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Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet

Without thematic
The facsimile edition of
the book The Royal
Vidzeme Town of Riga
Honorable Councils
Decree of Festivity and
Printing inaugurated a new era in information exchange
and perception of the world. The Royal Vidzeme Town
of Riga Honorable Councils Decree of Festivity and
Dress was printed in N. Molleens printing house in
Riga, in 1593. The Turaida Museum-reserve holds a
copy of this rarity. The book is a perfect example of
Renaissance artistic tradition of printing and editing.
The articles found in this book reveal the constraints
imposed on luxury in the 16th and 17th centuries,
bukinist uniqueness of this edition, introduce the
reader with its publisher Molleen and his practice of
printing in Riga, and illustrate the fashion of the period
in Latvia.
Presentation of the
books The Royal
Vidzeme Town of Riga
Honorable Councils
Decree of Festivity and
Dress facsimile edition
and opening of the
exhibition The New and
Different Time
The Royal Vidzeme Town of Riga Honorable Councils
Decree of Festivity and Dress was first printed in Riga in
1593 by Nikolaus Molleen. In 2014, its facsimile edition
and translation in Latvian with academic commentary and
articles will be published. It will be presented to the public
in Turaida Museum-reserve by art historian Ina Lne, the
leading researcher of Latvia State Archive Valda
Kvaskovska and bibliographer Aija Taimia as part of the
larger event comprising the opening of the exhibition The
New and Different Time, demonstration of 16th century
fashion and concert of the period music in the Bauska
Castle Museum.
exhibition, event Youth, adults
Turaida Museum-
reserve Free
Without thematic
division Nature. Urban. Future
By the festival of cityscape art and participation,
Sigulda announces new, innovative processes beginning
in the town, to promote development of creativity. The
city environment will offer light objects inviting people
to take a creative walk of light through Sigulda. The
festival aims at activating inter-action of different
branches of art and inhabitants in its territory. The
object will employ modern light and video technologies,
for the first time, to change the townscape by means of
lighting. Nature. Urban. Future
Sigulda will hold townscape and participation festival
offering objects of environment lighting, aiming to present
innovative and creativity promoting activities.
Participation of
the public,
environment object,
workshop, festival
youth, adults Sigulda town Free Amber Vein Amber through the ages
Amber Road in Riga campaign will be held in 2014
where such institutions as The Art Museum Riga
Bourse, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Natural History Museum of Latvia, Pauls Stradi
Museum of the History of Medicine as well as National
History Museum of Latvia and Putti Art Gallery will
represent the origins of amber showing it in the context
of history, identity and practical use. An exposition
Amber through the ages curated by Natural History
Museum of Latvia will be set as the first stop from the
whole campaign. Amber through the ages
Exposition Amber through the ages will represent Baltic
amber showing its natural forms, various color shades and
will mark the significant place in the worldwide deposites
of amber. Amber was one of the first significant materials
which improved the popularity of our region in the context
of ancient European cultures. Every guest will be able to
find out more about the practical use of amber material,
also its use in science will be emphasized, for instance, the
amber thread, an innovative product created during the
scientific research period.
education Exhibtion Youth, adults
Museumof Natural
Museumof Natural
18.01.14. 20.04.14. FreedomStreet 1914
"1914" is an art exhibition dedicated to WWI and
reflects on three ages: the one that collapsed as soon as
the war started, the one in war times and the third period
that represents nowadays. The conceptual axis of the
exhibition is made of documentary evidences about the
early bright days of the broken empire. Those are
formal, innovative artworks produced by new artists
fromNorthern and Central Europe - war eyewitnesses
and philosophical, contemporary comment. 1914
Exposition 1914 will combine the visual arts testimony
on WWI as definitive, for the last century, in terms of
historic, social and cultural development of Europe. The
show is prepared in collaborative partnership with the
national museums of art of Lithuania, Estonia, Finland,
Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Croatia and Serbia.
Visual art,
history Exhibition
youth, adults
LNMA Exhibition
Hall Arsenls
LNMA Exhibition
Hall Arsenls
Without thematic
Rga 2014 programme
As part of the European Capital of Culture opening,
visitors will have the chance to taste the complete year
2014 programme.
Rga 2014 programme
Visitors will have the chance to experience the atmosphere
of each of the European Culture Capital thematic lines, as
well as the traditional market selection at the Riga Central
market and the Riga International Coach Terminal. All All
youth, adults
Riga Central Market
and Riga
International Coach
Terminal Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
Without thematic
division Chain of Booklovers
The new building of LNB is significant, new object of
infrastructure. The first Christmas tree, the Capital of
books to mark the 100 years of national independence,
the chain of books to be passed from the old building
into the new one will be a symbolic joining of hands and
affirmthe systemof values in Riga and Latvia. Chain of Booklovers
At the start of the year of the European Capital of Culture
in Riga, every citizen and every guest of the state is invited
to participate in a living chain of people affirming cultural
values, their preservation and passing over to the next
generations. The chain of people passing books by hand
from the historic National Library of Latvia to their new
home in the Castle of Light will affirm the system of values
upheld in Latvia and its capital.
participation of
the public Action
youth, adults
Streets of Riga
connecting the old
and new buildings of
National Library Free
18.01.2014. Riga Carnival
World chamionship of
fire sculptures
12 teams from all around the world will compete in
creation of the fire sculptures in the World fire sculpture
championship, announcing the champions on January
World chamionship of
fire sculptures
January 18 will be the date when the finals of World fire
sculpture championship will be held, where an exciting
musical show will highlight the announcement of the world
champions. Every sculpture will be observed and exist
for ten minutes, and the whole event will conclude with
theatrical and interactive fire installation created by the
sculptor Krlis le.
Music, visual
participation of
the public
Concert, exhibtion,
workshop, event
youth, adults psala beach Free
Without thematic
division The Parade of Light
As part of the European Capital of Culture opening, a
poetic night-time spectacle will be held that will not only
illuminate the city, but also the eyes of its audience. The Parade of Light
The Parade of Light directed by HELMNOT is a mobile
night-time spectacle, full of majestic figures illuminating
the night. The central attraction is a 7m high and 8m long
light ship, lit up in a continuous series of indescribable
colours throughout the spectacle. Visual arts Festival
11. novembra
(11th November
Embankment) Free
Without thematic
division Light Spectacular
As part of the European Capital of Culture opening, a
tale, in sound and light, of nature, mankind and culture,
will be presented. Light Spectacular
The specially commissioned music of composer Jnis
Lsns will come to life in the luminous landscapes created
by master of pyrotechnics Kalvis Kalni and light artist
Normunds Basns.
visual arts
Daugava river
Railway and Vanu
bridges Free
Without thematic
Rga dimd! (Rga
As part of the European Capital of Culture opening, a
concert will be held, featuring Latvias most prominent
academic, folk, and pop music artists, choirs and
Rga dimd! (Rga
The concerts message is a testament to Rgas historical
and contemporary charm and diversity. Rgas visual
symbols and signs, which vibrantly relate the citys story to
ourselves and to our visitors. Places, feelings, and the
people in whom we have pride. Rga, sung about and
cherished in folk songs and contemporary poetry. With
memorable musical compositions from Richard Wagner,
Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Emls Drzi, Mareris Zari,
Imants Kalni, Raimonds Pauls, Artrs Maskats, riks
Eenvalds and Jnis Lsns, Rga in concert address its
audience as a contemporary city of culture and the arts. Music Concert
youth, adults Arena Riga Invitation only
19.01.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Production of multimedia
opera 'Rienzi. Rise and
Composed in Riga in 1837-1839, Richard Wagners
opera Rienzi is inextricably linked to this city. LNO
plans to world-premiere a multimedia production of this
opera early in 2014, to turn it into one of the European
level events to inaugurate Rigas year in the status of
European Capital of Culture. Mora than just a staging,
this production will entail re-working of the operatic
material and integrating it according to directorial
vision. Rienzi. Rise and Fall
The production of Wagner's opera "Rienzi" is a multimedia
opus in images, created by an international creative team.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Performance, show Adults
Latvian National
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
19.01.14.-20.04.14. FreedomStreet Heartbeats
In cooperation with L'Institut franais de Lettonie
(Institute of France in Latvia) the art coryphaeus comes
to Latvia to present the installation "Heartbeats" that in
an unique formarchives the memory of a person. Heartbeats
The artist crushes boarders between life and death, past
and present. The Hearbeats reminds how fragile life is
and that the boarder of death is crossed every moment.
Visitors of the expo will have the chance to record their
heartbeats, which later are transferred to the projects main
sever the heartbeat archive is located Japan. Visual arts Exhibition Youth, adults
Exhibition Hall
Latvian National
Museumof Art
Without thematic
Year 2014 opening in
Year 2014 opening, noting that it will be like a power
station of positive culture and arts, producing music,
dance, song, theater, design and other types of energy
throughout the year. A space will be created on the
stage of the castle ruins in Sigulda, which, when
entered, will allow the person with the help of earthly
elements and the Sigulda power source (video), as well
as music and special vibrations (audio), and poetry
(audio), to absorb this special energy of 2014.
Year 2014 opening in
The Festivity Express will depart fromthe Riga Central
Train Station at 15.04 pm(and will later depart from
Sigulda at 19.08 pm). People will be able to take a light up
walk around Sigulda or to visit concerts and expos in
different culture establishments and venues around Sigulda.
The Livonian Order Castle will host the Pico Facto large-
format light installations. A space will be created on the
stage of the ruins, which, when entered, will allow a person
to absorb the special energy of 2014.
Music, visual
art, design,
participation of
the public,
street art
performance art,
exhibition, object in
the city environment,
Adults Sigulda
Both - free and pay
19.01.14.-31.12.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster a sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by locals, artistic meetings en
plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them.
Ziemeblzma Sunday
Art School
Ziemeblzma Art School offers a series of thematic
lectures and practical classes in Riga's Ziemeblzma
neighbourhood, informing audiences about various cultural
trends and developments. Following in the footsteps of arts
patron Augusts Dombrovskis, who wished to make
professional art accessible to Vecmlgrvis residents, and
based on the idea of culture as a lifestyle, the
Ziemeblzma Art School offers monthly cycles of thematic
lectures and practical classes. Hosted by professional
architects, artists, art critics and other lecturers, local
residents are acquainted with a variety of cultural
phenomena and themes, and have the opportunity to attend
practical workshops.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public,
Discussion / lecture,
creative workshop
youth, adults
Cultural centre and
the Vecmlgrvis
neighbourhood Free of charge
21.01.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Production of multimedia
opera 'Rienzi. Rise and
Composed in Riga in 1837-1839, Richard Wagners
opera Rienzi is inextricably linked to this city. LNO
plans to world-premiere a multimedia production of this
opera early in 2014, to turn it into one of the European
level events to inaugurate Rigas year in the status of
European Capital of Culture. Mora than just a staging,
this production will entail re-working of the operatic
material and integrating it according to directorial
vision. Rienzi. Rise and Fall
The production of Wagner's opera "Rienzi" is a multimedia
opus in images, created by an international creative team.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Performance, show Adults
Latvian National
Opera FreedomStreet
Contemporary Theatre
Programme forte forte
The contemporary theatre programme forte forte is a
year-long series of performances staged by Europe's
leading theatre directors. The forte forte performances
are united by a set of themes that centre on relationships
between the individual and power, normal and
abnormal, personality and the masses, relationships
between people, set against the backdrop of major
historic events, albeit in routine contexts. Such theatre
artists as Alvis Hermanis, Jan Lauwers and
Needcompany, Alain Platel and Les ballets C de la
B, and Rimini Protokoll have been the guests of the
programme in 2014.
The programof
contemporary theatre
forte forte. Alvis
On 25 and 26 January, at 19:00 pm, at the film studio
Rgas kinostudija, the production of the play "Spte
Nachbarn" (Late Neighbors), based on the literature of
Isaac Bashevis Singer, played out by the Munich Chamber
Theatre, will take place. On 30, 31 January and 1
February, at 19:00 pm, at the same location, Burgtheater
Wien will play out the production of Fathers, featuring
well-known Latvian actors Gundars boli un Juris
Baratinskis. On 28 January, the premiere of Gints Grube
documentary Vairk nek dzve (More than life) about
A. Hermanis, will take place at cinema Splendid Palace. Cinema, theatre Show Youth, adults
Cinema Splendid
Palace, filmstudio
Rgas kinostudija"
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Amber Vein On the Amber Side
The youngsters of The Environment Film Studio
Dzintra and Dzintars undertook an expedition in the
group of scientists and experts of foreign affairs in order
to bring back a whole cycle of tv programs about the
ancient track of amber trade. What can people still tell
about amber, do they remember it, what is its meaning
in the frenzied modern urban life and is it still
considered a more valuable gemstone than gold? The
route of the expedition took these explorers across
Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Germany and Central
Europe even as far as to India. The program will air in
the beginning of 2014 and be presented in an internet
home page.
The cycle of TV
programs On the Amber
A new, attractive, informatively entertaining cycle of
programs On the Amber Side will be presented to LTV
audience. The cycle of programs was launched searching
the factual traces of the track of amber trade, examining
the hypotheses surrounding it and possible parallels in the
lesser known northern-southern axis. Important, for its
creators, was destruction of stereotypes (still held
particularly by the young) about amber as cult and cultural
relic. The programaimed at defining amber as one of the
central elements of regional identity of the Baltic Sea
region states and promoting its global recognition.
Participation of
the public,
tradition TV/radio Youth, adults
Latvia, Lithuania,
Estonia Free Thirst for the Ocean
Waiting for...'
(Archeology of an idea)
The kim? contemporary art centres project Waiting
for... (Archaeology of an Idea) brings to Riga
professionals fromvarious disciplines curators,
philosophers, authors, artists and musicians whose
mission is to research, inspire, and interact with the
local cultural environment. These thinkers visits to
Riga may take different forms: visits associated with art
research, presentations of specific theoretical principles,
performances, exhibitions and others.
Zoon in a Zoot-suit
exhibition, diary, and
As part of the project Waiting for(Archeology of an
idea), one of the most prominent new era philosophical
texts, Benedict Spinozas Ethics will be actualized,
visualized and restructured; author of the idea
philosopher Ainrs Kamoli.
visual art,
design, history,
Exhition, discussion
/ lecture, conference,
youth, adults
The Center of
Contemporary Art
kim? and other
cultural venues in
The ticket office to be
08.02.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Waiting for...'
(Archeology of an idea)
The kim? contemporary art centres project Waiting
for... (Archaeology of an Idea) brings to Riga
professionals fromvarious disciplines curators,
philosophers, authors, artists and musicians whose
mission is to research, inspire, and interact with the
local cultural environment. These thinkers visits to
Riga may take different forms: visits associated with art
research, presentations of specific theoretical principles,
performances, exhibitions and others.
In preparation for the
residencies of
international arts
curators - thinkers in
Riga, 'Waiting for...'
(Archeology of an idea)
Internationally active professionals of art and culture will
participate in the project Waiting for (Archeology of
an idea) to reconsider and widen the discourse on artistic
themes actual in Riga. Curator Aaron Shuster will speak.
Music, cinema,
literature, visual
art, design,
history, science,
discussion / lecture,
workshop, action,
youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free FreedomStreet Lysistrata
Musicians and artists from Latvia, Switzerland and
Germany will join forces to make a stage performance
as a creative team, inspired by the great Aristophanes
classic of antiquity Lysistrata. Two chamber operas,
drama and comedy, each 45 minutes long, will be
performed in a single evening, artistically reflecting on
the theme Woman and War. It will also be the unifying
and structuring theme of lectures, competition of student
and amateur short films, workshops and other activities
to surround this premiere. Lysistrata
International team of artists will realize the project of
Lysistrata combining a diptych of chamber operas
drama (composer J. Nmanis, libretto by I. Zandere, dir. C.
Cyris (Switzerland)) and comedy (composer K. Evald
(Switzerland), dir. Zane Kreicberga). Main cast: soprano J.
Hirzel (Switzerland), baritone R. Koller (Switzerland), and
soprano K. Gailte (Latvia).Scenographer K. Jurjne,
light design M. Feldmanis, conductor N. Dreis joined
by the theme Woman and War. Music, theatre Performance Youth, adults
The Railroad
Museum, Liepja
15.02.2014. Riga Carnival Riga Wintering
Year 2013 saw the realization of the pilot project of
Riga Wintering located on Basteja Hill featuring
interactive playing with the most popular traditional and
new symbols of Riga. In 2014, it will be further
developed as a carnival with its basic regular structure,
visual image and symbol of the year the beaver of
Riga Channel. Riga Wintering includes open art
workshops, mind games and the opportunity for the
participants to learn the symbols of Riga through these
activities, which, as it turns out, can tell so much new
about Riga. Riga Wintering
On 15 February, between 17.00 pm and 22.00 pm, the
festival Riga Wintering 2014 will take place at
Esplanade. Participants will have the chance to walk along
six paths of activities, based on the unusual stories about
Riga (Rgas ststi) by writer Sergejs Timofejevs and artist
Reinis Petersons about the Riga Channel Beaver, the Black
Cat, Big Christopher (Lielais Kristaps), Petergailis (the
rooster on St.Peter`s Church steeple) and chimney
sweepers. Suggestions for other new symbols of Riga will
be accepted also. Performances of bands Carnival
Youth, Orans brvdienas, Pulsa efekts and Goran
Gora will take place on the Riga Wintering 2014 stage.
The concert programme will be concluded by the
performance of the band Bermudu divstris.
participation of
the public, street
art Event, performance
youth, adults Esplanade Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
27.02.2014. Survival kit RigaDot
Drawing on cultural heritage as well as emerging
innovative elements in science and culture, Project
RigaDot is envisaged as a complex of events to inform
the audience, in engaging, attractive and practically
useful form, about Riga as creative center of culture
and science. This programwill feature events like the
cycle Science cafes, thematic exhibitions, concerts in
Nabaklab, thematic shows in radio Naba and Science
Festival. Science cafes
Science will be highlighted in such RigaDot project
events as the cycle of discussions Science cafs. They
will offer a chance to meet scientists in person and propose
questions they could address. Science cafs discussions
are to evolve as free, informal exchanges of views on the
issues of science currently in the public eye.
Music, science,
Concert, discussion /
lecture, event,
TV/radio Youth, adults
University of Latvia,
radio Naba,
Nabaklab Free
Without thematic
division Winter Festival
More sports, more arts, more entertainment. This
Winter festival will offer diverse sports, artistic and
cultural activities. The culmination of the festival will
be the attractive event Stars and kings of the ice treks
combining professional sports competitions with project
of art and music and championship of snow sculptures.
The festival will coincide with III Latvian Winter
Olympics which are to invite teams of all 109 civil
municipalities and republican towns. Winter Festival
The Winter festival will offer themed exhibitions, invite the
public to view skiing and snowboarding competitions,
winter fishing and bathing, automobile show on ice, special
championship in sledging on spades and frying pans,
unique concert of musicians who have been successful in
sports as well as artistically, a conference, a winter party
and Winter Olympics in ten athletic disciplines. The
opening event will be a unique show combining the talents
of amateur artists, sports clubs and Aerodium School of
flying, created specially for 2014.
Music, visual
arts, sports,
participation of
the public Festival
youth, adults
In Sigulda sports and
cultural venues Free
01.03.14.-30.09.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster a sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by locals, artistic meetings en
plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Guide to the Future
Audiovisual workshops in Ziepniekkalns and iekurkalns
schools for the study and development of the surrounding
areas to ensure a better quality of life. The project includes
three workshops where professional artists together with
schoolchildren will create audiovisual works of art,
presenting their vision of the beautification and
development of the surrounding areas. Workshop
participants will also attend brainstorming get-togethers of
local residents that, in co-operation with designers, will
develop and implement specific beautification and
development projects in Ziepniekkalns and iekurkalns.
participation of
the public,
Creative workshop,
urban environment
youth, adults
Ziepniekkalns and
iekurkalns Free of charge
04.03.14.-30.03.14. Road Map Poetry Map of Riga
Within the Poetry Map of Riga project, a non-traditional
virtual map of Riga will be created, showing the variety
of urban phenomena in the city: streets, neighbourhoods,
houses, cafes, intersections, backyards, transport routes
etc. Map checkpoints follow the depiction of a
particular place in poetry, whereas artworks created for
the project represent a variety of genres - music and
videos, installations and performances, interactive
software, computer graphics, and others.
Exhibition Poetry Map of
At the turn of the season we present the next exhibition of
the "Poetry Map of Riga" project, this time in the basement
of the "Niceplace Mansards" cultural centre . A great
variety of artists participate in the exhibition: poets rika
Brzia and Krlis Vrdi, musician Jnis Ozoli, artist
Kaspars Lielgalvis and poet Krijnis Zeis, artist
Aleksandrs Zapos, painter Arturs Brzi, artist Nataa
Vikuina, British artist Annie Davey and others.
Visual arts,
exhibition Youth, adults
Basement of the
Mansards" cultural
centre, Kr. Barona
iela 21a Free of charge
07.03.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Born in Riga
Cycle of concerts Born in Riga highlights Riga as a
uniting ground for many of contemporary stars of the
classical music, a place where these artists have begun
their musical careers, a place to give numerous excellent
musicians to Europe and wider world.
Concert of Gidon Kremer
and 'Kremerata Baltica'
Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica will give concert of
the Culture Hall Ziemeblzma. Creative work of
Augusts Dombrovskis, who was a violin maker, a wood
tradesman as well as a patron of art, served as an
inspiration source to make the concert. Music Concert, event
youth, adults
Culture Hall
'Ziemeblzma' and
adjacent park
12.03.2014. Amber Vein
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Performance of the unique opera Mikhail and Mikhail
play chess will require 8 singers, 8 dancers, 14
musicians, and 2 conductors; the whole ensemble of 32
has not been casually selected as every artist involved
will represent a figure in a concrete championship game
of chess and, to be more precise, the sixth round of the
duel of masters, which took place in Moscow in 1962
between Mikhail Tal and Mikhail Botvinnik. Chess is a
fascinating game with its own dramaturgy, heights of
psychological tension, and specific terms, which, co-
incidentally, relates it to theatre and music.
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Riga is to see the world premiere of Kristaps Ptersons
opera Mikhail and Mikhail play chess, dedicated to
Magus from Riga, world champion in chess Mikhail Tal.
The artists to form the creative team of the production are
conductor Ainrs Rubiis, choreographer Kiril Burlovs
who resides in London, director Viesturs Meikns, set
designer Reinis Suhanovs, and French video artist Carlos
Franklin. Opera will be performed in Russian.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Youth, adults New Hall of LNO
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
13.03.2014. Amber Vein
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Performance of the unique opera Mikhail and Mikhail
play chess will require 8 singers, 8 dancers, 14
musicians, and 2 conductors; the whole ensemble of 32
has not been casually selected as every artist involved
will represent a figure in a concrete championship game
of chess and, to be more precise, the sixth round of the
duel of masters, which took place in Moscow in 1962
between Mikhail Tal and Mikhail Botvinnik. Chess is a
fascinating game with its own dramaturgy, heights of
psychological tension, and specific terms, which, co-
incidentally, relates it to theatre and music.
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Riga is to see the world premiere of Kristaps Ptersons
opera Mikhail and Mikhail play chess, dedicated to
Magus from Riga, world champion in chess Mikhail Tal.
The artists to form the creative team of the production are
conductor Ainrs Rubiis, choreographer Kiril Burlovs
who resides in London, director Viesturs Meikns, set
designer Reinis Suhanovs, and French video artist Carlos
Franklin. Opera will be performed in Russian.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Youth, adults
New Hall of Latvian
National Opera Thirst for the Ocean re:visited
This project is aimed at bringing to Riga a selection of
art works, which would allow the viewers to form
impression about the latest tendencies in contemporary
art. This large exhibition will feature prominent and
notable artistic productions, selected in teo latest
European biennales of modern art. re:visited
Re:visited will offer the viewer works of 15-20 foreign
artists who have earned recognition in some of the most
recent European artistic forums. The exhibition will be
open at the Riga ArtSpace every work day, except
Mondays, from11.00 amtill 18.00 pm. Visual art Exhibition Youth, adults
"Rgas Mkslas
Entrance fee:
EUR 3.00 adults;
EUR 1.50 students,
seniors. Amber Vein Amber Songs
In Amber Songs project, the quire Kamr
(geographically oriented by the original range of historic
Amber Route states) plans to commission Latvian folk
song settings to international group of composers
attempting to test the strength of the national immaterial
heritage set against the influence of other ethnics and
mentalities, posing such questions as how is this
possible influence manifested and does this reflect in
music in any way? Amber Songs
Various Latvian folk songs selected by Valdis
Muktupvels will be performed at the concert titled
Amber Songs. The main idea is to promote a new
repertory of choir music based in search of Latvian
identity, available and comprehensible worldwide at the
same time. Choir Kamr led by Jnis Liepi and
composers/music arrangers from various foreign countries
will be the main project members including the following
artists: Pteris Plakidis, Evija Skue (Latvia), Kasia
Glowicka (Poland), Franz Herzog (Austria), Ethan Sperry
(USA), Param Vir (India), Vytautas Mikinis (Lithuania),
Vladimir Martinov (Russia), Jan Sandstrom (Sweden),
Xabier Sarasola (Spain), Gilad Hochman (Israel), Peeter
Vahi (Estonia), Hasan Ucarsu (Turkey), Michael Ostrzyga
(Germany), Hendrik Odegaard (Norway), Nicholas Lens
(Belgium), Gabriel Jackson (United Kingdom). Music Concert Youth, adults
The Great Hall,
University of Latvia
The ticket office to be
announced Freedomstreet
Contemporary Theatre
Programme forte forte
The contemporary theatre programme forte forte is a
year-long series of performances staged by Europe's
leading theatre directors. The forte forte performances
are united by a set of themes that centre on relationships
between the individual and power, normal and
abnormal, personality and the masses, relationships
between people, set against the backdrop of major
historic events, albeit in routine contexts. Such theatre
artists as Alvis Hermanis, Jan Lauwers and
Needcompany, Alain Platel and Les ballets C de la
B, and Rimini Protokoll have been the guests of the
programme in 2014.
The programof
contemporary theatre
forte forte.
Contemporary theatre programme "forte forte" brings
Flemish artist Jan Lauwers and "Needcompany"
performance "Isabella's Room" to Riga this March. Since
the mid-1980s Lauwers and his theatre company have been
known for their unique theatrical language that defies the
boundaries between theatre, dance, concert, performance
and visual arts. The concept of "Isabella's Room" was
conceived when Lauwers inherited 5,800 artefacts from his
father, an amateur archaeologist and anthropologist, and
decided to use them in the performance where nine actors,
dancers and musicians, led by the remarkable Viviane De
Muynck, reveal the secret of Isabella's room. Jan Lauwers
said the following about "Isabella's Room": "The reason for
this performance was deeply personal - it was my father's
death. Much like himself, Isabella's life spans almost the
entire 20th century: World War I and II, Hiroshima, the
colonial period, the development of modern art, travel to
the moon, David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust, poverty and
famine in Africabagpipe ensemble Aui. The
performance will be on the
Theatre, dance,
music Show Youth, adults
International expo in
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
21.03.2014. Amber Vein
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Performance of the unique opera Mikhail and Mikhail
play chess will require 8 singers, 8 dancers, 14
musicians, and 2 conductors; the whole ensemble of 32
has not been casually selected as every artist involved
will represent a figure in a concrete championship game
of chess and, to be more precise, the sixth round of the
duel of masters, which took place in Moscow in 1962
between Mikhail Tal and Mikhail Botvinnik. Chess is a
fascinating game with its own dramaturgy, heights of
psychological tension, and specific terms, which, co-
incidentally, relates it to theatre and music.
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Riga is to see the world premiere of Kristaps Ptersons
opera Mikhail and Mikhail play chess, dedicated to
Magus from Riga, world champion in chess Mikhail Tal.
The artists to form the creative team of the production are
conductor Ainrs Rubiis, choreographer Kiril Burlovs
who resides in London, director Viesturs Meikns, set
designer Reinis Suhanovs, and French video artist Carlos
Franklin. Opera will be performed in Russian.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Youth, adults New Hall of LNO
21.03.2014. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster the sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by the locals, artistic meetings
en plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Treasures of genskalns
Students of the Janis Rozentls Riga Art High School
explore the genskalns suburb to discover the unique
treasures of this part of the city and interpret them
artistically. The research process, which began already in
the autumn of 2013, will conclude with an exhibition of the
new works at the Rozentls Art School, the opening of
which will be accompanied by various creative workshops.
A special map created by schoolchildren will be of great
help to anyone who wishes to explore genskalns on foot
to get acquainted with cultural and historic buildings and
areas of the suburb.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public
Exhibition, creative
workshop, event Youth, adults
Janis Rozentls Riga
Art High School and
genskalns Free of charge
27.03.2014. Survival kit RigaDot
Drawing on cultural heritage as well as emerging
innovative elements in science and culture, Project
RigaDot is envisaged as a complex of events to inform
the audience, in engaging, attractive and practically
useful form, about Riga as creative center of culture
and science. This programwill feature events like the
cycle Science cafes, thematic exhibitions, concerts in
Nabaklab, thematic shows in radio Naba and Science
Festival. Science cafes
Science will be highlighted in such RigaDot project
events as the cycle of discussions Science cafs. They
will offer a chance to meet scientists in person and propose
questions they could address. Science cafs discussions
are to evolve as free, informal exchanges of views on the
issues of science currently in the public eye.
Music, science,
Concert, discussion /
lecture, event,
TV/radio Youth, adults
University of Latvia,
radio Naba,
Nabaklab Free FreedomStreet Monument Wars
The basis of Monument Wars project is historic
context, thus, aiming to accentuate relationship of
power and culture. Riga has been on the crossroads in
every century. Every power has affirmed and
perpetuated itself by monuments it left to testify about
its reign. The crossroads of Brvbas and Elizabetes
streets, occupied by the monument of Lenin until the
second independence will turn into platform for work of
four sculptors from Russia, Germany, Sweden and
Poland since these are the states, which Rigas and
Latvias history has become inextricably linked with. A
singular podium will contain four sculptors created by
these artists, which will rise from this sheath in turn,
competing amongst themselves for primacy. Monument Wars
The project Monument Wars foresees placing objects in
the center of Riga, on which in turn monuments of four
countries Russia, Germany, Sweden and Poland will be
displayed. The monuments will be displayed in the context
of materials about the historic expansion of Germany,
Russia, Poland and Sweden in Latvia. Visitors will be able
to take pictures with the objects in the background,
therefore symbolically including themselves as a subjective
object of the exhibition. Curator Aigars Bike.
Visual art, street
Object in the city
youth, adults
Crossroad of
Brvbas and
Elizabetes streets in
front of Cabinet of
Ministers Free
31.03.14 Thirst for the Ocean
Windstream2014 in the
Sign of Bach
Program Windstream 2014 in the sign of Bach
features a range of concerts and an international
competition of composers Windstream 2014 organized
by the professional brass orchestra Rga as part of its
annual spring Windstream festival. The concert
dedicated to Bachs jubilee will be followed by concerts
of participants and jury of the competition Windstream
2014 announced in 2013 where new compositions for
brass orchestra inspired by the theme Feel Bach,
continue Bach, debate Bach! will be performed. April
2014 will see the competition jury and six selected
authors of the best compositions to arrive to Riga to
participate in the concert of jury as well as in the finals
of the competition and the concert of laureates. 329th jubilee of Bach
Bachs jubilee will be celebrated in a concert planned as
part of the project Windstream 2014 in the sign of Bach.
Professional brass orchestra Rga conducted by Mrti
Ozoli will perform arrangements of Bach for wind
instruments commissioned to Latvian composers. Bach
dance suites and instrumental music will come to the
forefront in this concert where musicians will aim at
creating modern sound of brass orchestra and the rhythmic
design to align it with the XXI century. Music, history Concert, workshop Youth, adults The Big Guildhall
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
01.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Escaping Riga
This project is an attempt to reflect the events arising
from WWI. A story about a curious friendship and
decisive events of the XX century, which continue to
exert the influence on the times we live in, the film
reveals the influence of war on the lives of two
outstanding men. Escaping Riga
Film Escaping Riga tells a fascinating story about the
unique and tragic friendship of Russian filmmaker Sergey
Eisenstein and British philosopher Isaiah Berlin. Dir. Dvis
Smanis, camera Andrejs Rudzts and Valdis Celmi,
art directors Ieva Romnova and Kristne Plksna-
Zvagule, make-up artist Sarmte Balode, editing director
Andra Lejniece, producer Lga Gaisa, main cast
Mikhail Karasikov, Gints Grbe, Mrti Pos et al. Cinema, history Presentation, event Youth, adults Splendid Palace'
The ticket office to be
01.04.14.-31.10.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster the sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by the locals, artistic meetings
en plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Mapping Local Tracks
Five alternative tourist routes in genskalns that showcase
Prdaugava architecture and the key cultural, historic or
recent buildings and facilities. The objective of the project
"Mapping Local Tracks" is to make Prdaugava an
exciting, captivating and intimate experience for any
person who happens to be there, froma local resident who
lives here to a tourist who would probably not even come
here without a special invitation. The Prdaugava
exploration routes are based on the architectural heritage of
the area, as well as on the experience and memories of the
people who have lived here and, through their personal
stories, reveal what the eye cannot see and what is hidden
froma casual passer-by.
participation of
the public
youth, adults
Kalnciema iela
Quarter, genskalns For a fee
01.04.14.-30.11.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster the sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by the locals, artistic meetings
en plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Triu iela Mysteries
A series of "en plein air" events in Torkalns and Bierii
where local residents, with help fromprofessional artists,
will create artworks depicting both neighbourhoods. The
works of art created at these "en plein air" sessions to
celebrate Triu iela, Bierii sculptures, Arkdija Park and
the people of Torkalns will be displayed at the Mrupe
Cultural Centre and the Prdaugava branch of the Riga
City Council in April and November of 2014.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public
Creative workshop,
event, exhibition
youth, adults
Torakalns, Bierii
and Mrupe Free of charge
02.04.14 Amber Vein World in a Picture Book
International conference World in a Picture Book will
take place on April 2, 2014 the International Days of
Books for Children. Its participants writers, artists,
translators, historians of art and literature, publishers
and professionals librarians, pedagogues, and
journalists involved in connecting children and books.
A parallel programof activities will be organized, led by
local and foreign artists.
Conference 'World in a
Picture Book'
Conference World in a Picture Book will address the
special role of illustrated books in development of
childrens personality and world view, the novelties in the
picture book genre etc. As special guests, this conference
will host laureate of Astrid Lindgrens Memorial Award,
Belgian artist Kitty Crowther and laureate of H. C.
Andersens Award, German artist Jutta Bauer who will
also give workshops for widely ranging related audience.
visual art,
workshop Youth, adults
"Radisson Blue
Daugava" Free Amber Vein Riga Jazz Stage
"Riga Jazz Stage" is an international jazz artist contest,
founded in 2004. The contest allows young musicians to
gain stage experience in an international competition,
together with other young jazz performers from around
the world, as well as it allows to establish contacts with
musicians and music professionals. Alongside vocalists,
every year also instrumentalists participate in the
contest. Riga Jazz Stage
The international jazz artist contest Riga Jazz Stage
2014 will be held in two categories Vocal and
Saxophone. Prizes in the amount of more than EUR
6000 and concert engagements in major jazz festivals are
provided for the laureates.
Concert, workshop,
festival, event
youth, adults
Splendid Palace'
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
04.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Bach Passion Riga
Project Bach Passion Riga will present the most
significant Passions of the genre of sacred music. Johan
Sebastian Bachs compositions are unparalleled in
courage, depth and the strength of philosophic
conception. The great influence and energy of Bach, the
power of his music has stirred minds and urged the birth
of ideas, his music in the places of reverence in Riga
will bring the audiences closer to the essence of living.
Participation of the most prominent European interprets
of Baroque music in the project will highlight the
placement of Riga as European Capital of Culture in the
historic cultural space of the continent. The three largest
churches of Riga will host the series of Bach Passion
Riga concerts on three Fridays preceding the Easter.
Passions of Mark and
The program of Bach Passion Riga offers Bachs lesser
known Passion of Mark as well as a novel work dedicated
to this event Passion of Luke by riks Eenvalds, which
is to be world-premiered at this time. The audience will
enjoy these compositions in exquisite interpretations
conductor Sigvards Kava and Latvian Radio Choir will
collaborate with Sinfonietta Riga and the best European
Baroque singers. Music Concert Youth, adults Riga Dome Amber Vein
International competition
of young fashion
designers 'Habitus Baltia'
International competition for new fashion artists
"Habitus Baltija" is organized since 2001 when
worldwide fashion artists gather together in one place.
Approximately 40 new and upcoming artists from The
Baltics, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Croatia and other
countries will participate this year. The competition
includes fashion shows, a conference, seminars and
lectures about fashion. Also the competition of sketch
work "Dzintara avangards" ("The Amber Avant-
Garde") will be organized at "Habitus Baltija". This
competition is included in "Rga 2014" programme. The Amber Avant-Garde
The competition of sketch work "Dzintara avangards"
("The Amber Avant-Garde") will be organized at "Habitus
Baltija". This competition is included in "Rga 2014"
programme where new fashion artists will produce sketches
related to various amber themes. The best author will
receive funding for a real costume producing that is later to
be presented at the fashion show.
education Event Youth, adults
International expo in
psala Free
04.04.14.-30.04.14. Road Map Long Walk
The goal of the project Long Walk is environmental
research and the implementation of specific design
projects, as well as the effect of surroundings and design
on city dwellers. Old Age
The project aims to establish the old age perspectives of the
modern youth, as well as offers scenarios for aging in Riga.
The projects space an old age friendly apartment will
host public activities and also will allow one to fell how it
is to be old.
participation of
the public
Object in the city
environment, action
youth, adults Z.A. Meierovica 6 Free
05.04.2014. Survival kit IMAGINE 2020
Project IMAGINE 2020 comprises two inter-
disciplinary events dedicated to the survival strategies of
humanity and individual in the shifting reality influenced
by climatic change. Artistically scientific symposiumI,
the consumer combines theoretical discussion and
performative reflection on the situation of having
arrived at a produce-filled world and search for the
answers to the question What can be done with this
materiality? Blackmarket of Useful Knowledge and
Non-knowledge offers exchange of views with one of
100 knowledge dealers on the ways of surviving the
Blackmarket of Useful
Knowledge and Non-
With the support of the culture programme of the European
Union in the framework of the project "IMAGINE 2020:
Art and Climate Change" "The Blackmarket for Useful
Knowledge and Non-Knowledge" is a temporary
production and showroom in which narrative formats of
knowledge mediation are tried out and presented. 30
individual tables are occupied by experts (natural
scientists, artists, philosophers, anthropologists, physicians
etc.) who are being invited to offer a portion of their
knowledge that can be told and learned in 30 minutes. In
Riga '90 talks on Repaired, Enhanced and Dead Body' will
be provided. The audience will be able to book an expert
and his or her offer of knowledge for a half-hour, or to
listen to selected talks via 'Black Radio'. Theatre, science Performance, event Youth, adults
"Sapu fabrika"
(Lpla 101)
New Theatre Institute
of Latvia
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
05.04.14. Road Map Labas vietas TALKA
The Development Campaign for Good Locations
(Labas vietas TALKA) is driven by games that Riga's
residents love to play at home, which are used as an
inspiration for the creation of environmental objects in
the squares and parks in Riga's neighbourhoods. One
such location is Aleka Square in Sarkandaugava where
local residents will plant seedlings they have grown at
home and do other beautification work on the 1st of
May. Later on this year, the development of two more
good locations will commence in Diozolu Street in
Ziepniekkalns and the Promised Land (Apsolt zeme)
area in iekurkalns. The project is implemented by the
Ideju Mja association and the Contemporary
Architecture Information Centre.
Event Leading to the
Cleanup Campaign at
Aleka Square,
Sarkandaugava activists, designers, architects and planning
experts, and everyone who can hold a brush and a can of
paint in their hands come together for the first time.
participation of
the public
Object in the city
creative workshop,
Aleka Square,
(Intersection of Tilta
iela/Aleka iela) Free
09.04.14. Road Map Labas vietas TALKA
The Development Campaign for Good Locations
(Labas vietas TALKA) is driven by games that Riga's
residents love to play at home, which are used as an
inspiration for the creation of environmental objects in
the squares and parks in Riga's neighbourhoods. One
such location is Aleka Square in Sarkandaugava where
local residents will plant seedlings they have grown at
home and do other beautification work on the 1st of
May. Later on this year, the development of two more
good locations will commence in Diozolu Street in
Ziepniekkalns and the Promised Land (Apsolt zeme)
area in iekurkalns. The project is implemented by the
Ideju Mja association and the Contemporary
Architecture Information Centre.
Second Game of Ideas
for Good Locations in
Most of the participants in the event are local
schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. A design and
architecture team watches them perform tasks and play
participation of
the public Creative workshop
adults iekurkalns Library Free
10.04.14. Thirst for the Ocean
Documentary film
"Territory Vija Celmins"
Vija Celmins is a Latvia-born U.S. painter and graphic
artist whose unique style won her widespread acclaim
worldwide. Her works are part of the key modern art
collections all over the globe. Documentary film
"Territory Vija Celmins" for the first time reveals the
artist's creative process as well as her unique
personality. The filmcrew had the exclusive opportunity
to see the artist at work, meet with her peers, and attend
several events in New York art scene. Territory Vija Celmins
The premiere of documentary film"Territory Vija Celmins"
will also feature the audience's meeting and discussion with
the artist. The film's creative teamincludes: director Olafs
Okonovs, producer Antra Cilinska, screenplay consultant
Elita Ansone, camera operator Aleksandrs Grebevs,
sound engineer Anrijs Krenbergs, assistant producers
Elizabeth Palacios and Marta Kontia, sound producer
Klvs Sili. Special guests at the premiere will be the U.S.
Ambassador to Latvia and representatives fromthe U.S.
Embassy, Boris and Inra Teterev Foundation
representatives and others. After the premiere, the filmwill
remain in the "Splendid Palace" cinema repertoire. Cinema
Young people,
Cinema "Splendid
Palace" "Splendid Palace"
10.04.14. Road Map Labas vietas TALKA
The Development Campaign for Good Locations
(Labas vietas TALKA) is driven by games that Riga's
residents love to play at home, which are used as an
inspiration for the creation of environmental objects in
the squares and parks in Riga's neighbourhoods. One
such location is Aleka Square in Sarkandaugava where
local residents will plant seedlings they have grown at
home and do other beautification work on the 1st of
May. Later on this year, the development of two more
good locations will commence in Diozolu Street in
Ziepniekkalns and the Promised Land (Apsolt zeme)
area in iekurkalns. The project is implemented by the
Ideju Mja association and the Contemporary
Architecture Information Centre.
Second Game of Ideas
for Good Locations in
Most of the participants in the event are local
schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. A design and
architecture teamwatches themperformtasks and play
participation of
the public
Object in the city
creative workshop
Riga 94th High
School, Ozolciema 26 Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
11.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Bach Passion Riga
Project Bach Passion Riga will present the most
significant Passions of the genre of sacred music. Johan
Sebastian Bachs compositions are unparalleled in
courage, depth and the strength of philosophic
conception. The great influence and energy of Bach, the
power of his music has stirred minds and urged the birth
of ideas, his music in the places of reverence in Riga
will bring the audiences closer to the essence of living.
Participation of the most prominent European interprets
of Baroque music in the project will highlight the
placement of Riga as European Capital of Culture in the
historic cultural space of the continent. The three largest
churches of Riga will host the series of Bach Passion
Riga concerts on three Fridays preceding the Easter.
J. S. Bach The Passion
of Matthew
The magnificence of Passion of Matthew by J. S. Bach will
be revealed in one of the project Bach Passion Riga
