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Acceptance Test Specifications

ZXUN uMAC GnGp SGSN Acceptance Test Specifications Internal Use Onlyl
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1 O$er$ie,........................................................................................................... 5
. Scope................................................................................................................. !
.( Standards.......................................................................................................... !
.* A''reviations..................................................................................................... 1
.% 2nterface 3rotocols........................................................................................... (
.%. 2u 2nterface.......................................................................................................
.%.( G' 2nterface.....................................................................................................
.%.* Gr 2nterface......................................................................................................
.%.% Gn4Gp 2nterface...............................................................................................
6 Test Re7uire)ent........................................................................................... 18
(. Test Net,or5ing............................................................................................... 6
(.( Re7uired 8evices............................................................................................. #
(.* Environ9ent Re7uire9ent...............................................................................#
9 Test Content................................................................................................... 15
*. G3RS Mo'ility Manage9ent............................................................................!
*.. Attach 3rocedure:*G4(G;................................................................................
*..( 8etach 3rocedure:*G4(G;...............................................................................
*..* Routing Area <pdate 3rocedure:*G4(G;.........................................................
*..% 3aging 3rocedure:*G4(G;...............................................................................
*..5 Security &unctions:*G4(G;...............................................................................
*.( Session Manage9ent...................................................................................... *%
*.(. 383 Conte+t Activation 3rocedure...................................................................
*.(.( 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure..............................................................
*.(.* GGSN address translation...............................................................................
*.* Service)related Test......................................................................................... %*
*.*. 3ing Test..........................................................................................................
*.*.( =e' 'ro,sing..................................................................................................
*.*.* &T3 <pload and 8o,nload..............................................................................
*.% Relia'ility......................................................................................................... %6
*.%. Service Relia'ility Test.....................................................................................
*.%.( .oard Relia'ility Test........................................................................................
*.5 3S 8o9ain .illing Test.....................................................................................5%
*.5. MC8R..............................................................................................................
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*.5.( SC8R .ill:nor9al release;...............................................................................
*.6 CG &unction..................................................................................................... 56
*.6. CG Server &unction.........................................................................................
*.6.( Client &unctions...............................................................................................
*.# 0MM &unction................................................................................................. 6
*.#. 2nterface Manage9ent.....................................................................................
*.#.( Confugration Manage9ent...............................................................................
*.#.* Alar9 Manage9ent..........................................................................................
*.#.% 3erfor9ance Manage9ent...............................................................................
*.#.5 Security Manage9ent......................................................................................
*.#.6 /og Manage9ent.............................................................................................
*.#.# Trac5ing Manage9ent.....................................................................................
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ZXUN uMAC GnGp SGSN Acceptance Test Specifications Internal Use Onlyl
1 O$er$ie,
1.1 Scope
The docu9ent provides the test 9ethod and procedure for acceptance of Z><N)uMAC SGSN . 2t can
'e used as the test standard for trial and co99ercial deploy9ent of Z><N)uMAC SGSN .
1.6 Stan&ar&s
The follo,ing standards contain provisions ,hich? through reference in this te+t? constitute provisions
of this standard. At ti9e of pu'lication? the editions indicated ,ere valid. All standards are su'@ect to
revision? and parties to agree9ents 'ased on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possi'ility of applying the latest edition of the standards indicated 'elo,.
The specification confor9s to the version of *G33 standard protocal.
AB *G33 TS (*.""# *
Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Core Net,or5C Restoration procedures
A(B *G33 TS (*."6" *
Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Services and Syste9 AspectsC General 3ac5et Radio Service
:G3RS;C Service descriptionC Stage (
A*B *G33 TS (*.6 *
Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Core Net,or5C Super)Charger technical realiDationC Stage (
A%B *G33 TS (%.""! *
Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Core Net,or5C Mo'ile radio interface /ayer * specificationC Core
Net,or5 3rotocolsC Stage *
A5B *G33 TS (1.""( *
Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Core Net,or5C Mo'ile Application 3art :MA3; Specification
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A6B *G33 TS (1."! *rd Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Core Net,or5C General 3ac5et Radio Service :G3RS;C Serving G3RS
Support Node :SGSN; ) $isitors /ocation Register :$/R; Gs interface
layer * specification
A#B *G33 TS (1."6 *rd Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Core Net,or5C 3ac5et 8o9ainC 2nter,or5ing 'et,een the 3u'lic /and
Mo'ile Net,or5 :3/MN; supporting 3ac5et .ased Services and 3ac5et
8ata Net,or5s :38N;
A!B *G33 TS (*."# *rd Generation 3artnership 3ro@ectC Technical Specification Group
Services and Syste9 AspectsC EoS Concept and Architecture
A1B *G33 TS (5.** Technical Specification Group Radio Access Net,or5?
RRC 3rotocol Specification
A"B *G33 TS (5.%" Technical Specification Group Radio Access Net,or5C
<TRAN 2u 2nterface- General Aspects and 3rinciples
AB *G33 TS (5.% Technical Specification Group Radio Access Net,or5C
<TRAN 2u 2nterface /ayer
A(B *G33 TS (5.%( Technical Specification Group Radio Access Net,or5C
<TRAN 2u 2nterface Signalling Transport
A*B *G33 TS (5.%* Technical Specification Group Radio Access Net,or5?
<TRAN 2u 2nterface RANA3 Signalling
A%B *G33 TS (5.%% Technical Specification Group Radio Access Net,or5?
<TRAN 2u interface data transport F transport signalling
A5B *G33 TS (5.%5 Technical Specification Group Radio Access Net,or5?
<TRAN 2u 2nterface user plane protocol
A6B *G33 TS **."( Technical Specification Group Services and Syste9 Aspects?
