
him about it&
0003!# 0003#5
Ofelia 6onest% is important to married people. -f %ou love her,
then tell her. +nd if %our wife loves %ou, she/ll for*ive %ou
because %ou/re her husband.
0003(0 0003(" Felix $hat if that mistake is unfor*ivable&
0003(" 000"3#
Ofelia -s it true that %ou cannot for*ive someone& 7ut
for*iveness is a choice. $hat/s important is that %ou
didn/t cheat and %ou didn/t lie to her. )ou honor them
with %our honest% even if it hurts1 6old on, Felix. $hat is
this mistake&
000"32 000""8
Felix +morcita, %ou didn/t raise me to be a liar. +nd - don/t
want to keep on foolin* m%self 9 and the person - love
the most 9 forever.
000"(3 000"(2 Felix :O
M% ;ord1 <ive me the stren*th to tell Melissa the truth.
000!0' 000!3# Melissa
$hat happened to %ou, Felix& )ou look ver% scared.
000!"0 000!!# Felix Melissa, - love %ou so much. 7ut - don/t want to lose %ou.
,here were thin*s - did in the past that - re*ret.
000!!8 000#!# Melissa Felix, whatever it is, it is done. ;et/s not discuss the past
because we shouldn/t worr% about it an%more. - want to
focus on what/s more important now. -t/s not eas% to
for*et, but -/ll tr% to move on this time. So, -/m hopin*
%ou/ll help me a*ain because -/ll help m%self a*ain. $hen
- found out that the person who raped me was dead, -
was relieved. 7ecause of him, - didn/t become a *ood
wife to %ou. Felix, - promise %ou. From now on, -/ll show
%ou how much - love %ou.
000#!( 000### Felix Melissa= )ou haven/t known me that much. - don/t
deserve someone like %ou.
000##( 000#(( Melissa $hat are %ou sa%in*& $h% are %ou sa%in* that& 4on/t
%ou love me an%more&
000#(( 000(0' Felix Melissa= - love %ou so much, Melissa. 7ut it/s been hard
for me. )ou don/t know what -/m *oin* throu*h.
000(33 000(38 Melissa
$hat is it, Felix& $as it because - ne*lected %ou&
000(3' 000(!( Melissa Felix, don/t leave me1 - promise - won/t hurt %ou
an%more. - can/t live without %ou1 Felix1
000((0 00080' +mor Melissa, %ou don/t know what Felix is *oin* throu*h ri*ht
now. Ma%be it/s been hard for him since %ou/ve been
to*ether. 7ut it doesn/t mean that he can live without %ou
in his life.
000833 0008!" Melissa Mom, he/s been patient for five %ears. Ma%be he can/t
003005 0030"0 >enneth ;ooks like %ou/ve been traumati?ed as well, not .ust
Melissa. )ou know what& -t/s time for %ou to move on.
0030"" 0030(" >enneth :O 6elp each other so %ou can live like a happ% couple. -
think it/s a blessin* in dis*uise that the person she
believed to be her rapist died. -t/s like fate did it so
Melissa won/t find the truth. 7ecause sometimes, %ou
have to think of %ourselves, too. No matter what
happened, whatever mistakes %ou/ve made, %ou *u%s still
deserve to be happ% with each other. Ri*ht&
003305 003333 Felix
-/m sorr% if - went out.
0033"3 0033!0 Melissa -t/s alread% a bi* deal that %ou/re ri*ht in front of me.
,hank %ou for not leavin* me.
0033!" 0033!# Felix
Melissa, %ou know - won/t do that to %ou.
0033#2 0033(" Felix
Melissa. Melissa, it/s enou*h. -t/s enou*h.
0033(! 0033(( Melissa
$h% don/t %ou like it&
0033(( 0033(8 Felix
0033(5 003"00 Melissa
;et me make it up to %ou, Felix.
003"03 003"38 Felix Melissa, - don/t want to obli*e %ou because %ou need to
make it up to me. )ou don/t have an% shortcomin*s,
Melissa. - don/t want to ask %ou somethin* %ou/re not
read% to *ive me %et.