concerts by an outstanding group of musicians: the Latvian
Radio Choir will collaborate with foremost interprets of
Baroque music in Europe Les Passions de l'Ame
orchestra (Switzerland), conductor and director of the
International Bach Academy (Stuttgart, Germany) Hans-
Christoph Rademan and many prominent guest soloists. Music Concert Youth, adults Church of St. Peter Thirst for the Ocean
Vija Celmia. Double
The Latvia-born U.S. artist Vija Celmins exhibition in
Riga is a long-awaited event. Vija Celmins works
represent American art from the 1960s to present. They
can be found in the key contemporary art collections of
the world: the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Centre Pompidou in
Paris, The Tate Modern in London and elsewhere. The
ocean, the desert, star fields and spider webs are the
objects that the artist has continued to draw and paint in
her series for many years.
Exhibition of Vija
Celmia's work
Exhibition by Vija Celmia curated by Elita Ansone will
be open for almost two months. Several paintings, graphic
art and drawings will be included. This will be a unique
possibility to get to know those works from 1960s
including popart, photo realism and conceptualism artistic
expressions. Visual art Exhibition Adults
Art MuseumRgas
Art MuseumRgas
Bira Thirst for the Ocean
Vija Celmins. Double
The Latvia-born U.S. artist Vija Celmins exhibition in
Riga is a long-awaited event. Vija Celmins works
represent American art fromthe 1960s to present. They
can be found in the key contemporary art collections of
the world: the Museumof Modern Art in New York, the
Metropolitan Museumof Art, Centre Pompidou in
Paris, The Tate Modern in London and elsewhere. The
ocean, the desert, star fields and spider webs are the
objects that the artist has continued to draw and paint in
her series for many years. Me and Art
An opportunity to get to know art better through individual
experience, under the guidance of artist and museum
lecturer Baiba Sprance. Works displayed at the exhibition
become the object of research and the theme for drawing
assignments. Classes for adults are held on Thursdays at 3
p.m. and Saturdays at 12 noon. This is also a chance for
children to acquaint themselves with artworks displayed at
the exhibition by studying them, watching, thinking and
drawing. The classes for children are held on Saturdays at
12 noon (on the 26th of April, 3rd of May, 10th of May
and 17th of May). Advice by artist and museumlecturer
Dina Dimza-Dimme. Visual arts Creative workshop
youth, adults
Art MuseumRiga
Art MuseumRiga
13.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Vija Celmia. Double
The Latvia-born U.S. artist Vija Celmins exhibition in
Riga is a long-awaited event. Vija Celmins works
represent American art from the 1960s to present. They
can be found in the key contemporary art collections of
the world: the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Centre Pompidou in
Paris, The Tate Modern in London and elsewhere. The
ocean, the desert, star fields and spider webs are the
objects that the artist has continued to draw and paint in
her series for many years.
Sunday conversations in
Art Museum Riga Bourse will invite the public to meet
artist Vija Celmia for a conversation in the series Sunday
conversations in the museum, moderated by the curator of
exhibition of this well-known artists work in Riga Elita
Jansone. Visual art Discussion / lecture Youth, adults
Art MuseumRiga
Art MuseumRgas
15.04.14.-20.06.14. Thirst for the Ocean
Vija Celmins. Double
The Latvia-born U.S. artist Vija Celmins exhibition in
Riga is a long-awaited event. Vija Celmins works
represent American art fromthe 1960s to present. They
can be found in the key contemporary art collections of
the world: the Museumof Modern Art in New York, the
Metropolitan Museumof Art, Centre Pompidou in
Paris, The Tate Modern in London and elsewhere. The
ocean, the desert, star fields and spider webs are the
objects that the artist has continued to draw and paint in
her series for many years. Artist and an Object
The educational programme Artist and an Object will
give schoolchildren a chance to acquaint themselves with
the objects in Vija Celmins works. During the tour of the
museum, an expert guide will show and discuss with the
children the relationship between the artist and the
objects depicted in her works, the various techniques an
artist can employ to create a work of art, and the
impression left on the viewer. The class will close with the
creation of an artwork inspired by random objects.
Visual arts,
creative workshop
Art MuseumRiga
Art MuseumRiga
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
15.04.14.-20.06.14. Thirst for the Ocean
Vija Celmins. Double
The Latvia-born U.S. artist Vija Celmins exhibition in
Riga is a long-awaited event. Vija Celmins works
represent American art fromthe 1960s to present. They
can be found in the key contemporary art collections of
the world: the Museumof Modern Art in New York, the
Metropolitan Museumof Art, Centre Pompidou in
Paris, The Tate Modern in London and elsewhere. The
ocean, the desert, star fields and spider webs are the
objects that the artist has continued to draw and paint in
her series for many years. First Came the Object...
The educational programme First Came the Object
offers high school students an opportunity to acquaint
themselves with pop art, photorealismand conceptualism,
and find the most characteristic features thereof in the
works by artist Vija Celmins. This is followed by a debate
where the students will try to find out what phenomena had
influenced the creation of a particular work of art, and
what importance the found objects bear for the artist. In
conclusion the students will create their own works of art
inspired by objects they find, to help themmemorise
what they will have learned. Visual arts
creative workshop Youth
Art MuseumRiga
Art MuseumRiga
Bourse Amber Vein
Amber: myths and
Amber Road in Riga campaign will be held in 2014
where such institutions as The Art Museum Riga
Bourse, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Natural History Museum of Latvia, Pauls Stradi
Museum of the History of Medicine as well as National
History Museum of Latvia and Putti Art Gallery will
show represent the origins of amber showing it in the
context of history, identity and practical use. A project
by P. Stradi Museum of the History of Medicine titled
Amber: myths and science shows the various use of
Baltic amber in the context of European cultural
network covering a period from Ancient times to
nowadays. The main event of the project will be an
exhibition during which several openings, competitions
and conferences will be organized.
Amber: myths and
Exhibition Amber: myths and science and the cluster of
its accompanying events will view the relationship of men
and amber through and from the times, when Baltics was a
mythical territory in this respect for the Mediterranean
nations. What have Avicenna, Tacitus, and Pliny written
about amber and how it was used by Baltic tribes? Amber
today and contribution of Latvian scientists to its research
and elaboration of new products; exhibits from museums in
Latvia and around the world; the prism of amber will be
the mode of demonstrating our emergence in the processes
of European cultural and economic exchange.
History, science,
youth, adults
Riga Pauls Stradi
Museumof the
History of Medicine
17.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Windstream2014 in the
sign of Bach
Program Windstream 2014 in the sign of Bach
features a range of concerts and an international
competition of composers Windstream 2014 organized
by the professional brass orchestra Rga as part of its
annual spring Windstream festival. The concert
dedicated to Bachs jubilee will be followed by concerts
of participants and jury of the competition Windstream
2014 announced in 2013 where new compositions for
brass orchestra inspired by the theme Feel Bach,
continue Bach, debate Bach! will be performed. April
2014 will see the competition jury and six selected
authors of the best compositions to arrive to Riga to
participate in the concert of jury as well as in the finals
of the competition and the concert of laureates.
Concert of the
competition jury
Project Windstream 2014 in the sign of Bach will offer
concert of the members of jury of this international
competitions of composers. Five internationally re-known
musicians are invited to work in this jury and to give this
concert together with the professional brass orchestra Rga.
The jury of the competition will present themselves as
composers as well as interprets and conductors. Music Concert Youth, adults The Big Guildhall
17.04.2014. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster a sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by locals, artistic meetings en
plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them.
Teika Re-Generator -
Discover Teika!
The main goal of the "Teika Re-Generator" project is to
help Teika residents see the opportunities offered by the
neighbourhood: cultural and business initiatives, quality
recreation, unexplored locales, children's groups, activities
for senior citizens, etc. Three events will be organized in
the Teika neighbourhood - three courtyard festivals.
"Discover Teika!" will take place in an apartment building
courtyard in Teika, featuring an orienteering competition,
talks about urban environment development, and master
classes. There will also be activities and fairy-tale readings
for children, as well as outdoor filmscreenings.
participation of
the public
Discussion / lecture,
creative workshop,
youth, adults Teika Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
18.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Bach Passion Riga
Project Bach Passion Riga will present the most
significant Passions of the genre of sacred music. Johan
Sebastian Bachs compositions are unparalleled in
courage, depth and the strength of philosophic
conception. The great influence and energy of Bach, the
power of his music has stirred minds and urged the birth
of ideas, his music in the places of reverence in Riga
will bring the audiences closer to the essence of living.
Participation of the most prominent European interprets
of Baroque music in the project will highlight the
placement of Riga as European Capital of Culture in the
historic cultural space of the continent. The three largest
churches of Riga will host the series of Bach Passion
Riga concerts on three Fridays preceding the Easter.
J. S. Bach Passion of
The concert series Bach Passion Riga will offer one of
Bachs most outstanding and dramatic opuses Passion of
John to be presented to the public and guests of Riga on
Good Friday by the best European interprets of Baroque
music the orchestra Concerto Copenhagen, Danish
conductor Lars Ulrik Mortensen and prominent guest
soloists to collaborate with Latvian Radio Choir. Music Concert Youth, adults Church of St. John
19.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Windstream2014 in the
sign of Bach
Program Windstream 2014 in the sign of Bach
features a range of concerts and an international
competition of composers Windstream 2014 organized
by the professional brass orchestra Rga as part of its
annual spring Windstream festival. The concert
dedicated to Bachs jubilee will be followed by concerts
of participants and jury of the competition Windstream
2014 announced in 2013 where new compositions for
brass orchestra inspired by the theme Feel Bach,
continue Bach, debate Bach! will be performed. April
2014 will see the competition jury and six selected
authors of the best compositions to arrive to Riga to
participate in the concert of jury as well as in the finals
of the competition and the concert of laureates.
Final of 'Windstream
2014' competition
Project Windstream 2014 in the sign of Bach will
conclude in gala concert of international competition of
composers with the program of best compositions
presented in the contest. The concert of the brass orchestra
Rga, conducted by Mrti Ozoli, will be the third
round of the competition assessed by the jury. Music Concert Youth, adults The Big Guildhall Free
20.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Windstream2014 in the
sign of Bach
Program Windstream 2014 in the sign of Bach
features a range of concerts and an international
competition of composers Windstream 2014 organized
by the professional brass orchestra Rga as part of its
annual spring Windstream festival. The concert
dedicated to Bachs jubilee will be followed by concerts
of participants and jury of the competition Windstream
2014 announced in 2013 where new compositions for
brass orchestra inspired by the theme Feel Bach,
continue Bach, debate Bach! will be performed. April
2014 will see the competition jury and six selected
authors of the best compositions to arrive to Riga to
participate in the concert of jury as well as in the finals
of the competition and the concert of laureates.
Awarding and concert of
laureates of 'Windstream
Award ceremony and concert of the laureates of
international competition of composers Windstream 2014
will conclude the project Windstream 2014 in the sign of
Bach. With this event, musicians of the professional brass
orchestra, conducted by Mrti Ozoli, will finish off a
year and half long period of Windstream2014 activities. Music Concert Youth, adults The Big Guildhall Free FreedomStreet Cinematic Trophies
Kino trofejas (Film Trophies) will be a review of film
screening and viewing in Latvia after WWII. The
project consists of two parts: from 23/04/2014, Riga
Film Museum will open the exhibition on cinema
repertoire policy and memories of film goers, while
cinema Splendid Palace from 24/04/2014 will feature
a week long film programme with cinema repertoire of
1940th and 1950th.
Exhibition 'Cinematic
The exhibition will consist of two main thematic parts: film
selection in Latvia between 1940 and 1950, memories of
filmlovers of that time. Cinema
performance, event
youth, adults Riga FilmMuseum
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
24.04.2014. Survival Kit RigaDot
Drawing on cultural heritage as well as emerging
innovative elements in science and culture, Project
RigaDot is envisaged as a complex of events to inform
the audience, in engaging, attractive and practically
useful form, about Riga as creative center of culture
and science. This programwill feature events like the
cycle Science cafes, thematic exhibitions, concerts in
Nabaklab, thematic shows in radio Naba and Science
Festival. Science cafes
Science will be highlighted in such RigaDot project
events as the cycle of discussions Science cafs. They
will offer a chance to meet scientists in person and propose
questions they could address. Science cafs discussions
are to evolve as free, informal exchanges of views on the
issues of science currently in the public eye.
Music, science,
Concert, discussion /
lecture, event,
TV/radio Youth, adults
University of Latvia,
radio Naba,
Nabaklab Free FreedomStreet Cinematic Trophies
Kino trofejas (Film Trophies) will be a review of film
screening and viewing in Latvia after WWII. The
project consists of two parts: from 23/04/2014, Riga
Film Museum will open the exhibition on cinema
repertoire policy and memories of film goers, while
cinema Splendid Palace from 24/04/2014 will feature
a week long film programme with cinema repertoire of
1940th and 1950th.
The projects Kino trofejas (FilmTrophies) programme
will consist of films made in the post-war time period,
between 1940s and 1950s, the films featured in cinema
Splendid Palace (later called cinema Rga) around
15 films, made in former USSR republics, as well as
France, Italy, Germany and elsewhere. Before film
screenings, short informative news pieces, traditional to
those times, will also be screened. The project is sort of a
time-machine that will bring spectators back in time. Cinema
performance, event
youth, adults Splendid Palace
The ticket office to be
25.04.14. Road Map Labas vietas TALKA
The Development Campaign for Good Locations (Labas
vietas TALKA) is driven by games that Rigas residents
love to play at home, which are used as an inspiration
for the creation of environmental objects in the squares
and parks in Rigas neighbourhoods. One such location
is Aleka Square in Sarkandaugava where local
residents will plant seedlings they have grown at home
and do other beautification work on the 1st of May.
Later on this year, the development of two more good
locations will commence in Diozolu Street in
Ziepniekkalns and the Promised Land (Apsolt zeme)
area in iekurkalns. The project is implemented by the
Ideju Mja association and the Contemporary
Architecture Information Centre.
Third Game of Ideas in
Students, schoolchildren, their parents and environmental
activists who live in the area - local businessmen,
representatives fromcommunity centres and everyone else
are welcome to take part. Participants in the event will play
a game of quick design ideas and jointly set up various
objects in the locations they were made for. Applications
for participation in the creative workshops are to be sent by
e-mail:, or registered by phone:
Visual arts,
exhibition, urban
environment object Youth, adults
"BOSCH serviss
Rolis", iekurkalns,
2. lnija 41 Free
26.04.2014. Riga Carnival Riga Festival
The Riga Festival is a compelling demonstration of
Rigas status as a city of inspiration. Riga is a
celebration an endless celebration of sound, taste,
flavour and inspiration. Everyone is a welcome guest at
the celebration and everyone will feel special, regardless
of how near or far they have come, be they on stage or
in the audience. This is joy that one wants to share with
others. The Riga Festival is noted for a broad variety
of genres, epochs and music styles a celebration of
music without borders, targeted at Rigans and guests of
the city.
Zigmars Liepi.
Transcendental oratorio
Transcendental oratorio will be performed at Riga
Festival. Its a story based on real events that happened
during the earthquake in Japan. A little boy who was
covered by her dead monthers body survived this nature
disaster. Mothers last message was: If you survive this,
remember I love you... Mother who sacrificed herself in
order to save her son is the main character at the oratorio.
Inga ubovska, Aleksandrs Antoenko, State Choir
Latvija, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra and
conductor Jnis Liepi will take part at the performance. Music Concert Youth, Adults Riga Dome
26.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Three meetings. Versions
of Latvian composers
works offered by world
Three one act ballets set on music of composers Pteris
Vasks, Rihards Dubra and Georgs Pelcis will see their
world premieres in LNO. The music of Latvian
composers has truly inspired three of the most
outstanding guest choreographers - Demis Volpi, Mrio
Radaovsk and TimRushton.
Three meetings. Versions
of Latvian composers
works offered by world
Three new one act ballets will be offered to the viewers as
part of the program Three meetings. Versions of Latvian
composers works offered by world choreographers
created by a trio of guest choreographers Argentinean
artist Demis Volpi who has studied in Stuttgart, but works,
both, in Europe and America; the superintendant of Ballet
Bratislava Mrio Radaovsk and the director of Dance
Theatre of Denmark Tim Rushton. The LNO orchestra and
ballet artists participate in these new productions. Music, dance Show Youth, adults
Latvian National
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
26.04.2014. Survival Kit
Big Get-Togethers to
Lend a Hand, The
Courtyard Movement
The Courtyard Movement is programof public
participation to clean and improve the courtyards. The
project aims at stimulating the engagement of the
inhabitants in development of their living environment,
helping themin fulfillment of their ideas by joined
activity. The organizers hope that it will inspire other
such initiatives as no one knows better the exigencies of
courtyards than people fromthe houses around them.
The situation in these environments will be surveyed
first (the courtyards are entered into competition by the
citizens), to be followed by creating the development
visions of these territories, which will be collectively
brought into existence in the Big Get-together.
Courtyard improvement
in the Big Get-together
Three courtyards will be re-designed and improved
cleaned, greened, furnished etc. in the Big Get-together.
The prerequisite of these transformations is public
initiative and active participation. In a single day, the
courtyards will be changed beyond recognition; adults and
kids will join hands to bring the improvements they need to
life, assisted by consultants student author groups,
landscape architecture professionals etc. The courtyards
undergo preparation for the make-over, but it will be
finalized in a public-engaging event.
participation of
the public Event
youth, adults
Four of Riga's
courtyards Free
26.04.14. Road Map Labas vietas TALKA
The Development Campaign for Good Locations (Labas
vietas TALKA) is driven by games that Rigas residents
love to play at home, which are used as an inspiration
for the creation of environmental objects in the squares
and parks in Rigas neighbourhoods. One such location
is Aleka Square in Sarkandaugava where local
residents will plant seedlings they have grown at home
and do other beautification work on the 1st of May.
Later on this year, the development of two more good
locations will commence in Diozolu Street in
Ziepniekkalns and the Promised Land (Apsolt zeme)
area in iekurkalns. The project is implemented by the
Ideju Mja association and the Contemporary
Architecture Information Centre.
The Main Event of the
Development Campaign
for Aleka Square,
The remaining work will be done to transformAleka
Square into a good location! We will finally set up the
beautiful design objects that have been created by local
residents and earned the praise of designers. An
OUTDOOR GYM will be built at the red wall, followed by
the last finishing touches, levelling the ground, planting
grass, flowers and shrubs. Come and join in! We
recommend you wear suitable clothes - and a smile!
street art
Urban environment
object, event
youth, adults
Aleka skvrs,
(intersection of Tilta
iela/Aleka iela) Free
26.04.14.-07.06.14. Thirst for the Ocean
Vija Celmia. Double
The Latvia-born U.S. artist Vija Celmins exhibition in
Riga is a long-awaited event. Vija Celmins works
represent American art fromthe 1960s to present. They
can be found in the key contemporary art collections of
the world: the Museumof Modern Art in New York, the
Metropolitan Museumof Art, Centre Pompidou in
Paris, The Tate Modern in London and elsewhere. The
ocean, the desert, star fields and spider webs are the
objects that the artist has continued to draw and paint in
her series for many years. Workshop of Stars
The workshop will attempt to determine why the sea, sand
and stars are important to Vija Celmins? Why have an
eraser and pencil grown so big all of a sudden? And also,
is it possible to tell the real fromunreal? Using our
impressions fromthe exhibition as inspiration, we will
create our own star a windmill. The workshop will take
place as part of the exhibition, on the 26th of April, the
10th of May and the 7th of June. Visual arts Creative workshop Children
Art MuseumRiga
Art MuseumRiga
27.04.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Three meetings. Versions
of Latvian composers
works offered by world
Three one act ballets set on music of composers Pteris
Vasks, Rihards Dubra and Georgs Pelcis will see their
world premieres in LNO. The music of Latvian
composers has truly inspired three of the most
outstanding guest choreographers - Demis Volpi, Mrio
Radaovsk and TimRushton.
Three meetings. Versions
of Latvian composers
works offered by world
Three new one act ballets will be offered to the viewers as
part of the program Three meetings. Versions of Latvian
composers works offered by world choreographers
created by a trio of guest choreographers Argentinean
artist Demis Volpi who has studied in Stuttgart, but works,
both, in Europe and America; the superintendant of Ballet
Bratislava Mrio Radaovsk and the director of Dance
Theatre of Denmark Tim Rushton. The LNO orchestra and
ballet artists participate in these new productions. Music, dance Show Youth, adults
Latvian National
28.04.14. Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions.
En-rooters in the
Senior citizens and children from the "En-Rooters" project
participate in a workshop for the beautification of the
Esplanade at 5 p.m.
participation of
the public Workshop
adults Esplanade Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
28.04.14.-30.05.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Solo Exhibition Room
of Love by Margit
Lhmus (Estonia)
The Estonian artist Margit Lhmus project Roomof
Love consists of works created, aesthetically, as amateur
videos, depicting people in various socially complicated
situations. At first glance it may seemthat the videos show
personal and tragic situations, however, the theatrical
passivity of the author exposes the viewer to immediate
provocation by making himor her an unwitting lurker. This
feeling is further intensified by the seemingly-innocent
videos. The exhibition is organised by the Centre for
Contemporary Art. Photography Festival, event Youth, adults Alberta street 3 Free
29.04.2014. Survival Kit
Dance day in your
"Dance Day in Your Nosebag" is an event that centres
on contemporary dance, choreographers' collaborations
with local residents, creating and performing various
dance routines and participating in dance classes. The
project is a reminder of the unique beauty of body
language characteristic of various professions, and is
dedicated to all Rigans, encouraging them to dance in
not just dance halls but also at work, in a park or on a
Dance day in your
The project Dance day in your nosebag will make
choreographers of contemporary dance to survey the
everyday movements of representatives of different
professions in their natural environment, observing,
registering, dancing and exercising together. Habitual
gestures and movements will turn into material of
choreographic phrases, which the viewers will be able to
watch as a mini performance. April 29 will see eruption of
such performances all around Riga, in attempt to dedicate
the whole day to non-stop dancing. These events will be co-
ordinated and a map of proceedings prepared in order to
turn this action into a publicly enjoyable process. Dance Performance, event Youth, adults
Several venues in
Riga Free
Without thematic
division Esplanade 2014
The Ray of Riga has been kept alive even in the darkest
of times. The Esplanade is one of the particularly
significant places in Riga spiritual landscape. The older
citizens of Riga remember the National Song and Dance
festival of the first Independence, while others associate
it with the romantic open-air skating and others still
with the sense of unity enjoyed in the annual Poetry
Days, which center around the monument of Rainis. Esplanade 2014
The open office of the foundation Riga 2014 will function
in the square in front of the monument of Rainis, in the
heart of the Esplanade park, which will offer news of Riga
as the European Capital of Culture and possibility to
observe and participate in diverse cultural activities. This
office will be the place where to share your vision of future
Riga with the like-minded and maybe make friends, a place
to feel at home and enjoy free wi-fi in. We can all become
citizens of Riga for a while in 2014! The Ray of Riga
shines stronger every day. The dates of events may change. All All
youth, adults Esplanade Free
30.04.14.-31.05.14. FreedomStreet
Show-windows towards
Brvbas Street
The project "Show Windows towards Brvbas Street"
looks back at the history of Brvbas iela from 1914 to
the present day, reminding the passers-by of the
different names the street has had and what political
powers have played with the main street of Riga. Eight
popular shop windows along the street will become
enthralling reflections of history, going beyond the
customary boundaries of artistic expression usually
found in an exhibition hall, in order to bring art closer to
the public.
Show-windows towards
Brvbas Street
The objective of the project "Show Windows towards
Brvbas Street is to show how Latvia and Brvbas iela
were changing and developing under the various powers
and the trends they brought. Set designer Anna Heinrihsone
is the designer of the displays in eight Brvbas iela shop
windows, with Vilnis Vj as the author of the texts. The
project is developed in collaboration with historians and
experts fromRiga's museums.
Design, history,
visual arts,
Exhibtion, object in
the city envirnoment
youth, adults
The section of
Brvbas street from
Elizabetes to Stabu
street Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet FreedomStreet Corner House
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB headquarters in Riga, also
known as the Corner House, became a prominent
symbol of totalitarian power that, in the 21st century
Riga, still stands to bear testimony to total war, mass
persecutions and genocide. 2014 is the right time to
change the destiny of the Corner House, to open the
doors and face the experience and fates concealed
therein in order to profoundly understand and recreate
them. The Corner House will be open to the public from
the 1st of May to the 19th of October, presenting the
Occupation Museum's exhibition (admission free of
charge), guided tours "In the KGB Basements", and five
more exhibitions - "(Re)construction of Friendship", "A
Latvian's Suitcase", "In Spite of All, "Ten Objects'
Stories of Person and Power and "The Museum of
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and the power
in the past that still affects the people of the present day. In spite of everything
Every European country is proud of its heritage of nave
art, assembling and popularizing its collections. Nave art
in Latvia has flourished in the period spanning the decades
from 1950s to 1990s when this development was indirectly
spurred by WWII and the occupation of Latvia, which
followed. The exhibition will reflect the impact on our
history of art of creative personalities whose lives relate to
or involved the consequences of occupation, deportation
and simple artistic impulse to resist an inhuman regime.
Exhibition is curated by: Mra dia, Arno Jundze,
Valters Mzi, Guna Millersone, Astrda Rogule, Alise
Tfentle, Dzintars Zilgalvis, Valdis Poikns, Aivars Leitis,
Kate Zilgalve and Laima ze. Opening hours: Monday
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed on Tuesday, Wednesday
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday to Sunday from 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
Visual art,
history Exhibition Youth, adults
Corner House on
Brvbas street
One ticket to all
exhibitions costs EUR
5, EUR 2 for
schoolchildren and
Family ticket (2 adults
and 2 children) is
EUR 10. Free of
charge for the
politically persecuted
persons, national
resistance movement
members, persons
with disabilities,
children up to 7.
Tickets are available
at the box office in the
Corner House's
backyard. FreedomStreet Corner House
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB headquarters in Riga, also
known as the Corner House, became a prominent
symbol of totalitarian power that, in the 21st century
Riga, still stands to bear testimony to total war, mass
persecutions and genocide. 2014 is the right time to
change the destiny of the Corner House, to open the
doors and face the experience and fates concealed
therein in order to profoundly understand and recreate
them. The Corner House will be open to the public from
the 1st of May to the 19th of October, presenting the
Occupation Museum's exhibition (admission free of
charge), guided tours "In the KGB Basements", and five
more exhibitions - "(Re)construction of Friendship", "A
Latvian's Suitcase", "In Spite of All, "Ten Objects'
Stories of Person and Power and "The Museum of
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and the power
in the past that still affects the people of the present day.
Story of man and of
power in ten objects
Riga Museum of History and Navigation has planned an
exhibition, which will allow objects to be storytellers, thus,
demonstrating the range and diversity of information
material things can offer. The main speakers will be ten
museum exhibits, complemented and aided by other
material. Therefore, from a single, concrete point of
departure, not only personal stories will surface, but the
tales of whole families, communities, towns and state
surviving the turns of power and history in the XX century.
Opening hours: Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed on
Tuesday, Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday to
Sunday from10 a.m. to 6 p.m. History Exhibition Youth, adults
Corner House on
Brvbas street
One ticket to all
exhibitions costs EUR
5, EUR 2 for
schoolchildren and
Family ticket (2 adults
and 2 children) is
EUR 10. Free of
charge for the
politically persecuted
persons, national
resistance movement
members, persons
with disabilities,
children up to 7.
Tickets are available
at the box office in the
Corner House's
backyard. FreedomStreet Corner House
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB headquarters in Riga, also
known as the Corner House, became a prominent
symbol of totalitarian power that, in the 21st century
Riga, still stands to bear testimony to total war, mass
persecutions and genocide. 2014 is the right time to
change the destiny of the Corner House, to open the
doors and face the experience and fates concealed
therein in order to profoundly understand and recreate
them. The Corner House will be open to the public from
the 1st of May to the 19th of October, presenting the
Occupation Museum's exhibition (admission free of
charge), guided tours "In the KGB Basements", and five
more exhibitions - "(Re)construction of Friendship", "A
Latvian's Suitcase", "In Spite of All, "Ten Objects'
Stories of Person and Power and "The Museum of
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and the power
in the past that still affects the people of the present day.
(re)Construction of
The "(Re)construction of Friendship" exhibition explores
the phenomenon of "friendship" that one party forces upon
another, such as when a superpower imagines it should
"make friends" with a smaller country, which results in
relations that would normally not exist. Participating in the
exhibition are Daniel & Geo Fuchs (Germany), Nikita
Kadan (Ukraine), Sandra Krastia and Kristaps Epners
(Latvia), Alban Muja (Kosovo), association "Orbta"
(Latvia), Tanel Rander (Estonia), Spessi (Sigurtr
Hallbjrnsson, Iceland) & Erik Pauser (Sweden), Nomeda
& Gediminas Urbonas (Lithuania), Johan Waerndt &
Monika Marklinger (Sweden) and Helena Wikstrm
(Sweden). Art critics Inese Baranovska and sa
Sigurjnsdttir (Iceland), Inga Lce, Krlis Vrpe and
Kitija Vasijeva are the curators of the exhibition. Opening
hours: Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed on Tuesday,
Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday to Sunday
from10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Visual art,
multimedia Exhibition Youth, adults
Corner House on
Brvbas street
One ticket to all
exhibitions costs EUR
5, EUR 2 for
schoolchildren and
Family ticket (2 adults
and 2 children) is
EUR 10. Free of
charge for the
politically persecuted
persons, national
resistance movement
members, persons
with disabilities,
children up to 7.
Tickets are available
at the box office in the
Corner House's
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet FreedomStreet Corner House
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB headquarters in Riga, also
known as the Corner House, became a prominent
symbol of totalitarian power that, in the 21st century
Riga, still stands to bear testimony to total war, mass
persecutions and genocide. 2014 is the right time to
change the destiny of the Corner House, to open the
doors and face the experience and fates concealed
therein in order to profoundly understand and recreate
them. The Corner House will be open to the public from
the 1st of May to the 19th of October, presenting the
Occupation Museum's exhibition (admission free of
charge), guided tours "In the KGB Basements", and five
more exhibitions - "(Re)construction of Friendship", "A
Latvian's Suitcase", "In Spite of All, "Ten Objects'
Stories of Person and Power and "The Museum of
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and the power
in the past that still affects the people of the present day.
The Museumof Fateful
The Museum of Fateful Objects will invite the public to
propose objects to an exposition relating their life stories to
the new museum connected to these objects, which may
have changed their lives and remained within the reach. A
new museum of the objects of personal history will open in
2014, assembled by inhabitants of Riga. The new form of
interactive social communication will take the observer into
world of material objects, forming exposition palpably
linked to human lives. Video versions of their personal
stories will also be added to the design. A book about
objects with their own stories to tell will be published,
bringing together the most vivid texts and requisites. The
author of the project is director and journalist Ilona
Brvere; the author of the design artist Artis Rutks.
Opening hours: Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed on
Tuesday, Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday to
Sunday from10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
literature, visual
art, design,
participation of
the public,
workshop, action,
youth, adults
Corner House on
Brvbas street
One ticket to all
exhibitions costs EUR
5, EUR 2 for
schoolchildren and
Family ticket (2 adults
and 2 children) is
EUR 10. Free of
charge for the
politically persecuted
persons, national
resistance movement
members, persons
with disabilities,
children up to 7.
Tickets are available
at the box office in the
Corner House's
backyard. FreedomStreet Corner House
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB headquarters in Riga, also
known as the Corner House, became a prominent
symbol of totalitarian power that, in the 21st century
Riga, still stands to bear testimony to total war, mass
persecutions and genocide. 2014 is the right time to
change the destiny of the Corner House, to open the
doors and face the experience and fates concealed
therein in order to profoundly understand and recreate
them. The Corner House will be open to the public from
the 1st of May to the 19th of October, presenting the
Occupation Museum's exhibition (admission free of
charge), guided tours "In the KGB Basements", and five
more exhibitions - "(Re)construction of Friendship", "A
Latvian's Suitcase", "In Spite of All, "Ten Objects'
Stories of Person and Power and "The Museum of
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and the power
in the past that still affects the people of the present day. Latvian suitcase
Many waves of exile have washed over Latvia, now,
through individual stories and human experience to be
reflected in an exhibition. The main symbol of this
exposition is suitcase. The packing of suitcase is the last
decisive choice and re-vision of values, weighing on what is
to be taken along and what left behind. For Latvians, all
the discarded life mostly turned out to be irretrievably lost.
This exhibition aims to demonstrate what was to be found
in the luggage of those Latvians who, for different reasons,
had to leave their country for ever. Its focus will be objects
symbolic of the memory of their owners, historic
photography, video and audio material, language of
computer graphics and animation. Rather than being
perceived as no more than passive observers, the audience
will be posed questions What would you take along in
case you had to leave Latvia for indeterminate time?
Opening hours: Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed on
Tuesday, Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday to
Sunday from10 bagpipe ensemb History Exhibition Youth, adults
Corner House on
Brvbas street
One ticket to all
exhibitions costs EUR
5, EUR 2 for
schoolchildren and
Family ticket (2 adults
and 2 children) is
EUR 10. Free of
charge for the
politically persecuted
persons, national
resistance movement
members, persons
with disabilities,
children up to 7.
Tickets are available
at the box office in the
Corner House's
backyard. FreedomStreet Corner House
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB headquarters in Riga, also
known as the Corner House, became a prominent
symbol of totalitarian power that, in the 21st century
Riga, still stands to bear testimony to total war, mass
persecutions and genocide. 2014 is the right time to
change the destiny of the Corner House, to open the
doors and face the experience and fates concealed
therein in order to profoundly understand and recreate
them. The Corner House will be open to the public from
the 1st of May to the 19th of October, presenting the
Occupation Museum's exhibition (admission free of
charge), guided tours "In the KGB Basements", and five
more exhibitions - "(Re)construction of Friendship", "A
Latvian's Suitcase", "In Spite of All, "Ten Objects'
Stories of Person and Power and "The Museum of
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and the power
in the past that still affects the people of the present day.
Explore the Corner
The Corner House Project tours of the house will be
offered to visitors showing the cells in which countless
people were imprisoned, the chilling basement, exercise
area, the different stairs used for prisoners and staff, and
the offices of the investigators. The venue is expected to
provide new historical insight for the younger generation
and guests of the city, as well as become a memorial to
those who have suffered directly or indirectly from
activities within the walls of this building. The notorious
basements of KGB will hold an installation of materials
from the Latvian National Guard, and the cells and kitchen
will be open for viewing. The sixth floor of the building
will reveal the exercise grounds from above and the narrow
space where those under investigation were kept for shorter
stretches of time. Opening hours: Monday from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m., closed on Tuesday, Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 8
p.m., Thursday to Sunday from10 a.m. to 6 p.m. History Exhibition, event Youth, adults
Corner House on
Brvbas street
Admission to the
exhibition is free of
charge. The guided
tour costs EUR 5.
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Road Map Ziedodrzs Tales
Project Ziedodrzs Tales is envisaged as a meeting
space, where, in a kaleidoscope of almost 50 different
social and cultural events, grandmothers will walk the
kindergarten children while students and artists living
around this venue will present the viewers their work in
exhibitions, video instalations and readings of poetry,
modern dance and theatre performances, concerts,
programs for children and activities for the youngsters
as well as actions aimed at creating socially responsible
society. Ziedodrzs Tales
Project Ziedodrzs Tales will include a month of daily
activities organized in the park for people of different age
groups. Mondays will be for meeting new people, Tuesdays
for games and playing, Wednesdays for emotional
recreation, while Thursdays will be dedicated to art of
conversation. Fridays will bring Unusual events, organized
by the students of The College of Culture collaborating
with professional artists, photographers, musicians and
other creative prominences fromthe Ziedodrzs area.
Music, dance,
literature, visual
art, design,
participation of
the public,
exhibition, object in
the city environment,
discussion / lecture,
youth, adults Ziedodrzs park Free Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The program of 2014 will include 'Riga Photomonth
2014. Urban Viewfinders.' Its many-fold program
consists of exhibitions, projects in the city environment,
presentations of photographers and artists, discussions
and other activities, creating, collectively, a photo map
of a journey of a kind and allowing to express and
experience what is the most actual in modern
photography. iRiga
The photographs show Riga as seen by local residents,
presenting the viewers not the stereotypical postcards but
images of the citys suburbs, Riga residents and their
routine lives. The works, mostly street photography, are the
result of significant civic collaboration visual testimonies
to the present time, created by professionals and amateurs
alike. Participating in the exhibition are Zelma Brezinska,
Sergejs Babikovs, Aivars Slins, Andrejs Strokins,
Viesturs Pinka and others.
participation of
the public
Exhibition, festival,
event Youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
01.05.14.-31.05.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster a sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by locals, artistic meetings en
plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Portrait Workshop
The photographic studio for Aija Bleys photography
campaign Portrait Workshop is where portraits are
created that blend the traditions of the photography salons
of the twentieth century with contemporary portrait
photography. In this case, art is in the very creative process
where collaboration between the photographer and the
model is of major importance. Works created during the
project will be included in an exhibition that will be
supplemented with new works while on show. Anyone can
apply for participation in the project by calling 29455955
or writing to The material created during the
project is on display at Kaepe Culture Centre fromthe
15th to the 25th of May.
Participation of
the public,
Exhibition, creative
workshop Youth, adults nijas 8 - k.1 Free
01.05.14.-31.05.14. Road Map Long Walk
The goal of the project Long Walk is environmental
research and the implementation of specific deign
projects, as well as the effect of surroundings and design
on city dwellers. Jungle Gym
Through the collaboration of city dwellers and designers,
the environment improvement project with long-term
effects on the well-being and comfort of inhabitants of Riga
is implemented. The project merges environmental research
and the implementation of specific design projects, as well
as the effect of surroundings and design on city dwellers.
The project foresees the creation of five vertical jungle
gyms in various Riga districts. The project's opening
ceremony will take place at Aleka Square, the intersection
of Aleka iela and Tiltu iela in Sarkandaugava, on the 1st
of May at 3 p.m.
participation of
the public
Object in the city
environment, action
youth, adults Districts of Riga Free
01.05.14.-31.10.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster a sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by locals, artistic meetings en
plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Contrasting Atgzene
An exploration of Atgzene and creation of new artworks
by involving local residents, pupils, students and those who
spend a lot of time in the area. The Atgzene research
project will result in a travelling exhibition about Atgzene,
which will visit various locations throughout the
neighbourhood to foster and popularise cultural and
historic research of the neighbourhood. A tourist trail will
be created in collaboration with "Turba" school students to
take those willing to learn something new on a tour of the
most interesting places in the neighbourhood. A plein air
event in the summer will, in turn, involve residents of
Atgzene in a visual exploration of the neighbourhood -
adults and children, students and children fromthe local
schools, members of traditional applied art studios.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public
Exhibition, creative
youth, adults
In various locations
of Atgzene Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Life and Work, Solo
Exhibition by Sune
Jonsson (Sweden)
Sune Jonsson (19302009) is an acclaimed Swedish
documentary photography artist, also a writer and a
documentary filmdirector. The photographs and
documentary films by Sune Jonsson depict landscapes,
rural residents, farmers. The Riga Photo Month presents
the photographers exhibition Life and Work, which is
organised by the Latvian Museumof Photography in co-
operation with the Vsterbottens Museum(Ume,
Sweden). Photography Exhibition, event Youth, adults
Mrstau street 8,
Riga Admission charged Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Joints, an Exhibition
by the Popper
Joints (Savienojuma vietas) is an unprecedented event in
Latvias art life. The exhibition and the magazine will
feature works created in various artistic collaborations
photographs, collages, graphic art, drawings and artworks
that do not fall into any category: works by fourteen
Latvian photographers/artists interpreted, visually
commented, supplemented and deconstructed by seventeen
Latvian illustrators. Organised by Popper Magazine in
collaboration with ISSP. Photography Exhibition, event Youth, adults Skolas street 15, Riga Admission charged
04.05.14 No thematic line European FilmAwards
The European FilmAwards Ceremony will be one of
the main events of the Riga 2014 Programme. A great
deal of thought goes into selecting the venue for each
European FilmAwards Ceremony. It was Rigas status
as the European Capital of Culture that drew the
attention of the ceremony's organisers this year and
prompted themto hold the ceremony in Riga. The
European FilmAcademy is also the organiser of the
Young Audience Awards following filmscreenings in
several European cities. In 2013 and 2014, films
competing for the Young Audience Award are also
screened in Riga
European FilmAcademy
Young Audience Award
On the 4th of May, the Kino Citadele" cinema will host
the European FilmAcademy Young Audience Award
Ceremony for a second time. A jury made up of children
and teenagers will watch three excellent European films
and present the European FilmAcademys Young
Audience Award to one of the films. Children aged 12 to
14 are invited to become members of the jury. The award
ceremony will be streamed live at 9 p.m. (Latvian time) on
the website The Young
Audience Award Ceremony is organised by the National
FilmCentre in co-operation with the European Film
Academy, the Riga 2014 foundation, Goethe Institute in
Riga and the Kino Citadele cinema. The filmscreenings
and the awards ceremony are part of the filmindustry
programme Riga Meetings. Cinema Event
youth "Kino Citadele" Free Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions.
En-rooters in the
Workshop En-rooters in the neighbourhoods will be
organized within the project En-rooters where senior
citizens and children will engage in gardening activities.
The greenery to be grown in this process will find place in
the neighbourhoods in Riga actualizing involvement of
public in improvement of living environment. The dates of
these events may change depending on weather conditions.
participation of
the public Workshop
The venue to be
announced Free
05.05.14.-25.05.14. Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The program of 2014 will include 'Riga Photomonth
2014. Urban Viewfinders.' Its many-fold program
consists of exhibitions, projects in the city environment,
presentations of photographers and artists, discussions
and other activities, creating, collectively, a photo map
of a journey of a kind and allowing to express and
experience what is the most actual in modern
photography. Neighbors
Photography series by artists Kaspars Podnieks, Evelna
Deimane, Arnis Balus, Ilze Vanaga and Ieva Raudsepa,
shot in various suburbs of Riga and displayed in urban
environment, emphasise the local specific of every
neighbourhood and prompt people to get to know each
other. Neighbours has been created in collaboration with
the Swedish city of Ume group VODA. A presentation of
the Neighbours and VODA project will be held during
the Night of the Museums.
Visual art,
Workshop, festival,
event Youth, adults Riga cityscape Free Survival kit Meet Me in the Museum!
The Museumof Nave Art, Latvia will popularize nave
art and the culture of Latvia in Europe with an
international collection. There is creative potential in
everybody needing an impulse to be expressed. The
slogan project to promote the creativity of the public
Meet Me in the Museum! will stir everyone to turn to