*G Security? Security Architecture
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1.9 A**re$iations
AAA Authentication AuthoriDation Accounting
A3N Access 3oint Na9e
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
CC Country Code
CG Charging Gate,ay
88N 8igital 8ata Net,or5
83C 8estination 3oint Code
&E &ast Ethernet
GE Giga'it Ethernet
GMM G3RS Mo'ile Manage9ent
G3RS General 3ac5et Radio Service
GSM MS GSM Mo'ile Station
GSM 3/MN GSM 3u'ASC /and Mo'ile Net,or5
GSN G3RS support Node
GT3 G3RS Tunnelling 3rotocol
GT3GC GT3 Control 3lane
GT3G< GT3 <ser 3lane
H/R Ho9e /ocation Register
H3/MN Ho9e 3/MN
2CM3 2nternet Control Message 3rotocol
2ME2 2nternational Mo'ile station E7uip9ent 2dentity
2MS2 2nternational Mo'ile Station 2dentity
23 2nternet 3rotocol
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23$% 2nternet 3rotocol $ersion %
/* /ayer *
/A /ocation Area
/AC /ocation Area Code
/A2 /ocation Area 2dentity
/AN /ocal Area Net,or5
/3/MN /ocal 3/MN
MA3 Mo'ile AppASCation 3art
MM Mo'ility Manage9ent
MS Mo'ile Station
MSC Mo'ile S,itching Center
MS2S8N Mo'ile Station 2nternational 2S8N Nu9'er
MT3 Message Transfer 3art
NS Net,or5 Service
0FM 0perations F Maintenance
0MC 0perations F Maintenance Centre
0MM 0perate Maintenance Module
38N 3ac5et 8ata Net,or5
383 3ac5et 8ata 3rotocol
3/MN 3u'ASC /ands Mo'ile Net,or5
EoS Euality of Service
RA82<S Re9ote Authentication 8ial in <ser Service
RANA3 Radio Access Net,or5 Application 3rotocol
RNC Radio Net,or5 Controller
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RNS Radio Net,or5 Su'syste9
S8H Synchronous 8igital Hierarchy
SGSN Service G3RS Support Node
SM Session Manage9ent
SMS Short Message Service
SN Su'scri'er Nu9'er
SS# Signalling Syste9 No. #
ST3 Signalling Transfer 3oint
TC3 Transfer Control 3rotocol
TMS2 Te9porary Mo'ile Su'scri'er 2dentity
<83 <ser 8atagra9 3rotocol
$/R $isitor /ocation Register
$3/MN $isited 3/MN
=C8MA =ide 'and Code 8ivision Multiple Access
=CN =ireless Core Net,or5
Z><N)<MAC Zhong>ing =C8MA Net,or5
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ZXUN uMAC GnGp SGSN Acceptance Test Specifications Internal Use Onlyl
1.: Interface #rotocols
1.:.1 Iu Interface




Iu-Ps Uu



&igure - Control plane in 2u 9ode

E.g. , IP ,
G$P - U
G$P - U
E .g. , IP ,
Iu-PS Uu Gn Gi
G$P -U
G$P - U
&igure (- <ser plane in 2u 9ode
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ZXUN uMAC GnGp SGSN Acceptance Test Specifications Internal Use Onlyl
1.:.6 G* Interface
U( G'
GSM R& L1'is
&igure *- Control plane in G' 9ode
U( G' Gn Gi
&igure %- <ser plane in G' 9ode
1.:.9 Gr Interface
&igure 5- Gr interface
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1.:.: Gn;Gp Interface

Gn #r G
&igure 6- Gn or Gp interface
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6 Test Re7uire)ent
6.1 Test Net,or2in.
&igure # Net,or5 Configuration
As sho,n in &igure #? the Z><N)uMAC SGSN 9ar5ed in light 'lue are devices under test? ,hile other
devices are for assistance purpose.
We select the test cases which depend on the test network configuration, because every test offices
configuration is different.
Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights ReservedPage %7 of 78
Node). I I
=A3 MMS Strea9ing Radius
2nternet Service
MSC Server
ZXUN uMAC GnGp SGSN Acceptance Test Specifications Internal Use Onlyl
6.6 Re7uire& (e$ices
3roperties 8evice Na9e Euantity
Mandatory Mo'ile phone * :support co9'ined
Mandatory S2M Card *
0ptional NetHa,5 Signalling AnalyDer? ,hich 9onitors
2u4Gr4Gs interface
0ptional Ethereal? net,or5 9onitoring soft,are? ,hich
9onitors Gn and Gi interface
6.9 !n$iron)ent Re7uire)ent
=hen devices are tested? the e7uip9ent roo9 should 9eet the follo,ing conditions-
; 3o,er supply-
Rated ,or5ing voltage- )%! $C Ma+. voltage- )5# $C Min. voltage- )%" $
(; Earthing points are provided.
*; Te9perature-
/ong)ter9 ,or5ing condition- 5C)*"CC short)ter9 ,or5ing condition-
%; Hu9idity- /ong)ter9 ,or5ing condition- %"K)65KC short)ter9 ,or5ing condition ("K)1"K.
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9 Test Content
9.1 G#RS Mo*ility Mana.e)ent
9.1.1 Attac+ #roce&ure<9G;6G=
*... G3RS Attach 3rocedure initiated 'y a su'scri'er not su'scri'e the G3RS Service
Test 2te9 Attach 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 G3RS Attach 3rocedure initiated 'y a su'scri'er not su'scri'e the G3RS Service
Test 3urpose =hen su'scri'er not su'scri'es the G3RS service? verity that SGSN can properly
re@ect the userLs Attach Re7uest.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R 'ut hasnLt registered the G3RS services.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 GMM 9essages
Test 3rocedure . The su'scri'er initiates G3RS attach re7uest and the attach type is G3RS attach
. The signaling procedure is correct.
(. G3RS attach re7uest is re@ected.
*. There is no su'scri'erLs record is SGSN.
Test Result
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*...( G3RS attach re@ected 'ecause 2MS2 un5no,n in H/R
Test 2te9 Attach 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 G3RS attach re@ected 'ecause 2MS2 un5no,n in H/R
Test 3urpose The purpose of this test is to verify the G3RS attach procedure ,hen the su'scri'er
is not declared in the H/R. The Attach re7uest is re@ected ,ith cause M2llegal MSL.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R 'ut hasnLt registered the G3RS services.
*. <E is s,itched off.
%. 3)TMS2 stored on the <S2M and 2MS2 is un5no,n in the H/R.
5. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 GMM 9essages
Test 3rocedure . S,itch on the <E.
. The signaling procedure is correct.
(. $erify that the Attach Re7uest is re@ected ,ith cause M2llegal MSL.
*. There is no su'scri'erLs record is SGSN.
