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Catingub, Cherrielyn C.


We as human beings have been given free will by God. Although if me make
choices based on our own free will we must be willing to take the responsibility for
the effects that our decisions have on ourselves, on the people around us, and on
society itself. Freedom, I believe, is the way in which people live or behave without
others annoying or interfering in his or her affairs. People should benefit from
freedom, equality and justice. Absolute freedom is sometimes very dangerous and
may destroy the basic principles of the society
A lot of people believe that freedom means doing whatever you want, whenever you
want. This is a dangerous belief because your freedom stops as soon as you hurt
other people. Because of this there are regulations which prevent people from doing
things which are harmful to other people. For example, you are free to listen to
music whenever you want but as soon as you annoy other people you must stop
listening. Constructive criticism is another kind of freedom which, must be
encouraged because this criticism may prevent people from doing wrong things. But
there are many people who criticize others because they are jealous of them.
For me, freedom is the basis of our lives, because it allows us to aspire to and achieve
greatness. Think about it- what would we do if we did not have the ability to say No,
use ambition, or be creative? How about not being able to attend school, choose our
own spouses, or work wherever we desired? You see, if we did not have these
privileges, it would be nearly impossible to progress from one point to the next. The
working and social class you were born into would be where you would remain for the
rest of your life. But with freedom, we are allowed to do whatever we so choose in order
to improve our lives, financial situations, and world. This is why freedom is so important-
it keeps our entire world running, often without us even being aware of it.
Freedom may be the basis of life, but it has two other components that it could not exist
without: respect and diversity. In order to have freedom, you need to respect others
right to think and act as they like, and they will ultimately do the same. Freedom also
creates and embraces diversity, because all people are unique and different. We are
allowed to express our differences because of our freedom, and therefore can create
different opportunities, friendships, and career options to expand and improve our lives.
I would say that College gave me a lot of freedom. I wasnt able to experience enough
freedom when I was in High School because of the very strict rules and regulations of
our school. Back then, students were not allowed to go outside of the school premises,
Girls cant even wear make up, boys need to trim their hair otherwise, they would be the
one to trim it, you cant be absent from class. I would say Freedom wasnt entirely
exercised back then, but when I reached College I realized that it offered me a great
deal of freedom. It is the exact opposite of my High School life. Teachers are not as
strict as when I was in high school, I can wear make up, I can even be absent from
class. Freedom also offers a great deal of responsibility. The actions I take will reflect
the character I am portraying. Freedom means to be responsible to your own actions,
take account for the mistakes I made , making a right choice and knowing the
consequence of my choices.

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