creativity or to return to long forgotten paint-brushes or
crayons. Meet Me in the Museum!
Autumn plain-air as part of the project Meet Me in the
Museum! will invite everybody to discover their creative
potential, turn to creative activity or to return the paint-
brushes long since put away and to show their work aside
with productions of recognized Latvian naive genre artists.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public Workshop
youth, adults
Floating galleries
'Noass' and
'Betanovuss' on AB
quay Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
06.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
07.05.2014. Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Photography in
Cinema, History of
Latvian Photography in
Films and Newsreels
The history of photography in Latvia as shown in films and
newsreels, Putnia izlidoana (Birdie Leaves the Nest,
1979), Spogua dziums (Depth of the Mirror, 1980),
Hallo, Maskava! (Hello, Moscow!, 1966), Rokas
(Hands, 1967), Salts (Fireworks, 1975), Mksla
(Art, 1966), Padomju Latvija (Soviet Latvia, 1979).
Curators: Lva Ptersone, Zane Balus. Organised by the
Latvian Academy of Culture Riga FilmMuseum.
photography Festival, event Youth, adults Riga FilmMuseum Free
07.05.14.-31.05.14. Survival Kit
The craftsman workshop
The goal of the project is to hold craftsman workshops,
therefore allowing themto meet and to share their skills
and work in authentic surroundings the workshops
will be open to public attendance. The project intends to
encourage emerging craftsman to create new and
modern products, based on traditional crafts and skills.
The project will conclude with an extensive and versatile
modern crafts show.
The craftsman workshop
The craftsman workshop Tilts (Bridge) will consist of
many parts:
7 10 May: woodworking week;
14 17 May: pottery week (opening and stoking of the kiln
on 16 and 17 May);
21 24 May: game, toy and musical instrument week;
28 31 May: handicraft week.
If you want to visit the workshops in groups, please, make
a reservation by calling this number - 67994106.
participation of
the public,
tradition Workshop
youth, adults
At Latvian
Ethnographic Open
Air Museum
Latvian Ethnographic
Open Air Museum Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Imants Gross
(Latvia/Sweden) Solo
The solo exhibition by the Latvian-Swedish photographer
Imants Gross shows him just like a butterfly collector
itemising and arranging time periods, pinning photographs
to showcase stands with insect pins. In doing so, he creates
his own self-portrait that is, on the one hand, very personal,
but at the same time it also portrays his generation and the
times he lives in. Vintages /Gadagjumi collages tell a
story of five generations, furthermore, these generations
come fromvarious places around the world. Photography Festival Youth, adults
Wine Studio,
Elizabetes 10 Free Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Between War and
Famine, a Solo
Exhibition by Jan Grarup
The Danish photographer Jan Grarup is known for his
photo series fromwar zones and fromAfrican countries
tormented by famine, illnesses, and religious and ethnic
prejudices. The exhibition in Riga centres on Somalia and
its people who have been seeing the horrors of war for over
twenty years now. The exhibition is about people caught in
a war, between poverty and desperation. Yet the
photographer says that Somalis are the greatest and most
wonderful people he has ever met. The exhibition is
organised by the Danish Institute of Culture. Photography Festival, event Youth, adults
Smilu street 20,
Riga Free
08.05.2014. Survival Kit RigaDot
Drawing on cultural heritage as well as emerging
innovative elements in science and culture, Project
RigaDot is envisaged as a complex of events to inform
the audience, in engaging, attractive and practically
useful form, about Riga as creative center of culture
and science. This programwill feature events like the
cycle Science cafes, thematic exhibitions, concerts in
Nabaklab, thematic shows in radio Naba and Science
Festival. Science cafes
Science will be highlighted in such RigaDot project
events as the cycle of discussions Science cafs. They
will offer a chance to meet scientists in person and propose
questions they could address. Science cafs discussions
are to evolve as free, informal exchanges of views on the
issues of science currently in the public eye.
Music, science,
Concert, discussion /
lecture, event,
TV/radio Youth, adults
University of Latvia,
radio Naba,
Nabaklab Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The program of 2014 will include 'Riga Photomonth
2014. Urban Viewfinders.' Its many-fold program
consists of exhibitions, projects in the city environment,
presentations of photographers and artists, discussions
and other activities, creating, collectively, a photo map
of a journey of a kind and allowing to express and
experience what is the most actual in modern
Exhibition 'Urban
Viewfinders' - new
photography of Baltic
and Northern states
The exhibition focuses on people trying to find their selves
in the contemporary world the interactions between the
private and the public, the local and the global, the mental
and the physical. At the same time, the exhibition will look
at the trends in contemporary photography as an art
practice because, due to the rapid technological
development these days, the importance and message of
photographic images needs to be re-evaluated.
Participating: Lars Tunbjrk (Sweden), Thobias Fldt&
Klara Kallstrom (Sweden, Iceland), Ieva Epnere (Latvia),
Ivars Gravlejs (Latvia) and other artists.
Visual art,
exhibition, festival,
event Youth, adults Riga Art Space Free
08.05.14.-05.06.14. Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Dawids solo exhibition
Dawids career goes back to the 1970s, when critics called
him the last representative of modernism and the first
representative of postmodernism. The exhibition
ROST/RUST, which once prompted heated debates in
Sweden and changed the perception of photography as a
medium, is one of the most famous series by the artist.
Visual arts,
Exhibition, festival,
event Youth, adults Riga Art Space Riga Art Space
08.05.14.-14.06.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities. Exhibition Abroad
The exhibition rzemes looks into the transformation of
the notion of abroad, changes in Latvian artists travel
habits and destinations, as well as the various intentions,
types and even some cultural and political strategies that
had a direct effect on the artistic creativity process. The
exhibition includes photo series by Ieva Epnere, Ivars
Grvlejs, Reinis Hofmanis and Anis Stakle. Organised by
the Mkusala Art Salon. Photography Exhibition, festival Youth, adults
Mkusalas street 42,
Riga Free
09.05.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities. Portfolio Show
The Portfolio Show presents an opportunity for up-and-
coming photographers to show their works to a select
group of photography professionals. The event is a good
platformfor those who want their projects to be appraised
by professionals and seek advice regarding new concepts or
career development. Works will be reviewed by experts
like the Head of The Swedish Photography gallerys Nina
Grundemark, photographers Thobias Fldt (SE), Joachim
Fleinert (DK) and others. Photography Festival, event Youth, adults Mkusalas street 3 Mkusalas street 3 Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Mra Bramanes
(Latvia) Solo Exhibition
Time of Change
Photographer Mra Bramane was working at the Latvian
National Museumof Art for twenty years (19842004),
witnessing collections being moved to new rooms, the
creation of the Soviet Latvia exhibition and how it was
later moved to the Arsenls exhibition hall, repairs to the
White Hall and the opening of the Hege Hall. The
exhibition is organised by the Latvian National Museumof
Art. Photography Festival, event
youth, adults Tora street 1, Riga Admission charged
09.05.14.-11.05.14. Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The program of 2014 will include 'Riga Photomonth
2014. Urban Viewfinders.' Its many-fold program
consists of exhibitions, projects in the city environment,
presentations of photographers and artists, discussions
and other activities, creating, collectively, a photo map
of a journey of a kind and allowing to express and
experience what is the most actual in modern
photography. Self Publish Riga
"Self Publish Riga, part of the "Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders project, will feature an exhibition of
photo-books, a competition for self-published photo-books
and book designs, as well as workshops and public lectures
on the creation and self-publication of photo-books.
participation of
the public
Workshop, festival,
event Youth, adults
"The Mill", Brvbas
33 Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
10.05.14.-11.05.14. Riga Carnival Magic Dance Expo 2014
International dance festival Magic Dance Expo 2014
will gather a great diversity of dance groups, individual
artists and pedagogues, to present a remarkable
experience of this art form. In two halls of the venue,
several stages and dance floors will be given to parallel
dance shows, show case demonstrations and concerts as
well as championships in several dance genres and
expanded by quiz programs and master classes for the
Dance show 'Riga Magic
Participants of International dance festival Magic Dance
Expo 2014, the best professional dancers and
choreographers, popular musicians, TV stars and athletes
from Latvia and abroad who may be far from dance
professionally, will perform in a surprising dance show,
demonstrating synthesis of dance and other genres of art
and culture. A modern two-part dance show will be created
blending the tradition of dance with what is actual,
multicultural and multi-form. Choreographer Olga
itluhina will create a mix of classical dance and various
contemporary dance styles. The talented artists will
translate the power of sound, water and fire into language
of dance.
performance, event
youth, adults
International expo in
The ticket office to be
10.05.14.-20.06.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Solo Exhibition by Mary
Ellen Mark (U.S.)
The solo exhibition by Mary Ellen Mark (U.S.) presents
the classical documentary photography tradition where
photojournalismborders on, and overlaps with, subjective
documentalism. The most popular series by Mark focuses
on the vulnerable social groups of society. Mark has
collaborated with New York Times Magazine, Life,
Paris-Match, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone and
many other prestigious magazines, as well as received
numerous awards. The exhibition is organised in co-
operation with the U.S. Embassy in Riga. Photography Festival, event Youth, adults Mkusalas street 3 Mkusalas street 3
10.05.14.-20.06.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Iveta Vaivode's (Latvija)
Solo Exhibition "Lap"
Two years ago Iveta Vaivode visited her grandmother
Antoina's village of Pilceni in Latgale to find the place she
had painted in her mind when looking at the photographs
fromthe grandmother's youth. While trying to find the last
vestiges of her family in the village, the author speaks to
people who once knew her grandmother. It is through
Pilcene residents' stories that the photographer rediscovers
a world long lost. Many of the people she meets continue to
live in their very special memories about the past. Photography Exhibition, event Youth, adults Mkusalas street 3 Free Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions.
En-rooters in the
The "En-Rooters in Neighbourhoods" workshop, part of
the "En-Rooters" project, will be held for the beautification
of the engarags neighbourhood. The establishment of
green areas in Riga suburbs contributes to the development
of the urban environment as well as encouraging local
residents to take part in tidying up the areas they live in
and constructing various infrastructure elements for
sustainable development of these areas. The dates of the
events are subject to change.
participation of
the public Workshop
The venue to be
announced Free
13.05.14.-25.05.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Valdis Thor's
Photography Exhibitions
"Valdis" is a conceptual project about identity. During her
residence in Riga, the artist conducted a number of
experiments on the theme of her identity: at the heart of the
project is her name, Valdis, which is a female name in
Iceland albeit a male name in Latvia. Photography
Exhibition, festival,
event Youth, adults
Kaepe Culture
Centre, Skolas street
15 Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
13.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free Road Map Blank Canvas
Festival of the street art Blank Canvas: art ground,
crime ground, play ground? is organized within the
professional environment, addressing the question
Whether the street art reaches maturity to become part
of the art market if not in Latvia, then in Europe and the
world? Is it a savage game verging on hooliganism? The
festival will feature a cycle of presentations and
discussions to actualize the theme of the street art for
the public, and the street artists will create video art
work and installations in the cityscape.
Blank Canvas: art
ground, crime ground,
play ground?
The goal of the festival Blank Canvas: art ground, crime
ground, play ground? is to encourage public
understanding of street art with the help of discussions,
presentations and artwork. The street art festival week will
consist of two parts in daytime, street artists together
with participants and volunteers in previously selected and
coordinated spots in different places in Riga will create art,
while in the evenings, the audience will be introduced to
street art to attract more public attention, as well as the
chance to learn something new by attending lectures,
discussions and workshops, hosted by professionals.
Curator - Edgars Zvirgzdi.
Visual art, street
Object in the city
discussion / lecture,
workshop, festival Youth, adults
Club "Nabaklab" and
in the city
environment Free
14.05.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Lecture by Artist J.H.
The popular Swedish photographer J.H. Engstrm(1969)
visits Riga to give a public talk. Although the
photographer was born in Sweden, he moved to Paris in his
early teens together with his parents, which had a great
impact on his creative development. Engstrms
photographs forman autobiographic story, a documentary
diary. The persons depicted in his photographs are in a
natural state, with no shortcomings concealed as are the
photographs themselves. The lecture is organised in
collaboration with the Boris and Inra Teterev Foundation. Photography
Event, lecture /
discussion Youth, adults Mkusalas street 3 Free Amber Vein
Amber - the precious
stone of the Baltic Sea
Amber Road in Riga campaign will be held in 2014
where such institutions as The Art Museum Riga
Bourse, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Natural History Museum of Latvia, Pauls Stradi
Museum of the History of Medicine as well as National
History Museum of Latvia and Putti Art Gallery will
represent the origins of amber showing it in the context
of history, identity and practical use. Not everyone is
aware of the fact that various amber manufacturing
places were set at the territory of Latvia. While working
hard through many years, archaeologists have found
those amber materials, and now it will be represented to
everyone. National History Museum holds a large
collection of amber subjects from The Stone Age to
nowadays. Therefore ,it shows the evolution of amber
processing skills from4000s BC to 21st century.
Amber - the precious
stone of the Baltic Sea
At 32 Freedom Street (Brvbas iela), an exhibition titled
Amber- Jewel from The Baltic Sea will be opened at
National History Museum. Various amber subjects will be
shown representing the time period from The Stone Ages
until nowadays. Do you want to find out what the
legendary mooses head is? Come and explore it yourself!
Various multimedia options will be added to this
exposition, also brochures and souvenirs from Nice
Place company will be offered.
tradition Exhibition
youth, adults
National History
Museum, 32 Freedom
Latvia's National
Museumof History
15.05.2014. Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Photography in Film,
Documentary Film
(France, 2004)
A triptych of short films: in the filmYdessa, The Bears and
Etc, Varda presents a collection of photographs where each
picture features a teddy bear. The film Ulysses is a
deconstruction of one of his early photographs, In Salut les
Cubains he attempts to capture the atmosphere of the
Cuban Revolution in rigid pictures. The programme is
organised by the Latvian Academy of Culture and the Riga
Film Museum in co-operation with the French Institute in
photography Festival, event Youth, adults Riga FilmMuseum
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
15.05.14.-16.05.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster the sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by the locals, artistic meetings
en plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Liel Jugla
Liel Jugla is a festival for Jugla residents to help raise
awareness of their cultural and historic heritage, the
neighbourhoods identity, realise that Jugla is an important
Riga neighbourhood - because they live there. Participants
in the festival will be able to not only attend various events
but also take active part and create works of art
themselves. The festival is organised by young people from
all Jugla schools, music schools, as well as Riga style and
fashion vocational schools, making full use of their creative
potential. 2ANNAS programme of short films
PROJEKTORS2014 will take place on the 15th of May
from3 p.m. to 8 p.m., supplemented by street art
performances. On the same day - a lecture by B. Guste,
also a concert by young musicians and bands. On the 16th
of May from3 p.m. to 8 p.m., Jugla residents will be
offered to attend the photography exhibition Jugla
Stories, there will be garage sale venues, creative
workshops, cycling tour of Jugla lakes, as well as singing
and contemporary dance performances by Valentns Kieso
and the Childhood Colony band. An important part of
the festival will be the Grand Picnic.
Music, cinema,
visual arts,
education, sport,
participation of
the public,
traditions, street
Exhibition, creative
workshop, event
youth, adults
Jugla Secondary
School and other
locations in Jugla Free
15.05.2014. Survival Kit Potato Opera
Project 'Potato Opera' invites to take a closer look at
and learn a lot of new about this well known staple
vegetable. Project includes
-a colorful performance for the family;
-action for young and not so young Friend in a pot or
Potato Diaries;
-Internet resource to be launched in
January 1, 2014 to provide exhaustive popular science
view on potato.
Friend in a pot of Potato
The process of growing potato will be the focus of the
project Potato Opera, offering the audience to grow one in
a pot for themselves; to enjoy the summer together, making
friends on the way and entertaining them with stories and
pictures. Everyone involved in the project will receive a pot
and a plant of potato the first potato or the patriarch. Its
well-being must be the focus of the person growing it for
entire duration of the project from May till October,
when the potato diary must also be kept. All the activities
of the potato need to be reflected in its project home page
participation of
the public,
Workshop, action,
youth, adults All over Latvia Free Survival Kit
Exhibition Fields and
the accompanying events
of the festival Art +
Communication 2014
The "RIXC" Centre for New Media Culture presents the
international art exhibition "Fields" - a lively landscape
of art that challenges existing viewpoints, deconstructs
social reality, and offers positive visions for the future.
The exhibition will be accompanied by the 16th
International Festival for New Media Culture
Art+Communication 2014 programme with public
lectures, international conference "Renewable Futures",
live performances and concerts. Fields
The international art exhibition "Fields" tells about the
parallels in the development of art, science and technology.
Raitis mits, Rasa mite (Latvia) and Armin Medosch
(Austria) are the curators of the exhibition. Artists
participating in the exhibition: Oliver Ressler, Shu Lea
Cheang, Lisa Jevbratt, Superflex, Gints Gabrns, Marko
Peljhan, Cecile Babiole, HeHe, Voldemrs Johansons,
Erich Berger, Mrti Ratniks, Hayley Newman, Annemie
Maes (Okno), YoHa, Martin Howse, Franz Xaver and
many more.
Visual art,
participation of
the public,
workshop, festival
youth, adults
Expositon hall
'Arsenls', RIXC
Media space, creative
quarter of Speri
The ticket office to be
16.05.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Lecture by Artist Antoine
D'Agata (France)
The photography agency Magnum photographer,
Frenchman Antoine DAgata (1961) will present a lecture
in Riga. DAgata is constantly on the move, creating a
documentary narration about an existential search for ones
self, at the same time revealing the decadent aspects of
modern society dependencies, prostitution, violence. The
lecture is organised in collaboration with the Boris and
Inra Teterev Foundation.
photography Festival, event Youth, adults Riga FilmMuseum
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
16.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Opening
Concert in the Riga Dom
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the first concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Romualds Jermaks -
Introduction and Passacaglia on BACH (premiere),
Tlivaldis eni - Chorale Cantata. Three organists will
perform in the opening concert: Organ Professor Tlivaldis
Deksnis and two young organists who have proved their
skill at not only concerts in Latvia and abroad but also at
international competitions Liene Andreta Kalnciema and
Dina Jaunzeme. Also performing in the concert: mixed
choir "Sonore", conducted by Mrti Ozoli, soprano
Inga ubovska, horn player Mrcis Mielsons and
trumpeter Edgars Brzdi. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral Riga Dome
17.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Born in Riga
The cycle of concerts Born in Riga highlights Riga as
connecting place the unifying ground for the
contemporary great stars in the musical world, the place
where these outstanding artists have made their first
steps in music, the place, which has given so many
wonderful musicians to more than Europe alone. Concert of Inga Kalna
In the cycle of concerts Born in Riga, soprano Inga
Kalna, who, coming fromRiga, is an internationally known
soloist applauded to in Italy, France, England, Canada,
USA, Israel, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, the
Netherlands and elsewhere, will perform in LNO. The
programs of the soprano include almost all of the best
lyrical soprano parties in the classical Western European
repertoire. Music Concert Youth, adults
National Opera of
17.05.2014. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster the sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by the locals, artistic meetings
en plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them.
Sarkandaugava Workers'
For the first time, Sarkandaugava will host a festival for
local residents to highlight the most interesting periods in
Sarkandaugava's history and help local residents jointly
create the future identity of the neighbourhood.
Sarkandaugava Workers' Day will take place in the very
heart of the neighbourhood. It will be an open-air festival
to change and enhance people's perceptions of the area,
which for a long time has been the industrial centre and
cradle of Riga. Turning the spotlight on the termworker,
Sarkandaugava Workers' Day will pay homage to the most
active period in the neighbourhood's history when it was
workers who created the identity of the neighbourhood.
There will be a number of activities aimed at creating a
new identity for Sarkandaugava.
Participation of
the public,
history Festival
youth, adults Sarkandaugava Free of charge
17.05.14.-06.09. Survival Kit Garden of Freedom
Garden of Freedom is an aesthetically ecological
research-oriented project aiming at creation of real
urban garden on a cornice and balcony of a building on
Brvbas street 90. Its main idea is to urge thinking
about the idea of urban garden in the centre of town and
returning to ground values, traditions and long-forgotten
skills such as ability to grow edible and medicinal
greens on window sills, balconies and terraces in the
city. Garden of Freedom
Organizers and team of the project Garden of Freedom
will invite public to the action of planting and seminar
about developing of gardens on window sills, balconies and
terraces, offering the experience of such forms of gardening
and knowledge about such traditions evolving in the urban
landscape as well as advice on planting and tending to such
greens. Practicing gardeners will introduce public to this
field of activity, and those, who are interested, will receive
a hand-book on urban gardening, prepared, based on
research of the gardening tradition in Riga, which involved,
both, individual gardeners and owners of window and
terrace garden-beds.
participation of
the public,
tradition Action, event Youth, adults
Brvbas street 90,
the courtyard - the
territory of Vidzeme
inner city market Free Survival kit Meet Me in the Museum!
The Museumof Nave Art, Latvia will popularize nave
art and the culture of Latvia in Europe with an
international collection. There is creative potential in
everybody needing an impulse to be expressed. The
slogan project to promote the creativity of the public
Meet Me in the Museum! will stir everyone to turn to
creativity or to return to long forgotten paint-brushes or
crayons. Meet Me in the Museum!
Project Meet Me in the Museum! will re-open the basic
exposition of the Museumof Nave Art Latvia for viewing.
The museum, which is found on the AB quay, will present
international collection. The activities of the museumwill
join the professionals in arts with citizens and guests of
Riga in keeping with the initial principles of MNA as
public friendly and open artistic space.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public Exhibition
youth, adults
Floating galleries
'Noass' and
'Betanovuss' on AB
quay Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
17.05.14.-05.10.14. Road Map Unscheduled Meetings
Unscheduled Meetings are two eye-shaped
environmental objects fitted with screens and sound
systems. Each offers the visitors to watch video
materials and live broadcasts, as well as interact with
the visitors to the other installation. Unscheduled Meetings
Unscheduled Meetings was held for the first time on the
17th of May, the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian
Constitution, linking up Riga and the Norwegian city of
Drbak. The Unscheduled Meetings will take place at
the Esplanade until October. Follow the culture chalets
programme! Multimedia
Urban environment
youth, adults Esplanade Free
18.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Three meetings. Versions
of Latvian composers
works offered by world
Three one act ballets set on music of composers Pteris
Vasks, Rihards Dubra and Georgs Pelcis will see their
world premieres in LNO. The music of Latvian
composers has truly inspired three of the most
outstanding guest choreographers - Demis Volpi, Mrio
Radaovsk and TimRushton.
Three meetings. Versions
of Latvian composers
works offered by world
Three new one act ballets will be offered to the viewers as
part of the program Three meetings. Versions of Latvian
composers works offered by world choreographers
created by a trio of guest choreographers Argentinean
artist Demis Volpi who has studied in Stuttgart, but works,
both, in Europe and America; the superintendant of Ballet
Bratislava Mrio Radaovsk and the director of Dance
Theatre of Denmark Tim Rushton. The LNO orchestra and
ballet artists participate in these new productions. Music, dance Performance Youth, adults
Latvian National
18.05.2014. Freedomstreet
A Kilometre of Culture
on FreedomStreet
The annual Nordea Riga Marathon is part of the
European Capital of Culture Programme this year, and
will take place on the 18th of May. This time, the
marathon route has been altered to also include Brvbas
iela and A Kilometre of Culture on FreedomStreet
a special programme of culture, music and singing on
Brvbas iela during the marathon. This years marathon
is hoping to surprise the runners and the spectators,
presenting the main street of Riga froma different
cultural and historic viewpoint.
A Kilometre of Culture
on FreedomStreet
The Great Stage of a Kilometre of Culture will be set up
between Elizabetes iela and Dzirnavu iela to entertain the
runners and the fans alike, where the most popular Latvian
musicians will be performing hit songs written from 1914
to 2014. The runners will be cheered on by songs in
Latvian, Russian, English and other languages. Most
people will recognise them instantly, the songs that were
the favourites of our grandmothers, fathers, ourselves and
now also our children.
Music, dance,
film, sport Event
youth, adults Brvbas Street
Nordea Riga
18.05.2014. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster a sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by locals, artistic meetings en
plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them.
Revision - Riding a
White Horse
The "Revision" project encompasses teaching new skills
and crafts to local residents, creative workshops,
discussions about the history of the neighbourhood,
walking and cycling tours, and guided tours. Daugavgrva
Castle will present Varis Piis and Jkabs Nmanis'
performance "Riding a White Horse" about the first
Latvian artistic performance on May 18, which focuses on
art and war. This will be followed by a discussion about
the development of the Daugavgrva Castle, which will also
feature information stands and guided tours of the castle.
Theatre, history,
multimedia Show
youth, adults
Daugavgrva Castle,
Flotes iela 1b Free Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions.
En-rooters in the
Workshop En-rooters in the neighbourhoods will be
organized within the project En-rooters where senior
citizens and children will engage in gardening activities.
The greenery to be grown in this process will find place in
the neighbourhoods in Riga actualizing involvement of
public in improvement of living environment. The dates of
these events may change depending on weather conditions.
participation of
the public Workshop
The venue to be
announced Free
19.05.14.-25.05.14. Road Map
Dance Goes Out Into
In 2014, Riga will become an action-site for the
recognized choreographers of contemporary dance, who
will engage the young artists of dance from Latvia in
process of search and creativity aimed at finding new
sites for dance and generating professional pieces of
contemporary dance outside their traditional studios,
theatre houses and platforms. The subject of the project
research will be potential of urban environment to
become the stage of contemporary dance.
Dance Goes Out Into
Austrian choreographer Willy Dorner will visit Riga and
work with 10-12 choreographers and dancers from Latvia,
developing performances in one of Rigas neighborhoods
(which will be announced). The creative process as well as
performances will predominantly take place in the
cityscape, fusing with the everyday life of the neighborhood
and allowing the locals and by-passers to become observers
of creation of art work.
education Performance, event
youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
19.05.14.-31.05.14. Road Map Riga Self | Portraits
"Riga Self | Portraits" is a series of contemporary Riga
residents' photographs as seen by themselves and
professional photographers, involving a colourful
variety of Rigans in the city's artistic developments.
People living in the engarags, Bolderja, Jugla and
other neighbourhoods of Riga were participating in
creative workshops from2012 to 2014 to create their
self-portraits under the guidance of foreign and local
artistic photographers. Any Rigan could submit his or
her self-portrait, contributing to the gallery of the city's
portraits. "Riga Self | Portraits" is part of the
international inclusion and community development
project "Contemporary Self-Portraits", implemented in
Latvia by the ISSP association.
Marcos Lpez Visits
The legendary Argentine photographer Marcos Lpez
visits Riga. During his stay in Riga, Lpez will go on
several photo shoots to take pictures of the people in Riga
neighbourhoods in his unique Pop Latino style. Photography Creative workshop
youth, adults Riga neighbourhoods Free
20.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
22.05.2014. Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Photography in Film,
Documentary Film
"WilliamEggleston in
the Real Word"
The filmis a journey together with the prominent American
photographer William Eggleston, the film crew
accompanying him on his trips to Kentucky, Los Angeles,
New York and Memphis. Organised by the Latvian
Academy of Culture and the Riga FilmMuseum.
photography Festival, event Youth, adults Riga Art Space
The ticket office to be
22.05.14. Road Map Riga Self | Portraits
"Riga Self | Portraits" is a series of contemporary Riga
residents' photographs as seen by themselves and
professional photographers, involving a colourful
variety of Rigans in the city's artistic developments.
People living in the engarags, Bolderja, Jugla and
other neighbourhoods of Riga were participating in
creative workshops from2012 to 2014 to create their
self-portraits under the guidance of foreign and local
artistic photographers. Any Rigan could submit his or
her self-portrait, contributing to the gallery of the city's
portraits. "Riga Self | Portraits" is part of the
international inclusion and community development
project "Contemporary Self-Portraits", implemented in
Latvia by the ISSP association.
Lecture by Artist Marcos
Lopez (Argentina)
One of the greatest contemporary Argentinian
photographers, Marcos Lopez (1958) will be visiting Riga
for two weeks to capture photographs of residents in Riga's
suburbs in his lavish and unique pop-Latino style. During
the visit, Lopez will present his latest works to the general
public by giving an open lecture. Works that are created
during Lopezs visit to Latvia will be displayed at the
Riga Self/Portraits exhibition in July 2014. Photography
event Youth, adults Elizabetes 61, Riga Free
22.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean In Search of the Horizon
The international contemporary art exhibition In
Search of the Horizon centres on exploring the nature
of art determined by its essential striving for the ideal
and its drive to seek the crossroads of the unknown. The
exhibition, assembled in seven sections structurally
creates a new ideal world, which also reflects one of the
search algorithms complete with the joy of discovery,
attendant errors, and short-lived illusions of harmony.
Opening of the
contemporary art
exhibition In Search of
the Horizon
The international contemporary art exhibition In Search
of the Horizon will be opened on the 22nd of May at 5
p.m. in St. Johns Church (Skru iela 20) by a moment of
contemplation and a concert. Programme: address by the
Riga St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor Juris
Zari and music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Philip Glass
and Arvo Prt. Participating in the concert: Justne
Kulakova (violin) and Ilze Reine (organ). Music Concert Youth, adults
Riga St. Johns
Church (Skru iela
20) Free of charge
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Thirst for the Ocean In Search of the Horizon
The international exhibition In Search of the Horizon
centers on exploring nature of art determined by its
essential striving for the ideal and its drive to seek the
crossroads of the unknown. The exhibition assembles
from seven sections structurally creating a new ideal
world, which also reflects one of the search algorithms
complete with the joy of discovery, attendant errors, and
short-lived illusions of harmony.
International exposition
of contemporary art 'In
Search of the Horizon'
The search of the perspective actualized in the international
exhibition In Search of the Horizon is more than just the
idealistic path of Latvian Dullais Dauka to physically
unattainable horizon, but also search of the individual
(microcosm) for balance in front of the vastness of the
Universe (macrocosm) and eagerness to understand the
order of the world. Curator of exhibition Ieva Kalnia.
literature, visual
art Exhibition Youth, adults
Latvian Railway
Latvian Railway
23.05.2014. Amber Vein
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Performance of the unique opera Mikhail and Mikhail
play chess will require 8 singers, 8 dancers, 14
musicians, and 2 conductors; the whole ensemble of 32
has not been casually selected as every artist involved
will represent a figure in a concrete championship game
of chess and, to be more precise, the sixth round of the
duel of masters, which took place in Moscow in 1962
between Mikhail Tal and Mikhail Botvinnik. Chess is a
fascinating game with its own dramaturgy, heights of
psychological tension, and specific terms, which, co-
incidentally, relates it to theatre and music.
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Riga is to see the world premiere of Kristaps Ptersons
opera Mikhail and Mikhail play chess, dedicated to
Magus from Riga, world champion in chess Mikhail Tal.
The artists to form the creative team of the production are
conductor Ainrs Rubiis, choreographer Kiril Burlovs
who resides in London, director Viesturs Meikns, set
designer Reinis Suhanovs, and French video artist Carlos
Franklin. Opera will be performed in Russian.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Youth, adults New Hall of LNO
23.05.14.-15.06.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Exhibition European
Eyes on Japan / Japan
Today vol.16
The project European Eyes on Japan / Japan Today
began in 1999. Every year, two European photographers
are invited by the various prefectures of Japan, to record
images on the theme of contemporary Japanese people and
how they live their lives, for posterity. The goal of the
project is to provide an opportunity for Japanese to
reacquaint themselves with aspects of their daily lives that
they have tended to overlook and for Europeans to deepen
their understanding of Japan and become more familiar
with the distant Far East country. This year, the
photographers participating in the project are Alexander
Gronsky fromRiga and Nina Korhonen fromStockholm. Photography Exhibition, event Youth, adults
Ziemeblzmas 36,
Riga Free Amber Vein
International exhibition
'Amber in Contemporary
Designer Jewelry'
Amber Road in Riga campaign will be held in 2014
where such institutions as The Art Museum Riga
Bourse, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Natural History Museum of Latvia, Pauls Stradi
Museum of the History of Medicine as well as National
History Museum of Latvia and Putti Art Gallery will
show the origins of amber in the context of history,
identity and practical use. Putti Art Gallery will hold
an international exhibition of jewelry where Latvian and
foreign artists will take part. The main idea is to show
modern options of amber use according to professional
art criteria.
International exhibition
'Amber in Contemporary
Designer Jewelry'
The idea to inspire the international exhibition 'Amber in
Contemporary Designer Jewelry' was to focus amber as
material of conceptual and modern, professionally created
adornment. Participants of the exhibition are Latvian and
foreign designers contemporary jewelers from the states
along the historic Amber Route Russia, Estonia,
Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia,
Hungary, and Italy.
Visual art,
design Exhibition Youth, adults
Art gallery 'Putti'
Mrstau street 16 Free
24.05.14. Road Map Labas vietas TALKA
The Development Campaign for Good Locations (Labas
vietas TALKA) is driven by games that Rigas residents
love to play at home, which are used as an inspiration
for the creation of environmental objects in the squares
and parks in Rigas neighbourhoods. One such location
is Aleka Square in Sarkandaugava where local
residents will plant seedlings they have grown at home
and do other beautification work on the 1st of May.
Later on this year, the development of two more good
locations will commence in Diozolu Street in
Ziepniekkalns and the Promised Land (Apsolt zeme)
area in iekurkalns. The project is implemented by the
Ideju Mja association and the Contemporary
Architecture Information Centre.
Event Leading to the
Cleanup Campaign in
The event will feature marking the places where new
benches, lampposts and other such fixtures will be
installed, using real paint. The creative activities will be
accompanied by conversations with local residents and
compiling their comments and proposals. Also during the
event, residents ideas generated at all the past workshops
will be presented. Event starts at 12 noon.
participation of
the public, street
Urban environment
object, creative
workshop, event
youth, adults
Valdeu iela 50, a
square at the public
transport stop Free of charge
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
24.05.2014. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster the sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by the locals, artistic meetings
en plein air, photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Backyard Festival
This is an initiative of the Latvian Academy of Art in order
to give character to the centre of Riga, making it a
neighbourhood with its own identity and tapping the
potential of co-operation among the local residents. The
Backyard Festival marks the start of a new tradition that
will encourage creative friendship and co-operation among
the residents of Riga centre, people who work there, and
teachers and students fromthe Latvian Academy of Art
and other art schools in the city centre. The Backyard
Festival features artistic workshops, exhibition
performances, "en plein air" sessions in the green area of
the Art Academy, educational tours of the cultural and
historic areas in the downtown, art and design fairs.
Music, design,
visual arts,
participation of
the public
Creative workshop,
youth, adults
Latvian Academy of
Art Free of charge
25.05.14. Road Map Labas vietas TALKA
The Development Campaign for Good Locations (Labas
vietas TALKA) is driven by games that Rigas residents
love to play at home, which are used as an inspiration
for the creation of environmental objects in the squares
and parks in Rigas neighbourhoods. One such location
is Aleka Square in Sarkandaugava where local
residents will plant seedlings they have grown at home
and do other beautification work on the 1st of May.
Later on this year, the development of two more good
locations will commence in Diozolu Street in
Ziepniekkalns and the Promised Land (Apsolt zeme)
area in iekurkalns. The project is implemented by the
Ideju Mja association and the Contemporary
Architecture Information Centre.
Event Leading to the
Cleanup Campaign in
The event will feature marking the places where new
benches, lampposts and other such fixtures will be
installed, using real paint. The creative activities will be
accompanied by conversations with local residents and
compiling their comments and proposals. During the event,
the residents ideas that have been generated at all the past
workshops will be presented. The event starts at 12 noon.
participation of
the public, street
Urban environment
object, creative
workshop, event
youth, adults
5. rslnija 13,
iekurkalns Free of charge
25.05.2014. Thirst of the Ocean
London Symphony
Orchestra concert
An unique event at the Latvian National Opera the
London Symphony Orchestra, which for over a half of
century is known as one of the worlds most famous
orchestras, will performa special concert in Riga.
London Symphony
Orchestra concert
Conducted by the head guest conductor Daniel Harding,
the orchestra will play two masterpieces of the romanticism
period Franz Schuberts Symphony No. 8 and Gustav
Mahlers Symphony No. 1. Music Concert Youth, adults
Latvian National
25.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Opening
Concert in Liepja Holy
Trinity Cathedral
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the first concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Romualds Jermaks -
Introduction and Passacaglia on BACH (premiere),
Tlivaldis eni - Chorale Cantata. Three organists will
perform in the opening concert: organ professor Tlivaldis
Deksnis and two young organists who have proved their
skill at not only concerts in Latvia and abroad but also at
international competitions Liene Andreta Kalnciema and
Dina Jaunzeme. Also performing in the concert: mixed
choir "Sonore", conducted by Mrti Ozoli, soprano
Inga ubovska, horn player Mrcis Mielsons and
trumpeter Edgars Brzdi. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Liepja Trinity
church Free Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions. Exhibition 'The Past'
The project En-rooters will present exhibition The Past
series of informative, visual material - photography and
video depicting development of individual gardening in
Latvia and its aficionados, who still keep to this hobby and
also have chosen it for their way of life. Discussions and
concerts will make part of the exhibition.
environment object Youth, adults Esplanade Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
27.05.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free Road Map
Dance Goes Out Into
In 2014, Riga will become an action-site for the
recognized choreographers of contemporary dance, who
will engage the young artists of dance from Latvia in
process of search and creativity aimed at finding new
sites for dance and generating professional pieces of
contemporary dance outside their traditional studios,
theatre houses and platforms. The subject of the project
research will be potential of urban environment to
become the stage of contemporary dance.
Dance Goes Out Into
Project Dance Goes Out Into Town will have
choreographer of Belgian dance company Les Ballets C de
la B residing in Riga and working, for the length of several
weeks, with 10-12 young dance creators and dancers from
Latvia developing a performance to be presented in and
around the culture house Ziemeblzma. These
performances will be a fresh learning and artistic
experience for young artists. The rehearsals and creative
process will be open to viewers who will experience an
artistic piece and process in making.
education, street
workshop, event
youth, adults
Culture Hall
'Ziemeblzma' and
around the park Free FreedomStreet Corner House
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB headquarters in Riga, also
known as the Corner House, became a prominent
symbol of totalitarian power that, in the 21st century
Riga, still stands to bear testimony to total war, mass
persecutions and genocide. 2014 is the right time to
change the destiny of the Corner House, to open the
doors and face the experience and fates concealed
therein in order to profoundly understand and recreate
them. The Corner House will be open to the public from
the 1st of May to the 19th of October, presenting the
Occupation Museum's exhibition (admission free of
charge), guided tours "In the KGB Basements", and five
more exhibitions - "(Re)construction of Friendship", "A
Latvian's Suitcase", "In Spite of All, "Ten Objects'
Stories of Person and Power and "The Museum of
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and the power
in the past that still affects the people of the present day. Leftovers fromthe War
The international performing arts group show Leftovers
fromthe War will be held at the Corner House on the
28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of May at 7 p.m. The
performance comprises the personal stories of four Nordic
artists and is like an unusual tour through a historic
building with live exhibits and ghosts of the past. The
performance, in the courtyard of the Corner House, will be
in English. Theatre, history Show Youth, adults
The Corner House on
Brvbas iela, the
Corner House
28.05.14.-08.06.14. Road Map
Riga Photo Month 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
The ISSP Schools
Graduation Exhibition
A group exhibition presenting photography projects by
young Latvian photographers who are members of the
ISSP school. Participating in the exhibition are Andris
Fedotovs, Daniels Meks, Eva Saukne, Jnis Vli,
Katrna epule, Kristne Sergejeva, Lauris Aizupietis,
Paulis Jakuonoks, Ramona Kalnia, Sintija Mikanovska-
Mikalovska, Velga Kkuma. Photography Exhibition, event
youth, adults Skolas 15, Riga Free
29.05.2014. Road Map
Riga Photomonth 2014.
Urban Viewfinders
The Riga Photo Month is a new pan-Baltic photography
festival held in the capital city of Latvia, which will take
place for the first time in May 2014, becoming one of
the European Capital of Culture events. The festivals
manifold programme consists of several exhibitions,
artists presentations, discussions, portfolio shows and
self-publishing events, as well as other activities.
Photography in Film,
Feature FilmRear
Window (U.S., 1954)
A professional photographer confined to his wheelchair
begins to observe his neighbours through his window,
becoming increasingly confident that one of them has
committed a murder. One of the most iconic films in the
history of cinema, Rear Window (U.S., 1954), addresses
photography and films as media.
photography Festival, event Youth, adults Riga Art Space
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
Without thematic
Contemporary Art Project
Alternative Grand
The annual contemporary art project Alternative Grand
Piano (Alternatvais flelis), which traditionally
takes place at the end of May, continues to expand its
boundaries, featuring concerts both in the concert hall as
well as venturing outside to the public with concerts
at the Sigulda Railway Station Square. The programme
of Alternative Grand Piano includes music and video
art fromthe worlds classic films to the latest
contemporary audiovisual technologies, the surprising
world of percussion, and sounds that create positive
energy. The keywords of the programme: unusual,
exploratory, entertaining.
Contemporary Art
Project Alternative
Grand Piano
The contemporary art project Alternative Grand Piano
concert presents: Baiba Bere (LNO), LNSO artists
Indulis Cinti (violin), Viktors Veiko (electric double
bass), and the winner of a number of international
competitions Jlija Skipore (accordion). The programme
will be run by musicologist Karina Brzia. The
audiovisual part of the performance, The New Routine
(Jaun vienmuba), is a collaboration between the sound
art ensemble Brnu rts (Maksims enteevs and Jkabs
Nmanis) and Oded Kafri (Great Britain, percussion), plus
a performance by Laime pilnga; this part of the
programme will be presented by DJ Egons Reiters.
Music, visual
performance, event Youth, adults
Concert hall "Baltais
flelis" and Sigulda
Railway Station
Square Thirst for the Ocean
Exhibition of Sound Art
Skan II
The exhibition SKAN II continues the 2007
exhibition Skan, the very first sound art exhibition in
the Baltic countries. The exhibition will open at the end
of May 2014 and continue in three instalments up until
August 24. The exhibition will present the latest and
most interesting works of artists fromall over the world
who work in the sound art genre. The objective of
SKAN II is to give visitors an opportunity to get to
know innovative contemporary art forms as well as the
unique architectural heritage of Riga.
Exhibition of Sound Art
Skan II
The Botanical Garden and the area around it were chosen
to become the platformfor SKAN II as the idea is to link
up the exhibition with Riga wooden architecture
metaphorically, by singling out such places with the help of
sound, as well as literally, via artistic audio guides. The
first stage of the exhibition (30.05.1420.06.14) features
Signe Liden (Norway), David Helbich (Germany), Pascal
Broccolichi (France), Stefan Roigk (Germany), Ytske
Blom& Thomas Rutgers (the Netherlands), Peter Bogers
(the Netherlands) and Aernoudt Jacobs (Belgium).
Music, visual
arts Exhibition
youth, adults
Kalnciema Quarter
Gallery, Botanical
Garden of the
University of Latvia
University of Latvia
Botanical Garden
31.05.14.-01.06.14. Survival Kit Flower Blanket