Test Result
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9.1.6 (etac+ #roce&ure<9G;6G=
*..(. MS)2nitiated 8etach 3rocedure
Test 2te9 8etach 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 MS)2nitiated 8etach 3rocedure
Test 3urpose The purpose of this test is to verify the G3RS detach procedure ,hen the <E
initiates a G3RS detach.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 GMM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . The su'scri'er initiates G3RS attach re7uest and activate a 383 conte+t.
(. The su'scri'er initiates 383 conte+t deactivation procedure and sends 8etach
Re7uest 9essage indicating nor9al detach.
Test $erification . The signaling procedure is correct and detach9ent is successful.
(. Euery the MSLs state at SGSN. MS is detached.
Re9ar5s CN does not return 8etach Accept 9essage in detach procedure initiated 'y po,er)
off of MS.
Test Result
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ZXUN uMAC GnGp SGSN Acceptance Test Specifications Internal Use Onlyl SGSN initiates G3RS detach due to cancellation of the su'scri'er in H/R
Test 2te9 8etach 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 SGSN initiates G3RS detach due to cancellation of the su'scri'er in H/R
Test 3urpose The purpose of this test is to verify the G3RS detach procedure ,hen the su'scri'er
is cancelled in the H/R. 2n this case the detach procedure is initiated 'y the SGSN.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 GMM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . The su'scri'er initiates G3RS attach re7uest.
(. 8elete the su'scri'er Ls data in H/R :or 9odify MS to 'e a su'scri'er ,ho does
not support G3RS services? i.e. 9odify the su'scri'erLs Net,or5 Access Mode to CS
. The signaling procedure is correct.
(. MS returns 8etach Accept 9essage and is successfully detached.
*. Euery the MSLs state at SGSN. MS is deleted.
Test Result
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9.1.9 Routin. Area Up&ate #roce&ure<9G;6G=
*..*. Nor9al Routing Area <pdate 3rocedure intra)SGSN
Test 2te9 Routing area update procedure
Test Su'ite9 Nor9al Routing Area <pdate 3rocedure intra)SGSN
Test 3urpose $erify that SGSN can properly handle the nor9al routing area update procedure.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 GMM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . MS po,ers on and is successfully attached to G3RS.
(. MS roa9s to another routing area and initiates routing area update
Test $erification . The signaling process is correct. The net,or5 side receives Routing Area
<pdate Re7uest 9essage and returns Routing Area <pdate Accept 9essage.
(. Chec5 the content of each 9essage and 9a5e sure that the type of routing
area update is RA updating :";.
*. Euery MS infor9ation in SGSN. 2t is current RA2 infor9ation.
Test Result
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*..*.( 3eriodic Routing Area <pdate 3rocedure
Test 2te9 Routing area update procedure
Test Su'ite9 3eriodic Routing Area <pdate 3rocedure
Test 3urpose $erify that SGSN can properly handle the periodic routing area update procedure.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 GMM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . Set the period of the periodic routing area update to the 9ini9u9 value.
(. MS initiates G3RS attach re7uest and is in the 3MM)28/E4Stand'y state.
*. =hen the ti9er of the periodic routing area update e+pires? MS initiates routing
area update procedure.
. The signaling procedure is correct. The net,or5 side receives Routing Area
<pdate Re7uest 9essage and returns Routing Area <pdate Accept 9essage.
(. Chec5 the 9essage content and find the type of routing area update is 3eriodic
updating :*;.
*. Euery MS infor9ation at SGSN. 2t is the current RA2 infor9ation.
Test Result
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9.1.: #roce&ure<9G;6G=
*..%. 3aging Triggered 'y 8o,nlin5 Signaling
Test 2te9 3aging 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 3aging Triggered 'y do,nlin5 signaling
Test 3urpose $erify that CN can handle the paging procedure triggered 'y the do,nlin5
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure . The su'scri'er registers in H/R and i9ple9ents the G3RS attach.
(. After attach? the signaling lin5 is released and the su'scri'er is in the 3MM)
28/E4Stand'y state.
*. Trigger G3RS detach procedure through SGSN 0MM.
Test $erification . The net,or5 side initiates the paging procedure.
(. The signaling procedure is correct and detach is successful.
*. Euery MS infor9ation at SGSN. MS is detached.
Test Result
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*..%.( 3aging Triggered 'y 8o,nlin5 8ata
Test 2te9 3aging 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 3aging Triggered 'y 8o,nlin5 8ata
Test 3urpose The purpose of this test is to verify the paging procedure. A do,nlin5 38< is
received 'y the CN)3S for an <E in 3MM 28/E state. No RRC connection is e+isting
'et,een <E and <TRAN.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure . The su'scri'er registers in H/R? attaches to G3RS service and activates 383
conte+t. The data can 'e trans9itted.
(. After activation? RNC initiates the release of signaling lin5.
*. Send pac5ets to MS fro9 38N.
The paging procedure is initiated 'y net,or5 side and the do,nlin5 data is sent to
Test Result
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9.1.> Security "unctions<9G;6G=
*..5. Authentication
Test 2te9 Security &unctions
Test Su'ite9 Authentication
Test 3urpose $erify that CN can successfully i9ple9ent authentication.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 GMM 9essages
Test 3rocedure . Configure CN to i9ple9ent authentication ,hen MS re7uests attach.
(. The su'scri'er registers in H/R and attaches to G3RS service.
. The su'scri'er co9pletes authentication procedure and attaches to G3RS
(. The signaling procedure is correct.
Test Result
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9.1.>.6 CN per9its <EA? <TRAN successfully chooses <EA
Test 2te9 Security &unctions
Test Su'ite9 CN per9its <EA? <TRAN successfully chooses <EA
Test 3urpose The purpose of this test is to verify that security 9ode control function is ,or5ing
correctly if <EA is included in the SecurityModeCo99and 9essage.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. CN? Radio net,or5 and <E support the encryption arith9etic.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
%. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 RANA3 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . 3ossi'ility to perfor9 any procedure on 2u interface? ,hich triggers the security
9ode control function.
(. Configure the CN so that <EA" is included in the SecurityModeCo99and.
*. The su'scri'er registers in H/R and attaches to G3RS service.