003""( 003"#8 Melissa -/m still havin* a hard time *ettin* close to %ou, Felix. 7ut
-/m not obli*in* m%self. -/m doin* this because this is all -
can do for ever%thin* %ou/ve done for me.
003"(" 003"(8 Melissa
;et me show %ou how much - love %ou.
003!3# 003!38 Roberto
$h% are %ou still here&
003!32 003!"8 Rebecca ,his house is not a beer house, Roberto1 M% <od1 4id
%ou come here .ust to *et drunk&
003!"8 003!!! Roberto +re %ou here to lecture me& $h% didn/t %ou do it over the
phone& )ou could have saved %our ticket fare1
003!!! 003!!2 Rebecca Roberto, don/t talk to me like that. -/m here to save our
003!!' 003!## Roberto Stop it1 )ou know there/s nothin* to save because it/s not
worth it1
003!#( 003!(! Rebecca -/m doin* ever%thin* for us to reconcile1 +nd %ou& +re
%ou even tr%in*&
003!(# 003#33 Roberto ,hat/s wh% - went awa%1 - want to be alone1 So that -
can prepare and *ain ener*% to bear %ou1 +nd our
useless relationship1 Since %ou want to trap me in this
marria*e, - mi*ht as well be prepared1
003#3' 003#!8 Rebecca Fine= -/m sorr%. @an we stop fi*htin*& - .ust arrived and
we/re alread% fi*htin* a*ain. @an/t we have a da% without
a fi*ht&
003#(0 003#(" Rebecca
-s that possible&
003(30 003(3! Rebecca
4on/t %ou reall% like me&
003(3' 003("3 Rebecca
Roberto, what are %ou doin*&
003("3 003("! Roberto
0032!0 0032!" Ava
)es1 -t/s done1
0032!" 0032!( Melissa
$ow1 M% dau*hter is so *reat1
0032!' 0032#3 Melissa
,here, do it, too=
0032!' 0032#! Ofelia
Melissa, can - talk to %ou&
0032#8 0032#5 Melissa
)es, +morcita.
0032(! 0032(# Ofelia
0032(2 0035"# Ofelia -/ve heard %ou talkin* with the policemen last ni*ht. +nd
Felix admitted what happened. -/m ver% sorr%, but - want
%ou to know that whatever happened in the past is of no
issue to me. Melissa, -/m acceptin* %ou now.
0035"5 0035!0 Melissa
,hank %ou, +morcita.
0035!3 0035!8 Felix
+morcita, thank %ou ver% much for acceptin* Melissa.
0035!2 0035#3 Ofelia
Of course1 )ou love her, ri*ht& +nd she/s famil% now.
0035#! 0035#' Ofelia
+nd, Ava, was she the result&
0035(3 003'05 Melissa She doesn/t know what happened. She doesn/t know that
she/s the result of me bein* raped. She doesn/t need to
know because she treats Felix like her real father.
003'3! 003'3( Ofelia
$ell. $ell=
003'38 003'"0 Re*ina
$hat& Melissa is a rape victim&
003'"3 003'!' Ofelia Oh, Re*ina1 -f - onl% have a heart problem, -/m sure -/ll
have a heart attack1 - .ust can/t believe it1 Of all the
women, he had to choose Melissa1 Someone who was
used b% a scar% man.
003'#" 003'#( Re*ina
$here did he meet Melissa& 4o %ou know it&
003'#8 00"008 Ofelia -n some <od9forsaken countr%1 - reall% don/t know and -
don/t care1 - reall% didn/t want to know1 $hat could he
have seen in that woman& -/m sure she was flirt% that/s
wh% she was raped1 4idn/t Felix think that he mi*ht *et
infected from her& -t/s like he picked up a lollipop in the
mud and swallowed it.
00"002 00"032 Re*ina )ou/re so mean, Ofelia1 Ma%be %ou/ve for*otten that
Felix/s mother is also a rape victim&
00"035 00"0"# Ofelia Felix/s mother was raped because of her flirt% attitude.
She deserved it.