Project Flower Blanket is an interactive event with
ecological undertones and participants and observe and
participate in interesting and creative weaving process.
French artist Joanes Simon - Perret weaves seed ribbons
in traditional rag blankets. When watered regularly, the
textiles, weaved into the rag blankets, become soil of
sort, where the seeds start growing. After the blankets
are finished, they will be displayed at Vidzemes market,
simultaneously becoming also seasonal plantlets. Flower blanket workshop
Artist Joanes Simon Perret will performhis weaving in in
public at one of the Vidzemes market pavilions, as well as
hosting open workshops for several days, between 11.00
amand 16.00 pm. Anyone will be able to take part in these
workshops and try out the technique. All participants will
be able to join the event by donating a piece of clothing and
together with the event organizers and artist Joanes Simon
Perret to prepare it for weaving and recycling.
Participation of
the public,
Object in the city
workshop Youth, adults
Vidzeme market,
yard of Brivibas
Street 90 building Free
Without thematic
Childrens Music Festival
Promin the Closet of
The Childrens Music Festival Promin the Fairy Tale
Closet invites to a celebration of the start of the
summer, placing the emphasis on active recreation and
creativity. This year, the events special co-operation
partner SIA Za josta will honour the most diligent
collectors of waste paper and spent batteries. A number
of musicians will participate in the event, as well as the
friends of SIA Za josta: SIA ZAAO, SIA Vides
pakalpojumu grupa, World Wide Fund for Nature and
Childrens Music
Festival Promin the
Closet of Wonders
The childrens music festival Promin the Closet of
Wonders will present ten to sixteen musical performances
on the 1st of June, orchestrated by animal characters and
the Musiqq ensemble and featuring childrens creative
groups fromSigulda Region.
Music, theatre,
dance, visual
arts, education,
participation of
the public
Concert, creative
workshop, festival,
event Children
Sigulda Castle
complex Free
01.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Opening
Concert in Dubulti
Evangelical Lutheran
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the first concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Romualds Jermaks -
Introduction and Passacaglia on BACH (premiere),
Tlivaldis eni - Chorale Cantata. Three organists will
perform in the opening concert: organ professor Tlivaldis
Deksnis and two young organists who have proved their
skill at not only concerts in Latvia and abroad but also at
international competitions Liene Andreta Kalnciema and
Dina Jaunzeme. Also performing in the concert: mixed
choir "Sonore", conducted by Mrti Ozoli, soprano
Inga ubovska, horn player Mrcis Mielsons and
trumpeter Edgars Brzdi. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
01.06.2014. Riga Carnival
Children's carnival of
The Children's carnival of Europe will be entertaining
and educative event introducing children to diversity,
culture, and traditions of Europe to feature a wide
program, which, in engaging form, will allow to
experience the childrens Europe games, traditions,
material culture, literature, cuisine, music etc.
Children's carnival of
The Carnival will be a recreational and educational event
for families and children, giving them an opportunity to
acquaint themselves with various European countries and
characters from children's books written by authors from
these countries. The Carnival area will be divided into
several sectors and "representations" of European
countries, each lead by the main characters from children's
books who hail fromthere.
Music, theatre,
participation of
the public,
Concert, festival,
event, workshop
youth Vrmanes park Free
03.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Production of multimedia
opera 'Rienzi. Rise and
Composed in Riga in 1837-1839, Richard Wagners
opera Rienzi is inextricably linked to this city. LNO
plans to world-premiere a multimedia production of this
opera early in 2014, to turn it into one of the European
level events to inaugurate Rigas year in the status of
European Capital of Culture. Mora than just a staging,
this production will entail re-working of the operatic
material and integrating it according to directorial
vision. Rienzi. Rise and Fall
Opera Rienzi presented by the National Opera of Latvia
in the programof the Riga Opera festival.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Adults
National Opera of
03.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free Survival Kit Is Riga Ready Yet?
The town once serving as the center of artisanship and
industry, now concentrates the main part of Latvian
designers in its walls. Riga is eternal city never to stop
developing. It is proud of a rich history, energetic
present, and looks into a promising future. The young
designers of Latvian Academy of Art will use the
perspective of design to determine and reflect the
changes Riga has experienced. Domts-darts
As part of the project Is Riga ready yet? and the Design
Diploma Days of the Art Academy of Latvia, the
exhibition Domts-darts (Thought of it and did it) will
be held, allowing the public to understand the interaction of
trade and crafts, industry and innovations in Riga in
creating new or improved design products.
Design, science,
education Exhibition Youth, adults
Latvian Academy of
Art Free
06.06.2014. Riga Carnival Riga Festival
The Riga Festival is a compelling demonstration of
Rigas status as a city of inspiration. Riga is a
celebration an endless celebration of sound, taste,
flavour and inspiration. Everyone is a welcome guest at
the celebration and everyone will feel special, regardless
of how near or far they have come, be they on stage or
in the audience. This is joy that one wants to share with
others. The Riga Festival is noted for a broad variety
of genres, epochs and music styles a celebration of
music without borders, targeted at Rigans and guests of
the city.
Krists Auznieks.
chamber opera Wind of
the Sun
Chamber opera Wind of the Sun composed by Krists
Auznieks will be performed at Riga Festival. Planes are
delayed due to bad weather. Two people accidentaly meet
at the airport. But there are no coincidences, as we know.
Universe works in its own way as the air flow that comes
and goes. Wind of the sun makes magnetic storms and
Northern Light..but people meet, they fall in love, get
close, get distanced and long for each other. Vocal group
Framest and instrumental band will take part at the
performance. Directed by: Indra Roga. Music Concert, show Youth, adults Speri Concert Hall
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
06.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in the
Riga Dom06.06.2014
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the second concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Vidmantas Bartulis - The
Vision of the 17th of July, 1750: Chorale and Toccata,
Rente Stivria - BACH Fantasia for Organ (premiere).
Performing in the concert: organists Larisa Bulava, Ilze
Reine and Guna Kise, flutist Ieva Pudne. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral Riga Dome
07.06.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
Commemorating Latvian
Army General Krlis
Goppers (18761941)
The event Commemorating Latvian Army General Krlis
Goppers (18761941), organised by the Museumof the
History of Riga and Navigation as part of the Museumof
the Occupation of Latvias exposition on the ground floor,
will start at 12 noon. The 7th of June is Latvian Scouts
Day, so the event will provide information about todays
Latvian scouts and guides with workshops, games and
obstacle courses for young people, children and their
participation of
the public Event
youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free
07.06.2014. Amber Vein
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Performance of the unique opera Mikhail and Mikhail
play chess will require 8 singers, 8 dancers, 14
musicians, and 2 conductors; the whole ensemble of 32
has not been casually selected as every artist involved
will represent a figure in a concrete championship game
of chess and, to be more precise, the sixth round of the
duel of masters, which took place in Moscow in 1962
between Mikhail Tal and Mikhail Botvinnik. Chess is a
fascinating game with its own dramaturgy, heights of
psychological tension, and specific terms, which, co-
incidentally, relates it to theatre and music.
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Riga is to see the world premiere of Kristaps Ptersons
opera Mikhail and Mikhail play chess, dedicated to
Magus from Riga, world champion in chess Mikhail Tal.
The artists to form the creative team of the production are
conductor Ainrs Rubiis, choreographer Kiril Burlovs
who resides in London, director Viesturs Meikns, set
designer Reinis Suhanovs, and French video artist Carlos
Franklin. Opera will be performed in Russian.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Youth, adults New Hall of LNO
08.06.2014. Road Map The Milk festival
Interest generates energy. This simple truth took the
organizers out into the caf courtyard in order to learn
what a festival is, three years ago. As it turns out, the
answers to this are many, bet, fundamentally, The Milk
festival is a summer Sunday spent with in company of
close friends, listening to good music, enjoying fine food
and different kind of attractions, surrounded by
laughter. In 2014, as part of Riga2014 events, this
event will expand into Vecmlgrvis and Lucavsala
districts. The Milk festival
Sunday is chosen for this festivity in order to allow the
numerous and varied public of Vecmlgrvis to come
together and get to know each other and celebrate Riga for
a whole enjoyable summer holiday. From 14 at noon till 23
at night, in the territory around renovated culture hall
Ziemeblzma, the festival will offer activities to young
as well as grown-ups in open air theatre performance,
hair-dressers, masseurs, a chiefs cooking school and the
like, while children are engaged in drawing, pottery, get
creative in a sound laboratory and school for drummers.
The lovers of quieter atmosphere will be offered wine,
more temperate music, and their corners to give plenty of
time to conversation.
Music, theatre,
dance, cinema,
visual art,
science, sports,
participation of
the public, street
presentation, object
in the the city
festival, event
youth, adults
Cultural hall
'Ziemeblzma' Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Survival kit Meet Me in the Museum!
The Museumof Nave Art, Latvia will popularize nave
art and the culture of Latvia in Europe with an
international collection. There is creative potential in
everybody needing an impulse to be expressed. The
slogan project to promote the creativity of the public
Meet Me in the Museum! will stir everyone to turn to
creativity or to return to long forgotten paint-brushes or
crayons. Fest Nave Moscow-Riga
Within the project Meet Me in the Museum! parallel to
the basic exposition of the Museum of Nave Art, Latvia,
the venue will offer international exposition of artistic
outsiders and hold the festival of nave art Fest Nave
Visual arts,
participation of
the public Exhibition
youth, adults
Floating galleries
'Noass' and
'Betanovuss' on AB
quay Free
10.06.2014. Amber Vein
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Performance of the unique opera Mikhail and Mikhail
play chess will require 8 singers, 8 dancers, 14
musicians, and 2 conductors; the whole ensemble of 32
has not been casually selected as every artist involved
will represent a figure in a concrete championship game
of chess and, to be more precise, the sixth round of the
duel of masters, which took place in Moscow in 1962
between Mikhail Tal and Mikhail Botvinnik. Chess is a
fascinating game with its own dramaturgy, heights of
psychological tension, and specific terms, which, co-
incidentally, relates it to theatre and music.
Mikhail and Mikhail play
Riga is to see the world premiere of Kristaps Ptersons
opera Mikhail and Mikhail play chess, dedicated to
Magus from Riga, world champion in chess Mikhail Tal.
The artists to form the creative team of the production are
conductor Ainrs Rubiis, choreographer Kiril Burlovs
who resides in London, director Viesturs Meikns, set
designer Reinis Suhanovs, and French video artist Carlos
Franklin. Opera will be performed in Russian.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Youth, adults New Hall of LNO
10.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
12.06.14. Thirst for the Ocean
Waiting for...
(Archaeology of an Idea)
The kim? contemporary art centres project Waiting
for... (Archaeology of an Idea) brings to Riga
professionals fromvarious disciplines curators,
philosophers, authors, artists and musicians whose
mission is to research, inspire, and interact with the
local cultural environment. These thinkers visits to
Riga may take different forms: visits associated with art
research, presentations of specific theoretical principles,
performances, exhibitions and others.
The New Woman of
Socialist Realism:
Women Artists and
Images of Women
In her talk Christina Kiaer will address broad
methodological problems of studying Socialist Realism
within contemporary art historical scholarship through a
specific lens, examining a handful of key women artists of
the 1930s: Ekaterina Zernova, Olga Ianovskaia, Maria Bri-
Bein and Valentina Kulagina, as well as the main heroine
here Riga-born Soviet sculptor Vera Mukhina. The talk
will be preceded by a commentary fromart historian Alise
Tfentle. The event starts at 6 p.m.
Visual arts,
history Discussion/lecture Youth, adults
Conference Hall of
the Art MuseumRiga
Bourse (Doma
laukums 6) Free
15.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Production of multimedia
opera 'Rienzi. Rise and
Composed in Riga in 1837-1839, Richard Wagners
opera Rienzi is inextricably linked to this city. LNO
plans to world-premiere a multimedia production of this
opera early in 2014, to turn it into one of the European
level events to inaugurate Rigas year in the status of
European Capital of Culture. Mora than just a staging,
this production will entail re-working of the operatic
material and integrating it according to directorial
vision. Rienzi. Rise and Fall
Opera Rienzi presented by the National Opera of Latvia
in the programof the Riga Opera festival.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show Adults
National Opera of
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
15.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in
Dubulti Evangelical
Lutheran Church
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the second concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Vidmantas Bartulis - The
Vision of the 17th of July, 1750: Chorale and Toccata,
Rente Stivria - BACH Fantasia for Organ (premiere).
Performing in the concert: organists Larisa Bulava, Ilze
Reine and Guna Kise, flautist Ieva Pudne. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti Free Survival kit Meet Me in the Museum!
The Museumof Nave Art, Latvia will popularize nave
art and the culture of Latvia in Europe with an
international collection. There is creative potential in
everybody needing an impulse to be expressed. The
slogan project to promote the creativity of the public
Meet Me in the Museum! will stir everyone to turn to
creativity or to return to long forgotten paint-brushes or
crayons. Meet Me in the Museum!
Autumn plain-air as part of the project Meet Me in the
Museum! will invite everybody to discover their creative
potential, turn to creative activity or to return the paint-
brushes long since put away and to show their work aside
with productions of recognized Latvian naive genre artists.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public Exhibition
youth, adults
Floating galleries
'Noass' and
'Betanovuss' on AB
quay Free
17.06.14. Riga Carneval Riga Festival
The Riga Festival is a compelling demonstration of
Rigas status as a city of inspiration. Riga is a
celebration an endless celebration of sound, taste,
flavour and inspiration. Everyone is a welcome guest at
the celebration and everyone will feel special, regardless
of how near or far they have come, be they on stage or
in the audience. This is joy that one wants to share with
others. The Riga Festival is noted for a broad variety
of genres, epochs and music styles a celebration of
music without borders, targeted at Rigans and guests of
the city.
Tango. Ksenija Sidorova
and Kirils Burlovs
The concert is dedicated to tango music. Accompanying the
accordionist are her friends fromLondon - Kazakh pianist
Aizhana Nurkenova and Russian violinist Alexander
Sitkovetsky. The programme includes the premiere of
Arturs Maskats' opus for an accordion and a violin.
Choreographer Kirils Burlovs, who grew up and studied in
Riga but currently lives in London, has been invited to
participate in staging the performance. His partners in the
concert show Tango. Ksenija Sidorova will be Latvian
ballet artists Ieva Rcene and Evelna Godunova. Music, dance Concert Youth, adults
Latvian National
21.06.14. Riga Carnival Riga Festival
The Riga Festival is a compelling demonstration of
Rigas status as a city of inspiration. Riga is a
celebration an endless celebration of sound, taste,
flavour and inspiration. Everyone is a welcome guest at
the celebration and everyone will feel special, regardless
of how near or far they have come, be they on stage or
in the audience. This is joy that one wants to share with
others. The Riga Festival is noted for a broad variety
of genres, epochs and music styles a celebration of
music without borders, targeted at Rigans and guests of
the city.
Gala Performance.
Music Dance,
Adventure! Symphonic
Dance Performance -
West Side Story and
This years "Riga Festival" will feature a special event
involving children cared for by the citys Department of
Social Services. These children will be taught the basics of
dance by expert dance teachers and later participate in a
musical performance together with other artists and
dancers. About forty such children, ages 7 to 15, will
participate in the performance together with the Latvian
National Symphony Orchestra. The performance will be
staged by Norwegian stage director Sigrid Strm Reibo,
choreographer and dance teacher Agris Daivis, and
Swedish conductor Christian Lindberg. The performance
will feature excerpts from American composer Leonard
Bernstein's compositions - West Side Story, On the
Town and others. Music, dance
Concert, show,
youth, adults
Latvian National
Without thematic
division Summer Solstice
Besides an extensive Ji midsummer night celebrations
programme in Riga, Sigulda also offers the public an
opportunity to participate in the traditional celebrations
in Turaida. The participants will go through the entire
list of traditional Ji celebrations fromdusk till dawn -
make wreaths, prepare caraway cheese, sing the
traditional Ji songs, congratulate the hosts of the
event, make large bonfires for the night to ensure
prosperity and fertility, and much more. Summer Solstice
On midsummer night, Sigulda will host a traditional event
celebrating Ji, featuring caraway cheese making, singing
traditional Ji songs, making wreaths and garlands,
fortune telling, an interactive theatrical performance for
children. Bonfires will be lit at 9 p.m., followed by lighting
of the pdele - a bonfire atop a tall pillar - at 10 p.m. The
storytellers night will begin at 10:30 p.m. and continue
until midnight when the traditional midsummer night rituals
will be performed. The rolling of ugunsrats, a large wheel
set on fire, is scheduled for 12:30 a.m., which is when a
concert by the folk bands Ii and Dandari will start;
next to perform, from1 a.m. to 2:30 a.m., will be the
Vtols family. Bathing in the morning dew will start at 3
a.m., and seeing the night out at 5 a.m.
music, dance,
history, science,
participation of
the public Event, festival
youth, adults
Turaida, Ja
Mountain Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Riga Carnival Riga 2014 Solstice
Riga 2014 Solstice is a two-day celebration of
summer solstice that will be held in Rigas Meaparks,
offering visitors an insight into Latvian solstice
celebration traditions and rituals as well as ancient and
contemporary solstice traditions fromelsewhere in the
world. The programme of Riga 2014 Solstice features
dance performance Lec, saulte! (The Sun Be Rising),
the World Summer Solstice Festival with musicians
fromall over the world presenting their vision of solstice
celebrations, the World Beer Parade bringing the public
a variety of beer brands fromLatvia and other
countries, Riga Solstice Fair where vendors and
craftsmen will sell their wares, and closing the festivities
will be a major singing and dancing event all night long
on the 22nd of June.
World Summer Solstice
The programme of the World Summer Solstice Festival
includes songs, dances and rituals fromperformances by
popular folksong singers in Latvia and neighbour
countries, to Romanian and Macedonian traditions, the sun-
filled jazz fromTbilisi, and the rhythmic Colombian
percussion. Participants: Kokle, Laiksne, Oglte
(Latvia), the Bremen choir Bremer RathsChor
(Germany), folklore ensemble Tarbatu (Estonia),
folklore ensemble Tara Vrancei (Romania), traditional
music ensemble Tanec (Macedonia), Tbilisi jazz
ensemble Tbilisi Big-Band (Georgia), Tato Marenco and
"via 40 (Colombia). The festival will also host master
classes in various nations traditional cuisines, Latvian
wreath and garland making workshops, workshops
teaching how to make the special midsummer soap with
traditional herbs and workshops on making traditional
Latvian musical instruments. The World Summer Solstice
Festival will be held on the 21st and 22nd of June from12
noon to 9 p.m., in a field near the Meaparks Grand Stage.
tradition, music Event, concert
youth, adults
The field next to
Meaparks Grand
Stage Free Riga Carnival Riga 2014 Solstice
Riga 2014 Solstice is a two-day celebration of
summer solstice that will be held in Rigas Meaparks,
offering visitors an insight into Latvian solstice
celebration traditions and rituals as well as ancient and
contemporary solstice traditions fromelsewhere in the
world. The programme of Riga 2014 Solstice features
dance performance Lec, saulte! (The Sun Be Rising),
the World Summer Solstice Festival with musicians
fromall over the world presenting their vision of solstice
celebrations, the World Beer Parade bringing the public
a variety of beer brands fromLatvia and other
countries, Riga Solstice Fair where vendors and
craftsmen will sell their wares, and closing the festivities
will be a major singing and dancing event all night long
on the 22nd of June. Riga Solstice Fair
The Riga Solstice Fair in Meaparks Alley invites all who
are interested in traditional crafts and traditional and
organic food. There will be craftsmen selling various
wooden items, knitwear, tabletop games, smithwares,
various braids, pottery and glassware. Those who love to
read will have plenty to choose from, offered a broad range
of printed materials, frommagazines to postcards and
maps. Whereas gourmets will find a lot of quality food
products at the fair fish and meat products, the
traditional caraway cheese, and much, much more. Riga
residents and guests of the city are welcome to the Riga
Solstice Fair on the 21st and 22nd of June from12 noon to
10 p.m.
tradition Event
youth, adults Meaparks Alley Free Riga Carnival Riga 2014 Solstice
Riga 2014 Solstice is a two-day celebration of
summer solstice that will be held in Rigas Meaparks,
offering visitors an insight into Latvian solstice
celebration traditions and rituals as well as ancient and
contemporary solstice traditions fromelsewhere in the
world. The programme of Riga 2014 Solstice features
dance performance Lec, saulte! (The Sun Be Rising),
the World Summer Solstice Festival with musicians
fromall over the world presenting their vision of solstice
celebrations, the World Beer Parade bringing the public
a variety of beer brands fromLatvia and other
countries, Riga Solstice Fair where vendors and
craftsmen will sell their wares, and closing the festivities
will be a major singing and dancing event all night long
on the 22nd of June. World Beer Parade
The World Beer Parade, part of the Riga 2014 Solstice
festivities, will give the visitors an opportunity to taste and
compare a great variety of beer brands fromLatvia,
Europe and the world. Latvians will surely know and
appreciate a good deal of them, but the other part will only
be known to the true beer aficionados. During the World
Beer Parade, beer brewers, sellers and pubkeepers will be
able to share their experience of the beer brands most
popular with customers, whereas parade visitors will have
a chance to taste and vote for the best beer brands. The
World Beer Parade will take place in the territory of the
Meaparks Grand Stage on the 21st and 22nd of June from
12 noon to 10 p.m.
tradition Event Adults
Territory of the
Meaparks Grand
Stage Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
21.06.14. Riga Carnival Riga 2014 Solstice
Riga 2014 Solstice is a two-day celebration of
summer solstice that will be held in Rigas Meaparks,
offering visitors an insight into Latvian solstice
celebration traditions and rituals as well as ancient and
contemporary solstice traditions fromelsewhere in the
world. The programme of Riga 2014 Solstice features
dance performance Lec, saulte! (The Sun Be Rising),
the World Summer Solstice Festival with musicians
fromall over the world presenting their vision of solstice
celebrations, the World Beer Parade bringing the public
a variety of beer brands fromLatvia and other
countries, Riga Solstice Fair where vendors and
craftsmen will sell their wares, and closing the festivities
will be a major singing and dancing event all night long
on the 22nd of June.
Midsummer Night
Mystery Lec, saulte!
The summer solstice traditions are a testimony to the
vitality of a nation, awareness of ones roots, and the
performance is based on a story that will temporarily take
everyone who hears, sees and experiences it to the world of
celebration of light and the traditional rituals of the vital
festival. The spectator zone of the Meaparks Grand Stage
will be transformed into Jnis Mountain, whereas
spectators will be seated in an unusual area where the
joint choir singers usually stand during the Song Festival.
The performance will have music composed specifically for
it. The creative group is made up of the artistic director
Jnis rglis, stage director Elmrs Sekovs, composer
Raimonds Tiguls, author Rasa Bugaviute, choreographers
Jnis rglis, Jnis Purvi, Agris Daievis, set designer
Reinis Suhanovs, costume designer Evija Dbolia.
Participating in the performance will be several thousand
dancers fromthe best dance ensembles of Riga and Latvia,
choirs, soloists, the Lec, saulte! orchestra and the
bagpipe ensemble Aui. The performance will be on the
21st and 22nd of June at the Meaparks Grand Stage at 10
Music, dance,
tradition Concert
youth, adults
Meaparks Grand
Esplanade 2014
22.06.14. Riga Carnival Riga 2014 Solstice
Riga 2014 Solstice is a two-day celebration of
summer solstice that will be held in Rigas Meaparks,
offering visitors an insight into Latvian solstice
celebration traditions and rituals as well as ancient and
contemporary solstice traditions fromelsewhere in the
world. The programme of Riga 2014 Solstice features
dance performance Lec, saulte! (The Sun Be Rising),
the World Summer Solstice Festival with musicians
fromall over the world presenting their vision of solstice
celebrations, the World Beer Parade bringing the public
a variety of beer brands fromLatvia and other
countries, Riga Solstice Fair where vendors and
craftsmen will sell their wares, and closing the festivities
will be a major singing and dancing event all night long
on the 22nd of June.
Midsummer Night
Mystery Lec, saulte!
The summer solstice traditions are a testimony to the
vitality of a nation, awareness of ones roots, and the
performance is based on a story that will temporarily take
everyone who hears, sees and experiences it to the world of
celebration of light and the traditional rituals of the vital
festival. The spectator zone of the Meaparks Grand Stage
will be transformed into Jnis Mountain, whereas
spectators will be seated in an unusual area where the
joint choir singers usually stand during the Song Festival.
The performance will have music composed specifically for
it. The creative group is made up of the artistic director
Jnis rglis, stage director Elmrs Sekovs, composer
Raimonds Tiguls, author Rasa Bugaviute, choreographers
Jnis rglis, Jnis Purvi, Agris Daievis, set designer
Reinis Suhanovs, costume designer Evija Dbolia.
Participating in the performance will be several thousand
dancers fromthe best dance ensembles of Riga and Latvia,
choirs, soloists, the Lec, saulte! orchestra and the
bagpipe ensemble Aui. The performance will be on the
21st and 22nd of June at the Meaparks Grand Stage at 10
Music, dance,
tradition Concert
youth, adults
Meaparks Grand
Esplanade 2014
23.06.14. Riga Carnival Riga 2014 Solstice
Riga 2014 Solstice is a two-day celebration of
summer solstice that will be held in Rigas Meaparks,
offering visitors an insight into Latvian solstice
celebration traditions and rituals as well as ancient and
contemporary solstice traditions fromelsewhere in the
world. The programme of Riga 2014 Solstice features
dance performance Lec, saulte! (The Sun Be Rising),
the World Summer Solstice Festival with musicians
fromall over the world presenting their vision of solstice
celebrations, the World Beer Parade bringing the public
a variety of beer brands fromLatvia and other
countries, Riga Solstice Fair where vendors and
craftsmen will sell their wares, and closing the festivities
will be a major singing and dancing event all night long
on the 22nd of June. Riga Swirling in Dance
Riga 2014 Solstice will close with a ball all night long
dancing to and singing songs fromLatvia, Europe and the
world. All the participants, ensembles, soloists and guests
of Riga 2014 Solstice festival, led by its musical director
Juris Vaivods, will be able to stretch their legs going
through traditional dance routines fromall over the world
the ball will feature not only traditional folk music of
Latvia, but also the Greek sirtaki, Spanish flamenco,
German polka, Finnish letkis and much more. Everyone is
invited to the night ball, which will be the largest nocturnal
event to take place at the Meaparks Stage in 2014. The
Riga Swirling in Dance ball will start on the 23rd of
June at 1 a.m.
Music, dance,
tradition Event
youth, adults
Meaparks Grand
Esplanade 2014
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
27.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in the
Riga Dom27.06.2014
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the third concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Robert Schumann - Two
Fugues on BACH op. 60, Heitor Villa-Lobos - Aria from
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, Tlivaldis eni - Scherzo-
Fantasia. Performing in the concert: organists Lga Ivne,
Aigars Reinis and Aivars Kaljs, and tenor Ingus
Ptersons. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral Riga Dome
27.06.14.-20.07.14. Road Map Active Neighbourhoods
Active Neighbourhoods is a series of events that make
living in a city more inspiring and foster a sense of
belonging and responsibility for the area we live in.
Activities are proposed and implemented by residents of
Riga and will continue throughout 2014 in various
neighbourhoods of the city. These include tours of the
area planned and guided by the locals, artistic meetings
"en plein air", photography campaigns, celebrations,
festivals, lectures and discussions, which all centre on
people and their infinite wish to invent and create
something new, receive guests and have a great time
with them. Festival of Paper Objects
The Paper Festival encompasses a number of activities
during which innovative works of art of unique design,
made of paper, will be created and displayed in
Prdaugava. Origami masters fromJapan, the country with
the longest history of a paper sculpture tradition, will
participate in the festival, showcasing the traditional and
contemporary paper folding techniques of Japan. During
the festival, a total of nine paper sculptures will be
unveiled in Prdaugava at regular intervals. In the
meantime, Kalnciema Quarter will host various events
three to four times a week: paper workshops, lectures,
performances and filmscreenings. The events will be run
by Japanese and Latvian paper-folding artists will. The
Japanese artists include Rina Aoki, Tomomi Hayashi,
Kaori Kato, Ryosuke Kondoh, Kumiko Mizuno, Yasako
Watanabe, Kazuhiro Yajima, Narumi Yamasaki, Tsuguo
Yanai. Latvia is represented by [SenS], Ilze Dilne, LUDE.
Design, visual
arts, education,
participation of
the public
Exhibition, urban
environment object,
festival, discussion /
lecture, workshop
youth, adults
Kalnciema Quarter
and Prdaugava Free
29.06.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in
Dubulti Evangelical
Lutheran Church
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the third concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Robert Schumann - Two
Fugues on BACH op. 60, Heitor Villa-Lobos - Aria from
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, Tlivaldis eni - Scherzo-
Fantasia. Performing in the concert: organists Lga Ivne,
Aigars Reinis and Aivars Kaljs, and tenor Ingus
Ptersons. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti Free Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions. Exhibition 'The Present'
Exhibition The Present as par of the project En-rooters
will tell a story of inter-generational solidarity and how it is
to be senior citizen in Riga and age, without losing activity
titled Seniors talk and remain industrious! to be
complemented by other public-oriented features of the
programsuch as discussions, concerts, and workshops.
participation of
the public,
tradition Exhibition Youth, adults Esplanade Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
Without thematic
XI International master
course for young
musicians Latvian music
and musicians in the
International group of young musicians and music
pedagogues will meet in eight day master classes in
Sigulda School of art White Piano, combining
lectures, seminars, discussions, individual and group
classes (orchestra, quires, ensembles, dance), classes of
choice and concerts for the public.
XI International master
course for young
musicians Latvian music
and musicians in the
The year 2014 master course will join young musicians
from Europe and wider world to be taught by 40 creatively
experienced latvian pedagogues and outstanding masters of
their art from Latvia, Germany, Switzerland, Australia,
USA and Mexico. The courses will invite students of music
from music colleges and academy, pedagogues of musical
education and more. A series of free concerts of
participants and pedagogues of this summer course will be
held in the Sigulda concert hall every night in July 1-8
where musicians will meet in warm, informal atmosphere
to play and enjoy their evenings together in an atmosphere
conducive to establishing further creative relationships.
Music, dance,
discussion / lecture,
workshop, event Youth, adults
Sigulda School of
arts and concert hall Free Thirst for the Ocean
Exhibition of Sound Art
Skan II
The exhibition SKAN II continues the 2007
exhibition Skan, the very first sound art exhibition in
the Baltic countries. The exhibition will open at the end
of May 2014 and continue in three instalments up until
August 24. The exhibition will present the latest and
most interesting works of artists fromall over the world
who work in the sound art genre. The objective of
SKAN II is to give visitors an opportunity to get to
know innovative contemporary art forms as well as the
unique architectural heritage of Riga.
Exhibition of Sound Art
Skan II
The Botanical Garden and the area around it were chosen
to become the platformfor SKAN II as the idea is to link
up the exhibition with Riga's wooden architecture
metaphorically, by singling out such places with the help of
sound, as well as literally, via artistic audio guides. The
second stage of the exhibition (01.07.14 20.07.14)
features Voldemrs Johansons (Latvia), Anke Eckardt
(Germany), Tommi Gronlund & Petteri Nisunen (Finland),
Heimo Lattner & Judith Laub (Austria / Germany), Carl
Michael von Hauswolff & Leif Elggren (Sweden), Evelna
Deimane (Latvia) and Max Eastley (Great Britain).
Music, visual
arts Exhibition
youth, adults
Kalnciema Quarter
Gallery, Botanical
Garden of the
University of Latvia
University of Latvia
Botanical Garden
Without thematic
division Notes of Beauty
Notes of Beauty is a photography project of Latvian
filmdirector and photographer Aija Bley and Japanese
photographer Ayaka Yamamoto. A subjective photo
diary about the search of identity is created during the
artists travels of Japan and Latvia. The creative
collaboration presents works that show the interaction
between two cultures and two personalities. Notes of Beauty
A subjective photo diary is created during Latvian film
director and photographer Aija Bley and Japanese
photographer Ayaka Yamamotos travels of Japan and
Latvia. Works created during the project will be displayed
for the public at a joint performance of Aija Bley and
Ayaka Yamamoto on the 21st of August as part of Riga
Stories in the Zolitde neighbourhood, as well as at Aija
Bleys photography exhibition Transparent at the Riga
Art Space on the 12th of December.
participation of
the public,
exhibition, urban
environment object,
creative workshop,
event Youth, adults Zolitde Free Thirst for the Ocean
500 years of the Book
Project 500 years of the Book 1514-2014 aims at
creating interactive, modern, and informatively rich
exhibition centering on year 1514, when the explosion
of printing was registered and new habits of reading
came to be established. The books will take audience
into an exiting journey to 500 years distant past when
Erasmus of Rotterdam, Martin Luther, Leonardo,
Rafael, Michelangelo, Titian, Durer and other great men
lived, outstanding monarchs reigned, the world heard
about a continent of America, for the first time, and the
Renaissance saw its heyday.
Exhibition '500 years of
the Book 1514-2014' and
the cycle of lectures
given by leading literary
and cultural figures
Exhibition 500 years of the Book 1514-2014 is intended
to coincide with academic readings The Content of XXI
Century given by the world re-known literary and cultural
figures. Unique editions held in European libraries will
complement inter-active presentation methods to enhance
gaining not only a maximally wide view on publishing, but
history, geography, politics, religion, art, music 500 years
ago. The exhibition will offer experience of Renaissance
music, unique art work of such outstanding artists as
Albrecht Durer, and every month of the exhibition will be
dedicated to lectures where prominent thinkers such as
Umberto Eco will lecture on the significance of reading
and culture in individual and social life.
literature, visual
art, science,
youth, adults
National Library of
Latvia Free
02.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Born in Riga
Cycle of concerts Born in Riga highlights Riga as a
uniting ground for many of contemporary stars of the
classical music, a place where these artists have begun
their musical careers, a place to give numerous excellent
musicians to Europe and wider world.
Filmevening 'Gidon's
Riga' in filmtheatre
'Splendid Palace'
Program of the project Born in Riga will feature a
cinematic evening Gidons Riga, in the cinema Splendid
Palace, reflecting the life and career of Gidon Kremer in
feature and documentary films; the program will focus the
famous musician in his work with Kremerata Baltica, as
interpret of the role of Paganini and in other artistic feats. Music, cinema
Concert, discussion /
lecture, action, event
youth, adults Splendid Palace' Splendid Palace'
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Thirst for the Ocean
FromIoganson to
The project From Ioganson to Johansons aims to
reveal the interrelations between art works and
continuity of ideas connecting them across centuries and
ideological eras. It is a dialogue between different
periods of history the 1920s, 60s and 70s and the 1st
decade of the XXI century.
Visionary structures.
FromIoganson to
The exhibition of kinetic art Visionary structures. From
Ioganson to Johansons uniting seven Latvian artists from
different generations, each of whom has been innovative in
their work, will tell a story of Latvian art and cultural
values, as well as contemplate our fate as the subjects of
history. Supervised by curator Ieva Astahovska, the
exhibition is organized by the Center of Contemporary Art
and the range of artists represented in it will include
Gustav Klutsis (18951938), Karl Ioganson (18901929),
Valdis Celms (1943), Jnis Krievs (1942), Artrs Riis
(1942), Gints Gabrns (1970) and Voldemrs Johansons
Visual art,
history Exhibtion Youth, adults
Latvian National
Library Free
Without thematic
XI "Kremerata Baltica"
Chamber orchestra Kremerata Baltica and its artistic
director Gidon Kremer hold the annual Kremerata
Baltica festival at the Sigulda concert hall Baltais
flelis (White Grand Piano) every summer.
Kremerata Baltica is a Grammy Award-winning
ensemble of critically-acclaimed musicians loved by
audiences around the world. The festivals focus is on
presenting popular compositions in untraditional and
innovative interpretations.
XI "Kremerata Baltica"
The XI Kremerata Baltica festival will continue fromthe
3rd to the 6th of July, presenting a series of varied concert
programmes in Sigulda and Riga, featuring young
musicians fromEstonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Concert
soloists: Gidon Kremer, Baiba Skride, Daniils Bulajevs
(violin), Lauma Skride (piano), Ksenija Sidorova
(accordion), Andrey Pushkarev (vibraphone). Conductor -
Jacques Cohen. Music Concert, festival Youth, adults
Great Guild Hall,
concert hall "Baltais
"Baltais flelis"
03.07.2014. FreedomStreet
Voices fromthe dark or
anis Lipke's squaring of
the circle
As part of the Voices from the dark or anis Lipke
circle quadrature composer Arturs Maskats has
composed the dedication Johanna and anis, which
will be performed by chamber orchestra Kremerata
Baltica with Gidon Kremer as lead. The book Puika
ar suni. Ststs par nosargtu noslpumu (The boy with
the dog. A tale of the secret well kept) for readers
between the ages of 8 and 15 years old will be presented
also. Other expos will be hosted by the anis Lipke
Memorial as well and visitors will be able to go on
excursions of the hiding places together with historian
Gustavs Strenga.
Love. Opus anis and
The premier of the opus anis and Johanna composed by
Arturs Maskats and interpreted by Gidon Kremers
chamber orchestra Kremerata Baltica. Set designer and
director Reinis Suhanovs. anis and Johanna Lipke not
only gave an outstanding example of human value, but also
kept their love alive in the trying turns of their fate till the
final day of their lives Music Concert Adults The Big Guildhall
The ticket office to be
announced Road Map Riga self | portraits
"Riga Self | Portraits" is a series of contemporary Riga
residents' photographs as seen by themselves and
professional photographers, involving a colourful
variety of Rigans in the city's artistic developments.
People living in the engarags, Bolderja, Jugla and
other neighbourhoods of Riga were participating in
creative workshops from2012 to 2014 to create their
self-portraits under the guidance of foreign and local
artistic photographers. Any Rigan could submit his or
her self-portrait, contributing to the gallery of the city's
portraits. "Riga Self | Portraits" is part of the
international inclusion and community development
project "Contemporary Self-Portraits", implemented in
Latvia by the ISSP association. Riga self | portraits
The exhibition Riga self | portraits will offer a view of the
self-portraits and portraits of the public of Riga
neighborhoods taking a contemporary look at the town and
its diversity. The self-portraits of our neighbors will be
produced in creative workshops held by Latvian and
foreign artists, bringing together the series of faces from
Bolderja, genskalns and engarags districts along with
Argentinean artist Marcos Lopezs portraits, made in the
vivid style of pop-Latino. During the exhibition, part of the
best portraits and self-portraits will step out into the
cityscape to generate more accompanying events
presentations with activities of pop-up self-portraits.
Visual art,
participation of
the public Exhibition, event
youth, adults "Tabakas fabrika" Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
04.07.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
Just Enough Time to
Pack a Few Things
Alix Landau-Brijatoff and Emmanuel Robert-Espalieus
one-act play Just Enough Time to Pack a Few Things
will be performed in the courtyard of the Corner House at
9 p.m. The play, in French with Latvian subtitles, features
three characters and klezmer music in the background.
Director: Isabelle Starkier. Cast: Judith Magre, Valentine
Varla, Juris agars and the Les Yeux Noirs ensemble.
The plays dialogue is the conversation between two
women mother and daughter across war-torn Europe;
initially by telephone, but later through diary entries
meant for the other party or just thoughts expressed in
phrases. A third character, a newspaperman, breaks into in
this intimate dialogue the far-off voice of a chronicler of
history. Theatre Show Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela The Corner House
05.07.2014. FreedomStreet Reunion of military bands
Although the practical importance of military bands has
changed greatly, they still retain their symbol of power
and demonstrate the close relationship between freedom,
power and culture. During the meet-up in Riga, military
bands will parade through the Old Town and perform
the festival's opening concert at the FreedomMonument.
The military bands will also perform concerts in
Latvia's regions and participate in the gala parade in
Riga that will close the festival.
Reunion of military
Military bands from various countries have been invited to
Riga to jointly create a colourful military parade and
participate in concerts. The main participants are the Staff
Band of the Norwegian Armed Forces, the band of the
Neubrandenburg Land Forces of the Bundeswehr, the band
of the National Reserve Corps of the Royal Netherlands
Army and others. The parade through Riga's Old Town
and the festival's opening concert at the Freedom
Monument will be on the 5th of July. Music
performance, event Youth, adults
At the Freedom
Monument, the Old
Town of Riga Free
06.07.2014. FreedomStreet Reunion of military bands
Although the practical importance of military bands has
changed greatly, they still retain their symbol of power
and demonstrate the close relationship between freedom,
power and culture. During the meet-up in Riga, military
bands will parade through the Old Town and perform
the festival's opening concert at the FreedomMonument.
The military bands will also perform concerts in
Latvia's regions and participate in the gala parade in
Riga that will close the festival.
Reunion of military
Military bands from various countries have been invited to
Riga to jointly create a colourful military parade and
participate in concerts. The main participants are the Staff
Band of the Norwegian Armed Forces, the band of the
Neubrandenburg Land Forces of the Bundeswehr, the band
of the National Reserve Corps of the Royal Netherlands
Army and others. The military bands will be performing
concerts in Latvia's regions on the 6th of July, which will
be followed by a concert at the Esplanade and the gala
concert in the psala Hall in Riga. Music
performance, event Youth, adults
At the Esplanade and
psala Hall in Riga
and in other cities
across Latvia Free
06.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean Born in Riga
For a country of merely 2 million people, Latvia has
produced a disproporionately large numer of world class
classical musicians who work and performwith the best
orchestras, and delight audiences in the most renowled
concert halls and opera houses around the world.
Through the concert cycle Born in Riga we welcome the
stars back home in Riga for individual and joint
concerts. Born in Riga
The cycle of "Born in Riga" concerts culminates on 6 July
with a Gala Concert, featuring stars like cellist Mischa
Maisky, opera singers Maija Kovaevska, Aleksandrs
Antoenko, Egls Sili and Inese Galante, violinist Baiba
Skride, pianist Vestards imkus, organist Iveta Apkalna,
accordeonist Ksenija Sidorova, as well as chamber
orchestra "Kremerata Baltica", the Latvian Radio Choir,
State Choir "Latvija", and conductors Mris Sirmais and
Andris Poga. The concert will take place in the square in
front of the National Opera House, and be shown on
screens around Riga, enabling a wide audience to take
advantage of this rare treat of all these musicians being
back home in Riga. Ticket sales will be announced in early
June. Music Concert, TV/radio Adults The Square of LNO For a fee
Without thematic
A musical breakfast in
the garden of Sigulda
New Castle
Beethoven and Sigulda is a series of free chamber
music concerts in the garden of Sigulda New Castle,
from11 a.m. to 12 noon every Sunday morning during
the month of July, which tell a captivating story about
Beethovens association with Sigulda. The concerts will
take the audiences on a fascinating journey through the
various music genres and epochs, fromcompositions by
Beethoven and his contemporaries to music by present-
day composers.
A musical breakfast in
the garden of Sigulda
New Castle
A series of free chamber music concerts will take place in
the Sigulda New Castle garden every Sunday of July from
11 a.m. to 12 noon. The Staff Band of the Norwegian
Armed Forces will give a concert on the 6th of July, the
title for the 13th of July concert is FromMinuet to
Tango, the 20th of July concert is titled Vienna. The
Tales of City and Forest, and closing the series on the
27th of July will be the concert Musical Gallery. Music Concert, event
youth, adults
Garden of Sigulda
New Castle Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
Without thematic
Musical breakfast or
Summer chamber music
concerts "Bethoven and