%. Activate the 383 conte+t to trans9it data.
. Attached and activated successfully? and the data is trans9itted successfully.
(. The signaling procedure is correct.
Message &lo, of *G
Re9ar5s No encryption and <EA" is 9andatory? and <EA is optional.
Test Result
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9.6 Session Mana.e)ent
9.6.1 #(# Conte?t Acti$ation #roce&ure 383 Conte+t Activation <sing H3/MN)Allocated 8yna9ic 383 Address
Test 2te9 383 Conte+t Activation 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 383 Conte+t Activation <sing H3/MN)Allocated 8yna9ic 383 Address
Test 3urpose $erify CN can successfully handle the 383 conte+t activation using H3/MN
allocated dyna9ic 383 address.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
%. MS registers in H3/MN.
5. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . <se the dyna9ic 383 address 9ode at H/R for su'scription.
(. 2n GGSN? configure the 383 address pool used 'y MS to activate 383 conte+t
,ith the specific A3N.
*. MS initiates 383 conte+t activation procedure in dyna9ic 383 address 9ode.
%. Access 38N.
. The signaling procedure is correct.
(. Chec5 and find the address of the 383 conte+t activated at SGSN is ,ithin
GGSN address pool.
*. 38N can 'e accessed.
Re9ar5s H3/MN 9eans that SGSNLs MNC? MCC and the MNC? MCC in su'scri'erLs 2MS2
are sa9e.
Test Result
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ZXUN uMAC GnGp SGSN Acceptance Test Specifications Internal Use Onlyl 383 Conte+t Activation in non)transparent Mode
Test 2te9 383 Conte+t Activation 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 383 Conte+t Activation in non)transparent Mode
Test 3urpose $erify that GGSN can successfully handle the non)transparent 383 conte+t
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
%. GGSN connect the Radius Server? and Radius Server is nor9al.
5. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages
Test 3rocedure . At GGSN? configure that MS activates the specific A3N in non)transparent 9ode.
(. MS initiates 383 conte+t activation procedure.
*. Access 38N.
. The signaling procedure is correct.
(. 38N can 'e accessed.
Test Result
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*.(..* Re@ection of 383 Conte+t Activation due to Authentication &ailure in Nontransparent
Access Mode
Test 2te9 Activating the 383 conte+t
Test Su'ite9 Re@ection of 383 conte+t activation due to authentication failure in nontransparent
access 9ode
Test 3urpose $erify that CN can re@ect to activate the 383 conte+t ,hen the authentication fails in
nontransparent access 9ode.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages
Test 3rocedure . 2n GGSN? configure that MS can initiate the specific A3N activation re7uest in
nontransparent access 9ode.
(. MS initiates re7uest for activation 383 conte+t.
*. Authentication procedure 'et,een GGSN and Radius Server fails.
. The signaling procedure is correct and activation re7uest of 383 conte+t is
(. 0'serve Gn interface signaling? the re@ection cause is user authentication failure.
Re9ar5s Modify the access share 5ey? userna9e or pass,ord different fro9 that in Radius
Server to cause the failure of authentication procedure 'et,een GGSN and Radius
Test Result
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*.(..% Re@ection of 383 Conte+t Activation due to <n5no,n A3N
Test 2te9 383 Conte+t Activation 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 Re@ection of 383 Conte+t Activation due to <n5no,n A3N
Test 3urpose $erify that CN can re@ect 383 conte+t activation re7uests using un5no,n A3N.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The su'scri'er has registered in H/R and has su'scri'ed to G3RS service ,ith
,ildcard as su'scri'ed A3N.
*. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . MS initiates an activation re7uest ,ith an un5no,n A3N.
. The signaling procedure is correct and CN re@ects activation.
(. Euery MS 383 conte+t at SGSN. 2t is not activated.
Test Result
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9.6.6 #(# Conte?t (eacti$ation #roce&ure
*.(.(. MS)2nitiated 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test 2te9 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 MS)2nitiated 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test 3urpose $erify 383 conte+t deactivation initiated 'y MS.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS
%. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . MS attaches to G3RS service? activates 383 conte+t and 38N can 'e
(. MS deactivates the 383 conte+t.
Test $erification . The signaling procedure is nor9al and the deactivation is successful.
(. After activation? MS 383 conte+t can 'e vie,ed at SGSN.
*. After deactivation? MS 383 conte+t cannot 'e vie,ed at SGSN.
Test Result
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*.(.(.( SGSN)2nitiated 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test 2te9 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 SGSN)2nitiated 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test 3urpose $erify the procedure of 383 conte+t deactivation initiated 'y SGSN.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS
%. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . MS attaches to G3RS service? activates 383 conte+t and 38N can 'e
(. SGSN initiates 383 conte+t deactivation procedure.
Test $erification . The signaling procedure is nor9al and the deactivation is successful.
(. After activation? MS 383 conte+t can 'e 7ueried at SGSN.
*. After deactivation? MS 383 conte+t cannot 'e 7ueried at SGSN.
Test Result
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*.(.(.* GGSN)2nitiated 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test 2te9 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test Su'ite9 GGSN)2nitiated 383 Conte+t 8eactivation 3rocedure
Test 3urpose $erify the 383 conte+t deactivating process initiated 'y GGSN.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
%. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages
Test 3rocedure . MS attaches to G3RS service? activates 383 conte+t and 38N can 'e
(. SGSN initiates 383 conte+t deactivation procedure.
Test $erification . The signaling procedure is nor9al and the deactivation is successful.
(. After activation? MS 383 conte+t can 'e vie,ed at SGSN.
*. After deactivation? MS 383 conte+t cannot 'e vie,ed at SGSN.
Test Result
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9.6.9 GGSN a&&ress translation SGSN use 8NS to translate GGSN GT3)C address
Test 2te9 GGSN address translation
Test Su'ite9 SGSN use 8NS to translate GGSN GT3)C address
Test 3urpose $erify that SGSN can use 8NS to translate GGSN GT3)C address successfully.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5? CN and 8NS are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN? 8NS and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
%. Ena'le signaling trac5ing to trac5 SM 9essages.
Test 3rocedure . Su'scri'e to a 383 conte+t for MS at H/R.
(. Configure the SGSN use 8NS to translate GGSN GT3)C address.