00"0"8 00"0!' Re*ina - hope her soul *oes to heaven. 4on/t %ou think that Felix
liked Melissa because of pit%, because his mother is a
rape victim&
00"0!' 00"0#! Ofelia Re*ina1 - don/t care if Felix easil% feels pit% for worthless
00"0#( 00"0(! Ofelia Aven if Felix loves that woman, - will never accept a dirt%
woman like Melissa into our famil%. Never1
00"0(# 00"0(8 Re*ina
,hat/s too much1
00"33' 00"3"" Ava
$ow1 ,his is delicious1
00"3!3 00"3!# Ava
6ello, +morcita1 $ould %ou like some&
00"##' 00"(0# Ofelia $ho was talkin* to Ava earlier& ,he child/s cr%in*
because one of %ou told her that she/s a rapist/s
dau*hter. ,ell the truth now. $ho did it&
00"(33 00"("# Ofelia )ou, Marie, - know %ou like to *ossip and %ou don/t have
patience with children. ,ell the truth now. -f %ou don/t, all
of %ou will lose %our .obs.
00"("' 00"(!8 Ofelia - clearl% see on %our face that %ou/re *uilt%. - know %ou/re
the one who humiliated the child that/s wh% she cried.
00"(!2 00"(#0 Ofelia
$hat& ,ell the truth1 +dmit it1
00"(#" 00"(#( Marie -/m the one who did it. -/m sorr%, ma/am. -t will never
happen a*ain.
00"(#( 00"((0 Ofelia ,hat surel% won/t happen a*ain because -/m sendin* %ou
back to %our province. )ou/re fired1 <o awa%1
00"((# 00"((5 Ofelia
)ou see, Melissa& - will never do such a thin* to a kid.
00"803 00"80! Melissa
-/m sorr%, +morcita.
00"80# 00"802 Ofelia
,hat/s oka%. -/ll *o ahead.
00"83( 00"8"' Felix +ll of %ou. )ou know what happened to Melissa. 7ut she/s
m% wife now and she/s livin* here. -f %ou can/t respect
her and Ava, %ou can leave now. 4o %ou understand&
00"8!0 00"8!3 ;uisa
00"8!! 00"8!8 Felix
+lri*ht. <o back to work.
00"8#3 00"8(0 Melissa Felix, -/m so sorr%. - feel so ashamed for what - did to
+morcita because - blamed her.
00"8(3 00"8(' Felix )ou don/t have to worr% about +morcita. )ou don/t have
to worr%. No one can disrespect %ou in this house.
00"23# 00"232 Roberto
$hat did Rebecca tell %ou a*ain&
00"232 00"2!" Rosanna She/s cr%in* to me last ni*ht. 4on/t %ou have an% feelin*s
for %our wife& )ou knowwhat& - usuall% don/t meddle
with a couples/ life. 7ut from what - saw last ni*ht, - have
to step in.
00"2!( 00"2!5 Roberto Nothin* chan*ed between us. - don/t feel an%thin* for
00"2#0 00"2#2 Rosanna 7ut that/s not what - heard from %ou five %ears a*o when
%ou married her. $hat happened in +merica, m% son&
00"2#5 00"532 Roberto -t/s no use tellin*, Mom. -/m no lon*er happ%. - feel like
she stole five %ears of m% life from those five %ears of
bein* to*ether in +merica. Mom, - came home to *et m%
life back. - want to be happ% a*ain. Not on Rebecca/s
00"53' 00"'35 Rosanna -f it/s not with %our wife, with whom then& $ith Melissa&
She/s married and %ou/re married1 She didn/t even sta%
sin*le for %ou1 $hat are %ou thinkin*& $ake up1 <od
doesn/t want %ou to be to*ether1 Rebecca/s here for %ou
and she loves %ou so much. $h% don/t %ou chan*e %our
attitude for her& )ou loved her back then, ri*ht& $h%
don/t %ou brin* back that love a*ain& -/m not askin* %ou
to *o cra?% for her. Bust *o back to her. +nd if %ou can/t
do that for %our relationship, do it for me. 4o it for me,
please= Fix %our relationship with Rebecca. -/m be**in*
00!!05 00!!"! Felix Melissa said that she wants to chan*e. She told me that
she/s *oin* to for*et ever%thin*. Now, - feel she/s more
carin*, and she/s smilin* most of the time. - love her
00!!"# 00!!"5 >enneth
Felix, m% friend, thin*s will *o smooth for both of %ou.