During the 2008 Kremerata Baltica festival in Sigulda
at the Sigulda New Castle or, in other words, the
historic property of Count Johann Georg von Brown,
the string quartet "Euphonia" played Ludwig van
Beethoven's Trio in C-minor, dedicated to his friend
and patron Brown, therefore revealing a unique and
previously unknown fact - Beethoven's unique
connection to Sigulda. Continuing the unique
Beethoven in Sigulda story, on July Sunday mornings,
the Sigulda New Castle garden will host Summer
chamber music concerts, featuring the music of
Beethoven and Vienna classics.
Musical breakfast or
Summer chamber music
concerts "Bethoven and
On July Sunday mornings, between 11:00 and 12:00 am,
the Sigulda New Castle garden will host Summer chamber
music concerts or Musical breakfast events. Different
chamber music ensembles duos, trios, quartets, chamber
orchestras will performin these concerts, playing music
of Vienna classics. Music Concert Youth, adults
Sigulda New Castle

08.07.2014. Riga Carnival Early Music Festival
The Early Music festival will take the modern audience
back into Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque musical
atmospheres. The concerts of the festival will bring
listeners to the churches and concert halls in the Old
Town of Riga, but its central feature will be the
program in the exquisite Baroque castle of Rundle.
This festival brings numerous early music from Europe
and other continents to Latvia every year. Particular
attention will be paid to composers who have lived and
worked in historic Riga. The Lost Son
The Lost Son, a staging created by Burkards Valdiss will
be performed at the opening events of Early Music Festival
at 20.00 and 22.00. The story is about a turbulent time in
Riga history during the Reformation in 1527. Music Concert, festival
youth, adults The Speri courtyard
09.07.2014. Riga Carnival Early Music Festival
The Early Music festival will take the modern audience
back into Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque musical
atmospheres. The concerts of the festival will bring
listeners to the churches and concert halls in the Old
Town of Riga, but its central feature will be the
program in the exquisite Baroque castle of Rundle.
This festival brings numerous early music from Europe
and other continents to Latvia every year. Particular
attention will be paid to composers who have lived and
worked in historic Riga. Orlando Furioso
The Early Music Festival will invite the public the first
night performance of Orlando Furioso the lost opera by
Antonio Vivaldi, which came to be unearthed in 2012.
Created in 1727 and not found until 270 years after the
death of its author, the opera will be performed by the
Radio Quire Latvia and baroque orchestra and ensemble
Collegium 1704 from the Czech Republic. The date of
the event may be subject to change. Music
Concert, theatre,
festival Youth, adults The Speri courtyard
Without thematic
division World Choir Games
The World Choir Games is the largest international
quire singing event on the planet and, not without
reason, is known as the quire singing Games. The next
such event will take place in Riga as part of the program
of Riga the European Capital of Culture. Ten years
ago, the board of the world quire Games was joined by
maestro Imants Kokars who has devoted great efforts to
bringing event of this cope to Latvia, which is known as
one of the quire singing giants. From 2008, his work
was taken over by conductor Romns Vanags. 8th World Choir Games
The idea of the World Choir Games is to promote
understanding amongst nations and world peace, uniting
people from every corner of the planet in a friendly contest.
In July 2014, Riga will host about 20 000 singers from all
around the world and see quire music to take over its
biggest concert halls and venues. A grand international
range of choirs will make Riga a capital of choir music for
the duration of the Games.
participation of
the piublic
workshop, festival,
youth, adults
The venues to be
The ticket office to be
10.07.14.-13.07.14. Riga Carnival
Botanical Garden of the
University of Latvia - the
green heart of Riga
The project for the UL Botanical Garden is a corpus of
exhibitions, seminars, work-shops, concerts and other
cultural and educational events to acquaint the viewer
with the garden culture and richness of flora, to promote
understanding of biological diversity, complemented by
enjoyment of art photography, sculpture, the art-work
of florists, poetry, music etc. inspired by gardens and
nature, inviting the participation of everybody who is
open to creativity and learning.
The Ball of Flowers Riga
The Ball of Flowers is the largest, the most diverse and the
most widely attended flower show in Latvia and the Baltic
states. This traditionally held event holds sway as the
highlight of the year for many inhabitants and guests of the
capital for everyone interested in flowers and decorative
flora, everyone who values well-kept environment,
luscious gardens and enjoys the beauty of flowers.
Concerts of the artists of UL and other participants will
beautifully accompany the wonder of blossoming.
Music, visual
arts, design,
history, science,
Concert, object in
the city environment,
creative work-shop,
action, event
youth, adults
Botanical Garden of
the University of
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
10.07.2014. Riga Carnival Early Music Festival
The Early Music festival will take the modern audience
back into Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque musical
atmospheres. The concerts of the festival will bring
listeners to the churches and concert halls in the Old
Town of Riga, but its central feature will be the
program in the exquisite Baroque castle of Rundle.
This festival brings numerous early music from Europe
and other continents to Latvia every year. Particular
attention will be paid to composers who have lived and
worked in historic Riga. Orlando Furioso
The Early Music Festival will invite the public the first
night performance of Orlando Furioso the lost opera by
Antonio Vivaldi, which came to be unearthed in 2012.
Created in 1727 and not found until 270 years after the
death of its author, the opera will be performed by the
Radio Quire Latvia and baroque orchestra and ensemble
Collegium 1704 from the Czech Republic. The date of
the event may be subject to change. Music
Concert, theatre,
festival Youth, adults The Speri courtyard
10.07.14.-21.08.14. Thirst of the Ocean
Historic Ravenna mosaics
and contemporary mosaic
The mosaic exhibition fromthe early days of
Christianity is supplemented with historic testimonies
about religion, state order and important events in the
history of Europes culture. Along with Ravenna
mosaics, contemporary mosaic pieces will be displayed
at the new expo hall of the National Library of Latvia.
Historic Ravenna
mosaics and
contemporary mosaic art
The book shelves of the library will display contemporary
artist book mosaic (biblio mosaico) pieces fromthe
Ravenna library "Biblioteca Classense di Ravenna"
collection. The project also includes discussions about
historic mosaics, as well as contemporary mosaic art work.
Visual arts,
history Exhibition Youth, adults
Latvian National
Library Free
11.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in the
Riga Dom11.07.2014
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the fourth concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Atis Stepi - Variations
on Bach's Song, Milo Sokola - Passacaglia quasi toccata
sul tema BACH. Participating in the concert: organists
Jevgeija isicina, Larisa Carjkova and Roberts Hansons,
soprano Kristne Gailte. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral Riga Dome
13.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in
Dubulti Evangelical
Lutheran Church
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the fourth concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Atis Stepi - Variations
on Bach's Song, Milo Sokola - Passacaglia quasi toccata
sul tema BACH. Participating in the concert: organists
Jevgeija isicina, Larisa Carjkova and Roberts Hansons,
soprano Kristne Gailte. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti Free
14.07.14.-15.09.14. Riga Carnival 3D Carnival
Human memory is surprising and diverse. Some
remember the names, faces and events, but others
sensations accompanying them. However, it is
impossible to experience all the sensations in the world,
which prompts storing memories of these particular
senses in Sense Containers quite like in Latvian Cabinet
of Dainas. The most beautiful of themwill be available
to all in a three-dimensional (3D) carnival of sensations. Sense Containers
Labyrinth of 3D visualizations will, within the project 3D
Carnival, will take the viewer to a journey through rooms
of sensations or Sense Containers, designed by Antra
Cilinska, Roberts Rubns, Didzis Egltis, Kaspars Brais,
Didzis Jaunzems, Elizabete Nmane, Aija Liepia and
Ingus Josts.
participation of
the public,
Object in the city
environment, event
youth, adults psala beach
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
17.07.2014. Riga Carnival The Enchanted Wanderer