3. MS attaches to G3RS service and activates 383 conte+t.
. The signaling procedure is correct and 383 conte+t activation procedure is
(. SGSN translate GGSN GT3)C address successfully.
Test Result
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9.9 Ser$ice/relate& Test
9.9.1 #in. Test
Test 2te9 Ser$ice/relate& Test
Test Su'ite9 3ing Test
Test 3urpose $erify that MS can use 3ing to chec5 </48/ connections.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er has registered in H/R and has su'scri'ed to G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure . Set MS to serve as a Mode9.
(. create the 383 conte+t.
*. 3erfor9 ping test in ter9inal 3C and 38N respectively.
. The activation re7uest is successful.
(. MS can conduct 3ing co99and to test <ser 3lane.
Test Result
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9.9.6 @e* *ro,sin.
Test 2te9 Ser$ice/relate& Test
Test Su'ite9 =e' 'ro,sing
Test 3urpose $erify that a MS can 'ro,se =e' pages.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and the &T3 Server are nor9al.
*. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure . Set the MS serve as Mode9 :<Es supporting HTT3 can access =e' sites
directly ,ithout 'eing set as a Mode9;.
(. create 383 conte+t.
*. Start the 'ro,ser and access the =e' Server.
. The activation re7uest is successful.
(. The <E can 'ro,se =e' sites.
Test Result
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9.9.9 "T# Uploa& an& (o,nloa&
Test 2te9 Ser$ice/relate& Test
Test Su'ite9 &T3 <pload and 8o,nload
Test 3urpose $erify that a MS can i9ple9ent &T3 upload and do,nload
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites %. Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
5. The co99unications 'et,een CN and the &T3 Server are nor9al.
6. The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure . Set <E serve as Mode9.
(. create 383 conte+t.
*. Ena'le the &T3 do,nload tool to access &T3 Server and do,nload4upload files.
. The activation re7uest can 'e successfully i9ple9ented.
(. MS can i9ple9ent &T3 upload and do,nload.
Test Result
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9.: Relia*ility
9.:.1 Ser$ice Relia*ility Test
*.%.. /ongti9e 3ing Test
Test 2te9 Relia*ility
Test Su'ite9 /ongti9e 3ing Test
Test 3urpose Test CN can 9aintain data trans9ission for a long ti9e
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. MS A has registered in H/R and has su'scri'ed to G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure . MS initiates re7uests for attach9ent and activation.
(. Jeep the 3ing test for a long ti9e : to ( hours are reco99ended;.
*. 8eactivate or detach MS upon co9pletion.
MS can trans9it data continuously.
Test Result
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*.%..( Service Sta'ility
Test 2te9 Relia*ility
Test Su'ite9 Service sta'ility
Test 3urpose Test that CN can trans9it 9ass data sta'ly.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
(. The co99unications 'et,een CN and 38N are nor9al.
*. MS A has registered in H/R and has su'scri'ed to G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure . MS initiates re7uests for attach9ent and activation.
(. Start the pac5et do9ain data trans9ission service :it is reco99ended to
do,nload " M. files through the &T3 Server;.
*. 8eactivate or detach MS upon co9pletion.
. MS can trans9it 9ass data.
(. The syste9 operates nor9ally.
Test Result
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9.:.6 0oar& Relia*ility Test
*.%.(. 0M3 .oard Reset
Test 2te9 0M3 'oard reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test the 'oard reset functions nor9ally.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites The syste9 runs nor9ally.
Test 3rocedure . Reset 0M3 'oard and o'serve ,hether the /E8 light runs nor9ally during
loading and operating procedures.
(. &ind the 'oard to 'e resetted fro9 the rac5? push Reset 'utton on the 'oard to
reset it.
*. Selct nor9al reset on the 0MC to reset the 'oard.
. The 'oard shall start and enter into operation state nor9ally after reset.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the reset infor9ation of 'oard shall 'e
reported nor9ally.
Re9ar5s *. The reset of the active 'oard shall trigger active4stand'y s,itchover if the 0M3
has active and stand'y 'oards.
Test Result
*.%.(.( SM3 .oard Reset
Test 2te9 SM# *oar& reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test t+e *oar& reset functions nor)ally.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites T+e syste) runs nor)ally.
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Test 3rocedure . Reset SM3 'oard and o'serve ,hether the /E8 light runs nor9ally during
loading and operating procedures.
(. &ind the 'oard to 'e resetted fro9 the rac5? push Reset 'utton on the 'oard to
reset it.
*. Selct nor9al reset on the 0MC to reset the 'oard.
. The 'oard shall start and enter into operation state nor9ally after reset.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the reset infor9ation of 'oard shall 'e
reported nor9ally.
Re9ar5s . .oth SM3 and <3 9odules 9ay e+ist on the sa9e 'oard in so9e trial 'ureau? it
is possi'le to test the reset on so9e SM3 9odule then.
Test Result
*.%.(.* <S<3 .oard Reset
Test 2te9 USU#/G#RS;USU#/9G *oar& reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test t+e *oar& reset functions nor)ally.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites T+e syste) runs nor)ally.
Test 3rocedure . Reset <S<3)G3RS or <S<3)*G 'oard and o'serve ,hether the /E8 light runs
nor9ally during loading and operating procedures.
(. &ind the 'oard to 'e resetted fro9 the rac5? push Reset 'utton on the 'oard to
reset it.
*. Selct nor9al reset on the 0MC to reset the 'oard.
. The 'oard shall start and enter into operation state nor9ally after reset.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the reset infor9ation of 'oard shall 'e
reported nor9ally.
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Re9ar5s . .ecause (G <)3lane and *G <)3lane are configured independently? it is
necessary to test the9 respectively.
Test Result
*.%.(.% <23. .oard Reset
Test 2te9 UI#0 *oar& reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test t+e *oar& reset functions nor)ally.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites T+e syste) runs nor)ally.
Test 3rocedure . Reset <23. 'oard and o'serve ,hether the /E8 light runs nor9ally during
loading and operating procedures.
(. &ind the 'oard to 'e resetted fro9 the rac5? push Reset 'utton on the 'oard to
reset it.
*. Selct nor9al reset on the 0MC to reset the 'oard.