00!!!# 00!!!2 Felix
- think - hit the bumper1 6e suddenl% stopped1
00!!!5 00!!#" >enneth Bust ne*otiate with him. - don/t think that there/s
dama*e. Bust talk.
00!!#' 00!!(" Felix
-/m on the ri*ht wa%. )ou should slow down.
00!!(# 00!!(' Melissa Ava, *o inside %our room. +morcita and - will talk. <o
00!#03 00!#0( Ofelia $h% did %ou let her *o& 4on/t %ou want her to hear that
her mother/s a loose woman&
00!#0# 00!#3# Melissa -/m .ust protectin* m% dau*hter1 )ou can humiliate me as
lon* as %ou want1 7ut not in front of Ava1 )ou shouldn/t
have taken %our an*er out on her.
00!#3( 00!#!2 Ofelia )ou/re all the same1 SCuatters in m% house1 <o awa%, all
of %ou1 7ut %ou/re *oin* to leave m% nephew1 7e with the
first man %ou see outside1 7ut %ou can/t use Felix to wash
%our dirt% deeds1 7ecause even if %ou set %our foot on
white marble, even if %ou/re eatin* nice food= ;isten1
00!#!# 00!#!' Melissa
,hat/s enou*h1 ,hat/s enou*h1 ,hat/s enou*h, please1
00!#!5 00!##0 Ofelia
)ou/re still dirt%1
00!##" 00!(00 Ofelia $ell, well. )ou look absolutel% perfect there. )ou are in
the compan% of %our own kind. + va*rant like %ou fits
that place1 +mbitious woman1
00!("2 00!(!0 Felix +re %ou stupid& ,hat/s m% ri*ht of wa%. )ou should/ve
slowed down1
00!(!0 00!(!# Roberto Nothin* happened an%wa%1 +nd %ou/re the one runnin*
so fast1
00!(!8 00!(#! Roberto 7% the wa%, con*ratulations to %ou and Melissa. 6ow/s
the married life& +re %ou oka%&
00!(## 00!(#' Felix
$e/re oka%. -/m *ivin* all her needs.
00!((3 00!((2 Roberto ,hat/s m% dream for her. - .ust hope that she/s happ%
after our relationship then.
00!((5 00!80" Felix
She/s happ%. - made all her dreams come true.
00!80! 00!833 Roberto Bust keep on doin* it. 7ecause once - learn that %ou hurt
Melissa, -/ll *o back to her. -/ll take her awa% from %ou.
00!83! 00!8"0 Felix $hat did %ou sa%& )ou/ll *o back to her if - do somethin*
wron* to her& 6ave %ou for*otten that %ou/re the one
who left her&
00!8"! 00!8!3 Roberto Dntil now, - re*ret it. 7ut if there/s an% chance that - can
*et her back, -/ll do ever%thin*1
00!83 00!8!# >enneth
Felix1 Felix, that/s enou*h1
00!8!( 00!8!5 Roberto
7e thankful that Melissa loves %ou.
00!8(! 00!8(5 Ava
Momm%& 4id +morcita hurt %ou, too&
00!203 00!23" Melissa She hasn/t accepted us for real. She thinks that we/re bad
00!23! 00!23' Ava
She/s the bad person, Momm%. $h% does she hate us&
00!2"" 00!2!2 Melissa Ma%be she/s .ust havin* a bad da%. Bust avoid her and
don/t do an%thin* that she will not like.
00!2!5 00!2## Ava
Momm%, she mi*ht hurt us a*ain. ;et/s .ust leave.
00!2#( 00!2#' Melissa
$e can/t leave like that.
00!2(( 00!2(2 +mor
00!2(5 00!505 Ava <randmother, tell m% mother that we should leave.
+morcita is a bad person. She hurt us.
00!530 00!53# +mor
Melissa, is it true& -s m% *randdau*hter tellin* the truth&
00!538 00!53' Melissa
She hasn/t accepted us, mother.