The guest performance of Rodion Shchedrin's opera
"The Enchanted Wanderer" by the Mariinsky Theatre of
Saint Petersburg will be held at the Latvian National
Opera. The Enchanted Wanderer
The Mariinsky Theatre of Saint Petersburg, Russia, will
bring three soloists, a choir and an orchestra to Riga to
performthe opera The Enchanted Wanderer. The
production is based on Nikolai Leskovs story and the
libretto has been created by composer Rodion Shchedrin.
Artistic Director - Valery Gergiev.
The opera was commissioned by the American conductor
Loren Maazel and it is also dedicated to him. The opera
was premiered on 19 October, 2002, at the Avery Fisher
Hall in New York, by the New York Philharmonic,
conducted by Maazel himself. The stage production of the
piece was premiered at the Mariinsky Theatre on 26 July of
2008 and later was also included in the theaters repertoire.
The production in Riga will feature synchronized subtitles
in Latvian and English. Music, theatre Concert Youth, adults
Latvian National
19.07.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
Military Uniforms and
Accessories During
World War I
At 4 p.m. the Museumof the History of Riga and
Navigation presents the lecture-demonstration Military
Uniforms and Accessories During World War I on the
ground floor where the exposition of the Museumof the
Occupation of Latvia is on display. Speaker: Georgs
Kuklis-Romanis. An account of Russian army uniforms
and accessories during the First World War, as well as
demonstrations of items froma private collection. History Discussion / lecture Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free

Amber Vein
Tenso Europe Chamber
Upon the initiative of the Latvian Radio Choir
Conductor Kaspars Putni and Tenso, the European
network for professional chamber choirs, the first
Europes professional choir was established and Riga
has the honour of being its cradle. The choir joins
Europes best young singers and will reveal new leads in
the field of choir music. The Tenso European Chamber
Choir worshop, which takes place in Riga in 2013 and
2014, will conclude with the premiere of the production
Brightness. The Series, which is part of the
international choir festival Tenso Days in Riga.
Tenso Europe Chamber
Choir concert
In 2014, between 13 and 15 July, the second Summer
workshop of TECC (Tenso Europe Chamber Choir) will
take place at art school Baltais flelis in Sigulda. The
programs, prepared during the workshop, will be
performed to the audience at the Evangelic Lutheran
Church of Sigulda on 23 July, at 19.00 pm. Music Concert Youth, adults
Evangelic Lutheran
Church of Sigulda

Amber Vein
Tenso Europe Chamber
Upon the initiative of the Latvian Radio Choir
Conductor Kaspars Putni and Tenso, the European
network for professional chamber choirs, the first
Europes professional choir was established and Riga
has the honour of being its cradle. The choir joins
Europes best young singers and will reveal new leads in
the field of choir music. The Tenso European Chamber
Choir worshop, which takes place in Riga in 2013 and
2014, will conclude with the premiere of the production
Brightness. The Series, which is part of the
international choir festival Tenso Days in Riga.
Tenso Europe Chamber
Choir concert
In 2014, between 13 and 15 July, the second Summer
workshop of TECC (Tenso Europe Chamber Choir) will
take place at art school Baltais flelis in Sigulda. The
programs, prepared during the workshop, will be
performed to the audience at the Evangelic Lutheran
Church of Sigulda on 23 July, at 19.00 pm. Music Concert Youth, adults
Evangelic Lutheran
Church of Sigulda
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Riga Carnival The Ladies' Paradise
Project ten Movements of Fashion and Fashion on the
Stage reflects the history of fashion in Europe in the
period between years 1900 and 2000, popularly
introducing the most prominent brand names in fashion
and the social and cultural history of the continent in
this period. The set design of the project uses staged
frames of filmarchive material. The Ladies' Paradise
The Ladies Paradise will be five performances reflecting
two decades in fashion, starting from year 1900. The aim
of the project is to employ the genre of entertaining
performance in order to foreground a phenomenon as wide
as European fashion. Well-known fashion designers will
participate in the performance created and produced by
Ilona Brvere, consulted, for style, Natlija Jansone.
Music, theatre,
dance, cinema,
literature, visual
multimedia Show Youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
25.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in the
Riga Dom25.07.2014
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the fifth concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach; Robert Schumann - Two Fugues on BACH op. 60,
Franz Liszt - Prelude and Fugue on BACH, Andres Uibo -
Bach in the Mirror, Naji Hakim - "BACHORAMA".
Performing in the concert: organists Una Cintia, Dina
Jaunzeme and Inese Paia, violinist Aleksejs Bahirs. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral Riga Dome Thirst for the Ocean
Exhibition of Sound Art
Skan II
The exhibition SKAN II continues the 2007
exhibition Skan, the very first sound art exhibition in
the Baltic countries. The exhibition will open at the end
of May 2014 and continue in three instalments up until
August 24. The exhibition will present the latest and
most interesting works of artists fromall over the world
who work in the sound art genre. The objective of
SKAN II is to give visitors an opportunity to get to
know innovative contemporary art forms as well as the
unique architectural heritage of Riga.
Exhibition of Sound Art
Skan II
The Botanical Garden and the area around it were chosen
to become the platformfor SKAN II as the idea is to link
up the exhibition with Riga's wooden architecture
metaphorically, by singling out such places with the help of
sound, as well as literally, via artistic audio guides. The
third stage of the exhibition (25.07.1424.08.14) features
Christian Skjodt (Denmark), Voldemrs Johansons
(Latvia), Max Eastley (Great Britain), Michael
Schumacher (the United States), as well as Edwin van der
Heide & Jan-Peter Sonntag (the Netherlands / Germany).
Music, visual
arts Exhibition
youth, adults
Kalnciema Quarter
Gallery, Botanical
Garden of the
University of Latvia
University of Latvia
Botanical Garden
26.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Events of Be Here in the
festival of introvert art
Ad lucem
Be Here is a range of the programs within the festival
of introvert art Ad lucem specially dedicated to Riga
2014. They are a whole night event on Esplanade
Sunrise in town, readings Lord of the Horizons
participated by prominent experts of oriental music and
featuring interpretation of Koran by translator and poet
Uldis Brzi, as well as already legendary Night
Meditation, made unforgettable by improvisations of
British cello player Matthew Barley. Your center is
where you are even in the humdrum of the city. Stop
and listen to the quiet heart beat of Riga, sense its
particular spiritual radiance and be present! Sunrise in the City
The festival of introvert art Ad lucem will feature a whole
night program Sunrise in the City, inviting presence on
the Esplanade shared with particular musicians, in order to
discover a unique, spiritual beat in the rhythm of breath of
the city. In an inviting tent set with cushions, the audience
of this event will be stirred into meditative vibrations of
introvert music and find a fresh sense of sunrise in the
urban heart of Riga. Be here! Music
Concert, festival,
event Youth, adults Esplanade
Without thematic
division 5th Blues Festival
The only outdoor blues festival in Latvia is held on an
annual basis in Sigulda, bringing together the best blues
musicians fromLatvia and abroad. The programme of
the international festival also includes the final of the
National Blues Competition, the winners of which will
represent Latvia at the main European blues event
European Blues Challenge, which in 2015 will be held
in Brussels. 5th Blues Festival
Local musicians and guests fromEstonia, Italy, Great
Britain, Poland, Finland and even the distant Tasmania
(Australia) will participate in the fifth Blues Festival.
Besides performances by blues musicians fromvarious
countries, an outdoor photography exhibition has become
an integral part of the festival. Also, various films will be
screened at the Blues Cinema. Music Concert, festival Youth, adults
Sigulda Medieval
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
27.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in
Dubulti Evangelical
Lutheran Church
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the fifth concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach; Robert Schumann - Two Fugues on BACH op. 60,
Franz Liszt - Prelude and Fugue on BACH, Andres Uibo -
Bach in the Mirror, Naji Hakim - "BACHORAMA".
Performing in the concert: organists Una Cintia, Dina
Jaunzeme and Inese Paia, violinist Aleksejs Bahirs. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti Free
28.07.14.-24.08.14. Road Map
Dance Goes Out Into
In 2014, Riga will become an action-site for the
recognized choreographers of contemporary dance, who
will engage the young artists of dance from Latvia in
process of search and creativity aimed at finding new
sites for dance and generating professional pieces of
contemporary dance outside their traditional studios,
theatre houses and platforms. The subject of the project
research will be potential of urban environment to
become the stage of contemporary dance.
Dance Goes Out Into
Group of Japan street dance artists Contact Gonzo will
visit Riga and work with 10-12 choreographers and
dancers from Latvia, developing performances in one of
Rigas neighborhoods (which will be announced). The
creative process as well as performances will
predominantly take place in the cityscape, fusing with the
everyday life of the neighborhood and allowing the locals
and by-passers to become observers of creation of art
education, street
art Performance, event Youth, adults
Several venues in
Riga Free
30.07.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Events of Be Here in the
festival of introvert art
Ad lucem
Be Here is a range of the programs within the festival
of introvert art Ad lucem specially dedicated to Riga
2014. The program Sunrise in town, invites you to
Esplanade to share a beautifully cushioned night entirely
devoted to the meditative vibes of introvert music, to
hear your own heartbeat, in an unhurried experience of
the town embraced by night, and to discover its spiritual
dimension. Let us see sunrise in the very heart of Riga! Lord of Horizons
Lord of Horizons will be one of the highlights of the
festival of introvert art Ad lucem. Its source was found
in the personality of the 17
century translator, teacher and
composer Uli Afki whose outstanding life on the crossroads
of Eastern and Western cultures affirms the main value in
all times humanism. Music performed by ensemble of
oriental music Sarband will enliven this event. Artistic
director of this group Vladimir Ivanoff
(Bulgaria/Germany) is a prominent musicologist, specialist
of leute, baroque and oriental music. The theme of the
concert is inter-relation of Oriental and Western music,
reflection of Christianity and Islamin its scores, integrating
readings of Koran by poet and translator Uldis Brzi. Music, literature
Concert, festival,
event Youth, adults
National Library of
Without thematic

Force Majeure

Over the past 800 years, different events have left their
mark in the history of Turaidas pils that is evidence
that people in the past have tried to better the world; it
also shows their wish for a meaningful life, according to
each persons systemof values and the specific time
period, their strive to improve themselves and to achieve
freedomin its many forms. The monument of
archeology and architecture - Turaida Castle is one of
the oldest medieval time period castles in Latvia; the
construction of the Turaida stone castle begun in 1214.
800th anniversary of
archeology and
architecture monument -
Turaida Castle Turaida Castle 800th anniversary celebrations program.
Concert, exhibition,
event Youth, adults
Turaida Museum-

Turaida Museum-
reserve Amber Vein
The Amber Road
Towards Future of Latvia
in the World
Project involves generation and analysis of information,
scientific research, publishing of a book, guided by the
theme The Amber Road Towards Future of Latvia in
the World. It will be the first such publication, focusing
on history of emergence Baltic amber, the processes of
its diagenesis by time, its role in human existence from
its tribal history to the present day. The edition will also
include the review of scientific research on amber and
descriptions of innovative products in the segment of its
The Amber Road
Towards Future of
Latvia in the World' -
book presentation
The significance of the book 'The Amber Road Towards
Future of Latvia in the World' lies in the provided
opportunity to step out of the usual hurried rhythm of life
and to approach amber froma different angle. The scientist
from Latvia Inga aenko, who has dedicate years of
research to amber, wishes to present her vision of amber to
wider part of society, and the book and research will be her
independent work. Literature Presentation Youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
Without thematic
XXII International
Sigulda Opera Festival
For the 22nd time, Sigulda Medieval Castle will host the
annual International Sigulda Opera Festival. The
festivals programme includes the Festival Overture
the opening concert FromLatvian to World Classics,
musical performance for families with children Horse
of My Dreams, a new staging of Georges Bizets
Carmen, a sacred music concert, and the ever-
surprising Gala Concert. The festival will also include a
number of artistic and musical performances.
XXII International
Sigulda Opera Festival
The Opera Festival will open with the overture concert
FromLatvian to World Classics on the 1st of August at
7 p.m., followed by Horse of My Dreams, a special
performance for children, on the 2nd of August at 3 p.m.
and a new staging of Georges Bizets opera Carmen at 9
p.m. Starring in the performance will be a teamof
international opera stars fromFrance: Clmentine
Margaine, Pierre Yves-Pruvot and Filipe Do, as well as
Maija Kovaevska. A Sacred Music Concert will be on the
3rd of August at 1 p.m., and the Opera Festival will close
with the annual Gala Concert at 5 p.m., featuring the world-
famous and internationally-acclaimed opera soloists
Vittorio Vitelli, Iano Tamar and Marcelo lvarez, the
festivals orchestra and choir. Conductor Vladimir
Kiradjiev. Music
Festival, concert,
youth, adults
Sigulda Castle
Complex and the
Castle Stage Road Map Riga Films
Riga Films project is an event of Riga European
Capital of Culture with the main aim to bring together
film professionals and school children in order to tell
stories about Riga suburbs. Children will be able to
learn filming basics with the help of professionals
during the workshop. Therefore, newly-made films will
be screened together with the best films about Riga from
the early years in 2014 when Riga becomes The
European Capital of Culture.
Screenings of the best
films and closing event of
the 'Riga Films'
Starting from October of 2013 till May of 2014, the
workshops of Rgas kino (Riga Film) will be organized
in different schools in Riga. 240 young people in 12
creative workshops will film 48 short-films about Riga.
The workshops will be hosted by professionals directors
Ivars Zviedris, Ilona Brvere, Dainis Kava, Dzintars
Dreibergs and many more. In August and September of
2014, open-air public screenings of the 12 best new and old
films about Riga will be held. On 30 September, the award
ceremony for the best new film directors will be held at
cinema Splendid Palace. All short films will be featured
for public viewing on Rgas kino webpage. Cinema Event, performance Youth, adults
Filmtheatre 'Splendid
Palace' Free
02.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Events of Be Here in the
festival of introvert art
Ad lucem
Be Here is a range of the programs within the festival
of introvert art Ad lucem specially dedicated to Riga
2014. They are a whole night event on Esplanade
Sunrise in town, readings Lord of the Horizons
participated by prominent experts of oriental music and
featuring interpretation of Koran by translator and poet
Uldis Brzi, as well as already legendary Night
Meditation, made unforgettable by improvisations of
British cello player Matthew Barley. Your center is
where you are even in the humdrum of the city. Stop
and listen to the quiet heart beat of Riga, sense its
particular spiritual radiance and be present! The Night Meditation
Concert The Night Meditation will be part of the festival
program of introvert art Ad lucem. This unique tradition
was established by the outstanding British cello musician
Matthew Barley, who is known for his creativity, daring,
openness to unbeaten ideas, and disregard of geographical,
social, and style-related limits. In an eight hour meditation,
the audience will follow improvisation, diving deep into
orchestral timbres of acoustic and electrical cello,
remaining seated, lying down on cushions, blankets or
sleeping bags falling asleep, waking up, and entering a
dimension of perception eluding us in the everyday. Be
with us! Music
Concert, festival,
event Youth, adults
Culture Hall
03.08.2014. Road Map The Milk festival
Interest generates energy. This simple truth took the
organizers out into the caf courtyard in order to learn
what a festival is, three years ago. As it turns out, the
answers to this are many, bet, fundamentally, The Milk
festival is a summer Sunday spent with in company of
close friends, listening to good music, enjoying fine food
and different kind of attractions, surrounded by
laughter. In 2014, as part of Riga2014 events, this
event will expand into Vecmlgrvis and Lucavsala
districts. The Milk festival
Daugava washes around a number of islands, to which the
inhabitants of Riga are never taken in their everyday
routes. The Milk festival in Lucavsala will reveal the
charm of this island, demonstrating how clean and open to
romantics, photographers and just people thirsty for new
urban experiences it is. In essence, this festival will be a
beautiful Sunday, spent amidst Daugava waters from 14 in
the afternoon till 01 at night. The main stage of the event
will be given to local and guest musicians, while its active
zone will be occupied by street artists, performances,
circus, attractions, a small fare, artisan workshops, offer
the services of hair-dresser and masseur and get advised on
cooking. A separate theatre stage will also be open, while
children will be entertained by drawing, pottery and sound
creating activities etc. Wine, more temperate music and
conversation will reign in the quieter zone of the event.
Music, theatre,
dance, cinema,
visual art,
science, sports,
participation of
the public, street
presentation, object
in the city
festival, event
youth, adults
The renovated park
of Lucavsala Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions. Exhibition 'The Future'
Exhibition Future will open as a sequence in the project
En-rooters offering a view of innovative and surprising
local and foreign objects of art and designing of the city
environment and adjustment to needs of different groups of
inhabitants, also inviting the public to discussions,
concerts, workshops etc.
participation of
the public Exhibition Youth, adults Esplanade Free Riga Carnival
Street Art and Music
Festival "Re Re Riga!"
The second annual festival "Re Re Riga!" will run from
the 6th to the 9th of August 2014, bringing together
over sixty artists fromtwelve countries: Spain, the
Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Sweden,
Estonia, France, Great Britain, Turkey the United States
and Latvia. The main venues of the festival are the Riga
Congress Centre halls and outdoor square, and the
Esplanade. Some of the shows will take place in other
venues in the downtown, yet to be announced. By means
of colour, sound, atmosphere and other forms of
creativity, "Re Re Riga!" festival offers visitors to
experience a miracle of art, meeting a broad variety of
world cultures.
Street Art and Music
Festival "Re Re Riga!"
"Re Re Riga!" is the largest street art and world music
event in the Baltics. Its programme includes a broad
variety of arts new circus, music, dance and street theatre
performances. The objective of the festival is to accelerate
cultural processes in Riga, transforming the city into
creative, socially-attractive environment full of adventure
and charged with positive emotions. "Re Re Riga!" has
established a new annual tradition, putting Riga on the map
of annual European and global street festivals.
Music, dance,
visual arts,
street art
Concert, show,
performance, urban
environment object,
youth, adults
Congress Centre, the
Esplanade, urban
environment Free Riga Carnival
Street Art and Music
Festival "Re Re Rga!"
The second annual festival "Re Re Riga!" will run from
the 6th to the 9th of August 2014, bringing together
over sixty artists fromtwelve countries: Spain, the
Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Sweden,
Estonia, France, Great Britain, Turkey the United States
and Latvia. The main venues of the festival are the Riga
Congress Centre halls and outdoor square, and the
Esplanade. Some of the shows will take place in other
venues in the downtown, yet to be announced. By means
of colour, sound, atmosphere and other forms of
creativity, "Re Re Riga!" festival offers visitors to
experience a miracle of art, meeting a broad variety of
world cultures.
Along the Amber
The concert production Pa dzintara ceu... / Songs Along
the Amber Road is an exciting wandering along the
mystical and legendary amber trade road, stretching
through hundreds of years fromthe Baltic Sea to the
ancient Egypt. The international concert show band
TlaMana includes Laila Silia (Latvia/USA, voice,
guitar, kokles), JimMatus (Polija/ASV, Greek lute,
guitar), Shane Shanahan (Ireland/USA, drums, Silk Road
Ensemble), Timo Vnnen (Finland, kanteles). The
programme includes ancient tales and legends, poetry,
different folk melodies and modern arrangements from
lyrical Baltic songs to Mediterranean rhythms and oriental
moods. Music Concert, theatre
youth, adults Urban Riga Free
08.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in the
Riga Dom08.08.2014
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the sixth concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Max Reger - Fantasy and
Fugue on BACH, Georgs Pelcis - Contemplation Liturgy.
Participating in the concert: organists Kristne Adamaite,
Ligita Sneibe and Aija Zinte, saxophonist Artis Smanis. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral Riga Dome
08.08.2014. Riga Carnival The Years of Wandering
The Years of Wandering highlight Riga as a cultural
crossroads of Europe. Many luminaries thinkers,
musicians, singers have met here. The project is
inspired by Franz Liszts fantasy Wanderer both, a
geographical and spiritual journey. Compositions joined
by this theme as well as newly commissioned work will
be presented in this cycle of concerts. Year 2014 will
bring together in Jrmala the classics of musical
repertoire and re-known musicians, whose origins are
found in Riga and Latvia. The Years of Wandering
The range of The Years of Wandering themes is varied
and will invite creative approach of the public. The
participants of these concerts are Kremerata Baltica,
Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Ksenija Sidorova
(accordion), Gidon Kremer (violin), Elna Buka (violin),
Ramon Jaffe (cello), Inga Kalna (soprano), Egil Sili
(bass), Andrey Osokin (piano), and others.
education Concert Youth, adults
Dzintari Concert Hall
in Jrmala
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
Without thematic
division Nature Concert Hall
This year, the Nature Concert Hall will take place in
Gauja National Park near Sigulda. Residents and guests
of Sigulda and Sigulda Region will be offered to go on
various tours, participate in the Nature Concert Halls
exploration laboratories and creative workshops and,
after dark, become participants in nature, music and
video art performances, feeling that they are innately a
part of nature, its beauty, might and eternity as times go
by. This time, the Nature Concert Halls main character
is the placoderm, an armoured prehistoric fish that lived
over 400 million years ago and is a contemporary of
the sandstone banks of River Gauja. Nature Concert Hall
The event Nature Concert Hall Placoderm will consist
of two parts: exploratory laboratories and creative
workshops, and a performance of music, light and
projections. The scientific component will be represented
by the Entomological Society of Latvia, the Nature
Conservation Agency, the University of Latvia, the
Museumof Natural History, Latvian Ornithological
Society and bat researchers. Also participating in the event
will be musicians Ingus Ulmanis, Andris Sjns, Valdis
Muktupvels, Aigars Voitiis, Kaspars Tobis, Anrijs
Grinbergs, Gints Sola. This year the Nature Concert Hall
will present a notable addition - the Devon Orchestra - a
chamber orchestra made up of twenty professional
symphony orchestra musicians. The Devon Orchestra
will have several important tasks to performwith the main
task being to create a symphony of sound for a time 56
million years ago and linking it up with the contemporary
Nature Concert Hall.
Music, visual
arts, history,
participation of
the public,
Concert, event,
creative workshop
youth, adults
Sigulda, the "Hot Air
Balloon Field" in the
Gauja Valley Admission charged
09.08.14.-10.08.14. Survival Kit
The craftsman workshop
The goal of the project is to hold craftsman workshops,
therefore allowing themto meet and to share their skills
and work in authentic surroundings the workshops
will be open to public attendance. The project intends to
encourage emerging craftsman to create new and
modern products, based on traditional crafts and skills.
The project will conclude with an extensive and versatile
modern crafts show.
The exhibition of the
craftsman workshop
The exhibition of pieces, created during the May 2014
craftsman workshop Tilts (Bridge), will be held.
participation of
the public,
workshop, event
youth, adults
At Latvian
Ethnographic Open
Air Museum
Latvian Ethnographic
Open Air Museum
10.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in
Dubulti Evangelical
Lutheran Church
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the sixth concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Max Reger - Fantasy and
Fugue on BACH, Georgs Pelcis - Contemplation Liturgy.
Participating in the concert: organists Kristne Adamaite,
Ligita Sneibe and Aija Zinte, saxophonist Artis Smanis. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti Free
11.08.2014. Thirst of the Ocean
Requiem prayer for the
Baltic Sea
Latvia aims to become the cleanest and greenest country
in the world, yet the Baltic Sea is dying. A special
documentary will discuss the issues of protecting the
Baltic Sea and the environment, while famous opera
singers will say their prayer for the Baltic Sea through
the "Requiem", encouraging the audience to join it.
Requiem prayer for the
Baltic Sea
On 11 August, at the opening of the 10th jubilee festival
Summertime Inese Galante presents, the special honour
to "Riga 2014", Mozarts Requiem - prayer for the
Baltic Sea, will be played.
Inese Galante (soprano, Latvia), tenor Andreas Schager
(bass, Austria), Egils Sili (bass, Latvia), mezzo-soprano
Ann Hallenber (Sweden) and Evelino Pido (Italy), as well
as the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, will take
part in the performance.
multimedia Concert, event Youth, adults Dzintari Concert Hall
The ticket office to be
12.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet FreedomStreet
Cafe Spleen or August
Action Cafe Spleen or August 1914 will feature the
figures of Latvian poet Jnis Akurters and his
contemporaries revealing how year 1914 urged
development of the idea of Latvia as an independent
state and how the war changed the way of thinking.
Recordings of Akuraters, Skalbe, and Virzas poetry
and songs composed with their lyrics as well as lectures,
discussions and a range of other events will be offered
to the audience within this program.
Cafe Spleen or August
The Cafe Spleen or August 1914 aims to examine how
war laid basis for freedomand changed the way humans
thought or, in other words, created the modern man. Cafe
Spleen or August 1914 consists of action space as an
exhibition, a vocally instrumental oratorio with Akurters,
Skalbe and Virzas lyricis and inter-actional sessions:
-The Riflemen Theatre in the Black cabinet
-My grand-father, my great-grand-father, my great-great-
grandfather rifleman or the tales of the unmentioned
-Two little doves
-The Field of Death poetry of G. Trakl and story
Death by Jnis Akurters
-My letter to another generation
-reading of novel Fiery Flowers by Jnis Akurters.
Music, theatre,
exhibition, action,
event Youth, adults
Jnis Akurters
Museumon Vciea
street 6a and its
The ticket office to be
13.08.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
Mrija Grnbergas
(19091975) Journey to
At 4 p.m. the Museumof the History of Riga and
Navigation presents the lecture Mrija Grnbergas
(19091975) Journey to Germany on the ground floor
where the exposition of the Museumof the Occupation of
Latvia is on display. Speaker: Dr. art. Jnis Kalnas. The
story of the forced removal to Germany of Latvias cultural
treasures in 1944 and the destinies of the people who
brought themback. History Discussion / lecture Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free Thirst for the Ocean
Waiting for...'
(Archeology of an idea)
The kim? contemporary art centres project Waiting
for... (Archaeology of an Idea) brings to Riga
professionals fromvarious disciplines curators,
philosophers, authors, artists and musicians whose
mission is to research, inspire, and interact with the
local cultural environment. These thinkers visits to
Riga may take different forms: visits associated with art
research, presentations of specific theoretical principles,
performances, exhibitions and others.
In preparation for the
residencies of
international arts
curators - thinkers in
Riga, 'Waiting for...'
(Archeology of an idea)
Internationally active professionals of art and culture will
participate in the project Waiting for (Archeology of
an idea) to reconsider and widen the discourse on artistic
themes actual in Riga. Filmprogramme in cooperation with
"2Annas" will be presented in addition to an exhibition
"Aspen-Kemmern". The date of the event may be subject to
Music, cinema,
literature, visual
art, design,
history, science,
discussion / lecture,
workshop, action,
youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free Survival Kit
Riga 2014 and Mons
2015 'Transmedia Caf
In 2014, RIXC and Mons 2015 (Belgium) in
partnership with a number of other towns will
implement a large-scale project of cultural and social
collaboration. Within this program, a modular public
space, a system of new information, communication and
energy technologies in the form of a mobile container
will be produced. The containers to be placed around
Riga and in other partner towns will join into a global
communications system throwing bridges of inter-
connection among these places, and, for the length of
2014, establishing Riga as the center of this relational
Riga 2014 and Mons
2015 'Transmedia Caf'
The idea of the Riga 2014 and Mons 2015 project
Transmedia Caf is the image of a modern,
multifunctional social space in the city characterized by
dynamism and self-sufficiency in terms of the energy it
needs. Container will be placed, in summer 2014, in the
Speri quarter to serve as a place of meeting, realizing
social and cultural function. It will be moved to different
neighborhoods of Riga in order to draw attention of the
widest public possible to the social practices supported by
the new technologies. RIXC will implement this project
collaborating with its main partner Technocit and Mons
2015 (Beligium) as well as other members of the network
from Grenoble France, Canada, Australia, Liepja
University in Latvia and others.
Visual art,
design, science,
participation of
the public
discussion / lecture,
youth, adults
Speru creative
quarter on Maskavas
street 8/1 Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Road Map
The festival of urban art
'Urban Storytelling''
The urban art festival "Urban Storytelling" is a
contemporary art project for the integration of the
artistic process into the urban environment. The
program and forms of artistic expression for each Riga
neighbourhood are dictated by their individual history
and the present outlook. The project's uniting factor is
that "Urban Storytelling", through artistic expression
(photography, video, tours, environmental art, dance),
fosters the tradition of storytelling in a modern urban
environment. Urban Storytelling
The main characters and co-authors of stories that are part
of the urban art festival "Urban Storytelling" are the people
living in Riga's suburbs (Zolitde, Sarkandaugava,
Grzikalns, Lielie kapi cemetery in Brasa), as well as the
environment, architecture and history of these locations.
Zolitde will see film screenings and photography
exhibitions that play on the neighbourhood's name.
Sarkandaugava will host exhibitions and environmental art
in the territory of the Riga Psychiatry and Narcology
Centre. The "Grzikalns Trail will open in Grzikalns -
a route that follows the places where famous residents of
the neighbourhood have lived, and visits the pop-up
exhibition "En Route". Lielie kapi cemetery in Brasa will
witness the creation of a video and sound installation
informing the public about the so called "New Latvians".
Music, cinema,
participation of
the public,
Object in the city
exhibition, action
youth, adults
Brasa, Zolitde,
Sarkandaugava and
Grzikalns districts
in Riga Free
19.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free Road Map Riga Islands
The purpose of the Riga Islands project is to help the
public discover the romantic, yet marginal and partly
unspoiled, and the slowly disappearing part of Riga
the islands of the city. Given Latvians humorous
complaints about Estonians having a large number of
islands while Latvia has none, the joint project of writer
Gundega Repe and photographer Kaspars Goba has
not only exploratory, literary, visual and documentary
value, it may also help expand the accustomed
boundaries of the identity of Riga. The events of the
Riga Islands project informus about the existing
islands of Riga, and the islands long gone.
Open-air Exhibition
Riga Islands
The open-air exhibition of the Riga Islands project will
be on show in Rigas Lucavsala Island fromthe 20th of
August to the 21st of September.
visual arts,
street art
Exhibition, urban
environment object Youth, adults Lucavsala Free
22.08.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
The Baltic Way
Inspiration for Political
International conference The Baltic Way Inspiration for
Political Change will be held on the ground floor, where
the exposition of the Museumof the Occupation of Latvia
is on display, from10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Baltic Way
Inspiration for Political Change is part of the Baltic Way
conference, taking place on the 21st and 22nd of August
and dedicated to the unique statement of the aspirations for
freedomand the restoration of statehood made by the
Baltic people 25 years ago. The conference is part of the
Baltic Way 25th anniversary programme. History Discussion / lecture Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet FreedomStreet
Gustav Klucis
(18951938). Anatomy
of an Experiment
Gustav Klucis (18951938). Anatomy of an
Experiment will be the largest exhibition of work of
this world famous constructivist in Latvia so far,
representing more than 200 items of LNMA and other
museums in Europe. In a fully fleshed story of Gustav
Klucis life and art, the fate of Latvians who remained
in Russia in the years of WWI; the exhibition will pose
the questions regarding the possibility of choosing the
sides for the individual in times of historic change and
what side does art remain on in collisions, when the
power that be includes it in its arsenal?
Gustav Klucis
(18951938). Anatomy
of an Experiment
Exhibition of the National Museum of Art and partnering
institutions Gustav Klucis (18951938) Anatomy of an
Experiment will be open for viewing for two months. It
will offer an in-depth focus on life and art of the
outstanding Latvian artist Gustav Klucis.
Visual art,
history Exhibition
youth, adults
Exhibition Hall
23.08.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
Closing event of the
campaign The
Generation: Born
together with Latvia
The campaign The Reawakening Generation speaks to
the Corner House visitors who were born from1988 to
1991, asking themto tell their stories of the Third
Reawakening (and record their stories on video) and share
the photographs of the Baltic Way where they can be seen
as children. The campaign will conclude with a live
chain of young people joining hands in the Corner House,
retelling the best stories, participating in a discussion about
the Latvian identity today, a screening of excerpts fromthe
stories they told on camera, and an exhibition of
photographs they brought to the Corner House. The event
will be concluded by Gaujarts in concert in the
courtyard. The event begins at 7 p.m.
participation of
the public,
Discussion / lecture,
concert, event Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela The Corner House
24.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in
Dubulti Evangelical
Lutheran Church
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the seventh concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Bach and Charles Gounod -
Ave Maria, Heitor Villa-Lobos - Aria from Bachianas
Brasileiras No. 5, Charles Griffin - The Crown of Joy:
Homage to Bach, Mareris Zari - Variations on a Theme
of BACH. Participating in the concert: organists Edte
Alpe, Ilona Birele and Lotars Deri, Liepja Youth
Choir, conductor Ilze Valce, percussionist Normunds
Everts. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti Free
26.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
29.08.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
"Organ Music in the Sign
of BACH" Concert in the
Riga Dom29.08.2014
The project Organ Music under the Sign of BACH
presents the seventh concert programme: Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Gottfried Mthel; Bach and Charles Gounod -
Ave Maria, Heitor Villa-Lobos - Aria from Bachianas
Brasileiras No. 5, Charles Griffin - The Crown of Joy:
Homage to Bach, Mareris Zari - Variations on a Theme
of BACH. Participating in the concert: organists Edte
Alpe, Ilona Birele and Lotars Deri, Liepja Youth
Choir, conductor Ilze Valce, percussionist Normunds
Everts. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral Riga Dome
30.08.2014. Road Map
The Ancient bonfire night
The nations living around the Baltic Sea have always
revered their big water the symbol of prosperity or
just daily bread as well as the tales of far-away
countries and visits of friends and strangers alike.
Today the concern about its pollution is also added to
this range of meanings. What can we do to help the
Baltic Sea? Brining further the initiatives of two former
European Capitals of Culture Turku 2011, Finland, and
Tallinn 2011, Estonia, Riga 2014 invites every
inhabitant of the Baltic Sea region to join the chain of
the bonfires, which are to light along the seashore no
only to symbolize the unity between of the coastal
tribes, but also to realize more fully our inseparable
relation to the fate of the Baltic Sea.
The Ancient bonfire
night action
The foundation Riga 2014 invites all the coastal
inhabitants of Latvia to light up the bonfires like one to be
born on the Vakarbui beach. This action should draw
attention to the quality of environment and the saving of
resources for the future generations. Artists representing
various kinds of art and scientists are invited to join the
public in this initiative.
Discussion / lecture,
youth, adults Vakarbui beach Free
01.09.2014. Survival Kit En-rooters
The aim of the project En-rooters is to create platform
of inter-generational communication by the use of
instruments of design and gardening. The project is
three-fold: 1. Involving senior citizens and children in
gardening. 2. Stimulation of inhabitants of Riga
neighbourhoods to cooperate by Big Get-together
initiatives. 3. Activities in the centre of Riga, on
Esplanade, involving participants of the first two stages.
The Green Space will be created there for exhibitions,
concerts, lectures and thematic discussions. The Harvest festival
The project En-rooters will feature a Harvest festival,
which will conclude its program.
participation of
the public Event
youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
01.09.2014. Road Map The Power Jab
Project envisages a synthesis of artistic and educational
interests, inviting artists to create place-specific works
in several Riga secondary schools. The choice of these
participants will be limited by geographical
appurtenance to the region of the Baltic Sea states the
commonwealth rink of Riga. Presence of artistic
produce realized in lasting forms of material will help to
create qualitative, personality-formative aesthetic
environment in the schools and widen the cultural
horizons of the learners.
Opening of the project
Power Jab
Several schools in Riga will host the creation and, later,
provide space for representation of place-specific artistic
works, created for their environment. Opening of
exhibitions will be a festive event, attended by guests of
these schools and their collectives alike.
Visual art,
Presenation, object
in the city
environment, event
Several schools in
Riga Free
01.09.14.-14.09.14. Road Map
Dance Goes Out Into
In 2014, Riga will become an action-site for the
recognized choreographers of contemporary dance, who
will engage the young artists of dance from Latvia in
process of search and creativity aimed at finding new
sites for dance and generating professional pieces of
contemporary dance outside their traditional studios,
theatre houses and platforms. The subject of the project
research will be potential of urban environment to
become the stage of contemporary dance.
Dance Goes Out Into
Austrian choreographer Willy Dorner will visit Riga and
work with 10-12 choreographers and dancers from Latvia,
developing performances in one of Rigas neighborhoods
(which will be announced). The creative process as well as
performances will predominantly take place in the
cityscape, fusing with the everyday life of the neighborhood
and allowing the locals and by-passers to become observers
of creation of art work.
education Performance, event
youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
02.09.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free Survival Kit Meet Me in the Museum!
The Museumof Nave Art, Latvia will popularize nave
art and the culture of Latvia in Europe with an
international collection. There is creative potential in
everybody needing an impulse to be expressed. The
slogan project to promote the creativity of the public
Meet Me in the Museum! will stir everyone to turn to
creativity or to return to long forgotten paint-brushes or
crayons. Meet Me in the Museum!
As part of the project Meet Me in the Museum! the
Museum of Nave Art Latvia will open and invite to a
fortnight exhibition of the works created during the
museums autumn plain-air, which will, traditionally, invite
finding ones own creativity and engage in creative work or
return to the paint brushes long since put aside.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public Exhibition
youth, adults
Floating galleries
'Noass' and
'Betanovuss' on AB
quay Free
03.09.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day. Baltic German Day
At 6 p.m. the Museumof the History of Riga and
Navigation will host the Baltic German Day on the
ground floor of the Corner House where the exposition of
the Museumof the Occupation of Latvia is on display.
During the event, the Domus Rigensis Latvian-Baltic
German Centre will present the memories of Renate
Adolphi, archive manager at the Baltic-German Carl
Schirren Society of Lneburg (Germany) about her
experiences in 1939. Riga German Societys vocal
ensemble Morgenrot will also performat the event. History, music
Discussion / lecture,
concert Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free
03.09.2014. Road Map
documentary Force
Majeure. Riga
The documentary Force Majeure Riga is a story of the
city, which it has never seen itself before and we have
never perceived ourselves. Episodes about Riga, created
by seven classics of contemporary European
documentary cinema, are merged into a full-length feat,
whose stories are rooted in anthropological research on
neighborhoods and inhabitants of our capital.
Premiere of the socio-
documentary Force
Majeure. Riga
Latvian premiere of the documentary Force Majeure
Riga, created by seven European classics of the genre,
will take place, presenting the authors of the film, directors
Ivars Seleckis (Latvia), Rainer Komers (Germany), Betina
Hanekele (Austria), Audrius Stonys (Lithuania), Jaak
Kilmi (Estonia), Jon Bang Carlsen (Denmark), Sergey
Loznica (Belorussia), and the co-authors of the film,
anthropologists from Latvia Ieva Raubiko, Baiba Bela-
Krmia, Agnese Cimdia and Dace Dzenovska, as well as
other guests. The author of the concept of the film is Dvis
Cinema, visual
art Presentation, event Youth, adults
Film theatre
'Splendid Palace' Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Survival Kit
Contemporary art festival
Survival Kit
Survival Kit is an international festival of contemporary
art organized by the center of Contemporary Art since
2009. Its events bring artists to Latvia, who are urged to
express themselves on publicly significant themes and to
imagine and offer their scenarios of survival. The
highlight of the festival is a show of contemporary art,
in 2013 and 2014 also to feature a theoretical seminar
and a wider programof festival events.
Contemporary art
festival Survival Kit
The International Contemporary Arts Festival Survival
Kit in 2014 encourages to view the city as a utopia
through the exhibition. The exhibition will consist of three
parts the historic review of the citys architectonic, social
and political utopias, begining with the works of French
architect Claude Nicolas Ledoux, the British group
Archigram, as well as Latvian kinetic artists and other
projects. The contemporary part of the expo will contain
works of Latvian and foreign artists, who will discuss the
modern changes in the city. The biggest part of the expo
will be art pieces in the urban environment. Participants:
Exyzt (France), Cardbordia (Russia), Apolonija uteri
(Slovenia/the Netherlands) and others. Open: work days
15.00 pm 21.00 pm; weekends, holidays- 12.00 pm
19.00 pm. Balt Nakts (White Night) - 12.00 pm 24.00
Visual art,
Exhibition, object in
the city environment,
conference, festival Youth, adults Tallinas street, 10 Tickets at the entrance Amber Vein
In Search of Future Art.
Voldemrs Matvejs and
non-European (African,
Pacific North Asian) Art
The project aims to highlight the figure of Voldemrs
Matvejs (V. Markovs) whose books The Art of Easter
Island (1914) and African Art (1919) heightened the
perception of these cultures and their role in
development of modern art in the circles of Latvian and
Russian artistic avant-garde. The program envisages
exhibitions of Voldemrs Matvejs photography and
presentation of his book The Negro Art and Latvian
Artists as well as collection of work brought to Riga
fromAfrica, Pacific and North Asia.
In Search of Future Art.
Voldemrs Matvejs and
non-European (African,
Pacific North Asian) Art
The project In Search of Future Art. Voldemrs Matvejs
and non-European (African, Oceanian and North Asian)
Art aims to promote dialogue about the versatility and
interaction of world culture heritage. In the project, the
Latvian National Museum of Art collaborates with the
National Library of Latvia, the information centre of the
Art Academy of Latvia, Muse du quai Branly (Paris), The
National Museum of Ethnology (Leiden), Peter the Great
Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera)
Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), L'Institut
franais de Lettonie (Institute of France in Latvia) and the
Goethe Institute (Riga).
Visual art,
Concert, exhibition,
discussion / lecture,
conference, event
youth, adults
Art MuseumRiga
Art MuseumRiga
Bourse Freedomstreet The Neighbors Are Noisy
Project The Neighbors Are Noisy, lasting from 2012
till 2014, brings together 22 poets from various conflict
zones states drawn into armed conflicts, sites of
cultural and values-based tension, places where cultural
intolerance, prejudice and discord between neighboring
countries prevails. The Neighbors Are Noisy counters
this tension with readings of poetry, workshops and
public lectures and, in Riga, will be part of annual Days
of Poetry festival.
The Neighbors Are
The Neighbors Are Noisy project as part of the annual
Days of Poetry will invite to poetry readings, workshops
and public lectures, which are to affirmliterature as means
of social and cultural integration, a mode of leveling the
conflicts and a formof collaboration. Armenian /
Azerbaijan, Greek / Turkish, Algerian / French, Armenian /
Turkish, Russian / Chechen, Israeli / Arab, Kurdish /
Turkish, Israeli / Palestinian, Georgian / Abkhazian,
Georgian / Osetian, English / Irish, English / Scottish,
former Jugoslavian: Serbian / Croatian, Serbian / Bosnian,
German / Sudetian, German / French, Russian / Finnish,
Italian / Austrian writers and poets will make their artistic
contribution to this event. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
workshop, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
06.09.2014. Survival Kit Garden of Freedom
Garden of Freedom is an aesthetically ecological
research-oriented project aiming at creation of real
urban garden on a cornice and balcony of a building on
Brvbas street 90. Its main idea is to urge thinking
about the idea of urban garden in the centre of town and
returning to ground values, traditions and long-forgotten
skills such as ability to grow edible and medicinal
greens on window sills, balconies and terraces in the
Closing of the Garden of
The program'The Garden of Freedom' will close during the
White Night festival with a harvest of the greens the
project will have yielded, to be further prepared, in
workshops, for the table, storing for winter, or family
medical reserve. The review of the project in the form of
visual collages, videos etc is also envisaged; the event will
open the doors to its participants, guests of the cultural
forumand wider public.
participation of
the public,
tradition Workshop, event Youth, adults
Brvbas sreet 90, the
courtyard - the
territory of Vidzeme
inner city market Free
07.09.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
The first night of the
Dubulti part of the
Organ music in the sign
of BACH program
The Organ music in the sign of BACH programwill offer
the premiere of the Dubulti part of the trilogy, composed
by Rihards Dubra. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Evangelical Lutheran
church in Dubulti
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
Without thematic