. The 'oard shall start and enter into operation state nor9ally after reset.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the reset infor9ation of 'oard shall 'e
reported nor9ally.
Test Result
9.:.6.> .S=A" .oard Reset
Test 2te9 0S@0 *oar& reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test t+e *oar& reset functions nor)ally.
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Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites T+e syste) runs nor)ally.
Test 3rocedure . Reset .S=" 'oard and o'serve ,hether the /E8 light runs nor9ally during
loading and operating procedures.
(. &ind the 'oard to 'e resetted fro9 the rac5? push Reset 'utton on the 'oard to
reset it.
*. Selct nor9al reset on the 0MC to reset the 'oard.
. The 'oard shall start and enter into operation state nor9ally after reset.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the reset infor9ation of 'oard shall 'e
reported nor9ally.
Test Result
9.:.6.8 &S=A" .oard Reset
Test 2te9 "S@A0 *oar& reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test t+e *oar& reset functions nor)ally.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites T+e syste) runs nor)ally.
Test 3rocedure . Reset &S=A" 'oard and o'serve ,hether the /E8 light runs nor9ally during
loading and operating procedures.
(. &ind the 'oard to 'e resetted fro9 the rac5? push Reset 'utton on the 'oard to
reset it.
*. Selct nor9al reset on the 0MC to reset the 'oard.
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. The 'oard shall start and enter into operation state nor9ally after reset.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the reset infor9ation of 'oard shall 'e
reported nor9ally.
Test Result
*.%.(.# 0M3 .oard S,itchover
Test 2te9 OM# *oar& reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test t+e *oar& reset functions nor)ally.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . The syste9 runs nor9ally.
(. The active and stand'y 0M3 'oards 'oth run nor9ally.
Test 3rocedure . &ind the active 0M3 'oard to 'e s,itched over fro9 the rac5 and s,itch it over
'y nor9al s,itchover co99and on the 0FM.
. The stand'y 0M3 'oard shall turn to an active one after s,itchover ,ith its ACT
/E8 light is solid on.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the s,itchover infor9ation shall 'e
reported correctly.
Re9ar5s . The ACT /E8 light indiates the active or stand'y state of 'oard? solid on
:GREEN; indicates ACT2$E ,hile off indicates STAN8.O.
Test Result
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*.%.(.! SM3 .oard S,itchover
Test 2te9 SM# *oar& reset function
Test Su'ite9 Manual reset
Test 3urpose Test t+e *oar& reset functions nor)ally.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites . The syste9 runs nor9ally.
(. The active and stand'y SM3 'oards 'oth run nor9ally.
Test 3rocedure . &ind the active SM3 'oard to 'e s,itched over fro9 the rac5 and s,itch it over
'y nor9al s,itchover co99and on the 0FM.
(. <E attaches and activates upon the co9pletion of s,itchover.
. The stand'y SM3 'oard shall turn to an active one after s,itchover ,ith its ACT
/E8 light is solid on.
(. Chec5 the alar9 infor9ation and find that the s,itchover infor9ation shall 'e
reported correctly.
*. <E shall attach and activate successfully.
Re9ar5s . The ACT /E8 light indiates the active or stand'y state of 'oard? solid on
:GREEN; indicates ACT2$E ,hile off indicates STAN8.O.
Test Result
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9.> #S (o)ain 0illin. Test
9.>.1 MC(R
Test 2te9
#S &o)ain *illin. test
Test Su'ite9 C8R 'ill
Test 3urpose $erify the correctness of C8R
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
The co99unications 'et,een CN and CG are nor9al. The C8R can 'e 7ueried
using the 'illing 9anage9ent tool.
MS A has registered in H/R and has su'scri'ed to G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure MS initiates an attach re7uest.
2nitiate detach after a ,hile.
Refresh and 7uery the C8R of MS A using the 9anage9ent tool.
Chec5 C8R para9eters such as 2MS2? MS Net,or5 Capa'ility? RAC? /AC and etc.
Test Result
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9.>.6 SC(R 0ill<nor)al release=
Test 2te9 3S do9ain 'illing test
Test Su'ite9 SC8R 'ill
Test 3urpose $erify the correctness of the SC8Rs
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
The co99unications 'et,een SGSN and CG are nor9al. The C8R can 'e 7ueried
using the 'illing 9anage9ent tool.
MS A has registered in H/R and has su'scri'ed to G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure MS initiates re7uests for attach9ent and activation.
2nitiate deactivation after ,aiting for a ,hile.
Refresh using the 9anage9ent tool and 7uery the SC8R of MS A.
Chec5 C8R para9eters such as 2MS2? SGSN Address and MS Net,or5 Capa'ility?
uplin54do,nlin5 flo, statistics? C8R open ti9e and duration.
Access via the 2u interface. The SC8R Syste9 typeQ.
The reason for C8R close is Mnor9alL.
Re9ar5s 2f one 383 conte+t activation generates one C8R? then it is no need to specify the
Record Se7uence Nu9'erC in case 9ore than one C8R is generated? the Record
Se7uence Nu9'er should 'e specified starting up fro9 .
Test Result
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9.8 CG "unction
9.8.1 CG Ser$er "unction
*.6.. C8R 2dentification
Test 2te9
CG ser$er function
Test Su'ite9 C8R identification
Test 3urpose Test that CG can correctly identify C8Rs and can sort C8Rs to different channels
according to the office nu9'er.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
The co99unications 'et,een CN and CG are nor9al. The C8R can 'e 7ueried
using the charging 9anage9ent tool.
Test 3rocedure 29ple9ent attach? activation? deactivation and detach respectively.
SGSN send C8Rs to CG.
Refresh C8R using the 9anage9ent tool and 7uery the C8R of MS A.
The C8R can 'e identified through 'ro,sing client.
Test Result
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*.6..( C8R .ac5up
Test 2te9
CG ser$er function
Test Su'ite9 C8R .ac5up
Test 3urpose Test that CG can 'ac5up the stored C8Rs.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
The co99unications 'et,een SGSN and CG are nor9al. The C8R can 'e 7ueried
using the 'illing 9anage9ent tool.
Test 3rocedure /og in to the 'illing server through the 'illing client.
The operation client 'ac5s up the C8R.