00!5"( 00!5!! Re*ina $hat& )ou told her that& )ou did that to Melissa& )ou
almost killed her1
00!5!# 00!5#! Ofelia - wish - can. )ou know what& Sometimes, it/s *ood to
hurt these va*rants so the% can wake up1
00!5#( 00!5(3 Re*ina Ofelia, what about Felix& -/m sure he/ll know it. $hat if
he leaves %ou&
00!5(! 00!'00 Re*ina See& )ou can/t sa% an%thin*1 7e careful with what %ou
00!'03 00!'02 Melissa She/s worse than the people who humiliated me. She/s
.ust pretendin*.
00!'05 00!'33 +m%
See& 4o %ou see that, mother&
00!'3" 00!'"# +mor Ava, don/t cr% an%more. Bust *o inside %our room. -/ll talk
to %our mother and +m%.
00!'!( 00!'## +mor ,ell me, Melissa. $hat did Ofelia do to %ou& $hat did she
00#30" 00#30# Ava
,hat/s what %ou deserve.
00#33( 00#3!2 Felix Ava. Ava. $h% did %ou draw +morcita like that& ,hat/s
not *ood. +nd what/s happenin* to %ou, Ava& )ou lied to
me this mornin*. )ou said that it/s +morcita who scolded
%ou, and %et it was nann% Marie.
00#3!5 00#3(! Ava -/m not l%in*, 4add% Felix. She even hurt m% ear. She
said that -/m accusin* her and then she fi*ht with m%
mother. She shouted at her1
00#3(' 00#"02 +m% - knew it. M% instincts were ri*ht. )ou know what& - can
smell that old lad%/s real character from afar1
00#"0' 00#"3' +mor Felix needs to know what/s happenin* in this house, m%
dau*hter1 6e needs to know what Ofelia is doin* to %ou.
00#""! 00#""5 Felix $hat do - need to know, mother +mor& -s this about
what +morcita is doin*&
00#"!3 00#"#2 +m% ,ell him1 ,ell him what %our mother9in9law is doin* to
%ou. 6ow she humiliates %ou and tells %ou that %ou/re a
loose woman in front of the child. -t/s *ood that %ou
immediatel% told Ava to *o inside her room. She could
have heard the secret we/ve been hidin* for so lon*.
00#"#5 00#"(0 Felix
Melissa, what happened&
00#"(0 00#"(! Melissa
+morcita and - .ust had an ar*ument.
00#"(2 00#!3# Melissa She wants me to leave %ou because she thinks that -/m
not ri*ht for %ou. +nd that -/m .ust usin* %ou so - can
look clean. )ou know that/s not true, Felix, ri*ht&
00#!3# 00#!"# Felix - know. ,hat/s wh% -/m surprised that she told %ou that.
Melissa, she knows how important %ou are to me.
00#!"5 00#!(0 Melissa Ma%be she tried to accept me. 7ut she couldn/t take it
when she found out that -/m a rape victim. $hat she/s
sa%in* is true an%wa%, Felix. -/m such an embarrassment
to %our famil%.
00#!(" 00##08 Felix Melissa, that/s not true. )ou know that she .ust found out
the truth about %ou da%s a*o. )es, she was surprised.
She didn/t like it. 7ut we alread% talked. She said she
would accept %ou. +nd that/s what -/m seein* now.
00##0' 00##!0 Melissa - can/t blame her if she looks at me that wa%. - know it. -
can/t chan*e what happened to me, Felix. - want to *et it
out of m% head.
00##!# 00###! Felix Melissa, this house will not help %ou for*et %our past. $e
don/t belon* here.
00#### 00###8 Melissa
$hat do %ou mean&
00##(" 00#(3( Rosanna )ou know what& - alread% checked a ticket bound to San
Francisco, and then - suddenl% saw a sale to 6on* >on*1
- .ust thou*ht. $h% don/t %ou *o there even .ust for three
da%s& Bust %ou and Roberto. So %ou can *et to know
each other a*ain1
00#(38 00#(!3 Rebecca +ll ri*ht1 ,hank %ou, Mom. ,hank %ou for talkin* to
Roberto and convincin* him to *o back to San Francisco
with me. )ou were able to convince him.
00#(!3 00#(#2 Rosanna 7ecause - onl% want %ou to be happ%. - .ust want to
know what happened in the Dnited States that %our
relationship turned out that wa%&

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