24th Latvian Cycling
Unity Ride

The Latvian Cycling Unity Ride has been one of the
most important Latvian sporting events in the period
between the two wars and also after regaining
independence. The idea of the competition has not
changed over time it strengthens the feeling of
national unity, improves health, and promotes
preserving the environment. It is expected that in 2014,
the number of participants will reach 6000.
24th Latvian Cycling
Unity Ride
On 7 September, between 9.00 amand 17.00 pm, the event
will take place in the heart of Sigulda the Celebration
Square, as well as the rest of the city. It is expected that
around 6000 cyclists will take part in the event, most of
which will be individuals, who enjoy active recreation and
environment, who consider cycling as a great formof
recreation after work or studies. Among the participants
will also be many modern cyclists, who will match their
clothing style to the theme of the event. Sport Event
Adults Sigulda
08.09.2014. Riga Carnival Books Go to Library
The carnival parade I want to Go to Library will take
place on September 8 or International Day of Literacy,
presenting children aged 10 to 14, who participate in the
project Children and Youth Jury and will choose their
favorite book in order to represent its characters in the
parade of the masks, to step out into the streets of the
city in the distance joining the City Hall square and the
building of the new National Library, ending the event
with performances and happenings. I Want to Go to Library
The mask parade I want to Go to Library will start from
the Riga City Hall square where its participants will
receive their task to go to the Glass hill and wake up
Saulcerte sleeping on the top of it. The Stone Bridge will
rise as an obstacle in their way guarded by seven magical
ravens, who guard the sleeper and are prejudiced to
children and reading; their prejudices will have to stand the
trial, challenged by the participants of the parade. In the
new building of national library, altogether 2000 children
and grown-ups from Latvia and Latvian diasporas from
around the world will try and wake up Saulcerte.
Music, theatre,
dance, cinema,
literature, visual
art, education,
street art
workshop, event
youth, adults
City Hall square,
Stone Bridge,
National Library of
Latvia and its interior Free
09.09.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
11.09.2014. survival Kit RigaDot
Drawing on cultural heritage as well as emerging
innovative elements in science and culture, Project
RigaDot is envisaged as a complex of events to inform
the audience, in engaging, attractive and practically
useful form, about Riga as creative center of culture
and science. This programwill feature events like the
cycle Science cafes, thematic exhibitions, concerts in
Nabaklab, thematic shows in radio Naba and Science
Festival. Science cafes
Science will be highlighted in such RigaDot project
events as the cycle of discussions Science cafs. They
will offer a chance to meet scientists in person and propose
questions they could address. Science cafs discussions
are to evolve as free, informal exchanges of views on the
issues of science currently in the public eye.
Music, science,
Concert, discussion /
lecture, event,
TV/radio Youth, adults
University of Latvia,
radio Naba,
Nabaklab Free
11.09.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
Vrpa the Promised
Documentary filmVrpa the Promised Land will be
screened at 6:30 p.m. on the ground floor of the Corner
House where the exposition of the Museumof the
Occupation of Latvia is on display. The filmportrays the
exodus of Baptists fromLatvia to Brazil in the early 1920s
and the establishment of the Vrpa colony in the rainforest
in the state of Sao Paulo. Seeking the answer to the
question how was it possible to maintain Latvian identity
for almost a century in an exotic environment eye
witnesses of long-ago events are interviewed, their stories
accompanied by a rich array of old photos and documents
fromBrazilian and Latvian archives. The filmdocuments
daily life and Latvian traditions in Vrpa today. History, cinema Show Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet FreedomStreet
Riga - mine, yours, and
ours - a century ago
The project aims at exploring and understanding
Russian, German, Hebrew, Polish, Lithuanian diasporas
living in Riga of 1914, as well as ethnic diversity of
modern Riga. What was interpenetration of national
cultures then and what it is now? By learning more
about Rigans a century ago, we are bound to understand
the ethnic making of todays city better. The history will
be approached through the prism of documentary
material, while the discussion events Riga stories and
creative workshops promise to introduce us to many
nationalities living in Riga. A parallel virtual version of
the exposition is also planned.
Exhibition 'Riga - mine,
yours, and ours - a
century ago', circle of
discussions 'Riga stories'
The exhibition 'Riga - mine, yours, and ours - a century
ago' and the circle of discussions 'Riga stories' will promote
cultural communication between various ethnicities living
in Riga, their mutual understanding, learning about each
other and cultural enrichment. Participants of the project
are Igor Lensky, Vladislav Volkov, Svetlana
Bogoyavlenska, Valters erbinskis, riks Jkabsons and
the representatives of the minority groups of Riga.
participation of
the public,
Concert, exhibition,
workshop, event
youth, adults
National Library of
Latvia Free
14.09.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
The first night of the
Liepja part of the
Organ music in the sign
of BACH program
The Organ music in the sign of BACH programwill offer
the premiere of the Liepja part of the trilogy, composed by
Jnis Lsns. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults
Liepja Trinity
The ticket office to be
15.09.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Academic readings
'Content of XXI Century'
Academic readings 'Content of XXI Century' and
exhibition 500 years of the Book 1514-2014 will
address the change in the habits of reading from
poring over manuscripts in 1514 to present day boomof
the printed book year 2014 and its forms of co-
existence of printed and digital literature. Content of XXI Century
Nobel prize winners in literature as well as the leading
literary critics, writers, researchers, artists, publishers and
new media experts will take part at the academic readings
"21. gadsimta saturs". The readings will be available face-
to-face and online promoting Riga as "The European
Capital of Idea". Literature, history, sociology, book art,
new media, education, traditions, etc. The date will be
multimedia Discussion / lecture
youth, adults
National Library of
Latvia Free FreedomStreet
Voices fromthe dark or
anis Lipke's squaring of
the circle
As part of the Voices from the dark or anis Lipke
circle quadrature composer Arturs Maskats has
composed the dedication Johanna and anis, which
will be performed by chamber orchestra Kremerata
Baltica with Gidon Kremer as lead. The book Puika
ar suni. Ststs par nosargtu noslpumu (The boy with
the dog. A tale of the secret well kept) for readers
between the ages of 8 and 15 years old will be presented
also. Other expos will be hosted by the anis Lipke
Memorial as well and visitors will be able to go on
excursions of the hiding places together with historian
Gustavs Strenga.
Presentation of Boy with
a Dog. A Story of a
Secret Well-kept
Presentation of Boy with a Dog A Story of a Secret Well-
kept will be a childrens event aiming to address the souls,
which are the least tainted by prejudice and myths, and
offering them an opportunity to take a look into the
complicated affairs of WWII. The book was written by
Inese Zandere and illustrated by Reinis Ptersons. Literature
Presentation, object
in the city
discussion / lecture,
workshop Children
Society 'aa Lipkes
memorils' adress
Mazais Balasta
dambis 8 Free
16.09.2014. Amber Vein Amber Route
12 Latvian composers will turn to the verses of 12
prominent European authors treating the theme of
amber. The music created in this cycle will be recorded
and published as a CD, while the Poetry Days 2014 will
see the National Academic Quire Latvia and Mris
Sirmais present it, in a free concert, joined by the poets,
co-authors of the songs, to the audience. Amber Route
The concert Amber Route as part of the annual Days of
Poetry will bring to Riga prominent European poets and
Latvian composers, inspired to create globally resonant
new work. Participants of the project are the National
Academic Quire Latvia, conducted by Mris Sirmais, 12
Latvian composers and 12 European poets. Music, literature Concert Youth, adults
National Library of
Latvia Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
16.09.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
May, June, August, and September 2014 will be the
months of multigenerational readings on Esplanade
joining 24 European and 12 writers from Latvia,
actualizing 150 jubilees of Rainis and Aspasia, which
will be celebrated in 2015. Essays dedicated to this
event will foreground the themes of exile, and one of the
discoveries of the audience will be unique
correspondence of both classic Latvian poets. The texts
in this event will be presented in Latvian and English,
and the collection of essays dedicated to it will be
published, both, in printed and electronic form.
Readings dedicated to
Rainis and Aspasia
Project Readings dedicated to Rainis and Aspasia will
extend for 12 cultural events bringing together three guest
writers and one of Latvian writers on their stage. The event
will be far-ranging geographically: participants of
discussion, including literary translators, will include
guests from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Norway,
Great Britain particularly highlighting Scotland and
Wales Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, especially,
Catalonia, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. The time of
readings will be between 17:00 till 19:00 in the afternoon. Literature
Discussion / lecture,
festival, event Youth, adults Esplanade Free
16.09.1403.10.14. Survival Kit Meet Me in the Museum!
The Museumof Nave Art, Latvia will popularize nave
art and the culture of Latvia in Europe with an
international collection. There is creative potential in
everybody needing an impulse to be expressed. The
slogan project to promote the creativity of the public
Meet Me in the Museum! will stir everyone to turn to
creativity or to return to long forgotten paint-brushes or
crayons. Meet Me in the Museum!
As part of the project Meet Me in the Museum! the
Museum of Nave Art Latvia will open and invite to a
fortnight exhibition of the works created during the
museums autumn plain-air, which will, traditionally, invite
finding ones own creativity and engage in creative work or
return to the paint brushes long since put aside.
Visual arts,
participation of
the public Exhibition
youth, adults
Floating galleries
'Noass' and
'Betanovuss' on AB
quay Free
19.09.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day. I Hate History
Discussion for schoolchildren I Hate History will be held
on the ground floor of the Corner House, where the
exposition of the Museumof the Occupation of Latvia is
on display, and in the buildings courtyard at 6 p.m. What
good are those history classes!? Whats good about
knowing that a long time ago people were doing things that
nobody does today? I dont care! But perhaps Perhaps
those people were not that different at all? Representatives
of the generation for whomthe historic truth held within
the building may seemjust a ghost or horror story are
invited to the discussion at the Corner House. History Discussion / lecture Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free Amber Vein The Epoch of Amber
Amber Road in Riga campaign will be held in 2014
where such institutions as The Art Museum Riga
Bourse, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Natural History Museum of Latvia, Pauls Stradi
Museum of the History of Medicine as well as National
History Museum of Latvia and Putti Art Gallery will
represent the origins of amber showing it in the context
of history, identity and practical use. The idea of the
exhibition "The Epoch of Amber", which will be held at
the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, was
proposed by Inese Baranovska, the project is being
developed by the museum's experts in co-operation with
other Latvian museums, the State Archive of
Audiovisual Documents, and artists. The Epoch of Amber
Amber is one of the symbols of the Latvian nation, yet this
national treasure has seen both praise and scorn in the
course of times. "The Epoch of Amber" is a cultural and
anthropological study of metamorphoses in the identity of
amber as reflected in the consciousness of the Latvian
nation from the beginning of the 1920s to the modern
times. Amber as an object of art, a souvenir, an accessory,
the definition of a colour, a design element, also a brand
and a given name
Music, cinema,
literature, visual
art, design,
history, science,
tradition Exhibition
youth, adults
Deciorative Arts and
Design, Skru street
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Amber Vein
International conference
Baltic amber across ages
and borders
The project is set by a structure of six variously sized
thematic blocks, covering the theme of amber in pre-
history and history, as well as in ethnography and
folklore; drawing on findings in natural history and
variety of approaches to the research in the field
including conservation and restoration of amber. The
reports presented at the conference will be joined into a
conference edition to be published before September
Baltic amber across ages
and borders
Scientific conference Baltic amber across ages and
borders will popularize amber as well as encourage
exchange of ideas and approaches amongst scientists
working in different fields surrounding the subject. The
worlds leading amber researchers from variety of related
fields will hold conference for two days.
History, science,
tradition Conference Youth, adults University of Latvia Free
20.09.2014. Road Map The Islands of Riga
The idea of The Islands of Riga is re-discovery of the
romantic, marginal and still partly preserved, but
gradually fading part of Riga its islands. Traditional
complaining and grudging envy of Estonians, who have
their variety of islands, while Latvia, allegedly, has not,
will be countered by writer Gundega Repe and
photographer Kaspars Goba collaboration, which
promises not only educational, literary and factual
discoveries, but could boost the self-esteem of the
nation of Riga and widen the habitual frame of
identity. Project The Islands of Riga events will
present the existing and extinct islands of Riga to its
inhabitants and guests alike.
Presentation of the book
'The Islands of Riga'
Part of the project of 'Riga photo month 2014 Urban
Viewfinders,' presentation of the The Islands of Riga will
be hosted by its authors writer Gundega Repe and
photographer Kaspars Goba.
visual art,
street art
Exhibition, object in
the city environment Youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
24.09.14.-26.09.14. Thirst of the Ocean
FromRiga to Daugavpils
by Rothkos Train
To honor Mark Rothkos 111th birthday in 2014, an
international conference will bring prominent art
scholars to Latvia, who will discuss the ground-breaking
abstract expressionists contribution to art. The closing
of the first day of the conference will see a concert of
British artist and musician James Clarke in Riga. The
digital exhibition "Rothko and Daugavpils" in the new
building of the National Library will present the
material of exposition prepared by the Daugavpils Mark
Rothko Arts Center. In turn, on 25 September, the
participants of the conference will take train to go to
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Arts Center.
FromRiga to Daugavpils
by Rothkos Train
On the second day of the conference, on 25 September,
exhibition of contemporary art of Latvia will be opened.
The journey by train will be enriched with screenings of
films and informal discussions. The exhibition is construed
as a research project, aimed toreflect the present scene of
painting in Latvia, drawing parallels with Rothko and the
outlook of the abstract expressionismtoday. Visual arts
Conference, event,
discussion / lecture,
exhibition Youth, adults Riga - Daugavpils
The ticket office to be
26.09.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Organ music in the sign
J. S. Bach and music, which has enriched the world and
Latvias musical landscape, inspired by his personality
and artistic genius, is a boundless ocean. For the first
time in Latvias concert history, a unified concert cycle
is created to bring into one program events planned in
Riga Dome cathedral, Liepja Trinity Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dubulti to host the
premieres of compositions dedicated to each of these
places of worship, which will be crowned off by the first
performance of the cycle Latvian Organ Trilogy in the
Dome cathedral. The project will bring together more
than 20 organists, as well as quire, soloists, individual
musicians and Latvian National Symphony orchestra.
The Riga first night of
the trilogy Organ music
in the sign of BACH
The premiere of the trilogy will be presented in Riga as
part of the Organ music in the sign of BACH project. The
Dubulti-part of the trilogy was composed by Rihards
Dubra, the Liepja-part by Jnis Lsns, and author of
Riga part is riks Eenvalds. Music, history Concert, festival Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral
The ticket office to be
26.09.14.-27.09.14. Survival Kit IMAGINE 2020
Project IMAGINE 2020 comprises two inter-
disciplinary events dedicated to the survival strategies of
humanity and individual in the shifting reality influenced
by climatic change. Artistically scientific symposiumI,
the consumer combines theoretical discussion and
performative reflection on the situation of having
arrived at a produce-filled world and search for the
answers to the question What can be done with this
materiality? Blackmarket of Useful Knowledge and
Non-knowledge offers exchange of views with one of
100 knowledge dealers on the ways of surviving the
technology. I, the consumer
The artistically scientific symposium I, the consumer,
engendered in collaboration with the British art and
climate organization TippingPoint, will study the modern
humans obsession with shopping and material gains by
installations, lectures, discussions, performances, a film
program and interactive actions in search of ideas and
solutions for sustainable consumption in the future.
discussion / lecture,
action, event Youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet Survival Kit
Where is our dear
The art project "Kur ir msu mais zintnieks?"
("Where is our dear scientist?") merges animation
feature film and installation elements and it is carried
out by artist Aigars Bike, curator Viesturs
Gradanovis and writer Mris Brzi. Parts of the
project have been filmed in Riga, Japan and Switzerland
at the Hadron Collider.
Where is our dear
The installation "Kur ir msu mais zintnieks?" ("Where
is our dear scientist?") is based on the story, where a
scientists accidentally gets lost after an unsuccessful
experiment, who performs illegal manipulations with
quantum physics and the primal code. The visual material
will be located in three identical one-bedroom flats. It
simultaneously will be the meeting place, lecture and
reading room and will function as a space for
communication for people with different opinions,
including young and older physicists.
discussion / lecture Youth, adults Flat in Riga centre Free
27.09.2014. Survival Kit RigaDot
Drawing on cultural heritage as well as emerging
innovative elements in science and culture, Project
RigaDot is envisaged as a complex of events to inform
the audience, in engaging, attractive and practically
useful form, about Riga as creative center of culture
and science. This programwill feature events like the
cycle Science cafes, thematic exhibitions, concerts in
Nabaklab, thematic shows in radio Naba and Science
Festival. Science festival
The science festival will offer a unique concert program to
result from joined efforts of independent musicians and
scientists working in Latvia, opening a creative territory to
scientific theories. Following a specially mapped route, the
audience of the event will be taken into an engaging
discovery of what is most interesting in the science at home
and abroad, both, in modern and historic aspects. The
leading Latvia University scientists and the best
representatives of the indie music in Latvia are engaged in
the preparation of the project.
Music, history,
participaton of
the public,
Concert, exhibition,
discussion / lecture,
youth, adults University of Latvia Free Road Map
Latvian Academy of
Culture festival The
Autumn of Patriarch
Latvian Academy of Culture festival The Autumn of
Patriarch 2014 will join the most momentous
performances, works of audio-visual art, documentaries
Riga neighborhood stories and guest performance,
guest lecture and master class evetns. The festival will
highlight the historic surroundings of genskalns in the
map of Riga, peopled by the participants of the festival
creating new forms of perception and communication
between social and cultural environments of
Prdaugava. The ideas of the festival will be oriented by
poets Rainis and Aspasia.
Latvian Academy of
Culture festival The
Autumn of Patriarch
Latvian Academy of Culture festival The Autumn of
Patriarch 2014 will represent a marathon of events
introducing the public to aspiring artists in the field. The
tradition of the festivals opening event remains steady it
is a concert-performance in the pavilion of genskalns
market followed by a walk to the Theatre Museum. The
week of the festival will invite to performances created by
student theatre and filmdirectors, actors, filmoperators,
and choreographers. Guest lectures and performances as
well as master classes will enrich the programof the
Theatre, dance,
discussion / lecture,
workshop, festival
youth, adults
genskalns, E.
Smiis' Theatre
Museum, Department
of theatre and audio-
visual art of LAC
Zirgu pasts etc.
The ticket office to be
announced Thirst for the Ocean
Force majeure in the
National Theatre
The New Hall of the National Theatre Latvia will host a
series of four performances addressing the threat of
eradication of national identity and sovereignty, the
threat of assimilation in the process of increasing
unification of Europe determined by its economic and
territorial unity. The project will invite participation of
the theatre artists of younger generation from different
parts of Europe. The project aims to explore the newest
ideas and possibilities offered by European artistic
Splendors and Miseries
in the Schengen Zone
The Splendors and Miseries in the Schengen Zone is a
festival slash series of performances treating the theme of
retaining the national identity and sovereignty in the unified
Europe. The concept of the project is created by Valters
Slis and dramatist Jnis Balodis in collaboration with
guest directors, driven by the idea of variation in the
approaches to the themes under discussion and using fresh
means of scenic expression. The series will explore
theatrical diversity, attempting to cross the limits of
dramatic theatre, creating work along the lines of
documentary theatre on one hand and foraying into the
space where theatre, modern dance and performance
overlap, on the other hand. Theatre Show, festival Youth, adults
Latvian National
30.09.14.-31.12.14. FreedomStreet
Voices fromthe dark or
anis Lipke circle
As part of the Voices fromthe dark or anis Lipke
circle quadrature composer Arturs Maskats has
composed the dedication Johanna and anis, which
will be performed by chamber orchestra Kremerata
Baltica with Gidon Kremer as lead. The book Puika
ar suni. Ststs par nosargtu noslpumu (The boy with
the dog. A tale of the secret well kept) for readers
between the ages of 8 and 15 years old will be presented
also. Other expos will be hosted by the anis Lipke
Memorial as well and visitors will be able to go on
excursions of the hiding places together with historian
Gustavs Strenga.