The C8R can 'e 'ac5ed up.
Re9ar5s The original C8R cannot 'e deleted 'efore 'ac5up.
Test Result
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*.6..* Alar9 Handling
Test 2te9
CG ser$er function
Test Su'ite9 Alar9 handling
Test 3urpose =hen alar9s occur in CG? they can 'e noticed and 7ueried.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN run nor9ally.
The co99unications 'et,een SGSN and CG are nor9al.
Test 3rocedure Si9ulate faults to generate CG alar9s :for e+a9ple? re9ove the net,or5 ca'le that
connects SGSN and CG;.
The syste9 can send alar9s of different levels for faults of different types.
The syste9 can offer pro9pts for the alar9s.
Test Result
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9.8.6 Client "unctions
*.6.(. C8R .ro,sing
Test 2te9
Client functions
Test Su'ite9 C8R 'ro,sing
Test 3urpose $erify that the C8R files can 'e vie,ed through a client.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
The co99unications 'et,een the GSN and CG are nor9al. The C8R can 'e
7ueried using the charging 9anage9ent tool.
The su'scri'er is su'scri'ed in H/R and has registered the G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure MS applies services for 9any ti9es to generate so9e C8Rs.
/og in to the charging server through the 'illing client.
Refresh the C8R using the 9anage9ent tool and 7uery ,hether C8R files are
$ie, the generated C8R files in client.
The C8R can 'e vie,ed ,ithout any ,rong decoding.
Test Result
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*.6.(.( C8R Euery
Test 2te9
Client functions
Test Su'ite9 C8R 7uery
Test 3urpose $erify that the specific C8R file can 'e 7ueried in client.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
The co99unications 'et,een the GSN and CG are nor9al. The C8R can 'e
7ueried using the charging 9anage9ent tool.
MS has registered in H/R and has su'scri'ed G3RS services.
Test 3rocedure MS uses services for 9any ti9es so that so9e C8Rs are generated.
/og in to the 'illing server through the charging client.
Set the 7uery condition such as C8R type and C8R field and activate the condition.
The C8Rs 7ueried using the sa9e 7uery condition are identical.
The syste9 returns correct C8Rs for 7ueries using the sa9e condition.
Test Result
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*.6.(.* C8R Trac5ing
Test 2te9
Client functions
Test Su'ite9 C8R trac5ing
Test 3urpose $erify that the C8R interaction 'et,een CG and the foreground can 'e traced
through a client.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites Radio net,or5 and CN are nor9al.
The co99unications 'et,een the GSN and CG are nor9al.
CG operates nor9ally.
Test 3rocedure The GSN sends C8R to CG.
0'serve 9essage interaction 'et,een the GSN and CG through the client.
C8R 'et,een GSN and CG can 'e traced 'y the client.
Test Result
9.A OMM "unction
9.A.1 Interface Mana.e)ent
*.#.. <ser /ogin
Test 2te9 2nterface Manage9ent &unction
Test Su'ite9 <ser /ogin 2nterface
Test 3urpose To verify that client provides user login function
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Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server is running nor9ally.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly? client ,ith correct @d5 version
<ser has registered in 0MC40AM server.
Test 3rocedure 0pen ,e'page lin5 and connect ,ith server.
=ait for a ,hile.
/og in interface appears in client.
2nput correct userna9e and pass,ord? and log into 9ain operation interface of
Test Result
9.A.6 Confu.ration Mana.e)ent
9.A.6.1 0ffice 8ata E+port
Test 2te9 Configuration Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 0ffice 8ata E+port
Test 3urpose To verify that 0MC40AM provides office data e+port function.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server is running nor9ally.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
/og in 0MC40AM client and open operation and 9aintenance interface.
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Test 3rocedure E+port office data.
Chec5 ,hether the office data has 'een e+ported successfully.
E+port office data successfully.
Test Result
9.A.6.6 0ffice 8ata .ac5up and Restoration
Test 2te9 Configuration Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 0ffice 8ata .ac5up and Restoration
Test 3urpose To verify that 0MC40AM provides office data 'ac5up and restoration function.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server is running nor9ally.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
/og in 0MC40AM client and open operation and 9aintenance interface.
Test 3rocedure .ac5up 4Restoration configuration data 'y office.
Chec5 ,hether configuration data 'ac5up 4Restoration succeeds.
Configuration data 'ac5up 4Restoration succeeds.
Test Result
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9.A.9 Alar) Mana.e)ent
*.#.*. Current Alar9 Monitoring
Test 2te9 Alar9 Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Current Alar9 Monitoring
Test 3urpose To verify that current alar9 9onitoring is 0J
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server is running nor9ally.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
/og in 0MC40AM client and open operation and 9aintenance interface.
Test 3rocedure 0pen overall alar9 9onitoring and real)ti9e alar9 9onitoring.
Ma5e an alar9 'y re'ooting foreground 'oard or disconnecting lin5 for e+a9ple.
The ne,ly generated alar9 is displayed 'oth in overall alar9 9onitoring and real)
ti9e alar9 9onitoring.
Test Result
*.#.*.( Historical Alar9 Real)Ti9e Monitoring
Test 2te9 Alar9 Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Historical Alar9 Monitoring
Test 3urpose To verify that 0MC40AM client provides real)ti9e 9onitoring upon resu9ed alar9.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server is running nor9ally.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
/og in 0MC40AM client and open operation and 9aintenance interface.
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Test 3rocedure 0pen alar9 9anager.
2n real)ti9e alar9 9onitoring and overall alar9 9onitoring interfaces :historical alar9
real)ti9e 9onitoring;.
Si9ulate so9e alar9s.
Resu9e those alar9s.
Those resu9ed alar9s are displayed in historical alar9 9onitoring interface? and
consistent ,ith actual condition.
Test Result
9.A.: #erfor)ance Mana.e)ent
*.#.%. Measure9ent Tas5 Creation
Test 2te9 3erfor9ance Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Measure9ent Tas5 Creation
Test 3urpose To verify that 0MC40AM client can create 9easure9ent tas5.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Create 9easure9ent tas5 ,ith different collection granularities. The 9easure9ent
tas5 is running.
Chec5 the result of 9easure9ent tas5.
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Create 9easure9ent tas5 successfully.