Underground Riga
Walls dont talk but people do. anis Lipke Memorial
will host the exhibition Pagrdes Rga (Underground
Riga) about hiding places around Riga in the 20th century,
as well as the chance to join excursions around these hiding
places, guided by historian Gustava Strenga. The virtual
map is available on the website of the memorial.
Exhibition, object in
the city environment,
discussion / lecture,
event Youth, adults
anis Lipke
Memorial, urban
Riga Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
01.10.14.-12.10.14. Road Map
Dance Goes Out Into
In 2014, Riga will become an action-site for the
recognized choreographers of contemporary dance, who
will engage the young artists of dance from Latvia in
process of search and creativity aimed at finding new
sites for dance and generating professional pieces of
contemporary dance outside their traditional studios,
theatre houses and platforms. The subject of the project
research will be potential of urban environment to
become the stage of contemporary dance.
Dance Goes Out Into
At the closing event of Dance goes into the city (Deja
iziet pilst), dancers from three cities Riga, Terni
(Italy) and Krakow (Poland), will hold a creative lab in
Riga during which the new artists will use their skills in
producing a mini-show in urban environment. Three
previously mentioned cities will be the places where
choreographic residencies are gonna be held in cooperation
with the local artists. Together they will research the
relationships between dance and urban environment. Dance
discussion / lecture,
workshop, event
youth, adults
The venue to be
The ticket office to be
01.10.14.-30.10.14. Survival Kit Stars of Design
Stars of Design will explain the view on the process,
achievements and novelties of design in Latvia and
abroad. The event will combine from two international
exhibitions and series of seminars and workshops. The Hidden Heroes
Exposition of Vitra Design Museum The Hidden Heroes
will open the view of the audience on wider context of
cultural and industrial development presenting 36 classical
objects of everyday use against the background of their
emergence and conceptual and economic significance even
Design, history,
dicussion / lecture,
youth, adults
Xcelsior design
center, Raa dambis
The ticket office to be
01.10.14.-21.10.14. Road Map Long Walk
The goal of the project Long Walk is environmental
research and the implementation of specific design
projects, as well as the effect of surroundings and design
on city dwellers. Kidsroomzoom
The project focuses on design for children. Public attention
is drawn to child toy and furniture design, aimed at
developing a childs intellect and body. A persons daily
routine is determined by their feelings and thoughts. When
creating a child-friendly design, it is important to
understand the differences between a childs and an adults
perception of the environment. As part of the project, an
international applied arts and product design exhibition,
lectures and creative workshops for designers and children
will be held. Project initiators: artist Paula H. Noe
Unduetrestellababy (Milan, Italy), childrens furniture
designer Tomas Maitz Perludi (Graz, Austria) in
cooperation with the Riga design studio Rijada.
participation of
the public
Object in the city
environment, action
youth, adults Districts of Riga Free Road Map Riga Islands
The purpose of the Riga Islands project is to help the
public discover the romantic, yet marginal and partly
unspoiled, and the slowly disappearing part of Riga
the islands of the city. Given Latvians humorous
complaints about Estonians having a large number of
islands while Latvia has none, the joint project of writer
Gundega Repe and photographer Kaspars Goba has
not only exploratory, literary, visual and documentary
value, it may also help expand the accustomed
boundaries of the identity of Riga. The events of the
Riga Islands project informus about the existing
islands of Riga, and the islands long gone.
Exhibition Riga
A travelling exhibition of photographs created during the
Riga Islands project will visit several cities and towns of
Latvia in October and November.
visual arts,
street art
Exhibition, urban
environment object Youth, adults Towns of Latvia Free Survival Kit
Hyperbolic planes and
networks of sustainability
In a visit and concerts in Riga, Mariss Jansons and
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra would celebrate
the centenarian jubilee of his father, conductor
RIXC, collaborating with mathematician Daina Taimia
(USA/Latvia), network researcher Valdis Krebs
(USA/Latvia), the Liepja University Art Research
Laboratory (LiepU MPLab), E-Lab and the Network of
Public Libraries Latvia will offer an innovative
project of social networks aiming at positioning Riga as
an innovative collaboration center of arts and science in
the Baltic Sea region and mapping in order to reveal
Rigas cultural, economic, and social interconnection
with other towns in Latvia.
Hyperbolic planes and
networks of
The project Hyperbolic planes and networks of
sustainability will present 3D objects crocheted by Daina
Taimia and a group of handiwork artisans, the Program
of new media art of the LiepU MPLab, student-produced
digital visualizations and interactive interface of
sustainability networks. Expanded by lectures and
workshops, led by Daina Taimia,Valdis Kerbs and artists
Rasa mite and Raitis mits, the exhibition will be offered
in Riga and in several of Latvias public libraries.
Visual art,
design, science,
participation of
the public,
discussion / lecture,
workshop, action,
youth, adults
Center of
Contemporary Art
kim?, Maskavas
street 12/1, RIXC
Media space on
Embankment - 11.
novembra krastmala
35 Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
04.10.14.-25.10.14. Road Map
Riga on crossroads of

Riga Youth and Children Centres will introduce Riga
residents, seniors, children and everyone else to an
exciting European voyage through various theatre
shows, concerts, visual art, photo exhibitions, folk
dances, etc. Visitors will be able to take part at various
creative workshops, competitions and discussions. All
events will be held within the Project Rga Eiropas
krustcels (Riga on crossroads of Europe).
Riga on crossroads of
Events of the project Riga on crossroads of Europe will
be held every Saturday in October month at the following
children and youth centres:
October 4 at Daugmale, Bolderja, Zolitde and
The School of Natural Sciences;
October 11 at Altona, School of New Technicians and
October 18 at Auseklis, Mlgrvis, Rdze and
School of Applied Aesthetics;
October 25 at Annas 2, Laimte and Children and
Youth Centre Riga Pupils Palace.
Music, theatre,
dance, visual
tradition, street
Concert, show,
exhibition, workshop
youth, adults
Riga centre,
genskalns, Zolitde,
Imanta, Bolderja,
Jugla, Teika,
Moscow District
(Maskaka) Free
07.10.14.-11.10.14. Road Map
Dance Goes Out Into
In 2014, Riga will become an action-site for the
recognized choreographers of contemporary dance, who
will engage the young artists of dance from Latvia in
process of search and creativity aimed at finding new
sites for dance and generating professional pieces of
contemporary dance outside their traditional studios,
theatre houses and platforms. The subject of the project
research will be potential of urban environment to
become the stage of contemporary dance.
Dance Goes Out Into
In preparation of the year 2014 project Dance Goes Out
Into Town, October 2013 will be given to Flemish
choreographer Koen Augustijnens company Les Ballets
C da la B five day collaboration with young dancers and
choreographers from Latvia researching the environment in
Riga, Vecmlgrvis. Dance Workshop
youth, adults
Culture Hall
'Ziemeblzma' Free Thirst for the Ocean
The festival of music in
wilderness Skau mes
The purpose of the festival "Skau mes (Sound
Forest) is to bring the latest developments and boldest
experiments in the music world to the general public.
The main criterion for inclusion in the festival's
repertoire is the artists' audacity and endeavours in
attaining a unique sound, but mostly the festival
represents such genres as electronic music, electro-
acoustic music, free improvisation, experimental pop
music and contemporary composition. The 12th
experimental music festival "Skau Mes will take
place on the 10th and 11th of October. As usual,
festival-goers will have an opportunity to see the latest
in innovative music and meet the trailblazers in various
avant-garde music genres.
The festival of music in
wilderness Skau mes
Following the "Riga 2014" thematic line "Thirst for the
Ocean", the "Skau Mes" festival this year will seek to
find an answer to the question, "How not to drown in the
oversaturated ocean of music?" Solutions will be provided
by balancing out electronic music with acoustic
performances, ambient music with rhythmic music, genre
purity with post-modernist experiments and
interdisciplinary programming, thus achieving an
equilibriumthat will help Riga's sound aficionados and
enthusiasts to stay on course in the endless waters of
contemporary music. Music Concert Youth, adults
The venue to be
The ticket office to be
11.10.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day.
How Exhibits Reach
Lecture How Exhibits Reach Museums will be held at 4
p.m. on the ground floor of the Corner House where the
exposition of the Museumof the Occupation of Latvia is
on display. Speaker: Anita Gailia, Manager of the
Inventory Department at the Museumof the History of
Riga and Navigation. An account of how the collection of
the Museumof the History of Riga and Navigation was
established in the past and today. History Discussion / lecture Youth, adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet FreedomStreet
Contemporary Theatre
Programme forte forte
The contemporary theatre programme forte forte is a
year-long series of performances staged by Europe's
leading theatre directors. The forte forte performances
are united by a set of themes that centre on relationships
between the individual and power, normal and
abnormal, personality and the masses, relationships
between people, set against the backdrop of major
historic events, albeit in routine contexts. Such theatre
artists as Alvis Hermanis, Jan Lauwers and
Needcompany, Alain Platel and Les ballets C de la
B, and Rimini Protokoll have been the guests of the
programme in 2014.
Rimini Protokoll -
Situation Rooms
In October the contemporary theatre programme forte
forte brings you Rimini Protokoll with the Situation
Rooms show. Situation Rooms gathers together twenty
people fromvarious continents, whose biographies have
been shaped by weapons. There can be up to twenty
spectators in the audience per each Situation Rooms
show. The performances begin at 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
on workdays and at 12 noon, 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8
p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
multimedia Show Youth, adults Riga FilmStudio
15.10.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Academic readings
'Content of XXI Century'
Academic readings 'Content of XXI Century' and
exhibition 500 years of the Book 1514-2014 will
address the change in the habits of reading from
poring over manuscripts in 1514 to present day boomof
the printed book year 2014 and its forms of co-
existence of printed and digital literature. Content of XXI Century
Nobel prize winners in literature as well as the leading
literary critics, writers, researchers, artists, publishers and
new media experts will take part at the academic readings
"21. gadsimta saturs". The readings will be available face-
to-face and online promoting Riga as "The European
Capital of Idea". Literature, history, sociology, book art,
new media, education, traditions, etc. The date will be
multimedia Discussion / lecture
youth, adults
National Library of
Latvia Free
16.10.2014. Amber Vein Tenso Days in Riga
The Tenso Network Europe unites the European choirs
since 2003. One of the four founders of the network and
its driving force in terms of ideas is Latvian Radio
Choir, which will host the international choir festival
Tenso Days in Riga in October 2014, when Riga will
become the capital of European professional choirs,
organizing masterclasses for young composers, meetings
of professionals, and concerts. Tenso Days in Riga
will see the Latvian Radio Choir and other leading
European professional choirs offering programs to the
audiences never presented before. Fairy-tale
In the first concert of Tenso Days in Riga Fairy-tale,
Latvian Radio Choir, conducted by Sigvards Kava, will
take its audience to the fairy-tale worlds of Krlis Skalbe,
Hans Christian Andersen and brothers Grimm, as
American composer David Langs Girl with Matches will
be premiered together with the first presentations of riks
Eenvalds and Lga Celmas musical mystique. Video
projections and visual production by director Roberts
Rubns will add an extra value to the mystical sound art
mood. Therefore, it will become a complete contemporary
art experience. Music
Concert, workshop,
festival, event Youth, adults St. Peter's church
The ticket office to be
17.10.2014. Amber Vein
Tenso Europe Chamber
Initiated by the conductor of Latvian Radio Choir,
Kaspars Putni and Tenso Europe Association of
Professional Choirs, the formation of the first European
professional choir is under way and Riga is proud to be
its cradle. The choir unites the most outstanding young
singers in Europe and opens new paths in the field of
choir music. In 2013-2014, Riga will host the summer
school of Tenso Europe Chamber Quire crowned off by
the premiere of performance The Series as part of the
programof Tenso Days in Riga. Brightness. The Series
Multimedial staging "Brightness. The Series" (Dzidrums.
Serils), premiere of the musical piece performed by
Tenso Europe Chamber Choir on 17 October at 21.00 and
18 October at 15.00, Riga. The exciting, interactive night
trip will be related to an actual issue how media
manipulates with the society, the process that also includes
arts. The staging is made by: conductor and artistic
director Kaspars Putni, composer Kristaps Ptersons,
stage director Zane Kreicberga, guitar player Kaspars
Zemtis and DJ Monsta (Uldis Crulis).
Music, visual
art, multimedia Concert, theatre Youth, adults
The venue to be
The ticket office to be
18.10.2014. Amber Vein
Tenso Europe Chamber
Initiated by the conductor of Latvian Radio Choir,
Kaspars Putni and Tenso Europe Association of
Professional Choirs, the formation of the first European
professional choir is under way and Riga is proud to be
its cradle. The choir unites the most outstanding young
singers in Europe and opens new paths in the field of
choir music. In 2013-2014, Riga will host the summer
school of Tenso Europe Chamber Quire crowned off by
the premiere of performance The Series as part of the
programof Tenso Days in Riga. Brightness. The Series
Multimedial staging "Brightness. The Series" (Dzidrums.
Serils), premiere of the musical piece performed by
Tenso Europe Chamber Choir on 17 October at 21.00 and
18 October at 15.00, Riga. The exciting, interactive night
trip will be related to an actual issue how media
manipulates with the society, the process that also includes
arts. The staging is made by: conductor and artistic
director Kaspars Putni, composer Kristaps Ptersons,
stage director Zane Kreicberga, guitar player Kaspars
Zemtis and DJ Monsta (Uldis Crulis).
Music, visual
art, multimedia Concert, theatre Youth, adults
The venue to be
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
18.10.2014. Amber Vein Tenso Days in Riga
The Tenso Network Europe unites the European choirs
since 2003. One of the four founders of the network and
its driving force in terms of ideas is Latvian Radio
Choir, which will host the international choir festival
Tenso Days in Riga in October 2014, when Riga will
become the capital of European professional choirs,
organizing masterclasses for young composers, meetings
of professionals, and concerts. Tenso Days in Riga
will see the Latvian Radio Choir and other leading
European professional choirs offering programs to the
audiences never presented before. Choirs: Symphonies
The guidelines of the Tenso Days in Riga program are:
the mystical, the profane, and the sacred are crossroads, on
which different era in music will meet the uniqueness of
national choir culture, the novelties of choir music with
the modes of traditional singing, creatively synthesizing the
components of vocal and other forms of art. The concert
will be given by RIAS Kammerchor (Germany), Eric
Ericsons Kammarkr (Sweden), Philharmonic Chamber
Choir Estonia and the National Symphony Orchestra of
Latvia, conducted by Kaspars Putni. Together they will
perform the Symphony of Psalms composed by Igor
Stravinsky. It is one of the brightest and most difficult
choir music opuses of the 20th century. Music
Concert, workshop,
festival, event Youth, adults The Big Guildhall
The ticket office to be
19.10.14. FreedomStreet
Corner House. Case No.
During the fifty years of the occupation of Latvia by the
Soviet Union, the KGB building in Riga, also known as
the Corner House, became a prominent symbol of
totalitarian power. In 21st century Riga, it still stands to
bear testimony to world war, mass persecutions and
genocide. 2014 is the right time to change the destiny of
the Corner House, to open its doors and face the
experiences and fates concealed therein in order to re-
create and profoundly understand them. The Corner
House will be open to the public fromthe 1st of May to
the 19th of October, presenting the Occupation
Museums exhibition (admission free of charge), guided
tours In the KGB Basements, and five other
exhibitions (Re)construction of Friendship, A
Latvians Suitcase, In Spite of All, Stories of
People and Power in Ten Objects and The Museumof
Fateful Objects, which present different interpretations
of the relationship between the individual and power in
the past that still affects people in the present day. Should We Paint It?
The closing event a discussion Should We Paint It?
will be held on the ground floor of the Corner House where
the exposition of the Museumof the Occupation of Latvia
is on display. Participants in the Corner House. File No.
1914/2014 project, cultural theorists and managers,
representatives of creative industry organisations,
government, municipal and private cultural foundations,
and property developers will discuss the future utilisation
of the Corner House. Time of the event TBA. History Discussion / lecture Adults
The Corner House,
Brvbas iela Free
21.10.2014. Amber Vein Tenso Days in Riga
The Tenso Network Europe unites the European choirs
since 2003. One of the four founders of the network and
its driving force in terms of ideas is Latvian Radio
Choir, which will host the international choir festival
Tenso Days in Riga in October 2014, when Riga will
become the capital of European professional choirs,
organizing masterclasses for young composers, meetings
of professionals, and concerts. Tenso Days in Riga
will see the Latvian Radio Choir and other leading
European professional choirs offering programs to the
audiences never presented before.
Open masterclasses of
Tenso composers
Open masterclasses of Tenso composers will offer yet
unexplored singing forms. Singers from Latvian Radio
Choir will offer a brand new programme they prepared at
the sound laboratory together with eight composers from
various countries and Sarband musicians. The
background of the new material is gonna be the ancient
texts from The Song of Solomon. The programme is a mix
of creativity and archaic cultural fields, therefore, it will be
a new discovery in Western choir music demonstrating a
high-end quality of professional choir music. Music Workshop, concert Youth, adults
The Speri concert
hall Free
22.10.2014. Amber Vein Tenso Days in Riga
The Tenso Network Europe unites the European choirs
since 2003. One of the four founders of the network and
its driving force in terms of ideas is Latvian Radio
Choir, which will host the international choir festival
Tenso Days in Riga in October 2014, when Riga will
become the capital of European professional choirs,
organizing masterclasses for young composers, meetings
of professionals, and concerts. Tenso Days in Riga
will see the Latvian Radio Choir and other leading
European professional choirs offering programs to the
audiences never presented before. Gala concert
At Tenso dienas gala concert, examples of French and
Flemish baroque polyphony will be presented as well as
Norvegian folk songs, music composed by Pteris Vasks
and Arvo Prt, and the new compositions made at the
sound laboratory of The Latvian Radio Choir Latvian
Byzantine singings. Sigvards Kava will be the creative
director of this concert who will transform those early-age
singings into a brand new musical art form together with
composer Andrejs Selickis. Nederlands Kamerkoor (the
Netherlands), Musicatreize (France), Det Norske
Solistkor (Norway), Latvian Radio Choir and The Latvian
National Symphony Orchestra and solists will also join the
concert. Music
Concert, workshop,
festival, event Youth, adults Riga Dome cathedral
The ticket office to be
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
24.10.2014. Survival Kit Potato Opera
Project 'Potato Opera' invites to take a closer look at
and learn a lot of new about this well known staple
vegetable. Project includes
-a colorful performance for the family;
-action for young and not so young Friend in a pot or
Potato Diaries;
-Internet resource to be launched in
January 1, 2014 to provide exhaustive popular science
view on potato. Potato Opera
The "Potato Opera will be an unusual, fun and witty
opera for an entire family, about the way the potato made
its way fromSouth America to Latvia, and how the
vegetable settled in Latvia. The libretto is by Inese
Zandere, conductor - Aira Birzia. Cast: the Riga Dom
Girls' Choir, a chamber orchestra, singers, dancers and
soloists. Andrejs Hansons is the person who proposed the
idea for the new opera, he is also the opera's godfather.
Music, theatre,
multimedia Show
youth, adults
The venue to be
Without thematic
Euroradio project 'Riga -
Europan Capital of
Culture 2014'
The Euroradio project will take a week to transmit eight
concerts of the leading professional ensembles of Latvia,
presenting a panoramic and generically diverse
landscape of the musical life in Latvia. The participants
of the project are soloists, chamber orchestras
Kremerata Baltica and Sinfonietta Riga, Latvian
Radio Choir, the Academic Choir Latvia, the Big band
of Radio Latvia, the Nathional Symphony Orchestra
and National Opera of Latvia with a premier of original
opera created by a Latvian composer.
Series of Euroradio
concerts 'Riga - Europan
Capital of Culture 2014'
The Series of Euroradio concerts 'Riga - Europan Capital
of Culture 2014' aim at focusing the attention of the 78
Euroradio states on the rich musical life of Latvia, offering
a sense of presence in a number of unique concerts. Music
TV/radio Youth, adults
The Big Guildhall,
Riga Dome cathedral,
National Opera of
Latvia, Studio 1 of
the National radio
station, Speri
concert hall, St.
John's church Free
07.11.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Concert of Mariss
Jansons and Bavarian
Radio Symphony
With concert program, presented in the National Opera
of Latvia, in November 2014, Riga will be visited by
world-famous Latvian conductor Mris Jansons and the
excellent Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. The
concert is Mariss Jansons centenarian dedication to his
father, the outstanding conductor Arvds Jansons.
Concert of Mariss
Jansons and Bavarian
Radio Symphony
In a visit and concert in Riga, Mariss Jansons and
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra would celebrate the
centenarian jubilee of his father, conductor Arvds Jansons. Music Concert Youth, adults
National Opera of
The ticket office to be
07.11.14.-25.01.15. Riga Carnival

The Icon of the French
Contemporary Art
ORLAN. "Plan du Film"
and other scenarions
Orlan is among the most provocative artists in the
world, as she breaks down the traditional boarders of
both life and art. Declaring her body a piece of art,
she has created a universe of personal iconography that
impersonates in the most versatile edges of the artists
creative work: bright performances, photos, videos,
installations and multimedia projects.

Contemporary art
exhibition, lectures,
discussions and
campaigns in the
city/urban environment
In Riga, contemporary art expo of Orlan will take place, as
well as she will give a lecture at the Art Academy of
Latvia. Roundtable discussions with art and filmexperts
fromLatvia and France will be held and Orlan is expected
to give a performance during the opening of the exhibition.
The exhibition is supported by the L'Institut franais de
Lettonie (Institute of France in Latvia), curator Inese
Baranovska. Visual arts
Performance art,
exhibiton, discussion
/ lecture, action Youth, adults

Decorative Arts and
Design, Art Academy
of Latvia and
environment FreedomStreet
Contemporary Theatre
Programme forte forte
The contemporary theatre programme forte forte is a
year-long series of performances staged by Europe's
leading theatre directors. The forte forte performances
are united by a set of themes that centre on relationships
between the individual and power, normal and
abnormal, personality and the masses, relationships
between people, set against the backdrop of major
historic events, albeit in routine contexts. Such theatre
artists as Alvis Hermanis, Jan Lauwers and
Needcompany, Alain Platel and Les ballets C de la
B, and Rimini Protokoll have been the guests of the
programme in 2014.
Contemporary theatre
programme forte forte.
Alain Platel and les
ballets C de la B
The latest production by Alain Platel has three sources of
inspiration - the outstanding Dutch actress Elsie de Brauw,
Marco Prado's documentary "Estamira" about a woman
who suffers fromschizophrenia and who lives at a waste
disposal site in Rio de Janeiro, and Polish artist Artur
Zmijewski's recording of Bach music performed by a choir
of deaf singers. The performances begin at 7 p.m. Theatre
Show, performance,
creative workshop Youth, adults
Exhibition Centre in
psala Road Map Poetry Map of Riga
Within the project Poetry Map of Riga, a non-
traditional virtual map of Riga will be created,
distributing certain checkpoints throughout its streets,
center, and districts marking the routes of poetry. The
information of the map will be driven by the
documentation of these places in poetry and visual art
forms. The participants of the project are Latvian and
guest artists, poets, musicians, photographers who will
take draws to choose the places to be attended and
documented in the poetic format. Poetry Map of Riga
Participants of the project Poetry Map of Riga are poets
Olga Seredyuk, Yelena Glazova, Sergey Moreino,
Alexander Menshikov, Lena Skakur, Artrs Punte, Sergey
Timofejev, Semyon Hanin, George Uallik, Vladimir
Svetlov, musicians
Andrey Elgus (aka Selfish), Jevgeny Droomoff (aka
Choop), multimedia artists Vladimir Leibgam, Katrna
Neiburga, Pteris imelis, Alexander Yegunov, Alexander
Yakovlev, translators Pteris Dragns, Inga Gaile, Jnis
Elsbergs, Krlis Vrdi and Ingmra Balode as well as
visiting poets and artists.
Music, dance,
presentation, event Youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
11.11.14.-18.01.15. Survival Kit Surprising Lace
Surprising Lace is a story of connection between the
traditional (folk art) and the contemporary (social
networks, architecture, design, and intercultural
dialogue). The lace can be admired in nature in
ribbing of leaves and spider-webs, in frost-work on the
widow and intricate loops of the rivers as seen from the
birds view, as well as in creations of human art. The
strongest network connecting the nations is culture. Our
Surprising lace is an ornamental cultural bridge thrown
from Riga to Europe. Exhibitions, lectures,
Exhibition 'Surprising
Project Surprising Lace will invite to exhibition of the
same title foregrounding the connection between traditional
or folk-art and contemporary culture design, architecture,
visual art.
tradition Exhibition Youth, adults St. Peter's church
The ticket office to be
announced Riga Carnival Shine, Riga!
In the context of the festival of lights, the cityscape is a
space of contemporary art addressing every inhabitant
of Riga. For artists, it is a dialogue with the viewer and
a challenge to offer a modern, visually engaging
message reaching a possibly wide range of people.
Various creative groups and technicians participate in
the light festival. The programof festival competition
and partners in collaboration is wide-ranging and open
to local and international initiatives. The guests of the
festival are also invited to enjoy its particular
atmosphere in the taverns and restaurants of the Route
of Light. Shine, Riga!
During the festival of light Shine, Riga! different objects
are designed to light up to be viewed up close, fromafar
and as part of the cityscape. The facades, bridges,
monuments and parks of Riga become the objects of the art
of light installation and light and video technology, often
complemented by theatrical elements. The viewers of
Shine, Riga! already the sixth such festival in the
capital are more than just observers, becoming
participants of the processes of playing with light as active
involvement of the public is frequently pre-requisite of the
realization of the festival projects.
Visual art,
participation of
the public
Festival, object in
the city environment
youth, adults Riga cityscape Free
15.11.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Academic readings
'Content of XXI Century'
Academic readings 'Content of XXI Century' and
exhibition 500 years of the Book 1514-2014 will
address the change in the habits of reading from
poring over manuscripts in 1514 to present day boomof
the printed book year 2014 and its forms of co-
existence of printed and digital literature. Content of XXI Century
Nobel prize winners in literature as well as the leading
literary critics, writers, researchers, artists, publishers and
new media experts will take part at the academic readings
"21. gadsimta saturs". The readings will be available face-
to-face and online promoting Riga as "The European
Capital of Idea". Literature, history, sociology, book art,
new media, education, traditions, etc. The date will be
multimedia Discussion / lecture
youth, adults
National Library of
Latvia Free
15.11.14.-15.12.14. Survival Kit Stars of Design
Stars of Design will explain the view on the process,
achievements and novelties of design in Latvia and
abroad. The event will combine from two international
exhibitions and series of seminars and workshops. Design Jam
The exposition of Vitra Design Museum will open the view
on wider context of cultural and industrial development.
Along with already created kernel of exhibition, the
international art show Design Jam will offer work of
designers from Latvia. It will be an excellent chance to
present our art in the context of experimental world design. Design, science Exhibition Youth, adults
The venue to be
The ticket office to be
announced Amber Vein
The Amber of
Tutankhamun. Ancient
Egypt / The Amber
Amber Road in Riga campaign will be held in 2014
where such institutions as The Art Museum Riga
Bourse, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Natural History Museum of Latvia, Pauls Stradi
Museum of the History of Medicine as well as National
History Museum of Latvia and Putti Art Gallery will
represent the origins of amber showing it in the context
of history, identity and practical use. "The Amber of
Tutankhamun. Ancient Egypt / The Amber Road" is an
international exhibition project bringing together the
Ancient Egyptian art collections of various world
museums. It marks the most distant point on the Amber
Road Egypt. The main partners in the project are the
National Museum of Cairo, the iurlionis National
Museum of Art (Kaunas) and the Regional
Archaeological Museum of Potenza, Italy. Scientific
consultation will be provided by the Ancient Egypt
Department of the Louvre. Also involved are the
University of Latvia, the Latvian Embassy in Cairo as
well as French archaeologists.
The Amber of
Tutankhamun. Ancient
Egypt / The Amber
The exhibition is dedicated to the culture of Ancient Egypt,
which will be presented as the interplay between the latest
technology and ancient artefacts. The exhibition consists of
objects from the Ancient Egyptian cult of the afterlife that
accompanied the dead for a full life in the next world. The
idea of the exhibition is centred around a small piece of
amber, the symbol of the Sun god Ra, which was found in
the tomb of Tutankhamun. Visual art Exhibition
youth, adults
Art MuseumRiga
Art MuseumRiga
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
20.11.14. Thirst for the Ocean
Waiting for...'
(Archeology of an idea)
The kim? contemporary art centres project Waiting
for... (Archaeology of an Idea) brings to Riga
professionals fromvarious disciplines curators,
philosophers, authors, artists and musicians whose
mission is to research, inspire, and interact with the
local cultural environment. These thinkers visits to
Riga may take different forms: visits associated with art
research, presentations of specific theoretical principles,
performances, exhibitions and others.
In preparation for the
residencies of
international arts
curators - thinkers in
Riga, 'Waiting for...'
(Archeology of an idea)
Internationally active professionals of art and culture will
participate in the project Waiting for (Archeology of
an idea) to reconsider and widen the discourse on artistic
themes actual in Riga. The date of the event may be subject
to change.
Music, cinema,
literature, visual
art, design,
history, science,
discussion / lecture,
workshop, action,
youth, adults
The venue to be
announced Free
27.11.14. Thirst for the Ocean Mare Balticum
Mare Balticum is a project uniting the Big band of
Radio Latvia and a group of interprets who will
present Latvian sea songs arranged in the rhythms of
jazz. Mare Balticum
A new musical project featuring the Big band of Radio
Latvia Mare Balticum will be presented. It will interpret
the sea-themed songs of Latvia.
Concert, workshop,
youth, adults Congress Hall Thirst for the Ocean Riga - 2041
Project Riga - 2041 includes six sci-fi short films in
stereoscopic 3D format. Their stories take place in Riga
in near or farther removed future, playing with the
themes of time-travel, virtual reality, single world
government, and stealing of dreams. Riga - 2041
Riga will be the first in Europe to present a short film
collection reflecting the cityscape in 3D technique. Cinema Event Youth, adults
Splendid Palace, film
theatre k. Suns,
Silverscreen theatre
in Daugavpils,
Gaisma theatre in
Valmiera and more
The ticket office to be
announced FreedomStreet
Contemporary Theatre
Programme forte forte
The contemporary theatre programme forte forte is a
year-long series of performances staged by Europe's
leading theatre directors. The forte forte performances
are united by a set of themes that centre on relationships
between the individual and power, normal and
abnormal, personality and the masses, relationships
between people, set against the backdrop of major
historic events, albeit in routine contexts. Such theatre
artists as Alvis Hermanis, Jan Lauwers and
Needcompany, Alain Platel and Les ballets C de la
B, and Rimini Protokoll have been the guests of the
programme in 2014.
Rimini Protokoll - 100%
Rimini Protokoll returns to Riga in December, this time
with the 100% Riga show - part of the contemporary
theatre programme forte forte. The project involves 100
Rigans sharing their life experiences, habits and beliefs,
creating a collection of opinions that will show what Riga
actually thinks and feels. Therefore Riga will be finally
added to the collection of 100% City shows of the world-
famous teamof author-directors Rimini Protokoll.
participation of
the public Show
youth, adults VEF Culture Centre
05.12.2014. FreedomStreet
Opera 'Valentina' by
Arturs Maskats
The creative team of the new opera ha striven to reflect
the dramatic pages of Latvian history written in the
years 1939-1944, which are significant for the record,
culture and the spectrum of nations who lived in the
territory of Latvia at the time. The inspiration of this
opera was the legendary theatre and film critic and
historian Valentna Freimane. The personal story of the
central character of the opera inseparably interweaves
with the significant events of Latvian and European
history and opens the panorama of the era in all its
fullness of color and controversy.
Opera 'Valentina' by
Arturs Maskats New opera written by Latvian composer. Music, theatre Show Youth, adults
National Opera of
06.12.2014. FreedomStreet
Opera 'Valentina' by
Arturs Maskats
The creative team of the new opera ha striven to reflect
the dramatic pages of Latvian history written in the
years 1939-1944, which are significant for the record,
culture and the spectrum of nations who lived in the
territory of Latvia at the time. The inspiration of this
opera was the legendary theatre and film critic and
historian Valentna Freimane. The personal story of the
central character of the opera inseparably interweaves
with the significant events of Latvian and European
history and opens the panorama of the era in all its
fullness of color and controversy.
Opera 'Valentina' by
Arturs Maskats New opera written by Latvian composer. Music, theatre Show Youth, adults
National Opera of
Date Thematic division Project Project description Event Description of event Category Type Audience Venue Tickets Internet
10.12.2014. Riga Carnival
Festival 'European
In 2005, "Latvijas Koncerti" agency started a new
tradition: Christmas concerts were offered in various
Riga churches and concert halls. Cheerful music
composed by Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Vivaldi as well as
the newest jazz and contemporary music pieces are still
performed at the festival. "European Christmas"
Festival offers a high quality musical experience and,
therefore, is a part of European classical music scene. Crown Europe concert
Christmas songs in arrangements written by Latvian
composers will be performed at "Eiropas vainags" concerts
representing music fromEU countries. The concerts will be
held within the festival "European Christmas". The State
Chamber Orchestra "Sinfonietta Rga", Riga Dom Boys'
Choir and various solists will perform at the premiere
concert. Music Concert, festival Youth, adults
The venue to be
Without thematic
division Notes of Beauty
Notes of Beauty is a photography project of Latvian
filmdirector and photographer Aija Bley and Japanese
photographer Ayaka Yamamoto. A subjective photo
diary about the search of identity is created during the
artists travels of Japan and Latvia. The creative
collaboration presents works that show the interaction
between two cultures and two personalities. Notes of Beauty
A subjective photo diary is created during Latvian film
director and photographer Aija Bley and Japanese
photographer Ayaka Yamamotos travels of Japan and
Latvia. Works created during the project will be displayed
for the public at a joint performance of Aija Bley and
Ayaka Yamamoto on the 21st of August as part of Riga
Stories in the Zolitde neighbourhood, as well as at Aija
Bleys photography exhibition Transparent at the Riga
Art Space on the 12th of December.
participation of
the public,
exhibition, urban
environment object,
creative workshop,
event Youth, adults Riga Art Space Free
Without thematic
European FilmAcademy
The ceremony of European Film Academy awards will
be one of the highlights of Rigas year as the European
Capital of Culture. The venue for this event was chosen
particularly. Rigas role as European Capital of Culture
has served as the reason to choose the capital of Latvia
as the host of this ceremony. European Film Academy
organizes also a childrens jury to choose the best
between the films presented around Europe, in the cities,
which Riga will join in 2013 and 2014.
The ceremony of
European FilmAcademy
Riga will host the ceremony of European Film Academy
awards in 2014, which brings together around one and a
half thousand world class cinematographic professionals
and where the highest achievements in film and the most
outstanding screen personalities are celebrated. Cinema Event Youth, adults
National Opera of
The ticket office to be
13.12.2014. Riga Carnival
Festival 'European
In 2005, "Latvijas Koncerti" agency started a new
tradition: Christmas concerts were offered in various
Riga churches and concert halls. Cheerful music
composed by Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Vivaldi as well as
the newest jazz and contemporary music pieces are still
performed at the festival. "European Christmas"
Festival offers a high quality musical experience and,
therefore, is a part of European classical music scene.
Felix Mendelssohn-
Bartholdy "Elijah"
Oratorio "Elijah" composed by Mendelssohn was first
performed at the premiere concert in Birminghamon 18
August, 1846. However, the composer never got the chance
to unite both "Elijah" and "St. Paul" oratorios in a whole
trilogy, because the third part "Christus" was never
finished. Mendelssohn thought that the characters fromThe
Old Testament should act lively, but composer's main task
is to create a whole picture of sound. Bass-baritone Egils
Sili and other solo artists will take part at the concert
together with The State Choir "Latvija" and Latvian
National Symphony Orchestra. Other artists to be
confirmed. Music Concert, festival Youth, adults The Big Guildhall
15.12.2014. Thirst for the Ocean
Academic readings
'Content of XXI Century'
Academic readings 'Content of XXI Century' and
exhibition 500 years of the Book 1514-2014 will
address the change in the habits of reading from
poring over manuscripts in 1514 to present day boomof
the printed book year 2014 and its forms of co-
existence of printed and digital literature. Content of XXI Century
Nobel prize winners in literature as well as the leading
literary critics, writers, researchers, artists, publishers and
new media experts will take part at the academic readings
"21. gadsimta saturs". The readings will be available face-
to-face and online promoting Riga as "The European
Capital of Idea". Literature, history, sociology, book art,
new media, education, traditions, etc. The date will be
multimedia Discussion / lecture
youth, adults
National Library of
Latvia Free
17.12.2014. Riga Carnival
Festival 'European
In 2005, "Latvijas Koncerti" agency started a new
tradition: Christmas concerts were offered in various
Riga churches and concert halls. Cheerful music
composed by Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Vivaldi as well as
the newest jazz and contemporary music pieces are still
performed at the festival. "European Christmas"
Festival offers a high quality musical experience and,
therefore, is a part of European classical music scene. Crown Europe concert
Christmas songs in arrangements written by Latvian
composers will be performed at "Eiropas vainags" concerts
representing music fromEU countries. The concerts will be
held within the festival "European Christmas". The State
Chamber Orchestra "Sinfonietta Rga", Riga Dom Boys'
Choir and various solists will perform at the premiere
concert. Music Concert, festival Youth, adults
The venue to be

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