Result of 9easure9ent tas5 can 'e 7ueried after the 9easure9ent tas5 runs for a
Test Result
*.#.%.( Measure9ent Tas5 Modification
Test 2te9 3erfor9ance Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Measure9ent Tas5 Modification
Test 3urpose To verify that 0MC40AM client can 9odify 9easure9ent tas5 correctly
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Measure9ent tas5s of different types have 'een created in different NEs.
Test 3rocedure Suspend e+isting 9easure9ent tas5s and 9a5e 9odification.
Chec5 ,hether 9odification succeeds.
The e+isting tas5 can 'e 9odified.
The 9odified 9easure9ent tas5 is consistent ,ith 9odification.
Test Result
*.#.%.* Measure9ent Tas5 Suspension and Activation
Test 2te9 3erfor9ance Manage9ent
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Test Su'ite9 Measure9ent Tas5 Suspension and Activation
Test 3urpose To verify that 0MC40AM client can suspend and activate 9easure9ent tas5.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Measure9ent tas5s of different types have 'een created in different NEs
Test 3rocedure Suspend or active 9easure9ent tas5s.
Chec5 ,hether the 9easure9ent tas5s are suspended Suspend or activated
Chec5 ,hether the suspended or actived 9easure9ent tas5s can perfor9 data
collection nor9ally.
Suspend or active succeeds? and tas5s turn fro9 activated to suspended status? and
tas5s turns fro9 suspended to activated
The 9easure9ent tas5s ,hich have 'een suspended can not perfor9 data
Test Result
*.#.%.% Measure9ent Tas5 8eletion
Test 2te9 3erfor9ance Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Measure9ent Tas5 8eletion
Test 3urpose To verify that 0MC40AM client can delete 9easure9ent tas5
Test Net,or5
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3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Measure9ent tas5s of different types have 'een created in different NEs.
Test 3rocedure 8elete those suspended 9easure9ent tas5s.
8elete those activated 9easure9ent tas5s.
8elete suspended 9easure9ent tas5s successfully.
Test Result
*.#.%.5 3erfor9ance 8ata Euery
Test 2te9 3erfor9ance Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 3erfor9ance 8ata Euery
Test 3urpose To verify that perfor9ance 9anage9ent provides data 7uery function.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Create so9e regular 9easure9ent tas5s.
Test 3rocedure Euery tdate 'y 9easure9ent type
Euery tdate 'y 9easure9ent tas5
$alidate the 7uery result
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Euery data successfully? data confor9 to 7uery conditions are returned.
Test Result
9.A.> Security Mana.e)ent
*.#.5. <ser and <ser Role Addition
Test 2te9 Sucurity Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 <ser and <ser Role Addition
Test 3urpose To verify that security 9anage9ent provides user and user role addition function.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Add a user.
Add user role for this ne, user.
Add user successfully.
Add user role successfully.
/og in client as the ne,ly added user successfullyC the user has correct allocation
Test Result
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*.#.5.( <ser Modification
Test 2te9 Sucurity Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 <ser Modification
Test 3urpose To verify that security 9anage9ent provides user infor9ation 9odification function.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Modify infor9ation of a user? such as pass,ord? user description? etc.
/og out client after 9odification? and then log in again as the 9odified user.
Chec5 ,hether the infor9ation of that user is consistent ,ith 9odification.
Modify user infor9ation successfully.
The actual user infor9ation after 9odification is consistent ,ith 9odification.
Test Result
*.#.5.* <ser 8eletion
Test 2te9 Sucurity Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 <ser 8eletion
Test 3urpose To verify that security 9anage9ent provides user deletion function.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
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Test 3rocedure 8elete an e+isting user account.
/og out client and log in as the user 'eing deleted.
8elete user account successfully.
/og in client as the deleted user fails? ,hile log in as ad9in or other e+isting users
Test Result
9.A.8 o. Mana.e)ent
*.#.6. 0peration /og Euery
Test 2te9 /og Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 0peration /og Euery
Test 3urpose To verify the operation log 7uery function is 0J.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Euery operation log :Set different 7uery conditions;.
The operation log infor9ation can 'e 7ueried correctly 'y the configured 7uery
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Test Result
*.#.6.( Security /og Euery
Test 2te9 /og Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Security /og Euery
Test 3urpose To verify the security log 7uery function is 0J.
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Euery security log :Set different 7uery conditions;.
The security log infor9ation can 'e 7ueried correctly 'y the configured 7uery
Test Result
*.#.6.* Syste9 /og Euery
Test 2te9 /og Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Syste9 /og Euery
Test 3urpose To verify the syste9 log 7uery function is 0J.
Test Net,or5
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3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Euery syste9 log :Set different 7uery conditions;.
The syste9 log infor9ation can 'e 7ueried correctly 'y the configured 7uery
Test Result
9.A.A Trac2in. Mana.e)ent
*.#.#. Signalling Trac5ing Setup
Test 2te9 Trac5ing Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Signaling Trac5ing Setup
Test 3urpose To verify that signaling trac5ing setup is 0J
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Setup user signaling trac5ing.
3erfor9 'asic services.
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Setup and run signaling trac5ing successfully.
2t can trac5 all types of 9essages.
Test Result
*.#.#.( &ailure 0'servation Tas5
Test 2te9 Trac5ing Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 &ailure 0'servation Tas5
Test 3urpose To verify that failure o'servation tas5 can trac5 corrently
Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Create failure o'servation of SGSN.
&ailure o'servation 9essages of SGSN can 'e trac5ed.
Test Result
*.#.#.* Signalling Trac5ing 8ate Euery
Test 2te9 Trac5ing Manage9ent
Test Su'ite9 Signaling Trac5ing 8ata Euery
Test 3urpose To verify that signaling trac5ing data 7uery is 0J.
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Test Net,or5
3re)re7uisites 0MC40AM server and client are running nor9ally.
&oreground NE is running nor9ally and co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
0MC40AM client co99unicates ,ith server s9oothly.
Test 3rocedure Euery the signaling trac5ing 9essages.
Euery the decoding infor9ation of trac5ing 9essages? and dou'le)clic5 one
9essage rando9ly.
&oreground services can report trac5ing 9essages according to trac5ing conditions.
8ecode correctly? and source strea9 can 'e vie,ed.
Test Result
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